Tag Archives: boxing

Prodigy Super-featherweight Mario Barrios Has Isitha New in Jose Centres Torres

San Antonio, TX (September 2, 2015) – Prodigy Super-featherweight, Mario Barrios (10-0, 5 Kos), has a abaphikisi entsha for iziqubu yakhe oluzayo lo Sunday, September 6, 2015 at the American Bank Center, e Corpus Christi, Texas. Barrios who was slated to face Jonathan “Popeye” Perez, manje babhekene Jose Torres Cen (13-8, 1 KO) in an 8-round bout. Barrios speaks on his new opponent.
“Ushintsho Late bayingxenye boxing,” Said Barrios. “Yingakho kufanele ulungele noma yiziphi isitayela. Nothing has changed as far as what I’m going to do in the ring. Our game plan is set and we will be ready for anything Torres brings to the ring. I’m just excited to be fighting in Texas once again. I’m looking forward to fighting in front of the fans who will be there to support me. Texas boxing fans are great!”
Lo mcimbi isihloko esikhulu owayengumongameli wezwe iqhawe Anthony “The Dog” Dirrell (27-1-1, 22 Kos) ukuthatha laseMexico Marco Antonio “The Poison” Rubio (59-7-1, 51 Kos) futhi izici rematch phakathi bantamweight emhlabeni iqhawe Jamie McDonnell (26-2-1, 12 Kos) futhi brawler okuthakazelisayo Tomoki “The Mexicanito” Kameda (31-1, 19 Kos). Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) kuyi-CBS kuyobe baveze umcimbi aphile kusukela American Bank Center e Corpus Christi, Texas Sunday, September 6. The telecast ukhahlela off at 4 PM ET/1 PM PT.
Amathikithi for the umcimbi bukhoma, lapho kugqugquzelwa Ikhayithi Battah Promotions futhi Warriors Boxing, kuthiwa ontengo yakhe yayinqunyiwe at $109, $93, $49, $38 futhi $15, hhayi kuhlanganise esebenzayo amacala service nezintela kanye ezisendalini manje. Amathikithi ayatholakala www.ticketmaster.com, the American Bank Center Box Office noma ngokubiza Leija Battah Promotions at (210) 979-3302. Ukushaja by ucingo Ticketmaster at (800) 745-3000



Salita Promotions ulandela kanye eziphambili emhlabeni show owaqala bukhoma ESPN3.
BROOKLYN, N.Y.. (Isikhombisa. 2, 2015) – Boxing weza emuva Coney Island last ngoLwesibili ebusuku, futhi yibo bonke akhawunti, kwaba yimpumelelo smashing.
Boxing iqhawe-waphenduka-umgqugquzeli Dmitriy Salita waqoqa ikhadi 10-iziqubu eBrooklyn sekusuke isidumo, futhi abalandeli wabutha eBrooklyn zasezindaweni’ MCU Park abangu phephula Shocker ophela esenzakalweni main.
Veteran Cornelius “Lightning” Khiya of LaseFlatbush, Brooklyn, wathola ekhaya isandla ezimbi kwesokunxele, futhi wakhawula ozithandayo Alex Miskirtchian round amathathu ihlelelwe zazo zaziyishumi. Pro boxing weza Coney Island okokuqala ngo 14 Eminyakeni, futhi akazange ukudanisa nge win for the fighter wendawo, ngubani eqeqesha at Gym kwaqashwa Gleason ngo the County of Kings.
Wawuhlanganisa Umphumela abawinile Junior Wright, the Olwa cruiserweight kusuka Chicago kuhloswe elinye izwe isihloko shot; Dimash Niyazov, isikhulu NYPD Moonlighting njengoba hitter pro; “Trigger” Treysean Wiggins, the fighting ukuziqhenya Newburgh, N.Y., kokuvula amehlo njengoba ithemba eliqinile ukuze ubuke.
A kazwelonke, izilaleli wokubuka bukhoma wakwazi ihlole ngokufutheka fistic njengoba ESPN3 kuyiswe amahora amathathu nesigamu we Brooklyn sekusuke isidumo, kanye igalelo-by-igalelo indoda Michael Woods futhi umhlaziyi Brian Adams on the call for Boxing at the Beach. Lo mcimbi ngeke ngigijime on MSG Networks ngenyanga ka-September; Abalandeli ungabheka uhlu lwendawo for the ukusakaza isimiso yakamuva.
“Lo mcimbi main nempi ukuncintisana kakhulu futhi kwakukhona isiphetho kuqhume,” igama, ngubani wabusiswa sihle, ngaphezu bevy of iziqubu esicindezelayo. “Khiya igoli i ecasukile phezu kwezwe-zibalwa, eziphambili emhlabeni featherweight ngo Alex Miskirtchian. I bakholwa ngaphambi ukulwa ukuthi winner lowo ofanelwe ithuba at a isihloko emhlabeni. Ngakho, UKorneliyu Khiya wakubeka konke ndawonye futhi nge ukusebenza okunjalo kubonisa nguye usongo kubo bonke amagama big in the division.”
Khiya ayematasa futhi ngempumelelo futhi wafakazela ukuthi isandla sakhe sobunxele ubeka izitha esizayo isaziso. Le ndoda eneminyaka engu-36 ubudala (23-7-2, 15 Kos), wathi, “Kwaba a win esihle ukulwa okuhle ukalwe No. 10 by the IBF. I ngempela wathatha le mpi sina. Kwadingeka ukuba enze isitatimende ngithandana akwenziwa, ukuthi mina namanje a lot kwesokunxele. Ngakho ngangazi kwadingeka alwe smart, futhi yilokho engakwenza, sebenzisa isipiliyoni sami.”
Ngaphezu kwalokho, abalandeli at the ballpark bahlatshwa umxhwele amakhono esigcwele ezimbili Irish Olympian John Joe Nevin, ngubani amaphuzu a win stoppage phezu Victor Capaceta. Hitter Heavy Bahktiyar Eyubov waya 8-0 kanye 8 Kos, powering esidlule Cory Vom Baur. Brighton Beach brawler Giorgi Gelashvili Laba isixuku ukushaqeka lapho sikhungathekile DeLoren Gray-Jordon nge salvo umbani-fast of amagalelo round amabili, kanye colorful “Brooklyn Monk” Gary Beriguette wabonisa ulaka ngempumelelo beshaya phezu Anton Williamson ukunqoba isinqumo. Ukuqoqa out ikhadi, FDNY firefighter Jose De La Rosa ngayithola W phezu Kamal Muhammad, futhi wesibhakelaEmilio Salas wavula izinto up with a yesibili round TKO ngezithukuthuku Glenn Thomas.
Ukuhlonishwa fighter zangaphambili Adams lwaveza umcimbi ekusakazeni yakhe isikhundla. “Ngikholwa ngempela ikhadi Salita wagqoka kwaba kukhulu sport,” uthe. “Akukho okukhulu ikamelo abagqugquzeli wendawo khule, kodwa ukukhuthazwa Salita wawuthi ezingeni eziphambili emhlabeni!”
Blow-by-igalelo man Woods, ngubani umhleli TheSweetScience.com futhi esivivaneni ukuze Ring, ukusindwa e, wathi “Sasizigqokele uyakujabulela futhi ngihloniphekile sikhangise lezi ukulwa on ESPN3. The win stoppage by Khiya kwaba isiphetho singesifanele futhi Thriller of a sekugcineni, ngoba ukuzijabulisa kanye injabulo ukuphela okuwukuthi Coney Island!
“Ngiyambonga ESPN ukuthi fighters on the show kwadingeka ithuba kuyabonakala kuzwelonke. Bengingeke wacela kusihlwa kangcono boxing in a indawo ezikwenza ezifana. Show sethu esilandelayo kube Oct. 24 futhi thina njalo ngifuna ukuba ngcono futhi alethe ezingeni omkhulu isasasa ukuba abalandeli,” igama, efingqa Boxing okuthakazelisayo At The Umcimbi Beach.
Brooklyn sekusuke isidumo Kwenza Iminikelo Accounting
Uma amanye abaxokozeli eziqine in the Borough yeBrooklyn rhuthu amagilavu ​​black and pink ngoLwesibili olwedlule, kwakungengenxa benza isitatimende fashion. Okwakwenza abashayi-sibhakela wajoyina abafowabo kusukela NFL, Major League Baseball kanye NBA okuqwashisa ekukhiqizeni umdlavuza wamabele, kanye “Ukwenza intuthuko Against Breast Cancer” umkhankaso.
The azihlanganisa kwamenyezelwa emhlanganweni eBrooklyn umphakathi sekusuke isidumo nesisindo e-MCU Park, as the Brooklyn Brawl and Brooklyn Cyclones donated 50 amathikithi zosizo umdlavuza Midtown Manhattan, imindeni lafinyelela ngubani babe amalungu welashelwa isifo somdlavuza e New York City.
Ukwengeza, kulo mcimbi last ngoLwesibili kusihlwa sika, boxing abalandeli at MCU Park kanye nalabo ukubukela ukusakaza bukhoma ESPN3 banikezwe amaqiniso mayelana nomdlavuza webele futhi Ukusenza intuthuko Against Uhlelo Breast Cancer. Izinhlelo zokuqwashisa Umdlavuza zibalulekile abahlukene eBrooklyn sekusuke isidumo umgqugquzeli Dmitriy Salita.
Said Salita, “Ngalahlekelwa umama ukuba umdlavuza webele lapho ngineminyaka engu-16 ubudala. Boxing kwaba indlela kakhulu kimi, wanginikela yokuveza nento ukuncika. Manje singakwazi ukusebenzisa boxing njengoba ithuluzi ukuqwashisa nokusekela labo esalwa yilesi sifo esesabekayo. Lokhu imbangela ebaluleke kakhulu esiseduze kakhulu inhliziyo yami.”
Ngaphezu ngokubambisana the eBrooklyn sekusuke isidumo sika yesihle nomdlavuza zosizo, the Brooklyn sekusuke isidumo futhi Brooklyn zasezindaweni ezinikelwe 200 Boxing At The amathikithi Beach ukuba NYPD futhi FDNY Abafelokazi nezintandane Foundations, futhi emagcekeni endawo kanye iziteshi umlilo.
“With a Brooklyn iphoyisa kanye firefighter FDNY ekhadini isibhakela, kwakufanele ukuthi thina wanika salute ekhethekile amaqhawe ethu kwansuku nemindeni ebamema ukuba umcimbi eBrooklyn sekusuke isidumo,” wathi Steve Cohen, Vice President of the Brooklyn zasezindaweni. “Inhlangano yethu njalo ubheka izindlela ukubonga amadoda nabesifazane abakhonza umuzi wethu omkhulu.”
Mayelana Brooklyn sekusuke isidumo
EBrooklyn sekusuke isidumo uchungechunge amadlingozi New York City-based boxing izenzakalo ngani amatalenta namakhono fighters kusukela kulo lonke idolobha, ezweni lonke nasemhlabeni jikelele. Brooklyn sekusuke isidumo fighters zihlanganisa okwakwenza abashayi-sibhakela veteran beshumayela belibangise sengqondo a shot isihloko emhlabeni, kanye namathemba abanamakhono, abaningi babo abaye wawina kakade ehlonishwa ngeziqu amateur zikazwelonke nezamazwe ngamazwe, kuhlanganise Golden Gloves Imiqhudelwano kanye nabanye. Kwabazabalazayo Young ngokuvamile inselelo okwakwenza abashayi-sibhakela veteran e okuthakazelisayo mgwaqo isihloko zokuxabana ukuletha abawinile igxathu eliya isihloko emhlabeni.
MAYELANA iNkanyezi KaDavide ukukhushulwa
Star of David Promotions yasungulwa ngo 2010 by Dmitriy Salita, a professional boxer futhi isihloko nezwe inselele owabona isidingo inhlangano asetshenzisiwe ukufaka namathemba bhá, kanye pugilists ebona, nasezindaweni ezizungeze endaweni New York City. Ababukeli wayekujabulela ukubuka Star of David fighters eminyakeni yamuva on Spike TV, ESPN2, MSG, futhi Universal Sports Network. Sicela uvakashelewww.Salitapromotions.com ngolwazi oluthe xaxa.
Esitebeleni Salita ihlanganisa esizayo star sosondonzima Jarrell Miller, waseBrooklyn; cruiserweight Olwa Junior Wright, kusukela Chicago; imikhumbi fisted Dimash Niyazov kusukela eStaten Island; signee new Bakhtiyar Eyubov, a hitter KO kusuka Kazahkstan, middleweight Olwa Steven Martinez; Serdar Hudayberdiyev kanye nezinye izinkanyezi ekuphumeni on uhlelo Salita.

Sicela ungene kwi www.salitapromotions.com Ukuze uthole ukwaziswa okwengeziwe ngale fighters Salita kanye ukukhushulwa oluzayo.


Chofoza LAPHA Ukuze ifotho From yeqa Entertainment
Corpus Christi, TEXAS. (September 3, 2015) – Premier Boxing Champions onCBS fighters bajoyinwa abezindaba kanye nabalandeli Thursday at a Amazing at the PAL Gym in Corpus Christi njengoba belungiselela yabo Sunday, September 6 showdowns at American Bank Center.
Lo mcimbi isihloko esikhulu owayengumongameli wezwe iqhawe Anthony “The Dog” Dirrell (27-1-1, 22 Kos) ukuthatha laseMexico Marco Antonio “The Poison” Rubio (59-7-1, 51 Kos) futhi izici rematch phakathi bantamweight emhlabeni iqhawe Jamie McDonnell (26-2-1, 12 Kos) futhi brawler okuthakazelisayo Tomoki “The Mexicanito” Kameda (31-1, 19 Kos) eyamukela isiqephu kuqalwe 4 p.m. KANYE/1 p.m.
Amathikithi for the umcimbi bukhoma, lapho kugqugquzelwa Leija Battah Promotions and Warriors Boxing, kuthiwa ontengo yakhe yayinqunyiwe at $109, $93, $49, $38 futhi $15, hhayi kuhlanganise esebenzayo amacala service nezintela kanye ezisendalini manje. Amathikithi ayatholakala www.ticketmaster.com, the American Bank Center Box Office noma ngokubiza Leija Battah Promotions at (210) 979-3302. Ukushaja by ucingo Ticketmaster at (800) 745-3000.
Nakhu abahlanganyeli ayezokusho Thursday:
“Training wayemkhulu. No izikhalazo. Kwaba ikamu kumnandi futhi wonke umsebenzi onzima kwenziwa.
“Ngiyazi Rubio is a fighter enkulu. Uthi balwa amagama big futhi yena isosha enkulu. Ngijabulile ukuba uthole esiyingini naye.
“I uyisicaba mpi last. No excuses. Wonke umuntu izinsuku zabo. Awukwazi ukukhetha, it nje kwenzeka. Noma wubani uyangazi uyazi ukuthi angilindele ukulwa like ukuthi. Kuyinto esikhathini esidlule futhi Ngikulungele ukulwa Rubio.
“Ngenza ezinye sparring more ngasekuqaleni ekamu futhi got me ibe isigqi omuhle. Ngingumfana ebukhali manje futhi bahlela uye wasebenza elikhulu. Manje kumayelana nje eyilethe ring impi imini ukugqoka a show.
“Ngibheke ukuya laphaya futhi engikwenzayo, okuyinto ukuthumela abantu Doghouse. Kungakhathaliseki ukuthi isitatimende noma cha, Ngifuna ukunqoba.”
Marco antonio Rubio
“Ngibekile yonke imizamo yami ibe lokhu ekamu ukuqeqeshwa. Sesikhathele ukulwa Dirrell. Muhle abade, yena eqinile futhi kunzima kakhulu ring. Mina sengilungisile indlela ebengikuthunyiwe. Ngiyakuthanda inselele a abaphikisi ezinzima.
“Ngangihlale ngikhathele emva impi yami last emva kweminyaka eminingi kangaka boxing. Bengazi ngizophinde ngibuye, ngoba boxing ukuphila kwami. Bengilokhu ngisebenza for 5 izinyanga ukuba uthole emuva shape kanye ngisesandleni shape enkulu.
“Kwakunzima ukwenza 160 ngoba last ezimbili noma ezintathu ukulwa. Ngashiya kakhulu kule sauna ukuze enze isisindo. Kodwa manje 168 Ngizizwa enkulu. Lokhu ngeke kuthinte amandla ami isibhakela. Kuyinto into entsha ukuthi Ngibheke phambili.
“Ngiye kwadingeka ilungelo sparring partners lokhu ekamu. Ngikhathazekile isesimweni esihle futhi mina nakanjani babe nesu esifanele le mpi.
“Ngiyeza emuva amandla full. Ngibona ukulwa big ngaphezulu esizayo. Ngizizwa omkhulu futhi ukulungele ukuthatha zonke ezinye fighters.”
Jamie Mcdonnell
“Bengilokhu ngisebenza kwezinye amasu amasha futhi ngiyaqiniseka uyokwehlisela ezinye izinto ezintsha etafuleni ukuthi angilindele, kodwa ngicabanga uzokwazi kumethuse kakhulu.
“Bengilokhu ngisebenza ngalokhu ehlezi punches yami nokwakha amandla angaphezu, kodwa futhi umsebenzi omningi on ukunyakaza wami. Defense kubalulekile ngoba mina safike onamathele isandla sokunene ukuthi wangqongqoza kimi phansi impi wokugcina.
“I nje wakubeka konke ndawonye. On mpi ebusuku kuyoba nibuthana ring. Ngizizwa fit, the best engake wazizwa.
“Sibheke phambili ekutholeni khona nokwenza isitatimende lesi sikhathi. Ngifuna ukwenza isitatimende wangempela esiteji emhlabeni. No ukunqoba close ngalesi sikhathi, Sengikulungele the boys big.”
“Konke ekamu sekuqhubeke kahle futhi siyazi ukuthi siyophumelela ngesonto ebusuku.
“Lesi sikhathi siba yiba nesu ungcono ngisho nangaphezu kwanoma okokugcina. Sengikulungele isitayela esitheni sami kanye anything he fikisa the ring.
“Ngiye ngafundela abantu abangu McDonnell futhi ngiyazi nobuthakathaka bakhe. We uhlela on kokuthatha kuye out ngalesi sikhathi. I ngeke angiyeke ngize babe stoppage.
“Ngangicabanga won okokugcina futhi ngihlela ukufakazela ukuthi nginguJehova fighter kangcono futhi the best at isisindo sami. Kwakuthandeka kakhulu, kodwa kulokhu amandla ami futhi isu kuyoba kakhulu kuye.
“Asitholanga win okokugcina, but I’m lucky to have this opportunity just a few months later on national TV. It’s a big fight for me and I need to win.
Ukuze ulwazi olunabile, vakashela www.premierboxingchampions.com futhiwww.americanbankcenter.com, follow on TwitterPremierBoxingAnthonyDirrell, MAVenenoRubio, @ JamieMcDonnell1, TomokiKameda, SHOSports, WarriorsBoxingProm, LeijaBattahPR, AmericanBankCtr AndSwanson_Comm,


Photo By Team Elbiali
Miami, FL (September 2, 2015) – On Tuesday, September 8, 2015 at the Palladium Hollywood in Hollywood, California, Ezingakanqotshwa ukukhanya wesibhakela amandla puncher, Ahmed Elbiali (11-0, 10 Kos) kulindeleke ukuba balwe engxenyeni isiqephu of the Premier Boxing Champions on Fox Sports 1 ikhadi isihloko esikhulu by Austin Trout (29-2, 16 Kos) vs. Joey Hernandez (24-3-1, 14 Kos). Elbiali will face an Fabian Pena (12-3-1, 8 Kos) in an 8-round bout. The PBC telecast uyoqala ekushoneni 9PM ET / 6PM PTbahlala on Fox Sports 1.
Elbiali, ubani abaziwa ngokuba izandla esindayo, ingenye fighters ejabulisa kakhulu ekukhanyeni division sosondonzima. With a 90% Knockout ratio, Elbiali is being touted as the next great knockout artist. He’ll look to continue that trend against Pena.
“Ngihlale ngifuna ukuqeda impi ekuseni uma ngifika abaphikisi ukulimala kwami,” Said Ahmed Elbiali. “Umbhangqwana ukulwa edlule ngaya ibanga okokuqala futhi Ngajabula ukwazi Angikwazi ukulwa singene emahlandla kamuva uma kudingeka. Ngiyakuthanda ukuba ake izandla zami fly futhi ulethe ukulwa amadlingozi abalandeli. Yilokho engizama ukukwenza kuzo zonke ukulwa yami. On September 8, Ngizobe ngifuna ukwenza okufanayo.”
With Al HAYMON ukuqondisa career ye Elbiali, Isibhakabhaka umkhawulo.
“Ukusebenza Al Haymon ibilokhu elikhulu emsebenzini wami.” Elbiali waqhubeka. “Ukulwa on TV waphinda uletha exposure omkhulu ukulwa lami isitayela, and I’m very appreciative to Haymon for all his hard work. My goal is to become a world champion and be known as one of the most exciting fighters in my division.
Amathikithi ontengo yakhe yayinqunyiwe $28.50 – $78.50 hhayi kuhlanganise izimali, ezisendalini umuntu at the Palladium ibhokisi ihhovisi noma online at lapha. Doors evulekile at 5PM PT, ne ukulwa lokuqala isiqephu ukuqala at 6PM PT.

Promotions King ukuqedela 4 akubonisa 7 izinsuku ikhadi Ukufunda Fightin Phils Okokuqala Energy Stadium ngoLwesine, September 24

Ezingakanqotshwa Erik Spring & Nick Valliere in iziqubu ahlukene
For Eliseduze Release

Reading, PA (September 2, 2015)– NgoLwesine ebusuku, September 24, Promotions yenkosi uyodala busuku obukhethekile isibhakela at Ukufunda Fightin Phils First Energy Stadium.

The show eyophela ngesonto ematasa Promotions King njengoba inkampani, esasungulwa Marshall Kauffman, uzobe ekugqugquzeleni umcimbi walo sesine izinsuku sieven.

Ngo 6-round iziqubu:

Nick Valliere (5-0, 2 KO sika) of Forked River, NJ izohlangana Maurice Amaro (2-9, 1 KO) of Philadelphia, PA in a iziqubu middleweight.

Erik Spring (6-0, 1 KO) of Reading, PA alwe James Robinson (3-3-2, 1 KO sika) of York, PA in a iziqubu Super Welterweight.

Ngo-4-round iziqubu:
Eliezer Mendez (1-1) of Reading, PA ezolwa Jonathan Acosta (0-1) of Lebanon, PA.

Randy Easton (3-7-1, 3 KO sika) of Sunbury, PA ngeke silwe pro debuting Corey uMorley of Philadelphia, PA.

Santario Martin (0-1) of Gainesville, FL liba Fitzgerald Johnson (3-7, 1 KO) of Newark, NJ in a iziqubu middleweight.

Iziqubu Ngini uzobe umemezele maduzane

Amathikithi izindleko $50 futhi $25 futhi angathengwa at 610-375-8469 noma www.Fightins.com/boxing

Ubuqotho Mad Yilwa Sports Ukwethula "Bombs Away 4" October 10 ekhatsi Lakeland!

Mad Integrity Logo.png
For Eliseduze Release
Lakeland, FL (September 2, 2015) - Mad Ubuqotho Fight Sports ubuyele Lakeland nge ikhadi isinyathelo phama Saturday, October 10 at the Florida Orange Indawo Center.
Ikhadi izoba eziningi izinkanyezi esiqinile wendawo liphakama okuthakazelisayo umdlalo ups. $30 jikelele yokuvuma futhi $60 VIP tickets for this family friendly event are on sale at Madbombsaway4.bpt.me noma ngokuvakashela Atomic Tattoos ekhatsi Lakeland and Bulldog Boxing & Fitness in Tampa. Zonke abanikazi ithikithi VIP 21 Eminyakeni nangaphezulu bazothola ubhiya khulula kusukela Brew Hub. Doors evulekile at 6:30 pm kanye insimbi okuvula ihlelelwe 7:30.
In the umcimbi main of the kusihlwa, ithemba engasindi Ruben "Chino" Ozuna izimpi 28 fight veteran Bobby Hill of Mississippi. Ozuna, 4-1, kuyinto fresh off a slugfest amadlingozi ngayo Yasmani Calzadilla lapho efika off the ngendwangu ukuba ugaye isinqumo. The Wauchula popular, FL native uya for ukunqoba kwakhe yesine iqonde futhi uyokwenza kanjalo phambi iqembu elikhulu abalandeli. Best kuchazwa ngokuthi elinesibindi, Balwa fighters Hill eziningi esiphawulekayo kuhlanganise iqhawe emhlabeni Jose Benavidez, Mason Menard, Antonio Capulin, Baha mamadjonov, Devonte Williams, Rashad Ganaway futhi Karim Martinez phakathi kwabanye.
Ezingakanqotshwa Junior middleweight Armando "The Gentleman" Alvarez nezingozi yakhe 7-0 irekhodi ngokumelene Jacksonville sika Juan Aguirre in a iziqubu for amalungelo abaqhoshayo Sunshine State.
Owabe football star waphenduka welterweight ithemba Leanthony "Tyga" Fleming ubhekene yensimbi chinned Randy Heddrick. Fleming, ohlala futhi ilwa out of Lakeland, football wadlalela Kutztown University futhi Central Connecticut State ngaphambi yokulimala aphazamisa career yakhe phezu gridiron.
In ezine nxazonke undercard iziqubu, Rafael "Junito" Rivera of Tampa Ubhekene Orlando sika Cleveland McClean futhi Quincy, FL sika Leonardo Kenon tikwele off ngokumelene Georgia bomdabu Greg Faust. UPawulu "Pay Per Buka" Parker, "INkosi" Kenmon Evans, Ricky "Cowboy” Tomlinson futhi Tori "abanonya" Ramirez bonke bavele nezitha ukuba umemezele.
Zonke iziqubu angaphansi ukushintsha.
"Simagange for enye show in Lakeland,"Kusho Joey Orduna of Mad Integrity Fight Sports. "Sithole impendulo enkulu evela kohlelo lwethu lokugcina in May. Fighters abalandeli bobabili ibuza ikhadi wethu olandelayo cishe ngokushesha. Ngithathe ayelindele eziningi barburners ikhadi kusukela sinezinto eziningi bendawo looking bazibonakalise. Lakeland ubuye indawo enkulu kusukela kungcono phakathi Tampa and Orlando. Amathikithi ukuqala at $30 ngakho qiniseka ukuletha wonke umndeni!"
Ezenye iziqubu uzobe umemezele maduzane futhi updates ayatholakala ngokuya https://www.facebook.com/MadIntegrityFightSports.

Premier Boxing Champions on ESPN’s Santa Cruz vs. Mares Ukhulula Largest Boxing Izilaleli on ESPN Kusukela February 1998

Highest esiphezulu kanye Iningi-Waqapha Boxing Telecast Ever on ESPN Deportes
ESPN Classic ukuba Air Instant Tonight Classic
The third edition of ESPN’s Premier Boxing Champions on ESPN eyethulwe Corona Extra (PBC on ESPN) series-isihloko esikhulu by Leo Santa Cruz sika iningi isinqumo win u-Abineri Mares-ngoMgqibelo, Aug. 29, Anikeza ngobukhulu isibhakela izilaleli ESPN kusukela ngoFebhuwari 1998 (02/22/98 Mark Johnson vs. Arthur Johnson).
The telecast wabonwa-avareji ka 1,217,000 ababukeli (P2 +)-up 30 Amaphesenti angu elisuka ezandulele telecasts ezimbili PBC on ESPN. The telecast kwafinyelela umvuthwandaba kusukela 12:00-12:15am kanye 1,641,000 ababukeli (P2 +) ngokusho Nielsen.
ESPN sika Spanish-ilimi telecast of the umcimbi ESPN Deportes alinganiswe a 1.3 HH lweSpanishi US Rtg futhi 355,000 LweSpanishi ababukeli-okwenza kube esiphezulu-ukalwe futhi iningi-sabukela boxing telecast nanini air on ESPN Deportes. The telecast kwafinyelela umvuthwandaba kusukela 11:15-11:30 p.m. kanye 453,000 ababukeli.

ESPN Classic ngeke reair impi kusihlwa 7 p.m. KANYE njengoba i Classic Instant. Ngaphezu kwalokho, ESPN Deportes sizophinda air ikhadi sonke Saturday, September 5, at 7 p.m.


TWEET IT: Philadelphia Boxing Legend Joe Frazier statue to be unveiled at @XFINITYlive on

Isikhombisa 12 during free open-to-the public ceremony #JoeFrazierDay

Philadelphia, PA (September 1, 2015)XFINITY Live! Philadelphia is set to unveil a new 12-foot bronze statue commemorating Joe Frazier, one of the most iconic Philadelphia athletes in history, during a free, open-to-the-public ceremony at XFINITY Live! on Saturday, September 12 at 1 p.m. XFINITY Live! and Joe Hand Promotions were the lead contributors for this memorial.

Statue artist Stephen Layne recreated Frazier in mid-punch, depicting the moment after Frazier landed the punch that knocked down Muhammad Ali in the 15th round, ngoMashi 8, 1971. Frazier was the first fighter to defeat Ali.

I found my inspiration in a photo of Frazier flooring Ali with his powerful left hook,” Layne said. “The moment captured in the sculpture reflects the work ethic of Frazier and the city he called home.

Frazier won the 1964 Olympic gold medal in Tokyo and later finished with a professional record of 32-4-1, kanye 27 knockouts. Two of the losses were epic rematches with Ali, kubandakanya “Thrilla in Manila” in 1975. Frazier also participated in the first sporting event ever at the Spectrum, ngo-Okthoba 17, 1967, winning with a knockout over Tony Doyle.

The City of Philadelphia commissioned Layne as the sculptor of the Joe Frazier Memorial Statue. He began with a 12-foot tall clay model, and upon approval, constructed a silicone mold. He then began the highly skilled bronze foundry work, finishing the over 1,200-pound bronze monument in 14-months. The process was proudly produced, created and constructed in the United States by Stratton Sculpture Studios of Philadelphia.

The new Frazier statue joins five other iconic Philadelphia sports moments, including Philadelphia FlyersGary Dornhoefer’s overtime playoff goal against the Minnesota North Stars in 1973; longtime Flyersgood luck charm Kate Smith singing her iconic version of God Bless America; 76ers legend Julius Erving taking a signature shot, Flyersgreats Bobby Clarke and Bernie Parent hosting the Stanley Cup commemorating of the team’s 1974 futhi 1975 Imiqhudelwano, and Flyers all-time winningest coach Fred Shero.

XFINITY Live! Philadelphia
XFINITY Live! Philadelphia is a dining and entertainment district centered in the heart of the South Philadelphia Sports Complex. The one-of-a-kind venue features over a dozen restaurant and entertainment choices, okubala: Broad Street Bullies Pub, PBR Bar & Grill (Professional Bull Riders), Philly MarketPlace, Victory Beer Hall and the first-ever NBC Sports Arena. XFINITY Live! is a joint partnership between Philadelphia-based Comcast Spectacor and Baltimore-based The Cordish Companies.


Wethule LIVE BY HBO pay-per-UMBONO®

Chofoza LAPHA ngoba Ama ifotho
Photo Credit: Tom Hogan ifotho / Roc Nation Sports / Golden Boy Promotions

Chofoza LAPHA ngoba Imiqophi

Isiqophi Credit: RingTV Live

Bayamon, Puerto RICO (Isikhombisa. 1, 2015) - Ukuvala out a day ezinhlanu, ezine-idolobha international press tour lapho Wawusuyikhokhele izitobhi in Los Angeles, Mexico City and New York City, WBC,Ring Magazine kanye Lineal middleweight World Champion Miguel Cotto (40-4, 33 Kos) futhi zangaphambili Two-Time Super Welterweight World Champion Canelo Alvarez (45-1-1, 32 Kos) sabamba sabezindaba ngoLwesihlanu, Aug. 28 phambi kwezibukeli langakubo e Cotto aluncela Puerto Rico. Amakhulu amalungu abezindaba kanye izinkulungwane aklabalase abalandeli wagcwalisa Coliseo URubén Rodríguez ukubona Cotto futhi Canelo kanye namathimba abo naphezu endaweni yokushayiswa Tropical Storm Erika ebusuku ngaphambi.


Izilaleli press conference wajabula njengoba fighters wenza yokungena babo ukuveza umxhwele pyrotechnic. The excitement in the crowd continued as both fighters faced off and spoke about their upcoming 12-round fight for Cotto’s WBC and Ring Magazine middleweight World Championships, ebanjwa Saturday, Nov. 21 at the Mandalay Bay Events Center e Las Vegas. Ngaphezu kwalokho, Jose "Chepo" Reynoso, manager and trainer for Canelo Alvarez, serenaded the iqhude nge ukuhumusha Capella of the ozithandayo Puerto Rica tune "Que Bonito Puerto Rico,"In a show of mayelana nabalandeli izilaleli.

The stop press conference e Bayamon, Puerto Rico capped a busy week for Teams Cotto and Canelo. By the end of the week, Cotto futhi Canelo bavakashela imizi emine emazweni amabili, esithathe isikhathi izingxenye ezine, ojikelezayo 9,500 miles and encountering thousands of screaming fans in five days. Wherever they went, abalandeli kanye Kwakukhona nabezindaba a buzz mayelana Yimpi elindelekile phakathi Cotto futhi Canelo, ukwenza izibikezelo eziningi ekuseni ukuthi Nov. 21 middleweight ubuqhawe ayofakwa umqhele 'Fight of the Year.'


Bobabili manje fighters uphokophele off ukuba zawo ukuqeqeshwa amakamu Los Angeles at Wild Card Gym for Miguel Cotto kanye San Diego, Calif. ngoba Canelo Alvarez ukuba balungiselele Yimpi olubabazekayo on Nov. 21.


Ngezansi photo avelele ezine-umuzi Cotto international vs. Canelo press tour. Ngokuba Cotto ephelele vs. Canelo cindezela tour image gallery, qhafaza LAPHA.



I-LOS ANGELES, California On Aug. 24:

Macintosh HD:Users:Kristen:Desktop:CottoCaneloLAPC_Hoganphotos11.jpg

PHEZULU: WBC, Ring Magazine and Lineal Middleweight World Champion Miguel Cotto (wesibili kusukela kwesokunxele) and former WBC & WBA Super Welterweight World Champion Canelo Alvarez (kwesokudla) pose on August 24, 2015 e Los Angeles emva sabezindaba ukuze ukuqalisa ezine-umuzi press international tour yabo.

"Izwe ukhuluma ngalokhu mpi. Umlando ocebile phakathi eMexico Puerto Rico yenza lokhu okuthakazelisayo ngempela,"Boy Golden Promotions Chairman futhi CEO Oscar De La Hoya on Aug. 24 in Los Angeles.

Mexico City, EMEXICO ON Aug. 25:

Macintosh HD:Users:Kristen:Desktop:Mexico City_01.jpeg

PHEZULU: WBC, Ring Magazine and Lineal Middleweight World Champion Miguel Cotto (kwesokunxele) and former WBC & WBA Super Welterweight World Champion Canelo Alvarez (kwesokudla) pose on August 25, 2015 in Mexico City at a press conference to announce their world title fight on November 21, 2015 at the Mandalay Bay Events Center e Las Vegas, Nevada okuzokwenza bese kusatshalaliswa bukhoma by HBO Khokha-View.


"Angive ngimbonga engikuyala usamukele njalo lapha eMexico kuboniswe nenhlonipho enkulu. Ukusekelwa baseMexico akutholakali. Kuyilungelo ukulwa Miguel Cotto,"Kushozangaphambili Two-Time Super Welterweight World Champion Canelo Alvarez on Aug. 25 e Mexico City.


Macintosh HD:Users:Kristen:Desktop:CottoCaneloNYPC_Hoganphotos2.jpg

PHEZULU: WBC, Ring Magazine and Lineal Middleweight World Champion Miguel Cotto (kwesokunxele) and former WBC & WBA Super Welterweight World Champion Canelo Alvarez (kwesokudla) abhekane off ekuqaleni New York City press conference yabo ukukhuthaza HBO zabo oluzayo Pay Per Buka ukulwa Nov. 21 in Las Vegas.

"Lona ngumdlalo-up enkulu engakaze ibonwe, can't-miss action izitayela futhi unothando abalandeli elisekela, njengoba kubonakala isixuku lapha namuhla,"Kusho Roc Isizwe uMongameli Chief of Branding futhi Strategy Michael Yormark on Aug. 26 e New York City.

Bayamon, Puerto Rico ON Aug. 28:


PHEZULU: WBC futhi Ring Magazine middleweight World Champion Miguel Cotto (isikhungo kwesokunxele) and former WBC & WBA Super Welterweight World Champion Canelo Alvarez (ilungelo isikhungo) pose on August 28, 2015 e Bayamkusukelan, Puerto Rico at a press conference to announce their November 21, 2015 world championship fight at the Mandalay Bay Events Center in Las Vegas, kukhiqizwa futhi basakaza bukhoma by HBO Khokha-View.

"Ngiya uthole lokhu ukunqoba yonke Ricans Puerto emhlabeni,"Kusho WBC futhi Ring Magazine middleweight World Champion Miguel Cotto on Aug. 28 in Isipinashikusukelan, E-Puerto Rico.

With izihloko eziyisikhombisa zezwe phakathi kwabo, liqala umxhwele futhi amazinga aphezulu ukuthandwa emazweni akubo, Cotto vs. Canelo is ekwakheni kuze kube impi enkulu wesibhakela kulo nyaka futhi ukulwa enkulu emlandweni kwaqashwa Puerto Rico vs. Mexico nokubangisana.

Cotto vs. Canelo, 12-round ekulweni WBC Cotto kanye Ring Magazine middleweight World Championships, ithatha indawo Saturday, Nov. 21 at the Mandalay Bay Events Center e Las Vegas. Le mpi ibizwa eyethulwe Roc Nation Sports, Golden Boy Promotions, Miguel Cotto Promotions kanye Canelo Promotions futhi ezikhuthazwa Corona Extra; Mexico, Phila it Kukholweni!; O'Reilly Auto Parts and Tequila Cazadores. The Cotto vs. Canelo cindezela tour Ngixhaswe JetSmarter. Lo mcimbi uzobe kukhiqizwa futhi basakaza bukhoma by HBO Pay-Per-View kuqalwe9:00 p.m. KANYE/6:00 p.m. PT. Landela ingxoxo usebenzisa #CottoCanelo.

Chofoza LAPHA ukufinyelela Cotto vs. Canelo electronic cindezela kit usebenzisa iphasiwedi "CottovsCanelo".


Ukuze uthole ukwaziswa okwengeziwe, Ukuvakashela www.rocnation.com, www.goldenboypromotions.com,www.promocionesmiguelcotto.com, www.canelopromotions.com.mx www.hbo.com/boxing futhiwww.mandalaybay.com; ukulandela on Twitter atRocNation, GoldenBoyBoxing, RealMiguelCotto, ICanelo, HBOBoxing, futhiMandalayBay; abe fan on Facebook at www.facebook.com/RocNation, www.facebook.com/GoldenBoyBoxing, www.facebook.com/RealMiguelACotto, www.facebook.com/SaulCaneloAlvarez, www.facebook.com/HBOBoxingfuthi www.facebook.com/MandalayBay; futhi ulandela on Instagramrocnation, GoldenBoyBoxing, realmiguelacotto, ICanelo, HBOboxing AndMandalayBay. Landela ingxoxo usebenzisa #CottoCanelo.

EROMA Martinez noJonathani OQUENDO Puerto Rico MEDIA DAY Egroundini & IZITHOMBE

Description: 9-12 High Stakes LH

Chofoza LAPHA Thwebula Ama ifotho & Isiqophi

Credit: Angel Vazquez / PR Best Boxing Promotions

Dorado, PR (Isikhombisa. 1, 2015) – WBO Junior Lightweight Champion Roman “Rocky” Martinez (29-2-2, 17 Kos) and WBO/IBF featherweight world-ranked Jonathan “Dust” Oquendo (25-4, 16 Kos) worked out for the press in Puerto Rico on Monday, Aug, 31 kusengaphambili of SHOWTIME yabo PPV® fights against former world champions Orlando “Siri” Bamuka (42-13-2, 29 Kos) futhi Jhonny Gonzalez (58-9, 49 Kos), ngokulandelana. Lo mcimbi kuzokwenzeka on Saturday, Isikhombisa. 12 at the MGM Grand Garden Arena e Las Vegas esiqokonyiswa High Stakes: Floyd Mayweather vs. Andre Berto.


Martinez futhi Oquendo wasebenza phambi abezindaba ngesikhathi Dorado kaMasipala Gym in Dorado, E-Puerto Rico. Zombili fighters waqeda session full ukuqeqeshwa kanye abaqeqeshi abakuzo Raul Torres and Dennis Pantojas.


Yilokhu fighters ayezokusho ngesikhathi NgoMsombuluko Zivocavoce:


"Rocky" Martinez Roman

“Ngithathe elungiselela impi enkulu September 12. Wonke umuntu wabona ukuthi impi yokuqala ngokumelene Salido kwaba weqiniso 'War.' Lesi sikhathi emhlabeni, Ngithathe uhlela ukunikeza abalandeli bami uhlobo olufanayo lokulwa. I ukubikezela non-stop isinyathelo slugfest.


“Kanye nethimba wami abasebenza kanye kade ngisebenza ngempela kanzima ekamu ukuqeqeshwa. Ngikholwa ukuthi senza konke okumele kwenziwe. Yimina ukuma kakhulu career yami futhi ngiyathuthuka uhlela ukunqoba waphinda, kungaba by Knockout noma isinqumo, kodwa mina ngizobe ukunqoba.


“Sisebenze okwengeziwe side-to-side futhi-futhi-out ukunyakaza. Uma ngimbona ngokushesha ubuhlungu ekuseni Ngizofika ukuqedela kuye. "


Raul Torres, Trainer Martinez sika

“Rocky kuyinto 100 Amaphesenti angu walungisa for [Orlando] Bamuka. Akungabazeki ukuthi thina ziyaphuma enqobile waphinda enginakho.


“[Orlando] Salido kuyinto fighter ukuthi uthanda ukuya phambili. Emi phambi kwakho futhi uya kulo. Muhle ezinzima, kodwa siyizisebenzi obuqinile. Sikulungele. "


Jonathan Oquendo

This is very important fight for me. This is my opportunity to put myself in the world title landscape. Angiyi ukuvumela leli thuba kuphunyuka kimi.


“Jhonny Gonzalez kuyinto isosha 60 ukulwa, ukuze awukwazi ukuthatha naye kalula. Ukulungiselela kuyisihluthulelo.


“Lokhu kuyoba ukulwa lokuqala at 130 amakhilogremu for me ngingasho ukuthi ekamu ukuqeqeshwa ungiphathe kahle kakhulu, kangcono kunokuba kulindeleke.


"Ngizizwa eqinile. Ngicabanga lokhu kuyinto isisindo kuhle kimi, Ngingumfana ukhululekile ngoba anginayo ukunciphisa umzimba kakhulu futhi uqeqeshe kangcono.”


Dennis Pantojas, Trainer Oquendo sika

“Siye kwadingeka ekamu omuhle kakhulu ukuqeqeshwa. Jonathan [Oquendo] engakakhuli noma iyiphi inkinga futhi yena kulungile isisindo ukuthi sifuna.


“I bheka Jonathan [Oquendo] begxile kakhulu futhi kunamandla kakhulu. Thina nje kuphela ukushaya ejimini, Sibuye ebhukuda okuningi futhi ukuthi uye wamsiza inkatho. "

# # #

Amathikithi for the umcimbi bukhoma, lapho kugqugquzelwa Mayweather Promotions LLC., kuthiwa ontengo yakhe yayinqunyiwe at $1,500, $1,000, $750, $500, $300 futhi $150 futhi ukudayiswa manje. Amathikithi anqunyelwe ukuba eziyisishiyagalombili (8) imuli yonke amanani ithikithi ngaphandle per $150 ithikithi isigaba, elinganiselwe ezine (4) ikhaya ngalinye. Ukushaja ngocingo noma nge-credit card enkulu, shayela Ticketmaster at (800) 745-3000. Amathikithi futhi zikhokhelwe ngesikhathiwww.mgmgrand.com noma www.ticketmaster.com.

"High Stakes: Mayweather vs. Berto," 12-round emhlabeni welterweight ubuqhawe iziqubu for WBC futhi WBA 147 esingamakhilogremu angu-ziqu Mayweather sika, is promoted by Mayweather Promotions LLC. The event will take place Saturday, September 12 at MGM Grand in Las Vegas and will be televised by SHOWTIME PPV. The undercard features aWBO Junior Lightweight World Championship fight, okuyinto a rematch phakathi kwamaRoma Martinez ne-Orlando Salido, lapho kugqugquzelwa sikanye PR Best Boxing. Also featured on the PPV telecast will be a WBC Super Middleweight title bout between Badou Jack and George Groves, lapho kugqugquzelwa sikanye Team Sauerland. The iziqubu Ukuvulwa PPV ukususa impi owabe wezwe iqhawe Jhonny Gonzalez ngokumelene Puerto Rico uJonathani Oquendo in a 10-round junior iziqubu engasindi.