標記檔案: 拳擊

Zurdo Ramirez 追逐他的遺產 44-0 VS. 多米尼克·博塞爾

5 月 14 日在 DAZN 直播
LAS VEGAS (四月 28, 2022) – 而不是等待五月的勝利者 7 超級巨星索爾“卡內洛”阿爾瓦雷斯和世界拳擊協會在拉斯維加斯對決 (WBA) 超輕重量級冠軍Dimitry Bivol, 或進行一場無意義的忙忙碌碌, 前世界超中量級冠軍吉爾伯托“祖爾多”拉米雷斯將把他的無懈可擊 43-0 (39 科斯) 五月上線記錄 14 與德國人多米尼克·博塞爾 (32-2, 12 科斯), 執政的國際拳擊組織 (IBO) 輕重量級世界冠軍和WBA No. 1 額定競爭者.

“祖爾多與. 博塞爾,” 由 Golden Boy Promotions 與 Zurdo Promotions 和 SES Boxing 聯合推出, 將在安大略省豐田競技場的 DAZN 上獨家直播, 加利福尼亞州. 他們 12 輪主賽事的獲勝者將在 Canelo vs. 比沃爾贏家.

“博塞爾是第. 1 歐洲輕重量級重量級選手,擁有所有榮譽,使這場比賽成為一場具有挑戰性的比賽,”拉米雷斯說. “當然, 水牛 (WBC & IBF冠軍阿圖爾), 貝捷比耶夫和 (WBO冠軍喬) 史密斯仍然在我的名單上, 但它們都不可用. 即使他們在我的名單上, 我不等他們, 我有自己的遺產要追逐. 我之前說過, 貝特比耶夫和史密斯充其量只是普通的戰士, 他們知道不要提我的名字. Bivol 即將成功 (打架. 左撇子) 發生, 但他得到了卡內洛的機會, 所以我不怪他。”

博塞爾, 誰曾在歐洲以外戰鬥過, 是 2-1 在 IBO 世界冠軍爭奪戰中, 輸給羅賓·克拉斯尼奇, 而 Zurdo 是 6-0 在世界錦標賽中戰鬥. Boesel 也是前 WBA 臨時成員, 歐洲和WBO青年世界輕量級冠軍.

“我很期待這個挑戰,左撇子添加. “他知道這場戰鬥可以改變他的生活. 我是世界上最好的輕重量級, 但我仍然需要帶上我最好的來戰鬥之夜. 我會在經驗上有優勢, 但我不能掉以輕心,因為, 他是一位長期的職業球員,知道如何利用這一刻。”

因為他被阻止為WBA而戰, WBO, WBC或IBF輕重量級世界冠軍現在, 由於上述 Bivol 不可用, 貝特比耶夫和史密斯, 拉米雷斯考慮正式挑戰 WBC 輕量級世界冠軍伊倫加少年馬卡布 (29-2, 25 科斯). 從來沒有這樣, 然而, Zurdo 確實計劃向上移動, 但只有在他負責清理 175 磅重的部門之後.

“我仍然計劃升級到重量級並最終成為重量級,” 左撇子提供. “成為 4 級世界冠軍一直是我的目標。”


信息:網站: www.ZurdoPromotions.comInstagram的: @zurdoramirez, @zurdopromotions推特: @ZurdoPromotions, @GilbertoZurdoRamirez

TERRELL GAUSHA: “我們要給 TIM TSZYU 一個不同於以往的外觀”

超次中量級選手高莎在 SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING 中面對不敗的新星蒂姆·楚尤®

主賽事週六, 三月 26 從軍械庫在明尼阿波利斯

洛杉磯——三月 17, 2022 -  中美. 奧運選手和超次中量級競爭者特雷爾Gausha有信心他會破壞不敗後起之秀的美國首秀蒂姆·楚當他們週六開會時, 三月 26 住在Showtime® 在明尼阿波利斯的軍械庫舉辦頂級拳擊冠軍賽.

“我們一直在為這場戰鬥做一些不同的事情,說高沙. “我們將給 Tim Tszyu 一個不同於以往的外觀. 和大家看過的大部分打鬥相比, 他們將在 3 月 26 日從我這裡看到新的東西。”

秋久, 名人堂拳手科斯蒂亞·楚尤之子, 將在美國進行他備受期待的處子秀. 反對高沙, 在統治了他的第一次之後 20 在他的家鄉澳大利亞打架. 對於克利夫蘭本地人 Gausha, 他的動力來自內部,而不是來自圍繞 Tszyu 進入這場比賽的炒作.

“我只是有動力的時期,說高沙. “這與 Tszyu 周圍的任何炒作無關. 這與我在生活和職業生涯中所處的位置有關. 事情發生的時間對我來說是正確的. 我在一個好地方. 在我職業生涯的這個階段,這對我來說是一場完美的戰鬥.

“我感謝他接受這個挑戰. 大多數其他拳手會試圖保護他們的記錄. 這表明他相信自己. 他想要艱苦的戰鬥. 話雖這麼說,, 我認為他打錯了仗。”

高沙在上一場比賽中擊敗了年輕的競爭者賈蒙泰·克拉克,令人印象深刻, 在三月的第二輪中阻止他的對手 2021, 並將尋求在與 Tszyu 的大名鼎鼎的勝利基礎上再接再厲.

“對我來說,與克拉克的比賽對我來說是一場精彩的比賽,說高沙. “我想馬上回到擂台, 但有時很難與某些人打架. 我在對陣 Tszyu 的比賽中有很好的機會,我希望利用我上一次的表現來鞏固和發展. 我將在這場戰鬥中發揮更大的作用。”

在洛杉磯與 Manny Robles 和 Prenice Brewer 一起訓練, Gausha在戰鬥之夜之前獲得了出色的陪練, 與 154 磅的冠軍布賴恩·卡斯塔諾共享戒指, 次中量級競爭者維吉爾·奧爾蒂斯和 2020 中美. 奧運選手德蘭特約翰遜. 而 Gausha 希望 Tszyu 展現他典型的挺身而出的風格, 他計劃為對手提出的任何事情做好準備.

“我希望蒂姆嘗試施加壓力並挺身而出,說高沙. “他是一匹特技小馬. 你所看到的就是你得到的. 他並沒有做太多引人注目的事情, 但他做得很好, 他做得很好, 這帶來了壓力. 我們已經為此做好了準備,無論他想做什麼,我們都會做我們的事情。”

Gausha 此前曾挑戰 154 磅的世界冠軍 2017 對Erislandy Lara的決定,並且還擁有對Erickson Lubin的決定失敗和對前冠軍Austin Trout的平局. 現在, Gausha 將在 3 月以勝利重回冠軍頭銜 26.

“在大家看到三月份的這個表演之後 26, 他們會知道我在這個部門的位置,說高沙. “我有工作要做. 現在, 我真的才剛剛開始向人們展示我的技能和我能做什麼. 這將鞏固這一點. 我現在正在敲響冠軍爭奪戰的大門. 戰勝 Tszyu 對我的職業生涯來說非常棒,讓我獲得世界冠軍。”

門票活動, 這是由TGB促銷推廣, 無極限拳擊和勇士拳擊, 現已發售,可在軍械庫購買HTTP://ArmoryMN.com/ 並通過特瑪.

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關於子瑜 VS. 高沙

秋對. Gausha將看到頂級超次中量級競爭者和後起之秀蒂姆·楚讓他期待已久的美國. 在他對美國的比賽中首次亮相. 奧林匹亞特雷爾Gausha在周六的 SHOWTIME 現場直播的 12 輪對決中, 三月 26 來自明尼阿波利斯軍械庫的頂級拳擊冠軍賽.

欣欣拳擊錦標賽轉播開始於 9 P.M. ET /下午6時. PT,並將以不敗的輕量級競爭者為特色米歇爾·里維拉決鬥的傢伙不敗約瑟夫“祝福之手”阿多諾在10輪聯合主賽事中, 加上強硬的超輕量級競爭者埃爾維斯羅德伊格斯 面對胡安·喬斯是貝拉斯科在 10 輪電視轉播開場白中.

欲了解更多信息,請訪問www.SHO.com/sportswww.PremierBoxingChampions.com, 關注#TszyuGausha, 在Twitter上關注@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing 和 @TGBPromotions, 在 Instagram 上@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing 和 @TGBPromotionss 或在 Facebook 上成為粉絲www.Facebook.com/ShowtimeBoxing.


輕量級競爭者艾薩克克魯茲在來自 AT 的頂級拳擊冠軍聯合主賽事中與前世界冠軍尤里奧基斯甘博亞戰鬥&牛逼體育場阿靈頓, 得克薩斯州


按次付費 9 P.M. ET /下午6時. PT


阿靈頓, TX. – 三月 17, 2022 - 由 WBC 和 IBF 世界冠軍領銜的 SHOWTIME PPV 陣容增加了三場精彩對決 小埃羅爾“真相”斯賓塞. 和WBA世界冠軍 約爾德尼斯·格斯 在周六的次中量級冠軍統一沖突中展開角逐, 四月 16 住在AT&牛逼體育場阿靈頓, 得克薩斯州參加頂級拳擊冠軍賽.

按次計費的電視節目開始於 9 P.M. ET /下午6時. PT 並具有令人興奮的輕量級競爭者 艾薩克“比特犬”克魯茲 與資深前世界冠軍較量 Yuriorkis Gamboa的 在10輪聯合主賽事中.

陣容還包​​括不敗 何塞·瓦倫蘇埃拉 爭奪前世界冠軍 舊金山“厄爾尼諾Bandido”巴爾加斯 在 10 回合的輕量級戰鬥中, 加上不敗 科迪·克勞利 面對老將競爭者 Josesito洛佩茲 在電視轉播開始的 10 輪全能次中量級對決中.

門票現場活動, 由 TGB Promotions 和 Man Down Promotions 推廣, 現已發售,可在 SeatGeek.com 購買, AT的官方票務提供商&T體育場.

“今年最大的活動之一將是一個值得按次付費的undercard陣容,其中包含旨在提供戲劇和動作的重要對決,“湯姆·布朗說, TGB促銷總統. “艾薩克克魯茲在對陣格文塔戴維斯的比賽中證明了他是一個正在成長的明星, 他將尋求再次展示這些才能,對抗尤里奧基斯·甘博亞這個有成就的對手. 更多, 何塞·瓦倫蘇埃拉的另一位後起之秀將與前冠軍弗朗西斯科·巴爾加斯展開競爭, 而 Cody Crowley 和 Josesito Lopez 都將把他們的高辛烷值風格帶入擂台,形成一場‘不容錯過’的攤牌,以打開加載的 SHOWTIME PPV。”

23歲的克魯茲 (22-2-1, 15 科斯) 將在 12 月的 SHOWTIME PPV 上放棄對三級冠軍 Gervonta Davis 的競爭決定後重返賽場. 墨西哥城人, 克魯茲在輕量級排名中飆升 2020, 在 10 月以激動人心的首輪淘汰老將迭戈馬格達萊諾宣布他的存在. 克魯茲緊隨其後 2021 三月份以一致判定戰勝了此前不敗的馬蒂亞斯·羅梅羅,六月份以判定擊敗前冠軍弗朗西斯科·巴爾加斯. 成為美國後. 12月出道 2019, 克魯茲在接下來的四場比賽中保持不敗, 出現在 SHOWTIME® 除了在戴維斯大戰中擊敗馬格達萊諾之外三度. Leo Santa Cruz SHOWTIME PPV 底牌.

“我迫不及待地想重返賽場並在 AT 戰鬥&T體育場,“克魯茲說. “我愛德克薩斯的球迷, 他們總是給我巨大的支持. 我的子, 帕奎奧, 曾在 AT 戰鬥過&之前的T體育場,兩次都贏了. 我很高興能追隨他的腳步,在甘博亞對抗一位非常出色的前冠軍. 我來向球迷們展示為什麼我是世界上最好的輕量級選手之一,並在 4 月 16 日推動 Gamboa 退役。”

甘博亞 (30-4, 18 科斯) 是前統一羽量級冠軍, 持有 IBF 和 WBA 126 磅的冠軍頭銜 2009 和 2011. 關塔那摩人, 古巴, 他現在在邁阿密生活和訓練, 佛羅里達州. 他在一場與特倫斯克勞福德的對決中放棄了 2014 年度撲滅, 在籃板球贏得八場比賽中的七場之前. 那場比賽包括戰勝前世界冠軍傑森·索薩和羅曼·馬丁內斯, 讓甘博亞重返世界冠軍爭奪戰. 在他最近的兩場比賽中, Gamboa 放棄了與當前輕量級世界冠軍的比賽, 失去通過 12-回合將軍澳到 Gervonta Davis 在 2019 並在 11 月對 Devin Haney 作出決定 2020.

“我總是來擂台展示我的才華和四月 16 將沒有什麼不同,”岡巴說. “面對一個年輕人非常有動力, 艾薩克克魯茲這樣的強大對手. 我要測試他,看看他能不能抵擋我的力量. 我是來贏球的,我要做出一個重要的聲明,我仍然有能力再次成為冠軍。”

22 歲的巴倫蘇埃拉 (11-0, 7 科斯) 現在作為不敗的兩屆世界冠軍大衛貝納維德斯的穩定夥伴進行訓練,因為他尋求從前景轉變為競爭者 2022. 出生於洛斯莫奇斯, 錫那羅亞, 墨西哥, 巴倫蘇埃拉轉職業 2018 並在 9 月戰勝 Deiner Berrio 的比賽中贏得了他的第一個 10 輪決定,並取得了 5 場淘汰賽的連勝紀錄 2021. 巴倫蘇埃拉結束了他的突破 2021 十二月, 在第四輪 TKO 的路上主宰奧斯汀杜萊.

“成為高風險的夢想成真, 像這樣疊卡,”巴倫蘇埃拉說. “我很欣賞和研究 Spence, 特別是因為我們都是左撇子. 我已經等不及在環獲得. 我不會以任何方式忽視或低估弗朗西斯科·巴爾加斯. 我期待煙花. 當兩個墨西哥戰士正面交鋒時,您總是會大打出手, 所以我知道球迷們會對他們在 4 月 16 日看到的內容感到高興。”

在墨西哥城戰鬥, 巴爾加斯 (27-3-2, 19 科斯) 贏得了 130 磅的冠軍 2015 在年度最佳戰鬥之一中擊敗三浦隆史. 這位 37 歲的球員將繼續與奧蘭多·薩利多(Orlando Salido)進行一場激動人心的平局,然後在另一場令人難忘的事件中輸給米格爾·伯切爾特(Miguel Berchelt). 巴爾加斯後來擊敗了斯蒂芬史密斯和羅德薩爾卡,然後在與貝切爾特的複賽中輸掉了比賽。 2019. 最近, 巴爾加斯開始在輕量級競選, 連續戰勝埃齊奎爾·阿維萊斯(Ezequiel Aviles) 2019 和奧託加梅茲在 2020, 在六月份的最後一場比賽中放棄對艾薩克克魯茲的決定之前 2021.

“很榮幸能和這麼多偉大的戰士一起打出這樣一張大牌,”巴爾加斯說. “我將為這場戰鬥做好準備,並準備好帶著勝利離開擂台. 我知道巴倫蘇埃拉會試圖發表聲明, 但我也會這樣做. 一如既往, 球迷們可以期待一場從頭到尾的激烈戰鬥。”

代表他的家鄉安大略省, 加拿大, 克勞利 (20-0, 9 科斯) 在 12 月轟動一時的 SHOWTIME 首次亮相後重返擂台 2021 看到他擊敗了以前不敗的 Kudratillo Abdukakhorov 一致決定. 克勞利此前曾在 9 月擊敗過喬什·托雷斯 2020 跟隨一個 2019 他在 2 月以 12 輪決定戰勝 Stuart McLellan 贏得加拿大超次中量級冠軍,然後在 10 月以優勢決定戰勝 Mian Hussain 成功衛冕冠軍. 28歲回美國打仗. 在他的前八場職業比賽中有七場發生在美國之後,他的最後兩場比賽.

“在我 12 月在 SHOWTIME 上獲勝之後, 我已準備好接受下一個挑戰,成為世界次中量級冠軍,”克勞利說. “何塞托·洛佩茲總是很堅強,他為球隊帶來了令人興奮的風格. 不幸的是,他, 他會發現什麼 20 在他之前的戰士已經學會了, 那就是我不會停止實現我的命運. 我要感謝我的團隊給我這個展示我技能的機會, 在達拉斯牛仔隊的主場,這張偉大的卡片上的心和無情。”

洛佩茲 (38-8, 21 科斯) 由於他在擂台上的打破風格,贏得了“河畔洛基”的綽號. 他已經從這項運動中的一些頂級拳擊手介入, 包括冠軍卡內洛·阿爾瓦雷斯, 馬科斯Maidana, 安德烈·貝托和維克多·奧爾蒂斯. 來自Riverside的37歲, 加利福尼亞在擂台上始終是一個強硬的對手,正如他在以微弱多數決定輸給當時的冠軍基思·瑟曼 (Keith Thurman) 所表明的那樣 2019. 自從那次失利, 洛佩茲已經取得了背靠背的勝利, 擊敗約翰莫利納, JR. 和弗朗西斯科·桑塔納.

“我渴望並且非常有動力回到擂台上,證明自己是世界上最好的拳手之一,“洛佩茲說. “我預計克勞利會面臨嚴峻的挑戰,球迷們可以期待看到我處於最佳狀態. 我的狀態很好,準備好把一切都放在線上. 你一定要確保你不會錯過我在 4 月 16 日的比賽。”

欲了解更多信息,請訪問 www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, 關注#SpenceUgas, 在Twitter上關注@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing 和 @TGBPromotions, 在 Instagram 上@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing 和 @TGBPromotionss 或在 Facebook 上成為粉絲 www.Facebook.com/ShowtimeBoxing.

洛杉磯內城傳奇 不敗的雛量級新星 John “Scrappy” Ramirez 本週六首次在主場作戰


LOS ANGELES (三月 17, 2022) – 不敗的洛杉磯雛量級新星約翰“Scrappy”拉米雷斯 (8-0, 7 科斯) 本週六重返賽場 (海. 19) 接替羅伯托“天蠍座”普切塔 (10-20-3, 10 科斯), 墨西哥, 在 Blair Cobbs-Alexis Rocha 卡上的 6 輪比賽中 (取代維吉爾·奧爾蒂斯, 小邁克爾·麥金森), 由金童促銷提供.

主卡將在洛杉磯南加州大學蓋倫中心的 DAZN 直播; 前往 Golden Boy 的 YouTube 頁面觀看 Ramirez vs. 普切塔直播.

拉米雷斯是洛杉磯市中心的體育傳奇人物. 他的旅程從烤架開始, 不在戒指中, 當他是林肯高中橄欖球隊的關鍵成員時, 異形中 2015 記錄片, “ESPN 60: 萊特曼。”這些球員來自好萊塢犯罪猖獗的地區,毒品和槍支充斥著. 拉米雷斯身高 5 英尺 4 英寸, 160-磅跑回一個團隊,, 從流行華納比賽開始, 併升入林肯高中, 沒有在足球上取得成功. 林肯高中繼續成為 3 次聯賽冠軍, 在他大四的半決賽季后賽中表現突出, 最終將“Scrappy”帶入了洛杉磯谷學院橄欖球隊的名冊.

“場地離我家只有五分鐘車程,”激動的拉米雷斯說. “我真的每天都開車經過它. 我在南加州大學長大,在那裡踢足球. 現在, 我在我長大的市中心戰鬥. 這真是太棒了! 我的夢想是在斯台普斯中心打球, 對我來說只有三分鐘車程. 我越來越近了.

“這樣的事情不會偶然發生. 三月 18, 我會在我的人面前展示我的技能. 洛杉磯是冠軍之城, 但自奧斯卡·德拉·霍亞以來,我們還沒有獲得過世界拳擊冠軍, 誰在東洛杉磯長大. 我的目標是成為下一個洛杉磯冠軍。”

 “廢話,“誰是最活躍的戰士之一 2021 七回合, 成功地從足球過渡到拳擊, 儘管業餘拳擊生涯相對較短,但只有 25 業餘比賽. 他確實在 Sugar Bert 全國錦標賽中獲得了最高榮譽, 以及地區金手套和南加州錦標賽.

“我最後一次戰鬥是在 12 月 18, 請了一周假, 然後直接回到了布里克豪斯拳擊俱樂部的訓練營 (ñ. 好萊塢),” 26 歲的拉米雷斯補充道. “我正在變得更好,這對我來說非常令人興奮. 我和我的體能教練在一起, 賽跑, 並練習我的拳擊技巧. 我的訓練沒有停止, 它正在全力以赴。”

Pucheta 只停過一次 33 親打架, 早在 2016 伊曼紐爾·納瓦雷特, 現在的世界拳擊組織 (WBO) 超輕量級冠軍, 誰運動 35-1 (29 科斯) 親紀錄.

“他是一個強硬的, 持久的對手,”拉米雷斯指出, “誰曾在擂台上擁有很多美好的前景. 這對我來說是一個很好的機會來發表聲明,成為第二個將他擊倒的人。”

拉米雷斯本週六繼續加快步伐和發展, 什麼時候又是“Scrappy Time”, 只有這一次在家.

“我想成為頂峰,並將,”他總結道. “每場戰鬥都讓我振奮. 我的目標是不. 1 在我的體重班, 我會因為我的努力和奉獻而到達那裡。”


網站:  www.ZurdoPromotions.com

Facebook的: /約翰·拉米雷斯

Instagram的: @zurdoramirez, @zurdopromotions, @Scrappyboxing

嘰嘰喳喳:  @ZurdoPromotions, @GilbertoZurdoRamirez

Hometown Hero Erick DeLeon Ready to Leave Everything in the Ring in Homecoming Main Event April 12 in Dearborn, 密歇根

Undefeated heavyweight prospect 布蘭登·摩爾 has been added to the bout lineup of Salita Promotions’ next Detroit Brawl 活動上 週六日 2, 2022, 在 Lincoln BallroomFord Community & Performing Arts CenterDearborn, MY.

The current WBC USNBC Silver Heavyweight Champion as a professional, and a former USA national champion as an amateur with several victories over other current professional prospects including unbeaten Dacarree斯科特, the 6’ 6” southpaw Moore (11-0, 7 科斯) will appear in an eight-round showdown against divisional gatekeeper 柯蒂斯·哈珀 (13-7, 9 科斯).

The two heavyweights will meet in support of the night’s eight-round main event featuring the return of one of Detroit’s own, as undefeated power-punching lightweight contender Erick De Leon (19-0-1, 11 科斯) will return after nearly three years’ absence from the sport due to injuries to face hard-nosed Mexico City veteran Juan Jose “Piquet” Martinez (28-11, 20 科斯).

Tickets for “Detroit Brawl” start at $40 and can be purchased by clicking 這裡.

PLEASE NOTE: Tickets ordered online will be placed in will call at the box office for pick-up. A limited quantity of VIP tickets is also available by calling Lina (313.529.7604).

Guided by rising promotional entity Probellum and co-managed by Keith Connolly and Ryan Rickey, 萊克蘭, Florida’s Moore won his WBC USNBC Silver Heavyweight Championship with a fourth-round knockout over Mexico’s Elvis Garcia in August 2021 and successfully defended it in October of that year with a first-round KO over Mexico’s Jesus Angel Nerio. Moore was last seen in December making quick work of Mexico’s Abraham Pascual via KO 1 in Canadian boxing hotbed Montreal.

28-year-old Moore has also sparred with several of the world’s top heavyweights, including superstar former champion Deontay Wilder.

“I’m excited to fight in Detroit,” said a happy Moore. “Dmitry Salita is a great promoter and he always has first-class events. Fighting here is like the resurrection of Joe Louis in his adopted hometown. Get ready for a show! I’m the most exciting and energetic heavyweight in the world. 四月 2, everyone gets to see!”

“Brandon Moore is an exciting new force in boxing’s most glamorous division and the fans are in for a treat,” added Dmitriy Salita. “He’s up against a tough and unpredictable opponent in Harper, who has pulled off a few surprises. I’m happy to be joining forces with Brandon and his team to present another young and powerful force in heavyweight boxing to the great fans in Detroit.”

In the main supporting bouts will be a pair of world-class contenders, as undefeated former amateur star and professional middleweight Timur Kerefov (12-0, 6 科斯) 和WBC #9, IBF #15, WBO #14 輕重量級 Ali Izmailov (7-0, 5 科斯) will both make appearances, 8 和 10 rounds respectively, against separate opponents, while undefeated Grand Rapids, Michigan-based former amateur lightweight star Joshua “Double J” Pagan (1-0, 1 KO) will appear in a four-round special attraction.

Kerefov will take on well-respected trialhorse Cleotis “Mookie” Pendarvis (21-9-2, 9 科斯) in an eight-round showdown. The murderous-punching Izmailov’s, as well as Pagan’s opponents are yet to be announced.

所有的較量是隨時更改,. The Ford Community & Performing Arts Center is located at 15801 Michigan Ave. in Dearborn. 搏擊之夜, 門在開啟 7:00 PM和行動開始於 8:00 下午.


The mission of the Dearborn Recreation & Parks Department is to help fulfill the social, educational and recreational needs of children, adults and families by providing quality programs and activities in clean and well-maintained facilities and to achieve this through exemplary customer service. 欲了解更多信息, visit their OFFICIAL SITE.


Salita Promotions was founded in 2010 由德米特里Salita, a professional boxer and world-title challenger who saw the need for a promotional entity to feature boxing’s best young prospects and established contenders in North America and around the world. Viewers watching fighters on worldwide television networks including Showtime, HBO, ESPN, 斯派克電視, Universal Sports Network, UFC戰鬥通行證, DAZN, ESPN+ and MSG have enjoyed Salita Promotions fight action in recent years. We pride ourselves on offering our fighters opportunities inside and outside the ring. Salita Promotions looks forward to continuing to grow and serve the needs of fight fans around the globe.

Check the Salita Promotions YOUTUBE CHANNEL for regular updates of the modern world’s greatest fighters, contenders and prospects in action.

Ruben Villa Returns Headlines Thompson Boxing Event on April 15th in Ontario CA

Ruben Villa Returns Headlines Thompson Boxing Event on April 15th
ONTARIO, 例如 (三月 16, 2022) – Returning after his first chance at a world title, Thompson Boxing’s 輕量級競爭者 Ruben “Drac” Villa (18-1, 5 科斯), who is co-promoted with 橫幅促銷, 會讓他 2022 debut as he headlines Thompson Boxing’s “Path To Glory” event on Friday, 四月 15, 2022. Villa will square off against battle tested veteran, Horacio Garcia (35-5-1, 25 科斯), 瓜達拉哈拉, Mexico in a 10-round main event.

This event will take place at the Doubletree Hotel in Ontario, 例如. 門開處 6:30 pm PT with the first fight starting at 8:00 下午PT. 門票售價 $50, $75, 和 $100, are available for purchase by calling 714-935-0900.

As one of several talented Thompson Boxing fighters to challenge for a world title, Villa makes his long-awaited return to the ring. Villa’s last fight was a narrow loss against 伊曼紐爾·納瓦雷特 (35-1, 29 科斯) in October of 2020. After a year and a half break from action, Villa is energized and focused on his goal of becoming a world champion.

“I have fallen in love with the sport of boxing once again, the year or so I was out, I focused on all the things I need to improve on,” said Villa in the comforts of his newly remodeled gym in Salinas, 加利福尼亞州. “I have always said I want to bring a world title fight to Salinas, and that is still the goal. 所以, this is just the start of a new beginning, and a better version of myself. The road to redemption starts on April 15 against a worthy opponent in Garcia.”

在6輪的共同特徵, Richard “Cool Breeze” Brewart Jr. (10-0, 4 科斯), of Rancho Cucamonga, 加利福尼亞州。, 將面臨 Walter “2 Guns” Wright (17-8, 8 科斯) of Seattle, 華盛頓, 在一個回合中量級.

“I am ready to start 2022 off on the right track and I’m looking forward to having a big year with Thompson Boxing,” said Brewart. “I’m going to make noise in my division this year. The goal is to fight as much as possible and work my way toward ten-round bouts by the end of the year. I know that fighting in meaningful fights gives me a chance at belts, and I want to collect as many of those as I can. I have not taken an easy road, and I will continue to show how talented I am in April.”

This event will stream live for free on the Thompson Boxing Promotions website (www.thompsonboxing.com), as well as their Facebook的YouTube的 pages. 此外, Fight fans will be able to watch all Thompson Boxing fights, weigh-ins, and behind-the-scenes content, via their new Mobile App downloadable on 蘋果谷歌.


輕量級 Pedro Valencia (8-0, 7 科斯) of Las Angeles, 加利福尼亞州. will face an opponent to be named at a future date. (6-發)

次中量級 Esteban “Stone Hands” Munoz (5-1, 3 科斯), 聖貝納迪諾, 加利福尼亞州。, 將面臨 Jessie Nares (2-1, 1 KO) 奧克斯納德, 加利福尼亞州. (6-發)

中量級 Knuckle Nelson Oliva (1-0, 1 KO) 濱江, 加利福尼亞州, 將面臨 Antonio Duarte (2-2) 蒂華納, 墨西哥. (4-發)

Opening the card is bantamweight Alejandro “Chako” Barajas (對於首次亮相) 洛杉磯, 加利福尼亞州。, 面對 Ulises “Duende” Rosales (0-5), of Huntington Park, 加利福尼亞州. (4-發)

This event is sponsored by Thompson Building Materials, transforming spaces in beautiful places; Omega Products International, the leading stucco manufacturer in the United States; Henry / Fortifiber, moisture system control as easy as 1,2,3, and Makita, rule the outdoors.

欲了解更多信息, regular updates on our fighters, 事件, 和促銷, 請訪問 ThompsonBoxing.com. You can also follow the conversation on social media, please use #ThompsonBoxing.

Check out our Live Stream on YouTube at ThompsonBoxingTV. For updates follow us on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook at @ThompsonBoxing.

Granite Chin Promotions announces “Hometown Royalty” May 7th in Bridgewater, MA Mike Ohan, 瑞安Kielczweski, Edet Mkanam, Dave Ribeiro and Damon Towns


Granite Chin Promotions announces “Hometown Royalty”

五月 7 in Bridgewater, 嘛

Mike Ohan, 瑞安Kielczweski, Edet MkanamDave Ribeiro & Damon Towns

昆西, 質量. (三月 16,  2022) – Granite Chin Promotions has announced its third promotional event of 2022, “Hometown Royalty,” scheduled on Saturday night, May 7th, 在布里奇沃特的布里奇沃特退伍軍人俱樂部, 馬薩諸塞州 (85 小屋聖。).

“Hometown Royalty,” is presented by Granite Chin in association with Cappiello Boxing Promotions and Shearns Boxing Promotions.

Professional boxers from the South Shore of the Bay State will be featured including reigning New England Welterweight Champion Mike “Ban Man” Ohan (14-1, 8 科斯), 霍爾布魯克, Quincy lightweight Ryan “The Polish Prince” Kielczweski (30-6, 11 科斯), New Bedford light heavyweight Edet Mkpanam (5-0, 4 科斯), and Brockton’s pro-debut of 2020 新英格蘭金手套冠軍, welterweight David Ribeiro.

普羅維登斯 (RI) welterweight Damon Townes (4-0, 3 科斯) is also slated to be in action.  

“This is the kind of show the South Shore has been waiting for since everything got shut down,” Granite Chin president Chris Traietti said. “It really is an event that everyone – fighters and promoters – are coming together to make something special. Rich Cappiello and Chuck Shearns have been easy to work with and eager to get to work. Over the coming days, we will be announcing fights and getting tickets out to the public. We have no doubt this is going to be a packed house with an electric atmosphere with amateurs fighting during the day and our star-studded pro show in the evening.”

Bouts will be announced soon. 卡可能發生變化.

Tickets will go on sale next week and be available for purchase atwww.TicketRiver.com (搜索: 家鄉皇室).



嘰嘰喳喳: @Granite_Chin



Star-Studded Lineup Is Highlighted by Errol Spence Jr., Gervonta戴維斯, Jermell夏洛茨維爾, David Benavidez and Jermall Charlo

紐約 - 三月 15, 2022  -  SHOWTIME Sports and Premier Boxing Champions today announced nine boxing events across the first half of 2022 featuring some of the sport’s most accomplished and dynamic stars in highly competitive matchups. The lineup pits champions against champions and top contenders against top contenders to form the strongest and most ambitious schedule in the industry. The robust lineup includes:

  • Nine marquee events across five months featuring 21 undefeated fighters;
  • Two world championship unifications bouts, one for all four world title belts and the coveted title of Undisputed Champion, and one for three world title belts;
  • Seven world championship matches with at least 13 world title belts at stake and three world title eliminators;
  • All of the top-six ranked super welterweights fighting in a seven-week span;
  • Several pivotal crossroads fights from super bantamweight to super middleweight with an average of two events per month through July.

The massive schedule features the sport’s biggest stars埃羅爾·斯彭斯, 小, Gervonta“坦克”戴維斯, Jermell夏洛茨維爾大衛Benavidez Jermall夏洛茨維爾.  There are also 18 fighters aged 27 years and younger including unified world champion斯蒂芬·富爾頓, JR., and highly regarded, 不敗的中量級的競爭者杰倫“靴子”恩尼斯. With this emphasis on youth and kingmaking, SHOWTIME Sports and Premier Boxing Champions are well positioned to carry the sport into the future. Led by斯蒂芬·埃斯皮諾薩, 總統, 體育 & 事件編程, 欣欣網絡公司, and four-time Emmy® Award-winning executive producerDavid Dinkins, JR., who guides an all-star cast of commentators and production aces, 開演時間® remains the most tenured and trusted platform in boxing. Arguably the best active welterweight of this era, the undefeated Spence, already a unified champ, will seek to collect a third world title when he puts his WBC and IBF straps on the line against WBA World Champion約爾德尼斯·格斯 上星期六,四月 16 in the main event on SHOWTIME PPV® at AT&T體育場, home of the Dallas Cowboys. Spence-Ugas is only the 12 unification match in the history of the welterweight divisionjoining classic matchups such as“Sugar” Ray Leonard 與托馬斯·赫恩斯 和梅威瑟 與帕奎奧. The match is rich with intrigue as Spence attempts to claim supremacy in one of boxing’s deepest divisions, while Ugas, who nearly quit the sport, aims to complete a stunning turnaround after beating eight-division world champion Pacquiao in August. Boxing superstar and five-time, 三處世界冠軍坦克戴維斯 will headline his fourth straight SHOWTIME PPV event against nemesis羅蘭多·羅梅羅 上星期六, 五月 28, 在巴克萊中心布魯克林, 紐約, for Davis’ WBA Lightweight World TitleThe bout comes on the heels of Davis’ hard-fought 12-round unanimous decision win over艾薩克“比特犬”克魯茲 in which Davis overcame an injury in front of a star-studded, sellout crowd in Los Angeles last December. WBO 154-pound No. 1-排名競爭者蒂姆·楚, the son of Hall of FamerKostya秋祖, who fought many of his most memorable bouts on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING, 會讓他U.S. 登場星期六, March 26針對 2012 中美. Olympian and top contender特雷爾Gaushaat The Armory in Minneapolis. The streaking southpaws埃里克森魯賓 和塞巴斯蒂安·豐多拉 will engage in a Super Welterweight Title Eliminator, for the WBC interim title, in the second of back-to-back, intriguing crossroads matchups in the division on星期六, 四月 9 from Virgin Hotels in Las Vegas. Jermell夏洛茨維爾 和 Brian Castaño once again will seek to become the first undisputed 154-pound champion in the four-belt era and just the third overall undisputed champion today when they meet in a rematch of their 2021 classic on星期六, 五月 14 在洛杉磯. 更多, rising welterweight starEnnis或者 the most talented boxer yet to win a world title, returns as the co-feature againstCustio克萊頓in an IBF Welterweight Title Eliminator. Former two-time world championBenavidez 返回到動作上星期六,May 21against knockout artist大衛·勒米厄 在 168 pounds in Phoenix, 亞利桑那州。, in a bout between two of the sport’s biggest punchers. 富爾頓, in his first bout since his title unification win in the 122-pound division against布蘭登·菲格羅亞, will defend his titles on星期六, 六月 4 in Minneapolis, against former unified world championDanny Roman in another can’t miss matchup. Jermall夏洛茨維爾 will defend his WBC Middleweight World Championship for the fifth time on星期六, 六月 18, when he faces former world title challenger, WBC No. 6-排名馬切伊Sulecki on the Juneteenth holiday weekend in Houston. On星期六, 七月 9, 在聖安東尼奧, 得克薩斯州, newly minted WBC Featherweight World ChampionMark Magsayo will make his first title defense since dethroning加里·拉塞爾JR., on SHOWTIME against unbeaten mandatory challenger and former super bantamweight titleholder王巴爾加斯.
Additional high-stakes matches will be announced as individual fight cards fill out. “It’s a good time to be a boxing fan and SHOWTIME viewer with so many high-level, consequential matchups on our schedule,“說Espinoza, 總統, 體育 & 事件編程, Showtime Networks Inc. “We continue to grow the sport at every level, from our grassroots series的ShoBoxto crowning unified and undisputed champions across boxing’s deepest divisions. When you consider the competitive nature of these fights, the star power of fighters like Errol Spence, 小, ‘Tank’ Davis, 大衛Benavidez, the Charlo brothers—and the youthful vitality of Stephen Fulton, 小, Jaron Ennis and Brandun Lee—it’s never been clearer that SHOWTIME is the destination for the most compelling fights and will be for years to come. This SHOWTIME Boxing lineup is hands down the most potent of any network or platform in 2022.” The SHOWTIME Sports boxing schedule features seven editions of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® and two significant SHOWTIME PPV events, all presented by Premier Boxing Champions: ·三月 26 – SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXINGThe Armory, Minneapolis, 從.
o Tim Tszyu vs. 特雷爾Gausha, Super Welterweight Bouto Michel Rivera vs. Joseph Adorno, Lightweight Bouto Elvis Rodriguez vs. Juan Jose Velasco, 超輕量級 (142 LBS) Bout ·四月 9 – SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING__The Theatre at Virgin Hotels, 拉斯維加斯
o Erickson Lubin vs. 塞巴斯蒂安·豐多拉, WBC Super Welterweight Interim Titleo Tony Harrison vs. Sergio Garcia, Super Welterweight Bouto Kevin Salgado vs. 科比佩雷拉, Super Welterweight Bout ·四月 16 – SHOWTIME PPV__AT&T體育場, 阿靈頓, 得克薩斯州
o Errol Spence Jr. VS. 約爾德尼斯·格斯, WBC, WBA & IBF Welterweight World __Championship Unification
精彩表演拳擊錦標賽 (preceding PPV):o Radzhab Butaev vs. Eimantas Stanionis, WBA Welterweight Title Bouto Brandun Lee vs. Zachary Ochoa, Super Lightweight Bout ·五月 14 – SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING__洛杉磯o Jermell Charlo vs. Brian Castaño II, Undisputed IBF, WBA, WBC & WBO Super __Welterweight World Championship Unificationo Jaron Ennis vs. Custio克萊頓, IBF Welterweight Eliminator ·五月 21 – SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING__長生鳥
o David Benavidez vs. 大衛·勒米厄, Super Middleweight Bouto Yoelvis Gomez vs. 豪爾赫·科塔, Super Welterweight Bout ·五月 28 – SHOWTIME PPV__巴克萊中心, 布魯克林, 紐約
o Gervonta Davis vs. 羅蘭多·羅梅羅, WBA Lightweight World Championship ·六月 4 – SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING__Minneapolis
o Stephen Fulton, JR. VS. Danny Roman, WBO & WBC Super Bantamweight World Championshipo David Morrell vs. 卡爾文亨德森, WBA Super Middleweight World Title ·六月 18 – SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING__休斯頓
o Jermall Charlo vs. 馬切伊Sulecki, WBC Middleweight World Championship ·七月 9 – SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING__聖安東尼奧
o Mark Magsayo vs. 王巴爾加斯, WBC Featherweight World Championship\

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Boxing prospects to be showcased Streaming Live & Exclusively from Mexico, 海. 24th on UFC FIGHT PASS


Mexican quartet of undefeated pro Boxing prospects to be showcased

Streaming Live & Exclusively from Mexico海. 24th on UFC FIGHT PASS®

LAS VEGAS (三月 15, 2022) – Mexican boxing’s future will be on full displayed March 24 on RJJ Boxing card, showcasing an undefeated quartert of professional boxing prospects, at Palenque de la Feriz in Tepic, Nayarit, 墨西哥.

Presented by Roy Jones Jr. Boxing Promotions (RJJ拳擊) 與聯想來自O促銷, World Cup Boxing Series (WCBS) and Team Cruz Promotions, the action will be streamed live and exclusively on UFC FIGHT PASS®, 世界領先的格鬥運動的數字訂閱服務, 開始 10 P.M. AND / 7 P.M. PT. To sign-up for UFC FIGHT PASS, 請訪問www.ufcfightpass.com.

The RJJ Boxing on UFC FIGHT PASS event is part of the 40 Nayarit National Festival, which is celebrated between March 10 和 27. The festival displays the cultural identity of Nayarit, like the Indigenous community, also providing entertainment by offering regional artists at national and international events. It attracts between 20,000 和 30,000 people each day of the festival.

The four 19-year-old Mexican fighters have a combined pro record of 24-0 (15 科斯): lightweights Jorge “Jorgito” Lugo Cota (7-0, 5 科斯) and Marco Cota Moreno (5-0, 4 科斯), as well as twin Tepic brothers, featherweight Hector “Tigre” Perez Cruz (6-0, 5 科斯) and super featherweight Paolo “Leon” Perez Cruz (6-0, 5 科斯).

The Mexican quartet had an incredible 470-24 業餘紀錄: Lugo (155-15), Moreno (146-4), 保羅 (86-2) and Hector (83-3) 十字.

“These young men are the future of boxing in Mexico,” RJJ Boxing’s veteran matchmaker Guy Taylor said. “I have never had four undefeated boxers with nearly 500 combined amateur victories, all under the age of 20, fighting on the same card as this.”

Cota, who has become a semi-regular fighting on RJJ Boxing on UFC FIGHT PASS shows, is matched against Ricardo “Palmito” Badillo Rodriguez (7-2-2, 1 KO), 特皮克的, in a 6-round match. Cota is the youngest member of the famed Mexican fightin’ Montiel family, led by 3-division world champion Fernando Montiel.

Moreno was a decorated amateur boxer who captured five-Sonora State championship titles. He will meet Jonathan Zuniga (6-3, 3 科斯) in a 4-round fight.

The Cruz twins are slated to fight in 6 和 4 輪較量, 分別, Hector versus crosstown rival Victor “Tyson” Tadeo Rodriguez (2-0, 2 科斯), and Paolo vs. TBA (off-UFC FIGHT PASS).

The RJJ Boxing on UFC FIGHT PASS 8-round main event finds hometown favorite Salvatore “Chango” Tapia (12-3-1, 10 科斯), the former WBC FECOMBOX super lightweight champion, and lightweight Emiliano “Letal” Cruz (13-3, 12 科斯) in a potentially explosive battle between Mexican knockout artists who have combined for 22 knockouts in their 25 勝利 (88-percent win percentage).

在共功能的事件, WBO Latino Super Middleweight Champion Lester Martinez (10-0, 9 科斯) returns on the RJJ Boxing on UFC FIGHT PASS platform in a non-title fight. 該WBO無. 14-rated Martinez, who fights out of Guatemala City, 危地馬拉, figures to be tested in an 8-round bout by Jose Luis “El Caras” Zuniga (16-6-1, 9 科斯), the former Mexico Super Welterweight Champion.



Websites:   HTTP://www.RoyJonesJrBoxing.com

Facebook的: : /WorldCupBoxingSeries

嘰嘰喳喳: @RoyjonesJRfa @RoyJonesJrOfficial

Instagram的: @RoyJonesJrBoxing, @World_Cup_Boxing_Series

Christmas in April for Nicholas “Saint Nick” Molina Headlining “Slugfest” vs. Ryan Venable This Saturday night at N.E. Sports Center in Derry, NH

昆西, 質量. (三月 1, 2022) – Undefeated lightweight prospect Nicholas “Saint Nick” Molina will headline for the first time this Saturday night on the “Slugfest” professional boxing card, presented by Granite Chin Promotions, at New England Sports Center in Derry, 新罕布什爾.

The 22-year-old Molina (7-0, 2 科斯), fighting out of Lowell (嘛), will face “Outlaw” Ryan Venable (2-10, 6 科斯) in the 6-round main event.

沃本 (嘛) middleweight Julien “Black Dragon” Baptiste (3-1, 2 科斯) faces Brian Urday (1-0), of Whitman (嘛), in an 6-round co-featured event that could steal the “Slugfest” show.

The undercard finds former New England Heavyweight Champion Justin “Crazy Train” Rolfe (6-3-1, 4 科斯), 費爾菲爾德 (ME), versus Fabian “El Lobo” Valdez (3-6), 墨西哥, 在八輪比賽中.

Rhode Island intra-state rivals John Ferrera (0-2), of Tiverton, takes on Providence’s pro-debuting Michael Vongsavath, JR. in an intriguing 6-round match-up.

Also fighting on the “Slugfest” undercard, each in 4-round confrontations, is Pittsfield’s (嘛) rising super middleweight prospect Steve Sumpter (4-0, 4 科斯) VS. Kynndale Prather (3-11, 1 KO), undefeated New Bedford (嘛) light heavyweight Edet Mkpanam (5-0, 4 科斯) VS. Somerville’s (嘛) pro-debuting Igor Pessoa, and Methuen’s (嘛) pro-debuting heavyweight Viktor “The Siberian Express” Lobov vs. Andrew Nolan (0-3).


Tickets are available for purchase at www.TicketRiver.com (搜索: SLUGFEST). 門票價格 $35.00 (Bleacher Seating), $45.00 (Floor Seating, 和 $260.00 for a table of 4. Use discount code: DERRY to receive a special online discount.

門開處 6:30 下午. ET with the first bout at 7:00 P.M. AND.
嘰嘰喳喳: @Granite_Chin