標記檔案: 拳擊

truTV 上的 MetroPCS 週五晚上淘汰賽將於週五繼續進行, 五月 15, 在 10 P.M. AND

小何塞·貝納維德茲 (Jose Benavidez Jr) 之間的冠軍爭奪戰突出顯示的卡片. & 豪爾赫·佩茲, JR.

truTV 和 Top Rank 將獨家展示 MetroPCS的週五夜敲除對truTV, 現場黃金時段拳擊系列 星期五, 五月 15, 在 10 P.M. AND 來自鳳凰城的全美航空中心. 新拳擊系列, 與特納體育和HBO體育協會製作, WBA 臨時世界超輕量級冠軍之間將進行 12 輪比賽 何塞Benavidez, JR. (22-0-0, 15 科斯), 在家鄉抗爭 豪爾赫·佩茲, JR. (38-5-2, 23 科斯) 墨西哥. 另外, 安東尼奧·奧羅斯科 (21-0-0, 15 科斯) 見面會 埃馬紐埃爾·泰勒 (18-3-0, 12 科斯) 在10輪超輕量級回合.


評論該事件將包括 凱文子彈 與分析師一起提供遊戲玩法 蒂莫西·布拉德利 雷“轟隆​​轟隆”曼奇尼 記者和 Crystina Poncher. Kugler 是一位資深播音員,他曾為 Westwood One 報導過大學籃球和 NFL 報導,為十大網絡報導過大學橄欖球賽. 布拉德利是前 WBO 次中量級冠軍,前 WBO 和兩屆 WBC 次中量級冠軍. 曼奇尼是一個 2015 國際拳擊名人堂入選者,前 NABF 和 WBA 輕量級冠軍. Poncher 是 Top Rank 的評論員和記者, 以及主機, 記者和通訊員NFL網絡和NFL.com. 在西班牙語隱藏式字幕 將可用於所述truTV轉播.


該網絡的演講將有繼續使用 “蜘蛛攝像頭” 技術, 先河的現場拳擊國內轉播, 在系列期間提供動態報導. “Spidercam”在拳擊台角落以外指定點的四點電纜系統上運行. 懸浮相機具有提供的動作引人注目的360度的角度,包括在三個維度的移動能力的能力 - 左/右, 向前/向後以及向上/向下.


作為其對 truTV 拳擊系列的授權贊助的一部分, 都市PCS 將在每場比賽中獲得相機可見的中心環和角墊品牌放置, 以及包含在 truTV 和其他特納廣播網絡的所有促銷信息中.


參觀特納體育 在線新聞發布室 用於額外的新聞材料; 在 Twitter 上關注特納體育 TurnerSportsPR.


Featherweight Prospect Mario Barrios Remains Undefeated With 6th Round KO


Photos by Team Barrios

SAN ANTONIO, TX (五月 12, 2015) – 剛剛過去的這個 星期六 at the State Farm Arena in Hidalgo, 得克薩斯州, Super-Featherweight sensation, 馬里奧·巴里奧斯 (9-0, 5 科斯), remained undefeated with a spectacular 6th round knockout over Jose Del Valle (4-11-3) 來自波多黎各.


Fighting Del Valle was a great experience for me because he was just as tall as me standing around 6’2,” 馬里奧說巴里奧斯. “I got a lot of rounds and got the knockout in round 6. I’m ready to make a quick return to the ring and take my career to the next level with Al Haymon. I’m very happy with the way my career is going. I’ll be looking to return sometime this summer.


站在6'1, Barrios is on the fast track to super stardom. Managed by Al Haymon, Barrios will most likely make his return to the ring next month. Look for Barrios to move to 8-round bout in the very near future.

13 時間KB世界冠軍亨特跡象,沃恩 – 職業拳擊首次亮相, 利物浦5月23日

毫無疑問的,統一WBC, 至, 您的, IKF & WKA世界冠軍, 馬龍·亨特, 設置在本月晚些時候開始他的職業拳擊生涯, 跟隨他的簽約管理的論文與著名的利物浦基於​​子斯蒂芬·沃恩.


打獵, 誰曾擔任世界冠軍,在三個不同的學科 - 踢拳擊, K-1規則和泰拳 - 和五個不同體重級別, 將他的職業拳擊首次亮相於旺市即將推出的新時代事件, 其中發生在大中央大廳利物浦上週六 23RD 五月.


隨著破紀錄的十三世標題,以他的名字已, 亨特已經明確表示,他並沒有進入職業拳擊世界只是湊數, 因為當他談到早前他做了非常明確的紀律的改變是讓他能夠專注於成為一個創紀錄的舉辦了四場紀律世界冠軍.


“我明明做了踢拳擊, K-規則和泰拳, 通過所有的隊伍去那裡, 在這些運動獲得了字面上的所有世界冠軍頭銜, 所有主要的世界冠軍頭銜,以及, 所以現在我覺得是時候給親拳擊了一槍.


我只能用斯蒂芬·沃恩簽訂了 2ND 可能和它看起來像我要忙馬上, 他有我的拳擊五月 23RD在利物浦,再次對 25 七月馬耳他.


這是一個震驚, 所以讓我們把它做, 這是關於史蒂夫的好東西, 你知道, 這是從字面上我​​希望由他管理,他梳理的東西出來的真快.


這很適合我, 我要開始為冠軍挑戰性,盡快, 我所做的一切,我在其他運動項目做了, 我已經告訴了很多年,我應該切換到職業拳擊, 但我不認為這是正確的時間, 尤其是現在我已經贏得了, 再次這將有助於我去的排名快一點,比我會做,否則, 因為我的經驗, 是的,我認為這是一個正確的時間,現在.


我偶爾會在踢拳擊還是競爭, 只要它不符合我的職業拳擊干擾, 我想這樣做了強制性的防禦在我的其他運動, 是的,我真的想還是捍衛我的世界冠軍頭銜, 除此之外,我在我的職業拳擊生涯完全集中.


這裡只有少數人已經成功地從一個運動轉移到其他, 克里斯Algieri, 他是踢拳擊手,贏得了職業拳擊世界冠軍, 如果Algieri能做到這一點, 我敢肯定,如果我把正確的方式,我獲得正確的打架, 我敢肯定,我可以做同樣的事情.


我要做到最好的,我可以成為一個四運動冠軍, 我不認為我的知識實際上已經這麼做了, 你知道世界冠軍在踢拳擊, K1, 泰拳和專業拳擊, 所以真的想成為第一個這樣做.


我有一些很好的忠實粉絲,他們會跟著我通過拳擊的很好,希望當我開始職業拳擊,我會吸引更多的球迷太, 我覺得這是對這項運動的真正的好, 不只是能夠吸引新的血液從其他運動, 而且這樣做會引入新的球迷既運動.


我真的很期待 23RD 五月和一個新的職業拳擊生涯為自己的開始“。


上週六五月 23RD, 亨特將在一流的公司, 正如其他拳擊在明星雲集的法案包括:; 衛冕世界拳擊聯合會 (WBF) 世界次中量級冠軍克里斯·古德溫在對倫敦的標誌“閃電俠”亞歷山大行動.

衛冕世界拳擊聯合會 (WBF) 洲際超羽量級冠軍, 保羅·伊科諾米, 英國前超中量級和國際拳擊組織 (IBO) 國際輕重量級冠軍​​托尼·多德森.

BBBofC威爾士區中量級冠軍李Churcher, 英國人, 英聯邦和WBF世界冠軍挑戰者托尼·莫蘭在同城德比與布萊克浦的馬修·埃利斯, 與職業拳擊手輕中量級決賽和英國冠軍挑戰者尼克·奎格利, 誰設置為面對斯肯索普的娛樂性很強的喬迪·米克爾.


除了冠軍經驗的拳擊手, 也有一台主機的即將到來的, 不敗年輕的拳擊前景對賬單, 含; 聳人聽聞的前英格蘭業餘隊長安東尼奧Counihan, 利物浦基礎的熱俄羅斯的前景大衛Agadzhanyan, 誰面臨的前加納冠軍伊薩克·奧烏蘇, 輕量級前景傑伊·卡尼, 輕重量級的前景利·博伊斯, 誰需要對斯肯索普的馬修·佩珀.


也使他的首演上 23RD 五月, 旁邊亨特, 是當地的小伙子Dayle加拉格爾, 他的第一個對手是親是諾丁漢大學的馬特·斯科利文.


馬龍·亨特, 對一個尚未被命名的對手, 在斯蒂芬·沃恩功能提升NEW ERA事件, 其中發生在大中央大廳利物浦上週六 23RD五月 2015.

制裁對本次活動將提供禮貌的馬耳他拳擊委員會 (MBC) - www.maltaboxingcommission.com

門票30英鎊 & £40可直接從馬龍·亨特, 從任何一個拳手參加或致電斯蒂芬·沃恩 07789 037802.

The Mongoose Has Landed

威利·夢露JR. in Los Angeles for 週六 Middleweight title bout to be televised on HBO World Championship Boxing® at 10 PM ET/PT

WBA number-two ranked contender WillieEl Mongoose” 夢露JR. arrives at LAX with his team for 週六 Middleweight title fight against Gennady Golovkin that will take place at the Forum in Inglewood, California and will be televised on HBO World Championship Boxing® beginning at 10 PM ET/PT
圖片來源: Banner/Promotions

Undefeated New Haven boxer Luis “KO王” Rosa Ready to go from prospect to contender on ESPN Friday Night Fights, 星期五, 五月 15, in Hartford

哈特福德 (五月 11, 2015) – Rising junior featherweight star 路易斯 “KO王” 羅莎 (19-0, 9 科斯) plans to graduate from top prospect to legitimate contender 這個星期五 (五月 15) 上 ESPN 星期五夜戰鬥, presented by 50 Cent’s SMS PromotionsDiBella娛樂, 與聯想 Universal Promotions, close to his New Haven home at the Connecticut Convention Center in Hartford.


A native of Puerto Rico, the 24-year-old Rosa takes on Colombian veteran 喬納森 “大力水手” 佩雷斯 (33-10, 17 科斯) in the 8-round ESPN2 co-feature.


Headlining the card will be undefeated Puerto Rican lightweight Reynaldo Ojeda (16-0, 9 科斯) against longtime contender 蒙蒂梅薩粘土 (36-4, 22 科斯) 在10輪的主要事件.


Live coverage will begin at 9 P.M. AND on ESPN2 and will also be available through WatchESPN on computers, 智能手機, 平板電腦, 亞馬遜消防電視和消防電視棒, 蘋果電視, 的Chromecast, 年, 的Xbox 360 並通過下屬的視頻提供商之一的Xbox. 此外, ESPN’ 夜戰鬥 will carry the fights live on broadband Spanish-language ESPN Deportes+.


The popular Rosa, who is world rated at No. 15 由世界拳擊協會 (WBA) 和No. 16 由世界拳擊理事會 (WBC), has prepared for a breakout performance in front of a large ESPN 週五夜戰鬥 viewing audience.


“這對我來說是一個巨大的思想鬥爭,” Rosa said. “It’s great fighting on ESPN and I’m going to show the nation what I’m all about. I’m prepared to put on an explosive show. I feel that I’m close to getting a title shot. I want to fight world-class opponents and I plan to prove I’m ready 在週五 夜晚.


It’s always great fighting in my home state and I’m sure I’ll have a lot of fans there. 在一天結束時, 雖然, I’m going to get the job done and it doesn’t matter where the fight would be held.


佩雷斯, 28, a professional fighter since 2005, 先後榮獲 14 他最後的 15 結束. The battle-tested Colombian has fought the likes of world champions Cristian Mijares, 押尼珥Mares, 何塞·洛佩斯, Martin Castillo, Eric OrtizRaul Martinez, as well a world title challenger Jesus Jimenez.


Perez is a veteran with 44 親打架,” said Rosa about Perez. “He’s fought a lot of world-class guys and champions. I know he’s coming to fight. He’s going to come forward and he wants to bang. He’s strong, I’m stronger. I’m faster, 太, and the better all-around fighter. I’ll be ready for whatever he brings.

Live coverage will begin at 9 P.M. AND on ESPN2 and will also be available through WatchESPN on computers, 智能手機, 平板電腦, 亞馬遜消防電視和消防電視棒, 蘋果電視, 的Chromecast, 年, 的Xbox 360 並通過下屬的視頻提供商之一的Xbox. 此外, ESPN’ 夜戰鬥 will carry the fights live on broadband Spanish-language ESPN Deportes+.


Fighting on the undercard are a pair of promising foreign boxers who are now living in the United States, as well as several New England and New York City favorites.


Undefeated Ukrainian middleweight 伊万·戈盧布 (7-0, 5 科斯), 的戰鬥布魯克林, meets fellow Ukrainian Kostyantyn Rovenskyy (18-1-2, 5 科斯) 在六輪的較量. Kazakh super middleweightDauren Yeleussinov (1-0), also living in Brooklyn, 會見 松鴉 “JD” 威廉姆斯 (3-6), of Louisiana, in a scheduled six-rounder.


Also slated to fight in six-round bouts on the undercard are unbeaten New Haven light heavyweight查爾斯·福斯特 (7-0, 3 科斯) facing Woonsocket, RI, 對手 Joe Gardner (11-7-1, 1 KO) and undefeated Bronx middleweight Chris Galeano (7-0) taking on Las Vegasupset-minded Yosmani阿布雷烏 (4-8-2).


Three four-round matches are also on tap with Waterbury, CT, 初中量級 Jair Ramos (3-2-1, 2 科斯) VS. 哈林的 柯蒂斯·莫頓 (3-4-2), Miami lightweight Alberto Candeleria (4-2-1, 3 科斯) VS. 布魯克林 Ian James (3-11-1, 1 KO), and New Haven junior lightweight 威廉·福斯特III (1-0) VS. TBA.

Tickets are currently on sale and are priced at $100, $65 和 $35 (加上適用的稅費). Tickets can be purchased by calling 1 (860) 728-26241 (203) 627-7472. 門開處 6:30 P.M. ET with the first bout scheduled for 7:30 P.M. AND.


Championship Boxing Returns to CBS Sports Network on Friday, 五月 29 在孟菲斯

Greg Cohen Promotions Proudly Presents
Kayode vs. Kisner in Cruiserweight Main Event

在週五, 五月 29, 格雷格·科恩促銷, in association with GH3 Promotions, Prize Fight Promotion and Adam Wilcock’s Fight Card Productions, produced by David Schuster’s Winner Take All Productions, proudly announce the return of “拳擊錦標賽,” which will air live on CBS Sports Network (10:00 PM, AND) from the WC Handy Pavilion on Beale Street in Memphis, 田納西.

Headlining the night will be an intriguing 10-round cruiserweight battle between long-time undefeated contender Lateef “動力” Kayode (20-0, 16 科斯) and once-beaten “華而不實的” Nick Kisner (14-1-1, 5 科斯). 在合作的主要事件, promising WBO #10 lightweight Josh King of Australia will make his US television debut in a regional title fight against Batesville, 阿肯色州Rogelio Casarez (9-3, 4 科斯).

Also featured in televised action that night will be women’s superstar Amanda “真正的交易” 塞拉諾 (23-1-1, 18 科斯) in a super featherweight showcase, as well as super middleweight Derrick “把它帶到銀行” 韋伯斯特 (18-0, 9 科斯) putting his undefeated record on the line.

門票 “拳擊錦標賽” 售價為 $20 General Admission and $30 VIP and are available by calling 901.900.2236.

32-year-old Lateef Kayode was born in Lagos, Nigeria but resides in California. Known for his immense strength and punching power, Kayode has been a top contender at 200 lbs for many years and is the current WBO-NABO and NABF Cruiserweight Champion. He is trained by four-time Trainer of the Year 羅奇. Kayode has also held the WBA-NABA Cruiserweight Championship. 在 2013, Kayode fought to a draw with multiple world champion Antonio Tarver.

A naturally fluid boxer with superb skills, 24-year-old Nick Kisner hails from Baltimore, 馬里蘭. 作為一個業餘愛好者, and among countless distinctions, Kisner was a three-time National Silver Gloves Champion and Ringside World Champion. He holds the distinction of being the youngest boxer in American history (17) to ever win a Men’s National Title in the Heavyweight Division. 作為一個專業, Kisner’s two losses are a controversial draw in the opponent’s hometown and a split decision loss to fellow top prospect Junior Wright in Wright’s hometown of Chicago.

29-year-old Josh King is from Townsville, 昆士蘭, 澳大利亞. 作為一個專業, he has already held the Australian Super Lightweight and WBF World Super Lightweight titles and is the current WBO Oriental Lightweight and WBO Asia Pacific Lightweight Champion. 作為一個業餘愛好者, King was 50-15 and a five-time Australian and five-time Golden Gloves Champ, among many distinctions.

26-year-old southpaw Amanda “真正的交易” 塞拉諾 (23-1-1, 18 科斯) is a former Staten Island amateur champion, New York City Golden Gloves amateur champion, and Empire State amateur champion. She turned professional in 2009 and has already won the NABF Featherweight, Universal Boxing Federation World Featherweight, Women’s International Boxing Association World Featherweight, IBF World Super Featherweight, Universal Boxing Federation Inter­Continental Super Featherweight, and WBO World Lightweight Championships. She is currently ranked # 1 由國際拳擊聯合會 (IBF), #2 由世界拳擊協會 (WBA), and in the World Boxing Council (WBC) 排名 #5 at the featherweight.

在他的整個職業生涯, 32-year-old southpaw Derrick Webster has trouble finding opponents. At 6′ 4″ the towering super middleweight with the heavyweight reach is a handful for anyone in the world. Webster has worked as a sparring partner for former WBC and IBO Light Heavyweight Champion Jean Pascal, Super Middleweight Champion Andre Ward, 小羅伊瓊斯, 伯納德·霍普金斯大學, light heavyweight king Sergey Kovalev and Julio Cesar Chavez Jr.

It’s great to be back in Memphis, working with my good friends Brian and Russ Young,” 格雷格說,科恩. “This will be a world-class event, featuring a mix of championship contenders and local talent. The card will be stacked from top to bottom with action-packed bouts that will have the crowd on Beale Street energized all night long. This is a truly special event and I couldn’t be more pumped!!”

Several local favorites will be showcased on the night’s undercard. 搏擊之夜, doors open @ 6:00 下午. The live television telecast will run from 10 下午12 am EST on CBS Sports Network. 欲了解更多信息, 訪問 www.gcpboxing.com.


更多! 克里斯Arreola & 阿爾弗雷多·安古洛

To Compete In Separate Bouts

And a Featherweight Showdown Between Jesus Cuellar & Vic Darchinyan

CARSON, CALIF (五月 11, 2015) –羅伯特· “鬼” 戰士 (32-3-1, 18 科斯) returns to the ring as he squares off against 阿隆·馬丁內斯 (19-3-1, 4 科斯) 週六 下午, 六月 6 as Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) on NBC comes to StubHub Center in Carson, 加利福尼亞州. 廣播開始於 3 P.M. AND/中午PT.


Also featured on the card are perennial stars 克里斯 “夢魘” Arreola的 (36-4, 31 科斯) 和 阿爾弗雷德 “狗” 安古洛 (22-5, 18 科斯) who will compete in separate bouts. Rounding out action is a sure to be action packed featherweight showdown as 耶穌奎利亞爾 (26-1, 20 科斯) 戰鬥 Vic Darchinyan (40-7-1, 29 科斯).


門票現場活動, 這是由TGB促銷推廣, 售價為 $200, $150, $100, $50 和 $25, 加上適用的稅費, 費和服務費, 現已公開發售,並可在線購買,在AXS.com.


I’m very happy to be making a quick return to the ring, especially on NBC.” 格雷羅說. “It’s an honor to be fighting at StubHub Center once again as the main event. I’m going to bring it like always and give the fans an exciting fight. I can’t wait for the bell to ring!”


I’m very thankful for the opportunity to fight Robert Guerrero on network television,” 馬丁內斯說. “Since my last fight, I’ve been in the gym working extremely hard. I want to shock the world and beat ‘The Ghost.Make no mistake about it, I’m coming to win.


I am so happy to be getting back in the ring so soon after my last fight [三月 13],” 說的Arreola. “The opportunity to stay busy and fight at StubHub Center is great and I plan on showcasing my skills.


I am grateful for the chance to fight on such a great card in Southern California where I have fought several times before,” 說安古洛. “I see this as an important fight for me and I know that the fans won’t be disappointed.


We’re very excited to return to StubHub Center and work with the

NBC team on an action-packed card” 說TGB促銷湯姆·布朗. “Robert Guerrero and Aron Martinez will provide fireworks from the opening bell in

the main event and we’ll be adding a full card of terrific undercard fights

for a complete afternoon of entertainment for Southern California fight fans.


The 32-year-old 戰士 out of Gilroy, California owns victories over Andre Berto, Selcuk Aydin and Michael Katsidis. He most recently electrified fans with an exciting performance against Keith Thurman on the inaugural PBC card on 三月 7 今年. A former world champion in four weight classes, Guerrero looks to put on another outstanding performance on 六月 6 at StubHub Center.


Born in Uruapan, Michoacan de Ocampo, 墨西哥, but fighting out of East Los Angeles, 馬丁內斯 makes his StubHub Center debut on June 6. The 33-year-old turned pro in 2005 and won his first seven starts before a technical draw in 2007 against Vito Gaspayran. A tough fighter Martinez strung together 10 之間的戰全勝 2009 和 2012..


這位34歲的 Arreola的 defeated Curtis Harper in a thrilling heavyweight showdown on March 13 安大略, 加利福尼亞州. 出生於埃斯孔迪多, 加利福尼亞州. 但戰鬥了洛杉磯, Arreola的一直是最可怕的打孔器之一重量級. 已經挑戰了最好的師, Arreola knows what it takes to succeed at this level and looks to entertain his hometown fans on June 6.


出生在墨西卡利的硬戰的墨西哥戰士, 下加利福尼亞州, 墨西哥但是戰鬥出來的科切拉, 加利福尼亞州。,安古洛 is looking for a big victory in front of his adopted hometown fans. 時刻準備著挑戰最好的運動, the 32-year-old has gone toe-to-toe with some of the best fighters in the world and holds knockout victories over Gabriel Rosado, Joachim Alcine and Joel Julio.


迅速崛起的明星出布宜諾斯艾利斯, 阿根廷, 奎利亞爾 看起來,使其 10 victories in a row when he battles Darchinyan on June 6. His power in both hands has led him to six knockouts of his last nine victories including a second round destruction of Puerto Rican icon Juan Manuel Lopez in Sept. 2014. The 28-year-old will make his first career start in California when he enters the ring at StubHub Center.


Looking to put himself back into the discussion of top featherweights, the 39-year-old Darchinyan comes in with the kind of experience to topple the explosive Cuellar. A former world champion, the fighter from Armenia who fights out of Glendale, California is coming off of a ninth-round TKO over Juan Jimenez in February of this year. Having fought against top contenders such as Abner Mares, Nonito Donaire and Nicholas Walters, Darchinyan also owns victories over Yonnhy Perez, Jorge Arce and Cristian Mijares.


欲了解更多信息,請訪問 www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.nbcsports.com/boxing, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, NBCSports, @GHOSTBOXING, @NightmareBoxing, @ElPerro82, JesusCuellarBOX & @VicDarchinyan and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing, 和 www.facebook.com/NBCSports.


Photos by Team Geale

NORTH BERGEN, 新澤西州 (五月 11, 2015) – 前世界冠軍, 丹尼爾Geale (31-3, 16 KO的) has arrived in the United States for his upcoming showdown with WBC and Ring Magazine Middleweight World Champion 米格爾·庫托 (39-4, 32 KO的). Geale will host the remainder of his training camp in North Bergen, 新澤西州.


I’ve arrived in the States with my trainer Shaw and I’m excited to get camp started in New Jersey,” said Daniel Geale. “Gary Shaw has provided me with a nice gym and I’m going to start my sparring sessions right away. 這是一個大的戰鬥, not only for my team and I, but for my countrymen as well. A new champion will be crowned on June 6th.
庫托與. Geale, 12輪的爭奪庫托的WBC和環雜誌中量級世界冠軍, 發生星期六, 六月 6 at Barclays Center in Brooklyn and will be televised live on HBO. The fight is presented by Roc Nation Sports and Miguel Cotto Promotions in association Gary Shaw Productions and is sponsored by Cerveza Tecate. 門票分 $500, $350, $250, $200, $150, $100, $50 和 $25, 不包括適用的服務費和稅款, are on sale now and available for purchase at www.barclayscenter.com, www.ticketmaster.com 並在美國運通票房巴克萊中心. 要通過電話進行充電, 致電特瑪在 (800) 745-3000. 門開處 6:00 PM, 第一次戰鬥開始於 6:15 PM and the HBO telecast begins at 10:30 PM ET / PT.


欲了解更多信息,請訪問 www.rocnation.com. 按照國家大鵬在Twitter和Instagram的@rocnation並在Facebook上 www.facebook.com/RocNation.


欲了解更多信息, 訪問 www.hbo.com/boxing, follow on Twitter and Instagram at @HBOBoxing and become a fan on Facebook at www.facebook.com/HBOBoxing.


Jamie McDonnell Earns Close Decision Over


點擊 這裡 For Photos From Esther Lin/PBC on CBS

HIDALGO, TEXAS (五月 9, 2015) – 奧馬爾 “Panterita” 菲格羅亞 (25-0-1, 18 科斯) remained undefeated as he put on an exciting show in front of a raucous hometown crowd and earned a unanimous decision over 瑞奇伯恩斯 (37-5-1, 11 科斯) on Premier Boxing Champions on CBS live from State Farm Arena in Hidalgo, 得克薩斯州.


Figueroa was the sharper fighter who landed harder punches and was able to dictate the pace of the fight. Burns was deducted a point in both the eighth and 11 rounds by the referee for excessive holding. “Panterita” 通過贏得分數 116-110 兩次, 117-109.


In the first televised fight of the afternoon, British star 傑米·麥克唐納 (25-2-1, 12 科斯) earned a narrow but unanimous decision over previously unbeaten 大樹 “該Mexicanito” 龜田 (31-1, 19 科斯). McDonnell was knocked down for the first time in his career by a sharp right hand from Kameda in round three but quickly recovered to win by a score of 114-113 在所有三個法官’ 牌.


Here are what the fighters had to say after their bouts:




Fighting a fight like that, it takes a lot to go even four rounds, much less 12. With a fighter like that, leaning on you and using his weight on you it’s tough. I’m just glad I was in shape and didn’t let my fans down.


I’m a very offensive fighter, so the holding kind of slowed me down. I tried to do what I could and, thankfully, the judges saw that.


My hands are a little sore, but I really did hold back on my punches, especially because he has one of those European guards where he holds his hands up high and his elbows are exposed. I had to be careful going to the body because that’s how I hurt my hands most times, from hitting the elbows. I felt ridiculously strong at the new weight, but I didn’t think my hands would hold up, so I was holding back and trying to win the fight on points and if I could hurt him I would try to stop him.


He was punching me behind the head, so I felt like I had to do the same. If you want to play like that, I can play that game.


At the end of the fight, he came with a good body shot that hurt me a bit. That’s why I slowed down at the end. I have to give it to Ricky. 他是一個艱難的戰鬥機.


It’s time to rest up. I’ve been training since the beginning of the year and I deserve a little rest.




We knew it was going to be a tough fight, but I didn’t agree with the deductions for holding. I thought he was holding as much as me and that’s why I had to tie him up.


We moved up in weight for this one but still had some trouble making weight, but I didn’t want to jeopardize my chance to fight in America.


I think it was his size that gave me problems more than anything. I don’t know what weight he was in that ring, but it was a lot bigger than me.


The plan was to try to stick to boxing for the first half of the fight, but once the size really took over I had to stand and exchange more than I would have liked. I couldn’t get him off of me. 我沒有藉口, as I said the best man will win.


I always leave everything in the ring and that’s all I can do. I hope everyone who watched enjoyed the fight.


We’ve enjoyed the experience of being in the U.S., obviously the decision didn’t go our way which puts a damper on it, but overall everyone here in Texas has been great. I want to say a big thank you to everybody. I hope to back again.




I felt in control all the way through. It was a great performance. I know I should have just boxed but I wanted to fight.


I didn’t think I was going to get the decision being abroad, but it’s more than spectacular to come out of here victorious. He’s a great, 不敗冠軍.


His speed surprised me on the knockdown. I knew he was going to be fast, but I didn’t expect it like that. I didn’t see the shot and next thing I knew I was on the floor.


Hit and move, hit and move, that was the strategy. I remember being in there and thinking, ‘Man, this isn’t easy.I knew the crowd was going to go his way but it was a great experience.


It’s been a fantastic time being here in America. I’d like to see some familiar faces but it’s a new experience. I was up against it but I knew I could pull it off. I knew deep inside that I could do it.


I think I’m going to move up in weight. I want to catch the big fights before they’re gone.




I think I won the fight. I did enough to win. He did a lot to win the last rounds, but I did more over the fight. I don’t agree with the judges decision, but I respect it.


I knew he would get up after the knockdown because he’s a world champion. He’s a great fighter and I take my hat off to him, but I won the fight.




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