Tag Archives: boxing

Antonio TARVER THIAB Jimmy SMITH muaj npe xim kws tshuaj ntsuam RAU “Premier BOXING Champions” SERIES RAU ntev TV

New York, NY, Lub ob hlis ntuj 19, 2015 – Ntsia hlau loj TV tau ntxiv ib co loj punch rau lawv “Premier Boxing Champions” series tshaj tawm-pab. Tsib-lub sij hawm, ob-faib lub ntiaj teb no yeej boxer Antonio Tarver thiab nrov Bellator announcer thiab yav tas los kev MMA fighter, Jimmy Smith, yuav pab raws li kws tshuaj ntsuam xim rau cov ntsia hlau loj TV lub inaugural rau lub caij ntawm “Premier Boxing Champions.”
Ntsia hlau loj TV thawj “Premier Boxing Champions” kev tshwm sim yuav coj qhov chaw nyob rau Friday, Lub peb hlis ntuj 13 ntawm 9:00pm ET/PT los ntawm cov pej xeem Bank Arena nyob rau hauv Ontario, XWS LI. Qhov kev tshwm sim yuav showcase ob marquee match-ups nrog Andre Berto vs. Josesito Lopez thiab Shawn Porter vs. Robert Garcia. Ntev yuav tshaj tawm cov xim commentator sai.
Tarver thiab Smith tiav ntsia hlau loj tus “Premier Boxing Champions” tshaj tawm pab uas muaj xws li Dana Jacobson li party thiab Scott Hansen li tshuab-by-tshuab announcer.
“Peb zoo siab heev rau ntxiv ob dynamic thiab paub lub suab uas txhua muaj lawv cov cim kev xam pom ntawm nqe ntaus rog kev ua si,” hais tias Jon Slusser, Senior Vice President, Cov kev ua si thiab Branded Lom ze. “Antonio muab ib tug lossis loj tus cwj pwm nrog ib tug championship pedigree thiab Jimmy yuav coj nws zoo kawg pom thiab lub zog hais tias nws muaj rau MMA rau boxing.”
Anthony “Cov khawv koob txiv neej” Tarver, los ntawm Tampa Fla, muaj ib tug ntawm cov kev ua si nawv lub feem ntau-dai kom zoo nkauj pib xyaum ua hauj lwm. Nyob rau hauv 1995, nws ua rau tsuas fighter tau yeej lub yias American, U.S. Teb chaws Championships, thiab ntiaj teb Championships nyob rau hauv tib lub xyoo. Tom qab winning lub bronze puav pheej nyob rau hauv 1996 Olympics, nws muab pro thiab tau nce rau ibyam ntawm lub teeb Heavyweight faib. Nyob rau hauv 2003, Tarver yeej Montell Griffith nyob rau hauv lub biggest yeej nyob rau hauv nws cov hauj lwm mus txog hais tias taw tes rau hais tias lub IBF thiab Qhov title koj cov menyuam. Tom qab ib tug nyuaj 12-round kev txiav txim siab tsis mus Roy Jones Jr, Tarver avenged uas iab yeej nrog ib tug zoo kawg 2nd puag ncig knockout ntawm Jones Jr., shocking thiab amazing boxing kiv cua thoob ntiaj teb. Tom qab splitting ob fights nrog Glen Johnson, Tarver topped Jones Jr. nrog ib tug 12-round kev txiav txim siab yeej nyob rau hauv peb kev sib ntaus ntawm lawv nco trilogy. Lub 46-xyoo-laus Tarver (31-6, 22 Kos) yog nyob rau ib lub hom phiaj los ua tus hiob Heavyweight zus ib ntawm lub ntiaj teb no. Nws yog tam sim no lub ntiaj teb no-nyob hauv lub Heavyweight faib ntawm Tsis. 5 los ntawm lub IBO thiab tsis. 9 by lub WBA. Nws kawg sib ntaus (Dec. 11, 2014) tau nyob rau hauv ib qho impressive xya-round knockout ntawm 29-2-1 Johnathon Ntug dej. Nws kuj tau txais kev pab raws li ib tug xim commentator rau Showtime Championship Boxing thiab starred txawv Sylvester Stallone nyob rau hauv lub feature zaj duab xis “Rocky Balboa” raws li cov ua cim “Mason Dixon.”
Jimmy Smith yog tam sim no cov xim Analyst rau Bellator MMA rau ntsia hlau loj TV. Smith pib kawm nyob rau hauv Brazilian Jiu Jitsu nyob rau hauv nyob rau hauv 2000 thaum lub sij hawm ntawm UCLA thiab los ua ib tug kev MMA fighter nyob rau hauv 2003. Smith tso ua ke ib tug 5-1 cov ntaub ntawv ua ntej retiring nyob rau hauv 2006 siab rau ib tug TV hauj lwm. Smith starred nyob rau hauv lub Discovery Channel qhia, “Sib ntaus Quest,” qhov chaw uas nws mus rau hauv lub ntiaj teb no kev kawm sib txawv sib ntaus disciplines. Nws tuaj koom Bellator nyob rau hauv 2010 thiab tau ua raws li nws cov hlau lead xim Analyst puas tau txij li thaum, koom tes nrog tshuab-by-tshuab announcer, Sean Wheelock.
Hais txog cov ntsia hlau loj TV:
Ntsia hlau loj TV yog muaj nyob rau hauv 98.7 lab tsev thiab yog ib tug faib ntawm Viacom Media tes hauj lwm. Ib tug unit ntawm Viacom (Nasdaq: VIA, VIAB), Viacom Media tes hauj lwm yog ib tug ntawm lub ntiaj teb uas creators ntawm programming thiab cov ntsiab lus nyob rau tag nrho tawm platforms. Ntsia hlau loj TV lub Internet chaw nyob yog www.spike.com thiab mus txog-rau-tus-feeb thiab archival xovxwm ntaub ntawv thiab duab, mus saib ntsia hlau loj TV tus xovxwm site ntawm http://www.spike.com/press. Raws li peb ntawm Twitterspiketvpr rau qhov tseeb nyob rau hauv tawg xov xwm tshiab, qab-lub-scenes cov ntaub ntawv thiab cov duab.

Frank De Alba rau noj nyob rau Jose Bustos rau UBF Tag nrho cov Americas Jr. Sib title no hnub vas xaum yav hmo ntuj nyob rau ntawm lub Econo Lodge nyob rau hauv Allentown, PA

Plus undefeated Juan Dominguez fights Jose Cen Torres rau UBF Super Bantamweight Tag nrho cov Americas title raws li undefeated John Magda, Ivan Golub, Christian Molina thiab Paul Koon
Allentown, PA (Lub ob hlis ntuj 19, 2015)–Nws yog ib tug ntawm cov kub fighters nyob rau hauv lub sab hnub tuaj ntug dej hiav txwv. Nws tau ua ib tug zeem muag rau txhua leej txhua tus radar thiab no hnub vas xaum hmo ntuj, Jr. Sib Frank De Alba yuav saib rau nws 13th sib law liag yeej thaum nws yuav siv sij hawm nyob rau hauv Jose Bustos rau lub UBF Jr. Sib Tag nrho cov Americas title nyob rau hauv lub ntsiab kev tshwm sim nyob rau Econo Lodge.
Tus yeeb yam yog nce los ntawm King lub Promotions.
De Alba ntawm Reading, PA muaj ib cov ntaub ntawv ntawm 14-1-2 nyob rau hauv thiab nyob rau hauv Ntxiv nrog rau qhov 12th ncaj yeej, nws yog unbeaten nyob rau hauv nws lub xeem 14 xaus.
De Alba, uas yeej ib 8-round unanimous kev txiav txim siab tshaj Jesse Carridine kawg Lub kaum hli ntuj 4, mus saib nyob rau hauv lub gym sai tom qab uas sib ntau sib tw.
“Kev kawm camp tau zoo. Kuv tau nyob rau hauv camp rau ob lub hlis. Kuv xav tias zoo thiab zoo siab. Kuv npaj txhij thiab nyob rau hauv lub cev thiab yog 100% npaj txhij rau Saturday,” Hais De Alba.
Rau Bustos, De Alba tsis zoo li paub ntau ntau rau tus txiv neej uas yuav sim mus ua txhaum uas winning streak.
“Kuv paub tsis muaj dab tsi txog nws rau lwm yam tshaj li nws yog los ntawm Mexico. Mexican neeg tua hluav taws yeej ib txwm tuaj mus tua, li ntawd kuv thiaj paub tias nws yuav ua tau ib tug exciting sib ntaus.”
2015 npaj rau kev mus ua ib tug tsiv xyoo rau De Alba rau prospect rau contender thiab nws paub hais tias qhov no sib ntaus yuav yog ib tug txaus ntshai ib.
“Kuv paub tias qhov no yog ib tug loj xyoo. Kuv muaj ib tug zoo streaking mus thiab los ntawm tus kawg ntawm lub xyoo no kuv yuav tsum muaj ib tug zoo kauj ruam mus sib ntaus. Thawj Kuv npaj txhij rau Saturday thiab kuv yuav tsum pib tawm nyob rau hauv ib tug zoo ko taw. Kuv npaj txhij mus muab kuv tag nrho.”
Busts ntawm Ciudad Juarez, Mexico muaj ib cov ntaub ntawv ntawm 7-2-3 nrog 4 knockouts.
Lub 23 xyoo-laus yog unbeaten nyob rau hauv nws cov nag peb uas muaj xws li tias lub ob victories. Nws yog los tawm ib tug 10-round split kev txiav txim siab tshaj Hector Mendoza nyob rau hnub tim 11, 2014 nyob rau hauv Ciudad Juarez, Mexico.
Juan Dominguez (17-0, 11 KO lub) ntawm Brooklyn, NY yuav tua Jose Torres Cen (13-6, 1 KO) ntawm Merida, Mexico nyob rau hauv ib tug 8-round sib ntau sib tw rau lub UBF Tag nrho cov Americas Super Bantamweight title.
Nyob rau hauv 6-round bouts:
Super Middleweight John Magda (8-0, 6 KO lub) ntawm Rutherford, NJ yuav noj nyob rau Jyog Williams (3-4) ntawm West Monroe, LA

Ivan Golub (5-0, 4 KO lub) ntawm Brooklyn, NY yuav noj nyob rau David Lopez (4-11-3, 1 KO) nyob rau hauv ib tug Jr. Middleweight sib ntau sib tw.
Danny Kelly (6-1-1, 5 KO lub) ntawm Washington, DC yuav noj nyob rau Kevin Franklin (6-10, 3 KO lub) nyob rau hauv ib tug Heavyweight sib ntau sib tw.
Nyob rau hauv 4-round bouts:
Christian Molina (3-0, 2 KO lub) ntawm Allentown, PA yuav tua debuting Stacey Harris ntawm Washington, DC nyob rau hauv ib tug Jr. Middleweight sib ntau sib tw.
Robert Irizarry (2-0-1) ntawm Cherry Hill, NJ yuav sib ntaus sib tua Benjamin Burgos (2-10-1) ntawm Mount Pocono, PA nyob rau hauv ib tug Featherweight sib ntau sib tw. Qhov no sib ntau sib tw yog ib tug rematch ntawm ib tug sib ntau sib tw los ntawm Tej zaum qhov twg Irizarry yeej ib unanimous kev txiav txim siab.
Christopher Booker ntawm Philadelphia yuav ua kom nws debut pro tiv thaiv Andrew Sosa(0-4-1) ntawm Teb ceg, TX kuv nyob rau hauv ib tug Middleweight sib ntau sib tw.
Paul Koon (2-0, 1 KO ntawm Philadelphia yuav sib ntaus sib tua Rex Harris (1-0-2) ntawm Wikes-Barre, PA, nyob rau hauv ib tug Heavyweight sib ntau sib tw.
Daim pib rau no kuj zoo kawg hmo ntuj ntawm boxing yog $45 rau General Nkag thiab $60 rau Ringside thiab yuav tau muas los ntawm txhaj: www.kingsboxing.eventbrite.com los yog los ntawm hu xov tooj 610 587 5950

Lub Econo Lodge yog nyob rau ntawm 1151 Tsev Drive nyob rau hauv Allentown, PA

AMERICAN rog NETWORK kom showcase TUB ROG qub tub rog SAMMY VASQUEZ RAU UNIFORMED NEEG txawv teb chaws

Friday tus ShoBox: Tshiab Tiam on SHOWTIME® Los ua Nws Muaj Uniformed neeg nyob rau hauv Tshaj 175 Lub teb chaws

TSHIAB YORK (Feb. 19, 2015) - Rau qhov thib ob lub sij hawm, ze li ntawm ib lab uniformed tub rog cov neeg ua hauj lwm pab lwm txawv teb chaws yuav tsum muaj peev xwm mus saib thiab txhawb US. Armed Forces qub tub rog Sammy Vasquez raws li ib feem ntawm ib tug tshwj xeeb kev pom zoo ntawm SHOWTIME thiab cov American Rog Network.


Vasquez, uas tau txais kev pab ob tours ntawm lub luag hauj lwm nyob rau hauv Iraq, yog featured nyob rau hauv lub ntsiab kev tshwm sim ntawm Friday tus ShoBox: Tshiab Tiam tripleheader, uas airs nyob ntawm 10 p.m. THIAB/PT (ncua nyob rau hauv lub sab hnub poob ntug dej hiav txwv) on SHOWTIME los ntawm CONSOL Zog Center nyob rau hauv Pittsburgh, Pa.


It means so much to have my brothers and sisters in my corner and supporting me every step of the way. It’s just an awesome feeling,” said the undefeated Vasquez. “The military has helped me get to this point in my career and it’s a huge honor to represent them. It’s nice to give them a little taste of back home from a soldier who’s been there before. I can’t wait to make them proud this weekend.”


Cov kev pab cuam cov txiv neej thiab cov poj niam ntawm lub U.S. Pab tub rog, Cua Dag Zog Yuam, Navy, Ntug dej hiav txwv khwb thiab Marines stationed nyob ib ncig ntawm lub ntiaj teb nyob rau hauv dhau 1,000 outlets nyob rau hauv ntau tshaj li 175 lub teb chaws thiab nyob rau hauv high seas yuav muaj dawb nkag tau musFriday tus ShoBox telecast. Tag nrho cov SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® telecasts are offered to AFN as part of a gratis license agreement between the networks. AFN also aired Vasquez’s last ShoBox tsos, ib tug thawj round TKO ntawm ces-undefeated Juan Rodriguez Jr. on Plaub Hlis Ntuj 18, 2014.

Muab cov neeg txawv teb chaws ib tug zoo dua lub sij hawm los saib Vasquez rau hnub Friday lubShoBox, peb-sib ntaus telecast yuav muaj nyob rau ntawm ib tug me ntsis ncua hauv paus. Lub sij hawm:

  • Saturday, Feb. 21, pib thaum 7 a.m. THIAB nyob rau hauv lub AFN|kev ua si channel.
  • Tav su rau cov teb chaws Europe Greater (CET)
  • 2 p.m. hauv zos rau Iraq
  • 3:30 p.m. hauv zos rau Afghanistan
  • 8 p.m. hauv zos rau North Asia (Nyiv, S. Kauslim)

Vasquez, uas tau txais kev pab nyob rau hauv lub National Guard los ntawm 2003 kom txog rau thaum 2012, twb deployed rau Camp Habbaniyah, Iraq for his first tour in ‘05-’06. He later returned to Iraq for a second tour in ’08-’09.


"Kuv thawj ncig saib yog nrog ob Brigade, uas tsis yog nrog rau cov National Guard, tab sis vim yog lub siab thov rau cov tub rog yuav tsum tau tshaj muaj, lawv pib deploying lub National Guard,"Hais tias Vasquez nyob rau hauv lub Plaub Hlis. "Thaum kuv mus rau hauv lub thib ob lub sij hawm, Kuv yog nyob rau ntawm JSS Fallujah nyob rau hauv Taji, Iraq. Uas yog nrog rau cov 56th Stryker Brigade. Kuv tau nrog cov thawj National Guard Stryker unit mus lawm ped. "


Vasquez (17-0, 13 Kos) yuav nrhiav nws 10th sib law liag yeej los ntawm knockout thaum nws yuav siv sij hawm nyob rau hauv peb cov kwvtij southpaw Emmanuel Lartey (17-2, 8 Kos, 1 NC), ntawm Brooklyn, N.Y.. los ntawm txoj kev ntawm Ghana, no hnub Friday.


Nyob rau hauv lub co-feature, yav tas los cov neeg uas coj Cuban pib xyaum ua lub hnub qub thiab tam sim no peb-ranked Qhov teeb Heavyweight Humberto Savigne (12-1, 9 Kos, 1 NC), ntawm Miami ntawm Guantánamo, Teb chaws Cuba, yuav siv sij hawm nyob rau hauv undefeated Craig Baker (15-0, 11 Kos), ntawm Baytown, Texas, nyob rau hauv ib tug 10-round sib ntau sib tw. Feemxyuam southpaw thiab WBA Tsis. 7 ranked featherweight Claudio Marrero (17-1, 13 Kos), ntawm Miami los ntawm txoj kev ntawm cov koom pheej Dominican, yuav fim southpaw Orlando Rizo (18-5, 11 Kos) ntawm Managua, Nicaragua, nyob rau hauv ib yim-round match uas yuav qhib lub telecast.

Hais txog ShoBox: Tshiab Tiam
Txij thaum nws inception nyob rau hauv Lub Xya hli ntuj 2001, lub critically acclaimed SHOWTIME boxing series, ShoBox: Tshiab Tiam tau featured hluas txuj ci sib phim nyuaj. Lub ShoBox philosophy yog televise exciting, neeg coob coob-pleasing thiab sib tw ntais thaum npaj ib qhov tseeb hauv av rau kam zeem muag txiav txim sib ntaus rau ib lub ntiaj teb title. Ib co ntawm cov loj hlob daim ntawv teev cov 58 neeg tua hluav taws uas tau tshwm sim rau ShoBox thiab advanced rau garner ntiaj teb no lub npe muaj xws li: Lwm Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Omar Figueroa, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paul Williams thiab ntau yam ntxiv.


Undefeated Vasquez rau Fim Emmanuel Lartey NYOB on SHOWTIME®

Los ntawm CONSOL Zog Center nyob rau hauv Pittsburgh, Pa.

Pittsburgh, PA. (Feb. 18, 2015) - Hometown nyiam thiab unbeaten Welterweight Sammy Vasquez muaj ib tug tub xov xwm workout on Wednesday ntawm South Park Boxing Club raws li nws npaj rau lub ntsej muag khub southpaw Emmanuel Lartey nyob rau hauv lub 10-round ntsiab kev tshwm sim ntawm ShoBox: Tshiab Tiam, no Friday, Feb. 20, nyob rau SHOWTIME (10 p.m. THIAB/PT, ncua nyob rau hauv lub sab hnub poob ntug dej hiav txwv) los ntawm CONSOL Zog Center nyob rau hauv Pittsburgh, Pa.


Vasquez (17-0, 13 Kos) yog aiming rau nws 10th consecutive knockout. Lartey (17-2, 8 Kos, 1 NC), ntawm Brooklyn, N.Y.. los ntawm txoj kev ntawm Ghana, tau yeej tsis tau khob cia.


Nyob rau hauv lub co-feature ntawm lub Goossen Promotions tripleheader, yav tas los cov neeg uas coj Cuban pib xyaum ua lub hnub qub thiab tam sim no peb-ranked Qhov teeb Heavyweight Humberto Savigne (12-1, 9 Kos, 1 NC), ntawm Miami ntawm Guantánamo, Teb chaws Cuba, yuav siv sij hawm nyob rau hauv undefeated Craig Baker (15-0, 11 Kos), ntawm Baytown, Texas, nyob rau hauv ib tug 10-round sib ntau sib tw.


Nyob rau hauv lub qhib sib ntau sib tw ntawm cov telecast, feemxyuam southpaw thiab WBA Tsis. 7 ranked featherweight Claudio Marrero (17-1, 13 Kos), ntawm Miami los ntawm txoj kev ntawm cov koom pheej Dominican, yuav fim southpaw Orlando Rizo (18-5, 11 Kos) ntawm Managua, Nicaragua, nyob rau hauv ib yim-round match.


Nam daim pib luv nqi thaum $238, $100, $60, $40 thiab $25 rau menyuam kawm ntawv thiab cov tub rog nrog siv tau ID (Box Office Tsuas), ntxiv uas siv nqi, rau "Tus muaj nuj nqis ntawm Pittsburgh III" yog on muag khoom los ntawm cov Dick lub Ntaus pob ncaws pob khoom Box Office ntawm CONSOL Zog Center, Ticketmaster.com, tag nrho Ticketmaster outlets los yog them nyiaj los ntawm tus xov tooj ntawm 800-745-3000. Nqi kom $5 nyob rau hauv lub hnub ntawm cov kev tshwm sim. Qhov rooj yuav qhib nyob rau hauv lub hmo ntuj ntawm cov kev tshwm sim ntawm 6 p.m. nrog tus thawj tswb ntawm 6:30 p.m.


Ntawm no yog dab tsi Vasquez tau hais thaum lub sij hawm Wednesday tus xov xwm workout:



"Lartey tau yeej tsis tau knocked tawm, but I definitely think I have the power to take him out. It’s more of the plan of setting it up — Kuv yuav mus teem nws li thiab muab tso rau nws nyob rau hauv txoj hauj lwm uas nws tsis tau tau nyob rau hauv ua ntej ua kom nws tsis xis.


"Kuv xav kom nws muab pov punches hais tias nws feem ntau tsis muab pov li ntawd kuv thiaj qhib nws thiab capitalize on nws yuam kev.


“Sib ntaus sib tua nyob rau hauv kuv hometown muab kuv ntxiv txug. Uas yog ib tug ntawm lub ntsiab yog vim li cas vim li cas kuv yeej ib txwm rov qab los no mus Pittsburgh, why I always bring boxing back here. I just love the atmosphere that my fans give me when I fight. I’m just honored to put on a show and give them a great fight. Boxing has always been my dream and fighting in front of my fans in Pittsburgh makes it even better.


I don’t feel like I’m in a position to be calling people out yet. I still have a lot of things to prove and that’s what I’m looking to do on Friday. I’m looking to prove myself and make a statement.


"Kuv ranked zoo nkauj siab, but there are plenty of names in front of me that I need to beat. I want to start fighting the top guys — uas yog kuv txoj kev npaj rau 2015.


"Thaum kuv tau txais lub npe thiab paub qhov twg kuv yuav hu cov neeg tawm, ces hais tias yog thaum kuv yuav ua nws. When I feel I am ready and worthy. I need to get a win on Friday ua ntej. "


# # #


CONSOL Zog Center yog nyob rau ntawm 1001 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, 15219. Kev qhia ntxiv yuav tau nyob rau ntawm lawv lub website, www.consolenergycenter.com


Social Media: Ua raws li Goossen Promotions rau TwitterGoossenBoxing, Sammy Vasquez rau TwitterTeamSVasquez, Showtime kev ua si @ SHOsports thiab CONSOL Zog CenterCONSOLEnergyCtr. Siv hashtag #VasquezLartey ua raws li cov kev sib tham.


Yog xav paub ntxiv nyob rau hauv Goossen Promotions saib lawv lub website ntawm www.GoossenPromotions.com. Rau cov lus qhia ntxiv nyob rau hauv cov kev ua si mus xyuas Showtime www.Sho.com/sports.

Hais txog ShoBox: Tshiab Tiam
Txij thaum nws inception nyob rau hauv Lub Xya hli ntuj 2001, lub critically acclaimed SHOWTIME boxing series, ShoBox: Tshiab Tiam tau featured hluas txuj ci sib phim nyuaj. Lub ShoBox philosophy yog televise exciting, neeg coob coob-pleasing thiab sib tw ntais thaum npaj ib qhov tseeb hauv av rau kam zeem muag txiav txim sib ntaus rau ib lub ntiaj teb title. Ib co ntawm cov loj hlob daim ntawv teev cov 58 neeg tua hluav taws uas tau tshwm sim rau ShoBox thiab advanced rau garner ntiaj teb no lub npe muaj xws li: Lwm Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Omar Figueroa, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paul Williams thiab ntau yam ntxiv.

Irish eyes are smilin’; Manager Gary Hyde kos Irish Heavyweight prospect Con Sheehan



Cork, Ireland (Feb. 18, 2015) – Thoob ntiaj teb boxing saib xyuas Gary Hyde(NoWhere2Hyde Management) tau tshaj tawm rau hauv lub kos npe rau ntawm ib qho ntawm qhov zoo tshaj plaws Ireland-yug Heavyweight zeem muag nyob rau hauv decades, “Irish” Nrog Sheehan, mus rau ib qho kom daim ntawv cog lus.


Lub 25-xyoo-laus Sheehan, uas sau npe ib tug zoo kawg li 203-18 pib xyaum ua cov ntaub ntawv, yog teem kom nws kev taw qhia Lub peb hlis ntuj 13 nyob rau hauv lub tebchaws United Kingdom rau ib tug yeeb yam rau huab cua nyob rau hauv Eurosport. Lub rugged tsis tau kis las Irishman los ntawm Clonmel, qhov loj tshaj plaws hauv lub zos nyob rau hauv lub County ntawm Tipperary, npaj rau kev mus koom ib qho ntawm nws lub qub Irish National pawg football koom tes, undefeated IBF super bantamweight champion Carl Frampton, raws li lub ntiaj teb no yeej nyob rau hauv lub neej yav tom ntej tsis dhau deb.


Lub 6′ 5″, 235-phaus Sheehan yog ib tug rau-lub sij hawm Irish National Senior cov kev faib champion, winning txog plaub lub npe nyob rau ntawm lub Heavyweight thiab ob ntawm super Heavyweight, uas kuj yuav ib tug kub puav pheej nyob rau ntawm lub prestigious European Championships. Nyob rau hauv 2008, nws thiaj yog tus yau tshaj Irish Senior Heavyweight yeej nyob rau hauv kev sib tw uas muaj hnub nyoog ntawm 18, thiab nws yeej yog ib tug tag nrho ntawm 13 Irish Championships ntawm ntau theem ntawm kev sib tw.

“Kuv tau ua raws li tej tus pib xyaum ua hauj lwm tag nrho cov txoj kev los ntawm los ntawm thaum pib thiab peb tau sib tham tau ua hauj lwm ua ke rau tej lub sij hawm tam sim no,” Hyde hais tias. “Con yog ib lub cev ib yam ntawm ib tug txiv neej li zoo li ib tug tsis tshua txawj ntse fighter. Peb yog delighted mus ntxiv nws rau peb loj hlob ruaj khov ntawm sab saum toj neeg tua hluav taws.”


Legendary Irish kev ua si Pundit Jimmy Magee commented, “Con Sheehan yog ib tug loj, niaj hnub hnub giant ntawm ib tug Heavyweight uas fights nrog lub kom hais npliag lias ntawm ib tug Middleweight.”


Hyde kuj tswj tam sim no, yav dhau los thiab yav tom ntej ntiaj teb no champions xws li World Boxing Association (WBA) Super & Lub ntiaj teb no Boxing Organization (WBO) super bantamweight champion thiab ob-lub sij hawm Cuban Olympic kub medalist, Bill “Lub hma” Rigondeaux (15-0, 10 Kos), WBA Interim cruiserweight champion Yuri “El Toro” Kalenga (21-1, 14 Kos), yav tas los WBO Middleweight champion thiab tam sim no International Boxing Federation (IBF) Ua Tsis. 1 yuav tsum tau contender Hassan N'Dam N'Jikam (31-1, 18 Kos), peb-lub sij hawm Cuban National champion, super bantamweightMarcos Forstal (1-0, 1 KO), thiab lub ntiaj teb no pib xyaum ua champion Blagoy Naydenov.


Ua raws li Sheehan rau Twitter: @ ConSheehan89, raws li zoo raws li Hyde ntawm @ NoWhere2Hyde thiab phooj ywg nws nyob rau hauv www.facebook.com/gary.hyde.50?fref = TS.

Boxcino 2015 Heavyweights los ntawm tus xov tooj

Verona, NY (Lub ob hlis ntuj 18, 2015)–No hnub Friday yav hmo ntuj nyob rau ntawm lub Txoj siav pob zeb Resort Twv txiaj yuam pov, lub Boxcino 2015 Heavyweight kev sib tw yuav pib nrog plaub quarterfinal bouts.
Tag nrho Boxcino kev sib tw yog nce los ntawm Banner Promotions. No hnub Friday lub fights yuav tawm hauv TV nyob rau ESPN lub Friday Night fights pib thaum 9 PM ET.
Hauv qab no yog ib tug es thiaj tsis rhuav tshem ntawm lub competitors rau lub quarterfinal bouts.


Hiob: Steve Vukosa– 37

Yau: Thiab ciav– 26

Feem ntau cov Fights: Andrey Fedosov– 28

Tsawg kawg Fights: Vukosa, Thiab ciav & Nate Saum ntuj ceeb tsheej– 10

Feem ntau cov ib ncig: Jason Estrada — 177

Tsawg kawg ib ncig: Saum ntuj ceeb tsheej — 23

Feem ntau cov KO lub: Fedosov– 20

Winning %: Vukosa & Tug ciav– 100%

KO%: Fedosov– 71.4 %

Tag nrho Cov ntaub ntawv ntawm 8 Neeg tua hluav taws: 114-14 (89.1%)-65 KO lub

Lub luj nyob rau hauv yuav Thursday, Lub ob hlis ntuj 19 ntawm 5 PM nyob rau hauv lub Cypress Chaav.
There will be a post fight press conference immediately followiNG lub tiav ntawm lub xeem sib ntau sib tw nyob rau hauv lub Cypress Chaav.

Daim pib rau lub ob hlis ntuj 20th ESPN Friday Night Fights ntawm Txoj siav pob zeb nyob rau ntawm kev muag khoom tam sim no nyob rau ntawm lub Txoj siav Pob Zeb chaw ua hauj lwm, nyob rau hauv tus neeg los yog los ntawm hu xov tooj 315.361.7469, lossis hauv online ntawm Ticketmaster. Daim pib yog $60 rau ringside rooj, $35, $25, thiab no yuav ntxiv cov nqi.

Tswj tuav ntawm lub ob hlis ntuj 20th bouts, lub Oneida Indian teb chaws tus Txoj siav pob zeb Resort Twv txiaj yuam pov tseem kom paub qhov txawv nws tus kheej raws li ib tug premier lo lus uas peb rau kev ntaus pob ncaws pob cov txheej xwm, nrog rau hauv teb chaws-uas tawm hauv TV boxing qhov yuam kev thiab PGA-theem golf. Lub ob hlis ntuj 20th sib ntaus yuav kos tus cim Txoj siav Pob Zeb lub 14th teb chaws uas tawm hauv TV boxing kev tshwm sim nyob rau hauv tsawg tshaj li ob lub xyoos, pab tsim kom muaj lub resort raws li ib tug Mecca rau knockout uas tawm hauv TV fights. Boxing legends Mike Tyson thiab Floyd Mayweather Jr. tau nce tawm hauv TV sib ntaus phaib ntawm lub resort nyob rau hauv lub xyoo tas los thiab txoj siav Pob Zeb tau tuav televised boxing cov txheej xwm rau ESPN, Showtime, HBO, thiab NBC nyob rau hauv ob lub xyoos dhau. Nyob rau hauv Upstate New York, cov plaub-lub caij resort muaj world-class kev lom zem thiab gaming, prestigious khw nojmov, khoom kim heev spa chaw, thiab puav pheej-winning accommodations.Tickets rau lub ob hlis ntuj 20th ESPN Friday Night Fights ntawm Txoj siav pob zeb nyob rau ntawm kev muag khoom tam sim no nyob rau ntawm lub Txoj siav Pob Zeb chaw ua hauj lwm, nyob rau hauv tus neeg los yog los ntawm hu xov tooj315.361.7469, lossis hauv online ntawm Ticketmaster. Daim pib yog $60 rau ringside rooj, $35, $25, thiab no yuav ntxiv cov nqi. Qhov rooj qhib rau ntawm 6:00 p.m., nrog rau cov thawj sib ntau sib tw teem rau 7:00 p.m. Nyob ESPN telecast pib ntawm 9pm.

Kev xov xwm thov ntawv rau lub ob hlis ntuj 20 sib ntaus yuav tsum hu rau Kelly Abdo, Xa Pob Zeb Public Relations Manager ntawm 315.366.9291 los yogkelly.abdo@turningstone.com.

Hais txog Txoj siav pob zeb Resort Twv txiaj yuam pov A premier plaub-lub caij, lo lus uas peb resort nyob rau hauv Upstate New York, lub Oneida Indian teb chaws tus Txoj siav pob zeb Resort Twv txiaj yuam pov yog conveniently nyob txog 30 mais sab hnub tuaj ntawm Syracuse ntawm NYS Thruway tawm 33. Xa Pob Zeb twb muaj npe “Feem ntau cov zoo heev Golf Resort” nyob rau hauv 2010 los ntawm Condé Nast Johansens. Lub Academy ntawm teb chaws Music npe Txoj siav pob zeb “Twv txiaj yuam pov ntawm lub xyoo” nyob rau hauv 2009. Lub resort muaj world-class gaming, golf, kev lom zem, kev kho kom haum thiab spa chaw, thiab khwv tau AAA Plaub Pob Zeb Diamond ratings rau Lub Lodge, Ntauwd Hotel, thiab Wildflowers lub tsev noj mov. Yog xav paub ntxiv thiab reservations, hu (315) 361-7711 los yog (800) 771-7711. Mus saib lub web site ntawm www.TurningStone.com..

MBC koom Rog nrog WKA Yuav kom pom zoo Pro Boxing Nyob rau hauv Scotland

Malta Boxing Commission tus Managing Director thiab Vice Thawj Tswj Hwm, Gianluca Di Caro thiab ntiaj teb Kick Boxing thiab Karate Association (Kiag li) Scotland Thawj Tswj Hwm Stewart Allan hnub no tshaj tawm tias lawv tau koom rog mus pom zoo kev boxing cov txheej xwm nyob rau hauv Scotland.


Tus tshiab mus tom ntej yuav tsis tsuas tam sim no lub sij hawm rau Scottish Professional boxers yuav tsum tau sib tw ntau, tab sis kuj yuav pab kom neeg tua hluav taws los ntawm cov Kick Boxing ntiaj teb no mus sib tw ob yam li kev boxers thiab Kick boxers.


Whilst lub tswv yim ntawm no mus tom ntej yog pom zoo pro boxing cov txheej xwm nyob rau hauv Scotland, nws kuj yuav qhib lub qhov rooj mus rau lub tseem neej coj pro Boxing thiab ncaws Boxing cov txheej xwm, nrog rau cov boxing txiav los ntawm lub MBC thiab Kick Boxing txiav los ntawm lub WKA, tsis yog nyob rau hauv Scotland tab sis kuj nyob rau txhua cov kev tshwm sim txiav los ntawm lub MBC nyob rau hauv Malta, hauv lub tebchaws United Kingdom los yog Ireland.


Nyob ua lub tshaj tawm Mr. Allan hais tias.


"Peb yog heev siab heev yuav tsum tau ua hauj lwm nrog cov Malta Boxing Commission, nws yuav tsuas yog yuav zoo rau cov kev ua si nawv coj xws li ib tug hnyav kev boxing lub koom haum rau Scotland.


Mus koom nrog cov neeg los ntawm pro boxing lub ntiaj teb nrog cov uas nyob hauv ntiaj teb no Kick Boxing yog ib qho exciting prospect, mus txog tam sim no lub powers yuav nyob rau hauv lub UK heev zoo siab rau peb Champions hloov disciplines thiab lwv li pro boxers.


Tu siab nws tau yeej ib txwm tau nyob rau cov nuj nqis ntawm lub dav hlau tua rog lub Kick Boxing hauj lwm, uas tau vim hais tias ib zaug lawv tau hloov mus rau pro boxing lawv tsis pub mus sib tw raws li ib tug Kick Boxer.


Uas yuav hloov, nyob rau hauv peb sib koom tes mus tom ntej nrog lub Malta Boxing Commission peb tua hluav taws yuav muaj ntawv tso cai thiab lwv li pro boxers, raws li zoo raws li txuas ntxiv mus rau kev sib tw raws li Kick boxers nyob rau hauv lub WKA.


Rau peb neeg tua hluav taws no txhais tau tias li ntawd ntau npaum li cas, lawv xav sib tw nyob rau hauv ob qho tag nrho kev ua si thiab muaj heev npaum li cas mus rau ob qho tag nrho.


Qhov no tshiab kev sib koom tes yog tsis yog hais txog peb cov neeg tua hluav taws ua tau mus tua nyob rau hauv ob qho tag nrho disciplines, peb yuav tau nquag tau nrhiav los tsim lub pro boxing sab nyob rau hauv Scotland, muab Scottish boxers lub sij hawm yuav tsum tau ntau yam kom nquag plias tshaj lawv tau nyob rau hauv lub dhau los lawm, peb xav kom txhim tsa lub MBC tau txais txiaj ntsim fighters los ntawm ob disciplines.


Peb kuj xav coj ntau txoj 50/50 fights rau Scotland, peb tsis xav kom nws mus yuav ib tug extension ntawm qhov tam sim no scene, peb xav kom coj tus kiv cua txoj exciting kom haum fights, txhua yeeb. "


MBC tus koj. Di Caro ces ntxiv.


"Kuv yuav tsis pom zoo ntau nrog Stewart, qhov no yog ib tug tiag exciting kev loj hlob rau kev ua si nawv, ib tug uas yuav pab tau neeg tua hluav taws los ntawm ob Boxing thiab Kick Boxing.


Thaum Stewart mus rau peb nrog lub tswvyim peb tau qhib rau nws ncaj tseg, tsis yog rau yog vim li cas muaj coob tus neeg yuav xav hais tias, tab sis vim peb twb ua qhov kev txiav txim uas yuav tsum muaj ib tug neeg uas competes nyob rau hauv lwm pugilistic art uas tseem xav kom pro box, yuav tsum tau tso cai kom ua li ntawd.


Qhov kev txiav txim twb tau ib co sij hawm dhau los, nyob rau hauv qhov tseeb nws yog thaum lub sij hawm kaum peb lub ntiaj teb no tus yeej Marlon Hunt thawj mus rau peb txog pro boxing nyob rau hauv peb banner.


Marlon yog ib tug ntawm cov saum toj kawg nkaus competitors nyob rau hauv lub ntiaj teb no Kick Boxing, yuav ua li cas yuav peb tau qhia rau nws hais tias nws tau muab li sib ntaus sib tua nyob rau hauv lub Kick Boxing Circuit Court hais tias nws pro thawv, Kuv txhais hais tias nws muaj lub ntiaj teb no lub npe nyob rau hauv Kick Boxing, K1, Muay Thai, nrog peb nws yuav tiv thaiv cov neeg lub npe li zoo li pib nyuaj rau Championships nyob rau hauv boxing kuj.


Kuv puas yuav tau hais tias, txij li thaum kuv twb hais Marlon, hais tias thaum nws los koom nrog peb peb tsis heev paub dab tsi ib qho cuab tam nws yuav ua, nws yog ib tug zoo ambassador rau lub MBC, nrog tus kiv cua thiab boxer lub zoo tib yam nkaus, li ntawd ntau npaum li ntawd thaum ntxov xyoo tas los nws twb unanimously raug xaiv mus rau lub MBC Executive Committee.


Tam sim no, tsis tsuas yog peb muaj lub sij hawm kom muaj ntau tshaj ntawm cov rau sab saum toj Kick boxers sib tw nyob rau hauv lub pro boxing, tab sis kuj muaj lub cib fim ntawm Kick Boxing ntiaj teb Champions los ntawm ib ncig lub ntiaj teb no sib tw rau Championship honors li pro boxers.


Nyob rau hauv lub lag luam sab ntawm tej yam Stewart yuav yog tus Chairman ntawm lub tshiab MBC Scottish Thaj av, raws li zoo raws li koom nrog cov Executive Committee ntawm lub Malta Boxing Commission.


Stewart muaj loj cov kev npaj rau lub tshiab mus tom ntej thiab mus hais tias kawg twb kos npe rau ib ob peb ntawm Scottish promoters, ib tug neeg uas npaj los txhawb cov thawj MBC Scotland txiav kev tshwm sim heev sai, tej zaum nyob rau hauv lub Plaub Hlis los yog May.


Kuv rau ib am li txaus siab yuav tsum tau muab kev koom tes nyob rau hauv no exciting tshiab mus tom ntej, Kuv ua siab ncaj xav tias qhov no yuav ua pov thawj yuav tsum yog ib qhov zoo tshaj plaws tej yam tshwm sim rau peb ua si nawv nyob rau hauv ib tug ntev, lub sij hawm ntev.


Dab tsi ntau nws yuav muab lub boxing kiv cua nrog ib tug tag nrho tshiab ib yam tsiaj ntawm genuinely koj World hauv chav kawm ntawv fighters tau qab, raws li zoo raws li tam sim no lub sij hawm rau Scottish boxers yuav ntau active, uas yuav tsuas yog yuav zoo rau cov kev ua si nawv. "


Yog xav paub ntxiv nyob rau hauv lub Malta Boxing Commission thov mus rau:

Web: www.maltaboxingcommission.com


Facebook www.facebook.com/MaltaBoxingCommission

LinkedIn www.linkedin.com/company/malta-boxing-commission

E.mail: admin@maltaboxingcommission.com


Qhia undefeated Jr. Middleweight Christian Molina

Molina mus noj nyob rau pro debuting Stacey Anderson no hnub vas xaum nyob rau ntawm lub Econo Lodge nyob rau hauv Allentown, PA
Allentown, PA (Lub ob hlis ntuj 17, 2015)–Christian Molina tsis muaj ntau ntawm ib tug pib xyaum ua tom qab tab sis nws tau ib tug ceev kev kawm thiab tau ua ib tug ntawm cov saum toj kawg nkaus zeem muag nyob rau hauv lub Valley Lehigh.
Qhov no Saturday nws yuav saib mus rau 4-0 thaum nws yuav siv sij hawm nyob rau hauv pro debuting Stacey Anderson nyob rau hauv ib tug 4-round Jr. Welterweight sib ntau sib tw nyob rau ntawm lub Econo Lodge nyob rau hauv Allentown, PA thiab yog nce los ntawm King lub Promotions.
Nyob rau hauv lub ntsiab kev tshwm sim, Frank De Alba yuav siv sij hawm nyob rau hauv ib tug nrog sib ntaus yuav tsum tau muaj npe nyob rau hauv ib tug 8-round Jr. Sib sib ntau sib tw.
Molina, 27 xyoo ntawm Allentown, PA muaj tsib pib xyaum ua bouts tab sis tau raced tawm mus rau ib tug zoo meej 3-0 cim nrog impressive yeej tshaj Dominic Goode, Jordan Morales thiab Josue Rivera thiab nws tam sim no zoo rau ib tug zoo xws li cov kev kawm tiv thaiv Anderson.
“Kev kawm tau ploj mus zoo. Anderson yog ib tug tshiab tus nrog sib ntaus. Tag nrho cov kuv paub yog hais tias nws muaj ib tug MMA tom qab,” Hais Molina.
“Kuv qhia ib kuv ua tus sacrifices los yeej. Kuv saib mus rau lub thawv thiab kuv saib mus tua. Kuv cia li ua txawm nws yuav siv sij hawm los mus sib ntaus uas tus nrog sib ntaus.”
Lub southpaw twb ua li ib tug zoo li nram qab no thiab xav thrill tus kiv cua nyob rau hnub Saturday hmo ntuj.
“Kuv cia li xav ua tsaug rau tag nrho cov kiv cua thiab tshwj xeeb tshaj yog cov lus Mev kiv cua uas yuav tuaj tawm thiab txhawb kuv no hnub vas xaum.”
Nyob rau hauv 6-round bouts:
Juan Dominguez (17-0, 11 KO lub) ntawm Brooklyn, NY yuav noj nyob rau ib tug nrog sib ntaus yuav tsum tau muaj npe.
Super Middleweight John Magda (8-0, 6 KO lub) ntawm Rutherford, NJ yuav noj nyob rau Jyog Williams (3-4) ntawm West Monroe, LA

Ivan Golub (5-0, 4 KO lub) ntawm Brooklyn, NY yuav noj nyob rau David Lopez (4-11-3, 1 KO) nyob rau hauv ib tug Jr. Middleweight sib ntau sib tw.
Danny Kelly (6-1-1, 5 KO lub) ntawm Washington, DC yuav noj nyob rau Kevin Franklin (6-10, 3 KO lub) nyob rau hauv ib tug Heavyweight sib ntau sib tw.
Nyob rau hauv 4-round bouts:
Robert Irizarry (2-0-1) ntawm Cherry Hill, NJ yuav sib ntaus sib tua Benjamin Burgos (2-10-1) ntawm Mount Pocono, PA nyob rau hauv ib tug Featherweight sib ntau sib tw. Qhov no sib ntau sib tw yog ib tug rematch ntawm ib tug sib ntau sib tw los ntawm Tej zaum qhov twg Irizarry yeej ib unanimous kev txiav txim siab.
Christopher Booker ntawm Philadelphia yuav ua kom nws debut pro tiv thaiv Andrew Sosa(0-4-1) ntawm Teb ceg, TX kuv nyob rau hauv ib tug Middleweight sib ntau sib tw.
Paul Koon (2-0, 1 KO ntawm Philadelphia yuav sib ntaus sib tua Rex Harris (1-0-2) ntawm Wikes-Barre, PA, nyob rau hauv ib tug Heavyweight sib ntau sib tw.
Daim pib rau no kuj zoo kawg hmo ntuj ntawm boxing yog $45 rau General Nkag thiab $60 rau Ringside thiab yuav tau muas los ntawm txhaj: www.kingsboxing.eventbrite.com los yog los ntawm hu xov tooj 610 587 5950

Lub Econo Lodge yog nyob rau ntawm 1151 Tsev Drive nyob rau hauv Allentown, PA


Rau Tam Sim Tso

CBS kev ua si nthuav qhia los ntawm Premier Boxing Champions Yuav kom Cua nyob rau hauv nrog Marquee SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® Txheej xwm

TSHIAB YORK (Feb. 17, 2015) – CBS kev ua si thiab kev ua si SHOWTIME® tau tshaj tawm ib multi-xyoo sib koom tes mus tom ntej los qhia nyob boxing nyob rau hauv lub CBS TV Network-thawj ntawm mus txog yim nyob txheej xwm nyob rau hauv 2015 yuav premiere rau Saturday, Plaub Hlis Ntuj 4 ntawm 3 p.m. THIAB on CBS. Premier Boxing Champions on CBS will air in conjunction with marquee SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING events as part of a partnership that will cross-promote the live programs across multiple platforms.

Thawj thawj rau lub lis piam mus pib no mus tom ntej yuav feature ob ntawm lub biggest npe nyob rau hauv kev ua si nawv-Julio Cesar Chavez Jr., thiab Adonis Stevenson-thiab bookend xyoo no feem ntau muab boxing kev tshwm sim, lub SHOWTIME PPV® kev nthuav qhia ntawm cov undisputed phaus-rau-phaus yeej Floyd Mayweather.

Txhua nyob boxing kev tshwm sim nyob rau hauv CBS thiab SHOWTIME yuav tau txais kev txhawb nrog luv luv- thiab ntev-daim ntawv xub pwg programming uas yuav pa ya thoob plaws ntau yam platforms xws li CBS, SHOWTIME and CBS Sports Network. Nyob rau hauv tas li ntawd, ib tug tseem ceeb nyiaj txiag lag luam yuav tsum tau muaj nplooj siab los txhawb txhua tus nyob CBS broadcasts thiab tej yam loj SHOWTIME telecast nrog tsom advertising campaigns.

“Lub Premier Boxing Champions series on CBS yuav pab usher nyob rau hauv ib tug tshiab era nyob rau hauv lub storied keeb kwm ntawm boxing,” hais tias Stephen Espinoza, Executive Vice Thawj Tswj Hwm & General Manager, SHOWTIME kev ua si. “Nrog kev pab los ntawm peb cov niam txiv lub tuam txhab, peb uniquely positioned rau ib tug peb-tiered ze uas muaj xws li nyob boxing broadcasts rau America tus Tsis. 1 network, lub cable ncav tsis cuag CBS kev ua si Network thiab, ntawm chav kawm, tus nqi TV thawj coj nyob rau hauv boxing, SHOWTIME. The benefit of elevating the sport across these platforms for all involved, xws li SHOWTIME, yog immeasurable.”

Lub sij hawm ntawm los tom ntej nyob boxing cov txheej xwm rau CBS thiab SHOWTIME yog raws li nram no:


Rau Saturday, Lub peb hlis ntuj 28, SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING yuav nthuav ib tug doubleheader featuring ib tug featherweight showdown ntawm Qhov champion Jhonny Gonzalez thiab sab saum toj contender Gary Russell Jr., and a matchup of 154-pound contenders Jermell Charlo and Vanes Martirosyan. The live SHOWTIME telecast will preview the following week’s Plaub Hlis Ntuj 4 CBS debut of Premier Boxing Champions.

Premiere BOXING Champions RAU CBS

Lub CBS premiere rau Saturday, Plaub Hlis Ntuj 4 (3 p.m. THIAB/Tav su PT) will feature light heavyweight world champion Adonis Stevenson defending his WBC title against former super middleweight champ Sakio Bika. Nyob rau hauv lub co-feature, undefeated light heavyweight contender Artur Beterbiev will face veteran former world champ Gabriel Campillo. The CBS broadcast, nrog nws cov teb chaws ncav tsis cuag uas ntau tshaj 110 lab cov tsev neeg, will offer a broad platform to promote a major SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING event just two weeks later.


Rau Saturday, Plaub Hlis Ntuj 18, SHOWTIME pib lub network debut ntawm yav tas los lub ntiaj teb no yeej thiab Mexican superstar Julio Cesar Chavez Jr., as he takes on light heavyweight contender Andrzej Fonfara.

Premiere BOXING Champions RAU CBS

Rau Saturday, Tej zaum 9 Premier Boxing Champions rov qab los rau CBS rau lub thib ob phuv (4:30 p.m. THIAB/1:30 p.m. PT). This broadcast will pit undefeated Omar Figueroa, uas nyuam qhuav vacated nws Sib ntiaj teb Championship rau koj tsiv nyob rau hauv hnyav rau 140 phaus, against former champion Ricky Burns.

Lub Plaub Hlis Ntuj 18 SHOWTIME telecast thiab cov Tej zaum 9 CBS broadcast yuav txhawb-thiab tau txais kev txhawb los ntawm-covTej zaum 2 SHOWTIME PPV kev tshwm sim featuring tus undefeated, ntiaj teb no lub Tsis. 1 ranked fighter, Floyd Mayweather.

Ntxiv paub tseeb hais tias cov hnub rau Premier Boxing Champions nyob rau hauv CBS xws li nyob broadcasts nyob rau hauv Lub rau hli ntuj, Lub Xya hli ntuj thiab lub Cuaj Hli Ntuj, muaj txog li peb seem txheej xwm nyob rau hauv lub 2015 daim ntawv qhia hnub tsis tau yuav tsum tau tshaj tawm. Nyob boxing broadcasts rau CBS, lwm yam tshaj qhov aforementioned premiere, yuav tshaj tawm hauv xov nyob rau ntawm4:30 p.m. THIAB/1:30 p.m. PT.

Lub Premier Boxing Champions series yog tsim rau TV los ntawm Haymon kev ua si. Nws yog thawj raws li series nthuav qhia ntawm nyob boxing nyob rau hauv CBS nyob rau hauv 15 xyoo. The network aired a one-off live event featuring current WBC Super Bantamweight Champion Leo Santa Cruz in 2012. Ua ntej ntawd, kawg nyob boxing nyob rau hauv lub network nyob rau hauv 1997 thaum ces-Middleweight yeej Bernard Hopkins khob qhov rooj tawm Glen Johnson.

Nyob boxing yog ib tug staple nyob rau hauv lub network nyob rau hauv lub 1980s, li qhia siv kuj featuring neej yav tom ntej nrog cov Famers Qab Zib Ray Leonard, Ray “Boom Boom” Mancini thiab lwm tus neeg. Boxing zaj keeb kwm rau CBS hnub rov qab mus rau 1948 thaum lub Pabst Blue Ribbon bouts premiered featuring legendary tshuab-by-tshuab commentator Russ Hodges.

Boxcino 2015 Heavyweight kev kawm camp quotes Qub U.S. Olympian Jason Estrada xyoo Mario Heredia

Rau Tam Sim Tso

Verona, NY (Lub ob hlis ntuj 17, 2015)–No hnub Friday yav hmo ntuj nyob rau ntawm lub Txoj siav pob zeb Resort Twv txiaj yuam pov, lub Boxcino 2015 Heavyweight kev sib tw yuav pib nrog plaub quarterfinal bouts.
Yav tas los U.S. Olympian, Jason “Loj Rau” Txoj kev yog ib tug hloov nyob rau hauv kev sib tw rau Mario Heredia uas nyo tawm ntawm txoj kev sib tw rau kev kho mob yog vim li cas.

Estrada ntawm Providence, Rhode Island yog ib tug tswv cuab ntawm 2004 United States Olympic pab neeg thiab muab kev tom qab xyoo. He has solid wins over James Northey (11-1), Hmuv Whitaker (32-4), Moultrie Witherspoon (14-1) & Derek Bryant (20-4-1).

Hauv qab no yog quotes los ntawm cov neeg sib tw rau lub Heavyweight fights no hnub Friday.

Steve Vukosa--“Kev kawm yog mus zoo. I have been getting extra work shoveling all the snow here in Massachusetts. I haven’t really checked much on Donovan Dennis. I am excited to get in the ring and am excited for this opportunity.

Donovan Dennis “Kev kawm camp yog zoo. I had great sparring and am in good shape. I am ready and have been anxious for the last couple weeks. I am ready for whatever I have to do to win the fight.
Razvan Cojanu–“Txhua yam tau zoo. Kuv npaj txhij mus. I had top sparring and it went great. Yuav kom ncaj ncees, Kuv tsis paub ntau txog Ed Tug ciav lwm ces nws yog ib tug southpaw. That doesn’t matter to me as I just go in there and do my job.

Thiab ciav–“Kev kawm camp yog zoo nkauj zoo. Kuv yog tus underdog, thiab kuv yuav muaj kev lom zem. I hope he brings his best so I can prove myself. I know he is a veteran. I look forward to knocking him out and putting myself at the top of the tournament.

Lenroy Thomas–“Kev kawm mus zoo. I am disappointed by the change of opponents. I just believe in myself and my faith. I watched some videos of Estrada, thiab nws los mus tua. He brings the fight. It will be a good fight, thiab kuv yuav yeej xwb.”


Jason Estrada–“Kuv yog ib tug lig nkag, tab sis kuv tau nyob rau hauv camp. I am in pretty good shape. This is such a good opportunity that I could not pass it up, thiab kuv ntuav kuv lub kaus mom rau hauv lub nplhaib. I do not know much about my opponent. My dad did the research. I am just going in to fight my fight. From my amateur background, Kuv tau pom ntau yeej. It is not hard because I have seen so many styles. I can adapt and may the best man win.

Nate Saum ntuj ceeb tsheej–“Kev kawm yog mus zoo. I have had lots of sparring. I have been running, thiab kuv nyob rau hauv zoo mob hlwb thiab lub cev. I just keep charging along. From what I have seen, nws yuav sim muab tso rau ib tug ntau ntawm siab. He is aggressive and likes to go to the body. We are just preparing for whatever he comes up with. Training has been so well that we just want to take this from training to the ring.

Andrey Fedosov–“Kuv npaj txhij rau kuv zoo tshaj plaws nyob rau hauv no kev sib tw! Kuv muaj ib tug yawm pw hav zoov.”

Lub luj nyob rau hauv yuav Thursday, Lub ob hlis ntuj 19 ntawm 5 PM nyob rau hauv lub Cypress Chaav.
There will be a post fight press conference immediately nram qab no kawm tiav ntawm lub xeem sib ntau sib tw nyob rau hauv lub Cypress Chaav.

Daim pib rau lub ob hlis ntuj 20th ESPN Friday Night Fights ntawm Txoj siav pob zeb nyob rau ntawm kev muag khoom tam sim no nyob rau ntawm lub Txoj siav Pob Zeb chaw ua hauj lwm, nyob rau hauv tus neeg los yog los ntawm hu xov tooj 315.361.7469, lossis hauv online ntawm Ticketmaster. Daim pib yog $60 rau ringside rooj, $35, $25, thiab no yuav ntxiv cov nqi.

Tswj tuav ntawm lub ob hlis ntuj 20th bouts, lub Oneida Indian teb chaws tus Txoj siav pob zeb Resort Twv txiaj yuam pov tseem kom paub qhov txawv nws tus kheej raws li ib tug premier lo lus uas peb rau kev ntaus pob ncaws pob cov txheej xwm, nrog rau hauv teb chaws-uas tawm hauv TV boxing qhov yuam kev thiab PGA-theem golf. Lub ob hlis ntuj 20th sib ntaus yuav kos tus cim Txoj siav Pob Zeb lub 14th teb chaws uas tawm hauv TV boxing kev tshwm sim nyob rau hauv tsawg tshaj li ob lub xyoos, pab tsim kom muaj lub resort raws li ib tug Mecca rau knockout uas tawm hauv TV fights. Boxing legends Mike Tyson thiab Floyd Mayweather Jr. tau nce tawm hauv TV sib ntaus phaib ntawm lub resort nyob rau hauv lub xyoo tas los thiab txoj siav Pob Zeb tau tuav televised boxing cov txheej xwm rau ESPN, Showtime, HBO, thiab NBC nyob rau hauv ob lub xyoos dhau. Nyob rau hauv Upstate New York, cov plaub-lub caij resort muaj world-class kev lom zem thiab gaming, prestigious khw nojmov, khoom kim heev spa chaw, thiab puav pheej-winning accommodations.Tickets rau lub ob hlis ntuj 20th ESPN Friday Night Fights ntawm Txoj siav pob zeb nyob rau ntawm kev muag khoom tam sim no nyob rau ntawm lub Txoj siav Pob Zeb chaw ua hauj lwm, nyob rau hauv tus neeg los yog los ntawm hu xov tooj315.361.7469, lossis hauv online ntawm Ticketmaster. Daim pib yog $60 rau ringside rooj, $35, $25, thiab no yuav ntxiv cov nqi. Qhov rooj qhib rau ntawm 6:00 p.m., nrog rau cov thawj sib ntau sib tw teem rau 7:00 p.m. Nyob ESPN telecast pib ntawm 9pm.

Kev xov xwm thov ntawv rau lub ob hlis ntuj 20 sib ntaus yuav tsum hu rau Kelly Abdo, Xa Pob Zeb Public Relations Manager ntawm 315.366.9291 los yogkelly.abdo@turningstone.com.

Hais txog Txoj siav pob zeb Resort Twv txiaj yuam pov A premier plaub-lub caij, lo lus uas peb resort nyob rau hauv Upstate New York, lub Oneida Indian teb chaws tus Txoj siav pob zeb Resort Twv txiaj yuam pov yog conveniently nyob txog 30 mais sab hnub tuaj ntawm Syracuse ntawm NYS Thruway tawm 33. Xa Pob Zeb twb muaj npe “Feem ntau cov zoo heev Golf Resort” nyob rau hauv 2010 los ntawm Condé Nast Johansens. Lub Academy ntawm teb chaws Music npe Txoj siav pob zeb “Twv txiaj yuam pov ntawm lub xyoo” nyob rau hauv 2009. Lub resort muaj world-class gaming, golf, kev lom zem, kev kho kom haum thiab spa chaw, thiab khwv tau AAA Plaub Pob Zeb Diamond ratings rau Lub Lodge, Ntauwd Hotel, thiab Wildflowers lub tsev noj mov. Yog xav paub ntxiv thiab reservations, hu (315) 361-7711 los yog (800) 771-7711. Mus saib lub web site ntawm www.TurningStone.com..