Tag Archives: boxing


Aja Miss Sembarang Of Tindakan The Leading Up To The Pameran Premier Boxing Champions ing Event CBS (3 P.M. Lan/12 P.M. PT)

Perang pisanan Starts Ing 1 P.M. ing Pepsi Coliseum

Klik Kene kanggo foto saka konferensi penet undercard

Kredit: Amanda Kwok / PBC ing CBS

QUEBEC CITY (April 2, 2015) – Sadurunge tondho Premier Boxing Champions ing CBS telecast wiwit (3 P.M. Lan/12 P.M. PT), bevy lintang enom bakal katon kanggo ignite Pepsi Coliseum akeh ing seri saka bouts undercard diwiwiti ing 1 P.M. Lan.


Tiket acara urip ana ing Advertisement lan bisa dituku ing box office Pepsi Coliseum ing Quebec, dening nelpon (418) 691-7211 utawa (800) 900-7469, online ing www.billetech.com, ing GYM (514) 383-0666 lan juara Boxing Club (514) 376-0980. Prices tiket sawetara saka $25 kanggo $250 ing lantai.


PBC ing CBS, headlined dening cahya abot perang juara donya antarane Adonis “Superman” Stevenson lan Sakio “Kalajengking” Taurus lan nampilaken Artur Beterbiev minangka dhewek lika Gabriel “Man Nggantheng” Peacock, wis Disedhiyakake dening Groupe Yvon Michel (GYM) lan presented by Videotron lan ing hubungané karo Mise-O-Game.


Pancèn tumindak undercard punika Rising suwé super flyweight contender Julian “J Rock” Williams (18-0-1, 11 KOs), sing bakal belooking terus munggah kanggo stardom nalika piyambakipun pasuryan macem Joey “Driji Twinkle” Hernandez (24-2-1, 14 KOs)ing flyweight 10-babak bab.


Wonten ing pertandhingan ndhuwur liyane non-televised, Kevin Hutton (23-2, 16 KOs)ngasilake dering ing kutha klairané menyang pasuryan Fouad El massoudi (12-4, 1 KO)ing wolung babak super flyweight gelaran. Ing kethokan abot wolung babak, suwé Oscar “Lady Gaga” Rivas (15-0, 10 KOs) bakal padha ngadhepi Oezcan Kangal (19-9-2, 13 KOs).


Ing Pasangan saka bouts flyweight super, Sebastien Langlois (9-1, 3 KOs) bakal njupuk ing Denis Farias (19-6-2, 1 KO) ing wolung babak tawuran lan Custio Clayton (2-0, 1 KO) bakal padha ngadhepi Ronald Berti (4-3-1, 1 KO)ing enem babak gelaran.


Ing seko saka kertu dibunderaké metu dening trio prospek Canadian looking kanggo mbangun resumes pro sing. Jan Michael Baca (1-0-1) njupuk ing Michel Tsalla (1-9-2) ing papat Men babak bab, Vislan Dalkhaev (1-0) mungsuhan Adel Hadjouis (7-3) ing bantamweight papat-babak bab lan Shakeel Pen (1-0, 1 KO) pasuryan Rene Barbara (0-2-1)ing papat-babak super Men bab.


“Ing mratelakake panemume, the biggest fight in the history of Pepsi Coliseum was Pascal-Hopkins 1, but the scale of this event presented on a general network like CBS exceeds all that was done previously,” presiden GYM ngandika Yvon Michel. “We are privileged to have the PBC series for this historic first. All of this is possible thanks to Adonis Stevenson. The undercard is also stacked.


PBC on CBS will also ensure that the people there love the experience. There will be screens everywhere and spectacular entrances. It will be a unique experience!”


Lan prospek suwé Hailing saka f kutha gelut gedhe Philadelphia, Williams is looking kanggo njaga rekaman suwé kang utuh lan ngematake ing tataran amba. The 24-year-old faces a stiff test in Miami-native Hernandez. Ing Hernandez 30-taun-lawas wis battled sawetara sing paling apik ing boxing lan niat kanggo ngulungake Williams mundhut propesional kang pisanan nalika loro kothak mati.


“Aku mung looking kanggo nindakake lan uga njaluk menang on Saturday,” said Williams. “Aku wis nyepakaké lan latihan arang banget hard kanggo perang iki. Aku njupuk iku salah siji perang ing wektu, lan aku mesthi ora looking liwat pejuang kaya Hernandez.”


“Boten wonten alesan iki wektu watara,” said Hernandez. “Aku wis wis sawetara alangan motivating dhewe kanggo latihan ing past, nanging ora iki wektu. Aku ngormati mungsuh lan wis kerjo banget hard kanggo nyiapake kanggo perang iki. Iki bakal perang gesang kawula lan aku looking kanggo nyelehake ing gambar gedhe on Saturday.”


Sawise nempel judhul-mean miturut kaputusan pamisah ing pertandingan pungkasan, Hutton, 30, ngasilake menyang kuthané dhéwé-Quebec looking kanggo njaluk bali ing kolom menang lan menyang judhul pratelan. Panjenenganipun ngarep-arep kanggo mbangun kasus karo kamenangan ing-lawas 27 taun El massoudi, sing nggawe debut ing Amerika Utara kang. Pejuang metu Clermont-Ferrand, Puy-de-Dome, Prancis ngarep-arep kanggo nggawe impact langsung ing perang marang Hutton.


Lan abot suwé sing dituduhake Columbia ing 2008 Olimpiade, Rivas wis perang istimewa ing kutha klairané diadopsi saka Montreal wiwit ngowahi pro ing 2009. Panjenenganipun bakal nggawe wiwitan kang kawitan ing Pepsi Coliseum nalika dhewek lika Kangal, Kassel, Hesse, Jerman.


Onomatopia kanggo kang kaping telune minangka profesional ing Pepsi Coliseum, Quebec kang Langlois is seeking kamenangan kaping kalih wiwit kasor Lone kang. 27-taun-lawas pasuryan sing test angel ing experienced Farias, saka Aulnay-sous-denis, Seine-Saint-Denis, Prancis. Iki Farias 27-taun-lawas’ perang pisanan njaba Prancis.


A 2012 Canadian Olympian, Clayton katon kanggo mbangun resume profesional lan nuduhake apa kang iki dianggep salah siji sing paling boxers amatir kanggo metu saka Kanada. 27-taun-lawas saka Montreal mungsuhan-lawas 27 taun Berti saka Bracquegnies, Belgium.


A latecomer menyang rangking profesional, Baca is looking kanggo mbangun mati kamenangan karir kang kawitan ing Desember 2014. Ing 32 taun-lawas saka Quebec madep-lawas 31 taun Tsalla, sing uga hails saka Quebec.


Russian-lair nanging onomatopia saking Quebec, Dalkhaev nggawe wiwitan liya kang pro sawise entuk kamenangan sepindhah kang pro ing Desember 2014. Ing 26 taun-lawas bakal dites dening-lawas 28 taun Hadjouis, saka Yaoundé, Haut-de-Seine, Prancis.


Lambé dibunderaké metu non-televised undercard, Pen, 24, bakal looking for kamenangan pro kang kapindho sawise njupuk munggah menang TKO liwat Eddie Gates ing Januari iki taun. Ing Quebec-native mungsuhan-lawas 36 taun Rene metu saka Ontario.


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Kanggo informasi luwih lengkap riko www.sports.sho.com lan www.groupeyvonmichel.ca, ngetutake Twitter ingSHOSports, yvonmichelgym, AdonisSuperman LanSakio_Bika, tindakake obrolan nggunakake #StevensonBika, dadi penggemar ing Facebook ingwww.facebook.com/SHOBoxing utawa ngunjungi Blog BANDILA Boxing inghttp://theboxingblog.sho.com.




Ana, April 10 Ing 10 P.M. Lan/PT; Manggon ing BANDILA®

NEW YORK (April 2, 2015) - Brooklyn-native, kalah Frank "Jay" Gamboa (16-0-2, 10 KOs) ngasilake kanggo dering kanggo perang Belgia Sheldon "Ing Nyedhaki" Moore (13-2-1, 9 KOs) ing wolung babak super flyweight bab HEADLINING ShoBox: Ing New Generation tripleheader on Ana, April 10 saka Aviator Olahraga lan Events Center ing Brooklyn, N.Y., manggon ing BANDILA (10 P.M. Lan/PT, telat ing West Coast).


Galarza, dianggep déning akèh minangka "Ing Brooklyn Rocky," terus kanggo nggawe serep kanggo wektu ilang. Liya-babak kamenangan kalah ngageti kang liwat di senengi John Thompson ing kang ShoBox: Ing New Generationdebut, was one of the most memorable knockouts of the year. Galarza has been on a tear since.


"Galarza ana golek fortuitous dening ShoBox,'' Ngakeni sejarah boxing and ShoBox Analyst pakar Steve Farhood. "Awit upset Thompson, kang menang papat kaping liyane, lan kapandeng luwih apik saben wektu. Tingkat saka musuh kang ora ngidini wong kanggo bisa disebut contender durung, nanging kang digawe strides utama. Aku mikir ing umur 29 kang bakal nyoba kanggo nggawe iki taun temonan kanggo wong. "


Ing Gamboa-Moore bab iku salah siji saka telung dijadwal wolung rounders ing telecast sing nduwe roso Brooklyn béda menyang. Suwé daya-punching Men Ievgen "Ing Ukrainia Lion" Khytrov (9-0, 9 KOs) lan stablemate, biru-chip prospek super Men Sergiy "Ing Technician" Derevyanchenko (4-0, 3 KOs / World Series of Boxing: 23-1, 7 KOs) uga manggon ing Brooklyn.

Khytrov njupuk ing fellow kalah Harun "Heavy Metal" Coley (9-0-1, 6 KOs), saka Hayward, Calif., nalika-ditingkat donya Derevyanchenko bakal box sapisan-diantemi Area "Ancaman / Ancaman" Campa (13-1, 1 NC, 9 KOs), saka Sonora, Meksiko.

Tiket acara, disedhiyakake dening DiBella Hiburan ing hubungané karo perang Promosi Inc. and New Legend Boxing are on sale and priced at $100, $70 lan $35. Tiket bisa dituku dening nelpon DiBella Hiburan ing (212) 947-2577. Mbukak lawang ing 6:15 P.M. Lan, karo bab pisanan dijadwal kanggo 6:45 P.M. Lan.


Kanggo Gamboa, ingkang creeping munggah ing peringkat donya, mundhak anyar ora bisa teka ing luwih apik wektu. A fisik kuwat, agresif Jotosan-puncher, Galarza tak wiwitan pungkasan ing boxing lan wis mung 11 gelut amatir.


"Ing wektu kanggo kula punika temtunipun saiki,'' Ngandika. "Kula pisanan ShoBox perang nyetel platform kanggo kula. Aku ora mung menang perang sing pancen oleh panginten Aku, Aku menang ing grand gaya. Aku digawe statement. Aku wis terus kanggo tuwuh lan aran aku wis nandang gerah luwih wiwit perang sing. Nanging aku kene kanggo nuduhake wong apa aku kabeh babagan, terus olahraga banget hard lan mung njupuk iku sethitik dening sethitik, siji perang ing wektu.


"Iku macem perang ing acara utama televisi ing latar mburi. Aku wis tau wis luwih motivasi kanggo match. Aku arep kanggo thank BANDILA kanggo menehi kula kesempatan liyane kanggo perang ing ShoBox.''


Gaya-wicaksana, Galarza pracaya iki matchup gedhe kanggo wong. "Moore katon fisik amba lan kuwat, angel lan luwe lan rawuh kanggo perang,'' Ngandika. "Panjenengane iku agresif lan sing paling apik babagan - iku kudu gawe perang gedhe. Aku ora bisa dadi agresif, banget. Aku ngerti wong iku teka kanggo perang lan everybody mangerténi aku ora obah mundur, aku nyana mercon.


"Aku teka kanggo perang saben wektu, utamané ing BANDILA, ing ShoBox ngendi padha menehi mungsuh saka kaliber apik sing samesthine kanggo nyelehake ing gambar lan samesthine kanggo nggawe perang apik.


"Iku ing Brooklyn, kampung halamanipun sandi, lan aku pengin panghibur wong. Iki nuduhake sandi, homecoming sandi, lan aku bakal defend gambut omahku. I have a proyek kanggo nindakake ing April 10, nanging sawise sing, jeneng amba saka divisi sing arep dipeksa kanggo menehi hasil karo kula. Aku 29 lan mbikak kabeh iku ing baris. ''


Kang paling anyar ShoBox katon, Galarza menang kaputusan wolung babak unanimous liwat sadurunge kalah Sebastien Langlois (8-0 arep) on May 16, 2014, dening nilai 78-73 lan 77-74 kaping pindho senadyan Duwe titik dijupuk kanggo jotosan kurang ing babak final.


Mungsuh Galarza kang, 27-Moore-lawas taun, wis nggawe kang ShoBox debut lan wiwitan papat ing Amerika Serikat ngendi iku 1-1-1. Panjenenganipun pungkasan muncul ing U.S. ing Juni 2012.

"Iki kesempatan ageng kanggo kula lan sandi Karir, tangan mudhun iki perang gedhe gesang kawula,"Ngendikane Moore. "Iku perang kudu-win kanggo kula. Aku wis katon sawetara saka gelut Galarza lan aku kanthi manteb ing ati sing aku duwe apa iku njupuk kanggo upset marang ing latar mburi kang. Iki ngimpi kayektenan kanggo kula, onomatopia ing televisi nasional, lan aku rencana ing nuduhake donya tinju aku kagungane ing tingkat elit saka divisi iki.

"Gaya Kula punika temtunipun agresif. Aku kaya kanggo lumaku mudhun sandi mungsuh. Galarza wis gerakan apik lan tekan apik. Nanging perang iki bakal perang pisanan ing ngendi aku ora kudu bisa ing sisih sak preparation. Aku 100 persen darmabakti kanggo olahraga lan nyetel kanggo pindhah ing April 10. "


5-mlaku-10 Moore wis menangaké loro kang gelut pungkasan, paling anyar ing putaran kapisan kalah liwat Saudur Lindsey pungkasan Jan. 20 ing Belgia. Kaya Gamboa, tak wiwitan pungkasan ing boxing lan wis karir amatir winates (27 ends). Iya Kickboxing nalika panjenengané 15, nanging ora duwe perang amatir kang kawitan ngantos yuswa 19.


Khytrov (pocapan HE-biaya) ana amatir fenomena karo kabaripun 500 bouts amatir. Panjenenganipun 2011 juara donya amatir lan wakil kanggo Ukraina ing 2012 Olympic Games.


Iki bakal katon kang kapindho ing ShoBox. Ing debut ing Jan. 9, kang numpes sadurunge suwé Maurice Louishomme, menang dening pihak babak TKO. Panjenenganipun surem munggah Louishomme karo tangan tengen lan uppercuts kanggo awak, staggering wong ing macem-macem kesempatan ing siji-sisi hubungan sing mandegake ing 0:24 ing babak katelu.


Agresif, nyerang-minded Khytrov wis perang total 27 babak ing sangang wiwit, Rata-rata telung babak perang - lan sing kalebu TKO karir-paling kawolu-babak kang liwat tansah angel Puerto Rican Jorge Mike ing Maret 6.


"Ievgen [pocapan Yev-gin, karo hard G] minangka penggemar-loropaken pejuang sing bakal nemokake, tau njupuk langkah mundur, katon kanggo babras mungsuh karo saben doyo,'' Ngandika Farhood. “After nine fights, kang nuduhake kabeh pratandha kang bakal dadi contender judhul ing taun-kanggo-18 sasi. Kang paling anyar, a stoppage liwat Jorge Mike, ana pamindhahan kandel kanggo njupuk ing mungsuh mbebayani lan experienced lan njupuk wong metu, nyuwil wong mudhun. Apa sing ngomong?"


Salah siji saka ndhuwur prospects boxing, 5-mlaku-11, 26-Khytrov taun-lawas wis dipindhah ing jangkah akeh luwih cepet saka sing paling prospek liyane ing tataran iki sing Careers. Piyambakipun damel debut profesional ing umur 25 ing Desember 2013 lan perang kaping enem ing 2014. Iki perang kang katelu 2015. Kabeh gelut kang wis ing Amerika Serikat.

Khytrov, sing pindhah menyang Brooklyn sakcepete sawise 2012 Olimpiade, punika semangat kanggo April 10 kasedhiya. "Aku bungah banget kanggo bakal bali menyang dering ing April 10, utamané kang sing perang ing omahku diadopsi saka Brooklyn,'' Ngandika. "Aku arep kanggo thank promotor sandi DiBella Entertainment lan Perang Promosi Inc. Manager sandi Al Haymon iki kesempatan kanggo sepisan maneh pertunjukan sandi skills ing ShoBox.

"Aku nyana perang angel metu saka Coley, sing, kaya aku, wis tau wis ngalahaké minangka penerjemah. Kita sumurup, yen 2015 iki arep dadi taun amba kanggo aku lan sandi Karir, lan aku janji durung liyane kinerja biasa ing April 10 kita terus kanggo mindhah munggah rangking saka divisi kawula. "

Khytrov bandingke gaya marang salah siji saka greats kabeh-wektu boxing kang. “Aku wis entuk gaya Roberto Duran. Aku lan kabeh-metu brawler,'' Ngandika. "Aku nyerang awak. Aku tresna marang Kawigaten TV. ''


Coley punika kiwa-hander lan loro-taun pro sing njupuk langkah kiat munggah ing perang iki, kang ShoBox lan debut wolung babak. A prospek ing 160 kilogram - piyambakipun pindhah saka divisi Welterweight junior perang kang pungkasan - kang iscoming mati kalah enem karir, kalima-babak KO liwat Loren Myers on Nov. 11, 2014.


"Aku bungah banget babagan ndudohake sandi skills ing platform kaya BANDILA,'' Ngandika tansah uga-kahanan Coley, sing wis tau wis kalah mudhun minangka pro utawa amatir. "Aku wis ndeleng perang Khytrov. Saka apa iku katon kaya, iku pejuang prayoga. Aku pancene ora mikir ana apa-apa khusus bab Gusti. Panjenenganipun paling cantik suta, lan wong lanang Eropah Wétan sing mung rawuh ing lan nggunakake ngarepke sethitik. Dheweke iku sing puncher hard karo daya apik, nanging aku ora ngerti wong lanang kang wis onomatopia.


"Sawetara liyane, sampeyan ora bisa babras apa sampeyan ora bisa mencet. "


Lan boxer Agile sing saiki dianggo metu saka Virgil KerjaGym 'ing lor California, Coley nggawe wiwitan kang kapindho kanggo trainer anyar Eddie Croft.Dheweke wis urip lan latihan ing Las Vegas. Panjenenganipun tindak 8-0 ing awal karir pro sing wiwit ing April 2012.


Regarding celukan kang, Coley ngandika, "Kula bapak ndarbeni bisnis logam kethokan."


Derevyanchenko (pocapan der-kowe-van-CHENK oh), sing nggawe kangShoBox debut, wis dipikir saka "z-miss" contender. Salah langkah luwih, akeh nyana pendakian ing ranking donya kanggo dadi apa-apa kurang saka meteoric. Kang saiki ditingkat Ora Ana. 12 ing IBF, Aja. 25 ing WBC.


"Aku bungah banget babagan perang sandi kawitan ing televisi Amérika,'' Ngandika. "Iki bakal dadi pisanan muncul ing ShoBox lan aku pancen seneng. Iki teka metu katelu sandi. Aku nyepakaké dina lan wengi, lan aku siap kanggo pertunjukan sandi skills kanggo donya. Aku siap kanggo nuduhake wong 'Technician The.


"Gaya iku banget technical, nanging yen aku tokoh mungsuh metu, Aku nyerang viciously. Kanthi karya hard lan tim gedhe konco kula, Aku bakal dadi juara donya ing divisi sandi. Ana sangsi ing atine. "


Amatir ngédap, 5-mlaku-7 Derevyanchenko nyawiji lan ngrekam ngeramaken saka 390-20 nalika makili kang native Ukraina ing 2008 Olympic Games. Setahun sadurunge, panjenengané menangaké medali perunggu ing ajang 2007 Amateur World Championships.


Iki bakal wiwitan kalima Derevyanchenko ing saurutan njaba Series Dunia Boxing kono tindak 23-1. Panjenenganipun 2012 WSB tim juara lan 2011 lan 2012 WSB Individu Champion. Panjenenganipun nempuh perang ing WSB saka Nopember 2010 April 2014.


Derevyanchenko menang perang kang pisanan njaba WSB ing liya-babak TKO liwat Cromwell Gordon Juli 23, 2014. Ing wiwitan kang pungkasan sasi ikiJan. 20, piyambakipun damel siji-sisi liya-babak TKO liwat Pemerintah Biosse.


Minangka kanggo mungsuh, Derevyanchenko ngandika, "Campa punika pejuang apik - dhuwur, kuwat. Dheweke katon awet, mungsuh sing ngalangi. ''


Campa wis nggawe kang ShoBox debut ing April 10 lan bakal perang kang pisanan njaba Meksiko. Dhèwèké menangaké papat ing saurutan, telung dening kalah. Panjenenganipun kalah metu Kristen Chavez ing babak kaloro ing outing kang pungkasan pungkasanJan. 6.

6-mlaku 1, 23-taun-lawas wis njupuk kabisat gigantic ing kelas lan rintangan iku marang wong, nanging ora ana sing penting kanggo wong sapisan swara lonceng mbukak.

“I am very excited to finally make my dream a reality and fight in the United States,'' Ngandika. "Iki mung kesempatan sing aku wis dilatih lan nempuh perang ing limang taun pungkasan. Aku Versatile; Aku bisa perang gumregah utawa kothak lan pamindhahan.

“Many promising young prospects got their start on ShoBox lan tindak ing kanggo menang gelar dunia. On April 10, Alan Campa bakal miwiti paving dalan kanggo nggabungake dhaftar ShoBox juara donya.

"Aku wis dilatih banget hard. Aku ngerti aku bisa menang perang iki. "

Campa uga wis latar mburi amatir kuwat (182-6). Sadurunge ngowahi pro ing September 2010, kang ana limang wektu juara negara Sonora, juara regional limang wektu, lan juara nasional papat-wektu. Panjenengané uga medalist emas ing 2010 Pan American Youth Championships ing 165 kilogram.

Barry Tompkins bakal nelpon ShoBox ajeg saka Ringside karo Farhood lan mantan juara donya Raul Marquez porsi minangka Analysts pakar. Produser eksekutif punika Gordon Hall karo Richard Gaughanprodhuksi lan Rick Phillips Direkting.


About ShoBox: Ing New Generation
Wiwit ngadeg ing Juli 2001, ing BANDILA seri boxing sanget diakoni, ShoBox: Ing New Generation wis Bintang bakat enom dicocogaké angel. Ing ShoBox filsafat punika televise macem, akeh-nyenengke lan cocog competitive nalika nyediakake lemah bukti kanggo prospek gelem ditemtokake kanggo perang kanggo judhul donya. Sawetara dhaptar akeh saka 59 para pejuang ingkang sampun muncul ing ShoBox lan majeng kanggo Garner gelar dunia kalebu: Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr., Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Omar Figueroa, Olympic flag.svg, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Nuwara Eliya, Kelly Pavlik, Paul Williams lan liyane.

Mentas Licensed Connecticut Boxing Promoter A.J. Galante mbewarakke Bebungah Promosi – First Puja 30

Lake Katrine, CT (April 2, 2015)- Ing 2011, ing umur 24, A.J. Galante dadi salah siji saka managers Profesional Boxing enom ing olahraga. Saiki ing umur 28, kang wis dadi salah siji saka Promoters enom uga. Ing Promoter adhedhasar Connecticut wis resmi ngenalaken perusahaan, Bebungah Promosi, minggu iki.

“Aku bungah kanggo tantangan iki.” Galante nyatakake, “Iki ora soko aku mutusaké kanggo nindakake sewengi, Aku wis bener wis planning iki kanggo sawetara taun saiki. Aku rencana ing alon ngembangaken soko khusus ing kene Connecticut, lan menehi pejuang kene kesempatan sing ora terus-terusan kasedhiya kanggo wong-wong mau.”

Galante diterangno sesanti lan gol kanggo Bebungah Promosi pusat watara Matchups competitive lan nampilaken pejuang lawas sekolah, “Aku ora looking kanggo mlebu pejuang kanggo Bebungah Promosi iki ing wektu. Apa I am looking kanggo nindakake sijine gelut macem lan nyedhiyani kesempatan. I am looking kanggo fitur boxers lawas sekolah, wong lanang sing ora wedi marang risking cathetan suwé utawa kang ing perang angel. Aku pengin wong lanang sing ora duwe cathetan mengilap, Aku pengin wong lanang sing paling promotor ora weruh gadhah nilai gedhe. Aku ora duwe stock in sapa sing gelut wonten promosi sandi, supaya ana ora bakal akeh bener A lan B sisih gelut. Connecticut ora hotbed boxing, lan ana bakat kene, nanging mung cara kanggo iki wong lanang kanggo entuk bab iku kanggo njupuk iku, Mulane kanggo perang ing liya kertu Bebungah Promosi perang musuh nyata lan berkembang cara lawas gaya. Ana ora akeh nuduhake pro ing kene Connecticut, nanging aku wus kanggo ngganti sing, lan arep kanggo menehi iki wong lanang platform kanggo pertunjukan sing lagi.”

On 30th May ing Danbury Arena, Danbury, CT, Bebungah Promosi bakal tumindak sawijining Profesional Boxing show pisanan, 'Danbury Fight Night'. Informasi liyane kalebu bouts, reregan tiket lan availabilities bakal announced rauh.

Kanggo nganyari ngunjungi www.prizepromotions.net .

Galante bubar kabuka Champs Boxing Club & Fitness in downtown Danbury lan saiki minangka sawijining manajer World Peringkat Junior Men prospek Frank 'Jay’ Galarza.



Kredit Photo – David Infante @787Films / Tim Dulorme


Puerto Rico (April 2, 2015)Top junior welterweight contender Thomas Dulorme (22-1, 14 KO kang) saka Puerto Rico, bebarengan karo tim dipimpin déning kathok dowo Puerto Rican, Anthony Gallero’ Knoll lan Felix Pagan Landing, are feeling highly confident about their world title bout against Terence 'Bud’ Crawford (25-0, 17 KOs), sing ana 2014 'Boxer of the Year’ lan mantan juara dunia Lightweight PhuKet. The Crawford vs Dulorme bout will be for the vacant WBO junior welterweight world title on Setu, 18 April, ing College Park Center located at the Universitas Texas, Arlington. The bout will be televised live as part of a split-site doubleheader on HBOdiwiwiti ing 9:45 P.M. Lan/PT.


Dulorme ing onomatopia kanggo wong Puerto Rico…

There is no better feeling than to train in my country. It gives me so much confidence and being at home motivates me even more because I get to see the people which I represent with pride and honor. We want to show the world that Puerto Rico will continue to produce more world champions”.


Dulorme ing apa karo tim kang anyar saka kathok dowo…

I have complete trust in my team’s game plan to defeat Crawford. I like the mix of dynamics between my trainers which combine the new and old school styles of boxing. Landing iku lawas sekolah lan Otero ndadekke atine seger ing game. Lagi loro contributing kanggo apa wis diaktifake metu dadi latihan camp gedhe”.
Dulorme ing Terrance Crawford minangka pejuang lan matchup ing…

Crawford is one of the best fighters in the world. He’s been awarded “Fighter of the Year” by many media outlets because he had a tremendous year in 2014. He’s moving up in weight where he’s entering into uncharted territory though. I feel I have the advantage being that I’ve fought at this weight several times. I’m the bigger man and I plan to impose my will on him.


“Aku banget pleased karo Dulorme lan tim kang anyar saka kathok dowo,” ngandika Gary Shaw. “The fact that he’s training at home in Puerto Rico makes me feel good because I know his countrymen are there supporting his every move. We are only a few weeks away from fight night and I’m confident I’m going to be the promoter of a new world champion. The people of Puerto Rico will have a huge star they can call their own.
“Iku ngimpi kayektenan kanggo kita teka bebarengan lan bantuan nyiapake Dulorme kanggo perang gedhe kang karir.” ngandika Dulorme kang kawontenaning-trainer Anthony Otero. “Saka dina pisanan aku kerjo karo Dulorme, Aku sumurup yen ing preparation kanggo perang iki mileh coro tartemtu kanggo dadi ing dalan gedhe lan wis buktiaken dadi kanggo dina iki”.

“Dulorme ing kondisi banget,” nyatakake Felix Pagan Landing, sing wis kerjo liwat 60 bouts juara donya karo pejuang legendaris kayata Wilfredo Gomez, Hector 'Macho’ Camacho, Chapo Edwin '’ Rosary, Ivan Calderon, Paul Williams, Carlos Santos, antara liya. “Saka cara kang wis dileksanakake ing latihan lan sparring, Aku foresee sing ing 18 April, Puerto Rico bakal juara donya anyar.”

Kaya Miranda, Penasehat Dulorme lan presiden ADM ing (Artists Designs Manajemen) perusahaan komentar, “Kita padha banget Milih ing milih tim kualitas experienced lan Highly setya. Saben dina sak latihan camp, atmosfer banget positif lan karya kang rampung wis ngluwihi kabeh pangarepan. Ana sangsi sing Dulorme bakal asor Crawford lan gabung ing rangking kabeh juara Puerto Rican sadurunge wong.”


Dipun Miturut Top Rank®, ing hubungané karo Gary Shaw Productions, Foreman Boys Promosi lan Puerto Rico, tickets to the Crawford-Dulorme are on sale now. Diregani ing $200, $100, $60, $40 lan $25, plus Fees ditrapake, tiket bisa dituku ing box office College Park Center, online ing www.utatickets.com utawawww.utacollegpark.com utawa dening telpon ing (817) 272-9595.


Kanggo perang nganyari menyang www.toprank.com, utawa www.hbo.com/boxing, ing Facebook ing facebook.com/trboxing,facebook.com/trboxeo, facebook.com/GaryShawProductions utawa facebook.com/hboboxing, lan ing Twitter ingtwitter.com/trboxing, twitter.com/trboxeo, twitter.com/GaryShawBoxing utawa twitter.com/hboboxing. Gunakake Hashtag #CrawfordDulorme kanggo nggabungake obrolan ing Twitter.

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Matthysse – Provodnikov Conference call Transcript

Operator: Welcome to the Matthysse Provodnikov conference call. I will now turn it over to Marc Abrams.

Mr. Marc Abrams: Hello, everyone, welcome to this great conference call for this tremendous fight that’s going to happen on Saturday, April 18th at the Turning Stone Resort Casino in Verona, New York. The fight will come on air at 9:45 as part of a split site double header with Terence Crawford taking on Thomas Dulorme. On the call for the first part of the call will be Team Provodnikov, Banner Promotions present Artie Pelullo, the Siberian Rocky himself Ruslan Provodnikov, along with his manager Vadim Kornilov who will trainultimately will translate, Hall of Fame promoter Freddie Roach, and also Kelly Abdo and Heidi Strong from Turning Stone are also on the call. Let me turn it over to Artie PelulloArtie?

Mr. Artie Pelullo: Woy, hello, everybody, this is Artie Pelullo from Banner Promotions. Good afternooneverybody on this call knows that this is one of the great fights of the year for us, for our sport, and I just wanted tothe first thing I want to say is thank Eric Gomez from Golden Boy, and Oscar for helping us put this fight together. It was very easy to do. Eric, Lucas, lan–I’m sorry, Lucas Matthysse and Ruslan Provodnikov, excuse me, both wanted this fight. Dadi, it was very easy to put together. Eric and I literally did the deal in maybe 30 utawa 40 minutes and this is how one of the great fights of 2015 got made, very easily, but two guys who wanted to fight and two promotional companies who work together in the co-promotion. And we’re doing this event equally together and it’s going to be an exciting night for boxing. I believe it’s going to be Corrales Castillo one, which I had a good fortune of promoting with Bob Arum and Gary Shaw. That’s what I think of the fight. Both guys don’t know how to do anything but put on TV friendly and fan friendly fights. Before I get into anything else with the show, I’d just like to turn it over to Kelly from Turning Stone who is the PR Manager who would like to say a few words on behalf of or host, Turning Stone Resort & Casino who went out of their way to make sure that they landed this fight because they’re really into the boxing business. They’re really fight site friendly. And they’re really into going out of their way to put on a spectacular live event at their location. Dadi, Kelly, why don’t you take it from here and say what you’d like to say about Turning Stone.

Ms. Kelly Abdo: Kabeh hak, matur nuwun, Artiehello, everyone, it’s Kelly Abdo from Turning Stone Resort Casino. And as Artie mentioned, we’re really excited to be hosting this epic fight and to have everyone here. We’re all really looking forward to it and we have a week’s worth of events lined up that we’re really excited to host.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: Thanks, Kelly–one thing I need to mention, wong lanang, to everybody on the call and ladies and ladies and gentlemen, the reason why the fight is at Turning Stone is because Ed Allmann and Heidi Strong. They wanted the fight. They were aggressive about the fight. They realized what this kind of fight could mean because it could be a historic event because of two great punchers and two great exciting styles. I know Oscar is going to talk about Lucas, but I just like to say that he is a great fighter and I know his manager slash promoter for 20 taun, Mario Arana and he’s an exceptional young man. Dadi, it’s going to be a terrific fight on their side. As far as Ruslan’s concerned, in my opinion there’s none better. We’ve been together since his very beginning, since his first fight. It’s been my privilege to work with him. He’s a true athlete. He’s very focused on his job. He’s extremely focused on being a promotional. The VADA, the Anti-Doping Test is always something that he demands and insists on. He doesn’t believe athletes should be anything but legitimate and 100 percent legal. And his manager is Vadim who I have been working with for several years. We have a lot of fighters together. And he’s just good people, focused on the jobnever an issue about who. It’s always when are we fighting? Let’s make the best fights possible. And also now Freddie Roach is on the call with us, as you know. Everybody knows Freddie. And his career changed Ruslan when he went to Freddie. The truth of it is, when he went to Freddie, got in that gym, was around world-class guys, the quality of the people he was working with changed and the development of his career was tenfold. Dadi, after saying all of that I want to thank everybody. I’d like to introduce Freddie right now. Lan, as you know, Freddie is training also training the great Manny Pacquiao, but I’d like to have Freddie say a few words on behalf of Ruslan and the show–Freddie?

Mr. Freddie Roach: Hey, matur nuwun, Artie. Ruslan is doing really well and he’s in a really good shape for this fight. He knows just how to fight and he’s a good fighter and I look forward to it, and on paper it looks like one of the best this year. Dadi, it’s going to be a tremendous show and I don’t think you want to miss this on.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: Oke, thanks, Freddie, and now I’d like to introduce to you all Ruslan Provodnikov, the Siberian Rocky, sing, as I’ve said I’ve had the good fortune of meeting him and Vadim seven years ago when I went to Moscow for the first time and signed Ruslan to an exclusive contract. Lan, boy, did I not know how lucky I was at the time–Ruslan Provodnikov, gentlemen and ladies–Ruslan Provodnikov.

Mr. Ruslan Provodnikov: How are you? Woy.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: Inggih, that’s good. He can say more than one word.

Mr. Ruslan Provodnikov: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Vadim Kornilov: I just woke up getting ready to go to training. I’m happy to hear everybody.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: Inggih, Vadim, would you like to say a few words?

Mr. Vadim Kornilov: Temtunipun–Artie, thank you for the great introduction and, ngerti, we’re here. Ruslan–he’s eating as we’re doing this. I’m sorryhe’ll be more talkative in about two, three minutes, but I’m glad that this all worked out. It’s a great fight that everybody is looking forward to. Lan, ngerti, Banner Promosi, Golden Boy, Oscar De La Hoya, Artie Pelullo, you guys did a great job and I appreciate, and you working together to put this fight together. It’s very easy to make, and I think this is the way it should be. This is way the business should be, is the best fighting, the best, and the promoters working together–matur nuwun.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: Matur nuwun, Vadim, and I guess now it’s back to you for questions and answer, wong lanang, for Marc? How does it go from here?

Mr. Marc Abrams: Maggie?

Operator: The lines are now open for questions. If you would like to ask a question, you may do so by pressing star and then one on your telephone keypad. That’s star and the number one. Our first question comes from the line of Dan Rafael with ESPN. Your line is live.

Mr. Dan Rafael: Matur nuwun kanthi sanget–hello?

Mr. Artie Pelullo: Go ahead, Lan. We can hear you.

Mr. Dan Rafael: Oke, matur nuwun, Artie–matur nuwun, wong lanang–my first question, Vadim, could you ask, respond, what does he believe the impact will be if any in the fact that Freddiebecause of the Pacquiao training campis not going to actually be in the corner, even though he’s training him in the gym?

Mr. Vadim Kornilov: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Ruslan Provodnikov: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Vadim Kornilov: Everything is all right. This is not the first time that Freddie was not in the corner. For me what’s important is that Freddie is with me throughout the camp and we’re working together as a team to come up with the right strategy and, ngerti, get ready for this fight. It’s not a big deal. Sampeyan ngerti, Marvin Somodio is Freddie’s right hand guy is going to be there for me and I know that Marvin knows what I need to do in the wrong. And that’s all that’s important, but for me this is not a problem.

Mr. Dan Rafael: Oke, Freddie, sampeyan ana?

Mr. Freddie Roach: Ya.

Mr. Dan Rafael: Freddie, I know you always like to be with your fighters on fight night. Obviously that’s a big part of training a guy. Can you speak to the reason you won’t be there? Is it the matter of just because of the serious nature of the Pacquiao training camp? I understand you’ve also had some problems with your back. What’s your take on the reasons that you can’t make it to Turning Stone for the fight.

Mr. Freddie Roach: Ya, because the Pacquiao fight is very important right now and Ruslan is very important also. I work with him every day in the gym. He and Marvin have a good rapport together. Marvin knows what to do. He’s a very good trainer. Even after a fight when we went to Denver by himself without me and they came through. They understand what I want and just because I’m not there doesn’tRuslan will still fight his fight and Marvin will make the adjustments along the way. There will be no problem whatsoever. It’s not the first or last time this has happened in my life.

Mr. Dan Rafael: Freddie, when you think about the fight on paper between these guys, I think pretty much every boxing fan looks at this and just says, “Wow, there is no chance. This can’t be, ngerti, potentially the fight of the year, or a very memorable action packed fight. Can you just give me your take on the match up?

Mr. Freddie Roach: Ya, it’s the greatest match up in the world. Iku–you’ve got two guys that love to fight, two guys that are great punches. It’s going to be a very exciting fight. Sing manawa, and it’s the best fight and the best is what we need. This is what’s going on in boxing right now and that’s why everything is really happening in boxing bigger than ever at this point because of fights like this.

Mr. Dan Rafael: Vadim, could you ask Ruslan to also give your response to his take on the match up? There are so many boxing fans who are super excited about this just because of the action style that Ruslan as well as Lucas to the ring.

Mr. Vadim Kornilov: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Ruslan Provodnikov: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Vadim Kornilov: I expect the same as all the fans. Sampeyan ngerti, this is a very exciting match up. This is going to be a great fight and I think that for me it’s no less than to all the people watching. Sampeyan ngerti, for me it’s exciting as well and these types of fights are what’s important because for me the fight and the money as I’ve said many times, they’re not number one. Number one is I want my fights to be part of history, and I think this is one of those fights that is destined to be part of history. And that’s what I want to give my fans. That’s what I want to give my people back home is these fights that people will remember because not all the fights that a World Title fights are remembered. But the fights thatthe type of fight that can happen between Matthysse and I areis a fight that’s definitely going to be remembered forever.

Mr. Dan Rafael: Kabeh hak, matur nuwun kanthi sanget, wong lanang–appreciate your time.

Mr. Marc Abrams: Matur nuwun.

Operator: Kabeh hak, next question comes from the line of Michael Woods with the Sweet Science. Your line is live.

Mr. Michael Woods: Hey, wong lanang, thanks for making the timemy question is for Ruslan. Ruslan, I presume that you believe going into the fight you are betting than Matthysse. How are you better than Mattyssee?

Mr. Vadim Kornilov: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Ruslan Provodnikov: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Vadim Kornilov: Inggih, first of all I never said that I’m better than him or that I’m better than anyone else because it’s not for me to judge. All I can say is that I know that I can beat anybody and it’s all about my will. And I know that if I give everything that I have in the ring, and I give everything that I have in training, I can beat anybody. It’s all about my character and all I’m willing to give. I can’t judge who is better or who is not better, ngerti? And I know his team are saying a lot of things and they’re saying, “Sampeyan ngerti, we’re going to knock them out. We’re smarter, we’re better, we’re better boxers.I don’t want to say any of that. I’m a lot more political than that. Sampeyan ngerti, talk is cheap. Sampeyan ngerti, there’s a Russian saying that says, “Don’t say I won until you win,” you know basically. And I’m not going to talk. Sampeyan ngerti, I’m going to my talking in the ring and I think that I can be better than anybody if I deserve it and I give it all in training.

Mr. Dan Rafael: Good stuff–Aku sing. Question is for Freddie–Freddie, I’m not asking for your game plan, but I am asking how you believe Ruslan is better than Matthysse on paper going into the fight.

Mr. Freddie Roach: Aku, yeah, he is, I think he’s a good puncher, but Matthysse is very strong also. I mean this isboth guys are very dangerous. I told Ruslan if you hurt this guy, don’t just talk in because he has tremendous power. Don’t let him get lucky. Dadi, ngerti, we have a pretty good game plan down. We know what do I think and how to do it I think. And so, probably we had a great training camp.

Mr. Dan Rafael: Kabeh hak, good stuffthanks, wong lanang, Aku appreciate.

Operator: Our next question comes from the line of Distino Lois Jr. from Black Star News New York City. Your line is live.

Mr. Distino Lois Jr.: Matur nuwun kanthi sanget–thank you for the invitation, Aku appreciate. The question to Ruslan is, Ruslan, sayangé–this is Distino Lois Jr., Black Star News, Manhattan–you suffered a setback with your loss to Chris Algieri. Do you consider this fight with Lucas Matthysse a redemption, a door opener if victorious so that you can take advantage of the vacancies of the 140 pounders because now, mesthi, we are aware of the fact that Danny Garcia and Lamont Peterson, two of your future opponents, have moved up to 143 catch-weight fight for the 11th. Dadi, now the victory over Matthysse would be a door opener for you. Is that how you feel?

Mr. Vadim Kornilov: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Ruslan Provodnikov: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Vadim Kornilov: I definitely know that there’s a lot of different things going on at 140 sapunika, but for me right now I’m thinking about April 18th, ngerti? Sampeyan ngerti, I’m thinking about this fight and I know that once I win this fight it will open a lot of doors for me. Nanging, ngerti, once the fight is over we can sit down and I’ll be happy to answer all your questions about what’s next.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: I seelet me just also clarify the question that was asked. So you know, neither one of those two guys are giving up their title. They’re fighting at 143 kilogram. Dadi, neither one of them would have to be at risk of losing their title, which I find very interesting that neither one of them would fight for their title so they could give up their title to the winner. Dadi, nobody is giving up their titles in that fight. What they’re doing is they made an agreement not to put their titles on the line, which is a big difference in what your question was originally about, sir.

Mr. Distino Lois Jr.: Inggih, pancen, but I question Danny Garcia and you said he was having trouble making the weight. That’s why he agreed–.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: –Then he should give up the title–.

Mr. Distino Lois Jr.: –To, kanggo–.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: –Then he should give up the title, but anyway–.

Mr. Distino Lois Jr.: –Tengen–.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: –That’s nothe should give up the title, but that’s not what’s going on–.

Mr. Distino Lois Jr.: –Tengen–.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: –What’s going on is they’re not fighting on weight, so neither one of them are at risk to lose their title–.

Mr. Distino Lois Jr.: –Tengen, I’m aware of that. Matur nuwun kanthi sanget. Ruslan, without giving out any trade secrets with your Hall of Fame Freddie Roach trainer, how are you all prepared for Matthysse, being that Matthysse has already shown some flaws of being knocked down twice by Molina and once by Danny Garcia? Dadi, what are you doing to make sure that yours is the final punch?

Mr. Marc Abrams: I guess next question?

Operator: Kabeh hak, our next question comes from the line of Briggs Seekins from Bleacher Report. Your line is live.

Mr. Briggs Seekins: Ya, hi, Ruslan–I’m wondering is there a sense where mentally it’s a little bit easier to relax in training camp when you know you’re playing a guy who is going to give you the kind of fight you want and not be, ngerti, an evasive sort of fighter like Algieri, but a guy who is going to, ngerti, like you say, give you a fight that makes history and also give you the kind of fight that you like to fight?

Mr. Vadim Kornilov: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Ruslan Provodnikov: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Vadim Kornilov: For me training camp is training camp. I always give everything I can in training camp and I’m very responsible in training camp. Aku ora njupuk sopo wae entheng, but to answer your question, ngerti, walking into a ring with a fighter that I know will fight me definitely I can do a lot better than a fighter who will just run.

Mr. Briggs Seekins: Great, matur nuwun–and Artie I didI want to thank you for calling out the situation at 140 with the titles. It’s a little discouraging to see them not treated the way that a lot of us grew up seeing titles treated.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: Yup, you’re right, lan, ngerti, what’s going on is purely that they don’t want to have anything at risk. It’s a dangerous fight for both guys, but not for like Provodnikov and Matthysse. They’re putting it all on the line because they’re still fighting at 12 babak. Iku 140 kilogram. There is no title because we don’t have one, and I’m telling you both these kids would put their titles out if they had, but they wouldn’t be avoiding fighting for the title because then they don’t want to take a chance at losing it. That’s what’s going on. That’s exactly what’s happening.

Mr. Briggs Seekins: Ya, pancen–all right, good luck, Ruslan.

Mr. Marc Abrams: I guess we’ll take one more for Ruslan.

Operator: Our last question comes from the line of Chris Gunzz with 15rounds.com. Your line is live.

Mr. Chris Gunzz: Ruslan, he is a huge puncher as a few different guys brought up already. Do you think he’s going to be the biggest puncher you’ve faced and do you ever wonder if you’ll be able to handle that power? Have you ever had the experience of getting hit by a guy who carries a massive punch like that, and do you feelany questions on whether you’ll be able to take it on the night?

Mr. Vadim Kornilov: The question is about Matthysse being the biggest puncher that Ruslan has faced, correct?

Mr. Chris Gunzz: Ya, and if he has any questions of whether he’ll be able to take it.

Mr. Vadim Kornilov: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Ruslan Provodnikov: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Vadim Kornilov: Looking at his record, he seems to be one of the biggest punchers of this decade, ngerti? He’s probably one of the biggest punchers right now. Does it bother menot at all. It only makes me more excited because I know that this is going to be a real fight and I know that either, ngerti, I take him or he takes me. And it’s going to be toe to toe it’s going to be a real fight. For me that’s only a positive.

Mr. Chris Gunzz: And I appreciate that even more that you realize you’re facing someone dangerous, and you want to face him anyway and you don’t mind it. I love the balls you’re showing in that, and final question for Freddie. Is it a plan to jump on him early, Freddie, because he did show that vulnerability in the Molina fight? Is Freddie still there? I heard someone hang up in the phone call, but is Freddie still there?

Mr. Freddie Roach: Aku kene. Ya, I’m still here.

Mr. Chris Gunzz: Is it a focus in training camp to try to jump on him early seeing that the vulnerability was shown in the Molina fight early on?

Mr. Freddie Roach: Inggih, ngerti, we can. I mean we know how this guy fights. I mean I think he is the bigger punch, and we’re a little bit better than he is, but I mean, ngerti, he’s got his strong points also. Dadi, it makes for an exciting fight. Ruslan is a very good fighter. Ruslan, I saw him learn how to fight Manny Pacquiao on his own. He used to be Manny’s sparing partner. And that’s when I first really got interested in him because he’s so capable. He learns very quickly and he’s a great shooter.

Mr. Chris Gunzz: One of the best ever–Aku appreciate, Freddie. Good luck on April 18th and good luck on May too.

Mr. Freddie Roach: Matur nuwun kanthi sanget.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: Oke, was that it, wong lanang?

Mr. Marc Abrams: Iku–I’m going to turn it over to Golden Boy and Team Matthysse in a minute. I guess final comments from I guess first Artie and then Ruslan.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: Inggih, I just want to say thank you for everybody for joining the call. There’s really not much to say. As Dan Rafael and all the other reporters and Mr. Woods who got on the phone, everybody knows that this is the most TV friendly and fan friendly fight. The networks were all overboth of them bid on the fight. Dadi, it’s going to be a great night for boxing, a great night for our fans. And I just want to thank everybody, Ruslan, Freddie, and Vadim for helping promote the fight, kang–it’s likeit doesn’t take a lot of promoting to promote this event because everybody knows it’s going to be a terrific event. I want to thank everybody for coming on board–matur nuwun. Now I’d like to introduce my co-promoter and my partner in the show, and everybody knows who this is, one of the great fighters of our time who has turned out to be quite the promoter himself, good people. He has a nice staff. Like I said earlier, a lot of people say a lot of different things. It literally has been no misses to work with Oscar and his staff. It was very smooth and it’s been a joy and a pleasure, and like Eric Gomez and I say there will be future events that we’ll be working. Now I’d like to turn it over to Oscar De La Hoya. He’s the founder and president of Golden Boy and one of the great personalities in our sport. It’s my pleasure to work with him, Oscar?

Mr. Vadim Kornilov: Artie, sorry to interrupt. Ruslan is leaving. Dadi, we’re good to go. He wanted to say a couple of things–.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: –Oh, I’m sorryI went too fast, excuse me. I’m sorry, Ruslan. Say something. I apologize.

Mr. Ruslan Provodnikov: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Vadim Kornilov: I just want to say that I want to thank Artie Pelullo personally, Banner Promosi. I want to thank my whole team for making this happen. Iki arep dadi perang gedhe. I want to thank HBO for making this happen. I’ve been loyal to them and they’ve been loyal to me and that’s very important to me and we’ve done great things together and there’s great things to come. Dadi, I appreciate this and I want to say one thing to the fans. I promise this is going to be the fight you guys are all waiting for. And now from me, Artie, good luck with–.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: –Sure–.

Mr. Vadim Kornilov: –I want to give the word to Oscar De La Hoya and the rest of his team, and I bet for the next 30 minutes you guys are going to hear a lot ofMatthysse is going to knock Provodnikov out and all of that, but I just want to say that Provodnikov has never been on his knees. Dadi, ngerti, they’re talking about knockouts a lot, but they should be expecting a knock out on their team. Good luck to you guys and I appreciate the promotions. Ruslan says all the best of health to Matthysse and his team–matur nuwun.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: Thanks, Vadim–.

Mr. Vadim Kornilov: –Thanks again–.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: –Inggih, since II apologize, wong lanang, I went a little bit too fast. Dadi, Oscar, you’re up. I don’t have to say it again. Everybody knows what we think of you–Oscar De La Hoya–.

Mr. Oscar De La Hoya: Matur nuwun kanthi sanget–we really appreciate it and Artie already mentioned this fight needs no promotion. We are just thrilled that the best network is going to be televising this event. These are the types of events that obviously belong on HBO Championship Boxing and we are just thrilled and excited to be part of it. I also want to take the opportunity to thank Corona Extra, also Mexico Live it to Believe it, and Corsair Vodka, which are the sponsors of the events. They have been doing a tremendous, tremendous job with all of the Marketing and the grassroots Marketing. Dadi, come April 18th the whole world will know the best 140 pounders will be fighting on that night. It is my pleasure to introduce to you a fighter who hails from Argentina. We all know Argentinean fighters are strong fighters who are smart fighters who come to give the fight fans a spectacular show and when you’re going to see Lucas and Provodnikov in that same ring April 18th, weyou’re guaranteed fireworks. Dadi, it is my pleasure to introduce to you a fighter with a record of 36 lan 3 lan 32 knockouts. They call him La Máquina, and that is Lucas Matthysse. [Foreign Language Spoken]–Lucas. [Foreign Language Spoken], Lucas.

Mr. Lucas Matthysse: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Eric Gomez: I’ll translate for Lucas. Kandhane, hi, good afternoon, everybody–I’m calling from my training camp in Junin and I’ve very excited for this fight and to be fighting once again in the United States.

Mr. Marc Abrams: Matur nuwun, gracias, and we’ll now open it up for questions from the mediagracias.

Operator: As a reminder, if you would like to ask a question, you may do so by pressing star and then one on your telephone keypad. That’s star and the number one, and our first question comes from the line of Dan Rafael with ESPN. Your line is live.

Mr. Dan Rafael: Matur nuwun kanthi sanget–my question for LucasI asked Ruslan this in his portion of the callyou have a fight here where I think pretty much every boxing fan, media is anxiously waiting what they think would be the fight of the year. I would like to hear from Lucas about his thoughts about the really high expectations for this fight to be, ngerti, extremely, extremely exciting and entertaining.

Mr. Eric Gomez: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Lucas Matthysse: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Eric Gomez: Ya, Aku, ngerti, I’m just excited. I’m excited to be fighting a caliber of fighter like Ruslan. It’s two, ngerti, fighters at the top of their game fighting each other. I had many good, ngerti, replies on it, especially in Argentina. A lot of people are looking forward to the fight and I’m just excited to be fighting again at this level and fighting a guy like Ruslan.

Mr. Dan Rafael: Eric, could you ask Lucas, ngerti, in April last year he knocked out John Molina. It got voted as the Fight of the Year by the Boxing Writers. Does he think that it has the chance ofto be another fight of the year? Is that something he ever thinks about? I know he’s probably happy that they got the Fight of the Year for last year. He could make it two in a row potentially.

Mr. Eric Gomez: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Lucas Matthysse: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Eric Gomez: Inggih, I mean for last year’s fight I’ve got to give credit to John Molina because he came to fight and he allowed me to perform in a way that made it Fight of the Year. If Ruslan comes forward and is aggressive and does the same thing, banjur, ya, I’m going to seize that opportunity and try to take advantage of that and make it an exciting fight. I think personally it could be a great fight. Nanging, ngerti, it takes two.

Mr. Dan Rafael: Exactly, thank you for that, Eric–one question for you, Oscar.

Mr. Oscar De La Hoya: Aku kene.

Mr. Dan Rafael: Hey, Oscar, good to talk to you. I know for the last number of months you have preached very regularly about your desire to try to make the best fights you possibly can do as the leader of Golden Boy Promotions. I’d like to know from your point of view, is this sort of basically the kind of fight you had talked about when you said those words that this is the expectations that you have to make this caliber of a fight on a regular basis?

Mr. Oscar De La Hoya: Inggih, these are exactly the fights that the fans want to see, whether there’s a title on the line or no title, or where it takes place. Sampeyan ngerti, these are the fights that the fans deserve and I’ve been an advocate of staging the best fights possible for the fans and come April 18th I don’t know for sure, but I have a good hunch that this fight might be the Fight of the Year.

Mr. Dan Rafael: Kabeh hak, thank you for that, Oscar–appreciate it. Matur nuwun kanthi sanget, wong lanang, look forward to this one.

Operator: Kabeh hak, our next question comes from the line of Daniel [unintelligible] [00:35:22] Deportiva [sp]. Your line is live.

Mr. Daniel: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Oscar De La Hoya: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Daniel: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Oscar De La Hoya: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Eric Gomez: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Oscar De La Hoya: Ya, he asked me about this fight, why wasn’t it staged in Los Angeles or in Las Vegas? Why New York, lan, ngerti, simplethe venues were not available and Ihe asked me if, ngerti, this fight being such an exciting and anticipated fight, I mean how do I feel? This is what Golden Boy is all about and I’m just really happy to be working with Artie Pelullo and Eric was very instrumental in making this fight happen, and we feel very, very optimistic that I mean this fight is going be action packed from the first battle and Iand it might even be better than the Mayweather Pacquiao fight.

Mr. Daniel: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Eric Gomez: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Lucas Matthysse: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Eric Gomez: Oke, so the question was, do you knoware you aware that, ngerti, Freddie Roach will not be working in the corner of Ruslan on the night of the fight. And Lucas said, “Aja, not reallyI didn’t know.

Mr. Daniel: Gracias.

Operator: Kabeh hak, next question comes from the line of Michael Woods with the Sweet Science. Your line is live.

Mr. Michael Woods: Woy, wong lanang, thanks for taking the time. My question is for Ruslan. Ruslan, on the first portion of the call someone referenced you saying something along the lines of you believe you are going to knock Provodnikov out. But I didn’t see that. I’m not sure what outlet that was said to. Can you reiterate that? Can you talk about that and clarify it for me what was said there?

Mr. Eric Gomez: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Lucas Matthysse: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Eric Gomez: Aja, he said they weren’t exactly those words, but he said how long. It’s a tough fight and he’s going to–kang siap perang. He’s ready for a tough fight, and if the opportunity presents itself so that the fight could end early, obviously I’m going to take advantage of it. But I’m ready to fight a tough fight and it’s going to be a tough fight.

Mr. Michael Woods: Thanks–this question is for Oscar. Oscar, you’ve repeatedly said you want the best fighting the best. That’s going to be the stamp that Golden Boy wishes to put on its fight. I am wondering, is there a certain class of athlete and human being who wants to accept the challenge of the best fighting the best, and are you going to maybe target those types of fighters and only sign those types of fighters to Golden Boy moving forward?

Mr. Oscar De La Hoya: Inggih, that’s up to the fighter. I mean I can’t fight for the fighter. Sampeyan ngerti, they go up to the ring and they perform, nanging, ngerti, we at Golden Boy want to make the best match ups possible, ngerti, obviously keeping in mind that, ngerti, that the fans always come first and, ngerti, this fight here with Lucas and Provodnikov, I mean this iseverybody is writing about how this is going to be the Fight of the Year and we feel proud to be working with Artie Pelullo and making this happen.

Mr. Michael Woods: Ya, and the fan buzz for this on Twitter is amazing I would say. Could you give us a hint maybe, a little bit of a tease about maybe some other types of fist fights that maybe you’re trying to make, or want to make for the rest of this year?

Mr. Oscar De La Hoya: Inggih, this isthat’s calls for another conference call. Dadi, we’re going to focus here on Lucas. Dadi, we’ll have a call about that shortly, my man.

Mr. Michael Woods: Kabeh hak, thanksappreciate it, wong lanang–be well.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: Take care, Michael.

Operator: Kabeh hak, next question comes from the line of Disino Lois Jr. with Black Star News New York City. Your line is live.

Mr. Disino Lois Jr.: Matur nuwun kanthi sanget–gracias–[Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Artie Pelullo: Hey, Eric, can you translate that in English too? I speak a little Italian, but no Spanish.

Mr. Disino Lois Jr.: Oh, you want me to say it in English too?

Mr. Artie Pelullo: Ya, I want to hear what’sI told you, I speak a little Italian, but no Spanishsorry, wong lanang.

Mr. Disino Lois Jr.: Inggih, I can do both if you want me to. I don’t know.

Mr. Eric Gomez: Dadi, the question was, Lucas, do you see this as an opportunity of more doors opening at 140 so that you can be the top fighter at 140? Obviously there’s still Danny Garcia and Lamonte, but everybody knows they’re fighting at a catch-weight. Is this kind of like the changing of the guard and it’s going to open up the doors so you can be the top fighter at 140? Lucas, [Foreign Language Spoken], Lucas?

Mr. Lucas Matthysse: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Eric Gomez: Ya, temenan, I mean obviously with this fight here, we’re the ones that are fighting at the weight class–.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: –Tengen–.

Mr. Eric Gomez: –Whatever reason Danny and Lamonte, they’re notthey’re fighting outside of the weight class. Ya, this is the fight that’s going to open up opportunities for the winner. It’s the fight that’s going to open up bigger and better things, and that’s what I’m looking forward to. That’s what motivates me.

Mr. Disino Lois Jr.: Lucas, [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Eric Gomez: Are you preparing for this questionare you preparing for this fight which obviously promises to be a fight in a phone booth? Are you preparing so you’re not hit and not dropped like you have, like you did get dropped with Danny and your last fight with Molina, Lucas?

Mr. Lucas Matthysse: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Eric Gomez: Inggih, it’s all in the preparation. It’s all in the preparation and I’ve had–.

Mr. Disino Lois Jr.: –Tengen–.

Mr. Eric Gomez: –And I’ve had a very, very good preparation and obviously we’ve worked on things so that that won’t happen during the fight, but it’s all in the preparation and I’ve had one of the best preparations for this fight.

Mr. Disino Lois Jr.: Matur nuwun–gracias, Lucas–my last question will be to Oscar De La Hoya. Oscar–I’ll do it in English. Is this your dream come true, Oscar, that all of the fights that you wanted to put together are little by little coming true, and at the same time you are spreading the wealth because you are going up to Verona, New York. A lot of people have told me, where the heck is Verona, New York, but it is a fight town. Dadi, are you doing this to spread the wealth of boxing and to make it more palatable for those who cannot come into the Las Vegas and the California’s and whatever?

Mr. Oscar De La Hoya: Inggih, it, I’m happy to be part of a year where boxing will be shown and on the main stage. Sampeyan ngerti, we feel that boxing in 2015 is going to transcend–.

Mr. Disino Lois Jr.: –Tengen–.

Mr. Oscar De La Hoya: –And boxing is justit’s just getting started. I mean with the Mayweather Pacquiao fight happening–.

Mr. Disino Lois Jr.: –Tengen–.

Mr. Oscar De La Hoya: –With Canelo fighting and this fight here, I mean this is what the fans want to see and we’re just excited to be part of it. Lan, ngerti, to take it down to Verona, ngerti, the ticket sales are just a great indication of–.

Mr. Disino Lois Jr.: –Tengen–.

Mr. Oscar De La Hoya: –Sampeyan ngerti, that Verona is a fight town and–.

Mr. Disino Lois Jr.: –Exactly–.

Mr. Oscar De La Hoya: –Ya, the arenas weren’t available in Los Angeles or Las Vegas. Dadi, ngerti, we didn’t take a risk of taking it to Verona. I mean we obviously alreadyPelullo knew first hand what type of fans there are in Verona, New York. Dadi, ngerti, obviously he wasn’t wrong. I mean this is almost a sell out event so we’re excited to be part of it.

Mr. Disino Lois Jr.: Matur nuwun kanthi sanget–God bless all of you and [Foreign Language Spoken]. Matur nuwun kanthi sanget, Aku appreciate.

Mr. Oscar De La Hoya: Gracias.

Operator: Kabeh hak, next question comes from the lines of Chris Gunzz with15rounds.com. Your line is live.

Mr. Chris Gunzz: Lucas, Aku ngerti sing–it was my opinion that it was Fight of the Year last year, you versus John Molina. And you know how hard John Molina hits. You faced him. When you were sent film of Ruslan, you know that he carries a punch. How do you assess through film when you compare what you might feel from him, that what you already felt from John Molina? Who do you think has bigger one-punch power?

Mr. Eric Gomez: Lucas, [Foreign Language Spoken]. Lucas?

Mr. Lucas Matthysse: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Eric Gomez: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Lucas Matthysse: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Eric Gomez: Ya, ya, okay–yeah, yeah, ngerti, obviously it’s hard to compare because, ngerti, I haven’t fought against Ruslan. But they’re different styles. They’re different styles. Molina was a little sneaky. Ruslan is a very, very different style. Obviously the object of it is not to get hit, ngerti, in this fight but I’m preparing. I’ll be ready for it.

Mr. Chris Gunzz: Lan, as a guy who faced that kind of power and had to get up, cross the canvas, and you pulled out a victory in that great fight, do you ever have any questions that if Ruslan does prove to carry bigger power, will you be able to get up? Do you ever question that?

Mr. Eric Gomez: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Lucas Matthysse: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Eric Gomez: I’m not going to get dropped with Ruslan. Dadi, you don’t have to worry about that. I’m not going to get dropped. But when Molina dropped me, ngerti, if the punch was a little bit behind my head. I’m not making excuses, but I’m not going to get dropped. I’m not going to get dropped with Ruslan and that’s not what I’m thinking about.

Mr. Chris Gunzz: He’s pretty tough, and one question for Cuty Barrera, Lucas did show and he has shown that he can jab and he can move a little bit. He does have a little bit more to his game than Ruslan does. Is it a game plan to show movement because Ruslan does admit that he has problems with movers? Is it a plan to try to move a little bit?

Mr. Eric Gomez: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Cuty Barrera: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Eric Gomez: He’s talking in robot I think. I don’t know what he’s saying. [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Chris Gunzz: Does Lucas want to answer that? Is he trying to involve a little bit more movement to the fight?

Mr. Eric Gomez: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Cuty Barrera: [Foreign Language Spoken].

Mr. Artie Pelullo: I don’t now what’s going on.

Mr. Eric Gomez: Ya, ngandika, ngerti apa? I think I understood him saying they’re working on the jab. He’s working on the jab a little bit, but he doesn’t want to give up too much information.

Mr. Chris Gunzz: Maybe he’s coming as a robot. He’s going to be had to beat if he does. And one quick question for Oscar. Oscar, when you finished laughing out loud, what did you end up saying through text or phone call to Gary Russell on Saturday night? I’m just playing. I’m just playing. I don’t want you to answer that. I know you’re a lot more professional. I just want to commend you on the great fights that you’re putting on and the great job you’re doing at Golden Boy. I do appreciate the great job you guys are doing–matur nuwun–matur nuwun, everyone.

Mr. Oscar De La Hoya: Matur nuwun.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: Are we done, Marc?

Operator: We have no further questions, matur nuwun, ing wektu iki.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: Oke, supaya, Aku guess, Oscar, I want to thank you. Eric, Lucas Matthysse, Ruslan, and all of the reporters on board. See everybody–Oscar, I’d like youI’ll let you finish up with the last word. I want to see everybody at the fight and I appreciate everything that is happening with this great event–matur nuwun.

Mr. Oscar De La Hoya: Matur nuwun–matur nuwun kanthi sanget, lan, yeah, there’s really not much to say. We’ll see you April 18th. I mean sure fireworks. We are all excited and we’re justit’s just a pleasure to be working with Artie Pelullo and his staff and everybody involved. Dadi, watch it live on HBO Championship Boxing. There’s a few tickets left. Dadi, it’s sure going to be a sell out and crowd there in New York. Dadi, we’re excited and so we’ll see you soon–matur nuwun.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: Oscar, if you’re around tomorrow, Rebo, I’ll be in LA. Lunch is on me at In-N-Out Burger. Very important on the east coastwe don’t have them here.

Mr. Oscar De La Hoya: I’m actually inI’ll be in New York, but I’ll take you up on that at another date–matur nuwun, Artie.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: You got it. Have a good day, wong lanang–matur nuwun kanthi sanget–anything else, Marc?

Mr. Marc Abrams: Aja.

Mr. Artie Pelullo: Kabeh hak, matur nuwun–bye bye–.

Mr. Oscar De La Hoya: –Bye–.


FACTS: Matthysse vs. Provodnikov is a 12-round junior welterweight bout presented by Banner Promosi, Golden Promosi Boy ing hubungané karoArano Boxing lan disponsori dening Corona Extra, Meksiko – Urip Iku Kanggo Pracaya Iku! lan Khortytsa Vodka. The HBO Boxing After Dark telecast begins at 9:45 P.M. ET / PT.


Karcis: The April 18 showdown between former World Champions Lucas “La Maquina” Matthysse lan “Ing Siberian Rocky” Ruslan Provodnikov proved to be a smashing success as all ringside seats have sold-out. Limited seats are still available , $35 lan $25 and are available at the Turning Stone Resort Box Office by calling 315-361-7469 utawa online ing Ticketmaster (www.ticketmaster.com).

Professional media requesting credentials for the April 18th fight must contact Kelly Abdo, Nguripake Manager Stone Resort Casino Public Relations ing 315.366.9291 utawakelly.abdo@turningstone.com.


Kanggo informasi luwih lengkap, riko www.goldenboypromotions.com, www.banner-promotions.com, www.hbo.com/boxing lan www.turningstone.com ngetutake Twitter ing GoldenBoyBoxing, BannerBoxing, HBOBoxing, RuslanProvod, @ Nguripake Stone lan dadi penggemar ing Facebook ing Golden Boy FacebookPage, www.facebook.com/BannerPromotions, www.facebook.com/HBOBoxing utawawww.facebook.com/Nguripake Toner Black and visit us on InstagramGoldenBoyBoxing, @ Banner boxing, @ Watu Nguripake lan ruslanprovod.


Klik Kene Kanggo Photos

Foto Kredit: Jeff Fusco

Philadelphia (April 1, 2015) – As fight week nears for the second installment of Premier Boxing Champions ing NBC (8:30 pm ET/5:30 P.M. PT), Superstar suwé Danny “Swift” Garcia held a media workout in his hometown of Philadelphia in preparation for his showdown with fellow world champion Lamont Peterson ing Setu, April 11 ing Barclays Center ing Brooklyn.


Tiket acara urip, kang disedhiyakake dening DiBella Hiburan, sing diregani ing $300, $200, $150, $100, $80 lan $50, ora kalebu biaya layanan sing ditrapake lan pajak, lan ing now.Tickets sale kasedhiya ing www.barclayscenter.com, www.ticketmaster.com lan ing Box Office American Express ing Barclays Center. Ngisi daya telpon, nelpon Ticketmaster ing (800) 745-3000. Tiket grup, mangga nelpon 800-GROUP-BK.


Check out what Garcia and his father and trainer Angel had to say on Wednesday.


Danny Garcia


“Latihan arep uga, I’ve done everything I have to do and I’m still focused. It’s a week and a half until the fight and I’m ready to go. If the fight were sesuk I’d be ready.


It’s a big fight and it’s the fight that the fans wanted. We’re going to give the fans a great night of boxing on NBC and it’s time the show the world that Danny Garcia is the star of NBC.


We have common opponents like Khan and Matthysse and we’ve had different results. They say styles make fights so those results don’t matter. Inggih, my style is to kick his butt.


I know that this second PBC on NBC show is going to be even bigger and I just feel blessed to be a part of it and I can’t wait to go out there and showcase my skills.


I’m ready for whatever Peterson brings. If he tries to box then I’m going to go with that and if he wants to fight, Aku bakal siap. I’m not going to go in and just try to knock his head off, I’m going to be Danny Garcia.


I’d love to be fighting on the biggest stage in boxing against the Mayweather and Pacquiaos, but for now it’s just about taking it one fight at a time, this is history in the making.


A lot of things have changed for me in the last few years, everybody knows me now. A lot of people look at you different now but it doesn’t make my head bigger, it just motivates me to work hard.


I love Brooklyn, it’s my fourth fight at Barclays Center and I’m looking to make it 4-0 ing April 11.


This is a blessing for the sport of boxing. Millions of fans haven’t had the opportunity to watch boxing on primetime in years and this is great for the sport.


ANGEL Garcia


I’ll give Peterson credit for putting the gloves on. He thinks it’s going to be an easy night for him. He sees himself already on top of the mountain. It’s not going to happen like that, we’re going to ruin his party.


I want Peterson to act confident and come forward. They’re talking like Danny isn’t special but he lost to the guys we beat.


It doesn’t matter what anyone says as long as Danny is in here putting in 100 percent every day. It’s all about April 11.


We’re not going to train for eight weeks to go in there and worry about what Peterson is going to do, we’re going to do what we have to do. We train to go in there and win on April 11.”



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Kanggo informasi luwih lengkap riko www.premierboxingchampions.com www.nbcsports.com/boxing,www.BarclaysCenter.com lan www.dbe1.com, ngetutake TwitterPremierBoxing, LouDiBella, DannySwift, @ KingPete26, KidChocolate, AndyLeeBoxing, @RealLuisCollazo, @NBCSports and @BarclaysCenter and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions,www.facebook.com/NBCSports lan www.facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment. Follow obrolan nggunakake #PremierBoxingChampions lan #BKBoxing.


I’ll definitely be going for the knockout Setu iki ing CBS” – Adonis Stevenson

I didn’t come here to Canada just to walk and look around. I came here to take this belt back home” – Saki Taurus

Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) On CBS

Setu, April 4, Ing 3 P.M. Lan/Noon PT Saka Pepsi Coliseum Ing Quebec City, Kanada


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Kredit: Amanda Kwok / PBC ing CBS

QUEBEC CITY, QUEBEC (April 1, 2015) – During Ana kang final press conference at Le Bonne Entente in Quebec City, loro Adonis “Superman” Stevenson lan Sakio “Kalajengking” Taurus promised a knockout when they meet in the main event of the debut presentation of Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) ing CBSTelevision Network this Saturday, April 4, ing 3 P.M. Lan/Noon PT.


The hard-hitting Stevenson (25-1, 21 KOs) will defend his light heavyweight world championship against former super middleweight world champion Bika (32-6-3, 21 KOs) in the main event from the Pepsi Coliseum in Quebec.


The case was the same with the co-main event fighters as both undefeated light heavyweight and two-time Russian Olympian Artur Beterbiev (7-0, 7 KOs) and former light heavyweight world champion Gabriel Peacock (25-6-1, 12 KOs) expected to win via KO Setu iki afternoon. Peacock, sporting a Tom Brady jersey, even promised he would win in dramatic fashion like this year’s Super Bowl Champion New England Patriots.


Below are quotes from the fighters and trainers from Ana kang konferensi penet:



I know Sakio is going to try to take my title, but I’m prepared for that.


I know he was a champion. I made the move from 168 kanggo 175 pounds and it worked well for me. I expect him to bring his best at 175 kilogram. He’s a former champ so I’m preparing to face a champion.


I’m looking for the KO because I’m from the Kronk Gym. Knockouts sell. But I can go 12 babak, that’s not a problem. I train for 12 babak.


My trainer has given me a great plan. He knows Sakio Bika very well and we’ll see what happens in the ring.


Bika is still going to have the same power moving up in weight. He should actually be stronger.


I’m very focused because I know Bika is very dangerous. I know he’s going to come into the ring and try to give me trouble.


I’m a knockout artist. I can do a lot in the ring, but first and foremost I’m a knockout artist.


I’d love to unify the belts eventually, but I’ll let my manager Al Haymon take care of that.


My mentor Emanuel Steward always told me that as soon as I enter the ring the knockout is what sells. I’ll definitely be going for the knockout Setu iki on CBS.


I’m ready to go toe-to-toe. Adonis Stevenson vs. Sakio Bika on CBS, baby.



Saki Bull:

To beat a great fighter you have to be your best. I’m looking to take the WBC title back home.


I’ve fought everyoneI’ve never ducked an opponentand I don’t know if he can handle the pressure.


I feel more comfortable at 175 kilogram. I want to test the big boy [Stevenson] and I feel like I can do that. On Saturday kita bakal weruh.


He’s knocked people out, nanging aku wis tau wis kalah metu. On Saturday I’ll be the one to knock him out.


I’m very hungry to get a world title back. I trained very hard at light heavyweight to get a title back.


I didn’t come here to Canada just to walk and look around. I came here to take this belt back home and I’m very confident I’m going to do that.


Training camp went very well, we put in good work and now we’re here in Canada ready to shock the world.




Training camp was very good as always. Nothing different, just hard work perfecting his boxing and the basic fundamentals. We’re looking for him to make a mistake and catch him.


The way you prepare for an unorthodox fighter like Bika is to make sure your basics are sound. You have to have a good jab, you have to have good movement and you have to have ‘super powerAnd I have “Superman.


Emanuel also told me the knockout sells. It’s something that we both know and it’s something that is imbedded in us. We’re looking for the knockout on April 4. Sometimes I see things that Adonis is looking to do before he does it. So I’ll just be sitting there waiting for Adonis to catch Sakio Bika making a mistake and getting a knockout.


I’m super proud to represent Kronk Gym. That’s why I wear my hat here. Kronk to me is like my family name and that’s what I live by. I was born into Kronk when I was a little kid going to a tournament with my uncle Emanuel and all I remember is the Kronk fighters winning. And that’s what I do now: win.


Adonis is an artist, he’s a KO artist. Prediksi kanggo Setu is a knockout on CBS.


There’s been a lot of talk and now it’s time for action. Toe-to-toe on April 4. Aja kantun.”




“Kita wis latihan camp gedhe. Everyone was relaxed. We had great sparring.


He was making 168 pretty easy, but stepping up he’s able to eat whatever he wants. The weight is good. We think he’s going to be good and strong at 175. It’s a good move for him.


He’s never had any problems with power, so I think the extra weight and energy should be good for him at light heavyweight.


All this talk about Stevenson fighting (Sergey) Kovalev has motivated him pretty good. I think it gave him a pretty good picture of how the business of boxing works. He realizes that when the bell rings he needs to do something about it and he’s motivated by that.


I can’t say if Stevenson is overlooking him because I’m not around him enough. But I know the fans and media want to make the Kovalev fight. It was good for Bika to hear that because it motivated him. He knows he has an opportunity to do something about it. On Saturday afternoon he can change all that.


If Stevenson does what he says he’s going to domeet him in the center of the ring and go toe-to-toethis is going to be a tremendous fight.


If he comes to the center of the ring and fights and goes toe-to-toe then this fight won’t go the distance. If Stevenson comes to trade I think he gets knocked out. If he runs around the ring and boxes then it could be a different outcome.




I don’t think this is a big challenge for me. I’m ready to face the world champions and raise the bar higher. This is just another opponent for me.


This is another step that will move me closer to facing the champions at 175 kilogram. I want to put on a solid fight and show that I’m one of the best fighters in this division.


A knockout is never a goal for me. I’m trying to show my work and my dedication in the ring, but usually that’s what happens. Usually I finish with a knockout but that is not my main goal. My main goal is to box and show my skills.


My motivation is to face the champions. That’s why I work so hard every day in the gym. I will get there soon.


Why not face Kovalev? Aku siap. When I turned professional my goal was to meet the champions. He’s a champion now and I’d like to face the champions.



Gabriel Peacock:

We started training Jan. 1 and camp has been very good. We’ve been working very hard and I think I’m in great condition for this fight.


Beterbiev may not have a lot of professional experience, but he’s had a very long amateur career. So we know that he’s ready and is a good opponent for us. We’ll see how he handles things once we get past the 5th, 6th lan 7th babak.


To get ready for a hard-hitter like Beterbiev required lots of conditioning training. We worked the neck and the chin a lot. We think we’ve got a great chance in the second half of this fight though considering Beterbiev hasn’t really been tested like that.


As for a prediction, I’m going to knock Beterbiev out in the seventh round.




Live on CBS, May 9 ing 4 P.M. Lan/1 P.M. PT

Hidalgo, Texas (April 1, 2015) – Exciting and undefeated former lightweight world champion Omar “Panterita” Figueroa (24-0-1, 18 KOs) will take on former two-division world champion Ricky Burns (37-4-1, 11 KOs) in the main event when Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) returns to CBS on Setu, May 9 (4 P.M. Lan, 1 P.M. PT), at the State Farm Arena in Hidalgo, Texas.


Ing acara co-utama, a pair of bantamweight world champions square off when Tomoki Kameda (31-0, 19 KOs) mungsuhan Jamie McDonnell (25-2-1, 12 KOs).

Tiket acara urip ing sale saiki lan sing diregani ing $150, $100, $75, $50, lan $25, ora kalebu biaya layanan sing ditrapake lan pajak. Tiket kasedhiya ing www.ticketmaster.com or at the State Farm Arena Box Office. Ngisi daya telpon, nelpon Ticketmaster ing (800) 745-3000.


I am so excited to be bringing this huge event to my hometown,” Said Figueroa. “It is my dream to fight on such a big stage and bring this kind of attention to Hidalgo. My fans have supported me from day one, and I plan on showing them how grateful I am with a stellar performance on May 9.”


“Aku ora bisa ngenteni kanggo perang iki. Ever since it was confirmed I’ve been absolutely buzzing in the gym,” said Burns. “I’ve had some great nights in Scotland winning and defending my world titles at two different weights but I have always wanted to box in America. Our styles gel perfectly for one hell of a fight, neither of us take a step backbring on May 9!”


This will be a home game for Figueroa, who will be making his initial start at 140 pounds after a hard-fought ninth-round knockout over Daniel Estrada in a slugfest last August. The 25-year-old Figueroa vacated his 135-pound belt after that defense. He became a champion in 2013 when he earned a unanimous 12-round decision over Nihito Arakawa in a brutal Fight of the Year battle. Figueroa, despite fighting with a cut on his nose from an accidental head-butt, registered two knockdowns in the memorable slugfest. Since then Figueroa defended his title twice, first with a split-decision victory over Jerry Belmontes and later with a ninth-round knockout against Daniel Estrada. Now the Weslaco, Texas native will move up in weight when he battles Burns on May 9.


An experienced fighter and former two-division world champion out of Scotland, Burns looks to add a huge victory to his resume when he takes on Figueroa. A champion in the junior lightweight and lightweight divisions, the 31-year-old owns victories over a host of accomplished fighters including Roman Martinez, Michael Katsidis and Kevin Mitchell. After suffering consecutive losses to Terrence Crawford and Dejan Zlaticanin, Burns bounced back to defeat Alexandre Lepelley in October 2014 and he will look to keep that momentum going on May 9.


An undefeated world champion out of Tokyo, Kameda announced his arrival stateside with a vicious knockout over Pungluang Sor Singyu in July 2014 ing Las Vegas. Kalah sing ana nimbali judhul bantamweight kapindho Kameda sawise menang sabuk saka Paulus Ambunda ing 2013. The 23-year-old followed up his U.S. debut yen dheweke kalah Alejandro Hernandez di Chicago liwat kaputusan pamisah. His next challenge comes when he faces fellow bantamweight world champion McDonnell.


The United Kingdom’s McDonnell has been on a tear since 2008 karo 17 menang consecutive. Mentas, he became a bantamweight world champion with a victory over Tabtimdaeng Na Rachawat and later successfully defended against Javier Nicolas Chacon.


PBC ing CBS, headlined by Figueroa vs. Burns, is promoted by Warriors Boxing and Panterita Promotions in association with Matchroom Sport. The event takes place at State Farm Arena in Hidalgo, Texas with the CBS telecast beginning at 4 P.M. Lan/1 P.M. PT.


We’re very excited to bring this exciting fight to the great fight city of Hidalgo,” ngandika Leon Margules, Presiden Warriors Boxing. “I have no doubt that these two fighters are going to put on an incredible show for the fans at State Farm Arena.


Kanggo informasi luwih lengkap riko www.premierboxingchampions.com, ngetutake TwitterPremierBoxing, SHOSports, OmarFigueroaJr, @RicksterKO, TomokiKameda, @ JamieMcDonnell1, @WarriorsBoxPromo and become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing, www.Facebook.com/WarriorsBoxingPromo lanwww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing utawa ngunjungi Blog BANDILA Boxing inghttp://theboxingblog.sho.com.

WBC & Ring 8 to honor the late Joe Dwyer & Tony Mazzarella at the New York State Boxing Hall of Fame 2015 Dinner prabawa

Minggu, April 26 ing Russo On The Bay, Caesar Park, NY


NEW YORK (Apr. 1, 2015) – Ing Boxing Council World (WBC) and Ring 8 will honor the late Joe Dwyer and Tony Mazzarella at the fourth annual New York State Boxing Hall of Fame (NYSBHOF) nedha bengi prabawa, disponsori dening Ring 8, Minggu afternoon (12:30-5:30 P.M. Lan), April 26 ing Russo On The Bay Howard Beach, New York.


WBC president Mauricio Sulaiman will make a special presentation to Dwyer’s family. Ring 8 will make presentations to the Dwyer and Mazzarella families. Dwyer and Mazzarella, both longtime Ring 8 anggota, passed away earlier this year. Dwyer was president of the North American Boxing Federation (NABF). Mazzarella, who served many years as Ring 8’s treasurer, was a major influence in the founding of the NYSBHOF.

NYSBHOF Class of 2015




WBC juara flyweight junior & Vietnam Veteran Ida Sang Prabu Saul Mamby Bronx/Brooklyn

WBA Men junior judhul Challenger Joey Giambra Buffalo

1961 Juara Gloves Golden National Johnny Persol Brooklyn

Loro-wektu judhul flyweight donya Challenger Harold Weston New York City

Juara Men PhuKet Pasensiya Bradley Harlem


World juara cahya abot Paul Berlenbach Astoria

“Kenoah” juara flyweight donya Billy Graham Manhattan’s Eastside

2-Juara flyweight wektu World Frankie Genaro New York City

World Men & juara flyweight Tommy Ryan Redwood/Syracuse

World juara cahya abot Jimmy Slattery Buffalo




NYSBHOF & Ring 8 presiden Bob Duffy Manhattan/Massapequa Park

Wartawan Mike Katz Bronx

Trainer Tommy Gallagher Caesar Park

Promoter / cutman Bob Miller Albany

Pemilik Gym Gleason kang Bruce Silverglade Brooklyn


Trainer Moses Goldman Brooklyn

MSG matchmaker Harry Markson Kingston

Promoter Cedric Kushner Manhattan

MSG matchmaker Jimmy Johnson New York City

Wartawan Damon Runyon Manhattan

Manager / matchmaker Al Weill New York City


Renown ring announcer David Diamante will once again serve as the event’s Master of Ceremonies.


Ing 2015 Tembako padha dipilih dening anggota panitia nominasi NYSBHOF: Jack Hirsch, Steve Farhood, Bobby Cassidy, Jr., Don Majeski, Henry Hascup, Ron McNair lan Neil Terens.


Saben inductee bakal nampa sabuk adat-dirancang nélakaké prabawa kang ing NYSBHOF. Kabeh Plakat NYSBHOF ing tampilan ing New York State Athletic Komisi.


Kabeh boxers needed dadi aktif kanggo ing paling telung taun, supaya dadi layak kanggo NYSBHOF prabawa, lan kabeh Tembako kudu mapan ing New York Negara bagean pinunjul saka Careers boxing sing.

CLASS saka 2012: Carmen Basilio, Mike McCallum, Mike Tyson, Jake LaMotta, Riddick Bowe, Carlos Ortiz, Vito Antuofermo, Emile Griffith, “Sugar” Ray Robinson, Gene Tunney, Benny Leonard, Tony Canzoneri, Harold Lederman, Steve Acunto, Jimmy Glenn, Gil Clancy, Ray Arcel, Nat Fleischer, Bill Kuk lan Arthur Mercante, Sr.


CLASS saka 2013: Jack Dempsey, Johnny Dundee, Sandy Saddler, Maxie Rosenbloom, Joey Archer, Iran Barkley, Mark Breland, Bobby Cassidy, Doug Jones, Junior Jones, James “Buddy” McGirt, Eddie Mustafa Muhammad, Bob Arum, Shelly Williams, Tony Graziano, Larry Merchant, Teddy Brenner, Mike Jacobs, Tex Rickard lan Don DUNPHY.

CLASS OF 2014: Floyd Patterson, Tracy Harris Patterson, Billy Backus, Kevin Kelley, Juan Laporte, Gerry Pitulung, Mustafa Hamsho, Howard Davis, Jr., Lou Ambers, Jack Britton, Terry McGovern, Teddy Atlas, Lou DiBella, Steve Farhood, Gene Moore, Angelo Prospero, Whitey Bimstein, Cus D'Amato, William Muldoon lan Tom O'Rourke.


Tiket sing diregani ing $125.00 saben diwasa lan $50.00 kanggo anak (wonten 16), lan klebu madhang lengkap lan cocktail jam marang entri, miwiti ing 12:30 PM/Lan, uga nedha bengi (Perdhana rib, iwak utawa unggas) lan mbukak bar sedina muput.


Tiket kasedhiya kanggo tuku dening nelpon NYSBHOF / Ring 8 presiden Bob Duffy ing516.313.2304. Ads kanggo program NYSBHOF kasedhiya, kiro-kiro saka $50.00 kanggo $250.00, kanthi kontak lan Duffy.


Pindhah ing baris ing www.Ring8ny.com kanggo informasi tambahan bab Boxing Hall New York State of Fame.

ABOUT RING 8: Kawangun ing 1954 dening Ex-prizefighter, Jack Grebelsky, Ring 8 dadi tambahan kawolu saka apa iki banjur dikenal minangka Veteran National Petinju Amérika Sarékat Association – Empu, RING 8 – lan dina semboyan organisasi kang isih tetep: Boxers Ngewangi Petinju Amérika Sarékat.


RING 8 wis kebak setya ndhukung wong kurang Begja ing masyarakat boxing sing uga mbutuhake pitulungan ing syarat-syarat mbayar sewa, medical expenses, utawa apa wae justifiable perlu.


Pindhah ing baris www.Ring8ny.com kanggo katrangan luwih bab RING 8, klompok paling gedhé saka sawijining jinis ing Amerika Serikat karo luwih saka 350 anggota. Iuran anggota taunan mung $30.00 lan saben anggota wis anduweni hak nedha bengi prasmanan ing RING 8 rapat-rapat saben wulan, kalebu Juli lan Agustus. Kabeh boxers aktif, amatir lan profesional, sing anduweni menyang RING tambahan 8 anggota tahunan. Tamu ring 8 anggota olèh ing biaya mung $7.00 saben wong.