Tag Архив: бокс


Five division World Champion and Promoter Lee Mcallister and the British & Ирландски орган по бокс (БИБА) jointly announced an historic all female professional boxing event, that will take place in the United Kingdom on Saturday 21st November 2020 като част отНЕКА БЪДЕМ ДА ЗАПОЧНЕМ серия, във връзка сPAPA JOHN’S PIZZA иНЕОН ЕНЕРГИЙНИ НАПИТКИ and broadcast exclusively live onFITE TV.

To date the LET BATTLE COMMENCE series, which are broadcast live on FITE TV and delayed broadcast in the UK on Sports Channel Network (Freeview / Youview Channel 265), участва в женски състезания на всички събития.

Първият се проведе на 18 юли 2020 and hosted the professional boxing debut of ten time Kick Boxing World Champion Caitlin Foran against PBC International Silver Champion Jaime Bates.

НЕКА БЪДЕМ НАЧАЛО II, който беше излъчен на живо в петък, 4 септември, включваше три женски състезания, the first featured PBC International Silver Super Flyweight Champion Nicola Hopewell versus Tasha Boyes, also featured on the card were Elite Amateur Stars Hollie Towl and Ellie Coulson who made their respective professional boxing debuts against Jaime Bates and Beccy Ferguson.

The upcoming LET BATTLE COMMENCE III, which takes place on the 3rd October features two female contests; Sophie Varley versus Tasha Boyes and Elite Amateur Estelle Scott makes her professional Boxing debut against Carly Mackenzie.

Временната карта за 21 ноемвриНЕКА БЪДЕМ ДА ЗАПОЧНЕМ – ЛЪВИЦИТЕ събитието вижда Световен шампион на WIBA с минимално теглоЗамъкът Дениз and MBC International ChampionMarianne Марстън co-headlining, against yet to be named opponents.

Подредената карта е домакин на реванша междуНикола Хоупуел иТаша Бойес, след нещастното пенсиониране на Бойес по време на предишната им среща поради нараняване на ръката.

Бивш десеткратен световен шампион по кик боксКейтлин Форан ще се появи за втори път в сериала и ще се изправи срещу Shrewsbury’sБеси Фъргюсън.

Бивш национален шампион на Англия за аматьориЕли Кулсън ще се появи и за втори път в сериала, този път тя се изправяЕстер Конечна от Чехия.

Ellie’s esteemed team mate at the Xbox Academy in WorksopХоли Тоул, faces Italy’sAngela Cannizzaro.

World Boxing Съвета (WBC) Световен шампион по муай тайНатача Де Алмейда от Швейцария, ще направи своя дебют в професионалния бокс срещу York’sКарли Макензи.

Бивш елитен аматьор, South Shields ’Естел Скот, се завръща в действие срещу дебютаКирсти Бисвас от Мидълзбро.

МанчестърСофи Варли, who now competes at Super Flyweight, will face debutingИвет Гарсия.

Международният шампион в сребърна петна категория на PBC на ШрусбъриХайме Бейтс ще върви пети до пети с високоопитния кенийскиДжейн Кавулани.

Further contests are planned, including a second World title fight between American Heavyweights Carlette Ewell and Gwendolyn O’Neil, subject to UK Government travel restrictions permitting.

Currently this event is being planned as a ‘Behind Closed Doors’ special event at the Northern Hotel in Aberdeen, however it is expected that Spectators will be permitted to attend events by November, subject to government restrictions, and if they are then it is expected that the event will take place in London, subject to suitable size venue availability.

НЕКА БЪДЕМ ДА ЗАПОЧНЕМ – ЛЪВИЦИТЕ, във връзка сPAPA JOHN’S PIZZA иНЕОН ЕНЕРГИЙНИ НАПИТКИ, ще се проведе на 21 ноември 2020 и ще се излъчва изключително на живо поFITE TV (PPV @ $12.99)




Билети в продажба във вторник, Седем. 15!

АНГЕЛИТЕ - Франция одобри практиката на смесени бойни изкуства и постави спорта под надзора на Френската боксова федерация (FFB). С тези скорошни одобрения от правителството, Bellator има удоволствието да съобщи, че ще стане първата промоция, която ще проведе голямо ММА събитие във Франция с монументално шоу в събота, Октомври 10, 2020 в Accor Arena в Париж. Bellator Париж ще включва 13 ММА срещи и три боксови мача.

Сред състезателите, състезаващи се наBellator Париж, 10 На картата ще се появят френски бойци, включително известнитеCheick конгоански (30-10-2, 1 NC), който ще се изправи срещуТим Джонсън (14-6) в сблъсък в тежка категория. Допълнително, вълнуващ двубой в полусредна категория междуMichael “Отрова” Страница (17-1), по-известен на феновете като „MVP,”И дебютиращият непобеденРос Хюстън (8-0,1 NC) също е резервиран за събитието.

Ограничен брой фенове ще имат право да присъстват на това историческо събитиеБилетите ще бъдат на разположение от 10 А.М. CEST във вторник, Септември 15 приaccorarena.com иbellator.fr.

След правителственото постановление, френската боксова федерация отговаря за прилагането на ММА във Франция. „Ако направих избора да започна процедура за делегиране на ММА, беше за неговото признание; това е да освободиш, контролира и развива своята практика,” посочва министърът на спорта, Роксана Маракиняну. Това е повратна точка в историята на френския спорт, тъй като ММА е дисциплина, която се радва на нарастващ успех, доказано от тези събития, способни да съберат хиляди хора и да привлекат милиони зрители.


„Това е монументален момент от историята на спорта, както и нашата организация, и съм чест, че Bellator ще популяризира първото ММА събитие във Франция с голяма промоция,"Каза Bellator председател Скот Кокър. „Много хора са работили неуморно, за да постигнат това, и не би било възможно без подкрепата на министъра на спорта, Роксана Маракиняну, както и санкциониращия орган на Френската федерация по кикбокс. Бих искал също да благодаря на Accor Arena, които са били невероятен партньор на място, и нямам търпение френските фенове да присъстват и да се присъединят към нас на живо за това, което ще бъде една незабравима нощ на екшъна в Париж на 10 октомври. "

Провеждане на впечатляващ MMA запис на 30-10-2, 1 NC, Френският Cheick Kongo се завръща в игра след битка за титлата срещу шампиона в тежка категория Райън Бадер миналия септември. Оттогава бившият кикбоксьор остава непобеден 2015 и ще влезе в клетката на Bellator на родна земя за реванш срещу познат опонент в претендент в тежка категория, Тим Джонсън. С най-много битки (15) и печели (12) в историята на Bellator в тежка категория, както и победи над Виталий Минаков, Mirko Cro Cop, Антони Хардънк и Мат Митрионе, парижанинът планира успешно завръщане у дома на октомври. 10.

По петите на доминираща победа в TKO над ветерана Мат Митрионе вBellator 243 през август, Тим Джонсън ще се състезава за трети път през 2020 търси отмъщение в реванш от 2018 срещу Чеик Конго. Сега тренирам извън Лас Вегас, Джонсън бързо спечели мястото си на върха в тежка категория на Bellator с последните си победи, включително вирусен нокаут над топ перспективата Tyrell Fortune през февруари. Похвали се с кариера от 14-6, с 11 идвайки по финал, роденият в Минесота военен ветеран изглежда да вложи своя тласък в битка, която има бъдещи последици от световната титла.

Понастоящем се вози серия от три битки, Michael "Venom" Page, по-известен на феновете като „MVP,”Се завръща с намерението да развали дебюта на европейската перспектива в полусредна категория, Рос Хюстън. Провеждане на кариера в 17-1, с 14 печалби, идващи чрез спиране, гордостта на London Shootfighters изглежда напомня на хората защо е един от най-вълнуващите нападатели в целия ММА. В допълнение към своите ММА отличия, Пейдж е 10-кратен световен шампион по кикбокс и също така не е побеждаван като професионален боксьор.

След подписване с Bellator през февруари, Шотландецът Рос Хюстън ще направи своя дебют в промоцията срещу една от най-големите звезди на Bellator в Майкъл Пейдж. "Хитманът" планира да запази своя 8-0, 1 NC непобеден рекорд непокътнат и се приближава една крачка по-близо до златото на Bellator в най-трудния тест в кариерата му до момента. С три победи за подаване на негово име, Бразилските джиу-джицу умения на Хюстън го правят жизнеспособна заплаха, ако битката премине на земята срещу един от най-страшните нападатели на Bellator.

Следвайте Bellator France в Instagram@BellatorFrance и на Facebook вwww.facebook.com/BellatorFrance/.

Моля, посететеwww.Bellator.fr иBellator.com За допълнителна информация.

ОбновеноBellator ПарижКарта:

Тежка категория Борба: Cheick конгоански(30-10-2, 1 NC) срещу.Тим Джонсън(14-6)

Welterweight Feature Fight: Michael Page(17-1) срещу.Рос Хюстън(8-0, 1 NC)

*Карта подлежи на промяна.



Former Unified Champion Danny Roman Previews Showdown Against Juan Carlos Payano and More Ahead of SHOWTIME PPV® Doubleheader on Saturday, Септември 26, Представено от Premier боксови шампиони

Кликнете ТУК for Photos from Kyte Monroe/Thompson Boxing

NEW YORK, – Септември 9, 2020 – Former unified super bantamweight champion Danny Roman anticipates an action packed showdown as he previewed his upcoming WBC super bantamweight title eliminator bout against former world champion Juan Carlos Паяно ще се проведе събота, Септември 26 in part two of a first-of-its-kind SHOWTIME PPV doubleheader presented by Premier Boxing Champions.

“Payano is one of the toughest and roughest fighters in the division,” said Roman. “His only losses are to elite fighters. This fight will be all action because Payano likes to mix it up, както аз правя. The fans will get to see two warriors going at it as I’m fully prepared for a grueling fight. This will be an explosive twelve-round battle, and that’s if it goes the distance, which I highly doubt.”

Roman and his longtime trainer Eddie Gonzalez have prepared for the Payano fight at the Fundamentals Gym in Los Angeles, studying their opponent and aiming to put on an impressive performance on September 26.

“It’s been a very productive training camp thus far,” said Roman. “We’ve been going strong, but smart, since early August. Coach Eddie has been studying Payano and we see some flaws in his game that we feel we can capitalize on. I’m in great shape and its full steam ahead for Payano showdown.”

The Los Angeles-native Roman will return to the ring for the first time since dropping a narrow split-decision, and his super bantamweight titles, to Murodjon Akhmadaliev in January. Roman knows that with a win in this title eliminator, he will be in a prime position to regain his status in the division.

“A victory will put me right back on the doorstep for a world title,” said Roman. “I feel that I’m still one of the best fighters at super bantamweight, but I must get past Payano. There are so many big fights at super bantamweight, because this division is one of the deepest in boxing. My mind is set on becoming a world champion again, and a victory against Payano will bring me closer to that goal.”

The септември 26 doubleheader is stacked with champions and top talent in the 122-pound division, presenting an abundance of opportunities for Roman should he emerge victorious. The 30-year-old relishes the opportunities in front of him to fight for the top spot at super bantamweight.

“I’m excited about this next chapter of my career with PBC and fighting on SHOWTIME®,” said Roman. “I know there will be a lot of big fights that can be made, and I want to thank my promoter Thompson Boxing for always believing in me. В края на деня, I’m an entertainer and I want to give the fans great fights.”

The unprecedented pay-per-view twin bill features six compelling fights in all, five of which are world title fights, on the same night for one price. Part one of the SHOWTIME PPV telecast begins live at a special time of 7 p.m. ET / 4 p.m. PT with the three-fight card topped by unbeaten WBC Champion Jermall Charlo facing top contender Сергий Derevyanchenko. WBA Super Bantamweight Champion Brandon Фигероа will defend his title against 122-pound contender Damien Vázquez in the co-featured bout, while WBO Bantamweight World Champion John Riel Casimero faces off against unbeaten Duke Micah in the pay-per-view opener.

Following a 30-minute intermission, the second three-fight card, headlined by the historic unification matchup between WBC Super Welterweight ChampionJermell Charlo and IBF and WBA 154-pound champion Джейсън Росарио, will begin. Unbeaten former champion Луис Нери ще се бият непобеденAaron Alameda for the vacant WBC Super Bantamweight World Championship in the co-feature, while former unified champion Román faces off against former champion Паяно in a WBC Super Bantamweight title eliminator bout to open the second installment of the pay-per-view.

The event is presented by Premier Boxing Champions and promoted by Lions Only Promotions and TGB Promotions. The Jermell Charlo vs. Jeison Rosario match is co-promoted with Sampson Boxing.

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За повече информация посетете www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, следват по Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions или станете фен във Facebook на www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing

Promoters Paco Presents and Fabrica De Campeones to Livestream All-Action Night of Mexican Boxing on September 21, Live on Fite.TV

On Monday, Септември 21, 2020, co-promoters Paco Presents and Fabrica De Campeones will proudly present “SANTIAGO VS. GARCIA” a five-fight night of world-class professional boxing, livestreamed from Tijuana, Baja California, Мексико, на FITE.TV (9 pm ET/6 pm PT) само за $6.99.

В основното събитие на 10-кръг, WBC #8 bantamweight contender Alejandro “Peque” Santiago (21-2-5, 11 Нокаута) will return to his home base of Tijuana to defend his WBC International Bantamweight Championship against streaking contender Willibaldo Garcia (10-3-1, 5 Нокаута) of Copala, Войн, Мексико.

24-year-old Santiago has not lost a fight since 2014 (ще 13-0-4, 7 Нокаута) and has made a career out of surprising his favored opponents, often in their backyards. The skillful Santiago first came on the boxing radar by battling to a 10-round draw with then undefeated prospect Antonio Nieves for the NABO Championship. Fighting live on ShoBox: Новото поколение, Santiago took control over the back half of the fight and many say deserved the decision.

Оттогава, he has fought to two controversial draws against highly touted Puerto Rican Jose Martinez (both fights in Martinez’s backyard of Puerto Rico), the second for the NABO Super Flyweight Championship.

През Септември 2018, Santiago had his most impressive performance to date by again fighting to a highly controversial draw, this time against long-time reigning and defending IBF Super Flyweight World Champion Jerwin Ancajas. Many boxing insiders who have watched the fight feel Santiago is now the uncrowned world champion, with one judge even scoring the fight 118-111 for Santiago.

Santiago knows that he has to keep winning while he bides his time for a much-deserved rematch against Ancajas or another world-title opportunity at bantamweight.

“I am very excited to make my first defense of the WBC International Bantamweight Title,” said Santiago. “I know my opponent is very tough and I know he is preparing for the opportunity of a lifetime. Харесва ми, че! That way there will be no excuses. I have had a great camp and I am ready! There are only two weeks till the fight, and I can hardly wait to prove why I am ranked eighth in the world by the WBC!"

A very live underdog in this intriguing fight, 30-year-old Garcia is undefeated in his last 10 конкурси. After winning his pro debut, Garcia went a disappointing 0-3-0 (1 NC) in his next four, before turning things around and going 9-0-1 (4 Нокаута), including an impressive unanimous decision over former world title challenger Dewayne Beamon in his last fight in February of this year.

“I know that this is the opportunity of a lifetime,” said Garcia. “Winning will open doors for me. Camp върви чудесно! I have had some great sparring and I am in the best shape of my life! I hope Santiago is ready because this is going to be a war! I am going to make him fight for the entire fight! His promoter made a big mistake giving me over two months to prepare and I already told him that I am going to knock him out!"

In the night’s 10-round co-main event, popular hometown veteran Victor “Chucky” Sandoval (33-3, 21 Нокаута) will take on fellow Mexican Kevin “Desvalagado” Villanueva (16-2-3, 12 Нокаута) for the WBC International Super Flyweight Championship.

23-year-old Sandoval, already a seven-year professional veteran, is a fan favorite in his hometown of Tijuana. “Chucky” has won 21 направо битки, кога ще се проведат физически прегледи 2016. He was last seen scoring an eighth-round stoppage of countryman Javier Alejandro Rendon (след това 10-3-3) in November of last year.

“I am incredibly grateful for this opportunity,” said Sandoval. “I know that it is going to be an incredibly good fight because I have a high-quality opponent. We are preparing very strongly for this fight, despite the challenges since most gyms have been closed. I like to box, show my skills however I also like to brawl. I am preparing to give the fans a great fight and come out victorious!"

20-year-old Villanueva, from Guasave, Синалоа, has lost just one fight in his last 16. A strong puncher with an aggressive style. Тъй като станат професионалисти в 2017, Villanueva has fought exclusively in Mexico, but hopes to use a victory over Sandoval as a steppingstone to the international stage.

“I am ecstatic for this opportunity,” said Villanueva. “It means a giant step forward in my career. We are working extremely hard and I have a trainer that pushes me to the limit. Come September 21, I will be ready to give and take, and there is no doubt in my mind that I will come out on top! Той разполага с голям рекорд, but he hasn’t fought anyone at my level. My objective is to become a world champion.”

Also scheduled for action that night is a fantastic early crossroads fight between up-and-coming Mexican prospects as the ever-improving Cristian “Lacandonsito” Cruz (12-5, 6 Нокаута), the son of former IBO and IBF Featherweight Champion Cristóbal “Lacandón” Cruz, will face once-beaten Diego “FlaKO” Aleman (12-1-1, 8 Нокаута) in an eight-round super featherweight war. Тази борба, between all-action battlers, has potential “Fight of the Night” written all over it.

“I am focused and ready for this fight,” said Cristian Cruz. “My opponent has been in the ring with some good fighters, but so have I. When I heard my opponents name, I got very motivated because I know this is going to be one of my most difficult fights yet.”
To open the broadcast, Tijuana’s Gilberto Espinoza (11-2, 6 Нокаута) will take on Ensenada’s power-punching Saul Guardado (8-1, 7 Нокаута) in a highly competitive six-round lightweight brawl and to open the show, two undefeated flyweights will do battle for four rounds, as Los Mochis, Sinaloa’s Bryan Luna (5-0, 3 Нокаута) will face Ensenada’s Felipe Ayon (1-0-1, 1 Нокаута).

FITE.TV is the premiere digital network for direct-to-consumer digital live streaming for combat sports, specializing in professional wrestling, mixed martial arts and boxing events. To millions of fans around the world, FITE.TV streams a rich array of live pay-per-view events, subscription packages and thousands of hours of live and on-demand free programs with a mission to help fans discover and watch premium live events. FITE.TV is the leading digital distributor for the industry’s marquee events, including AEW, Въздействие, WWE, KSI-Logan Paul 2 from Matchroom, Canelo vs GGG 1 & 2 from GBP / HBO, Pacquiao-Thurman from PBC / Лисица, Top Rank / ESPN PPV, ДУХ, BKFC, NWA, GCW, ONE, Combate, РИЗИН, MOTO FITE Klub and FMX FITE Klub, Rumble on the Rooftop, Major Concerts, Tennis, Basketball, Soccer events and more.

“This is our first event on FITE.TV,” said event co-promoter, Paco Damian of Paco Presents. “Fans can expect a night of all action-packed fights. Alejandro Santiago is a top contender who has fought successfully against many first-class fighters in their backyards. Обаче, he has to take care of business against a tough competitor in Willibaldo Garcia. Tune in on Monday, Септември 21. This is a show that you don’t want to miss!"

For more information please go to our website at pacopresentsboxing.com. Follow us on Twitter at @PacoPresentsBox, Instagram @PacoPresents, as well as like us on Facebook atfacebook.com/PacoPresentsBoxing.


Hard-Hitting Tugstsogt Nyambayar Battles Unbeaten Cobia Breedy in Co-Main Event and Unbeaten Welterweight Jaron Ennis Takes On Juan Carlos Abreu in Telecast Opener

NEW YORK – Септември 3, 2020 – Top 154-pound contenders go toe-to-toe as hard-hitting Ериксон "Hammer" Lubin битки 2012 U.S. Олимпиец Теръл Gaushain a WBC Super Welterweight Title Eliminator headlining a three-fight event presented by Premier Boxing Champions on Saturday, Септември 19 live on SHOWTIME from Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Кон.

The ПОКАЗВАНЕ НА БОКС: СПЕЦИАЛНО ИЗДАНИЕ започва 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and features Mongolia’s Tugstsogt “King Tug” Nyambayar stepping in to face unbeaten Cobia “Soldier” Breedy in the 10-round featherweight co-main event bout. The telecast opener will see one of the top prospects in boxing, unbeaten welterweight Jaron “Boots” Ennis, squaring off against the Dominican Republic’s Juan Carlos Abreu в 10-кръг двубой на.

Събитието се популяризира от TGB Promotions. The Ennis vs. Abreu bout is promoted in association with D & D Boxing.

“The super welterweight division is red-hot, and the winner between Erickson Lubin and Terrell Gausha on September 19 will be in a prime position to be the next 154-pound world champion, including a possible matchup against the following week’s Jermell Charlo vs. Jeison Rosario winner,- каза Том Браун, Председател на TGB Промоции. “Erickson Lubin has been on a tear since his only loss, showing his growth from the Prospect Of The Year to a top contender. Terrell Gausha has an impressive pedigree dating back to his time as a U.S. Olympian and like Lubin, he can earn a second world title opportunity with a win on September 19. Add in two exciting undercard attractions, and this is yet another fight card on SHOWTIME that boxing fans won’t want to miss.”

The 24-year-old Lubin (22-1, 16 Нокаута) has put together an impressive four-bout winning streak since a loss to Jermell Charlo in 2017. He became the first person to stop former champion Ishe Smith, и последно, he dominated Nathaniel Gallimore to earn a decision in October. A native of Orlando, Fla., Lubin is trained by renowned coach Kevin Cunningham as he continues his quest to another title opportunity. След звездна аматьорска кариера, Lubin turned pro at 18 years old in 2013, eventually being named Prospect Of The Year by ESPN and Ring Magazine in 2016.

“I’m focused and ready to make my 2020 debut on SHOWTIME,” said Lubin. “Terrell Gausha has been in the ring with a few good fighters and he’s also an Olympian, so I know he has the experience, but I’m expecting to dominate him. My mindset will be to execute my game plan and come out on top. I’m going to show the world that I’m one of the best 154 pounders out there and I’m ready to put a strap around my waist. It’s Hammer time!"

Член на 2012 U.S. Олимпийски отбор, Gausha (21-1-1, 10 Нокаута) was born in Cleveland, Ohio but now fights out of Encino, Калифорния., where he is trained by Manny Robles. The 32-year-old is coming off a split draw against former world champion Austin Trout in May 2019. Gausha won his first 20 професионални мача, before suffering his only career defeat in a 2017 world title showdown against Erislandy Lara.

Training camp has obviously been a little different ahead of this fight, but we’ve done what we need to, and I’ll be ready on September 19,” said Gausha. "Това е голяма борба за мен, being my second chance at getting to a world title. I know Lubin is a young, good fighter and I’m sure he’ll also be ready. But this is my fourth southpaw in a row, so I’m very prepared for this fight and I’m going to show that I’m on another level.

The 28-year-old Nyambayar (11-0, 9 Нокаута) won a silver medal representing his native Mongolia in the 2012 Олимпиада. He now lives and trains in Las Vegas. Nyambayar ascended the featherweight rankings after his extensive amateur career with victories over then unbeaten Harmonito Dela Torre and former interim champion Oscar Escandon. Nyambayar earned his first world title shot before earning the title shot when he defeated former champion Claudio Marrero in January 2019. The Mongolian dropped his most recent fight against long-reigning WBC Featherweight Champion Gary Russell Jr. in February on SHOWTIME.

“I am excited to step in the ring and perform on September 19,” said Nyambayar. “The change in opponent to Breedy will have no effect on me. This is the fight game, so you always have to be prepared. I was already working hard and I will continue to work day by day to be at my very best when I compete on fight night.”

The 28-year-old Breedy (15-0, 5 Нокаута), from Bridgetown, Barbados and fighting out of Hyattsville, Md., Оказа про в 2014 and trains in Barry Hunter’s Headbangers Gym in Washington, D.C. Fighting under the nickname “Soldier”, Breedy served three years in the Barbadian military. Inside the ring, he most recently stopped Titus Williams in December, тавана на разстояние една успешна 2019 where he added three wins to his unblemished record. Having campaigned at both 130 и 135 паунда, Breedy is looking to make a name for himself in the competitive 126-pound division.

“I’m very grateful for this opportunity and I’m thankful to my team for getting me this fight,” said Breedy. “I stay in the gym and I’m always prepared and staying ready. I have that mindset so I can take advantage of any opportunity that comes my way. My opponent is a good fighter, but on September 19, tune in and watch me go to war. The world will get to know who I am. I’m going to give 100 на сто. I can do anything in the ring, and I will show it on fight night.”

A native of boxing-rich Philadelphia, Pa., the supremely talented Ennis (25-0, 23 Нокаута) returns to the ring after stopping Bakhtiyar Eyubov in January. Ennis scored two emphatic knockout victories on ShoBox: Новото поколение в 2018 before adding two more KO wins to his ledger in 2019. As his level of opposition has steadily increased since turning professional in 2016, the switch-hitter has scored 15 consecutive knockouts and 13 knockdowns in his six most recent bouts. “Boots,” who has yet to be pushed past the sixth round, was a standout amateur who won the 2015 National Golden Gloves and was ranked as the No. 1 amateur at 141 pounds before turning pro.

“I’m getting better every single day, sharper every single day, and smarter every single day during training camp,” said Ennis. "Аз не знам много за моя опонент, but not too many guys have been able to withstand my power and I don’t expect this to be any different. I’m just focused on myself, preparing so I can go into the ring, have fun, look phenomenal for everybody tuning in on SHOWTIME and come out victorious.”

Роден в Доминиканската република, Абреу (23-5-1, 21 Нокаута) has now lived and trained in Salem, Mass., for the last five years. The 33-year-old has battled a slew of top welterweights throughout his career, including Jamal James and Egidijus Kavaliauskas, while also earning a TKO victory over Jesus Soto-Karass. Abreu has never been stopped.

“Jaron Ennis is a great contender with good boxing IQ, speed and decent power, but this is not my first rodeo,” said Abreu. “I have fought first-class opposition and I would like to dance some good Merengue with him. I am having a great camp and I am excited and motivated by this opportunity. It is clear to me that this is a do-or-die fight for me, and therefore, come September 19, I am preparing mentally and physically to leave everything in that ring.”

* * *

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НЮ ЙОРК - Септември 1, 2020 - WBC Super Welterweight World Champion Jermell Charlo and WBA and IBF 154-pound world champion Джейсън Росарио previewed their blockbuster unification showdown during a virtual kick-off press conference Tuesday as they near their main event battle on part two of the first-ever SHOWTIME PPV doubleheader on Saturday, Септември 26 в събитие, представен от Premier боксови шампиони.

Five of the six fighters who will be competing in part two of the unprecedented event participated in today’s media call. Unbeaten former champion Луис Нери ще се бият непобеден Aaron Alameda for the vacant WBC Super Bantamweight World Championship in the co-feature, while former unified champion Даниел Роман faces off against former champion Juan Carlos Паяно in a WBC Super Bantamweight title eliminator bout to open the second installment of the pay-per-view. Nery was unable to participate in the call due to technical issues.

Here is what the virtual press conference participants had to say Tuesday:


“I’m stronger and faster than I’ve ever been. Camp has been amazing. I can’t believe I got in shape so fast, but I really never got out of shape. I make investments in myself and I do my homework.

“Congratulations to Rosario for getting the chance to move up to this level. But I know what I possess in the ring when I choose to let it out of me. I’m more ready for this fight than any fight I’ve ever had.

“My legacy is on the line. I feed my family this way. It’s not about what we’re going to say. It’s no secret about how I fight. I’m dangerous and I feel even more dangerous now. I’m excited to go 12 кръга. My capacity and skills are exceeding all of these guys in the division. I’m way hungrier now. The fire has been lit in me.

“A lot of people were surprised Jeison won against Julian Williams, but I actually wasn’t. Williams was dealing with a lot. But I’m a different kind of fighter. My dedication is different than everyone.

“Me and my brother have always been doubted. As I mature, I don’t care about what anyone on the outside says. I don’t care who makes the rankings. My job is to box. That was once my hobby. I’ve been doing this forever and I’ve grown into this. I’m a different animal. Just like Rosario had to come up the levels, I did that as well. I’m maintaining where I’m at because of my hard work and the way I fight. All you have to do is put me out there and I’m going to go get it for you.

“I believe my last two fights and the different styles that Tony Harrison had have helped me. Tony is a great fighter. You look at his record and you know he can punch, but I’m just different. That’s what made me come out on top and made the first fight close. The experience I had in those fights will give me even more of an edge coming into this fight.

“There’s so many things I do that make me believe I’m the best in the division. I can go on and on, but I’m a lion in the cage, let me out and see what happens.

“I’m strong from the first round to the end. If it goes to 12, then it goes that far. I’m smart and know how to set up traps. I’m not going to divulge the game plan, but I’m not playing around in the ring.”


“This is going to be a great war. I’m dedicated and motivated for this fight and I know what it means to face a fighter of Jermell’s quality, so the training has been going great. I’m so ready.

“I am even hungrier now than I was before I won the titles. I’m more motivated. The desire inside of me and the fire inside of me is burning to win this fight against a great fighter in Jermell Charlo. Like the Dominican people say, ‘we have to keep moving forward’ and that’s what I plan to do in this fight.

“Jermell Charlo and Julian Williams are definitely two different types of fighters. I think Williams has a little more quickness but Jermell is definitely stronger and has more power. That’s why I’ve had to prepare a little differently for this fight. In regards to who I feel is the better fighter – I don’t want to take anything away from either guy. Williams was a great fighter and he was considered No. 1 when I fought him, which is now the same position that Jermell Charlo is in. They both have their merits but I wouldn’t say which one is the better fighter. Jermell is considered the best fighter at 154 в момента.

“One thing that has changed since my loss to Nathaniel Gallimore in 2017 is my maturity. As the fights get bigger and more important, I definitely stepped up to the occasion and to the challenge. I’m training harder and there is more focus on this fight coming up.

“This fight means a lot to me. It’s definitely the most important fight of my career and I’m very thankful. I’m thankful to my trainer and for this opportunity that’s been given to me to fight the best fighter in the division. This is a great moment and some people think I won’t win. I know it’s going to be electric.

“I consider this to be my time. Empires fall. Presidents fall. Kingdoms fall. It’s all very interesting because under Charlo’s brand, you have the lion and you have the hunter and all that. But during the fight, you’re going to find out who really is the hunter. I’m a warrior and we’re going to see that night who really is the hunter and who is the one that’s going to be hunted.”


“We’ve been training very hard and we know we have a tough opponent in Luis Nery, but we’re ready for him.

“In all honesty, maybe the names that you see on paper that I’ve faced are not in Nery’s class, but when you see me on September 26, you’re going to know what I’m made of.

“It’s true that Nery has had trouble making weight before but that’s his problem. If he makes weight or if he doesn’t, I’m not bothered by that. I’m focused on what I need to do on September 26, so I haven’t really focused on whether he is going to make weight. I am the one who is going to be ready.

“This is definitely a step-up for me, we aren’t denying that. But strategically, we have worked on certain things that we know are going to help come fight night. We’ve seen a lot of video on Luis Nery and learned how we need to approach this fight. We’ve seen a couple things that we can do and that’s what we’re going to do on September 26.

“There were a few opponents that I fought that were difficult but one in particular was [Enrique] Bernache in Guadalajara. He was fighting in his hometown and he had his people behind him but we still won that fight. The person that has hit me the hardest? His name was [Juan] Jimenez, and we still overcame the power he showed that night to win.

“I have fought a couple southpaws in my career and I actually feel better against southpaws than I do against orthodox fighters.

“There’s no doubt that Nery is a powerful puncher but we have to see how he’s going to come out – if he’s coming out boxing or if he’s going to look for the knockout immediately. We have a strategy for whichever way he comes out. We’ll be ready for it.”


“Everything is going great in training. We’ve made some adjustments due to the pandemic, but I’ll be at my best on September 26. We’re two former champions, so this is going to be a quality fight. We’re going to try to make it our night.

“The goal is to get back to the world title, but I’m not overlooking Payano. He’s a quality fighter. We have to get past him and then hopefully we can get the rematch with Murodjon Akhmadaliev.

“Payano lost to big names and quality fighters. Anything can happen in a fight, so I’m getting ready for anything. I’m prepared to fight the best Payano possible. Аз не съм го като леко. This is like if I was defending the belt against another world champion.

“I’m more focused than ever now. I didn’t think I lost my last fight, I thought I took it. Now my mind is set on Payano, so we’re just continuing to work as hard as when I was champion. It’s one step at a time. First it’s Payano, then we’ll see after that.

“Losing my titles has motivated me even more. I know what my next goal is. I’m not overlooking Payano, but I’m looking to get that rematch next.”

Хуан Карлос Паяно:

“We definitely respect Danny Roman. Той е страхотен боец, but this is the opportunity of a lifetime. We’ve trained hard and you’re going to see the best of Payano for this fight.

“We committed errors in those two fights we lost to Inoue and Nery where they took me down but we’ve come in prepared knowing that we are fighting another good fighter in Danny Roman and we have really prepared well so that it doesn’t happen again. You do learn from your errors in these fights so that’s why when I come out, you’ll see a different Juan Carlos Payano on September 26.

“I’ve always fought hard in all my fights, but especially this one because we are looking at the end of my career. I know I need a great showing for the fans, so there is definitely an extra urgency to show the best of me.

“A boxer never reveals what he is going to bring into the ring but I’m definitely going to be more precise. That’s something I didn’t have in my two losses. I can’t be too desperate. I found that I was desperate in those two fights when I could have been more precise and do a better job in those aspects of the fight.

“I’ve been boxing since I was six years old and I’ve given my life to boxing. Това беше страхотно бягане. I respect Danny Roman enormously and the people can expect two warriors to get in the ring on September 26 and give their all. The fans know that this is what I always give them and that night will be no different.”

Дерик JAMES, Trainer Charlo си:

“Training camp has been good. Jermell’s been getting better and better. I’ve been pleased with what I’m seeing and it’s still early in training camp. We’re going to continue to build leading up to the fight. We know we have a very tough guy we’re facing, but I believe everyone we’ve faced is tough. We’re going in there to be at our best.

“I think that the victory would be beautiful, but I’m not thinking about what it would do for me. The best things is what it would mean for Jermell to have three belts. This is about legacy. It’s about a legacy fight for Jermell and myself.

“Rosario is a good fighter. He’s had a gradual progression from when I watched him fight Justin DeLoach and then moving on to fight Williams. He’s getting better. We know what we’re looking at. We know as the champ, he might come in as a different fighter. So we have to be better also. It’s a great challenge but we’re looking forward to it.

“I saw Rosario’s fights before Williams, so I knew he would be tough. I was surprised how it went down because Williams is a strong fighter. But Rosario really showed out and he had the right shots to get him out of there. We expect a great fighter on September 26.”

LUIS “CHIRO” PEREZ, Rosario’s Trainer:

"Тренировъчен лагер бе страхотен. Everything went exactly the way we wanted it to and then some. Even through these times, we were able to do our full training camp the way we wanted it. There have been no obstacles.

“Jeison is stronger and smarter than ever. We’re looking forward to showing that we belong with this competition. We know it’s a tall order against the best 154-pound fighter in the world, but we want his position. He’s the man at this weight class and we want to prove to the world that we belong on that level.

“Jeison had never done a real training camp in his life until recently. He trained any way he could figure out and he would take a lot of last minute fights. That changed for the Williams fight and that’s changed for this fight. Everything he’s overcome, he’s done with desire. He’s doing the proper training camp now and eating the proper way. I think you have to knock Rosario out to beat him. Септември 26, we’re going to see if I’m right.”

СТИВЪН Еспиноза, Президент, Спорт и събития Програмиране, Showtime Networks Inc.:

“Top to bottom, this is the highest quality card I’ve ever been associated with. През последните няколко години, there have been a lot of new companies and a lot of activity in boxing and even with all the money, the deals, the companies, and everything they’re supposedly bringing to the table, no one has been doing this kind of event. No one else is doing cards at this levelthis big and with this much quality. This is an event for the true fight fan. World champion after world champion, a collection of some of the best fighters in the world all on one card. Шест боеве, five of them world title fights, all on one pay-per-view.

“This is a card full of bangers. The one fight that’s not a world title fight, the one between Danny Roman and Juan Carlos Payano, is a matchup between a former unified champion and a former world championso there’s no shortage of accomplishments there. You have unbeaten former champion Luis Nery, who is coming off a streak of 11 consecutive knockouts, moving up into a new weight class to take on undefeated Aaron Alameda. Our second main event of the evening, Jermell Charlo and Jeison Rosario, like the first one, is a matchup between the top two boxers currently fighting in the division. We don’t need exaggeration or hyperbole. Казано по-просто, this is the best fight that can be made in the super welterweight division.”

* * *

За повече информация посетете www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, следват по Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions или станете фен във Facebook на www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing

Justin “Crazy TrainRolfe crowned N.E. шампион в тежка категория

Justin “Crazy TrainRolfe (L) punched his way to the N.E. титла в тежка категория
(all pictures courtesy of Emily Harney/Fitography)


DERRY, азот на h. (Август 30, 2020) – Two regional title bouts, supported by several stay-busy fights, highlighted Granite Chin Promotion’s first pro boxing event since this past November, ‘Return to Derry,” last night (Сб, Август. 29), in front of a near capacity crowd at New England Sports Center in Derry, New Hampshire.

Two world champions were in attendance to support the fighters, undefeated reigning World Boxing Organization (WBO) шампион в средна категория Димитър “Бу Бу” Andrade и“Гало” Хосе Антонио Ривера, запасният 3-време, 2-division title holder.

I’m glad that tonight we took as step forward towards normalcy,” промотор Крис Траети коментира. Sports help to bring people together and tonight we had a packed house with people of all races, religions, and creeds. I’m happy these Americans enjoyed themselves here tonight.

Justin “Crazy TrainRolfe was crowned New England heavyweight champion by way of an 8-round unanimous decision over Tracey “Титан” Johnson в основното събитие.

Rolfe vs. Johnson II was a rematch of a 6-round majority draw last November in Quincy, Massachusetts. A lot more was at stake in the rematch, въпреки че, because the N.E. heavyweight title was on the line. Boston southpaw Johnson, the half-brother of Andrade, methodically boxed, while Maine-resident Rolfe came forward throwing bombs, and their contrast of styles made for a entertaining fight.

The elusive Johnson started finding his range in the fourth round, connecting with combinations as Rolfe appeared to tire, but he got his second wind and continued to be aggressive, often pinning Johnson on the ropes. The two evenly matched fighters went back and forth in the latter half of the fight, although Rolfe pressed the action and Johnson countered. Neither appeared to be hurt at any point during the bout., Both let loose in the eighth and final round, leaving nothing in the tank. Rolfe’s non-stop attack and turned out to be the difference in this match-up.

Ryan DiBartolomeo captured the vacant New Hampshire welterweight title, taking a 6-round split decision over Kris Jacobs, в съпътстващото събитие. “I live in Massachusetts but all my fights (3-0-1) have been in New Hampshire and I train in Nashua (NH),” DiBartolomeo said after the fight. “Fighting in New Hampshire is like fighting at home and now I’m the New Hampshire welterweight champ.

DiBartolemeo quickly came out of the corner and soon dropped Jacobs for an 8-count. Jacobs made it through the opening round, but he was unable to avoid the free-swinging DiBartolemeo’s strong right hand, peppering his opponents head, в две кръгли. Jacobs settled down in the third, picked-up the pace in the fourth, and started letting his hands go more in the fifth, landing more effectively on his aggressive foe. The two fighters went at it toe-to-toe in the final round and DiBartolemeo closed the show.

New England middleweight champion Кендрик Бол, Jr., fighting light heavyweight Tahuk Taylor, displayed his skill set to the maximum, blasting his opponent to the mat with a sweet straight right, again with a beautiful left hook, and he was about to close the show when refereeJackie Morell mercifully ended the fight with 13-seconds left in round one.

Popular junior welterweight Микрофон “Bad ManOHan, Jr. did just about everything but stop gritty Dewayne Мъдростта, who was penalized two points and officially floored once. But he survived, albeit losing a lop-sided 6-round unanimous decision to Ohan.

Нова Англия Златни ръкавици шампион Francis “Frank The Tank” Hogan dismissed Rashan Wisdom, who went down on the canvas twice before his corner threw in the towel. Hogan is a tall, lanky southpaw who is well schooled and now 2-0 (2 Нокаута).

In a spirited fight, непобеден в полутежката категория Edet “Татко” Mkpanam (4-0, 3 Нокаута) was relentless against a game Саул “Spider” Almeida, one of the top mixed-martial-arts fighters in New England. Mkpanan dropped Almeida in the first two rounds on his way to a tough 4-round unanimous decision.

Promising Boston lightweight prospect Джонатан Depina outclassed TheoThe Unholy TruthDesjardin, flooring him early and finishing him off soon after with a blistering shot, to improve to 2-0 (2 Нокаута).

В средна Anthony Concepcion won by way of a third-round disqualification when his opponent, про-дебютирайки Caleb Denham, ignored the referee’s instructions to continue fighting.

В средна LarrySlomoshun” Ковач, fighting out of Dallas, recorded his first victory in more than nine years, taking a 4-round unanimous decision from Исус “Сокът” Cintron. The 41-year-old Smith, 0-39-2 during his winless streak, dropped Anderson in the first round.

Larry Smith celebrated after his first win in 9 години

Texas light heavyweight Bryan Vera нокаутиран Mike Anderson with a big right hand early in round one. Рефер Leo Gerstel immediately waved off the count right after Anderson hit the mat. Vera, who is known for his participating in The Contender телевизионно риалити шоу, has defeated world champions Sergio Mora (два пъти), then-undefeated Andy Lee и Serhiy Dzinziruk during his 16-year pro career.

Veteran junior middleweight CliffMagicianMcPherson had no tricks for Тайрън “Ръцете на Stone” Luckey because he was disqualified in the second round by referee Morrell for repeated holding.

Opening the night was a cruiserweight match between Larry “Наемен убиец” Прайър и Francisco Neto. It didn’t take long for Pryor, whose cousin was the late, Зала на славата Арон “Hawk” Прайър, put down Neto with a nicely placed left hook. Neto beat the count but stood on wobbly legs, leading referee Gerstel to halt the fight at the 35-second mark of the opening round.

Пълните резултати долу:

Официалните резултати
Justin Rolfe (4-1-1, 3 Нокаута), Феърфийлд, ME
WDEC8 (79-73, 79-73, 78-74)
Tracey Johnson (4-8-6, 0 Нокаута), Бостон, MA
(Rolfe won the N.E. титла в тежка категория)

Ryan DiBartolomeo (3-0-1, 1 KO), Leominster, MA
WDEC6 (59-54, 59-54, 56-57)
Kris Jacobs (2-1-1, 0 Нокаута), Фол Ривър, MA
(DiBartolomeo won vacant N.H. welterweight title)

Larry Pryor (12-22, 6 Нокаута), Frederickson, MD
WTKO1 (0.35)
Francisco Neto (1-9), Woburn, MA

LIGHT гиганти
Кендрик Бол, Jr. (15-1-2, 11 Нокаута), Worcester, MA

Tahuk Taylor (3-12-1, 1 KO), Greensboro, NC

Edet Mkpanam (4-0, 3 Нокаута), New Bedford, MA
WDEC4 (40-35, 39-36, 39-36)
Саул Almeida (0-12), Framingham, MA

Bryan Vera (27-16, 17 Нокаута), Auston, TX
WKO1 (1:01)
Mike Anderson (0-6), Филаделфия, PA

Francis Hogan (2-0, 2 Нокаута), Уеймут, MA
WTKO1 (1:37)
Rashan Blackburn (8-54-2, 4 Нокаута), Columbus, OH

Larry Smith (11-44-2, 7 Нокаута), Далас, TX
WEC4 (40-35, 40-36, 40-36)
Jesus Javier Cintron (1-14-2, 0 Нокаута), Asbury Park, NJ

Anthony Concepcion (5-0-1, 4 Нокаута). Провидение, RI
WDQ3 (152)
Caleb Denham (0-1, 0 Нокаута), Jamaica Plain, MA

Тайрън Luckey (10-12-4, 7 Нокаута), Little Egg Harbor, NJ
WDQ2 (2:51)
Cliff McPherson (2-41-1, 1 KO), Cleveland, OH

Mike Ohan, Jr. (10-1, 5 Нокаута), Holbrook, MA
WDEC6 (60-52, 59-54, 59-54)
Dewayne Мъдростта (7-54-2, 3 Нокаута), Indianapolis, IN
Джонатан Depina (2-0, 2 Нокаута), Бостон, MA
WKO1 (2:17)
Theo Desjarden (0-12), Wrentham, MA


Women’s boxing superstar Claressa Shields has added two more impressive distinctions to her already unparalleled boxing career laurels.

25-year-old “T-Rex” Shields (10-0, 2 Нокаута), currently the unified WBC and WBO World Female Super Welterweight and WBC, WBA, IBF and WBO Middleweight Champion, has been named #1 in both The Ring and ESPN’s inaugural pound-for-pound women’s rankings of the best female fighters in the world.

During an exciting renaissance for the sport, Shields was able to best a strong lineup of female fighters including Irish unified lightweight champion Katie Taylor, seven-division champ Amanda Serrano, Norway’s long-time undisputed queen Cecilia Braekhus and her recent conqueror Jessica McCaskill.

Among her many accomplishments, Shields is a two-time Olympic Gold Medalist and the first American boxer – female or male – to win consecutive Olympic boxing gold medals. She became Unified Super Middleweight World Champion in her fourth professional fight, Unified Middleweight World Champion in her sixth professional fight and Unified Super Welterweight World Champion in her tenth. She also holds the record for becoming a two and three-weight world champion in the fewest professional fights and is one of only seven boxers in history, female or male, to hold all four major world titles in boxing—WBA, WBC, IBF and WBO—simultaneously.

“Claressa is the driving force for women’s boxing!- каза нейният промоутър, Dmitriy Salita of Salita Promotions. “I am happy to see that ESPN, the worldwide leader in sports, and the well-respected “Bible of Boxing” Ring Magazine unanimously and indisputably recognize Claressa’s incredible accomplishments as the best in the world.”

“I’m proud to see two more Herstoric achievements added to the unprecedented resume of Claressa Shields,” said her manager, Марк Тафет, President of Mark Taffet Media. “She continues her march toward equality for female boxers using her broad shoulders from both an athletic and a social perspective. I look forward to the day when she appears on the top pound-for-pound list among the men with no gender labels.”


Роландо Ромеро от Mayweather Promotions постигна единодушно решение за непобедения преди това Джаксън Мариес за временна титла на WBA в лека категория; Otto Wallin TKOs Травис Кауфман в скрап в тежка категория

Кликнете ТУК За снимки от Аманда Уесткот / SHOWTIME
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UNCASVILLE, Кон. - Август 16, 2020 - Дейвид Бенавидез запази непобедения си запис непокътнат и след това 23 се бие с доминиращо представяне срещу Алексис Ангуло в основното събитие на вълнуваща нощ на бокса на живо по SHOWTIME събота вечер от Mohegan Sun Arena в Uncasville, Кон., представени от Premier Boxing Champions.
(За акценти, кликване ТУК)

В SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP Бокс® карта с три глави, 23-годишният Бенавидес (23-0, 20 Нокаута) - който в петък загуби колана си за световна титла в WBC - спечели спирка срещу бившия претендент за световната титла Ангуло (26-2, 22 Нокаута), чийто ъгъл хвърли кърпата след 10тата кръг.

„Оценявам себе си с твърда осмица,- каза Бенавидез. „Можех да направя някои неща по-добре, но като цяло беше страхотно представяне. Не исках да вървя твърде бързо и да се оставя открит за някои големи снимки. Той е тежък перфоратор. Но както казах, Обичам да правя неща, които никой никога не е правил. Никой никога не го е спирал и съм почти сигурен, че никой никога повече няма да го накара да изглежда така. Разруших го от първи кръг до 10-ти кръг. ”

Седемгодишен професионалист на възраст 23, Бенавидес кацна 56 процента от силата му удари в битката и средно 29 на 70 удари, хвърлени на рунд. Бенавидес затвори шоуто, като кацна високо в кариерата си 54 удари в кръг 10.

Колумбийският Ангуло, сега се биете от Маями, Fla., влезе във втората си възможност за световна титла, водейки серия от три победи, но не успя да се противопостави на нищо, което Бенавидес му хвърли.

Бенавидез заяви, че е разочарован и смутен от това, че не е направил ограничението от 168 килограма в петък. „Всичко, което всички казаха за мен, е вярно,- каза Бенавидез. „Трябва да съм професионалист и да вляза в теглото си, но този път не можах да го направя. За първи път не отегчавам от осем години насам като професионалист. "

„Наистина трябва да говоря с моя промоутър, за да видя какво следва,- добави Бенавидез. „Ще се боря с всеки, за да се върна на мястото, където бях. Можете да видите от това представление тази вечер, Бих могъл да направя страхотно представяне срещу всеки и хората ще платят, за да го видят. Вероятно ще се върна обратно в тренировъчния лагер, за да съм сигурен, че няма да пропусна теглото си. "

В съвместно основното събитие, изгряващият лек Rolando “Rolly” Romero (12-0, 10 Нокаута) вкара противоречиво единодушно решение над непобедения преди това Джаксън Мариниес (19-1, 7 Нокаута) за улавяне на временното заглавие на WBA в лека категория. Резултатите бяха 115-113, 116-112 и 118-110, всичко в полза на Ромеро.
(За акценти, кликване ТУК).

Историята на битката беше надеждните удари на Мариес, тъй като доминиканският боец ​​спечели битката в този отдел (14 процента в сравнение с Romero’s 10 на сто). Беше Ромеро, обаче, който държеше предимството на силови удари, свързващи се 24 на сто (31 на 228) в сравнение с 18 процента за Мариес (72 на 401).

„Не мисля, че имах лошо представяне,- каза Ромеро, който уверено предсказа, че брутален нокаут ще завърши двубоя в коментарите си преди битката. „Мислех, че съм спечелил битката. Независимо от всичко, Сега съм световният шампион. Аз съм щастлив. "

Ромеро получи лек разрез над лявото си око в деветия рунд върху приклад на главата, но изглежда не се отрази на представянето му в шампионските кръгове. „Той излезе малко по-твърд и по-хлъзгав от това, което си мислех,- каза Ромеро. „Но всичко, което направи, беше да се движи по целия бой. Той дори не се опита да се ангажира. Трудно е да нокаутираш някой, който не се опитва да се ангажира. Нараних го няколко пъти с изстрели в тялото и няколко куки. Имаше един момент, когато го нараних с дясна ръка и той дръпна главата ми надолу. Просто беше трудно да го довърша.

"Да [Бих му дал реванш]. Той не направи нищо специално. "

29-годишният Мариес, който притежава номер на WBA. 6 класиране, се обучава от Робърт Гарсия, който не присъстваше в ъгъла на Мариес, избирайки да не пътува през къщата от дома си в Южна Калифорния.

„Това беше чист грабеж,- каза Мариес. „Спечелих битката. Аз бях избоден, извън кутията му. Може да се каже, че той не е мислил, че е спечелил битката веднага след това. Това е обир. "

При откриването схватката на телевизията, претендентът в тежка категория Ото Уолин записа TKO на 2:32 от петия рунд срещу Травис Кауфман, който отново разкъса лявата си губа в началото на петия рунд и не успя да вдигне ръката си. Реферът Майкъл Ортега сигнализира за края на битката и след това Кауфман обяви, че се оттегля от бокса, само няколко дни преди неговото 35тата рожден ден.
(За акценти, кликване ТУК)

29-годишният Уолин (21-1, 14 Нокаута) който имаше четири инча предимство пред височината пред Кауфман, каза, че изпитва чувства към пострадалия Кауфман, но доминираше в битката. „Разбивах го. Оставаше ми много,- каза Уолин. „Жалко, че накрая нарани рамото си, но го разбивах и го удрях с добри чисти изстрели. "

Уолин изглеждаше остър при завръщането си на ринга за първи път, откакто едва не победи Тайсън Фюри през септември 2019. Приземи 12 удари на кръг и 54 процента от неговите изстрели през цялата битка. В момента живее в Ню Йорк и първоначално представлява родната си Сундсвал, Швеция, Уолин имаше бившия шампион Джоуи Гамаче в ъгъла си за двубоя.

И двамата бойци са се възстановили от контузия в близкото минало, както и вирусът COVID-19. „Не почувствах нищо от COVID,- каза Уолин. „Имах страхотно обучение. Бях болен през март, но COVID не ме удари много силно. Имах късмет. Съжалявам за всички, които загубиха живота си поради COVID.

„Искам да се върна в Ню Йорк следващия и да се отпусна малко. Вече тренирам отдавна, почти година. Така че искам да се отпусна малко и се надявам да мога да се бия отново до края на годината. "

34-годишният Кауфман (32-4, 23 Нокаута) от Рединг, Pa., се бори за първи път от пет години и седем битки без треньора си Наазим Ричардсън, който почина неочаквано миналия месец. След борбата, Кауфман каза, че се оттегля от бокса.

„Разкъсах лявата си губа, подготвяйки се за [Luis] Битка на Ортис,- каза Кауфман. „Като манекен, Изчаках пет месеца да го оперирам след битката с Ортис [Декември на 2018]. Започнах да се чувствам по-добре и щях да направя битка за настройка през март, но тогава се случи COVID. Тази възможност се появи и аз не исках да я пропусна и се чувствах добре. В първия рунд го нараних. почувствах го, но след това си отиде и си помислих, че може би това е просто моят ум и си отиде. Тогава в петия кръг го чух и това беше. Отново беше разкъсано.

"Приключих. Пенсионирам се. Имам деца. Правя това отдавна,- каза Кауфман.

По време на телевизионното предаване на SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOX, имаше няколко важни актуализации за предстоящия септември 26 SHOWTIME PPV близнак с участието на световния шампион близнаци Charlo, който ще започне на живо в 7 p.m. ET / 4 p.m. PT. Пет от шестте двубоя на уникалната двойна глава, всички за една цена, ще бъдат оспорвани със залог на Световно първенство.

Първата карта е озаглавена от Jermall Charlo, защитавайки титлата си в средна категория на WBC, тъй като той ще се изправи срещу No. 1-класираният претендент Сергей Деревянченко. Брандън Фигероа с всички действия ще защити титлата си в супер банта в WBA срещу Деймиън Васкес. Титлистът на WBO в петна категория Джон Риел Казимеро ще защити своя 122-килограмов пояс срещу опонент, който ще бъде определен.

След антракт, pay-per-view ще включва още три битки с 154-килограмово обединение, служещо като основно събитие, тъй като шампионът на WBC Джермел Шарло приема титлиста на WBA и IBF Джейсън Росарио. Луис Нери се изправя срещу Аарон Аламеда за вакантната титла на WBC в супер бантаж и бивш обединен световен шампион Дани Роман се изправя срещу Хуан Карлос Паяно в специална атракция в супер банта.

Съботното предаване на ШАМПИОНЪТ ПО БОКС в събота, второто от телевизионния състав от девет събития, който се провежда през следващите пет месеца, ще се възпроизведе в понеделник в 10 p.m. ET / PT на SHOWTIME EXTREME.

Водещият в бранша производствен екип и екип на анонса предоставиха всички забележителности, звуци и драма от Mohegan Sun Arena. Ветеранът Брайън Къстър беше водещ на предаването, универсален боен спортен глас Мауро Ранало нарече действието на ринга заедно с анализатора на Залата на славата Ал Бърнстейн и световния шампион от три дивизии и олимпиец Абнер Марес, предоставящ експертен анализ. Two Hall of Famers завършиха екипа на телевизионното предаване SHOWTIME - неофициален голмайстор на ринга Стив Фардхуи и световноизвестният говорител на ринга Джими Ленън-младши. Изпълнителен продуцент беше Дейвид Динкинс, Jr. а режисьор беше Боб Дънфи.

Телевизията беше достъпна на испански чрез вторично аудио програмиране (SAP) с Алехандро Луна и бившия световен шампион Раул Маркес, извикали екшъна.

Съботните битки се представят от Premier Boxing Champions и се популяризират от TGB Promotions и Mayweather Promotions. Основното събитие се популяризира във връзка със Sampson Boxing, а двубоят на Wallin-Kauffman се популяризира в асоциация с Salita Promotions и Kings Promotions.

* * *

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Undefeated Super Middleweight Prospects Juan Barajas & Jose Resendiz Headlining RJJ Boxing Promotions card



LAS VEGAS (Август 11, 2020) – Undefeated super middleweight prospectsХуан „Just Business“ Барахас (11-0, 7 Нокаута) иJose “Toro” Resendiz (11-0, 8 Нокаута) headline the August 27тата RJJ Boxing on UFC FIGHT PASS® събитие, като се започне от 10:30 p.m. И / 7:30 p.m. PT, from Marinaterra Hotel & Spa in San Carlos, Сонора, Мексико.

RJJ Boxing’s first show since January 30тата at Yakima Legends Casino in Toppenish, Вашингтон, will be held two nights prior to this event, Август. 25тата at the same venue, headlined by undefeated Mexican knockout specialistSantiago “Somer” Dominguez (21-0, 16 Нокаута) срещуJose Rosario Cazarez (20-5-1, 10 Нокаута), also streaming live on UFC FIGHT PASS.

Barajas, fighting out of Victorville CA, is a relatively tall super middleweight, standing 6’ 4” with an advantageous 80” reach, whose should feel at home fighting for the 8тата time in Mexico. Barajas registered his statement victory, към днешна дата, back in May 2019, when he won a 10-round majority decision against 18-4-3Lanell Белоус in Memphis. In his UFC FIGHT PASS debut a year ago, Barajas followed up with an impressive 8-round unanimous decision win versus 20-7-1 Fidel Hernandez in Tucson, AZ.

Upset-minded Resendiz, who hopes to take advantage of this great opportunity, is riding an 8-fight knockout streak into this battle of undefeated prospects.

Another power puncher, мексикански лекLuis “Sparring” Gallegos (16-0, 15 Нокаута) steps up in terms of fighting a quality opponent in fellow MexicanOscar “Terrible” Flores (12, 12 Нокаута) in the 8-round, co-featured event. This fight doesn’t figure to go the distance, because the two Mexican fighters have 27 combined knockouts in 28 победи. 15 за 16 (Gallegos) и 12 12 (Цветя).  Gallegos, 22, was a 14-time Mexican National champion who was unable to qualify for the Mexican Olympic Boxing Team due to an unfortunate injury.

Rising-starЛестър Мартинес (4-0, 4 Нокаута) лицаAbraham “Pan” Hernandez (8-2, 4 Нокаута), на Мексико, in a six round lightweight fight. Last year, Martinez made his pro debut at home in Guatemala City under extremely rare conditions, taking on 3-time, 2-дивизияRicardo “El Matador” Mayorga (32-11-1, 26 Нокаута), who hasn’t fought again since he was stopped in the second round by Martinez. The 24-year-old Martinez, who was a standout amateur boxer, is on a mission to become World champion prior to his 10тата pro fight.

Undefeated Colorado welterweightJose Arellano (8-0, 5 Нокаута), a Mexico native, отговаряFlavio Cesar Santos (6-1) in a 6-round match opening live UFC FIGHT PASS streaming.

Also scheduled to fight on the card, off-UFC FIGHT PASS, is Phoenix’ pro-debuting lightweightJose Miguel Valenzuela against his Mexican opponentGuillermo “El Gratano” Borboa (1-2-1, 1 KO), in a 4-round bout. Other undercard fights will soon be announced.

Card subject to change.

За да се регистрирате за UFC FIGHT PASS, моля, посететеwww.ufcfightpass.com, или изтеглете приложението UFC.


Уебсайтове:   www.RoyJonesJrBoxing.comwww.ufcfightpass.com 

Кикотене: @RoyjonesJRfa, @RoyJonesJrOfficial, @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre

Instagram: @RoyJonesJRboxing, @artofmusiclv, @rivalboxinggear, @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre

Facebook: /KeithVeltre, /UFCFightPass

ЗА РОЙ ДЖОНС JR, ПРОМОЦИИ ЗА БОКС: Съосновател през 2013 от 10-кратния световен шампион Рой Джоунс, Jr. и Кийт Велтре, Roy Jones, Jr. (RJJ) Boxing Promotions е на път да преоткрие бокса.  RJJ вече оказа огромно влияние в боксовата общност за няколко кратки години.  Създаване на вълнуващо съдържание за UFC Fight Pass, CBS Sports, Showtime, ESPN и beIN Спорт на някои от най-добрите места в страната, RJJ доказа, че побеждава сладката наука на спорта.

Базиран в битката столица на света, Las Vegas, NV, Roy Jones Jr. боксови Промоции се изкачва на върха с бързи темпове, добавяне на млад талант към нарастващата му конюшня: Шампион на NABF в супер муха, WBC #16, WBA #14 и IBF #7 Jade Bornea (15, 10 Нокаута), двукратен претендент за световна титла WBO #11 bantamweight Aston Palicte (26-4-1, 22 Нокаута), former NABA welterweight champion Kendo Castaneda,  former Interim World middleweight title challenger John Vera (19-1 (1 KO), undefeated middleweight prospect Connor Coyle (12-0, 5 Нокаута), undefeated super middleweight prospect Juan Barajas (11-0, 7 Нокаута) and former WBC World Youth heavyweight Alexander Flores (18-2-1, 16 Нокаута).  

ЗА БОРБА UFC PASS®UFC FIGHT PASS® е водещата в света услуга за цифров абонамент за бойни спортове. От стартирането си през 2013, UFC FIGHT PASS вече се предлага в повече от 200 страни и територии. UFC FIGHT PASS предоставя на своите членове неограничен достъп до Ulim Fight PASS Prelims; живи смесени бойни изкуства и бойни спортове от цял ​​свят; оригиналните серии и исторически програмиране; специални функции; зад кулисите съдържанието; задълбочени интервюта; и в крак с докладите минута на света на бойни спортове. Абонатите на UFC FIGHT PASS също имат 24/7 достъп до най-големия в света бой библиотека, с участието на повече от 20,000 пристъпи от десетки бори със спортните организации, както и всяка битка в историята на UFC. Феновете на борбата имат достъп до UFC FIGHT PASS на персонални компютри, IOS и Android мобилни устройства, Apple TV, Xbox One, Amazon Fire телевизия, Chromecast, Година, Samsung Smart TVs, LG Smart TVs, и телевизори на Sony с Android TV. За повече информация, моля, посететеwww.ufcfightpass.com.