Tag Archives: boxing

Super-featherweight Prodigy Mario Barrios Muaj Tshiab tus nrog sib ntaus nyob rau hauv Jose Cen Torres

San Antonio, TX (Cuaj hlis 2, 2015) – Super-Featherweight prodigy, Mario Barrios (10-0, 5 Kos), muaj ib tug tshiab tus nrog sib ntaus rau nws tom ntej bout no Sunday, Cuaj hlis 6, 2015 nyob rau hauv American Bank Center, nyob rau hauv Corpus Christi, Texas. Barrios who was slated to face Jonathan “Popeye” Perez, yuav tam sim no fim Jose Torres Cen (13-8, 1 KO) in an 8-round bout. Barrios speaks on his new opponent.
“Lig substitutions yog ib feem ntawm boxing,” Hais Barrios. “Yog vim li cas koj yuav tsum tau npaj rau tej style. Nothing has changed as far as what I’m going to do in the ring. Our game plan is set and we will be ready for anything Torres brings to the ring. I’m just excited to be fighting in Texas once again. I’m looking forward to fighting in front of the fans who will be there to support me. Texas boxing fans are great!”
Qhov kev tshwm sim yog headlined los ntawm yav tas lub ntiaj teb champion Anthony “Tus aub” Dirrell (27-1-1, 22 Kos) kev noj nyob Mexico lub Marco Antonio “Cov Tshuaj Lom” Rubio (59-7-1, 51 Kos) thiab nta lub rematch ntawm bantamweight lub ntiaj teb champion Jamie McDonnell (26-2-1, 12 Kos) thiab exciting brawler Tomoki “Lub Mexicanito” Kameda (31-1, 19 Kos). Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) rau CBS yuav ya cov kev tshwm sim nyob ntawm lub American Bank Center nyob rau hauv Corpus Christi, Texas Sunday, Cuaj hlis 6. Lub telecast pib tawm ntawm 4 PM ET/1 PM PT.
Daim pib rau lub nyob kev tshwm sim, uas yog nce los ntawm Vauj Battah Promotions thiab Warriors Boxing, yog luv nqi ntawm $109, $93, $49, $38 thiab $15, tsis xws li siv cov kev pab nqi thiab them se thiab yog rau cov muag khoom tam sim no. Daim pib muaj nyob rau ntawm www.ticketmaster.com, lub American txhab nyiaj Center Box Office los yog los ntawm kev hu mus rau Leija Battah Promotions ntawm (210) 979-3302. Yuav kom them los ntawm lub xov tooj hu Ticketmaster ntawm (800) 745-3000



Salita Promotions nca muab tsis tau nrog lub ntiaj teb-chav kawm ntawv qhia tau tias uas khiav nyob rau ESPN3.
Brooklyn, N.Y.. (Xya. 2, 2015) – Boxing tuaj rov qab mus rau Coney Island kawg Tuesday hmo ntuj, thiab los ntawm tag nrho cov nyiaj, nws yog ib tug smashing zoo.
Boxing zus-muab-pab txhawb Dmitriy Salita muab tso ua ke tau ib tug 10-bout Brooklyn Brawl card, thiab kiv cua ua ke nyob rau Brooklyn Cyclones’ MCU Park tau cua tshuab tseg los ntawm lub shocker xaus mus rau lub ntsiab kev tshwm sim.
Qub Tub Rog Cornelius “Xob Laim” Xauv ntawm Flatbush, Brooklyn, pom ib lub tsev rau ib lub siab phem rau sab laug tes, thiab tiav lawm tawm nyiam Alex Miskirtchian hauv round peb ntawm lawv tau teem kaum. Pro boxing tuaj rau Coney Island rau thawj lub sij hawm nyob rau hauv 14 xyoo, thiab tsis tu siab nrog ib tug yeej rau lub zos fighter, uas cob nyob rau famed Gleason lub Gym nyob rau hauv lub County ntawm Vaj.
Lwm yam winners muaj Junior Wright, lub cruiserweight contender los ntawm Chicago aiming nyob rau lwm lub ntiaj teb title txhaj koob tshuaj tivthaiv; Dimash Niyazov, lub NYPD tub ceev xwm moonlighting raws li ib tug pro hitter; “Txhais” Treysean Wiggins, lub sib ntaus sib tua kev txaus siab ntawm Newburgh, N.Y., qhib qhov muag raws li ib tug khoom prospect mus saib.
Ib tug lub teb chaws, nyob saib cov neeg tuaj saib yog tau luam theej duab cov fistic npau taws li ESPN3 nqa peb thiab ib nrab sij hawm ntawm qhov Brooklyn Brawl, nrog tshuab-by-tshuab txiv neej Michael Zoov thiab analyst Brian Adams nyob rau qhov hu rau Boxing ntawm lub puam. Qhov kev tshwm sim yuav kuj khiav rau MSG tes hauj lwm thaum lub sij hawm lub hli ntawm Sept.; kiv cua yuav mus saib lub zos faib rau qhov tseeb tshaj tawm hauv xov lub sij hawm.
“Lub ntsiab kev tshwm sim yog ib tug heev kev sib tw sib ntaus thiab muaj ib tug heev xaus,” Hais lus, uas tau foom koob hmoov nrog zoo nkauj hmo, nyob rau hauv tas li ntawd mus rau ib tug bevy ntawm yuam bouts. “Xauv qhab nia ib chim tshaj ib lub ntiaj teb-ranked, lub ntiaj teb no-chav kawm featherweight nyob rau hauv Alex Miskirtchian. Kuv ntseeg ua ntej qhov kev sib ntaus uas tus khiav ntawm hais tias ib tug tsim nyog ib lub sij hawm ntawm lub ntiaj teb no title. Yog li ntawd, Cornelius Xauv muab nws tag nrho ua ke thiab nrog xws li ib tug ua tau qhia tau hais tias nws yog ib tug kev hem thawj rau tag nrho cov loj cov npe nyob rau hauv lub division.”
Xauv yog tibneeg hu tauj coob thiab zoo thiab muaj pov thawj hais tias nws sab laug tes txo nws hwj tag nrho cov yav tom ntej foes rau daim ntawv ceeb toom. Lub 36-xyoo-laus qub tub rog (23-7-2, 15 Kos), hais tias, “Nws yog ib tug zoo yeej tiv thaiv ib tug zoo fighter nyob tsis. 10 los ntawm lub IBF. Kuv yeej coj no sib ntaus tiag. Kuv yuav tsum tau ua ib daim ntawv qhia hais tias kuv tsis ua, tias kuv tseem muaj ib tug ntau tshuav. Yog li ntawd kuv paub tias kuv yuav mus sib ntaus sib tua ntse, thiab hais tias yog dab tsi kuv tau, siv kuv kev.”
Nyob rau hauv tas li ntawd, kiv cua ntawm lub ballpark tau lub siab heev cov kev txawj ntse ntawm ob-lub sij hawm Irish Olympian John Joe Nevin, uas tua nkag ib tug stoppage yeej tshaj Victor Capaceta. Hnyav hitter Bahktiyar Eyubov mus rau 8-0 nrog 8 Kos, powering yav dhau los Cory Vom Baur. Brighton Puam brawler Giorgi Gelashvili tau cov neeg coob coob xav tsis thoob thaum thaum nws pomzoo DeLoren Gray-Jordon nrog ib vas nthiv laim salvo ntawm blows hauv round ob, thiab cov yeeb yuj “Brooklyn haujsam” Gary Beriguette tsom zoo aggression nyob rau hauv ib tug xeem kev txiav txim siab kov yeej Anton Williamson. Pub muab kwv yees tawm hauv daim ntawv, FDNY firefighter Jose De La Rosa tau txais lub W tshaj Kamal Muhammad, thiab HeavyweightEmilio Salas qhib tej yam li nrog ib tug thib ob round TKO nyob rau cov nuj nqis ntawm Glenn Thomas.
Hwm yav tas los fighter Adams kov on qhov tshwm sim los ntawm nws tshaj tawm hauv xov txoj hauj lwm. “Kuv ntseeg tiag tiag hais daim card Salita muab rau yog zoo rau kev ua si nawv,” nws hais tias. “Muaj yog tsis yog ib tug zoo deal ntawm chav tsev rau lub zos promoters rau lub paj, tab sis cov qib Salita tuav yog nyob rau hauv ib lub ntiaj teb-chav kawm ntawv theem!”
Tshuab-by-tshuab txiv neej Zoov, uas yog editor ntawm TheSweetScience.com thiab ib tug contributor rau NPLHAIB, tiv kev txom nyem nyob rau hauv, hais tias “Peb twb tag nrho txaus siab thiab honored rau showcase cov fights rau ESPN3. Lub stoppage yeej los ntawm Xauv yog ib tug haum xaus thiab thriller ntawm ib tug finish, rau kev lom zem thiab kev xyiv fab-nrhiav lo lus uas peb uas yog Coney Island!
“Kuv ris Vajtswv txiaj rau ESPN hais tias cov neeg tua hluav taws nyob rau hauv cov yeeb yam muaj lub sij hawm yuav tsum tau pom thoob teb chaws. Kuv yuav tsis tau nug rau ib tug zoo dua yav tsaus ntuj ntawm boxing nyob rau hauv xws li ib tug stunning venue. Peb tom ntej no qhia tau tias yuav Oct. 24 thiab peb yeej ib txwm nrhiav los txhim kho thiab coj ib tug zoo kawg li theem ntawm kev zoo siab los rau hauv lub kiv cua,” Hais lus, summing txog lub exciting Boxing Thaum Lub puam kev tshwm sim.
Brooklyn Brawl Ua Charitable Txoj kev koom tes
Thaum muaj ib lub toughest brawlers nyob rau hauv lub Borough ntawm Brooklyn brandished dub thiab liab hnab looj tes kawg Tuesday, nws tsis yog vim hais tias lawv tau ua ib tug zam daim ntawv. Lub boxers koom lawv cov kwv tij los ntawm cov NFL, Major League Baseball thiab cov NBA nyob rau hauv generating khiav rau ob lub mis mob cancer, thiab cov “Ua strides Tiv thaiv Cancer mis” phiaj los nqis tes.
Lub koom tau tshaj tawm nyob rau cov pej xeem Brooklyn Brawl luj-nyob rau hauv MCU Park, as the Brooklyn Brawl and Brooklyn Cyclones donated 50 daim pib mus rau mob cancer nyob rau hauv koom haum Midtown Manhattan, xeeb cov tsev neeg uas muaj neeg niaj kev kho mob cancer nyob rau hauv New York City.
Tsis tas li ntawd, thoob plaws hauv lub xeem hnub Tuesday thaum yav tsaus ntuj kev tshwm sim, boxing kiv cua ntawm MCU Park thiab cov menyuam nyob kev tshaj tawm ESPN3 tau hais nrog cov lus tseeb txog lub mis mob cancer thiab lub vaj strides tiv thaiv mis Cancer kev pab cuam. Mob cancer khiav cov kev pab cuam yog cov tseem ceeb rau Brooklyn Brawl pab txhawb Dmitriy Salita.
Hais Salita, “Kuv poob kuv niam lub mis mob cancer thaum kuv yog 16-xyoo-laus. Boxing yog ib tug zoo kawg li kev pab rau kuv, nws muab rau kuv ib tug hluav taws xob thiab ib yam dab tsi rau lean on. Tam sim no peb yuav siv boxing li ib lub cuab tam los tsa khiav thiab kev pab txhawb nqa rau cov neeg battling no txaus ntshai tus kab mob. Qhov no tseem ceeb heev ua yog ze rau kuv lub plawv.”
Nyob rau hauv tas li ntawd mus rau lub Brooklyn Brawl lub charitable kev sib koom tes nrog cov koom haum cancer, Brooklyn Brawl thiab Brooklyn Cyclones pub 200 Boxing Thaum Lub puam daim pib mus rau NYPD thiab FDNY cov poj ntsuam thiab me nyuam ntsuag me nyuam yaus, thiab lub zos cheeb tsam thiab hluav taws kub chaw nres tsheb.
“Nrog ib tug Brooklyn tub ceev xwm tub ceev xwm thiab ib tug FDNY firefighter rau cov boxing card, nws twb haum uas peb tau muab ib tug tshwj xeeb salute rau peb txhua hnub heroes thiab cov tsev neeg los ntawm caw kom lawv yuav peb Brooklyn Brawl kev tshwm sim,” hais tias Steve Cohen, Vice President ntawm lub Brooklyn Cyclones. “Peb lub koom haum yeej ib txwm zoo rau txoj kev ua tsaug rau cov txiv neej thiab cov poj niam uas ua hauj lwm rau peb lub nroog loj.”
Hais txog Brooklyn Brawl
Brooklyn Brawl yog ib tug series ntawm electrifying New York City-raws li boxing txheej xwm showcasing tej txuj ci thiab kev txawj ntse ntawm neeg tua hluav taws los ntawm thoob plaws hauv lub nroog, thoob plaws lub teb chaws thiab nyob ib ncig ntawm lub ntiaj teb no. Brooklyn Brawl neeg tua hluav taws muaj xws li qub tub rog boxers ua hauj lwm lawv txoj kev mus rau ib lub ntiaj teb title txhaj koob tshuaj tivthaiv, raws li tau zoo raws li feemxyuam zeem muag, coob leej ntawm cov muaj lawm prestigious lub teb chaws thiab thoob ntiaj teb pib xyaum ua lub npe, xws li Golden Cov hnab looj tes Championships thiab lwm tus neeg. Hluas contenders feem ntau cam qub tub rog boxers nyob rau hauv exciting Crossroad title fights uas coj winners ib kauj ruam los ze zog mus rau ib tug ntiaj teb no title.
HAIS TXOG STAR ntawm David Promotions
Star ntawm David Promotions yog founded hauv 2010 los ntawm Dmitriy Salita, ib tug kws boxer thiab lub ntiaj teb no title challenger uas pom qhov yuav tsum tau rau ib tug promotional chaw rau feature lub brightest zeem muag, raws li tau zoo raws li seasoned pugilists, nyob rau hauv thiab ib ncig ntawm lub New York City cheeb tsam. Viewers muaj enjoyed saib Star ntawm David tua hluav taws nyob rau hauv tsis ntev los no xyoo nyob rau ntsia hlau loj TV, ESPN2, MSG, thiab Universal kev ua si Network. Thov mus saibwww.Salitapromotions.com yog xav paub ntxiv.
Salita ruaj muaj xws li yav tom ntej heavyweight lub hnub qub Jarrell Miller, los ntawm Brooklyn; cruiserweight contender Junior Wright, los ntawm Chicago; fleet fisted Dimash Niyazov los ntawm Staten Island; tshiab signee Bakhtiyar Eyubov, ib tug KO hitter los ntawm Kazahkstan, middleweight contender Steven Martinez; Serdar Hudayberdiyev thiab lwm yam nce hnub qub nyob rau lub Salita roster.

Thov teev rau www.salitapromotions.com rau cov lus qhia ntxiv nyob rau hauv cov Salita tua hluav taws thiab yavtom ntej promotions.


Nyem NTAWM NO Rau cov duab ntawm Hla Lom ze
Corpus Christi, Texas. (Cuaj hlis 3, 2015) – Premier Boxing Champions rauCBS neeg tua hluav taws twb koom los ntawm cov xov xwm thiab cov kiv cua Thursday ntawm ib cov workout thaum lub NPAWG Gym nyob rau hauv Corpus Christi raws li lawv npaj rau lawv Sunday, Cuaj hlis 6 showdowns ntawm American Bank Center.
Qhov kev tshwm sim yog headlined los ntawm yav tas lub ntiaj teb champion Anthony “Tus aub” Dirrell (27-1-1, 22 Kos) kev noj nyob Mexico lub Marco Antonio “Cov Tshuaj Lom” Rubio (59-7-1, 51 Kos) thiab nta lub rematch ntawm bantamweight lub ntiaj teb champion Jamie McDonnell (26-2-1, 12 Kos) thiab exciting brawler Tomoki “Lub Mexicanito” Kameda (31-1, 19 Kos) nrog televised kev pab them nqi pib thaum 4 p.m. THIAB/1 p.m.
Daim pib rau lub nyob kev tshwm sim, uas yog txhawb los ntawm Leija Battah Promotions thiab Warriors Boxing, yog luv nqi ntawm $109, $93, $49, $38 thiab $15, tsis xws li siv cov kev pab nqi thiab them se thiab yog rau cov muag khoom tam sim no. Daim pib muaj nyob rau ntawm www.ticketmaster.com, lub American txhab nyiaj Center Box Office los yog los ntawm kev hu mus rau Leija Battah Promotions ntawm (210) 979-3302. Yuav kom them los ntawm lub xov tooj hu Ticketmaster ntawm (800) 745-3000.
Ntawm no yog dab tsi tus neeg koom yuav tsum tau hais Thursday:
“Cob qhia yog lub zoo. Tsis tsis txaus siab. Nws yog ib tug zoo heev pw hav zoov thiab tag nrho cov zog ua hauj lwm yog ua li cas.
“Kuv paub Rubio yog ib tug zoo fighter. Nws tiv thaiv cov loj cov npe thiab nws yog ib tug zoo qub tub rog. Kuv zoo siab heev tau nyob rau hauv lub nplhaib nrog nws.
“Kuv twb tiaj tus kawg sib ntaus. Tsis excuses. Txhua leej txhua tus muaj lawv hnub. Koj muaj peev xwm tsis tos thiab xaiv, nws nyuam qhuav tshwm sim. Leejtwg paub txog kuv paub tias kuv tsis tua li ntawd. Nws yog nyob rau hauv lub yav dhau los thiab kuv yuav npaj mus sib ntaus sib tua Rubio.
“Kuv puas tau ib co ntau sparring ua ntej lawm nyob rau hauv lub camp thiab uas tau txais kuv mus rau hauv ib tug zoo atherosclerosis. Kuv ntse tam sim no thiab peb txoj kev npaj ua hauj lwm zoo kawg lawm. Tam sim no nws yog hais txog coj los rau lub nplhaib rau kev sib ntaus hnub thiab muab ib tug yeeb yam.
“Kuv tab tom nrhiav mus tawm muaj thiab ua li cas kuv ua, uas yog xa cov neeg mus rau lub doghouse. Seb nws yog ib daim ntawv qhia los yog tsis, Kuv cia li xav yeej.”
Marco Antonio Rubio
“Kuv tau muab tso rau hauv tag nrho kuv lub dag zog mus rau hauv qhov kev kawm no yeej rog. Peb nyob nraum npaj rau sib ntaus sib tua Dirrell. Nws yog siab, nws yog muaj zog thiab nws yog heev yooj yim nyob rau hauv lub nplhaib. Kuv tau npaj txoj kev uas kuv yuav tsum. Kuv nyiam cov kev sib tw ntawm ib tus nrog sib ntaus tawv.
“Kuv yog lub cev nkees tom qab kuv kawg sib ntaus tom qab tau ntau xyoo nyob rau hauv boxing. Kuv yeej ib txwm paub kuv yuav rov qab los, vim hais tias boxing yog kuv lub neej. Kuv twb tau ua hauj lwm rau 5 lub hlis yuav tau rov qab rau hauv cov duab thiab kuv yog nyob rau hauv zoo kawg zoo.
“Nws yog ib qho nyuaj rau ua 160 rau qhov lub xeem ob los yog peb sib ntaus. Kuv tshuav ntau heev nyob rau hauv lub sauna rau ceeb. Tab sis tam sim no nyob 168 Kuv xav tias zoo. Qhov no yuav tsis cuam tshuam kuv xuas nrig ntaus hwj chim. Nws yog ib yam dab tsi tshiab hais tias kuv tab tom nrhiav rau pem hauv ntej rau.
“Kuv twb tau txoj cai sparring cov neeg koom tes no camp. Kuv nyob rau hauv zoo zoo lawm thiab kuv twv yuav raug hu muaj cai zoo rau qhov no sib ntaus.
“Kuv rov qab los nyob puv lub zog. Kuv pom ntau loj sib ntaus nyob rau hauv lub neej yav tom ntej. Kuv xav tias zoo thiab npaj txhij mus rau noj nyob rau hauv tag nrho cov lwm yam neeg tua hluav taws.”
Jamie McDonnell
“Kuv twb tau ua hauj lwm rau ib co tshiab hom kev kawm thiab kuv paub hais tias nws yuav nqa ib co tej yam tshiab mus rau lub rooj hais tias kuv tsis xav tias yuav, tab sis kuv xav tias kuv yuav tsum tau ua surprise rau nws thiab.
“Kuv twb tau ua hauj lwm rau zaum rau kuv punches thiab tsim ntau lub hwj chim, tab sis kuj yog ib tug ntau ntawm cov ua hauj lwm rau kuv lub zog. Kws muaj txuj ci tseem ceeb heev vim hais tias kuv tau Tagged nrog hais tias txoj cai txhais tes uas khob qhov rooj kuv cia kawg sib ntaus.
“Kuv cia li yuav tau muab nws tag nrho ua ke. Nyob rau kev sib ntaus hmo ntuj nws yuav tuaj ua ke nyob rau hauv lub nplhaib. Kuv zoo haum, qhov zoo tshaj plaws kuv twb puas tau xav.
“Peb nyob nraum nrhiav rau pem hauv ntej rau kom nyob rau hauv muaj thiab ua ib daim ntawv qhia lub sij hawm no. Kuv xav kom ib tug tiag tiag daim ntawv qhia rau lub ntiaj teb no nyob ntev. Tsis ze yeej lub sij hawm no, Kuv npaj txhij rau lub loj tub.”
“Txhua yam nyob rau hauv camp tau raug mus zoo thiab peb paub hais tias peb yuav muaj kev vam meej on Sunday hmo ntuj.
“Lub sij hawm no peb muaj ib tug txawm zoo dua txoj kev npaj dua lub sij hawm dhau. Kuv npaj tau rau kuv tus nrog sib ntaus style thiab txhua yam uas nws yuav coj mus rau lub nplhaib.
“Kuv twb kawm McDonnell thiab kuv paub nws qaug zog. Peb nyob nraum npaj rau noj nws tawm lub sij hawm no. Kuv yuav tsis nres mus txog thaum kuv muaj lub stoppage.
“Kuv xav tias kuv yeej kawg lub sij hawm thiab kuv npaj los ua pov thawj hais tias kuv yog tus zoo dua fighter thiab qhov zoo tshaj plaws ntawm kuv yuag. Nws yog heev ze, tab sis lub sij hawm no kuv lub hwj chim thiab lub tswv yim yuav ua tau ntau npaum li cas rau nws.
“Peb tsis tau txais lub yeej sij hawm tas los, but I’m lucky to have this opportunity just a few months later on national TV. It’s a big fight for me and I need to win.”
Yog xav paub ntxiv mus xyuas www.premierboxingchampions.com thiabwww.americanbankcenter.com, follow rau TwitterPremierBoxingAnthonyDirrell, MAVenenoRubio, @ JamieMcDonnell1, TomokiKameda, SHOSports, WarriorsBoxingProm, LeijaBattahPR, AmericanBankCtr ThiabSwanson_Comm,

Ahmed ELBIALI RAU RAUG Pena RAU HMA LIAB Cov kev ua si 1

Diam duab By Team Elbiali
Miami, IBCE (Cuaj hlis 2, 2015) – Rau Tuesday, Cuaj hlis 8, 2015 nyob rau Hollywood Palladium nyob rau hauv Hollywood, California, undefeated teeb heavyweight hwj chim Puncher, Ahmed Elbiali (11-0, 10 Kos) yog teem mus tua nyob rau hauv TV feem ntawm lub Premier Boxing Champions on Fox Sports 1 card headlined los ntawm Austin trout (29-2, 16 Kos) vs. Joey Hernandez (24-3-1, 14 Kos). Elbiali will face an Fabian Pena (12-3-1, 8 Kos) in an 8-round bout. Lub PBC telecast yuav pib thaum 9PM ET / 6PM PTnyob rau hma liab kev ua si 1.
Elbiali, uas yog lub npe hu rau muaj hnyav ob txhais tes, yog ib qho ntawm feem exciting neeg tua hluav taws nyob rau hauv lub teeb heavyweight faib. Nrog ib tug 90% knockout piv, Elbiali is being touted as the next great knockout artist. He’ll look to continue that trend against Pena.
“Kuv tabtom ib txwm nrhiav kom xaus qhov kev sib ntaus thaum ntxov yog tias kuv tau txais kuv tus nrog sib ntaus mob,” hais tias Ahmed Elbiali. “Ib ob peb ntawm fights dhau los kuv mus rau hauv lub deb rau thawj lub sij hawm thiab kuv muaj kev zoo paub kuv yuav tua mus rau hauv lub tom qab rounds yog xav tau. Kuv nyiam qhia rau kuv ob txhais tes ya thiab coj exciting fights mus rau lub kiv cua. Tias yog dab tsi kuv sim ua nyob rau hauv tag nrho kuv fights. Rau Cuaj hlis 8, Kuv mam li yuav tau nrhiav kom ua tib yam.”
Nrog Al HAYMON coj cov hauj lwm ntawm Elbiali, ntuj yog cov kev txwv.
“Ua hauj lwm nrog Al Haymon tau zoo rau kuv cov hauj lwm.” Elbiali txuas ntxiv. “Sib ntaus sib tua rau TV ib zaug dua yog nqa zoo raug kuv sib ntaus sib tua style, and I’m very appreciative to Haymon for all his hard work. My goal is to become a world champion and be known as one of the most exciting fighters in my division.
Daim pib luv nqi $28.50 – $78.50 tsis xws li nqi, yog rau cov muag khoom nyob rau hauv tus neeg nyob hauv lub Palladium chaw ua hauj lwm los yog hauv internet ntawm no. Qhov rooj qhib rau ntawm 5PM PT, nrog rau cov thawj uas tawm hauv TV fights pib ntawm 6PM PT.

Huab tais lub Promotions mus ua kom tiav 4 qhia tau hais tias nyob rau hauv 7 hnub nrog card tom nyeem ntawv Fightin Phils Thawj Zog chaw ntau pob rau hnub Thursday, Cuaj hlis 24

Undefeated Erik Caij nplooj ntoos hlav & Nick Valliere nyob rau hauv nyias muaj nyias kev bouts
Rau Tam Sim Tso

Nyeem ntawv, PA (Cuaj hlis 2, 2015)– Nyob rau Thursday hmo ntuj, Cuaj hlis 24, Huab tais lub Promotions yuav nthuav ib tug tshwj xeeb tsaus ntuj ntawm boxing ntawm Nyeem Fightin Phils Thawj Zog chaw ntau pob.

Tus yeeb yuav nce kom nto ib tibneeg hu tauj coob lub lim tiam rau Vaj Ntxwv lub Promotions li lub tuam txhab, nrhiav tau los ntawm Marshall Kauffman, yuav tsum txhawb txoj kev nws plaub tshwm sim nyob rau hauv sieven hnub.

Nyob rau hauv 6-round bouts:

Nick Valliere (5-0, 2 KO lub) ntawm Forked dej, NJ yuav muab rau Maurice Amaro (2-9, 1 KO) ntawm Philadelphia, PA nyob rau hauv ib tug Middleweight bout.

Erik Caij nplooj ntoos hlav (6-0, 1 KO) Nyeemntawv, PA battles James Robinson (3-3-2, 1 KO lub) ntawm York, PA nyob rau hauv ib tug Super Welterweight bout.

Nyob rau hauv 4-round bouts:
Eliezer Mendez (1-1) Nyeemntawv, PA yuav sib ntaus sib tua Jonathan Acosta (0-1) ntawm Lebanon, PA.

Randy Easton (3-7-1, 3 KO lub) ntawm Sunbury, PA yuav sib ntaus sib tua pro debuting Corey Morley ntawm Philadelphia, PA.

Santario Martin (0-1) ntawm Gainesville, IBCE yuav siv sij hawm rau Fitzgerald Johnson (3-7, 1 KO) ntawm Newark, NJ nyob rau hauv ib tug Middleweight bout.

Ntau bouts yuav muab tshaj tawm sai sai no

Daim pib nqi $50 thiab $25 thiab yuav tau hauv 610-375-8469 los yog www.Fightins.com/boxing

Chim ntseeg sib ntaus kev ua si pib "Bombs tseg 4" Lub kaum hli ntuj 10 nyob rau hauv Lakeland!

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Rau Tam Sim Tso
Lakeland, IBCE (Cuaj hlis 2, 2015) - Chim ntseeg sib ntaus kev ua si rov qab los Lakeland nrog ib tug nkaus packed card Saturday, Lub kaum hli ntuj 10 nyob rau Florida Txiv kab ntxwv tshwm sim Center.
Lub card yuav feature ib tug xov tooj ntawm cov khoom hauv zos nce hnub qub nyob rau hauv exciting match ib ce. $30 kev nkag mus $60 VIP tickets for this family friendly event are on sale at Madbombsaway4.bpt.me los sis mus saib Atomic Tattoos nyob rau hauv Lakeland thiab Bulldog Boxing & Qoj nyob rau hauv Tampa. Tag nrho VIP daim pib tuav tseg 21 xyoo thiab laus dua yuav tau txais dawb npias los ntawm Brew Hub. Qhov rooj qhib rau ntawm 6:30 pm nrog lub qhib tswb teem rau 7:30.
Nyob rau hauv lub ntsiab kev tshwm sim ntawm yav tsaus ntuj, khaub-ncaws nyias zeem muag Ruben "chino" Ozuna battles 28 sib ntaus qub tub rog Bobby Hill ntawm Mississippi. Ozuna, 4-1, yog tshiab tawm ib tug thrilling slugfest nrog Yasmani Calzadilla qhov twg nws los tawm lub canvas zom tawm ib tug txiav txim. Qhov nrov Wauchula, IBCE haiv neeg yog mus rau nws plaub ncaj yeej thiab yuav ua tau li ntawd nyob rau hauv pem hauv ntej ntawm ib tug loj pawg ntawm UFW. Qhov zoo tshaj plaws txhais tias yog fearless, Hill tus rog ntau notable fighters nrog lub ntiaj teb champion Jose Benavidez, Mason Menard, Antonio Capulin, Baha mamadjonov, Devonte Williams, Rashad Ganaway thiab Karim Martinez ntawm lwm tus neeg.
Undefeated Junior Middleweight Armando "Lub zoo" Alvarez txaus ntshai nws 7-0 cov ntaub ntawv tiv thaiv Jacksonville Juan Aguirre nyob rau hauv ib tug bout rau Sunshine State bragging txoj cai.
Yav tas los football lub hnub qub muab welterweight prospect Leanthony "Tyga" Fleming ntsib hlau chinned Randy Heddrick. Fleming, uas muaj sia nyob thiab fights tawm ntawm Lakeland, ua si football rau Kutztown University thiab Central Connecticut State ua ntej kev raug mob derailed nws cov hauj lwm rau lub gridiron.
Nyob rau hauv plaub puag ncig undercard bouts, Rafael "Junito" Rivera ntawm Tampa ntsib Orlando lub Cleveland McClean thiab Quincy, IBCE lub Leonardo Kenon squares tawm tiv thaiv Georgia haiv neeg Greg Faust. Paul "Them Ib Saib" Parker, "King" Kenmon Evans, Ricky "Cowboy” Tomlinson thiab Tori "siab phem" Ramirez yuav tag nrho cov tshwm sim tiv thaiv tw yuav tsum tau tshaj tawm.
Tag nrho bouts no yuav hloov.
"Peb nyob nraum pog rau lwm qhia nyob rau hauv Lakeland,"Hais tias Joey Orduna ntawm Mad ntseeg sib ntaus kev ua si. "Peb tau txais ib tug zoo lus teb los ntawm peb xeem qhia nyob rau hauv Tej zaum. Tua hluav taws thiab cov kiv cua tau ob nug txog peb tom ntej no card yuav luag tam sim ntawd. Kuv tabtom yuav ib tug xov tooj ntawm barburners rau daim ntawv no txij li thaum peb twb tau txais ib tug ntau ntawm cov neeg hauv zos nrhiav los ua pov thawj rau lawv tus kheej. Lakeland kuj yog ib tug zoo qhov chaw txij li thaum nws yog nyob nruab nrab ntawm Tampa thiab Orlando. Daim pib pib thaum $30 yog li kom nco ntsoov nqa tag nrho cov tsev neeg!"
Lwm yam bouts yuav muab tshaj tawm sai sai no thiab tshiab no kuj muaj nyob rau ntawm https://www.facebook.com/MadIntegrityFightSports.

Premier Boxing Champions on ESPN’s Santa Cruz vs. Mares muab coob Boxing cov neeg tuaj saib rau ESPN Vim Lub ob hlis ntuj 1998

Siab tshaj plaws-Nyob thiab Feem ntau-saib Boxing Telecast Puas rau ESPN Deportes
ESPN Classic rau Cua Instant Classic Hmo no
The third edition of ESPN’s Premier Boxing Champions nyob ESPN los ntawm Corona Ntxiv (PBC rau ESPN) series-headlined los ntawm Leo Santa Cruz feem ntau txiav txim yeej tshaj Abner mares-nyob rau hnub Saturday, Aug. 29, tauj qhov loj tshaj plaws boxing cov neeg tuaj saib rau ESPN txij li thaum Lub ob hlis ntuj 1998 (02/22/98 Mark Johnson vs. Arthur Johnson).
Lub telecast twb pom los ntawm ib tug nruab nrab ntawm 1,217,000 viewers (P2 +)-li 30 feem pua ​​los ntawm qhov nruab nrab ntawm lub yav dhau los ob PBC telecasts rau ESPN. Lub telecast peaked los ntawm 12:00-12:15yog nrog 1,641,000 viewers (P2 +) raws li Nielsen.
ESPN lub Mev-lus telecast ntawm cov kev tshwm sim rau ESPN Deportes sim ib tug 1.3 Neeg Mev HH US RTG thiab 355,000 Neeg Mev viewers-ua rau nws lub siab tshaj plaws-nyob thiab feem ntau-saib boxing telecast mus puas tau cua rau ESPN Deportes. Lub telecast peaked los ntawm 11:15-11:30 p.m. nrog 453,000 viewers.

ESPN Classic yuav reair sib ntaus hmo no ntawm 7 p.m. THIAB raws li ib tug Instant Classic. Nyob rau hauv tas li ntawd, ESPN Deportes yuav rov-cua tag nrho daim ntawv rau Saturday, Cuaj hlis 5, ntawm 7 p.m.


TWEET IT: Philadelphia Boxing Legend Joe Frazier statue to be unveiled at @XFINITYlive rau

Xya 12 during free open-to-the public ceremony #JoeFrazierDay

Philadelphia, PA (Cuaj hlis 1, 2015) – XFINITY Live! Philadelphia is set to unveil a new 12-foot bronze statue commemorating Joe Frazier, one of the most iconic Philadelphia athletes in history, during a free, open-to-the-public ceremony at XFINITY Live! rau Saturday, Cuaj hlis 12 ntawm 1 p.m. XFINITY Live! and Joe Hand Promotions were the lead contributors for this memorial.

Statue artist Stephen Layne recreated Frazier in mid-punch, depicting the moment after Frazier landed the punch that knocked down Muhammad Ali in the 15th round, on Lub peb hlis ntuj 8, 1971. Frazier was the first fighter to defeat Ali.

“I found my inspiration in a photo of Frazier flooring Ali with his powerful left hook,” Layne said. “The moment captured in the sculpture reflects the work ethic of Frazier and the city he called home.”

Frazier won the 1964 Olympic gold medal in Tokyo and later finished with a professional record of 32-4-1, nrog 27 knockouts. Two of the losses were epic rematches with Ali, nrog rau cov “Thrilla nyob rau hauv Manila” nyob rau hauv 1975. Frazier also participated in the first sporting event ever at the Spectrum, on Lub kaum hli ntuj 17, 1967, winning with a knockout over Tony Doyle.

The City of Philadelphia commissioned Layne as the sculptor of the Joe Frazier Memorial Statue. He began with a 12-foot tall clay model, and upon approval, constructed a silicone mold. He then began the highly skilled bronze foundry work, finishing the over 1,200-pound bronze monument in 14-months. The process was proudly produced, created and constructed in the United States by Stratton Sculpture Studios of Philadelphia.

The new Frazier statue joins five other iconic Philadelphia sports moments, including Philadelphia Flyers’ Gary Dornhoefer’s overtime playoff goal against the Minnesota North Stars in 1973; longtime Flyers’ good luck charm Kate Smith singing her iconic version of God Bless America; 76ers legend Julius Erving taking a signature shot, Flyers’ greats Bobby Clarke and Bernie Parent hosting the Stanley Cup commemorating of the team’s 1974 thiab 1975 Championships, and Flyers all-time winningest coach Fred Shero.

XFINITY Live! Philadelphia
XFINITY Live! Philadelphia is a dining and entertainment district centered in the heart of the South Philadelphia Sports Complex. The one-of-a-kind venue features over a dozen restaurant and entertainment choices, kuj muaj: Broad Street Bullies Pub, PBR Bar & Grill (Professional Bull Riders), Philly MarketPlace, Victory Beer Hall and the first-ever NBC Sports Arena. XFINITY Live! is a joint partnership between Philadelphia-based Comcast Spectacor and Baltimore-based The Cordish Companies.



Nyem NTAWM NO rau cov duab
Yees duab Credit: Tom Hogan duab / Roc teb chaws kev ua si / Golden tub Promotions

Nyem NTAWM NO Yeeb yaj duab rau

Video Credit: RingTV nyob

BAYAMÓN, Puerto Rico (Xya. 1, 2015) - Kaw tawm ib tug tsib-hnub, plaub-nroog xovxwm thoob ntiaj teb ncig saib uas twb ua lawm nyob rau hauv Los Angeles, Mexico City thiab New York City, Qhov,Nplhaib Magazine thiab Lineal Middleweight ntiaj teb tau zus Miguel Cotto (40-4, 33 Kos) thiab yav tas los ob-lub sij hawm Super Welterweight ntiaj teb tau zus Canelo Alvarez (45-1-1, 32 Kos) tuav ib lub rooj sib tham rau hnub Friday xovxwm, Aug. 28 nyob rau hauv pem hauv ntej ntawm ib tug hometown cov neeg tuaj saib nyob rau hauv Cotto hom Puerto Rico. Pua pua ntawm xov xwm neeg thiab phav phav qw kiv cua sau Coliseo Ruben Rodríguez saib Cotto thiab Canelo thiab lawv pawg txawm lub cheeb tsam raug ntaus los ntawm Qav cua daj Erika lub hmo ua ntej.


Cov xovxwm rooj sab laj cov neeg tuaj saib yog zoo siab heev thaum lub tua hluav taws ua lawv nkag mus rau ib tug impressive pyrotechnic zaub. The excitement in the crowd continued as both fighters faced off and spoke about their upcoming 12-round fight for Cotto’s WBC and Nplhaib Magazine Middleweight ntiaj teb Championships, uas yuav siv sij hawm qhov chaw Saturday, Nov. 21 nyob rau Mandalay Bay Txheej xwm Center nyob rau hauv Las Vegas. Nyob rau hauv tas li ntawd, Jose "Chepo" Reynoso, neeg saib xyuas thiab tus kws qhia rau Canelo Alvarez, serenaded lub qua nrog ib tug ib tug capella rendition ntawm cov nyiam Puerto Rican tune "Que Bonito Puerto Rico,"Nyob rau hauv ib tug qhia tau tias ntawm kev hwm rau cov kiv cua nyob rau hauv cov neeg tuaj saib.

Cov xovxwm rooj sab laj nres nyob rau hauv Bayamón, Puerto Rico capped a busy week for Teams Cotto and Canelo. By the end of the week, Cotto thiab Canelo mus xyuas plaub lub zos nyob rau hauv ob lub teb chaws, ib lub sij hawm plaub aav, mus txawv tebchaws 9,500 miles and encountering thousands of screaming fans in five days. Wherever they went, kiv cua thiab cov xov xwm yog ib tug buzz txog cov muab showdown ntawm Cotto thiab Canelo, muaj ntau yam ua thaum ntxov txoj hau kev uas lub Nov. 21 middleweight championship yuav tsum crowned 'sib ntaus ntawm lub xyoo.'


Ob leeg fighters yog tam sim no mus tawm rau lawv cov kev kawm camps nyob rau hauv Los Angeles ntawm qus Card Gym rau Miguel Cotto thiab San Diego, California. rau Canelo Alvarez los npaj rau lawv cov epic showdown rau Nov. 21.


Hauv qab no yog cov yees duab highlights ntawm lub plaub-nroog thoob ntiaj teb Cotto vs. Canelo xovxwm ncig saib. Rau lub teb Cotto vs. Canelo xovxwm ncig saib duab gallery, nias NTAWM NO.




Macintosh HD:Users:Kristen:Desktop:CottoCaneloLAPC_Hoganphotos11.jpg

SAUM: Qhov, Ring Magazine and Lineal Middleweight World Champion Miguel Cotto (thib ob los ntawm sab laug) and former WBC & WBA Super Welterweight World Champion Canelo Alvarez (txoj cai) pose on August 24, 2015 nyob rau hauv Los Angeles tom qab lub rooj sab laj xovxwm ncaws tawm lawv cov plaub-nroog xovxwm thoob ntiaj teb ncig saib.

"Lub ntiaj teb no yog tham txog qhov no sib ntaus. Lub keeb kwm ntawm Mexico thiab Puerto Rico ua no lawm tiag tiag exciting,"Golden tub Promotions Chairman thiab CEO Oscar tsib La Hoya rau Aug. 24 nyob rau hauv Los Angeles.


Macintosh HD:Users:Kristen:Desktop:Mexico City_01.jpeg

SAUM: Qhov, Ring Magazine and Lineal Middleweight World Champion Miguel Cotto (tshuav) and former WBC & WBA Super Welterweight World Champion Canelo Alvarez (txoj cai) pose on August 25, 2015 in Mexico City at a press conference to announce their world title fight on Kaum Ib Hlis Ntuj 21, 2015 nyob rau Mandalay Bay Txheej xwm Center nyob rau hauv Las Vegas, Nevada uas yuav tau ua thiab faib nyob los ntawm HBO Them-Ib-Saib.


"Kuv yog heev siab heev uas kuv yuav nco ntsoov txais tos ntawm no nyob rau hauv Mexico thiab qhia zoo sib hwm. Cov kev pab txhawb nqa ntawm Mexicans yog unmatched. Nws yog ib tug yawm sib ntaus sib tua Miguel Cotto,"Hais tiasyav tas los ob-lub sij hawm Super Welterweight ntiaj teb tau zus ib Canelo Alvarez rau Aug. 25 nyob rau hauv Mexico City.


Macintosh HD:Users:Kristen:Desktop:CottoCaneloNYPC_Hoganphotos2.jpg

SAUM: Qhov, Ring Magazine and Lineal Middleweight World Champion Miguel Cotto (tshuav) and former WBC & WBA Super Welterweight World Champion Canelo Alvarez (txoj cai) fim thaum pib ntawm lawv New York City xovxwm sablaj los txhawb lawv cov tom ntej HBO Them Ib View sib ntaus sib tua nyob Nov. 21 nyob rau hauv Las Vegas.

"Qhov no yog ib tug match-up ntawm epic proportions, can't-npeeg txiav txim yeej thiab passionate kiv cua bases, raws li yog tsheev los ntawm cov neeg coob coob ntawm no niaj hnub no,"Hais tias Roc teb chaws Thawj Tswj Hwm thiab Chief ntawm Branding thiab zoo Michael Yormark rau Aug. 26 nyob rau hauv New York City.

BAYAMÓN, Puerto Rico rau Aug. 28:


SAUM: WBC thiab ntiv nplhaib Magazine Middleweight ntiaj teb tau zus ib Miguel Cotto (chaw tshuav) and former WBC & WBA Super Welterweight World Champion Canelo Alvarez (chaw txoj cai) pose on August 28, 2015 nyob rau hauv Bayamlos ntawmn, Puerto Rico at a press conference to announce their Kaum Ib Hlis Ntuj 21, 2015 world championship fight at the Mandalay Bay Events Center in Las Vegas, ua thiab muab faib nyob los ntawm HBO Them-Ib-Saib.

"Kuv yuav mus tau kev yeej no rau tag nrho Puerto Ricans nyob ib ncig ntawm lub ntiaj teb no,"Hais tias WBC thiab ntiv nplhaib Magazine Middleweight ntiaj teb tau zus Miguel Cotto rau Aug. 28 nyob rau hauv Spinachlos ntawmn, Puerto Rico.

Uas muaj xya lub ntiaj teb no lub npe nruab nrab ntawm lawv, impressive resumes thiab theem ntawm muaj koob meej nyob rau hauv lawv lub tsev teb chaws, Cotto vs. Canelo yog shaping yuav lub biggest sib ntaus nyob rau hauv boxing xyoo no thiab cov biggest sib ntaus nyob rau hauv lub keeb kwm ntawm lub famed Puerto Rico vs. Mexico kev ua yeeb ncuab.

Cotto vs. Canelo, ib tug 12-round sib ntaus rau Cotto tus WBC thiab Nplhaib Magazine Middleweight ntiaj teb Championships, yuav siv sij hawm qhov chaw Saturday, Nov. 21 nyob rau Mandalay Bay Txheej xwm Center nyob rau hauv Las Vegas. Lub sib ntaus yog los ntawm cov Roc teb chaws kev ua si, Golden Tub Promotions, Miguel Cotto Promotions thiab Canelo Promotions thiab txhawb nqa los ntawm Corona ntxiv; Mexico, Nyob rau Ntseeg tias nws!; O'Reilly pib xeem thiab Tequila Cazadores. Lub Cotto vs. Canelo xovxwm ncig saib tau kev txhawb nqa los ntawm JetSmarter. Cov kev tshwm sim yuav raug tsim thiab muab faib nyob los ntawm HBO Them-Ib-View pib thaum9:00 p.m. THIAB/6:00 p.m. PT. Ua raws li cov kev sib tham siv #CottoCanelo.

Nyem NTAWM NO mus saib tau lub Cotto vs. Canelo hluav taws xob xovxwm khoom siv siv lo lus zais "CottovsCanelo".


Yog xav paub ntxiv, mus ntsib www.rocnation.com, www.goldenboypromotions.com,www.promocionesmiguelcotto.com, www.canelopromotions.com.mx www.hbo.com/boxing thiabwww.mandalaybay.com; raws li ntawm Twitter ntawmRocNation, GoldenBoyBoxing, RealMiguelCotto, ICanelo, HBOBoxing, thiabMandalayBay; ua ib tug kiv cua hauv Facebook ntawm www.facebook.com/RocNation, www.facebook.com/GoldenBoyBoxing, www.facebook.com/RealMiguelACotto, www.facebook.com/SaulCaneloAlvarez, www.facebook.com/HBOBoxingthiab www.facebook.com/MandalayBay; thiab ua raws li rau Instagramrocnation, GoldenBoyBoxing, realmiguelacotto, ICanelo, HBOboxing ThiabMandalayBay. Ua raws li cov kev sib tham siv #CottoCanelo.

LOOS Martinez thiab Yaunathas OQUENDO Puerto Rico MEDIA HNUB QUOTES & DUAB

Description: 9-12 High Stakes LH

Nyem NTAWM NO Download duab & Video

Credit: Angel Vazquez / PR zoo tshaj plaws Boxing Promotions

Dorado, PR (Xya. 1, 2015) – WBO Junior Lightweight Champion Roman “Rocky” Martinez (29-2-2, 17 Kos) and WBO/IBF featherweight world-ranked Jonathan “Plua plav” Oquendo (25-4, 16 Kos) worked out for the press in Puerto Rico on Monday, Aug, 31 nyob rau hauv ua ntej ntawm lawv Showtime PPV® fights against former world champions Orlando “Siri” Ncaim (42-13-2, 29 Kos) thiab Jhonny Gonzalez (58-9, 49 Kos), feem. Qhov kev tshwm sim yuav muab qhov chaw nyob Saturday, Xya. 12 nyob rau MGM Grand vaj Arena nyob rau hauv Las Vegas tseem ceeb los ntawm HIGH tej ceg txheem ntseeg: Floyd Mayweather vs. Lwm yam Berto.


Martinez thiab Oquendo ua hauj lwm ua ntej rau hauv xov xwm nyob rau Dorado Kev tsav tsheb kiag Gym nyob rau hauv Dorado, Puerto Rico. Ob leeg fighters kom tiav ib tug tag nrho cov kev kawm kev sib ntsib nrog lawv cov trainers Raul Torres thiab Dennis Pantojas.


Qhov no yog qhov neeg tua hluav taws yuav tsum tau hais thaum lub sij hawm Hnub Monday lub workout:


Roman "Rocky" Martinez

“Kuv tabtom npaj rau ib tug loj sib ntaus rau Cuaj hlis 12. Txhua leej txhua tus pom hais tias cov thawj sib ntaus tawm tsam Salido yog ib tug yeej muaj tseeb 'ua tsov ua rog.' Qhov no lub sij hawm nyob ib ncig ntawm, Kuv npaj muab kuv tus kivcua ntsawj tib hom kev sib ntaus. Kuv twv seb ib tug uas tsis yog-nres nkaus slugfest.


“Kuv pab thiab kuv ua hauj lwm thiab tau ua hauj lwm tiag tiag nyuab nyob rau hauv kev kawm camp. Kuv ntseeg hais tias peb yuav ua li cas txhua yam uas xav tau kev pab yuav tsum tau ua. Kuv nyob rau hauv qhov zoo tshaj plaws zoo ntawm kuv ua hauj lwm thiab kuv npaj los yeej ib zaug dua, yog los ntawm kev knockout los yog kev txiav txim siab, tab sis kuv yuav yeej.


“Peb tau ua hauj lwm ntau rau ntawm ib sab-los-sab thiab nyob rau hauv-thiab-tawm zog. Yog hais tias kuv pom nws raug mob thaum ntxov kuv yuav mus suaj kaum rau nws. "


Raul Torres, Martinez tus kws qhia

“Rocky yog ib tug 100 feem pua ​​npaj rau [Orlando] Ncaim. Kuv muaj tsis muaj tsis ntseeg tias peb yuav muaj yeej xwb ib zaug dua.


“[Orlando] Salido yog ib tug fighter uas nyiam mus rau pem hauv ntej. Nws sawv nyob rau hauv pem hauv ntej ntawm koj thiab nws mus rau nws. Nws yog tawv, tab sis peb yog tougher. Peb yeej npaj. "


Jonathan Oquendo

This is very important fight for me. This is my opportunity to put myself in the world title landscape. Kuv yuav tsis mus qhia rau lub sij hawm no plam deb ntawm kuv.


“Jhonny Gonzalez yog ib tug qub tub rog ntawm 60 fights, li ntawd, koj yuav tsis coj nws maj mam. Kev npaj yog qhov tseem ceeb.


“Qhov no yuav ua tau tus thawj sib ntaus ntawm 130 phaus rau kuv thiab kuv yuav hais tias cov kev cob qhia yeej thoj nam tau zoo heev, zoo tshaj qhov xav.


"Kuv zoo muaj zog. Kuv xav tias qhov no yog ib tug zoo qhov ceeb thawj rau kuv, Kuv xis vim hais tias kuv tsis tas yuav poob ntau nyhav thiab yuav qhia zoo dua.”


Dennis Pantojas, Oquendo tus kws qhia

“Peb tau muaj ib tug heev zoo kev kawm camp. Jonathan [Oquendo] tsis tau muaj tej yam teeb meem thiab nws yog txoj kev yog rau hnyav hais tias peb xav.


“Kuv pom Jonathan [Oquendo] ntau focused thiab muaj zog dua puas tau. Peb tsis tsuas tsoo lub gym, peb kuj ua luam dej heev thiab hais tias tau pab nws ntau ntau. "

# # #

Daim pib rau lub nyob kev tshwm sim, uas yog txhawb los ntawm Mayweather Promotions LLC., yog luv nqi ntawm $1,500, $1,000, $750, $500, $300 thiab $150 thiab yog muag tam sim no. Daim pib no tsuas mus rau yim (8) ib tsev neeg rau tag nrho daim pib nqi tsuas yog tus $150 daim pib qeb, uas yog tas rau plaub (4) ib tsev neeg. Yuav kom them los ntawm lub xov tooj los yog nrog ib tug loj credit card, hu Ticketmaster ntawm (800) 745-3000. Daim pib kuj muaj nyob rau purchase ntawmwww.mgmgrand.com los yog www.ticketmaster.com.

"SIAB tej ceg txheem ntseeg: Mayweather vs. Berto," ib tug 12-round welterweight ntiaj teb Championship bout rau Mayweather tus WBC thiab WBA 147-phaus lub npe, is promoted by Mayweather Promotions LLC. The event will take place Saturday, Cuaj hlis 12 at MGM Grand in Las Vegas and will be televised by SHOWTIME PPV. The undercard features aWBO Junior Lightweight World Championship fight, uas yog ib tug rematch ntawm Roman Martinez thiab Orlando Salido, uas yog nce nyob rau hauv lub koom haum nrog PR zoo tshaj plaws Boxing. Also featured on the PPV telecast will be a WBC Super Middleweight title bout between Badou Jack and George Groves, uas yog nce nyob rau hauv lub koom haum nrog Team Sauerland. Qhov qhib PPV bout qho to qub ntiaj teb no yeej Jhonny Gonzalez tiv thaiv Puerto Rico lub Jonathan Oquendo nyob rau hauv ib tug 10-round junior sib bout.