Tag Archives: tinju

Perkelahian non-ditayangkan di televisi undercard Untuk Andre Ward vs. Sullivan Barrera Maret 26 + Di-Arena Hiburan



CAHAYA kelas berat Showdown ON HARI SABTU, BULAN MARET 26






NEW YORK, NY (Bulan Maret 14, 2016) - Sebuah batu tulis enam serangan undercard non-televisi akan berfungsi sebagai dukungan ketika Dua Waktu Juara Dunia dan pound-for-pound fighter teratas Andre Ward (28-0, 15 Biaya) menghadapi terkalahkan dan nomor satu dinilai IBF ringan pesaing kelas berat Sullivan Barrera (17-0, 12 Biaya) dalam 12 ronde IBF posisi nomor satu dan posisi wajib eliminator di Oracle Arena di kota Ward dari Oakland, California pada Maret 26. Membuka HBO® siaran akan Joseph Diaz Jr. vs. Jayson Velez dalam 10 putaran melawan NABF bulu judul pertarungan.


Selain lineup televisi menarik, beberapa terpanas naik bintang tinju akan ditampilkan di undercard non-televisi termasuk ZONA Roc Nation Sports Maurice Hooker, Daniel Franco, Rudy Puga Jr.. dan Junior Younan bersama 2008 Olympic super Heavyweight Perak medali Zhang Zhilei dan favorit lokal Aaron Coley yang semuanya akan melihat tindakan Maret 26.


Roc Nation Sports akan membawa nama dari dunia hiburan untuk acara juga, termasuk terkenal acara pembawa acara, SiriusXM / Naungan 45 pagi pembawa acara dari Sway Pagi, Produser eksekutif dan bakat untuk VH1 & MTV dan Oakland-pribumi Sway Calloway, yang akan berfungsi sebagai tuan rumah acara, dan memukul tuan DJ Franzen, DJ penduduk di Las Vegas 'Hot 97.5 dan Drais Nightclub. Bergoyang dan Franzen akan menghibur bersama-sama sepanjang malam untuk menjaga penggemar dihibur antara serangan di Oracle Arena.

Tiket harga $300, $150, $100, $50 dan $25, tidak termasuk biaya layanan yang berlaku dan pajak tersedia di semua lokasi Ticketmaster, online di Ticketmaster.com (bit.ly/WardBarreraTix) dan biaya melalui telepon di (800) 745-3000.


Pada Tanggal Bulan Maret 26, Nabo SMP kelas welter Champion Maurice "Perkasa Mo" Hooker (19-0-2, 14 Biaya) risiko rekor tak terkalahkan melawan Wilfrido "The Rock" Buelvas (17-5, 11 Biaya) dari Barranquilla, Kolombia dalam sepuluh putaran junior welter pertarungan. kapal penangkap ikan, dinilai nomor tujuh dengan WBO, datang dari dari kemenangan karir terbaik Oktober 17, 2015 terhadap lawannya yang paling sulit untuk tanggal dalam Ghislain Maduma (17-2, 11 Biaya) di Madison Square Garden. Hooker berhasil mempertahankan gelar Nabo dengan keputusan 10 putaran menang atas Maduma di undercard Gennady Golovkin vs. David Lemieux dalam laga yang ditampilkan di acara "freeview" di Amerika Serikat dan disiarkan secara online di seluruh dunia. Buelvas, juara mantan WBA Fedebol, telah memenangkan dua dari tiga serangan terakhirnya dengan KO dan berjuang Humberto Soto untuk WBC Perak Internasional judul super Ringan di 2014, akan jarak 12 ronde sebelum kalah keputusan untuk mantan Juara Dunia.


Lahir dan dibesarkan di Oak Cliff, Texas, pinggiran kasar Dallas, Hooker menemukan sebuah rumah tinju di Maple Avenue Boxing Gym dengan cara program penjangkauan untuk di-risiko pemuda. bakat alaminya segera melihat sehingga dia bersaing sebagai amatir, selama waktu yang dia berpartisipasi dalam lebih dari 100 perkelahian, kompilasi catatan 97 kemenangan dan hanya 7 kerugian, dengan 67 kemenangan datang dengan cara KO. Hooker berbalik profesional pada April 29, 2011, mengambil dari jauh lebih berpengalaman Tyrone Chatman (7-1, 5 KO) di Teater Orpheum di St. Louis. Setelah empat putaran, hakim melihat pertarungan 40-36, 37-39 dan 38-38, membuat pertarungan imbang perpecahan. Tidak terpengaruh, di pertarungan berikutnya pada tanggal 24, 2014, Hooker mencetak kemenangan profesional pertamanya, merobohkan Wilbert Mitchell di babak pertama di Dr. Lada Arena di Frisco, Texas. sebelas menang (delapan dengan KO) kemudian, ia mengambil terkalahkan Abel Ramos (8-0, 4 KO) Januari 17, 2014 dalam pertarungan yang ditampilkan di ShoBox dari Konvensi Masak Pusat di Memphis. Setelah delapan dekat, putaran berjuang keras, hakim melihat pertarungan imbang. Hooker mengikuti imbang dengan enam putaran menang mutlak atas Adrian Rodriguez Garza (8-2, 6 KO) pada tanggal Bulan April 26 di Fitzgerald Kasino dan Hotel di Tunica, Mississippi. Empat kemenangan KO berturut-turut akan mengikuti sebelum ia mengambil sesama prospek terkalahkan Eduardo Galindo (10-0-1, 7 KO) Juni 26, 2015 di Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center di Dallas untuk Nabo SMP kelas menengah Championship kosong. "Perkasa Mo" tidak mengecewakan pasukannya penggemar kampung yang melihatnya menangkap judul dengan kemenangan TKO ronde keenam.


Berasal dari Rancho Cucamonga, California dan berjuang keluar dari sarang tinju dari Oxnard, terkalahkan Daniel "Twitch" Franco (12-0-3, 7 KO) memenuhi veteran Meksiko Jerman "Penggali Kubur" Meraz(52-37-1, 30 Biaya) dalam delapan putaran bulu pertarungan di Bulan Maret 26. Fitur untuk kedua kalinya pada undercard Ward, tajam-tinju Franco akan melihat untuk memperbaiki rekor tak terkalahkan melawan lawan dengan harfiah enam kali pengalaman tinju pro. Meraz hanya 29 berusia tahun tetapi sudah login menakjubkan 90 pertarungan profesional dan telah memenangkan empat dari enam pertarungan terakhirnya dengan KO. Aku Berjuang saat Juara Dunia Juan Carlos Payano, Tiga-Time luar AS. Olympian Rau'shee Warren dan sangat dipuji prospek Gervonta Davis, akan jarak dengan ketiga.


Franco mulai tinju pada usia delapan, mengumpulkan catatan amatir 67-15, memenangkan Kejuaraan Oxnard PAL di 2006 dan California State Perak Sarung tangan Championship di 2007 sepanjang jalan. Selama debut profesional Franco pada tanggal 18, 2010, ia mengalahkan Emanuel Machorro di Club 401 di Ontario, California melalui TKO ronde ketiga. Meskipun terdaftar sebagai mahasiswa penuh waktu di Chaffey College di Rancho Cucamonga, Franco terkesan di awal karirnya, kompilasi catatan tak terkalahkan dengan dua kali seri di tempat-tempat di seluruh California pada akhir 2013. Salah satu hasil imbang saat melawan Alejandro Ochoa di Cannon tenang di Montebello, California pada September 20, 2013, tetapi dalam pertandingan ulang tiga bulan kemudian, Franco outmatched Ochoa mencetak enam putaran kemenangan keputusan bulat di Westin Bonaventure Hotel di Los Angeles. Pada tanggal 20, 2015, selama kembali Ward untuk cincin di Oracle Arena, Franco melihat aksi dalam pertarungan ringan junior delapan putaran melawan Jonathan Alcantara dan dimenangkan oleh keputusan bulat. Sebuah cedera tangan yang diderita dalam pertarungan yang membuat Franco absen sampai Bulan Desember 21ketika ia mencetak gol kemenangan keputusan atas Hector Garcia di Tijuana, Meksiko.


Sebuah prospek terkalahkan menjanjikan dari Salinas, California, Rudy "Wahyu" Puja. Jr. (7-0, 6 Biaya)terlihat untuk memperpanjang beruntun tak terkalahkan melawan Carlos "Kalimba" Lozano (7-5, 4 Biaya) dari Ensenada, Meksiko dalam enam putaran menengah pertarungan. Puga berubah dalam kinerja karir terbaik di pertandingan terakhir-up-nya pada Februari 12 di merobohkan Alejandro Osuna (4-2, 2 KO) dalam dua putaran di Hotel Double Tree di Ontario, California. Saat Ini, hanya sedikit lebih dari sebulan kemudian, "Wahyu" akan masuk ke ring melawan lawan tangguh di Lozanao, seorang kidal yang tidak pernah berhenti dan sudah memiliki kemenangan keputusan sepuluh putaran bawah ikat pinggang.


Setelah dikompilasi catatan amatir luar biasa 99-8, Puga membuat debut profesional pada September 2, 2011, mencetak putaran kemenangan TKO keempat lebih Raul Talamontes di Kompleks Olahraga di kampung halamannya. Kembali cincin kurang dari dua bulan kemudian, Puga Jr.. mengangkat rekornya menjadi 2-0 dengan TKO ronde pertama Jose Yesus Hurtado di Sherwood Inn di Salinas. Pada bulan Juni 2012, ia mengirim Thomas Turner ke matras empat kali dalam mencetak putaran menang TKO kedua di Joint di Hard Rock Hotel and Casino di Las Vegas, Nevada. Setelah sedikit lebih dari satu tahun jauh dari ring, ia mendedikasikan dirinya untuk "ilmu manis" dengan sepenuh hati dan Februari 17, 2014, Puga Jr.. membuat comeback berhenti Charon Spanyol di babak ketiga dengan tembakan tubuh kuat di Salinas Badai Rumah di Salinas asalnya. masalah promosi terus Puga Jr. keluar dari cincin untuk tahun depan dan cedera menyebabkan lambat 2015, Tujuan Puga Jr.. gol TKO babak keempat menang atas dari Katrell Straus di Bulan April 24 dan enam ronde dengan suara bulat atas Juan Carlos Rojas di November 21, kedua perkelahian berlangsung di Hotel Double Tree di Ontario, California.


Brooklyn 20 tahun, terkalahkan Junior "The Young Allah" Younan (7-0, 6 KO) kembali ke cincin di Bulan Maret 26 setelah PHK sembilan bulan untuk mengambil Cristian Solorzano (4-7, 3 Biaya) Sonora, Meksiko dalam empat putaran super menengah pertarungan. Younan telah berjuang beberapa cedera mengomel sejak mencetak gol kemenangan TKO ronde kedua atas Mike Sawyer dari Miguel Cotto vs. Daniel Geale undercard Juni 6, 2015 di Barclays Center di Brooklyn, New York. Saat Ini 100 persen sehat, Younan terlihat untuk membuat Solozano korban KO ketiga beruntun. Solorzano, seorang pejuang alami yang lebih besar, telah berkampanye di divisi kelas berat ringan dan datang dari kemenangan KO.


Younan, dilatih oleh ayahnya Sherif, mantan petinju profesional sendiri, mulai berjuang kompetitif pada usia delapan dan hanya dua tahun kemudian disebut "tinju ajaib" oleh New York Times. Dia menyusun catatan amatir 90-5, racking seri mengesankan judul sepanjang jalan termasuk sembilan kejuaraan SMP Olimpiade, sembilan kejuaraan Metro SMP, delapan New York State Perak Sarung tangan kejuaraan dan lima perak Sarung tangan kejuaraan Regional. Di 2011, ia dinobatkan Nasional SMP Emas juara Sarung tangan dan USA. Tinju nomor satu dinilai petinju junior di kelas berat badannya. Kurang dari sebulan setelah itu 18th ulang tahun, Younan membuat debut profesional pada November 9, 2013, di Pusat Aviator Olahraga dan Acara di Brooklyn, New York, berhenti Kenneth Schmitz di babak pertama. Younan akan pergi untuk KO tiga nya lawan berikutnya sebelum pergi jarak untuk pertama kalinya melawan Azamat Umarzoda Juli 2, 2014 di Foxwoods Resort Casino di Mashantucket, Connecticut. Dia mengikuti bahwa pertarungan dengan KO ronde pertama Marlon Farr pada Bulan Agustus 13 BB King Blues Club Grill di New York pada Bulan Agustus 13.

kelas berat Cina Zhang "Big Bang" Zhilei (7-0, 4 Biaya) bergabung undercard di Bulan Maret 26 dalam pertarungan empat putaran melawan lawan belum ditentukan. Silver Mendali dari 2008 Olimpiade Beijing terus menanamkan semangat ke dalam divisi kelas berat dan datang dari putaran pertama technicalknockout menang atas David Koswara Februari 20 di Arena Lanzhou Olahraga di Lanzhou, Cina.


Lahir pada Mei 2, 1983 di Henan, Zhang memulai karir amatir di 2003, berpartisipasi dalam Kejuaraan Dunia. Sebuah terobosan datang 2007 di Kejuaraan Dunia di mana Zhang mengalahkan trio Nurpais Torobekov, Rustam Rygebayev dan Daniel Beahan perjalanan ke semifinal di mana ia kalah Ukraina Vyacheslav Glazkov. Dengan menangkap medali perunggu dan finishing kompetisi di tempat ketiga, ia memenuhi syarat untuk 2008 Olimpiade musim panas di Beijing. Pembangkit tenaga listrik Cina hampir mencapai puncak kesuksesan amatir pada musim panas 2008, memasuki final yang super kelas berat di Olimpiade musim panas di Beijing melawan Italia Roberto Cammarelle. Itu tidak menjadi seperti Zhang mengalami kekalahan pertama dari yang Olympiad, kalah Cammarelle, tapi bangga menambahkan total medali negara tuan rumah dengan Perak. Di 2009, Zhang ditangkap medali emas di China National Game, acara prestise sama dengan Olimpiade di Cina. 2013 melihat lagi medali emas kinerja menang di China National Game, setting panggung untuk "Big Bang" untuk memulai karir profesional sementara mendasarkan dirinya di Amerika Serikat. Agustus 8, 2014, Zhang membuat debut profesional dengan mencetak putaran pertama sistem gugur menang atas Curtis Lee Tate di Fallon, Nevada dalam perkelahian yang disiarkan langsung di ESPN2. Pada Maret 14, 2015, Zhang mengalahkan Eric George melalui keputusan bulat empat putaran di Armory di Jersey City, New Jersey. Dia mengikuti bahwa dengan empat putaran menang keputusan bulat lain, kali ini lebih Glenn Thomas di sangat diantisipasi Cotto-Geale undercard di Barclays Center di Brooklyn pada Bulan Juni 6. Berikutnya datang TKO ronde keenam menang atas Dennis Benson di The Playground di Atlantic City pada Bulan Agustus 15. Untuk mengakhiri tahun, Zhang adalah fitur pada undercard dari November 21 Cotto vs. Canelo mega-pertarungan di Mandalay Bay Events Center di Las Vegas, di mana mencetak empat putaran kemenangan mutlak atas Juan Goode.


Hayward lokal, Favorit California Aaron Coley (12-1-1, 6 KO) menghadapi ujian yang sangat keras dalam enam putaran menengah junior pertarungan melawan Diikuti Ryskeldiev (11-3-2, 7 Biaya) Hollywood Barat, California, asli Kirgistan yang tak terkalahkan dalam tujuh pertandingan terakhirnya.


Pada Tanggal Bulan Maret 26, Coley akan terlihat mengikuti kemenangan terbaru nya, keputusan bulat lebih Jeremy Ramos diBulan Januari 23 di Marriott di Broadway di Oakland, dengan kemenangan lain di depan fans kampung halamannya. Sebelum menang Januari ia mencetak dua kemenangan keputusan bulat, termasuk Juni nya 20, 2015 performance against Yusmani Abreu (yang Ryskeldiev dikalahkan oleh TKO pada bulan September) pada undercard laga terakhir Ward. Dianggap sebagai prospek yang menjanjikan di kalangan tinju, kerugian tunggal Coley datang melalui keputusan untuk salah satu prospek terpanas tinju di Ievgen Khytrov di pertarungan yang disiarkan langsung di Showtime ini ShoBox April 10, 2015 dari The Aviator Sports Complex di Brooklyn, New York.

Ward vs. Barrera, pertarungan 12 ronde yang disajikan oleh Roc Nation Sports berkaitan dengan Pertandingan, berlangsung Sabtu, Bulan Maret 26, 2016 di Oracle Arena di Oakland, California dan disponsori byCorona Ekstra, Ticketmaster, Manajemen Perjalanan perusahaan Solusi (CTMS), Senang, pengangkatan, Zappos, BodyArmor, SAN Gizi, Palace sepatu dan The Waterfront Hotel. Acara ini akan disiarkan langsung di HBO World Championship Boxing awal di 9:45 p.m. DAN/PT. Membuka siaran HBO akan Joseph Diaz Jr. vs. Jayson Velez dalam pertarungan 10 ronde untuk judul NABF bulu disajikan oleh Golden Boy Promotions dalam hubungan dengan Miguel Cotto Promosi.


Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan kunjungi www.rocnation.com, www.mainevents.com,www.goldenboypromotions.com, www.promocionesmiguelcotto.com, www.hbo.com/boxing, ikuti kami di Twitter dan Instagram @rocnation, @acara utama, @goldenboyboxing, @cottopromotions dan @HBOBoxing dan menjadi penggemar di Facebook di www.facebook.com/RocNation,www.facebook.com/MainEventsBoxing, www.facebook.com/GoldenBoyBoxing danwww.facebook.com/HBOBoxing.


Ikuti percakapan di Twitter dengan menggunakan #WardBarrera.

Trainer Tommy Gallagher Ring 8 Pembicara Tamu Selasa malam

NEW YORK (Bulan Maret 12, 2016) – Veteran pelatih tinju Tommy Gallagher will be Ring 8’s guest speaker at Tuesday night’s (Laut. 15) pertemuan bulanan, mulai dari 7 p.m. DAN, di O’Neill's Restaurant, berlokasi di 64-21 53rd drive di Maspeth, New York.

In celebration of St. Hari Patrick, an Irish menu will feature Corn Beef & Cabbage, as well as Shepard’s Pie.
Everybody’s Irish for St. Hari Patrick,” Cincin 8 presiden Bob Duffy tersebut. “It’s only appropriate that our guest speaker is and Irishman, Tommy Gallagher. He’s done it all in boxing during the past 40 tahun. Tommy’s been a big part of Ring 8 for a longtime and he’s known as a good storyteller.
Best known, jangan jangan, for his role in The pesaing reality television series, last year Gallagher was inducted into the New York State Boxing Hall of Fame, yang disponsori oleh Ring 8. In addition to being a trainer, he has been a promoter and gym owner/operator.
Gallagher has been involved in the careers of boxers such as Doug DeWitt, Vito Antuofermo, Donny Lalonde, Lou Savarese dan Sergei Kobozev, antara lebih tokoh-tokoh.


LAS VEGAS – “Knockout Night at the D,” the boxing fight card to feature headliners Zab Judah vs. Josh Torres at the Downtown Las Vegas Events Center (DLVEC), has been cancelled for Hari Sabtu, Bulan Maret 12.
Derek Stevens, CEO of D Las Vegas and DLVEC, tersebut, “Tadi malam, I received multiple calls from the Nevada Athletic Commission regarding eligibility concerns. After our discussions, it became apparent the fight card could not move forward. Although I’m disappointed with the situation, I appreciate the phone calls and look forward to working with the Nevada Athletic Commission on future boxing events at the DLVEC.
Tahun lalu, DLVEC launched several successful boxing events, with Stevens leading the charge to bring outdoor boxing back to Las Vegas.
All ticket purchases will be reimbursed. Credit card transactions will be automatically refunded and cash refunds will be issued at their point of purchase.
Tentang Downtown Las Vegas Events Center
Terletak di sudut Ketiga St. dan Carson Ave. seberang D Las Vegas, Downtown Las Vegas Events Center dapat menampung hingga 11,000 tamu dan fitur state-of-the-art tahap, suara dan pencahayaan. Desain terbuka mengundang untuk wisatawan dan penduduk lokal dan menawarkan tempat yang sempurna untuk konser, konvensi dan acara skala besar lainnya. Merangkul semangat tanpa hambatan dari Downtown Las Vegas, tempat baru memainkan tuan rumah line-up acara curated termasuk konser perdana, festival makanan dan lebih. Tempat ini juga arena hiburan pertama di Las Vegas untuk menerima Bitcoin sebagai mata uang. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, kunjungan www.dlvec.com atau ikuti di Facebook, Instagram dan Twitter di DLVEC.


Caption: L-R (back row): Bute; Martin, Dongkrak, DeGale, Russell Jr., Ibu, Selby, Provodnikov, Quellar, Pedraza.

L-R (front row): Joshua, Thurman, Wilder, Memakai, Povetkin.


NEW YORK (Bulan Maret 11, 2016)—SHOWTIME Sports pada hari Jumat announced seven live boxing telecasts over a 12-week span, a stacked lineup featuring nine world championship fights and 14 overall matches in boxing’s deepest and most exciting divisions.


The full slate of programming is free to SHOWTIME subscribers, and the presentation on CBS is the first Prime Time boxing event on CBS television network in decades.


Stephen Espinoza, Executive Vice President & General Manager of SHOWTIME Sports, also announced a summer blockbuster in the making.


“This is an incredibly exciting time in boxing, a time for emerging stars to make their mark, and for established champions to break through to the next level,” Espinoza said.


“This schedule features high level matchups with champions taking on the highest-rated contenders available, and top-ranked challengers facing one another. We are thrilled and grateful to the promoters and the fighters themselves who have worked with us these last few weeks to put together such an impressive lineup for SHOWTIME Boxing. It has to be one of the best we’ve ever assembled.


“We have seven live telecasts over a 12-week span that runs the gamut of our SHOWTIME boxing series. It includes nine world title fights, and that doesn’t count a great fight that’s just coming together today, as both Leo Santa Cruz and Carl Frampton have now agreed to a championship matchup to be scheduled for late summer.


“All of these events are free to SHOWTIME subscribers, dan Bulan Juni 25 event is the first Prime Time boxing presentation on CBS television network in decades.


“Again, thanks to the fighters and promoters for not only making these great matches a reality, but for their cooperation in today’s major announcement.”

See below for details on the events that Espinoza, and the principals involved, are in the process of finalizing. Additional details on each individual event will be announced in the coming days.



Main Event: Charles Martin (23-0-1, 21 Biaya) vs. Anthony Joshua (15-0, 15 Biaya) – IBF Heavyweight World Title Championship

Co-feature: Lee Selby (22-1, 8 Biaya) vs. Eric Hunter (21-3, 11 Biaya) – IBF Featherweight Championship

Start Time: TBD

Venue: The O2 – London

Promotor: Prajurit Tinju & Matchroom Sport


Hari Jumat, Bulan April 15 - ShoBox: Generasi Baru

Main Event: Nikolay Potapov (14-0, 6 Biaya) vs. Stephon Muda (14-0-2, 6 Biaya) – 10-Rd Bantamweight Bout

Start Time: 10 p.m. DAN/PT

Venue: Turning Stone Casino – Verona, NY

Promotor: Salita Promosi

  • Four-fight telecast featuring at least six undefeated fighters.



Main Event: Gary Russell Jr. (26-1, 15 Biaya) vs. Patrick Hyland (31-1, 15 Biaya) – WBC Featherweight World Championship

Co-Fitur: Jose Pedraza (21-0, 12 Biaya) vs. Stephen Smith (23-1, 13 Biaya) – IBF Super Featherweight World Championship

Start Time: 11 p.m. DAN/8 p.m. PT

Venue: Fox Theatre at Foxwoods Resort Casino

Promotor: DiBella Hiburan

  • Featherweight world title fights in consecutive weeks.
  • Gary Russell Jr. returns to make his first title defense
  • Crucial Super Featherweight bout between defending champ Jose Pedraza and No. 1 challenger Stephen Smith.



Main Event: Badou Jack (20-1-1, 12 Biaya) vs. Lucian Bute (32-3, 25 Biaya) – WBC Super Middleweight Championship

Co-Fitur: James DeGale (22-1, 14 Biaya) vs. Rogelio Medina (35-6, 29 Biaya) – IBF Super Middleweight World Championship

Start Time: 10 p.m. DAN/7 p.m. PT

Venue: TBD

Promotor: Mayweather Promotions

  • Former champ Bute, fresh off a great fight against DeGale, steps in to replace the injured Julio Cesar Chavez Jr.
  • Medina is the IBF’s mandated challenger for DeGale.
  • The winners will meet in an immediate unification.



Main Event: Deontay Wilder (36-0, 35 Biaya) vs. Alexander Povetkin (30-1, 22 Biaya) – WBC Heavyweight World Championship

Start Time: TBD

Venue: TBD



Main Event: Ruslan Provodnikov (25-4, 18 Biaya) vs. John Molina Jr. (28-6, 23 Biaya) – 12-Rd Super Lightweight Bout

Start Time: 9 p.m. DAN/6 p.m. PT

Venue: Turning Stone Casino – Verona, NY

Promotor: Banner Promosi

  • Induction Weekend for International Boxing Hall of Fame.
  • Main event features two fighters involved in Fights of Year


Hari Sabtu, Bulan Juni 25 – SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING on CBS Presented by PBC

Main Event: Keith Thurman (26-0, 1 ND, 22 Biaya) vs. Shawn Porter (26-1-1, 16 Biaya) – WBA Welterweight World Championship

Co-Fitur: Yesus Cuellar (28-1, 21 Biaya) vs. Abner Mares (29-2-1, 15 Biaya) – WBA (reg.) Featherweight World Championship

Start Time: TBD

Venue: TBD

Promotor: DiBella Hiburan

  • Thurman cleared to resume training after minor injury
  • Three-division world champ Mares to now face Jesus Cuellar for featherweight title



Main Event: Leo Santa Cruz (32-0-1, 18 Biaya) vs. Carl Frampton (22-0, 14 Biaya) – WBA (super) Featherweight World Championship

  • Frampton the unified 122-pound titlist, will move up to face Santa Cruz for the WBA (super) Featherweight World Championship

Undefeated Prospect Mario Barrios Battles Mexico’s Erick Daniel Martinez & Unbeaten Sergiy Derevyanchenko Takes On Mike Guy On Tuesday, Bulan Maret 15 On PBC TOE-TO-TOE TUESDAYS On FS1 & BOXEO DE CAMPEONES On FOX Deportes

Coverage Begins At 9 p.m. DAN/6 p.m. PT
From Robinson Rancheria Resort & Casino In
Nice, California
NICE, CALIF. (Bulan Maret 11, 2016) – Exciting undefeated prospect Mario Barrios (14-0, 8 Biaya) will take on Mexico’s Erick Daniel Martinez (11-4-1, 5 Biaya) in an eight-round super featherweight bout on Tuesday, Bulan Maret 15 pada tanggal Premier Boxing Champions (PBC)Selasa TOE-TO-TOE pada FS1 dan Tinju Champions on FOX Deportes from Robinson Rancheria Resort & Casino in Nice, Kalif.
Barrios vs. Martinez serves as the new co-main event after the previously announced matchup between Tugstsogt Nyambayar and Rafael Vazquez was cancelled. Televisi cakupan akan dimulai pada 9 p.m. DAN/6 p.m. PT with unbeaten Ukrainian Sergiy Derevyanchenko (7-0, 5 Biaya) squaring-off against Mike Guy (8-1-1, 4 Biaya) in an eight round super middleweight affair. The main event of the evening features a 10-round super lightweight showdown between Sergey Lipinets (8-0, 6 Biaya)dan Levan Ghvamichava (16-1-1, 12 Biaya).
Tiket untuk acara live, yang dipromosikan oleh TGB Promosi, mulai dari $20 dan yang dijual sekarang. To purchase tickets call the players club at (707) 262-4000.
Further action features 23-year-old Los Angeles-native Kevin Watts (10-0, 3 Biaya) against Poland’s Michal Chudecki (11-1-1, 3 Biaya) in super lightweight action and unbeaten Cuban and brother of world champion Rances Barthelemy, Leduan Barthelemy (8-0, 4 Biaya) mengambil Meksiko Pedro Melo (16-11-2, 7 Biaya) dalam pertarungan kelas bulu.
A tall featherweight at over six feet, the 20-year-old Barrios picked up seven victories in a jam-packed 2015 in which he stopped five opponents inside the distance, including a and uppercut left hook combo that ended the night of Manuel Vides in December. The San Antonio-native turned pro in 2013 and is on the fast track towards a world title shot as he makes his 2016 debut. He will take on Martinez out of Tijuana, Meksiko. The 24-year-old was unbeaten in his first 12 perkelahian pro.
Seorang amatir yang sangat dihormati yang mewakili negara asalnya Ukraina di 2008 Olimpiade, Derevyanchenko now lives and trains in Brooklyn. The unbeaten 30-year-old defeated a slew of experienced contenders in 2015 dengan kemenangan atas Elvin Ayala, Lapangan Camp, Vladine Biosse and a thrilling third-round stoppage of Jessie Nicklow. He will take on the once-beaten Guy out of Sacramento who enters this bout on a three-fight win streak.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut: kunjungan www.premierboxingchampions.com, http://www.foxsports.com/presspass / homepage, www.foxdeportes.com, www.samstownlv.com/entertain danwww.TGBPromotions.com. Ikuti di TwitterPremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions @FS1, FOXDeportes DanSwanson_Comm dan menjadi penggemar di Facebook di www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports danwww.facebook.com/foxdeportes. PBC on FS1 & FOX Deportes is sponsored by Corona, finest Beer.


#1 Boxing Series on Television Showing Rapid Audience Growth and Engagement: Lebih 10 million Boxing Fans Reached Weekly
Bulan Maret 12 Porter vs. Tyner 12 Round Exhibition to be seen Exclusively via Facebook Live on PBC’s Facebook Page
LAS VEGAS – BULAN MARET 11, 2016 – Premier Boxing Champions (PBC), itu #1 boxing series on broadcast TV and cable created by Haymon Boxing, is finding a successful way to grow and engage a digital generation of boxing fans with Facebook and Facebook Live. Facebook released a case study, crediting PBC with providing and creating a new home for a video savvy audience.
“Premier Boxing Champions’ innovative, data-driven content strategy has allowed them to connect more boxing fans with the content they love, by taking fans deep into the sport,” said Patrick Chapman, Facebook Sports Partnerships. “That comprehensive approach is driving exciting growth metrics across the boarda sure sign that fans like what they’re seeing.
Providing a fan-first, behind-the-scenes home featuring highlight and training videos, the PBC page has cultivated an active audience bookended by a millennial generation and Boomer audience. Dengan 70% of the PBC Facebook fans between 18-44, the series has found that it is providing and generating an audience that mirrors if not beats audience deliveries of traditional television and cable media.
We’ve found that not only have we grown a digital audience via Facebook, but also we’ve increased tune-in for our PBC broadcasts through our Facebook promotions,” said Alex Balfour, Chief Digital Officer, Haymon Tinju. “Since starting our postings we have seen support escalate for the authentic fan experience. Views rise for the purity of the sport and performance in the ring, regardless of if the fighter is well known, a main event name or a fighter on the undercard. We know our PBC digital fans care about good fights and good fighters, and support watching and learning about results from the matches as well as training.
Di 2015, PBC on Facebook mirrored the strong PBC broadcast/cable audience deliveries, reaching a weekly audience of up to 10 million people. PBC began to post regular highlights on Facebook in the last quarter of 2015 dengan lebih 8 million complete views of its 30-second view highlight video clips, which are posted immediately following the broadcast. The most popular highlight video was the Bulan September 26 Wilder vs. Duphaus fight, sedangkan Bulan Oktober 16 Fonfara vs Cleverly fight on Spike sparked highest level of engagement. For more insights visit the report.
PBC is currently using Facebook Live to add another level of engagement to its audience.
Pada Tanggal Hari Sabtu, Bulan Maret 12, PBC will broadcast an exclusive 12 round exhibition match featuring Porter meeting Lanardo Tyner via Facebook Live on PBC’s Facebook page. Held live at 7 p.m. PST from Porter’s Hy-Performance Center in Las Vegas, a Facebook Live Q&A with Porter and fans will follow the exhibition. Past PBC Facebook Live events have included behind-the-scenes training camp video, including one that reached almost 250k people with former three-division World Champion boxer Abner Mares. PBC had a reach of over 200k people participating in its innovative fighter-first live Q&A with Porter on Februari 1.
As a new brand offering programming across a variety of networks at many different times of day and days of the week, PBC’s challenge was to reach as many of the estimated 36M avid boxing fans in the U.S. as possible and to raise awareness among the estimated 100M casual boxing fans in the U.S.
Source: Nielsen L+SD 12/29/14-11/12/15 Boxing on all broadcast & cable including pay cable. Muka Buku
About Premier Boxing Champions:
“Premier Boxing Champions” is a live boxing series created for television by Haymon Boxing. In its first season, PBC delivered over 85 million total viewers, menurut Nielsen.


Video Provided by Larry RamirezKSAT San Antonio
SAN ANTONIO, TX (Bulan Maret 10, 2016)Undefeated super-featherweight Mario Barrios, 20, is hard at work getting ready for his first fight of the year. He’s scheduled to fight Erick Daniel Martinez (11-4-1, 2 Biaya) Maret 15, pada Robinson Rancheria Resort & Kasino in Nice, SEPERTI. Premier Tinju Champions Toe-to-Toe Tuesdays PBC pada tanggal FS1 will air the fight live starting at 9PM ET Waktu Timur /6PM PT Waktu Pasifik.
Tiket harga $20 (bagian belakang), $30 (mid), $50 (ringside) can be purchased at the Robinson Rancheria Resort & Casino box office or by calling 1-800-809-3636. Pintu terbuka di 5:00 PM. Pertarungan pertama dimulai pada 5:15 PM.


LAS VEGAS (Bulan Maret 10, 2016) – Mayweather Promotions is pleased to announce the signing of exciting lightweight contender Sharif “Singa” Bogere to their growing stable of championship-caliber fighters.
Bogere (27-1, 19 Biaya) has won his last four fights by knockout and is eager to return to the ring with the support of his new promoter.
“This is such a great day for me and an important move for my career,” said Bogere. “I’m very thankful to Floyd, Leonard, and the whole Mayweather Promotions team. I cannot wait to get back in the ring and show everybody why I’m a future world champion. I want to fight the best and I feel this will put me in a position to conquer the sport.”
Mayweather Promotions boasts over 20 professional fighters included current and former world champions Badou Jack, Mickey Bey and Ishe Smith, in addition to the recently retired 12-time world champion and President of Mayweather Promotions, Floyd Mayweather.
“We’re proud to add another young, hungry fighter to our Mayweather Promotions stable,” kata Mayweather. “Sharif Bogere is a very talented young man with an incredible backstory and I know that he’s working hard to become a world champion.”
We believe we have another future Mayweather Promotions world champion in Sharif Bogere,” kata Leonard Ellerbe, CEO Mayweather Promotions. “Floyd and myself will work to get him the best fights on the biggest stages. It’s very exciting to be able to add a fighter of Sharif’s talent and heart to our team.
The 27-year-old trains in Las Vegas with legendary trainer Kenny Adams, but has had to overcome incredible adversity just to get into this position. Born in Kampala, Uganda, Bogere learned to fight as a way to defend himself from the bullies and thieves in his poverty-stricken neighborhood.
He overcame brutal training conditions, including limited access to water and hand wraps, to amass a 68-4 amateur record on his way to becoming a five-time African champion and serving as the captain of the Ugandan national team. Dia berbalik pro di 2008 and earned a 2013 world title shot against Richar Abril, in a fight that he dropped by a narrow decision.
Saat Ini, “Singa” will look to earn himself another world title shot in 2016 with an eye on becoming another world champion in the Mayweather Promotions stable.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut kunjungi: www.mayweatherpromotions.com
Follow on Twitter @FloydMayweather @MayweatherPromo, @SharifBogere and become a fan on Facebook:www.Facebook.com/FloydMayweather, www.Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, www.facebook.com/SharifTheLionBogere

Adamek vs. Molina PPV promo video link

Below please find a promo video link for the April 2nd IBF Intercontinental heavyweight showdown between former light heavyweight and cruiserweight world champion Tomasz “Goral” Adamek (50-4, 30 Biaya), Polandia, dan Eric “Drummer Boy” Molina (24-3, 18 Biaya), dari Raymondville, Texas, airing live on pay-per-view from Kraków, Polandia. It will be distributed in North America by Integrated Sports Media for live viewing at 2 p.m. DAN / 11 a.m. PT on both kabel, satelit dan Internet pay-per-view.
Please feel free to view, post, tweet or pass along:
North American residents will be able to purchase the fight for pay-per-view via iN Demand, DirecTV, Dish Network, dan Vubiquity di Amerika Serikat, serta Rogers TV, Bell TV dan SaskTel di Kanada, untuk harga eceran yang disarankan hanya $29.95. Silahkan hubungi kabel lokal atau penyedia satelit untuk informasi lebih lanjut. Tambahan lagi, the fight is available in North America for purchase on-line at www.Eversport.TV and via the Fite.TV app for both Android and iOS. This event is presented by Polsat, Main Events and Don King Productions.
The pay-per-view telecast will also include several key undercard bouts, including a 10-round cruiserweight fights between former European titlist Mateusz “Menguasai” Masternak (36-4, 26 Biaya) vs. Eric “Bahaya” Fields (24-3, 16 Biaya) dan Michael Cieslak (11-0, 7 Biaya) vs. former two-time world title challenger Francisco “Penyihir” Palacios (23-3, 14 Biaya). Other PPV bouts will soon be announced.


LAS VEGAS (Bulan Maret 9, 2016) – Top performing varsity high school players will showcase their talent in the 1st Annual Las Vegas Basketball Classic pada tanggal Hari Selasa, Bulan Maret 15 di Spring Valley High School di Las Vegas, with the event starting at 5:00 p.m. dengan pintu membuka di 4:30 p.m.
The evening begins with two all-star games featuring elite players from high schools across the city. The girlsgame will kick off the event with a boysgame to follow. The excitement doesn’t stop there, further action on the court will feature 3-point and slam-dunk contests. Professional boxer Ashley Theophane of Mayweather Promotions and UNLV Running Rebels Men’s Basketball Center Stephen Zimmerman will judge the dunk contest, in addition to other special guests.
We are excited to bring the inaugural edition of this great event that focuses on student athletes who are working hard in school and on the court. We’re always looking for opportunities to give young athletes a platform to showcase their talent and have some fun doing it,” said Floyd Mayweather, Presiden Mayweather Promotions, which is sponsoring the event alongside of The Money Team. “This is a great way for them to challenge themselves to be the best by going up against other top prospects in the city.
Tiket untuk acara, which is presented by The Floyd Mayweather Jr. Foundation and Right Hook Promotions are priced at $10 for adults and $5 untuk siswa, dan yang dijual sekarang. Untuk membeli tiket, kunjungan: TFMJF.org/events. Other sponsors include: Premier Ball, Team Believe, The Movement, & Soul Food Cafe.
I’ve known Floyd, Leonard, Nicole and Kenny of Mayweather Promotions for quite some time,” said Towan Butler, CEO of Right Hook Promotions. “I have done a few shows in boxing, and it was only right for us to eventually do something together. It feels good to be able to give back by bringing this type of event to the Clark County School District and the City of Las Vegas, especially with the champ’s foundation involved, it only gave this event greater appeal and I sincerely appreciate it. I hope we do many events together in the future.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, kunjungan: TFMJF.org/events
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Shots: Floyd Mayweather, TFMJF
Snapchat: TFMJF