Tūtohu Archives: mekemeke

FIGHT Whatunga BOXING HÖTAKA Apiti (Feb. 16-22, 2015)

Whatunga Fight Ko te he 24/7 whakatapua pouaka teihana ki te whakaoti i kapinga o hākinakina whawhai. Tags te reira i ngā hōtaka e arotahi ana ki te hōkai katoa o te momo hākinakina whawhai, tae atu ki ngā whawhai ora, me te ake-ki-te-miniti rongo me te tātaritanga mō te mekemeke, whakauru toi hōia, kickboxing, mamau ngaio, ngā tikanga mau rākau, rongo whawhai, me te raupapa whakaari whawhai-waiata, pakipūmeka me te āhuatanga kiriata.


Kei raro kitea ngā o te hōtaka o tenei wiki:


Rāhina, Feb. 16

11:00 p.m. ANDInterBox Classics: Diaconu vs. Newton – Ngā tuatahi pro Adrian Diaconu o vs. Mark Newton i Mar. 2, 2001 i roto i te Montreal.

Rātū, Feb. 17

6:00 p.m. ANDKOTV mekemeke Classics – Reliving fakangalongata'a mekemeke whawhai i te tekau tau e rua o mua.

8:30 p.m. ANDWhawhai News Na Tāpiri – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.

11:00 p.m. ANDGFL: Pakanga Best 4 – Highlights i te mekemeke, me te MMA me te kickboxing, ngā kaupapa e whakaatu ana knockouts fakangalongata'a me ngā tāpaetanga.

Rāpare, Feb. 19

1:00 a.m. ANDKOTV mekemeke Weekly Te uhi i te rongo hou katoa i roto i te mekemeke ngaio, ngā whawhai tata tonu me ngā i te pūtaiao reka.

8:30 p.m. ANDWhawhai News Na Tāpiri – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto o te kēmu whawhai.

Rāmere, Feb. 20

7:30 p.m. & 10:30 p.m. AND Whawhai News Na tāpiri – Ko te rongo hou, recaps, āhuatanga me te tātaritanga roto i runga i te kēmu whawhai.

Rātapu, Feb. 22

7:30 p.m. ANDUltimate Classic mekemeke: Hanga vs. Jones – Ngā taumahamaha Eddie Machen vs. Doug Jones i Dec. 2, 1961 i roto i te Miami Beach.


Rāhina, Feb. 23

1:00 a.m. ANDBest o te omaoma Boxing: Lucian Bute & Troy Ross wawe ra– Ki ngä pāngia mahi wawe i runga kaimekemeke Canadian Lucian Bute me Troy Ross.






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ABOUT Whatunga FIGHT: Whawhai ko Whatunga whatunga hākinakina pirimia whawhai o te ao whakatapua ki 24/7 kapinga, tae atu ki ngā whawhai, whawhai, whawhai rongo me te whawhai āhua noho. E wātea ana i roto i te U.S te awa. i runga i Cablevision i roto i te wahi o New York, Connecticut a New Jersey, Texas-hāngai Grande Communications, Armstrong Cable i Pennsylvania, e Ohio rawhiti, me te i runga i Shentel Cable i Virginia, Te Hau-ā-uru Virginia me wahi o te uru Maryland. Whawhai he hoki Whatunga i runga i whakaturia Roku runga pouaka i roto i te US. a Canada, rere ora i runga i te paetukutuku KlowdTV.com, me te wātea i runga i kawe nui katoa i roto i Canada, e hau atu i te 30 whenua puta noa i Europe, Africa me te Middle Te Tai Rāwhiti.

Adams, Gasparyan, Thompson me Skorokhod mua i roto i te Boxcino Jr. Whakataetae Middlweight

UNCASVILLE, Conn (February 15, 2015)Brandon Adams, Vito Gasparyan,John Thompson a Stanyslav Skorokhod riro katoa ratou quarterfinal kēmu-ups i te Mohegan Sun, ka whakatata ki te tawhio āhua-whakamutunga o te Boxcino 2015 JR. whakataetae whitu.
I whakaritea Boxcino pāngia katoa mo te 6-rauna.
Whakatairangatia ana te whakataetae e anake e reva Whakatairanga, ka whakaaturia i runga i ESPN o Rāmere Whawhai Night.
I roto i te whai wāhi whakatairangatia ana tenei kāri e reva Whakatairanga ki Jimmy Burchfield o CES Boxing.
Adams, ko wai te he Boxcino 2014 whakataetae whitu waetea ake,kuru ki te paahitia, 5 a tawhio noa ki runga ki Alex Parete i roto i te mea ko te fest ngata ngahau.
Ko te whawhai kite takatu e rua whawhai roto me etahi pakūtanga e pātōtō whenua. Ko te tere Adams roto whakamatauria e ki te rerekētanga rite titiro te reira u ia ki nga whiu atu mana, ka i āta whawhati iho Parete.
I roto i te a tawhio rima, U Adams te tika whati i tonoa e Parete ki te koaka. Ka Parete ki ona turi i te aroaro o mutu te a'ee i 2:47 o te a tawhio rima.
Adams, 155 lbs o Los Angeles he inaianei 16-1 ki 11 knockouts. Parete, 152 1/2 lbs o Newark, Nj Ko 18-2.
“Rawa uaua ko Alex. Mauruuru e ahau te whawhai i kawea mai e ia, a hanga ana e ia ahau e manga ake toku kēmu,” Said Adams.
“I roto i te mutunga, Whakawaha e ahau ake taku matā. Whakakitea ahau e whai i ahau i te tere, a whakapumautia e ahau te werohanga. I ahau i te rota o te fun i roto i reira. Ahau titiro whakamua ahau ki te whawhai muri. Haere atu nei ahau, pea ka tangohia e ahau Rāhina atu a ka hoki i roto i te omaoma, kia ahau.”
Piro Vito Gasparyan te whakatau loto 6-a tawhio noa ki runga tūturu mua Himiona Hardy.
Gasparyan ko ake kaha, me te outworked Hardy, a akina atu e nga whawhai i runga i te roto ki te roroa Hardy, te wahi i taea e ki te tiki i te pai o nga whakawhiti Gasparyan.
Gasparyan, 155 lbs i Glendale, Ca riro e kaute o 60-54, 59-55 a 58-56 a ko te inaianei 15-3-5. Hardy, 154 1/4 lbs o Brooklyn he inaianei 13-1.
“Ko te he whawhai pai. Whakamatauria ahau e no ahau i tenei taumata,” Said Gasparyan.
“Ahau titiro inaianei atu ahau ki te whawhai muri. E haere ana ahau ki te uaua te mahi me te tango tetahi taahiraa i te wa. Ua ite au i te pai, me te māia i roto i reira. Ahau fakatapui e ahau i tenei wikitoria ki toku kaiwhakangungu Justin Fortune kihai i taea e te tangata e e konei i muri i te patu noa i te mate.”
Pouaka me whakakapinga Late John Thompson tona ara ki te whakatau loto 6-a tawhio noa ki runga Ricardo Pinell.
Whakamahia Thompson tona tiketike, ka tae ki te pupuri i Pinell i te kokoru. I whai hua ki te kautaha tere e kore kia Pinell tiki i runga i te ara Thompson.
Thompson, 154 1/4 lbs o Newark, Riro nj i ngā kaute o 60-54 i runga i ngā kāri, me te he inaianei 16-1. Pinell, 154 lbs o San Francisco, CA Ko inaianei 10-2-1.
“Outboxed ia e ahau mo te wahi tino. I ahau taea e ki te mohio ki te iti e pā ana ki a ia, a haere ana ahau atu te mea i kite ahau i runga i youtube,” Said Thompson.
“Ka kite ahau i a ia i te torutoru peu kino. Na, e whai ahau taime no te faaineine, ka waiho he rota pai. E mohio ana ahau ki ahau i te rota ki te mahi i runga i. Ka tangohia e ahau kotahi te wiki atu, a ka hoki i roto i te omaoma, kia ahau.”
Piro Syanyslav Skorokhod mutu a tawhio 4 mo Michael Moore i roto i te pakanga o te whawhai tūturu mua.
I roto i te a tawhio rua, Tīmata Skorokhod ki te kitea te whānuitanga me te pupuhi te kaha ki e rua ringa. Ki te mutunga o te a tawhio, U Skorokhod te tika pakeke e tāruatia Moore ki runga ki te koki. I roto i te taka noa, e toru, Maturuturu iho Skorohod Moore ki te tapatahi ringa matau.
I roto i te taka noa e wha, Maturuturu iho kotahi ano Skorohod Moore ki te tika pakeke. Whakatika Morre ake anake ki te kai i te tini o te nifó, ka mutu te a'ee i 1:03 a taka e wha.
Skorohod, 153 3/4 lbs o Los Angeles he inaianei 9-0 ki 7 knockouts. Moore, 154 3/4 lbs o Cleveland, OH ko 13-1.
“Koa ahau e riro ahau. E ara pai toku whawhai muri,”Na ka mea te Skorokhod wikitoria.
“I taka e ahau mo te southpaw, a i mohio ahau e riro i te pēhanga o te rerekētanga. Kia ahau tono te pēhanga, I kite ahau i kihai i taea e meatia e ia i tetahi mea. Ka taea e ahau faaineine no te ahua o te oranga kāhua e whakangungu ahau ki etahi i nga whawhai pai i Wild Card Faleva'inga o tetahi.”

Ka whakatau Adams Gasparyan ia e whawhai Skorokhod Thompson i runga i April 3 i roto i te kurahauao, California.

I roto i te mahi undercard:

I roto i te te mea i he em toka -sock em take, Jimmy Williams i taea e ki te tuki i tona ara ki te mutu 4-a tawhio noa ki runga Eddie Caminero i roto i te 6-a tawhio noa whakaritea whitu a'ee.
Titiro rite reira e riro i te po poto, me te ngāwari hoki Williams rite ia ia i mamae toutou Caminero i roto i te taka noa tuatahi ki te wāhi i Caminero i meatia katoa i runga i te mowhiti i runga i te maha o ngā wā. I taea e ki te kohikohi ia ia, ka meinga te whawhai he whawhai e rua ara ki ia taata e pupuri i runga i i ngā rerekē o te whawhai Caminero.
Kimautolu Williams ia nui ki te whenua i te matau maitai roa maui i tonoa e Caminero ki te rahoraho i te 32-hēkona o te a tawhio e wha.
Williams, 156 1/4 lbs o Hartford, CT Ko inaianei 9-0-1 ki 5 knockouts. Caminero, 157 1/4 lbs o Lawrenceville, MA Ko 7-9.

Khiary Gray-Pitts whiu a pūremu te ihu o Rodrigo Almeida i roto i te taka noa tuatahi a totitoti ana te a'ee i roto i te kokonga e whai ake nei i te anga whakatuwhera o ratou whakaritea 4-a tawhio noa Light Heavyweight a'ee.
U Gray-Pitts e pātōtō matā i Almeida i runga i te ārai i te tīmatanga. Ko toto, me te ihu o Almeida romia mata i runga i muri noa e toru meneti o te mahi, me te kore i taea tonu i muri i te tāpare tuatahi.
Hina-Pitts, 164 1/4 lbs o Worcester, MA Ko inaianei 5-0 ki 3 knockouts. Almeida, 172 1/2 lbs o Woburn, MA Ko 1-2.
I roto i te a'ee whakatuwheratanga o te ahiahi, Oscar Bonilla a Anahera Martinez pakanga he Unuunu 4-a tawhio noa i roto i te a'ee Kōmāmā.
Riro Bonilla he kāri 39-37 ia kāri e rua i ara i 38-38.
Bonilla, 133 lbs o New Haven, CT Ko 3-0-2. Martinez, 132 1/4 lbs o Austin, TX Ko 5-1-1.
I roto i te a'ee walkout Ray Oliveira Jr. piro te Tuhinga muri i a tawhio noa e rua o te whakaritea 4-a tawhio noa a'ee Kōmāmā mo Ralph Johnson.
Oliveira Ko inaianei 3-0 ki 2 knockouts. Johnson he 1-4

Photo e Shane Sims / Whakatairanga Kara

Ko te quarterfinal e wha taumahamaha Ka teata pāngia wehenga ora i runga i ESPN oRāmere Whawhai Night Next Rāmere! February 20, i Tahuri Stone Resort Casinoi roto i te Verona, NY.
Toa o tērā tau i roto i Boxcino te wehenga whitu, Willie Monroe Jr., Kua riro te bona tūturu me whakawhetai nguha ki ana whakaora i roto i te Boxcino 2014. Ko tēnei wā ia te ao-tauanga No. 3 i te WBA, Kaua e. 7 e te WBO me No. 10 i te Kaunihera mekemeke Ao (WBC). Boxcino 2014 toa Kōmāmā Petr Petrov Kei te tēnei wā te ao-tauanga No. 2 e te WBA me No. 7 i te WBO

Hari ki te hanga Artie Pelullo, ranei tetahi nga whawhai e wātea ana ki a koutou i te waea o te. Ko te pairings mō ia wehenga, BIOS whawhai (kaua e manukanuka kei poto ratou) me nga kaiuru katoa’ E wātea ana i runga i te tono pūkete Whawhai Waea.


Inaianei kei te runga i ngā wā katoa Mohegan Sun Arena i roto i te wāhi runga i roto i te ao i runga i ki Billboard Magazine, Pollstar me perehi teie mahana. Kua riro te reira “Casino o te Tau” i te Tohu Country Music i roto i 2008 & 2010 a i roto i te 2013, I pōti “Arena o te Tau” i te Gaming Conference G2E Global i Las Vegas. Ano i roto i te 2013, Mohegan Sun riro “Casino o te Tau” i roto i te 2 kāwai i te Academy o Music Awards Country. Mō ētahi atu mōhiohio i runga i ngā kōnohete me era atu meatanga nui tirotiro i Mohegan Sun. No te mōhiohio i runga i te hōtaka o tenei wiki, karanga i te whakangahau me te Special Events hotline i 1.888.226.7711, ext. 27163.

Trey Lippe-Morrison Kupu matua March 7 i Buffalo Run Casino!

Miami, OK (February 13, 2015) - Hinga kore artist knockout taumahamaha Trey Lippe-Morrison hoki Rāhoroi, March 7 i te Buffalo Run Casino i Miami, OK, ina kupu matua ia te "wha State Franchise" kāri whawhai.


Whakatairangatia ana tenei pai po o te mekemeke e Holden Productions me tīkiti tīmata i $30 E wātea ana mā te te karanga 918-542-9400 haere ranei ki te Buffalorun.com.


Ko te tama a te mutunga o taumahamaha nui Tommy "Ko e Duke" Morrison, Lippe-Morrison he haohaoa 6-0 me te whakauru ia katoa e ono e haere mai ana i te knockout. Ka rite ki tona papa, Lippe-Morrison ko te Unuunu nui me te kaha, ki pahaki kino. 25-tau-tau te Tulsa, Kuru Māori OK rima knockouts a tawhio tuatahi piritahi a kua tona haere i roto i te porohita porowhā kua chronicled e ngā putanga pāpāho.


"Trey Ko 6-0 a tamata nei au ki te kitea hoariri e taea hoatu ki a ia etahi rauna,"Ka mea kaiwhakatairanga Tony Holden. "Te pupuhi ia i hoariri i roto i te taka noa tuatahi, me te te e ia he puncher nui. Ia tino fakamanatu ahau o tona papa,, nei ka whakanuia e ahau, a ka whakaaro ahau Trey te te mau mahi!"


Ka huaina hoariri Lippe-Morrison o tata.


I roto i te a'ee tahi-ngā o te ahiahi, rongonui slugger taumahamaha Kenzie Witt o Bartlesville, OKputs tona record hinga kore i runga i te raina ki te hoariri ki te kia te ingoa. Witt, 3-0 (3 KO o), Ko te tama a te faahitihia Morrison, me te hawhe teina Lippe-Morrison o.


"Hook Mauī" tūturu Hehe Cook, 14-0 (9 KO o), Ka puta i runga i te kāri i roto i te ono taka noa taumahawaenga teina a'ee. Ko te Seneca, MO hāngai Cook ka tutaki he TBA hoariri. Welterweight Jarrett Rouse o Bartlesville, OK te whakaritea hoki ki te puta i roto i te whakataetae a taka e wha.


"No te March 7th, Kua hoatu e ahau he kāri o whawhai talēniti'ia i te rohe wha State,"Ka mea a Holden. "Karanga ahau enei takatu Whā State Franchise. Ko te kapa ko Lippy-Morrison, Witt, Whakatika me te Brothers Cook. I mea ai ahau whakaaturanga i Buffalo Run Casino mō ngā tau maha, me te wa katoa ko tenei rōpū i runga i te kāri, hoko tīkiti i roto i iti iho i te 48 haora. Ko te tauhohenga pai kua ka i te mano e ahau i roto i tenei toku 25 tau o te whakatairanga. "


Kia ka kauwhautia pāngia tahi atu mau, me te hoariri tata.


GH3 Whakatairanga tohu Welterweight tūturu Jerrell Harris

Kia tukuna tonutia atu

Nutley, Nj(February 13, 2015)-GH3 Whakatairanga he pai ki te kauwhau i te hainatanga o te Jerrell Harris ki te kirimana whakatairanga motuhake.
Harris o Washington, DC. Ko te Welterweight tūturu nei hākinakina i te tohu tino o te 4-0 ki 4 knockouts.
Te 20 Na ka mea tau-tau ki runga ki hainatanga, “Mana'o te reira nui ki te haina ki a GH3 me titiro atu ahau ki te heke mai kanapa.”

“Ko te tau-kotahi take i runga i te haina i ahau ki a GH3 ko e pupuri e ratou o ratou whawhai pukumahi.”

I mua i te tahuri ngaio, A Harris Ko mahi amateur i ngā o 100 pāngia i roto i te i riro ia i te Ao Jr. Olymoics, PAL me Ringside whakataetae. Whakataetae ano Harris ki a riro ki te kapa Irish National me te Ipu o Tavana i roto i te Washington.
“E ahau he kāhua katoa a tawhio noa. Ka taea e ahau pouaka a taea e ahau te bang. Te reira i katoa tei runga i te hoa tauwhainga. Ko ahau ahua o te momo kura tawhito o te toa, me te titiro ki runga i ahau ki nga momo o Wilfredo Penitesi & Thomas Hearns.”
“E hiahia ana ahau ki te whawhai kia rite ki pinepine e taea e ahau, a ko ahau rite mo te nui 2015. Kua ahau e noho ana i runga i te pa'epa'e mo meimei he tau. Ahau whakaaro i muri i o te rangi ki runga whawhai i te tokorua, Ka waiho e ahau rite mo te wāhanga i muri mai o toku mahi.”
Ka hiahia i roto i te mekemeke Harris i muri i ona tuakana, pouaka. Tīmata Jerrell i te tau o te 11.
“Kua toku matua keke, kua te taata nei i i e ahau te wa katoa, kua. Ko Gregory Burton tona ingoa, engari e mohio katoa ia ia rite “B-BOP”. Ua e ia toku akiaki nui mai te ra kotahi. A, no te he tetahi mea tōraro ki te mea, Ko ia te tetahi o ratou, me hanga pana ahau i mua, ka noho kaha.”
“Jerrell he faingamālie ki te waiho i te toa motuhake,”Na ka mea a GH3 Whakatairanga Palesiteni, Vito Mielnicki.
“I ia te mahi nui runaruna me pčhea ​​te ia i roto i ki katoa i te whawhai kounga e kua haina matou i te Beltway o e rite Antoine Douglas, Jerry Odom me Glenn Dezurn.”

Hanga Harris ka tona tuatahi GH3 i runga i Rāmere, March 13 i te Space i roto i te ave, NY.

GH3 Whakatairanga ngā tūturu whitu Antoine Douglas, Super whitu o Jerry Odom & Derrick Webster, tūturu mā whitu Glenn Dezurn Jr., tūturu Super whā Arama Lopez me te Jr. Whitu John Thompson, JR. Kōmāmā Wanzell Ellison, Rima tekau mā whitu Jorge Diaz, tūturu Super whā Qa'id Muhammad me Light Heavyweight Lavarn Harvell ki te GH3 Whakatairanga eu.

Tautahatanga i Mohegan Sun (Boxcino Jr. Whitu Quarterfinals)

Whakakapi John Thompson Cleotis Pendarvis i Boxcino Tournament

Boxcino Quarterfinals

Ricardo Pinell 154 – John Thompson 154 1/4

Stanyslav Skorokhod 153 3/4 – Michael Moore 154 3/4

Brandon Adams 155 – Alex Parete 152 1/2

Vito Gasparyan 155 – Himiona Hardy 154 1/4

Whakakapi Thompson Cleotis Pendarvis kihai i taea e te tangata e hanga taimaha

Eddie Caminero 157 1/4 – Jimmy Williams 156 1/4
Khiary Gray-Pitts 164 1/4 – Rodrigo Almeida 172 1/2
Anahera Martinez 132 1/4 – Oscar Bonilla 133

Photos e Shane Sims / Whakatairanga Kara
Kaiwhakatairanga: Whakatairanga kara i roto i te whai wāhi ki Jimmy Burchfield o CES Boxing
Wāhi: Mohegan Sun:
Pouaka Whakaata: ESPN 2 (9PM)
1st Bell: 7:45 PM
Taahi Future contenders ki te whāiti motu, ka te whakataetae mekemeke kotahi-whakakorenga rongonui, Boxcino 2015, hanga tona tuatahi wa, Tenei Rāmere! February 13, i te Mohegan Sun i Uncasville, Conn. Teata ora i runga i ESPN o Rāmere Whawhai Night, (9 p.m. AND / 6 p.m. PT i runga i ESPN2), Ka hua i te quarterfinal teina whitu pāngia wehenga e wha wha toa nei e ka tango i te tupeke nui ki te hanga i te reira ki te toa i whakamutunga a tawhio noa, me ona taonga hopea, nga taitara wātea NABA me Nepo ME te ao whakatauranga Runga-10 e te Ao mekemeke Association (WBA) me te mekemeke Organization World (WBO). Whakatairangatia ana e Banner Whakatairanga me Jimmy Burchfield o Classic Entertainment & Sports (CES), toe tīkiti ki te Hui-tanguru 13 putanga o Boxcino 2015, utu i $125, $65, $40 a $30, tae atu ki te utu pūmahi, Ka taea te hokona mā www.ticketmaster,ki, i te waea i 1-800-745-3000, putanga Ticketmaster katoa ranei tangata i roto i i te Tari Mohegan Pouaka Sun.

Ka tango i te wahi te Official paunatia-I roto i te i runga i Rāpare, February 12, i roto i te Mohegan Sun o Cabaret Theatre, timata i 5 p.m. I te Whawhai Night, Doors ka whakatuwhera i 7 p.m. ki te a'ee tuatahi timata i 8 p.m. AND.

Ka teata te quarterfinal pāngia wehenga taumahamaha wha ora i runga i ESPN oRāmere Whawhai Night Next Rāmere! February 20, i te tahuri Stone Resort Casino i Verona, NY.

Boxcino 2015 kua he turanga nui mo te whakatupuranga i muri mai o te toa mekemeke me nga whetu. Ko te pāngia quarterfinal ka ono rauna, nga pāngia whiringa whāiti ka waru rauna, a ka riro nga pāngia taitara 10 rauna. Tenei wahi poto i ESPN o “Making te Rauna” ka taipitopito whawhai a tenei wiki. http://espn.go.com/video/clip?id = 12302492

Toa o tērā tau i roto i Boxcino te wehenga whitu, Willie Monroe Jr., Kua riro te bona tūturu me whakawhetai nguha ki ana whakaora i roto i te Boxcino 2014. Ko tēnei wā ia te ao-tauanga No. 3 i te WBA, Kaua e. 7 e te WBO me No. 10 i te Kaunihera mekemeke Ao (WBC). Boxcino 2014 toa Kōmāmā Petr Petrov he ao-tauanga i tēnei wā No. 2 e te WBA me No. 7 i te WBO

Hari ki te hanga Artie Pelullo, ranei tetahi nga whawhai e wātea ana ki a koutou i te waea o te. Ko te pairings mō ia wehenga, BIOS whawhai (kaua e manukanuka kei poto ratou) me nga kaiuru katoa’ E wātea ana i runga i te tono pūkete Whawhai Waea.


Inaianei kei te runga i ngā wā katoa Mohegan Sun Arena i roto i te wāhi runga i roto i te ao i runga i ki Billboard Magazine, Pollstar me perehi teie mahana. Kua riro te reira “Casino o te Tau” i te Tohu Country Music i roto i 2008 & 2010 a i roto i te 2013, I pōti “Arena o te Tau” i te Gaming Conference G2E Global i Las Vegas. Ano i roto i te 2013, Mohegan Sun riro “Casino o te Tau” i roto i te 2 kāwai i te Academy o Music Awards Country. Mō ētahi atu mōhiohio i runga i ngā kōnohete me era atu meatanga nui tirotiro i Mohegan Sun. No te mōhiohio i runga i te hōtaka o tenei wiki, karanga i te whakangahau me te Special Events hotline i 1.888.226.7711, ext. 27163.


HOUSTON, Texas (February 12, 2015)Gary Shaw Productions a Savarese Whakatairangas E oaoa ki te kauwhau i to ratou uniana ki te whakatairanga i tetahi o te tino pūmanawa opuaraa runga, me te haere mai i roto i te wehenga taumahamaha marama, Medzhid Bektemir (14-0, 11 Koó). He puncher kino ki te mana i roto i nga ringa ki, Mau tere, me te wawetanga hoki Bektemirov, hanga i tetahi o te tino korero e pā ana ki whawhai i roto i te Russia ki a ia.


Fanauhia i roto i te Makhachkala, Russia, Bektemirov, inaianei noho i roto i te USA, te wahi e whakaako ia ki Ronnie Shields i te “Ano'io” i roto i te Stafford, Texas. He kaimahi pakeke nei ā te ora i roto i te omaoma, Medzhid kai, moe me te hopoi mekemeke.


“Korero ahau e ahau tika inaianei koutou, Medzhid Bektemirov Ko tetahi o nga whawhai tino pūmanawa o kua kitea e ahau i roto i te ia,” mea Gary Shaw. “Kei a ia te huinga onge o te tere me te mana. E korerotia ana e ahau te mana haamou e haere mai ana i rua ringa. He whakamate ana matau, me ona waewae nohopuku e mīharo. Kei te haere ahau ki te haere i roto i runga i te e alangá, me te mea Bektemirov i taea e te toa i muri nui ki te haere mai i roto i o Russia. E ahau te nui rahi o te faatura no te Gennady Golovkin a Sergey Kovalev, e rua He toa nui. Golovkin Ko te toa tino motuhake me te ki te taea e Bektemirov tae tona taumata, reira ka whai tatou te tahi mea taa ê rite te pai. Whakapono ahau, ka Bektemirov kia titiro ki te kanohi Kovalev i roto i te heke mai e kore e pera tawhiti.”


I roto i tona a'ee 12 anake, Bektemirov riro te WBC United States (USNBC) te marama taitara taumahamaha ki te mahi tūtahi ki Randy Griffin (25-4-3, 13 Koó), toa i te tekau ma rua-a tawhio noa whakatau loto lopsided. Ka haere ma rua rauna i roto i te a'ee ngaio kē, Medzhid Bektemir, Kua kï taea te haere ia i te tawhiti, ki te titauhia.


“I roto i te 2015 Ka meinga Medzhid Bektemirov mohiotia ki te katoa i roto i te wehenga marama-taumahamaha tona aroaro.”Lou Savarese kī. “Te faahaamana'o ahau tenei koati o Mike Tyson ki taimaha i ona ringa, me te tere rahi. Kua ahau i roto i te whakakai ki Tyson me au māia ahau, ina mea ahau Bektemirov fakamanatu ki ahau he rota rite Mike. Gary me ahau e haere ana ki te hoatu moni rahi e whakatairanga Medzhid. Ka riro ia i te ingoa whare rawa hohoro, ka e te hoariri tatou mo taua taitara ao.”


“Ua haamaitaihia vau kia whakatairangatia ana e Gary Shaw me Lou Savarese nei kua maha nga tau i roto i te mekemeke,” Medzhid Bektemir mea. “Kua tae mai ahau i te ara roa i Russia ki te whai i taku moe o te hoko i te toa. Ahau aroha ki te whawhai, me te whiwhi ahau pārekareka nui, ina knockout ahau toku hoa tauwhainga. I roto i nga a'ee, Haere tonu ahau au ki te kia titiro ki te mutunga wawe te whawhai. Ko te pā e hiahia ana ki te kite i knockouts me e ko toku makehe.”

TORU-TIME WORLD TOA Apanere uwha ki te whawhai ON whakawhitinga angitū KĀRI IN “PBC ON NBC” Tuatahi ora i roto i PRIMETIME ON SATURDAY, MARCH 7

Uwha ki te kanohi Arturo Santos Reyes Mai te MGM Grand Garden Arena I Las Vegas

Las Vegas (Feb. 12, 2015) – Toa mua toru-wehenga te ao Apanere Merehe (28-1-1, 15 Koó) hoki ki te mowhiti ki te kanohi 2008 Mexican Häkinakina Arturo Santos Reyes (18-4, 5 Koó) i runga i Rāhoroi, March 7 ora i te MGM Grand Garden Arena i Las Vegas i roto i te tuatahi primetime o te Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions raupapa i runga i NBC me NBCSN.


Ko te whawhai he wāhanga o te kāri whakawhitinga angitū whakatairangatia ana e Goossen Whakatairanga ngā Keith Thurman vs. Robert Guerrero a Adrien Broner vs. John Molina, JR. e ka te hau ora i runga i NBC (8:30 p.m. AND/5:30 p.m. PT).


Ka teata te a'ee Merehe-Reyes ora i runga i Rāhoroi, March 7, i runga i te whakaaturanga NBC (8:30 – 11 p.m. AND) ranei i runga i te telecast NBCSN (11 p.m. AND).


Marv Albert Ka karanga i te whawhai i roto i te primetime i runga i NBC te taha o kaitātari “Sugar” Ray Leonard, te toa e ono-wā te ao, me te 1976 Mētara koura Olympic. Al Michaels ka tu.


“Au oaoa e ahau ki te whai i te whai wāhi ki te whawhai i roto i te Las Vegas i runga i March 7,” ka mea Merehe. “Ko te kāri fantastic e he nui hoki ahau, e nui hoki te hākinakina o te mekemeke tenei. Titiro atu ahau ki maka ana i runga i te whakaatu mo nga pā, me te toa impressively.”


“Ko te he honore nui ki te tiki i tenei whawhai ki a Apanere Merehe, me ki kia whawhai i MGM Grand i Las Vegas,” Said Reyes. “Uwha he he toa nui. E mohio ana ahau ki te mea e hopoi mai ia ki te tepu. Ko haere ahau ki te homai i te reira taku katoa i runga i March 7 a ka paorooro te ao mekemeke.”


Ko te Merehe 29-tau-tawhito titiro ki te noho i te tihi o te wehenga mā whitu, ina sitepu ia ki te mowhiti i runga i March 7. Fanauhia i roto i te Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, e whawhai i roto i Downey, Calif., Whakamatau tuatahi uwha taitara ao koura i roto i 2011 ka whiua e ia a Joseph Agbeko ki te riro i te taitara whā ao. Tonu ia i tona ara ake te rārangi ki te whakauru ia mo Anselmo Moreno me Daniel Ponce De Leon pauna-no te-pauna ki te riro taitara ao i te whā super me te rima tekau mā whitu te whakaatu i. I tukua e ia tona hinga anake i roto i te mate rawa ki Jhonny Gonzalez, engari kua turapa kiri ki te whakauru ia hoki-ki-hoki, me te inaianei titiro ki te hoki ki te tihi o te hākinakina.


He runaruna ta'na i Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, Mexico, Hanga Reyes tana U.S. waiata i runga i March 7 ki te whai wāhi ki te hanga tonu i te ingoa hoki ia stateside. Ko te 29-tau-tawhito te mētara hiriwa i te Ao Toa Junior i roto i 2004 a e haere ia ki runga ki ki te tohu i tona whenua i te 2008 Olympics i roto i te Beijing. Tahuri pro Reyes i roto i 2009 a reirahia ake whakaora i roto i tona haerenga tuatahi e rima. Fighting tata anake i roto i te Mexico, Khabir e ia a Sulejmanov i patua 2012 mo te taitara whā super. Te nuinga tata nei ka haere a Reyes i runga i te ara, ka ngaro ki a Simpiwe Vetyeka i roto i tona Māori Awherika ki te Tonga mō te wātea te taitara mā whitu o te ao. Ka hoki iho ia ki te mowhiti titiro ki te hanga i te pānga tonu i roto i tona US. tuatahi.

Utu tikiti mo te hui ora e i $400, $300, $100 a $50, e kore e tae atu utu ratonga hāngai, me te takoha, kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. Ki te ki atu tenei na roto i te waea ki te kāri matua nama he, karanga Ticketmaster i (800) 745-3000. Wātea i he hoki Tickets www.mgmgrand.com ranei www.ticketmaster.com.


Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi www.premierboxingchampions.com, www.nbcsports.com/boxing a www.goossenpromotions.com, te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, KeithFThurmanJr, GhostBoxing, AdrienBroner, @ JohnMolinaJr135, abnermares, NBCSports AMGMGrand, ka riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook i www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions a www.facebook.com/NBCSports.

Whetu amateur Cuban Marcos Forestal Making tuatahi pro apopo i Queens, NY Rāmere, Feb. 13

(L-R) – Mark Forest & kaiwhakangungu Joe Goossen

Puru, Ireland (Feb. 12, 2015) – Whakanui, kaimekemeke amateur Cuban Mark Forest ka meinga tona tuatahi ngaio apopo po (Paraire, Feb. 13) i roto i te wha-a tawhio noa a'ee whā super ki hōia Ignac “Ko te Test” Kassai i 5 Star hakari Hall i roto i Queens, New York.


He toa Cuban National toru-wā, te Forestal 25-tau-tau patua 2012 Mētara koura Olympic Robeisy Rameriez 14 marama ki muri i roto i te whakamutunga aito motu mōrihariha.


Fighting rite te-Pro āhua i roto i te Series Ao o Boxing (WSB) no te tūturu 2014 toa te kapa Cuba Domadores, Ko te toa Forestal e toru i roto i te WSB ōrite i mua i tahuti ki te United States April whakamutunga.


Hainatia Forestal he kirimana tenei Oketopa mua ki a Ireland-e hāngai ana, Kaiwhakahaere mekemeke International Gary Hyde, peresideni o te Whakahaere Nowhere2Hyde. Hoki te whakahaere Hyde hakari, toa o mua, me te heke mai te ao, pērā i te Ao Mekemeke Association (WBA) Super & Mekemeke Organization World (WBO) super toa whā, e rua-wā Cuban mētara koura Olympic, Bill “Ko te tarakona” Rigondeaux (15-0, 10 Koó), WBA toa cruiserweight Takitaro Yuri “El Toro” Kalenga (21-1, 14 Koó), mua whitu toa WBO me o nāianei International Mekemeke Federation (IBF) Kaua e. 1 nguha whakahauanga Hassan N'Dam N'Jikam (31-1, 18 Koó), me te toa runaruna te ao Blagoy Naydenov.


“Marcos Forestal He toa pai taitamariki nei he momo mahi-Kikī,” Na ka mea a Hyde. “Kei a ia te mea e titauhia no te riro toa ao. Kihai i taea e kitea e tatou he hoariri US-e hāngai ana ki te whawhai Marcos no te mea ratou, ko ia tetahi toa Rigondeaux me Olympic. I whiua e ia he toa Olympic, Kihai i Marcus i te Häkinakina. Rere matou i roto i te hoariri i tana i Hungary. Kasai Ko te hōia 56-whawhai nei i etahi o nga Pakeha runga whawhai rite IBF toa super whā Carl Frampton, challengers taitara ao Martin Ward, Paura Sala a Alexander Miskirtchian, me te Sharing Pākehā mua Anthony Settoul.”


Forestal Ko te 5′ 8″ southpaw nei e whakahau i roto i te 122-pauna whā super wehenga, te piha haapiiraa taimaha taua ona hoa teina, me te stablemate ture Rigondeaux.


“Guillermo Rigondeaux Ko te toa super me i Cuba titiro ahau ki runga ki a ia kia rite ki tona teina,” Tāpiri Forestal. “Kua wā e ia te wehenga whā super a ka hohoro amui atu ia e ahau i te tihi.”


E noho ana i roto i te Los Angeles, ka whakaakona i reira e Joe Goossen, Kei te petipeti tuarua whawhai pro o Forestal whakaritea hoki March 6 i roto i te Glendale tata, California.


A pee i Hyde i te Twitter i @ NoWhere2Hyde me te hoa ia iwww.facebook.com/gary.hyde.50?fref = TS.


Pirimia mekemeke Champions i runga i NBC tae mai ki a Center Barclays ki rua Maere Main Events

– Whawhai teata i te Tīmata NBC i 8:30 P.M. AND

Tickets i runga i Sale Apopo!

Brooklyn (February 12, 2015) – The eagerly awaited showdown between undefeated superstar Danny “Swift” Garcia (29-0, 17 Koó) a Lamont Peterson (33-2-1, 17 Koó) Ka riro i te mooni rite Pirimia Boxing Champions (PBC) i runga i hoki NBC ki te primetime i runga iRāhoroi, April 11 i 8:30 p.m. AND ora i Center Barclays i Brooklyn.


I roto i te hui matua tuatahi o te ahiahi, toa whitu tekau te ao “Irish” Andy Lee (34-2, 24 Koó) takes on the undefeated Peter “Chocolate Kid” Quillin (31-0, 22 Koó) i roto i te 12-a tawhio noa whawhai taitara ao.


Marv Albert Ka karanga i te whawhai i roto i te primetime i runga i NBC te taha o kaitātari “Sugar” Ray Leonard, te toa e ono-wā te ao, me te 1976 Mētara koura Olympic. Al Michaels ka tu.


Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te e DiBella Entertainment, E utu i $300, $200, $100 a $50 e kore e tae atu utu ratonga hāngai, me te takoha, a kei runga i te hoko apopo,Rāmere, Feb. 13 i 10 a.m. E wātea ana i ngā tīkiti www.barclayscenter.com, www.ticketmaster.com and at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center starting onRāhoroi, Feb. 14 i te poutumarotanga. Ki te ki atu tenei na roto i te waea, karanga Ticketmaster i (800) 745-3000. No te tīkiti rōpū, tēnā karanga 800-GROUP-bk.


“Ko te wahi e ua farii au i te tahi mau o te mau taime pai o toku mahi he honore ki te whawhai hoki i roto i Brooklyn,” Said Garcia. “Kua Fans tono mo tenei whawhai mo na roa, me te ki runga ki April 11 I’m planning on giving them the show they’ve been waiting for. Doing it live on NBC will make it even sweeter.


“Ko ha faingamālie mīharo hoki ahau e whawhai i roto i Brooklyn, i runga i te TV motu i roto i te mua o mirioni o te iwi tenei,” Said Peterson. “Kei te haere ahau ki te haere atu ki reira, ka hoatu te mahi o te oraraa. Danny Garcia pai e kore e haafaufaa ore i ahau, toku wa inaianei ko te no te mea.”


“E rapu ana whakamua ahau ki te hoki mai ki New York, e te parururaa i toku taitara ki Quillin,” Said Lee. “Au i te tihi o toku mana i teie nei. E kore e taea e kite ahau i ngaro ahau ki tetahi. E hiahia ana ahau ki te kia mohio rite te whitu pai i roto i te ao, me te patu ia Quillin ka haere te tahi ara ki te ata mohiotia e.”


“Ki te e taea ki te whawhai i te kāinga i roto i Brooklyn, ka riro i te taitara i runga i te taua atamira nui ko te moemoea mai pono,” Said Quillin. “Au kororia me te oaoa e ahau ki te waiho i te wahi o te tahi mea e te mea nui hoki toku mahi, engari ano mo te hākinakina o te mekemeke me te he katoa. E mohio ana ahau e haere ahau ki te riro i runga i April 11, riro kotahi ano toa, a ka haere au e ahau i muri i tetahi, me te katoa i 160 pauna.”


“Ahau oaoa ki te whakatairanga i ahau i tenei hui mega PBC i Center Barclays i toku oire o Brooklyn,” Na ka mea a Lou DiBella, Peresideni o DiBella Entertainment. “Danny Garcia vs. Lamont Peterson a Andy Lee te parururaa i tona taitara whitu ki Peter Quillin e rua o nga pāngia pai rawa e taea te hanga i roto i te mekemeke. I April 11, e haere i te pā ki te hei i te nui toa, me he whakakake ki te hei wahi o taua mea DBE.”


Quality He taitara whawhai anake i roto i te Brooklyn i te Paenga-whāwhā,” Na ka mea a Brett Yormark, Tumu o Center Barclays. “E hopoi mai ma'u pē Danny Garcia fiefia ki to tatou mowhiti, ā, e whakaahuareka kotahi ano tatou ki te whai a Brooklyn ake Peter Quillin whawhai i roto i te Center Barclays. Pā hiahia whakaari, me te ohorere whawhai, a he māia to tatou kāri ka whakaorangia e runga i te pouaka primetime tatou.”


Na i roto i tona tau wha ano he toa ao, Ka hoki mai a Philadelphia Garcia ki te kupu matua ki Center Barclays mo te wa wha record. Whawhai ano Garcia i roto i te hui matua i roto i te nuku 2012, te kāri tonu-mekemeke tuatahi i Center Barclays. Ko te-tau 26-tau etahi o nui nga ingoa tangohia iho kua i roto i te mekemeke i runga i tona ara ki te record tūturu, tae atu ki Amir Khan, Erik Morales, Zab a Hura a Lucas Matthysse. Ka kotahi ano ia i te whai wāhi ki te whakamatautau ia ia ki te pai, tenei wa i roto i te tukinga tapoko roa ki Peterson.


Washington, A DC Peterson ko te pūmanawa kaimeke-puncher ki rite nui te ngakau kia rite ki taranata. Ka rite ki Garcia, the 31-year-old Peterson is another longtime champion. Peterson has always faced the best and defeated Amir Khan in 2011. The only blemishes on his perfect record came against Timothy Bradley and Lucas Matthysse. He is coming off of two impressive victories in 2014 a inaianei riro ia ia te a'ee kua utaina e ia, me te iwi whānui hoki i rite te tango ia ia he pere ki te patu ia Garcia i Brooklyn.


He runaruna ta'na i te māngai mekemeke anake o Ireland i te 2004 Olympic Games, Leegot tona reka tuatahi o te taitara ao koura i roto i Hakihea 2014 ka patua e ia a Matt Korobov mo wātea te taitara whitu ao ki te knockout ono mōrihariha a tawhio hangarau. Ko te-tau 30-tawhito, kua whawhai i roto i tona whenua home o Ireland, te UK, Tiamana me tino maha i roto i te U.S. puta noa i tona mahi. Ka haere mai ana parekura mahi anake ki a Bryan Vera, e muri e ngaki i ia, me Julio Hiha Chavez i roto i tona whawhai taitara ao tuatahi. I April 11, Lee e, mo te rima o nga wa i roto i te New York City whawhai, titiro ki te hoatu i te minenga pouaka motu primetime te po fakangalongataa.


He toa mua ao titiro ki te titau i te whitiki whakamutunga tau i vaiho ia, Ka hoki mai Quillin ki te taua ao i reira ka riro ia ia te whitiki whitu i roto i te 2012 ki tona whetu-hanga, mahi e ono-knockdown ki Hassan N'Dam i roto i te kāri mekemeke tuatahi i whakahaeretia e Center Barclays. Fanauhia i roto i te Chicago, engari whawhai i roto i New York City, haere te-tau 31-tau i runga i ki te paruru i taua taitara ki contenders kaha Fernando Guerrero, Gabriel Rosado a Ruka Konecny. Na, “Chocolate Kid” titiro ki te whakaatu atu i ona pūkenga superstar ki te minenga primetime.


Timata ki te whakaatu tuatahi, Rāhoroi, March 7, i 8:30 p.m. AND i runga i NBC, NBC a NBCSN ka tapae 20 ora “PBC i te NBC” ngā takahanga mekemeke i roto i 2015. I roto i te 20 whakaaturanga ora, Ka tapae atu i to NBC Sports Group 50 haora o te kapinga PBC, tae atu i te NBCSN- me te hōtaka pou-whawhai mo NBC telecasts. Hanga te raupapa Mekemeke Champions Pirimia mo te pouaka whakaata e Haymon Boxing. Te PBC i te NBC he tokomaha o nga whetu e tiaho o te tenei ra, ka ngā, i roto i to ratou ōritenga tino mālohi.


Katoa PBC i te NBC Ka rere nga whakaaturanga ora i runga i NBC Sports ora tāpiri mā “TV mau vahi atoa,” hoatu kiritaki uara atu mo ta ratou mahi ohaurunga, me te te wātea ihirangi kounga tiketike ki te kiritaki MVPD e rua i roto i, i roto i te fare, i runga i ngä tüäpapa maha. NBC Sports ora tāpiri E wātea ana hoki desktops i NBCSports.com/liveextra. Te NBC Sports ora tāpiri Ko wātea i te Store App mō te iPad, a iPod pa taupānga, i runga i ngā pūrere tīpako i roto i Google Play, a ki runga ki matapihi waea me papa.



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Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.nbcsports.com/boxing,www.BarclaysCenter.com a www.dbe1.com, te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, @DiBellaEnt, DannySwift, @ KingPete26, KidChocolate, AndyLeeBoxing, @NBCSports and @BarclaysCenter and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions,www.facebook.com/NBCSports a www.facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment. A pee i te aparauraa mā te #PremierBoxingChampions me #BKBoxing