Tag Archives: Боксын

Unbeaten Gibbs to meet Perry May 21 at Firelake Casino in OK

May 21 Fight Poster.jpg
Шуурхай мэдээ
Оклахома Сити, OK (Дөрөвдүгээр 6, 2016) – Bo “Hands of War” Gibbs Jr. looks to take another step in the right direction when he defends his Oklahoma State middleweight championship against experienced Abel “Truth Serum” Perry Бямба гариг, May 21 шауни дахь Firelake Arena-д, OK.
The card is promoted by HD Boxing and tickets can be purchased on Firelakearena.com and HDBoxing.net or by calling 405-273-1637.
Living and fighting out of Carney, OK, Гиббс Jr. байна 15-0 нь 7 Хасагдах гэхэд ялалт. Сонирхогч хувьд, he excelled locally en route to competing in the US National Championships and National Golden Gloves tournament. Дээр January 9, he outpointed veteran Delray Raines over ten rounds at the Firelake Arena to capture the Oklahoma State title. Үед 24 Хуучин жил, Гиббс Jr. is progressing nicely in the paid ranks and is aiming to become a player at 160 pounds in the near future.
A pro for more than ten years, Perry is one of Gibbs’ craftiest foes to date. He’s faced the likes of Jonathan Gonzalez, James De La Rosa, Grady Brewer and Cecil McCalla. Онд 2007 he scored a career best win, shutting out previously unbeaten Skylar Thompson (11-0) in Washington State. Perry also owns a victory over Kevin Rooney protégé Jay Krupp. Born in Alaska and based in Arkansas, Perry has a solid 18-8 record and is well regarded in the Sooner State.
"Abel’s fought ten times in Oklahoma and the fans here know that he can really fight,” said Bobby Dobbs of HD Boxing. “He is definitely better than his record indicates since he’s not one to turn down opportunities against quality opposition. Bo told me that he wants to continue facing better opponents every time out but Abel believes Bo’s bit off more than he can chew here. Би үнэхээр энэ нь нэг тэсэн ядан хүлээж байна!"
Shawnee junior middleweight Dennis Knifechief meets fellow Oklahoman Jesse Comer of Norman in a six round rematch. Наймдугаар сард 2015, Knifechief and Comer put on one of the most exciting bouts in recent memory, which Knifechief taking a split decision. Both fighters are confident there will be no doubt as to who the victor is this time around.
Welterweight Martin Morales, 3-1 (2 К.О-ийн), goes for his fourth straight win when he faces an opponent to be named in a four round contest.
Нэмэлт bouts удахгүй зарлах болно.
Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээлэл болон шинэчлэлтүүд нь, please visit HDBoxing.net

Boxers needed for Gleason’s Gym Amateur Boxing Show Saturday Evening, April 16th

Boxers are needed for our next amateur show on Saturday April 16th. It is only 10 days away.
Anybody with an up to date boxing book can participate.
Эрэгтэй, Women, Багачууд, Ахмад болон магистр.
Биднийг нэгдээрэй, Бямба гариг орой 16th of April мөн өвс үндэс түвшинд сонирхогчдын боксын сэтгэл догдлом сайхан.
жинтэй-д эхлэх бөгөөд энэ шоу нь 4:00PM , эхний дайралт хийвэл дээр эхэлнэ 6:00PM.
Манай бүх bouts USABoxingMetro шийтгэгдэж байгаа. Бүх боксчид оролцохын тулд тэдний өөрсдийн боксын ном байх ёстой.
тасалбарын үнэ $20 Нэг хүнд ногдох. Хүүхэд 6 мөн дагуу төлбөр биш юм. Тэдний гар ном цалин нь бүх биеийн тамирын бүртгэлтэй гишүүд болон сонирхогчид $15 Нэг хүнд ногдох.
P.S. Та үүнийг хийж ч тулаан харахыг хүсэхгүй байгаа бол, тэдгээр нь цацаж байх болно
Gleason-ын Gym вэб сайт: www.gleasonsgym.net




Дөрөвдүгээр 7: JORGE CASTRO vs. JOHN DAVID JACKSON I (1994)

Дөрөвдүгээр 14: LUCAS MATTHYSEE vs. ЖОН Молина JR. (2014)

Дөрөвдүгээр 21: DIEGO CORRALES vs. JOSE LUIS CASTILLO I (2005)

Дөрөвдүгээр 28: PAULIE AYALA vs. JOHNNY TAPIA I (1999)

Дарна уу ЭНД To Watch The Round Of The Year (9) From 1994’s Fight Of The YearJORGE CASTRO vs. JOHN DAVID JACKSON I:http://s.sho.com/1SyzVjH

НЬЮ ЙОРК (Дөрөвдүгээр 6, 2016) - Showtime Спорт® presents its latest installment of a year-long salute commemorating 30 years of Showtime аварга шалгаруулах тэмцээн Боксын® with “Fights of the Year” in April on Sho Extreme®.


The fourth round of a 12-month tribute will be highlighted by four of the most rousing and unforgettable fights in boxing history:

  • Jorge Castro vs. John David Jackson I - 1994 Ring Magazine Fight of the Year (Round 9 Оны шилдэг шагнал хүртсэн)
  • Паули Аяла vs. Жонни тапиа Би - 1999 Ring сэтгүүл Оны шилдэг тэмцэх (Аяла оны шилдэг тэмцэгчийн өргөмжлөл хүртсэн)
  • Сүсэг Диего Corrales. Хосе Луис Кастилло I - 2005 Жилийн зөвшилцлийн тулаан (Round 10 Оны шилдэг шагнал хүртсэн)
  • Лукас Matthysse сүсэг. Жон Molina JR. - 2014 Америкийн боксын зохиолчдын холбоо оны шилдэг тулаан.


Дөрвөн тэмдэглэсэн тулаанууд "Сэргээх пүрэв гараг" -т бүх сарын турш гарна 10 p.m. БОЛОН/SHT EXTREME дээр PT ба SHOWTIME ON DEMAND дээр үзэх боломжтой®, Showtime аль ч® мөн сүлжээний онлайн дамжуулах үйлчилгээгээр дамжуулан. Тэмцэл бүрийг SHOWTIME Sports ринг зарлагч болон Олон улсын боксын алдрын танхимын удирдагч Жимми Леннон Жр-ийн товч агуулга, тайлбарыг багтаасан болно..


4-р сард SHOWTIME EXTREME нээлтийн хуваарийг дор харуулав:

  • Пүрэв гариг, Дөрөвдүгээр 7: Jorge Castro vs. John David Jackson I
  • Пүрэв гариг, Дөрөвдүгээр 14: Лукас Маттисс vs. Жон Молина Бага.
  • Пүрэв гариг, Дөрөвдүгээр 21: Сүсэг Диего Corrales. Хосе Луис Кастилло I
  • Пүрэв гариг, Дөрөвдүгээр 28: Паули Аяла vs. Жонни Тапиа I


Кастро-Жексон I (Нийтэлсэн. 10, 1994, Кастро К.О. 9) –Кастро, сайтар зодуулсан, цустай, хол зөрүүтэй хожигдсон, rallies from the absolute brink of defeat to score three knockdowns in the ninth round to overcome Jackson in one of the most dramatic turnarounds ever.


Ayala-Tapia I (Оны зургадугаар сар 26, 1999, Ayala W 12) – In some of the fiercest two-way action in the history of Las Vegas boxing, southpaw Ayala hands Tapia his first professional loss in 49 fights and captures the WBA bantamweight title by the scores of 115-114 болон 116-113 хоёр дахин их. Game On: As the boxers were being announced, Tapia walked across the ring and shoved Ayala causing a momentary skirmish.


Diego Corrales-Jose Luis Castillo I (May 7, 2005, Corrales TKO 10)After nine intense, back-and-forth rounds, Corrales accomplishes the unthinkable, miraculously regrouping from хоёр knockdowns in the 10 to stop Castillo in the same round (2:06) and etch his spot in boxing lore. After managing to beat the count (and lose a point for excessive spitting out of the mouthpiece), Corrales got Castillo on the ropes and connected with a huge right hand. He continued to unload and Castillo got nailed with a bundle of vicious punches. Цаг хугацаа дараа, the ref stopped it.


Lucas Matthysse-John Molina Jr. (Дөрөвдүгээр 26, 2014, Matthysse KO 11)Abloody slugfest, in which both fighters were knocked down multiple times,became an instant classic. Matthysse who went down in the second and fifth rounds, came back with a late-fight onslaught to wear down and drop Molina in the eighth, 10 болон 11 удаа. The tremendous brawl was as brutal as it was exciting and more compelling to witness than anyone could have imagined.

# # #


Showtime Networks Inc. (SNI), CBS корпорацийн бүрэн эзэмшлийн охин компани болох, эзэмшиж, шимтгэл телевизийн сүлжээ Showtime үйл ажиллагаа явуулдаг®, MOVIE сувагыг ™ болон FLIX®, Мөн эрэлт Showtime санал болгож байна®, Эрэлт хэрэгцээ, FLIX ТУХАЙ MOVIE сувагыг ™®, болон сүлжээний нэвтрэлт таних үйлчилгээ Showtime аль ч®. Showtime Дижитал Inc., SNI нь бүрэн эзэмшлийн охин компани болох, дангаараа үзэх үйлчилгээ Showtime үйл ажиллагаа явуулдаг®. SHOWTIME is currently available to subscribers via cable, DBS болон Telco үйлчилгээ үзүүлэгч, болон Apple-ийн дамжуулан бие даасан урсгал үйлчилгээний талаар®, Жил®, Amazon and Google. Түүнчлэн хэрэглэгчид Hulu дамжуулан Showtime захиалж болно, Sony PlayStation® Vue and Amazon Prime Video. SNI нь Смитсоны Networks удирддаг, SNI болон Смитсоны Хүрээлэн хоорондын хамтарсан, ямар Смитсоны суваг санал болгож байна, болон Смитсоны дэлхийг санал болгож байнаSN Дижитал ХХК-ийн дамжуулан. SNI зах зээлд нийлүүлж, Showtime ОХХ дамжуулан төлөх бүрийн үзэл үндсэн дээр захиалагч нь үзэсгэлэнд спорт, зугаа цэнгэлийн арга хэмжээнд хуваарилдаг. Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг, явах www.SHO.com.


Eric Hunter in London, Ready to Take Selby’s IBF Featherweight Title This Saturday


Upcoming world title challenger Eric “Хуулиас гадуур’ Hunter is in London and feeling more motivated now than ever to take the title away from Welsh champion Lee Selby.
A proud Philadelphia fighter, Хантер (21-3, 11 Kos) will face Selby (22-1, 8 Kos) in a 12-round battle this Бямба гариг, Дөрөвдүгээр 9, for Selby’s IBF World Featherweight Championship at The O2 in London. The bout will serve as the featured fight before undefeated IBF Heavyweight World Champion Charles Martin defends his belt against fellow unbeaten Anthony Joshua. Extensive highlights of Hunter vs. Selby will be shown on SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL®, prior to live coverage of Martin-Joshua (Showtime дээр амьдрах® үед 5 p.m. БОЛОН/2 p.m. PT).
I wasn’t invited to the open workout yesterday,” said Hunter. “They had an open workout for Selby and didn’t have one for me. I’m kind of irritated about that. It’s not even fair to the fans, та дараах зүйлсийг мэдэх? I’m sure that a lot of fans wanted to see who their man is fighting. I have no choice but to use it as fuel for even more motivation.
The 29-year-old Hunter, in Europe for the first time, says he doesn’t mind travelling to win this championship. Үнэндээ, despite being an underdog via the odds makers, Hunter says his victory won’t be an upset. “I won’t call it an upset when I win. I’m the better fighter. And it doesn’t bother me to come here. All the great ones had to do it. Би маш их байхыг хүсэж байна, so I have to do this. As long as they don’t cheat me with the judges, I’m ok.
Hunter says his victory will be the culmination of his lifelong dream. “It would mean everything. It would right my wrongs. All those who doubted me. All my failures and letdowns on the way here. It will turn all my negatives into positives.

The Dragonto be unleashed April 16th Live on CBS Sports Network from DLVEC in Las Vegas

Las Vegas (Дөрөвдүгээр 5, 2016) – дөрөвдүгээр сар 1610-round main event between Canadian welterweight Стив “The Dragon” Claggett and South Africa-native Крис “Дулаан” Ван Heerden embodies the “Knockout Night at the D” philosophy in terms of featuring action fighters in evenly matched, entertaining bouts.
The “Knockout Night at the D” цуврал, presented by D Лас Вегас болонХотын төв Лас Вегас төв үйл явдал(DLVEC), дэмжиж байна Рой Жонс Jr. (RJJ) Boxing Promotions.
сарын. 16 “Knockout Night at the D” event will air Бямба гариг Шөнийн, Дөрөвдүгээр 16 (8 p.m. PT / 11 p.m. БОЛОН), дээр амьдрах CBS Спорт сүлжээ from under the neon lights at the DLVEC outdoor venue.
The broadcast team includes Jim “JR” Ross, Шон Wheelock болон хуучин дэлхийн аварга Кевин “The Flushing FlashKelley. Joe Martinez is the ring announcer.
Claggett vs. Van Heerden is a crossroads fight for both boxers with critical consequences, especially for the winner who will use it as an invaluable springboard for his boxing career.
The 26-year-old Claggett (23-3-1, 16 Kos), who is the reigning Canadian Professional Boxing Council and Canadian welterweight champion, is thrilled to be fighting in Las Vegas for the first time. “Энэ бол мөрөөдөл юм,” he explained. “I’ve trained in Las Vegas often but now it’s time to show what I can do there in a fight. A win will open many doors for me and could potentially lead to a path that will set up the rest of my boxing life. Needless to say, I am focused and prepared for the opportunity.
Claggett, as well as Van Heerden, are known as high-action fighters, throwing punches in bunches, and something eventually has to give. Ван Heerden (23-1-1, 12 Kos), fighting out of Santa Monica (Зэрэг), is a former International Boxing Organization (IBO) , Олон улсын боксын холбоо (IBF) welterweight аварга.
Van Heerden is a rangy, quick and active fighter,” Claggett said. “I have an action style but, for many years, I was strictly a pressure fighter with a good body shot. Өнөө үед, Хэдийгээр, I have a couple of more tricks up my sleeve. His heart and durability have been shown and is to be respected. This match-up is sure to produce some good exchanges. I expect this to be a high-action fight between two hungry fighters with him coming off a loss (to unbeaten rising star Эррол Spence Jr. last September) and me coming off more than one fight falling through. This is a great match up. He is similar to the style of (Konstantin)Ponomarev (who Claggett lost an 8-round decision to last year) with range and movement. And that motivates me!”
Undefeated Lancaster, California welterweight NeecoRoosterMacias (11-0, 4 Kos) үгийн утганд яг тохирч Limberth “Lightning” Ponce, JR. (10-2, 8 Kos), of Rock Island, Иллинойс, in the 8-round co-feature. Unbeaten Baltimore welterweight prospect Малик “Iceman” Hawkins(6-0, 5 Kos) нүүр Errol Sidney (6-1-2, 2 Kos), Нью-Орлеаны, in a 6-round bout to open the television broadcast.
The undercard also features promising Las Vegas-based prospects in four-round bouts: welterweight JeremyJ FlashNichols (2-0, 2 Kos), өд Sal Lopez (2-0) and junior featherweight Randy Moreno (1-0, 1 К.О).
Бүх тулаан болон сөнөөгч өөрчлөлтөд хамрагдаж байна.
Хэрэгслээр зорчих тасалбар, үнэтэй $149.99 VIP ringside, $119.00 ringside, $74.99 seated and $29.99 rear seated, are on sale at www.Ticketmaster.com буюу www.DLVEC.com. Taxes and fees apply to all sold tickets.
Нээлттэй хаалга 5:00 p.m. PT дэргэд хуваарьт нээлтийн дайралт хийвэл нь 6:00 p.m. PT.
The “Knockout Night at the D” series was developed in partnership with DLVEC and Neon Star Media.
CBS Sports Network is available across the country through local cable, Видео, Telco үйлчилгээ үзүүлэгч болон, Direct суваг хиймэл дагуулаар дамжуулан 221 болон Сүлжээний суваг хоол 158. Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг, бүрэн програмчлалын хуваарийг дотор хэрхэн CBS Sports Network авах, явах www.cbssportsnetwork.com.
TITLE Boxing is the official apparel and gloves partner for the “Knockout Night at the D” цуврал.
Twitter: @thedlasvegas, @dlvec, @DerekJStevens, @BoxingatheDLV, @RoyJonesJRFA
Instagram: @dlvec, @thedlasvegas, @RoyJonesJRFA
Follow these fighters on Twitter: @SDragonClaggett, @TheHeat001 (Ван Heerden), @Limbo_1991 (Ponce), @mhawk0_6 (Hawkins)


Brooklyn, N.Y.. (Дөрөвдүгээр 5, 2016) – Dominican lightweight EudyAK47Bernardo and his opponent, Louisiana’s Mason “Rock Хатуу Хүчит” Menard are nearing the peak of their training for their Баасан, Дөрөвдүгээр 15, showdown on ShoШигтгээ: Шинэ эх үүсвэрийг бий болгох.
The eight-round Bernardo vs. Menard fight will serve as the co-main event on a quadrupleheader on SHOWTIME (10 p.m. БОЛОН/PT, Баруун эрэг дэх хойшлогдож) from the Turning Stone Resort Casino in Verona, Нью-Йорк.
Онд Дөрөвдүгээр 15, 10-round main event, IBF ямар ч. 10-ranked bantamweight Nikolay Potapov (14-0, 6 Kos), of Podolsk, ОХУ-, will take on Stephon Young (14-0-2, 6 Kos), St-ийн. Луис, Mo.. In the other televised bouts, Russian cruiserweight Alexey Zubov (10-0, 6 Kos) will face Constantin Bejenaru (10-0, 4 Kos, WSB: 0-1-1) of Mandilesti, Moldova, найман удаагийн дээш; and in the eight-round junior welterweight telecast opener, Kazakhstan’s BakhtiyarBakha Bullet” Yeyubov (10-0, 10 Kos), Brooklyn-ийн, takes on also undefeated Courtney Jackson (8-0, 6 Kos) Homestead нь, FLA.
Tickets for the event presented by Salita Promotions in association with AASHA Record Breakers are currently on sale and can be purchased at the Turning Stone Resort Casino Box Office, by calling 877.833.SHOW, or online at Ticketmaster.com. They are priced at $60 ringside суудал, $35 болон $25.
The 29-year-old Bernardo (21-0, 15 Kos) Санто Домингогийн нь, is hard at work at Hank’s Gym in Houston, with his trainer, former IBF World Middleweight Champion Frank Tate.
“Би маш их хэлбэртэй байна. Би хүчтэй мэдрэх,” said Bernardo via translator. “I’ve learned so much from Frank Tate and I’m proud to be working with him. He’s a great trainer. I’m learning to throw better combinations and I’ve improved my defense, Миний jab, and my foot movement since we teamed up.
Bernardo says he still doesn’t know much about opponent Menard, but isn’t worried about it. “I watched a few of his fights on YouTube, but I’m training for anything that comes my way. Everything is going to go great for me that night. It’s my ring that night and I will have my way. I will win.
This is opportunity is a long-time coming for the 29-year-old and he says he plans on making the most of it. “I’m very excited about fighting on ShoBox and I look forward to putting on a show. I’ve been waiting for long time for this opportunity and want to thank Dmitriy Salita for making it happen.
The 27-year-old Menard (30-1-0, 22 Kos), Rayne нь, ., is rated No. 15 by the WBA at 135 кг. He’s training at Red Lerille’s Health & Racquet Club in Lafayette with trainer and former fighter “Муу” Чад Broussard.
I’ve learned how to be a better person in and out of the ring from Chad,” said Menard. “I’ve been with him for nine years. I’ve learned how to put punches together better and sit on my shots more. I’ve learned how to cut angles. I’ve learned so much from Chad.
Menard says despite the usual aches and pain experienced in camp he is 100 percent and training is going well. The only adjustments he’s made is to bring in taller sparring partners.
This is huge for me,” he continued. “This is the ‘get up or lay downtype of fight. If I get up, then the sky is the limit. If I fall, then maybe it’s time to look for a job. I’m going to get in there and do what I have to do. Hopefully I get the KO, but if it goes to the scorecards, I just want the win. No matter which way it goes.
Барри Tompkins гэж нэрлэх болно ShoBox нь ringside авсан арга хэмжээ Стив Farhood болон хуучин дэлхийн аварга Рауль Маркес мэргэжилтэн шинжээчид үйлчилж. Гүйцэтгэх продюсерГордон танхим нь Баян Gaughan үйлдвэрлэх, Рик Филлипс захирангуй.
# # #
Тухай ShoBox: Шинэ эх үүсвэрийг бий болгох
Долдугаар сард байгуулагдсан цагаасаа эхлэн 2001, маш их шүүмжлэлд өртжээ Showtime боксын цуврал,ShoBox: Шинэ эх үүсвэрийг бий болгох боломжуудтай болсон залуу авьяас хүнд тохирсон. The ShoBoxфилософи нь гайхалтай televise явдал юм, олон хүн-баярлуулдаг, өрсөлдөх чадвар бүхий заалт хүсэлтэй хэтийн төлөв нь нотлох газар хангаж, харин дэлхийн аваргын төлөө тулалдахаар тогтоосон. Өсөн нэмэгдэж байгаа жагсаалтын зарим 65 гарч байна сөнөөгч ShoBox болон дэлхийн цом татаж чадсанаараа дэвшилтэт агуулсан: Андре Тойргийн, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Лара, Шон Портер, Gary Рассел Jr., Lamont Петерсон, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Омар Figueroa, Nonito Donaire, Девон Александр, Карл Froch, Роберт Guerrero, Тимоти Брэдли, Жесси Варгас, Хуан Мануэль Лопес, Чад Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Келли Павлик, Паул Williams ба түүнээс дээш.
Тухай Salita урамшуулал
Salita Promotions was founded in 2010 Дмитрий Salita гэхэд, a professional boxer and world-title challenger who saw the need for a promotional entity to feature boxing’s best young prospects and established contenders in North America and around the world. Viewers watching fighters on worldwide television networks including Showtime, ESPN, Spike TV, Universal Sports Network and MSG have enjoyed Salita Promotions fight action in recent years. We pride ourselves on offering our fighters opportunities inside and outside the ring. Salita Promotions looks forward to continuing to grow and serve the needs of fight fans around the globe.

5th annual New York State Boxing Hall of Fame Class of 2016 inducted in festive ceremony

Улсын NYSBHOF анги 2015
Дэлхийн welterweight аварга (’90-91) Аарон “Супермэн” Дэвис, Bronx
Дэлхийн өсвөрийн welterweight аварга (’93-94) Чарльз “Байгалийн” Мюррей Buffalo
Хоёр удаа дэлхийн хөнгөн нэр өрсөлдөгч Vilomar Фернандес Bronx
Дэлхийн хөнгөн нэр өрсөлдөгч Эдвин Viruet. Нью-Йорк хотын
(Нас барсан)
4-цаг хугацаа, 3-хэлтэс дэлхийн аварга Hector “Macho” Камачо Spanish Harlem
Дэлхийн middleweight аварга (1952) Rocky Graziano Brooklyn
Дэлхийн хөнгөн (’25-26) titlist Роки Канзас Buffalo
2-цаг хугацаа дэлхийн bantamweight titleholder Жо Линч Brooklyn
“Uncrowned welterweight аварга” Жо Miceli Buffalo
Төрийн бус оролцогчид
Fame гүйцэтгэх захирал Олон улсын боксын танхим Эд Brophy Canastota
Дэмжигч Жо DeGuardia Bronx
Комиссар / хэвлэл мэдээллийн хувийн Рэнди Гордон Melville
Дэмжигч / менежер Dennis Rappaport Queens
(Нас барсан)
менежер Howie Альберт Bronx
Сургагч багш / cutman Freddie Браун Манхэттэн
Нью-Йорк хотын телевизийн тоймч Ховард Cosell Нью-Йорк хотын
Боксчин / шүүгч Ruby Goldstein Манхэттэн
менежер Жимми Jacobs
Улсын NYSBHOF анги 2016 (L-R): Seated – Vilomar Фернандес, Dennis Rappaport, Randy Gordon and Ed Brophy; Standing: Aaron Davis and Joe DeGuardia
-Петр Frutkoff гэхэд бүх зураг-
НЬЮ ЙОРК (Дөрөвдүгээр 5, 2016) – Илүү 300 people packed Russo’s On The Bay in Howard Beach, NY this past Ням гараг for the fifth annual New York State Boxing Hall of Fame (NYSBHOF) индукцийн оройн хоол.
Бүр inductee NYSBHOF руу түүний зааварчилгаа илэрхийлж өөрчлөн зохион бүс хүлээн авах болно. Plaques are on display at the New York State Athletic Commission.
The 2016 inductees NYSBHOF нэр дэвшүүлэх хороо нь гишүүдийн сонгосон: Жак Hirsch, Стив Farhood, Бобби Кассиди, JR., Дон Majeski, Хенри Hascup, Рон McNair, Анжело Prospero болон Нейл Terens.
хэрэгтэй мэдээлэл боксчид NYSBHOF индукцийн эрхтэй байхын тулд наад зах нь гурван жилийн турш идэвхгүй байх, бүх inductees тэдний боксын карьерынхаа ихээхэн хэсгийг, эсвэл тэдгээрийн карьерынхаа Ерөнхий үеэр Нью-Йорк улсад амьдарч байх ёстой.
(L-R) – NYSBHOF/Ring 8 Ерөнхийлөгч Боб Даффи, Дон Majeski, Ed Brophy and Jill Diamond (WBC)
Эд Brophy:I’d like to thank the committee of the New York State Boxing Hall of Fame and Ring 8, a wonderful group that sponsors the New York State Boxing Hall of Fame. I’m so proud to have been born in New York, in the small town of Canastota, where boxing is in our blood. I’m thrilled to be honored today. My name is attached to the International Boxing Hall of Fame as director, but so many different people help out. I only accept this honor on their behalf. Boxing is the greatest sport. Congratulations to all of the inductees. This is the greatest day of my life.
(L-R) – Рон McNair, Aaron Davis and Bob Duffy
Аарон Дэвис: Баярлалаа, Ring 8. Boxing is a hard sport. It was much harder in the gym. I saw Жерри Cooney, Иран Баркли болон Роберто Duran and wanted to do what those guys did and it made me a fighter I was. I’d like to thank my father and Billy Giles, who was my trainer. I’d also like to thank Joe DeGuardia, who managed me later in my career, and thanks to everybody who supported me.
(L-R) — Боб Даффи, Dennis Rappaport and family
Dennis Rappaport:It seems like yesterday when a six or seven year old living in Brooklyn watched a fight between Жейк LaMotta болон Jim Hairston. This young man was mesmerized. The next month he watchedSugar Ray Робинсон Хасагдах Rocky Graziano and that was the start of a love affair that’s lasted 63 жил. Боксын, at its best, is poetry in motion. It’s Shapespeare, Picasso, Rembrandt. But it can also be crude. I started in boxing managing three fighters: Ronnie Harris, Жерри Cooney болон Ховард Дэвис. JR. Because of the creative marketing of our fighters, one reporter called me and my partner, Майк Жонс, ‘The Gold Dust Twinsbut then the media starting calling us, ‘The Wacko Twins.I preferred ‘The Gold Dust Twins.

(L-R – Жак Hirsch, Joe DeGuardia and Bob Duffy
Жо DeGuardia: It’s a real pleasure, honor and privilege to be inducted into the New York State Boxing Hall of Fame. Like many of you here, I live and bleed boxing, which has been a big part of my life. Four months ago, I received the (Ring 8 at its Holiday awards dinner) Promoter of the Year award. I said then that we are truly a family of boxing; it’s a real brotherhood. I also talked about how boxing tied into lire. In that roomnot with us nowwas my father who passed away three weeks ago. Because of him, I developed this love of boxing that I’ve carried in life: work hard to do the best you can in life. I’m truly honored to be inducted into the New York State Boxing Hall of Fame. In honor of my father and everybody else who loves this sport. I accept on behalf of my father who, Би мэднэ, is watching us now.
(L-R) – Charles Murray and Bob Duffy
Чарльз Мюррей:They called me, ‘The Natural.I appreciate this, being honored for my contributions to boxing. Thank you very much.
(L-R) – Стив Farhood, Vilomar Fernandez and Bob Duffy
Vilomar Фернандес: “It wasn’t easy fighting guys like Roberto Duran and Alexis Arguello. They were the best in the world. I’m thankful for the opportunities to fight them, I’m honored today.
(L-R) – Хенри Hascup, Рэнди Гордон, Melvina Lathan, Bob Duffy and Gerry Cooney
Рэнди Гордон: “Та бүхэнд баярлалаа, хүн бүр. This amazing event we have every year, I never expected this would happen. My career was born out of the aches of one of boxing’s biggest scandals, the US Championships on ABC, дэмжиж Дон Кинг, and Ring Magazine produced the ratings for the tournament. It turned out the ratings and some of the records were padded and it just about knocked Ring Magazine out of business. Берт Рандолф Sugar hired me to be its Editor In Chief. Хамтран ажиллах, we brought Ring Magazine back from the dead. I burst into tears when Жак Hirsch called to tell me I was being inducted into the New York State Boxing Hall of Fame. This is an absolute dream. Anybody who has ever or will ever be inducted into any hall of fame, nobody can possibly enjoy this more than me. I love boxing with every ounce of my body. My wife and family drive me back into boxing. This is the greatest honor. I can’t get enough of boxing. I’m truly the luckiest man ever placed on this planet.
(L-R) – Эд Brophy, Дон Majeski, Jack Hirsch and Joe DeGuardia
NYSAC Executive Director Dave Berlin and Harold Lederman
(L-R) – Joe DeGuardia and NYSBHOF/Ring 8 Ерөнхийлөгч Боб Даффи
Анги 2012: Кармен Basilio, Майк McCallum, Майк Тайсон, Жейк LaMotta, Riddick Bowe, Карлос Ортиз, Вито Antuofermo, Emile Гриффит, “Sugar” Рэй Робинсон, Gene Tunney, Benny Леонард, Тони Canzoneri, Харолд Ледерман, Стив Acunto, Жимми Гленн, Гил Clancy, Рэй Arcel, Nat Fleischer, Билл Gallo, Артур Mercante, Sr.
Анги 2013: Жак Демпси, Жонни живжээ, Сэнди Saddler, Maxie Rosenbloom, Joey Арчер, Иран Баркли, Марк Breland, Бобби Кассиди, Даг Жонс, Junior-Жонс, Жеймс “Buddy” McGirt, Эдди Мустафа Мухаммед, Боб Arum, Шелли Finkel, Тони Graziano, Ларри Merchant, Teddy Brenner, Майк Jacobs, Текс Rickard ба Дон Dunphy.
Анги 2014: Флойд Паттерсон, Tracy Харрис Паттерсон, Билли Backus, Кевин Kelley, Хуан хэвлэлийнхэнтэй ярилцжээ, Жерри Cooney, Мустафа Hamsho, Ховард Дэвис, Jr., Lou Ambers, Жак Britton, Терри McGovern, Teddy атлас, Lou DiBella, Стив Farhood, Gene Мур, Анжело Prospero, Whitey Bimstein, Cus D'Amato, Уильям Muldoon, Том O'Rourke.
Анги 2015: Саул Mamby, Joey Giambra, Жонни Persol, Харолд Weston, Lonnie Bradley, Паул Berlenbach, Билли Грахам, Frankie Шүүгч, Боб Миллер, Томми Райан, Жимми Slattery, Боб Даффи, Майк Katz, Томми Галлахер, Брюс Silverglade, Чарли Goldman, Жимми Жонстон, Седрик Kushner, Харри Markson, Дэймон Runyon болон Al Weill.

Badou Jack vs. Lucian Bute Press Conference Quotes & Зургийн цомог

Jack vs. Дайралт хийвэл & Жеймс DeGale сүсэг. Rogelio Medina Doubleheader of World Title Fights Live on SHOWTIME® Дээр Бямба гариг, Дөрөвдүгээр 30
From the DC Armory in Washington, D.C.
Дарна уу ЭНД Гэрэл зургууд нь
Стефани Trapp / Mayweather урамшуулал
ВАШИНГТОН, D.C. (Дөрөвдүгээр 4, 2016) – WBC Супер Middleweight дэлхийн аварга Badou Жак болон хуучин дэлхийн аварга Лусиан дайралт хийвэл hosted a media roundtable Баасан гаригт night to discuss their championship showdown taking place Бямба гариг, Дөрөвдүгээр 30 нь DC Armory дахь Вашингтон, D.C. and live on Showtime.
The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® telecast эхэлдэг 10 p.m. БОЛОН/7 p.m. PT with IBF Super Middleweight World Champion Жеймс DeGale defending his title against top contender and Mexican brawler Rogelio Medina.
Амьд арга хэмжээ зохион байгуулах хэрэгслээр зорчих тасалбар, which is promoted by Mayweather Promotions and Interbox in association with Matchroom Boxing, үнэтэй байна $200, $100, $50 болон $25, , одоо худалдаанд байгаа. Тийз худалдан авах зорилгоор айлчлал www.ticketmaster.com, Ticketmaster байршил, буюу дуудлага (800) 745-3000.
The fighters were joined by Mayweather PromotionsФлойд Mayweather болон Леонард Ellerbe, Interbox’s Pierre Duc and SHOWTIME’s Stephen Espinoza as they spoke to the media about the exciting doubleheader taking place in the nation’s capital.
Энд оролцогчид хэлж байсан юм Баасан:
I’ll be ready for this fight. Bute is a very tough opponent. I have to bring my ‘Agame to win. Much respect to him, but he’s not leaving with my belt. Absolutely not. You can expect a very tough fight.
Bute is a much, much tougher opponent that Julio Cesar Chavez Jr., but I’m ready for him.
Bute’s fight against DeGale was one of the best fights last year. That’s the only reason he got this shot. He lost, but he looked good. Энэ нь маш их тэмцэл байсан юм. Дөрөвдүгээр 30 will be another great fight. And another loss for Bute.
Лусиан дайралт хийвэл
This is a great opportunity for me to fight again for a title. Би сайн мэдэрдэг, I started camp six weeks ago. Хамгийн чухал нь, I’m very healthy. Psychologically, I’m looking forward to becoming a world champion on Дөрөвдүгээр 30.
I respect Badou Jack. He is a great champion, их сөнөөгч, Харин дээр Дөрөвдүгээр 30, I will become a world champion again. I’m looking forward to it.
I will be the new champion. I am very confident. Энэ бол маш хүнд тэмцэл байх ёстой, but I am coming here to win.
I have a new team. They are changing some things in my work. My confidence is 100 хувь. I’m working every day very tough and I am confident that everything will be great for Дөрөвдүгээр 30.”
Түүнийг MAYWEATHER, Mayweather Урамшуулал Ерөнхийлөгч
This fight is about the best facing the best. I’ve seen Bute fight numerous times and he’s a very exciting and explosive fighter. Every time he goes out there and performs he gives 100 хувь.
Mayweather Promotions is about giving people the best and most exciting fights.
I commend Badou Jack for the way that he carries himself. He is a true gentlemen and that is what this sport is all about. He’s going to continue to make a name for himself in this sport.
PIERRE DUC, VP of Interbox
We’re very thrilled about this fight. For those of you who have not been exposed to Lucian Bute before, Тэр их сөнөөгч байна. He’s been working extremely hard over the course of the last 6-12 months getting ready for a moment like this.
Bute has a very long history of fighting great fights and championship wars. Lucian will be ready for this.
Training camp is going astonishingly well. Lucian is usually more of a gentleman, so he will say he wants to do the best that he can, but I’m telling you that Lucian is going to be walking away with this belt. It’s going to be a fantastic and very exciting evening. Lucian will pull the upset on Дөрөвдүгээр 30.”
Stephen ESPINOZA, Executive VP & Ерөнхий менежер, Showtime Спорт
The one comment I will make about this event, other than to point out it features four of the best fighters in the division, is that it was quite possibly the easiest event to make out of all the events we made this spring and summer. That’s a credit to the promoters and especially a credit to all four fighters.
We didn’t just make two fights here. We’ve got the winners of these fights fighting later in the year in a unification match. To be able to make two fights very quickly and to get everyone on board with fighting the winners in a unification match with no mess, no politics, no arguments and no hesitation is an accomplishment.
These are four real fighters here and they were not afraid of a challenge, they didn’t hesitate at all. This is what the sport of boxing is all about. I personally can’t wait for April 30th and for a unification later in the year.
# # #
Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг авна уу www.mayweatherpromotions.comболон www.SHO.com/Sports and follow on Twitter at: BadouJack, @ButeLucian, @JamesDeGale1, @PorkyMedina @MayweatherPromo, SHOSports БаSwanson_Comm эсвэл Facebook дээр фэн нь болсонwww.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions болон www.facebook.com/SHOsports.

Патрик “Punisher” Hyland Fighting For Irish Boxing History

Russell-Hyland, Pedraza-Smith Twin World Title Fights
Бямба гариг, Дөрөвдүгээр 16 Showtime дээр аж төрж байна®
MASHANTUCKET, Коннектикут. (Дөрөвдүгээр 4, 2016) – Always tough Патрик “Punisher” Кей (31-1, 15 Kos) will be fighting for Irish boxing history Бямба гариг, Дөрөвдүгээр 16 as he challenges WBC Featherweight World Champion Gary Рассел Jr. (26-1, 15 Kos) 12 дугуй гол тохиолдолд, airing live on Showtime Mashantucket нь Foxwoods Resort Casino нь, СТ.
The Showtime аварга шалгаруулах тэмцээн Боксын® telecast kicks off at 11 p.m. БОЛОН/8 p.m. PT with undefeated IBF Super Lightweight World Champion Жозе “Sniper” Pedraza (21-0, 12 Kos), Cidra нь, Пуэрто-Рико, defending against mandatory challenger Stephen “Swifty” Смит (23-1, 13 Kos), fighting out of the United Kingdom.
Hyland is on the verge of joining a pair of exclusive Irish boxing clubs. The 32-year-old from Dublin is attempting to become the first Irishman to be world featherweight champion in 30 жил, since Hall-of-Famer Барри “The Clones Cyclone” McGuigan, in addition to being only the second IrishmanWayneThe Pocket RocketMcCullough stands alone right nowto ever wear the coveted green WBC world title belt.
McGuigan (32-3, 28 Kos), fighting out of Clones, captured the WBA Featherweight Title in 1985, taking a 12-round decision from Eusebio Pedroza, and he successfully defended his crown twice against Bernard Taylor болон Danilio Cabrera before losing by decision to Steve Cruz дахь 1986.
The only other Ireland-born world featherweight titlist was Dave Sullivan (27-12-7, 18 Kos), who was born in Knocknanaff, County Cork, Ирланд, but fought professionally out of Boston, Масс. Онд 1898, Sullivan stopped Solly Smith in the fifth round to become world featherweight champion.
Белфаст, Northern Ireland-product McCullough (27-7, 18 Kos), who was the WBC Bantamweight Champion in 1995-97, is the lone Irishman to ever be WBC World Champion in any weight class.
Just to be fighting for this title is an honor for me and to challenge a great champion in Gary Russell, JR. is also an honor,” Hyland said from his training camp at Celtic Warrior Gym in Dublin. “To join great Irish boxing names is a dream come true for me. It will also mean the world to me to win this belt for my and family and, хамгийн гол нь, for my (сүүлээр) dad, for all the hard work he put into me and my two brothers since I was eight years old. To look up and say, ‘Dad, we did it,’ will be the best feeling in the world.
Hyland has fought 10 times in the United States, including a 12-round loss to interim WBA featherweight champion Javier Fortuna in 2012. Hyland lived in Marlboro, New York for a few years when he was promoted by a company headed by then reality television star NicoleSnookiPolizzi.
I love fighting in the United States,” Hyland added. “There’s always a great atmosphere at fights there and the US is the real home of boxing. Snooki Boxing didn’t work out as planned, but they did a great job getting me the WBA title shot which was a great achievement in their first year in boxing. Харамсалтай нь, things didn’t work out after that fight, but I do have great respect for them. I met friends for life from Marlboro who I consider family and they’ll be at my fight as always.
Амьд арга хэмжээ зохион байгуулах хэрэгслээр зорчих тасалбар, DiBella Entertainment дэмжиж байгаа, үнэтэй байна $150, $90 болон $45, холбогдох үйлчилгээний хураамж, татвар, түүний дотор, одоо худалдаанд биш юм. Хэрэгслээр зорчих тасалбар авч болно www.ticketmaster.com болон www.foxwoods.com эсвэл Foxwoods очиж’ Box Office. Утсаар төлбөр авах, дээр Ticketmaster гэж нэрлэдэг (800) 745-3000. The Pedraza vs. Smith bout is promoted in association with Gary Shaw Productions, Universal Promotions and Matchroom Boxing.
Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг, айлчлал www.SHO.com/Sports, Twitter дээр даганаSHOSports, MrGaryRussellJr, @PajPunisher, @Sniper_Pedraza, @SwiftySmith, LouDiBella, @FoxwoodsCT and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, болон www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment.

Тайлан тэмцэх: Churcher KOs Horvath To Secure WBF title as Herbert Shines In Wales

Lee Churcher pulled out a sensational against the odds victory over Hungarian Balazs Horvath Бямба гарагт night to secure the World Boxing Foundation Intercontinental Middleweight title, at the Pill Millennium Centre in his hometown of Newport.


Churcher, who was World ranked some two hundred plus places lower than Horvath, dominated the bout right from the off. Working behind a good solid jab, the Newport lad enthralled the local fans with some slick combinations, to both body and head, so much so that the more experienced Hungarian soon had to result to holding tactics whenever Churcher was in close range.


The canny Welshman was having none of it though and just patiently waited for any opportunity that came his way to punish Horvath with vicious body shots.


By midway through the first round Churcher’s confidence really began to grow, after badly shaking Horvath with the aforementioned body shots, so it came as no surprise to anyone when shortly after Churcher sent Horvath to the deck.


Horvath recovered but once again resorted to holding tactics to frustrate Churcher through to the end of the round.


More of the same in round two more or less, except Churcher really started to get into a flow, catching Horvath with more vicious body shots, the Hungarian tried to cover up, before again trying to grab hold of the Welshman, Churcher is canny though and worked behind the jab again before letting rip with yet another huge right hand to send Horvath down for the second time.


The Hungarian made the count and immediately on the restart Churcher went back on the attack, but the Hungarian tried to stifle the Welshman’s attacks by attempting to grab hold again, Churcher though used this to his advantage and let rip with a huge body shot to send the Hungarian back down to the canvas.


Clearly in distress, Horvath made an initial attempt to get back to his feet before settling to be just up on one knee, the pain showing on the Hungarian’s face clear for all to see as he attempted to unsuccessfully beat the count.


Whilst it may not have been a classic, nothing, but nothing can take away from Lee Churcher the artistry of his craft and tactics throughout and of course claiming the third Championship accolade of his career, the World Boxing Foundation Intercontinental Middleweight Championship, to add to his British Masters and BBBofC Welsh Area Title.


Main support for the Churcher-Horvath Championship bout, featured a four round Super Welterweight bout between Nottingham duo Carwyn Herbert and Matt Scriven.


What a cracking fight, both combatants going at it hammer and tongs in close combat for the full three minutes of each and every round.


After the full four rounds of non-stop action referee Chris Kelly scored the bout 40-36 to the youngster Carwyn Herbert, however that doesn’t really express the closeness of each round or the full on intent of either competitor throughout.


Supporting the two pro bouts were six Wales versus England exhibition bouts, supervision courtesy of Wales Boxing. Whilst I’m not going to cover these because they were not pro, have to say the final two bouts of the six were excellent and really could have featured on any pro card and nobody would have known the difference.


Have to say plaudits must go to co-promoters Dave Murphy (Acourtier Events) and Steven Fisher (Lights Out Promotions) for digging deep into their pockets to bring both the MBC and the WBF Championship to Wales for the first time, even if it meant there wasn’t enough money in the kitty to justify a full pro show, hopefully the Welsh fans will get behind Lee Churcher so his first defense of the WBF title can also be in Newport or nearby.