Tag Archives: boksas

BIG-TIME Boksas grįžta į BOSTON šeštadienį, GALI 23 "Premier" bokso ČEMPIONAI NBC

Pažvelkite atgal BOSTON turtingą bokso ISTORIJA

BOSTON (Gegužė 20, 2015) – Bostono yra žinomas kaip gyvena kai kurie iš labiausiai aistringai sirgalių šalyje, bet daugelis negali žinoti, kad jis taip pat yra miesto, kad turi ilgą ir turtingą istoriją saldaus mokslo. Apie Šeštadienis, Gegužė 23, Pasaulio čempionatas Boksas oficialiai atgal Beantown jei toks Premier Boksas Čempionų apie NBC grąžina tarp užbaigimas Andre Dirrell ir Jamesas DeGale Bostono universiteto Agganis arenoje su aprėpties NBC pradedama brėžti 4:30 p.m. IR/1:30 p.m. PT.


Paskutinį kartą Bostono pamačiau Pasaulio čempionatas kovą buvo gegužės 23, 2006 kai du pasaulio čempionų titulą kovoja vyko TD Bank sodas, anksčiau Bostono sodas. Tą naktį matė britų superžvaigždė Ricky “Hitman” Hatton pralaimėjimas Luis Collazo į Papildsvars pasaulio čempiono titulą kovos, o Ericas Aiken nusiminusi anksčiau nenugalėtas Valdemir Pereira už lengvas pasaulio čempiono titulą.

“Kova su Bostono sodas buvo didelė garbė, Nekenkia į pasaulio čempiono titulą kovos, bet net keturių apvalesnės,” sakė Tonis DeMarco, kuris laimėjo Papildsvars pasaulio titulą 1955 Boston Garden. “Aš turėjau daugiau kovų ten nei bet kas (28), įskaitant ir mano pro debiutas. Jis visada gerai gesinimo namuose. Jūs esate patogesnis namuose. Ventiliatorių žinoti ir gerbti jus. Bostonas žiūrovai buvo realioje kovoje gerbėjai.”


Bostono buvo giliai investavo į bokso, nes anksti 20oji amžius. Nuo 1902-1908 Miestelyje Chelsea, kad ribojasi Boston tapo Mekos bokso kaip sportas buvo uždrausta beveik visoje Amerikoje. Tačiau, "Chelsea turėjo ypatingą potvarkį, kad legalizuoti boksas. Ji buvo per šį laiką, kad Jack Johnson buvo susiduria su tuo, ką jis pripažino, buvo sunkiausias kova savo karjerą, kai jis apgynė sunkiasvoris titulą prieš Sam Langford balandžio 6, 1906. Johnson laimėjo 15-apvalios vienbalsiu sprendimu ir atsisakė kovoti Langford vėl.


Papildomai, Fenway Park ", Garsus namų Bostono "Red Sox", Patalpinta 29 profesionalūs bokso kortelės tarp 1919 ir 1956. Be tik hostingas didelius kovas, Bostono taip pat parengė keletą Hall of Fame talento nužudė, kurie buvo arba gimusį Massachusetts arba vadinama būklė namų.


Pažymėtina vardai ROXBURY sunkiasvoriai čempionais Jonas L. Sullivan, Brockton sunkiasvoris Rocky Marcianoir Brockton gyvena ir vidutinio svorio čempionas Nuostabus Marvinas Hagler. Boston nuosavos lengvas čempionaiSmėlio Kalvis ir George'as Dixon plius Bostono rengėjas Kopijuoti Valenti visi buvo įtvirtinta Tarptautinės bokso šlovės muziejų.


“Kova Bostone buvo puiki patirtis,” sakė Jonas Ruiz, dviejų laiko sunkiasvoris pasaulio čempionas iš "Chelsea". “Kaip ir bet kuri sporto, Bostono sporto gerbėjai yra tikri gerbėjai, kurie sekti savo pažangą. Aš galėjau jausti savo emocijas, kur aš kovojo. Aš niekada pamiršti apie juos. Aš kovojo Las Vegase daug ir ten visada buvo Bostonas gerbėjai ten patvirtinantys mane. Aš visada dėkingi jiems keliaujant po visą šalį, kad mano kovų.”


Tėvas-Sūnus duetas iš Arlington, Mišios. tiek turėjo įtakos sunkiųjų kraštovaizdžio dešimtmečius poveikį po kiekvieno kito. Tomas McNeeley kovojo sunkiasvoris pasaulio čempionas Floyd Patterson į 1961 ir nukrito čempionas prieš galiausiai nusileido į ketvirtą etapą, nokautas. Per 30 metų, jo sūnus Petras buvo pirmasis žmogus, kovoti su Mike'as Tysonas kai jis buvo paleistas iš kalėjimo, su kova baigiasi McNeeley buvo diskvalifikuotas.


Vienas iš unikalių sportininkų išeiti iš Bostono, Dr. Wilbert “Skeeter” McClure buvo Olimpinio aukso medalio laimėtojas, psichologijos daktaras ir Masačusetso bokso komisaras. Nors ne 1960 Olimpinės žaidynės, McClure tarnavo kaip bendro kapitonas Team JAV ir buvo kolegų aukso medalio laimėtojas kambarioku Cassius Clay. Nors jis niekada pasiekė savo potencialą, kaip profesionalus, jis gavo galimybę prieš pasaulinio lygio varžovus Luis Manuel Rodriguez du kartus irJose Torres, prarasti visus tris sprendimu. Jis taip pat prarado sprendimą ir kovojo lygiosiomis prieš Rubinas “Uraganas” Karteris. Po jo profesinę karjerą bokso, McClure tarnavo kaip Masačusetsas bokso komisaro prieš galiausiai išėjo į pensiją Bostono rajone, kur jis gyvena iki šios dienos.


Kitas labai gerbė kovotojas išeiti iš Bostono zonos yra Lowell s Micky Ward. Labai populiarus dėl savo patrauklių stilių, Ward parengta 38-13 Pro įrašas su 27 Knockouts. Jis buvo labiausiai žinoma dėl trijų Epas kovos Metų apdovanojimai kovose pabaigoje Arturo Gatti. Ward gyvenimas ir karjera buvo vaizduojama apdovanojimai kino “Kovotojas”, kuri vaidino Pažymėti Wahlberg, kaip Ward.


“Tai buvo puikus gesinimo Bostone. Fanai buvo labai palanki ir gerai nusimano apie žaidimą,” sakė Ward. “Tai buvo tarsi buvau kovos namie…jis buvo namuose man, kaip kovotojui. Ventiliatoriai daug keliavo mano muštynes, taip pat. Jie buvo šiek tiek beprotiška, gėrė daug alaus ir buvo daugiau vokalo nei daugumoje vietų, aš kada nors kovojo. Man patiko.”


Apie Šeštadienis, Gegužė 23 naujo derliaus jaunų ir alkanas kovotojų bus padėtas visa tai ant linijos, tikiuosi rašyti kitą įdomų skyrių bokso istoriją Bostono mieste. Veiksmas prasideda 1:30 p.m. IR viduje Agganis Arenoje.


* * *


Bilietus į "Big laiko bokso grįžti į Bostoną, kuris yra skatinamas DiBella Pramogos kartu su Murphys Boksas, yra kaina $250, $200, $100, $75, $50 ir $35, neįskaitant taikomų paslaugų mokesčių ir rinkliavų, ir yra parduoti dabar. Bilietus bus galima įsigyti www.ticketmaster.com. Norėdami įkrauti telefonu, skambinti Ticketmaster ne (800) 745-3000.


Daugiau informacijos rasite www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.nbcsports.com/boxing, www.AgganisArena.com irwww.dbe1.com, sekti TwitterPremierBoxing, AndreDirrell, @ JamesDeGale1, LouDiBella, @DropkickMurphys, MurphysBoxing, NBCSports IrAgganisArena ir tapti ventiliatorius Facebook metu www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/NBCSports, www.facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment,www.Facebook.com/DropkickMurphys ir www.facebook.com/MurphysBoxing. Sekite pokalbį naudojant #PremierBoxingChampions ir #PBConNBC

Welterweight Bryant Perella looks to remain perfect this Friday night at the Claridge in Atlantic City

Juan Dominguez headlines against Mario Antonio Macias
Atlantik Sitis, NJ (Gegužė 20,2015)–Šį penktadienį naktis,Gegužė 22, boxing returns to the Claridge in Atlantic City with a full 9-bout card promoted by King’s Promotions in association with DeeLee Promotions.
Welterweight Bryant Perella will take part in his first eight-round bout when he takes on tough German Perez.
Į pagrindinį renginį, undefeated super bantamweight Juan “Baby Tito” Dominguezas imsis Mario Antonio Macias į bijau numatytas 8-raundų.
Perella, 26 years-old of Lehigh Acres, Floridos turi įrašą 8-0 with seven knockouts and has stopped five straight.
He already has quality victories over Benito Tovar (3-0-1), which was a first-round stoppage and his last bout when he stopped Justin Johnson in four rounds onVasaris 20.
“Viskas yra gerai. I am going to make weight and take care of business,”said Perella when contacted antradienį.
I know Perez is tough. Jis yra 11-1 and from Mexico. I have not seen video on him but I am preparing for a rough fight. I know a lot of guys Tijuana come forward and are aggressive.
Perella came from a quality amateur career where he went 70-9 and placed in quite a few national tournaments.
I consider myself a smart boxer with speed and explosive power.
Perella, who has already scored a stoppage win in Las Vegas, is excited to see action in the traditional east coast hotbed of boxing in Atlantic City.
My first fight in Atlantic City is a dream come true. Next to Las Vegas it is the best place to fight and it motivated me throughout camp.
In Perez, the fight is a step up as the Tijuana native is unbeaten in his last seven bouts and is already competed in an eight-round bout.
For me to have my first eight round fight is a step up. This step up will really help me. I am going to relax and box then I will be able to break him down and get him out of there.
Perella is dedicating the fight to 18-year old Devin Raynaer who recently passed away in a car accident.
He was a friend of mine and I am dedicating this bout to him. I just want to thank my fans for supporting me and I am ready for an exciting fight.
Į 8 apvalios seansų:

Jonas Magda (9-0, 6 KO s) iš Rutherford, NJ bus kovoti Miguel Angel Manguia (31-32-1, 25 KO s) į super vidutinio svorio bijau.

Gervonta Davis (10-0, 9 KO s) Baltimore, MD will take on Alberta Mora (5-3, 1 KO) of Mexico City in Featherweight bout.
6-turas seansų:

Super vidutinio svorio Antuwyan Aikens (9-0, 1 KO) of Atlantic City will fight Edgaras Perez (6-13, 3 KO s) Čikagos, IOL
Jamontay Clark (5-0, 3 KO s) Cincinnati, OH bus mūšis Jonathanas Garcia (4-13, 1 KO) nuo Aguada, PR in a Welterweight bout.
Jaunesnysis. Negu vidutinis svoris Keenan Smithas (6-0, 2 KO’s of Philadelphia) užtruks Luis Rodriguez (3-3, 2 KO s) apie Karolina, PR.
4-apvalios seansų:

Kareem Martinas (4-0-1, 3 KO s) Vašingtono, D.C. kovosime Donald Sanchez (2-1, 1 KO) Albukerkė, NM. į pusvidutinio svorio bijau.

Pro debuting Light Heavyweight Carlos Gongora Brukline, NY will battle Efigenio Perez (0-4) Puerto Rikas.

Bilietus galima įsigyti už $100, $75 ir $50 paspaudęwww.claridge.eventbrite.com or by calling call 610 587 5950 arba 609 868 4243

1 bijau prasidės 7 PM su durys atidarymo metu 6 PM.



LAS VEGAS, NV (Gegužė 19, 2015)After getting Manny Pacquiao ready for his mega-fight with Floyd Mayweather, Gary Shaw kūriniai‘ ir Antonio Leonard Promotionsundefeated super-lightweight prospect, Kenneth Sims Jr. (6-0, Kos), is now preparing WBC Lightweight champion Jorge Linares (38-3, 25 Kos) for his upcoming title defense against Kevin Mitchell (39-2, 29 Kos).


Kenneth Sims Jr. has been sparring with Linares, giving him great work, while learning from the best fighters in the world. The experience has been instrumental in the development of Sims Jr., who resides in Chicago, Ilinojus.


Training with Linares and Pacquiao has been a great learning process for me and my dad who’s my trainer,” sakė Kenneth Sims Jr.I want to thank Gary Shaw for setting up these sparring opportunities. I’ve preformed really well and my confidence is at an all-time high. After sparring with these great champions, I know I have the skills to become something special in this sport and I’m going to take it one fight at a time. Gary and Antonio Leonard are working on my next fight and I should be returning to the ring shortly.


Kenneth Sims Jr. is a special talent with an amateur pedigree to take his professional career to championship level,” Gary Shaw sakė. “Antonio and I are going to continue to bring him up the right way, give him tough fights, so he can be prepared for the big fights that lie ahead. Everything I’m hearing from these training camps and the sparring sessions Sims Jr. is having is positive. Kenneth is only going to get better and that makes me very happy.

PREMIER bokso ČEMPIONAI NBC konferencinį pokalbį stenograma

Dėl greito atpalaidavimo

Lu DiBella

Dėkui, visi sutikote su mumis Premier bokso čempionų NBC paspauskite Call. Kortelė yra šeštadienis, Gegužė 23rd. Štai Šeštadienis iš Memorial Day savaitgalis Bostono Agganis Arenoje. Pradžios laikas NBC yra 4:30 p.m. IR/1:30 p.m. PT.


Bilietus į gyvą renginį, kuris yra skatinamas asocijuotoms su Murphys Boksas yra kaina $250, $200, $100, $75, $50 ir $35, ir jie prieinami ticketmaster.com. Norėdami įkrauti telefonu, skambinti Ticketmaster ne 800-745-3000. Vėl, NBC transliacija tęsiasi ne 4:30 p.m. IR/1:30 p.m. PT.


Mes ketiname pradėti pokalbį kalbėti su mūsų bendrai Main Event kovotojai, vaikinai ketina atidaryti laidos. Štai šviesos sunkiasvoris varžovas Edwinas Rodriguezas, atsižvelgiant į nenugalėtas šviesos sunkiasvoris varžovas Craig Baker. Craigas yra 10-0 su 12 KO. Jis atskilimas KO labai laikomos Umberto Savigne savo paskutinę kovą ir jis ieško sutrukdys obuolių krepšelį ir sužlugdyti, kad Edwin Rodriguez karjerą kas manimi ieškote dar vieną kadrą ne pasaulio čempiono titulą; tai ne laikas 175 svarų.


Craigas yra skatinamas Sampson Boksas. Craigas, jei norite pasakyti keletą žodžių.


Craig Baker

Gerai, Aš tiesiog dėkingas, kad turiu galimybę kovoti dėl tokio grand srityje vėl. Akivaizdu yra tai, ką aš svajoju apie. Tai vienas iš tų dalykų, aš visada tikisi, nes buvau truputį bity vaikas.


L. DiBella

Ačiū. Edvinas Rodriguez, iš Vorčesterio pasididžiavimas, Masačusetsas ir kovoja savo buveinės valstybės. Tai jo antrasis kova ne šviesos sunkiasvoris. Jo vienintelis praradimas yra Andre Ward, vienas svaras-FOR-svaras kovotojų pasaulyje ir Edwin mano esant šviesos sunkiasvoris jis stipresnis, geriau ir kad jis gali laimėti titulą. Taip, Edvinas, norėtumėte pasakyti keletą žodžių?


Edvinas Rodriguez

Taip. Pirmiausia, Norėčiau padėkoti jums, Lu, pareikšti mane atgal NBC ir suteikti man tokią puikią galimybę ir Al Haymon ir NBC įgulos. Esu pasirengęs parodyti pasauliui, kad aš esu vienas iš geriausių ar geriausia 175 Svaras kovotojas pasaulyje. Aš ką tik gavo tai įrodyti ir tai yra vienas iš žingsnių tai padaryti, kovos žinutę undefeated kovotojas, Craig Baker, kas alkanas ir aš susijaudinęs, nes aš žinau, kad jis alkanas; Aš alkanas gauti tuo elito lygio. Tai bus puikus kova gerbėjai.



Taip, Turiu kiekvienas iš jūsų klausimą, jei jūs neprieštaraujate,. Craigas, kaip jūs manote apie kovą Edvinas taip arti į savo gimtąjį miestą?


C. Kepėjas

Tuo dienos pabaigos, kad tikrai ne klausimas man, nes kiekvienas yra vykdomas gana daug mušti šūdas iš jūsų. Taip, nesvarbu, kur jums kovoti. Tai konkursas, ir tai, kaip aš jį.



Edvinas, ką ji reiškia jums kovoti taip arti Worcester?


Ir. Rodriguezas

Tai reiškia labai daug, nes aš ne kovojo namuose maždaug ketverius metus. Taip, Man malonu grįžti ir kovoti arti namų su šeima ir draugais remti mane. Tai kažkas, kad man padeda ir verčia mane priimti jį į kitą lygį.



Edvinas, Pirmasis klausimas; kaip jums jaustis kaip šviesos sunkiasvoris? Ar jums patogiau nei dabar jums buvo ne super vidutinio svorio? Ar manote, kad stipresnis, ir savo ištvermę šiek tiek geriau?


Ir. Rodriguezas

Jaučiuosi puikiai dabar. jaučiuosi lyg 175 yra svoris, kad aš priklausau ne. Aš jaučiuosi kaip aš stipri ir aš tikiu, greitai ir aš jaučiuosi kaip aš geriausias šviesos sunkiasvoris. Aš tiesiog reikia galimybę įrodyti, kad, ir tai yra viena iš jų, ir aš susijaudinęs.



Jūs esate su Al Haymon. Adonis Stevenson yra su Al Haymon. Ar tai, ką bokso ir ventiliatoriai gali prisiimti, kad visa tai pastatas prie kovos su Adonis Stevenson dėl pavadinime?


Ir. Rodriguezas

Dabar, Aš sutelktas į Baker. Jis nenugalėtas alkanas kovotojas, bet tai tikslas. Noriu kovoti geriausią vaikiną, kad aš galiu įrodyti, kad aš esu geriausias. Adonis Stevenson yra geras kovotojas. Jis įrodė, kad jis pasaulio čempionas ir tai, kas aš noriu ateityje. Taip, Aš tiesiog nustatant save, ir aš dirbu sunku surasti įspūdingas prieš Baker ir gauti savo progą parodyti pasauliui, kad aš ant geriausias.



Craigas, ką tai apie Edwin kad įspūdį jums ir ką jūs turite daryti, kad jį sumušė?


C. Kepėjas

Gerai, Aš tikrai įspūdį su patobulinimų, kad jis padarytų. Matau jį stumia į priekį, stumia klausimus ir visada savo veidą. Tai gerai. Man patinka, kad. Tuo dienos pabaigos, Aš tiesiog parodyti ir kovoti su. Štai kaip aš žaidimą. Turiu pareikšti savo A žaidimą bet kuriuo metu, ir tai, ką darau.



Aš ieškojau ne iš jūsų oponentų daug įrašų. Jūs kovojo daug vaikinai su gana prastų. Kodėl taip yra ir kodėl jums padaryti žingsnis iš kovų prieš porą?


C. Kepėjas

Aš tiesiog jaučiau, kad atėjo laikas, vienas.



Edvinas, kas įspūdį jums apie Craig Baker?


Ir. Rodriguezas

Jis yra alkanas kovotojas ir nesvarbu, kas jis kovojo. Jis nenugalėtas ir jūs negalite imtis undefeated kovotojas lengvai, ypač vienas, kad nugalėjo vaikinas, kad turėjo daugiau 400 mėgėjai kovoja ir buvo didelis perspektyva privalumus, kaip Savigne. Jūs negalite imtis panašaus Craig Baker vaikinas švelniai.



Jūs nugalėjo nepralaimi kovotojai praeityje. Taip, Kaip Jūsų pasikliovimo lygmuo vyksta, kai jūs kovojate ką nors, kas neprarado?


Ir. Rodriguezas

Manau, iš mano įgūdžių daug, ir aš esu labai pasitikintys, bet aš nesu kvaila. Žinau, kad kovotojas, kuris yra nenugalėtas ateina su labai stipria mentaliteto ir aš esu pasirengęs. Aš dirbu sunku šioje kovoje, žinant, kad šis vaikinas yra nenugalėtas ir aš turiu imtis, kad nuo jo. Bet tuo pačiu metu,, mes turime gerbti visus, nes mes visi konkurentai ir svabiausia ieško gerai ir laimėti, ir jis tiesiog mano būdas dabar.


L. DiBella

Ačiū. Pagrindinis renginys vakare yra super vidutinio svorio pasaulis pavadinimą kova ir tai yra du vaikinai, kurie buvo įsišaknijusi į bokso, nes jie buvo mėgėjai. Jamesas DeGale yra olimpinis aukso medalininkas. Jis bus susiduria su Andre Dirrell. James yra iš Anglijos; Andre iš JAV. Andre buvo bronzos medalininkas olimpiados. Tai dviejų geriausių super middleweights pasaulyje ir skaičiai rungtynės bus siaubingas kova.


James skatinamas Matchroom Boksas ir Eddie Hearn yra pokalbio. Kai jūs einate į Q&A, jei kas turi Eddie klausimą, Edis yra. Mes ketiname pradėti James DeGale. James, norėtumėte pasakyti keletą žodžių? James yra 21-1, su 14 Kos.


Jamesas DeGale

Taip, mano laikas čia. Mano laikas yra čia, kitą šeštadienį. Aš apmokyti labai sunku, ir jūs esate dėl gydyti, nes jūs ketinate žiūrėti du labai talentingus alkanas kovotojai kitą šeštadienį ja kovoti iš už pasaulio čempiono titulą. Aš nuoširdžiai manau, kad tai bus iš kovos pragaras, vienas aš tikiu laimėti. Taip, pritvirtinkite savo saugos diržus, vienas. Tai turėtų būti geras.


L. DiBella

Ačiū, James. Andre Dirrell, Prašome pasakyti keletą žodžių.


Andre Dirrell

Sutinku su James. Tai bus labai gera kova. Aš apmokyti mano užpakalis ne taip. Viskas vyko labai sklandžiai ši stovykla. Jis yra alkanas kovotojas. Aš alkanas kovotojas. Mes abu verkiant reikia ar beviltiška nepriteklių dėl pasaulio čempiono titulą ir aš jaustis labai pasitikintys ir aš susijaudinęs apie šį rungtynių, vienas. Jis jaučiasi jis nenugalėtas kovotojas. Aš jaučiuosi kaip aš nenugalėtas kovotojas, bet mes abu turime daug įrodyti,, vienas. Taip, mes ketiname atvykti į visu pajėgumu ir manau, kad tai bus puikus šou.


L. DiBella

Ačiū, Kitas. Mes ketiname atidaryti jį į klausimus dabar. Dar kartą, tai PBC NBC laidos. Tai bus gegužės 23rd, Šeštadienis popietę Memorial Day Weekend, 4:30 p.m. IR/1:30 p.m. PT. Bilietus galima įsigyti Ticketmaster, 1-800-745-3000 ir mes ketiname atidaryti jį už klausimus dabar.



Tai yra James. Tai jūsų pirmasis kova Jungtinėse Valstijose, taip pat, Tai yra pirmas kartas, daug žmonių ketinate gauti jus pamatyti, nes jūs ketinate būti per nacionalinę televiziją. Ko tikitės kalbant apie energijos ir ką ji ketina būti, pavyzdžiui, atliekantis visiškai naują auditoriją?


J. DeGale

Taip. Aš laukiu jai. Aš naudojamas tai, kaip gerai, nes akivaizdu atgal į Angliją aš skatinamas Matchroom, gerai žinomas prekybos bendrovė. Taip, Aš dėžutė ant didelių šou priešais 10,000-20,000 žmonės. Tai turėtų būti geras. Jie turi airių ir anglų daug ten. Taip, Turėčiau turėti tam tikrą gerą paramą ir aš laukiu jo.



Leiskite tolesnių su kitu klausimu. Buvo laikas, kad atkreipei dėmesį į išėjimo iš sporto ir tapti asmeninis treneris. Ar galite kalbėti apie tai šiek tiek ir žvalgosi atgal, tu malonu jums padarė teisingą sprendimą ir toliau tai daryti boksą?


J. DeGale

Taip. Tai gana paprasta. Buvau išgyvena sunku su mano promotoriaus tuo metu ir buvau šiek tiek prislėgtas, nes aš ne gauti savo galimybes, ir aš buvo ne gauti teisingus kovų ir aš supakuota mažose parodose. Aš iš esmės buvo šiek tiek sumažintos, ir aš negalėjau motyvuoti save tinkamai. Taip, Taip, kad buvo taip, kaip buvo ir tada aš padariau, kad Matchroom ir ką keisti ką tik dingo iš gana blogai tikrai puikus.


Akivaizdžiai, Mano paskutiniai du spektakliai kalbėti už save programą. Aš supakuota Brandon Gonzales, nenugalėtas Amerikos, įsitikinęs Amerikos. Jis ateis į Ameriką ir aš supakuota jam priešais 80,000 žmonių ir išjudinti jį iš keturių raundų.


Tada po keturių mėnesių, Aš supakuota Periban. Jei jūs nežinote, Marco Antonio Periban, jis supakuota sakė BIC ​​už pasaulio čempiono titulą ir prarado sprendimu padalinto ir aš išjudinti jį iš trimis etapais. Taip, Aš tikiu. Jaučiuosi gerai, ir aš motyvuoja labai gerai minutę.



Kitas, kai prarado Ieškote brolis, jis prarado artimas sprendimas .What buvo jūsų pokalbis su Anthony kaip, nes jūs prarado artimą kovą galvojote jūs laimėjo. Taip, Kaip jums pavyko kalbėtis su juo apie tai, kaip per tą dingimą?


A. Dirrell

Gerai, Aš neturėjau daug pasakyti, nes jis buvo įsitikinęs, po kovos, bet aš gana daug buvo jam suprasti, kad jūs turėjo blogą naktį, kai jis turėjo siaubingas stovykla, bet manau, kad tai, kur jis jį paliko. Jis paliko jį, kad. Kai jis atėjo kovoti laiką, Jis turėjo keletą nesėkmių veda į kovą ir, deja,, jis prarado, bet mes matėme daug dalykų, kad jam reikia ištaisyti. Pasakiau jam žiūrėti kovą vėl ir vėl, nes tai, ką aš padaryti mano kovos, bet kova, kad jaučiuosi blogai apie. Taip, Aš tiesiog pasakiau jam išlaikyti savo pasitikėjimą iki, vyras ir likti toje perspektyvoje, vienas. Negalima atleisti ne visi. Tai viskas, ką galime padaryti, vienas. Aš daug ko išmokau iš ankstesnės patirties ir vienas dalykas yra tikras,; Jūs negalite imtis nieko iš praeities ir jį į ateitį. Tik pasitikėjimas.


Taip, Jaučiuosi gerai, vienas. Jis susijaudinęs man ir aš ruošiuosi laikyti tą vardą gyvas ir išlaikyti Dirrell vardą vyksta.



Visi kalba apie super middleweights, jie kalbėti apie Andre Ward. But it seems like some people forget how good of a boxer that you are because you had to take this time off. With this being on NBC and getting in front of a large audience, are you looking at this as an opportunity to put your name back in that conversation for people who may have forgotten how good Andre Dirrell is?


A. Dirrell

People know and in the end, it’s my job to keep my name lean. I haven’t had the opportunity to do that as well. I had a major setback as well, but with that I stayed in the game, stayed sharp. I was sharp in my last couple of performances. I’m looking forward to the future and this is the breakout fight like I said. James is one hell of a fighter. He has a lot of heart, a lot of spunk, a lot of energy, vienas, and he wants to win.


If you want to put me in front of a fighter for a world championship fight, then James DeGale is bar none one of the best to do it in front of. Taip, I’m excited about this fight. I think this is probably one of the biggest fights from Premier Boxing Champion that they’ve had and I’m excited to be on that big stage. Taip, I want a breakout performance and I did everything in camp to make sure I can do so.



How does it feel to be the first Brit on the verge of making some boxing history?


J. DeGale

Jis jaučiasi puikiai, but I need to stay focused and keep my eye out on the prize. That’s what I have to do. Bet, zinai ka? A lot of people say I’m obsessed about making history, about becoming the first Olympic gold medalist from Great Britain to win a genuine world title. Bet žinote ką? Aš esu. I am because that’s what drives me and that’s what makes me train hard every day. Taip, Taip, Aš laukiu jai.



Gerai, and you touched on a little bit there. I mean not so long ago you were boxing in front of a couple of hundred people at the shopping center in Blue Water and now you’re making noise on TV in America. How does that feel, the difference?


J. DeGale

Gerai, it’s fantastic. Sure a lot of credit has to go to Eddie Hearn. I’m a buzz fire. I like the big audience. I like the big lights. I’m just feeling real relaxed, chilled and ready to perform kitą šeštadienį. I’m buzzing. I really can’t wait; just being in America and knowing that I’m going to make my debut kitą šeštadienį in front of millions of Americans and back in the UK as well. It’s going to be fantastic.



Kitas, this fight seems to be your highest profile fight since five years ago when you had the Abraham fight, when he got DQ’ed. You were leading at that time. Can you tell us at this point, where are you physically and mentally compared to where you were when you were obviously at the top of the division five years ago?


A. Dirrell

Gerai, I look at it all from a mental aspect. As of now, vienas, I’m grown tremendously in my mind. I’ve realized how important boxing is to me and what it takes to become world champion, the work you have to put in and I just follow those guidelines every day. I’m a very motivated fighter, very self-motivated. A lot of fighters run with music, have to listen to music.


If I can hear my punches while I’m hitting the bag, I’m motivated. Taip, nothing motivates me more than hard work and that’s all I look for. The fight is won in the gym, not on fight night. It’s what you do in the gym, not how hard you put up a fight.


I’ve done all of that and more. I feel very relaxed. I’m very energetic and I’m feeling the vibe already and I really can’t wait to make Šeštadienis pats. I feel I have a lot to prove and I have a different Andre Dirrell to show, one that’s just as sharp, just as fast, just as brave, but just has a bigger mental capacity. I’m excited about next week.



What do you think your advantages are over James DeGale in this fight?


A. Dirrell

We’re pretty much evenly matched and I actually like that scenario because I know I’m faster. I know I’m smarter and I know I’m a better boxer. It’s just as simple as that. Bet, none of that can come into play without hard work, and I know he’s worked his ass off, vienas. He has to come over to America just like I went over there to England to try to fight for a world championship.


I know what kind of guy I’m going to face come the 23rd. I’ve worked my butt off like I said, , and with those advantages, I’ve put the hard work in so I can display that. I just feel like I’ll be the better man that night.



James, tell us why you think you’re confident that you’re going to be able to win this fight?


J. DeGale

Momentum is a big thing. Look at my last two performances against good, quality opponents and look his last three. Klausyti, I come from good pedigree and so does Andre. We’re good, quality, young fighters. But I just think overall, I’m better. I think he struggles. He doesn’t like it when it gets hard in there. He’s a competent fighter, but he likes it when he’s dictating the pace and he’s on the front foot.


Well listen, I’m not going to let him rest. He thinks this is going to be a boxing match. Gerai, this ain’t. I’m telling him now. This ain’t going to be a boxing match. I’m going in there and I’m taking the title. I’m taking it. I’m ripping it away from him.



Do you think you’re a really improved fighter? I know that the loss that you had to Groves was very controversial, but how much do you think you’ve improved since that fight with Groves?


J. DeGale

It’s like night and day. Klausyti, and another thing, I was in this for two years as well. I had two operations on my groin. Taip, I couldn’t throw my shots with any power. I couldn’t run the ring properly. Even in the fight at Wembley in front of 80,000 Nebuvau 100% teisė. Even against Periban I wasn’t 100% teisė. Now I’m 100% teisė, fully healthy, fully focused and mentally right. Taip, you’re going to see me step up again kitą šeštadienį.



James, you mentioned about being a buzz fighter and this is the biggest stage, the biggest pressure you’ve ever been under. Taip, does this mean we’re going to see your best ever performance?


J. DeGale

I honestly do. The way I’ve been in the gym training, treniruotės, veikia, I honestly think you’re going to see the performance of my career so far. My last couple of fights after my injuries have been sorted and I just got better and better and I think this one is going to top it and winning my world title as well and making history.



Bet, do you deal with the pressure and does that inspire you more?

JamesI thrive on it. Jūs žinote, man. I thrive in it. I’m just looking forward to it. As I say, it’s my debut as a professional in America. Taip, I’m buzzing right now. You don’t understand. I’m just really looking forward to it.



Kitas. You’ve obviously fought Carl Froch and you’ve watched video of James I imagine. How do they compare as fighters and who do you rate as a better fighter?


A. Dirrell

As far as skill, I can give it to James DeGale, but as far as toughness, mental toughness, physical toughness, that’s Carl Froch. We all know how mentally strong he is. Taip, I have to give the edge to Carl Froch in that aspect, but as I said before, I know DeGale is coming to fight and no one gets in that ring and fights me as they want to fight. You know what I’m saying? Just like he thinks it’s going to be an easy fight. I feel like I have a lot more to prove as well.


Taip, I’m looking to bring the fight as well and I’m working hard in the gym. I made it tough on myself. The more pressure you actually put on me, the more dangerous I become.


I’m really excited as well, vienas. I have a lot to prove. He has a lot to prove. This is going to be the best fight yet on Premier Boxing Champions.



Basically for Andre, there was a chance obviously this fight could end up going to Britain. You’ve been to Britain before and you were very unlucky against Carl Froch. Was that something you were against, to face another title fight in Britain?


A. Dirrell

I’m not going to say that because I enjoyed my time over there. I believe I won the fight like I said and it just didn’t go my way unfortunately. I don’t like to judge my future fights based on past. I look forward to fighting in Britain again, in England again, the UK again whenever that day may come. I had a lot of fans over there; I have a lot of fans over there and I enjoy my time over there. I’ve been going over there since the amateurs. I enjoy it very much and I’m a world-class fighter. Taip, I want to be displayed on a world-class level.


I’m definitely looking forward to it. If it was over there, if it had to be over there, tebūnie. I would have came over there to fight James. We are world competitors, world-class. We fight for world titles. Why should it be in America all the time? This is a world-class sport and we should treat it like one.



Arthur Abraham kind of robbed you of your great win when he hit you on the floor. That was looking like such a great performance that night. In the sort of layup after that, how close did you come to actually having to retire? Was there ever a time you thought you might not box again?


A. Dirrell

I was going through some stuff with my family. I actually wanted to. I knew in my heart that I’d get my time again. I knew my time would come. I knew I had a chance of getting out of my contract. Taip, I kept training. Žinoma, there were times that I would hit slumps and feel like I’m doing it for nothing, but it was quite a stressful time for me. I think I always knew that I would be able to get back in that ring. Taip, I stayed busy and it didn’t really totally veer me away from the sport, but I do know the feeling.


I did feel like any moment could come up to where that it could be over just like that and I had to deal with it and I could easily retire. If it happened again, I just might. I knew that my time was coming again. There’s always hope there. I just kept pushing forward and here I am now.



One for you, James, quickly. You’re in Florida now. Can you tell us where you are and how’s it going?


J. DeGale

Taip, ne, I’m in Miami. I’ve been training here for the past week. Taip, we climatized and we adjusted and we’re ready to go.


L. DiBella

Just a couple of final words. Ačiū, Edvinas, Craigas, Andre and James. This is a great undercard that features a lot of New England talent and I want to acknowledge Murphys Boxing, our friend Ken Casey who’s with the legendary Irish band, the Dropkick Murphys, and is helping us with local promotion. We’re going to have a lot of announcements coming about some great fight week activities.


Premier Boxing Champions on NBC, PBC on NBC Saturday, Gegužė 23rd at Boston’s Agganis Area,4:30 p.m. IR/1:30 p.m. PT for the beginning of the broadcast. Tickets for the live event are available at Ticketmaster.com. Norėdami įkrauti telefonu, skambinti Ticketmaster ne 1-800-745-3000. Tune into NBC on Saturday, Gegužė 23rd, but if you can be with us in Boston, join us at the Agganis Arena. Ačiū, visi, kad sutikote su mumis.


* * *


Bilietus į "Big laiko bokso grįžti į Bostoną, kuris yra skatinamas DiBella Pramogos kartu su Murphys Boksas, yra kaina $250, $200, $100, $75, $50 ir $35, neįskaitant taikomų paslaugų mokesčių ir rinkliavų, ir yra parduoti dabar. Bilietus bus galima įsigytiwww.ticketmaster.com. Norėdami įkrauti telefonu, skambinti Ticketmaster ne (800) 745-3000.

Daugiau informacijos rasite www.premierboxingchampions.com www.nbcsports.com/boxing,www.AgganisArena.com ir www.dbe1.com, sekti TwitterPremierBoxing, AndreDirrell, @ JamesDeGale1, LouDiBella, @DropkickMurphys, MurphysBoxing, NBCSports IrAgganisArena ir tapti ventiliatorius Facebook metu www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions,www.facebook.com/NBCSports, www.facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment, www.Facebook.com/DropkickMurphys ir www.facebook.com/MurphysBoxing. Sekite pokalbį naudojant #PremierBoxingChampions ir #PBConNBC

Atlantic City’s undefeated Super Middleweight Antuwyan Aikens set to return this Friday at the Claridge in Atlantic City Juan Dominguez headlines against Mario Antonio Macias

Atlantik Sitis, NJ (Gegužė 19,2015)–Šį penktadienį naktis,Gegužė 22, boxing returns to the Claridge in Atlantic City with a full 10-bout card promoted by King’s Promotions in association with DeeLee Promotions.
In one of the featured undercard bouts, undefeated super middleweight, AntuwyanAikens makes his return after a 13-month layoff when he takes on tough Edgar Perez in a bout scheduled for 6-rounds.
Į pagrindinį renginį, undefeated super bantamweight Juan “Baby Tito” Dominguezasimsis Mario Antonio Macias į bijau numatytas 8-raundų.
Aikens (9-0, 1 KO) of Atlantic City will be making his 7th appearance in his hometown and is ready to get his career on track after going throughThe Business Side of Boxing.
I had a good camp. We weren’t getting the right deals so we took the time off. We re-evaluated our career and wanted to see what direction we wanted to go in. We hope that this fight with King’s Promotions will bring us better fights, “sakė 26 metų Aikens.
In Perez, he is fighting a guy who not only has been with top competition as he has fought 10 undefeated fighters but also holds a win over previously undefeated Atlantic City based Light Heavyweight Lavarn Harvell.
I know that Perez is a brawler. I know he beat Harvell. So for that I know it is a challenge and I look forward to that but I plan on giving him a boxing lesson.
Harvell, has been busy working at the Tri-Care Medical transport Company but knows that he needs to look good in front of his hometown fans.
It means a lot to mean to fight here at home. I am glad to be back and make the most of it. I am looking forward to a good fight and please the fans.
8 apvalios seansų:

Bryantas Perella (11-0, 7 KO s) of Lehigh Acres, FL mūšio Vokiečių Perez (11-1-3, 3 KO s) Tichuana, MX in a Welterweight bout.

Jonas Magda (9-0, 6 KO s) iš Rutherford, NJ bus kovoti Miguel Angel Manguia (31-32-1, 25 KO s) į super vidutinio svorio bijau.

Gervonta Davis (10-0, 9 KO s) Baltimore, MD will take on Alberta Mora (5-3, 1 KO) of Mexico City in Featherweight bout.
6-turas seansų:

Vidutinio svorio Caleb Hunter Plant (6-0, 5 KO s) Ashland City, TN will fight an opponent to be named.
Jamontay Clark (5-0, 3 KO s) Cincinnati, OH bus mūšis Jonathanas Garcia (4-13, 1 KO) nuo Aguada, PR in a Welterweight bout.
Jaunesnysis. Negu vidutinis svoris Keenan Smithas (6-0, 2 KO’s of Philadelphia) užtruks Luis Rodriguez (3-3, 2 KO s) apie Karolina, PR.
4-apvalios seansų:

Kareem Martinas (4-0-1, 3 KO s) Vašingtono, D.C. kovosime Marques Jackson (3-15, 2 KO s) Atlanta, GA in a Welterweight bout.

Pro debuting Light Heavyweight Carlos Gongora Brukline, NY will battle Efigenio Perez (0-4) Puerto Rikas.

Bilietus galima įsigyti už $100, $75 ir $50 paspaudęwww.claridge.eventbrite.com or by calling call 610 587 5950 arba 609 868 4243

1 bijau prasidės 7 PM su durys atidarymo metu 6 PM.







Niujorkas (Gegužė 19, 2015) – Miguel Cotto (39-4, 32 KO s), the reigning WBC and Ring Magazine Middleweight World Champion and the first native of Puerto Rico to become world champion in four different weight classes will defend his titles against former Two-Time World Champion Daniel Geale (31-3, 16 KO s) of Australia on Birželis 6, 2015 at Barclays Center in Brooklyn in a 12-round fight that will be televised live on HBO. Geale hosted a New York City media workout this afternoon at Mendez Boxing Gym in preparation for his title challenge against Cotto. Here’s what Geale, and his American promoter Gary Shaw, turėjo pasakyti:


Danielis Geale – Former Two-Time World Champion


“Cotto has trouble in stages against guys that move and use their reach. He knows that’s what I’m going to be doing and he’s going to be trying to counter that with aggression and coming forward. I’m going to use my abilities and not get caught up in his game plan.”


“The game plan is to go in and fight my fight. It’s not to get sucked in. It’s not to get caught up in what he [Virti] is doing. It’s to do what I do best.”


“This is going to be a huge fight for me. Fighting a guy like Miguel who’s fought some of the greatest fighters is going to be a great test. We’re going in very confident.”


“I want this one badly. It’s something that we have wanted for a while and I’m extremely excited. I’ve got guys like Gary Shaw and my team at the Grange from Australia and they are working very hard behind the scenes. I’m just going to worry about my job and they do their job greatly. I just worry about getting myself in perfect condition.”


Gary Shaw – President of Gary Shaw Productions


“If Daniel wins, Cotto has a rematch clause, so if Cotto wants the immediate rematch then that’s what he gets. Jei ne, according to WBC, it would be GGG again, but it doesn’t make a difference. Daniel will fight anybody, bet kur. We went to Germany and fought Strum on his territory. He’s coming to New York which is Cotto’s town. It just doesn’t make a difference when you have a great fighter.”


“It’s going to be a great show and the fans are going to get what they want. Tune in for a great fight on Birželis 6. It’s going to be a great night of boxing.”

NUOTRAUKOS: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/z79x0xvv00sz9ry/AABaWoy8ok7_iOGswn3K0t85a?dl=0

Nuotraukų kreditas: Ed Mulholland/Roc Nation Sports – www.edmulholland.photoshelter.com


Cotto prieš. Geale, 12 turas kova dėl Cotto anketa WBC ir žiedas Magazine vidutinio svorio pasaulio čempionatas, vyksta Šeštadienis, Birželis 6 at Barclays Center in Brooklyn and will be televised live on HBO. The fight is presented by Roc Nation Sports and Miguel Cotto Promotions in association with Gary Shaw Productions and is sponsored by Cerveza Tecate and Venue Kings. Be to, į didžiojo veiksmų viduje žiedo, Renginys skambės keletas pastebimų "Roc nacija darbus, kurie bus toliau tarnauti žiūrovus su sustiprinto ventiliatoriaus patirtį, including Roc Nation and Grammy nominated artist Big Sean taking to the ring for a special performance prior to the main event. The event will be hosted by notable emcee “The Voice of New York” Angie Martinez and will also feature hit master DJ Lobo who will serve alongside Martinez throughout the night. Bilietai kaina $500, $350, $250, $200, $150, $120, $100, $80, $50 ir $25, neįskaitant taikomų paslaugų mokesčių ir rinkliavų, are available for purchase atwww.barclayscenter.com, www.ticketmaster.com ir tuo "American Express" kasoje "Barclays Center". Norėdami įkrauti telefonu, skambinti Ticketmaster ne (800) 745-3000. Durys atviros ne 6:00 PM, Pirmoji kova prasideda 6:15 PM and the HBO telecast begins at 10:30 AM ET/PT.


Norėdami gauti daugiau informacijos, apsilankykite www.rocnation.com. Sekite Roc Nation Twitter ir Instagramrocnation ir "Facebook" tuo www.facebook.com/RocNation.


Daugiau informacijos, apsilankymas www.hbo.com/boxing, sekti dėl Twitter ir Instagram ne @HBOBoxing ir tapkite gerbėju "Facebook" tuo www.facebook.com/HBOBoxing.



Ireland’s Gary O’Sullivan Takes On Melvin Betancourt

Plus Local Favorites Ryan Kielczweski & Logan McGuinness

Atskirose kautynėse

Premier Boxing Champions on NBC Starts At 4:30 P.m. IR/1:30 P.m. PT

BOSTON (Gegužė 19, 2015) – Boston-area fans will be treated to fireworks this Memorial Day weekend as a full slate of exciting undercard fights come to Agganis Arena on Šeštadienis, Gegužė 23. The undercard action is highlighted by Boston’s own Danny O'Connor (25-2, 9 Kos) taking on the fighting pride of Vermont, Chrisas Gilbertas (13-1, 10 Kos) in an eight-round welterweight battle for the New England welterweight championship title.


Undercard fights will support the Premier Boksas Čempionų apie NBC show featuring the super middleweight showdown between Olympic medalists Andre Dirrell (24-1, 16 Kos) ir Jamesas DeGale (20-1, 14 Kos) ir Edvinas Rodriguez (26-1, 17 Kos) taking on the undefeated Craig Baker (16-0, 12 Kos).


O'Connor vs. Baker will put two of the most popular fighters in the New England area on display as the slick boxing O’Connor will look to pick apart the hard-charging Gilbert. The bout will be the final event of the evening and close down the show in spectacular fashion at Agganis Arena.


I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to fight Chris in Boston,” sakė O'Connor. “Being able to do what I love in front of my hometown fans that have supported me since day one is very meaningful to me


I’m very excited to have the opportunity to fight on such an amazing card,” said Gilbert. “I’m coming off a first round knockout last week and I plan to bring the same intensity, aggressiveness and hard hitting style into the ring this week. O’Connor has been at the top of the welterweight division, whether in the amateurs or pros, and I’m excited to see how my skills compare.


This is a fight that local fight fans have been eager to see for a long time,” sakė Ken Casey, President and CEO of Murphys Boxing. “New England’s premiere welterweight versus New England’s hardest hitting welterweight. Pride can be worth more than money sometimes and the right to call yourself ‘New England welterweightchamp is very important to a fighter in this close knit community.


The undercard will also feature a highly anticipated 10-round middleweight contest that pits Gary O'Sullivan (20-1, 13 Kos) prieš Melvin Betancourt (29-1, 23 Kos) as both men look to prove themselves as contenders in the division.


Bilietus į gyvą renginį, kuris yra skatinamas DiBella Pramogos kartu su Murphys Boksas, yra kaina $250, $200, $100, $75, $50 ir $35, neįskaitant taikomų paslaugų mokesčių ir rinkliavų, ir yra parduoti dabar. Bilietus bus galima įsigyti www.ticketmaster.com. Norėdami įkrauti telefonu, skambinti Ticketmaster ne (800) 745-3000.


Further action will feature the six round featherweight bout between local favorite Ryanas Kielczweski (22-1, 6 Kos) irAnthony Napunyi (15-14, 8 Kos) and a six round junior lightweight bout that showcases Logan McGuinness (22-0-1, 10 Kos) atsižvelgiant į Christian Esquivel (17-13, 15 Kos). Plus undefeated prospect Emanuelis Aleem (12-0, 8 Kos) facing Davidas Toribio (21-14, 14 Kos) in a six or eight round middleweight swing bout.


Also stepping into the ring at Agganis Arena is undefeated knockout artist Jonathanas Guzman (18-0, 18 Kos) kas įgauna Christian Esquivel (27-6, 20 Kos) in an eight-round junior featherweight matchup. Heavyweight prospect Danny Kelly (7-1-1, 1 KO) imsis Curtis Lee Tate (7-5, 6 Kos) in a six-round heavyweight attraction while Antonio Russell (1-0,1 KO) atsižvelgiant į Brandon Garvin (0-1) in a four round bantamweight fight. Kicking off the action in the arena is undefeated prospect Edwin Espinal (5-0, 4 Kos) kas imsis Alvaro Enriquez (12-13-2, 4 Kos) in a four round light heavyweight fight.


A former National Golden Gloves champion who has fought as a pro since 2008, O'Connor was set to face former two-division champion Paulie Malignaggi, but will now return home for a Gegužė 23 pabaiga. The 30-year-old out of Framingham, Massachusetts is coming off of back-to-back knockout victories over Michael Clark and Andrew Farmer and looks to leave a big impression on his hometown fans.


A hard-hitting fighter out of Windsor, Vermontas, Gilbert has become a staple throughout New England, appearing on cards all around the region since turning pro in 2011. The 30-year-old boasts an impressive knockout percentage and just last week recorded his tenth professional stoppage with a first round knockout over Raphael Valenzuela. He takes a step up in competition when he battles O’Connor on Gegužė 23.


A resident of Cork, Airija, O'Sullivan will be fighting for the fifth time as a professional in the state of Massachusetts, where he is yet to lose. At 30-years-old, he has won his last four fights since a defeat to Billy Joe Saunders in 2013, including three straight by knockout. He will take on a strong opponent making his U.S. debiutas Betancourt. The fighter out of Villa Gonzalez, Dominican Republic has won nine fights in a row.


Bėgikas viršų į 2008 Nacionalinė Auksinė pirštinės turnyras, 25-metų Kielczweski has become a staple fighting in his home state of Massachusetts. Gimė ir užaugo Quincy, he hopes to rebound from the first loss of his career, a split decision defeat to Danny Aquino in April of this year. He will take on the 32-year-old Napunyi, who is coming off of a third round TKO victory over Joshua Omukhulu in January of this year. Fighting out of Canal Point, Florda, he hopes to make it back-to-back victories on Gegužė 23.


Fighting out of Ontario, Kanada, McGuinness will make his second start in the U.S. after debuting in April with a first round TKO over Carlos Fulgencio at Memorial Hall in Massachusetts. The 27-year-old will take on the 35-year-oldurvai iš Meksikas.


An undefeated prospect out of Richmond, Virdžinija, the 21-year-old Aleem will take on the very dangerous and experienced 35-year-old Toribio iš Majamio.


With a perfect knockout percentage, 25-metų Guzman looks to build off of his Massachusetts debut, which saw him knockout Juan Guzman in the fifth round in February of this year. Fighting out of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic he returns to the ring to take on 28-year-old Esquivel out of Temoaya, Meksika.


23-metų Kelly will return to the same city where he delivered a first round TKO of Eric Newell in June 2014 looking for another big victory. The fighter out of Washington D.C. will take on the 31-year-old Tate out of Oakland, Tenesis.


Another native of Washington D.C., Russellas made his professional debut this year with a second round knockout over Harold Reyes in January. The 22-year-old takes on Philadelphia’s Garvin.

A 22-year-old prospect who has racked up five wins since turning pro in February of this year, Espinal will get back in the ring again on Gegužė 23. The fighter out of Providence, Rhode Island will take on the 33-year-old Enriquez out of Tlaxcala, Meksika.

* * *


Daugiau informacijos rasite www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.nbcsports.com/boxing, www.AgganisArena.com irwww.dbe1.com, sekti TwitterPremierBoxing, AndreDirrell, @ JamesDeGale1, LouDiBella, @DropkickMurphys, MurphysBoxing, NBCSports IrAgganisArena ir tapti ventiliatorius Facebook metu www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/NBCSports, www.facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment,www.Facebook.com/DropkickMurphys ir www.facebook.com/MurphysBoxing. Sekite pokalbį naudojant #PremierBoxingChampions ir #PBConNBC

Baltimore Boxing to honor Police during “Blood, Sweat & Tears” Card May 29!

Baltimore, MD (Gegužė 18, 2015) – Jake Smith’s Baltimore Boxing Promotions will honor the Baltimore Police Department during a special Olympic style card Friday, Gegužė 29 ne Mykolo Aštuntosios aveniu Glen Burnie, MD.


Tickets for “Blood, Sweat & Tears” can be purchased by calling 410-375-9175 ar ketinate Baltimoreboxing.com. Individualūs bilietai prasideda $25 ir VIP lentelės 10 yra prieinami $500. Visi VIP ticketholders gali mėgautis nemokamai hors d'oeurves iš 7-8 pm, the best seats in the house and a special meet and greet with five time world champion Vinny Paz.


During the recent Baltimore Riots, a number of officers were hit with rocks, bricks and others items while attempting to stop violent protests. Bendras, daugiau negu 100 officers were injured trying to prevent further damage to the city. During the evening, Baltimore Boxing will have a special ceremony honoring the department for their courageous efforts to stop violent protesters.


“Baltimore was a very scary place last month,"Sakė Smithas. “I had to shut my gym down and know a lot of people had their businesses destroyed. If it weren’t for the brave men and women in law enforcement, things would’ve been even worse. I commend them for the job they did and honoring them during the card is the least that I can do.”


Fast rising heavyweight Sam “Vanilla Gorilla” Crossed returns to the ring less than three weeks after his most recent bout when he defends his East Coast Heavyweight crown in the main event. Crossed, who is turning professional after this fight, has shown tremendous improvement and always gives fans their monies worth. Jo priešininkas bus paskelbta netrukus.


Welterweight Allen Burris looks to continue his hot streak against an opponent TBD in the co-featured bout of the evening and other bouts will be announced shortly.


In addition to honoring the policemen and women, Baltimore Boxing is proudly teaming up with Unified Efforts. Since their founding in 2012 by formerBaltimore detective Debbie Ramsey, Unified Efforts is a full-service bullying prevention organization that has helped raise awareness throughout the Charm City. To assist with the program, Baltimore Boxing will donate tickets and proceeds from a 50/50 raffle on fight night.


“This is going to be our second time working with Unified Efforts,"Sakė Smithas. “Debbie has a great heart and it was an excellent experience having her at our card last November. We are very glad to have Debbie and Unified Efforts promoting a great message in association with the fight card. Michael’s Eighth Avenue has been our most popular venue and was sold out for the last card so I advise everybody to purchase their tickets early because this will be a special event for the community.


For more information on Baltimore Boxing Promotions, aplankyti Baltimoreboxing.com

Reynaldo Ojeda decisions Monty Meza-Clay in U.S. debiutas

Featherweight Luis Rosa goes from

Top prospect to legitimate contender


Reynaldo Ojeda (R) out-boxed veteran for impressive decision


HARTFORD, Conn. (Gegužė 15, 2015) — Undefeated Puerto Rican lightweight Reynaldo Ojeda (16-0, 9 Kos) impressively introduced himself to American boxing fans in vakaro ESPN Penktadienis Naktiniai Kovų Pagrindinis įvykis, presented by 50 Cent’s SMS Promotions ir DiBella Pramogos, kartu su Universal Promotions, at the Connecticut Convention Center in Hartford.

The 26-year-old Ojeda took advantage of his decisive height and reach advantage in his U.S. už debiutą, out-boxing the diminutive (5′ 2″), all-action Meza-Clay throughout a very entertaining fight. Meza-Clay continually walked down Ojeda, who used his quickness, superior movement and boxing ability to register a convincing victory by 12-round unanimous decision.

I’m a top prospect at 135 dabar; I’m going to be giving them all grades now,” commented Ojeda, a teacher in Puerto Rico. “The plan was to box Monty because he’s such an aggressive fighter.

Meza-Clay was hampered in the later rounds by a serious cut over his right eye. Ojeda wisely attacked the wound, pumping a series of stiff jabs and left hooks. “I got confident when his cut opened up,” Ojeda admitted. “What’s next for me is up to my promoter and manager, but I’m available to fight any 135-pounder in the world.

Luis Rosa (R) finished off Jonathan Perez

Connecticut favorite Luis “KO karalius” Rosa (20-0, 10 Kos), New Haven, made a statement in the co-feature against Colombian featherweight Jonathanas “Popajus” Perez (33-11, 27 Kos). Rosa was the aggressor from the opening bell through the end of the fight against a dangerous opponent, firing an array of effective combinations to the head and body, often switching from an orthodox stance to southpaw.

Rosa was penalized a point in the fourth round for hitting his downed opponent. From that point on, nors, he never let up. He pounded Perez, caught him on the ropes, and unleashed an unanswered barrage of punches until referee Michael Ortega ended the fight in the fifth round.

Rosa is world ranked by the World Boxing Association (WBA) ir Pasaulio bokso taryba (WBC), atitinkamai, at No. 15 ir Nr. 16.

I said it was going to be explosive and we made it that way,” Rosa said after the fight. “I made a statement that I’m coming after all of the top 122-pounders. I’m a future champ in the making.

Ivanas Golub (R) finishes off outclassed Henry Beckford

In the ESPN2 opening fight, 5-time Ukraine National amateur champion Jonas “The Volk” Golub, kovoti iš Bruklino, pagerėjo 13-0 with his eighth career knockout coming against late replacement Henris Beckford (2-2, 1 KO). Class prevailed as rising middleweight star Golub worked fellow southpaw Beckford’s body, dropped him in the fifth with a body shot, and referee Ortega moved in to call off the fight.

The Foster brothers from New Haven were both victorious. šviesos sunkiasvoris Charlesas Fosteris (8-0, 4 Kos) remained undefeated with a sensational knockout of Joe Gardner (11-8-1, 1 KO) only 62-seconds into the first round, while his younger brother, junior lightweight William Foster (2-0, 1 KO) sustojoGilvan Santos (0-2) atidarymo turo.

Bronksas vidutinio svorio Chrisas “Aukso” Galeano (8-0) liko nenugalėtas, boxing his way to a unanimous sixth-round decision over Yosmani Abreau (4-9-2), Las Vegase.

Decorated Kazakh amateur boxer Daūrai Yeleussinov (2-0, 2 Kos), now fighting out of Brooklyn, wore down Louisiana super middleweight Kėkštas “JD” Williams (3-7), winning by way of a sixth-round technical knockout as referee Danny Sciavone sustabdė veiklą.

Waterbury, CT junior welterweight Jair ramos (3-2-2, 2 Kos) and Harlem’s Curtis Morton (3-5-2) fought to a four-round majority draw.

In the walk-out bout, Puerto Rican lightweight Alberto Candeleria (5-2-1, 4 Kos) was too much for Brooklyn’s Ian James (3-12-1, 1 KO), as referee Ortega waved off the fight in the first round for a technical knockout.

All pictures by Ed Diller/DiBella Entertainment

Pilnas rezultatai žemiau:


(Nugalėtojai išvardyti pirmas)


Main Event – Lightweights

Reynaldo Ojeda (17-0, 10 Kos), San Chuanas, Puerto Rikas

WDEC10 (99-91, 99-91, 98-92)

Monte Meza-Clay (36-5, 22 Kos), Rankin, PA


Bendras bruožas – Junior Featherweights

Luis Rosa (20-0, 10 Kos), Naujas rojus, KT

WTKO5 (2:29)

Jonathanas Perez (33-11, 17 Kos), Barranquilla, Kolumbija




Light Heavyweights

Charlesas Fosteris (8-0, 4 Kos), Naujas rojus, Konektikutas

WKO1 (1:02)

Joe Gardner (11-8-1, 1 KO), Woonsocket, R.


Super vidutiniai

Daūrai Yeleussinov (2-0, 2 Kos), Brooklyn, NY

WTKO6 (2:29)

Jay Williamsas (3-7), West Monroe, LA



Ivanas Golub (13-0. 8 Kos), Brooklyn, NY

WTKO5 (2:17)

Henris Beckford (2-2, 1 KO), Roosevelt, NY


Chris Galeano (8-0), Bronksas, NY

WDEC6 (59-52, 59-52, 8-56)

Yosmani Abreau (4-9-2), Las Vegasas, NV


Junior Welterweights

Jair ramos (3-2-2, 2 Kos, Waterbury, KT

D4 (38-38,38-38, 37-39)

Curt Morton (3-4-3), Harlem, NY


Alberto Candeleria (5-2-1, 4 Kos), Majamis, FL

WTKO1 (2:00)

Ian James (3-12-1, 1 KO), Brooklyn, NY


Junior Lightweights

William Foster (2-0, 1 KO), Naujas rojus, KT

WTKO1 (2:54)

Galvan Santos (0-2), Woburn, MA

Svoriai nuo Inglewood, Kalifornija: Golovkin vs. Monroe jaunesnysis.

Inglewood, PVZ (Gegužė 15, 2015)-

Genadijus Golovkin 159 – Willie Monroe jaunesnysis. 160

Nuotraukos Emily Harney / Banner Akcijos

Šeštadienis, Gegužė 16

4:45 p.m. Pirmąją kovą PRASIDEDA

7:00 p.m. Papildomas Pasaulio čempionatas BOXING® laidos PRASIDEDA

*Renginiai / Tvarkaraštis gali keistis *

Genadijus Golovkin vs. Willie Monroe yra 12 apvalios vidutinio svorio pasaulio čempionatas bijau pateikė K2 Promotions ir ggg Promotions kartu su Banner Akcijos ir forumo. Kova vyks šeštadienis, Gegužė 16 tuo metu Inglewood forume, PVZ. Durys atviros ne 4:30 p.m. PT ir pirmasis ciklo prasideda4:45 p.m. PT., HBO Pasaulio čempionatas Boksas televizijos laidos prasideda 10:00 p.m. IR/PT.

Golovkin, 32-0 (29KO s) bus ginti jo pasaulis bokso asociacija, Tarptautinis bokso organizacijos ir “Tarpinis” Pasaulio bokso taryba Artimieji pasaulio čempiono titulus nuo #2 užėmė Challenger Monroe,
19-1-0 (6KO s).

Bendras matomas ant laidos yra 12 apvalios Junior "Musė" matchup tarp Pasaulio bokso čempionas Tarybos ROMAN “Chocolatito” GONZALEZ, 42-0 (36KO s) ir #2 užėmė varžovas ir buvęs pasaulio čempionas EDGAR SOSA, 51-8-0 (30KO s).

Bilietus gegužės 16-Golovkin vs Monroe yra, kaina $300, $200, $100, $60 ir $30, dabar yra pardavimo per Ticketmaster (Ticketmaster.com, 1-800-745-3000) o Forumas Box Office (PirmadienisPenktadienis į 9 tarifu. – 5 p.m.)

GOLOVKIN vs. MONROE yra pateikta K2 Promotions ir ggg Promotions kartu su Banner Akcijos ir forumo.

Bendras matomas ant laidos yra išskirtinis Jaunesnysis Musė matchup tarp Pasaulio bokso taryba Champion ROMAN “Chocolatito” Gonzalez #2 užėmė varžovas ir buvęs pasaulio čempionas EDGAR SOSA.

GONZALEZ vs. Sosa pateikė K2 Promotions ir Teiken Promotions kartu su Zanfer Akcijos.

Socialinė žiniasklaida: Daugiau informacijos, apsilankymas www.K2Promos.com,www.GGGBoxing.com, www.Banner-Promotions.com, www.FabulousForum.com irwww.HBO.com/boxing.

Sekite Twitter bent Genadijus Golovkin GGGBoxing, Willie Monroe jaunesnysis.WillieMonroeJr, Romanas Gonzalezas ChocolatitoBox, Edgaras SosaEdgarSosaChamp, Tomas Loeffler / K2 Akcijos @ TomLoeffler1, Banner Akcijos BannerBoxing, Forumas theForum ir HBO bokso HBOBoxingir tapti "Facebook" gerbėjas www.facebook.com/GGGBoxing,www.facebook.com/WilieMonroeJrFanPage,
www.facebook / BannerPromotions, www.facebook.com/TheForum irwww.facebook.com/HBOBoxing.

Naudokite žymas su grotelėmis #GolovkinMonroe ir #GonzalezSosa prisijungti prie Twitter pokalbį.