Архіви: бокс

ЛаТавіа Роберсон підписує контракт з першим бійцем Фернандо Банчем


Х'юстон, Техас–Roberson Sports Management з гордістю повідомляє про підписання контракту зі своїм першим бійцем, непереможний легковаговик Фернандо Банч.

Roberson Sports Management належить LaTavia Roberson, який найбільш відомий як оригінальний член R&B група Destiny’s Child, один із світових
найбільш продавані групи всіх часів.

Дев'ятиразовий чемпіон світу Рой Джонс мл. тренує Фернандо Банча. LaTavia хотів підписати винищувач, і її команда почала шукати. Оскільки LaTavia володіє журналом Slugfest, і на початку року написав історію з Роєм. Її партнер Альфред Адамс, Віце-президент Roberson Sports Management, запитав Роя, чи знає він про якісь майбутні перспективи. Рой сказав, що в нього є хтось, на кого ЛаТавія повинен подивитися. Адамс відразу звернув увагу на швидкість і силу Банча.

Фернандо Банч народився як Фернандо Паркс, але в 2010 вони з батьком вирішили взяти прізвище батька, і він змінив це. Фернандо народився в Бірмінгемі, Алабама, і є 27 років. Його зріст 5 футів 11 футів і вага 130-135 фунтів. Він наймолодший із 5 брати. Він має близько 120 аматорських боїв під його поясом. Обоє його батьків богобоязливі і виховувалися в баптистській церкві на горі Голгофа. Фернандо закінчив
Середня школа Хефзіба в 2009 на вершині свого класу. В даний час, він останній час працює спеціалістом технічної підтримки в T-Mobile 5 роки. Він має 2 дочки, 7-річна донька на ім'я Мія Армані та 8-місячна дочка на ім'я Міліана Пелеа. Вони обидва - його гордість & радість і його причина, чому він так наполегливо прагне бути успішним у своїй боксерській кар'єрі та в житті.

Фернандо почав займатися боксом 2001, в якому був перехід з тхеквондо через дискваліфікацію за нав'язливе використання ударів. В основному, він кинув, тому що його більше цікавили удари руками, ніж ногами. Протягом перших років боксу він вигравав державні та обласні юнацькі Олімпійські ігри, Срібні рукавички, Золоті рукавички, і змагався в національних золотих рукавичках, Огаста Національний Рингсайд Класика, Національний титул Пол Мерфі, і США
Чемпіонати. Він також воював у в 2015 Олімпійські змагання в Колорадо-Спрінгс, а також у Філадельфії. У розпал усіх цих турнірів, його тренер виїхав на 2 & 1/2 тури по Іраку. Отже, відсутність його тренера призвела до того, що він втратив багато можливостей взяти участь у багатьох національних турнірах. Фернандо отримав досвід у своїй кар'єрі аматорського боксу, тренуючись із чемпіонами світу, такими як Ерісланді Лара та брати Шарло, але він також навчався у великих людей, таких як Ронні Шилдс, Пол Вільямс і тепер зі своїм головним тренером Великим Роєм Джонсом-молодшим.

Фернандо має потенціал, щоб зробити величезну кар'єру професійного боксу. Він завжди готовий вчитися, і дуже вірить у вислів “День, коли ти перестаєш вчитися, це день, коли ти перестаєш одужувати.” Станом на зараз, Фернандо є 9-0 як професіонал с 5 Нокаутує та тренується з Роєм Джонсом-молодшим у Пенсаколі, Флорида.

Майбутня мета Фернандо — відкрити некомерційний боксерський зал і програму для молоді в своєму районі міста. (Південна сторона) в Августі, Джорджія. На додаток, він хоче заснувати постійний фонд, який постачатиме шкільне та гігієнічне приладдя для молоді перед кожним шкільним семестром. Він також зацікавлений у започаткуванні програми для молодих чоловіків щодо того, як претендувати на роботу, вести себе на співбесідах, як приймати зрілі рішення та
маніфестувати цілі.

Нова доля ЛаТавії Роберсона в боксі

Х'юстон, Техас–LaTavia Roberson is best known as the co-founder of the R&B hit group Destiny Child, one of the world’s best-selling girl groups of all time. Roberson has sold over 25 million records with Destiny’s Child. Her work has earned her several awards and nominations, including two Grammy Awards, three Soul Train Music Awards and eight Billboard awards.

LaTavia is the newest face to step into the world of boxing. Her successful entertainment career has provided her with a wealth of knowledge and brings management skills of the highest level to the next generation of boxers. She has had a love and passion for boxing since she was a little girl.

My business partner Alfred Adams called me about this. I used to sit at home and watch boxing with my father and Grandmother. I love the sport, and I am excited to be involved in it,” said Roberson.

This makes sense for me because I have always been a fighter myself. Maybe not in the ring, але і в житті. I want to represent people who want to fight, and have those same kinds of qualities.

She has partnered with longtime friend and business partner Alfred Adams. Adams is a retired venture capitalist. “When the idea came to mind, I wanted to make sure we would put the very best people in place to give the fighters the best management team possible.Adams said. Roberson has done that without question.

Roberson added, “I want to be a mother-figure to my boxers. I have a great team in place led by Alfred, and I want to nurture these athletes. I don’t want anyone to screw them over. I have learned that when you are poorly managed, the results won’t be up to par, and I want to make sure our fighters get the utmost care.

From a sponsorship stand-point Adams called long-time friend Randy Jackson from the rock band Zebra to help facilitate this process for their fighters. Adams and Roberson knew at this point they had the right front office people in place to make the best possible decisions for their fighters.

Roberson has two boxing training locations one in San Antonio, TX under the headship of two-time world champion Jesse James Leija and one in New Orleans, LA called Uppercuts Boxing Gym under ValriceWhopCooper owned by Darrick Stewart. “Whopis best known as one of Roy Jones, Jr.’s trainers. Roberson also secured 8-time Mr. Olympia Lee Haney who is best known for working with Evander Holyfield as strength and conditioning coach and dietitians.

I want to be a household name in the boxing world, and I want to manage world class and world champion fighters. I feel with the infrastructure that we have in place, that will become a reality in the very near future,” Concluded Roberson.


Роберт-молодший Пасха. Earns Decision Over Adrian Granados in Super Lightweight Debut & Rising Heavyweight Frank Sanchez Remains Unbeaten

Натисніть ОСЬ для фото з Амандою Westcott / SHOWTIME
(Photos to be added shortly)

READING, Пенсільванія. – Жовтень, 27, 2019 – Top super welterweight contender Еріксон Любін continued his resurgence with a dominant 10-round unanimous decision victory over Натаніель Gallimore Saturday night on SHOWTIME from Santander Arena in Reading, Пенсільванія.

Любін (22-1, 16 КО) won his fourth straight fight since a knockout loss to Jermell Charlo in a title challenge in 2017. The 24-year-old landed 42 percent of his power shots en route to the wide decision, забив 99-91 усіма трьома суддями.

The southpaw relied on a suburb left hook, attacking from a variety of angles against the durable Gallimore (21-4-1, 17 КО) as he improved to 4-0 since beginning to train with southpaw specialist Kevin Cunningham.

I had a tremendous training camp thanks to Kevin Cunningham,” Lubin said. “At first we had Terrell Gausha but he fell out due to his injury. I appreciate Gallimore for stepping up to the plate. He gave me a tough fight and I appreciate it. We gave the fans what they wanted. I measured him. I just timed him and I was able to land my power shots.

Kevin is a real strict trainer and he’s a southpaw specialist. We’re just improving our game every camp. I definitely want Jermell Charlo again. My goal is to get revenge.

Cunningham was pleased with his pupil, who was pushed past the fifth round for the first time in more than three years.
He’s always been a hell of a fighter and I just wanted to fine tune and refine the skill set,” Cunningham said. “He can do everything that you can teach. He’s the total package. He’s got power, he’s got speed, he’s got footwork. He’s more than a brawler. He’s a skillful fighter with power.

He’s ready for all the top guys in the division. The guys with belts are what he wants.

Former lightweight world champion Роберт Пасха, Молодший. was victorious in his debut at super lightweight, winning a unanimous decision over Адріан Гранадос in an all-action fight scored 97-93, 98-92, 100-90.

Великодній (22-1-1 14 КО), who lost his lightweight title in a unification with Mikey Garcia in 2018, was matched for his first fight a super lightweight against one of boxing’s most aggressive, come-forward fighters and the result did not disappoint. Granados charged forward from the opening bell, pressing on the inside against his rangy, 5-foot-11 opponent. In the first half of the fight, Easter pocketed rounds while fighting from a distance, leaning on his speed to win the first four rounds on all three judges’ системи показників. But the fight seemed to change tides at the midway point, with Granados able to force the bout to be contested at close range. Rounds seven through 10 featured tremendous, back-and-forth exchanges and the more active Granados seemed to get the better of the exchanges.

The fighters combined to throw 1,815 combined total punches and 1,379 combined power punches across 12 раундів.

We knew he was going to be a hell of a warrior in there,” Easter said. “That’s what we train for. This was no ordinary opponent and we knew he was going to bring it. I wasn’t surprised because that’s what he does. You’ve seen him fight with the best of the best and he threw down. I knew he was going to throw punches in bunches.

This was a hell of a test for me at 140 and I felt strong. I’m not calling out anybody specifically, but you know there are champions in this weight class and I’m coming for all the belts. Line ’em up.

One of boxing’s most reliable action fighters, Granados (20-8-2, 13 КО) threw more punches and connected more and was once again frustrated with a decision that did not go his way.

I’m speechless. I felt like I won the fight,” Granados said. “That 100 для 90? Come on now.

I’m tired of the same old story. It was clear that I controlled the fight. He never had me hurt. That was embarrassing.

I can’t control the judging. It’s very frustrating. I have a dream to be a world champion and it just seems like it’s not cutting out for me. But I have the heart of a champion and I’m not giving up.

У першому бою телепередачі, undefeated Cuban heavyweight Frank Sanchezpitched a shutout against Джек Муловей, winning a 10-round unanimous decision scored 100-90 усіма трьома суддями.

Санчес (14-0, 11 КО) was the more active fighter from the opening bell, targeting the body against the defensive-minded Mulowayi (7-2-1, 3 КО). The 27-year-old Sanchez, who was taken the 10-round distance for the first time, threw over 250 more punches than his opponent.

My opponent didn’t really want to fight, he just wanted to fight dirty,” Sanchez said. “So all I could do was give him some lateral movement. It’s difficult when someone doesn’t want to engage. We wanted to touch him down, touch him up high. But once he got touched, the guy just tried to tie up.

There was no problem going 10 раундів. I’m in great shape and I’m ready to fight again as soon as possible. I showed my technical superiority tonight. All the heavyweights better watch out.

Two-time super featherweight world champion Gervonta “Бак” Davis was interviewed during Saturday’s telecast as he continues to train for his lightweight debut December 28 on SHOWTIME from State Farm Arena in Atlanta. The explosive Davis, who will fight Yuriorkis Gamboa for the WBA Lightweight World Championship, continued to call out the top fighters when he spoke with host Brian Custer.

I’ve heard all these guys calling me out, I don’t want to sound cocky, but I am the cash cow at this weight class,” Davis said. “Me and Leo Santa Cruz are going to fight in 2020.

Saturday’s SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION tripleheader will replay on Monday at 10 p.m. ET/PT на SHOWTIME EXTREME.

An industry leading production team and announce crew delivered all the sights, sounds and drama from Santander Arena. Veteran broadcaster Brian Custer hosted the telecast, versatile combat sports voice Mauro Ranallo called the action ringside alongside Hall of Fame analyst Al Bernstein and former two-division world champion Paulie Malignaggi. Three Hall of Famers rounded out the SHOWTIME telecast teamEmmy® нагородами репортер Джим Грей, unofficial ringside scorer Steve Farhood and world-renowned ring announcer Jimmy Lennon Jr. The Executive Producer of SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION was David Dinkins, Молодший. and the Director was Bob Dunphy.

The telecast was available in Spanish via Secondary Audio Programing (SAP) with Alejandro Luna and former world champion Raul Marquez calling the action.

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Для отримання додаткової інформації відвідайте www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, слідувати на Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, TGBPromotions, and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing
і www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions. The event was promoted by TGB Promotions and King’s Promotions.

DEONTAY WILDER TRAINING CAMP QUOTES & ФОТО – WBC Heavyweight World Champion Wilder Shows Talents In & Out of The Ring Ahead of Highly Anticipated Rematch Against Cuban Slugger Luis Ortiz Saturday, Листопад 23 in FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View Main Event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas

WBC Heavyweight World Champion Wilder Shows Talents In & Out of The Ring Ahead of Highly Anticipated Rematch Against Cuban Slugger Luis Ortiz Saturday, Листопад 23 in FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View Main Event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in

Натисніть ОСЬ for Fight Promo from Wilder’s Social Media Channels & Premiering During Tonight’s Thursday Night Football Game
на FOX

Натисніть ОСЬ for Training Photos from Ryan Hafey/
Прем'єр Бокс чемпіонів

TUSCALOOSA, Алабама. (Жовтень 24, 2019) – WBC в суперважкій вазі світуDeontay “Бронзовий бомбардувальник” Уайлдер is deep into training camp as he prepares for his blockbuster rematch against Cuban slugger Луїс “Кінг Конг” Ортіс відбудеться в суботу, Листопад 23 in the FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View main event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.

Нещодавно, Wilder showed his talents in front of the camera filming the fight commercial for his highly anticipated showdown. The spot can be watched ОСЬ through Wilder’s social media channels, and will premiere on television during tonight’s Thursday Night Football game between the Minnesota Vikings and Washington Redskins on FOX beginning at 8:00 p.m. І.

Working with FOX has been a blessing to my career and I’m looking forward to my first FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View,” сказав Вайлдер. “We got the job done and I think the commercial we made is going to be great for the promotion. We put a lot of time, hard work and effort into it and I’m looking forward to it coming to fruition.

For it to air on Thursday Night Football with millions of people watching is a great thing for the promotion. It means the world to me to give the fans this kind of excitement leading up to the fight. I’m very grateful for where I am in my career and I can’t wait to take advantage of this opportunity.

Even with the big fight commitments, Wilder has flourished during training camp in Tuscaloosa, Alabama as he prepares to be primed when the first bell rings on November 23.

Camp has been going amazing,” сказав Вайлдер. “I haven’t reached my full potential or peaked in camp yet. We’re still pressing and everything is moving smoothly and on schedule. I’m feeling good and I’m looking good as well.

I’m working on throwing a lot of jabs and countering. I know that Ortiz likes to counter as well. I’ve been in there with him before. I understand what he wants to do and I can recognize certain weaknesses we’re looking to exploit. It’s going to be a good fight while it lasts. Everyone knows what to expect from Deontay Wilder. I don’t have time to play games and I don’t get paid for overtime.

Always one to find ways to push his training and his overall physical fitness level, Wilder has incorporated swimming and scuba diving into his conditioning program.

For those that don’t know, I’m a certified scuba diver,” сказав Вайлдер. “I enjoy it and I’ve been doing it for a few years now. It gives me relaxation and helps keep pressure off the muscles in my body. It helps my body tremendously. It’s also strengthening my legs and expanding my lungs so that I have more stamina. Water is great for exercise and I love it.

Квитки на заходи, which is promoted by BombZquad Promotions, TGB Promotions and Mayweather Promotions, продаються зараз і їх можна придбати за адресоюwww.mgmgrand.com або www.axs.com.

# # #

Уайлдер проти. Ortiz II will see boxing’s longest reigning heavyweight world champion Deontay “Бронзовий бомбардувальник” Wilder defending his WBC title in a rematch against once-beaten Cuban slugger Luis “Кінг Конг” Ortiz Saturday, Листопад 23 in FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View action live from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.

Three-division champion Leo “Землетрус” Santa Cruz seeks a title in another division when he takes on MiguelEl MichoacanFlores for the WBA Super Featherweight Championship in the co-main event.

Pay-per-view action begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and also features undefeated rising star BrandonThe HeartbreakerFigueroa making the first defense of his WBA Super Bantamweight Title against former champion Julio Ceja while undefeated Mexican power-puncher Luis Nery battles Puerto Rico’s Emmanuel Rodríguez in a matchup of former bantamweight champions

Для отримання більш детальної інформації: візит www.premierboxingchampions.com
,http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepageand www.foxdeportes.com, Слідуйте за щебетатьPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions, @MayweatherPromo і @Swanson_Comm або стати шанувальником на Facebook в www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions,www.facebook.com/foxsports & www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

Middleweight Star Chris Eubank Jr. & Top Contender Matt Korobov Square Off Saturday, Грудня 7 Live on SHOWTIME® from Barclays Center in Premier Boxing Champions Event for Interim WBA Middleweight Title

Undefeated WBC Middleweight World Champion Jermall Charlo Defends Against Highly-Ranked Contender Dennis Hogan in Main Event

Бруклін (Жовтень 23, 2019) – Middleweight starChris Eubank Jr.і головний претендентMatt Korobovwill square off in the co-main event on Saturday, Грудня 7 живуть на SHOWTIME з Barclays Center, будинок BROOKLYN BOXING ™, in a Premier Boxing Champions event. Eubank and Korobov will meet for the Interim WBA Middleweight Title.

The middleweight division will take center stage on the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast (9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT) that is headlined by undefeated WBC Middleweight World ChampionJermall Charlo defending his title against highly-ranked contenderДенніс Хоган.

Eubank is coming off a career-best win over British super middleweight rival James DeGale in February on SHOWTIME and will go down to the 160-pound class to take on Korobov, a southpaw who gave Charlo a tougher than expected test as a late replacement last December at Barclays Center.

Квитки на турнірі, which is promoted by Lions Only Promotions and TGB Promotions, are on-sale now and can be purchased atticketmaster.com іbarclayscenter.comTickets also can be purchased at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center. Групові знижки можна за телефоном 844-BKLYN-GP.

“Chris Eubank Jr. проти. Matt Korobov is a high stakes showdown that makes Saturday, Грудня 7 a tremendous night of championship middleweight action live on SHOWTIME at Barclays Center in Brooklyn,»Сказав Том Браун, Президент TGB Акції. “Chris Eubank Jr. is already a star in the U.K. and is poised to make a big splash in his U.S. дебют, while Matt Korobov is eager to build on his impressive performance in a loss to Jermall Charlo last year. Expect fireworks as Eubank and Korobov look to steal the show and walk away the title on December 7.”

This will be the first time that Eubank (28-2, 21 КО) has fought in the U.S. як професійний. Although he has competed at super middleweight, the 29-year-old from Brighton, Sussex in the United Kingdom will meet Korobov at his more natural weight of 160 pounds for the interim title. Since losing to George Groves in 2018, the son of British legend Chris Eubank Sr. has put together two victories, including the decisive unanimous decision over former super middleweight champion DeGale in his last fight in London.

“I’m ready to take the United States and the middleweight division by storm,” said Eubank. “I’m excited to come down to 160 pounds where I naturally belong, and I don’t see anybody being able to touch me at this weight class. America is where I learned how to fight as an amateur in Las Vegas and 13 years later I’m finally going to make my U.S. professional debut. I can’t wait to show the fans in the U.S. that I’m the best middleweight in the world.”

The 36-year-old Korobov (28-2-1, 14 КО) is coming off a majority draw against Immanuwel Aleem in his last fight in May, after serving notice to the middleweight division that he would be a threat when he lost a hard-fought decision to Jermall Charlo in December. Born in Orotukan, Russia and now living in St. Петербург, Флорида, Korobov was a late replacement and gave Charlo a tougher fight than many experts expected. Korobov had been riding a four-fight win streak before the Charlo fight, having previously lost a middleweight title fight to Andy Lee in 2014.

“I am more motivated for this fight than any other so far in my career,” said Korobov. “Against Jermall Charlo, I didn’t get the decision. В моїй голові, I won that fight at Barclays Center. Цього разу, I will leave no doubt against Eubank. This opportunity gives me a chance to right a wrong. Fans will see the best Matt Korobov on December 7.”

Для отримання додаткової інформації відвідайтеwww.SHO.com/sportswww.PremierBoxingChampions.com, слідувати на Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @BrooklynBoxing, @TGBPromotions і @Swanson_Comm або стати шанувальником на Facebook вwww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing


Unbeaten Rising Star Brandon Figueroa Defends WBA Super Bantamweight Title Against Former Champion Julio Ceja


Undefeated Mexican Power-Puncher Luis Nery Takes on Puerto Rico’s Emmanuel Rodríguez in Battle of Former Bantamweight World Champions

Highly Anticipated Deontay Wilder vs. Luis Ortiz

WBC Heavyweight Championship Rematch Plus Leo Santa Cruz Seeks a Title in a Fourth Division Against Miguel Flores in Pay-Per-View Event from the MGM Grand Garden Arena

 в Лас-Вегасі

Лас-Вегас(Жовтень 22, 2019) – Непереможний висхідна зіркаБрендон “The Heartbreaker” Фігероаwill make the first defense of his WBA Super Bantamweight Titleagainst former championЛипень Ceja while undefeated Mexican power-puncherЛуїс НерібоїEmmanuel Rodríguezin a matchup of former bantamweight champions on Saturday, Листопад 23 in FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View action live from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.

The pay-per-view event is headlined by boxing’s longest reigning heavyweight world championDeontay “Бронзовий бомбардувальник” Уайлдерdefending his WBC title in a rematch against once-beaten Cuban sluggerЛуїс “Кінг Конг” Ортіс. Three-division champion“Землетрус” Санта-Крус will seek a title in another division in the co-main event when he takes onМігель “El Michoacan” Квіти for the WBA Super Featherweight Championship as part of the pay-per-view action beginning at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT.

With these two all-action matchups added, the November 23 card is shaping up to deliver another memorable night of excitement on FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View,” said Tom Brown, Президент TGB Акції. “In addition to the Wilder vs. Ortiz rematch and the Santa Cruz vs. Flores title fight, one of the 122-pound division’s hottest young stars Brandon Figueroa will make his first title defense against a very tough opponent in former champion Julio Ceja. Rounding out the night is Mexican knockout artist Luis Nery and tough former champion Emmanuel Rodríguez, who will be sure to kick off the pay-per-view in style with another classic in the Mexico vs. Puerto Rico rivalry.

Квитки на заходи, which is promoted by BombZquad Promotions, TGB Promotions and Mayweather Promotions, are on sale now and can be purchased atwww.mgmgrand.com абоwww.axs.com.

The 22-year-old Figueroa (20-0, 15 КО) will look to make the first defense of his super bantamweight championship in his fourth fight of 2019. He knocked out Moises Flores in January on FS1 and won an interim super bantamweight title in April on FOX by stopping Yonfrez Parejo. Representing Weslaco, Техас, Брендон, the younger brother of former world champion Omar, has a seven-fight knockout streak that he brings into the ring on November 23, having most recently stopped Javier Nicolas Chacon with an exciting fourth-round knockout in an FS1 main event in August. He was subsequently elevated to full champion by the WBA.

This is probably going to be the biggest test of my career in the first defense of my title against a solid fighter like Ceja,” Саїд Фігероа. “To be fighting on pay-per-view of the Wilder-Ortiz II undercard at MGM Grand is a dream come true. I’ve been working towards this moment my whole life. I attended Pacquiao vs. Thurman in July and the crowd was electric that night. I told myself while watching that fight ringside that I couldn’t wait to fight at MGM on a similar card, and now look at where we are. Ceja might have lost against Rigondeaux, but he put on a great fight and I know he’s going to come forward and brawl with me on November 23.

Fighting out of Tlalnepantla, Мексика, Брова (32-4, 28 КО) will look to rebound from a loss to Guillermo Rigondeaux on FOX in June, when he was stopped in round eight while leading on all three judges’ системи показників. The 26-year-old knocked out Hugo Ruiz in 2015 to win an interim title before eventually being elevated to the full champion. While he lost the rematch to Ruiz, Ceja put together wins in two of his next three fights heading into the Rigondeaux bout.

This is a great opportunity and I plan to win the world title again on November 23,said Ceja. “I know what it takes to win and I will have the best training of my career for this fight. I hope Brandon Figueroa is prepared for fireworks. This title is coming back to Mexico for my country, my pride and my people.

Нері (30-0, 24 КО) is a power puncher who has stopped his last 11 противники і 15 з його останніх 16. The 24-year-old southpaw from Tijuana, Mexico will be making his third appearance on a FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View this year. He scored a dominant stoppage victory over McJoe Arroyo on the March event in Arlington, Texas and returned on the July 20 show to stop former champion Juan Carlos Payano. He scored a TKO victory over Shinsuke Yamanaka to win the bantamweight world title in 2018.

I’m excited for another opportunity to perform on the biggest stage and show that I’m the best bantamweight in the world,” said Nery. “Rodríguez is a tough competitor and he will help bring out my best on November 23. Mexico and Puerto Rico have a storied rivalry in this sport and I intend to make my mark in history with a spectacular win.

The 27-year-old Rodríguez (19-1, 12 КО) will also look to put himself back in position to reclaim a 118-pound belt with a statement win on November 23. Fighting out of Vega Baja, Пуерто-Ріко, Rodríguez won the IBF Bantamweight World Title with a unanimous decision victory over Paul Butler in 2018 and defended it successfully against then-unbeaten Jason Moloney. He most recently was stopped by unbeaten champion Naoya Inoue in their May title bout.

Switching opponents is no problem for me since we always train for different fighting styles,” said Rodríguez, who had previously been scheduled to face former champion Rau’shee Warren before Warren withdrew due to injury. “My Puerto Rican and Mexican people want to see a great fight and that’s what they will have on November 23. I know what Nery brings to the table and I’m ready for that. We are confident in victory and that in 2020 I will be crowned world champion again.

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Для отримання більш детальної інформації: візитwww.premierboxingchampions.com,http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepageand www.foxdeportes.com, Слідуйте за щебетатьPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions, @MayweatherPromo and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions,www.facebook.com/foxsports & www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.


OCTOBER 22nd, NYCNumber one IBF light heavyweight contender, Мен Fanlong (16-0, 10 КО), and top heavyweight, Чжан Zhilei (20-0, 16 КО), sign exclusive advisor agreements with newly formed ‘Lane Brothers Boxing.’

Мен Fanlong

Meng of Chifeng, Китай, is excited to have Terry and Tommy Lane be his industry representatives.

“I am really delighted to have Terry Lane and Tommy Lane on my team as my advisors.” Says Meng. “They are young and enthusiastic about boxing. They believe in me and are very professional in what they do. I believe that our cooperation will have a positive impact on my career.”

As the IBF #1 contender in the light heavyweight division, Meng is eyeing a fight early next year against Champion Artur Beterbiev, who just scored a sensational technical knockout win over Oleksandr Gvozdyk Friday night in Philadelphia.

“This is an exciting time in Fanlong’s career.” Says Terry Lane. “He is one of the best fighters at 175 фунти, and one of the top boxing talents to come from China. We couldn’t be happier to help guide him through this journey.”

Information about Meng Fanlong’s showdown with Beterbiev will be announced in time.

*Зображення – Meng Fanlong*

*Image left to rightTommy Lane, Мен Fanlong, trainer Shaun George, Terry Lane*

Чжан Zhilei

Zhang, Чжоукоу, Китай, is also happy to have Terry and Tommy Lane be his career representatives.

“Terry, Tommy and I go way back since the very beginning of my turning pro here in the US.” Says Zhang. “After many years, we are now working together again. They now are my advisors. Their father is a well-known referee and hall-of-famer. The brothers have been in the business of boxing all their lives. I believe that our cooperation will be a new chapter of my professional career.”

Zhang, a 6’6’’ 260 фунт 2008 Срібний призер Олімпійських ігор, has amassed an impressive undefeated record and is looking for big fights in the heavyweight division.

“Zhang Zhilei is the face of boxing in China.” Says Tommy Lane. “He has so many opportunities in front of him, we are thrilled about this partnership.”

Zhang is scheduled to fight the tough Sergey Kuzmin (15-1, 11 КО) on November 30th at the Casino De Monte Carlo, Монте-Карло, Monaco November 30th. The bout will be streamed on DAZN.

*Image left to right – Чжан Zhilei, Tommy Lane, Terry Lane*

*Зображення – Zhang Zhilei and Terry Lane*


New York City Based “Lane Brothers Boxing” was founded in 2019 by brothers Terry and Tommy Lane. The Lane brothers have worked in professional boxing for nearly fifteen years, and are now using their industry expertise to advise top international boxing talent. Terry and Tommy are the sons of former referee Mills Lane.

BRIAN CARLOS CASTAÑO TRAINING CAMP QUOTES & ФОТО – Undefeated Former Champion Castaño Takes on Gritty Contender Wale Omotoso in Super Welterweight Showdown Headlining FS1 PBC Fight Night & on FOX Deportes Saturday, Листопад 2 From MGM National Harbor In Maryland

Натисніть ОСЬ for Photos from Micaela Sotelo

NORWALK, Ca. (Жовтень 21, 2019) – Undefeated former champion Brian Carlos Castaño will look to further cement his place in the 154-pound division when he battles exciting veteran contender Рубчик “Щасливчик” ОМОТОСО in a 10-round super welterweight showdown that headlines FS1 PBC Fight Night and on FOX Deportes Saturday, Листопад 2 from MGM National Harbor in Maryland.

Квитки на заходи, який сприяє TGB Акції, are on sale now and can be purchased by visiting www.mgmnationalharbor.com/.

Castaño most recently fought in a standout back and forth title match against Erislandy Lara in March that ended in a split-draw. With a win on November 2, the unbeaten Argentine will put himself in position for either a rematch with Lara or one of the other standouts in the stacked division.

Here is what Castaño had to say from training camp at Legends Gym in Norwalk, California with his head trainer and father Carlos as he discussed his showdown against Omotoso, his most recent fight, future matchups and more:

What are you looking to show to the rest of this division in the fight against Omotoso?

As I do in every fight, I try to prove that I belong among the best in the division. I may no longer be a world champion, but I still feel I am a world champion because I didn’t lose in the ring. Так, I want to show against Omotoso and the world that I’m ready for everyone.

What do you know about Omotoso’s style and what kind of fight can fans expect?

He is a warrior that always comes straight forward to fight. He has proven many times that he can take punches and compete with anyone. Since I´m a warrior too, I think the fans are going to be in for an exciting war.

What did you think of the decision in the Lara fight? Did you believe you did enough to win the fight?

Even though I know it was a competitive fight, I know I did enough to get the win. I respect Lara as a great champion, but you cannot win fights of that level by only backpedaling all the time. I applied the pressure and connected with great punches, so I saw myself as the winner.

Is the rematch with Lara the fight you want with a win on November 2?

I thought I was going to have the rematch with Lara already but he probably didn’t want it. Насамперед, I have a tough challenge in front of me in Omotoso and I never underestimate anybody. I have to beat him in convincing fashion in order to earn another world title shot, either with Lara or any of the other top fighters in the division.

How does it feel to be sharing a card with another one of Argentina’s best fighters, Ісус Куельяр (who fights Javier Fortuna in the co-main event)? Is there added inspiration because Argentina will be so represented on the telecast?

It’s always a great honor to represent Argentina in the U.S., which is the mecca of boxing. To share the card with a guy like Cuellar, whom I’ve known well since our times together on Argentina’s national team in the amateurs, will definitely be something meaningful. I know we’re both working hard to make our country proud on November 2.

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Лара проти. Castaño pits undefeated former champion Brian Carlos Castaño against exciting veteran contender Рубчик “Щасливчик” ОМОТОСО in a 10-round super welterweight showdown that headlines FS1 PBC Fight Night and on FOX Deportes Saturday, Листопад 2 from MGM National Harbor in Maryland.

The action begins at 10:30 p.m. І / 7:30 p.m. PT and features former world champions Хав'єр “El Abejón” Стан і Jesús Andrés Cuellar colliding in a 10-round super featherweight showdown in the co-feature.

Fans can live stream the fights on the FOX Sports app, available in English or Spanish through the FOX, FS1 or FOX Deportes feeds. The fights are available on desktop at FOXSports.com and through the app store, or connected devices including Apple TV, Android TV, Fire TV, Xbox One and Roku.

Для отримання більш детальної інформації: візит www.premierboxingchampions.com, ХТ
і www.foxdeportes.com, Слідуйте за щебетатьPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @MGMNatlHarbor, TGBPromotions, and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports і www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

Texas Knockout Artist James Kirkland Returns Saturday, Листопад 9 Against Jas Phipps on Alamo City Fight Night at the Alamodome in San Antonio

Сан - Антоніо, Техас Professional championship boxing returns to the Alamodome on November 9th with Alamo City Fight Night! Davies Entertainment presents an incredible boxing event in the heart of San Antonio, Showcasing seven prize fighters fighting under the Davies Entertainment banner.

Texas knockout artist Джеймс Кіркланд (33-2, 29 KO) returns to the ring after making quick work of his last opponent in the first round. Kirkland has been one of boxing’s most explosive fighters with knockout wins over Brian Vera, Joel Julio, Альфредо Ангуло, and Glen Tapia. Kirkland looks to make another run toward a championship taking on theNew Orleans NightmareJas Phipps (10-7, 5 KO) in a six round Middleweight bout.

Alamo City Fight Night will also feature San Antonio’s Eddie Ortiz (9-0-2, 4KO) defending his World Boxing Council USNBC Silver Middleweight Title against hard hitting veteran Алексіс Камачо (22-6, 20 KO) in an eight round Middleweight contest.

The fight card has an incredible lineup of up and coming talent including San Antonio’s Бенджамін Уїтакер (12-3, 3 KO), a crafty ring technician who brutally knocked out his last opponent, Сан - Антоніо Даніель Балсер (13-2, 5KO), Eduardo Garza (14-2, 7 KO),Carlos Villa (14-3 6 KO) And the pro debut of Jeffrey Stern. Also featured on the card, Селіна “The Aztec Queen” Околиці (sister of world champ Mario Barrios) , aї Brown Nevarez.

The event will also showcase Davies Entertainment Music artists Vi$ion, Daniel Leon, and Bankreaux performing during ring introductions. Additional Information is available atwww.daviesentertainment.com

Unbeaten Cuban Heavyweight Frank Sanchez To Face Jack Mulowayi in Televised Opener of SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION® this Saturday, Жовтень 26 from Santander Arena in Reading, Пенсільванія. – Nigerian Heavyweight Efe Ajagba Withdraws with Back Injury

Nigerian Heavyweight Efe Ajagba Withdraws with Back Injury

2016 Olympian Eimantas Stanionis & 17-Year-Old Sensation
Vito Mielnicki, Молодший, Lightweight Omar Douglas & Середня вага
Jose Miguel Borrego Highlight Jam-Packed Undercard Lineup in Separate Fights as Part of Premier Boxing Champions Event

READING, Пенсільванія. (Жовтень 21, 2019) – Unbeaten Cuban slugger Frank Sanchez зіткнеться Джек Муловей in an eight-round heavyweight attraction to open SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION this Saturday, Жовтень 26 жити на SHOWTIME® from Santander Arena in Reading, Пенсільванія.

Санчес (13-0, 11 КО) steps in to replace Efe Ajagba, who withdrew from the fight against the once-beaten Mulowayi (7-1-1, 3 КО). Ajagba injured his back in training last week.

The evening is headlined by top super welterweight contender Еріксон “Молоток” Любін приймаючи на неприємної Натаніель Gallimore in a 10-round showdown that headlines the Premier Boxing Champions event beginning at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT. Former lightweight world champion Роберт Пасха, Молодший. will make his super lightweight debut against Адріан “El Tigre” Granados in a 10-round co-feature attraction.

Highlighting the action-packed non-televised portion of the card are fights featuring undefeated 2016 Lithuanian Olympian Eimantas Stanionis squaring off against Lancaster, Pennsylvania’s Евінчі Діксон in a welterweight bout and 17-year-old welterweight prospect Vito Mielnicki молодший. facing Durham, North Carolina’s Marklin Bailey in a four-round attraction.

The action continues with bouts featuring Mexico’s Jose Miguel Borrego (15-2, 13 КО) taking on Colombia’s Likar Ramos (29-8, 22 КО) in an eight-round welterweight bout and Wilmington, Delaware’s Омар Дуглас (19-3, 13 КО) facing Riverside, Каліфорнії Humberto Galindo (12-0-1, 9 КО) для 10 rounds of lightweight action.

Квитки на заходи, which is promoted by TGB Promotions and King’s Promotions, are on sale now and can be purchased through Ticketmaster.com or at the Santander box office (Monday-Friday, 10 a.m. – 5 вечора, Saturdays 10 a.m. – 2 вечора).

Also entering the ring is Colorado’s Ricky Lopez (20-4-1, 6 КО) in a 10-round super featherweight contest against Texas-native Joe Perez (14-3-2, 10 КО), Paterson, New Jersey’s Norman Neely (3-0, 3 КО) in a four-round heavyweight fight withD’Angelo Swaby (1-0, 1 KO) of the Bahamas, plus Miami’s Jessy Cruz (17-7-1, 7 КО) бере на Мексики Ернесто Герреро (32-29, 22 КО) in an eight-round super featherweight attraction, and Michigan-native Raeese Aleem (14-0, 8 КО) competes in an eight-round super bantamweight fight against Colombia’s Marlon Olea (14-5, 12 КО).

Rounding out the action is undefeated Puerto Rican bantamweight prospect Jonathon Torres протягом шести-раундовому бою, суперсередній перспективи Darrion Lawson from Flint, Michigan in a four-round fight against Nicaragua’s Jaime Meza і в середньому Zany Larry of Clearwater, Florida in a four-round bout against Kansas-native Antonio Hernandez.

A former amateur standout from his native Cuba, Sanchez now lives in Las Vegas and is unbeaten since turning pro in 2017. The 27-year-old scored knockouts in his first six pro fights, and picked up nine victories in 2018. Sanchez most recently scored a dominant stoppage of Puerto Rico’s Victor Bisbal in August.

Fighting out of Antwerpen, Бельгія, by way of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mulowayi will make his U.S. debut on October 26 in a pro career that dates back to 2015. The 32-year-old was unbeaten in his first seven pro fights before losing a narrow majority decision to Herve Bubeaux in a bout for the Belgium heavyweight title in May. He rebounded to defeat Artur Kubiak in July heading into his fight against Sanchez.

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Lubin vs. Gallimore pits top super welterweight contender Еріксон “Молоток” Любінagainst hard-hitting Натаніель Gallimore in a 10-round showdown on Saturday, Жовтень 26, live on SHOWTIME from Santander Arena in Reading, Па., у заході, представленому Прем'єр-чемпіоном боксу.

The three-fight SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITIONbegins live at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and features former lightweight world champion Роберт-молодший Пасха. making his super lightweight debut against battle-tested veteran Адріан “El Tigre” Granadosin the 10-round co-featured attraction, plus unbeaten heavyweight sensation Frank Sanchez will enter the ring against once-beaten Джек Муловей у вісім-раундовому поєдинку.

Для отримання додаткової інформації відвідайте www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, слідувати на Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, TGBPromotions, and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing
і www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions.