Архивы: бокс

Выдающийся любитель Рубен Вилла IV & непобежденный суперлегчайший вес Джорди Рамирес подписал контракт с менеджером Дэнни Заморой

Проспект в полулегком весе дебютирует этой весной;
Непобедимый Рамирес одержал крупную победу в прошлом Пятница ночь
Рубен Вилла IV подписал контракт.
Лос-Анджелес, ТАКОЙ КАК–Известный тренер по боксу Дэнни Замора с гордостью сообщает о подписании контракта с полулегковесом. Рубен Вилла IV и непобежденный суперлегчайший вес Джорди Рамирес на эксклюзивные управленческие контракты.
Вилла Салинас, Калифорния заняла 2-е место в 2015 Олимпийские испытания в США, завершившие выдающуюся карьеру, в которой он установил рекорд 165-17.
Вилла также была 2014 & 2015 Национальный чемпион «Золотые перчатки», а также 2012 & 2013 Олимпийский чемпион среди юниоров.
“Я просто хочу поблагодарить свою семью за то, что они всегда были рядом со мной и позволили мне осуществить мою мечту стать профессиональным боксером.,” Саид Вилла. “Я не могу дождаться, чтобы стать профессионалом. У меня отличная команда в лице менеджера Дэнни Заморы., тренер Руди Пуга , катмен Майк Родригес, и мои спонсоры SNAC и WAR Tape.”
Джорди Рамирес после победы
Рамирес Санта-Мария, Калифорния имеет запись 2-0 с одной нокаутом, также был выдающимся любителем, когда он пошел 71-16 и выиграл турнир Won Desert Show Tournament в 2008, Турнир Oxnard Pal Adidas в г. 2009, 2010 и 2011 а также пояс BCR в Fantasy Springs 2014 и 2015.
Он стал профессионалом в ноябре 20, 2015 с остановкой в ​​​​первом раунде над Джоэлем Кано. The 20 12 февраля в Онтарио годовалый Рамирес победил единогласным решением судей Хуана Карлоса Диаса в 4 раундах., Калифорния.
Вместе с Заморой, Рамиресом управляют Зенон и Дэвид Балдерас.. Рамирес тренируется вместе 2016 U.S. Олимпиец Карлос Бальдерас.
Сказал Дэнни Замора, ” Джорди очень хороший боец ​​и, что самое главное, он хороший молодой человек.. Он тренируется и учится в колледже одновременно. Я искренне верю, что Джорди и Рубен - два больших приобретения в моей конюшне, которые также включают в себя 2012 олимпийский легкий вес Cesar Villarraga кто 8-1 4 КО , В суперсреднем Руди Пуга-младший. кто 7-0 6 КО & Петр Петров кто 36-4-2 с 17 Нокаутом и считается одним из лучших легковесов в мире, поскольку он занимает третье место в рейтинге WBA., номер пять по версии WBO и номер девять по версии IBF.”

Jeter Promotions подписывает контракт с непобедимым Стивом Веймером в полусреднем весе

Йорк, Пенсильвания (Февраль 17, 2016) – Jeter Promotions рада объявить о подписании с непобежденным перспективным игроком полусреднего веса Стива Веймера эксклюзивного рекламного контракта..
Веймер из Йорка, Пенсильвания. есть запись о 9-0 с двумя нокаутами и надеется вернуться на ринг после четырехлетнего перерыва.
Веймер не ушел с ринга из-за привычных боксерских стереотипов, но он взял отпуск, чтобы получить диплом колледжа. Веймер окончил Йоркский колледж по специальности уголовное правосудие и психология..
Веймер, сейчас 26 лет имел любительский рекорд 105-31 был трехкратным чемпионом Пенсильвании среди юниоров «Золотые перчатки», а также выиграл титул «Золотые перчатки Пенсильвании в открытом классе».. Он одержал победу над 140-фунтовым соперником Эмануэлем Тейлором на любительском уровне и выстоял в бою с будущим американцем.. Олимпийский чемпион Садам Али.
Он стал профессионалом в 2008 с остановкой в ​​третьем раунде над Спенсером Харсли и подписанием контракта с выскочкой-промоутером TKO Promotions.. Веймер одержал эти девять побед за три с половиной года., прежде чем отправиться в колледж.
“Я знаю, что Jeter Promotions поможет мне достичь вершины.,”сказал Веймер. Я видел, что Jeter Promotions сделала для Тони Джетера в его карьере, и знаю, что Jeter Promotions может сделать для моей.. Объедините все это с моими способностями, и я знаю, что буду сражаться последовательно.. С акциями Jeter, Я знаю, что могу достичь вершины и участвовать в больших боях..
“Jeter Promotions рада добавить Стива в свой список. Jeter Promotions сделает для него то же, что и для моей карьеры.. Jeter Promotions поможет ему получить рейтинг, и я вижу, что в будущем он будет участвовать во многих крупных боях и в конечном итоге выиграет титул чемпиона мира., ” Саид Джетер.
Тони Джетер — претендент в среднем весе, который дважды возглавлял мировой рейтинг и дрался с Крисом Юбэнком-младшим.. за временный титул WBA в среднем весе. Джетер основал свою промоутерскую компанию и продвигал 20 события. Джетер — лицензированный промоутер в Мэриленде., Вашингтон., Вирджиния и ждет получения лицензии промоутера в Пенсильвании..
Ожидается, что Веймер дебютирует под баннером Jeter Promotions на Апреля 9в Springfield ABC в Спрингфилде, Виргиния.

С компанией Jeter Promotions можно связаться по электронной почте: tonybpromo@yahoo.com


Sampson Lewkowicz of Sampson Boxing is proud to announce the signing to a long-term exclusive promotional agreement of undefeated Venezuelan super lightweight Juan El Niño” Руис.
29-летний Руис (16-0, 10 КО) from Santa Teresa del Tui, has suffered long layoffs due to promotional and managerial problems in the past, but says his problems are now behind him with the addition of promoter Lewkowicz to the team.
A well-rounded boxer puncher who fights at distance and on the inside equally well, Ruiz had 220 amateur fights before turning professional in 2006. He held the WBC FECARBOX super lightweight title in 2011 and was once world rated by the WBA and WBC.
I’m happy about this deal and really looking forward to showing the world what I can do,” сказал Руис. “I want to get in with top guys right away. I’m better than everybody out there, I just needed the opportunity to shine.
Ruiz’s co-manager Ben Lieblein (along with Alfredo Rodriguez) says his fighter was always a future champion who needed the right team to get him there.
Were excited and looking forward to getting him ranked and fighting for a world title, hopefully this year. All he needs is exposure. He’s a talented kid who had a lot of time wasted by bad manager and promoters. He will provide exciting fights first chance he gets.
Ruiz is training in San Diego with Carlos Barragan, who also works with undefeated super welterweight Miguel Sanchez and undefeated welterweight Antonio Orozco, среди других. He will compete in the super lightweight or welterweight divisions, depending on opportunities that arise.

This is a very talented fighter who just needed a break,” Саид Сэмпсон Левкович. “I will work hard to find him the right fights, so he can go to the top of the 140/147 divisions quickly. I am happy to be working with him and his team. This is going to be a big year for his boxing career. All he has to do is win.

О Сампсон бокса
После очень успешного запуска в свахи и советника, Сэмпсон Левкович перешел на рекламных сторону профессионального бокса в январе 2008.
Сампсон бокса вырос в один из самых престижных рекламных фирм в мире, представляющих многие из лучших бойцов в мире и самых перспективных молодых соперников.

Сампсон бокса имеет рекламные партнеры по всей Северной и Южной Америки, Африка, Азия, Новая Зеландия, Австралия, Европа и Центральная Америка и Сампсон бокса события были транслироваться на таких премьерных сетях, как HBO, Время Для Шоу, ESPN, VS. и несколько международных сетей.


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Фото кредит: Al Powers/Premier Boxing Champions
ЛАС-ВЕГАС (Февраль. 16) – The fight capital of the world played host to this year’s fourth installment of Премьер Бокс чемпионов (PBC) ОО до пят ВТОРНИКАМ на FS1 и Бокс чемпионов on FOX Deportes which lived up to its name with a fast-paced all out main event between bantamweights Алексис Сантьяго (21-3-1, 8 КО) Феникс и Erik Ruiz (15-5, 6 КО) Окснард, ТАКОЙ КАК. Both fighters exchanged back and forth punches throughout the bout, keeping fans at Sam’s Town Live entertained until the final bell. Бой, which went the full 10 раундов, resulted in a unanimous decision victory in favor of Santiago as the judges saw it 100-90, 99-91 и 98-92.
Santiago entered the ring very confident as he was riding a nine-fight winning streak, but Ruiz relished his underdog role as he stood in the middle of the ring going toe-to-toe with Santiago from the first bell. Both fighters used their full arsenals, throwing jabs, upper cuts and significant body shots from start to finish. Santiago applied pressure with his jab, but Ruiz did not look phased as he did his best to counter and throw hard and fast combinations. The lightning quick speed of the two pugilists saw over 1,500 punches thrown combined throughout the fight with Santiago throwing 941 and Ruiz throwing 624.
I think it was a good fight. Working with Ismael Salas has been great and made a huge difference in my performance,” сказал Сантьяго. “I definitely feel better with a better corner behind me.
“Все прошло как и планировалось, the game plan was to come out and box, we thought he was going to stay in the pocket and come forward and we wanted to use the ring and trade punches.
Being the main event on Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 does a lot for me, gives me a lot more exposure, gives me a big opportunity. I really feel like I’m working towards hopefully getting a chance to go for a world title soon.
Fresh off his two-week European Victory Tour, Президент Мэйвезер Акции Флойд Мэйвезер was seen ringside as he rooted for his fighters featured on the card. The fight was called by PBC on FS1 fixture Brian Custer who was joined by former welterweight world champion Шон Портер and his father Kenny. Porter provided his expert first-hand knowledge of the sweet science as he and his trainer/father took a break from preparing for his Март 12 SHOWTIME Championship Boxing on CBS presented by PBC mega-fight against welterweight champion Keith Thurman.
полутяжелый вес Lionell Томпсон (16-4, 10 КО) Буффало, NY made his Mayweather Promotions debut in a tight eight-round bout against Пол Паркер (8-1, 4 КО) Толедо, Огайо. Following a close first round, Parker began to outwork Thompson, throwing more punches as he utilized his significant height and reach advantage. The action picked up in the third round when Parker threw a hard right hand that caused Thompson to touch the canvas with his glove that was ruled a knockdown by referee Jay Nady. Как бороться прогрессировала, Thompson picked up his pace, forcing Parker to step in and exchange. While the fight went the distance, the third-round knockdown was the difference on the judges’ системы показателей, awarding Parker a close split decision with scores of 76-75 в два раза и 76-75 for Thompson.
I knew he was a good boxer. I’ve seen him box forward and back so I had to plan my game plan accordingly,” сказал Паркер. “I drained myself in my last fight and figured he’d box me and pressure me so I get tired. I was working on throwing combinations since he likes to jab.
My biggest advantage was my straight punches and my pressure coming forward,” continued Parker. “I was throwing more power punches I believe. Trying to block the jab. I knew I had him with my reach advantage. Knew his jab was coming from up top and bottom so I was looking for it.
Fighting on a PBC card on FS1 and FOX Deportes feels great. It allows me to secure more fights and become better known.
I think it was a bad decision because I landed more, worked him, was busier, pressed the pace and made him fight how I wanted him to fight,” сказал Томпсон. “If you want to give him the earlier rounds, that’s cool, but not the rest. He even thought I won. He said to me, ‘I thought you outclassed me and thought you had it but I’m not a judge.
I want to just get back in and train again, move forward,” продолжение Томпсон. “I have faced adversity all my life, so every negative I turn into a positive.
Lanell сильфонным (15-1-1, 8 КО) of Los Angeles made his national television debut to kick off the telecast in an eight-round super middleweight showdown against Antowyan Aikens (10-1-1, 1 KO) Атлантик-Сити. A proud member of the Mayweather Promotionsstable of fighters, Bellows worked his jab effectively from the beginning of the bout. Bellows started to really show the power behind his punches in round three as he aggressively stalked Aikens around the ring, continuing to throw his jab. В пятом раунде, Bellows threw a powerful right hand that sent Aikens to the canvas which caused referee Tony Weeks to wave off the bout at 2:08 раунда.
My game plan was to win,” said Bellows. “I was expecting to get the knockout, but as we went to fourth round noticed he wasn’t punching as much, he was playing it safe so I knew I had to press to get some action.
I trained hard and really prepared for this fight. I was getting frustrated because his lack of activity was starting to frustrate me because he was running too much.
I’m ready for whatever Mayweather Promotions puts in front of me. Any fight that keeps me moving and brings positive progression to my career.
This installment of PBC’s ОО до пят ВТОРНИКАМ на FS1 и Бокс чемпионов on FOX Deportes was promoted by Mayweather Promotions and sponsored by Corona.
# # #
Для получения дополнительной информации посетите www.premierboxingchampions.com, HTTP://www.foxsports.com/PressPass / домашнюю, www.foxdeportes.com, www.samstownlv.com/entertain иwww.mayweatherpromotions.com . Следуйте по щебетатьPremierBoxing, @LonnieBtheGreat, @LanellBellows @MayweatherPromo, @ FS1, FOXDeportes ИSwanson_Comm и стать поклонником на Facebook по www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports,www.facebook.com/foxdeportes, и www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions.

Roc Nation Sports Signs Boxer Darmani Rock

“All of us at Roc Nation Sports are thrilled to have added Darmani Rock to our boxing family. He has the talent to become a force in a reinvigorated heavyweight division and for a 19-year-old heavyweight with his skill set, the sky is the limit.” – Дэвид Itskowitch, COO of Boxing Roc Nation Sports















DATE OF BIRTH: Апрель 17, 1996

HEIGHT: 6’5”





At the age of nineteen, Darmani Rock is already drawing comparisons to former heavyweight greats of the past. Born and raised in Philadelphia, Rock was brought to a local boxing ring by his father at age twelve after he lost a street fight to neighborhood bullies. Rock cites his father, Wayne “Wiz” McLeod, as his greatest inspiration.


Rock has received high praise for his powerful jab and ambidexterity. Standing at 6’4”, he moves with an unparalleled lightness and speed for a fighter his size. Rock earned nation-wide accolades following a banner year in 2014 when he took home the USA Boxing Junior and Youth Open, Youth Continental and Youth World super heavyweight titles.


During the 2014 Junior and Youth Open in Reno, Невада, Rock shut out the 2013 National Youth Champion, John Luna, 3-0. This impressive performance was followed by another super heavyweight title at the Youth Continental Championships in March 2014 in Quito, Ecuador where he defeated Argentina’s Kervin Espinola 3-0. Rock then took home the gold medal at the prestigious World Youth Championships in Bulgaria in April 2014 по 2-1 decision over Germany’s Peter Kadiru. Rock also took home the 2014 World Junior Amateur Championship and capped off 2014 by being named Philadelphia’s Amateur Boxer of the Year at the annual Briscoe Awards. His most noteworthy win, однако, came in May 2015 when he beat Cam Awesome, a career amateur who has been called the next Chris Byrd, in Las Vegas for the National Golden Gloves title. Здорово, who touts a near-perfect record over the past eight years and three Golden Gloves titles of his own, is considered one of the toughest amateur boxers to beat in a three round bout. Rock also captured the 2015 U.S. National Amateur super heavyweight championship. He ended his amateur career as the number one rated super heavyweight in the United States (and the number five rated super heavyweight in the world) пойти 19-5 in national tournaments.


В феврале 2016, Rock signed an exclusive promotional agreement with Roc Nation Sports.



Challenger Vows To Take Advantage Of Unexpected Opportunity, Ceja-Ruiz II In Co-Main Суббота, Февраль. 27, Live On SHOWTIME® From Honda Center In Anaheim, Халиф.

SHOWTIME ЧЕМПИОНАТ БОКС® Tripleheader Begins With
Unbeaten Heavyweights Gerald Washington vs. Оскар Ривас

Билеты уже в продаже!

Нажмите ВОТ For Martinez Training Photos From Sampson Boxing Promotions

ANAHEIM, Халиф. (Февраль. 16, 2016) – Spain’s Kiko “Sensación” Martinez is a soft-spoken, hard-hitting former IBF Super Bantamweight World Champion and a three-time European champion at 122 фунты. He’s a come-forward, comes-to-win, aggressive-minded slugger who makes for exciting fights and has been in with excellent opposition.


The ultimate road warrior, the 5-foot-5, 29-year-old Martinez has fought more than one-third of his fights outside his native Spain, where he has tussled 26 раз. He’s also fought four times in Ireland, three times in England, three times in Northern Ireland and one time each in Japan, Аргентина, France and South Africa.


So don’t expect Martinez (35-6, 26 КО) to be in awe of the surroundings in his second start in the United States when he challenges unbeaten, defending featherweight world champion Лев Санта-Крус (31-0-1, 17 КО) на Суббота, Февраль. 27, в главном событии SHOWTIME ЧЕМПИОНАТ БОКС tripleheader жить на ВРЕМЯ ДЛЯ ШОУ (10 p.m. И/7 p.m. PT) от Honda Center в Анахайме, Халиф.


Martinez won his U.S. debut and the IBF 122-pound crown with a sixth-round TKO overДжонатан Ромеро авг. 17, 2013. “That was a great night for me,’’ Martinez said. “I’m confident of another great performance on Feb. 27.''


A winner of three in a row in his homeland, including a fourth-round TKO over Miguel Gonzalez последний Декабрь. 12, Martinez aims to make amends after losing three high-profile fights in recent years to super bantamweight world champions – twice to Карл Frampton(IBF) and once to Скотт QUIGG (WBA).


Martinez gets an opportunity against Santa Cruz in a fight he never saw coming.


“I’m thrilled to be fighting Leo Santa Cruz, but getting this fight was a total surprise because I already had a fight scheduled,’’ said Martinez, who trains at his friend and manager, бывший чемпион мира в суперсреднем весе Серхио Мартинес’ gym in Spain. “I had been scheduled to fight for the European title. When this opportunity came up, I decided to give up the European title to come to America.


“I was very happy and very emotional when I heard about this fight. It was one of the best days of my life when I agreed to fight Santa Cruz. Сейчас, more boxing fans will get to see me. I will not take one step back. I will come forward the whole fight.


“I’m thankful to SHOWTIME and I’m excited for the challenge. It’s a huge fight in the United States and a great opportunity. Some people don’t think I can fight because I lost to those guys [Frampton and Quigg], but they are wrong. I am as determined as ever. I’m going to fight a great fight and come out with a victory.’’


While respectful of the champion, Martinez is no stranger to fighting on foreign soil and is poised to pull off a stunner.


“I will surprise many people who don’t believe in me,'' Сказал он. “I’m working so hard for this fight. People doubting me has me even more motivated. They will see on Feb. 27 and everyone will change their minds.


“I love fighting in my opponent’s backyard. That is not a problem for me at all. People who know boxing know I will give everything to this sport. I want to give great shows and entertain people. I’m coming forward and throwing punches and I don’t give up.


“I’m going to give 100 percent and it’s going to be a tremendous fight. I have a ton of respect for Leo Santa Cruz. He’s a world champion and a great fighter who’s clearly one of the very best featherweights in the world and a Top 10 фунт-для-фунта истребителей. I am very conscious of that point.


“Leo and I are true warriors so this will be a brutal war. But I have what it takes. I’ve been working very hard with my longtime trainer, Gaby Sarmiento, and I will be victorious.’’


A lifelong resident of Spain, Martinez was born in Granada, Испания, and resides in Alicante. He has two sisters and two brothers but is the only one in the family who boxes professionally. He turned to boxing as a young teenager.


“I started in boxing because when I was about 13 I was smaller and other kids bullied me all the time. So I began looking for a way to learn to defend myself,'' Сказал он. “Once I decided to start boxing and dedicated myself to it I fell in love with the sport.’’


Как любитель, Martinez went 47-2 and won a Spanish national amateur championship, but he had no international amateur experience. “I had a good amateur career but never thought about the Olympics,'' Сказал он. “My mind was always on being a pro fighter.’’


A dangerous puncher who’s at his best when he pressures his opponents and wears them down, Martinez turned pro in June 2004. He was victorious in his initial 17 бои, winning all but three by knockout.


Martinez met Серхио Мартинес [no relation] about nine years ago. “I met Sergio in the gym in Spain that he used to train himself in and we became good friends. When I started boxing I looked up to Хулио Сезар Чавес- and I am now a big fan of Маркос Майдана. I like to fight like him.


“But I’ve always had a special relationship with Sergio, who inspired me because he came from poverty like me. He has taught me so much. It’s like looking into a mirror because he knows where I came from. He’s taught me so much inside and outside the ring. We were very poor growing up and my father worked very hard.’’


Если торжествует, Kiko Martinez says “I would like to stay at this weight because I feel much stronger. But I would definitely love a rematch with Frampton or Quigg.’’


Regarding the Frampton-Quigg 122-pound world title unification that also takes place onФевраль. 27 (в Манчестере, Англия, жить на SHOWTIME EXTREME®), Martinez didn’t hesitate when picking a winner.


“Frampton will win against Quigg,’’ Martinez said. “He’s the more complete boxer. He is stronger as well.”


В Февраль. 27 co-feature on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING, hard-hitting Mexican warriors Июль Ceja (30-1, 27 КО) и Уго Руис (35-3, 31 КО) will box in a rematch of an exciting, two-way slugfest for the WBC 122-pound world title that Ceja won from Ruiz on a fifth-round knockout last August


Rounding out the televised tripleheader is a 10-round fight between undefeated heavyweights Джеральд Вашингтон (16-0-1, 11 КО) Вальехо, Калифорния., and Montreal-based Colombian Оскар Ривас (18-0, 13 КО).


Билеты на турнире, который способствует TGB Акции, по цене $27, $54, $104 и $199 и сейчас продаются через ticketmaster.com, В точках продаж Ticketmaster или по телефону 800-745-3000. Билеты также доступны в кассе центра Honda..


Для получения дополнительной информации посетите www.SHO.com/Sports Следуйте по щебетатьSHOSports, @ LeoSantaCruz2, @MartinezKiko, TGBPromotions, @HondaCenter и @Swanson_Comm или станьте поклонником на Facebook по адресу www.Facebook.com/SHOSports


Джон Магда – Christopher Brooker ready for a Super Middleweight showdown this Friday night at Historic Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City and Live on ShoBox: Новое поколение

John Magda battles Christopher Brooker in Super Middleweight showdown from Historic Boardwalk Hall Live on ShoBox: Новое поколение

Quadrupleheader includes Adam Lopez vs. Mario Muñoz, Ronald Ellis vs. Джерри Одом,
Lavisas Williams vs. O’Shaquie Foster This Пятница, Февраль. 19 на 10 p.m. И/PT

Атлантик-Сити, Нью-Джерси (Февраль. 16, 2016) – Despite the fight being added just two weeks ago, many boxing insiders feel that the opening eight-round super middleweight between undefeated Джон Магда и Кристофер Брукер это Пятница, Февраль. 19 жить наВРЕМЯ ДЛЯ ШОУ (10 p.m. И/PT, задержка на западном побережье) could steal the show onShoBox: Новое поколение quadrupleheader that is loaded with talent.

Unbeatens Адам “Масло” Лопес (14-0, 7 КО), Сан-Антонио, Техас, by way Phoenix, Штат Аризона., и Марио “Yayo” Муньос (16-0-1, 10 КО), Гвадалахара, Халиско, Мексика, will face their toughest opponents to-date when they meet in the 10-round super bantamweight main event from the Adrian Phillips Ballroom в Historic Boardwalk Hall в Атлантик-Сити, N.J.

In other televised bouts, all scheduled for eight rounds, Рональд “Flatline” Эллис (12-0, 10 КО), of Dorchester, Масса., takes on Washington D.C.’s Джерри “Сын короля” Одом (13-2, 12 КО) in a clash of hard-hitting super middleweights, and southpawLavisasRed” Уильямс (8-0-1, 3 КО), Рочестер, N.Y.. рискует своим непобежденным рекордом против O’ShaquieIce Water” Способствовать (9-1, 6 КО), Оранский, Техас, in a super featherweight scrap.

Tickets for the GH3 Promotions event are priced at $25, $50, $75, $100 и $150 и доступны для покупки на сайте www.Ticketmaster.com and over the phone at(800) 736-1420.

The bout between Magda and Brooker has a bit of the territorial rivalry feel as Magda will be fighting close to his Rutherford, N.J. home while Brooker will be making the one-hour trek on the Atlantic City Expressway from his residence in Philadelphia.
Both Magda and Brooker are 24-years old.
Magda has built his reputation on his volume punching that has catapulted him to a perfect mark of 11-0 с семью нокаутом. The former New Jersey Junior Olympic champion is coming off the best win, a unanimous decision over Dionisio Miranda.

Brooker has a record of 7-1 with five knockouts and is an aggressive puncher with good power. Brooker stepped on late notice and scored an upset when he defeated previously undefeated Leo Hall on Декабрь. 29.

Ty Barnett сражений бывший титул чемпиона мира Даниэль Атта в главном событии на февраль. 27 Уолтера E. Конференц-центр Вашингтона в Вашингтоне, D.C.

Иордания Shimmell сражений Уиллис Локетт в андеркарте

Плюс Beltway звезды Demond Nicholson Mykal Fox, Сэм Скрещенные, Патрик Харрис, Томас снег, Антонио Magruder и Лютер Смит, чтобы увидеть действие
Вашингтон, D.C.. (Февраль, 15, 2016) – На субботний вечер, 27 февраля,Акции короля возвращается в столицу нашей страны в Вашингтон, D.C с большим вечером бокса в то Вальтер Е. Конференц-центр Вашингтона.
В главном событии, Ty Barnett взять на себя бывший титул чемпиона мира Даниэль Атта в супер легком бою запланирован на 8-раундов.
Barnett Вашингтон, D.C. есть запись о 22-4-1 с 14 нокауты.
Attah Вашингтон, D.C через Нигерию имеет запись 28-21-1 с 11 нокауты.
Потрясающая десять бой теперь установлено, что будут представлены многие и ближайшие звезды в регионе Beltway.
В 8-раундовом совместно функцию, Иордания Shimmell сразятся расстройство мыслящих Уиллис Локетт в тяжелом бою.
Shimmell из Hudsonville, Мичиган запись 19-1 с 16 нокауты и смотрют на отскок после перенесенной своего первого профессионального поражения.
The 27 летний стал профессионалом в 2012 после завершения успешной любительской карьеры.
Он выиграл свои первые девятнадцать боев, которые включали победы над Брэд Джонсон (2-0) & Дэймон McCreary (15-1).
В своем последнем бою, Shimmell упал 10-раундовом единогласным решением непобедимым Isiah Томаса в национальном телевизионном бой.
Локетт из Такома-Парк, Мэриленд запись 14-15-5 с пятью нокаутов и показал, что он возьмет на себя все желающий из 168 фунтов на вверх.
The 39 летний ветеран из ринга пятнадцати лет, и возникло много расстраивает в течение своей карьеры.
Эти большие победы включают торжествует над Тайрон Tate (5-1), Гленн Тернер (3-0-1), Вилли Вильямс (6-1), бывший титул чемпиона мира Ларри Маркс, Джо McCready (10-2-1) & Джон Леннокс (13-3). В своем последнем бою, Локетт упал разделенным решением 6-раундовом Эду Латимор (10-0) на 8 января в Royal Oak, Мичиган.
В 6 раунде бой в среднем весе, нокаутом художник, Demond Николсон (15-1, 15 КО) Лорел, Maryland будет принимать Виктор Kpadenou (10-10, 5 КО) Котону, Бенин.
Акции короля способствовали Суперлегкий вес, Mykal Фокс (8-0, 2 КО) из Форествилла, MD будет бороться Claudinei Lacerda (17-13-1, 12 КО) Темный, Бразилия в бой запланирован на 6-раундов.
В 4 раунде Cruiserweight дело, Сэм Скрещенные (1-0, 1 KO) Гринбелт, Мэриленд. будут сражаться Девон Мосли (0-4-1) из Capitol Heights, Мэриленд.
В 6 раунде Супер Легкий конкурс, Патрик Харрис (7-0, 4 КО) бои Корей Sloane (2-8-2, 1 KO) Филадельфия.
Томас снег (18-2, 12 КО) Вашингтон, D.C., берет на себя Stephon Макинтайр (2-17-2 Атланты, Джорджия.
Антонио Magruder (3-0, 2 КО) Вашингтон, D.C. будет бороться Террелл Джеймс (1-2-1) из Филадельфии в 4-раундовом супер легкий бой.
Лютер Смит (3-0, 3 КО) Боуи, Мэриленд. будет стремиться сохранить свою совершенную запись нокаута нетронутыми, когда он квадратов прочь с Карл Джонс (2-4-1, 2 КО) в 4-раундовом бою с кольцевой дорогой на основе тяжеловесов
Уэсли Триплетт (2-0, 1 KO) Янгстаун, Огайо. будет бороться Аландо Пью (1-6-1, 1 KO ) Вашингтон, D.C. в 4-х круглых супертяжелом бой.
Билеты продаются сейчас $100, $75 и $50 и могут быть приобретены на www.beltwayboxing.com

Walter E. Washington Convention Center расположен в 801 Монтана. Вернон Pl. NW, Вашингтон, D.C. 20001

the D Las Vegas Steps into ring with monthly pro boxing series “Knockout Night at the D”

Овес “Супер” Judah to headline first event
Суббота, Море. 12 at Downtown Las Vegas Events Center
ЛАС-ВЕГАС (Февраль 16, 2016) — the D Las Vegas and Downtown Las Vegas Events Center (DLVEC), along with Neon Star Media and Roy Englebrecht Promotions, have announced the formation of a new monthly boxing series, “Knockout Night at the D”.
The “Knockout Night at the D” series will take place under the neon lights of Las Vegas in the DLVEC open air venue, расположен в самом центре района казино в центре Лас-Вегаса, в одном квартале от всемирно известной Фремонт-стрит (200 S. 3ул.).
One of my visions for the Downtown Las Vegas Events Center was to bring outdoor boxing back to the city,” сказал Derek Stevens, Owner and CEO of the D Las Vegas. “I have a true passion for this sport and I am thrilled to provide my guests with an incredible boxing series that will support athletes, businesses and the community of Las Vegas.
Each “Knockout Night at the D” event during the 2016 series will feature a variety of compelling matches, including world title bouts, world-class matches, tournament eliminators and special attraction bouts, plus pro-debuts of future boxing stars
Television broadcast information for the series will be announced shortly
The inaugural event, запланировано на Суббота, Март 12, will be held inside the DLVEC’s 20,000-square-foot tent and headlined by five-time, Два-чемпион мира Овес “Супер” Иуда (42-9, 29 КО). The Brooklyn native, в настоящее время борются в Лас-Вегас, returns to the ring after a two-year break from the sport. The fast and powerful southpaw faces Albuquerque, NM junior welterweight Добродушная шутка “Pitbull” Торрес (15-4-2, 7 КО) в главном событии 10-раундовом.
Во время его 19 ½-year pro career, Judah is 11-8 (9 КО) в боях титул чемпиона мира, defeating five world champions along the way in Джуниор Уиттер, Terron Millet, ДеМаркус Корли, Raphael Pineda и Cory Spinks.
The 24-year-old Torres started boxing professionally at the age of 18, under the direction of his late trainer, 5-временный чемпион мира Джонни Тапиа. Торрес, a former USNBC welterweight title holder, is now trained by Tapia’s brother-in-law, Chris Chavez.
Rising Las Vegas lightweight star Иисус “Чуйская” Гутьеррес (14-0-1, 4 КО) takes on a member of one of boxing’s great families, Леон “Третье поколение” Спинкс III (11-3-1, 7 КО), в 8-раундовом главном событии. Gutierrez is a former USNBC titlist.
The 27-year-old Spinks has boxing blood running through his veins. His grandfather is two-time world heavyweight champion and 1976 Олимпийский чемпион Леон Спинкс. Three-time world cruiserweight and former heavyweight champion Майкл Спинкс is young Leon’s great uncle, while his uncle Cory Spinks is a five-time, Два-чемпион мира.
Canadian junior welterweight Стив “Дракон” Claggett (23-3-1, 16 КО) and Las Vegas junior welterweight Джереми “J Вспышка” Николс (2-0, 2 КО), who served as a sparring partner for Флойд Мэйвезер, Младший. for his mega-fight with Мэнни Пакьяо, are slated to fight opponents to be announced, соответственно, в 8 and 4-round fights.
Все бои и бойцы могут быть изменены.
Билеты, по цене $65.00 ринг и $20.00 сидячий общий вход, поступит в продажуПонедельник, Февраль. 21, 2016 at Ticketmaster.com or DLVEC.com. Люксы $1000.00, вплоть до 10 Гости, и включает в себя упаковку напитков. Налоги и сборы распространяются на все проданные билеты.
Двери открываются в 5:30 p.m. PT с открытием бой запланирован на 6:00 p.m. PT.
Щебет: @thedlasvegas, @dlvec, @DerekJStevens
Instagram: @thedlasvegas, @dlvec
Следуйте за эти борцы на Twitter: @SuperJudah, @PitbullTorres, @ ElHuracan88, @LeonSpinksIII


Phoenix-Born Rising Star Talks Training Camp, His Opponent, Family and More Before
Бокс чемпионов На FOX Депортес

Нажмите ВОТ Для фотографий с Esaiah Гомес / Мэйвезер Акции & Премьер Бокс чемпионов
ЛАС-ВЕГАС (Февраль 12, 2016) – Rising bantamweight contender Алексис “Бобр” Сантьяго (20-3-1, 8 КО) is nearing his first headlining event as he takes on Erik Ruiz(15-4, 6 КО) Вторник, Февраль 16 from Sam’s Town Live in Las Vegas on Премьер Бокс чемпионов (PBC) ОО до пят ВТОРНИКАМ на FS1 и Бокс чемпионов на FOX Депортес.
Телевизионный охват начинается 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT and features a light heavyweight battle between LionellLonnie B” Томпсон и Пол Паркер plus a super middleweight showdown that pits Lanell “KO” Сильфон против непобежденных Antowyan “Альпинист” Aikens.
Santiago has promised that his first shot at a main event will not disappoint.
Everybody watching can expect a real exciting fight,” сказал Сантьяго. “I like to go out there and perform and give everyone a great show. I can box and make it easy if I want, but I want to give everyone something to remember. I know Ruiz is coming to fight, and I know I’m going to give it my all.
The road to this fight has been a long one for Santiago. The 25-year-old grew up in Phoenix, Arizona and was frequently in and out of trouble as a youth, eventually leading to his interest in boxing.
Before I got into boxing, I got into street fights and was getting kicked out of school and all that,” сказал Сантьяго. “I was always the troublemaker. My parents wanted to keep me on the right path. I had friends who were training in a boxing gym. I wanted to join them but my parents wouldn’t let me.
I kept getting into trouble and by the time I was 14, my brother and sister just started taking me to the gym without telling my parents. They were really mad at first, but eventually they saw how good it was for me and I just fell in love with the sport.
После включения профи в 2009, Santiago managed his own career and eventually decided to move to Las Vegas four years ago. He made signing with Mayweather Promotions one of his goals, a mark he achieved last year before his September fight.
One of my goals when I moved to Las Vegas was to sign with Mayweather Promotions, and now I’m the first Mexican fighter from Mayweather Promotions to headline a PBC show,” сказал Сантьяго. “I felt like it was time to take control of my career and take the next step and get the bigger and better fights. I wanted to be taken care of.
Before his last fight, Santiago began working with respected trainer Ismael Salas and the two have been preparing a game plan for the tough Ruiz.
Training with Ismael has been going really well and we’re getting great sparring,” сказал Сантьяго. “We’re working on little things we need to fix, like sitting down on punches and other things. Ismael isn’t changing anything, but he’s just polishing everything and helping me out.
We’ve seen video of our opponent so we know what we need to do and we’ve worked on it already. Ismael is a really smart trainer and I’m looking forward to improving with him each time out.
Сейчас, Santiago is ready to step into the ring and show the skills he has worked so hard to hone. С победой, Santiago has big goals for this year and beyond.
I’m very motivated and excited to be the main event,” сказал Сантьяго. “It’s going to be an exciting fight and we’re focused on making everything go well on Февраль 16. I want a world title shot this year. I’m ranked by everybody, so hopefully with this fight we will get a step closer.
Билеты на турнире, который способствует Мэйуэзер Акции, по цене $25 и $50, не включая применимые сборы, и уже в продаже. Tickets may be purchased online at: HTTP://www.samstownlv.com/entertain, по телефону (702) 284-7777, или в любой кассе Boyd Gaming.
Для получения более подробной информации: визит WWW.premierboxingchampions.com, ХТф://www.foxsports.com/PressPass / домашнюю, WWW.foxdeportes.com, WWW.samstownlv.com/entertain иwww.mayweatherpromotions.com . Следуйте по щебетатьPremierBoxing, @LonnieBtheGreat, @LanellBellows @MayweatherPromo, @ FS1, FOXDeportes ИSwanson_Comm и стать поклонником на Facebook по www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, WWW.facebook.com/foxsports,WWW.facebook.com/foxdeportes, и www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. КПБ по FS1 & FOX Deportes спонсируется Corona, Finest Beer.