Arkivji Tag: boxing


Upland, California (Ġunju 3, 2015) – Top U.S. prospett heavyweight Dominic “Trouble” BREAZEALE (14-0, 13 Tal-KO) makes his return to the ring din is-Sibt wara nofsinhar, June 6th at the StubHub Center in Carson, California. BREAZEALE, takes another step up in competition and faces Cuban heavyweight Yasmany Consuegra (17-0, 14 Tal-KO) in a battle of undefeated heavyweights. The televised bout will support the Robert Guerrero-Arron Martinez main-event and will open up the Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) live telecast on NBC.


Photo c/o TimoteusFOE” Hernandez

Il 2012 U.S. Olympian is coming off of a solid win against heavyweight veteran Victor Bisbal this past March during the inaugural PBC on NBC series. Breazeale showed true heart and resilience after experiencing the first knockdown of his career early in the first round of the bout. Breazeale recovered quickly and dominated Bisbal until the bout was stopped in the fourth round, resulting in Breazeale’s 14th win and 13th by knockout.

Immediately following the bout with Bisbal, Breazeale asked his advisor Al Haymon for another tough-quality opponent and Breazeale was granted his request.

My last bout with Bisbal was by far the toughest opponent I have ever shared the ring with. He caught me with a good shot and I recovered quickly. I shook it off and ended up stopping him a couple of rounds later. Wara l-bout, I wasn’t happy that I was knocked down although many people told me that I showed resilience and that is what champions are made of. Still, I wanted another tough opponent and Al Haymon gave me the opportunity,” said Breazeale.

In addition to the quality opponent, Breazeale now has the chance to make an impression on many avid and casual boxing fans who will be watching the bout live on NBC IS-SIBT wara nofsinhar, an opportunity Breazeale welcomes and is thankful for.

“Din hija ħolma realtà għalija. Some of my previous bouts have been televised in the past, but not on a prime-time network where millions of people will be tuning in and see an American heavyweight like me. The heavyweight division is the most popular division in boxing because of its excitement and this is a bout between two undefeated heavyweights.” 

If this bout turns out as well as Breazeale has worked so hard for, he is looking to transition from a top prospect to a contender. Since turning professional two and a half years ago, Breazeale has been on the fast track to the world heavyweight title and has been learning from every training camp and fight thereafter under the tutelage of trainer John Bray.

I know I still have some room to

Photo c / o Team Breazeale

grow. I’ve been learning in the gym everyday and with every bout that I have had. In just 14 professional bouts so far, I feel that I have fought tougher opposition at this particular point of my career than the current American world heavyweight champion did in his first fourteen bouts. With the platform I have been provided din is-Sibt, I intend to make the best of it and will definitely give the fans watching at home an entertaining fight and hope to make a name for myself in the heavyweight division.” 

Biljetti għall-avveniment live, li hija promossa mill Promozzjonijiet TGB, huma pprezzati għal $200, $150, $100, $50 u $25, miżjuda b'taxxi applikabbli, miżati u ħlasijiet ta 'servizz, huma għall-bejgħ issa u huma disponibbli għax-xiri online fuq

“Hawnhekk Jasal Trouble!







NEW YORK (Ġunju 2, 2015) Roc Nation Sports and Miguel Cotto Promotions hosted the final press conference for the June 6 showdown between WBC and Ring Magazine Middleweight World Champion Miguel Cotto and former Two-Time World Champion Daniel Geale on Tuesday, Ġunju 2 fil B.B. King Blues Club & Grill in New York City. Along with the main event participants, undercard fighters Junior Younan and Zhang Zhilei were also in attendance. Other speakers included Michael Yormark (President & Chief of Branding and Strategy of Roc Nation), Hector Soto (Promozzjonijiet Miguel Cotto), Freddie Roach (Cotto’s Trainer), Gary Shaw (Productions Shaw Gary), Graham Shaw (Geale’s Trainer), Brett Yormark (CEO of Barclays Center and the Brooklyn Nets), Peter Nelson (VP HBO Sports Programming), David Berlin (Executive Director of the New York State Athletic Commission) and Ululy Martinez (Vice Chairman of the National Puerto Rican Day Parade Board of Directors). The press conference was emceed by Brooklyn Nets Public Address Announcer David Diamante.



KREDITU RITRATT: Rich Kane – Hoganphotos/Roc Nation Sports

KREDITU RITRATT: Miguel Cotto Promotions/Roc Nation Sports



KREDITU VIDEO: Miguel Cotto Promotions/Roc Nation Sports




Here’s what press conference participants had to say:


Michael Yormark – President & Chief of Branding and Strategy of Roc Nation

“Led by our Chairman JAY Z and his partners, Roc Nation was founded to work with artists and entertainers to guide them and help them build their careers even beyond the boundaries of the music industry. It is fitting then, that today we stand in a setting named for the legendary BB King – may he rest in peace – an artist and a man that knew no boundaries during a career that transcended his art. In a few short years, Roc Nation itself has expanded beyond the world of music, diversifying in a way that many never thought possible. Today we begin to celebrate a landmark in that expansion, as another legend, World Champion Miguel Cotto, prepares to headline Roc Nation’s first major fight on Saturday night against Daniel Geale, live at Barclays Center and on HBO.”


“When Roc Nation founded its boxing division less than a year ago, we committed to doing things differently, and what you will see on Saturday night will be different. The eyes of the boxing world will be fixed on Barclays Center on Saturday, with celebrities and VIP’s lining the ring and a captivated audience watching at home. They will watch with anticipation, awaiting not only a masterful performance from the champion Miguel Cotto against a formidable opponent, but also an electric appearance from Roc Nation artist and hip-hop superstar Big Sean, as well as the voice of New York Angie Martinez, and a host of other surprises that will make this live boxing experience different from anything you’ve ever seen before.”


“Saturday is the start of something new and fresh for the boxing industry. It is a chance for all of us to show boxing fans, and sports and entertainment fans around the world, that the action on fight night can and will live up to the hype.”



Hector Soto – Miguel Cotto Promotions


“It has been several months of hard work and dedication. Puerto Rico will shine again on the night of June 6 when Miguel Cotto defends his titles successfully.”



Ululy Rafael Martinez – Puerto Rican Day Parade

“We’re really happy this year to formalize a relationship with Miguel Cotto thanks to Roc Nation Sports and Miguel Cotto Promotions. I also want to thank Roc Nation Sports and Miguel Cotto Promotions for contributing to our scholarship fund. They are helping us empower young high school students and college students we provide scholarships to so they can further their education. I’m encouraging everyone planning on coming to the Parade on June 14 to support our man Miguel Cotto On Saturday, Ġunju 6 at Barclays Center for the boxing match of the year.”



David Berlin – New York Athletic Commission

“Miguel Cotto and Daniel Geale represent the best in boxing. These are men that carry themselves with dignity both inside and outside the ring. Men who can be respectful because they don’t have to prove themselves with words. Where they prove themselves each and every time they fight is inside that ring.”


“Now that I am with the commission, I no longer root for fighters. I’m in a neutral role, but I do root for fights. I root for fights when fighters come into the ring and they fight hard but they leave the ring safely. I root for fights that satisfy the fans and fights where the right man has his hand raised at the end. That of course is where the New York State Athletic Commission comes in.


“This promises to be a competitive fight. Obviously a competitive fight means it’s a hard night for judges, but what I’m committing to the fighters and fans is that we are going to have competent, qualified and neutral officials in place and the right man is going to have his hand raised at the end of the fight. I wish both men good luck on Saturday night.”



Brett Yormark – CEO of Barclays Center and the Brooklyn Nets

“We’re expecting a great night on Saturday night. Allura, hopefully we see all of you. Biljetti għadhom fuq bejgħ. Saturday night represents our 13th night of championship boxing at Barclays Center since we opened the building 32 months ago and boxing plays a huge role in what we do in Brooklyn.”



Peter Nelson – Vice President of Programming HBO Sports Programming

“We look forward to two fighters who have always rose to every challenge that has been put in front of them. Daniel Geale had a lucrative opportunity at one point in time to make his HBO debut and he actually decided instead to go to Germany, to Felix Sturm’s backyard, fight him for his world titles and ended up lifting the titles away from him. He is naturally the largest opponent that Miguel Cotto has ever fought and he’s stepped up to every challenge that’s ever been put in front of him.”


“Miguel Cotto…the last time he stepped into the ring, he entered it an underdog and he ended up leaving it the lineal middleweight champion. He joined just a handful of fighters ever to win four world titles in four separate divisions and he was the first man from Puerto Rico ever to do so. He performed what I saw as one of the strangest punches ever in boxing when he touched a man on the temple and it caused his knee to twist into a knot. I’ve never seen that happen. It was an extraordinary performance.”


“We look to see in this fight, fighters who are going to give us moments of great bravery and great courage. These are the kind of men we want to have on the network. That’s what makes great fights.”



Gary Shaw – Productions Shaw Gary


“I have a personal problem with catch weights. We accepted the catch weight of 157 and I’m not here to complain about the catch weight. We’re going to make the weight. It’s going to be tough. I believe that if a fighter wants to fight at any weight that he wants to fight at, he has that opportunity, but he shouldn’t stop the opponent from fighting at the sanctioned weight which in this case is 160.”


“I believe Daniel Geale is going to win the fight. I believe that Miguel and his team made a mistake. If they were looking at the Golovkin fight, thinking that’s the Daniel that is going to come into the ring…it will not be that same Daniel Geale.”


“It’s truly an honor to represent Daniel Geale because he’s a different young man. The first time I met him, I flew to Germany. I looked around and I couldn’t identify Daniel Geale. Little did I know, he was standing against the back wall. After taking my seat at the dais, Daniel Geale walked up. I looked at him and I said “we’re in trouble! This kid looks like a choir boy not a fighter,” but he gave it all he got and he won the fight. He’s a family man. Doesn’t travel with an entourage. Always on time. Trains hard. Does everything that a true champion has to do.”



Daniel Geale – Former Two-Time World Champion


“This is a huge opportunity and I’m very excited. We’re so excited as a team that this fight is taking place. We’ve put a great training camp in for this fight and I’m feeling as good as I ever have. M'hemm l-ebda skużi. I’m going in as the best fighter I can possibly be. I’m hoping Miguel Cotto is the best fighter he can be as well. I want the fans to enjoy a great fight and I believe it will be a great fight. I can’t wait to walk away with another title. I’m going in very confident and I know a lot of people aren’t giving me much of a chance, but I have a huge amount of confidence in myself knowing I’ve completed a great training camp. Knowing that I have put everything that I possibly can into it and knowing that I have such a great team. I look forward to Saturday night.”



Freddie Roach – Cotto’s Trainer

“We’ve had a great training camp. Miguel is in great shape. Our sparring partners on our team have been great. And we’re ready for this fight. Gary’s been making a big deal about catch weights, but they have been around for a long time and he knows how to read a contract and he’s had that contract for a long time now, so I don’t think that’s an issue. We look forward to seeing you at the fight.”

Miguel Cotto – WBC & Ring Magazine Middleweight World Champion


“I want to thank my lovely family for being here with my. My kids, my wife, my lovely mom. Thank you for always supporting my career no matter how hard it seems or looks to you. I love you.”


“I think that people are making a big issue where there does not need to be a big issue with catch weights. Freddie, back in 2009, made me go down from 147 biex 145. Did anyone hear anything about Miguel Cotto disagreeing with the catch weights? Do Mhux, I was a gentlemen the whole way. Catch weights were our main point to make this fight happen. Daniel and his team agreed to going down to 157 and I hope he can make weight on Friday. I hope to see everyone there on Saturday night.”


“Freddie brings the confidence back to Miguel. He comes every day no matter what he feels and gives his best to me. When you have this kind of person in front of you giving you his best and making sure that you are going to do your best, the only way you can pay him back is bringing your best too. We only talk about boxing when we are in the gym. He’s my trainer there, but as soon as we finish our training session, he’s my friend.”



Cotto vs. Geale, ġlieda 12-round għall-WBC u Ring Magazine Kampjonati tad-Dinja Middleweight Cotto tal, sseħħ is-Sibt, Ġunju 6 at Barclays Center in Brooklyn and will be televised live on HBO. Il-ġlieda, which is presented by Roc Nation Sports and Miguel Cotto Promotions in association with Gary Shaw Productions, will be the official kick-off event of the 2015 National Puerto Rican Day Parade Week and is sponsored by Cerveza Tecate, Jaybird, TapouT, Tequila Cazadores, Venue Kings and Nüe Resource. Minbarra l-azzjoni kbira ġewwa l-ċirku, l-avveniment se karatteristika diversi notevoli tmiss Roc Nazzjon li se jservu iktar spettatur ma 'fann esperjenza msaħħa, including Roc Nation and Grammy nominated artist Big Sean taking to the ring for a special performance prior to the main event. The event will be hosted by notable emcee “The Voice of New York” Angie Martinez and will also feature hit master DJ Lobo who will serve alongside Martinez throughout the night. Biljetti pprezzati għal $500, $250, $200, $150, $100, $80, $50, $35 u $25, mhux inklużi ħlasijiet għal servizzi applikabbli u taxxi, are on sale now and available for purchase, u fl-Uffiċċju Box American Express fi Barclays Center. Biex ħlas bis-telefon, sejħa Ticketmaster fil (800) 745-3000. Bibien miftuħa fi 6:00 PM, l-ewwel ġlieda jibda fil 6:15 PM and the HBO telecast begins at 10:30 PM ET/PT.


Għal aktar informazzjoni jekk jogħġbok żur Segwi Roc Nazzjon fuq Twitter u Instagramrocnation u fuq Facebook fil


Għal aktar informazzjoni, żjara, follow on Twitter and Instagram at @HBOBoxing and become a fan on Facebook at


Lara Takes On Delvin Rodriguez On Il-ġimgħa, Ġunju 12 Installment Of

Premier Boxing Champions On Spike Live From UIC Pavilion In Chicago

Ikklikkja HERE For Photos From Francisco Perez/Team Lara

HOUSTON (Ġunju 2, 2015) – Welterweight Super champion dinja Erislandy “L-American Dream” Lara (20-2-2, 12 Kos) is wrapping up his final days of training camp in anticipation of his Premier Boxing Champions on Spike debut taking place at UIC Pavilion in Chicago on Il-ġimgħa, Ġunju 12.


Din l-edizzjoni ta 'PBC fuq Spike jibda fil 9 p.m. U/PT. Bibien fil UIC pavilion miftuħa fil 5 p.m. CT ma 'l-ewwel sett ġlieda għall 5:30 p.m. CT.


Before escaping communist Cuba, where Lara had to swim in dangerous waters to reach freedom, he was a decorated international amateur champion, winning numerous titles against some of today’s champions. He has followed his dream of becoming a world champion and now looks to build on his legacy.


Having fought some of the top names in the super welterweight division, Lara is looking to keep the momentum roaring with a dominant performance against the always tough Delvin Rodriguez. Known as one of the most skillful fighters in boxing, Lara spoke on his recent training camp, his opponent and fighting on PBC:


On training camp

My trainer Ronnie Shields and I have been sharpening up what I do best. It’s been a long hard camp and I’m going into this fight with a 100 percent healthy body.


On fighting on PBC on Spike

PBC on Spike is a great series that shows a lot of good fights. A lot of young fight fans are tuning into Spike on a regular basis. I want to gain new fans with a great performance.


On sparring with top level partners

I’ve been sparring with the (Jermell and Jermall) Charlo brothers and a few other top contenders. The work I’m getting is unbelievable. I feel my timing is right on point. I’m getting pushed by some of the best fighters in the world.


On being a Cuban-American boxer:

“Għalija, defecting to the United States was a shot at achieving my dreamthe American dreamof being a world champion. I love my former country and look forward to the day when the world can see the talent in Cuba and allow my fellow boxers the chance to truly pursue their dream. This is my dream, and it’s come true.


On fighting in Chicago

I know there’s a lot of great boxing fans in Chicago. I’m coming to put on a great show for everyone and I’m going to look electrifying on fight night.


On fighting Delvin Rodriguez

Since this fight is for my world title, I know Delvin Rodriguez is hungry for victory. He’s my main focus and all my concentration is on the defeating him.


Għal aktar tagħrif żur,ċampjins, isegwu fuq TwitterPremierBoxing, LaraBoxing, @ DRodriguez1980, WarriorsBoxProm USpikeTV u isiru fan fuq Facebook,

Ġlieda Rapport: Corito Reigns Supreme In Title ClashLaamouz Stops Mukhamadiyarov as New Stars Farrugia and Brown Shine.

Rapport: Gianluca (Xmara) Di Caro

Ritratti: Viktor Vella



Nhar il-Ġimgħa lejl, in the grounds of the incredibly beautiful Monte Kristo Estates in Hal Luqa, Malta, local boxing fans were treated to a magnificent night of International boxing.


L-avveniment, which was headlined by the MBC International Heavyweight title clash between Malta’s very own ‘King’ Billy Corito and the big hitting (18 KO’s from 27 jirbaħ) Latvian Edgars Kalners, was the first event from new promoters Steve Carauna and Mark Calleja, along with a little help from experienced British promoter Stephen Vaughan.


Right from the opening bell Corito went straight on the attack, landing a big right to the head, Kalners stood his ground and shot out a strong jab, only to receive another big right hand that connected flush.


What followed next was a controlled exchange between both protagonists that had many of the highly vocal fans on their feet and cheering on their man.


After a fairly frenetic start both fighters settled into a slower pace for the rest of the round.


Round two was fought at a good pace, with both men exchanging big shots throughout.


Without doubt both the first couple of rounds were fairly close, although surely could only be scored in favour of Corito due to him not only being the busier but also his shots showed way more intent, but the third was a totally different affair.


Corito slowly ground his man down, forcing Kalners back constantly with a series of powerful salvos, a number of which shook the big Latvian to the core, each time the local crowd became more vocal in encouraging their man to step up the attacks, which on some occasions he did much to the delight of the partisan crowd.


More of the same from Corito in the fourth, however Kalners seemed to have lost the will to go toe-to-toe, which made the round very much a one sided affair, with Kalners covering up often and allowing Corito to let rip with big right hands.


During one of the exchanges Kalners seemed to be caught in the rib area and as he went to shoot out a right hand of his own let out a cry of pain, after which pulled his right arm across his chest and began to turn away from his forward advancing foe.


Corito cautiously moved forward and looked toward referee Lee Murtagh for guidance on whether he should continue the attack or not on the stricken Latvian.


Whilst a gentlemanly act from Corito, it almost cost him dear as Kalners turned and threw out a strong jab and looked set to throw a big right.


Corito responded with another salvo of big rights and kept up the pressure until the end of the round.


Coming out in the fifth Kalners seemed sluggish and was breathing heavily, clearly in some form of discomfort, however Corito was not going to make the same mistake as in the previous round and once again began throwing big right hands at every conceivable opportunity.


For virtually the whole round it was Corito walking his opponent down, throwing big right hands to head and body, then in the dying seconds of the round Corito stepped up the pressure once more.


When the bell rang Corito turned and headed straight to his corner, however Kalners appeared disoriented for a few seconds before finally heading back to his corner, referee Lee Murtagh showed some concern, as did MBC Chief Medical officer Dr Mark Xuereb, who immediately headed to Kalners’ corner and began checking over the distressed Latvian.


As the minute break was coming to an end the referee stepped forward, as it was clear that Kalners was in no position to continue and waved the bout off just as the opening bell for round six rang.


Have to say I’ve seen Billy Corito in action a number of times, he’s always been good for the money, but this time he was magnificent.


Credit in part must go to Corito’s coach, former WBU World Champion Shea Neary, who came up with a game plan that surprised most, gone were the big haymaker’s Corito is so well known for, instead Corito was controlled, good head movement and his punches were crisp, sharp and more importantly nearly always bang on target.


Word is that Corito’s team were so impressed with his performance that discussions are already underway for a mouth watering showdown later this year with a certain big name British Heavyweight.


The main support see Pieta, Malta’s Haithem Laamouz in action against Russia’s Ravil Mukhamadiyarov.


Laamouz took the fight to the more experienced Mukhamadiyarov right from the start and kept up the pressure throughout the first couple of rounds.


Early on in the second Laamouz landed a cracking body shot that sent Mukhamadiyarov to the deck, as referee Lee Murtagh reached the 8 count surprisingly the tough Russian jumped to his feet. The plucky lad surprised most observers by making it to the end of the round despite Laamouz’s efforts to finish the fight early.


From the third on the pressure from Laamouz was clearly proving too much for Mukhamadiyarov, the Russian covering up and only occasionally responding with an ineffective jab to keep the Maltese lad at bay.


Early in the fifth round Laamouz backed Mukhamadiyarov onto the ropes and began a non-stop assault, until referee Lee Murtagh stepped in to save the Russian from further punishment on the one minute and thirty seven second mark.


Supporting the pro bouts were a number of International Novice Pro and semi-pro bouts between local boxers and a team from the United Kingdom.


The Novice Pro is a recently introduced division featuring boxers with limited amateur or unlicensed boxing experience but wishing to compete in the professional division.


The Novice Pro division is operated under full professional boxing rules and with the same medical requirements as the professional division.


The main differences between Novice Pro and Pro bouts are that, only Novice Pro licensed boxers can compete against another Novice Pro Licensed boxer and that the rounds are of two minute duration, not three as in the pro ranks.


OK, so now that’s explained let’s get back to the action.


The final Novice Pro bout see Malta’s Malik Zinad against UK’s William O’Reilly in a six, two minute round contest for the vacant WBU Europe Novice Pro Light Heavyweight title.


These two warriors went to war right from the opening bell, both giving their all for every single second of every round.


In the fourth Zinad stepped up the pace, occasionally forcing O’Reilly onto his back foot, it was later during one of these forceful attacks that Zinad began letting rip with some mighty bombs, one of which was just a tad off target and the thumb of his glove accidently entered the eye socket of the English lad, no surprise that as it did O’Reilly let out a shocked scream of pain as he headed for the canvas.


Dr Xuereb and his medical team were by the clearly distressed Englishman’s side in an instant, literally as referee Lee Murtagh waved the bout off.


I’m pleased to say that I had spoken with William O’Reilly since and he is absolutely OK and there is no lasting damage to his eye.


Prior to Zinad-O’Reilly was Malta’s Kerstin Brown against the UK’s Nathan Lavery, for the vacant WBU Europe Novice Pro Super Bantamweight title.


Young Brown is definitely one to watch and judging on his performance nhar il-Ġimgħa night is destined to become a future star, think of a younger Carl Frampton and that’ll give you an idea of just how classy and exciting young Brown is.


From start to finish the youngster controlled the bout like a seasoned pro, his ring craft was supreme, cutting off the ring to keep Lavery pinned against the ropes before closing in and letting rip with lightning fast double handed flurries.


Nobody was surprised when the score cards were read out, a shutout 60-51 in favour of Brown, as he really dominated the bout from start to finish, outboxing his taller opponent in sensational fashion.


The first Novice Pro bout featured Malta’s Max Farrugia against the UK’s Lewis Burns in a four rounder.


As with young Kerstin Brown, Farrugia is another emerging star, this kid has it all, think Junior Witter in his younger days, slick, switch boxing with so much panache it is mouth watering to watch.


From start to finish Farrugia out boxed his tough opponent, at times he made it look too easy, but believe me it wasn’t as Burns is one tough cookie and gave his all for every second of every round, just Farrugia is a class act, one that will be a great addition to the pro ranks that’s for sure.


After four sensational round the ringside judges scored the bout 40-36 (darbtejn) u 40-37 in favour of the deserving Max Farrugia.


What a cracking fight and as with the other Novice Pro bouts, easily equal in quality to the full pro bouts.


The results for the semi-pro bouts are:


Noel Lebrun (Malta) vs Jonathan Dean (UK)


Judges Scores – Majority Decision in favour of UK’s Jonathan Dean.

Lee Murtagh 27-30, Darren Mairs 29-29 and Steve Farrugia 28-29


Goran Bogdanovic (Malta) vs Bradley McDonnell (UK)


Judges Scores – Split Decision in favour of Malta’s Goran Bogdanovic.

Lee Murtagh 29-28, Darren Mairs 29-30 and Steve Farrugia 29-28


Boxers Mighty Michigan Wegħdu Beat-Downs ta ’Brooklyn!

Fight Card Parti minn Brooklyn Brawl Series
Promossi mill-Promozzjonijiet Star of David ta ’Dmitriy Salita
BROOKLYN (Ġunju 2, 2015) -Il-Promotur Dmitriy Salita jinsab eċitat li jippreżenta lejl ta ’azzjoni ta’ boxing professjonali fil-Paramount Events Centre nhar il-Ħamis, Ġunju 4. Il-karta se tkun mgħottija b'avveniment ewlieni li jkun fosos Jarrell “Big Baby” Taħħan, power puncher kariżmatiku, minn Brooklyn, tieħu r-residenti ta ’Detroit Damon “Bulldog” McCreary. Taħħan, li għandu pop fiż-żewġ idejn, kif jixhed tiegħu 12-0-1 marka (10 Tal-KO), jiġu ttestjati mill - 15-4 Indiġenu f'Detroit f'kunflitt ta 'piż tqil.

“Detroit ipproduċa wħud mill-aqwa ġellieda fl-Istati Uniti. u d-dinja,” qal il-promotur Salita. “L-istorja rikka ta ’Emanuel Steward u l-Kronk Gym hija xi ħaġa li l-ġellieda kollha ta’ Detroit huma konxji minnha u jfittxu li jlaħħqu magħhom. Ġellieda ta ’Detroit jiġu biex jiġġieldu! Huma se jiġu “Brawl” fi Brooklyn u nista 'nassigurak, il-partitarji tal-boksing se jgawdu ħafna, ġlied eċċitanti!”

Edward Williams, indiġen ieħor ta ’Michigan ifittex li jżid ma’ tiegħu 9-0-1 marka (4 Kos) il-Ħamis, kif jagħmel 4-0-1 ħfief Dewayne Zeigler. Huwa destroyer ieħor ta ’Detroit, b’erba ’waqfiet fil-karriera qasira tiegħu. Il-boxer imwieled fl-Alabama jiltaqa ’ma’ Jeremy Graves mill-parti ta ’fuq ta’ New York fl-ewwel avveniment tal-boksing fil-post il-ġdid.

Trainer Theotrice Chambers III, li jħarreġ lil IBF Jr. Ċampjin tal-piż medju Cornelius Bundrage, iħarreġ lil Williams u Zeigler u jgħid li qed jaslu biex jagħmlu l-ħerba f'NYC.

“Zeigler huwa tifel eċċitanti, splussiv ħafna, daqqiet iebes biż-żewġ idejn,” huwa qal. “U Williams huwa boxer tajjeb, għandu ħafna qalb u determinazzjoni. In-nies fi Brooklyn se jħobbuhom.”

Il-PEC tnieda f'April mill-iżviluppatur taċ-Ċentru Barclays Bruce Ratner u Onexim Sports and Entertainment, bl-operazzjonijiet kollha tan-negozju ssorveljati mill-Kap Eżekuttiv taċ-Ċentru Barclays Brett Yormark.

“Jien ferħana li nissieħeb mal-PEC biex inġib il-boksing lil LIU Brooklyn Paramount,” Said Word. “Matul l-aħħar ftit snin, Star of David Promotions ġab lill-partitarji tal-boksing ta ’New York wirjiet eċċitanti bi ġlied inkredibbli permezz tas-Serje Brawl ta’ Brooklyn tagħna. Din il-karta se tkun żieda eċċitanti għas-serje tagħna.”

“Dan Ġunju 4 avveniment tal-boksing se jintroduċi mill-ġdid lil LIU Brooklyn Paramount lill-komunità sportiva,” qal Brett Yormark, CEO ta Barclays Center. “Dmitriy ipprovda opportunitajiet kbar għal ġellieda li qed jaspiraw u qed inħarsu 'l quddiem biex naħdmu miegħu biex nissolidifikaw l-isforzi tal-boxing tal-għeruq tagħna fi Brooklyn.”

Tista 'tixtri biljetti billi żżur jew billi ċċempel 800-745-3000.

ABOUT STAR ta 'promozzjonijiet DAVID
Istilla ta 'David Promozzjonijiet twaqqfet fl 2010 billi Dmitriy Salita, Boxer u titolu professjonali dinja isfidant li raw il-ħtieġa għal entità promozzjonali li karatteristika l-prospetti brillanti, kif ukoll pugilists imħawwar, fi u madwar iż-żona New York City. Telespettaturi gawdew jaraw Istilla ta 'David ġellieda fis-snin riċenti dwar Spike TV, ESPN2, MSG, u Universal Sports Network. Jekk jogħġbok ż għal aktar informazzjoni.


terrynorris_new4L-avveniment aħħari esperjenza fann li tagħti fannijiet boxing l-opportunità li jiltaqa 'u l-greet ġellieda top, ċelebritajiet boxing u nies tal-industrija fi up-qrib, iffissar personali

Għal Rilaxx immedjat

Las Vegas (Ġunju 2, 2015) - Four-time world champion “Terrible” Terry Norris has confirmed that he will appear and have a booth at the Las Vegas Convention Center for the second annual Box Fan Expo that will take place IS-SIBT Settembru. 12, 2015. Il-Kaxxa Fan Expo se jikkoinċidi ma 'l-aħħar ġlieda Floyd Mayweather Jr u ​​weekend Messikani Indipendenza.


The Hall of Famer, Norris will have merchandise to sell to his fans, kif ukoll ritratti u memorabilia.


Dan l-avveniment uniku esperjenza fan, li ppermetta fannijiet biex jiltaqgħu u greet leġġendi boxing, champions tal-passat u attwali u ċelebritajiet oħra ta 'l-isport, debuted Settembru li għadda għall-kbar, folol entużjasti. Din is-sena l-Expo se jimxu minn 10 a.m. biex 5 p.m. u għal darb'oħra, jippermettu fannijiet ċans li jiġbru autographs, jieħdu ritratti u merkanzija xiri u memorabilia.


Esebituri bħal boxing gear, ilbies, midja tax-xandir u kumpaniji marka oħra li jixtiequ jipparteċipaw se jkollhom iċ-ċans li juru l-prodotti tagħhom lis-sapporters u l-industrija boxing kollu.


Inawgurali Expo Kaxxa Fan sena li għaddiet dehru xi wħud mill-ġellieda aktar popolari u boxing ċelebritajiet fl-istorja reċenti. Fannijiet kienu trattati biex żjarat bl Mike Tyson, Roy Jones Jr, Sergio Martinez, Amir Khan, Zab Judah, Mikey Garcia, James Toney, Riddick Bowe, Leon Spinks Terry Norris, Shawn Porter, Chris Byrd, Jesse James Leija, Lamon Brewster, Ray Mercer, Magni li jqaxxru Earnie, Mia St John, Erislandy Lara, Peter Quillin, Jean Pascal u Austin Trota. Li tidher ukoll kienu Champion WBC attwali Deontay Wilder, l-Vinny Pazienza charismatic, Paul Williams, innota kummentatur Al Bernstein u trainer quċċata Roger Mayweather tal-Promozzjonijiet Mayweather.


Ir-roster ta 'dawk li attendew għal din is-sena Kaxxa Fan Expo se jitħabbru matul il-bosta xhur li jmiss u ġimgħat li wasslu għall-avveniment.

Biljetti għall-kaxxa Fan Expo huma disponibbli online fuq:

Tara l-video promo uffiċjali tal Expo Kaxxa Fan hawn:

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View Ritratti Gallerija 2014 hawn:

Għal xi ħadd fl-industrija boxing jew marka kumpaniji li jixtiequ li jkunu involuti u jirriżervaw f'kabina bħala esibitur jew opportunitajiet sponsorizzazzjoni, jekk jogħġbok ikkuntattja Expo Kaxxa Fan fil:

Numru tat-telefon U.S.A: (702) 997-1927 jew (514) 572-7222

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To view Terry Norris press release go to:

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Heavyweight World Championship IS-SIBT, Ġunju 13,
Live Fuq Showtime
® Minn BARTOW Arena f'Birmingham, Ala.;

KOLLHA AĊĊESS: Deontay Wilder Premieres Ġunju 3 On SHOWTIME

Ikklikkja HERE To Download Photos Of Deontay Wilder

Photo Kreditu: Bill Hoffman

Ikklikkja HERE To Download Photos Of Eric Molina

Photo Kreditu: Joel Martinez/SHOWTIME

Ikklikkja HERE To Download Photos Of Jose Pedraza

Photo Kreditu: Victor Planas/Universal Promotions

NEW YORK (Ġunju 1, 2015) – Unbeaten Heavyweight Champion tad-Dinja DeontayIl Bomber bronżWilder, confident heavyweight contender Eric “Boy Drummer” Molina and unbeaten junior lightweight Jose “L-sniper” Pedraza participated in Media Day Workouts last Thursday for their fights IS-SIBT, Ġunju 13, fuq SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP boxing® jgħixu fuq SHOWTIME® (9 p.m. U/6 p.m. PT) fi BARTOW Arena f'Birmingham, Ala.


The power-punching, popular hometown favorite Wilder (33-0, 32 Kos), tal Tuscaloosa, Ala., will make the first defense of his title when he meets Molina (23-2, 17 Kos), tal RAYMONDVILLE, Texas, fil-każ prinċipali fuq Ġunju 13. Pedraza (19-0, 12 Kos), tal Caguas, Puerto Rico, se jiltaqa Andrey Klimov (19-1, 9 Kos), tal Klimovski, Russja, in a 12-rounder for the vacant IBF Junior Lightweight World Championship in the co-feature.


Below is what Wilder, Molina and Pedraza said during their separate Media Days in Northport, Ala., Weslaco, Texas and Cidra, Puerto Rico, rispettivament:


DEONTAY WILDER, Heavyweight World Champion

It’s definitely a blessing to be able to fight in my state. When we set the goal to be heavyweight champion of the world that was one of the goals we set, to bring it to Alabama. Just to change it up and give Alabama some spice besides football, and to finally get the opportunity to have a major fight in the state of Alabama. This is what we were looking for when we worked to bring the commission here, and we were successful and got it done. This is what we were looking for.


I want Alabama to be my home territory. It’s why I stay here. Some people still try to throw me out but my heart is here and I’ve got bigger and better plans. This is just the beginning.


My team handles all the distractions (from fighting at home). I’ve got a wonderful team. Jien biss lesta li tmur. I’m ready to get this party started and welcome Molina to Alabama.


My hand is fine. We tested it yesterday for 10-ounce gloves because that’s the competition weight. We put it on and I felt great. It gave me even more confidence. I’m ready to get in the ring and do what I have to do and perform for my people.


(on being world champion)


We knew we would be doing a lot of traveling after getting the belt but we didn’t know the capacity of how much. It’s been a journey for me.


I think I bring a different flavor to the sport of boxing, and I want to bring even more to the world.


(on Molina)


I haven’t heard from Molina but that’s good, that means he’s focused. I want him to come very focused. I know he’s going to be nervous and scared, but they say if you back a rabbit in a corner, they fight back.


I’m most dangerous when I’m at home. I’m not going to let down my home crowd and let someone take what I’ve worked so hard for. He’s not going to come behind enemy lines and take anything from me.


I want a great performance from him. I want a great performance for the crowd and people to say, "Hey, I want to come back for the next one!’ and to be hungry for the next one. We got a lot of fights we want to do in Alabama, and this is just the start. I want to move on from Bartow to the Birmingham Jefferson Convention Complex (BJCC), which is bigger than the MGM Grand.


Every title defense is proving something. I’m the world’s most wanted, and everyone wants it. I’ve got the WBC crown. It’s the most well-known, famous belt in boxing. Everyone wants their name on this belt, and I have it. Every fight is a dangerous fight when I’m putting the belt on the line, and I train as if everyone is a world champion.


(on why he’s defending against Molina)


We have a lot of other opponents, but Molina was the one to understand the opportunity that lies at hand. Some people can price themselves out and some teams make it so difficult that the fight won’t happen. They can really block themselves out from getting the fight. You can have the money or the opportunity. Molina understands what the situation is, and he stepped up to the plate and understands the opportunity at hand to be the World Heavyweight Champion.


My last fight I proved to everyone what I was capable of. I can go 12 rounds and take a punch. I can be just as fresh in the 12th round as the 1st.


The sky’s the limit in what we’re trying to do. I represent the state. Even though I’m from Tuscaloosa, it’s not just where my gym is in Northport or Coffeeville. I represent the state of Alabama. I need a home territory and a home state not only where we can bring in local people, bring in the nation, but also bring in the whole world.

ERIC MOLINA, Heavyweight Konkorrent


This is the fight that we dream about when we first lace on the gloves and I am extremely excited about the opportunity to fight for the biggest prize in sports, the WBC heavyweight title. I’ve been preparing and training very hard, and I’m almost at the point where we’re ready to go.


We’ve studied a lot of Wilder, and expect a very physical fight. I think a lot of people are underestimating my strength and power. They know Wilder can punch but they are underestimating the power that I possess.


We know it’s going be a hostile environment, fighting in basically his backyard, but he’s now the champion and with that he gets an opportunity in his optional title defense (to fight who he wants, where he wants). He gets to enjoy those opportunities, but that’s where I come in.


“Of course, I’m confident I can win the title. I think people look at my record and think this or that, but I don’t feel they understand my entire career, the things I have gone through and overcome, the different angles of boxing that more than meets the eye.


Nothing against Deontay, who has worked hard to get to where he is, but he doesn’t represent the kind of fighter, ġeneralment, that I am. I’ve always had to fight and struggle from fight to fight. I never had a true training camp situation. I’m not saying he had things easy, but I had to work and juggle things to keep going. Only the fighters in my situation can understand it.


I’ve been boxing for nine years. I have a BS and Master’s Degree and I’m in my fourth year teaching kids with disabilities. Along with boxing, this is what I do. This is who I am, and I am not ashamed of who I am either. I’m proud. If they want to consider me an underdog, multa. But I’m also the guy who got knocked out in his first pro fight and battled back to where I am now and I’m fighting for the championship.


What people don’t know about me is that my career has been all about determination, strength and struggles. Other boxers, including Bernard Hopkins, lost their first fights and went on to win a world title. I’ve learned a lot from my two losses and now I have the confidence to accomplish anything.


Bottom line is I am not trying to convince anybody who I am, I just want people to see who the real Eric Molina isthat I am more than what my record on paper indicates. I was NABF champion for a while but could never get a fight so I was dropped from the rankings. It was like I had to start over again. But I stuck to it, and with everything else I had going on outside the ring, things I had to put aside for this fight, still managed to get into the position I’m in now.


I don’t think there’s ever been a heavyweight contender like me. Where I train, there are no other real heavyweights except for one or two. I have to fly guys in to help me work with the guys already here. I’ve been in camps with Bermane Stiverne; I often had to go to where the sparring was just to get the work.


I’ve never been in a spot where things have been easy for me in boxing. I never had the odds on my side, the tools, the resources. But I still made it this far and want to go farther.


I think the first round is very important. I expect that from the get-go that he will feel like he could hurt me, but I also feel very strongly that I could hurt him. So it is very important to be ready for that first bell.


“Dan se jkun ġlieda kbira, much, much better than many may be expecting, and I am ready.


Jose Pedraza, Unbeaten Junior Lightweight Contender

As a Puerto Rican, every time I fight, I fight for the honor of my people. Allura, fuq Ġunju 13, I won’t only be fighting to win a world title, I’ll be fighting for Cidra, Puerto Rico and for all the Puerto Ricans out there watching me. Puerto Rico needs another champion and I’m here to deliver and make my people proud. I cannot afford to let them down. I won’t let Puerto Rico down. I’ll come back a champion.


This is a great opportunity fighting on a big show on SHOWTIME. It has taken hard work, dedication and long gym work to obtain this big exposure on SHOWTIME.

My last fight against Michael Farenas was very important to me because that fight was a title eliminator and, by winning, it opened the door to this fight and finally my dream of becoming world champion is close to arriving.

It has been a long and hard training campintensive. We opened camp in Las Vegas in December. This camp has been special because it is for the world championship.

Andrey Klimov is a strong boxer, always going forward, the jab and straight right are his best shots. The only thing I see is he is strong and has good fitness. From his last fight against Terrence Crawford I could see that he has problems when he fights a left-handed boxer with good movement. I will be working in side steps and with speed.

I hope that he comes well prepared for me. We must do our best to give the fans a good show. FuqĠunju 13, I will be a new champ and after that I want to make two defenses and move to 135.

# # #

KOLLHA AĊĊESS: Deontay Wilder, which chronicle’s the champion’s January fight against Bermane Stiverne and sets the stage as he prepares for his upcoming title defense, premieres fuq L-Erbgħa, Ġunju 3 fi 10 p.m. U/PT.
“WILDER vs. MOLINA,” ġlieda 12-Round għal WBC Heavyweight Kampjonat Wilder tal, sseħħIS-SIBT, Ġunju 13, fil Il Arena BARTOW f'Birmingham, Ala. DiBella Divertiment u Bruno Avveniment Tim ngħaqdu flimkien biex iġibu dan l-avveniment li Alabama. Fil-ko-Main Event ko-romoted mill DiBella f'assoċjazzjoni ma 'Promozzjonijiet Universali, Jose Pedraza se jiffaċċjaw Andrey Klimov fi bout 12-Round għall-Jr IBF. Ħfief World Titolu. Hija se arja live fuq Showtime® (9 p.m. U/ 6 p.m. PT). L-telecast se tkun ukoll disponibbli fil-lingwa Spanjola permezz programmazzjoni awdjo sekondarja (SAP). Bouts preliminari se tixxandar live fuq Showtime ESTREM (7 p.m. U/PT, ittardjat fuq il-Kosta tal-Punent).


Għal aktar tagħrif żur u isegwu fuq Twitter filSHOSports, WilderVSMolina, BronzeBomber, LouDiBella USwanson_Comm, isegwu l-konverżazzjoni użu #WilderMolina, isiru fan fuq Facebook fil jew żur il-Blog SHOWTIME Boxing fil



Cuban boxing sensation Erislandy “L-American Dream” Lara (20-2-2, 12 Kos)returns to the ring on Friday, Ġunju 12 to face veteran Delvin Rodriguez (28-7-4, 16 Kos) as Premier Boxing Champions heads back to Spike.


Barra minn hekk, Russian knockout artist Artur Beterbiev (8-0, 8 Kos) is set to square off against the ring-savvy Doudou Ngumbu (34-6, 13 Kos) of Haute-Garonne, Franza.


Din l-edizzjoni ta 'PBC fuq Spike jibda fil 9 p.m. U. Bibien fil UIC pavilion miftuħa fil 5 p.m. CT with the first fight set for 5:30 p.m. CT.


I’m very excited to be fighting on Spike TV on June 12th in Chicago.said Erislandy “L-American Dream” Lara. “Delvin Rodriguez is a tough veteran fighter who I respect. He has a lot of heart and determination. But once the bell rings I’m looking for the knockout!”


“Dwar Ġunju 12, I am going to change everyone’s mind about me and show that I can beat Lara,” Said Rodriguez.


Biljetti għall-avveniment live, li tippromovi l Warriors Boxing f'assoċjazzjoni ma 'Grupp Yvon Michel (Ġinnasju), huma pprezzati għal $151, $101, $51, u $31, mhux inklużi ħlasijiet għal servizzi applikabbli, ld are on sale now. To charge by phone with a major credit card, sejħa Ticketmaster fil (800) 745-3000 jew UIC pavilion Uffiċċju Box fi (312) 413-5740. Biljetti huma wkoll disponibbli fuq jew billi żżur l-Uffiċċju UIC pavilion Box (Thursday or Friday 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.).


The 32-year-old Lara is a slick boxer with the ability to deliver punishment while taking very little of it in return. Lara has notched victories over Alfredo Angulo, Austin Trota u Freddy Hernandez matul il-karriera tiegħu. Bħala dilettanti, Lara rebaħ diversi titli inkluż kampjonat nazzjonali fil welterweight u sehem ukoll fil- 2007 Logħob Pan-Am. L-ġlied oriġinarjament mill Guantanamo, Cuba but fighting out of Houston most recently defeated former world champion Ishe Smith on his way to his 20th professional victory.


Already deep into an accomplished career, the 35-year-old Rodriguez looks to give Lara a stiff test and entertain the crowd at UIC Pavilion on June 12. Having battled the likes of Miguel Cotto and Austin Trout, Rodriguez has also picked up victories over Mike Arnaoutis, Pawel Wolak and Shamone Alvarez throughout his accomplished career. Born in Santiago de le Caballeros, Dominican Republic but fighting out of Danbury, Connecticut, Rodriguez will look to improve on his last outing, a draw against Joachim Alcine in May 2014.


Having floored every opponent he’s faced professionally, the now 30-year-old former amateur standout Beterbiev will be seeking to keep his knockout streak alive in Chicago. Having notched impressive wins over Tavoris Cloud in 2014 and Gabriel Campillo earlier this year, the heavy-fisted Russian knows he’ll be tested with an experienced opponent on June 12.


Following a hard-fought loss to Andrzej Fonfara in November 2014, France’s Ngumburebounded nicely with a knockout win in January of this year. The battle-tested 33-year-old veteran will look to use his wealth of professional experience at UIC Pavilion in order to emerge victorious.


Għal aktar tagħrif żur,ċampjins, isegwu fuq TwitterPremierBoxing, LaraBoxing, @ DRodriguez1980, WarriorsBoxProm USpikeTV u isiru fan fuq Facebook fil, u


* * * VIDEO ALERT * * *



Photo Kreditu: Esther Lin / SHOWTIME


We answered every question tonight.” – Deontay Wilder

Ikklikkja HERE For An Embeddable Clip Lift From L-Erbgħa tal- Premiere:


Relive the thrilling battle for the WBC Heavyweight Championship through the award-winning lens ofKOLLHA AĊĊESS as Deontay Wilder answers the critics with a dominant, 12-round decision over defending champ Bermane Stiverne. KOLLHA AĊĊESS: Deontay Wilder reveals the depth of character within the new champion and a selfless nature to go along with his monster punching power and surprising boxing acumen. KOLLHA AĊĊESS: Deontay Wilder premieres dan l-erbgħa fi 10 p.m. U/PT fuq Showtime®.


Wilder makes the first defense of his WBC Heavyweight title against Eric Molina on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING®, li jmiss IS-SIBT, Ġunju 13 fuq Showtime.


# # #

Wilder vs. Molina, ġlieda 12-round għall WBC Heavyweight Kampjonat Wilder tal, sseħħIS-SIBT, Ġunju 13, fil Il Arena BARTOW f'Birmingham, Ala. DiBella Divertiment u Bruno Avveniment Tim ngħaqdu flimkien biex iġibu dan l-avveniment li Alabama. Hija se arja live fuq Showtime (9 p.m. U/ 6 p.m. PT). L-telecast se tkun ukoll disponibbli fil-lingwa Spanjola permezz programmazzjoni awdjo sekondarja (SAP). Bouts preliminari se tixxandar live fuq Showtime ESTREM (7 p.m. U/PT, ittardjat fuq il-Kosta tal-Punent).

Garrett Wilson to battle Anthony Caputo Smith for Pennsylvania Cruiserweight title on Saturday June, 20 fil Valley Forge Casino Resort

Plus Keenan Collins to battle Pavel Miranda in co-feature; Local favorites Coy Evans plus undefeated Earl Newman, John Magda, Stephen Fulton, Milton Santiago Jr. & Erik Rebbiegħa
Valley Forge, PA (Ġunju 1, 2015)Nhar is-Sibt lejl, Ġunju 20, King’s Boxing will present a championship night of boxing at the Valley Forge Casino Resort.
Fil-avveniment prinċipali, Garrett “L-Warrior Ultimate” Wilson se tieħu fuq Anthony Caputo Smith in a 10-round battle for the Pennsylvania Cruiserweight championship.
Wilson of Philadelphia has a record of 13-9-1 ma 7 knockouts and has lived up to his nickname as he is willing to fight anybody at anytime. He has fought seven undefeated fighters and countless contenders.
Wilson, 32 won the USBA Cruiserweight title with a 12-round unanimous decision over former world title challenger Omar Sheika. He defended the the twice with thrilling knockout wins over Chuck Mussachio (17-1-2) and Andres Taylor (20-1-2).
Those fights set him for an IBF Elimination bout against Alexander Alekseev (23-2-1).
Wilson fought well but came up just short on the scorecards. In his next bout, Wilson jumped up to Heavyweight to fight current number-one ranked Vychslav Glazkov. Wilson took the fight on two days notice and gave a good account of himself before dropping a decision.
Wilson will be looking to break a 4-fight losing streak.
Caputo Smith ta Kennett Pjazza, PA għandha rekord ta ' 15-4 ma 10 knockouts.
Il 30 year-old is like Wilson as he willing to fight anybody.
He won his first thirteen bouts and then captured the Pennsylvania Light Heavyweight title with a 10-round unanimous decision over Dhafir Smith. Caputo Smith then stepped up and lost to undefeated Seanie Monaghan (18-0) on the Juan Manuel MarquezTimothy Bradley Pay Per View undercard in Las Vegas.
Caputo Smith moved up to win the Pennsylvania Cruiserweight title with a 10-round split decision over Tony Ferrante.
Caputo Smith is on a two fight losing streak after dropping fights to BJ Flores (29-1-1) and former interim world champion Ola Afolabi (20-3-4).
Fil-ko-karatteristika 8-round, Keenan Collins (15-9-3, 10 Tal-KO) ta 'York, PA se tieħu fuqPavel Miranda (19-10-1, 6 Tal-KO) ta 'Tijuana, Mexico in a Middleweight bout.
Fil bouts 6-tond:
Coy Evans (10-2-1, 2 Tal-KO) se ġlieda Jose Bustos (7-4-3, 4 Tal-KO) ta 'Ciudad Juarez, Mexico in a Jr. Bout ħfief.

Earl Newman (5-0, 4 Tal-KO) ta Brooklyn, NY se ġlieda Lamont Kappar (5-6) tal Hawley, PA in a Cruiserweight bout.
John Magda (10-0, 7 Tal-KO) tal Rutherford, NJ will take on an opponent to be named in a Super Middleweight bout.
Stephen Fulton (5-0, 2 Tal-KO) of Philadelphia will take on an opponent to be named in a Featherweight bout.
Samuel kinoni (8-3, 3 Tal-KO) ta 'York, PA will fight an opponent to be named in a Jr. Bout welterweight.
Ħfief Milton Santiago (10-0, 3 Tal-KO) ta 'Philadelphia, PA will take on an opponent to be named
In 4-rounds bouts:
Kevin Garcia (1-1) tal PHOENIXVILLE, PA se ġlieda Jack Grady (0-1) ta 'Buffalo, NY fi bout irqiq.
Eric Spring (5-0, 1 KO) se tieħu fuq Robert Sweeney (3-2) of Hampton, VA in a Jr. Bout middleweight.
Biljetti huma pprezzati għal $100, $75 u $50 u jistgħu jinxtraw fil Ticketmaster u
L-1 bout se tibda fi 6:45 PM bil-bibien jinfetħu fil 6 PM.