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“Knockout Night at the D” Андеркарта объявлена

В эту субботу ночь жить дальше
CBS Sports Network от DLVEC в Лас-Вегасе

ЛАС-ВЕГАС (Апреля 12, 2016) – Была объявлена ​​солидная андеркарта, демонстрирующая многообещающие перспективы в эту субботу ночь “Knockout Night at the D” серия, представленный D Лас-Вегас и Центр Лас-Вегас События центр (DLVEC), способствует Рой Джонс-младший. (RJJ) Boxing Promotions.
Канадский полусредний вес Стив “Дракон” Claggett (23-3-1, 16 КО) и бывший чемпион IBO Крис “Тепло” Ван Heerden (23-1-1, 12 КО),, сражается из родной Южной Африки через Санта-Монику, Калифорния, выиграть в главном событии из 12 раундов.
Субботу “Knockout Night at the D” мероприятие будет транслироваться (8 p.m. PT / 11 p.m. И) жить на CBS Sports Network из-под неоновых огней на открытой площадке DLVEC.
Непобедимый калифорнийский полусредний вес Neeco “Петух” Macias (11-0, 4 КО) сталкивается с бывшим чемпионом Chicago Golden Gloves Лимберт “Молния” сутенер, Младший. (10-2, 8 КО), Рок-Айленда, Иллинойс, в совместном матче с 8 раундами.
Балтиморский полусредний вес, непобежденным Малик “Альпинист” Hawkins (6-0, 5 КО), участвует в первом транслируемом по телевидению поединке в шестираундовом матче против Нового Орлеана.’ Эррол Сидни (6-1-2, 2 КО). Джонс подписал с Хокинсом рекламный контракт после впечатляющих спаррингов юноши., демонстрируя огромную силу.
Также бой в андеркарте в 4-раундовых боях - яркий полусредний вес Лас-Вегаса. Джереми “J-Flash” Николс (2-0, 2 КО) против. Мексиканский захватчикДжейсон Гавино (3-1, 2 КО), гладкий полулегкий вес Лас-Вегаса Сал лопес (2-0) против. TBA, опасный полулегкий вес Лас-Вегаса Рэнди Морено (1-0, 1 KO) против. Дерек Бартемей (0-2), Евгения, Орегон, и тяжеловес Лос-Анджелеса Джонатан “Джонни” Рис (3-1-1, 3 КО) против. Антонио Робертсон (4-5-1, 2 КО), Александрии, Виргиния.
Все бои и бойцы могут быть изменены.
Билеты, по цене $149.99 VIP ringside, $119.00 удобная точка для обзора, $74.99 seated and $29.99 rear seated, в продаже в www.Ticketmaster.com илиwww.DLVEC.com. Налоги и сборы распространяются на все проданные билеты.
Двери открываются в 5:00 p.m. PT с открытием бой запланирован на 6:00 p.m. PT.
The “Knockout Night at the D” серия разработана в сотрудничестве с DLVEC и Neon Star Media..
CBS Sports Network доступна по всей стране через местный кабель., видео и телекоммуникационные провайдеры, а также через спутник на DirecTV канал 221 и DISH Network канал 158. Для получения более подробной информации, в том числе полное расписание программирования и как получить CBS Sports Network, перейти кwww.cbssportsnetwork.com.
TITLE Boxing является официальным партнером по одежде и перчаткам “Knockout Night at the D” серия.
“BATTLE BORN BOXING: ВОССТАНИЕ” – Пятница, Апреля 15, 2016
The inaugural event, “Battle Born Boxing: Uprising”, состоится в эту пятницу ночь (Апрель. 15), outdoors at the Центр Лас-Вегас События центр.
The “Battle Born Boxing” series will present amateur boxing events the night before each of the “Knockout Night at the D” series professional events.
Created to support amateur boxing in Nevada, “Battle Born Boxing” also provides a platform for amateur boxers from other states to compete against local clubs and boxers.
Щебет: @thedlasvegas, @dlvec, @DerekJStevens, @BoxingatheDLV, @RoyJonesJRFA
Instagram: @dlvec, @thedlasvegas, @RoyJonesJRFA
Следуйте за эти борцы на Twitter: @SDragonClaggett, @ TheHeat001 (Ван Heerden), @ Limbo_1991 (сутенер), @ mhawk0_6 (Hawkins), @ ej_flash562 (Николс)

Деметриус Андраде против. Вилли Нельсон, победитель титула WBC в суперсреднем весе, добавлен в SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® в июне 11


Все логотипы3

Деян Златиканин встретится с Эмилиано Марсили за титул чемпиона мира по версии WBC в легком весе в первом бою Руслана Проводникова. Джон Молина-младший. Tripleheader

Жить на SHOWTIME® На 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT

Во время выходных Международного зала боксерской славы

Из казино Turning Stone Resort в Вероне, N.Y..

НЬЮ-ЙОРК (Апреля 11, 2016) – В список добавлен выдающийся поединок в полусреднем весе. SHOWTIME ЧЕМПИОНАТ БОКС на Суббота, Июнь 11 как непобежденный, бывший чемпион WBO среди юниоров в среднем весе Деметриус Андраде встретится с сильным многолетним соперником Вилли Нельсон в отборочном турнире за титул WBC в суперсреднем весе. Победитель 12-раундового совместного фильма станет обязательным претендентом на победителя Мая 21 Столкновение между Джермеллом Чарло и Джоном Джексоном, кто сразится за вакантный титул WBC в весовой категории до 154 фунтов на SHOWTIME.


Андраде против. Нельсон будет главным помощником в бою между бывшим чемпионом мира среди юниоров в среднем весе. Руслан Проводников и бывший претендент на титул чемпиона мира Джон Молина-младший., жить на SHOWTIME (9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT) от Казино Тёрнинг Стоун в Вероне, Нью-Йорк. Андраде против. Нельсон — это совместная акция с Banner Promotions., Звезда бокса Джо ДеГуардии и DiBella Entertainment


В первом бою тройного заголовка SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING во время выходных в Международном зале боксерской славы., WBC Нет. 1-ранжированный легкий Деян Zlaticanin возьму на себя Нет. 2-место Эмилиано Марсили за вакантный титул чемпиона мира по версии WBC в легком весе.


Боевой выход из родного Провиденса, Р.И., 28-летний Андраде собрал безупречный рекорд 22-0 с 15 нокаутами с тех пор, как стал профессионалом 2008 после того, как представлял США в 2008 Олимпийские игры в Пекине, Китай.


Коварный левша с поршневым джебом и нокаутирующей силой в каждой руке., Андраде выиграл вакантный титул чемпиона мира по версии WBO среди юниоров в среднем весе, показав лучший результат в карьере над Ванесом Мартиросяном в ноябре. 9, 2013 и успешно защитил титул против No. 1-занял место обязательного претендента Брайана Роуза в июне 14, 2014. Совсем недавно Андраде, кто входит в пятерку лучших в полусреднем весе по консенсусу?, в октябре нокаутировал во втором раунде Дарио Фабиана Пучету. 17, 2015.


Настоящий дорожный воин, чрезвычайно высокий для юниора среднего веса (6 футов 3 дюйма)., Нельсон (25-2-1, 15 КО) за свою 10-летнюю карьеру столкнулся и победил множество главных соперников. Сражаюсь только один раз в 2015, Уроженец Кливленда огорчил уважаемого и непобедимого перспективного игрока в первом среднем весе Тони Харрисона нокаутом в девятом раунде. Июль 11 в городе Тампа, Флорида. В своем первом старте 2016, Нельсон нокаутировал Джонатана Батисту во втором раунде в марте. 25.


Среди других известных имен, которых победил Нельсон, - Джон Джексон., Лучано Cuello, Майкл Медина и Юдель Джексон. Октября 14, 2014, Нельсон едва проиграл Мартиросяну, проигрыш горячо оспариваемого решения судей в 10 раундах на SHOWTIME.


Левша Златиканин (17-0, 10 КО) был опытным любителем в Восточной Европе, прежде чем сделать заявление в США.. дебютировал с впечатляющим техническим нокаутом в четвертом раунде ранее непобедимого Ивана Редкача в финале отбора за титул в весовой категории до 135 фунтов. Июнь 13на SHOWTIME.


Два боя до победы над Редкачем, Деян (произносится «ДЭЙ-хан) Zlaticanin (безмолвное «з» — произносится как «ла-ти-КАН-нин») заработал заслуженную победу раздельным решением судей в 12 раундах над фаворитом родного города и бывшим чемпионом мира в двух дивизионах Рикки Бернсом в 2014.


31-летний Златичанин — боец ​​с атакующим характером, который постоянно оказывает давление на своих соперников., флеши их и носит их. Zlaticanin, в Юго-Восточной европейской стране Черногории, будет делать свой первый старт почти за 12 месяцы.


Победа над Редкачем в июне прошлого года принесла Редкачу обязательную позицию WBC на турнире WBC. 135 фунты. Ранее он должен был встретиться с чемпионом WBC Хорхе Линаресом. 2016, но Линарес снялся с боя со сломанной рукой. Из-за травмы, WBC с тех пор назвал Линареса своим чемпионом на перерыве., создание возможности для вакантного титульного боя.


Итальянский марш (32-0-1, 14 КО) сделает его 2016, U.S. и дебют SHOWTIME. Непобедимый левша провел все свои профессиональные бои, кроме одного, в Италии., единственное исключение а 2012 Технический нокаут ветерана-соперника Дерри Мэтьюза в Великобритании..


39-летний спортсмен дважды дрался в 2015, Технический нокаут в седьмом раунде Дьёрдя Мижея-младшего., за пояс чемпиона Европы в легком весе и единогласным решением судей над Гамалиэлем Диасом в 12 раундах за серебряный титул WBC в весовой категории до 135 фунтов..


Для получения дополнительной информации посетите www.SHO.com/Sports и www.banner-promotions.comСледуйте по щебетатьSHOSports, BannerBoxing; RuslanProvod, @johnmolinajr135 или стать поклонником на Facebook по www.Facebook.com/SHOSports. www.facebook.com/BannerPromotions

Former World Champion Chad Dawson, Featherweight Contender Ryan Kielczweski & Undefeated Prospects Antonio Russell & Carlos Gongora Highlight Undercard Action on Saturday, Апреля 16 From Foxwoods Resort Casino in Mashantucket, Коннектикут.

Doubleheader of World Title Fights Featured on
(11 p.m. И/8 p.m. PT)
Машантукет, Коннектикут (Апреля 11, 2016) – A stacked undercard of action featuring former world champion “Плохой” Чэд Доусон (33-4, 18 КО), полулегком претендентом Райан Kielczweski (24-1, 7 КО) and undefeated prospects Антонио Рассел (5-0, 4 КО) и Карлос Гонгора (4-0, 3 КО) доходит до Foxwoods Resort Casino в Mashantucket, Коннектикут., на Суббота, Апреля 16.
The event is headlined by a SHOWTIME ЧЕМПИОНАТ БОКС doubleheader of world title fights: WBC в полулегком весе мира Гэри Расселл-младший. battles Ireland’s Патрик “Каратель” Хайленд and IBF Junior Lightweight World Champion Хосе “Sniper” Педраса takes on top contender Стивен “Swifty” Кузнец from the UK, с телевидению освещение начинает в прямом эфире на SHOWTIME в 11 p.m. И/8 p.m. PT.
Dawson will face the veteran Корнелиус Уайт (23-4, 17 КО) в 10-раундовом бой в полутяжелом весе, Kielczweski enters the ring for eight rounds of featherweight action, Gongora competes in a super middleweight attraction while Russell takes on Leonardo Reyes (3-9, 1 KO) in a bantamweight fight.
Also entering the ring is popular super bantamweight contender Shelley Vincent (16-0, 1 KO) out of Providence, RI., who will have plenty of support behind her when she takes on New Mexico’s Elizabeth Anderson (4-7, 1 KO) в течение шести-раундовом поединке.
Rounding out the action are a pair of prospects making their pro debuts as Providence’s Anthony Marsella Jr. fights in a four-round junior welterweight match and Connecticut’s Mykquan Williams in a four-round welterweight contest. Williams is a highly touted local prospect who fought to a 45-13 amateur record including three gold medal performances at the Ringside World Tournament.
Бывший чемпион мира в полутяжелом весе, Доусон returns to the ring looking for the 34й Победа его успешной карьеры. 33-летний владеет победы над бывшими чемпионами мира Бернардом Хопкинсом, Antonio Tarver and Tomasz Ademek and most recently defeated Shujaa El Amin in December 2015. The veteran owns a 17-1 record in fights in his home state of Connecticut. He takes on the veteran Белый out of Houston who picked up victories in his last two starts over Marcus Oliveira and William Johnson.
Занявший второе место в 2008 Турнир Национальная Золотые перчатки, 25-летний Kielczweski has become a staple fighting in his native New England. Родился и вырос в городе Куинси, Масса., he bounced back from his first defeat to deliver a first-round knockout over Anthony Napunyi in May 2015 and followed that up with a victory over veteran contender Rafael Vazquez in October of last year. During this camp, Kielczweski served as a chief sparring partner of the 126-pound champion Russell Jr.
Twice a National Golden Gloves runner up, Рассел won the national championship in 2013 and he now looks to follow in the footsteps of his older brother and current 126-pound world champion Gary. A 23-year-old fighting out of Washington, D.C., Antonio has won four of his five fights inside of the distance. He faces the 22-year-old Mexican Рейес.
Fighting out of Brooklyn but originally from Esmereldas, Эквадор, Gongora was an Olympian in 2008 и 2012. С поворотом профессионалом в 2015, the 26-year-old has picked up four victories, including a fourth-round stoppage of Derrick Adkins in his most recent triumph in January.
Для получения более подробной информации, визит www.SHO.com/Sports, Следуйте по щебетатьSHOSports, MrGaryRussellJr, @PajPunisher, @Sniper_Pedraza, @SwiftySmith, LouDiBella, @FoxwoodsCT and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, и www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment.

Del Valle Demolishes Crespo in Two

Del Valle straight right.jpg
Salem, Нью-Гемпшир (Апреля 10, 2016) – Super bantamweight contender Luis “Orlandito” Del Valle of Bayamon, PR scored a dominant second round stoppage over local favorite Josh Crespo Saturday, Апреля 9 at Rockingham Park in Salem, Нью-Гемпшир.
With a standing room only crowd on hand, Del Valle pressured Crespo early in the opening round and found a home for right hands. Во втором, Del Valle continued to connect with clean shots including a perfectly placed hard overhand right to Crespo’s temple that sent him crashing to the canvas. The game Crespo got up and immediately stumbled back to the canvas but incredibly made it back to his feet before the count of 10. Seconds later, Del Valle swarmed his badly hurt foe and landed a number of punches until Crespo’s corner threw in the towel at 2:17.
"I knew early in the first round that I was the stronger fighter and would be able to hurt him with my punches,” Del Valle said after improving his record to 21-2 с 16 КО. “I give him all the credit in the world for stepping up to fight me and having tremendous heart. I thought the referee was going to stop it because I’ve never seen a fighter get knocked down, stand up, fall again then get back up in less than ten seconds.”
Del Valle who scored his third consecutive stoppage since losing a controversial decision to Luis Rosa, is confident that he’ll land another bout against a top fighter in the very near future.
"I did what I had to do last night and it’s onto bigger and better things. В моей голове, Darchinyan is the only fighter to defeat me and I’ve grown a lot since then. There are many great fighters at 122 pounds that I’d love to get in the ring with and I’m confident it will happen soon.”
Del Valle’s next bout is scheduled to be televised and formal details will follow shortly.
Fans can interact with Del Valle on Twitter @Orlanditoboxing or Facebook.com/Orlandito-Del-Valle-111406195543360.


Three World Title Fights Including Lara vs. Martirosyan Rematch & The Charlo Twins Attempting To Make History In SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® Tripleheader


Суббота, Мая 21 Live On SHOWTIME At 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT

НЬЮ-ЙОРК (Апреля 9, 2016) – The 154-pound division will take center stage on Суббота, Мая 21 in a SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING tripleheader featuring three world title fights in the same division. In a rare showcase of the division’s elite, five of the top-six super welterweights* will square off live on SHOWTIME at 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT. Venue and ticket information are forthcoming.


(*via Transnational Boxing Rankings)


В главном событии, Erislandy “The American Dream” Lara—the consensus No. 1 fighter at 154 pounds—will defend his WBA Super Welterweight World Championship against U.S. Olympian and top contender Vanes “The Nightmare” Martirosyan в матче-реванше их 2012 bout that ended in a technical draw.


Brothers Jermall и Jermell Charlo will look to make history in co-featured bouts as the first twins to hold world titles in the same division. Unbeaten IBF Super Welterweight World Champion Jermall faces his toughest test when he makes the second defense of his belt against former world champion Austin “No Doubt” Trout. Jermell will take on exciting contender Джон Джексон in a bout for the vacant WBC Super Welterweight World Championship.


The event is being promoted by Mayweather Promotions and TGB Promotions.


With five of the top-six ranked fighters on the telecast, the Мая 21matchups join an already stellar slate of recently announced boxing events on SHOWTIME. The super welterweights join the top fighters at featherweight, полусреднем, super middleweight and heavyweight in a series of fights that features accomplished champions and young stars facing each other in the most significant divisional matches that can be made.

“This is yet another example of SHOWTIME Sports’ commitment to delivering the best lineup in boxing,"Сказал Стивен Эспиноза, Исполнительный вице-президент & Главный Управляющий, Showtime спорта. “We’re featuring three important championship fights in one of boxing’s most intriguing young divisions – a tripleheader that will bring our 2016 tally of world title bouts to 14 – all free to SHOWTIME subscribers. We’re excited to offer this rare opportunity to see the top fighters in a division all on the same telecast.”


“Mayweather Promotions is thrilled to bring this fantastic tripleheader of super welterweight world champions to fight fans,” сказал Леонард Эллерб, Генеральный директор Мэйуэзер Акции. “The best of the 154-pound division will be on display on Мая 21 and we expect an action-packed night of drama.”


“We’re very excited to work with SHOWTIME on this action-packed tripleheader,” said Tom Brown of TGB Promotions. “Erislandy Lara and Vanes Martirosyan have a huge score to settle from their 2012 конец, and Jermall and Jermell Charlo are in high-stakes matchups against Austin Trout and John Jackson, соответственно, in what promises to be a highly entertaining evening of boxing.”


A technical master, Lara is considered one of the toughest men to beat in the sport and will look to continue his reign at 154 pounds against the always-game Martirosyan, who is set on becoming a world champion on his second try.


The 25-year-old Charlos are aiming for history against stiff opposition from a former champion in Trout and the Olympian from the Virgin Islands in Jackson.


32-летний Лара это пятно боксер с возможностью доставки наказание, принимая очень мало о нем в ответ. Лара имеет зубчатый победы над Альфредо Ангуло, Остин Траут, Ishe Smith and Freddy Hernandez. Как любитель, Лара выиграл многочисленные титулы в том числе национального чемпионата в полусреднем весе, а также участие в 2007 Пан-Ам игры. Истребитель родом из Гуантанамо, Cuba dominated Delvin Rodriguez in June of last year and followed that up with a third-round stoppage of former champion Jan Zaveck.


Родился в Армении, но борьба из Глендейл, Калифорния., Мартиросянпредставлены U.S. на 2004 Олимпийские игры. Как профессиональный, he won his first 32 fights before fighting Lara to a draw in 2012. The 29-year-old suffered a narrow defeat by split decision in his first world title shot against Demetrius Andrade, but has rebounded with solid victories over Mario Lozano, Willie Nelson and most recently Ishe Smith.

A newly crowned champion at 25-years-old, Charlo grabbed his title with a dominant third-round stoppage of Cornelius Bundrage in September 2015. Проживание в Хьюстоне, Чарло построен его резюме в 2014 with dominant triumphs over Hector Munoz, Norberto Gonzale, Lenny Bottai and Michael Finney. В своей последней прогулке, he successfully defended his title with a fourth-round stoppage of Wilky Campfort in November.


В 2004, Форель won the U.S. Национальный Любительский чемпионат полусреднем и после восхождения вверх ряды в качестве элитного профессиональный боксер, он выиграл супер полусреднем чемпионата мира в 2011 победив Ригоберто Альварес. He went on to make four successful defenses, including a career-best, dominant victory over Miguel Cotto in New York. He is currently on a four-fight win streak after knocking out Joey Hernandez in September to set up his world title opportunity.


Younger-by-one-minute than Jermall, Jermell Charlo is a highly ranked young fighter looking to get one step closer to a world title shot. Высокий борец за своего подразделения, the 25-year-old earned his shot at a world title with victories over Gabriel Rosado, Charlie Ota and Mario Lozano in 2014 and Martirosyan and former world champion Joachim Alcine in 2015. He impressed last time out by disposing of Alcine in the sixth-round of their fight in Houston in October.


Since representing his native Virgin Islands in the 2008 Олимпийские игры,Джексон has put together an impressive pro career. Санкт-. Thomas-born fighter won his initial 13 fights after making his debut in January 2009. The 27-year-old earned the No. 1 spot and the title shot with a shutout victory over Dennis Laurente in August. Jackson comes from a fighting family; his father John David Jackson was a world champion and feared power-puncher while his brother, Юлий, is a contender in the 168-pound weight class.


Для получения дополнительной информации посетите www.mayweatherpromotions.com,www.sports.sho.com, follow on Twitter @MayweatherPromo, TGBPromotions, SHOSports, LaraBoxing, @VanesBoxing, FutureOfBoxing, NoDoubtTrout, @TwinCharlo and @Swanson_Comm, Вступить в группу на Facebook наwww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions

“BATTLE BORN BOXING” New amateur series coming to Downtown Las Vegas Events Center

Inaugural event, Пятница ночь, Апрель. 15
ЛАС-ВЕГАС (Апреля 8, 2016) -Neon Star Media, on behalf of its client, D Лас-Вегас, today announced the formation of a new amateur boxing series, “Battle Born Boxing.”
The “Battle Born Boxing” series will present amateur boxing events the night before each of the “Knockout Night at the D” series professional events, airing live on CBS Sports Network from the Downtown Las Vegas Events Center (DLVEC).
Created to support amateur boxing in Nevada, “Battle Born Boxing” also provides a platform for amateur boxers from other states to compete against local clubs and boxers.
The inaugural event, “Battle Born Boxing: Uprising”, состоится Пятница ночь, Апреля 15 (начиная с 7 p.m. PT), outdoors at the Центр Лас-Вегас События центр.
“We are thrilled to add this new component to our ‘Knockout Night at the D’ серия,” сказал Derek Stevens, CEO of the D and DLVEC. “We are always seeking new ways to support Las Vegas businesses, and this event will truly give local boxing amateurs, programs and gyms a moment in the spotlight.”
“On behalf of Neon Star Media,” прокомментировал John Andersen, SVP Integrated Sales, “В первую очередь, I would like to thank Derek Stevens, who is working very hard to help instill boxing in downtown Las Vegas. I think that by supporting ‘Battle Born Boxing,’ clubs and the gyms in LasVegas, he is willing to do whatever it takes to not only support professional boxing, but also support kids in local amateur programs. We at Neon Star Media simply thought this was a vision that we had to do and who better to make it happen than the DLVEC and Derek?”
“This is blowing up big,” added event coordinator Dawn Berry. “Derek Stevens is one of the nicest, most honest people I’ve met in this business. He loves boxing and really wants to do this series. I’ve worked with Derek before and he’s so easy to deal with. Derek has always supported amateur boxing and we’re so grateful because it really helps the community. We’ve had a huge turnout of so many people who want to be involved that I’ve had to cutback the number of matches to 15 или 20. We have some boxers coming from New Mexico and California. The next date is May 20й and we have boxers coming here from Arizona for that show. It’s a great venue for boxing, слишком.”
“Battle Born Boxing: Uprising” билеты, по цене $15.00 for ringside (Строки 1 и 2) и $10.00 для общего приема, в продаже в www.DLVEC.com. All tickets purchased for “Battle Born Boxing: Uprising” will entitle ticketholders to receive $10.00 off any tickets purchased for the following evening’s (Апрель. 16) “Knockout Night at the D” pro event. Those tickets, по цене $149.99 VIP ringside, $119.00 удобная точка для обзора, $74.99 seated and $29.99 rear seated, в продаже в www.Ticketmaster.com или www.DLVEC.com. Налоги и сборы распространяются на все проданные билеты.
“Battle Born Boxing: Uprising” will be streamed live atwww.knockoutnightboxing.com.
Щебет: @thedlasvegas, @dlvec, @DerekJStevens, @BoxingatheDLV
Instagram: @dlvec, @thedlasvegas

Unbeaten Power-Puncher Murat Gassiev & Cruiserweight Contender Jordan Shimmell Meet In World Title Eliminator That Headlines Premier Boxing Champions TOE-TO-TOE TUESDAYS on FS1 & BOXEO DE CAMPEONES on FOX Deportes Tuesday, Мая 17 (9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT)

Live From Black Bear Casino Resort In Carlton, MN In the Otter Creek Event Center – Билеты уже в продаже
Больше! Heavyweight Battle Between Unbeaten Wes Nofire & Former Title Challenger Joey Abell & Hometown Prospect Javontae Starks Takes On Cuba’s Yordenis Ugas
CARLTON, Миннесота (Апреля 8, 2016) – Unbeaten knockout artist Мурат “Железо” Гассиев (22-0, 16 КО) берет на нелицеприятной Иордания Shimmell (20-1, 16 КО) in a 12-round cruiserweight world title eliminator that headlines Премьер Бокс чемпионов (PBC) ОО до пят ВТОРНИКАМ на FS1 и Бокс чемпионов на FOX Депортес вторник, Мая 17 from Black Bear Casino Resort in Carlton, Миннесота.
Действие начинается в 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT and features an eight-round heavyweight showdown between unbeaten Уэс Nofire (19-0, 15 КО) and former title challenger and Minnesota-native Джо “Миннесота Лед” Колокольчик (31-9, 29 КО) and hometown prospect Javontae Старков (13-1, 7 КО) in an eight-round super welterweight affair against Olympic Bronze medalist Yordenis Угас (15-3, 7 КО).
Gassiev and Shimmell will square off for the top spot for the cruiserweight title currently held by Victor Emilio Ramirez and the winner will be in line to face the winner of the unification bout between Ramirez and Denis Lebedev also taking place in May.
“I have seen Jordan Shimmell in the ring and I feel like this is a good fight for me,” said Gassiev. “I’m looking forward to getting back in the ring after the mistake I made last fight. I’m going to be real sharp on May 17 and I will not disappoint.”
“I’m excited to get back in the ring and fight in another televised bout,” said Shimmell. “I know I’m in there with a tough, strong opponent, but with my skills and ability it shouldn’t be a problem. As long as I fight smart and do the things I’ve been training to do, I will come out with the win.”
“This is a big opportunity for me in a competitive televised bout,” said Nofire. “This is a chance for me to move past being a regional fighter. I’m preparing not just to win but to look spectacular. My opponent has done well enough as a pro but he’s never been able to take the next step. Подготовка идет очень хорошо. I’m ready to ramp it up for the final six week push to fight time.”
“I usually take fights on short notice so I feel very lucky to get this fight,” Саид Абель. “I don’t know much about my opponent but I’m taking him seriously and training my hardest. I’ve been sparring with Anthony Joshua and Luis Ortiz so I know I’m going to be at my best on May 17.”
Билеты на турнире, which is promoted by Warriors Boxing in association with Seconds Out Fights, по цене $20, не включая применимые плата за обслуживание и налогов, а уже в продаже. Билеты можно приобрести в www.blackbearcasinoresort.com или по телефону 1-888-771-0777.
“Warriors Boxing is excited to put on this event at the Otter Creek Events Center at the Beautiful Black Bear Casino Resort and proud to be working with FS1 and FOX Deportes,” said Leon Marglues, Президент Warriors Boxing. ” The Gassiev vs. Shimmell fight is an important cruiserweight bout with a world title opportunity hanging in the balance. Wes Nofire and Joey Abell will be a terrific heavyweight matchup and the boxing world will get another look at local product Javontae Starks. I have enjoyed my relationship with Tony Grygelko and Seconds Out Fights and I’d like to thank him for his work in putting this show together. Boxing fans are in for a treat on Мая 17.”
A fast-rising 22-year-old contender, Gassiev is undefeated since turning pro in 2011 and has delivered three straight stoppage victories since making his stateside debut in January 2015. Совсем недавно, he earned a no contest in a December fight with fellow unbeaten Isiah Thomas after Thomas was ruled unable to continue due to a blow from Gassiev deemed after the bell. Representing Vladikavkaz, Россия, the Abel Sanchez-trained fighter owns victories over the previously unbeaten Leon Harth and veterans Felix Cora Jr., Исмаил Adbdoul и Леван Jomardashvili.
The 27-year-old Shimmell is a former amateur standout who became the first heavyweight to win four Michigan Golden Gloves titles. The Hudsonville-native won his first 19 pro bouts before dropping a decision to fellow unbeaten Isiah Thomas but rebounded with a victory over Willis Lockett in February of this year. He owns victories over a slew of veterans including Damon McCreary, Эпифанио Мендоса, Galen Brown and Jonathan Corn.
Чероки-гражданин, родившийся в Оклахоме и обучение из Майами, Nofire will look to make a mark when he faces his toughest test to date on Мая 17. The 29-year-old picked up victories in 2015 over Joell Godfrey, Sylvester Barron and Yasmany Consuegra and has stopped seven of his last eight fights inside the distance.
Fighting near his hometown of Champlin, Миннесота, Abell has challenged for a piece of the heavyweight crown and has shared the ring with current heavyweight king Tyson Fury. He picked up victories on 2015 over Juan Goode and Travis Fulton and has taken down veterans Maurenzo Smith, Josh Gutcher and Galen Brown.
Representing Minneapolis, Старков мучил впечатляющий 98-16 любительские записи, прежде чем стать профессионалом в 2009. The 27-year-old picked up six victories in 2014 и 2015 and will be looking to bounce back from a competitive loss to unbeaten Samuel Figueroa in October. He will fight in his home state for the sixth time as a pro.
A sensational Cuban amateur, Ugas picked up a Bronze medal at the 2008 Olympics and also owns Gold medals from the 2005 World Amateur Championships and 2007 Панамериканские игры. Now fighting out of Miami, the 29-year-old owns victories over Cosme Rivera, Kenny Abril and Adan Hernandez.
Для получения дополнительной информации посетите www.premierboxingchampions.comHTTP://www.foxsports.com/PressPass / домашнююи www.foxdeportes.com.
Следуйте по щебетатьPremierBoxing, @MuratGassiev, @TeamShimmell, @NofireBoxing, @JavontaeStarks, @WarriorsBoxingProm @FS1, @FoxDeportes И @Swanson_Comm и стать поклонником на Facebook вwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxdeportes Основные имеющиеся наwww.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions.

“Тепло” на! Крис Ван Хиден vs. Стив Клаггетт, апрель. 16 в прямом эфире CBS Sports Network из DLVEC в Лас-Вегасе


ЛАС-ВЕГАС (Апреля 7, 2016) – Южноафриканский полусредний вес Крис “Тепло” Ван Heerden находится на миссии, чтобы поджечь своего канадского противника Стив “Дракон” Claggett, в их 12-раундовом главном событии, хедлайнерами “Knockout Night at the D”.
The “Knockout Night at the D” серия, представленный D Лас-Вегас и Центр Лас-Вегас События центр (DLVEC), способствует Рой Джонс-младший. (RJJ) Boxing Promotions.
апреля. 16й “Knockout Night at the D” мероприятие будет транслироваться Субботаночь, Апреля 16 (8 p.m. PT / 11 p.m. И), жить на CBS Sports Network из-под неоновых огней на открытой площадке DLVEC.
Ван Heerden (23-1-1, 12 КО), борьба из Санта-Моники (ТАКОЙ КАК), бывшая Международная боксерская организация (IBO в) и Международной федерации бокса (IBF) полусреднем весе.
За 10 лет профессиональной карьеры, Ван Херден победил хороших противников, таких как Рамон Авила, Сесил Маккалла, Рэй Цена, Косме Ривера,Мэтью Хилтон, и Себастьян Андрес Лухан.
“Победа над Клаггеттом вернет мою карьеру в нужное русло.,” Ван Херден сказал. “Победа в этом бою - мой единственный вариант! Я предсказываю победу, не меньше. Поклонники, впервые наблюдающие за моим боем, могут рассчитывать на то, что увидят бойца со скоростью и работой ног.. Я победитель, который выиграет этот бой несмотря ни на что.”
Claggett (23-3-1, 16 КО) Действующий канадский совет профессионального бокса и чемпион Канады в полусреднем весе.. “Сила Клаггетта в его приходе’ нападающая агрессия, и вот как он заставляет большинство своих противников сдаваться,” Ван Херден отметил. “Я знаю, что сталкивался с парнями с большей властью. Я жду тяжелого боя, ничего легкого, и это будет занимательно.”
28-летний Ван Херден переехал в Санта-Монику два года назад после того, как победил лучших бойцов Южной Африки в своей весовой категории.. Он пользуется сильной поддержкой актера. Фрэнк Грилло, кто снялся во многих фильмах, в том числеВоин, Серый, Конец дежурства, Капитан Америка: Зимний солдат и Чистка: Анархия.
“Фрэнк Грилло для меня как отец / брат, и он им был с тех пор, как я его встретил.,” Ван Херден объяснил свои отношения. Он мотивирует меня каждый день. Я счастлив быть рядом с ним.”
Непревзойденный проспект Калифорнии в полусреднем весе Neeco “Петух” Macias (11-0, 4 КО), борьба из Ланкастера, ТАКОЙ КАК, берет на себя Лимберт “Молния” сутенер, Младший. (10-2, 8 КО), Рок-Айленда, Иллинойс, в совместном матче с 8 раундами. Непобедимый полусреднем перспективы Малик “Альпинист” Hawkins (6-0, 5 КО), Балтимор, соответствует Эррол Сидни (6-1-2, 2 КО), Новый Орлеан, в схватке из 6 раундов, чтобы открыть телетрансляцию.
В андеркарте также есть многообещающие перспективы из Лас-Вегаса в четырехраундовых боях.: полусреднем Джереми “J-Flash” Николс (2-0, 2 КО), полулегкий вес Сал лопес (2-0) и юниоры в полулегком весе Рэнди Морено (1-0, 1 KO).
Все бои и бойцы могут быть изменены.
Билеты, по цене $149.99 VIP ringside, $119.00 удобная точка для обзора, $74.99 seated and $29.99 rear seated, в продаже в www.Ticketmaster.com илиwww.DLVEC.com. Налоги и сборы распространяются на все проданные билеты.
Двери открываются в 5:00 p.m. PT с открытием бой запланирован на 6:00 p.m. PT.
The “Knockout Night at the D” серия разработана в сотрудничестве с DLVEC и Neon Star Media..
CBS Sports Network доступна по всей стране через местный кабель., видео и телекоммуникационные провайдеры, а также через спутник на DirecTV канал 221 и DISH Network канал 158. Для получения более подробной информации, в том числе полное расписание программирования и как получить CBS Sports Network, перейти кwww.cbssportsnetwork.com.
TITLE Boxing является официальным партнером по одежде и перчаткам “Knockout Night at the D” серия.
Щебет: @thedlasvegas, @dlvec, @DerekJStevens, @BoxingatheDLV, @RoyJonesJRFA
Instagram: @dlvec, @thedlasvegas, @RoyJonesJRFA
Следуйте за эти борцы на Twitter: @SDragonClaggett, @ TheHeat001 (Ван Heerden), @ Limbo_1991 (сутенер), @ mhawk0_6 (Hawkins), @ ej_flash562 (Николс)



SHOWTIME ЧЕМПИОНАТ БОКС® World Title Doubleheader

Жить на SHOWTIME® (11 p.m. И/8 p.m. PT) от
Foxwoods Resort Casino в Mashantucket, Коннектикут

НЬЮ-ЙОРК (Апреля 7, 2016) – The boxers who will be fighting Суббота, Апреля 16 on aВРЕМЯ ДЛЯ ШОУ CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® world title doubleheader are deep into their respective training camps as they continue preparation for their bouts at Foxwoods Resort Casino в Mashantucket, Коннектикут.


В главном событии, жить на ВРЕМЯ ДЛЯ ШОУ® (11 p.m. И/8 p.m. PT), the talented and speedy southpaw Гэри Расселл-младший. (26-1, 15 КО) makes the first defense of his WBC Featherweight World Title against Irish contender Патрик Хайленд (31-1, 15 КО). In the SHOWTIME co-feature, unbeaten sniper Хосе Педраса (21-0, 12 КО) risks his IBF 130-pound world title as he defends his title for the second time against a mandatory challenger, Стивен Смит (23-1, 13 КО).


Рассел, who won the 126-pound title with a fourth-round knockout over defending champion Джонни Гонсалес марта 28, 2015, trains in Washington, D.C.


Хайленд, whose only loss suffered was to WBA Super Featherweight World Champion Хавьер Фортуна, has been training at a gym in Dublin, Ирландия, owned and operated by his trainer, Paschal Collins, whose older brother Стив was a former two-time WBO world champion. Paschal Collins also boxed as a pro but is best known for being Irish heavyweight Кевин Макбрайд’s head trainer during his shocking knockout of Майк Тайсон.


The switch-hitting Pedraza, a 2012 Пуэрто-Рико олимпиец, has been working out in his native Puerto Rico. Кузнец, of Liverpool, Англия, has been training in the UK.


Below is what the confident boxers had to say with less than two weeks to go before their major fights:


Гари Рассел JR., WBC в полулегком весе мира

(On Training Camp)

“I’ve been in camp in Washington, D.C. for about eight weeks. I suffered the head butt before my November fight but I have been able to train this whole time and returned to sparring eight weeks ago. It’s been a really long training camp but I’m ready to go. This is the hardest part. Fighting is easy, but the preparation before the fight is where the hard work comes in. Being out of the ring so long is difficult, but it’s part of the business. Everything happens for a reason and I’m just really keyed in mentally.”


(On fighting Patrick Hyland)

“Hyland is going to come in there to win. You have to have that confidence to get in the ring. He’s preparing himself, but the question is, will it be good enough? I highly doubt it. We don’t take anyone lightly and we prepare to the best of our abilities. Everyone in the ring can pull off the upset. That’s why I have to be prepared to the fullest.”


“He’s not really a pressure fighter so I might have to take the fight to him. He’s long and rangy and he tries to keep his distance. He’s not a big puncher but he definitely has the ability to steal a fight.”


(On the fighting Russell family)

“My brother Antuanne made the 2016 U.S. Olympic Team in the 141-pound division and he has a chance soon to qualify for the games with a tournament in Azerbaijan. My other brother Antonio is going to be on my undercard as well. Within my family we’re actually the first set of four brothers to all win the National Golden Gloves. That just goes to show the level of coaching we get from our dad, to have a world champion, two Olympians and four National Golden Gloves winners. We’re trying to leave a legacy in this sport. We’re all very similar in temperament and attitude. We all want to be world champions.”


(On dealing with injuries)

“I’ve never had a fight where I was 100 процентов. There’s always been something going on. I have had hand injuries since the beginning of my career but we have creative ways to handle that and preserve my hands. Сейчас, Я прекрасно себя чувствую. I just have to pick my shots more, but that’s where the speed becomes a factor.”


(On possible future opponents)

“If I can get by Hyland, I want to fight the winner of the Lee Selby vs. Eric Hunter fight and unify titles. After that I’d like to see Leo Santa Cruz and take care of that. Then I want another crack at Vasyl Lomachenko. I don’t care what weight Lomachenko is at, I’ll follow him. He has to see me.”
PATRICK HYLAND, Соперник в полулегком


(On Training Camp)

“I’ve been training at Celtic Warriors Gym in Dublin since before Christmas because I had a fight here (Ирландия) на Февраль. 6 but pulled out when I got word that I was fighting on March 12 (в Mohegan Sun). When that fight was postponed, I took it easy for two weeks until the Апреля 16show was announced. That’s when I started picking up training again. I’ve been training really hard and putting everything on the line to become WBC champ. We plan to arrive in the U.S. a week prior to the fight.”

(On fighting Gary Russell Jr.)
“To challenge a great champion, Гэри Расселл, Младший, is an honor for me. I think Gary is an awesome fighter with great hand speed and boxing ability. I’ve been working with Jono Carroll, an unbeaten Irish southpaw with good hand speed and good movement, who is ideal for what I have to work on to beat Russell.”

(On fighting again in the U.S.)
“I love fighting in the U.S. because there’s always a great atmosphere at the fights and it’s the real home of boxing. I’ve met friends for life who I consider family from the Marlboro area (Hyland lived in Marlboro, N.Y., for a couple of years). They’ll be at this fight, as always.”

(On the fighting Hyland brothers)
My brothers are no longer fighting. Their last fights were on the same show, Январь. 28, 2012 в Атлантик-Сити, which I headlined in (against Emmanuel Lucero). My older brother, Edward (“Pride of Tallaght”) fought at super featherweight. He runs his own Boxing Club in Dublin. My other brother, Поли, was a former European and Irish super bantamweight champion. He is back doing a bit of training. No other members of our Hyland family were in professional boxing. I’m hoping we’re not the last, хотя, as I’ve got a few nephews and my own son now. One day they might lace up the gloves.”

Хосе Педраса, IBF Super Featherweight World Champion


(On Training Camp)

“I am currently training in the Municipal gym in Cidra, P.R., where I took my first steps in boxing. I decided to train here because it feels like home and I can feel the warmth of my people and I am able to set an example for those who are starting out in boxing as well.”

“My training started in December and it is divided into two sections (morning and evening). During the morning portion we work on all of the specifics of boxing, including gloving up in addition to physical training lasting about three and a half hours. For the evening portion of the training I run. Two days a week it is track training and four days of the week it is distance running for about two hours in the evening, making it a total of about five and a half to six hours of work daily.’’

(On his diet)

“Actually, Слава Богу, I do not have a strict diet and can eat all varieties of foods. I am doing really well with weight and I just reduce portions in the evenings during the final stages of the camp to meet the required 130 фунты. That’s why I do not miss any foods. My favorite foods are steak and other grilled foods. After the weigh-in I prefer the pastas my mom makes. She always prepares three different kinds for me.’’


(On his team)

“My team is composed of Mr. Luis Espada (trainer-manager), Francisco Flores (conditioning and track trainer), Andres Melendez (прочность и кондиционирования) и д-р. Hector Santos (cutman and spiritual director). I’ve been with my trainer, who is my father, для 14 years ever since I threw my first punch. I haven’t made any major changes since I became champion. I’ve remained the same humble young man from a small town. I just push myself more to reach the bigger fights in the five categories from 130 to 154.”


(On his challenger Stephen Smith)

“I have seen some videos with my team of his fights and I can see that he is a boxer with a lot of resources who utilizes hooks to the body just as much as to the head. He is strong but something that works in my favor is that he is a come-forward fighter. He can handle 12 rounds comfortably. I hope on fight night I can neutralize all of his abilities and get the victory. I wouldn’t doubt if the win came by a KO anywhere from the sixth through the eighth round.’’

(Plans for his future in boxing)

“There are conversations about going up to 135. I’ve been at this weight since 2007; my body is demanding for me to go up to 135. Eventually my aspirations as a boxer are to be able to make boxing history not just in Puerto Rico but in the world. I want to go up and be the champion in five categories.”

“First and foremost I would like to face Francisco Vargas; he’s a seasoned boxer and is strong with a lot of rage. He went to the Olympics like I did in 2008 and he became a champion in what could be considered the fight of the year for 2015, very dramatic. It would be the Mexico vs. Puerto Rico rivalry. Another fighter who I would like to face is the champion Javier Fortuna. He is simply just a loud mouth with a poor memory (or selective memory) but I’ll send him a note to look up what happened in boxing history during the Roman Cup 2006 в Доминиканской Республике. I’ll leave it to him as an assignment.’’


(On his inspiration and role models)

“My biggest inspiration is my family. It is they who always, день за днем, are there supporting me as my No. 1 fan. I am a pro-family man and my family is my engine with God as my strength. Together they inspire me to carry the responsibility on my shoulders of doing my best in and out of the ring.’’


“Floyd Mayweather. He is an intelligent boxer and his abilities distinguish himself. He also works and trains very hard and puts in the gym time. He’s a man of his word and he invests 100 percent to each in his training camps and knows how to manage his fans as well. So many fans would like to see him win and just as many like to see him lose, but people just want to see him.’’


STEPHEN SMITH, IBF Нет. 1 Младший легкий вес Претендент


(On the significance of this matchup)

“All fights are important but this one is especially very important for me to win so that I can get back to where I was in the division.’’


(On finally getting a crack at the world title)

“I’ve waited a long time for this opportunity, but the timing couldn’t be better. I’m excited to get the opportunity to win the world title live on Sky Sports in the UK and on SHOWTIME in America.’’


(His views of the defending champion)

“Pedraza is a good fighter with a good amateur background and he’s not a world champion for nothing. He can box from either stance but I am confident of winning. I wouldn’t expect it to be an easy fight. It’s a world title fight, it’s meant to be tough. I’m preparing for the best of him; I don’t think he was at his best last time out against (Эднер) Вишня.


“He could have lost that fight, but he got the win and he’s going to look to show he’s better than that. We’ve covered all bases as far as sparring for whatever way he comes out, and I think I have the game plan to beat him.


“It’s not like he’s looked at me and thought ‘he’s an easy fight– he has no choice if he wants to keep his title. I think this fight has happened at the right time for me. It’s dragged out a bit but I’ve got a good head on my shoulders and I think that everything happens for a reason. My last outing was a career-best performance and I think that this has come at the right time.’’


(On his strategy)

"(Тренер) Joe Gallagher is as meticulous as anyone when it comes to preparing to face someone. Pedraza’s a lot more aggressive from the orthodox stance, but we’ve studied everything and we’re really confident. The gym is still going strong; we were gutted for Scott Quigg as we know how much he gives in the gym for each fight. Spirits were down for a bit but big fights keep coming round, and now I have my fight.”


(On answering the critics who said he’d never fight for a title after his 2011 defeat to Selby)

“Because I had such a successful amateur career, I think that big things were expected of me. I had a bit of bad luck with injury, the loss to Selby set me back, but that was more from people writing me off. Lee is world champion now so there’s no disgrace in that, but people were saying after that fight that I wouldn’t fight for a world title. It can be a fickle sport at times but I’ve come back stronger and I think I will prove a lot of people wrong in America.’’


(На his fighting brothers, Пол, Liam and Callum)

“The family is doing great things, but it’s just something that we all set out to do when we started boxing so it’s not really come as a surprise to us. We work hard every day and we’ve hit the goals we’ve set ourselves; Liam is world champion, Paul has boxed for the world title twice, Callum is on the verge and I box for a world title soon. Four brothers fighting for world titles is a massive achievement but for us, it’s not enoughwe want to win them. I think it’s very achievable for us, Paul is back tonight and he’s looking for another shot, so it’s realistic to say that three of us will box for world titles this year.’’


(О том, как он попал в США. дебют)

“The training is the same but there’s more pressure and more media attention on this one as it’s the big one. I’ve never boxed in the states myself but I’ve been over there with Paul and Callum, and anyone who has brothers that box will tell you it is worse when they are fighting than when it’s your own fight. I know what to expect over there and I’m going to embrace it and soak it all up.”


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The event is promoted by DiBella Entertainment. The bout featuring Pedraza and Smith is promoted in association with Gary Shaw Productions, Universal Promotions and Matchroom Boxing.



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