Etikedaj Arkivoj: Boksanta

Let’s Hear It For The Girls – Marston, Smith & Ball Celebrate Historic Victories

Sabate Nokto, London promoters Mark Lyons and Billy James-Elliott presented the first British event to feature three female professional boxing bouts, however to achieve this historic first for Women’s Boxing, the pioneering duo, whose event was sanctioned by the Malta Boxing Commission, had to overcame an unbelievable level of interference, from another boxing organization and their fellow EBU members.


Rather than dwell on the politics, everyone involved in the staging of this historic event should be congratulated, none more so than the female boxers that took part.


Former Team GB athlete (Shot Putt, Hammer Throw and Discus), Peckham’s Shaunagh Brown made her professional debut against fellow debutant Ireland’s Xena Ball.


Brown had a major disadvantage, she’s the sole Female boxer worldwide that competes in the Cruiserweight division, by having to fight in the Heavyweight division against an opponent some fifty pounds heavier than herself.


That aside the bout was a cracker, the plucky Londoner didn’t appear to be fazed at all about the weight discrepancy, in fact early on it was her taking the fight to Ireland’s Ball.


Pilko, a classy young boxer with excellent ringcraft was as savvy as they come, content to let the Londoner come forward, before stepping forward with very, very quick double handed flurries to force Brown back towards the ropes throughout the bout.


Brown was struggling with the size difference between her and her opponent, unable to push Ball off relied on her excellent boxing skills to box her way out of danger.


After four rounds of virtual non-stop action, referee Lee Murtagh scored the bout in favour of Ireland’s Xena Ball 40-36, the correct verdict without doubt, but really doesn’t reflect the quality of Brown’s excellent against the odds performance.


Unbeaten Lightweight Sam Smith from Leeds, Yorkshire was next in action, who after no less than seven changes of opponents in the lead up to fight night, faced a debuting Alina Lisova from Riga in Latvia.


Smith, who in her previous bout beat championship experienced Zsofia Bedo to secure the International Masters Lightweight title, literally outclassed Lisova, tearing the debuting Latvian girl apart and stopping her in just one minute and ten seconds of the first round.


The final female bout of the night see Woolwich, London’s British #1 Rangita (Both Super Bantamweight and Pound-For-Pound) and reigning MBC International Super Bantamweight Champion Marianne Marston, En ne-ĉampioneco ses pli ronda.


As with Sam Smith, Marianne had many changes of opponent, nine in her case pulled out, in the build up and eventually faced Riga, Latvia’s Jekaterina Lecko, who in June fought Germany’s Alice Melina Kummer for the German Lightweight title.


Lecko paraded down the catwalk like she was a model, whilst Marston, an actual former model, made her entrance very much in fight mode, smashing her gloves together as acknowledgment to the cheers of support from the huge female contingent in attendance.


The difference between the two was even more noticeable when Marianne removed her sponsor laden T-Shirt to show her seriously ripped physique.


Marston went straight on the offensive, forcing Lecko to rely on throwing out her jab in a vein effort to prevent the Londoner getting within range, Marston not only got in range but once there she began giving the Latvian a boxing lesson she’s unlikely to forget in a while.


Changing tactics Lecko resorted to running away as such, however Marston’s ringcraft is of such a level that she was able to close down and cut off any escape route, before backing the Latvian on to the ropes with a vicious double handed attack, the result was devastating for Lecko who was sent to the canvas with just five seconds remaining of the first round.


Marston started the second in similar vein to the first, taking the fight to Lecko, who now began throwing huge right hands in an attempt to keep Marston at bay.


With this tactic failing, due to Marston’s superior movement, Lecko reverted to going walk about, which suited the Londoner, who once again was able to cut off the ring and corral the Latvian against the ropes and begin another double handed assault, all Lecko could do was cover up and hope that Marston would punch herself out, she didn’t and after what seemed an age, it wasn’t but it seemed that way, referee Ken Curtis stepped in and waved off the bout to save Lecko from a guaranteed knockout, on the one minute and fifty second mark of the second round.


Following the event Promoter Mark Lyons spoke briefly about the three Women’s bouts.


“Firstly I would like to thank all the boxers that took part inĈi-nokte’s show and I mean all of them, OK I accept that some of the opponents were not close to the level of our boxers, but that was not any of the fighters fault.


I can’t thank Xena, Jekaterina and Alina enough for saving the female bouts, these girls all stepped in at the last minute after a ridiculous number of pulls outs due to threats from another organisation.


That aside these girls came and saved the show and we did manage to make history, we are the first to have three female bouts on a UK pro boxing event.


Personally I think Shaunagh’s fight against Xena was the stand out bout, not just because it went the distance but because it was a fantastic fight, even though it had to be fought at Heavyweight as there are no other Cruiserweights in the world.


I felt sorry for Sam, Alina was way too inexperienced for someone of her skills, the same with Jekaterina, she just wasn’t close to the class of fighter Marianne should be fighting.


The real difference is our girls really are professionals in every way, they prepare for competition in exactly the same way as the male boxers.


Look at Marianne, I doubt there are many male boxers that have such a honed body, that girl has an eight pack, she trains every single day and spars some seriously talented male boxers to prepare and it shows.


I am proud to have these girls fight on our events and can’t wait for the next, their support was fantastic, never have I seen so many female spectators at a boxing match before.


Roll on October 23Rd I promise there will be more female bouts on that show too.”


(Usono. only schedule. Por plena kanada horaro, #Pla?i viziton Tv.Fightnetwork.Com from your region.)
Batala Reto estas 24/7 Televida kanalo #dedi?i kompletigi priraportadon de militaj sportoj. ?i aeraj programoj koncentrita sur la tuta amplekso de la milita sporta varo, Inkluzivanta vivajn batalojn kaj supre-al-la-eta sciigo kaj analizo por bokso, Miksita militajn artojn, Kickboxing, Profesia luktado, Tradiciaj militaj artoj, Batala sciigo, Tiel kiel batalo-themed drama serio, dokumentarioj kaj #?efa?o filmoj.
Malsupre trovi #?efa?o de #?i tiu semajno’s programaro:
Lundo, Aug. 31
7:30 P.M. ET – Batalu Nova Nun Kroma – La plej lasta sciigo, Recaps, #?Efa?o kaj interna analizo de la batala ludo.
9:00 P.M. ETVacant WBC Silver Female Title: Jeffrey vs. GarbattFeaturing Ronica Jeffrey vs. Lindsay Garbatt for the vacant WBC Silver female super featherweight title from Aug. 31, 2012 en Dover, Delaware.
Lundo, Sept. 1
12:00 P.M. ETVacant WBC Silver Female Title: Jeffrey vs. GarbattFeaturing Ronica Jeffrey vs. Lindsay Garbatt for the vacant WBC Silver female super featherweight title from Aug. 31, 2012 en Dover, Delaware.
6:00 P.M. ETKOTV Boksanta #Klasika?o – Respertanta neforgeseblajn boksajn batalojn de la pasinta du jardekoj.
8:30 P.M. ETBatala Sciigo Nun Kroma – La plej lasta sciigo, Recaps, #?Efa?o kaj interna analizo de la batala ludo.
Merkredo, Sept. 2
7:00 .M., 1 P.M. ET & 10:00 P.M. ETKOTV Boksanta #Klasika?o – Revivigis memorinda bokso bataloj de la pasinteco du jardekoj.
7:30 P.M. ET — Batalu Nova Nun Kroma – La plej lasta sciigo, Recaps, #?Efa?o kaj interna analizo de la batala ludo.
#?A?do, Sept. 3
1 .M. ET & 5:30 P.M. ETKOTV Boksanta #Semajn?urnalo Kovranta #?iuj la plej lasta sciigo en profesia bokso, featuring plena lastatempajn batalojn kaj elstarigas de la dolĉa scienco.
8:30 P.M. ET — Batala Sciigo Nun Kroma – La plej lasta sciigo, Recaps, #?Efa?o kaj interna analizo de la batala ludo.
10:00 P.M. ET – Golden Boy LIVE: De La Hoya vs. Ruiz (KANADA ONLY) – Diego De La Hoya battles Jesus “Estrella” Ruiz for the WBC Youth featherweight title on LA FIGHT CLUB live from Los Angeles, Calif.
Vendredo, Sept. 4
12:30 P.M. ET KOTV Boksanta #Semajn?urnalo Kovranta #?iuj la plej lasta sciigo en profesia bokso, featuring plena lastatempajn batalojn kaj elstarigas de la dolĉa scienco.
Sabato, Sept. 5
12:30 .M. ETBatala Sciigo Nun Kroma – La plej lasta sciigo, Recaps, #?Efa?o kaj interna analizo de la batala ludo.
4:00 .M. ET — KOTV Boksanta #Semajn?urnalo Kovranta #?iuj la plej lasta sciigo en profesia bokso, featuring plena lastatempajn batalojn kaj elstarigas de la dolĉa scienco.
#Diman?o, Sept. 6
2:30 .M. ET& 7:00 P.M. ETKOTV Boksanta #Klasika?o – Respertanta neforgeseblajn boksajn batalojn de la pasinta du jardekoj.
8:00 P.M. ETFinfina Klasika Bokso: Bassey #kontra?. Costa Featuring Hogan “Infano” Bassey #kontra?. Carmelo Costa from Oct. 31, 1958.
Pepi & Instagram @fightnet
PROKSIMUME BATALI RETON: Batala Reto estas la monda’s superegaj batalaj sportoj reto #dedi?i al 24/7 Priraportado, Inkluzivanta batalojn, Batalantoj, batala sciigo kaj batala vivstilo. La kanalo estas havebla en Usono. Sur Cablevision en partoj de Nov-Jorko, Konektikuto kaj #Nov-?erzejo, Teksaso-bazita Grande Komunikadoj, Armstrong Kablo en Pensilvanio kaj orienta Ohio, tiel kiel sur Shentel Kablo en Virginio, Okcidenta Virginio kaj partoj de okcidenta Marilando, and Suddenlink Communications in Texas, Oklahomo, Arkansas, Louisiana and North Carolina.. Batala Reto estas #anka? sur Roku fiksas pintajn skatolojn en Usono. Kaj Kanado, alfluis vivan sur retejo KlowdTV.Com, Kaj havebla sur #?iuj gravaj portantoj en Kanado kaj pli da ol 30 Landoj trans #E?ropo, Afriko kaj la Meza Oriento.


Klako HERE To Watch Their First Fight In Its Entirety
CORPUS CHRISTI, TEKSASO (#A?gusto 31, 2015) – After a razor thin decision in their first fight, top bantamweights Jamie McDonnell (26-2-1, 12 KOs) Kaj Tomoki “El Mexicanito” Kameda (31-1, 19 KOs) will square-off again on the #Diman?o, Septembro 6Eldono de Superegaj Boksaj #?ampiono (PBC) Sur CBS live from the American Bank Center in Corpus Christi, Teksaso.
The 12-round bantamweight showdown will kick-off the telecast beginning at 4 P.M. ET/1 P.M. PT and will be headlined by a super middleweight battle between Anthony “La Hundo” Dirrell (27-1-1, 22 KOs) Kaj Marco AntonioEl VenenoRubio (59-7-1, 51 KOs).
In the first fight between the United Kingdom’s McDonnell and Japan’s Kameda, which originally aired on the Majo 9 installment of PBC on CBS, McDonnell narrowly took the decision 114-113 Sur ĉiuj tri juĝistoj’ scorecards.
En totalo, the two men combined to throw over 1,000 punches in their first fight, including nearly 800 power punches over the 12 Rondoj. Sur Septembro 6, McDonnell and Kameda will go toe-to-toe once again with bantamweight supremacy on the line.
I have a great engine and I always come on strong in the back end of the fight,” said McDonnell. “I think from round six on it was my fight. I started too slowly in the first fight but I worked hard and got the win.
I definitely think I won the first fight,” said Kameda. “I landed the much harder punches and built up enough of an early lead, but the judges saw what they saw. It was a close fight and I know I can change the outcome this time.
One of the key moments in the fight (and one that some thought could have swung the fight in Kameda’s favor) was his third round knockdown of McDonnell via a lightning-fast right hand.
I can remember being on the floor and I didn’t know how I got there,” said McDonnell. “His speed and power is there and I went down. It proves that not everyone is invincible and if you get caught, you are going to go down. We’ve put some work in to counter that power and hopefully that will show on fight night.
Both men are deep into training camp now and have been working on numerous adjustments to keep their opponents guessing coming into the rematch. For Kameda these changes involved a change in coach as he enters his first fight with new trainer Ismael Salas.
I have a completely different team now with Ismael Salas and Angel Heredia and ‘StichDuran as cut man,” said Kameda. “I feel much better going into this fight with better sparring and preparation and it will show in the fight. Salas has a great game plan and Ican’t wait to perform it.
McDonnell is tall, so getting inside his jab took some extra work. He’s a good veteran but I will show I’m the superior fighter once again.
We knew he was going to be fast, he’s the fastest I have ever faced,” said McDonnell. “I got tagged with a right hand but in the rematch I know what to expect now. I’ve sparred against a lad that throws his right hand like Kameda does so I know how to keep out of range for that.
I feel I am hitting harder. I’ve been working on my power in the gym and I feel it’s going to pay off. I’m always in great shape and I’ve been flying in the gym. I am really looking forward to this one.
For McDonnell, it was a successful U.S. debut as he returned home to the United Kingdom victorious. McDonnell has already arrived in Texas as he did before their first fight in order to acclimate to the time and climate changes.
I loved being in America for the last fight and doing the afternoon show,” said McDonnell. “We’ve been to Texas before now and it was a great time so I am happy to be back here and I know what to expect. We’ve brought Ryan Burnett (10-0, 8 KOs) out here to Corpus Christi to spar for the full fortnight, plus my wife, daughter and brother Gavin are all out here with me again.
The two fighters will look to prove their supremacy once again and entertain boxing fans around the world on Septembro 6.
I think it will be a fast paced fight,” said McDonnell. “I started too slowly last time and I don’t want that to happen again. I believe I will stop him late.. I took him into the trenches last time but I didn’t put it on him enough. I think I will make a big statement.
I will look to prepare shots to score points and be victorious,” said Kameda. “Se venos la knokaŭto, I will take it. Most important is to get the victory and we will do what we have to do to win. I will not let him back in the fight later on. This time I will start strong and finish him and not let off the gas until I am champion again.
# # #
Biletoj por la viva evento, which is promoted by Leija Battah Promotions and Warriors Boxing, Estas alprezigita #?e $109, $93, $49, $38 Kaj $15, Ne inkluzivanta aplikeblajn servajn akuzojn kaj impostojn kaj estas sur vendo nun. Biletoj estas haveblaj #?e, the American Bank Center Box Office or by calling Leija Battah Promotions at (210) 979-3302. To charge by phone call Ticketmaster at (800) 745-3000.
Por pli da informa vizito, follow on Twitter @PremierBoxing @AnthonyDirrell, @MAVenenoRubio, @JamieMcDonnell1, @TomokiKameda, @SHOSports, @WarriorsBoxingProm, LeijaBattahPR, @AmericanBankCtr and @Swanson_Comm,


AT 4 P.M. ET/1 P.M. PT
Action Begins Inside the Arena at 1 P.M. ET!
MASHANTUCKET, Conn. (#A?gusto 31, 2015) – Some of the top prospects from the Northeast including undefeated super featherweight Bryant “Pee Wee” Cruz (15-0, 8 KOs) will be showcased on a stacked undercard Sabato, Septembro 12 live from Foxwoods Resort Casino in Mashantucket, CT with the first bout beginning at 1 P.M. ET.
La Septembro 12 Superegaj Boksaj #?ampiono Sur NBC card is headlined by undefeated middleweight star Peter “Infana #?okolado” Quillin (31-0-1, 22 KOs) Prenanta sur Mikaelo “#Sufi?e Knabo” Zerafa (17-1, 9 KOs) in a 10-round middleweight bout with world title implications on the line for former world champion Quillin. Super veltero mondĉampiono CorneliusK-9Bundrage (34-5, 19 KOs) will defend his title against undefeated rising star Jermall Charlo (21-0, 16 KOs) en la ko-ĉefa okazaĵo. Live coverage begins at 4 P.M. ET/1 P.M. PT on NBC.
As part of the previously announced featured undercard bouts, two of the most promising prospects in boxing will put their undefeated records on the line as 2012 Usono. Olympian and highly-touted light heavyweight “Sinjoro” Marcus Browne (15-0, 11 KOs), prenas sur la estinta mondĉampiono Gabriel Campillo (25-7-1, 12 KOs), and undefeated middleweight Hugo “La Boss” Centeno (22-0, 12 KOs) meets Poland’s Lukas Maciec (22-2-1, 5 KOs).
The Browne or Centeno fight could end up as a swing bout for the NBC broadcast pending the outcome of the two scheduled televised bouts.
Fighting on the non-televised portion of the undercard are top prospects representing New England, New York and Washington D.C.
The Undefeated super featherweight Cruz, fighting out of Port Chester, NY, puts his perfect record on the line in an eight-round bout.
Popular New York City super featherweight Gary Stark Jr. (24-3, 8 KOs) will be gunning for his second straight win of his comeback bid against former African champion Anthony Napunyi (15-15, 6 KOs) en ses-ronda matĉo.
Vaŝingtono. super featherweight Antonio Russell (3-0, 2 KOs), the younger brother of reigning world super featherweight champion and 2008 Usono. Olympian Gary Russell, Jr., will compete in a six-round bout while undefeated super bantamweight world champion ShellyShelito’s WayVincent (14-0, 1 KO) squares off against former Youth champion BrittanyPretty Girl” Cruz (10-6-2, 2 KOs) in an eight-round non-title fight.
Also fighting on the undercard in a four-round matchup is Elmont, NY super featherweight Tito Williams (1-0), oni 2013 New York Golden Gloves champion, Prenanta sur Benjamin Burgos (2-12-1), and a four-round featherweight bout featuring Timmy Ramos (1-0, 1 KO) of Framingham, MA.
Biletoj por la viva evento, Kiu estas #anta?enigi de DiBella Distro, Estas alprezigita #?e $150, $85 Kaj $45, Ne inkluzivanta aplikeblajn servajn akuzojn kaj impostojn, Kaj estas sur vendo nun. Biletoj estas haveblaj #?e Kaj or by visiting the FoxwoodsBox Office. akuzi de telefono, Voki Ticketmaster #?e (800) 745-3000.
Por pli da informa vizito www.premierboxingcghampions.Com,, Sekvi sur Pepi @PremierBoxing, @KidChocolate, @K9Boxing, FutureOfBoxing, @LouDiBella, @FoxwoodsCT and Swanson_Comm, #Fari?i fervorulo sur Facebook #?e Champions, Kaj


In Co-Main Event Julio Ceja Stops Hugo Ruiz In Super Bantamweight Bout
Kredito: Suzanne Teresa, Superegaj Boksaj #?ampiono
Los Angeles, CA (#A?gusto 29, 2015) – In a battle of Southern California featherweights, Leo “El Terremoto” Santa Cruz, (31-0-1, 17 KOs) Venkita Abner Mares, (29-2-1, 15 KOs) by majority decision in a fight reminiscent of Mexican wars between boxing legends Marco Antonio Barrera and Erik Morales Sabate Nokto. Scores tallied 117-111 Dufoje kaj 114-114 in front of a raucous crowd of 13,109 at STAPLES Center in Los Angeles for the Superegaj Boksaj #?ampiono sur ESPN Ĉefa evento.
With savage uppercuts and brutal power shots from the opening bell, the combatants threw more than 2,000 punches combined with Santa Cruz connecting 35 percent of his total 1,050 punches and Mares connecting 23 procento de lia 980 total punches.
En la tria raŭndo, Mares was cut from an accidental head-butt, with blood sporadically continuing to pour throughout the fight. Santa Cruz took advantage of the distracted Mares in the fourth drilling him with body shots. During the fifth stanza a second accidental head-butt opened an additional cut on the forehead of Mares.
Mares fought his way back into the fight in the sixth and seventh rounds, but Santa Cruz caught a much needed second win starting in the eighth and swept the championship rounds. The fight’s brutal ebbs and flows culminated in a epic 12th round with Santa Cruz and Mares throwing non-stop power shots to close the fight.
Opening the Premier Boxing Champions on ESPN telecast Julio Ceja, (30-1, 27 KOs), of Tianepantia, Mexico won with a sensational fifth round stoppage of Hugo Ruiz, (35-2, 30 KOs) De Los Mochis, Meksiko. Ceja suffered a third round knockdown but came back to floor Ruiz in round five and earned the victory after swarming the staggered Ruiz. Time of the stoppage was 2:34.
Undefeated lightweight prospect Alejandro Luna, (19-0, 14KOs), of Bellflower, Kalifornio, dominated and stopped veteran Sergio Lopez, (18-9-1,12 KOs) en la kvara raŭndo. A barrage of punches resulted in the onslaught being stopped at the
:34 Marko.

To the roar of the huge crowd at STAPLES Center, Alfredo “El Perro” Angulo, 24-5 (19KO’s), of Mexicali, Meksiko, battered Hector Munoz, (22-16-1 (14KO’s) over five rounds of their scheduled ten round clash. With power punches from all angles, Angulo bloodied Munoz and dropped him in the fifth. Following that stanza, Munoz did not come out for round six with Angulo being awarded the well-deserved victory.

Local fan favorite Jessie Roman (20-2, 9 KOs) continued to impress with a dominant eight round unanimous decision over Huntington Beach, Kalifornia Hector Serrano, 17-5 (5KO’s). Dropping Serrano in the seventh, Roman went on to win a unanimous decision by scores of 79-72 sur ĉiuj tri poentokartoj.
Fighting out of Buenos Aires, Argentino, Brian Castano, 13-0 (9KO’s) was awarded a victory by disqualification over Jonathan Batista, 14-7, (7KO’s) #?E la 1:15 mark of the fifth round. After being dropped in the second round, Batista continuously resorted to low blows over the balance of the bout. Points were deducted from Batista three times over the third and fourth rounds before another low blow in the fifth resulted in the stoppage.
Middleweight prospect Alan Castano de Bonaero, Argentina making his U.S. debut improved to 9-0, (6KO’s) with a fourth round knockout of the valiant Thomas Howard, 8-5 (4KO’s) of Trenton, #Mi?igano. Although not knocked down, Howard absorbed the full array of punches from Castano prior to the bout being stopped at the 2:11 mark of the fourth stanza.
Welterweights were featured in a six round bout as welterweight Anthony Flores, (9-0, 5 KOs), De Los Angeles, California won a majority decision over Curtis Morton, (3-5-3) De Harlem, NY. The battle featuring excellent two-way action throughout was scored 58-56 twice for Flores and 57-57.
In a scheduled ten round super middleweight bout, Konkuranto Paul Mendez, (20-2-2, 10 KOs) dropped Andrik Saralegui (19-3, 15 KOs), De Los Mochis, New Mexcio, twice in the second round. The Delano, California native earned the stoppage, as Saralegui did not answer the bell for round three.
Bantamweights were featured in the second bout as Isaiah Najera (1-1), of Yakima, Washington upset the pro debuting Antonio Santa Cruz (0-1), De Los Angeles, California via majority decision. Poentaroj estis 39-37 twice for Najera and 38-38. Antonio is the younger cousin of headliner Leo Santa Cruz.
In theopening bout of the afternoon, a four round lightweight clash, Jose Gomez De Los Angeles, CA improved to 3-0 with a spirited unanimous decision over ManualRubalcava (2-14), of Nuevo Laredo, Meksiko. Poentaroj estis 40-36 on all scorecards.
Jen kion la batalantoj devis diri:

Leo Santa Cruz:
I was surprised Abner came out so strong. He came right at me but we figured him out and we got the win.
I stayed outside with the jab. We were able to take control.
My dad told me that we could beat him by boxing. We want to be aggressive but #?I-noktewe had to box him too and that’s how we got it done.
If he wants the rematch I’ll give him the rematch. I want to fight the best. I want the big fights.
I’m very happy. Tio ĉi estas revo venita veran. I’m happy and excited and thankful to all of my fans who supported me.
Abner Mares:
“?i estis proksima batalo, but I thought I won the fight. I thought I pulled it off.
My plan was to box him, but I started out really fast. I felt good but my corner told me to box more, so I did that. Ĝi estis bona batalo.
Leo is good. Li estas granda batalanto. I knew it was going to be a tough fight.
I’m more than willing to have a rematch. ?i estis proksima batalo. I knew he had never faced a fighter like me and he proved today he’s a great fighter.
The fans were the winners #?I-nokte. It was a great fight for the fans. I think I deserve a rematch and I think the fans deserve another show.
It was my mistake. I started really good, but along the way I changed my plan for some weird reason and I don’t know why I did it.
Julio Ceja:
I was well prepared, but I was surprised I got dropped. I felt mentally and physically good after that and I knew I was going to come back.
At first it was difficult because Ruiz was moving too much, however I knew I was going to win.
I hope Leo Santa Cruz goes back up to super bantamweight so I can fight him next.
Alfredo Angulo:
“Mi sentas vere bonan. I worked and used my jab. I’ve never used my jab too much and #?I-nokte I tried to use it more and more and more.
When I fought in June, it had been a long time since I fought and I was fighting in a new weight class. Esti honesta, I was nervous and today I was more comfortable.
I could tell the the fans were behind me #?I-nokte and they motivate me to work even harder in each fight.
Sankta Kruco vs. ĉevalinoj, a 12-round featherweight bout on Superegaj Boksaj #?ampiono Sur ESPN Sabate, #A?gusto 29 aired live from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles and was promoted by TGB Promotions.






‘The Dream’ Improves to 16-0 with Unanimous Decision in Great Fight,

DeCarlo Perez Outpoints Previously Unbeaten Juan Ubaldo Cabrera,

Heavyweight Joey Dawejko Scores Opening-Round Knockout over Natu Visinia

Catch Reludi lundo, Aug. 31, #?E 10 P.M. ET/PT sur SHO ULTRA?

Klako HERE #El?uti Fotojn

Fota Kredito: Esther Lin/SHOWTIME

LASa VEGAS (Aug. 29, 2015) – On a hot summer August night, in a specially-constructed ring outside the Downtown Las Vegas Events Center (DLVEC) laŭlarĝe de la D Las Vegas,Trevor “The Dream” Bryan remained unbeaten and passed the toughest test of his career with a crowd-pleasing, hard-fought 10-round unanimous decision over Derric Rossy in the main event of a ShoBox: La Nova Generacio Tripleheader vivas sur SHOWTIME?.


Bryan (16-0, 11 KOs), of Albany, N.Y., dropped the vastly more experienced Rossy (30-10, 14 KOs), of Medford, N.Y., with a flurry of punches 30 seconds into the fight en route to winning one of the most exciting heavyweight fights of the year by the scores of 98-91 Dufoje kaj 97-92. Round 3 of the slugfest could be a candidate for Round of the Year.


Je Vendredo’s Co-#?efa?o, Middleweight DeCarlo “3-Mendo” Perez (15-3-1, 5 KOs), De Atlantika Urbo, upset previously undefeated Juan Ubaldo Cabrera (23-1, 16 KOs) of the Dominican Republic on a unanimous 10-round decision. Perez, who took the fight on a week’s notice, beat the two-time Dominican Republic Olympian by the scores of 98-91 Dufoje kaj 97-92 in a match that featured steady two-way action for the most part. Cabrera became the 134Th boxer to suffer his initial defeat on ShoBox.


En la komenca vico de la telecast, Superpezula Joey Dawejko (15-4-2, 7 KOs), De Philadelphia, registered an impressive 1:15, first-round knockout over Samoa’s Natu Visinia(11-2, 9 KOs) of Tacoma, Wash., in a scheduled eight-round scrap.


We saw two drastically different types of heavyweight fights tonight,’’ said boxing historian and ShoBox sperta analizisto Steve Farhood. “One quick bang-outwhere Joey Dawejko made a lot of fans. I think people would like to see him again, I’d like to see him again. And the second fight, Trevor Bryan, he didn’t get the stoppage but he also gained a lot of fans. He’s a fighter that most fans have not seen, and tonight he was introduced on the big stage in a very successful way.


Derric Rossy showed such resistance and that made the win sweeter for Bryan, who had never fought anybody resembling the class of Rossy. It was a physical fight with a lot of good exchanges. Trevor Bryan stamped himself as a young American heavyweight to watch.


“[Juan Ubaldo] Cabrera was a disappointment. It looked like he was going to be the classier, busier fighter for three rounds, Sed [DeCarlo] Perez took over. And to fight as effectively as Perez did on one-week notice against a fighter that was 23-0, is impressive. It’s the biggest win by far on Perez’s career.‘’


Hall of Fame promotor @Don King was ecstatic afterward. “It was great to see heavyweight boxing back to what it is supposed to beyou are hanging on the edge of your seat with every punch,'' Li diris. “You don’t know what’s going to happen, but Trevor Bryan pulled through. He’s only 16-0 but he broke through the door to greatness. That’s the big thing. Now we have to look for him to get a heavyweight championship fight as he goes along.


“So it was a terrific fight and as a matter of fact it was a terrific night of fights and that’s what it’s all about. People ask me ‘when is the next one?’ people shouting in their seats and tingling. And we did it for the womenfighting for women’s rightsthe pursuit of life, liberty and happiness. Oh man I am so excited. This is what it’s supposed to be.’’


The 6-foot-4 Bryan, who turned 26 Sur Aug. 23, iris 10 rounds for the first time. A pro since November 2011, he had registered 10 De lia 11 knockouts victories in three rounds or less.


“I think I showed to people that I like to fight and that I will fight,’’ Bryan said. “The heavyweight division is weak. Guys don’t like to throw a lot of punches. Being this was my first time on television, I think I had more anxiety than anything, but overall I was very happy with my performance.


“Rossy is a very durable, Sperta ulo. For him to hang in like he did says a lot. I know I definitely hurt him a few times but I didn’t follow up with the right punches. I didn’t place my punches like I should have after he was hurt. I know I need to relax more and listen to my corner.


“I was a little surprised that he didn’t box and move more but this was a hard-fought fight and a good fight for the fans.’’


Rossy pushed Bryan in many of the rounds, making for ferocious exchanges that had the crowd on their feet. The 35-year-old gamer has been on the wrong end of many close decisions in the past, but he had no qualms with the verdict this time.


“Bryan is definitely a good fighter, talented and he hits hard,’’ said Rossy, who has been in with some of the best in the division. “But after the knockdown, I was fighting on all heart. It wasn’t my plan to stand and slug and make it a war, but once I got dropped my strategy went out the window.


“This was an extremely hard fight, but that early knockdown was the whole difference for me. I’m OK but this was an exhausting 10-round fight.’’


Despite having little time to prepare, Perez, 24, won his fourth in a row and is 9-1 in his last 10 Bataloj. “The heat [close to100 degrees] was no factor, I’ve been training in a gym that has more humidity than this,'' Li diris. “The tough part was not knowing anything about my opponent; we saw no film so I had to adjust on the fly.


“I knew I’d be getting stronger as the fight went on. To keep throwing punches and dishing out punishment, that’s my style.


“This should open up a lot of doors for me. What I did tonight was prove what intense work ethic, pushing and fighting through all the odds, can do. I am very happy and already am looking forward to my next fight.


Cabrera, 36, whose pro career has sputtered due to long stretches of inactivity, had a point deducted in the seventh for hitting behind the head. Afterward, he offered no excuses. “I just got outhustled,'' Li diris. He didn’t punch that hard. I was never hurt. I just didn’t throw enough. I felt fine until I got tired in the 10Th round.’’


The 5-foot-10 Dawejko, despite giving away five inches in height and being outweighed by 37¾ pounds, came out firing and hurt and staggered Visinia with an overhand right to the side of the head. He followed up with a flurry of punches to the head and body. After Visinia was given a standing eight-count, Dawejko landed eight unanswered punches before the referee stepped in and stopped it.


“I thought I would knock him out but not that fast,’’ said Dawejko, who outlanded the Samoan 18-1, 16 of them power shots. “Natu’s a tough guy. My plan was to tire him out and take him out in the fourth or fifth.


“This win does everything for my career. It basically eliminated the loss in my last fight to Amir Mansour [that snapped Dawejko’s six-fight winning streak]. “This shows I’m back. They have to mention me now when they’re talking heavyweights.’’


Going in, Visinia was regarded as perhaps the most promising up-and-coming Samoan heavyweight since former longtime contender David Tua.


“This is very disappointing,’’ Visinia said. “I just waited too long to get started with the jab and got caught with a good one. That happens in boxing but I’m going to keep working. I don’t want the boxing world or boxing gods to turn their backs on me now. This was a bump in the road. I’ll be back.’’


Aired during the telecast was an exclusive taped interview with Floyd Mayweather Kaj Jim Gray and a live interview with WBC Super Middleweight Champion Badou Jack and Farhood.Mayweather (48-0, 26 KOs) will put his undefeated record and WBC and WBA Welterweight World Championships on the line against power-punching, two-time welterweight world champion Andre Berto (30-3, 23 KOs) and Jack (19-1-1, 12 KOs) will make his first defense against mandatory challenger “Saint” George Groves (21-2, 16 KOs) Sur Sabato, Sept. 12 #?E la MGM Granda #?ardeno Areno En Las Vegas, Vivi sur SHOWTIME PPV?. The four-fight pay-per-view telecast starts at 8 P.M. Et / 5 p.m. PT.


La ShoBox tripleheader will re-air this week as follows:



Lundo, Aug. 31, 10:30 P.M. ET/PT SHOWTIME Extreme


Vendredo’s three-fight telecast will be available at SHOWTIME ON DEMAND beginning today, Sabato, Aug. 29.

Barry Tompkins nomata ShoBox Ago de ringside kun Farhood kaj eksa monda #?ampiono Raúl Márquez servanta kiel sperta analizistoj. La plenuma produktanto estis Gordon Hall Kun Richard Gaughan produktanta kaj Rick Phillips direktanta.



Klako HERE For Photos From Scott Hirano/SHOWTIME
Klako HERE For Photos From Idris Erba/ Mayweather Promotions
Premieres #?I-nokte, Aug. 28 Sur SHOWTIME? #?E 10:30Pm ET/PT

Click On The Link Below To Watch Episode 1 Antaŭrigardo
LOS ANGELES – (Aug. 28, 2015) – Two-time welterweight world champion Andre Berto (30-3, 23 KOs) participated in a media workout at the J.W. Marriott at L.A. Live as he prepares for the biggest fight of his career. In front of an enthusiastic crowd, Berto looked focused and in great shape, jumping rope and shadowboxing, as he looks to become the first fighter to defeat 12-time world championFloyd “Mono” Mayweather (48-0, 26 KOs), Sur Sabato, Sept. 12 #?E la MGM Granda #?ardeno Areno en Las Vegas vivas plu SHOWTIME PPV? (8 P.M. ET/5 P.M. PT).
In addition to Berto, top 168-pound contender George Groves and former three-time world championJhonny Gonzalez participated in the media workout as they prepare for their respective fights on theSHOWTIME PPV elsendo.
The training session was hosted by TV & CBS Radio personality Big Tigger and Emmy? Award-winning sports reporter Mark Kriegel and streamed in high definition across multiple platforms, including via satellite feed, YouTube and social media.
Promoted by Mayweather Promotions, La Sept. 12 four-fight pay-per-view telecast will be produced and distributed live by SHOWTIME PPV and is the sixth and final fight of a record-breaking deal between Mayweather and Showtime Networks Inc. SHOWTIME Sportoj? will support the event with the Sports Emmy? Award-winning series ALL ACCESS.
In world championship fights on the pay-per-view telecast, Roman “Roka” Martinez (29-2-2, 17 KOs) will defend his WBO Junior Lightweight title in a rematch against four-time world championOrlandoSiriSalido (42-13-2, 29 KOs), Kaj Badou Jack “La Ripper” (19-1-1, 12 KOs) will make the initial defense of his WBC Super Middleweight World title against mandatory challengerSankta” George Groves (21-2, 16 KOs). The opening fight of the telecast will feature former three-time world champion and Mexican power-puncher Jhonny Gonzalez (58-9, 49 KOs) against Puerto Rico’s Jonathan “Polvo” Oquendo (25-4, 16 KOs) in a 10-round junior lightweight scrap.
Plus, former 154-pound world champion Ishe Smith (27-7, 12 KOs) will be opposed by longtime top-five contender Vanes Martirosyan (35-2-1, 21 KOs) in the 90-minute COUNTDOWN LIVE: MAYWEATHER vs. BERTOpreshow on Sabato, Septembro 12.
Biletoj por la viva evento, which is promoted by Mayweather Promotions LLC., Estas alprezigita #?e $1,500, $1,000, $750, $500, $300 Kaj $150 Kaj estas sur vendo nun. Biletoj estas limigitaj al ok (8) per household for all ticket prices except the $150 ticket category, which is limited to four (4) per household. To charge by phone or with a major credit card, Voki Ticketmaster #?e (800) 745-3000. Tickets also are available for purchase at #A?
What Berto, Berto’s trainer, Virgil Hunter, Georgo Groves, Jhonny Gonzalez and Mayweather Promotions CEO Leonard Ellerbe Dirita Vendredo:
Andre Berto
From an energy aspect I feel great. It’s my first time in a while coming into a fight with no injuries. This is the healthiest I’ve been since I can remember.
“Fine de la tago, this fight was supposed to happen two or three times. Situations with me not taking care of myself and not taking opponents seriously caused it to happen. But styles make fights and we’ll see what the boxing fans say Sept. 12.
I know that I’m still the same guy who people thought could have given Floyd problems a couple years ago.
Viktoro Ortiz Kaj Robert Guerrero both got fights with Floyd because they beat me. There must be something to that. They said ‘if he did something to Berto, he should get a shot at Floyd.'
We’re here. It’s my time to see him. He can have his ‘MayVincicode because we put in the work. The whole team is confident. I’m going to do what I do.
We worked on a lot of different things at camp. I have the speed to keep up with him. I have more power.
The thing with Floyd is, most guys he fights aren’t as athletic as he is. But I am.
If you come at Floyd fast but don’t have a plan and don’t have good footwork, it’s too easy for him. If you have a guy that’s as athletic as him, it gives him problems.
There is a lot more to me than just walking guys down. I have speed, Mi havas potencon, I have a crazy uppercut, I can move to the side. There are a lot of ways I can get it done.
I’m not going to watch his sparring. I don’t want to watch him driving his cars, none of that. I want to see him Sept. 12.
This is my first time going into a fight without all the pressure on my back. I’ve always been the favorite in every fight. I don’t know what he’s feeling and I don’t really have to care about it.
It’s a different mindset. Coming from where I come from, we always had to defeat the odds. We didn’t have what other people had. We had to work twice as hard for everything. To be noticed to be seen. Even back then it drove me to be the best that I can be. I wanted everyone to know I was somebody you had to watch.
I’ve faced these odds my whole life. I was discounted two years ago when I was laying in the hospital. I’m constantly envisioning victory.
All the hard work we’re putting in, it’ll all pay off fight night. It’s not just for me. I’ve been through doing things for me. I see what’s real now.
I’ve prepared myself mentally to be in this position. People can say whatever they want. Ni centris.
This is going to be for everyone who believes in the underdog.
Virgil Hunter
We have a unique opportunity right in front of us. We have a chance at history and to cement a legacy for my fighter (Berto).
What is the key to winning this fight? (Berto) has got to want to win. He has to want it more. He holds the keys in his hand. You can plan as much as you want for #Morga?, but we don’t know what#Morga? will bring. We can only prepare.
If (Berto) wins this fight, you’ll see me jumping up and down and it will be hard to compose myself. I’m usually pretty composed, but you might see me jump up and fall out of the ring and hit my head or something.
No matter what happens, Floyd will always be considered one of the best ever. Win or lose, his legacy is cemented.
There are similarities between Floyd and Andre Kvartalo. They both started boxing as young boys, and were Olympians and are undefeated. There’s a lot of pressure that comes with being undefeated and they both have faced that.
It’s not fair to the fight game to say this is a free shot and to go in there and say we have nothing to lose. We have everything to lose.
George Groves
“Trejnado tendaro estis iranta grandan. We’re fully acclimated to the time change and altitude. We’re performing very well in the gym and fulfilling the plan. I’m ready to rock.
We’ve trained in the U.S. before. Last year we came over to spar with Gennady Golovkin. This time we’re out there for much longer and it has been very successful.
I like training in the altitude and I expect it to help me on fight night. We got used to it over the weeks of camp and now it’s time to bring the extra energy to the ring.
I’m fully immersed in this fight with Badou Jack. Everyone wants to know about the future plans, but I leave that up to the promoters. My main concern is winning that WBC belt.
I carry power. I have good hands and foot speed. I can control the fight from anywhere. The mistakes that Badou Jack makes, I will take advantage of.
I want to announce myself as the best fighter in the division and I’m planning on doing that Sept. 12. There won’t be any question marks. After I win this fight, I’ll have proof.
I’m a valuable commodity in the UK and it’s about time I started building my brand in the states. This is a huge opportunity being on the Mayweather card. The undercard will not be overlooked this night.
Every fight is more important than the last. It doesn’t matter who you fight, it can affect you in a big way. I have a style that will naturally engage with the fans. People like to see me fight. I look to take the opponent out and that will be the same on Sept. 12.
Once Badou Jack leaves an opening, I will take it. I plan to look very good doing so.
Jhonny Gonzalez
“Mi sentas grandan. I’ve been preparing at the gym a lot and I feel very good about this fight.
I am ready to win in this division and compete for a world title right away.
I am fighting so quickly after my last victory because I am very confident. Mi volas resti aktivaj. I want to gain what I had before the loss to [Gary] Russell. I’m moving forward.
I know that my opponent is a strong fighter. He’s going to throw a lot of punches but I’m going to bring it right back at him hard.
Being on the Mayweather card is a blessing. I’m excited to be in Las Vegas with the whole world watching.
I’m honored to be fighting on the Mexican Independence weekend. I’m ready to represent for my Mexican people. I’m going to leave everything in the ring.
What I want out of this fight, is an opportunity to win a world title. This is why I train so hard, to win world titles and fight in big fights.
I believe in my power punches. I’m intelligent on the inside and the outside. I believe in myself as a fighter and that is why I’ll win.
Leonard Ellerbe
I think Floyd shocked everyone by sparring on his media day Merkrede. It wasn’t planned. You just never know what you’re going to get at any Mayweather event. He’s always going to do something to attract attention and put on a show.
There’s no fear in Virgil (Berto’s trainer) or Andre checking it out and finding something that they can use against Floyd. Virgil is an excellent trainer and they will be prepared for everything for this fight.
Everything is right on track with the promotion. Doing a media workout like this is very important to keep the publicity up and to market the event and let the fighters interact with the fans. We have a tremendous undercard on Sept. 12
The SHOWTIME All Access episodes have been excellent and are getting the fans and media excited for this fight.
# # #
ALTAJ INTERESOJ: Mayweather #kontra?. Berto,” a 12-round welterweight world championship bout for Mayweather’s WBC and WBA 147-pound titles, is promoted by Mayweather Promotions LLC. The event will take place Saturday, Septembro 12 at MGM Grand in Las Vegas and will be televised by SHOWTIME PPV. The undercard features a WBO Junior Lightweight World Championship fight, which is a rematch between Roman Martinez and Orlando Salido. Also featured on the PPV telecast will be a WBC Super Middleweight title bout between Badou Jack and George Groves, which is promoted in association with Team Sauerland. The opening PPV bout pits former world champion Jhonny Gonzalez against Puerto Rico’s Jonathan Oquendo in a 10-round super featherweight bout.
“#?IU ALIRAS: Mayweather #kontra?. Berto” Epizodo 1 premieres this Friday, Aug. 28 #?E 10:30 P.M. ETa/PT.
Por pli da informa vizito, and follow on Twitter at @floydmayweather, @AndreBerto, @BadouJack, @StGeorgeGroves, @Romancito77, @sirisalido, @Jhonnygbox, @JonathanOquen @mayweatherpromo, @SHOSports and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook,,Www.Facebook.Com/MayweatherPromotions Kaj


Jose Pedraza Defends IBF Junior Lightweight World Championship
Against Edner Cherry in SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING? Co-#?efa?o
CINCINNATI (Aug. 28, 2015) – Former three-division world champion Adrien “La Problemo” Broner (30-2, 22 KOs)returns to his hometown looking for a fourth world title as he faces fellow former world champion Khabib “La Falko” Allakhverdiev (19-1, 9 KOs) for the WBA Super Lightweight world title on Sabato, Oktobro 3 Vivi sur SHOWTIME (10 P.M. ET/7 P.M. PT) De Usono. Bank Arena in Cincinnati, Ohio.
En la SHOWTIME #?AMPIONECO BOKSO Co-#?efa?o, undefeated IBF Junior Lightweight World Champion Jose “The SniperPedraza (20-0, 12 KOs) will defend his belt against veteran former world title challenger EdnerCherry BombCherry (34-6-2, 19 KOs).
I’m excited to be back in Cincinnati taking on a tough world class fighter who is going to bring it,” said Broner. “This fight means the world to me. It’s a huge deal to have the chance to be a four-division world champion at 26 years old.
Broner is a good boxer, he is a fast and talented guy, but as a man I don’t have anything good to say about him,” said Allakhverdiev. “I am looking forward to a world championship winning performance and I know that if he tries to do something to get in my head, to approach me or to push me that I will be as restrained as possible and save my anger for fight night.
I’m very excited to be back on SHOWTIME defending my title,” said Pedraza. “This is another step in the direction of becoming a superstar in the sport of boxing. I will be victorious and make my island proud.
I’m in a tough fight on Oktobro 3 but I’m very excited for this opportunity,” said Cherry. “This is nothing new for me. I’m not taking Pedraza lightly. He’s a champion for a reason. This is something that comes once in a lifetime and I’m going all-in to win this title.
Biletoj por la viva evento, which is promoted by Warriors Boxing and About Billions Promotions, Estas alprezigita #?e $154, $104, $79, $54, Kaj $29 and are on sale NOW. Tickets are available at the U.S. Bank Arena box office, all Ticketmaster outlets including select Kroger stores, Voko 1-800-745-3000, #A? enreta #?e Ticketmaster.Com.
The 12-round fight will be Broner’s first since he dropped a unanimous decision to former welterweight world champion Shawn Porter Je Junio 20. Broner is 8-1 in title fights and has collected belts at 130, 135 Kaj 147 Funtoj, but has never won a title at 140 Funtoj. Dropping down in weight, Broner is looking to add a fourth world title to his resume in his return to Cincinnati, kie li venkisEmmanuel Taylor last September in front of his hometown fans in a 2014 Fight of the Year candidate.
Allakhverdiev’s (pronounced ah-lockh-ver-DEE-ev) only blemish came via controversial 12-round split decision in a title defense to then-undefeated Jessie Vargas En aprilo 2014. Allakhverdiev, of Moscow, Rusio, initially won the WBA 140-pound crown with an eight-round technical decision over previously unbeaten three-division world champion Joan Guzmán en novembro 2012. In his lone defense, the southpaw scored two knockdowns in a one-sided 11Th-round TKO over former world championSouleymane M’Baye in July 2013. This is Allakhverdiev’s first start since the questionable loss to Vargas.
Pedraza, de Caguas, Puerto Rico, won the vacant IBF 130-pound title with a dominating unanimous decision over Andrey Klimov Sur Junio 13 on SHOWTIME in Birmingham, Ala. The switch-hitting former Puerto Rican Olympian backed up hisThe Snipermoniker against Klimov as he picked apart the Russian with superior speed and accuracy. Pedraza earned a shot at the title in his previous bout with a career-best win over former world title challenger Michael Farenas last November.
Cherry, of Wauchula, Fla., is a former world title challenger who is 10-0 Kun 1 NC since 2009. His only blemishes since 2007 are losses to Timothy Bradley Kaj Paulie Malignaggi at 140-pounds. Since the loss to Bradley in a bout for the WBC Super Lightweight World Championship in 2008, Cherry has gone undefeated as he made his way down to 135 Kaj 130 Funtoj. Cherry, who was born in the Bahamas, owns victories over Vicente Escobedo, Monte Meza Clay Kaj Wes Ferguson.

Zab Judah Headlines Night of GCP Boxing at The Space at Westbury on September 10

Sur #?A?do, Septembro 10, promoter Greg Cohen of Greg Cohen Promotions and Super Judah Promotions, in association with GH3 Promotions and David Schuster’s Winner Take All Productions, will continue GCP’s “#?Ampioneco Bokso” series with a world-class event, once again at The Space at Westbury in Westbury, Nov-Jorko.
In the night’s 10-round super lightweight main event, five-time world champion and former Undisputed World Welterweight Champion Zab “Ekstra” Judah (42-9, 29 KOs) De Brooklyn, Nov-Jorko, will face Florida, via Barranquilla, Colombia’s Hevinson Herrera (18-11-1, 12 KOs).
This will be Judah’s first fight under his new GCP co-promotional banner. The charismatic former champion will be looking to get back into the mix of the world’s best in the division with an impressive victory.
En la co-#?efa evento, women’s multiple-time world champion Amanda “La Reala Interkonsento” Serrano (24-1, 18 KOs) of Brooklyn will face South Carolina’s Angel Gladney (8-11, 6 KOs) in a lightweight six-rounder.
Tickets are priced at Golden Ringside: $150, Ringside: $125 and General Admission: $60 kaj haveblas ĉe Ticketmaster.Com and all Ticketmaster locations,, the Space at Westbury Box Office:516.283.5566, or by calling the GCP office: 212.851.6425.
And in the main supporting bouts, #Re?o, New York’s “Malbona” Joe Greene (26-1, 17 KOs) continues his assault on the middleweight division with his second bout in two months, this one a six-round super middleweight battle vs. TBA.
#Anka?, popular New York junior middleweight TommyThe RazorRainone (23-6, 5 KOs) will go six rounds against Mexico’s Francisco Javier Reza (14-14, 11 KOs); while notable contender JesusChuy” Gutierrez (13-0-1, 4 KOs) of Las Vegas will go six in the super lightweight division against TBA.
Sur la undercard, Miami’s Steve Geffrard (12-2, 7 KOs) will look to continue his 12-fight winning streak against Newark’s Cory Cummings (18-9, 13 KOs) in a light heavyweight 8-rounder; New York’s Dave Meloni (3-1, 1 KO) will take on Cincinatti’s 17-fight veteran Micah Branch in a super featherweight four; undefeated super featherweight Bienvenido Diaz (2-0, 2 KOs) de Prospect Park, #Nov-?erzejo, via the Dominican will face Benjamin Burgos (2-12) De Monto Pocono, Pensilvanio, over four or less rounds; and Philadelphia’s Samuel Teah (6-1, 2 KOs) will go four super lightweight rounds against Newark’s Rashad Bogar (4-­5-1, 2 KOs).
I am excited to be working with Zab Judah and David Schuster and being able to bring such a stacked card to the Space at Westbury,” Diris Greg Cohen. “We have a male superstar in Zab and a female superstar in Amanda Serrano on one show, plus some top contenders in action and some local up-and-comers. It’s a terrific event and I’m proud to put the GCP stamp on it.
This event is event is sponsored by Westbury Jeep Chrysler Dodge Ram, The Red Roof Inn Plus and Modell’s Sporting Goods. La Spaco #?e Westbury estas #trovi?i #?e 250 Post Ave in Westbury, Nov-Jorko (Phone: 516.283.5566). Sur batala nokto, pordoj malfermiĝas ĉe 6 Pm and the first bout is at 7 Pm.
Pri Greg Cohen #Anta?enigo
Unu el boksanta’s superegaj varbaj grupoj, Greg Cohen #Anta?enigo (GCP) Estas puto-respektata nomo por okaziganta mondan-klasa profesiulo boksanta eventojn kaj #anta?enigi elitajn profesiajn batalantojn dum la mondo.
Fondinto kaj CEO Greg Cohen estis okupita kun profesia bokso en diversaj kapacitoj ekde la lasta 1980aj jaroj, Kulturanta lian metion kaj establanta lin mem kiel sagaca internacia bokso negocisto.
Distingita de lia kapableco ekvidi kaj evoluigi krudan talenton, Cohen unue faris varbajn fraptitolojn por sia sperta gvidado de, Inter multaj aliaj, Eksa WBA Malsupera Middleweight #?ampiono Austin “Neniu Dubo” Trutoj, Kiu Cohen helpita gvidilon de nekonata Nov-Meksika perspektivo al elita salajro-por-vida nivelo superstelo.
Krom Trutoj, Greg Cohen #Anta?enigo laboris kun solidaj nomoj kiel eksa unueca kaj du-tempo superpezula senegala Hasim “La Roko” Rahman kaj ĉiama granda plipezega mondĉampiono Jakobo “Ellumigas” Toney.
Cohen currently promotes multiple world champion and boxing superstar Zab Judah, women’s boxing superstar Amanda Serrano, and former world champion Kendall Holt, as well as current world-rated contenders including top undefeated cruiserweight Lateef Kayode, long-time elite middleweight “Malbona” Joe Greene, lightweight KO artist Ismael Barroso, supro super pluma pezo Arash Usmanee, Kanada malpeza kaj televida ago heroo Tony Luis; WBA kaj kvinfoja irlanda Nacia Amatora Ĉampiono, Dennis Hogan; kaj aŭstralia malpeza perspektivo Josh King.
Greg Cohen Promotions aranĝis mondklasajn boksajn eventojn en la plej bonaj ejoj tra Usono kaj la mondo kaj ankaŭ fiere disponigis talenton kaj / aŭ enhavon por pluraj televidaj retoj inkluzive de CBS Sports Network, HBO, Showtime, ESPN, NBCaj Sportoj Reto, CBSaj Sportoj Reto, MSG kaj VULPAJ Sportoj Reto.
Por pli da informo, Vizito Trovi nin sur Facebook ĉ Twitter: @GCPBoxing.


Photo By Team Hernandez
FRESNO, CA (#A?gusto 28, 2015)Last night during the Fight Club OC card at theThe Hangarin Costa Mesa, Kalifornio, super-welterweight prospect, MarcosThe Madman” Hernandez (7-0, 2 KOs) restis nevenkita, winning an 6-round unanimous decision against Luis Alfredo Lugo (14-23-1, 5 KOs).
In the opening round, Hernandez wobbled Lugo with a powerful left hook, almost stopping the veteran of over thirty fights. Lugo, surviving most of the fight, was hurt again in the sixth, but managed to finish the fight. Kun la gajno, Hernandez who is managed by Al Haymon, feels he’s ready to get back in the ring as soon as possible.
I felt great to get another win last night,” said Marcos Hernandez. “Everything is coming together with my career and I’m very thankful to Al Haymon and his team for all their efforts. My boxing skills are getting sharper with every round. With a few more fights, I’ll be ready to step up to eight round bouts. I’m going to wait patiently for my next fight as I’m eager to step back in the ring.