टैग आर्कईव: मुक्केबाज़ी

नवीनतम एमएमए प्रमोशन इकॉन ने लॉन्चिंग फेडरेशन को सितम्बर लॉन्च किया 24 मिसिसिपी में

UFC FIGHT PASS पर लाइव और विशेष रूप से स्ट्रीमिंग® 

लास वेगास (अगस्त 10, 2020) - वयोवृद्ध मुकाबला खेल प्रमोटरकीथ Veltre एमएमए की सबसे नई प्रचार कंपनी की शुरुआत की घोषणा की है, iKON फाइटिंग फेडरेशन (आइकन), सितंबर 24 बिलोक्सी में बिलोक्सी सिविक सेंटर में, मिसिसिपी।

सभी iKON ईवेंट, रॉय जोन्स के सहयोग से आयोजित, जूनियर. (RJJ) मुक्केबाजी प्रचार, UFC FASS PASS पर लाइव स्ट्रीम किया जाएगा®, खेल के लिए दुनिया की अग्रणी डिजिटल सदस्यता सेवा।

Veltre, जिसने भी काम पर रखने की घोषणा कीडीन टोल iKON के मैचमेकर के रूप में, आरजेजे बॉक्सिंग प्रमोशन के सीईओ और को-फाउंडर ग्रैब्लिंग के सह-संस्थापक हैं, UFC FIGHT PASS पर विशेष रूप से दोनों स्ट्रीमिंग इवेंट।

“मैं हमेशा आदर्श वाक्य से जीती हूं, जब कठिन समय के दौरान व्यापार में गिरावट आ रही है, मैं या तो अधिग्रहण या विस्तार करता हूं,वेल्ट्रे ने कहा। उन्होंने कहा, “मैं इस तरह के समय का फायदा उठाता हूं ताकि नए रोमांच पैदा हों और एमएमए हमेशा मेरे गेम प्लान में रहे। मैंने हमेशा खुद को एक महान टीम के साथ जोड़ा है और डीन टोल में लाना है क्योंकि लीड मैचमेकर कोई दिमाग नहीं था, और मैं वादा करता हूं कि इकॉन आतिशबाजी पहुंचाएगा. मैं एक शानदार प्रसारण साझेदार होने के लिए आभारी हूं, UFC लड़ाई पास, और हम सितंबर को UFC FIGHT PASS के साथ अपने पहले इकॉन इवेंट को लॉन्च करने के लिए उत्साहित हैं 24वें."

टोल जोड़ा गया, "द्वीप झगड़े के संस्थापक और सीईओ होने के नाते, UFC फाइट पीएएस पर, कभी-कभी यह अनदेखी हो जाती है कि मैं हमारे सभी पेशेवर आयोजनों के लिए मैचमेकर भी हूं। मैं इस अवसर के लिए खुश नहीं रह सकता कि मैं जो कर रहा हूं उसे जारी रखने के लिए और iKON फाइटिंग फेडरेशन के लिए झगड़े का सामना करना जारी रखूं।

“मुझे क्वेट अल्ट्रा इवेंट के लिए दिसंबर में कीथ वेल्ट्रे और UFC फाइट PASS द्वारा काम पर रखने का सौभाग्य मिला था और मुझे लगता है कि उन्हें मेरे और मेरे कर्मचारियों के साथ काम करना पसंद था। मुझे उम्मीद है कि हमने अच्छी छाप छोड़ी। मैं शुरुआत करने के लिए बहुत उत्साहित हूं और हम वही करते हैं जो हम सबसे अच्छा करते हैं और इन एथलीटों को UFC में ले जाते हैं। ”

जल्द ही पूर्ण विवरण और माचिस की घोषणा की जाएगी।

यूएफसी लड़ाई पास के लिए साइन अप करने के लिए, कृपया अवश्य पधारिएwww.ufcfightpass.com या UFC ऐप डाउनलोड करें।


फेसबुक: /UFCFightPass, /KeithVeltre

ट्विटर: @iKONFightingFederation, @UFCFightPass, @Keith_Veltre

Instagram: @iKONFightingFederation, @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre

यूएफसी लड़ाई पास के बारे में®UFC लड़ाई पास® दुनिया के अग्रणी युद्ध खेल के लिए डिजिटल सदस्यता सेवा है. में लॉन्च होने के बाद 2013, UFC FIGHT PASS अब से अधिक में उपलब्ध है 200 सारे देश और क्षेत्र. UFC FIGHT PASS अपने सदस्यों को UFC FIGHT PASS Prelims के लिए असीमित सुविधा प्रदान करता है; रहते हैं दुनिया भर से मिश्रित मार्शल आर्ट और लड़ाकू खेल; मूल श्रृंखला और ऐतिहासिक प्रोग्रामिंग; विशेष लक्षण; परदे के पीछे सामग्री; गहन साक्षात्कार; और अप-टू-मुकाबला खेल की दुनिया पर मिनट रिपोर्ट. UFC फाइट PASS के सब्सक्राइबर भी हैं 24/7 दुनिया की सबसे बड़ी लड़ाई लाइब्रेरी का उपयोग, की तुलना में अधिक की विशेषता 20,000 के दर्जनों से मुकाबलों खेल संगठनों combats, साथ ही यूएफसी इतिहास में हर लड़ाई के रूप में. फाइट प्रशंसक व्यक्तिगत कंप्यूटरों पर UFC FIGHT PASS का उपयोग कर सकते हैं, iOS और Android मोबाइल उपकरणों, एप्पल टीवी, एक्सबॉक्स वन, अमेज़न आग टीवी, Chromecast, साल, सैमसंग स्मार्ट टीवी, एलजी स्मार्ट टीवी, और एंड्रॉयड टीवी के साथ सोनी टीवी. अधिक जानकारी के लिए, कृपया अवश्य पधारिएwww.ufcfightpass.com

पूर्व WBC सुपर मिडिलवेट विश्व चैंपियन डेविड बेनावीडेज़ पूर्व टाइटल चैलेंजर एलेक्सिस एंगुलो के खिलाफ खिताब का बचाव करते हुए प्रीमियर बॉक्सिंग चैंपियंस इवेंट में शनिवार को पहुंचे, अगस्त 15 शोटाइम पर जीते

राइजिंग कोंटेंडर रोलैंडो रोमेरो ने फेलो अनजेक्सन जैक्सन मार को लियामेंWBA इंटरिम लाइटवेट शीर्षक के लिए ez


ओट्टो वालिन बैटल ट्रैविस कॉफ़मैन के रूप में हैवीवेट टो-टू-टो

टेलीकास्ट की शुरुआत में 9 बजे. ईटी / 6 बजे. पं

न्यूयॉर्क– अगस्त 5, 2020 – अनिर्धारित डब्ल्यूबीसी सुपर मिडिलवेट विश्व चैंपियनभीड़मैंd "लाल झंडा" बेनवमैंदसपूर्व विश्व खिताब चैलेंजर के खिलाफ अपने खिताब की रक्षा करेंगेएलेक्सिस अंगुलोशनिवार को एक प्रीमियर बॉक्सिंग चैंपियंस इवेंट में, 15 अगस्त, अनसविले में मोहेगन सन एरेना से SHOWTIME पर रहते हैं, क्ोन.

SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP बॉक्सिंग® प्रसारण में शुरू होता है 9 बजे. ईटी / 6 बजे. पीटी और हल्के बढ़ते हुए भी सुविधाएँरोलैंडो "रोली" रोमेरोनाबाद साथी पर ले जा रही हैजैक्सन मारमेंयहअंतरिम WBA लाइटवेट टाइटल के लिए 12-राउंड की लड़ाई में, जबकि भारी दावेदारओटो वालिनट्रैविस कॉफ़मैन10-राउंड शोडाउन में चौकोर।

“डेविड बेनिदेव अपने संपूर्ण रिकॉर्ड को बरकरार रखने के लिए देखेंगे, अपने सुपरस्टार की क्षमता को प्रदर्शित करने के लिए और स्टैक्ड 168-पाउंड डिवीजन में अपनी स्थिति को और अधिक सीमेंट करना जारी रखें,टॉम ब्राउन ने कहा, TGB प्रचार के राष्ट्रपति. “एक अपराजित विश्व विजेता के रूप में, अलेक्सिस एंगुलो से बेनाविद एक मजबूत चुनौती की उम्मीद कर सकते हैं, जो SHOWTIME पर एक एक्शन-पैक मुख्य इवेंट बनाना चाहिए. Rom रोली ’रोमेरो और जैक्सन मारिज में भूखे नाबाद हलकों की लड़ाई के साथ संयुक्त, ओटो वालिन और ट्रैविस कॉफ़मैन के बीच एक भारी वजनदार स्लगफ़ेस्ट, यह एक और आकार हो सकता है जो उच्च-दांव कार्रवाई की रात को याद नहीं कर सकता है। "

"यह रात को डेविड era एल बंदेरा रोजा 'बेनावीदेज के कोने में होने जा रहा है।,सैम्पसन बॉक्सिंग के सैम्पसन ल्यूकोविक्ज़ ने कहा, जो एक हालिया सर्जरी से उबर रहा है. "मुझे बहुत अच्छा और इतना मजबूत लग रहा है और मैं वास्तव में इतिहास में सबसे कम उम्र के सुपर मिडिलवेट चैंपियन का समर्थन करने के लिए इंतजार नहीं कर सकता।"

इस घटना का प्रचार TGB प्रमोशन और सैम्पसन बॉक्सिंग द्वारा किया जाता है. रोमेरो बनाम. मैरिज प्रोमोशंस द्वारा मेरिज बाउट का सह-प्रचार किया जाता है.

23 वर्षीय बेनविडेज़ (22-0, 19 KOs) सितंबर में दो बार के सुपर मिडिलवेट चैंपियन एंथनी डेरेल को हराने के बाद अपनी बेल्ट का बचाव किया, उसे नौ राउंड में रोकना. Benavidez को उनके पिता जोस सीनियर ने प्रशिक्षित किया है।, अपने भाई और पूर्व शीर्षक चैलेंजर के साथ, जोस जूनियर. में 2017, वह बॉक्सिंग के इतिहास में सबसे कम उम्र के सुपर मिडिलवेट चैंपियन बन गए, उन्होंने रोनाल्ड गवरिल को शोटाइम पर ही हरा दिया 20 वर्षों पुराना. अपने मूल फीनिक्स का प्रतिनिधित्व करते हुए, एरिजोना आदि. बेनेविदज 15 साल के विलक्षण गोलकीपर के साथ गेन्नेडी गोलोवकिन और पीटर क्विलिन के साथ गए थे, से 10-नॉकआउट लकीर के साथ विश्व खिताब के दावेदार 2015 के माध्यम से 2017, सात-पंच संयोजन के साथ रोजेलियो मदीना का एक हाइलाइट-रील नॉकआउट शामिल है जिसने उन्हें अपनी पहली चैंपियनशिप लड़ाई अर्जित की.

“पिछली बार जब मैंने लड़ाई की थी तब से लगभग एक साल हो गया है, इसलिए मैं रिंग में वापस आने और प्रशंसकों को एक शानदार मुकाबला देने के लिए बहुत उत्सुक हूं,बेनेडीज़ ने कहा. “प्रशिक्षण शिविर अद्भुत रहा है. भाग्यवश, मेरे पिताजी ने महामारी से ठीक पहले अपना जिम खोला, इसलिए हमारे पास निजी प्रशिक्षण था और मुझे काम करने में मदद करने के लिए स्पैरिंग भागीदारों को सुरक्षित रूप से लाने में सक्षम था. मैं एक बहुत ही मुश्किल और बीहड़ सेनानी का सामना कर रहा हूँ, इसलिए मैं उसे बहुत गंभीरता से ले रहा हूं. मुझे लगता है कि मैं उसके बचाव में कुछ उद्घाटन का फायदा उठा सकता हूं और नॉकआउट की तलाश कर सकता हूं जैसे कि मैं हर लड़ाई करता हूं। ”

एल बोर्डो में पैदा हुए, कोलंबिया और अब मियामी से लड़ रहा है, Fla।, एंगुलो (26-1, 22 KOs) तीन-जीतने वाली लकीर पर अपने दूसरे विश्व खिताब के अवसर में प्रवेश करता है, पहले से नाबाद सेनानियों पर दो जीत सहित. अंगुलो ने रीनाल्डो गोंजालेज को अंदर रोक दिया 2018 उस वर्ष के तत्कालीन सुपर मिडिलवेट चैंपियन गिल्बर्टो रामिरेज़ से हारने के बाद से अपनी पहली लड़ाई में. उन्होंने एंथनी सिम्स जूनियर पर इस जनवरी में निर्णय जीत हासिल की. खुद को फिर से विभाजन में सबसे अच्छी चुनौती देने की स्थिति में रखना।

अंगुलो ने कहा, "मैं 15 अगस्त को रिंग में होने वाली किसी भी चीज के लिए तैयार हूं।". उन्होंने कहा, “यह मेरे लिए रिंग में लाए जाने वाले स्टाइल के कारण प्रशंसकों के लिए एक बड़ी लड़ाई होने जा रही है. बेनवीदज़ एक मजबूत चैंपियन हैं, लेकिन मेरी शैली उसके लिए बहुत ज्यादा होगी और मैं रात को लड़ाई में हाथ उठाऊंगा।

लास वेगास के बाहर लड़, नेव।, रोमेरो(11-0, 10 KOs) अपनी टैली में तीन नॉकआउट जीत दर्ज की 2019 उसके पहले 2020 पहली फिल्म ने उन्हें फरवरी में पहले नाबाद आर्टर्स अहमेतोव को रोकने के लिए देखा. मेवेदर प्रचार में तेजी से बढ़ती संभावना स्थिर, 24 वर्षीय को नं. 10 WBA द्वारा और अगस्त में अपनी छह-लड़ाई नॉकआउट लकीर का विस्तार करने के लिए दिखेगा 15.

“रिंग में वापसी करना और इतने बड़े मौके के लिए लड़ना बहुत अच्छा लगता है,“रोमेरो ने कहा. “यह मेरे करियर का सबसे अच्छा शिविर रहा है, और मैं बस यही कहूंगा, यदि कोई महामारी आपको प्रशिक्षण से वापस पकड़ रही है, तब आप इसे बहुत बुरा नहीं चाहते हैं. मुझे पहले से ही विश्वास है कि मुझे यहां शीर्ष लोगों के साथ होना चाहिए, लेकिन दुनिया को वास्तव में यह देखने को मिलेगा कि मैं वह हूं जो मैं कहता हूं कि मैं हूं. मुझे एक लड़ाकू के रूप में अपनी क्षमताओं पर भरोसा है और मेरे पास व्यवसाय में सर्वश्रेष्ठ है, फ्लोयड मेवेदर, मेरे पीछे. मुझे लगता है कि यह लड़ाई काफी जल्दी खत्म हो जाएगी, लेकिन आपको एक फाइटर के रूप में मुझमें ग्रोथ देखने को मिलेगी. यह एक और लड़ाई है जो आगे रहने के लिए मुझे साबित करेगी. KO के लिए साइन अप करें!”

“यह रोलैंडो के लिए एक बड़ा कदम है, और वह अपनी प्रतिभा दिखाने के अवसर का इंतजार कर रहा है,"लियोनार्ड एलरबे ने कहा, मेवेदर प्रचार के सीईओ. “खुद को साबित करने के लिए उसके पास एक बड़ी परीक्षा है. यह एक और होने वाला है जिसे आप मिस नहीं करना चाहते हैं, शनिवार को इतना ट्यून-इन करें, 15 अगस्त।"

29 वर्षीय मारिनेज़ (19-0, 7 KOs) WBA का नंबर रखता है. 6 श्रेणी, जिसके बीच उन्होंने आठ जीत हासिल करते हुए रोलैंडो जियोनो और केनिन बेटनकोर्ट पर जीत हासिल की 2018 व 2019. अपने मूल सैंटो डोमिंगो का प्रतिनिधित्व, डोमिनिकन गणराज्य, Maríñez अपने U.S में सफल रहा. पिछले साल के दिसंबर में पहली फिल्म, दो राउंड में यार्डली अरमेंटा क्रूज़ को रोकना.

"मेरे पास इस लड़ाई के लिए एक महान प्रशिक्षण शिविर नहीं था,"मारीज़ ने कहा. "मैं वर्गिल ऑर्टिज़ और जोस रामिरेज़ के साथ घूम रहा हूँ, रॉबर्ट गार्सिया के जिम में अन्य सेनानियों, और इसने मुझे रिंग में कदम रखने के लिए तैयार कर दिया. मुझे पता है कि रोमेरो एक कठिन और टिकाऊ सेनानी है, इसलिए यह आसान नहीं होगा, लेकिन मैं कुछ भी करने जा रहा हूं, जिसका शीर्षक मैं घर वापस ला सकता हूं।

वैलिन (20-1, 13 KOs) सितंबर में टायसन फ्यूरी को हराने के बाद पहली बार रिंग में वापसी करेंगे 2019, जब उसने फुर्र की दाहिनी आंख पर एक कानूनी मुक्का मारा जिससे लड़ाई लगभग रुक गई. जबकि 29 वर्षीय एक फैसला हार गए, उन्होंने संभावित भविष्य के हेवीवेट चैंपियन के रूप में अपनी सूक्ष्मता साबित की. अपने मूल Sundsvall का प्रतिनिधित्व करते हैं, स्वीडन, पूर्व चैंपियन जोए गामाचे के साथ न्यूयॉर्क में वालिन गाड़ियों.

“मैं अंत में रिंग में वापस आकर बहुत खुश हूँ,“वालिन ने कहा. “यह कई मायनों में एक लंबा और पागल साल रहा है और रिंग में कदम रखने के लिए तैयार होना बहुत अच्छा लगता है. मैं फ़्यूरी की लड़ाई के बाद से लगातार प्रशिक्षण ले रहा हूं और मुझे लगता है कि मैंने अपने खेल को बहुत तरीकों से विकसित किया है. कॉफ़मैन एक कठिन दिग्गज हैं जो अगर चाहें तो आगे या बॉक्स दोनों में आ सकते हैं. वह एक फैन फ्रेंडली फाइटर है और मुझे हर समय तैयार रहना है. हमारे पास हमेशा की तरह शानदार गेम प्लान है और मैं उत्कृष्ट स्थिति में हूं. मुझे पता है कि मेरे पास कौफमैन को हराने के लिए सभी उपकरण हैं। ”

हैवीवेट परिदृश्य का एक अनुभवी, कॉफ़मैन (32-3, 23 KOs) एक बही का मालिक है जिसमें लुइस ऑर्टिज़ सहित शीर्ष दिग्गजों की चुनौतियां शामिल हैं, क्रिस अरेरोला और अमीर मंसूर, दूसरों के बीच. पढ़ रहा है, पेंसिल्वेनिया के मूल निवासी ने अपनी सबसे हाल की बाउट ऑर्टिज़ को खो दी, निम्नलिखित एक 2018 स्कॉट अलेक्जेंडर पर विजय.

“भाई नाज़िम रिचर्डसन के बिना सात वर्षों में यह मेरा पहला प्रशिक्षण शिविर है, लेकिन मुझे पता है कि वह मुझे शिविर से बाहर नहीं जाने देना चाहते हैं और वह चाहते हैं कि मैं केंद्रित रहूं,“कॉफ़मैन ने कहा. “जब मैं शिविर में था, तब तक उनका निधन हो गया था, लेकिन मेरे हर शिविर में प्रतिकूलता थी. इससे उबरने में प्रतिकूलता नहीं होगी तो मुझे सही नहीं लगेगा. मेरे पिता, मार्शल, मेरे हेड ट्रेनर के रूप में कदम रखा. हम जानते हैं कि हम एक युवा का सामना कर रहे हैं, भूखे सेनानी, लेकिन मुझे उससे ज्यादा अनुभव है और मुझे नहीं लगता कि वह टिक सकता है 10 जब मैं यहां हूं तो मेरे साथ चक्कर लगाओगे 100% जैसे मैं 15 अगस्त को होऊंगा ”

अतिरिक्त गैर-टेलीविज़न कार्रवाई में सुपर मिडिलवेट दावेदार शामिल होंगेAlantez फॉक्स(26-2-1, 12 KOs) घाना से जूझ रहा हैहबीब अहमद(27-1-1, 18 KOs) एक आठ दौर आकर्षण में.

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अधिक जानकारी के लिए यात्राwww.SHO.com/sportswww.PremierBoxingChampions.com, ट्विटर पर @ShowtimeBoxing का पालन करें, @PremierBoxing, TGBPromotions, और @Swanson_Comm या कम से फेसबुक पर एक प्रशंसक बनwww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing

अपराजित सुपर मिडिलवेट संभावना "द अमेजिंग" शॉन मैककलमैन नवीनतम रयान रोच के फाइटर लॉकर में शामिल होने के लिए

बोस्टन (अगस्त 4, 2020) - रयान रोच के बढ़ते फाइटर लॉकर स्थिर में एक और आशाजनक संभावना जोड़ी गई है, "द अमेजिंग" शॉन मैक्कलमैन(4-0, 2 KOs), अरोरा के बाहर एक सुपर मिडिलवेट, कोलोराडो।

“जब मैंने रयान के साथ शानदार बातचीत की (उनके सह-मुख्य कोच और पूर्व विश्व चैंपियन) वर्नोन फिलिप्स हमें पेश किया,मैक्कलमैन ने फाइटर लॉकर के साथ प्रबंधकीय अनुबंध पर हस्ताक्षर करने की बात कही। “हम मिले और वह कोई था जो वास्तव में अपने सेनानियों के बारे में परवाह करता है। उसने एक बिंदु बनाया कि उसके लड़ाके उसके लिए परिवार की तरह हैं। मैंने कम समय में देखा कि मुझे पता है कि वह अपने सेनानियों को सफल होने के लिए स्थिति में रखता है। ईमानदारी से, मुझे लगता है कि मुक्केबाजी में यह दुर्लभ है, और मैं वास्तव में रेयान के बारे में सराहना करता हूं। ”

“शॉन और मेरे बीच शानदार बातचीत हुई और हमने तुरंत क्लिक किया,”रोच ने टिप्पणी की. “यह हम दोनों के लिए समझ में आया. मेरे लिए हमेशा एक नया फाइटर हासिल करना रोमांचक है और शॉन के पास वास्तव में यह सब है। वह तेज और मजबूत है और विश्व स्तरीय मुक्केबाजों के साथ शिविरों में रहा है. यह बड़ा अवसर है। मैं शॉन को अपने कौशल का प्रदर्शन करने और रैंकों पर चढ़ने के लिए उत्सुक हूं। "

कोलोराडो के मूल निवासी मैकलमैन, जिसने ए 65-7 शौकिया रिकॉर्ड, एक 3-बार कोलोराडो स्टेट गोल्डन ग्लव्स चैंपियन था, साथ ही 3 बार के क्षेत्रीय विजेता। 26 वर्षीय मैक्कलमैन ने अपना पहला डेब्यू सितंबर में किया था 22, 2018, वह बाहर खटखटाया जबजेक फ़ेचरमैन शुरुआती दौर में। वह तब से हार गया है, क्रम में, यशायाह विलियम रेयेज़ (WTKO2), दमदार केली (WDEC4) और 5-2लोरवंत नेल्सन (WDEC6) उनकी सबसे हालिया लड़ाई में यह पिछले जनवरी में हुआ।

पूर्व विश्व चैंपियनटोनी हैरिसन मैक्कलमैन ने अपने मुख्य संयमी साथी का इस्तेमाल किया है, जिसमें उनकी वर्ल्ड बॉक्सिंग काउंसिल भी शामिल है (WBC) में विश्व सुपर वेल्टरवेट-विजेता प्रदर्शन 2018 गत चैंपियन पहले अपराजित (31-0) Jermell Charlo.  

रोच नाम को बॉक्सिंग क्षेत्र में अच्छी तरह से सम्मान दिया जाता है और हमारी विरासत को बांधने के लिए खुद को प्रस्तुत करने का अवसर बहुत अच्छा था,”मैक्कलमैन ने नोट किया। "मैं एक युवा हूँ, भूखा, किसी न किसी में प्रतिभाशाली हीरा। रेयान को एक मौका देने का मतलब बहुत है और मुझे लगता है कि दोनों का एक साथ उपयोग करना महान चीजों को पूरा करेगा। एक बार जब यह ट्रेन वहां नहीं रुकी तो इसे रोक दिया गया। इसलिए, अब कूदो पर सवार हो जाओ ... .. विश्व चैंपियनशिप के स्तर को रोकें!"

मैककेमैन फाइटर लॉकर के बढ़ते स्थिर में शामिल हो जाता है जिसमें उत्तर अमेरिकी मुक्केबाजी संघ की एक प्रतिभाशाली यूक्रेनी तिकड़ी शामिल है (भी) सुपर वेल्टरवेट शीर्षक धारकस्टैनस्लाव स्कोफोखोड (19-2, 16 KOs), शब्द-रेटेड वेल्टरवेटकरेन चुखडज़ियन (16-1, 7 KOs) और सुपर हल्केज़ोरोर पेट्रोसियन (7-0, 3 KOs).  अन्य फाइटर लॉकर स्टेबलाइजर्स में डोमिनिकन वेल्टरवेट शामिल हैंजुआन कार्लोस "मेरेंग्यू" अब्रू (23-5-1, 21 KOs), पूर्व आईबीएफ यूथ वर्ल्ड सुपर लाइटवेट चैंपियन; लिन, एमए सुपर वेल्टरवेटखिरय टोड (10-1, 8 KOs),डोरचेस्टर, एमए वेल्टरवेटगेब्रियल दुलुच (15-3, 4 KOs), ट्रॉय, एनवाई सुपर लाइटवेटरायजय बरमूडेज़, टोरंटो, कनाडा वेल्टरवेटजेफ "मुसीबत 1" Tabrizi (8-3, 7 KOs), नया आश्रय, सीटी सुपर वेल्टरवेटजिमी "शांत तूफान" विलियम्स (16-3-2, 5 KOs), सुपर फेदरवेट जीसस वास्क्यूज़, जूनियर, प्लस आयरिश नेशनल चैंपियनपॉल रयान, जो प्रो रैंकों में वेल्टरवेट के रूप में लड़ेंगे, और हम. सेना सुपर बैंटमवेटडैनियल बेली, जूनियर.  बाद के दो अपने प्रो डेब्यू करेंगे जब बॉक्सिंग पूर्ण रूप से वापस आएगी।


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Two Sensational Female Fights Feature on LET BATTLE COMMENCE II Live on FITE TV August 15th

Promoter Lee Mcallister announced earlier that there will be two female contests on the upcoming LET BATTLE COMMENCE II, in association with PAPA JOHN’S PIZZA and NEON ENERGY DRINK, which takes place ‘behind closed doors’ at the OYO Northern Hotel in Aberdeen and broadcast exclusively live by FITE TV on Saturday 15th August 2020.

The first of the all female battles features on the UK #1 और विश्व #27 Ranked Super Flyweight Worksop’s Nicola Hopewell in action against Leeds’ Tasha Boyes.

Back on March 7th, just before the UK went into lockdown, Hopewell secured her #1 UK ranking onBoxRanking.Com via a sensational second round knockout victory over Ghana’s Anita Addy at the Hoops Basketball Centre in Barrow-on-Furness.

As an Amateur Hopewell, a former England Pathway Squad member, shared the ring with a host of top class fighters including Commonwealth Gold Medalist and now undefeated pro boxer Lisa Whiteside and GB boxer Tori Ellis Willetts who is on the pathway for the Olympics. During her time at the Team GB facility in Sheffield Hopewell also sparred with the likes of double Olympic Gold Medalist Nicola Adams as well as WBC International Championship Challenger Nina Bradley and IBO and WBC World Champion Terri Harper.

Hopewell’s opponent on the 15th August will be 28 year old Tasha Boyes from York, who only got into boxing a couple of years ago, after hearing about two sisters whose parents had died in the Manchester Bombing and she wanted to do something to help them in some way, so she decided to participate in a ‘White Collar’ boxing event to raise money for the orphaned sisters. Boyes continued competing successfully on the unlicensed scene, competing in further Charity events to raise funds for those more in need than herself, until earlier this year. On the 15th August Boyes will be making making her professional debut

Nicola Hopewell and Tasha Boyes careers may have been via very different routes, but come the 15th August their journeys will lead them into the very same ring.

The second of these mouthwatering fights features two pro debutante’s in action against each other, when Sheffield’s sensational Five Time National Amateur Champion Star Hollie Towl goes toe-to-toe with the World Boxing Council (WBC) Muay Thai World Champion Natacha De Almeida from Switzerland.

Towl began boxing at the age of 11 years and during her esteemed Amateur career Towl secured numerous accolades including;

East Midlands Champion 2015 – 2020

National Champion 2014-2020 at three different weight classes

East Midlands box cup champion 2018 व 2019.

National association of boys and girls club champion 2019.

Esker Irish box cup champion 2019.

Esker Irish box cup silver medal 2018.

England boxing winter box cup champion 2019.

Hull box cup champion 2019 व 2020.

National welterweight champion belt holder 2019.

Xbox academy champion of champions belt holder two years running 2018-2020.

Towl was invited to join the England Boxing National Pathway Squad and has sparred WBC World Champion Terri harper and Commonwealth Champion Nina Bradley.

Towl’s opponent on the 15th August, 28 year old Natacha De Almeida, is the current WBC and PFF Muay Thai World Champion.

मार्च में 2019 De Almeida travelled to Bukom Boxing Arena in Accra, घाना, where she faced and beat the bookies favourite Malaysian Dolphina Waltertony, to secure the coveted Green WBC Belt.

De Almeida has always had world class stand-up skills, so the transition to Professional Boxing should not be too much for the Muay Thai World Champ.

The full card for LET BATTLE COMMENCE II, in Association with PAPA JOHN’S PIZZA and NEON ENERGY DRINK, which takes place on Saturday 15th August 2020 and will be broadcast exclusively live on FITE TV, होती हे:

1) Middleweight

Six time, Five Division World Champion, and Promoter of the LET BATTLE COMMENCE series, Lee McAllister makes his first appearance on the series and faces Spain based Nicaraguan Edwin Palacios in the headline fight. Palacios has stated he’s up to the challenge and to expect fireworks.

2) फेदरवेट

Sensational Teen former Amateur Star Hollie Towl will be making her professional debut against equally sensational World Boxing Council (WBC) Muay Thai World Champion Natacha De Almeida from Switzerland, who will also be making her professional boxing debut.

3) वेल्टरवेट

Unbeaten Jack Jones (4-0-0) from Leeds is set to take on Nicaraguan hard man Michael Isaac Carrero, after his original opponent Dean Porter withdrew.

4) Super Flyweight

A truly mouthwatering contest sees PBC International Bronze Champion Nicola Hopewell go toe to toe with exciting Tasha Boyes from York, जो उसे पेशेवर कैरियर की शुरुआत हो रही होगी.

5) Middleweight

Liverpool’s Scott Mcintyre (4-1-0) is intent on making a major statement when he takes on seriously tough Nicaraguan Wilmer Gonzalez (21-18-1), as just a few fights back Gonzalez KOd a former WBF European and International Champion, the very same Champ responsible for the only loss on the Liverpudlian’s record.

6) सुपर featherweight

Denny’s Kevin Traynor (2-0-0) will need to be at his best when he takes on the current International Masters Champion Pablo Narvaez from Nicaragua.

7) वज़नदार

The final fight of the night will pit debutant against debutant as Craig Dick takes on Michael Bassett, both the big lads have stated they will be looking to make a big impression on the 15th August.

Lee Mcallister versus Edwin Palacios headlines LET BATTLE COMMENCE II, in association with PAPA JOHN’S PIZZA and NEON ENERGY DRINK and will take place at the Northern Hotel in Aberdeen and broadcast exclusively live on FITE TV on Saturday 15TH AUGUST 2020.

LET BATTLE COMMENCE II PPV ($4.99)  www.fite.tv

Please support LET BATTLE COMMENCE partners:

Papa John’s PizzaNeon Energy DrinkOYO Northern Hotel, AberdeenEmpire Pro TapesRDX SportsGo Sports & मनोरंजन – मुक्केबाज़ी & Mixed Martial Art Fighters Union (BMMAFU) – Pro Boxing Records (formerly Fight fax) – Box RankingFite TVSports Channel Network (SCN) – ब्रिटिश & Irish Boxing Authority (BIBA).


Ra’eese Aleem Wins WBA Super Bantamweight Title Eliminator & Joe George Scores KO of the Year Candidate in Rematch with Marcos Escudero

क्लिक यहाँ अमांडा वेस्टकॉट / शोटाइम से तस्वीरें के लिए
(शीघ्र ही तस्वीरें अपलोड की जाएंगी)

Uncasville, क्ोन. - अगस्त, 2, 2020 – Angelo Leo is the new WBO Jr. Featherweight World Champion. The 26-year-old Mayweather Promotions fighter dominated Tramaine Williams en route to a unanimous decision live on SHOWTIME Saturday night from Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, क्ोन. in the network’s first live boxing event since March 13. Leo won by scores of 117-111 व 118-110 दो बार.

सिंह (20-0, 9 KOs), who was originally scheduled to face Stephen Fulton, जूनियर. in the main event of Saturday’s card presented by Premier Boxing Champions before Fulton tested positive for COVID-19, used a dominant body attack and consistent pressure to overwhelm Williams (19-1, 6 KOs), who stepped up from the co-main event to face Leo. Albuquerque’s Leo had a 248-196 edge in punches landed while landing 39 उसकी शक्ति घूंसे का प्रतिशत. 102 के बारे में उनकी 248 connects were body punches.

सिंह, who was ranked WBO’s No. 2 junior featherweight going into the fight, is now expected to defend his title against Fulton, रैंक नहीं. 1 WBO से, within the next 180 दिनों.

“It still hasn’t sunk in yet, it just feels surreal,” said Leo. “The first few rounds I was just feeling him out, getting his timing, getting the feel of him. I felt him kind of loosening up and breaking down, and that’s when I started putting the pressure on him a little more.

“That was the key factor in this fight, the body work and the pressure. I’m pretty sure Albuquerque is celebrating tonight. I think they have four world champions, because you can’t exclude Holly Holm. You have Johnny [Tapia], डैनी [रोमेरो], Holly and now me. There’s four champions in that city and I think I’ve made history there.”

फुल्टन, who watched the fight on television while quarantining following his positive test, was interviewed following the fight by SHOWTIME host Brian Custer.

“Congratulations to Leo, he did it,” said the Philadelphia native. “But listen, I’m ready for him. I’ve been ready. Just be ready to face me when it’s time. That’s all I’ve got to say.”

सह विशेष रुप से डटकर में, a WBA Super Bantamweight Title Eliminator, 122-pound contender Ra’eese Aleem (17-0, 11 KOs) kept his undefeated record intact via TKO over late replacement Marcus Bates (11-2-1, 8 KOs). Aleem was originally scheduled to face Williams before Fulton’s positive test. This was a rematch of a 2018 bout in which Aleem won by unanimous decision.

The 26-year-old Bates suffered an injured right wrist and battled through the pain for several rounds. Prior to the start of the 10वें दौर, Bates’ corner and referee Gary Rosato warned the fighter that the bout was in danger of being stopped. पर 2:18 का दौर 10, Bates grimaced in pain and turned his back on the action, causing the fight to be stopped. Aleem dominated from the opening bell, out-landing Bates 193-86 in total punches, समेत 71 landed body shots.

जीत के साथ, Aleem sets himself up for an opportunity for a 122-pound title fight.

“I would love to fight either the winner of the main event or any current world champion – Akhmadaliev has two of the belts,” said the Las Vegas-based Aleem who was born and raised in Muskegon, मैं. “Brandon Figueroa, राजा वर्गास, or the winner of this one. It doesn’t really matter who but I want the strap.

“I didn’t know his hand was hurt, I thought he was just shaking it just to try to get me to look at it and distract me. I didn’t worry about it.”

प्रसारण के उद्घाटन मुक्केबाज़ी में, undefeated light heavyweight Joe George (11-0, 7 KOs) scored a stunning ninth-round stoppage of Marco Escudero (10-2, 9 KOs) in a rematch of their November ShoBox showdown that saw George win a heavily-debated split decision. Watch KO HERE: https://twitter.com/ShowtimeBoxing/status/1289744838745882624.

इस समय, George left no room for a controversial decision. पर 3:00 of round number nine, George caught Escudero with a vicious left uppercut that sent Escudero flat on his back in a candidate for KO of the Year. ठहराव के समय, George was behind on two of the judges’ scorecards, 79-73 व 77-75, and ahead on one judge’s card, 79-73. Prior to the one-punch KO, George was getting out-landed 127-89 by Escudero, and Escudero held a 2-1 edge in punches thrown.

“I was setting him up with the jab to the body, I had him leaning over a little,” said Houston’s George, जो बदल गया 31 शुक्रवार को. “I was shooting the right uppercut, some landed and some didn’t. I wanted him to get comfortable and relaxed, and that’s exactly what he did. He was relaxed and I slipped over and just shot it. He gave it to me and I had to take it. It put him down.

“The result is self-explanatory. I don’t have to say nothing. I’m willing to fight whoever next. One fight at a time and I’ll be prepared for whatever’s on the way.”

शनिवार का शो चॉपरशिप बॉक्सिंग टेलीकास्ट, the first of a nine-event television lineup taking place over the next five months, सोमवार को फिर से खेलना होगा 10 बजे. ET / PT SHOWTIME EXTREME पर.

Saturday’s fights were presented by Premier Boxing Champions and promoted by TGB and Mayweather Promotions in association with Kings Promotions. The main event was promoted in association with New World Sports and Warriors Boxing.

एक उद्योग के अग्रणी प्रोडक्शन टीम और घोषणा दल ने सभी स्थलों को वितरित किया, लगता है और मोहेगन सूर्य अखाड़ा से नाटक. दिग्गज ब्रॉडकास्टर ब्रायन कस्टर ने टेलीकास्ट की मेजबानी की, versatile combat sports voice Mauro Ranallo called the action ringside alongside Hall of Fame analyst Al Bernstein and three-division world champion and Olympian Abner Mares providing expert analysis for the first time on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING. दो हॉल ऑफ फेमर्स ने SHOWTIME टेलीकास्ट टीम का अनौपचारिक दौर किया - अनौपचारिक रिंगसाइड स्कोरर स्टीव फ़ॉरहुड और विश्व प्रसिद्ध रिंग उद्घोषक जिमी लेनन जूनियर. कार्यकारी निर्माता डेविड डिंकिन्स थे, जूनियर. और निर्देशक बॉब डन्फी थे.

टेलीकास्ट माध्यमिक ऑडियो प्रोग्रामिंग के माध्यम से स्पेनिश में उपलब्ध था (एसएपी) एलेजांद्रो लूना और पूर्व विश्व चैंपियन राउल मार्केज़ के साथ कार्रवाई को बुलाते हुए.

Split-T Management’s Christopher Pearson ready for anyone at 160 या 168 एलबीएस.

न्यूयॉर्क (जुलाई 28, 2020) – Surging middleweight contender Christopher Pearson is ready for a breakthrough performance against any of the top names at 160 या 168 divisions.

Pearson of Trotwood, ओहियो, is managed by Split-T Management, and he recently moved to San Antonio, टेक्सास, का एक रिकॉर्ड है 17-2, and is riding a three-fight winning streak which includes a win over former Olympic Bronze Medal winner and undefeated Yamaguchi Falcao.

पियर्सन, who trains in Los Angeles under world-championship trainer Manny Robles, has already begun preparations for his next assignment.

I started training down here in San Antonio at Jesse James Leija’s gym. I just moved down here, and it took a minute to find a gym, but once the gym opened, this is a great place to be. I will go to Los Angeles on July 30th and start with Manny,” said Pearson.

पियर्सन, who began his career with 13 लगातार जीत, feels that he is a stern challenge for anybody at middleweight or super middleweight.

I am looking to fight the best in those two divisions,and solidify myself as the best in the sport. I feel that that the 2nd half of my career is proving that I am the best.

The Falcao fight proved that Pearson can fight anyone in those divisions, and despite getting a late call for the fight, he performed at a high-level to come home with the emphatic unanimous decision victory.

I took that fight on four weeks notice. I am not short on confidence, and I know what I am capable of doing.

Recently Pearson had his named mentioned for a showdown with Canelo Alvarez, and he believes that Canelo’s handlers were not too keen in a fight with the 29 year-old Pearson.

I know that I am one of four or five guys from Golden Boy Promotions that was offered that fight. Out of all of those guys, they must of looked at me as a high-risk, low-reward fight. Fighting me is dangerous. They know me, because I have sparred with him, and he knows what I am capable of.

Canelo is a counter-puncher, but he is not better then me in the department. He has more power, but he is not as capable as me. हम अंगूठी में एक बार, anything can happen..especially at 168 पाउंड।”

Another fight that I would like to get is with Jaime Munguia. He is at 160 pounds now. I can outclass him. I don’t see anything special about him. If it takes beating other fighters like David Lemieux or Taureano Johnson to get those fights, then bring them on. Right now I am ready to take on anyone.

Pearson is promoted by Golden Boy Promotions.

Interview with Middleweight Christopher Pearson


Following the Tokyo Games postponement, Giving Games encourages Americans to unite as one to support the athletes that bear our flag

कोलोराडो स्प्रिंग्स, COLO. (जुलाई 22, 2020) – USA Boxing announced today they are one of over 25 different National Governing Bodies (NGBs) taking part in in the launch of Giving Games: an effort to support and sustain U.S. sports federations and their members.

Giving Games will launch on July 24, on what would have been the Opening Ceremony in Tokyo. With the postponement of the Games, many U.S. sports and their athletes are facing extraordinary financial hardship and decision making, especially with the cancellation of most, or all, of their domestic competitions. Unlike most countries that receive government support, यू.एस. athletes rely heavily on the support of the community. Adding to the physical and emotional toll that a delay in competition places on their shoulders, their revenue streams, and hope for success in 2021 and the future are now under threat.

“While I have to wait another year to achieve my Olympic dreams, Giving Games is a great opportunity to inspire America to support USA Boxing and all United States athletes,” said USA Boxing Heavyweight Olympic Qualification Team Member and Giving Games AmbassadorDarius Fulghum. “Donations will not only help myself and my 2021 teammates but will help the next generation of Olympic Champions.”

“This year has been extremely difficult for all, and our hope is to not only help support our 2021 ओलम्पियनों, but help raise funds for our 1,700+ gyms that have been impacted by COVID-19 and impact the lives of so many youth that are our future Olympians,” statedMike McAtee, USA Boxing Executive Director.

All funds raised will either be a direct donation to a specific sport of the donor’s choice or general support for all sports which will be equally divided among the participating NGBs. Fans and supporters can contribute to Giving Games in the following ways:

  • Take the Giving Games quiz to find the sport that best matches you and donate,
  • Enter to win one of 10 amazing sweepstakes packages from Omaze,
  • Help set the world record for most donations made in 24 घंटे, या
  • Compete in the Medal of Giving by donating directly to a sport. At the conclusion of Giving Games, each sport will award a Gold, Silver, and Bronze medal to the top three donors.


    Donations to USA Boxing can be giving online byclicking here.


    Giving Games will actively raise funds for athletes and their sports organizations during the original window of the Tokyo 2020 Games: जुलाई 24 – अगस्त 9. In addition to participating in the activations listed above, fans and supporters can also text ‘GIVINGGAMES’ to 243725 or make a donation online. Details can be found atgivinggames2020.com


    Though recognized and supported by the United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee, the National Governing Bodies are separate organizations. The Giving Games initiative is not associated with or endorsed by the USOPC or the USOPF, and funds raised through the Giving Games initiative are used to directly aid the National Governing Bodies and the athletes they support.


Nathan Beattie vs Milton Arauz headlines 1st August and 6 time World Champion Lee McAllister vs Edwin Palacios headlines 15th August

Following the success of the inaugural LET BATTLE COMMENCE, in association with PAPA JOHN’S PIZZA & NEON ENERGY DRINK, that took place at the Northern Hotel in Aberdeen last weekend, promoter Lee Mcallister has announced two more events in the series which will be broadcast live and exclusive on FITE TV on Saturday 1st August and Saturday 15th August 2020.

Back on the 18th July the fans of the pugilistic arts around the world watching LET BATTLE COMMENCE 1 on FITE TV were treated to the spectacle of the return to the fray by Lineal World Boxing Organization (WBO) Featherweight World Champion Scott Harrison, who faced and stopped Professional Boxing Council (पीबीसी) International Champion Paul Peers in a non-championship six rounder.

Prior to Harrison-Peers the fans tuned in watched an incredible Battle Royale between 10 time Kick Boxing World Champion Caitlin Foran, who was making her professional boxing debut, and Professional Boxing Council (पीबीसी) International Bronze Champion Jaime Bates, who stepped in as late replacement after original opponent Carly Mackenzie broke two toes in a riding accident the previous weekend. After six incredibly closely fought rounds Foran secured the victory by a close 58-56 points tally.

The third fight of the night was a fantastic all action War between undefeated Lewis Mulberry and Nicaragua’s Johnson Tellez. I’m sure those watching on TV were as enthralled with the action as much as myself, Mulberry’s ring name is “Machine Gun’ and believe me that is a most appropriate moniker, जैसा 19 year old peppered the body of his far more experienced opponent with fast and powerful left and rights at a mega rapid pace. After six scintillating all action rounds, Referee Edward Law’s scorecard read 60-54 in favour of the teen sensation Lewis Mulberry.

Prior to Mulberry-Tellez Perth’s Adam Stewart (1-0-0) made his return to the ring against late replacement Nicaragua’s Alexander Zeledon, following an injury sustained by original opponent Liverpool’s Steve Sunners (4-0-0). Earlier this year Zeledon beat Manchester’s Dan Booth (4-1-0), so not an easy opponent, regardless of his negative record, के लिए 25 year old Stewart who returned to the fray following a three year sabbatical.

What a cracking fight, both protagonists went at it hammer and tongs for close to four rounds before Stewart’s power came into play late in the fourth. With around 25 second or so of the round remaining Stewart fired a massive Exocet to send the Nicaraguan to the deck, Zeledon was clearly in pain as he unsuccessfully tried to make it to his feet. Official time of stoppage 2 minutes and 40 seconds of the fourth round.

The opening fight of the night see 18 year old Heavyweight Liam Allan from Aberdeen make his professional debut against Puerto Rican Jose F Leon. Cracking opening round, but in the second Allan’s mature approach, that belied his tender years, really came into play.

As the second stanza progressed, Allan worked behind his superb jab to fashion some good openings, which he took without a second thought. Just about mid way through the second round one such opening enabled the youngster to let rip with a massive shot that sent Leon to the deck. Leon made the count and boxing resumed, then with around 30 seconds of the round remaining Allan created another opening and once again let rip and landed a big shot to send the South American to the canvas for a second time, the tough Puerto Rican tried to make it to his feet again but just failed to make the count, official time of the stoppage was 2 minutes and 40 सेकंड.

The first August event, LET BATTLE COMMENCE II, in association with PAPA JOHN’S PIZZA and NEON ENERGY DRINK, takes place at the Northern Hotel in Aberdeen and broadcast live and exclusive by FITE TV on Saturday 1ST AUGUST 2020.

The line-up for the 1st August is:

1) लाइटवेट

पीबीसी & WBU International Champion Nathan Beattie (10-4-0) has a seriously tough night ahead, when he steps in the ring with Nicaraguan Milton Arauz (10-3-1)

2) Super Flyweight

A truly mouthwatering contest sees PBC International Bronze Champion Nicola Hopewell go toe to toe with exciting Tasha Boyes from York, जो उसे पेशेवर कैरियर की शुरुआत हो रही होगी.

3) Middleweight

Liverpool’s Scott Mcintyre (4-1-0) will take on the seriously tough Nicaraguan Wilmer Gonzalez (21-18-1), who just a few fights back KOd a certain British WBF European and International Champ.

4) सुपर featherweight

Denny’s Kevin Traynor (2-0-0) will need to be at his best when he takes on the exciting Greek battler Paris Stavropoulos (2-1-0), who makes his first appearance in the UK.

5) वज़नदार

The final fight of the night will pit debutant against debutant as Craig Dick takes on Michael Bassett, both the big lads have stated they will be looking to make a big impression on the 1st August.

The second of the August events, LET BATTLE COMMENCE III, in association with PAPA JOHN’S PIZZA and NEON ENERGY DRINK will take place at the Northern Hotel in Aberdeen and broadcast exclusively live on FITE TV on Saturday 15TH AUGUST 2020.

The line-up for the 15th August is:

1) Middleweight

Six time, Five Division World Champion, and Promoter of the LET BATTLE COMMENCE series, Lee McAllister steps in to replace Malta’s Brandon Borg to face Gerona, Spain based Nicaraguan Edwin Palacios in the headline fight, definitely a much tougher fight for Palacios than what he was expecting, but the macho South American has stated he’s up to the challenge and to expect fireworks.

2) फेदरवेट

Sensational Teen former Amateur Star Hollie Towl will be making her professional debut against equally sensational World Boxing Council (WBC) Muay Thai World Champion Natacha De Almeida from Switzerland, who will also be making her professional boxing debut.

3) Middleweight

Nathan Russo versus Wilmer Gonzalezthis highly anticipated clash of the Big Bangers was originally due to have been on the first LET BATTLE COMMENCE show in the series, but had to be rescheduled due to a minor injury suffered by Russo. Without a doubt this is going to be a highly exciting all action contest, how long it’ll last is anyones guess, as Russo has won every fight so far by KNOCKOUT and Gonzalez has 14 KOs on his record, including a huge upset KO win over a certain World Boxing Foundation (WBF) European and International Champion last year.

4) वेल्टरवेट

Instead of the anticipated rematch against Dean Porter, Leeds’ Jack Jones, will now face Nicaraguan hard man Michael Isaac Carrero, following original opponent Porter having to withdraw.

5) बेंटमवेट

Local lad Kenny Allan faces Chadwell Heath, Surrey’s Jordan Smith in the opening contest of the night, Allan will be looking to secure his second victory in his fledgling career, whilst Smith will be seeking to get the first win on his record on this just his third pro outing.

Nathan Beattie versus Milton Arauz headlines LET BATTLE COMMENCE II, in association with PAPA JOHN’S PIZZA and NEON ENERGY DRINK, takes place at the Northern Hotel in Aberdeen and broadcast live and exclusive by FITE TV on Saturday 1ST AUGUST 2020.

LET BATTLE COMMENCE II PPV on 1st August ($4.99 approx £4) गोटूhttps://www.fite.tv/watch/let-battle-commence-beattie-arauz/2p7rq/

Lee Mcallister versus Edwin Palacios headlines LET BATTLE COMMENCE III, in association with PAPA JOHN’S PIZZA and NEON ENERGY DRINK and will take place at the Northern Hotel in Aberdeen and broadcast exclusively live on FITE TV on Saturday 15TH AUGUST 2020.

LET BATTLE COMMENCE III PPV ($4.99 approx £4) will be available on FITE TV from Wednesday 29th July

BJ Flores Boxing’s all-purpose guy

(एल आर) – बी.जे. फ्लोरेस & Shumenov Beibu

कोलोराडो स्प्रिंग्स, गोद. (जुलाई 23, 2020) — Multiple world title challenger and decorated amateur boxer BJEl Peligroso” फूल never really had a chance. He was born into a boxing family and the now 41-year-old Flores has certainly made the most of it.

Flores is boxing’s all-purpose guy: बॉक्सर, television color commentator, and trainer.

उनके पिता, Ralph Flores, was a military person who earned hisboxing coaching bones” के माध्यम से Kenny Adams, head coach of the 1988 USA Boxing Olympic Team and assistant coach four years earlier. The ’88 USA Olympic Boxing Team included रॉय जोन्स, जूनियर., रिदिक Bowe, रे मर्सर, Andrew MaynardKennedy McKinney.

BJ started going to the gym with his father when he was four. His grandfather and older brother were also boxers. “My father wasn’t a boxer, but he learned how to coach boxing from assisting Kenny Adams,” BJ explained. “He fell in love with boxing while working with Kenny and learned his way to teach boxing. Kenny is still like a grandfather to me.

Flores also loved football and he was offered a full scholarship to attend Brigham Young University. He took two years off from BYU to serve a mission for The Church of Latter-day Saints in Mexico, where he lived in one of the poorest sections of Mexico in Culiacan. He began training there in the same gym where legendary जूलियो सीजर शावेज trained as a kid. Goodbye, फ़ुटबॉल.

एक शौकिया मुक्केबाज के रूप में, Flores had a superlative 110-11 अभिलेख, highlighted by gold-medal performances at the 1997 National Golden Gloves and 2000 Western Trials, in addition to the 2001 & 2002 US Championships as a heavyweight. He was the only American to win gold in 2002 पर 4 Nations Tournament in Alabama versus Germany, France and Australia.

Flores targeted a berth on the 2004 USA Boxing Olympic Boxing Team, and he was a top contender, हालांकि, he received an offer from Main Events to turn pro that BJ described as too lucrative to pass up.

BJ’s decorated career as an amateur boxer, professional boxer, and broadcaster place him in a top tier of well-rounded USA Boxing Alumni,” said Chris Cugliari, USA Boxing Alumni Association Director. “His valuable experiences inside and outside the ring serve as great examples for the next generation of champions.

Flores fought professionally from 2003 को 2018, compiling a solid 34-4-1 (21 KOs) अभिलेख, including three major World title challenges, both as a heavyweight and cruiserweight. He captured eight regional titles, as well as the IBA and WBF World super cruiserweight championships.

During his boxing career, network officials discovered that he was a gifted boxer, as well as well-spoken, handsome and knowledgeable with a smooth delivery. More than anything else, he could effectively break down fighters and fights and instead of only noting what had happened, he explained why and what was going to happen for fans watching.

फूल’ break as an announcer came, according to BJ, after his 2008 fight against Darnell Wilson live on ESPN. “I was a 4-1 underdog against Wilson,” Flores said. “He was coming off five straight knockout victories and we were fighting in his hometown (Dover, डेलावेयर). He was ranked No. 2 and I was No. 15. He came into the ring carrying a pillow for me, but I beat him for 10 की 12 राउंड.

I was then brought into ESPN’s studios to be interviewed. Boxing was my life! I worked withब्रायन केनी and we immediately had chemistry. By the end of that year, I was an ESPN in-studio commentator every three weeks.

Flores ended up being hired as a ringside analyst in 2012 and he became part of the PBC (प्रीमियर मुक्केबाजी चैंपियन) broadcast team on NBC. He worked with giants in boxing and media industries such as चीनी रे लियोनार्ड, अल माइकल्समार्व अल्बर्ट.

Although Flores didn’t represent his country at the Olympic Games, he was a CBS Sports color commentator in 2012 व 2016. He is looking forward to calling Olympic boxing once again next year on CBS.

Anytime you can represent the USA is a tremendous honor and great opportunity,” Flores added. “I called the 2012 ओलंपिक (यूनाइटेड किंगडम) और में 2016 (ब्राज़िल). We called the action from a studio, but I’d love to call next year’s Olympics from ringside in Japan. मुझे यह अच्छा लगता है. Nothing else in life matters to me versus the Olympics.

USA Boxing Alumni Association

Created to champion lifelong, mutually beneficial relationships between USA Boxing and its alumni, –मुक्केबाज, अधिकारियों, coaches and boxing fansThe Alumni Association connects generations of champions, inspiring and giving back to USA Boxing’s future boxing champions, में और रिंग से बाहर.

The USA Boxing Alumni Association is open to anyone who has a love for boxing and would like to stay connected with amateur boxing. Members are granted access to a wide variety of special events hosted by the Alumni Association, including its annual USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame reception.

To join the Alumni Association, simply register at alumni@usaboxing.org for a $40.00 per year membership fee. New members will receive a T-shirt, key-chain and e-wallet.

टुडे, Flores is a retired prizefighter living in Arizona. He still attends amateur boxing tournaments in Las Vegas and California. For the past six months he’s been trainingInternet boxerJake Paul व, बेशक, BJ remains an accomplished color commentator/analyst.

When boxing fully returns on television, BJ will serve as a color commentator for The Impact Network, which plans to promote three shows a month.

Few active pro boxers have been television announcers at the same time they were fighting like Flores. Even though he’s now moved on from fighting to teaching as a trainer, he continues to be one of boxing’s most knowledgeable and popular commentators. इसमें कोई शक नहीं, BJ Flores is boxing’s all-purpose guy.

ट्विटर: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni
Instagram: @USABoxing
फेसबुक: /USABoxing
ABOUT USA BOXING: The mission of USA Boxing shall be to enable United Statesathletes and coaches to achieve sustained competitive excellence, develop character, support the sport of boxing, and promote and grow Olympic style boxing in the United States. The responsibility of USA Boxing is not only to produce Olympic gold, but also oversee and govern every aspect of amateur boxing in the United States.

Boxing saved the life of Two-Division World Champion “El Gallo” Jose Antonio Rivera

कोलोराडो स्प्रिंग्स, गोद. (जून 4, 2020) – Like many boxers, दो-विभाजन विश्व चैंपियन “El Gallo” Jose Antonio Rivera credits boxing for saving his life.

“Absolutely,” Rivera agreed. “After my mom passed away when I was 10 वर्षों पुराना, I gave up on life and my decision-making reflected that: hanging around with the wrong crowd including gang members, consuming alcohol between the ages of 10 and 15. I was definitely going in the wrong direction.

“I never thought I had a future until I started boxing. It’s hard to say what I’d be doing if I had never boxed, but by the way I was living, I’d probably be in jail or dead by now.”

Born in Philadelphia, Rivera lived in Puerto Rico and Springfield, एमए, prior to him moving to Worcester, एमए, where he met a man who helped change his lifeकार्लोस गार्सिया, who was in charge of a special boxing program at the Worcester Boys & लड़कियों क्लब.

Rivera had started boxing at the age of 14 ½ in a basement with his friendFelix Lopez.  He had fallen in love with boxing after watchingरॉबर्टो डुरान upset“Sugar” Ray Leonard in their first fight. The young Puerto Rican-American specifically used his amateur boxing experience to prepare for the professional ranks. Garcia, who is in the National Golden Gloves Hall of Fame, put him in a novice match after only one amateur fight in order to put Rivera on the fast track, because he understood that Rivera dreamed of becoming a world champion as a professional. Rivera finished with a 35-15 शौकिया रिकॉर्ड, highlighted by a bronze medal performance at the PAL Nationals.

“I never had big amateur aspirations but, बेशक, I wanted to win every fight I competed in,” Rivera said. “Once I didn’t qualify for the Olympic Trials, my plan was to turn pro. I didn’t know how much the amateurs would groom me to be a successful professional boxer. I’m glad I listened to my coaches, otherwise I would have turned pro earlier, because I would get frustrated with the politics of the amateurs. I hated losing, but I hated losing even more when I knew that I should have won. After three years together (with Garcia) in the amateurs and gaining a great wealth of experience traveling all over New England, the country and even fighting in Canada, I saw all types of styles and talented boxers that helped me as a pro. Carlos is like a father figure to me and during all of our training and travels, he was always in my head, building me up to become a good boxer, but also to help me become a better man.”

नवंबर को 7, 1992, Rivera made his pro debut, बाहर दस्तकFrancisco Mercedes in the second round. He went on to win his first 23 pro bouts, including the Massachusetts State welterweight title in 1995. His first pro loss was to veteran Philadelphia fighterWillie Wise (20-3-4), who won a controversial 10-round split decision at Foxwoods Resort Casino in Connecticut. Rivera had proven that he was more than a prospect in his first loss, losing a close decision (98-95, 94-97, 94-96) to an opponent that upset Mexican iconजूलियो सीजर शावेज (102-3-2) only three years later.

Showing the same resiliency that stayed with Rivera his entire career, two fights later Rivera stoppedGilberto Flores in two rounds to capture the International Boxing Organization (आईबीओ) world welterweight championship. Rivera extended his new win streak to seven, before losing back to back fights. Four fights later, यद्यपि, Rivera registered his first statement victory in 2001, बाहर दस्तकFrankie Randall (55-10-1) में 10वें round to retain his North American Boxing Association (भी) crown in his first defense.

Now promoted by legendary Don King, Rivera traveled across the Atlantic Ocean in September 2003 to Germany, where few Americans were able to win. Rivera proved early that he meant business, dropping previously undefeatedMichel Trabant in the second round en route to winning a 12-round majority decision for the vacant World Boxing Association (WBA).  His reign, हालांकि, didn’t last long. In his first defense, Rivera lost a 12-round split decision at home in Worcester to challengerलुइस Collazo (24-1)

Rivera moved up one weight class for his next fight, showing the resiliency that was a staple during his career for his next fight, also at home, against WBA junior middleweight World championAlexandro Garcia (25-1).

In his next fight and first defense of his third world title, Rivera was stopped for the first time in his pro career, by new champTravis Simms (24-0), and then he was knocked out byDaniel Santos (24-0) in round eight of their WBA junior middleweight title eliminator.

Rivera retired in 2008 only to make a comeback in 2001, after which he retired again until returning for two fights in Worcester to complete his pro career with 50 झगड़े, the last coming at the age of 46.

“Jose’s USA Boxing experiences shaped him into the man of character he is today, में और रिंग से बाहर दोनों,"कहाChris Cugliari, USA Boxing Alumni Director. “He took the road less traveled for a world champion, and in doing so he showcased his toughness and perseverance that made him a great example for today’s USA Boxers.”

USA Boxing Alumni Association

Created to champion lifelong, mutually beneficial relationships between USA Boxing and its alumni, –मुक्केबाज, अधिकारियों, coaches and boxing fansThe Alumni Association connects generations of champions, inspiring and giving back to USA Boxing’s future boxing champions, में और रिंग से बाहर.

The USA Boxing Alumni Association is open to anyone who has a love for boxing and would like to stay connected with amateur boxing. Members are granted access to a wide variety of special events hosted by the Alumni Association, including its annual USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame reception.

To join the Alumni Association, simply register atalumni@usaboxing.org for a $40.00 per year membership fee. New members will receive a T-shirt, keychain and e-wallet.

Rivera was a true working world champion. Few world champions also had full-time jobs during their title reigns. Rivera used vacation time, as well as personal and sick days, when he went to training camp for some of his major fights.

“I always had a good work ethic growing up,” he explained. “When I moved to Worcester at 16 वर्षों पुराना, I lived by myself: school, work, and then to the Boys & Girls Club to train. I kept the same work ethic I had at 19 when I turned pro. I became a father at 20, so providing for my family was essential. Although it was hard, I knew boxing wasn’t going to last forever, and I was lucky enough to find a good job working for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Trial Courts. It made for long days when I was training, especially when I was fighting for or defending my world championships. In the end, यद्यपि, keeping my job was the best decision I could have made for me and my family.”

रिवेरा. who was an Associate Court Officer for years and promoted last year to Assistant Chief Court Officer, is still involved in boxing. He and his oldest sonA.J. रिवेरा, own and operate a boxing promotional company, रिवेरा प्रचार मनोरंजन, to give young fighters in his area opportunities to fight more often and at home. Jose occasionally drops by the Boys & Girls Club to visit his former coaches, Garcia andरॉकी गोंजालेज, to support their young talent. He also goes to his friendकेंड्रिक बॉल’s gym, Camp Be Right, to give young fighters there a few tips and to keep in shape (not for another comeback).

Jose Antonio Rivera will be best known for his toughness and determination, which led him into a different life, including three world championships and a wonderful life he never would have enjoyed.



ट्विटर: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni

Instagram: @USABoxing

फेसबुक: /USABoxing

ABOUT USA BOXING:  The mission of USA Boxing shall be to enable United States’ athletes and coaches to achieve sustained competitive excellence, develop character, support the sport of boxing, and promote and grow Olympic style boxing in the United States. The responsibility of USA Boxing is not only to produce Olympic gold, but also oversee and govern every aspect of amateur boxing in the United States.