Tag Archives: feerka

Andrade soo saartey israaca Title dagaalka tartan si Lara

Deemeetriyos 'Boo Boo’ ANDRADE

WBO Junior dhexe Champion & 2008 The. S. Cayaaraha olombikada

Siiya (March 4, 2015) – Beyer World Boxing Organization (WBO) Kooxda heysata horyaalka yar dhexe Deemeetriyos “Boo Boo” Andrade (21-0, 14 KOs) waxay leedahay titlist loolan World Boxing Association Erislandy “Dream The American” Lara (20-2-2, 12 KOs) in a dagaallanka horyaalka israaca ee April ama May.


Andrade, ka 2008 Laga xoreeyo. Olympic iyo 2007 World Championships Hiwaayadda ee bilad dahab, iyo saddex-time horyaalka hiwaayadda National Cuba Lara ayaa ku baayacmushtaray Weerarka baahinta ka Isbuucaan.


Andrade ayaa sheegay in Lara waxa ay isaga ka, halka Lara sheegtay in uusan ka walwalsan tahay la dagaalanka ee New Englander hibada, isaga a yeereysa “brat kharribay”.


Hadal qoraal ah oo, Lara sheegay Andrade diiday dagaalka ESPN2 ah isaga la iyo kii “whooped dameer in u lacag la'aan ah dhansiga ah.” Lara sidoo kale su'aalo oo, marka la barbardhigo, Andrade ayaa dagaalamay. Waxa uu sidoo kale sheegay in Andrade ka baxay dagaalka ugu weyn ee mustaqbalkiisa ciyaareed ka hor Lara ee stablemate, Jermell Charlo, oo tilmaamayo in Andrade Trafford heshiis kala saxiixday.


Wixii rikoorka, Lara adkaaday Andrade ee 2007 Pan Am-isreebreebka, 9-4, kulankii lagu qabtay magaalada Venezuela, Si kastaba ha ahaatee, Tababaraha Andrade ayaa Iyo Farris si dhaqso ah ku darto, “First of dhan, goormaannu ku Lara abid whoop Deemeetriyos’ dameer? Does Lara mean in the amateurs when he ran away from him for three rounds? Waxa ay ku kala duwan yihiin da'da shan sano ahayd mid muhim u tahay dhansiga sababtoo ah Deemeetriyos weli ahaa wiil dhalinyaro ah oo, xitaa markaas, Lara loo baahan yahay garsoorayaasha dibada inay xadaan go'aankaas. Lara landed something like nine total punches during the entire fight. If that’s an ass kicking, sidoo, na tirin in!”


Farris sidoo kale intaasi ku daray in dagaalka u dhaxeeya Lara oo Andrade waa in si sahlan loo sameeyo. “Kaliya dhawr cisho ka hor,” Farris xusay, “Lara xusay in uu diyaar u yahay inuu la dagaalamo Deemeetriyos ee la soo dhaafay kaliya ahaa $15,000. Sidaas, Waan hubaa HBO ama Showtime uu codsi si farxad leh meel marin doona.”


Andrade qabsaday WBO horyaalka bannaan November 9, 2013 by habka of go'aan 12-wareeg badan hore u badin Vanes Martirosyan (33-0-1), dagaalka isla Lara la dagaallamay ee aadka sagaal-wareega ah. Andrade ayaa dagaalka ugu dambeeyey uu ahaa bishii June ee horyaalka ugu horeeyay ka dhaliyay tartame khasab ah Brian Rose (25-1-1), taas oo Andrade eegay Ciyaarihii in a knockout toddobaadna-wareega ah qofkii ugu.


Point-by-dhibic, Andrade ku doodayeen eedaha uu khalad Lara iyo sheegashooyin aan qiil. “Marka tan khayaali ah dagaalka dalab laba sano ka hor ku ESPN,” Andrade hadalkeeda siyaasadeed weydiiyay. “Adiga iyo ayaan labada ogahay in marnaba ka dhacay, Lara. I sure as hell never saw any offer to fight Lara on ESPN. Yaan la dagaalamay leeyihiin? Waxaan kaliya u baahan in la xuso hal magac: Waxaan ku garaacday Vanes Martirosyan, Lara nin ee aysan ka adkaan karin! Lara was lucky enough to get a draw because he RAN around the ring for the first half of the fight instead of fighting. Laakiin, Hey, taasi waxa weeye waxa Lara falaa. Just weydii ‘Canelo‘ (Alvarez) iyo feerka taageerayaasha kuwaas oo daawaday Dagaal.


“Lara mar walba yiri, meel kasta. How about April or May if he needs more time to hit the track and get extra laps in? Wax ka badan Hal, Lara, Waxaan MARNA iska socday ka heshiis kala saxiixday. WELIGOOD ILMO! Waxay u badan tahay in aad marna ma joojin socda agagaarka dheer oo ku filan in xitaa la ogaado in. The only contract I ever signed to fight Charlo was a month ago and Charlo declined. Lara said I signed a contract to fight Charlo before that. Haddii uu ii caddayn kartaan heshiis aan saxiixay si ay ula dagaalamaan Charlo on December 13th, Waxaan balanqaadayaa in ay joojiyaan isaga yeeridda. Lara, waxaad la socon kartaa – qof walba waa og waxaad camal falaysaan — laakiin ma qarin karo. Waxaan leenahay ka taalo inay is ogow of.”


Taliye Lara ee awoodda badan, Al HAYMON, leedahay ku dileen taariikhaha television, lugu daro April 18on Showtime in Carson, California. Julio Cesar Chavez, Jr. Wajiyada Fonfara Andrjejhaddii ay dhacdo weyn laakiin dhacdo co-weyn ee aan la dhawaaqay.


“Lara ma awoodi doonaan in ay la tacaalaan Deemeetriyos’ size iyo xoog,” Farris xusay, “oo si degdeg ah ama waqti dambe Deemeetriyos qool baana qabsan doona. Marka keliya ee Lara istaagay oo wuxuu la diriray, uu helay dameerkiisa wareejiyay isaga oo ag (Alfred) Angulo. The ONLY reason he got out of that fight alive is because Angulo suffered an eye injury at the end. Haddii kale, Lara waxaa socday shiraac mar kale markii saddexaad oo qof in ay arkeen in dagaalka waa ogyahay.”


Raac Deemeetriyos Andrade on TwitterBooBooBoxing.

PRO Championship oo feerka soo laabtay HIALEAH PARK March 26

ESPN Thursday Habeenka Back ee South Florida oo gaaf wareegaya leh

Strong Telefiishinka Fight Card

Difaacaneysa IBF Super-featherweight champ
Rances Barthelemy la filayo in lagu arko

Hialeah Park ayaa masraxada dib caalamiga marka ay noqon doontaa ESPN ee Thursday Dagaaladu waxa Night laabto this goobta mid taariikhi ah iyadoo fiidkii ficillo ah ee feerka xirfad horyaalka on March 26 laga bilaabo 6 PM ET.

Kaarka la dagaalanka xiddiga juunyeerka, kaas oo lagu baahin doonaa nool Maraykanka iyo suuqyada Latin fure on ESPN2 iyo ESPN Deportes, ayaa la filayaa inuu kulankiisii ​​ugu horeysay ee ka mid ah cadaa ah kooxda difaacaneysa horyaalka IBF Rances Super-featherweight “Qarax Kid” Barthelemy, kaas oo 21-0 la 12 group.

Leon Margules of Warriors Boxing, co-hirgelinaya dhacdada la Hialeah Park, xaqiijinaysaa in kaarka soo qeybgeli doonaan in arin toban-wareega welterweight dhexeeya Breidis “Khanqueror The” Prescott (27-6, 20 KOs) of Colombia iyo Fredrick “General Okunka” Lawson (23-0, 20 KOs) of Ghana.

“Tani waxay noqon doontaa dagaal ugu muhiimsan ee Prescott,” Margules la xiriira. “Waxa uu 31, hadda. Waxa uu ku guuleystay seddex dagaallan laakiin hoos laba tan iyo bilowgii 2012, si uu quruxsan badan oo ku saabsan xaaladda qasban tahay inay badiso hadii uu doonayo in ay sii jiraan oo isaga kooxdiisana.”

Prescott, hadda ay ka dagaalamayaan out of Miami, ku guuleystay koowaad ee 21 dagaallan ee uu waayihiisa ka hor dib-u-dib kulan dabayaaqadii 2009.

Lawson waa lix sano ka yar ee 25. Waxa uu ku guuleystay seddex roonaadaan kala duwan horyaalka goboleed bannaan tan iyo bishii December ee 2012, ugu dhawaan horyaalka IBF International Welterweight bannaan ee July ee 2013.

“Lawson ma dagaalamaan oo dalka Mareykanka ah ilaa uu dib loogu celiyo in Chicago sanadkii la soo dhaafay,” Margules xusay. “Waxa uu pro adag oo aan u baahan hareeraysan saaxiibtinimo inuu ku guuleysto. Waxa uu ku guuleystay in Minnesota iyo California tan iyo markii uu America.”

Laba dagaal culus Cuba badinin dagaal doona kaadhka. Yasmany “Tiburon The” Consuegra ayaa heysta rikoor ah 16-0 la 14 group, ugu wareegga hore. Consuegra ma lahayn in ay sugaan scorecards in lagu uruursadeen tan iyo markii ay badiyeen xumad afar-wareega ah 5 sano ka hor in kaliya uu dagaalka uu nool yahay saddexaad. Robert Alfonso waa 4-0 in uu mustaqbalkiisa dhalinyarada.

Qiimaha tikidhada ESPN ee Thursday Dagaaladu waxa Night, sidoo kale lagu magacaabay “Dagaaladu waxa Night,” waa on sale hadda marayo Force Ticket (www.myticketforce.com),www.hialeahpark.com, iyo ugu qafis Hialeah Park Casino.

# # #

About Warriors Boxing

La bilaabay 2003, Warriors Boxing ka hawl hoos fudud falsafad-keeno diinta adduunka ugu fiican si ay ula dagaalamaan taageerayaasha, iyaga aad ugu dhigma casilin tartan rasmi ah, iyo in sidaas samaynaya caawiso dib u sameynta cayaaraha ee feerka ee jiil cusub.


Iyada oo taxane ah oo guul bandhigyada Pay-Per-View iyo buuxiyey oo guryaha si ay credit, model ka ganacsiga Warriors waxaa ka shaqeeya yaabab sport ah in aaney ahaa ee u baahan hal abuurnimo iyo tamarta in shirkaddu waxay keentaa in ay miiska.


Markii ay tani timaado in inkasta oo, shirkad dhiirrigelin waa kaliya sida ugu fiican ee dagaalyahanada iyo dagaalama waxay kor u. Warriors Boxing samatabbixiyey on dhinac walba, la roonaadaan u fiican sida Lara-Molina, Cayo-Peterson, Abraham-Miranda aniga iyo II, Miranda-Pavlik, Miranda-Green, Ibragimov-Briggs, Ibragimov-Klitschko, Urango-Hatton, Urango-Bailey, Cayo-Maidana iyo Ibragimov-Holyfield.


Wixii macluumaad dheeraad ah oo ku saabsan Warriors Boxing, visit their website at www.WarriorsBoxing.com.

Dominic “XUN” BREAZEALE qaadataa UP STEP tartanka

Las Vegas, Nevada (March 4, 2015) Saturday Tan evening marks a historic night as the sweet science returns to prime time network television on NBC after over thirty years. Al Haymon’s “Premier Boxing Champions” taxane dhigi doonaa ugu horeysay ee malaayiin guryaha guud ahaan dalka oo hubin in ay gaaraan taageerayaasha dagaalka joogtada ahayn oo aficionados feerka. Tani waa weyn ee isboortiga sida ay soo bandhigaysaa boosteejo ah oo daawadayaasha ka mid ah da 'walba si aad ula isboortiga ee feerka iyo xiddigaha mustaqbalka.


Sidoo kale waa madal lagu Xarakada xirfadeed si ay u noqdaan magacyada reerka oo ay leeyihiin yaqaanaan dadweynaha ah kuwaas oo oo ay ka soo jeedaan. Mid ka mid ah dagaalka sida ugu sareeya waa laga xoreeyo. rajo feerka, Dominic “Dhibaato” BREAZEALE (13-0, 12 KO ee). BREAZEALE, hadda 29, was introduced to boxing at a relatively late age. After playing quarterback for the University of Northern Colorado, Breazeale go'aan inuu ka tago birta ku xirneeyn oo geli giraan feerka ee 2008.


Gudahood saddex sano iyo badh ah, Breazeale ku guuleystay koobabka badan oo ka midnoqon kuwa aan rasmi ahayn ugu danbeyn isaga oo soo caga boos ku 2012 United States Olympic Team competing in the Super Heavyweight division. Several months later, Breazeale saxiixi lahaa la taliye wax raadayn Al Haymon oo noqon pro damacsan yahay xidiga hiwaayadda hore iyo feerka xirfad John Bray.


Dulinka C / bStunt.com

In uu sagaal roonaadaan koowaad, Breazeale plowed through his opposition in four rounds or less including the dismantling of heavyweight veteran Lenroy Thomas. In his tenth professional bout, Breazeale would go the distancefor the first time in his career against a tough veteran in Nagy Aguilera. Although the bout would last all eight scheduled rounds, Breazeale tusay inuu feerka si hufan peppering Aguilera at will la isku bannanatahay, xuquuqda toosan, oo qabsatooyinkooduna bidix iyo uppercuts.

His next three bouts ended in familiar fashion with his opponents being stopped in three rounds or less. It has been a great start to Breazeale’s career and he is learning everyday with trainer John Bray. “Aadna waan u jecelay meesha aan hadda ahay in aan mustaqbalkeyga, but I know I still have a lot to improve on in order to be ready to become the heavyweight champion of the world. I trust and believe in John’s ability to take me to that level. John has been in camps with the likes of Tyson, Lewis iyo Holyfield oo la soo tababaray ay tababarayaashu halyeeyga sidoo kale.”


Breazeale laabtay giraanta Saturday this fiidkii ka dhanka ah kooxda uu ugu adag ee taariikhda, Victor Bisbal (21-2, 15 KO ee), a 2004 Olympian from Puerto Rico. The opportunity to fight in Las Vegas at the MGM Grand Arena on NBC is a dream come true and the 2012 Olombikada waa diyaar u this

Photo C / O Adrian Jimenez

tartan. “I am truly excited to be fighting this weekend on such a huge platform and I am looking forward to this challenge and making my name a household name. I know Victor is coming prepared and I am definitely prepared as well. Waxa ay noqon doontaa habeyn weyn ee feerka ee taageerayaasha”, Saciid Breazeale.


Trainer John Bray is also excited for this opportunity as he knows this fight can take his pupil from prospect to contender. “Victor Bisbal waa rug cadaa ah oo dagaalka iyo aad u dhameystiran sidii Olympic la diiwaanka 21-2 la 15 group. Dominic will have to be on his “A” game to shine and as his trainer I can tell you that he will be that and more. By out-boxing and beating Bisbal in an impressive fashion, this dhigi doonaa ogeysiiska qaato adduunka feerka in Dominic Breazeale waa dhab oo diyaar u ah wax weyn oo wanaagsan.”


PBC on NBC kor looqaado by dalacaad Goossen iyo tikidhada ee habeenkii la yaab leh this ee feerka iibsan karaa www.mgmgrand.com oo waxaa la qiime jaban ah $400, $300, $100 iyo $50.

“Halkan Yimaado Dhibaato!



Salita inks Kazakh Knockout artist Bakhtier Eubov

Brooklyn, NY (March 3, 2015)–Dalacaad Salita ee waa ku faraxsan yahay in uu ku dhawaaqo xiddiga kale mustaqbalka ayaa intaa ku daray in ay yiriin.
Now opponents who will be getting in the ring with Bakhtiyar Eyubov, si aanay u noqon sidaa ku faraxsan, sababta oo ah rajada waa ay dhammaan xisaabaadka heysa awood.
Yeyubov, 5-0 sida xirfadle, iyadoo shan knockous in uu credit, ka yimaadaa Kazakhstan, hooyo la mid ah sida xiddiga dhexe Gennady Golovkin. Sida Golovkin, Eyubov u muuqataa in meesha laga saaro garsoorayaasha ka isle. Illeen, uu koox u socda ka dawan ee furitaanka, sida afar ka mid ah shantii KOs ay ka yimaadeen mid ka mid wareega.
Iyadoo in ka badan 150 Ku Guuleystay in dhansiga ah, Inta badan balaaran oo ay KO, waxaa iska cad in uu qaab ku haboon tahay waxa ayidaya ama si fiican, iyo Salita waa ku faraxsan yahay in aynu taageerayaasha New York City-degaanka sayniska macaan isaga hubi in mustaqbalka dhow.
Eyubov ayaa hore u riyaaqay sumcad sida banger xarfada, si uu lahaa in ay ku heshiiyaan in ay dagaallan ka 147 jidka oo dhan rodol ilaa culus light, 175 pounds, si ay u soo jiidan qaarka gashi oo isaga la koray. The heysa 28-sano jir ah waxaa ay kor u soo koobay darajadaa by horumariyaha Salita: “Wuxuu puncher jirka mintid ah oo ujeedadeedu tahay in ay hesho KO mar kasta. Eyubov leedahay style xiiso leh iyo inuu yahay mid aad u gaajaysan in kooxdiisa inay hogaanka iyo noqon horyaalka adduunka ah.”
Eyubov maareyn doona Wilson Naranjo, oo maamula horyaalka ex Luis Collazo iyo tartamaha adduunka lagu qiimeeyo ee Raphael Vasquez.
Salita ugu dhakhsaha badan ku dhawaaqi doona inuu kaarka la dagaalanka xirfadeed ee soo socota, iyo marka aan ka arki kartaa talanti oo Eyubov rajada nafteena. Ilaa markaas hubi video ah
Bakhtiyar Eyyubov AZE vs  Cliff Newton USA   February 17, 2012
Bakhtiyar Eyyubov AZE vs Cliff Newton USA February 17, 2012
Wixii faah faahin ah hubi Salitapromotions.com


Las Vegas (March 3, 2015) – The fan favorites participating on the inaugural Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) on NBC fight card on Saturday, March 7 shared their progress today on how training camp is going and the importance of the return of boxing to primetime network television.


Qiimaha tikidhada dhacdo nool yihiin jaban $400, $300, $100 iyo $50, ma ku jiraan kharashyada adeegga ay khuseyso iyo canshuurta, waa on sale hadda. Si mas'uul ah adigoo taleefoon kula kaarka amaahda ugu waaweyn, wac Ticketmaster at (800) 745-3000. Tikidhada ayaa sidoo kale waxaa laga heli karaa www.mgmgrand.com ama www.ticketmaster.com.


As they prepare to open a new chapter in boxing history, Keith “One Time” Thurman,Robert “Ruuxa” Warrior, Adrien “Dhibaatada” Broner, John “Gladiator The” Molina Jr. iyo Abneer qarow took some time out of their busy training schedules to discuss the debut of PBC.




S: How do you feel about fighting on the big stage at the MGM Grand Garden Arena for the fourth time?


A: I love MGM Grand. The last time when I fought there as the co-main event was an honor. This is an even greater honor to be the main event. Many world-class fighters have performed there and Floyd Mayweather has made it his home. Tani waa riyo ii rumowday.


S: Is there any extra motivation fighting on the inaugural PBC card on NBC in primetime?

A: It’s a blessing and I’ve been working towards this for 19 sano. Al Haymon could have picked any of his great fighters for this moment and I’m honored be part of this night and kick things off right.

S: What do you think the return of boxing to primetime network television could accomplish for the sport of boxing?

A: With NBC coming back to primetime boxing it gives us boxers a chance to shine again on the biggest stage. We’ve been continuing to fill up arenas for years, but boxing is returning to the mainstream spotlight with an even bigger punch on March 7.

S: What do you think of your opponent?

A: His father had a few comments, and some things were said, but I’m expecting him to come out throwing punches and looking to execute his game plan when we enter the ring. We’re going to show him that he never should have signed this contract. There’s a different side of Keith Thurman inside that ring and he’s going to learn the hard way.

S: Is there anything he does in the ring that concerns you?

A: He hasn’t fought anyone with extreme power like me.

S: Are you doing anything special to prepare for this particular matchup?

A: He’s been in the ring with some great fighters, but every fight is itsown learning experience. We work hard in training every time to outbox boxers, outpunch punchers, and I’m expecting to be ready to do everything better than him.

S: What have you been doing to pass the time when you’re not at the gym or training?

A: It’s actually a very mundane lifestyle. I’m resting, getting acupuncture or massage therapy. I like to go out and find good hip-hop. I’ve been eating some good sushi and seaweed salad, but just staying on my diet and resting and recovering before my late night run and maybe a session in my hyperbaric chamber.


S: What should the fans expect on March 7? Do you have a prediction?

A: I’ll be honest, I’m going to stand there and exchange with him for six rounds, and if he’s still standing there we’ll see. With my punching power the KO can come at any time with that one punch. If he walks into it or I lunge at himit can even be a body shot. I’m just looking to get him out of there. I’m going to do what I need to do to stay a champion and we’re looking to move on past March 7 guul.



S: How do you feel about fighting on the big stage at the MGM Grand Garden Arena?


A: MGM Grand is the Mecca of boxing venues and I’m very excited to be performing in the main event against an undefeated young lion like Keith Thurman.

S: Is there any extra motivation fighting on the inaugural PBC card on NBC in primetime?

A: Oh yeah, I'm extremely motivated to be the first fighter to bring boxing back to NBC on primetime. Al Haymon is doing a fantastic job with the PBC. I want to show the world I'm an elite fighter and what better way to do it then against an undefeated world champion.

S: What do you think the return of boxing to primetime network television could accomplish for the sport of boxing?

A: It's so great in so many ways. First, anyone with a TV can watch this fight, so millions of more people can tune in. The number of new fans that will be gained will be unbelievable. For those hardcore fans who can't afford cable, this will be a breathe of fresh air to see a top notch fight on regular network TV. Fans who are just hanging at a restaurant or sports bar, who don't even like boxing will be tuning in, and they will all become new fans with the action they'll be seeing. It's going to be great for everyone.

S: What do you think of your opponent?

A: Thurman has a lot of power and that's something I must be aware of.

S: Is there anything he does in the ring that concerns you?

A: Waxa uu ku dagaalamaa wanaagsan, but I’ll be prepared for whatever he brings into the ring on Saturday.

S: Are you doing anything special to prepare for this particular matchup?

A: I'm doing a few different things but nothing I can talk about at the moment.

S: What have you been doing to pass the time when you’re not at the gym or training?

A: Spending time with my family. They're my motivation. 

S: What should the fans expect on March 7? Do you have a prediction?

A: In Spanish we say "Chingasos." That's what the fans can expect from me on March 7th. My hands will be raised at the end of the fight and you'll hear the referee say "And the new..."



S: How do you feel about fighting on the big stage at the MGM Grand Garden Arena?


A: You know I love the big moment with the spotlight. March 7 is going to be my time to shine and MGM Grand is the place to do it.


S: Is there any extra motivation fighting on the inaugural PBC card on NBC in primetime?

A: Dabcan, Al Haymon has lots of guys who could have fought on this first card and I’m honored to have been chosen.

S: What do you think the return of boxing to primetime network television could accomplish for the sport of boxing?

A: This is a huge deal. This is our chance to get the attention of a whole new crowd of people. This is going to make boxing bigger than ever.

S: What do you think of your opponent?

A: John Molina Jr. is a true warrior. His nickname suits him. He’s like a punching bag that can hit back with power. He’s a deadly fighter. It can only take a second for a fight to change dramatically with a guy like that, so I’m taking this fight very seriously. I’ll be ready though.


S: Is there anything he does in the ring that concerns you?


A: It can only take a second for a fight to change dramatically with a guy like that, so I’m taking this fight very seriously. I’ll be ready though.

S: Are you doing anything special to prepare for this particular matchup?

A: We’re just doing what we always do, putting in hard work. It’s been great having this experience with my newborn son, but I’m very focused on March 7.

S: What have you been doing to pass the time when you’re not at the gym or training?

A: Well actually I just had a son born, Adrieon, a couple weeks ago. I was supposed to go out to Washington D.C. towards the end of my training camp, but I ended up staying in Cincinnati to be with his mother and to see him be born. Waxa ay ahayd waayo-aragnimo weyn.


S: What should the fans expect on March 7? Do you have a prediction?

A: There’s going to be lots of heavy hitting. I’m looking forward to stopping John Molina Jr., and if I don’t stop him it will be a bloody massacre.



S: How do you feel about fighting on the big stage at the MGM Grand Garden Arena?


A: I’m very excited to be back there again. This is going to be a great night of boxing for the world to see.


S: Is there any extra motivation fighting on the inaugural PBC card on NBC in primetime?

A: I’m always motivated, but I don’t want to dig too much into the hype and risk getting distracted. Being on this platform on NBC is great for the sport. I just don’t want to psych myself out.

S: What do you think the return of boxing to primetime network television could accomplish for the sport of boxing?

A: It doesn’t get any bigger. We’re back in the mainstream section of sports. Being back on NBC and in 120 million homes is huge. For us fighters who put our lives on the line this is very exciting.

S: What do you think of your opponent?

A: He’s a very talented three-time world champion, but he’s just another fighter like me.

S: Is there anything he does in the ring that concerns you?

A: Not really, I’ll be looking to come out victorious like any other time that I step into the ring.

S: Are you doing anything special to prepare for this particular matchup?

A: I’m not doing anything special, but this is the best camp I’ve ever had. There are no excuses going into this one. We obviously have a game plan because we know every fight is different, but there’s nothing necessarily special aside from preparing 110 boqolkiiba.

S: What have you been doing to pass the time when you’re not at the gym or training?

A: I like to spend time with my family. It’s important to remember why and who I’m doing this for. So on days off I like to be with my wife and child. There have been lots of emotional hiccups during this camp with the passing of my grandfather, and then my best friend lost his battle with Cystic Fibrosis. So it’s been tough finding the time to mourn those important people properly, but it’s just further motivation for me to perform well.


S: What should the fans expect on March 7? Do you have a prediction?

A: It’s going to be an amazing match. Every time I enter the ring it’s a fight of the year candidate and I’m going to win.

Abneer qarow


S: How do you feel about fighting on the big stage at the MGM Grand Garden Arena?


A: I’ve fought at MGM Grand over 10 times – it feels like homeand I’ve won there every time, thank God. I’m looking forward to winning there again on March 7.


S: Is there any extra motivation fighting on the inaugural PBC card?

A: Haa, Dabcan! I’m looking forward to fighting on the PBC inaugural card on NBC and on national TV. It’s an amazing opportunity to showcase my talent to new viewers as well as boxing fans.

S: What do you think the return of boxing to primetime network television could accomplish for the sport of boxing?

A: It’s huge for the sport. If you go back to the Sugar Ray Leonard days, all these fights were televised on broadcast TV, and on NBC, so the history is there. To have it kick off on Saturday, March 7 in primetime is a real boost for the sport and the fans. People are going to appreciate the sweet science of boxing through this fight and series.

S: What do you think of your opponent?

A: Aniga ahaan, I’m ready for the fight. I don’t underestimate him; he’s a dangerous fighter in that he is an ex-Olympian so he has that amateur background.


S: Is there anything he does in the ring that concerns you?

A: He’s had a good record and has fought some tough opposition. He brings lots of experience into the ring. I’m ready for him though.

S: Are you doing anything special to prepare for this particular matchup?

A: This is not about one fight but about a career. We approach this fightand every fightwith dedication and commitment. Not only to the sport and its history, but our training program. My team and I are focused on winning and earning my fourth belt.

S: What have you been doing to pass the time when you’re not at the gym or training?

A: I think everyone knows that I’m a family man. When I’m not in the gym or training I’m spending time with my wife and two daughters.


S: What should the fans expect on March 7? Do you have a prediction?

A: Fireworks. I’m not just fighting my opponent that night; I’m fighting towards my fourth belt.

# # #

Wixii macluumaad dheeraad ah booqo www.premierboxingchampions.com, www.nbcsports.com/boxing iyo www.goossenpromotions.com, raac on TwitterPremierBoxing, KeithFThurmanJr, GhostBoxing, AdrienBroner, @ JohnMolinaJr135, abnermares, NBCSports IyoMGMGrand oo noqday taageere on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions iyo www.facebook.com/NBCSports.

Paul Andrade, Aabbaha / tababaraha ee WBO Jr. Middleweight champion Demetrius Andrade responds to Erislandy Lara

Providence, RI (March 3, 2015)–Waxyaabaha soo socda ayaa waxay jawaab u tahay horyaalka WBA Super Welterweight Erislandy Lara ka Paul Andrade, Aabihiis / tababaraha of badinin WBO Jr. Kooxda heysata horyaalka dhexe Deemeetriyos Andrade:
Gacaliye Mr. Erislandy Lara:
Iyada oo laga jawaabayo faallooyinkaaga, Ruuxii qoray jawaabtaada waa inay helaan xaqiiqooyinka ay sax ah.
Marka aynu Dhagaysan, waxaan arki badisay kama dambaysta ah ee nacasnimo Adduun. You are the only boxer that successfully brainwashed himself with false facts.
Waxaan marnaba ahaayeen in our noloshiisa u bixiyay dagaal ku ESPN 2 idin la dagaallamaana. Dhab ahaantii, marka waxaan idin ku kulmay makhaayad in New York, xataa innaga ayaa sheegay in Deemeetriyos u doonaynin inuu mustaqbalkiisa ciyaareed horumarinta iyo aad u dagaalamo lacagta badan micno badan $15,000. When was the last time you fought for $15,000? And you agreed with me.
Oo wakhtiguna wuxuu halkan waa noo tahay inaan wada heli laakiinse kulligiin hadlo waa dagaal aan macno waddan shisheeye in aad ku guuleystay kaliya afar dhibcood marka Deemeetriyos ahayd oo kaliya 17 oo aad ahaayeen 21. On top of in, aad u ogaato marka American loo wado in dal shisheeye uu soo horjeeda mar walba helo dheeraad ah shan dhibcood. We saw it at the Pan Am Games, ee Olympics iyo mar kasta oo waxaannu u dagaallamaynaa dhulal ajnabi ah.
Markii ay arkeen Deemeetriyos’ heerka tayo, aad go'aan u socda Olympics waxa ay noqon lahaayeen dadaalka fashilmay oo go'aansaday inuu ka soo leexdo pro.
Sida aynu wada ognahay, marar badan guys la garaaco qof ee dhansiga u soo noqdaan iyo furto qasac ah oo dameer whoop marka ay dagaalamaan sida xirfadlayaasha.
Waxaan arki aad posted liiska dheer soo hoysey, waxaan oo dhan yihiin dagaal yahano ku sugan horumarinta marka aynu bilawno, laakiin waxaad dalban ma aannu dagaalamay qof oo aad leedahay.
Horjeeda kaliya ee naga dhexeeyo waa Vanes Martirosyan. We have the utmost respect for him and the best you can do was pull out a draw. I guess you were happy that headbutt occurred because Vanes was on his way to knocking you out. Then comes Angulo. The moment he trapped you, uu hoos aad labo jeer ka dibna mar kale aad ka baxsaday sababtoo ah suulka nasiib in ilaa ayan bararin Angulo ayaa isha. How many times will luck be on your side?
Hadda waa waqtigii aad si kor-aadmiga oo qaadan caqabad ku. Forget the cheap talk, ayaad rabtaa in aad u hesho on? Yes or No? A real man and a real champion would answer yes.
Paul Andrade
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Las Vegas (March 3, 2015) – 50-year old WBC #17 tartamaya feerka, “Bronco” Billy Wright (46-4, 37 KOs), waa in ka yar laba todobaad ka socda 10-wareega dhacdo weyn ee xumad leh Gilberto Matheus Domingos (22-2, 20 KOs). The bout takes place at the Waxaan Ko Pa Casino in Fort McDowell, Arizona on the Dalacaad RJJ Boxing card March 13, 2015. Bronco Billy Wright gives his thoughts on training camp and defending his WBC Laatiin Ameerika iyo FECARBOX titles.


Bronco Billy on tababarka diyaarinta xerada….

Training camp has been tough this time around. I’ve been working really hard to get in the best shape of my life. My trainer Rafael Garcia Jr. has me doing some out of the box training methods that has been real beneficial to my boxing style. We are finishing up our last days of sparring this week. I’ll be ready to bring it jimcaha soo socda.


Bronco Billy siinayaa afkaar uu uu xumad la Domingos….

“Waan ogahay Domingos yahay in lagu raadinaya knockout sida am I, so we’ll see who lands the first bomb. Like in all my fights, I’ll be looking to end the fight early. If I need to go some extra rounds, Waxaan ahay ok leh in, sida aan ahay in qaabka feerka wanaagsan. Wuxuu doonayaa inuu dhadhamiya qaar ka mid ah inaan xooggayga, taas waa hubaal.


Bronco Billy faallaysay difaacaneysa horyaalka uu WBC….

“Difaacidda aan WBC Laatiin Ameerika iyo FECARBOX titles is a pretty big deal for me. It’s my leverage to compete at the top level as I try to crack the top ten in the WBC. Right now I’m at #17, laakiin aan qorshaynayaa in aan u soco la dagaalanka kasta sanadkan.


Bronco Billy waxay ka hadlaysaa ay tahay 50-sano jir ah tartamaa feerka….

At this age I feel stronger then I was when I was younger. It’s that old man strength I guess you can call it. Waxaan ahay noqonee, wiser and more discipline at this stage in my career. I have a goal to become the heavyweight champion of the world and motivation is greater than ever. A lot of these top contenders are shying away from fighting me. I just want to earn my opportunity and fight the best.


# # #


Tigidhada fillooyinka $20 aqoon waxbarasho oo guud, $35 iyo $50, waa on sale hadda oo laga iibsan kartaa adiga oo wacaya Bronco Billy Wright at (702) 524-3331.


The Waxaan Ko Pa Casino waxa uu ku yaalaa 10424 North Fort McDowell Road, Fort McDowell, THE 85264. Albaabada furan 6:00 P.M. dagaalka koowaad waa at 7:00 P.M.

SHOWTIME SPORTS® Sharrifo guuradii Israa'iilow Vazquez-Rafael Marquez RIVARLY LEH dagaalama Classic, WAREEGIDA QEYBAHA, PHOTOS, Warbixintiisa & MORE

Dagaaladu waxa Full in lagu siiyo On SHOWTIME Daran®, Mar walba SHOWTIME®

& Baahida SHOWTIME ON® Laga bilaabo Vazquez-Marquez I

Caawa At 10 p.m. IYO/PT On SHOWTIME Daran


Riix image ay u daawadaan 2007 Round of the Year


Credit Photo: Tom Casino / SHOWTIME


NEW YORK (March 3, 2015) - SHOWTIME Sports will offer boxing fans a chance to relive one of boxing’s most intense and brutal rivalries as it rolls out content in celebration of the classic showdowns between Mexican legends Israa'iil Vazquez iyo Rafael Marquez.


Caawa, guurada siddeedaad oo ay dagaal ugu horeysay doorkiisii, SHOWTIME Daran (10 p.m. IYO/PT) bandhigi doona Vazquez-Marquez aan, xulashada ah loo dhan yahay oo 2007 Fight Sanadka. Markaas on Wednesday, Vazquez-Marquez II, slugfest jir-dugsi oo soo saaray a Round of guulaystey Sanadka, baahin doonaa at 11 p.m. IYO/PT. The third installment, ka 2008 Fight ee sannadka, baahin doonaa on Thursday at 10 p.m. IYO/PT on SHOWTIME Daran


More, Vazquez-Marquez I-IV looga baahin doonaa in a "jidgooyo" Saturday this on SHOWTIME Daran bilaabo Dhuhr ET/PT.


In sharaf of xafiiltanka, SHOWTIME Sports ayaa sidoo kale sii daayo doono sawiro classic, muhiimsanaa deg deg-dhufasho, stats as well as full rounds. The third round from Vazquez-Marquez I and the third round from Vazquez-Marquez II (2007 Round of the Year) waxaa laga heli doonaa on YouTube, Facebook and the SHOWTIME Sports website. Intaa waxaa dheer, The Blog Boxing sii daayo saddex wargeeyska SHOWTIME feerka oo ah falanqeeye iyo taariikhyahan Steve Farhood sida uu u laabanayaa on seddexdii kulan ee ugu horeysay doorkiisii ​​dhexeeya dagaalyahan 122-pound.


Dhamaan afarta Vazquez-Marquez dagaalo waxaa laga heli doonaa Mar walba SHOWTIME iyoBaahida SHOWTIME ON laga bilaabo Monday, March 9. Below is the full schedule of action on SHOWTIME EXTREME:


TODAY / Tuesday, March 3

· SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING: Vazquez vs. Marquez I, 10 p.m. IYO/PT


Wednesday, March 4

· SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING: Vazquez vs. Marquez II, 11 p.m. IYO/PT


Thursday, March 5



Saturday, March 7






Tilmaameen in ay Farhood sida "Qarax naxariis darro ah iyo farshaxanka," their first meeting had all the action and drama of a Hollywood blockbuster and left fans –and the fighters– clamoring for a rematch. Vazquez and Marquez delivered yet again in their second meeting just five months later in yet another old-school, slugfest lagu hoobtay oo soo saaray a Round of guusha sannadka -Madaxweynaha uuga oo sabab u ah in uu dalbaday in ciyaarta caag ah.


Vazquez-Marquez III, isku haysto oo kaliya 363 maalmood gudahood oo ka fadhigooda ugu horeeya, waxay ahayd xaflad ah feerka ee ay ugu fiicnaa, kulan kaliya ee tartan si ay u tagaan meel fog iyo 2008 Fight Sanadka. The two would meet for the fourth and final time again in 2010.

# # #


About Showtime Networks Inc.:

Showtime Networks Inc. (SNI), kabista ah, daacad laga leeyahay ee CBS Corporation, leedahay oo ay hawl shabakadaha television premium SHOWTIME®, THE MOVIE CHANNEL iyo FLIX®, iyo sidoo kale channels multiplex SHOWTIME 2, SHOWTIME® Carwada, SHOWTIME Daran®, SHOWTIME DHAAFSAN®, SHOWTIME NEXT®, DUMARKA SHOWTIME®, SHOWTIME ZONE QOYSKA® iyo CHANNEL MOVIE THE Dheeri ah. SNI sidoo kale bixisaa SHOWTIME HD, THE MOVIE CHANNEL HD, Baahida SHOWTIME ON® iyo CHANNEL MOVIE THE Dalabka, iyo shabakadda ee caddeeynta adeeg mar walba SHOWTIME®. SNI sidoo kale waxay maamushaa Smithsonian Networks, shirkad ay wada leeyihiin SNI iyo Hay'adda Smithsonian ka, oo bixisa Smithsonian Channel. All SNI jaqsiinayso siiyaan codka lagu hormariyo isticmaalaya Dolby Digital 5.1. SNI suuqyada iyo qaybiyaa ciyaaraha iyo dhacdooyinka madadaalada bandhiga in macaamiishu ku salaysan pay per--view marayo SHOWTIME PPV®.

Champions Return: Bell iyo Churcher Co-Headline 7-dii March Nottingham Event.

Doncaster hore ee English iyo British Champion Andy Bell iyo Newport ee hore ee Welsh iyo British Masters Champion Lee Churcher ayaa lagu wadaa inay wada-cinwaan Wayne O'Hara ee dalacaad Chief O'Hara dhacdo xaaraantinimeynaya BACK, Hotel Britannia ee Nottingham this Saturday socda - 7th March.


Ka dib markii u dhow maqan shan sano ah oo ka soo Isboortiga, ka dib guuldaradii in John Donnelly ee, in a non-championship lix noqonyasaa in May 2010, Doncaster ee Andy Bell ugu dambeyntii ka dhigaysa uu ka soo laabtay dheer la sugayay inuu safo Saturday this.


Ololaha Bell ee Championship bilaabay in April 2007 iyadoo an dhamaadkii ciyaarta guul sideedaad wareega badan Shrewsbury ee Neil Marston ee horyaalka BBBofC Midlands Area bantamweight.


Laba bilood ka dib ayuu hadalkiisa raaciyay ah taajka Ingiriiska Masters bantamweight isagoo macalin ah, oo leh dhibcood adag kaga badiyeen Mo Khaled Sheffield ee.


Saddex bilood ka dib Bell dib in tallaabo Championship ahaa mar kale, markan u babac Bradford ee Robert Nelson ee BBBofC English Super flyweight horyaalka bannaanaan. Bell daray goolkii seddexaad suunka uu ururinta kordhaya, iyadoo aan wali guul kale dhamaadkii ciyaarta, markan ku ilbiriqsi, dhalna of Stanza toddobaadna.


In uu dagaalka kama dambaysta ah ee ay 2007 xilli Bell guul leh ku difaacatay horyaalka English uu la ah dhibcood oo nadiif ah bannaysaa badiyeen Grimsby ee Wayne Bloy.


In March 2008 Bell daray suunka cagata Lonsdale in uu ururinta, kadib markii waqti dheer BBBofC British Super flyweight Champion Chris Edwards in baxday in tageen fogaanshaha, Bell guuleystay by margin cad oo 117-111 on Garsoorayaasha Phil Edwards oo scorecards Terry O'Connor iyo 115-113 on Judge John Keane ayaa wax-qabadkii.


Bishii November 2008 Bell difaacay taajka Ingiriiska, ka dhanka ah ee hadda jira Ingiriiska iyo Yurub bantamweight iyo hore WBA Inter-Continental Champion Lee Haskins.


Ka dib markii laba iyo toban Olompic-dhow dagaalamay, tallaabo dhan, wareeg Bell baxay guuldarro Haskins by a dhibcood dhow margin ah 116-113, on scorecards Garsoorayaasha Howard John Foster iyo Dave Parris 'iyo xuduud ku xataa dhow ee 115-114 in indhaha Judge Victor Loughlin ee.


On Saturday Bell wajihi doonaa khabiir sare Slovakia Elemir Rafael.


Co-fasaxday ka dhacdo xaaraantinimeynaya BACK waa mid kale Champion soo laabtay, Newport ee BBBofC Welsh Area dhexe Champion Lee Churcher.


Churcher, oo aan dagaalamay tan iyo dhamaadkii ciyaarta ay kaga badiyeen wareega sagaalaad Barrie Jones in isaga xaqiijisatay horyaalka Welsh ee May 2012, ka dhigaysa uu ka soo laabtay ugu soo dhaweynayaa in giraanta on Saturday, halkaas oo uu ku wajihi doonaan tartan adag oo ka nin adag Slovakia Vladimir Tazik in afar noqonyasaa ah.


Kaarka taageerada labada Champions hore waxaa madax u ah xumad heysay guriga naadir ah Nottingham ee aad u gaarka ah Matt Scriven, marka uu wajahayo Julius Rafael.


Shirweynahaas xaaraantinimeynaya BACK sidoo kale kasoo muuqan doona dhowr ah oo Nottingham ee u korsan guriga talent, oo ay ku jiraan Clinton Chambers, Tom Langley, Connor Ruddoch, Jack Whitehouse, Tom Mulligan, James Wheldon, De La khatartan iyo sidoo kale muujinta caawa ka dhexeeya Carl Coulthard iyo Karston Lejoint.


Lee Churcher horjeeddo Vladimir Tazik iyo Andy Bell horjeeddo Elemir Rafael co-cinwaan Wayne O'Hara ah, Dhacdo dalacaad Chief O'Hara xaaraantinimeynaya BACK, Hotel Britannia ee Nottingham on Saturday 7th March 2015.

Dhigaya ee dhacdadan la siin doonaa si xushmad of Malta Boxing Komishanka (MBC) - www.maltaboxingcommission.com

Tigidhada, fillooyinka £ 35 iyo £ 55 (Ringside) ee xaaraantinimeynaya BACK ee Hotel Britannia ee Nottingham, waxaa laga heli karaa mid ka mid ah diinta tartamaya ama wac Matt on 07833 995770.


Albaabada furan 6pm, xumad koowaad 6:30pm