Tag Архив: бокс


Photo c/o of Timothy Hernandez
Планински, Калифорния (Април 22, 2016)Nearly three months after an exciting victory in the inaugural Premier Boxing Champions on Fox series, Dominic “Беда” BREAZEALE (17-0, 15 Нокаута) finds himself sitting on the cusp of a shot at the world title against newly crowned IBF world heavyweight champion Anthony Joshua (16-0, 16 Нокаута). What has transpired for Breazeale in the last four months, has been nothing short of the irony in how he has reached this point to possibly fight Joshua; is his fate as he sees it.

Back in December of 2015, Breazeale was scheduled to fight Charles Martin in a battle of undefeated American heavyweights. Martin then withdrew from the bout to preserve a title shot against Vyacheslav Glazkov in which he later won. Breazeale went on to fight heavyweight veteran Amir Mansour a month later and after courageously getting up from the canvas, stopped Mansour on his stool prior to the 6th round.
“Знаеш, the incident with Martin was really disappointing as we had trained hard for that bout. To show up fight week physically and mentally prepared for the bout and then it’s all of a sudden called off, is just discouraging. But I trusted in my adviser Al Haymon and he put something together for me quickly.
Later the Mansour bout was scheduled and it was a tough fight, but I learned a lot from it. During and after the fight, I realized that I had to use basic fundamentals. He caught me with a good shot but I got off the canvas and started to box him. Only the best of best heavyweights get off the canvas and finish the fight the way I did. Mansour was never stopped before and I clearly showed I have the power needed to stop fighters, and after I broke his jaw, I don’t think he’s ever going to want to fight again,” Саид Breazeale.
BREAZEALE, was then scheduled to fight Chris Arreola on April 30th and received disappointing news that Arreola had fractured his ankle and could no longer move forward with the bout. “When I first heard about it, I thought to myself not again, and I was upset that another fight was cancelled, but it was a blessing in disguise,” Breazeale каза.
Two weeks later, Anthony Joshua would obliterate Charles Martin and claim the IBF world heavyweight title. “Charles Martin got what he deserved and was totally outclassed by Anthony Joshua. Joshua did what he had to do. Martin wasn’t even developed or prepared for the bout. He was soft and slow and you can’t do that in the heavyweight division,” Саид Breazeale.
BREAZEALE, who is now ranked #13 от IBF, is being considered to fight Joshua in his first title defense, and he hopes that he gets a shot at the world heavyweight title and is chosen for the bout. “When I first heard that I was possibly going to fight Joshua for the title I was extremely excited. I have been thinking about this daily. This is an opportunity that every fighter dreams and hopes of. I’m sure Joshua felt the same way when he first found out he was going to fight Martin for the title. The only difference is that I am not going to lay down like Charles did and hand the belt over.
Hey Anthony Joshua! LET’S DO THIS! This a great fight for the heavyweight division and the fans. We are both 2012 Олимпийци, непобеден, and pack a punch. The United States of America versus Great Britain. I want to go back to London and finish what I didn’t in 2012. Instead of the gold medal, I want the IBF title, and I guarantee you I’m bringing it back to the United States where it belongs!,” Саид Breazeale.
“Here Comes Trouble


“Когато се намеси, че пръстен, нищо не е приемливо, но нокаут. И аз търся да го нокаутирам.” – Дионтей Уайлдър
Обърквам (36-0, 35 Нокаута) Защитава срещу Задължително Challenger
Александър Поветкин (30-1, 22 Нокаута) Един месец от днес
на Май 21 в Москва, Русия
NORTHPORT, ALA. (Април 21, 2016) -Непобеждаван WBC Heavyweight световен шампион Дионтей Уайлдър бе домакин на медии тренировка Вторник в Skyy Gym в Northport, Ala. тъй като той се готви да стане първият тогавашния американски шампион в тежка категория, за да пътуват до Русия, за да защитава титлата си.
В точно една месец, на Събота, Май 21, Обърквам (36-0, 35 Нокаута), на Tuscaloosa, Ala., ще постави световната си титла по линията срещу задължителен претендент и родния руски,Александър Поветкин (30-1, 22 Нокаута), в Москва.
Ето какво каза Уайлдър му Media тренировка ден във вторник:
Дионтей WILDER
(На неговите очаквания ще Русия…)
“Очакването ми е, разбира се, за да спечели. За да се върне с тази победа за Америка. Това е голяма битка, не само за себе си, за Америка. Това е като Русия срещу. Америка. Аз бях се само положителни отзиви от фенове по целия. Дори и ако те не са били фен на Дионтей Уайлдър сега те са за това много бой. Надявам се, че може да ги спечели, за да останете фен на Дионтей Уайлдър след тази битка. Мисля, че е голяма борба. Мисля, че е нещо голямо, че отиваме към Русия защитата на титлата си в някой друг двор.
“Както казах преди, е по-лесно за мен да се бори тук в американската но това не е това, което е всичко това за мен. Когато имам заглавие, което казва, че шампион в тежка категория на света, Искам да пътуват по целия свят, за да защити титлата си. Живея мечтата ми, Аз съм се възможност да го направя с тази борба. Очаквам с нетърпение да се Русия и искам да кажа, Русия,'Идвам.’ “
(Какво означава да бъдеш първи шампион в тежка категория, за да се бият в Русия…)
“Означава много. Това ме кара още по-близо до моята вяра. Господ не прави грешки в живота. Той не направи грешка в живота ми, живот или някой друг ви. Нещата се случват поради някаква причина и те се случват в точното време в живота си. Нещата не могат да дойдат, когато го искам, , но когато те идват, че е точно навреме. Нещата, които са били натрупват по време на кариерата ми, Наистина е супер. Как съм бил в състояние да направи история, победи други записи, и продължават да правят история. Това е невероятно. Аз просто искам да знам какво друго има в магазина за живота си. Ако е непрекъснато да се влезе в историята, Какво следва? Развълнуван съм.
“Не мога да чакам да видя как животът ми се развива в края на кариерата си. Какво ще се случи в края на Дионтей Уайлдър, когато е време за него да се каже, че съм направил всичко, което съм направил в този спорт и аз не искам да го направя повече. Искам да видя колко земята мога да покрие за тези, които са дошли преди мен.”
(Как ви се предскаже борбата ще…)
“Аз прогнозирам борбата като наказание в първия кръг, а след това го нокаутира. Всички гиганти искат да прати някого, така че ние трябва да кажа, ние ще ги извади от строя. Това е каймакът на отдела за култура. Най-тежка категория. Твърдия артилерия,. артилерия, Тежките, както се казва. Когато се намеси, че пръстен, нищо не е приемливо, но нокаут. И аз търся да го нокаутирам.”
(На дали е достигнал своя връх…)
“Ни най-малко и това е най-страшното за него. Аз дори не са достигнали пика ми все още и аз съм все още се учат по пътя нагоре. Искам винаги да научите. Всеки бой носи опит за мен. Той носи нещо, което съм направил далеч от тази борба и че съм добавен в следващия двубой. Надяваме се че е много свеж и много добър в тази борба и показване на хората малко повече от това, което Дионтей Уайлдър е в състояние да. Особено тези, които до този момент все още не са видели нищо, очаквайте на тази битка. Това е една не искате да пропуснете.”
(На обедини титлите в бъдеще…)
“Определено. Аз наистина се чувствам, когато казвам, че ще бъде най-безспорен шампион в тежка категория на света, Не само да кажа, че да го кажа, но аз също го чувствам вътре в мен, дълбоко в себе си, че ще бъде безспорен шампион в тежка категория на света и добавете името ми на няколко безспорни шампиони, които са дошли преди мен. Моето име ще бъде поставен в историята на този. Защо тя не? Всички неща, които съм направил до сега, това ще бъде черешката на тортата ми да е безспорен шампион в тежка категория на света. Аз няма да спра, Без значение колко часа трябва да се постави в. Без значение колко битки, които трябва да се вземат. Без значение колко страни трябва да посети, за да защити титлата си. Аз ще бъда безспорен шампион в тежка категория на света.”
(На притеснения относно Ще Русия…)
“Аз нямам някакви притеснения. Не нека ми мозък да седнете и да си помисля, ако не го нокаутирам или са те ще ме ограбят, или нещо подобно. Аз просто не искам съзнанието ми да бъде на това, когато съм в бой. Искам да имам ясно съзнание. Искам да отида там и да правя това, което Дионтей е в състояние да прави. Както казах, всичко е в Божиите ръце и ако това е в неговата воля за мен, за да спечели, това ще се случи. Ако не, то, Аз не спира дотук. Моето наследство няма да спира дотук. Но аз съм много уверен в това, което аз съм на път да се направи и това, което аз ще направя, и ние всички знаем, че ако ние го нокаутирам тогава ние не трябва да се тревожи за това. Така че, разбира се, че ще бъде приоритет ми в моя списък – да го нокаутирам.”


Official Boxing Fan Fest To Be Held Before Victor Ortiz vs. Andre Berto PBC on FOX Super Fight At StubHub Center In Carson, Халиф.

Събота, Април 30 при 2:30 p.m. PT
Featuring Autograph Signing With Top Fighters, Live Music By Metalachi, Corona Beer Garden & | Повече ▼!
CARSON, CALIF. (Април 20, 2016) – Fight fans are in for a treat on Saturday, Април 30 as the official бокс fan fest will be held at StuHub Center in Carson, California prior to the Премиер боксови Champions (PBC) на FOX & FOX Sports event headlined by the highly anticipated rematch between “Порочен” Victor Ortiz и Друг “Звярът” Берто. The fan fest begins at 2:30 p.m. PT and is open to fans with tickets for the PBC on FOX: Ортис срещу. Berto fight card.
The event features autograph signings with top fighters including LEO Санта Круз, Авенир MARES, Шон PORTER, CHRIS Arreola, ДЖОН MOLINA JR., JOSESITO LOPEZ, ALFREDO ANGULO, FERNANDO GUERRERO, SERGIO MORA, HUGO RYE JR., Алехандро LUNA, Доминик BREAZEALEи по-!
Also included in the festivities are live performances from Metalachi, the musical stage show sensation from Juarez, Mexico plus a Corona Beer Garden and local food trucks. Fans will have the opportunity to win free prizes, signed gloves and purchase official merchandise.
Tickets for the live PBC on FOX event, която се насърчава от TGB Промоции, са с цени $209, $105, $53, и $27, плюс приложими данъци, такси и такси за услуги, са в продажба в момента и са на разположение за покупка онлайн в AXS.com.
Televised fights begin inside the arena at 4 p.m. PT and go live at 5 p.m. PT on FOX and FOX Deportes with matchups featuring light heavyweight sluggers Едвин “La Bomba” Rodriguez и Thomas “Отличен играч” Уилямс младши. plus unbeaten featherweight Jorge Lara taking on former multiple division world champion Fernando “Cochulito” Монтиел.
PBC на FOX е спонсориран от Corona, Finest Beer. За повече информация посететеwww.premierboxingchampions.com www.TGBPromotions.com,HTTP://www.foxsports.com/presspass / начална страница и foxdeportes.com последват в TwitterPremierBoxing, @ViciousOrtiz, AndreBerto, LaBombaBoxing, TopDoggJr,FoxSports, FOXDeportes ИSwanson_Comm и станете фен на Facebook в www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing, www.facebook.com/foxsports иwww.facebook.com/foxdeportes. Следвайте разговора с помощта #PBConFOX.




Former World Champion Heads to Las Vegas
For 154-Pound Title Showdown May 21
Against Jermall Charlo Live on SHOWTIME

At The Chelsea inside The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas

‘I don’t see this being a boring fight; he’s going to bring it, I’m going to bring it’ – Austin Trout

Кликнете ТУК For Photos From Dave Nadkarni/PBC

WASHINGTON, D.C. (Април 20, 2016) - Остин Траут (30-2, 17 Нокаута), the former super welterweight world champion, is ready to collect his second world title on Събота, Май 21 when he meets IBF Junior Middleweight world champion Jermall Charlo in a 12-round match live on SHOWTIME (10 p.m. И/7 p.m. PT) от Челси, a one-of-a-kind 40,000-square-foot venue inside The Cosmopolitan на Лас Вегас.


“It’s my time,” said Trout. “My focus is amplified 10-fold. I’m the confident, happy Austin that fans know, but trust me, when it’s fight time I’m ready for any dogfight that comes. You’ll see Austin bring out and defeat the ‘Lion’ in him because at the end of the day I’m taking that belt.”


Билети за събитието на живо, , която е възложена на Мейуедър Промоции и TGB Промоции, са в продажба сега. Цените на билетите започват от $39, и са на разположение онлайн на адрес www.cosmopolitanlasvegas.com or through Ticketmaster at (800) 745-3000и www.ticketmaster.com.


Born in El Paso, Texas and raised in Las Cruces, New Mexico, Trout is trained by Barry Hunter and Louie Burke of Headbangers Gym in Washington D.C. Having started boxing at the age of 10, his natural talent and the ability to grow into the sport took Austin across the United States and Latin America in the amateur divisions and then into the pros. Known as one of the fiercest gentlemen competitors in the sport, he beat the likes of Miguel Cotto, Rigoberto Alvarez and Delvin Rodriguez, before losing his title to Saul ‘Canelo’ Alvarez. Trout comes into Май 21 looking to claim a title in a division he’s been a true threat within for his career.


You’ve said you’ve been led to this fight, why is it important?

“Coming off of four consecutive wins, I’m not just on a comeback streak but I’m taking a full step forward. Charlo is the champ, this fight is about no more half stepping. It’s about taking on the best. Isn’t that what it’s about, being the best?"


How is camp going?

“I physically feel great. I’m really comfortable with Barry, it’s my fourth camp with the Headbangers team; Luis is there as well. Luis helps me with pre-camp and then I shift to D.C.


“I was already in D.C. getting camp started when the rumors about this fight came true. I had been at the gym at home for pre-camp for a month and a half before hitting D.C. I was working out five times a week, running every day just getting the program going. Както казах, no half-stepping. I’m already sparring, doing the work, getting right. I’m not walking through it but running and trotting through it. Аз съм 30, I’m at my physical peak, my talent couldn’t be any better.”


Talk about the fight and what to expect?

“Neither one of us is going out without a fight, so I don’t see this being a boring fight. It’s time for people to remember me. I’ve earned this championship shot against an undefeated bull like Jermall Charlo but I will take his belt. "


Your first professional loss was against ‘Canelo’ Alvarez in San Antonio in 2013. What are your thoughts on that fight?

“I had a good, competitive fight with Saul – it felt like a unification bout – I was WBA champion and he was WBC champion. The open scoring was more detrimental to my game plan thea the judges! During the fight when I was told that I wasn’t winning on anyone’s cards I had to change my game plan. It was a dogfight. Canelo never had to box and move that much before in a fight.

"Но, live and learn. Instead of walking into a fight like that I listened to those around me. No more surprises. This Charlo fight is a fight I want, a fight my team wants and we’re ready. I’m a more mature, focused champion who’s coming back. I’m dangerous – I have experience, talent and God on my side.”


За повече информация посетете www.sports.sho.com иwww.mayweatherpromotions.com, последват в TwitterSHOSports, LaraBoxing, @VanesBoxing, FutureOfBoxing, NoDoubtTrout, TwinCharlo, @MayweatherPromo and @Swanson_Comm, станете фен на Facebook в www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxingи www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions


Mayweather Promotions Stars Chris Pearson & Sharif Bogere Headline Undercard Action In Separate Bouts Saturday, Април 30 From The DC Armory In Washington, D.C.

Още! Impressive Lineup Of Top Talent & Local Prospects
WASHINGTON, D.C. (Април 20, 2016) Mayweather Promotions stars Chris “Young King” Pearson (16-1, 11 Нокаута) и Шариф “Лъвът” Bogere (27-1, 19 Нокаута) compete in separate bouts that highlight undercard action on Saturday, Април 30 from the DC Armory in Washington D.C.
The event is headlined by a SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING doubleheader that begins live on SHOWTIME at 10 p.m. И/7 p.m. PT featuring a pair of super middleweight world title fights, as WBC champion Badou “Изкормвача” Крик отвежда на бившия шампион Lucian Бют, and IBF champion James “Chunky” DeGale battles top contender Рохелио “тлъст” Медина.
Pearson will take on Joshua Okine (22-5, 15 Нокаута) in a 10-round middleweight contest while Bogere faces former African champion Самуел Amoako (21-9, 15 Нокаута) в 10-кръг супер лек конкурс.
Билети за събитието на живо, which is promoted by Mayweather Promotions and Interbox in association with Matchroom Boxing, са с цени $200, $100, $50 и $25, Сега в продажба. За да закупите билети посещениеwww.ticketmaster.com, места TicketMaster, или обаждане (800) 745-3000.
Additional action inside the arena will feature unbeaten Washington, D.C.-born Latondria Jones (2-0, 1 KO) in a four-round super welterweight bout against Virginia’s Kamika Slade, undefeated Ecuadorian Carlos Гонгора (6-0, 3 Нокаута)in a light heavyweight match and the pro debut of D.C. product Keegan Grove in a four-round lightweight scrap.
Rounding out the non-televised undercard fights are Richmond, VirginiaMoshea Aleem(4-0, 2 Нокаута) who will go up against fellow unbeaten Georgia native Martez Jackson (2-0-1, 1 KO) в четири кръгли супер полусредна категория пристъп на, lastly is a four-round welterweight attraction with Brooklyn’s Chordale Booker (1-0, 1 KO).
The 25-year-old Pearson will look to bounce back from his first career loss to unsurpassed Eric Walker in December with an emphatic victory on April 30. The Dayton, Ohio-born product previously picked up victories over Lanardo Tyner, Janks Trotter, Steve Martinez and Said El Harrak in the last two years after an outstanding amateur career in which he captured a National Championship in 2011. He takes on the experienced Okine, who is originally from Ghana but now fights out of nearby Silver Spring, Maryland.
A recent addition to the Mayweather Promotions stable, Bogere fights out of Las Vegas while proudly representing his native Uganda. The 27-year-old won his first 23 pro fights while picking up victories over Raymundo Beltran, Francisco Contreras, and Manuel Levya. He enters this bout on a four-fight win streak and will be challenged by the former African lightweight champion Amoako, who represents Ghana while fighting out of Silver Spring, Maryland.
За повече информация посетете WWW.mayweatherpromotions.com и аз нww.SHO.com/Sports and follow on Twitter at: BadouJack, @ButeLucian, @JamesDeGale1, @PorkyMedina @MayweatherPromo, SHOSports ИSwanson_Comm или станете фен на Facebook вwww.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions и WWW.facebook.com/SHOsports.

Иван Redkach & Luis Cruz Fight To Split Draw In Thrilling Main Event On Premier Boxing Champions TOE-TO-TOE TUESDAYS on FS1 & BOXEO DE CAMPEONES on FOX Deportes From Sands Bethlehem Event Center in Bethlehem, Татко.

Immanuwel Aleem Takes Decision In Action Packed Battle Against Jonathan Cepeda
Junior Castillo Drops Kyrone Davis & Wins Unanimous Decision In Battle of Unbeatens
Кликнете ТУК За Снимки От
Лео Wilson / Premier боксови Champions
BETHLEHEM, PA. (Април 20, 2016) – Иван Redkach (19-1-1, 15 Нокаута) и Luis Cruz (22-4-1, 16 Нокаута) fought to a split draw and both scored knockdowns Вторник night in an exciting main event on Премиер боксови Champions (PBC)Палеца до петите вторник на FS1 и Боксови Champions on FOX Deportes from Sands Bethlehem Events Center in Bethlehem, Татко.
In early action, Cruz began to establish his straight right hand when he knocked Redkach off balance and sent him to the canvas in round two. The Puerto Rican veteran controlled much of the early rounds with that right hand, great movement and overall boxing ability.
Redkach was aggressive throughout, хвърляне 602 punches over the 10-round bout to Cruz’s 485. Обаче, Cruz’s 33 percent connect rate was good enough for him to dominate the first half of the fight.
The 2008 Ukranian Olympian began to find a landing zone for his big left hand as the fight wore on and late in round eight he landed one cleanly on Cruz that dropped him hard. Redkach was then awarded a controversial knockdown in an explosive ninth round when Cruz fell to the mat on what he said was a slip as a result of a push.
Both men emptied the tank in the final round knowing that one punch could change the outcome of the fight and ended with several flurries. The scores after 10 rounds were razor thin at 94-93 for Redkach, 94-93 Cruz and 94-94, resulting in the split draw.
The co-main event of the evening featured a fast pace brawl that saw unbeaten prospect Имануел Aleem (16-0, 9 Нокаута) earn a hard fought victory over Jonathan Cepeda (17-2, 15 Нокаута) in their eight-round middleweight contest.
Aleem and Cepeda traded power punches all fight long, with Cepeda taking the brunt of the punishment as he was out landed 272 към 107. Aleem was superior in all regards as he also landed an impressive 42 процента от общите му удари.
Cepeda refused to surrender however and used a powerful right hook to occasionally stun Aleem. The still unbeaten prospect was always able to return any punishment and then some, winning by the score of 79-73 и на трите съдии’ скоркарти.
In the televised opener unbeaten middleweight prospects collided as Junior Castillo (10-0, 9 Нокаута) earned a unanimous decision over Kyrone Davis (10-1, 4 Нокаута) in a competitive eight-round affair.
The Delaware-native Davis was impressive early with his movement and boxing abilities but the southpaw Castillo was soon able to time his opponent and land left hands to the head and body.
В четвъртия кръг, Castillo hurt and dropped Davis in the middle of the round with a left hand after an exchange. Neither man allowed the other to gain too much momentum throughout the remainder of the fight, but it was Castillo’s output advantage of 117-92 that bettered Davisaccuracy advantage of 36 percent to 30 на сто.
Castillo won the decision by scores of 78-73, 77-74 и 76-75.
Ето какво борците трябваше да каже Вторник:
“Мисля, че спечелих, but it was a good fight.
The knockdown I suffered was me losing my balance. I felt I controlled the fight because I knocked him down twice. I thought I could have stopped him after the first knockdown.
I am not going to argue with the decision but I feel I won the fight.
I thought the last knockdown was a slip. That was the difference between the draw and my win.
“Аз го нараня. I had the power. I tried to work round-by-round. I feel that I won six rounds and that the knockdown cost me the win.
I thought I fought well. The draw was better than a loss. Why not a rematch? He is strong and dangerous. He hits hard but I know I am better than him.
He was a tough guy. I hit him with some good shots but he kept his ground. Уважавам, че.
I was trying to take my time to get him out. I was being hasty. I was trying to get him every chance I got but he was tough. I am a student of the game and I was taking my time.
My manager George Peterson has a resume of building up Paul Williams and I trust what he has in store for me. He knows what I am capable of doing. We will go after everybody, just like Paul did.
It was a very good fight. I had some difficulty at first but I felt confident that I would be victorious.
I kept consistent with my game plan and I was able to knock him down. I thought I would be able to finish him but I got too wild.
It feels good to defeat an undefeated prospect and also go the distance. I have never gone the distance before.
I want some kind of title fight. My confidence is much higher right.
I felt like it was a good fight. I feel like I won. I thought the crowd swayed the judges. I felt like I won but that’s how it goes sometimes.
“78-73 was too wide. I controlled the first two rounds. He crossed over and hit me with a good shot. He may have won the knockdown round and the last round.
If he gives me a rematch, I would love it. This is just a minor setback. I will improve after this fight and I will move forward.
PBC’s Палеца до петите вторник на FS1 и Боксови Champions on FOX Deportes was promoted by King’s Promotions in association with DiBella Entertainment.
Следвайте на TwitterPremierBoxing, @IRedkach, @ FS1, @TheSBEC, @FoxDeportes and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxdeportes иwww.Facebook.com/the SBEC. Акценти на разположение в www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions.

Badou Jack & Lucian Bute Media Workout Quotes & Photos Ahead Of World Title Showdown On Saturday, Април 30 Live on SHOWTIME® From the DC Armory in Washington, D.C.

Plus Undercard Fighters Sharif Bogere & Latondria Jones
Quotes From Las Vegas Workout
Кликнете ТУК За Снимки От Esaiah Gomez / Мейуедър Промоции
Кликнете ТУК For Lucian Bute Photos From InterBox
LAS VEGAS (Април 18, 2016) – WBC Super в средна World Champion Badou Jack и бивш световен шампион Lucian Бют hosted media workouts at their respective training camps last week to discuss their Събота, Април 30 world title showdown live on SHOWTIME от DC Armory във Вашингтон, D.C.
ШОУТОРСКИТЕ ШЕМПИОНАТ БОКС® doubleheader begins at 10 p.m. И/7 p.m. PT with IBF Super Middleweight World Champion James DeGale defending his title against top contender Rogelio medina.
Крик, who welcomed his first child, a daughter named Malaniyah, earlier in the day, held his workout at the Mayweather Boxing Club in Las Vegas while Bute hosted media at the gym owned by the Grant brothers in the western part of Montreal. Joining Jack at the Las Vegas workout were lightweight contender Шариф Bogere and Washington, D.C. born Latondria Jones, who compete in undercard action on Април 30.
Билети за събитието на живо, which is promoted by Mayweather Promotions and Interbox in association with Matchroom Boxing, са с цени $200, $100, $50 и $25, и са в продажба сега. За да закупите билети посещение www.ticketmaster.com, Ticketmaster locations or call (800) 745-3000.
Ето какво участниците трябваше да се каже,:
JACK Badou
I’m looking forward to another victory. Това ще бъде трудна битка, но аз съм готов. I’ve been training really hard and I’m ready to get into the ring.
I’m more focused and determined now than ever to secure what is mine. The fans will have an exciting show to look forward to on Април 30. I can guarantee that!
My daughter being born this morning is extra motivation for me and to continue working hard to provide for my family. I only slept for 2 часа, but I feel brand new.
I still feel fresh! Тренировъчен лагер е добро. Everything is right on schedule. I’m feeling really focused.
Lucian BUTE
The most important thing for me is to have fun when I train. My confidence level is back at 100 на сто. There’s a great atmosphere here at the gym and I have great chemistry with my trainers. I’ve done quality sparring and starting next week we’ll be reducing the training volume so as to focus more on the level of intensity.
The pressure won’t be on me because I’ll be on his turf, във Вашингтон. He is the favorite because he’s the champion, but I’m confident and I’m able! We looked at some video of him with Howard (Grant). Той е добър боксьор, but he’s not exceptional and he makes mistakes. I have experience. This will be my 13th world championship fight. My experience and my speed will make the difference.
My confidence level wasn’t at 100 percent before I fought James DeGale, but now it’s all back after performing the way I did against him. All the better for me if Badou Jack is already looking ahead to his next fight, is taking me for granted and is underestimating me. I know for my part that I can beat him. He did well in his last bout against George Groves, where he was able to come up with a good right blow that sent him to the canvas. But I’m going there to deliver.
I’ve now been training for a year with Howard Grant, who already knows me well and pushes me to go beyond my limits. We’ve developed a trusting relationship and I feel very comfortable working alongside him. It’s hard to put into words! It’s true, Аз съм 36 възраст, but I still have some good years ahead of me in professional boxing. For Éric Lucas, who had this belt for several years, I will bring back the title to the province of Quebec.
Training camp has been going tremendously well. I’m excited to get back in action on Април 30. it’s going to be a good show. Two world titles on the line, that’s something big.
I want people to know who Лъвът е. People will know that Лъвът is here to stay. I will put on a great show as I always do.
I want to put on a good show so the fans will never forget about my presence in this division. Being born in Uganda, it’s important for me to make my homeland proud.
“Тренировъчен лагер е върви добре, I am looking forward to going into the fight real strong, dominating and come out with a win. It’s important that I continue to stay mentally focused and physically ready.
I don’t really look too much into to my opponents, until I’m getting ready for that belt. As far as I know, this is her pro debut. I’m going to show her what this is all about, and give her that pro life.
I was born in D.C. така, I look forward to going back and fighting at the Armory to give my hometown fans what they want to see. They came to see a show, and I plan on delivering. I look forward to getting better and coming out on top. I’m working hard and taking it day-by-day. I thank God for being in this position that I’m in.
За повече информация посетете www.mayweatherpromotions.com и www.SHO.com/Sports and follow on Twitter at: BadouJack, @ButeLucian, @JamesDeGale1, @PorkyMedina @MayweatherPromo, SHOSports ИSwanson_Comm или станете фен на Facebook в www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions и www.facebook.com/SHOsports.


Още! 2012 U.S. Olympian Michael Hunter,
Unbeaten Isiah Thomas Collide In Cruiserweight Action!
Билети за Продажба Днес!
LAS VEGAS (Април 18, 2016) – Unbeaten Mayweather Promotions star Andrew “Звярът” Tabiti (12-0, 11 Нокаута) and undefeated power-puncher Keith “Автомат” Стена (16-0, 11 Нокаута) will go toe-to-toe and put their perfect records on the line in an 10 round cruiserweight bout on Friday, Май 13 на ShoBox: Новото поколение from Sam’s Town Live in Las Vegas.
Televised coverage live on SHOWTIME begins at 10 p.m. И/PT and features another exciting matchup in the cruiserweight division as 2012 U.S. Олимпиец Майкъл Хънтър (11-0, 8 Нокаута) battles fellow unbeaten Айзея Томас (15-0, 6 Нокаута) in 10-round bout. Ловец, who is coming off of a knockout victory in February, looks to keep his unblemished record in tact when he takes on Thomas, who is best known for winning the first ever Junior World Boxing Championship for the United States.
I’m focused and I’m ready,” Саид Tabiti. “I’ve been in training camp for 10 седмици. My game plan is to go in and destroy. I want to thank my fans for supporting me and I am going to go in and give my fans a show.
I feel blessed by this opportunity to be boxing on ShoBox on May 13,said Tapia. “I’m training hard and will put on a great fight. I will show the fans that I’m one of the best cruiserweights in the world.
Camp is going well and I’m ready for May 13,” - каза Хънтър. “No matter who gets put in front of me, I’m going to keep taking care of business, and there’s nothing else to talk about.
I’m feeling good about this fight. Michael Hunter is a quality fighter with a good amateur background. Dominating him will prove to the boxing world that I’m ready for a title fight,” said Isiah Thomas. “I don’t think Hunter can handle the speed and agility that I have for a cruiserweight, that’s my advantage in this division and I plan to put it on display Май 13.”

Билети за събитието на живо, , която е възложена на Мейуедър Промоции, са с цени $25 и $50, Не включително приложими такси, and go on sale today, Април 18. Билети могат да бъдат закупени онлайн на: www.samstownlv.com/entertain, като се обадите (702) 284-7777, or at any Boyd Gaming box office.
We‘re looking forward to going back to Sam’s Town Live for a second time after a successful sellout show on Февруари. 16,” заяви Леонард Ellerbe, Главен изпълнителен директор на Мейуедър Промоции. “Mayweather Promotions aims to promote action-packed cards that get fans off their feet. I think the matchups on this card will do just that.
The highly regarded 26-year-old Chicago native Tabiti, биете се на Las Vegas, прави си 2016 дебют. Той спечели 11 на неговата 12 fights inside the distance, including a second-round TKO over Tomas Lodi on September 29, 2015. Tabiti, a solid amateur with a record of 32-6, turned pro in July 2013. His unique style incorporates fast, explosive hand-speed in tandem with rapid body movement and exceptional footwork.
Стена, originally from the Bronx, has been victorious in four of his last five fights by knockout. He made his professional debut on Nov. 18, 2011 by stopping Andrew Kuilan in the opening round. Fighting out of Carolina, Puerto Rico, the determined, steadily improving 25-year-old Tapia is coming off of a 10-round unanimous decision over Garrett Wilson in December. Like Tabiti, Tapia also had an outstanding amateur career.
Ловец, son of former heavyweight contender Michael Hunter Sr., is a two-time national amateur champion who competed at the 2012 Олимпиада. Since making his pro debut in March 2013 by defeating Chad Davis, the up-and-coming 27-year-old hasn’t come close to losing. He’s won his last four fights by knockout, all inside four rounds. В последната си разходка, Hunter knocked out Phil Williams in the first round last Февруари 27.
A top-notch amateur, Thomas turned pro in 2008 and won his initial three starts by first-round knockout. A natural southpaw, discovered after the Junior Olympics by the late, great Emanuel Steward, the promising Thomas registered a clear, unanimous 10-round decision over previously unbeaten Jordan Shimmell last Юли 25.
За повече информация посетете www.sports.sho.com и www.mayweatherpromotions.com, follow on Twitter: @FloydMayweather, @MayweatherPromo @SHOSports, @andrewtabiti89, @machine_gun_tapia_, follow on Instagram at: @floydmayweather, @Mayweatherpromotions, @shosports, станете фен на Facebook в: www.facebook.com/FloydMayweather, www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.


‘He’s Ready for Anybodysays Promoter Greg Cohen
It’s been three days sincethe shot heard round the world,” the one-punch knockout Louisiana lightweight Mason “Rock Hard Mighty” Menard scored over opponent Eudy Bernardo. VIDEO: HTTP://s.sho.com/1NtEYjW
In what should have been a fight against his toughest opponent to date, Менар(31-1, 23 Нокаута) destroyed the Dominican Bernardo, dropping him in the second and finishing their nationally televised ShoBox: Новото поколение co-main event with a single right hand at 2:11 на трето място.
In what will certainly be a “Нокаут на годината” кандидат, Menard’s devastating right hand left the formerly undefeated Bernardo unconscious and announced the 27-year-old as an unexpected fighter to watch in the lightweight division.
“Тренирам усилено, diet right. I get good sparring. I do everything to the tee. I go to church on Sundays and the blessing come true for me,” said a happy Menard, след мача. “It felt great to be on the world stage and perform like that. With all my people back home watching and developing new fans out of the people watching everywhere, it’s just a great feeling. I want to continue this.
At the time of the KO, Bernardo appeared to be seriously hurt and was taken from the ring on a stretcher. He has since recovered. “I knew in my mind it’d last about three rounds, but I didn’t expect that shot to take him out,” continued Menard. “It’s a great feeling to get a victory, but I’d rather my opponent walk out of the ring. I saw he was seriously hurt and I got down on one knee and said a prayer for him.
For Menard’s promoter, Greg Cohen на Greg Коен Промоции, the victory was not unexpected, despite Bernardo being favored going in, but is still a very pleasant development.
With one punch, Mason is now a serious contender in the lightweight division,” каза Коен. “He’s ready for any of the champions including Jorge Linares, Rances Barthelemy or Terry Flanagan.
With a humble nature and movie-star good looks, Cohen saw the potential in Menard immediately. “Now everyone knows what we already did. He’s a sensational fighter with true star potential. I’m very excited to be working with him.
“Готов съм за всеки,” Саид Менар. “As long as business is right, I’m not scared of anybody, привеждането им в!”
За Greg Коен Промоции
Един от най-добрите рекламни съоръжения на бокса, Greg Коен Промоции (ДКП) е уважаван име за постановка от световна класа професионални боксови събития и насърчаване на елитни професионални бойци в целия свят.
Основател и главен изпълнителен директор Грег Коен е участвал с професионалния бокс в различни капацитети от края на 1980 г., усъвършенстване на занаята си и вече се е утвърдил като един хитър международна боксова бизнесмен.
Отличава се със способността си да се място и се развива вроден талант, Коен за първи път промоционални заглавия за неговото експертно ръководство на, и много други, Бившият WBA Junior шампион в средна категория Austin “No Doubt” Пъстърва, които Cohen помогна за употреба от неизвестен New Mexico перспектива да елитно ниво суперзвезда плащане на оглед.
В допълнение към Trout, Greg Коен Промоции работи с утвърдени имена като бившия единна и двукратен шампион в тежка категория Хасим “Скалата” Rahman и на всички времена-голяма многократна тегло клас световен шампион Джеймс “На тъмно” Тони.
Cohen currently promotes WBA Interim World Lightweight Champion Ismael Barroso, Undefeated WBA NABA Heavyweight Champion and world-rated contender Jarrell Miller, undefeated WBA NABA Middleweight Champion and world-rated contender Robert Brant, former world champion Kendall Holt, as well as current world-rated contenders including long-time elite middleweight “Среден” Джо Грийн, топ супер перо Arash Usmanee, Канадската герой лек и TV действия Тони Luis; WBA и петкратен Irish National Amateur Champion, Dennis Hogan; и Australian лека перспектива Джош King.
Greg Коен Промоции е домакин на световно ниво боксови събития в най-добрите места на територията на Съединените щати и по света и също така е гордо, предвидени талант и / или съдържание в продължение на няколко телевизионни мрежи, включително CBS Sports Network, HBO, Showtime, ESPN, NBC Sports Network, CBS Sports Network, MSG и FOX Sports Net.
За повече информация, посещение gcpboxing.com. Намерете ни във Facebook най-www.facebook.com/GCPBoxing. Кикотене: GCPBoxing.