Etikedaj Arkivoj: Boksanta


Klako HERE Por Fotoj De Stephanie Trapp/Mayweather #Anta?enigo
VAŜINGTONO, D.C. (Februaro 29, 2016) – Kvar-divido mondĉampiono Adrien “La Problemo” Broner and 140-pound Ashley “La Trezoro” Theophane hosted a press conference at the W Hotel in Washington, D.C. to announce their world title showdown on Superegaj Boksaj #?ampiono (PBC) Sur Spike taking place Vendredo, Aprilo 1 at the D.C. Armory.
Mayweather Promotions President Floyd Mayweather was on-hand along with representatives from About Billions Promotions, HeadBangers Promotions, Spike and the D.C. Boxing and Wresting Commission to talk about the exciting night of fights coming to our nation’s capital. Also on the dais, was platinum recording artist Rick Ross, a friend of both Mayweather and Broner.
Also featured on the PBC on Spike telecast is rising star Robert Paska Jr.. kontraŭ iama mondĉampiono Argenis Mendez, plus top prospect Gervonta “La unu” Davis in a super featherweight showdown against Mexico’s Vilhelmo Ávila. Krome, local undercard fighters Anthony Peterson, Kareem Martin, Patrick Harris Kaj Demond Nicholson were in attendance to discuss their hometown bouts.
Biletoj por la viva evento, kiu estas promociita de Pri Miliardoj Promotions kaj Mayweather Promotions en unuiĝo kun Headbangers Promotions, Estas alprezigita #?e $200, $100, $50 Kaj $25, Kaj estas sur vendo nun. Aĉeti biletojn vizito, Ticketmaster locations or call (800) 745-3000. The event is sponsored by Corona.
Here is what the participants had to say Monday:
This is really a big fight for me. I know that Ashley Theophane is going to come to fight, because he has something to prove. He’s going to try to take my world title.
A lot of people told me I wouldn’t be here. I come from nothing. Like cereal and water nothing. I’m very fortunate to have someone like Floyd to look up to. I don’t want to be like Floyd though, I don’t want to be like any man. I admire him and respect him, but I’m creating my legacy.
“Fine de la tago, Floyd and Ashley aren’t on my side. I’m against them. They’re coming to dethrone me. They’re my enemy right now and I’m going to beat Ashley down.
This training camp, I’ve really been perfecting my craft. This is going to be the best performance of my career. It’s going to be a highlight reel performance. I’m not coming to just get a win.
This fight isn’t going four rounds. That’s too many. This is going to be quick. I’m not playing.
There’s nothing Floyd can teach [Theophane]. Fine de la tago, it all goes out the window. The trainers and entourage can’t help. They can’t help Ashley Theophane.
I want everyone to come out. Big brother Floyd Mayweather is gone, everyone else is too boring, so I’m taking over the sport.
There are many different thing we’re working on to neutralize Broner and keep up with his quickness. I’ve sparred with a lot of young guys who imitate him and I believe I can match him.
He does a lot of things right and a lot of things wrong. Adrien Broner can be beat and he has been. We’re working hard. At the end of the day this is my career-defining fight.
We all turn pro to become a world champion. I’ve been in the gym for months, working on things and staying in shape.
I’ve watched Adrien Broner in the past. I was at the John Molina and Shawn Porter fights and I know he’s got talent. But he can be beat. He’s vulnerable, very vulnerable.
It’s not just about what you do in the ring, but it’s also about being a mature fighter. He’s going to do what he does and as a grown man, I just have to stay calm. Being the more experienced fighter is a position I like.
I’m representing Floyd Mayweather. He has my back and he believes in me. He believes I can win and that’s extra motivation.
I want to be the best I’ve ever been. I want to fight the fight of my life on Aprilo 1. I don’t want to turn the clock back. I want this to be the best performance of my career.
It’s been a long journey as a professional and I have to thank Floyd for giving me this chance. Aprilo 1 is going to be a war. Adrien is a warrior and I know he has no quit in him. If you have a dream, you have to work hard to make it come true and that’s what I’m here to do.
I’m thankful to everyone who put me in this position. I will give everyone a shot like I always do.
I consider D.C. one of my hometowns and I’m coming to give everyone a show. This is a blessing and a tremendous opportunity.
I want a world title and this is another big step on my way towards that goal. Esti kapabla fari ĝin sur karto de Adrien Broner nuraj garantioj ĝi estas iranta esti granda nokto.
“Mi estas nur preta montri de miaj kapabloj kaj fari nomon por mi mem por ke mi povas daŭri kreski en ĉi tiu sporto.”
“Mi estas sendube ekscitita batali en DC. Tio ĉi estas kie mia unua profesia batalo estis. Mi estas tiel thankful al Barry Hunter por lasanta min trajno kun li kaj helpanta min al ĉi tiu ŝanco.
“Mi havas grandan teamon. Precipe Floyd Mayweather, Kiu prenis min je kaj instruis min tiom da pri bokso sed ankaŭ pri ĉio ekstere de la ringo. Mi estas benita havi lian subtenon en mia kariero.
Aprilo 1, Ĝi estas iranta esti ago-plenplena batalo. Mi estos monda ĉampiono unu tago. Vi ne deziras perdiĝi ĉi tiu unu.”
“Tio ĉi estas mia 38a batalo, Iranta por mia 37a venko kaj kvara knokaŭto en disputo. Boksanta ne estas io vi parolas proksimume, Vi nur faras ĝin. Tio estas kio mi estas iranta fari 1a de aprilo. Ĝi estas iranta malsupren.
“Mi faris mian profesian debuton sur Roy Jones karto, Kiu estis alia granda stadio. Do mi estas tre preta kaj benita.
“Mi estas venanta doni mian hejmurbon ventumas la knokaŭton. Boksanta estas kiel ĵazo, La pli bona ĝi estas, La malpli ĝi estas ŝatita. Knokaŭto akiros vin laŭdo.
“Mi estas celanta ĉiun en la divido. Mi deziras zonon. La unua unu paŝi supre, Mi estas iranta prizorgi de li.”
“Mi estas feliĉa esti ĉi tie kaj mi vere kredas tion ĉi estos tre ekscita batalo. Adrien estas tre juna kaj eksploda batalanto. Li estas forto en boksanta ĝuste nun.
Ashley Theophane is a guy that came from the UK with a dream. His dream was to be world champion one day. Same dream I had. Li estas tre humila, hungry and dedicated fighter.
I don’t think this is going to be an easy fight for Adrien. I’ll tell both guys to push themselves to the limit and give fans what they want to see.
Gervonta Davis is someone I look at like a son. I met him in 2014 and they said this is the next big thing. Broner brought him to my gym to let me see him work. He’s a very explosive kid. He’s exciting and he will be fighting for a world title soon after a couple more bouts.
I want to thank Adrien for giving him the chance to make his dream come true. I believe Adrien will continue to put on exciting fights and a good show. Vi estas kvieta lernado, Ĝi estas ĉiuj procezo.
“Adrien kaj Gervonta havas grandajn teamojn. La Baltimore kaj D.C. Areo havas iun eksterordinaran talenton kaj la trejnistoj estas nekredeblaj. Mi ne estas influita, Mi sentas kiel kio ajn batalanto estas komforta kun, Tio estas kiu batalanto devus esti kun.
“Mayweather Antaŭenigoj ne estas rapidanta, Ni estas prenantaj ĝin unu paŝo samtempe. Mi amus vidi kelkaj de ĉi tiuj uloj rompas miajn rekordojn. Rekordoj estas signifita esti rompita. Mi faris ĉion mi povas fari en la sporto. Mi estas benita dividi la stadion kun ĉi tiuj junaj uloj.
“Ashley estas laboranta kun granda trejnisto en Nate Jones. Li estas eksa Olympian kaj ulo kiu havas grandan boksan menson.
“DC ne estas bona urbo, Ĝi estas granda urbo. Ni ne povus elekti pli bonan lokon havi la batalon. Mi kredas ke tio ĉi estos kapitulacita eventon. Mi estas iranta labori fari certe ĉie vi rigardas en la urbo, Vi vidos Adrien Broner kaj Ashley Theophane.”
RICK ROSS, Plateno Vendanta Rekordan Artiston
“Mi ne estas nur amiko de la boksistoj, Sed mi estas ankaŭ amiko de la sporto. Tio ĉi estas mia preferata sporto. Mi kredas tion ĉi estas la sporto de gladiatoroj. Tio ĉi estas kie viroj, Kun ambicio kaj tuta staros-sola.
“mi kaj mia amiko Adrien Broner, Estos faranta kelkajn ekscitajn aferojn en 2016. Mi estas ĉi tie lasi ĉiun scias en la nomo de la kokso-salteta komunumo, KE ni estas subtenantaj ĉi tiun batalon. Aprilo 1, ‘La Estro’ Estos en la konstruaĵo.”
# # #
Sekvi sur Pepi @PremierBoxing, @AdrienBroner, @AshleyTheophane, @SpikeTV, SpikeSports,@MayweatherPromo, and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at Kaj Highlights available to embed at PBC sur Spike estas patronita de Krono Ekstra, Finest Biero.


Plus! Top D.C. Area Fighters Anthony Peterson, Kareem Martin, Patrick Harris and Demond Nicholson
Featured In Separate Bouts!
VAŜINGTONO, D.C. (Februaro 29, 2016) – Unbeaten rising star Robert Paska Jr.. (16-0, 13 KO) Prenos sur eksa monda #?ampiono Argenis Mendez (23-3-1, 13 KOs) in a lightweight attraction as part of Superegaj Boksaj #?ampiono(PBC) Sur Spike Sur Vendredo, Aprilo 1 from the D.C. Armory in Washington, D.C.
A stacked undercard will feature top local talent including top prospect Gervonta “La unu” Davis (14-0, 13 KOs) battling Mexico’s Guillero Avila (15-5, 12 KOs) in a 10-round super featherweight bout, Plus Anthony Peterson (36-1, 24 KOs), Kareem Martin (7-0-1, 3 KOs), Patrick Harris (8-0, 5 KOs) Kaj Demond Nicholson (16-1, 16 KOs) in separate bouts. A full undercard will be announced in the coming weeks.
This fight is another stepping stone for me towards a world title,” said Easter Jr. “It’s a blessing to be on a card like this and I’m very excited for the opportunity. I’m going to bring my style and true boxing skills to the ring and put on a great show.
I really like this matchup and I can’t wait to get into the ring,” diris Mendez. “I’m a different fighter than two years ago when I lost to Rances Barthelemy. Easter is long and tall, Li?? Bona batalanto, but he hasn’t fought anyone near my caliber and I think his style sets up well for me. It will be a good fight between two talented fighters. When the fans see Easter get counted out by the ref, don’t think it’s an April Fools joke, it will be the real thing.
Televidigita priraportado sur Spike komencas 9 P.M. ET/PT and is headlined by four-division world champion Adrien “La Problemo” Broner defending his 140-pound title against London’s Ashley “La Trezoro” Theophane.
Biletoj por la viva evento, kiu estas promociita de Pri Miliardoj Promotions kaj Mayweather Promotions en unuiĝo kun Headbangers Promotions, Estas alprezigita #?e $200, $100, $50 Kaj $25, Kaj estas sur vendo nun. Aĉeti biletojn, Ticketmaster locations or call (800) 745-3000.
An accomplished amateur who was a 2012 Usono. Olympic alternate, the 25-year-old Easter Jr. picked up four victories in 2015 Inkluzivanta knokaŭtojn super Osumanu Akaba, Miguel Mendoza, Alejandro Rodriguez kaj Juan Ramon Solis. Unbeaten pro tio ke turnanta profesiulon en 2012, La Toldeo, Ohio-portita perspektivon alfrontas la plej fortan defion de lia kariero en Mendez kaj li esperas aliĝi lian proksiman amikon Broner kiel monda ĉampiono sometime ĉi tiu jaro.
Eksa monda senegala kiu reprezentis la Dominican Respubliko en la 2004 Olympics, Mendez nun elbatalas de Brooklyn kaj estas venanta ekstere de venko super eksa ĉampiono Miguel Vazquez en oktobro 2015. Mendez estis venkinta malgraŭ herniating du diskoj dum trejna tendaro kaj devanta epidural pafoj esti kapablaj administri la doloron. La 29-jaro-malnova gajnis lian mondan titolon de elfrapanta @Juan Carlos Salgado, Kaj posedas venkojn super Martin Honorio, Cassius Baloyi, Kaj Daniel Evangelista Jr.
Tre-rigardita perspektivo kiu gajnis la 2012 Nacia ĉampioneco Gantoj, the 21-year-old Davis recorded five victories inside of the distance in 2015. The Baltimore-native stopped former world champion Cristobal Cruz during that streak and looks to put on another explosive performance near his hometown.
Profesia pro tio ke 2011, the 23-year-old won his first eleven outings and most recently stopped Antonio Torres in the fourth round in December 2015. Born in Jalisco but fighting out of Tijuana, Avila’s last 12 wins have come by knockout.
La frato de iama mondĉampiono Lamont Peterson, Anthony is at the forefront of the D.C. boxing scene and will look to impress in front of his home crowd once again on Aprilo 1. 2015 saw the 30-year-old score knockout victories over Mike Oliver and Ramesis Gil as he brought his winning streak to six straight.
At just 20-years-old, Martin is entering his third year in the professional ranks. A busy 2015 saw him take home four victories, including his first three six-round bouts. He will fight in his hometown of D.C. for the second time on Aprilo 1.
Another rising prospect at just 21-years-old, Harris has stayed busy since turning pro in June 2014 with a first-round stoppage of George Palmer. Most recently the Hyattsville, Maryland born fighter picked up victories over Irvin Hernandez, Rafael Vazquez, Carlos Acevedo and Sean Lockhart in 2015.
Laurel, Maryland’s Nicholson is another prospect that has been keeping busy since turning pro and will look for another great performance in front of a friendly D.C. crowd. The 23-year-old impressively stopped veteran Milton Nunez in the first round of their October 2015 Batalo.
Sekvi sur Pepi @PremierBoxing, @AdrienBroner, @AshleyTheophane, @SpikeTV, SpikeSports,MayweatherPromo, and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at Kaj Highlights available to embed at PBC sur Spike estas patronita de Krono Ekstra, Finest Biero.

Lewkowicz Congratulates New WBC Super Bantamweight Champ Hugo Ruiz

Team Ruiz Sets Sights on Carl Frampton
Promoter Sampson Lewkowicz of Sampson Boxing wishes to congratulate the fighter he co-promotes (along with Oswaldo Kuchle of Promociones Del Pueblo), Hugo “Cuatito” Ruiz, for his title winning victory Sabate Nokto.
Fighting on the Showtime-televised co-main event last Saturday (Februaro 27) at the Honda Center in Anaheim, Kalifornio, Ruiz (36-3, 32 KOs) gained revenge against Julio Cesar Ceja and took back his WBC World Super Bantamweight Championship via TKO 1 (:51 Sekundoj).
Hugo was the fighter I knew he was tonight,” said a happy Lewkowicz. “In the first fight, he gave this guy too much respect. This time he came out looking to destroy him and he did.
Ruiz and Ceja met for the first time last August. A big left hook in the third round had Ceja nearly out, but Ceja landed his own hook in the fifth and ended up with a TKO victory, sekundoj.
En la revanĉo Sabate, Ruiz dropped Ceja with one of his first few punches, sending him down hard and injuring his ankle. Ceja rose but the follow-up barrage ended matters for good.
Lewkowicz says the future is now bright for his 29-year-old fighter from Los Mochis, Meksiko.
Ceja is crying for a third fight, but we are not looking at that,” said Lewkowicz. “Except for one lucky punch in the first fight, Hugo has dominated him every round. We are more interested in one of the other super bantamweight champions in this exciting division.
Lewkowicz says there’s a unification fight he wants above all the rest for Ruiz. “I enjoy a good working relationship with the team behind now-unified champion Carl Frampton. We would be willing to travel to Europe to make that sensational fight happen.


Watch The Replay Of The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING? Doubleheader#Morga?/#Diman?o #?E 9 .M. ET/PT On SHOWTIME?,
Lundo, Feb. 29, #?E 10 P.M. ET/PT Sur SHOa ANTIPODO?
Klako HERE Por Fotoj
Fota Kredito: Estefania Trapp / SHOWTIME
ANAHEIM, Calif. (Feb. 27, 2016) – Leo “El Terremoto” Santa Cruz defended his WBA Featherweight World Championship in convincing fashion Sabate Nokto, knocking down Kiko “Sensación” Martinez twice in the first round, then ending it on a barrage of punches as the fight was called at 2:09 in the fifth round in the main event of a SHOWTIME #?AMPIONECO BOKSO doubleheader at Honda Center in Anaheim, Calif.
En la co-ĉefaĵo sur SHOWTIME, 29-Jaro-malnova Hugo Ruiz (36-3, 31 KOs), Los Mochis, Sinaloa, Meksiko, regained his WBC Super Bantamweight World Title with a devastating early knockdown with just 51 seconds into the 12-round fight against 23-year-old Julio Ceja (30-2, 27 KOs) of Atizapan De Zaragoza, Meksiko, in a highly anticipated rematch of their August fight won by Ceja.
Fighting just 10 miles west of his hometown of La Habra and before 7,780 enthusiastic fans, the 27-year-old Santa Cruz (32-0-1, 18 KOs) continued to establish himself as the King of Southern California as he punished the game 29-year-old Martinez (35-7, 26 KOs) of Alicante, Valencia, Hispanio, Kun 570 total punches in just five rounds. There were 1,038 total punches thrown during the fight.
The fans love it when two fighters go toe-to-toe,” Santa Cruz told SHOWTIME’s Jim Gray after the fight. “I wanted to give the fans a great fight. I knew I could hurt him with a right hand. He’s a fighter and when he’s knocked down, he’s going to come back. In the fifth round I knew I had to finish him off and I did.
Santa Cruz continued, “We were going toe-to-toe from the beginning. He’s was throwing good punches I was throwing out good punches and the crowd was loving it. Then my dad told me to slow down and be smarter so we started boxing.
Santa Cruz wasted no time getting the upper hand as the opening bell rung. He knocked Martinez out twice in the first round; the first just 23 seconds into the fight and the second on a devastating right hand at two minutes into the round prompting SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING play-by-play announcer Mauro Ranallo to tell expert analyst Al Bernstein: “We may be able to get to Disneyland before the end of the night.
Martinez fell into a groove in the third and fourth rounds, but got into trouble two minutes into the fifth round as Santa Cruz had him up against the ropes connecting on numerous body shots, uppercuts and combinations before referee Raul Caiz Sr. signaled the end of the fight for Santa Cruz’s second straight world title defense in Southern California.
Martinez said that Santa Cruz, “started to move a lot and he broke my strategy and he fought a great fight. The second round I was getting looser and I was starting to feel much better.
He was like a bull coming forward really strong,” Santa Cruz added. “He has definitely been one of the strongest fighters I’ve been in the ring with yet.
Towards the end I said, ‘this is it, this is my opportunity to take him down. If I don’t finish him right here, it’s going to make it a really tough fight.So I said I was going at it with my all and thankfully it turned out the way that it did.
Santa Cruz, making his second defense after capturing the world title from Abner Mares back in August, said someday he wants to break the records for most punches thrown in a fight. “I wanted to throw as many punches as I can so the fans could get a good show.
Santa Cruz is now eyeing a future potential matchup with IBF 122-pound world champion Carl Frampton #?E 126 pounds or Gary Russell. “I’m up for anyone,” Li diris. “I want the rematch with (Abner) ĉevalinoj. Since Frampton won, if he’s ready to go up in weight, I’m ready for him. I challenge him to a fight whenever he’s ready.
In a rematch of the WBC Super Bantamweight World Title he lost last August, the new 122-pound champion Ruiz improved his record to 5-0 in rematches (kun kvin knockouts) as he delivered a stunning first-round knockout against Ceja, who injured his right ankle on a powerful clean right just seconds into the fight sending him to the canvas.
Ceja got up slowly but was battered with a fury of punches and knocked out again with just 51 seconds into the fight ending the affair.
I was very prepared to knock him out, but I was prepared to go 12 Rondoj #?I-nokte also if I had to,” said Ruiz, who was teary and emotional following the victory. “I was happy to knock him out in the first round. I’m looking for the best fighters and the best money out there.
Said SHOWTIME analyst Paulie Malignaggi: “I’ve never seen a first-round KO that soon in a fight of this much importance.Added SHOWTIME’s Bernstein: “The right hand was the weapon of choice for Ruiz, and he got the job done. What a moment of redemption for Ruiz!”
Ceja, who beat Ruiz on a fifth-round knockout last August to win the world title, was hurt from the first series of Ruiz punches and never recovered in the intense first round.
Ceja was taken to nearby UC Irvine Hospital and diagnosed with a fractured right ankle.
I saw that he got hurt with the first punch and I saw his leg wobbling and so I said, ‘Let’s finish’,” Ruiz diris. “And I did in that round.
Antaŭe Sabato de Manĉestro, Anglio, Sur SHOWTIME Boksado INTERNACIA, IBF 122-pound world champion Carl Frampton unified the super bantamweight division with a split decision victory over WBA titlist Scott Quigg.
The long-awaited matchup of unbeaten champions got off to a slow and tactical start, but Belfast native Frampton (22-0, 14 KOs) established himself as the aggressor and worked his jab to pocket the early rounds. Quigg didn’t come alive until after the seventh, when trainer Joe Gallagher warned his charge that he was likely down big on the judges’ scorecards.
Quigg (31-1-2) pounded the body and was the aggressor in rounds eight through 11, but it was too little, too late for the Lancashire, England native. Frampton won the 12Th and walked away the unified champion by scores of 115-113 for Quigg, Sed 116-112 twice for Frampton.
La SHOWTIME ĈAMPIONECO BOKSANTA doubleheader volas re-aero ĉi tiu semajno kiel sekvas:
#Morga?, #Diman?o, Feb. 28, 3 .M. ET/12 .M. PT SHOW EXTREME
#Morga?, #Diman?o, Feb. 28, 9 am ET/PT SHOWTIME
Sabato’s du-batala televidoprogramo estos havebla ĉe SHOWTIME ON DEMAND komencante #Morga?, #Diman?o, Feb. 28.
Brian Custer gastigis la televidelsendon SHOWTIME, Kun Mauro Ranallo nomante la agon, Analizisto de Halo de Famo Al Bernstein kaj eksa dufoja mondĉampiono Paulie Malignaggikomentante kaj Jim Gray Raportanta. En la hispana simulcast, Alejandro Luna nomata la bato-post-bato kaj eksa mondĉampiono Raúl Márquez servis kiel kolorkomentisto. La plenuma produktanto de SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING estis David Dinkins Jr. Kun Bob Dunphy direktanta.
# # #
Sankta Kruco vs. Martinez, was 12-round bout for Santa Cruz’s WBA Featherweight Title taking place on Saturday, Feb. 27 at the Honda Center in Anaheim, Calif., promoted by TGB Promotions in association with Sampson Boxing Promotions and sponsored by Corona. En la co-#?efa?o, Julio Ceja and Hugo Ruiz met in a super bantamweight world title rematch for the WBC belt. The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast aired live on SHOWTIME (10 P.M. ET/7 P.M. PT) and was available in Spanish via Secondary Audio Programming (SUKO).
Por pli da informa vizito sekvi sur PepiSHOSports, @LeoSantaCruz2, @MartinezKiko, TGBPromotions, @HondaCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at



Airs Immediately Following Tonight’s SHOWTIME #?AMPIONECO BOKSO? Telecast

Klako HERE For Photos Credit Matchroom Boxing

NOV-JORKO (Feb. 27, 2016) – IBF 122-pound world champion Carl Frampton unified the super bantamweight division with a split decision victory over WBA titlist Scott Quigg Sabato on SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL from Manchester, Anglio.


An encore presentation of Sabato’s telecast will re-air later this evening immediately following the live SHOWTIME #?AMPIONECO BOKSO? telecast headlined by three-division world champion Leo Santa Cruz and former titlist Kiko Martinez. The SHOWTIME telecast begins at 10 P.M. ET/7 P.M. PT.


The long-awaited matchup of unbeaten champions got off to a slow and tactical start, but Belfast native Frampton (22-0, 14 KOs) established himself as the aggressor and worked his jab to pocket the early rounds. Quigg didn’t come alive until after the seventh, when trainer Joe Gallagher warned his charge that he was likely down big on the judges’ scorecards.


Quigg (31-1-2) pounded the body and was the aggressor in rounds eight through 11, but it was too little, too late for the Lancashire, England native. Frampton won the 12Th and walked away the unified champion by scores of 115-113 for Quigg, Sed 116-112 twice for Frampton.


“I couldn’t believe it was a split,” Frampton said. “I don’t know what that lad was watching, but as long as I got my hand raised at the end of the fight, that’s the main thing.


“We have a great rivalry, and it was a great fight at the end. The start wasn’t great, but of course I would do it again. I’m happy to campaign at super bantamweight, but if a big fight comes calling at featherweight – Santa Cruz, Selby, any of these guys – I’m ready for them.”


Quigg admitted he should have pushed the action in the early rounds, but still thought he did enough to get the decision.


“I felt comfortable,” Quigg said. “The judges must have been counting his punches as scoring, but I thought I was blocking them. I should have started faster. I felt comfortable and I thought I was winning the rounds because he wasn’t winning clear. I’m not going to complain. Mi volas rematĉon. Maybe next time I’ll start a bit earlier.”

Thomas “Cornflake” LaManna to take on Kendal Mena in main event on Saturday, Marto 19 at the Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City

Tommy Rainone takes on Maurice Chalmers; Former world champion Imamu Mayfield returns to fight Dan Pasciolla
Atlantika Urbo, NJ (Februaro 26, 2016)–Sur Sabato Nokto, Marto 19, Thomas “Cornflake” LaManna will headline in an 8-round Welterweight bout when he fights Kendal Mena at the Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City
The card is promoted by Rising Promotions in association with Vincent M. Ponte la Golfa Marfluo Promotions.
LaManna (19-1, 7 KO’s) de proksima Millville, New Jersey will be making his second consecutive appearance at The Claridge. LaManna won a 8-round unanimous decision over Ariel Vasquez on Decembro 5a.
LaManna used his reach and height and worked behind his jab to keep Vasquez at bay. As the fight wore on, LaManna started to dominate with body punches and cruised home to victory to the tune of 79-72 on two scorecards and 78-73.
La 24 jaraĝa LaManna fariĝis profesia en 2011 kaj gajnis sian unuan dek ses atakojn kiuj elstarigis per venkoj super Ashandi Gibbs & Jamaal Davis.
I really don’t know much about Mena, but I am preparing to the best of my ability to handle whatever it is he brings to the table. Records don’t mean anything to me, all I know is he beat twenty men and has knocked out eleven of them,”Dirita LaManna

“Trejnanta tendaron estis granda. In this camp my team and I have been focusing more on working on the basics. We believe I have natural talent and I’m excited to see when it all comes to place.

Since suffering his only loss to world ranked Middleweight Antoine Douglas on ShoBox: La Nova Generacio, LaManna has won three straight which includes a 6-round unanimous decision over rugged Ayi Bruce on Septembro 26a en Beach Haven, #Nov-?erzejo.

This will be LaManna’s second fight at Welterweight after moving down from Middleweight.
Mena of San Cristobal, Dominican Republic has a respectable mark of 20-3 Kun 11 #Knoka?to.
The 28-year old Mena won his first twenty fights, which earned him a shot at the WBA International title.
He was stopped in the bout by contender Francisco Santana and he has lost to two undefeated fighters in his subsequent bouts.
In an 8-round co-feature, Tommy Rainone Prenas sur Maurice Chalmers En Welterweight vico.
Rainone has established himself as a fan favorite on the east coast, will be making his Atlantic City debut.
He has a record of 24-7-1 kun kvin knockouts.

La 36 year-old of Long Island, New York won his first 11 Vicoj. Rainone captured the IBA Americas Title 10-round unanimous decision over Robby Cannon. He also captured the USBO Welterweight title with a 10-round unanimous decision over Carl McNickles.

Rainone will be looking to get back in the win column after dropping a unanimous decision to former world champion Ishe Smith on Decembro 18.
Chalmers of Lynchburg, Virginio havas rekordon de 14-12-1 Kun 8 #Knoka?to.
Chalmers will be looking to spring the upset, much like he did when he defeated the likes of Marcus Woods (4-1), Michael Lozano (3-0), Rajiv Bhattacharya (9-0) and Tykeem Sadler (6-0).
En la 6-ronda ko-trajto, former IBF Cruiserweight champion Imamu Mayfield will be making his long awaited comeback in a Heavyweight bout against dan Pasciolla for the Garden State Heavyweight title.
Mayfield of Perth Amboy, New Jersey will making his first appearance in just for 8-years.
Mayfield won the IBF Cruiserweight championship when he won a 12-round unanimous decision over Uriah Grant on November 8, 1997. He made one defense and was stopped by Arthur Williams on October 30, 1998.
Mayfield won the USBA Cruiserweight title with 10th round stoppage over Gary Wilcox on June 30, 2001.
Mayfield has also fought world champions Juan Carlos Gomez, Krzystof Wlodarczyk and Alexander Povetkin.
Pasciolla of Brick, Nov-Ĵerzejo havas rekordon de 6-1-1 and holds wins over Bill Marks (1-0), John Lennox (13-2) and Donnie Palmer (6-0-1). En lia plej lastatempa vico, Pasciolla and Brendan Barrett (3-0-1) fought to a draw on February 19 En Atlantika Urbo.
In a six-round bouts:
Lamont Capers (5-7-2) De Brooklyn, NY fights Tracy Johnson (3-2-3) of Boston, MA in a Cruiserweight bout.
In a bout for the Garden State Super Middleweight title, Isiah Seldon (7-1, 3 KO’s) De Atlantika Urbo, NJ prenas sur Michael Mitchell (3-6-2, 1 KO) de Paterson, NJ.

Hakim Bryant (5-0, 4 KO’s) de Asbury Park, NJ prenos sur kontraŭulo por esti nomita en Middleweight vico.

En 4-ronda Bouts:
Quian Davis (1-0-1, 1 KO) of Mays Landing, NJ batalos Corey Morley (0-1-1) De Philadelphia, PA in a Heavyweight bout.

Caleb Hernandez (2-0) De Vineland, NJ will battle LeAnthony Fleming (1-1) of Lakeland, FL in a Welterweight bout.

omar Brito (2-2) of Pleasantville, NJ prenos sur Bonvenon Díaz (2-1, 2 KO’s) of the Prospect Park, NJ in a Super Featherweight bout.

Alvin Vermall (7-0-1, 7 KO’s) of LaPlace, LA batalos Dequan Morgan (3-2-1, 1 KO) of Hamlet, NC in a Cruiserweight bout.

Darryl Bunting (0-0-1 ) de Asbury Park, NJ fights Jason Singletary (0-1) De #Va?ingtono, DC in a Super Middleweight fight

Steven Ortiz (2-0) of Philadelphia will take part in a Lightweight bout against an opponent to be named.
Biletoj estas $50 GA, $75 Stage (very few remaining) & $125 VIP (SOLD OUT)(Budoj de 5 available for $500SOLD OUT) and are available at or 609-487-4444.
The Clardige Hotel is located at 123 S. Indiana Ave. Atlantic City NJ
Instagram: risingpromo

Pri Rising Promotions:
Rising Promotions kreis kun la intenco de igi domon teno nomo kun la ŝlosilo objektiva de Rising Promotions povante kunordigi tabelo de diversigita specialaj okazaĵoj ene de la sportoj kaj distra industrio, La CEO kaj partneroj ĉe Rising Promotions sentas ke la ŝancoj por kresko estas senfinaj. Ni ŝatus doni ŝancojn al supre kaj venanta profesia tiel kiel amatora boksistoj ke aliaj iniciatintoj ne volonte doni ŝancon. La okazaĵoj kiuj Rising planoj kunordigi provizos tre devita pagebla, familio-amika sportoj entretenimiento.

Title Boxing The official apparel & glove partner for “Knokaŭta Nokto ĉe la D” boxing series

Marto 12Th main event fighters Zab Judah (L) & Josh Torres (R)
LASa VEGAS (Februaro 26, 2016) – the D Las Vegas and Downtown Las Vegas Events Center (DLVEC), along with Neon Star Media and Roy Englebrecht Promotions, have announced an agreement in which Title Boxing will be the official apparel and gloves partner of the “Knokaŭta Nokto ĉe la D” professional boxing series.
Eight “Knokaŭta Nokto ĉe la D” events are planned in 2016, komencante Marto 12, will are live from the DLVEC open air venue located adjacent to the D Las Vegas. La inaŭgura evento, Tamen, will take place inside the DLVEC’s 20,000-square-foot tent.
We’re excited to have Title Boxing in our corner for the ‘Knockout Night at the D’ Serioj,” said John Anderson, Neona Stelo Amaskomunikilaro, SVP of integrated sales. “Title Boxing is one of the top brands in combat sports in terms of apparel and equipment. Partnering with Title Boxing is a KO win for us.
It’s exciting to be associated and working with people who are interested in progressing the sport, not just profiting from it,” added Douglas Ward, Title Boxing Director of Marketing. “That’s a philosophy that ‘Knockout Night at The Dand TITLE Boxing both have in common and is part of what will set the stage for what will be a highly successful boxing series.
From EQUIPMENT design, to real INVOLVEMENT in the sport, to having INTEGRITY in business, TITLE continually delivers the best boxing gear in the industry. Pro tio ke 1998 TITLE Boxing has been dedicated to making everyone’s pursuit of the sweet science a positive experience by being the industry leader in safety, innovation and setting the standard of what great gear really means. Every piece of equipment that bears the TITLE logo, is a demonstration of their deeper passion for prizefighting and support of your journey towards greatness.
To celebrate this partnership, Title Boxing (www.titleboxing.,com) is offering any fighter, fan or follower to enter promo code KND20 to receive 20-percent off entire Title Boxing orders (some exclusions apply) through Mar. 15, 2016.
Kvin-tempo, du-divido mondĉampiono Zab “Ekstra” Judah (42-9, 29 KOs) takes on upset-minded junior welterweight Josh “Pitbull” Torres (15-4-2, 7 KOs) in the Mar. 12Thinaugural event’s 10-round main event.
Popular Las Vegas Las Vegas light weight ChuyEl Huracan” Gutierrez (14-0-1, 4 KOs) Renkontas LeonThe Third GenerationSpinks III (11-3-1, 7 KOs) in the 8-round co-feature
#?Iuj bataloj kaj batalantoj estas submetataj #?an?i.
Biletoj, Alprezigita #?e $65.00 ringside and $20.00 seated general admission, are now on sale at or the D Las Vegas box office (702.288-2111). Suites are $1000.00, up to 10 guests, and includes a beverage package. Impostoj kaj kotizoj validas por ĉiuj venditaj biletoj.
Porda turniro #?e 5:00 P.M. PT kun la malfermo vico planita ĉe 6:00 P.M. PT.
La “Knockout at the Dseries was developed in partnership with the DLVEC and Neon Star Media.
CBS Sports Network disponeblas tra la lando per loka kablo, video kaj telco provizantoj kaj tra satelito sur DirecTV Kanalo 221 Kaj Plada Reto Kanalo 158. Por pli da informo, Inkluzivanta plenan programaran horaron kaj kiel akiri CBSaj Sportoj Reto, Iri al
(L-R) – Main event fighter Josh Torres speaks at the recent “Knokaŭta Nokto ĉe la D” press conference in Las Vegas.
Co-feature fighters Chuy Gutierrez (L) and Leon Spinks III ®
Pepi: @Thedlasvegas, @Dlvec, @DerekJStevens
Instagram: @Dlvec, @Thedlasvegas
Sekvi ĉi tiujn batalantojn sur Pepi: @SuperJudah, @PitbullTorres, @ElHuracan88, @LeonSpinksIII

New England Golden Gloves Championship OPEN CLASS FINALS RESULTS

Members of the open class winning-N.E. team from Western NE celebrate
(more pictures belowall courtesy of Jeffrey Freeman / KO Digest)
LOWELL, Amaso. (Februaro 26, 2016) – Western New England dominated the open class finals of the New England Tournament of Champions, part of the 70Th annual Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championship, winning seven of 10 matches last night at historic Lowell Memorial Auditorium.
The eight men’s individual open class winners earned spots on Team New England for the 2016 National Golden Gloves Championships, Majo 16-21, in Salt Lake City, Utah. Team New England includes two of the top ranked boxers in the country, Luma superpezulo Elvis Figueroa and light welterweight Jaime Ortiz Rodriguez (repeat NE champion), both members of N.E. open class team champion from Western NE. Burlington, MA featherweight Amanda Pavone captured her sixth NE. titolo.
In the last 10 Jaroj,” explained New England Golden Gloves Executive Director Bobby Russo, “we hadn’t been on a good run. Attendance dropped off a little each year. Last year’s horrible weather killed us. Ĉijare, Tamen, the excitement was back and attendance was up 30-percent. There was a younger crowd and many novice boxers had good fan bases, which we need to build up every year. We had a lot of good fights and good boxers this year. Boxing is back in Lowell! We had a great season.
Team New England will be very strong. We have a young team but many of these boxers have a lot of invaluable experience from Junior Olympics competition, from heavyweight on down. I think we have an impressive team that will do very well at The Nationals this year.
Team champions were Western N.E. in the open class, Centra N.E. in the novice class.
Three New England novice champions were also crowned last night. See complete results below as well as more pictures.
Enspezo de la Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championship iri al la sendo de la Nova Anglio Golden Gloves ĉampionoj al la Nacia Oraj Gantoj-Ĉampioneco, krom subteni lokajn sportistoj kaj areon gimnazioj, la Knaboj & knabinoj Klubo, supo kuirejoj, senhejma ŝirmoj, kancero fondusoj, stipendioj kaj multaj aliaj grandaj kaŭzas benéficas.
(Gajnintoj enlistigis unue)
James Aquino, Meriden, CT (WNE)
WDEC3 (5-0)
Joe Ferrer, New Bedford, MA (SNE)
Jacob Marrero, Bridgeport, CT (WNE)
WDEC3 (5-0)
Gabriel Morales, Portland, ME (NNE)
Amanda Pavone, Burlington, MA (CNE)
WDEC4 (5-0)
Eydir Lima, Worcester, MA (WNE)
Anuel Rosa-Lopez, Nova Rifuĝejo, CT (WNE)
WDEC3 (5-0)
Marcelino Debarros, North Providence, RI
Jaime Ortiz Rodriguez, Worcester, MA (WNE)
WDEC3 (5-0)
Abraham Nova, Brookline, MA (CNE)
Lindsay Kyajohnia, Westrook, ME (NNE)
Meisha Tuitt, Springfield, MA (WNE)
Anthony Laureano, East Hartford, CT (WNE)
WDEC (4-1)
Joseph Muese, Millis, MA (CNE)
Victor Reynoso, Providenco, RI (SNE)
WDEC3 (5-0)
Jalen Renaud, Springfield, MA (WNE)
Elvis Figueroa, Nova Rifuĝejo, CT (WNE)
WDEC3 (5-0)
Henry Ventura, North Dartmouth, MA (SNE)
Derek Edmonds, Worcester, MA (WNE)
WDEC3 (4-1)
Jesus Flores, Methuen, MA (CNE)
Alissa Dias, Boston, MA (CNE)
WRSC1 (1:27)
Rachel Albino, Woodbury, CT (WNE)
Katherine Parker, Suitate, RI (SNE)
WRSC1 (0:21)
Sierra Hoey, Danielson, CT (WNE)
Nathan Rosa, Lowell, MA (CNE)
WDEC3 (5-0)
Jose Masonet, Hartford, CT (WNE)
NNENorthern New England (Burlington, VT)
CNE – Centra Nov-Anglio (Lowell, MA)
WNEWestern New England (Holyoke, MA)
SNESouthern New England (Fall River, MA)
Thomas Costello Memorial Award
Most Outstanding BoxerOpen Class

Jaime Ortiz Rodriguez
Luis Ayala Memorial Award
Most Outstanding BoxerNovice Class
(L-R) – Gabriel Morales & Bobby Russo
2016 Rocky Marciano Memorial Award
New England Heavyweight Champion
Demek Edmonds
Turniro Administra Direktoro: Bobby Russo
Direktoro de Konkursantoj: Arto Ramalho
Ĉefo de Oficialuloj: Laurie Purcell
ringo Anoncisto: John Vena
Ejo: Lowell Memorial Auditorium, 50 Merrimack Sankta, Lowell, MA
Pepi: @LowellGloves

Undefeated Lightweight Mykal Fox continues to step up against veteran Claudinei Lacerda

Ty Barnett battles former world title challenger Daniel Attah in Main event on TOMORROW NIGHT at Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C.

Jordan Shimmell battles Willis Lockett in co-feature

Plus beltway stars Demond Nicholson M Sam Crossed, Patrick Harris, Antonio Magruder and Luther Smith to see action
Por Tuja Elkarcerigo
#Va?ingtono, D.C.. (Februaro, 26, 2016) – TOMORROW NOKTO, 27a de februaro,King’s Promotions returns to our nation’s capital of #Va?ingtono, D.C with a big night of boxing at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center.
En la #?efa evento, Ty Barnett take on former world title challenger Daniel Attah in a Super Lightweight battle scheduled for 8-rounds.
In one of the chief support bouts, undefeated Lightweight, Mykal Vulpo will look to stay perfect when he takes on veteran Claudinei Lacerda in a bout scheduled for 6-rounds.
Fox is promoted by King’s Promotions.
Vulpo de Forestville, Marilando havas rekordon de 8-0 with two knockouts while Lacerda of Brazil has considerably more experience as he is 17-13-1 Kun 12 #Knoka?to.
My training has been great. I have had great sparring with different looks. I have been in there with puncher, boxers and even some MMA fighters, so I am ready for anything,”Diris la 20 year-old Fox.
Lacerda is a grizzled veteran, who has been a Brazilian Super Welterweight champion as well as the WBO Latino Interim Lightweight champion.
My opponent has more than 30 Bataloj. He has been a champion, but this is nothing new. My last opponent (Adam Mate, 18-6) had twenty-four fights, so I feel it’s a great opportunity for me to continue fighting quality opponents.
Vulpo, along with his father/trainer Troy, doe not believable that fighting such veteran fighters is too-much, too-soon for the fighter known as “La Profesoro”.
My father believes in me and what I am capable of doing. I work hard and am always trying to move forward. I am on a great pace. Is it too fast? I don’t think so, because I also know what I am capable of. “
Fox has been building his name in the local market as every fight of his career has been in the greater Maryland/D.C area and he embraces the opportunities to please the home fans.
It is always a pleasure to fight at home. I always have a huge turnout and it is a good way to build my fan base. I am thankful and excited. Camp is the hard part and that is done. I can’t be more excited to put on a great performance Sabate Nokto.”
A terrific nine bout card is now set that will feature many up and coming stars in the Beltway region.
En la 8-rondo co-#?efa?o, Jordan Shimmell will battle the upset-minded Willis Lockett in a Cruiserweight bout.
In a 6-round Middleweight bout, knockout artist, Demond Nicholson (15-1, 15 KO’s) of Laurel, Maryland will take on Jose Valderrama (4-12, 3 KO’s ) de Miami, FL.
In a 4-round Cruiserweight affair, Sam Krucmilitoj (1-0, 1 KO) de Greenbelt, MD. Batalos Martez Williamson (1-9) of Akron, OH.
In a 6-round Super Lightweight contest, Patrick Harris (7-0, 4 KO’s) Bataloj Christopher Russell (3-15-1, 2 KO’s ) of Shattuck, OK.
Antonio Magruder (3-0, 2 KO’s) De #Va?ingtono, D.C. Batalos Terrell James (1-2-1) of Philadelphia in a 4-round Super Lightweight bout.
Luther Smith (3-0, 3 KO’s) De Bowie, MD. will look to keep his perfect knockout record intact when he squares off with Charlemagne Jones (2-4-1, 2 KO’s) in a 4-round battle of Beltway based Heavyweights
Wesley Triplett (2-0, 1 KO) of Youngstown, OH. Batalos Alando Pugh (1-6-1, 1 KO ) De #Va?ingtono, D.C. in a 4-round Heavyweight bout.
Tickets are on sale now for $100, $75 Kaj $50 and can be purchased

The fights will be streamed live on GFL.TV Por $14.99

The Walter E. Washington Convention Center is located at 801 Mt. Vernon Pl. NW, #Va?ingtono, D.C. 20001

Email for credentials:


LASa VEGAS (Februaro 25, 2016) La Floyd Mayweather Jr. Fundamento (TFMJF) Estas fiera prezenti la 2NdAnnual Fight 4 Fitness 5K Race, 2K Walk, Trompas Amuzan Kuron, and Community Day taking place #Diman?o, Aprilo 17#?E Sunsubira Parko en Las Vegas. Participants can warm-up before the race with a free yoga session courtesy of Power Yoga+Pilates+Fitness, prior to the start of the 5K Race and 2K Walk, which will begin at 8 .M. Children can take part in a fun-filled scavenger hunt before the Kids Fun Run (Unu duona mejlo kurita por infanoj 12 Kaj #nesufi?e) which kicks off at 10 .M. The race is followed by an awards ceremony honoring all of the 5K Race participants. The event’s presenting sponsors are Mayweather Promotions, Mayweather Sports, The Money Team and SHOWTIME.
Pli ol 500 people participated in the activities last year and another large, energetic crowd is expected this year. Philanthropist and comedian Rick Smith, who used his platform to form the Random Acts of Kindness Everywhere (RAKE) Fundamento, will host this year’s event.
Batalo 4 Prepariteco will also feature live performances from 11-year-old singer-songwriter Sunny Malouf and Dance Connection, plus free Zumba sessions from Zumba Las Vegas. Krome, there will be a boxing ring where anyone will be able to learn some tricks of the trade from Mayweather Promotionsstars.
My foundation genuinely cares about the Las Vegas community and we are honored to be able to bring this great event to the city once again,” Dirita Mayweather. “Being active is so important to living a healthy life. We hope to once again spread this positive message and encourage people of all ages to exercise and live healthy lives.
TFMJF donated $25,000 last year to the Clark County School District that was divided amongst designated schools for support of athletic programs, physical education and related field trips.
La misio de Batalo 4 Prepariteco is to form community alliances where awareness and empowerment serve as the nucleus for an improved quality of life. From children to adults, everyone is welcome to join the “Batalo” in reversing health trends that are adversely affecting our quality of life. Batalo 4 Prepariteco is a movement toward good health through the possibilities of change that can enhance one’s own life and the lives of those around them. Partoprenanta en la Batalo 4 Prepariteco Evento povas esti la katalizilo devita krei viglan, happy and healthy Las Vegas community. This unique experience invites all members of the community to run/walk independently or with friends, Familio, Kaj Coworkers.
La plena horaro de eventoj estas enlistigita sub:
  • 7:15 .M. – 7:45 .M.FREE yoga session
  • 8:00 .M. – 10:00 .M. -5K Race, 2K Walk, Kids scavenger hunt
  • 10:00 .M. – 11:00 .M.Trompas Amuzan Kuron & Premia Ceremonio
  • 11:00 .M. – 3:00 P.M.Komunuma Tago
Registration for these activities is currently underway and can be completed at plenaj #registri?o datoj kaj kotizoj estas enlistigita sub*:
  • Februaro 1St-Ferbruary 29Th: $45 5K/$40 2K/$15 Kids Fun Run/$20 Community Day
  • Marto 1St– Marto 31St: $50 5K/ $45 2K/ $20 Kids Fun Run/ $20 Komunuma Tago
  • Aprilo 1St– Aprilo 11Th: $55 5K/ $50 2K/ $20 Kids Fun Run/ $25 Komunuma Tago
  • Day of event: $65 5K/ $60 2K/ $25 Kids Fun Run/ $30 Komunuma Tago
  • All students K-12 can register for FREE until Marto 18
For more information follow on social media:
Pepi: @FloydMayweather, @TFMJ, and @mayweatherpromo
Instagram:,, and
Pafoj: Floyd Mayweather, TFMJF, and Mayweather Promotions