Etikedaj Arkivoj: Boksanta

La forpasinta Johnny Tapia restas forta influo por la amatora boksisto de Albuquerque Sharahya-Taina Moreu

La forpasinta Johnny Tapia restas forta influo por

Amatorboksisto de Albuquerque Sharahya-Taina Moreu

2020 Usonaj Boksaj Ŝtatanoj, Dec. 5-12, Shreveport, Luiziano

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (Novembro 23, 2020) - La malfrua, bonega boksisto de Halo de Famo Johnny tapia ludis gravan rolon en la disvolviĝo de veltera pezo de Albuquerque Sharahya-taina moreu, kaj la 3-divizia mondĉampiono restas forta influo en ŝia vivo.

Dum la COVID-19-pandemio ŝi preparis sin por konkurenci en la 2020 Usono Boksanta Naciajn Ĉampionecojn, Decembro 5-12, ĉe Kunvenhalo Shreveport en Shreveport, Luiziano.

Tapia (montrita sube kun sia tatuita dorso al Moreu) helpis al Sharahya-Taina superi la vivŝanĝan tragedion de la aŭto-akcidento de ŝia patrino. Ŝi estis nur ok tiutempe, metante sur ŝian patrinon post la akcidento, kaj la unua el la aŭto kaj sur la aŭtovojo petante helpon.

"Unue,”Ŝi parolis pri sia rilato kun Tapia, “Mi bedaŭris kaj koleris, ekbatalante kaj sur malbonan vojon. Mi ekboksis ĉe 12, prenis koleregadon, kaj motiviĝis. "

Tapia, kiu estis dufoja ĉampiono de Naciaj Oraj Gantoj kiel amatoro, havis grandegan efikon sur la vivo de Moreu, io, kio neniam forlasos ŝiajn koron kaj animon.

“Ni fariĝis kiel familio,”Klarigis la 21-jaraĝa. "Unue, Li (Johnny) ne ŝatis knabinojn boksi, do li forte laboris kun mi. Mi estis bona korbopilkisto kaj li daŭre diris al mi, ke mi ludu korbopilkon. Sed li fariĝis granda homo en mia vivo, mi pensas, ĉar mi perdis mian patrinon en tiel juna aĝo. Li helpis min eniri kaj eliri el la ringo tiom multe. Johnny Tapia estis la plej simpatia, plej humila viro, kiun mi iam ajn renkontis. Ni fariĝis familio ĝis la gimnastikejo disfalis. Li trejnis min nur ĉirkaŭ ok monatojn, sed li instruis al mi, ke boksado difinas vin kiel homon. Mi sentas min sekura en la ringo. Mi estas pli bona homo pro Johnny kaj boksado. "

Trejnado kun ŝia patro / trejnistoJorubo Moreu dum la pandemio, kvankam estis malfacile trovi bonan bataladon, ne estis tiel problemo kiel por aliaj ĉar ŝia gimnastikejo estas en la postkorto. Ŝi ne batalis ekde la olimpikaj provoj de pasinta decembro.

"Mi ĝojas reveni en la ringon, ĉar mi pasis tro longe sen konkurenco,”Moreu rigardis antaŭen al Shreveport. "Sendube estos alia, ĉar estas aro de novaj vizaĝoj venantaj por la unua loko, kio igas ĝin amuza kaj inda batali. "

Fiera reprezenti Usonon en konkurenco, Sharahya-Taina fieras pri sia indiana kaj puertorika heredaĵo, kaj ŝi prenis la aferon batalantan por virinoj.

“Mi amas ampleksi ambaŭ flankojn de mia kulturo,”Ŝi komentis, “Reprezentante mian flankon Acoma de mia patrino kaj Taino-deveno de la puertorika sango en mi, kaj tial mia nomo estas Sharahya-Taina. Ĉiutage estas batalo por virinoj. Mi nur sciigas kaj klare, ke ni estas ĉi tie por resti. Mi ne nur batalas por mi mem. Mi ankaŭ batalas por mia familio, prapatroj kaj la sekva generacio de inoj, kiuj elektas repreni paron da gantoj. La celo estas ne esti nur ĉampiono en la ringo, sed ekstere, ankaŭ. ”

Moreu tre sukcesis en sia evoluo de junulo ĝis elita divizio, gajni la 2017 Junularaj Naciaj Ĉampionecoj kaj Okcidenta Regiona Malferma Turniro, Tiel kiel la 2016 Kaj 2017 Junulara Malferma Turniro. Ŝi ankaŭ estis dualokulo ĉe la 2018 Elitaj Naciaj Ĉampionecoj kaj Okcidenta Elita Kvalifikiĝinto, plus la 2015 Naciaj Junioraj Olimpikoj.

Sharahya-Taina Moreu estas juna virino en misio. Ŝi esperas konkurenci en la 2024 Olimpikoj en Parizo, precipe kun ŝia pli juna frato se ili ambaŭ kvalifikiĝis por esti, kiel ŝi diras, "Ikoneca frato / fratino-duopo en olimpika boksado."


Pepi: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing

Pri Usona Boksado:  La misio de Usona Boksado estos ebligi al usonaj atletoj kaj trejnistoj atingi daŭran konkurencan plejbonecon, disvolvi karakteron, subteni la sporton de boksado, kaj antaŭenigi kaj kreskigi olimpikan boksadon en Usono. La respondeco de Usona Boksado estas ne nur produkti olimpikan oron, sed ankaŭ kontroli kaj regi ĉiun aspekton de amatora boksado en Usono.


Meza pezo-defiantoj Matt Korobov kaj Ronald Ellis Clash

en Kunĉefa Aranĝo; Altiĝanta Super Malpeza Perspektivo Richardson Hitchins Alfrontas Iaman Mondĉampionon Argenis Mendez en Telecast-Malfermilo

NOV-JORKO – Novembro 20, 2020 - Du el la ĉefaj batalantoj en la 130-funta divido renkontiĝos kiam nesuperita intertempa WBA Super Featherweight ChampionChris "Primetime" Colbertalfrontas la malfacilan batonJaime ArboledaEn la #?efa evento deSHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIALA Eldono Sabato, Decembro 12 #?E 9 P.M. ET/6 p.M. PT vivas SHOWTIME de Mohegan Sun Arena en Uncasville, Conn., en evento prezentita de ĉefaj boksaj ĉampionoj.

La triobla kaplinio, origine planita por novembro 28, vidos mezpezajn defiantojnMatt KorobovKajRonald Ellisbatalo en la 10-ronda kunĉefa evento kaj kreskanta super malpeza fenomenoRichardson Hitchinsakceptante la plej malfacilan provon de sia juna kariero, ĉar li alfrontas iaman mondĉampiononArgenis Mendezen 10-ronda televidoprogramo. La evento estas antaŭenigita de TGB Promotions kaj Sampson Boxing. Hitchins vs.. Mendez estas kunhelpata de Mayweather Promotions.

Nordine Oubaali vs.. Nonito Donaire estis origine planita okazi en decembro 12 sed estis prokrastita post kiam Oubaali testis pozitivon pri COVID-19.

“Ĉi tiu ĉefa evento en decembro 12 interbatalos du el la plej ekscitaj talentoj de la 130-funta divizio unu kontraŭ la alia, ĉar la sublime lerta Chris Colbert alfrontos la potencan Jaime Arboleda en nepraĵa konflikto,”Diris Tom Brown, Prezidanto de TGB Promotions. "La kunĉefa evento vidos du mezpezajn konkursantojn en Matt Korobov kaj Ronald Ellis serĉantaj montri, ke ili estas inter la elita de la divido., dum la SHOWTIME-malfermilo prezentas la ekscitan perspektivon Richardson Hitchins kontraŭ la ĉiam malmola Argenis Mendez en granda intensiga batalo. Ĉi tiuj estas tri egalaj bataloj, kiuj devas esti senĉesa dramo dum batala nokto. "

Reprezentante sian denaskan Broklinon, N.Y., Colbert (14-0, 5 KOs) rapide pafis la 130-funtan rangon, prenante altnivelan konkuradon en sia unua 14 Profesiaj bataloj. La 24-jaraĝa venkis tiam nevenkitajn batalantojn Austin Dulay, Titus Williams kaj Antonio Dubose, ĉio en liaj unuaj ok bataloj kiel profesiulo. Je 2019, Colbert aldonis kvar pliajn venkojn al sia kalkulo, inkluzive de eksplodema unuaraŭnda knokaŭto de veterano Miguel Beltran Jr.. Plej #?us, Colbert gajnis sian provizoran titolon faligante iaman super-lanugpezan ĉampionon Jezreel Corrales survoje al unuanima decido en ilia januaro 2020 kolizio.

"Mi tre ĝojas fari mian grandan scenejan debuton en la ĉefa evento,”Diris Colbert. “Ĝi estis longa tendaro, sed trejnado iras bonege. Mi serĉas regi prezenton, kaj mi serĉas la knokaŭton se ĝi estas tie. Se mi povas akiri ĝin, tio estus bonega. Mi scias, ke Jaime venos batali. Li volas la zonon tiel malbona kiel mi volas konservi la zonon. Ĉio elteniĝos, sonorigi IQ kaj kiu havas la pli grandan volon venki. Mi sentas min kiel la ulo por la laboro. En la infero neniel mi rezignas mian zonon en mia unua defendo. "

La 26-jara Arboleda (16-1, 13 KOs) amasigis imponan ses-batalan venksinsekvon irantan en la matĉon kontraŭ Colbert, kun kvin el tiuj venkoj en la distanco. Naskita en Curundu, Panamo, kaj nun batalas kontraŭ Miamo, Fla. Arboleda profesie batalis de tiam 2014 kaj gajnis knokaŭtojn super du tiama nevenkitaj kontraŭuloj en 2019, Victor Betancourt kaj Jose Saant. En lia lasta batalo, Arboleda, kiu estas vicigita kvara en la 130-funta divido de la WBA, venkis iaman mondĉampionan konkursanton Jayson Velez per unuanima decido gajni sian unuan 12-raŭndan batalon ĉi-februare je SHOWTIME.

“La revo de ĉiu boksisto estas batali por titolo kaj venki sen lasi ajnan dubon,”Diris Arboleda. “Tio estas mia plano por decembro 12. Mi havas la plej bonan preparadon de mia tuta kariero. Mi sentas grandan, forta kaj rapida kiel neniam antaŭe. Mi certas, ke ĝi estos tre ekscita batalo ekde la unua raŭndo. "

Korobov (28-3-1, 14 KOs) revenas al ago post perdado de sia decembro 2019 kolizio kontraŭ Chris Eubank Jr.. kiam li suferis ŝultro-vundon, kiu devigis la batalon finiĝi en la dua raŭndo. Korobov, kiu noĉis 300 gajnas kiel ornamita amatoro, venis en tiun batalon for de majoritata remizo kontraŭ Immanuwel Aleem, post avizo al la mezpeza divizio, ke li estus minaco kiam li perdus batalitan decidon al nevenkita mezpeza ĉampiono Jermall Charlo en decembro. Naskita en Orotukan, Rusio, kaj nun loĝas en St.. Petersburg, Fla, Korobov estis malfrua anstataŭanto kaj donis al Charlo pli malfacilan batalon ol multaj ekspertoj atendis. Korobov rajdis kvar-batalan venksinsekvon antaŭ la Charlo-batalo, post lia unua profesia malvenko kontraŭ Andy Lee en a 2014 mezpeza titola batalo.

“Mi ĝojas reveni en PBC-evento je SHOWTIME la 12an de decembro,” diris Korobov. “Mi havas malfacilan kontraŭulon, sed mi atendas venki kaj pruvi, ke mi revenis kaj eĉ pli bone preparis. Mi devas venki kontraŭ Ellis por rehavigi Jermall Charlo'n en la ringon. Certe, Mi kredas, ke mi venkis Charlo'n, sed tio estas la pasinteco. Ellis estas en mia estonteco, kaj mi venas por montri, ke mi ankoraŭ estas unu el la plej bonaj mezpezoj en la mondo.”

La 31-jara Ellis (17-1-2, 11 KOs) serĉos konstrui de sia lasta ekskurso, kiu vidis lin avantaĝa samranga konkuranto Immanuwel Aleem per plimulta decido en decembro 2019. Por Ellis, tiu batalo retrovis lin en la venkokolonon post lia unua kariera malvenko, plimulta decido kontraŭ DeAndre Ware en marto 2019. La Lynn, Meso-indiĝeno estas la pli maljuna frato de veltera Rashidi Ellis, kaj havis imponan amatoran karieron inkluzive de 2010 Nacia ĉampioneco de Oraj Gantoj limigita de venko super Terrell Gausha.

“Estas tempo por mi montri la 12an de decembro,” diris Ellis. “Korobov havis sian ŝancon kontraŭ la pintaj mezpezoj, kaj nun estas mia tempo profiti ĉi tiun ŝancon kaj uzi venkon super li por atingi tiun nivelon. Ni pene laboras en San-Diego batalante kun Canelo Alvarez, por ke ĉio estu perfekta kaj mi plej bonas dum batala nokto.”

Hejmanto de Broklino, Hitchins (11-0, 5 KOs) Turnita profesiulon en 2017 post reprezentado de Haitio ĉe la 2016 Olympics. La 23-jaraĝa ekbrilis impresajn kapablojn, ĉar li amasigis nesuperitan rekordon en la profesiaj rangoj, kiu estas produkto de vasta amatora kariero. Hitchins gajnis kvar venkojn en 2019, antaŭ ol debuti en 2020 kun decida venko super Nikolao DeLomba. En liaj unuaj du 10-rondaj atakoj kiel profesiulo, la maldelikato gajnis decidajn unuanimajn decidojn.

"Mi preteratentas iun kontraŭulon, sed mi kredas, ke mi havas pli bonan kaj pli akran kapablaron ol Mendez,”Diris Hitchins. “Mi havas ĉiujn nemateriaĵojn por fariĝi mondĉampiono. Tio ofte miskompreniĝas kiel koketa, sed vere nur mi kredas je mi mem ol iu ajn alia. Mi serioze traktos ĉi tiun batalon, kiel mi faros iun ajn alian batalon, kaj daŭre faros tion, kion mi faras, por paŝi pli proksime al tiu titolo.. Estante en tendaro kun Floyd Mayweather kaj Gervonta Davis, Mi lernis multon. Mi sentas, ke mi devas unu-supren konkurenci. Ili vere pelis min esti pli bona batalanto. "

Iama superpluma pezĉampiono, Mendez (25-5-3, 12 KOs) havas reputacion por provizi rigidajn defiojn al la plej bona de la sporto kaj pruvis esti daŭra konkuranto je 140-funtoj. Je 2019, Mendez batalis por dors-al-dorsaj remizoj kontraŭ superpezaj defiantoj, unue kontraŭ Anthony Peterson en marto kaj poste kontraŭ la nesuperita Juan Heraldez en majo. Naskita en San-Juano de La Maguana, Dominican Respubliko, Mendez nun batalas el junuloj, N.Y. kaj posedas venkojn super Eddie Ramirez, Ivan Redkach kaj iama titolisto Miguel Vazquez. Li ankaŭ iris piedfingre kun iamaj ĉampionoj Rances Barthelemy kaj Robert Easter Jr..

"Mi alfrontas junan perspektivon, kiu malsatas sukceson, sed mi pli malsatas hodiaŭ ol iam ajn en mia kariero kaj mi havas la sperton akompani ĝin,”Diris Mendez. "Mi ankaŭ ekstreme motivas ĉi tiun batalon, kio ne estas bona novaĵo por Hitchins. Kiam batalotempo venas en decembro 12, vi atestos inteligentan sed pli agreseman Argenis Mendez. "

Por pli da informa, sekvi sur Pepi @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions kaj @MayweatherPromo, ĉe Instagram @ ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotionss kaj @MayweatherPromotions, aŭ fariĝi fervorulo sur Facebook ĉ Kaj

Nevenkita malpeza perspektivo JAMAINE “LA TEKNIKISTO” ORTIZ Esperas Ŝteli Junioran Spektaklon Tyson-Jones

WORCESTER, Amaso. (Novembro 17, 2020) - Nevenkita malpeza perspektivoJamaine "La Teknikisto" Ortiz (13-0, 7 KOs), la reganta Monda Boksada Junulara Monda Ĉampiono, esperas ŝteli la spektaklon en novembro 28Th Mike Tyson-Roy Jones, Jr. laŭspekta karto, prezentita de Tyson’s Legends Only League, ĉe Staples Center en Los-Anĝeleso.

La 24-jaraĝa Ortiz, batalante el Worcester, Massachusetts, batalos sur la subkarto kontraŭ Marilanda piedpintoSulaiman Segawa (13-2-1, 4 KOs) en 8-ronda atako por la vaka Monda Boksa Konsilio (WBC) USNBC (Usono) malpeza titolo.

"Mi sentas min bone kaj mi pretas,”Ortiz diris. "Mi estas privilegia por ĉi tiu okazo batali per la karto Tyson-Jones kaj akiri bonan malkovron. Mi esperas ŝteli la spektaklon. Kiel infano, Mi sekvis ilin ambaŭ, precipe Jones. Mi provis imiti lin ”

Kiel ĉiuj batalantoj, la COVID-19-pandemio draste influis lian karieron, kvankam li sukcesis trejni, kvankam en diversaj gimnastikejoj kaj plejparte mem.

"Ĝi ne estis tro malbona,”Aldonis Ortiz, kiu estas metilernanta ĉarpentisto. “Ne ĉiuj instalaĵoj, kiujn mi uzas por trejni, estis malfermitaj. Frue, Mi trejnis min mem, kaj multe kuris. Ni estis kvarantenitaj ĝis fino de junio, frua julio, sed tiam mi sukcesis bonan batalon. Do, entute, ĝi ne estis tro granda ŝanĝo. "

Ortiz estas promociita deJimmy Burchfield (Klasika Distro kaj Sportoj) kaj konsilita deRichard Shappy KajEddie Imondi

"Ni feliĉas nian batalanton, Jamaine Ortiz, ricevos tiel grandan ekspozicion kaj li montros al la mondo tion, kion ni jam scias ĉi tie en Nov-Anglujo,”Shappy komentis. "Jamaine 'La Teknikisto' Ortiz estas forto, kiun oni devos taksi."

Nevenkitaj kubaj perspektivoj Prezentindaj ĉe RJJ-Boksado ĉe UFC FIGHT PASS®

KUBA POTENCO: (L-R) – Yoelvis gomez, Geovany Bruzon kaj Ariel Perez De La Torre

LASa VEGAS (Novembro 12, 2020) – Nevenkita trio de kubaj perspektivoj estos montrita ĵaŭde nokte, Novembro 20Th, en alia transdono de RJJ-Boksado ĉe UFC FIGHT PASS?, ĉe Marinaterra Hotela Spa & Eventa Centro en San Karlo, Voĉa, Meksiko.

RJJ-Boksado, prezentita de Roy Jones Jr.. Boksaj Reklamoj kaj De La O-Reklamoj, estos elsendita en rekta per UFC FIGHT PASS?, la monda ĉefa cifereca abona servo por batalaj sportoj, Komencanta #?e 7 P.M. ET / 4 P.M. PT. Por aliĝi al UFC FIGHT PASS, #Pla?i viziton aŭ elŝutu la UFC-programon.

La 10-ronda ĉefa evento interbataligas nevenkitan kalifornianon Juan “Nur Komerco” Barajas (11-0, 7 KOs) kontraŭ meksika knokaŭta artisto Bruno “Tiburon” Sandoval (21-4-1, 17 KOs), por la vaka Monda Boksa Konsilio (WBC) Latinamerikana supermeza titolo.

Barajas, kiu venkis 27 De 30 amatoraj matĉoj, utiligas sian nekutiman grandecon por supermeza pezo, staranta 6′ 3″ kun 80″ atingi. Sandoval estis la Provizora WBC-latinamerikana super-mezapeza ĉampiono post venkado 24-8 Deivas Casseres (24-8) Je 2 Antaŭ ½ jaroj per unua ronda knokaŭto.

La tri nesuperitaj kubaj batalantoj en la nov. 19th karto, ĉiuj loĝantaj en Gvatemalo, estas meza pezo Yoevel “La juvelo” Gomez (2-0, 2 KOs), Ekstra bantamweight Ariel Perez De La Torre (3-0-0, 3 KOs) Kaj superpezulo Geovany “La Besto” Bruzon (2-0, 2 KOs).

Natura juniora meza pezo, la 22-jaraĝa Gomez konsentis fari sian 6-rondan batalon kontraŭ nesuperita meksikano Jesuo “Malgranda” Moroyoqui Palomares (5-0-1, 4 KOs). Gomez estas teknike sona, agresema potenco pugnobatis. La dufoja ĉampiono pri kubaj junuloj estas filo de 1980 Olimpika ora medalulo Jose Gomez.

De la turo, kiu havis pli ol 150 amatoraj matĉoj, falas de juniora malpeza al super bantama pezo, certigante nevenkitan meksikanon Jesuo “Panterita” Daniel Tamez (6-0, 5 KOs) signifa grandeca avantaĝo en ilia 6-ronda batalo.

Bruzon, 22, estis la 2014 Kuba Nacia Junulara ĉampiono. Malgaja kun granda manrapideco kaj potenco, Bruzon-vizaĝoj Jose “La Titano” Vazquez (6-4-1, 3 KOs) en 6-ronda.

Nevenkita Kalifornia veltera pezo Raiden “Mortal Kombat” Jace Martinez (5-0, 5 KOs) ankaŭ planas batali en 4-raŭnda kontraŭ TBA ekster-UFC FIGHT PASS.

Karto ŝanĝebla.


Retejoj: Http://,
Facebook: /UFCFightPass, /KeithVeltre
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Instagram: @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre, @RoyJonesJrBoxing

Nov. 20 – Boksado de RJJ en Meksiko
Dec. 9 & 10 – Boksado de RJJ en Meksiko

Omar Juarez’ Touching Story with Special Needs Child

BROWNSVILLE, TX (Novembro 10, 2020) – The rapidly expanding emergence of an inspirational leader continues unabated in the personage of undefeated super lightweight prospect, Omar Juarez (9-0, 4 KOs). An outstanding professional boxer by trade, Juarez is rising on the national stage with his recent designation as brand ambassador for the newly formed partnership between the California based Feet First Foundation and the globally recognized World Boxing Council’s humanitarian branch “World Boxing Cares”.

Omar Juarez’ carefully crafted message about the principles needed to achieve goals has positively affected young people’s lives in his hometown, Brownsville, Texas since he was 15-years old. The overwhelmingly positive feedback he has received from young people about his message has inspired him to even greater heights in this endeavor.

None more than a touching tribute he just received from a special needs child named Isaias, who deals with acute challenges that include communication. Isaias is limited to communicating through a laptop and was a frequent visitor to Omar’s gym on Fridays when it was opened to special needs kids.

As the pandemic took hold, Isaias found himself isolated at home and began to feel the effects of this isolation, he typed out a message of gratitude to Omar for being a source of inspiration and hope. His family acknowledged to Omar the much needed solace this represented to their son.

“To hear a message like the one I received from Isaias and his family made my day,” said Omar Juarez, who fights under the Superegaj Boksaj #?ampiono banner. “Its moments like these that keep me motivated as I continue to be a positive role model in my community. As a Chinese proverb states…I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the water to create many ripples.

These are the touching moments that energize Omar as he continues his quest to become an inspirational leader on a worldwide scale.

Sa’Rai Brown-El : The future of women’s boxing – 2020 Usonaj Boksaj Ŝtatanoj, Dec. 5-12, Shreveport, Luiziano

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (Novembro 9, 2020) – The future of women’s boxing, eble, is 15-year-oldSa’Rai Brown-El, who has already captured top honors in 11 national and regional tournaments.

Since she started boxing in 2015, Sa’Rai has collected gold medals at the 2019 Junior Open, 2019 Nacia AMIKO, 2019 & 2017 National Junior Olympics, 2017 Western Regional Open, and Eastern Regional Open in 2017, 2018 and 2019.

“I stayed focused and hungry and, Plej grave, humble,” she spoke about her success in the junior division. “No matter how much you’ve accomplished or the number of accolades you’ve gotten, always stay hungry and always strive for more.”

Boxing started for her when she was 10, training at Lugo Boxing and Fitness in Marietta, Georgia. Prior to that in her native Albany (NY), she went to her uncle’s gym and found a pair of boxing gloves.

“I fell in love with boxing when I found that first pair of gloves,” Brown-El explained. “I first started boxing because, #?E tiu tempo, my dad didn’t agree with me. I saw a lot of people who didn’t agree with females competing in a male dominated sport, so I wanted to prove those people wrong. I just love boxing because my whole family boxes.”

The COVID-19 pandemic adversely effected most boxers, who were limited in terms of training and sparring, in addition to being shutout of tournaments. Brown-El, Tamen, made the best of a bad situation, running miles with her siblings, cardio mitt work with her father, and much more.

Brown-El has her sights firmly set on the 2020 Usono Boksanta Naciajn Ĉampionecojn, Decembro 5-12, at the Shreveport Convention Center in Shreveport, Luiziano.

“I am super excited and super focused on the National Championships,” she added. “I am fighting to get on the USA High Performance Team for my second year. I really want this and I will be working hard every day. My goal for now is to be on Team USA for the second time. I want to fight internationally and be Number 1 in the world.”

Brown-El has definitive long-range goals in boxing, starting with the Olympics and finishing as the face of women’s boxing.

“If I win a gold medal at the 2024 Olympics, maybe a second time in 2028, after that I think that will open up great opportunities for me,” the prodigy commented. “I think it’ll especially help me in the pro ranks. Winning a gold medal is my biggest goal right now.

“I want to be the greatest female boxer in the world. I want to be known and I want to make a statement for all females. I really want to shock the world. I eat, sleep, and breath boxing. This is not just a sport for me, this is a lifestyle.”

Sa’Rai Brown-El is on a golden path to stardom. She represents the future!


Pepi: @USABoxing

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing

RJJ-Boksado & iKON Fighting Federation Return to Mexico for back-to-back events



LASa VEGAS (Novembro 2, 2020) – Roy Jones Jr.(RJJ) Boxing Promotions and iKON Fighting Federation (iKON) return to Mexico for back-to-back combat sports events, Novembro 19Th an 20Th, at Marinaterra Hotel Spa in San Carlos, Voĉa, Mexico.

RJJ Boxjng and iKON MMA will be streamed live on UFC FIGHT PASS?, the world’s leading digital subscription service for combat sports. To sign up for UFC FIGHT PASS, #Pla?i or download the UFC app.

“We’ve really enjoyed working the past few months with co-promoterEmanuel Romo (De La O Promotions) and Marinaterra Hotel and Spa has been a gracious host” saidKeith Veltre, CEO/co-founder of RJJ Boxing. “Things will be a little different this trip, Tamen, because we’ve separated boxing and MMA into two nights of combat sports entertainment. RJJ Boxing features a great super middleweight title fight between undefeated Juan Barajas and Mexican knockout artist Bruno Sandoval. As usual, we’ll showcase some promising prospects in real fights. iKON is growing fast, and our third MMA event promises to be our best yet.”

Boxing is scheduled to start streaming Thursday (Nov. 19) live on UFC FIGHT PASS, Komencanta #?e 10 P.M. ET / 7 P.M. PT, followed on Friday (Nov. 20) with MMA action, commencing 10 P.M. ET / 7 P.M. PT.

En la 10-rondo #?efa evento, Juan “Just Business” Barajas(11-0, 7 KOs), fighting out of Victorville, Kalifornio, puts his unblemished pro record on the line against dangerousBruno “Tiburon” Sandoval (21-4-1, 17 KOs) por la vaka Monda Boksa Konsilio (WBC) Latino super middleweight championship.

Three unbeaten Cuban prospects living in Guatemala – middleweightYoelvis “La Joya” Gomez (2-0, 2 KOs), SuperpezulaGeovany “La Bestia” Bruzon (2-0, 2 “KOs) and super bantamweightAriel Perez De La Torre (3-0, 3 KOs) — are slated to be in 6-round bouts versus opponents to be determined. Unbeaten California welterweightRaiden “Mortal Kombat” Jace Martinez (5-0, 5 KOs) is also scheduled to fight in a 4-rounder against TBA.

Two highly rated Mexican lightweightsAlejandro “El Pato” Martinez (11-4-0) KajDaniel “Danger” Vega(12-3-0), headlineiKON 3.   

AdditionaliKON 3 matches will soon be announced.

Cards subject to change.


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ABOUT ROY JONES JR, BOXING PROMOTIONS: Co-founded in 2013 by 10-time world champion Roy Jones, Jr. and Keith Veltre, Roy Jones, Jr. (RJJ) Boxing Promotions is on its way to reinventing boxing.  RJJ has already made a huge impact in the boxing community in a few short years.  Creating exhilarating content for UFC Fight Pass, CBSaj Sportoj, Showtime, ESPN and beIN Sports in some of the finest venues across the country, RJJ has proven it is conquering the sweet science of the sport.

Based in the fight capital of the world, Las Vegas, NV, Roy Jones Jr. Boksanta Antaŭenigojn is climbing to the top at a fast pace, adding young talent to its growing stable: NABF super flyweight champion, WBC #15, WBA #14 kaj IBF #7 Jade “Hurricane” Bornea (15-0, 10 KOs), two-time world title challenger WBO #11 bantamweight “Mighty” Aston Palicte (26-4-1, 22 KOs), former NABA welterweight champion Kendo ‘Tremendo” Castaneda (17-2, 8 KOs), former Interim World middleweight title challenger John “The Phenom” Vera (19-1 (1 KO), NABF, WBC FECARBOX & WBC U.S. Welterweight #?ampiono, WBC #14 and Santiago “Somer” Dominguez (22-0, 17 KOs), undefeated middleweight prospect Connor “Kid” Coyle (12-0, 5 KOs), undefeated super middleweight prospect Juan “Just Business” Barajas (11-0, 7 KOs), and former WBC World Youth heavyweight Alexander “The Great” Flores (18-2-1, 16 KOs).  

ABOUT UFC FIGHT PASS?UFC FIGHT PASS? is the world’s leading digital subscription service for combat sports. Since launching in 2013, UFC FIGHT PASS is now available in more than 200 countries and territories. UFC FIGHT PASS provides its members with unlimited access to live UFC FIGHT PASS Prelims; live mixed martial arts and combat sports from around the world; original series and historical programming; special features; behind-the-scenes content; in-depth interviews; and up-to-the minute reports on the world of combat sports. UFC FIGHT PASS subscribers also have 24/7 access to the world’s largest fight library, featuring more than 20,000 bouts from dozens of combats sports organizations, as well as every fight in UFC history. Fight fans can access UFC FIGHT PASS on personal computers, iOS and Android mobile devices, Applea televido, Xbox One, Amazon Fire TV, Chromecast, Roku, Samsung Smart TV-oj, Lertaj Televidiloj LG, and Sony TVs with Android TV. Por pli da informo, #Pla?i

Giovanni Marquez following in Olympian and world champion father’s footsteps

2020 Usonaj Boksaj Ŝtatanoj, Dec. 5-12, Shreveport, Luiziano

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (Novembro 2, 2020) – Houston welterweight amateur boxerGiovanni Marquezis hoping for a little Deja-vu from his chief coach and grandfatherArturo Marquez, who guided his son and Giovanni’s fatherRaul “El Diamante” Marquez, to a roster spot on the 1992 USA Boxing Olympic Boxing Team.

Raul, who was a 2-time US amateur champion in two different weight classes, Welterweight, and junior middleweight, went on to become the International Boxing Federation (IBF) light middleweight World champion, retiring with a 41-4 (12 KOs) pro record.

Rather than turn pro this year, 19-year-old Giovanni remained in the amateur ranks, albeit with a series of goals, first and foremost, to capture a gold medal at the 2020 Usono Boksanta Naciajn Ĉampionecojn, Decembro 5-12, at the Shreveport Convention Center in Shreveport, Luiziano.

“My goal this year is to win the U.S. Nationals and have outstanding performances throughout the tournament,” Giovanni reported. “My long-term goal is to compete internationally and represent the United States at the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris.

“The reason I returned for another year after missing in the Olympic Trials is because I still have a lot to prove on the amateur boxing scene. My team and I decided this was the best decision and I am still very young. My performances in every national tournament I’ve competed in have consistently improved every time. In my last national tournament – Last Chance Qualifier – I faced off withDelante Johnson, La 2020 US Olympic Qualification Team member, and I lost a split decision. Although I lost the fight, I proved that I could compete at the highest level with the top dogs. Now that I’m a little bit older, pli forta, and physically and mentally more mature, I’m confident I have what it takes to become No. 1 in the division. This is why my team and I decided to stay an amateur instead of turning pro.

“I’m very excited about these Nationals, excited to show what I’ve been working on and critiquing everyday inside the gym. Winning the Nationals will mean the world to me, as I have put in so much time and effort into this sport. With my experience gained the past few years, hard work and maturity, I am confident a gold medal awaits me in Shreveport.”

A boxer-puncher who makes the necessary adjustments needed to win, Giovanni has the ability to switch from his orthodox stance to southpaw, comfortably and effectively.

Being the son of a famous boxer, naturally, has its advantages and disadvantages. Giovanni is ready to break out on his own, at least to some extent, with his grandfather and grandmother (Yolanda Marquez) working his corner, while his dad sits in the stands watching the action.

“Coming from a boxing family,” Giovanni remarked, “I was always in the gym messing around on the heavy bag while my father was training. The reason I started boxing was because it’s something that was just part of my family’s life. I had an interest to try it out myself and realized I was talented. I fell in love with the sport and haven’t looked back since. My first official fight was when I was 12.

“There definitely are more eyes on the son of a famous boxer. This doesn’t add pressure on me, it motivates me to prove that I am capable of accomplishing the same things my father did like winning national titles. To have a father with his experience and knowledge in boxing is truly a blessing.”

Training during the COVID-19 pandemic hasn’t really been a problem, largely because his grandfather and father are boxing gym owners. Giovanni did struggle, Tamen, because he worried about his grandfather’s health due to his advanced age and susceptibility to dangerous complications if infected. They’ve stayed healthy by practicing social distancing and properly sanitizing each and every day in the gym.

“Being cornered by my grandfather is a good feeling,” Giovanni explained, “because I know everything he tells me is for my own good. I feel like my grandfather already created one Olympian in my dad, so he has all the right tools and knowledge to do the same with me.

“Not only is he my boxing coach, he’s also a mentor who has groomed me into the young man I am today. My father and uncle also help to train me by working the mitts and helping out with strength and conditioning workouts. Ultimately, it is a good feeling to have my family in my corner, pushing me beyond my limits in order for me to be successful.”

Giovanni Marquez is preparing to establish his own identity.


Pepi: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni

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Facebook: /USABoxing

Pri Usona Boksado:  La misio de Usona Boksado estos ebligi al usonaj atletoj kaj trejnistoj atingi daŭran konkurencan plejbonecon, disvolvi karakteron, subteni la sporton de boksado, kaj antaŭenigi kaj kreskigi olimpikan boksadon en Usono. La respondeco de Usona Boksado estas ne nur produkti olimpikan oron, sed ankaŭ kontroli kaj regi ĉiun aspekton de amatora boksado en Usono.

DEVIN HANEY TRAINING CAMP QUOTES AND PHOTOS: “I have a goal to be the first billionaire boxer

WBC Lightweight Champion Haney Battles Former Two-Time World Champion Yuriorkis Gamboa on Saturday, Novembro 7 Live on DAZN from Hard Rock Live at Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in an Event Presented by Matchroom USA and Devin Haney Promotions

Klako HERE for Photos from JohnnyruegDevin Haney Promotions

LASa VEGAS, NV (Oktobro 30, 2020) – Undefeated WBC lightweight world champion DevinThe DreamHaney (24-0, 15 KOs), will return to the ring on November 7, 2020, against former 2004 Olympic Gold Medalist and two-time world champion Yuriorkis Gamboa (30-3, 18 KOs).

Haney vs.. Gamboa is a 12-round world title fight taking place at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevado, and will be the main event on a highly anticipated Matchroom USA card in association with Devin Haney Promotions, broadcast on DAZN.

Here is what Devin Haney, the WBC Lightweight Champion, had to say ahead of his fight with Gamboa as he wraps up his final day of training camp in Las Vegas.

On his recent training camp in Las Vegas.

“I stay in the gym, I basically live in the gym, so once camp begins, I put my all into training. I do not want to be outworked, and I am driven by those around me. I am extremely focused right now. I’m going to be the face of boxing.

On returning after his shoulder injury.

“No athlete wants to ever be injured. I took the time I needed to, listened to the doctors, and let my body rest. One good thing from the social distancing and stay-at-home orders was it occurred during the time I was recovering so I was able to be fully rested once the gyms reopened. I am now 100% and better than ever, you will see on fight night.”

On his matchup with Yuriorkis Gamboa.

“Gamboa has done a lot in the sport, and the fact that he gave a lot of fighters tough fights, says a lot about him. I want to prove a point in this bout that a lot of people are not mentioning my name amongst the best in the world, and I am looking to change that by putting forth a performance against Gamboa that no one has ever seen before. I respect Gamboa as a fighter, but in the ring, I will have no respect for him at all. In the ring he is my enemy.

On what a spectacular win means for your career.

“Obviously, a win gives me my 2nd world title defense which is very important to me. Title defenses shows a lot about what kind of fighter you really are. I don’t care how you won it or who you won it fromcan you defend the world title against all challengers? That’s what I represent as a throwback champion. You can have a strategy to get there but when you become a champion you become a target. Tank Davis, Teofimo Lopez and Ryan Garcia are all great potential opponents for me. I’d rather fight sooner than later but they have to feel the same way about me. I have a goal to be the first billionaire boxer, and to do that I have to put forth billion-dollar performances. That’s exactly what I’m going to do on November 7th in Miami.”

# # #


“I have to prove that I’m the baddest man in the sport on Saturday night,? – Davis

“Everyone has their opinion on this fight. It’s my job to go out there and prove the doubters wrong,? – Santa Cruz

Three-Time World Champion Davis and Four-Division World Champion Santa Cruz To Meet in Halloween Thriller at Alamodome in San Antonio Headlining SHOWTIME PPV? #?I tiu sabato, Oktobro 31 in Event Presented by Premier Boxing Champions

Klako HERE por fotoj de Ester Lin / SHOWTIME?
Klako HERE por Fotoj de Sean Michael Ham/Mayweather Promotions

SAN ANTONIO, TX – Oktobro 29, 2020 – Three-time world champion Gervonta “Tank” Davis and four-division champion Leo “El Terremoto” Santa Cruz squared off at a final press conference Thursday to preview their highly anticipated SHOWTIME PPV (9 P.M. ET/6 p.M. PT) main event showdown taking place this Saturday, Oktobro 31 from Alamodome in San Antonio in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.

Two of the sport’s most electrifying fighters, Davis and Santa Cruz will battle for the WBA Super Featherweight and WBA Lightweight Championships in a matchup that pits the prodigious power of Davis against the unrelenting pressure of Santa Cruz.

Davis #kontra?. Santa Cruz is promoted by Mayweather Promotions, TGB-Reklamoj, GTD Promotions and Santa Cruz Boxing Club. Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased at The Alamodome has implemented a comprehensive health and safety plan to protect against the spread of the coronavirus. All fans attending the event will be screened upon entry and are required to wear a mask as well as follow social distancing guidelines. Tickets will be distributed in seat blocks known as “pods” to maintain distance between groups not from the same party. Por pli da informo, Vizito

Here is what the press conference participants had to say Thursday:


“My team and I decided to move our camp to Las Vegas so we could have a perfect camp. We spent 15 weeks in training, so I’m well prepared. Hopefully Leo is well prepared and we give the fans what they want to see.

“We know Leo is going to come with a lot of punches and I’m going to be explosive. It’s all about giving fans a treat. I’m grateful to be in this position and I’m ready. Saturday night is going to be a memorable night.

“Not to take anything from him, Yuriorkis Gamboa was just trying to survive against me. It’s harder to get punches off when someone isn’t trying to bring the fight. I know Leo is going to come to fight. I think this performance is going to put me up to the next level.

“I don’t think I have to knock him out, I just have to go out there and be great. Forget everything else, I just have to go out there and show everyone that I’m the top guy in the boxing world. That’s my main goal.

“Michael Jordan used to read the paper and do what they said he couldn’t do. That’s what I’m doing. I have to prove that I’m the baddest man in the sport on Saturday night.

“Leo is going to come to fight and it’s just about me stepping up and doing what I do best. You can see the potential in a fighter from the outside, but you have to see it actually come out in a fight to believe it. That’s the position I’m in. Everyone knows I’m great, I just have to show it.

“Leo has shown that he’s a top tier fighter, and he’s going up against an explosive, powerful fighter like myself. I think the winner should be in the top 10 of the pound-for-pound list.

“Floyd Mayweather has just told me to stay focused despite everything that comes with pay-per-view week. I have to get the job done first, but also do everything that comes with being the next pay-per-view star.

“I’m one of those fighters that knows how to focus when I have something big in front of me. None of the great fighters before me have frozen up when it’s crunch time. I’ve always been able to focus when big things are on the line. That’s what I did for this training camp.

“I’m not really focused on anyone who isn’t Leo Santa Cruz. I can’t overlook Leo. As far as any other fighter out there, they just don’t matter to me right now. I’ll prove it along the way. This is one step closer to proving the point I want to prove.”


“This is what I’ve always dreamed of. When I was a little boy, I wanted to be on this stage. I’m living that dream and I’m very happy and excited. I never thought I’d accomplish it. I thought it was like winning the lottery. But thanks to the fans, I’m here where I’m at.

“I’m facing the best fighter in the division. If you want to be the best, you have to beat the best. I have to go against the best fighter. I wanted to challenge myself. I know this is a dangerous fight for me, but I want to test myself.

“We’ve both suffered and been through a lot to get here. Neither of us wants to go back to where we started. So I know we’re both going to give a great fight to the fans.

“I have the heart of a Mexican warrior. My dad has told me to fight a smart fight, but even though he’s going to say that, there’s a good chance I end up brawling with him at times. No matter what, we’re going to find a way to beat him.

“I don’t really worry about being the underdog. Everyone has their opinion. It’s my job to go out there and prove the doubters wrong. I trained hard to go out there and do that Saturday.

“Gervonta is the best opponent I’ve faced. He’s the strongest fighter I’ll have faced. The Abner Mares and Carl Frampton fights were great experience for this kind of fight. I learned a lot from those four fights and since then I’ve learned a lot more.

“It would mean the world to me to become a five-division champion. It would be another dream come true. I would put the Santa Cruz last name right up there with the best.

“Gervonta is a big guy and I know he’s going to come hit hard. But I’ve trained with bigger guys all camp and I’ve been able to take everything thrown at me.

“The fans want you to go and make it a back and forth war. I know against Gervonta I have to fight smart. I’m going to just try as hard as I can to listen to my father’s advice.

“I definitely took this fight to quiet the critics. People said I didn’t want to fight the big names. So I went after the biggest challenge in the division and that’s Gervonta Davis.

“I leave the opinions to the fans and media. My job is to get the win and give the fans a great fight. I’m going to give it my best and leave it all in the ring.”

CALVIN FORD, Davis’ Trainer

“Camp has been great. It was unbelievable. I really appreciate the work that he put in. I can’t wait to see Tank in the ring. I’m looking forward to great performances from both fighters.

“’Tank’ accomplished a lot of things that I’ve asked him to do, but this is the pinnacle of them all right here. Both of these families have walked the same line with different trails. They both have a chance to become greats with this win.

“Every time I look at ‘Tank’ now, I flash back to those younger years in the gym with him as a child. Now he’s the man I’ve always looked at him to be. He’s a family man, business man and a wonderful fighter. It’s amazing to see one of my boys all grown up.”

JOSÉ SANTA CRUZ, Santa Cruz’s Father and Trainer

“We had a really good training camp and understand the importance of this fight. Leo is fully prepared for this fight on Saturday and I expect him to have a great performance.

“I’m very thankful to be here. I’m so happy to be here with my son for such a big fight and be able to guide him and help him accomplish his dream.

“We know that Davis is a very strong and accomplished fighter. But Leo has just used it to motivate him in the gym every day and you’ll be able to see that on Saturday.”

STEPHEN ESPINOZA, Prezidanto, Sports and Event Programming, Showtime Retoj Inc.

“One of the biggest reasons I love boxing is because we get to witness young men, like ‘Tank’ Davis and Leo Santa Cruz, develop and mature right in front of our eyes. This is our ninth fight with ‘Tank’ and 13Th with Leo. We have seen them mature as fighters and we have seen them mature as young men. We’ve seen them struggle, sweat, and triumph. We’ve seen them become fathers.”

“I remember the first time I met ‘Tank’, it was April 2016 En #Va?ingtono, D.C. He was on the non-televised undercard of an Adrien Broner fight. He had already fought, he came over during the telecast and Floyd introduced him. I remember his very words, ‘This is my young fighter. Watch out for this kid.’ And we’ve been watching ever since.

“I remember the first time I met Leo was in June 2012. Shortly before his first world title fight. He was a very humble, quiet, soft spoken, almost shy young men. Very different from the guy that I saw in the ring about 48 hours after that. The point is, we’ve been along for the journey of these young men.

“They have been battling the odds, literally since birth. We were lucky enough to spend time with them during #?IU ALIRAS. They opened their hearts, their minds, and themselves to share their stories. The thing I’ve heard most is that the difficulty about this fight is not whether people want to watch it or whether they’re going to buy it, it’s who they’re going to root for. Because if you know these young men’s stories, what they’ve gone through, and what they’ve experienced, it is incredible.

“The bottom line is in these two young men we have two of the most accomplished and popular young fighters in the sport today. Leo has been a champion almost consistently since 2012. ‘Tank’ had sellouts or near sellouts in Los Angeles, Baltimore and Atlanta, just last year. We have got these two accomplished young men fighting on Saturday night. You have to respect their journey, where they come from, and respect the teams that come around him.

“We do know what’s going to happen on Saturday night. Leo is going to come into the ring, throw a lot of punches and show an activity rate that’s unlike just about anybody else in the sport. ‘Tank’ is going to show the power, rapido, and the athleticism that has made him one of the fastest rising young stars that we’ve seen in sport in some time. Beyond that, it will be up to them, just like it’s been up to them for their entire lives.”

Davis #kontra?. Santa Cruz will see three-time world champion Gervonta “Tank” Davis and four-division world champion Leo “El Terremoto” Santa Cruz battle for the WBA Super Featherweight and WBA Lightweight Championships headlining a SHOWTIME PPV Saturday, Oktobro 31 (9 P.M. ET/6 p.M. PT) in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions from the Alamodome in San Antonio, Teksaso.

The stacked undercard will feature unbeaten San Antonio native and WBA Super Lightweight Champion Mario “El Azteca” Barrios defending his title against hard-hitting Ryan “Cowboy” Karl in the co-main event and former super lightweight world champion Regis “Rougarou” Prograis will take on unbeaten contender Juan Heráldez in a 10-round showdown. En la teleelsenda malfermilo, lightweight contenders Isaac Cruz and Diego Magdaleno will battle in an IBF title eliminator bout.

Por pli da informa vizito,, sekvi sur Pepi @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, TGBPromotions, ĉe Instagram @ ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @MayweatherPromotions, @TGBPromotionss or become a fan on Facebook at Kaj