Tag Archives: ady totohondry

Title unification Andrade olana amin'ny ady sarotra ny Lara

Demetrio 'Boo Boo’ ANDRADE

WBO Junior Middleweight Tompon-daka & 2008 The. S. Olympian

Providence (Martsa 4, 2015) – Undefeated World Boxing Fikambanana (WBO) middleweight zandriny tompon-daka Demetrius “Boo Boo” Andrade (21-0, 14 Kos) manana fanamby World Boxing Association titlist Erislandy “The American Dream” Lara (20-2-2, 12 Kos) ny anaram-boninahitra unification ady tamin'ny Aprily na May.


Andrade, ny 2008 U.S. Olympian ary 2007 World Amateur Championships medaly volamena, ary telo-andro tsy matihanina-pirenena Kiobàna Lara tompon-daka no varotra nefa misy tsilo amin'ny alalan'ny haino aman-jery herinandro ity.


Hoy i Andrade Lara dia nihazakazaka avy aminy, Lara raha milaza fa tsy miahiahy ny ady ny manan-talenta New Englander, niantso azy “rava Brat”.


Ao amin'ny fanambarana, Hoy Lara Andrade nanda ny ESPN2 ady aminy, ary izy “whooped fa maimaim-poana boriky any amin'ny tsy matihanina.” Lara nametra-panontaniana ihany koa izay, raha oharina, Dia niady Andrade. Nilaza ihany koa izy Andrade niala teo amin'ilay ady lehibe indrindra ny asa tamin'ny Lara ny stablemate, Jermell Charlo, Midika izany fa Andrade reneged amin'ny nanao sonia fifanarahana.


Fa ny firaketana an-tsoratra, Lara nandresy Andrade tao amin'ny 2007 Pan-Am takiana ny, 9-4, amin'ny lalao natao tany Venezoela, na izany aza, Ny mpitantana Andrade Ary Farris Haingana ny manampy, “Voalohany indrindra, oviana Lara ve whoop Demetriosa’ boriky? Does Lara mean in the amateurs when he ran away from him for three rounds? Ny dimy taona samy hafa taona dia manan-danja eo amin'ny tsy matihanina, satria Demetriosa mbola zatovo sy ny, dia avy eo, Nila ampitan-dranomasina Lara mpitsara mba mangalatra izany fanapahan-kevitra. Lara landed something like nine total punches during the entire fight. If that’s an ass kicking, tsara, manisa antsika amin'ny!”


Koa Farris koa fa ny ady eo Lara sy Andrade tokony ho mora ny hanao. “Afa-tsy andro vitsy lasa izay,” Farris nanamarika, “Lara Nilaza fa vonona ny hiady Demetriosa tany aloha ihany no $15,000. Izany, Azoko antoka fa na Showtime HBO Ho faly handraisana ny fangatahana.”


Andrade nisambotra ny banga WBO anaram-boninahitra Novambra 9, 2013 amin'ny fomba iray 12-kevitra manodidina ny teo aloha unbeaten Vanes Martirosyan (33-0-1), izany mpiady Lara Niady tamin'ny amin'ny sivy-manodidina antsapaka. Ny vao haingana indrindra Andrade ady tamin'ny volana jona lasa teo ny anaram-boninahitra voalohany fiarovana maintsy Challenger Brian Rose (25-1-1), izay nijery Andrade mampitolagaga ao amin'ny fahafito-manodidina knockout ny Brit.


Point-by-teboka, Lara Andrade Namaly ny fiampangana diso sy ny unsubstantiated filazana. “Rehefa nisy ady noforonin'ny saina izany roa taona lasa izay tolotra amin'ny ESPN,” Andrade nanontany rhetorically. “Izaho sy ianao dia samy mahalala fa tsy nitranga, Lara. I sure as hell never saw any offer to fight Lara on ESPN. Iza no niady? Izaho ihany no mila manonona anarana iray: Torotoroiko Vanes Martirosyan, ny bandy tsy afaka nandresy Lara! Lara was lucky enough to get a draw because he RAN around the ring for the first half of the fight instead of fighting. Fa, Hey, izany no ataon'ny Lara. Manontany fotsiny ‘Canelo‘ (Alvarez) sy ny ady totohondry mpankafy nijery ny ady.


“Hoy Lara amin'ny fotoana rehetra, na aiza na aiza. How about April or May if he needs more time to hit the track and get extra laps in? Zavatra iray hafa, Lara, Mbola tsy nandeha an-tongotra niala avy amin'ny nanao sonia fifanarahana. HATRANY! Angamba ianao tsy nitsahatra ela ny nihazakazaka eran'ny ampy na mahafantatra fa. The only contract I ever signed to fight Charlo was a month ago and Charlo declined. Lara said I signed a contract to fight Charlo before that. Raha afaka mampiseho ahy fifanarahana izay nanao sonia ny hiady Charlo Desambra 13faha-, Mampanantena aho mba tsy hiantso azy avy. Lara, ianao dia afaka mampandeha – rehetra mahalala ataonao — fa tsy afaka manafina. Manana raharaha tsy vita mba hikarakara.”


Lara ny mpanolo-tsaina mahery, Al HAYMON, manana no nahafaty ny fahitalavitra daty, ao anatin'izany ny Aprily 18amin'ny Showtime any Carson, California. Julio Cesar Chavez, Jr. tarehy Fonfara Andrjejao ny zava-nitranga lehibe indrindra fa ny mpiara-main hetsika dia tsy nambara.


“Lara dia tsy ho afaka handamina Demetriosa’ habeny sy ny hery,” Farris ny fanamarihany, “ary ela na ho haingana dia hisambotra azy Demetrio. Ny hany fotoana Lara nitsangana ka niady, ny borikiny dia nahazo nanolotra ho azy (Alfred) Angulo. The ONLY reason he got out of that fight alive is because Angulo suffered an eye injury at the end. Raha tsy izany, Lara dia nitodi-doha ho any amin'ny lamba indray fanintelony, ary na iza na iza izay hitany fa mahalala izany ady.”


Manaraka Demetrio Andrade ao amin'ny TwitterBooBooBoxing.


ESPN Alakamisy Alina Niady Tamin'ny Florida Atsimo amin'ny

Strong fahitalavitra Ady Card

IBF nanjaka Super-Featherweight Champ
Rances Barthelemy andrasana hiseho

Hialeah Park hiverina ho any amin'ny iraisam-pirenena, rehefa ESPN Spotlight ny Alakamisy Ady alina hiverina malaza ity toerana miaraka amin'ny action-feno hariva ny tompon-daka tamin'ny ady totohondry matihanina Martsa 26 manomboka amin'ny 6 PM ET.

Ny kintana-studded ady karatra, izay ho nalefa mivantana any Etazonia sy ao amin'ny tsena teny manan-danja ao amin'ny ESPN2 sy ESPN Deportes, antenaina mba hampidirana ny maivana fanjanahan'i nanjaka IBF Super-Featherweight tompon-daka Rances “Kid fipoahana” Barthelemy, izay no 21-0 amin'ny 12 knockouts.

Leon Margules ny Warriors Boxing, mpiara-mpanohana ny ny hetsika amin'ny Hialeah Park, manamafy fa ny karatra dia manasongadina ny folo-manodidina welterweight raharaha eo Breidis “The Khanqueror” Prescott (27-6, 20 Kos) an'i Kolombia sy Fredrick “General Okunka” Lawson (23-0, 20 Kos) ny Ghana.

“Izany no manan-danja ho ady ho an'ny Prescott,” Margules mifandray. “Izy 31, ankehitriny. Izy no nahazo telo ady, fa nandatsaka roa hatramin'ny fanombohan'ny 2012, ka tsara tarehy be ao amin'ny toe-javatra tsy maintsy-fandresena, raha te hitoetra ho manan-danja ny antokony.”

Prescott, ankehitriny miady amin'ny Miami, nahazo ny voalohany 21 ady ny matihanina very asa alohan'ny back-to-miverina fitsangantsanganan'ny tamin'ny faran'ny 2009.

Lawson dia enin-taona tanora amin'ny 25. Izy telo samy hafa no nahazo anaram-boninahitra faritra banga toaka hatramin'ny Desambra ny 2012, vao haingana indrindra ny banga IBF Welterweight International anaram-boninahitra tamin'ny volana Jolay ny 2013.

“Lawson tsy niady tany Etazonia mandra Namerina hita ny Chicago tamin'ny taon-dasa,” Margules nanamarika. “Izy mpanohana mafy orina izay tsy mila namana manodidina mba handresy. Izy no nandresy tany Minnesota sy California satria avy any Amerika.”

Undefeated roa Kiobàna mpiady lanja mavesatra dia hiady amin'ny karatra. Yasmany “The Tiburon” Consuegra manana ny rakitsoratry ny 16-0 amin'ny 14 knockouts, indrindra amin'ny fihodinana voalohany. Consuegra dia tsy maintsy miandry ny scorecards mba ho tallied satria nandresy ny efa-manodidina bout 5 taona maro lasa izay tao amin'ny androm-piainany ihany ny fahatelo ady. Robert Alfonso dia 4-0 ny tanora asa.

Tapakila ho an'ny ESPN ny Alakamisy Alina ady, ihany koa no voalaza fa “Alina ady,” dia amin'ny amidy ankehitriny amin'ny alalan'ny Ticket Force (www.myticketforce.com),www.hialeahpark.com, ary tao amin'ny tranom-borona Hialeah Park Casino.

# # #

About Warriors Boxing

Natomboka tamin'ny 2003, Boxing mpiady tsotra dia miasa eo ambany filozofia-mitondra mpanao ady totohondry, ny tsara indrindra eto amin'izao tontolo izao mba hiady mpankafy, mitovy izy ireo amin'ny fifaninanana toaka, ary hanao izany fanampiana manorina ny fanatanjahan-tena ny ady totohondry ho an'ny taranaka vaovao.


Miaraka maromaro mahomby Pay-Per-View mampiseho sy feno trano ho any amin'ny voninahitra, ny raharaham-barotra Warriors modely miasa fahagagana ao amin'ny fanatanjahan-tena izay Tena mila ny fanavaozana sy ny hery izay ny orinasa mitondra ho amin'ny latabatra.


Rehefa izany midina any izany aza, ny dokam-barotra ihany orinasa Toy ilay mpiady sy miady dia mampiroborobo. Mpiady Boxing efa nanolotra tamin'ny lafiny rehetra, amin'ny tena-toaka toy ny Lara-Molina, Cayo-Peterson, Abrahama-Miranda I sy II, Miranda-Pavlik, Miranda-Green, Ibragimov-Briggs, Ibragimov-Klitschko, Urango-Hatton, Urango-Bailey, Cayo-Maidana sy Ibragimov-Holyfield.


Raha mila fanazavana fanampiny momba Warriors Boxing, visit their website at www.WarriorsBoxing.com.

Dominic “NATOKY” BREAZEALE maka STEP UP mifaninana

Las Vegas, Nevada (Martsa 4, 2015) Izany Asabotsy evening marks a historic night as the sweet science returns to prime time network television on NBC after over thirty years. Al Haymon’s “Premier Boxing Champions” andian-dahatsoratra dia hahatonga ny fanjanahan'i amin'ny tokantrano an-tapitrisany maro manerana ny firenena, ary azo antoka fa tsotsotra tonga mpankafy sy ny ady totohondry ady aficionados. Izany no ho lehibe ny fanatanjahan-tena araka ny manolotra ny sehatra ho an'ny mpijery ny sokajin-taona rehetra mba ho tsara ny fanatanjahan-tena ny ady totohondry sy ny kintana ho avy.


Izany ihany koa ny sehatra matihanina tokantrano mpiady ho anarana ary ny vahoaka izay tsara izy ireo sy ny mombamomba. Iray toy izany dia ambony mpiady U.S. lanja mavesatra fanantenana, Dominic “Trouble” BREAZEALE (13-0, 12 KO ny). BREAZEALE, ankehitriny 29, was introduced to boxing at a relatively late age. After playing quarterback for the University of Northern Colorado, Breazeale fanapahan-kevitra ny handao ny Grid vy sy hiditra ny ady totohondry peratra amin'ny 2008.


Tao anatin'ny telo taona sy tapany, Breazeale nahazo Fifaninanana maro ao amin'ny laharana farany amin'ny mpankafy azy ny toerana hipetraka eo amin'ny 2012 United States Olympic Team competing in the Super Heavyweight division. Several months later, Breazeale no nanan-kery sonia amin'ny mpanolotsaina Al Haymon sy hiverina mpanohana ambanin'ny tutelage ny teo aloha sy ny kintana tsy matihanina matihanina lanja mavesatra John Bray.


Vector C / bStunt.com

Tao amin'ny sivy voalohany toaka, Breazeale plowed through his opposition in four rounds or less including the dismantling of heavyweight veteran Lenroy Thomas. In his tenth professional bout, Breazeale would go the distancefor the first time in his career against a tough veteran in Nagy Aguilera. Although the bout would last all eight scheduled rounds, Nasehon'i Breazeale afaka totohondry amin'ny fomba mahomby peppering Aguilera amin'ny sitrapontsika amin'ny tsikombakomba ny jabs, mahitsy zo, ankavia farango sy uppercuts.

His next three bouts ended in familiar fashion with his opponents being stopped in three rounds or less. It has been a great start to Breazeale’s career and he is learning everyday with trainer John Bray. “Afa-po aho izay misy ahy amin'izao fotoana izao amin'ny asa, but I know I still have a lot to improve on in order to be ready to become the heavyweight champion of the world. I trust and believe in John’s ability to take me to that level. John has been in camps with the likes of Tyson, Lewis sy Holyfield ary efa fiofanana ny mpanazatra malaza koa.”


Breazeale miverina amin 'ny peratra Sabotsy ity hariva manohitra ny indrindra tamin'ny mpanohitra ny daty, Victor Bisbal (21-2, 15 KO ny), ny 2004 Olympian from Puerto Rico. The opportunity to fight in Las Vegas at the MGM Grand Arena on NBC is a dream come true and the 2012 Olympian dia vonona ho amin'izany

Photo C / O Adrian Jimenez

fanamby. “I am truly excited to be fighting this weekend on such a huge platform and I am looking forward to this challenge and making my name a household name. I know Victor is coming prepared and I am definitely prepared as well. Izany dia midika hoe mandeha ho alina be ny ady totohondry ho an'ny mpankafy”, Hoy Breazeale.


Trainer John Bray is also excited for this opportunity as he knows this fight can take his pupil from prospect to contender. “Victor Bisbal dia za-draharaha, ary dia tanteraka ny tena mpiady ho Olympian amin'ny firaketana ny 21-2 amin'ny 15 knockouts. Dominic will have to be on his “A” game to shine and as his trainer I can tell you that he will be that and more. By out-boxing and beating Bisbal in an impressive fashion, izany dia hahatonga ny ady totohondry Eritrereto izao tontolo izao fa tena misy Dominic Breazeale sy vonona ny zavatra lehibe kokoa sy tsara kokoa.”


PBC amin'ny NBC dia nampiely ny Goossen Promotions sy ny tapakila ho an'ny mahavariana izany alina ny ady totohondry afaka nividy amin'ny www.mgmgrand.com ary priced amin'ny $400, $300, $100 ary $50.

“Tonga eto Trouble!



Salita inks Kazakh Knockout artist Bakhtier Eubov

Brooklyn, NY (Martsa 3, 2015)–Salita ny Promotions dia faly ny hanambara kintana ho avy iray hafa dia nanampy ny roster.
Now opponents who will be getting in the ring with Bakhtiyar Eyubov, mba tsy ho faly toy izany, satria ny fanantenana dia tantara rehetra ny hery hitter.
Yeyubov, 5-0 toy ny matihanina, dimy knockous ny bola, dia avy any Kazakhstan, tanindrazana ho toy izany Gennady superstar middleweight Golovkin. Toy ny Golovkin, Eyubov mijery ny hanala ny mpitsara avy amin'ny mira. Tokoa, Mahazo miainga avy amin'ny fanokafana lakolosy, ho efatra ny dimy Kos Tonga tamin'ny manodidina iray.
Mahery 150 mandresy ao ny tsy matihanina, ny ankamaroany amin'ny KO, dia mazava fa ny fomba ho antsika ao anatin'izany mahatsara tena tsara, ary Salita dia faly ny hamela New York City-toerana mamy jereo ny siansa mpankafy azy tsy ho ela.
Eyubov dia efa nanana laza ho mampahatahotra banger, ka izy no tsy maintsy manaiky ny ady amin'ny 147 kilao ny lalana rehetra ho amin'ny mazava lanja mavesatra, 175 kilao, mba hitaona fahavalo mba glove-niakatra taminy. Ny 28 taona hitter Voafintina thusly amin'ny mampiroborobo Salita: “Izy dia tena tia ady puncher ary mikendry ny hahazo ny KO fotoana rehetra. Eyubov dia manana fomba mahafinaritra ary tena noana ny hihanika ny tampony sy ny ho tompon-daka izao tontolo izao.”
Eyubov ho tantanan'ny Wilson Naranjo, izay miandraikitra tompon-daka teo aloha Luis Collazo sy izao tontolo izao-laharana contender Raphael Vasquez.
Salita tsy ho ela hilaza ny manaraka ady matihanina karatra, ary rehefa afaka mahita ny talenta Eyubov ny fanantenana ho an'ny tenantsika. Mandra-pahatongan'izany hijery tsara ilay lahatsary
Bakhtiyar Eyyubov AZE vs  Cliff Newton USA   February 17, 2012
Bakhtiyar Eyyubov AZE Cliff Newton vs USA Febroary 17, 2012
Fa bebe kokoa Info jereo Salitapromotions.com


Las Vegas (Martsa 3, 2015) – The fan favorites participating on the inaugural Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) on NBC fight card on Saturday, Martsa 7 shared their progress today on how training camp is going and the importance of the return of boxing to primetime network television.


Tapakila ho an'ny hetsika ny velona no priced amin'ny $400, $300, $100 ary $50, tsy ao anatin'izany ny asa fanompoana azo ampiharina fiampangana sy ny hetra, dia amin'ny amidy ankehitriny. Handidy an-telefaonina amin'ny carte de crédit lehibe, miantso Ticketmaster amin'ny (800) 745-3000. Tapakila ireo ihany koa ao amin'ny www.mgmgrand.com na WWW.ticketmaster.com.


As they prepare to open a new chapter in boxing history, Keith “Indray Mandeha” Thurman,Robert “The Masina” Mpiady, Adrien “Ny Olana” Broner, John “The Gladiator” Molina Jr. ary Abnera Mares took some time out of their busy training schedules to discuss the debut of PBC.




Q: How do you feel about fighting on the big stage at the MGM Grand Garden Arena for the fourth time?


A: I love MGM Grand. The last time when I fought there as the co-main event was an honor. This is an even greater honor to be the main event. Many world-class fighters have performed there and Floyd Mayweather has made it his home. Izany no nofy tanteraka.


Q: Is there any extra motivation fighting on the inaugural PBC card on NBC in primetime?

A: It’s a blessing and I’ve been working towards this for 19 taona. Al Haymon could have picked any of his great fighters for this moment and I’m honored be part of this night and kick things off right.

Q: What do you think the return of boxing to primetime network television could accomplish for the sport of boxing?

A: With NBC coming back to primetime boxing it gives us boxers a chance to shine again on the biggest stage. We’ve been continuing to fill up arenas for years, but boxing is returning to the mainstream spotlight with an even bigger punch on Martsa 7.

Q: What do you think of your opponent?

A: His father had a few comments, and some things were said, but I’m expecting him to come out throwing punches and looking to execute his game plan when we enter the ring. We’re going to show him that he never should have signed this contract. There’s a different side of Keith Thurman inside that ring and he’s going to learn the hard way.

Q: Is there anything he does in the ring that concerns you?

A: He hasn’t fought anyone with extreme power like me.

Q: Are you doing anything special to prepare for this particular matchup?

A: He’s been in the ring with some great fighters, but every fight is itsown learning experience. We work hard in training every time to outbox boxers, outpunch punchers, and I’m expecting to be ready to do everything better than him.

Q: What have you been doing to pass the time when you’re not at the gym or training?

A: It’s actually a very mundane lifestyle. I’m resting, getting acupuncture or massage therapy. I like to go out and find good hip-hop. I’ve been eating some good sushi and seaweed salad, but just staying on my diet and resting and recovering before my late night run and maybe a session in my hyperbaric chamber.


Q: What should the fans expect on Martsa 7? Do you have a prediction?

A: I’ll be honest, I’m going to stand there and exchange with him for six rounds, and if he’s still standing there we’ll see. With my punching power the KO can come at any time with that one punch. If he walks into it or I lunge at himit can even be a body shot. I’m just looking to get him out of there. I’m going to do what I need to do to stay a champion and we’re looking to move on past Martsa 7 amin'ny fandresena.



Q: How do you feel about fighting on the big stage at the MGM Grand Garden Arena?


A: MGM Grand is the Mecca of boxing venues and I’m very excited to be performing in the main event against an undefeated young lion like Keith Thurman.

Q: Is there any extra motivation fighting on the inaugural PBC card on NBC in primetime?

A: Oh yeah, I'm extremely motivated to be the first fighter to bring boxing back to NBC on primetime. Al Haymon is doing a fantastic job with the PBC. I want to show the world I'm an elite fighter and what better way to do it then against an undefeated world champion.

Q: What do you think the return of boxing to primetime network television could accomplish for the sport of boxing?

A: It's so great in so many ways. Voalohany, anyone with a TV can watch this fight, so millions of more people can tune in. The number of new fans that will be gained will be unbelievable. For those hardcore fans who can't afford cable, this will be a breathe of fresh air to see a top notch fight on regular network TV. Fans who are just hanging at a restaurant or sports bar, who don't even like boxing will be tuning in, and they will all become new fans with the action they'll be seeing. It's going to be great for everyone.

Q: What do you think of your opponent?

A: Thurman has a lot of power and that's something I must be aware of.

Q: Is there anything he does in the ring that concerns you?

A: Izy no tsara mpiady, but I’ll be prepared for whatever he brings into the ring amin'ny sabotsy.

Q: Are you doing anything special to prepare for this particular matchup?

A: I'm doing a few different things but nothing I can talk about at the moment.

Q: What have you been doing to pass the time when you’re not at the gym or training?

A: Spending time with my family. They're my motivation. 

Q: What should the fans expect on Martsa 7? Do you have a prediction?

A: In Spanish we say "Chingasos." That's what the fans can expect from me on 7 Martsa. My hands will be raised at the end of the fight and you'll hear the referee say "And the new..."



Q: How do you feel about fighting on the big stage at the MGM Grand Garden Arena?


A: You know I love the big moment with the spotlight. Martsa 7 is going to be my time to shine and MGM Grand is the place to do it.


Q: Is there any extra motivation fighting on the inaugural PBC card on NBC in primetime?

A: Mazava ho azy, Al Haymon has lots of guys who could have fought on this first card and I’m honored to have been chosen.

Q: What do you think the return of boxing to primetime network television could accomplish for the sport of boxing?

A: This is a huge deal. This is our chance to get the attention of a whole new crowd of people. This is going to make boxing bigger than ever.

Q: What do you think of your opponent?

A: John Molina Jr. is a true warrior. His nickname suits him. He’s like a punching bag that can hit back with power. He’s a deadly fighter. It can only take a second for a fight to change dramatically with a guy like that, so I’m taking this fight very seriously. I’ll be ready though.


Q: Is there anything he does in the ring that concerns you?


A: It can only take a second for a fight to change dramatically with a guy like that, so I’m taking this fight very seriously. I’ll be ready though.

Q: Are you doing anything special to prepare for this particular matchup?

A: We’re just doing what we always do, putting in hard work. It’s been great having this experience with my newborn son, but I’m very focused on Martsa 7.

Q: What have you been doing to pass the time when you’re not at the gym or training?

A: Well actually I just had a son born, Adrieon, a couple weeks ago. I was supposed to go out to Washington D.C. towards the end of my training camp, but I ended up staying in Cincinnati to be with his mother and to see him be born. Lehibe izany traikefa.


Q: What should the fans expect on Martsa 7? Do you have a prediction?

A: There’s going to be lots of heavy hitting. I’m looking forward to stopping John Molina Jr., and if I don’t stop him it will be a bloody massacre.



Q: How do you feel about fighting on the big stage at the MGM Grand Garden Arena?


A: I’m very excited to be back there again. This is going to be a great night of boxing for the world to see.


Q: Is there any extra motivation fighting on the inaugural PBC card on NBC in primetime?

A: I’m always motivated, but I don’t want to dig too much into the hype and risk getting distracted. Being on this platform on NBC is great for the sport. I just don’t want to psych myself out.

Q: What do you think the return of boxing to primetime network television could accomplish for the sport of boxing?

A: It doesn’t get any bigger. We’re back in the mainstream section of sports. Being back on NBC and in 120 million homes is huge. For us fighters who put our lives on the line this is very exciting.

Q: What do you think of your opponent?

A: He’s a very talented three-time world champion, but he’s just another fighter like me.

Q: Is there anything he does in the ring that concerns you?

A: Not really, I’ll be looking to come out victorious like any other time that I step into the ring.

Q: Are you doing anything special to prepare for this particular matchup?

A: I’m not doing anything special, but this is the best camp I’ve ever had. There are no excuses going into this one. We obviously have a game plan because we know every fight is different, but there’s nothing necessarily special aside from preparing 110 isan-jato.

Q: What have you been doing to pass the time when you’re not at the gym or training?

A: I like to spend time with my family. It’s important to remember why and who I’m doing this for. So on days off I like to be with my wife and child. There have been lots of emotional hiccups during this camp with the passing of my grandfather, and then my best friend lost his battle with Cystic Fibrosis. So it’s been tough finding the time to mourn those important people properly, but it’s just further motivation for me to perform well.


Q: What should the fans expect on Martsa 7? Do you have a prediction?

A: It’s going to be an amazing match. Every time I enter the ring it’s a fight of the year candidate and I’m going to win.

Abnera MARES


Q: How do you feel about fighting on the big stage at the MGM Grand Garden Arena?


A: I’ve fought at MGM Grand over 10 fotoana – it feels like homeand I’ve won there every time, thank God. I’m looking forward to winning there again on Martsa 7.


Q: Is there any extra motivation fighting on the inaugural PBC card?

A: Eny, mazava ho azy! I’m looking forward to fighting on the PBC inaugural card on NBC and on national TV. It’s an amazing opportunity to showcase my talent to new viewers as well as boxing fans.

Q: What do you think the return of boxing to primetime network television could accomplish for the sport of boxing?

A: It’s huge for the sport. If you go back to the Sugar Ray Leonard days, all these fights were televised on broadcast TV, and on NBC, so the history is there. To have it kick off on Saturday, Martsa 7 in primetime is a real boost for the sport and the fans. People are going to appreciate the sweet science of boxing through this fight and series.

Q: What do you think of your opponent?

A: Ho ahy, I’m ready for the fight. I don’t underestimate him; he’s a dangerous fighter in that he is an ex-Olympian so he has that amateur background.


Q: Is there anything he does in the ring that concerns you?

A: He’s had a good record and has fought some tough opposition. He brings lots of experience into the ring. I’m ready for him though.

Q: Are you doing anything special to prepare for this particular matchup?

A: This is not about one fight but about a career. We approach this fightand every fightwith dedication and commitment. Not only to the sport and its history, but our training program. My team and I are focused on winning and earning my fourth belt.

Q: What have you been doing to pass the time when you’re not at the gym or training?

A: I think everyone knows that I’m a family man. When I’m not in the gym or training I’m spending time with my wife and two daughters.


Q: What should the fans expect on Martsa 7? Do you have a prediction?

A: Fireworks. I’m not just fighting my opponent that night; I’m fighting towards my fourth belt.

# # #

Raha mila fanazavana fanampiny fitsidihana WWW.premierboxingchampions.com, www.nbcsports.com/boxing ary WWW.goossenpromotions.com, manaraka ao amin'ny TwitterPremierBoxing, KeithFThurmanJr, GhostBoxing, AdrienBroner, @ JohnMolinaJr135, abnermares, NBCSports SyMGMGrand ary ho tonga mpankafy ao amin'ny Facebook amin'ny www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions ary WWW.facebook.com/NBCSports.

Paul Andrade, Ray / mpanazatra ny WBO Jr. Middleweight champion Demetrius Andrade responds to Erislandy Lara

Providence, RI (Martsa 3, 2015)–Ity manaraka ity dia valin'ny WBA Super Welterweight tompon-daka Erislandy Lara avy Paul Andrade, ny ray / mpanazatra ny undefeated WBO Jr. Middleweight tompon-daka Demetrius Andrade:
Ry Mr. Erislandy Lara:
Ho valin'ny ny soso-kevitrao, na iza na iza nanoratra ny valin-tokony hahazo ny zava-misy marina.
Rehefa mihaino anao, hitantsika ny fandresen'ny farany fahadalana eo amin'izao tontolo izao. You are the only boxer that successfully brainwashed himself with false facts.
Izahay na oviana na oviana eo amin'ny fiainantsika nanolotra ny ady amin'ny ESPN 2 hiady aminao. Raha ny tena izy, rehefa nihaona anareo amin'izany trano fisakafoanana any New York, Nilaza mihitsy aza isika fa Demetriosa fa aoka ny asa handrafitra sy hiady anareo ho manan-danja kokoa noho ny vola $15,000. When was the last time you fought for $15,000? And you agreed with me.
Ary ny andro eto ho antsika miaraka, fa ianareo rehetra dia miresaka momba ny ady dikany any amin'ny tany hafa izay nandresy tamin'ny isa efatra fotsiny rehefa fotsiny Demetriosa 17 ary ianao 21. Ankoatra izany, Fantatrao rehefa Amerikana mandeha any amin'ny tany hafa ny mpanohitra mahazo foana fanampiny teboka dimy. We saw it at the Pan Am Games, ao amin'ny Lalao Olaimpika, ary isaky ny efa niady tamin'ny tany avy any ivelany.
Rehefa avy nahita Demetrius’ talenta haavon'ny, Nanapa-kevitra ianao handeha ho any amin'ny Lalao Olaimpika dia efa ezaka tsy nahomby, ary nanapa-kevitra ny hiverina mpanohana.
Araka ny fantatry, matetika ry zalahy izay efa novonoin'ny olona iray ao amin'ny tsy matihanina niverina ka mamoha ny iray dia afaka whoop boriky rehefa miady ho matihanina.
Hitako ianareo namoaka ny lisitra lava be ny zava-bita, izahay rehetra mpiady amin'ny fampandrosoana rehefa manomboka milaza isika fa tsy niady na iza na iza ary ianao.
Ny hany mpanohitra fa itovizantsika dia Vanes Martirosyan. We have the utmost respect for him and the best you can do was pull out a draw. I guess you were happy that headbutt occurred because Vanes was on his way to knocking you out. Then comes Angulo. The moment he trapped you, izy dia nalatsany ny indroa, ary indray ianao dia afa-nandositra noho ny ankihibe tsara vintana izay nivonto ny Angulo mason'ny. How many times will luck be on your side?
Izao no fotoana ho anao ny olona sy handray ny fanamby. Forget the cheap talk, ve ianao te-haka azy an? Yes or No? A real man and a real champion would answer yes.
Paul Andrade
Manaraka Banner Promotions ao amin'ny haino aman-jery sosialy ho an'ny rehetra ny vaovao farany Banner
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Las Vegas (Martsa 3, 2015) – 50-year old WBC #17 lanja mavesatra contender, “Bronco” Billy Wright (46-4, 37 Kos), dia latsaky ny roa herinandro hiala ny atsy ho atsy 10-manodidina amin'ny bout hetsika lehibe Gilberto Matheus Domingos (22-2, 20 Kos). The bout takes place at the Ko Pa isika Casino in Fort McDowell, Arizona on the RJJ Boxing Promotions karatra Martsa 13, 2015. Bronco Billy Wright gives his thoughts on training camp and defending his Kapila bitika Amerika Latina ary FECARBOX anaram-boninahitra.


Bronco Billy amin'ny toby fampiofanana fanomanana….

Training camp has been tough this time around. I’ve been working really hard to get in the best shape of my life. My trainer Rafael Garcia Jr. has me doing some out of the box training methods that has been real beneficial to my boxing style. We are finishing up our last days of sparring this week. I’ll be ready to bring it Zoma manaraka.


Bronco Billy dia manome ny heviny momba ny bout amin'ny Domingos….

“Fantatro Domingos dia tsy maintsy nitady ny knockout ho pm I, so we’ll see who lands the first bomb. Like in all my fights, I’ll be looking to end the fight early. If I need to go some extra rounds, Aho fa maninona amin'ny, toy ny tsara aho amin'ny endrika ady totohondry. Mandroso izy handeha hanandrana sasany ny heriko, azo antoka izany.


Bronco Billy hevitra tamin'ny kapila bitika niaro ny anaram-boninahitra….

“Miaro ny Kapila bitika Amerika Latina ary FECARBOX titles is a pretty big deal for me. It’s my leverage to compete at the top level as I try to crack the top ten in the WBC. Right now I’m at #17, fa mikasa ny hifindra ny amin'ny ady isan-taona ity.


Bronco Billy dia miresaka ho 50 taona lanja mavesatra contender….

At this age I feel stronger then I was when I was younger. It’s that old man strength I guess you can call it. Smarter aho, wiser and more discipline at this stage in my career. I have a goal to become the heavyweight champion of the world and motivation is greater than ever. A lot of these top contenders are shying away from fighting me. I just want to earn my opportunity and fight the best.


# # #


Tickets priced $20 ankapobeny fieken-keloka, $35 ary $50, dia amin'ny amidy dieny izao, ary afaka ny ho nividy amin'ny fiantsoana Bronco Billy Wright amin'ny (702) 524-3331.


The Ko Pa isika Casino dia hita ao amin'ny 10424 North Fort McDowell Road, Fort McDowell, NY 85264. Varavarana misokatra ao amin'ny 6:00 P.M. ady voalohany any 7:00 P.M.

SHOWTIME SPORTS® mba hanomezam-boninahitra taonan'ny ISIRAELY Vázquez-Rafael Marquez RIVARLY AMIN'NY Classic ady, Fihodinana, PHOTOS, STATS & BEBE KOKOA

Full ady Mba hatolotra amin'ny tafahoatra SHOWTIME®, SHOWTIME amin'ny fotoana rehetra®

& SHOWTIME ON tinady® Manomboka amin'ny Vazquez-Marquez I

Anio hariva amin'ny 10 p.m. SY/PT On tafahoatra SHOWTIME


Tsindrio eo amin'ny sary mba hijery ny 2007 Manodidina ny taona


Photo Sary: Tom Casino / SHOWTIME


NEW YORK (Martsa 3, 2015) - SHOWTIME Sports will offer boxing fans a chance to relive one of boxing’s most intense and brutal rivalries as it rolls out content in celebration of the classic showdowns between Mexican legends Isiraely Vazquez ary Rafael Marquez.


Anio alina, ny andro fahavalo ny lava be taonan'ny ady voalohany, SHOWTIME Extreme (10 p.m. SY/PT) dia hanolotra Vazquez-Marquez I, Niray hevitra fantina 2007 Ady ny Taona. Avy eo dia amin'ny alarobia, Vazquez-Marquez II, efa ela-sekoly slugfest izay namokatra ny fihodinana ny Taona Mpandresy, dia iasàny na amin'ny 11 p.m. SY/PT. The third installment, ny 2008 Ady amin'ny The Taona, dia iasàny ny alakamisy amin'ny 10 p.m. SY/PT amin'ny SHOWTIME tafahoatra


Bebe Kokoa, Vazquez-Marquez I-IV dia rivotra ny "barazy" Sabotsy ity amin'ny SHOWTIME Extreme manomboka amin'ny Noon ET/PT.


Ho fanomezam-boninahitra ny fifandrafiana, SHOWTIME Sports mahazatra ihany koa ny hanafaka sary, haingana-mikapoka hevitra misongadina, stats as well as full rounds. The third round from Vazquez-Marquez I and the third round from Vazquez-Marquez II (2007 Manodidina ny taona) dia ho hita ao amin'ny YouTube, Facebook and the SHOWTIME Sports website. Ankoatra izany, The Boxing Blog dia hanafaka telo Lahatsoratra avy SHOWTIME ady totohondry sy ny mpahay tantara mpandalina Steve Farhood , rehefa mahita indray amin'ny fivoriana lava be telo voalohany eo amin'ny 122-kilao mpiady.


Efatra miady Vazquez-Marquez dia ho hita ao amin'ny SHOWTIME amin'ny fotoana rehetra arySHOWTIME ON tinady manomboka Alatsinainy, Martsa 9. Below is the full schedule of action on SHOWTIME EXTREME:


ANKEHITRINY / Talata, Martsa 3

· SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING: Vazquez vs. Marquez I, 10 p.m. SY/PT


Alarobia, Martsa 4

· SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING: Vazquez vs. Marquez II, 11 p.m. SY/PT


Alakamisy, Martsa 5

· SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING: Vazquez vs. Marquez III, 10 p.m. SY/PT


Asabotsy, Martsa 7


· SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING: Vazquez vs. Marquez II, 1 p.m. SY/PT


· SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING: Vazquez vs. Marquez IV, 3 p.m. SY/PT


Nofaritan'i Farhood ho "Miroborobo ny kanto herisetra," their first meeting had all the action and drama of a Hollywood blockbuster and left fans –and the fighters– clamoring for a rematch. Vazquez and Marquez delivered yet again in their second meeting just five months later in yet another old-school, ny mpandatsa-drà slugfest izay namokatra ny fihodinana mpandresy izany hoe ny taona third- ary vokatr'izany izay nangataka ny fingotra lalao.


Vazquez-Marquez III, nanohitra fotsiny 363 andro amin'ny fivoriana voalohany, dia fankalazana ny ady totohondry ao amin'ny endriny tsara, ny ihany no lalao ao amin'ny fifampiandaniana ho any ny elanelana sy ny 2008 Ady ny Taona. The two would meet for the fourth and final time again in 2010.

# # #


About Showtime Networks Inc.:

Showtime Networks Inc. (SNI), ho tanteraka-nanana fanampiny amin'ny CBS Corporation, manana sy miasa ny Premium tambajotra fahitalavitra SHOWTIME®, NY Movie fantsona ary FLIX®, ary koa ny multiplex fantsona SHOWTIME 2, FOTOANA FAMPISEHOANA® Showcase, SHOWTIME Extreme®, SHOWTIME TIAVO NY OLONA®, SHOWTIME NEXT®, SHOWTIME VEHIVAVY®, SHOWTIME FIANAKAVIANA ZONE® ary NY Movie fantsona XTRA. SNI koa ny manome SHOWTIME HD, NY Movie fantsona HD, SHOWTIME ON tinady® ary NY Movie fantsona MISY MILA, ary ny tambajotra fanompoana ny authentication SHOWTIME amin'ny fotoana rehetra®. SNI koa Smithsonian mitantana Networks, ny mpiara barotra eo SNI sy ny Smithsonian Institution, izay manome Smithsonian Channel. Manome sakafo SNI rehetra manome feo kokoa mampiasa Dolby Digital 5.1. SNI tsena sy ny fanatanjahan-tena sy ny fialam-boly mizara zava-nitranga noho ny fampirantiana ny famandrihana amin'ny karama isan--view-fototra amin'ny alalan'ny SHOWTIME PPV®.

Champions Miverena: Bell sy Churcher Co-Lohateny 7 Martsa Event Nottingham.

Doncaster teo aloha teny anglisy sy anglisy Tompon-daka Andy Bell sy ny teo aloha Newport Welsh sy Britanika Masters Tompon-daka Lee Churcher dia nametraka ny miara-lohateny Wayne ny Lehiben'ny O'Hara O'Hara Promotions Nakarina ambony hetsika BACK, tao amin'ny Hotel tao Nottingham Britannia ity Asabotsy ho avy - 7faha- Martsa.


Taorian'ny dimy taona tsy naha akaiky avy amin'ny fanatanjahan-tena, manaraka ny tsy nampoizina ho very John Donnelly, ao ny tsy tompon-daka enina rounder any May 2010, Andy Doncaster Bell tamin'ny farany ny manao ny ela niandry hiverina amin'ny hanaitaitra Sabotsy ity.


Ny fampielezan-kevitra Championship Bell nanomboka tamin'ny Aprily 2007 miaraka amin'ny fahavalo manodidina stoppage fandresena ny Neil Shrewsbury Marston ho an'ny BBBofC Midlands Area Bantamweight lohateny.


Roa volana taty aoriana dia nanampy ny Britanika Bantamweight Masters satro-boninahitra ny amboara kabinetrany, amin'ny hevitra mafy fandresena ny Mo Sheffield Khaled.


Telo volana monja tatỳ aoriana, dia niverina tany Bell Championship hetsika indray, izao fotoana sarotra ny Robert Nelson Bradford ny banga BBBofC Anglisy Super Flyweight lohateny. Bell nanampy fehikibo fahatelo ny famoriam-bola tsy mitsaha-mitombo, tamin'ny fandresena stoppage hafa, io fotoana io tany amin'ny maty ny fahafito segondra stanza.


Tao amin'ny ady farany ny 2007 fotoana Bell soa aman-tsara ny teny anglisy niaro anaram-boninahitra amin'ny lafiny milamina fandresena ny Wayne Grimsby Bloy.


Tamin'ny volana Martsa 2008 Bell nanampy ny notsiriritiny fatratra fehikibo Lonsdale ny famoriam-bola, rehefa nikapoka ela BBBofC British Super Flyweight Tompon-daka Chris Edwards amin'ny Thriller izay nandeha ny halavirana, Bell mandresy amin'ny sisiny mazava 117-111 Phil ao amin'ny Mpitsara O'Connor Edwards sy Terry ny scorecards sy 115-113 ao amin'ny Mpitsara John Keane ny scorecard.


Tamin'ny Novambra 2008 Bell niaro ny British satro-boninahitra, amin'ny ankehitriny sy ny Eoropeana British Bantamweight sy teo aloha Inter-Continental WBA Tompon-daka Lee Haskins.


Rehefa roa ambin'ny folo sensationally niady akaiky, hetsika rehetra, Bell fihodinana very tamin'i Haskins amin'ny teboka akaiky sisiny 116-113, amin'ny Mpitsara Howard John Foster sy Dave Parris 'scorecards sy sisiny dia akaiky kokoa 115-114 ao amin'ny Mpitsara Victor Loughlin ny masony.


Amin'ny Sabotsy Bell dia hiatrika ny tena za-draharaha Slovakian Elemir Rafael.


Co-headlining Nakarina ambony ny hetsika BACK dia niverina hafa Tompon-daka, Newport ny BBBofC Welsh Area Middleweight Tompon-daka Lee Churcher.


Churcher, izay tsy niady hatramin'ny manodidina ny fahasivy stoppage fandreseny ny Barrie Jones izay antoka azy ny Welsh anaram-boninahitra ao May 2012, mahatonga ny hiverina tonga soa indrindra ny peratra amin'ny sabotsy, izay hiatrika ny zava-tsarotra mafy avy Slovakian mafy ny olona Vladimir Tazik amin'ny rounder efatra.


Ny fanohanana karatra ho an'ny roa teo aloha dia tarihan'ny Champions tsy fahita firy bout an-trano ho an'ny tena manokana ny Nottingham Matt Scriven, rehefa miatrika Julius Rafael.


Nakarina ambony ny hetsika BACK dia hisy ifandraisany maro an-trano ny Nottingham efa lehibe ny talenta, anisan'izany Clinton Chambers, Tom Langley, Connor Ruddoch, Jack Whitehouse, Tom Mulligan, James Wheldon, De La hampidi-doza ary koa ny endri-javatra ny showdown eo Carl Coulthard sy Karston Lejoint.


Lee Churcher oharina Vladimir Tazik sy Andy Bell oharina Elemir Rafael mpiara-lohateny ny Wayne O'Hara, Nakarina ambony Chief O'Hara Promotions hetsika BACK, tao amin'ny Hotel tao Nottingham Britannia ny Sabotsy 7faha- Martsa 2015.

Sanctioning fa ity hetsika ity dia ho nanome avy amin'ny ny Malta Boxing Commission (MBC) - www.maltaboxingcommission.com

Tickets, priced £ 35 sy £ 55 (Ringside) ny Nakarina ambony indray ireo Britannia Hotel tao Nottingham, dia azo avy amin'ny mpanao ady totohondry, ny fifaninanana, na miantso Mat amin'ny 07833 995770.


Varavarana misokatra ao amin'ny 6am, voalohany bout 6:30am