Tag Архив: бокс


Филм хроникира малко вероятния възход и ненавременна смърт на един от най-колоритните шампиони на бокса

Премиери в петък, Декември 4 при 9 PM ET / PT

НЮ ЙОРК - октомври 27, 2020 - Спортните документални филми на Showtime днес обявиха, че ще бъдат излъчени МАЧО: ИСТОРИЯТА НА ХЕКТОРА КАМАЧО, непоколебим поглед към забележителния живот, етажна кариера и неразкрито убийство на един от най-големите шоумени на бокса. Премиера в петък, Декември 4 при 9 p.m. ET / PT на SHOWTIME, документалният филм дебютира само две седмици след осмата годишнина от фаталната стрелба на Камачо в Баямон, Puerto Rico.

За първи път на филм, МАЧО: ИСТОРИЯТА НА ХЕКТОРА КАМАЧО предлага задълбочен преглед на малко вероятния спортен герой. Филмът отпразнува възвишените боксови умения на Камачо и необузданата харизма, довела испанския Харлем и пуерториканската култура в центъра на спортния свят. Чрез редки и разкриващи интервюта с майка си, Мария Матиас, сестри, съпруга Ейми и син Хектор-младши, документалният филм също се задълбочава в размирния дух и дух на легендарния боец, неговата битка с пристрастяването и вътрешните сътресения, които в крайна сметка водят до смъртта му - мистериозно двойно убийство на пътя през ноември 2012.

„Харизмата на Мачо Камачо, боксовата мъжество и пищният му стил го превърнаха в спортна икона на Пуерто Рика, и, за време, най-голямата звезда в бокса. Когато стъпи на ринга, всички знаеха, че е „Времето на мачото,’“, Каза Стивън Еспиноза, Президент, Спорт и събития Програмиране, Showtime Networks Inc. „Този ​​филм разкрива сложните върхове и падения в живота на Хектор: радостта, която той донесе толкова много, както и демоните, с които той се борил насаме зад кулисите. През всичко, обаче, Камачо донесе на бокса ниво на демонстрация и пищност, което беше далеч по-напред от времето му. "

Роден в Баямон и отгледан в проектите на испанския Харлем през 70-те години, Камачо се изкачи до върха на бокса. Неговата динамична скорост, работата на краката и мощта, съчетани с несравнимата му демонстрация, помогнаха за въвеждането на нова ера на съвременния бокс и го направиха член на изключителен клуб от бойци, които надхвърлиха спорта. Филмът разказва историята на издигането на Камачо от проблемен младеж до световен шампион с няколко дивизии. МАЧО: ИСТОРИЯТА НА ХЕКТОРА КАМАЧО преразглежда незабравимите изпълнения на Камачо срещу легенди като Роберто Дюран, Sugar Ray Leonard и Julio Cesar Chavez, и ключови повратни точки в кариерата в двубоите с Рей "Бум Бум" Манчини и обичания боец ​​от Нова Англия Вини Пазиенца. През всички възходи и падения и победи и загуби, Историята на Камачо за устойчивост е вдъхновяваща, въпреки че, в края, имаше един противник, когото той никога не можеше да победи - себе си.

МАЧО: ИСТОРИЯТА НА ХЕКТОРА КАМАЧО е режисиран от двукратната Еми® Носителят на наградата Ерик Драт (Нападение на ринга и No Más, 30 за 30), и продуциран от Драт и Даниел Наасана, и двете от Live Star Entertainment. Шестнадесеткратният носител на наградата "Еми" Арън Коен служи като сценарист и консултантски продуцент.

Showtime Networks Inc. (SNI), изцяло притежавано дъщерно дружество на ViacomCBS Inc., притежава и експлоатира премия телевизионни мрежи Showtime®, Филмовия канал и FLIX®, и също така предлага SHOWTIME по поръчка®, Филмовия канал ПО ПОРЪЧКА и FLIX ПО ПОРЪЧКА®, и Authentication Service SHOWTIME ВСЯКО ВРЕМЕ на мрежата®. Showtime Digital Inc., изцяло притежавано дъщерно дружество на SNI, експлоатира самостоятелно стрийминг услугата SHOWTIME®. В момента SHOWTIME е на разположение на абонатите по кабел, DBS, и доставчици на телекомуникации, и като самостоятелна услуга за стрийминг чрез Amazon, Apple®, Google, LG Smart TVs, Oculus Go, Година®, Samsung Smart TVs, Xbox One и PlayStation®4. Потребителите могат също да се абонират за SHOWTIME чрез Prime Video Channel на Amazon, Apple TV Канали, AT&T TV сега, FuboTV, Hulu, Каналът Року, Sling TV и YouTube TV. Зрителите могат да гледат и на компютри в Showtime.com. SNI пазари и разпространение на спортни и развлекателни събития за изложба на абонатите на база заплащане-на-виж чрез SHOWTIME PPV®. За повече информация, отидете www.SHO.com.
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Alexander “Великото” Flores driven to conquer Luis “Кинг Конг” Ortiz

LAS VEGAS (Октомври 27, 2020) – California heavyweight Alexander “Великото” Цветя (18-2-1, 16 Нокаута), whose only pro losses have been to world champions, will have the opportunity of his boxing career on November 7тата, when he takes on 2-time world title challenger Luis “Кинг Конг” Ortiz (26 Нокаута).

King Kong vs. Alexander The Great will air live on FOX television, като се започне от 8:00 p.m. И / 5:30 p.m. PT, in the 10-round main event on the Premier Boxing Champions card from Microsoft Theatre in Los Angeles.

Ortiz is a 2-time world title challenger who has a lot of experience,” Flores said. “Аз съм млад, гладен, driven and determined to win. Beating Ortiz is a life-changing opportunity that I won’t be taking for granted.

Ortiz is a great fighter,” Цветя’ промотор Кийт Veltre (RJJ Boxing CEO/co-founder) добави, “but I think he may regret fighting a hungry lion like Flores. Fighting the elite of the heavyweight division has never been a problem for Alexander, whose only two losses have been to world champions. He gained invaluable experience in those fights that he’ll take into the ring against Oritz. We’d like to thank Team Ortiz, PBC and FOX for this tremendous opportunity.

The 30-year-old Flores, fighting out of Roland Heights (КАТО), lost in 2014 to world champions Charles Martin и Джоузеф Паркър four years later Flores captured the World Boxing Council (WBC) Youth World heavyweight title in 2012 with a fifth-round stoppage of Joey Montoya.

Cuba-born Ortiz, който живее в Маями, has lost only twice, both times to world champion Дионтей Уайлдър. Ortiz, a 41-year-old southpaw, has defeated a litany of world-class heavyweights during his 10 ½ year pro career, including Christian Hammer, Травис Кауфман, Малик Скот, Тони Томпсън, Bryan Jennings, Монте Барет, Lateef Kayode and Epifanio Mendoza. Като аматьор, Ortiz had a reported 349-19 рекорд, and he captured a gold medal at the 2006 Кубинските Национално първенство.


Уебсайтове: HTTP://www.RoyJonesJrBoxing.com
Facebook: /RJJBoxing, /KeithVeltre
Кикотене: @Keith_Veltre, @RoyjonesJRfa @RoyJonesJrOfficial,
Instagram: @KeithVeltre, @RoyJonesJrBoxing

Boxing a family affair for Idaho amateur boxer Kendra Samargis

Колорадо Спрингс, Скут. (Октомври 26, 2020) – Idaho middleweight boxer Kendra (Reeves) Samargisdecision four years ago to lose weight has led her onto a path to compete in the 2020 САЩ Национално първенство по бокс, Декември 5-12, в конгресния център на Шривпорт в Шривпорт, Louisiana.

Boxing for the 26-year-old Samargis, who lives in Twin Falls, is a real family affair. She’s trained by her husband, Jason, and their two sons, Skyler Bellus (11) and Riley Marovich (8), are in USA Boxing. Skyler, фактически, has competed in several tournaments in which his mother also fought.

I got into boxing just as a form of weight loss,” Kendra explained. “My husband had been a boxing coach for many years and he still had all of his equipment. We set it up in our garage and started training. Първо, starting out was the worst thing I had ever done. The amount of stamina, endurance, and strength that I needed to have was unreal. Slowly over time I lost tremendous weight, 73-pounds to be exact, and I came to love the sport.

I’m always asked what it’s like to be trained by my husband. I always say I have a secret weapon, someone who is in my corner who wants me to succeed just as much as I do and supports me throughout. Също, in times we’re at tournaments, I am never alone the night before a big fight and if I need a pep talk, he is right there. Сега, my sons competing with me, добре, that’s a different story. Being on the outside of the ring while my boys are competing is by far harder than any fight I have ever had. My mom-side definitely kicks in. В края на деня, въпреки че, I know how well trained they are, and I have to trust that. I don’t work their corners because that’s too close. I would throw in the towel every time. I have to be in the stands.

Kendra and both of her sons will be competing in Shreveport this year, despite having to train during the COVID-19 pandemic to prepare for the first national tournament of the year in the United States.

Training during the pandemic has been a blessing for me,” Kendra said. “We now own a gym in town. Така, during the times we had to close our doors, Моят съпруг, kids and I were able to keep up with our training regimen. I learned so much during this time. We were actually able to slow things down and work on so many things that get overlooked. We are also very lucky to live in a small town, we only had to keep our gym closed for two months and we’ve been up and running since. I could only image how hard it must be for so many people during these times. We were very blessed to have a gym to get us through.

Currently ranked No. 10 при 152 pounds and No. 5 при 165, Kendra’s highlights thus far are winning gold medals at the 2019 Eastern Elite Qualifier and 2018 Националните Златни ръкавици Tournament.

An aggressive boxer who throws punches in bunches, Samargis believes she’s made dramatic improvement in the past years. She admittedly changed many different parts of her game, focusing more on movement, foot and head placements.

В крайна сметка, she wants to capture top honors at multiple national tournaments, starting with this year’s Nationals Championship, and eventually turn pro to shoot for a world title. За сега, въпреки че, she’s all in for the Nationals.

I am my biggest competition for this year’s National Championships,” she concluded. “Every day I want to be the best version of myself and every day I wake up to the haunting possibility I could fall back into the person that I used to be. I have to go to war everyday with myself to keep this person at bay. All of the hours of training, nutrition and mental preparation helps me accomplish this. Every day I can continue to be the best version of myself, focusing only on getting better, then who I compete against won’t matter.

I am beyond ready and excited for the National Championships this year. With the world coming to a halt this will be my first tournament of the year. I am ready to get back in the ring. Medaling will give me another national title under my belt and sharpen my resume for when I turn pro.

Кикотене: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni
Instagram: @USABoxing
Facebook: /USABoxing


Световният шампион на WIBA Денис Касъл ще бъде заглавие на историческотоНЕКА БЪДЕМ ДА ЗАПОЧНЕМ – ЛЪВИЦИТЕ събитие, повишен шест пъти, световен шампион от пет дивизии Лий Макалистър, който се провежда в събота на 21 ноември 2020

През цялата си професионална боксова кариера Bournemouth’s Castle се състезава по целия свят, но с любопитство никога не се е състезавала в състезание в родната си страна, но това ще се промени на 21 ноември, макар че събитието ще се проведе при затворени врати, в северния хотел в Абърдийн, и няма да има британски фенове, които да я подкрепят.

Замъкът, бивш Световен съвет по бокс (WBC) Световен шампион по муай тай, осигури Международната боксова асоциация на жените (WIBA) Световна корона през октомври 2019, след спиране на пети кръг над Sutthinee Bamrungpao в Банкок, Тайланд.

На 21-ви ноември замъкът първоначално е бил защитен от световната корона на WIBA срещу Джудит Хачболд, при условие че медицинското спиране на Hachbold, издадено от щатската комисия по бокс във Флорида, бъде разрешено поне 30 дни преди събитието, което не е настъпило. Заместник-съперник ще бъде обявен след време.

Към днешна датаНЕКА БЪДЕМ ДА ЗАПОЧНЕМ серия, които се излъчват на живо поFITE TV и забавено излъчване във Великобритания наСпортна канална мрежа (Freeview / Youview Channel 265), участва в женски състезания на всички събития.

Първият се проведе на 18 юли 2020 и беше домакин на професионалния дебют по бокс на десеткратен световен шампион по кик бокс Кейтлин Форан срещу международния сребърен шампион на PBC Хайме Бейтс.

НЕКА БЪДЕМ НАЧАЛО II, който беше излъчен на живо в петък, 4 септември, включваше три женски състезания, първият представен международен сребърен шампион на PBC в сребърен полулайтНикола Хоупуел срещуТаша Бойес, на картата също бяха представени Elite Amateur StarsХоли Тоул иЕли Кулсън които направиха съответните си дебюти в професионалния бокс срещуХайме Бейтс иБеси Фъргюсън.

Временната карта за 21 ноемвриНЕКА БЪДЕМ ДА ЗАПОЧНЕМ – ЛЪВИЦИТЕ събитието вижда Световен шампион на WIBA с минимално теглоЗамъкът Дениз защити короната си срещу все още не е определен за заместващ опонент.

Подредената карта е домакин на реванша междуНикола Хоупуел иТаша Бойес, след нещастното пенсиониране на Бойес по време на предишната им среща поради нараняване на ръката.

Бивш десеткратен световен шампион по кик боксКейтлин Форан ще се появи за втори път в сериала и ще се изправи срещу Shrewsbury’sБеси Фъргюсън.

Бивш национален шампион на Англия за аматьориЕли Кулсън ще се появи и за втори път в сериала, този път тя се изправяЕстер Конечна от Чехия.

Бившият петкратен шампион на Шефилд за аматьори и ненадминат като професионалист, Холи Тоул, изправени пред МалтаМелиса Харианто.

World Boxing Съвета (WBC) Световен шампион по муай тайНатача Де Алмейда от Швейцария, ще направи своя дебют в професионалния бокс срещу York’sКарли Макензи.

Бивш елитен аматьор, South Shields ’Естел Скот, се завръща в действие срещу дебютаКирсти Бисвас от Мидълзбро.

МанчестърСофи Варли прави първата си поява в сериала и ще бъде изправена пред дебютИвет Гарсия.

Международният шампион в сребърна петна категория на PBC на ШрусбъриХайме Бейтс ще върви пети до пети с високоопитния кенийскиДжейн Кавулани.

Освен че е първото състезание по професионален бокс за жени, НЕКА БЪДЕМ ДА ЗАПОЧНЕМ – ЛЪВИЦИТЕ ще бъде и първото събитие в Обединеното кралство, което се провежда от цял ​​женски отбор, лицензиран от британците & Ирландски орган по бокс (БИБА), които санкционират историческото събитие.

Бивш рефер от клас АматьорКарла Фокс ще третото лице на ринга, Мишел Пенингтън иЕрика Хигинс ще бъдат инспекторите иЕма Truepenny ще бъде хронометърът и поради счупен пръст на крака, който й пречи да се състезава за историческото събитие, Международен шампион на MBC и директор на женския бокс на BIBAMarianne Марстън, който е и квалифициран главен инспектор / супервизор на шампионата, сега ще бъде главен инспектор и супервизор на шампионата на събитието.

НЕКА БЪДЕМ ДА ЗАПОЧНЕМ – ЛЪВИЦИТЕ, във връзка сPAPA JOHN’S PIZZA иНЕОН ЕНЕРГИЙНИ НАПИТКИ, ще се проведе на 21 ноември 2020 и ще се излъчва изключително на живо поFITE TV (PPV @ $12.99)



Former World Champion Lipinets Battles Unbeaten
Custio Clayton for Interim IBF Welterweight Title
Живей SHOWTIME® Събота, Октомври 24 Headlining a
Premier Boxing Champions Event

NEW YORK (Октомври 20, 2020) – Even with a change in date and then opponent, Бившият световен шампион Сергей Lipinets remains supremely confident in his training camp and overall preparations as he prepares to take on unbeaten Custio Clayton for the Interim IBF Welterweight Title live on SHOWTIME this Saturday, Октомври 24 (9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT) headlining a Premier Boxing Champions event.

“We never missed a beat in preparation, even with the opponent change,” said Lipinets. “My fight with Kudratillo Abdukakhorov was on and off for so long that I already had an idea that he was going to be forced to back out, so I wasn’t shocked. I don’t really care, въпреки че. Whoever I have to fight I’m ready to fight, so I didn’t consider backing out of fighting for even one second.”

Lipinets credits his trainer, the renowned Joe Goossen, for helping his fighter mentally through the changes, in addition to the physical training they have undertook heading into the fight.

“Having Joe Goossen is like having a psychiatrist as well as a trainer,” said Lipinets. “He’s been extremely helpful about how to approach all of this. Joe helped me stay calm and understand that something good can always come from a bad or difficult situation, and because of that, I never lost focus.”

Clayton is a Canadian Olympian with an unblemished pro resume heading into this showdown. While Lipinets notes that there are differences in the fighting styles between Abdukakhorov and Clayton, none of it changes his intent on October 24.

“I know that Clayton has a great amateur background,” said Lipinets. “I’ve checked out his style, and the main difference is that Abdukakhorov is more active and Clayton is more accurate. Abdukakhorov is also a little more aggressive and Clayton is more patient.

“I don’t think one is tougher or easier than the other. I think that anyone fighting at this level is a difficult opponent. Abdukakhorov moves around more and can be more awkward with the different styles he uses. Both are very tough guys, but I’m ready for Clayton and focused only on him at this point.”

Despite his sole focus on Clayton, Lipinets knows that this fight brings a big opportunity to make a loud proclamation to the rest of the stacked welterweight division with a big performance to capture the interim IBF title.

“I’m prepared to make one statement – I belong here,” said Lipinets. “I want to fight the best. I want to make my imprint on this sport and build my legacy. I’ve had to do it the hard way, but I’m not complaining. I fought for my first championship in just my 13тата про бой. I believe that I belong right there at the top of this sport. People need to start mentioning my name with the top guys and after this fight they’ll have to. You can’t look past me anymore.”

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Lipinets vs. Clayton will see former world champion Сергей Lipinets face unbeaten Custio Clayton for the Interim IBF Welterweight Title headlining action live on SHOWTIME Saturday, Октомври 24 от Mohegan Sun Arena в Uncasville, Кон. в събитие, представен от Premier боксови шампиони.

БОКСЪТ ЗА ПОКАЗВАНЕ: SPECIAL EDITION telecast will begin at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and will see undefeated contender Xavier Martínez battle hard-hitting Claudio “The Matrix” Marrero in a 12-round WBA Super Featherweight Title Eliminator in the co-main event. Rising super lightweight Malik “Iceman” Hawkins will duel knockout artist Subriel Matías in a 10-round showdown to kick off the televised action.

Събитието се популяризира от TGB Promotions, Lee Baxter Promotions and Mayweather Promotions.

За повече информация посетете www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, следват по Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions или станете фен във Facebook на www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing


NEW YORK, NY (Октомври 19, 2020) - Най- Feet First Foundation is pleased to announce a collaborative partnership with the “WBC Cares”организация, a community outreach program formed by the World Boxing Съвета в 2006. The two parties have teamed up to highlight the transformative power of boxing, and how textbook boxing training can help improve the lives of many students in schools across the world.

By partnering with the WBC Cares, the Feet First Foundation, who already has had over 10,000 students go through their program, now aims to extend its curriculum nationally as a supportive outlet for schools around the world. The Feet First Foundation has found success implementing a data-backed program that uses boxing exercise and group discussion to inspire strong character in these school children.
Founded in the state of California in 2017, the Feet First Foundation under the guidance of co-founders Dan Dorsett, Sean Sharkey, Zach Micheletti и Brandon Kregel, has improved the lives of thousands of students and adults. Along with promoting a healthy lifestyle that incorporates disciplined boxing exercise, the Feet First program also encourages group discussion topics around perseverance, accountability, and respect.

“It feels good to be working with a common goal of helping others through the art of boxing, and we are proud to team up with a first-class organization like the WBC Cares,” said co-founder Sean Sharkey. “Our goal is to incorporate this curriculum in schools all over the world and we believe our partnership with the WBC Cares will better broaden our mission for the betterment of students across the globe.”

The World Boxing Council has crowned an array of some of the most famous world champions, several of whom continue to be household names to this day. These include Мохамед Али, Sugar Ray Leonard, Майк Тайсън,Жулио Сезар Чавес, Саул "Канело" Алварес, и Мани Пакиао да назовем само няколко.

“We started the WBC Cares program to help children all around the world and the Feet First Foundation aligns with our goals,"Заяви Джил Даймънд, WBC Cares, International Chair. “I can envision this curriculum being implemented in schools nationally and internationally, with a variety of our champions showing support. We are pleased to endorse their movement with this partnership.”

In keeping with the high standards established by this partnership, Feet First announces their new brand ambassador, undefeated Super Lightweight prospect Omar “El Relámpago” Juarez (9-0, 4 Нокаута), a rising star fighting under the Premiere Boxing Champions (PBC) знаме. Omar has been contributing to his community in Brownsville, Texas since he was 16-years old through motivational speeches to over 35,000 students in more than 20 campuses. He is also the annual guest of honor at “A Night to Shine”, a prom styled event held for special needs children every March, sponsored by Brownsville’s “Down By The Border” and the nationally recognized “Tim Tebow Foundation".
Omar Juarez is an embodiment of the strong character that Feet First Foundation and WBC Cares seek to replicate around the world, and both organizations are looking forward to a future helping as many children as possible.
“I’m a huge fan of the WBC Cares program so its enlightening to be part of this movement with Feet First, as together I know we can help a lot of students.” said Juarez. “I believe this program will benefit society in many ways. I’m all in.”
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“On October 31 everyone will see what I’m capable of," – Heraldez

Unbeaten Contender Juan Heraldez Faces Former World Champion Regis Prograis in SHOWTIME PPV® ActionSaturday, Октомври 31 Live From the Alamodome in San Antonio, Texas in an Event Presented by Premier Boxing Champions

NEW YORK – Октомври 16, 2020 – Unbeaten super lightweight contender Juan Heraldez is deep into training camp and shared insights into his preparations as he nears a showdown against former champion Regis "Ругару" Prograis в събота, Октомври 31 live on SHOWTIME PPV in a Premier Boxing Champions event headlined by Gervonta Davis vs. Leo Santa Cruz live from Alamodome in San Antonio.

“It’s been a long eight-week camp preparing for Prograis,” said Heraldez. “We’re fighting a different style of fighter, which is a good thing because he’s the type of fighter who comes to fight. A style like this makes it easier for me to train and prepare.

“Prograis has power, but you have to land it and that’s where my defense comes into play. My defense has always been a factor and it’s something we always tweak and find ways for me to be sharper. On paper his credentials are up there, but in the ring all of that goes out the door. When the bell rings, I’m not thinking about him being a former world champion. I fight and get the job done.”

Heraldez has adapted to the changes produced by training during the pandemic, and has been able to keep focused throughout camp. He credits the infrastructure at the Mayweather Boxing Club, where he trains in Las Vegas, for helping keep things running smoothly as he prepares to face his toughest opponent to date.

“The pandemic has had a slight effect on camp like it has with everything else,” said Heraldez. “There are so many protocols and safety measures, so you can’t just rotate sparring partners as easily as you could before. Adjusting to wearing a mask in the gym and getting tested constantly are things you learn to get used to. The Mayweather Boxing Club has done a great job of keeping the gym clean and safe for all of us. A lot of my stablemates are here in Las Vegas preparing for big fights, so it’s a great feeling knowing that we can come to a gym where safety is the top priority.”

The unbeaten Heraldez will return to the ring after fighting former world champion Argenis Mendez to a draw in May 2019 на SHOWTIME. Heraldez had put together an impressive string of victories dating back to a 2017 triumph over then-unbeaten Jose Miguel Borrego, and included a knockout win over Eddie Ramirez in February 2019 leading into the Mendez fight. Heraldez has continued to fine-tune his arsenal heading into the Prograis fight.

“My team and I have been working on various things such as my jab, but most importantly where I am in the ring at all times,” said Heraldez. “My ring awareness has elevated this camp. My coach and I keep things old school, we don’t have a strength and conditioning coach, we work on the basics and get better at them each camp. Boxing is simple. Stick and move and don’t get hit. The training I get from Coach Otis Pimpleton covers so many things such as cardio, техника, ring IQ, и т.н., so my job is just to listen to my team and trust them when I’m in camp and in the ring on fight night.”

While Heraldez is looking to improve on the draw in his last fight, Prograis will be seeking to bounce back from his first career defeat, a memorable 140-pound unification clash with Josh Taylor. With both fighters hungry for a win on October 31, Heraldez expects an exciting night for fans.

“On fight night, both of our styles are going to make for great action,” said Heraldez. “We both bring a lot to the ring. We’re both fighting to be the best, but on October 31, everyone will see what I’m capable of.”

Дейвис срещу. Santa Cruz will see three-time world champion Gervonta "Резервоар" Дейвис and four-division world champion Leo “El Terremoto” Santa Cruz battle for the WBA Super Featherweight and WBA Lightweight Championships headlining a SHOWTIME PPV Saturday, Октомври 31 (9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT) in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions from the Alamodome in San Antonio, Texas.

The stacked undercard will feature unbeaten San Antonio native and WBA Super Lightweight Champion Mario “El Azteca” Barrios defending his title against hard-hitting Ryan “Cowboy” Karl in the co-main event and former super lightweight world champion Regis “Rougarou” Prograis will take on unbeaten contender Juan Heraldez in a 10-round showdown. В телевизията отварачка, lightweight contenders Isaac Cruz and Diego Magdaleno will battle in an IBF title eliminator bout.

Събитието се рекламира чрез Мейуедър промоции, TGB Промоции, GTD Promotions and Santa Cruz Boxing Club. Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased at Ticketmaster.com. The Alamodome has implemented a comprehensive health and safety plan to protect against the spread of the coronavirus. All fans attending the event will be screened upon entry and are required to wear a mask as well as follow social distancing guidelines. Tickets will be distributed in seat blocks known as “pods” to maintain distance between groups not from the same party. За повече информация, посещение Alamodome.com

За повече информация посетете www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, следват по Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, TGBPromotions, в Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @MayweatherPromotions, @TGBPromotionss or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing и https://www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions/.



NEW YORK– Октомври 15, 2020 – Бившият световен шампионСергей Lipinetswill now face unbeatenCustio Claytonfor the Interim IBF Welterweight Title headlining action live on SHOWTIME Saturday, Октомври 24 от Mohegan Sun Arena в Uncasville, Кон. в събитие, представен от Premier боксови шампиони.

Kudratillo Abdukakhorov, who was originally scheduled to face Lipinets, was forced to withdraw because of visa issues.

БОКСЪТ ЗА ПОКАЗВАНЕ: SPECIAL EDITION telecast will begin at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and will see undefeated contenderXavier Martвnezbattle hard-hittingClaudio “The Matrix” Marreroin a 12-round WBA Super Featherweight Title Eliminator in the co-main event. Rising super lightweightMalik “Iceman” Hawkinswill duel knockout artistSubriel Matвкатоin a 10-round showdown to kick off the televised action.

Събитието се популяризира от TGB Promotions, Lee Baxter Promotions and Mayweather Promotions.

“Custio Clayton is an outstanding replacement opponent given the late change and should provide a stiff test against Sergey Lipinets on October 24,” said Tom Brown, Председател на TGB Промоции. “Clayton was already deep into training and will bring a wealth of experience, from his amateur days through his impressive pro career, into this showdown with Lipinets. This is a great opportunity for Clayton to announce himself as a welterweight contender against one of the division’s most dangerous fighters.”

“I’m very happy to have this opportunity,” said Clayton. “This is exactly the type of fight me and my team have been asking for. My preparation has been very good. This might seem like it’s last-minute, but I am more than ready for whatever Lipinets brings on October 24.”

The 31-year-old Lipinets (16-1, 12 Нокаута) will look to remain unbeaten since moving up to welterweight in 2018 and position himself for further title opportunities in the welterweight division. Born in Kazakhstan and representing Russia, Lipinets now lives in Woodland Hills, Халиф. and is trained by renowned coach Joe Goossen. Lipinets has put together three straight victories since losing his 140-pound title to four-division champion Mikey Garcia in March 2018. Lipinets scored two victories in 2019, including a stoppage of two-division champion Lamont Peterson in one of the year’s most exciting fights.

A 2012 Канадската Olympian, Clayton (18-0, 12 Нокаута) fights out of Montreal, Quebec, Canada and will make his U.S. debut on October 24. The 33-year-old is unbeaten since turning pro in 2014 and most recently scored a knockout victory over Diego Ramirez in January. Clayton owns 2019 triumphs over former champion DeMarcus Corley and Johan Perez, in addition to a 12-round decision win over then unbeaten Stephen Danyo in 2018.

За повече информация посететеwww.SHO.com/sportswww.PremierBoxingChampions.com, следват по Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions или станете фен във Facebook наwww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing


Lightweight Contenders Magdaleno and Isaac Cruz Meet in
Title Eliminator Opening SHOWTIME PPV® Събота, Октомври 31
from The Alamodome in San Antonio in Event Presented by
Премиер боксови Champions
КликнетеТУК for Magdaleno Training Video – Кредит: Armando Bareño
NEW YORK – Октомври 9, 2020 – Former world title challengerДиего Magdalenoshared insights into his training camp as he nears an IBF Lightweight Title Eliminator bout againstIsaac Cruzthat kicks off SHOWTIME PPV (9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT) екшън в събота, Октомври 31 from the Alamodome in San Antonio in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.
“This is my second fight working with ‘Bones’ Adams out of his gym in Las Vegas,” said Magdaleno. “I’ve actually known him since I was nine-years-old, so I consider him like my best friend. I trust him with my life. I’ve spent some time training for this fight in Scipio, Utah too, pulling hay bales and doing all sorts of interesting drills. I’ve gotten in some good sparring here in Vegas, and I even went out to California for some sparring, твърде.
“I was on one of the last fight cards pre-pandemic, and I’m honored to be on the first fight card with a live crowd since the pandemic began. It’s been a hectic year, but I’m happy with where things are for me heading into this fight. Coach Adams has been doing a great job with training, but he also handles my strength and conditioning. He’s got a huge gym with a lot of motivated fighters and it’s great to be around that kind of atmosphere. And my fiancé has been handling my nutrition for my last four fights. Така, it’s great to have her involved also.”
Magdaleno returns to action after upsetting Austin Dulay in Dulay’s hometown of Nashville, Тенеси. през февруари, dropping him in round seven on his way to a 10-round unanimous decision. He credits his team in training camp for the impressive performance against Dulay.
“I’ve always taken pride in being a professional, but I learned that I can be very dangerous with the right team around me,” said Magdaleno. “I went into that fight kind of being considered a steppingstone for Dulay, but I showed that I’m still a strong fighter. People counted me out and they made a mistake. I’m just super happy that I found Coach Adams and got a proper team organized around me. I was able to change people’s minds with just one fight. Now I’m in a title eliminator, and with a win on October 31, I’ll have my third shot at a world title.”
The 33-year-old has come up short in his most high-profile fights to date, dropping title bouts to Terry Flanagan and Roman Martinez, in addition to a 2019 loss against current lightweight champion Teofimo Lopez. With those experiences and an improved training structure around him, Magdaleno believes the lessons he’s taken from those fights will be instrumental going forward.
“The biggest thing that I’ve learned is to stay calm,” said Magdaleno. “When I start thinking too far ahead, that’s when things go wrong. Coach Adams has a great way of keeping me grounded and composed. He knows how to simplify things for me and communicate exactly what I need to do, which makes it less stressful for me. And we’ve done some other things, like correcting my footwork and the angles that I use.”
In the 22-year-old Cruz, Magdaleno will be opposed by a fast-rising and exciting Mexican fighter looking to make a mark in his biggest fight to date. With an 11-year age gap, Magdaleno plans to use his extensive experience to his advantage on October 31.
“Cruz is something I’ve seen before,” said Magdaleno. “I’ve fought lots of Mexican-style fighters like him who don’t have a lot of technical skill but possess a come-forward style. Така, I think I’ll be able to go back to what I know. I’ll just have to stay fluid and pick Cruz apart. He’s a guy who likes to fight on the inside and throw lots of overhand punches and hooks. I’ll break him down like I did my last opponent.”
Magdaleno will look to continue his career renaissance against Cruz and put himself back on track for another world title opportunity. With all that he’s been through during his career, Magdaleno remains highly motivated to prove critics wrong and achieve his goal of becoming a world champion.
“What I know is that when everyone counts you out, you just have to believe in yourself,” said Magdaleno. “When I decide to hang up the gloves, it’ll be because I want to, not because others say I should. I have my confidence back now and I’m very happy with where I’m going
. Being one shot away from the title that I dreamed of as a child is a huge motivating factor for me. And I fight for my family, твърде. I’m a different person now. I’m more mature and I think I’ll be able to prove that to people in this fight.”
Дейвис срещу. Santa Cruz will see three-time world championGervonta "Резервоар" Дейвисand four-division world championLeo “El Terremoto” Santa Cruzbattle for the WBA Super Featherweight and WBA Lightweight Championships headlining a SHOWTIME PPV Saturday, Октомври 31 (9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT) in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions from the Alamodome in San Antonio, Texas.
The stacked undercard will feature unbeaten San Antonio native and WBA Super Lightweight Champion Mario “El Azteca” Barrios defending his title against hard-hitting Ryan “Cowboy” Karl in the co-main event and former super lightweight world champion Regis “Rougarou” Prograis will take on unbeaten contender Juan Heraldez in a 10-round showdown. В телевизията отварачка, lightweight contenders Isaac Cruz and Diego Magdaleno will battle in an IBF title eliminator bout.
Събитието се рекламира чрез Мейуедър промоции, TGB Промоции, GTD Promotions and Santa Cruz Boxing Club. Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased at Ticketmaster.com. The Alamodome has implemented a comprehensive health and safety plan to protect against the spread of the coronavirus. All fans attending the event will be screened upon entry and are required to wear a mask as well as follow social distancing guidelines. Tickets will be distributed in seat blocks known as “pods” to maintain distance between groups not from the same party. За повече информация, посещениеAlamodome.com
За повече информация посететеwww.SHO.com/sportswww.PremierBoxingChampions.com, следват по Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, TGBPromotions, в Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @MayweatherPromotions, @TGBPromotionss or become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing иhttps://www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions/.


“I’ll have a plan for whatever he brings to the table and get the win however I have to!"

Former World Champion Lipinets Battles Unbeaten
Kudratillo Abdukakhorov for Interim IBF Welterweight Title
Живей SHOWTIME® Събота, Октомври 24 Headlining a
Premier Boxing Champions Event

NEW YORK – Октомври 8, 2020 – Бившият световен шампион Сергей Lipinets has not let anything, be it the pandemic or a change in fight date, distract him from preparations for his battle against unbeaten Kudratillo Abdukakhorov,as they fight for interim IBF Welterweight Title headlining action live on SHOWTIME Saturday, Октомври 24 (9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT) в събитие, представен от Premier боксови шампиони.

“I took the change in date like a champion, and I’ll do the same thing on October 24 that I would have done on October 10,” said Lipinets. “I’m very strong mentally, so there’s really no issue with the timing change. Training camp has been going great and I’m 100% ready for this one. I’ve been working with Joe Goossen and sparring with a lot of great fighters including Rashidi Ellis and Ronald Cruz.”

The 31-year-old Lipinets credits the renowned coach Goossen for the level of performance he has shown in the ring in the two years that they’ve worked together. The union between Lipinets and Goossen followed Lipinets’ run at 140-pounds, which saw him defeat Akihiro Kondo for the IBF Super Lightweight Championship on SHOWTIME in 2017 before losing the title by decision to Mikey Garcia the following year.

“My progression is totally attributed to working with Joe Goossen,” said Lipinets. “It’s like going from a high school education, then to college, and now I feel like I’m in graduate school. I’ve learned more with Joe than in all my previous time in the sport.

“Joe Goossen has taught me a lot about the short game and working on the inside. He’s also helped me with my lateral movement and made me way more durable. That’s all combined with my power increasing at 147 паунда. I’m ready to show all of it on October 24.”

Lipinets added two knockout victories to his ledger in 2019. In March he stopped two-division champion Lamont Peterson in a memorable firefight before blasting out Jayar Inson in the second-round in July. A win on October 24 not only puts Lipinets in line for the winner of the matchup between IBF and WBC Welterweight Champion Errol Spence Jr. and two-division champion Danny Garcia, but also will help solidify his spot amongst the best in the star-studded 147-pound weight class. Обаче, these potential high-profile matchups don’t take anything away from his focus heading into his upcoming fight.

“I don’t really think about the other top welterweight fighters like Errol Spence Jr., Мани Пакиао, Дани Гарсия, Keith Търман, Shawn Porter or Terence Crawford,” said Lipinets. “In order to get to them, I have to win on October 24. Then everything else will fall into place. The top guys will fight me when they have to. That’s been the story of my career. Nobody has fought me because they wanted to, but usually because they had to.”

The unbeaten Abdukakhorov presents a challenge that Lipinets embraces. Abdukakhorov enters this fight after a victory over former champion Luis Collazo in addition extensive amateur experience that Lipinets knows will make him a formidable opponent when they square off October 24.

“Nobody is at the top of the IBF rankings for nothing,” said Lipinets. “Abdukakhorov had a successful amateur career with a lot of fights. He moves fast and knows his way around the ring. I know he’s tough, strong and he’ll do his best to stay in there with me. But I’m going to box him, fight at a distance if I have to, and pile up points against him. Очаквам голяма борба. I’ll have a plan for whatever he brings to the table and get the win however I have to!"

Lipinets vs. Abdukakhorov will see former world champion Sergey Lipinets take on unbeaten Kudratillo Abdukakhorov for the interim IBF Welterweight Title headlining action live on SHOWTIME Saturday, Октомври 24 в събитие, представен от Premier боксови шампиони.

БОКСЪТ ЗА ПОКАЗВАНЕ: SPECIAL EDITION telecast will begin at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and will see undefeated contender Xavier Martínez battle hard-hitting Claudio “The Matrix” Marrero in a 12-round WBA Super Featherweight Title Eliminator in the co-main event. Rising super lightweight Malik “Iceman” Hawkins will duel knockout artist Subriel Matías in a 10-round showdown to kick off the televised action.

Събитието се популяризира от TGB Promotions, Top Rank, Inc. Мейуедър и Промоции.

За повече информация посетете www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, следват по Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions или станете фен във Facebook на www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing