Tag Archives: boxing

Joyina Gym Gleason'S ekuxhaseni A NIGHT ukulwa




Ukuqhutshwa ziyozuza ejiminiS ISISEKELO,


I-NEW YORK, NY (March 23, 2015) – A night omkhulu isibhakela for a imbangela enkulu eza BB. King Blues Club and Grill on Wednesday, May 13 at 7:30 p.m. “Nikeza A Kid A Dream”, sikanye Gym Gleason sika, presents a full night of fights to raise money for the non-profit foundation, GAKAD. Futhi kungaba yingxenye asekelayo fighters yethu!


Kusukela 1991, GAKAD has provided children from disadvantaged backgrounds mentorship and a place to come and develop themselves both physically and mentally through the sport of boxing. Youth ephakathi kuka- 8 futhi 18 abafanele, futhi ngokuvamile kubhekiselwa ngokusebenzisa ikhansela school, parole officer noma abaholi benkolo emphakathini wabo. Through the gym and the relationships these children develop with their trainers and other GAKAD mentors and councilors, GAKAD participants develop the self-confidence and discipline to help them make better decisions in their lives, nethemba lekusasa in zabo, futhi ngaphezu kwakho konke, to stay in school. Help these kids help themselves!!!


Amathikithi for the umcimbi kuthiwa ontengo yakhe yayinqunyiwe at $800 for Platinum Tables (izihlalo ezine), $500 for Gold Amathebula (izihlalo ezine), $250 for platform zihlalo, $100 for zihlalo floor futhi $50 for yokuma.


Funda kabanzi mayelana non-profit, GAKAD, at website yethu, Gleason sika Nikeza A Kid A Dream: http://www.gleasonsgiveakidadream.com.


Noma uvakashele umcimbi website yethu ukuba nginikele, futhi ukusekela fighters zethu amateur abenza ukuqeqesha kanye kanzima kangaka imali the kids. Kwangathi At BB King: http://www.mayatbbkings.com/home.html.


Sicela ukuphana futhi sicela wenze baphume lokho kuyoba khona kusihlwa okukhulu BB. King sika!!!


For more information email Bruce at bruce @ gleasonsgym.net or Perry at perry@dalecpa.com.

GH3 Promotions izimpawu Ezingakanqotshwa Esilula Oscar Bonilla

Nutley, NJ(March 23, 2015)-Kuba Vito Milenicki sika GH3 Promotions ukumemezela ukusayinwa Oscar Bonilla ukuze isivumelwano asetshenzisiwe okukhethekile.
Bonilla of New Haven, Connecticut kuyinto engasindi ngubani irekhodi 3-0-2.
The old wamashumi amabili nanhlanu kwadingeka irekhodi amateur of 67-6 esasihlanganisa ngokuwina 2008 Connecticut Golden Gloves.
“Ungena nge GH3 Promotions kuzongisiza phambili emsebenzini wami. I am happy and my family is happy,”Said Bonilla.
“Ngijabule ukuthi mina esayinwe GH3. Signing with Vito is a great opportunity and I know he has my interest to make things happen in my career. My Havoc Management team knows Vito and I know Vito liked what he saw when he witnessed my fight onFebruary 13 at Mohegan Sun.”
Lokho kwaba impi lapho walwa draw eligabavulayo nge Angel Martinez
“I am wagxila njalo futhi ejimini. Ngikulungele ukulwa. I am focused on what I need to do. I am a fighter and I have much respect for any fighter who steps in the ring.
Bonilla lunikezelwe ku okungaphezu nje kokuba boxer njengoba kuyinto operator Forklift.
“I umsebenzi sikhathi esigcwele lapho ngisebenza 9 to 5. I am doing this all for my family as I have a six year-old daughter and three-year old son. My goal is to live comfortable and for people to know who Oscar Bonilla is.
“Sijabula kakhulu ukuba Oscar emphethweni,” wathi GH3 Promotions Vito Mielnicki. “I kakhulu umxhwele fight wakhe February futhi uyokwenza bakwamukele kahle esitebeleni GH3 Promotions. We look forward to moving Oscar into big fights
Fight Bonilla lokuqala nge GH3 Promotions uzobe umemezele maduze.
GH3 Promotions izici Ezingakanqotshwa middleweight Antoine Douglas, Super middleweight sika Jerry Odom & Derrick Webster, Ezingakanqotshwa Super Bantamweight Adam Lopez kanye Jr. Middleweight John Thompson, Jr., Ezingakanqotshwa Welterweight Jerrell Harris,Ezingakanqotshwa Super Bantamweight Qa'id Muhammad and Light wesibhakela Lavarn Harvell esitebeleni GH3 Promotions.

Khan Marches On - TKO Win Over Shana Kuholela To May 2nd Title Shot In London

Ngolwesihlanu kusihlwa Bradford sika Tasif Khan amaphuzu omunye block lokuqala round stoppage win, Ngalesi sikhathi phezu Czech Republic uLadislav Shana, on the Stephen Vaughan wawukhuthaza RED Mist umcimbi at the Grand Central Hall e Liverpool.


Kusukela insimbi okuvula kwaba Shana ukuthi kwaba nolaka more, ukuthatha empini Khan, Nokho ngokwenza kanjalo fighter Czech wadlala ngqo ezandleni zomuntu Bradford.


Khan zazilindele Shana ukuqala fast and kanjalo lapho fighter Czech isihambile ngokushesha, Khan umane wasina ngasohlangothini futhi ake rip nge shot umzimba.


Shana isidumbu ulimi wakwenza Kucacile ukuthi wayezwe ubuhlungu, ukuze akumangalisi ukuthi lapho ephinda wangena kanzima futhi fast ukuthi Khan savvy zisetshenziswa iqhinga efanayo, Ngalesi sikhathi ilele ngakwesokunene Ngokuvumela ukuklebhuka nomunye shot umzimba, alandele by a double kwisihlandla scintillatingly fast ngilambatha kokubili emzimbeni futhi inhloko.


On emhlabeni uphawu lwesibili amane nanhlanu, Shana, okusobala ababengakaze bazifunde ukuba baqaphe a little, wenza nokho okunye ukuhlasela esiqatha, Ngalesi sikhathi nakuba Khan waxosha a jab esiqinile, ulandelwa uppercut bese nje batshala izinyawo zakhe futhi wafaka amandla full ibe umbani hook fast kwesokunxele, ukuthumela umfana Czech kuya ngendwangu.


Shana wakwazi ukwenza ukubala, kodwa kamuva seconds bahamba ngqo kwenye kwesokunxele elikhulu umzimba. Lesi sikhathi Shana baqhubukushana ngempela ukwenza ukubala, ekuphatheni nje ukwenza kanjalo kodwa kwaba engagxilile kakhulu ngezinyawo zakhe, kokushiya unompempe Jimmy Byrne no option kodwa kuzuliswe iziqubu off on the umzuzu owodwa nanhlanu mark wesibili umzuliswano wokuqala.


Ngokushesha ngemva kokuthola yilokho the victor sika Khan watshelwa ithimba lakhe ukuthi wayezoba inselelo for Championship lomklomelo yakhe yokuqala, isihloko International Masters Bantamweight, on ukuvakasha kwakhe next enihlela, okuyinto kuyoba phezu Billy James-Elliott and Mark Lyons wawukhuthaza uJehova OF THE umcimbi RINGS at York Hall eLondon May 2nd.


Ngemva kokuthola lezi zindaba Khan wakhuluma kafushane ukulwa kanye wakhe oluzayo isihloko fight.


"Yeah brilliant, kwaba nje brilliant.


Angikwazi akhononde ngokuthi akazange zihlala round, Ngingathanda wakhetha it yayiye on a bit eside, I mean it kwaba rounder eziyisithupha mina ngempela ngayo ukuthola kwamarounds ngaphansi ibhande lami, kodwa njengoba ngishilo ngaphambili kwakho abakhokhelwa isikhathi esengeziwe kule game.


Sasazi ukuthi uzoqala fast and ziyangena kanye cebo ukusebenza off jab yami ukubambezela phansi, ngokuyisisekelo ukwenza angaba ngu eziyisithupha ngaphansi ibhande lami.


It akazange ngempela kwenzeke ngaleyo ndlela njengoba ngempela beza kimi ngokushesha okukhulu kakhulu kulindeleke, esikhundleni I kwaguqulwa wambamba nge shot omuhle, I bheka imilenze yakhe buckle kancane kodwa wahlala ezinyaweni zakhe.


Muhle a fighter game, Abantu abaningi ngeke sebeyekile ukunikeza ngokwabo isikhathi sokusukuma, hhayi naye waphinde wabuya ngaleso kimi kanzima, okuyinto wanginika ithuba ebhokisini kuye kancane kancane more nimbambe njengoba wafika emuva.


I wambamba okuhle uppercut bese shot umzimba, okuyinto Wehla.


Ngenza ucishe efanayo emva ukuqalisa, nakuba akazange acabange Habe naye impela kanye okokuqala, kodwa lapho bevuka Angicabangi wayefuna ukwazi kusaba khona, ngisho uma Ref ayevumele it qhubeka.


Sethemba phambili kuya phezulu manje, Ebengikhuluma nethimba lami futhi nitshelwe sinezinto ukulwa isihloko ihlelwe for May 2nd e York Hall, Ngalobo busuku njengoba Mayweather-Pacquaio fight, ngakho ngethemba mina ngizobe pick up isihloko yami yokuqala, the International Masters, nililethe emuva Bradford.


Njengoba ungase ubone abalandeli bami zaphumela in force futhi wenze okuningi umsindo, siphelela konke ringside, bayithanda boxing yabo, kungcono Bradford boxing idolobha, badinga nje uthole imibukiso more khona.


Abalandeli My zinkulu, beya ukubukela me, okokugcina kwaba London, Ngalesi sikhathi Liverpool futhi kusobala aphinde kusuke emuva London on May 2nd.


Okwamanje anginasandla ithuba pick lapho ngilwa, ngethemba uma I ukunqoba isicoco mhlawumbe singathola umgqugquzeli ukuba agqoke show in Bradford nakakhulu abalandeli bami uzothola ithuba watch me aphinde.


Ngiyajabula team yami, ukuqeqeshwa wahamba kahle ngempela, Ngizizwa strong, Ngizizwa okuhle futhi abalandeli ephuma in force ukusekela kwami ​​enezela ukuthi.


Nabaxhasi My, Kingsland Business Recovery in Bradford, Broadway Solicitors e Oldham, Kesser eziyigugu e Bradford and Vyomax Izithako kusukela Manchester, ngokuphelele enkulu.


Lezi guys Kuye usisekela me up, okuyinto elisusa a lot of the ingcindezi ukuze ngikwazi ukugxila boxing yami.


Again Ngifanele ngibonge abalandeli bami, ngempela the best, babé nangilandela phansi London and of course lapha eLiverpool, wenza ngisho nakuba traffic sasisibi bonke lapha tonight futhi wavuka ngempela emva kwami, okwenza imithwalo umsindo, okuyinto kancane like football fans nokuba umuntu weshumi nambili phezu pitch football, it ngempela usenza wena, Uphakamise wena kokuzwa bonke abalandeli ezijabule wena on, brilliant, nje brilliant. "


Phillip Jackson Benson livele spoiler zisetshenziswa Darnell Boone ngoMgqibelo, April 18 at Valley Forge Casino Resort

Plus Ezingakanqotshwa Jamal James, Milton Santiago Jr., Immanuel Aleem, David Grayon, Jarrett Hurd, Ivan Golub and Dauren Yeleussinov
For Eliseduze Release

Valley Forge, PA (March 23, 2015)–Ngomgqibelo ebusuku, April 18, at the Valley Forge Casino Resort, Promotions King sika uyodala nobusuku ezivelele wesibhakela ukuthi uzobe isihloko esikhulu by an ethakazelisayo 8-round super middleweight iziqubu phakathi Phillip Jackson Benson futhi Darnell Boone.
Benson of Brooklyn, New York has a irekhodi 15-1 kanye 14 knockouts futhi unqobile nambili ukulwa eqondile nanye nalabo okuzayo ezodlula umzila stoppage.
The 30 oneminyaka engu-waphenduka professional in 2008 futhi anakho kwi phezu Julio Sanchez (3-0) & Alexander Santana (6-0). Wanqoba WBC FECARBOX Super middleweight isihloko kanye lwesikhombisa round stoppage phezu Maxell Taylor (18-4-1). Wanezela isihloko WBC US NBC Super middleweight kanye yesithupha round stoppage phezu Scott Sigmon (23-4).
Benson uyeza off a lwesikhombisa nxazonke stoppage phezu Michael Gbenga on October 8, 2014 e Biloxi, Mississippi.
Boone of Atlanta, Georgia is njengoba omunye owaziwa”nasemigwaqweni ezinzima kunazo” in the mdlalo futhi angase abe irekhodi abadukisayo kakhulu boxing othi 20-21-4 nge nine knockouts.
Boone has kwi phezu Chris Archer (4-0), Ronald Johnson (6-0), Willie Lee (14-3), James Countryman (8-0), Rasheem Brown (17-2), James Johnson (7-0), Louis Turner (12-2), Calvin Green (20-3-1), esizayo Light wesibhakela iqhawe Adonis Stevenson (13-0) futhi Future isihloko emhlabeni inselele Willie Monroe Jr. (10-0).
Ezine Yakhe udonsa kukanye Walid Smichit (8-1-1), Lajuan Simon (13-0-1), Lennox Allen (12-0) futhi Morgan Fitch (11-0). Boone yaziwa nangokuthi umuntu abashiya super middleweight iqhawe Andre Ward for the time kuphela career yakhe.
Boone uyeza off a third nxazonke stoppage phezu Dionisio Miranda (22-9-2) ngo-Okthoba 11, 2014 e St. Petersburg, Florida.
In the eziyishumi-round co-feature, welterweight Ezingakanqotshwa Jamal James (15-0, 8 KO sika) of Minneapolis, Minnesota uzobona isinyathelo ngokumelene Umphikisi ukuba okuthiwa.
James waphenduka professional in 2010 futhi ine ezinye kwi izinga on Tikhumbuto yakhe efana a eziyisithupha-round isinqumo ngazwilinye phezu Patrick Boozer (5-1). Wanqoba isihloko Minnesota State Welterweight nge ayisishiyagalombili isinqumo nxazonke ngazwilinye phezu Mohammed Kayongo (17-2). James Ubuye stoppage kwi phezu Colby Courter (4-1) futhi Wayne Martell (25-4-1). James uyeza off i lwesishiyagalombili nxazonke stoppage phezu Cameron Kreal ngoNovemba 1, 2014 in Chicago.
In nesishiyagalombili round iziqubu:
Immanuel Aleem (11-0, 7 KO;s) of Richmond, VA. izohlangana Umphikisi obizwa ngegama iziqubu middleweight.
David Grayton (10-0, 8 KO sika) of Washington, D.C. ezolwa Grayson Blake (6-3, 2 I sika) of State College, PA. in a iziqubu welterweight.
Jarrett Hurd (14-0, 8 KO sika) of Accokeek, MD. ayokulwa veteran ezinzima Eric Mitchell(23-11-2, 11 KO sika) of Philadelphia in a iziqubu middleweight.
Ngo eziyisithupha-round iziqubu:
Milton Santiago (9-0, 3 I sika) of Philadelphia uyothatha on Ray Velez (3-6-1, 1 KO) of Brooklyn, NY. in a jr. welterweight iziqubu.
Ivan Golub (6-0, 4 KO sika) of Brooklyn, NY ngeke ebhokisini Brad Austin (10-16, 7 KO sika) of Johnson City, TN. in a iziqubu midddleweight.
Dauren Yeleussinov (1-0, 1 KO) of Brooklyn, NY. ngeke silwe Umphikisi obizwa ngegama a super middleweight iziqubu.
Ngo ezine-round iziqubu:
Sammy Berman (1-0, 1 KO) of Collegeville, PA. ngeke tangle with Courtney Knox (1-4) of North Carolina in a iziqubu welterweight.
Kevin Garcia (0-1) of Philadelphia uyothatha on Curtis Morton (2-4-2) OF Harlem, NY. in a jr. welterweight iziqubu.
Amathikithi for kulobu busuku omkhulu boxing kukhona $100 for VIP (Kufaka 2 iziphuzo kanye nokudla), $75 for ringside and $50 for Kungenwa General and athengwe ngokuchofozawww.vfboxing.eventbrite.com noma ukubiza Promotions King at 610-587-5950

Boxcino 2014 Iqhawe Esilula Petr Petrov ulwa zangaphambili emhlabeni iqhawe uGamaliyeli Diaz ngoLwesihlanu, April 3 at the Omega Products Outdoor Arena in Corona, California Uphile on ESPN Friday Night ayalwa

2012 Olympic Bronze Medal winner Taras Shelestyuk empini Juan Rodriguez Jr. in televised co-feature
For Eliseduze Release

Crown, NJENGE (March 20, 2015)–NgoLwesihlanu ebusuku, April 3, Boxcino 2014 Iqhawe Esilula Petr Petrov kuzothatha on wangaphambili emhlabeni iqhawe Gamaliel Diaz in a 10-round empini kuthanda kusihloko ikhadi an Ukulwa ESPN Friday Night at the Omega Products Outdoor Arena in Corona, California.
The show kugqugquzelwa Thompson Boxing Promotions and Banner kanye telecast uzoqala at 9 PM ET. on ESPN 2
Lokho ikhadi ukuba isendlalela sesenzo Boxcino ngesonto elilandelayo 2015 wesibhakela and jr. middleweight semifinals ongeke isiqephu bukhoma ngoLwesihlanu Night ayalwa ESPN ngo-Ephreli 10 at 9 PM ET. on ESPN 2
In the 8-round co-feature, 2012 Olympic Bronze medal winner Taras Shelestyuk uyokwenza ithelevishini DEBUT yakhe kazwelonke ngokumelene Juan Rodriguez Jr.
Petrov of Madrid, Spain has a irekhodi 35-4-2 kanye 17 knockouts. He is the Boxcino 2014 Iqhawe Esilula njengoba ayethandwa nokulwisana Fedor Papzov (14-0), Chris Rudd (13-1) futhi isihloko ngokuwina 8 round stoppage phezu Fernando Carcamo in the finals ukuthi senzeka ngoMeyi 23, 2014 at the Turning Stone Resort Casino.

Diaz of Nezahualcoyotl, Mexico has a irekhodi 38-11-3 kanye 17 knockouts futhi the formwe WBC Super featherweight world iqhawe.

Diaz yawina WBC Super featherweight isihloko sezwe nambili round isinqumo ngazwilinye phezu Takahiro Ao on October 27, 2012 e Ao emzini izwe Japan.

Ubeke kwi kuka ezintathu-divison emhlabeni iqhawe Robert Guerrero, iqhawe emhlabeni esikhathini esizayo Elio Rojas & zangaphambili world iqhawe Cesar Soto.

Diaz uyeza off a ezintathu eziyindilinga draw technical kanye Anthony Crolla on September 13, 2014 in Manchester, England. The bout was stopped due to an accidental headbutt that caused a bad cut over Diaz’ eye kwesokunxele.

Shelestyuk of Sumy, Ukraine kwaba a 2012 Olympic Bronze Medal winner. The twenty-nine year old has a record of 11-0 kanye knockouts eziyisishiyagalombili futhi has a win big phezu ngaphambilini Ezingakanqotshwa Travis Hanshaw on June 28, 2013 e Jacksonville, Florida.

Shelestyuk wathuthela Los Angeles futhi siqeqesha at the Wild Card Gym and aqeqeshwe Hall of Fame trainer, Freddie Roach.

Shelestyuk uye wayeka wakhe wokugcina amabili izimbangi,okuyinto iningi muva sihlanganisa third-round stoppage phezu Francisco Reza ngoFebhuwari 20 e Ontario, California.

Rodriguez of Union City, New Jersey has a irekhodi 12-1 nge knockouts emihlanu.

Unyaka amabili nesishiyagalombili ubudala wawina yakhe yokuqala nanye ukulwa kanye uyeza off a ezine-round isinqumo technical phezu ngaphambilini Ezingakanqotshwa Greg Jackson on October 25, 2014 e North Bergen, E-New Jersey.

“Silindele ukusebenza enkulu kokubili Petr Petrov and Taras Shelestyuk,” wathi Alex Camponovo, wabantu kanye nomphathi omkhulu for Thompson Boxing. “Baye kugcwala izitayela okuthokozisayo ezenza for ukulwa okuthakazelisayo, lapho abalandeli ababekhona nalabo ukubukela on ESPN kuthanda Basithanda. Okuningi, nesibekandzaba ongaphandle at Omega Products Arena uphakathi emihle kakhulu isibhakela.”


Wathi Banner Promotions President Artie Pelullo, “Sibheke phambili ebusuku olukhulu boxing. We expect Petr to come through with a great performance against a former world champion in Gamaliel Diaz which will catapult himself to a world title opportunity. We are also pleased to give Taras his national television debut and we know based on his style and personality that he will quickly become a fan favorite and major player in the 147 ganda division.”


Futhi ekhadini, Ezingakanqotshwa ithemba welterweight Sukhrab Shidaev(12-0, 7 Kos) of Hollywood, Calif. ngeke silwe Umphikisi ukuba kamuva esabizwa (6-emahlandla).

Owabe Colombian Olympian kanye Ezingakanqotshwa engasindi Cesar Villarraga (6-0, 4 Kos) uyobheka ukuhlala unbeaten ngokumelene Umphikisi ukuba kamuva esabizwa (6-emahlandla).

Ukwenza DEBUT yakhe lochwepheshe junior lightweight Michael Norato ezibhekene nabo novice Futhi Sopuan (1-1-1) of Pomona, Calif. in a fight ihlelelwe 4-emahlandla.

Humberto Rubalcava ngeke futhi step ngaphakathi circle squared okokuqala njengoba professional. Rubalcava, a super bantamweight kusuka Riverside, Calif., uzobhekana Umphikisi ukuba kamuva esabizwa (4-emahlandla).

Ukuvula umcimbi kukhona welterweights junior Emanuel Robles (12-0-1, 3 Kos) of San Diego and Wilberth Lopez (5-4, 1 KO) waseTucson, Ariz. (6-emahlandla).

Amathikithi kuthiwa ontengo yakhe yayinqunyiwe at $40, $60, & $100 futhi angathengwa ngokubiza (714) 935-0900, noma online at www.ThompsonBoxing.com.


The iziqubu 1st kuba at 5:15 PT, Doors at 4:30 PT futhi 1st TV iziqubu at 6 PM PT.

Julio Cesar Chavez Jr.-Andrzej FONFARA MEDIA INGQUNGQUTHELA ISIMEMO Incwadi yombhalo

Kelly Swanson

Thanks, everybody, for joining us today for this great call to officially announce a very exciting match up. And without further ado, ukukhuluma kancane ngalokho up match, Ngizofika ukwethula Chris DeBlasio, Vice President of Sports Communications for Showtime.

Chris DeBlasio

Thanks, Kelly. I’m going to keep this brief. I know we want to talk to the fighters on this card. But I think I’d be remiss if I didn’t represent for Stephen Espinoza, who couldn’t be on the call today, indlela kakhulu ejabulile esiyikho ngenxa DEBUT of Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. kunethiwekhi yethu on Saturday, April 18, for Showtime Championship Boxing wethu doubleheader. It kuzoba ubusuku enkulu. On the call with us and in the ring across from Julio Chavez Jr. ngalobo busuku Andrzej Fonfara, a man that we know that really comes to fight. He brought it on his first fight on SHOWTIME last year when he fought Adonis Stevenson. And that was a thrilling affair. And we’re looking forward to a real test and a great challenge for Chavez Jr. And we’re excited to have him on behalf of all of us at SHOWTIME. We welcome both of you guys and, kunjalo, thanks to all the press for being on the call. Ngiyabonga, Kelly.

K. Swanson

Ngiyabonga, everybody. Okay. We’re going to go ahead and introduce the fighters and their trainers for you. First we have Julio Cesar Chavez Jr., yangaphambili middleweight world iqhawe, Andrzej Fonfara, yangaphambili isihloko emhlabeni inselele, Julio Cesar Chavez Sr. — sonke ukuthi ungubani, futhi ngokuqinisekile out of mayelana legend omkhulu nguye, Samukele naye ocingweni — Joe Goossen, ngubani trainer Julio sika, futhi Sam Colonna, ngubani trainer Fonfara sika.


Ngakho, ngalesi sikhathi, lokho Ngingathanda ukwenze nje ukucela Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. ukwenza okuvula ngalokhu impi futhi kancane kancane ngalokho akwenzayo manje ekamu ukuqeqeshwa kanye nendlela nje azizwa ngayo impi.


Julio Cesar Chavez Jr.

I’m training very well. I’m training (at a ephakeme) level than the best. I’m doing more physical training (futhi sengiba closer) isisindo 172 amakhilogremu. And I think I’m in great shape, uyazi? I have a lot of time and don’t stay in this kind of shape.

K. Swanson

Okay. Now let’s hear from Andrzej Fonfara. Andrzej, ongakhuluma kancane kancane futhi usitshele ukuthi uzizwa kanjani ekulweni Jr.?

Andrzej Fonfara

I’m feeling great. I think Chavez Jr. kuyinto fighter enkulu, iqhawe somhlaba. And you know, it’s good fight for me. I trained hard for the fight. We got very good camp. Manje, we start a sparring session. Uyazi, isisindo sami kuhle. My training’sall trainings are good. I spent two weeks in Houston. I’m trained there, too. Then I’m back to Chicago. We finished camp here. And I’m–uyazi, Sengikulungele meet Chavez in the ring April 18futhi bambonise Ngingumfana boxer kangcono.

K. Swanson

Okay. Excellent. Ngibonga kakhulu. Next we’ll have the trainers say something very brief before we turn it over to the media for call. Ngakho, Joe Goossen, he is Julio Cesar Chavez’s trainer at this point. Joe, Ungathanda ukwenza umbhangqwana comments?

Joe Goossen

Ngiyabonga. Inombolo yokuqala, I want to thank SHOWTIME because we’re very excited about performing for SHOWTIME on Julio’s debut fight with SHOWTIME. And that being said, uyazi, Julio uwukwenziwa, very serious about this fight. Like Fonfara, he trained for a few weeks in Los Angeles. Futhi manje, thina uku up in Lake Tahoe, up in the high altitude in the mountains here. It’s very secluded. It’s very concentrated work. Julio is — Angikwazi nje wena ukutshela lokhu — kuba abazinikele kakhulu kulempi, ngokwengqondo, emzimbeni, and spiritually. He’s shown me that he’s willing to work very hard for this fight, which always works out well when a fighter cooperates in training. And he’s doing that 110 Amaphesenti angu. And I can’t tell you how happy I am, inombolo yokuqala, ngisebenza nge Julio Jr. It’s been something that I’ve always wanted to do. Futhi of course, I know his father very well. And I’m very honored to be a part of the team. And I can’t wait ’til April 18 to display all of Julio’s talents and to go there. And we’ve got one objective. And that’s to win the fight. With the way Julio’s training, I’m very confident in what we’re doing right now. Ngakho, I’m very happy with that. And I’m sure Andrzej’s doing the same thing, training very hard. With ukuthi kusho, ngiyabonga.

K. Swanson

Ngiyabonga. Manje, Sam Colonna, uma ongasibekela amazwana, bese sizobe ukuvula it up for imibuzo.

Sam Colonna

Well, kuqala, I’d like to thank everybody for getting this together. It’s an honor to be part of it. Kodwa, uyazi, ngaphambi bekhethe Julio Cesar Chavez to fight, they were throwing names at us. And I would say no. And another name came. I would say no. As soon as they said, 'Kuthiwani Julio Cesar Chavez,’ Ngithe, ‘That’s the fight we want.The style is perfect for us. He comes right at us. And it’s going to be a great fight for Andrzej to show what the power and the dedication he has towards it. He knows that this fight here is going to bring him to the top. And it’s an honor to fight Julio Cesar Chavez. It’s somebody I wanted him to fight for years. But the weight was never the same. Andrzej moved up. And then now, it’s perfect. Ngakho, ukuthi kuzoba empini enkulu. I think we’re going to bring a lot of action to this fight. And it’s going to be a jammed action fight. I’m glad that this fight happened. And I can’t wait for April 18.

K. Swanson

Okay. Ngiyabonga. Futhi manje, okokugcina, Ngingathanda ukuthola imibono umbhangqwana ovela Julio Cesar Chavez Sr. about his son fighting Fonfara and what he anticipates that will be like. July?

Julio Cesar Chavez Sr.

I didn’t want this fight. Ngiyakwazi lokho, indodana yami, I know it’s a hard fight. It’s a difficult fight. And I didn’t want it. Fonfara is very strong. But my son wanted this fight. He wanted fighters that have a high category. He wanted a hard fight. And he believed that winning this fight will give him more credibility. And that’s why he chose Fonfara.


This is for Chavez Jr. July, uzizwa ozayo off a layoff ngonyaka?

J. Cesar Chavez Jr.

Ngizizwa kahle. Ngiyazi kunzima uma uku off. Kunzima ukuba aphinde uyasigcina isikhathi sakho. Kodwa Ingihlabe ukuqeqeshwa, working at my skills. And I think, uyazi, Ngiyaqiniseka kakhulu ngoba ngiye ngasebenzisa ukuphila kwami ​​konke boxing. Ngingumfana-13 career yami professional. Ngakho angicabangi lokhu kuyinkinga ngoba le mpi isezingeni 172 amakhilogremu. I don’t need to have a problem with weight. And at 172, I feel good in sparring. I feel good in training. And I think I’m ready for this fight and ready to win another world title.


Ekhuluma ngaleso isihloko emhlabeni, kanjani Uzizwa guys like Adonis Stevenson and Sergey kovalev?

J. Cesar Chavez Jr.

Oh, these guys very strong. But I think, emva le mpi, Ngizofika phansi 168 futhi uhlale kule class isisindo. Eminyakeni One noma emibili edlule ngathuthela 175 kodwa lokho kwaba kakhulu umzimba wami. Manje, Ngingumfana 168. Kodwa, onyakeni owodwa off, lokhu impi at 172.


Andrzej, Uzizwa kanjani ngokomzimba ozayo off the battle Adonis Stevenson?


A. Fonfara

Ngicabanga wabonisa againstStevenson ukuthi mina walilwela. Emzimbeni, Ngizizwa okuhle manje. Kusukela ngaleso fight, I’ve been training much harder. Ngiyacabanga, ngenxa kutsi lokulwa, Ngingumfana boxer kangcono ngoba, uyazi, I learn a lot in fights. I’m ready for Chavez, Ngiye abaqeqeshiwe kanzima kule mpi, like, uyazi, Chavez says. He’s trained hard for this fight. But I always train hard. It doesn’t matter if it’s Chavez or whoever else, Ngithathe ukuqeqesha kanzima njalo.



Lokhu kokubili Julio Jr. and Sr. For Jr., kusobala, kukhona inzuzo futhi mhlawumbe ethile, too, to having such a famous name. Benefit is that everybody knows your father and what he accomplished. And that brings you attention early in your career as it has. The possible drawback is that you’re always going to be compared to him, abanye bangathi kwaba cishe an engenakwenzeka, impossibly high standard to try to live up to. From your perspective and also from your father’s, Kuthiwani, umthwalo kuzuze kokuba igama odume kangaka?


J. Cesar Chavez Jr.

I think I’m well respected because I’m world champion. Kodwa, uyazi, Ngicabanga lokhu kuwusizo. Kodwa lokhu akusho ukungisiza in the ring. Ngithathe kungase kutholakale in the ring. I beat the champions. I beat the number one, Inombolo ezimbili, Inombolo ezintathu futhi nenombolo amane 168 amakhilogremu. Futhi ngiye wabonisa everybody, abantu, ukuthi ngikwazi ukulwa, too. I am a fighter omuhle futhi (I wagqoka ukulwa okuhle). Futhi abantu like bheka ukulwa zami. My style is a good style for the people. And I think this fight, too, isitayela Fonfara iwukuba azolwa, he’s a fighter with a great heart and great chin. And both of us will make a great fight.


J. Cesar Chavez Sr..


The name has helped. Ngokusobala, ukuthi wasiza bawanake, but we are very different. Yena — my son fights at a higher weight than I fought. And so, there’s a lot of difference. Emzimbeni, he’s a lot bigger than I was. Ngakho, kukhona okuhle nokubi, and we understand that. Kodwa, yena fighter yakhe siqu nje uthanda Ngangineminyaka.



Am, you mentioned earlier that you had a lot of names mentioned for Andrzej before you finally settled on Chavez. Are you willing to reveal some of those names?


S. Ikholomu

Uyazi yini? I really don’t have them right in front of me. Kodwa, kwakukhona okungenani ezintathu, four different guys they were throwing at us. And as soon as they said Chavez, I go, 'Leso guy sifuna,’ ngoba, like ngasho phambilini, the style is perfect for us. And we don’t have to look for him too much, uyazi? He’s going to be right there for us. Ngakho, isitayela ngempela, okuhle exubile ngempela.



Andrzej, uke walwa at middleweight, super middleweight, wesibhakela ukukhanya. How does it feel fighting at 172? And do you see yourself moving possibly down in weight in the near future, noma ingabe uzizwa ungumuntu ukukhanya sosondonzima weqiniso?


A. Fonfara

Ngingumfana fighter ukukhanya sosondonzima. That’s because I’m fighting with Chavez. That’s why we have a catch-weight. And that’s why I go down. I ngokuvamile ukulwa 175, at least for maybe two years. And this my weight. It’s not impossible for me to go, like, ezimbili, amakhilogremu amathathu phansi ngoba, uyazi, lapho Ngalwa Stevenson ngonyaka odlule in May, Bekade ngi 173 ke. And I felt good then. Two pounds down is not problem for me. Should be good, uyazi? Just more diet, more work in the last week. And I should be good.



July Jr., ingakanani impumuzo ingabe wena ukuba ekugcineni ukulwa emva konyaka? I know it’s been trying for you with the whole lawsuit and everything. Ngakho, ingabe uzizwa kanjani ngawe ukwazi ekugcineni unayo fight up ngaphambi?


J. Cesar Chavez Jr.

Ngizizwa kahle. Ngizizwa enkulu, uyazi, because this problem offended me a lot mentally more than physically. But I’m really happy that this problem is better now. I have a fight in front of me. And you know, I’m not remembering anything about that. I’m just focusing on the fight April 18 for Fonfara. Ngizizwa kahle, Ngizizwa enkulu. You know I can’t tell you with words how I feel because I’m better to the ring. (Kodwa Ngijabulile kakhulu ukuba kubuyela) to the ring.



Joe Goossen, yikuphi amakhono Julio Cesar bahumusha the best for the light division sosondonzima?

J. Goossen

Well, kuqala off, Julio is a well-rounded fighter. Ngisho, we’ve seen him box before. And we’ve seen him pressure before. I don’t want to tip my hand on what we’re going to do but we have studied the films. We’ve talked about the films of Andrzej. Futhi of course, we’re developing a game plan. I think the weight — ngokuyisisekelo, 172 is very close to 68. It’s a weight he’s fought at before. So I don’t think the weight is going to be a problem at all. The way he’s working right now and the weight he’s at right now, Ngicabanga ukuthi sesikude ukuba bakwazi hit the 172 mark quite easily. Kodwa, aphinde, as far as what skills he has that we’re going to bring to the table is something that I think is private to us. But Julio Jr. is a multi-talented fighter. Just watching him spar yesterday, lapho sidinga a ibhokisi, he did it beautifully. And when we needed pressure in a few rounds, he pulled it off exactly how I like it. So I’m very confident that whatever style we bring and game plan we bring, sesikude ukuba siphumelele nalo.


Ungakwazi yini ukwenza isisindo?

J. Cesar Chavez Jr.

Yebo. Sure. I’ll make 172 ngoba ngikhokhele $100,000 per a iphawundi (uma Angithembi). Angikwazi akhokhe lolo hlobo of imali. Angikaze nesisindo kuka 172 in a fight. Le mpi kuphela ngenza 172 unawe Brian Vera, the first fight. But in all the rest of my career of boxing, zonke ubuqhawe bami iziqubu (Angikaze akazange enze isisindo). Angazi ukuthi kungani ubuza kimi ukuthi. Okay. Maybe, Ngingumfana fighter ekudlwana, uyazi? I know I am a bigger fighter. Kodwa, Anginayo izinkinga. Futhi (uma enza) ukwenza isisindo, mhlawumbe mina ngizobe ukunqoba $100,000 okuningi.


Ngakho, July, ubhekene bemlindele $100,000 kusukela Andrzej Fonfara, kodwa oyishoyo ukuthi akufanele athembe for $100,000 kusuka kuwe?


J. Cesar Chavez Jr.

Ungenzi, no. I think that the fight’s in the right way. And he’s not going to take advantage of anybody, uyazi, ngoba (Ngiza lighter). Uyazi, isisindo is kuhle Ngicabanga kokubili fighters.



Ungakhuluma kanjani ngesinqumo sakho sokuba ube Joe Goossen in ekhoneni lakho, uzizwe, ngenxa ukulwa Vera, osikweleta abalandeli a ukusebenza?


J. Cesar Chavez Jr.

Well, I’ve known Joe Goossen for a long time. He’s a great trainer. He’s a great person. He’s somebody that motivates fighters. And we have a true connection. We’ve connected again. And I like him a lot. I like that he’s a hard worker, just like me. And I think, ndawonye, we’re going to do really well. With regards to the performance, I angakutshela ukuthi, this show is for the people. It kuzoba empini enkulu. It’s going to be a better fight. Futhi manje, nge inkampani yami nokugqugquzela entsha futhi ukwazi ngubani isitha sami abazobe kusengaphambili, Ngicabanga ukuthi kuzoba ubusuku enkulu.


K. Swanson

That was our last question. Ngakho, aphinde, we really appreciate the fighters taking time to join us. We look forward to this fantastic matchup between Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. futhi Andrzej Fonfara on Saturday, April 18, kusukela StubHub Center e Carson, Calif., bephila Showtime at 10:00 p.m. KANYE, 7:00 p.m. PT. Thank you so much for joining us.


* * *


Amathikithi for the event, okuyinto co-kugqugquzelwa Goossen Promotions and Chavez Promotions, kuthiwa ontengo yakhe yayinqunyiwe at $200, $150, $100, $50 futhi $25, plus izintela esebenzayo, Izimali kanye ngamasevisi, ezisendalini manje futhi iyatholakala ukuthi ithengwe online at AXS.com.


Chavez Jr. vs. Fonfara, kuyinto iziqubu 12-round ukuthi senzeka StubHub Center e Carson, Calif. futhi ngeke baveze on Showtime (10 p.m. KANYE/7 p.m. PT). The Showtime Championship Boxing telecast izoba khona ngeSpanishi via izinhlelo secondary audio (SAP).


Ukuze ulwazi olunabile, vakashela www.sports.sho.com, ukulandela on Twitter atSHOSports, @ Jcchavezjr1, andrzej_fonfara, StubHubCenter AndSwanson_Comm, ukulandela ingxoxo usebenzisa #ChavezFonfara, abe fan on Facebook at www.facebook.com/SHOBoxing noma uvakashele Blog Showtime Boxing athttp://theboxingblog.sho.com.

Campillo Next for Beterbiev

Quebec CITY (March 19, 2015) – Emva oqavile ezinhlwini amateur ngesikhathi wonke imijikelezo ezimbili Olympic, Manje ithemba Russian Artur Beterbiev ilungele elite pro boxing sika, yize uye kuphela walwa kasikhombisa a professional. The Groupe Yvon Michel (Gym) jewel ngeke siqhubeke nohambo lwakhe April 4 e Quebec City, angabiki aphile on CBS and TVA Sports, ngokumelene zangaphambili world iqhawe Gabriel Campillo, of Spain.

“Izintatheli ngeke sijabule kusukela angizange KO muntu namuhla,” wahleka Beterbiev ngemuva umphakathi lizilolonga namuhla Quebec City, Wabonisa amakhono akhe kanye sparring yakhe partners, EyiNgisi Bob Ajisafe and Australian Blake Caparello.

“Ngempela ngicabanga kuyoba ebusuku iDemo Campillo,” Caparello wathi ngemuva Ukubanga Beterbiev. “Le guy has ezinye ngomfutho ezinonya. Wayengacabanga ukuxosha ngisho bese yokuzingela a strong Sergey kovalev in the ring,”

Beterbiev (7-0, 7 Ngakho) uyobhekana zangaphambili WBA light sosondonzima emhlabeni iqhawe Campillo (25-6-1, 11 Ngakho), a 6'2 bahlakaniphe” southpaw oye alwa 211 emahlandla njengoba professional, in a iziqubu wokulungiselela phambi WBC andThe Ring ukukhanya wesibhakela isihloko kwezwe fight phakathi sivikele iqhawe Adonis “Superman” Stevenson and Sakio Bika.

Beterbiev-Campillo iwukuba izwe IBF yesibili usezingeni in the light division sosondonzima.

“It is a ukulwa okuhle ngokumelene Umphikisi omuhle; a ukumelana, guy abanolwazi,” Beterbiev trainer Marc Ramsay ihlaziye. “Campillo will bring a lot of ring experience to Artur. Boxer My uyaqhubeka ngcono zonke izinsuku kodwa, empeleni, yena kakade, isilungele best.”

“Ngizofaka on a show omuhle futhi silwe April 4th,” Beterbiev waqhubeka. “When I step in the ring, Anginayo umngane. Ngifuna ukuqhubeka ngcono ngize ngiphinde nazo Sergey kovalev. Futhi mina ngeke aphinde amshaya!”

Kevin Bizier vs. Stanislav Salmon

Welterweight Canadian Kevin Bizier (23-2, 16 Kos) bayoba nethuba yakhe ukubhala umlando in the Quebec Coliseum elidala, kusukela uyokwenza ukulwa last boxing iziqubu owake akhiqizwa yangaphambili Nordiques arena. April 4th, eyobhekana yangaphambili French and WBC welterweight Mediterranean iqhawe Stanislav Salmon (24-3-2, 10 Kos).

In order to realize that dream, ukuziqhenya the Quebec City kwakufanele lokwenqaba ithuba avele iziqubu semi-final ye ukulwa Julio Cesar Chavez Jr and Andrzej Fonfara, April 18th e Carson, California.

“Kevin ngabe wathola isikhwama khulu than fike kwadingeka ukuba impi yakhe last emelene Jo Jo Dan he, kodwa wayefuna ukuhlala ekhadini Quebec,” umgqugquzeli Yvon Michel wanezela. “Akazange umsebenzi omkhulu sekusuke isidumo close ngempela ngokumelene Dan and Dan lwa an IBF welterweight emhlabeni fight, March 28 in England. Konke sisengakwazi Kevin futhi siyakholelwa kuyena.”

“Ukuze umuntu ngeke ukuvala Colisée kuyinto ngempela,” Bizier amazwana. “Libuye ukulungiselela ukulwa okuhle kanye nami okumelwe siyenze enkulu. I ngayo ukulwa California, kodwa mina ngeke elinye ithuba in June. Futhi of course, Ngingathanda nginithandile ukuba izicathulo Jo Jo Dan ukulwa in a ubuqhawe emhlabeni…kodwa ngelinye ilanga, kuyoba kuyithuba lami.”

Sébastien Bouchard vs. Denis Farias

Futhi ekhadini, Fovorie Canadian Sébastien Bouchard (9-1, 3 Kos) ngeke ukwandisa abhekane guy French ezinzima Denis Farias (19-6-2, 1 Kos).

“Sébastien saziqhenya empini yakhe yokugcina lapho wayeka the last boxer ukuze anqobe icon Stéphane Ouellet, Belgian Cedric Spera,” Gym iphini likamengameli Bernard Barre okukhulunywa. “Yena uzobe ebhekene a fighter okuhlala, oye kuphela walahlekelwa ngesinye isikhathi by K.O.”
Amathikithi ukudayiswa at the Pepsi Coliseum box Ihhovisi Quebec, ngokubiza (418) 691-7211 noma 1 (800) 900-7469, online at www.billetech.com, at gym (514) 383-0666 futhi Champion Boxing Club (514) 376-0980. Ticket amanani isukela $25 to $250 on the floor.

50-YEAR Olwa “Bronco” Billy WRIGHT Ukhuluma MUVA Knockout LAKHE LOKUQALA ROUND

Heavyweight Contender Bronco Billy Wright Discusses His Future In Boxing

Las Vegas (March 19, 2015) – WBC # 16 Olwa wesibhakela, Bronco Billy Wright (47-4, 38 Kos) ekhuluma yakhe yamuva lokuqala Knockout round phezu Gilberto Domingos. He’s just three first round knockouts away (29) from breaking the record which stands at 31 held by Shannon Briggs. He’s currently riding a 14-fight knockout streak which includes a winning streak of 18.

MEDZHID “B-52” BEKTEMIROV zibalwa WBA #10 IN LIGHT wesibhakela UPHIKO


Houston, TEXAS (March 19, 2015)Gary Shaw Productions futhi Promotions Savarese’ Ezingakanqotshwa Light-sosondonzima Idelakufa, Medzhidm “B-52” Bektemirov (15-0, 12 Kos), manje zibalwa #10 by the WBA.
A fighter onamandla in zombili izandla, B-52 is eager to continue his climb up the WBA rankings with more explosive performances. His mission is to knock everyone out.


“Ngiyabonga kakhulu abagqugquzeli yami Gary Shaw and Lou Savarese lesibalulekile mina ukalwe in the WBA,” Said Bektemirov. “I’ve worked very hard to get to this position and I don’t plan on slowing down. I want to be known as the man who likes to drop bombs on my opponents. For these reasons I’m known as B-52. I’m ready wreck the Light-Heavyweight division and knock everyone out.


Gilberto Mendoza Sr. futhi Jr. and the rest of the WBA ratings committee are to be applauded for recognizing the talent of B-52,” wathi Gary Shaw. “Unamandla zonke talent, work ethic and desire to become the next great Russian champion. Lou and I are working diligently on his next fight and were hoping he’ll be back in the ring very soon.


“Ngiye wathi kuso ngaphambi mina ngizobe ngithi, B-52 kungikhumbuza Mike Tyson,” Lou Savarese washo. “Bevela a guy owalwela Tyson, Ngiyazi amandla eluhlaza uma ngibona it, and Bektemirov can punch with both hands. His knockouts are brutal and everyone who’s seen him fight, knows he’s special. This is the begging of a great run and I couldn’t be happier that he’s ranked with the WBA.

Hall of Famer Mark Johnson, ekuphumeni star Dusty Harrison and iqhawe zangaphambili Vincent Pettway ukuya "Snap, IMDb and Pop "!

Baltimore, MD (March 18, 2015) - Boxing legend Mark "Too Sharp" Johnson, Ezingakanqotshwa Dusty Harrison and zangaphambili welterweight iqhawe Vincent Pettway uzohambela Baltimore Boxing sika "Snap, IMDb and Pop " Saturday, March 27.


The ikhadi kwenzeka Michael Yesishiyagalombili Avenue in Glen Burnie ngezivalo okuvula at 6:30 pm futhi insimbi yokuqala ihlelelwe 8. Amathikithi on ukudayiswa manje ngokumemeza 410-375-9175 noma uya Baltimoreboxing.com. Amathikithi Individual uqale at $25 futhi VIP namatafula 10 iyatholakala $500. Zonke ticketholders VIP zijabulela khulula Hors d'oeurves kusuka 7-8 pm futhi izihlalo ezingcono in the house.


Omunye omkhulu kunabo omncane boxing umlando, Johnson athumba IBF flyweight isihloko in 1996 yikutsheyelela out Francisco Trejedor in the umzuliswano wokuqala. The Washington, DC bomdabu waqhubeka ukuvikela ubuqhawe bakhe izikhathi eziyisikhombisa ngaphambi kokudlulela up and iwina IBF super flyweight umqhele. After a pair of setbacks to future hall of famer Rafael Marquez, Johnson waba umuntu wokuqala ukushaya star esizayo Fernando Montiel in 2003 ngaphambi kokuyolala kweminyaka emithathu kamuva waba 44-5 irekhodi. With a career edumile ezincwadini, Johnson owayebuthelwa ukuba International Boxing Hall of Fame in 2012.


A inkanyezi owaziwa ekuphumeni, UHarrison waphenduka pro eneminyaka engu oluvuthiwe 16. Njengoba kwase ebukisa kusukela ngosuku olulodwa,E-ring impumelelo Harrison liye lasekela hype futhi uyaqhubeka ngcono njalo engena circle squared. In iziqubu yakhe yakamuva, the Harrison DC esekelwe ngcono 25-0 futhi athumba umqhele WBC Continental Americas Welterweight by besting Tommy Rainone emahlandla kuka eziyishumi at Madison Square Garden.


Ukulwa out of the Baltimore, Pettway waba iqhawe somhlaba in 1994, stopping underrated Gianfranco Rossi to win the IBF super welterweight belt. In his next match, Pettway amaphuzu omunye knockouts esimnandi kakhulu ekushayeni isibhakela emlandweni, ngonya lahlani Simon Brown in the round yesithupha, yigcine isihloko sakhe. Emva Brown hit the ngendwangu, yena ngokoqobo waphonsa punches at the air. The replay esiye izikhathi ezingenakubalwa futhi intandokazi boxing fans.


Pettway umhlalaphansi 2001 nge irekhodi 43-7-1 kanye 32 kwi by Knockout. August Last, wathola Murray Smith "School of Hard sidilize" umklomelo ngokuzimisela sokuphila kwakhe ukuze City of Baltimore.


"Noma nini ungaba greats boxing ezimbili futhi omunye the best amasosha abasha endaweni eyodwa ngesikhathi esisodwa okuthile okukhethekile,"Kusho Jake Smith of Baltimore Boxing Promotions. "UVincent bekulokhu umngane omkhulu futhi umsekeli Baltimore Boxing njengoba Mark. Ngiye ezaziwa Dusty kusukela yena a kid futhi akungabazeki ukuthi uzoba iqhawe emhlabeni esikhathini esizayo esiseduze enginakho. "


Johnson, Harrison, futhi Pettway izotholakala ukuxoxa VIP ticketholders, basayine Autographs futhi uthathe izithombe. Five isikhathi iqhawe Vinny Paz libuye khona uzobe uxoxa movie yakhe oluzayo, inkampani iwayini ukuchitha isikhathi VIP ticketholders.


Le kusihlwa okuthakazelisayo isibhakela ziyoba isihloko ukulwa ezine kuhlanganisa middleweight junior Joey "Bazooka Joe" Veazey and wesibhakela Sam "Vanilla Gorilla" Awela emdlalweni for division yabo East Coast umqhele. The undercard izoba Allen "The Hammer Hampton" Burris, Courtney Hartlove, 2015 Gloves Champion Tommy Coe Jr. futhi zangaphambili college basketball star Stefon McCray in iziqubu ahlukene.


In association nale kusihlwa esiqinile ukulwa, Baltimore Boxing is ibamba a ekhethekile 50/50 raffle for the Brooke noNathani Fenush Scholarship Fund. Isikhwama wadalwa ukusiza Baltimore County Fire Department uLieutenant Paul Fenush, umkayo usanda kushona.


Ukuze uthole ukwaziswa okwengeziwe, iya Baltimoreboxing.com