Архивы: бокс


Льюистон, Мэн (Июнь 7, 2016) - В международном боксерском поединке, Ирландия непобежденным Стив Коллинз, Младший. (7-0-1, 3 КО) столкнется со своим самым суровым испытанием в качестве профессионала, когда он сразится с мексиканским Хосе Умберто Коррал (19-21, 12 КО) в шестираундовом бою в тяжелом весе Июнь 18, 2016 в Колизее банка Андроскоггин. Бой состоится в рамках New England Fights.’ (NEF) Следующее мероприятие “NEF 24: ЗЕМЛЯ ОБЕТОВАННАЯ.”


Коллинз, Младший, сын бывшего чемпиона мира и легенды ирландского бокса “Кельтский воин” Стив Коллинз (36-3, 21 КО), будет драться в Соединенных Штатах в третий раз подряд после каждого из своих первых шести боев в Ирландии и Великобритании..


“Я счастлив вернуться в Штаты, сражаясь,” сказал Коллинз, Младший. “Толпа и болельщики, похоже, действительно наслаждались моими боями и стилем, которые я привношу в мир бокса.. Я усердно тренировался в тренажерном зале Celtic Warriors здесь, в Ирландии., и я с нетерпением жду возможности применить свои знания на ринге. У моего следующего соперника за плечами много боев., но я с нетерпением жду возможности дать ему еще одно поражение.”


Хосе Умберто Коррал — бывший выдающийся любитель сборной Мексики, который сделал карьеру профессионала в качестве подмастерья, давая серьезные тесты будущим чемпионам мира, таким как Питер. “Kid Шоколад” Куиллин и региональные перспективы, такие как Крис Трайетти, Винни Карита и Пол Гонсалвес.


“Я с нетерпением жду возможности сразиться со Стивом Коллинзом в штате Мэн.,” сказал Коррал недавно через переводчика. “Уверен, что он непобедимый проспект и сын бывшего чемпиона мира., но у меня гораздо больше опыта на ринге, а этому нельзя учить. Если бы я получал песо каждый раз, когда меня избивает сын бывшего чемпиона мира, я бы ноль песо. Я с нетерпением жду возможности продемонстрировать свое мастерство в том же здании, где сражался Мухаммед Али, и уйти вместе со всеми американскими фанатами бокса, которые с нетерпением ждут моего возвращения.”


Коллинз-младший. продвигается Murphy's Boxing USA, боксерская организация, возглавляемая Кеном Кейси из популярной рок-группы The Dropkick Murphys, которая хорошо известна такими хитами, как “Я отправляюсь в Бостон,” “Штат Массачусетс” и “Скинхед на MBTA.”


“Замечательно иметь Стива-младшего. здесь так часто,” сказал Кен Кейси, когда до него дошли за комментарием от Корка., Ирландия во время последнего европейского турне группы. “Это будет его третий бой здесь, в Штатах, менее чем за год., и мы все рады видеть, куда он идет оттуда. Он доказал, что может выйти из тени и наследия своего отца., и сделать карьеру и имя для себя. Будет интересно посмотреть, где он окажется через год, но мы все рады быть частью его путешествия, и увидев, что Стив-младший. сможет сделать.”


NEF возвращается в Colrosée Androscoggin в Льюистоне, Мэн на Июнь 18, 2016 с “NEF 24: ЗЕМЛЯ ОБЕТОВАННАЯ.” Билеты на «NEF 24» начинаются с $25 и уже в продаже в www.TheColisee.com или позвонив по телефону кассы Colisee на 207.783.2009 х 525.


Для получения дополнительной информации о событиях и обновлениях карт боя, пожалуйста, посетите веб-сайт продвижение по адресу www.NewEnglandFights.com. В дополнение, Вы можете смотреть NEF видео в www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, следовать за ними на Twitternefights и присоединиться к официальной группе Facebook "New England бои."


О Новой Англии боев


Нью-Ингленд Бои ("NEF") является борьба Рекламные акции компании. Миссия NeF является создание высокого качества мероприятия для бойцов и болельщиков в штате Мэн, так. Исполнительная команда NeF имеет обширный опыт в области управления единоборств, производство события, по связям со СМИ, маркетинг, правовой и реклама.

Amir Khan Successfully Launches Pro Boxing In Pakistan – Inaugural Event Featuring British & Irish Boxers Raises 8 Million PKR For Charity

From The Office of the Vice President


Please find below a report on Amir Khan’s inaugural professional boxing event in Pakistan, in aid of the Amir Khan Trust to raise funds for their project to provide Water Wells in the region of Thar.


Please feel free to use any of the photographs provided, photo credit isn’t required but should you choose to do so please credit Amir Khan Trust.


Low resolution photos attached for high resolution versions please e.mail admin@boxbiba.com or text e.mail address and photos required to 07960 850645



Лондон, England – Tuesday 7th June 2016



Amir Khan Successfully Launches Pro Boxing In Pakistan – Inaugural Event Featuring British & Irish Boxers Raises 8 Million PKR For Charity.


It may have only been 4:30 утром, but the heat was stifling as the Emirates A340-300, that carried the contingent of international boxers and officials from the British & Ирландский боксерский орган (BIBA) that were to take part in a charity pro boxing event promoted by two Division World Champion Amir Khan just two days later, made it’s final approach into Karachi Quaid-E-Azam International Airport in Pakistan.


The pugilists and officials on-board flight EK 0604 from Dubai last Tuesday couldn’t have had the slightest inkling of the reception they were going to receive, not just on arrival but also over the following three days, if they did they hid it well.


As the group exited the plane and headed towards passport control along with their fellow passengers, a squad of security officers singled them out, and instead of joining the seemingly never ending conga of exhausted passengers, that were aimlessly shuffling between the rope barriers, they were lead to a security desk far removed from the passport control booths.


Normally this scenario would cause concern to a traveler, however from that moment on it became crystal clear to all those in the party that this was not the normal welcome an international traveler would receive, не долго выстрел, this was the reception reserved only for the most important of VIPs.


After clearing passport control in record time and with the security detail flanking them the boxers and officials were greeted by the ever smiling Tahir Khan and his team from Khan Promotions and led to a convoy of awaiting vehicles.


Heading up the convoy was an army truck containing a team of heavily armed Rangers, under the command of the highly decorated Captain Abbas, and to the rear another heavily armed vehicle, this time a Police truck, again with a heavily armed squad aboard.


Once all aboard the team were escorted at high speed through the streets of Karachi to the palatial 5 Star Pearl-Continental hotel, where even though having an army and police escort each vehicle was checked thoroughly by the hotel security team.


Once clearing the security gate the BIBA team were lead into the opulent foyer, which was close to the dimensions of a premiership football pitch, where each received the key cards to their stately rooms.


Whilst some went straight to their beds for some much deserved sleep, BIBA CEO and Executive Vice President Gianluca Di Caro and World Boxing Union (ВСС) Super Flyweight World Champion Tasif Khan received their media itinerary for the coming days, which started just 90 минут, where they were to join Amir Khan as studio guests of the highly popular radio City FM89 Morning Show host Khalid Malik, for those in the UK think Chris Evans level of popularity and double it.


Following the thirty minute segment with Khalid Malik, Amir and Gianluca were then spirited to a local TV news studio for further interviews before returning to the sumptuous Pearl-Continental for lunch.


Following lunch, Amir was joined by his father, Shah, Liverpool’s Dayle Gallagher, who was one of the boxers on the event and BIBA’s Gianluca Di Caro to be part of a thirty minute interview, hosted by the exquisite Anoushey Ashraf for her hugely popular chat show.


Just an hour or so later Gianluca and Dayle were joined by Amir’s brother Haroon ‘King’ Khan, WBU Champ Tasif Khan, Preston Cruiserweight Stuart Maddox, Belfast’s Phil Townley, World class referee Richie Davies and coach Stephen Speed in the lobby, ahead of another escorted trip across Karachi, this time for a meet and greet at the Dolmen Mall in Clifton.


None of the group could possibly have been prepared for the reception that awaited them, as literally thousands of fans crammed into the huge three level American style shopping mall, each and every one of them greeted the boxers and officials as if they were the biggest of Hollywood stars.


Once in the Greenhill prepared show ring each was inundated for requests of selfies or to pose for photos for a good thirty minutes or so before the star attraction himself, Мистер. Amir Khan made his entrance to rapturous applause and cheers.


After Amir had finished his personal greeting to the assembled fans he was joined by Haroon, Tasif, Dayle and Stuart at the front table to sign autographs and pose for selfies with the fans, whilst Phil Townley, Richie Davies, Stephen Speed and Gianluca Di Caro moved around the ring posing for selfies with the overwhelmingly welcoming fans.


Once the meet and greet was over, Amir and the BIBA entourage were escorted at high speed back to the Pearl-Continental, to have a quick shower and change ahead of another special event, where Amir opened the majestic new Tai-Pan Chinese restaurant and each and everyone of the BIBA team were special guests also.


The following morning, whilst Amir and his father Shah were being interviewed live on the Geo Morning Show, BIBA Chief Inspector Stephen Smith and Scunthorpe Cruiserweight Jody Meikle had arrived at Karachi Airport, where they too received the full VIP treatment including the high speed Army and Police escort.


Shortly after lunch Amir, his team, the Boxers and BIBA officials made the short walk to the Zaver conference hall at the Pearl-Continental for the press conference.


To outside observers it must have seemed that the press conference was for the biggest of the World Championship contests, as there were so many TV crews and media in attendance as well as a host of dignitaries.


After Amir had made his presentation about the event, the Amir Khan Trust and it’s aims, he opened up the floor for questions, whilst most were about the event one of the journalists put him on the spot by asking, “as it was announced today that professional boxers can now box at the Olympics would he be representing Pakistan in Rio” Amir diplomatically answered that it would be an honour, but he has contractual obligations with his promoter to consider, before adding, that whilst he would love to represent Pakistan in Rio, that he really believes that the opportunity should be there for a young fighter, as it was such an honour when he had been presented the opportunity to compete in the Olympics for Great Britain, when he was just seventeen and that was the springboard for his professional career, as it would be for any Pakistani boxer that competed at Rio 2016.


As with every media event the BIBA contingent were treated as if they were major World stars with each being interviewed and photographed by the media.


After a quick meal Amir and the BIBA team were once more escorted at high speed by the army and police across Karachi to a public workout at Frere Hall in Clifton.


Once again there were so many media, along with thousands of fans in attendance as the boxers individually entered the ring for the workout, after which each was inundated with media interview requests and selfies with the fans.


This event was so popular that it overran by quite a margin and it would not be until just after 11вечера that Amir and the fighters etc finally were escorted back to the Pearl-Continental.


With just the single media event в четверг, as it was fight night, Amir and the boxers gathered at the elegant venue for the seriously swanky dinner event at the Pearl-Continental Marquee Conference Hall for a media photo opportunity.


The BIBA fighters, who had all been presented with team outfits courtesy of Khan Promotions sponsor Greenhill, happily posed for individual shoots as well as group photos with Amir.


After the shoot the team had a couple of hours to chill or grab a bite to eat before the big night, well most of them, as Tahir and Gianluca still had work to do.


The night started with Amir making a speech and a presentation of the Amir Khan Trust project to raise the money to build water wells in the region of Thar, an area that has been described as the poorest in the World.


Originally there were to be four professional bouts, however that was not to be as prior to leaving the UK Haroon picked up an injury. To make matters worse just days before the fight Tasif’s opponent Francis Croes tore a ligament in his arm, forcing him to pull out.


Some quick calls from Tahir see a female amateur bout, featuring two seventeen year old friends from Lyari, Saira and Ambreen being added to the bill and opening the show


Before the pro fights though the important matter of raising funds for Amir Khan Trust, firstly from donations and then through an auction of Amir’s personal belongings, such as signed shorts, перчатки, paintings, posters etc


Both were a massive success, with the Amir Khan Trust receiving donations that amounted to the equivalent of twenty much needed water wells and the auction itself incredibly raising close to 8 Million PKR.


The historic first pro boxing bout to take place in Pakistan featured Liverpool’s unbeaten Dayle Gallagher against Belfast’s Phil Townley in a four round Middleweight contest.

Officiating the contest was no less than World renowned Referee Richie Davies.


Right from the off the two protagonists went to war, the experienced Irishman going straight on the attack, the Liverpool youngster kept his cool and got behind his jab to keep the ever advancing Phil Townley at bay.


Dayle, initially taking a controlled countering approach, then proceeded to showcase his exceptional skills against his much more experienced opponent, Не поймите меня неправильно, it wasn’t all one way traffic but the Liverpool youngster put on a sublime controlled performance that belied his tender years.


After four superb exciting rounds of boxing Referee Richie Davies declared the bout 40-37 in favour of Dayle Gallagher.


The second pro bout of the night, see Scunthorpe’s Jody Meikle in action against Preston’s Stuart Maddox in a four round Cruiserweight contest.


What an intense closely fought contest, both protagonists went at it with gusto, much of the time it could have been fought in a phone booth as they stood toe to toe slugging it out.


After four rounds of pugilistic action Referee Richie Davies scored the bout 39-36 in favour of Stuart Maddox, which whilst without doubt correct doesn’t project just how close a fight this was.


Finally singers Bilal Saeed and Adeel Chaudhry performed sensational live sets as the guest enjoyed their sumptuous dinners.


Speaking after the event, Amir Khan said


“First of all I want to say thank you to all the lads that took part, they are all winners in my eyes, flying out here to Pakistan and fighting here, even Tasif, who didn’t get to fight, as his opponent Francis Croes was injured the day before he was due to fly over, however Tasif still came here and has been part of all the build up to this big fight, because he could have stayed in the hotel and not done anything, he’s got family here in Pakistan but he said no, he wanted to stay with the team.


This is what Boxing brings, we’re like one big family, you know we all stay together.


I’m so glad I’ve done this in Pakistan, because it’s opened a new door for me to do more boxing events. I’m definitely going to do it again with BIBA, I’d love to come back to Pakistan and give Pakistan the fights they want.


Сегодняшний event raised a good amount of money for a place called Thar, the reason I am doing it here is because Thar is rated one of the poorest regions in the World. The Government don’t help the place and nobody talks about this place.


Kids are dying, thousands of kids are dying every month you know there’s no clean water, it’s like a desert, we are going to provide water wells, it doesn’t cost that much but will save so many lives and that will make me so happy, so I am doing this for them. I’ve enjoyed doing the boxing event, so we can build these wells, the reason we and the boxers flew over from England is for the people of Thar.


It shows a lot of balls these fighters and officials to come over here, because the media implies that Pakistan is not a safe place to visit, but these boys have shown balls by coming and fighting here to help me to raise money for the people of Thar.


Not just that but it’s all about doing these promotional events and putting on these fights in order to introduce a new sport, профессиональный бокс, to Pakistan. This will motivate all the kids to go to the gymnasiums and our academies, so it works in many ways.”


Amir then went on to thank the companies and individuals that got behind the historic event.


“I would like to thank HBL for being the lead sponsor of the HBL Superstar Boxing Event, IRIS Event Management, Reema Siddiqui, Omar Satti and Xenith PR for putting together such a great event, BIBA for bringing international boxers to Pakistan, The 42 – Day Challenge and Phegency PR for the public workout event, Hashoo Group, J.Fragrances, Greenhill, National, Dolmen, Red Crescent, BlueEX, Careem, City FM89, FHM and last but not least the Rangers for their support.”


Final word has to go to BIBA’s CEO & Executive Vice President Gianluca Di Caro.


“I cannot begin to express how much I admire and respect Amir, throughout the many media events not only has he given his time so freely to sign autographs or have his photo taken with the fans, but still found the time to spend an extraordinary amount of time meeting with sponsors and dignitaries to ensure the event successfully went ahead.


Amir’s passion for the project has been infectious, so much so that every single one of the boxers and officials that came over have already committed themselves to help raise further funds for the Amir Khan Trust, in fact Dayle Gallagher donated his purse for the night, Stuart Maddox has asked that £100 from each of his future purses go to the AKT and Stephen Speed is paying for one of the wells to be built, and as an organisation we are going to raise funds at every future event we sanction.


I also have to say I am overwhelmed by the reception we have received here in Karachi, I have never experienced anything like this in my life, I will treasure the memories of my time here, I have loved every second of it, I have met so many wonderful people here and have to say the fans at the Dolmen Mall and the public workout at Frere Hall were amazing.


I would like to say a very special thanks to Captain Abbas and his team of Rangers and the Sindh Police for looking after us so well on the special events away from the hotel and also Dr Muzzummil Pervaiz and the Pakistan Red Crescent, who provided the medical coverage for the team, as well as to, Arshad Nazeer and Imran Khan from the Pearl-Continental Marco Polo Restaurant and Pearl-Continental’s Director of Food and Beverages Mr. Muhammad Aslam Khan for their exceptional hospitality and introducing us to some fantastic local delicacies.


I just hope that our being here will open the door to more International sportspeople coming to Pakistan to compete, as well as hope that people from around the world come and visit Pakistan, it’s a beautiful country and the people here are so friendly and welcoming, I know I can’t wait to come back again and will do so in the near future for sure.”


For further information on the Amir Khan Foundation (Великобритания) and the Amir Khan Trust (Пакистан) please go to www.amirkhanworld.com


This event is sanctioned by the British & Ирландский боксерский орган (BIBA). For further information please go to www.boxbiba.com


Baltimore Boxing shares Muhammad Ali story; plans ceremonial 10 count June 16

Балтимор, Мэриленд (Июнь 6, 2016) – In 1977, long before becoming a pro boxer, тренер, gym owner, successful promoter and member of the Maryland and Washington DC Boxing Hall of Fames, Jake Smith was scheduled for his first amateur fight in Maryland.
The 12-year-old Smith was excited to fight in front of a crowd for the first time after spending a significant amount of time training in a local gym. The fight was on a card as part of a special charity event; an event hosted by legendary heavyweight champion Muhammad Ali.
До боя, Smith got to meet Ali. Inspired by the once in a lifetime encounter, Smith remembers every detail to this day and considers it one of the highlights of his life.
"Muhammad was a giant compared to me at that time,” Smith said of his interaction with the legendary Ali. “He told me good luck and to go out there and put on a show. It was my first fight but it was one of my best performances amateur or pro. I really beat the crap out of the kid I faced that night.”
Вечером того же дня, Ali participated in an exhibition against three different men as part of the evening’s fundraising efforts.
"Ali was a champion not just of the boxing world but of the people. He came out to Maryland when he was the most recognizable athlete in the world with the most coveted crown in sports, the heavyweight championship. A lot of guys wouldn’t do that and his willingness to help raise money truly showed me the kind of human being Muhammad Ali was.”
На Июнь 16, Smith’s company Baltimore Boxing is hosting their next card at Michael’s Eighth Avenue in Glen Burnie, Мэриленд. The card is headlined by a heavyweight title fight featuring rising star Stefon “Showtime” McCray against Milton Williams.
В течение вечера, Smith and Baltimore Boxing will pay respects to Ali with a ceremonial ten count and their upcoming show in August will be dubbed “Rumble Young Man Rumble” in his honor.
"Ali is more than a once in a lifetime figure. He’s somebody that will never be replicated at any time in the rest of history. It’s only fitting that we honor him with a ceremonial ten count. It’s unlikely that Ali remembered me but knowing that the greatest of all time was watching me in the ring that night is something I’ll cherish for the rest of my life.”
Tickets and more information on the card are available by going to Baltimoreboxing.com or calling 410-375-9175.

One on One with Beibut Shumenov

WBA cruiserweight world champion wants
Denis Lebedev fight to happen this summer

ЛАС-ВЕГАС (Июнь 5, 2016) – Всемирная боксерская ассоциация (WBA) Чемпион мира в тяжелом весе Шуменов Бакбо(17-2, 10 КО) остановился Нет. 11-номинальный юниор “Ураган” Райт (15-2-1, 12 КО) в 10й раунд их мая 21улицаtitle fight to remain mandatory challenger for unified WBA Super/International Boxing Federation (IBF) Чемпион мира в тяжелом весе Денис Лебедев (29-2, 22 КО). The WBA mandated a Lebedev-Shumenov fight в 120 дней of May 21.

Шуменов, 32, является 2004 Kazakhstan Olympian who lives and trains in Las Vegas. During his 9-year professional boxing career, Shumenov has defeated four world championsГабриэль Кампильо, Байрон Митчелл, Уильям Джоппи и Montell Гриффин – а также семь мировых претендентов титул. Он 8-2 (4 КО) в боях титул чемпиона мира
Below find a one-on-one interview with Shumenov:
(Photo by Yumio Yamada)
Evaluate your performance against Junior Wright in your last fight?
Б.: “I am 100-percent a completely different fighter than in my previous fight against B.J. Цветы. Но, at the beginning of this fight, I had a little bit of ring rust. The inactivity is really hard for me. I would like to be busier and fight more often. I already started training and doing light exercises, right after my fight on May 21st. In my next fight, I will be even more different fighter against Lebedev.
How does it feel to be the only fighter from your country to be 2-division world champion?
Б.: “I don’t really think about those things. My main goal is to unify all of the titles and fight all the best fighters.
You’ve always wanted to unify as a way of determining who the best or real champ is. В 20-11, you almost fought a unification as WBA light heavyweight but then-WBO champion Juergen Braehmer who suddenly went home a few days before the scheduled unification fight. How does it feel to know that you will be fighting Lebedev for WBA super and IBF cruiserweight titles в 120 дней с мая 21?
Б.: “This has always been my goalto unifyand I’m motivated even more knowing that I am going to fight for those two titles very soon.
Do you think a deal will be made between your manager, Al Haymon and Lebedev’s promoter, Andrei Ryabinsky, or will it go to purse bid?
Б.: “It doesn’t concern me, whether it goes to a purse bid, or where the location is. Однако, I hope the parties can get the best deal worked out for everyone involved.
If Lebedev doesn’t want to fight you and he relinquishes his WBA super title belt, where do you go from there, fight second-mandatory challenger Yunier Dorticos?
Б.: “I have heard rumors that Lebedev doesn’t want to fight me and, if this is true and he relinquishes his WBA Super belt, then I want to fight Dorticos because every organization should only have one champion in each division. I hope this isn’t the case, as I have been waiting to fight Lebedev since I won the WBA interim title (mandatory) back in July of 2015. The WBA has ordered us to fight в 120 дней of May 21st. Я готов, willing and able to fight him and I hope he is ready, слишком.”
Вентиляторы могут друг Бейбут Шуменов на его странице в Facebook в www.facebook.com/BeibutShumenov.

Rances Barthelmey Defeats Mickey Bey by Split Decision to Retain Lightweight Title in Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions on Spike from The Hard Rock Live at the Seminole Hotel & Казино в Голливуде, Флорида

Emmanuel Rodriguez Decisions Alberto Guevara
in 10-Round Bantamweight Clash
Caleb Plant Stops Carlos Galvan in Fourth Round
Нажмите ВОТ Для фотографий с премьер-чемпионами по боксу
(Available shortly)
ГОЛЛИВУД, Флорида. (Июнь 4, 2016) – Undefeated lightweight world champion RancesKid Blast” Бартельми (25-0, 13 КО) defeated former world champion Микки “Дух” бей (22-2-1, 10 КО) раздельным решением судей (117-110, 116-111, 110-117) в главном событии Премьер Бокс чемпионов (PBC) на Spike Пятница night at the Hard Rock Live at the Seminole Hotel & Казино в Голливуде, Флорида.
Following an exciting first round in which Barthelemy backed Bey up at the bell, round two came to a close with similar fireworks in the form of an accidental head butt. In the commotion, a stunned Barthelemy stumbled to the canvas and referee Sam Burgos ruled it an official knockdown, making it the first of Barthelemy’s career.
Barthelemy said, “I really don’t remember exactly what happened, but I felt it was more of a slip than anything. I was a little off balance and we butted heads so at that point that’s when I went down, but that’s okay. I don’t mind that they counted it.
Bey had issues with the head contact also. “After I dropped him he got me again with a good head butt. The cut on my eye from that second head butt affected me for about four or five rounds, but it’s a fight, so you have to do the best you can with the vision you have. But I would have liked to avoid all the head contact.
It was the first time in my entire career, both amateurs and professionals, that I hit the canvas in any way,” added Barthelemy. “It was just a little surprising, but after that I knew I had to come out strong and put pressure on him because I knew the judges might hold that against me. My mentality originally was to outbox but I had to change my plans and start putting pressure on him.
In a fight that saw a lot of competitive back and forth action during the middle and late rounds, neither fighter was able to take complete control or end the evening early.
Barthelemy believed he’d done enough to win unanimously arguing, “When I heard the judge who gave the score to Bey I thought he was either blind or he was bought. I felt that was disrespectful not only to me but to the fans as well.
We knew what Mickey was prepared for though,” concluded Barthelemy. “We knew he was going to be an evasive counter puncher and we knew that Bey came from the Mayweather school of boxing. So we knew what we were up against and he put on a tough fight.
Bey vowed to avenge the hard-fought loss soon. “I’m ready to get right back after it and chase another belt. I’m looking to stay busy and get back in the ring soon.
В телевизионном нож, undefeated Puerto Rican bantamweight Эммануэль Родригес (15-0, 10 КО) beat experienced Mexican Альберто “Метро” Гевара (24-3, 9 КО) единогласным решением судей (99-91, 100-90, 99-91).
Rodriguez controlled the opening rounds with a variety of left hooks and overhand rights, backing Guevara up at will.
My strategy was to come in and attack him because he is not your typical Mexican-style fighter,” сказал Родригес.
An accidental head butt at the end of round four led to a cut that developed under the left eye of Guevara.
We knew he was an awkward fighter,” said Rodriguez of their heads colliding, “But he was even more awkward than we thought.
A highly decorated amateur, Rodriguez continued his calculated, methodical approach throughout the middle rounds.
Rodriguez added, “We weren’t able to really decipher him in the first rounds but we were able to adjust eventually.
Гевара, who has fought in two world title fights, threw a change-up and came out fighting more wildly in round seven, causing Rodriguez some minor issues with the distance.
Однако, Rodriguez stuck to his game plan and used his superior timing to coast to victory in the later rounds.
Guevara said, “My plan was to box him and tap him when I had him, but things didn’t come out that way. I’m not sure if it was a lack of focus or what it was, I’m just not sure. I feel good though. Это был тяжелый бой, harder than I expected. He’s a strong guy. I felt a little constrained and a little slow, but I tried my best сегодня вечером.”
Rodriguez summed up the win adding, “Я прекрасно себя чувствую, Слава Богу. I’m really happy with this Victory, it was a victory that I needed to add onto my record and thankfully I was able to get it. Now I’m going to take a month off and wait until my management team tells us what fight date comes next so we can continue to pursue the goals we have set for ourselves.
The second televised bout featured unbeaten prospect Калеб “Сладкие Руки” Завод(13-0, 10 КО) getting a knockout victory over Columbia’s Карлос Гальван (12-5-1, 11 КО) в среднем бой.
Plant spent much of the first two rounds displaying his trademark showmanship and feeling out Galvan.
Plant said his strategy entering the ring was, “To be sharp and slick сегодня вечером, stay relaxed and patient. I didn’t want to force anything or leave myself out there too long.
That’s exactly what Plant did, ending the bout in the fourth with a devastating blow to Galvan’s solar plexus.
A frustrated Galvan said, “He got a lucky shot, I threw a straight right and he slipped by it and landed a body shot to my liver so I wasn’t able to continue with the fight after that.
It was just about staying patient and waiting for him to make a mistake,” Саид завод. “I wanted to take advantage, and that’s what happened. I took the body shot when I saw he was open and he went down.


Mamani To Replace Emiliano Marsili, Who Pulled Out Of The Fight With An Illness

Zlaticanin vs. Mamani Opens The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Tripleheader Live at 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT From The Turning Stone Resort Casino in Verona, N.Y..
НЬЮ-ЙОРК (Июнь 2, 2016) – WBC Нет. 5-претендент в легком весе Franklin Mamani will face No. 1-ранжированный легкий Деян Zlaticanin for the vacant WBC 135-pound title on Суббота, Июнь 11, жить на ВРЕМЯ ДЛЯ ШОУ (9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT) от The Turning Stone Resort Casino in Verona, N.Y..
Mamani (21-2-1, 12 КО), who is the leading available contender in the WBC rankings, replaces the injured Emiliano Marsili, who pulled out of the fight во вторник with an illness.
Mamani, Ла-Пас, Боливия, was in camp training to fight Chad Bennet for the WBC Silver Lightweight World Title in early July. Сейчас, the 29-year-old Mamani gets a shot at the vacant WBC Lightweight World Championship in his U.S. дебют. The aggressive-minded Mamani has won 10 straight, including his last three by knockout.
Билеты на турнире, который продвигается Banner Promotions, Inc., по цене $85, $60, $45 и $35 и уже в продаже. Билеты можно приобрести лично в кассе Turning Stone., по телефону 877.833.SHOW, или на сайте Ticketmaster (www.ticketmaster.com).
В главном событии SHOWTIME ЧЕМПИОНАТ БОКС, Руслан Проводников (25-4, 18 КО), бывший чемпион мира по версии WBO в полусреднем весе, and former world title challenger John Molina (28-6, 23 КО), of West Covina, Калифорния., will face-off in a 12-round super lightweight bout. В Июнь 11 Со-функция, undefeated former 154-pound world champion and 2008 U.S. Olympian Demetrius Andrade (22-0, 15 КО), Провидения, Р.И., will face Willie Nelson (25-2-1, 15 КО) Кливленда, Огайо, в 12-раундовом поединке за титул чемпиона мира по версии WBC в полусреднем весе..
Кроме того, на Июнь 11, бывшие претенденты на титул чемпиона мира, Вилли Монро младший, (19-2-0, 6 КО), and John Thompson, (17-2-0, 6 КО,) will meet in a 10-round middleweight bout in the main event on SHOWTIME EXTREME® (7 p.m. И/PT). In the SHOWTIME BOXING on SHO EXTREME® opener, heavyweight Andrey Fedosov (28-3, 23 КО) takes on Mario Heredia (11-1, 9 КО, 1-2 в ВСБ) в 10-раундовом бою в тяжелом весе.
Казино Turning Stone Resort не новичок в проведении высококлассных соревнований по боксу, транслируемых по национальному телевидению.. В прошлом году, На Turning Stone состоялась эпическая битва Проводникова и Маттизее., выбрано на аренах Лос-Анджелеса, Лас-Вегас, и Майами. Когда Проводников возвращается в Turning Stone 11 июня, это будет 18-е боксерское мероприятие Turning Stone, транслируемое по национальному телевидению., укрепление курорта как Мекки для боев на выбывание. Расположенный в северной части штата Нью-Йорк, Turning Stone - это отмеченный наградами курорт, предлагая удобства мирового класса, включая четыре отеля, 21 рестораны и варианты питания, два роскошных СПА, пять красивых полей для гольфа, и несколько баров, коктейль-бары и ночные клубы.

Для получения дополнительной информации посетите www.SHO.com/Sports, Следуйте по щебетатьSHOSports, или стать поклонником на Facebook по www.Facebook.com/SHOSports.

Посещение Banner Promotions в www.banner-promotions.com, следите за новостями в Твиттере @BannerBoxing, подписывайтесь на Instagram @BannerBoxing, Вступить в группу на Facebook на www.facebook.com/BannerPromotions, подписывайтесь на LinkedIn по адресу www.linkedin.com/company/баннер-продвижение-вкл-?трк=бизнес-компании-cym, и смотрите на Youtube по адресу www.youtube.com/user/баннервидео.

Для казино Turning Stone Resort: www.turningstone.com ; Щебет: turningstone ; Facebook:HTTPS://www.facebook.com/TurningStoneResort/


На Суббота, Июнь 11, в прямом эфире на SHOWTIME® (9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT) Во время выходных Международного зала боксерской славы
ВИДЕО: Fight of the Year in the Making: HTTP://s.sho.com/25zBkiE
НЬЮ-ЙОРК (Июнь 2, 2016) – Руслан “Сибирский Рокки” Проводников и Джон “Гладиатор” Молина-младший., вместе с Димитрий “Бу-Бу” Андраде и Вилли “Отлично” Нельсон, hosted an International Media Conference Call во вторник in advance of their highly anticipated battles as part of a SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® tripleheader live on SHOWTIME® (9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT) from the Turning Stone Resort Casino in Verona, N.Y..

Also taking part was Arthur Pelullo, Президент Banner Promotions, and SHOWTIME Sports Executive Vice President and General Manager Stephen Espinoza.

Проводников (25-4, 18 КО), бывший чемпион мира по версии WBO в полусреднем весе, и бывший претендент на титул чемпиона мира Молина (28-6, 23 КО), of West Covina, Калифорния., will face each other in the 12-round main event. В со-функция, undefeated former 154-pound world champion and 2008 U.S. Olympian Demetrius Andrade (22-0, 15 КО), Провидения, Р.И., will face Willie Nelson (25-2-1, 15 КО) Кливленда, Огайо, в 12-раундовом поединке за титул чемпиона мира по версии WBC в полусреднем весе..

Opening the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING tripleheader is a battle for the vacant WBC Lightweight World Championship between No. 1 ranked Dejan Zlaticanin (17-0, 10 КО), в Юго-Восточной европейской стране Черногории, against WBC No. 5 ranked contender Franklin Mamani (21-2-1, 12 КО) Ла-Пас, Боливия.

Кроме того, на Июнь 11, бывшие претенденты на титул чемпиона мира, Вилли Монро младший, (19-2-0, 6 КО), and John Thompson, (17-2-0, 6 КО,) will meet in a 10-round middleweight bout in the main event on SHOWTIME EXTREME® (7 p.m. И/PT). In the SHOWTIME BOXING on SHO EXTREME® opener, heavyweight Andrey Fedosov (28-3, 23 КО) takes on Mario Heredia (11-1, 9 КО, 1-2 в ВСБ) в 10-раундовом бою в тяжелом весе.

Билеты на турнире, который продвигается Banner Promotions, Inc., по цене $85, $60, $45 и $35 и уже в продаже. Билеты можно приобрести лично в кассе Turning Stone., по телефону 877.833.SHOW, или на сайте Ticketmaster (www.ticketmaster.com).

Below is what the boxers said Вторник on the conference call:

I will try to not disappoint anyone and try to bring my best on Июнь 11. I don’t like to make any predictions. Boxing is very unpredictable; anything can happen on Июнь 11. We’ve got a little bit to wait until fight night and for me it’s just important to win the fight.

I am very thankful for everyone who has made this fight happen. I am pleased with the opponent that I have because John Molina is a tough fighter. It’s going to be a tough fight and I am looking for it to be a battle. So everybody be ready because on Июнь 11 it will be a great fight.


(On how he feels fighting someone who is going to force the fight like himself)
“Для меня, in a perfect world, I would have a guy right there to exchange with me but Ruslan and his team have been around the game a long time. They know that I’m a puncher. I anticipate Ruslan to do what he does best, which is sit there and fight but I also anticipate him also utilizing his boxing ability given his amateur pedigree and his experience in the pro game. We’re prepared for any Ruslan whether he tries to get up and box or whether he sits there and bangs. We know he’s a strong fighter. We know he’s a strong puncher and we’re prepared for that. Ruslan is going to be Ruslan and he’s going to sit down and fight with me.

(On how he mentally prepares for fights)
I have no other way. You look at my fights and the outcome, we have that fighter spirit in us. If we’re being cordial, it’s because we’re professional. It’s what we do for a living. If we take it outside of the ring that’s very ignorant and not very mature. Верь мне, I understand and know, and Ruslan understands and knows, that come Июнь 11 all of the kindness goes out the window. After the fight we could be best of friends. But during the fight, I always use the example that he’s trying to take something away from my family. Так, it’s very serious business inside that ring. Вне кольца, I don’t want to waste energy or negative feelings toward anybody. This is what I do for a living. I have a competitive spirit, I don’t even like to lose in checkers.

I have had a very successful career in boxing and I’m looking forward to making an even better one come Июнь 11. Every fight is serious, and remember, I’ve been playing this game since I was 24 years old and I only had 22 amateur fights so essentially my amateur career was in the pro game. Whether the fights I’ve had are a loss or a win, I’ve always gained experience and I have become a better fighter because of it. I’m just getting warmed up and the fight on Июнь 11is going to catapult me in the right direction.

The champ is in. The champ is in. Я чувствую себя хорошо. I’m grateful. I want to thank SHOWTIME for giving me the opportunity to showcase my skill and talent on this Июнь 11 карта, especially with the Hall of Fame going on. It is a big main event between Provodnikov and John Molina; two guys that are going to back up and give some good entertainment. In my eyes, Willie Nelson and Demetrius Andrade is the number one 154 fight that you don’t want to miss leading up to fighting for a title shot for the WBC against a Charlo brother (Jermell).”

(On how it felt to be inactive for so long)
I’ve been staying busy, staying focused knowing that there’s a bigger picture at the end of the day. All great legends and all Hall of Fame fighters have their story lines. My time is coming around. The tables are turning and people are going to have to step up and fight each other in one way or another. Иногда, where you are in life is more conducive than your bank account. Так, I’m not upset, or mad or frustrated with a thing that is going on and how everything played out.

“С этой точки зрения, there is a lesson in everything that you go through in life and I learned my lesson through that point in time. Me trying to be frustrated and take it out on people, не, I took it out in the ring.

(Thoughts on Willie Nelson)
I’ve seen him in the amateur program. I’ve seen him fight tough guys that are top guys today. I know he’s bringing that experience. He’s fought previous fighters that I’ve fought. I know I’m going up against a giant but I consider myself a giant as well and it’s going to be a great matchup, a great fight for the 154 (разделение). I feel that it is one of the best fights in the 154 division that has ever been made.

Not looking past Willie Nelson but me, my character, my hard work and my ethics, I’m looking to be the best and fight the best out there. I want to put out there and say congratulations to the Charlo twins on making history for being twin brothers to win (Названия). But I’m going to make history by taking both of those titles and beating both of them.

(On what it was like to be stripped of a title)
A belt doesn’t identify me. That doesn’t change anything about me, my fight style, who I am or anything like that. Nowadays you don’t have to have a title to be king of the ring but this is an opportunity for me to get back in the likes of fighting with the WBC. Fighting on the SHOWTIMEИюнь 11 card is going to be good movement for me. As far as boxing, the days are coming back where the champ is fighting the best.

This is Willie Nelson, one of the top contenders for the 154-pound division. Я рад за этот бой. I think that both of us feel like this fight right here is going to be the shot that both of us have been looking for. I feel like this is my time right now. With me and Boo Boo’s past history, unfortunately we have to come to this fight. We’re pretty cool as friends but it’s our time so we have to get in there and show the world what we’re made of.

(On the reasoning behind the lengthy layoff)
One of the reasons was because of the death of Steve Smith but also because it is hard getting fights. Nobody wants to fight a 6-foot, 4-inch junior middleweight that’s actually coming to fight and that has decent pop. Кроме того, look at my career. My career has been nothing but fights and layoffs. I’ve been pro since I was 19 years old and I only have 27 про бои. That’s just been my career: fights and layoffs I guess.

Regardless of who I fight and where I’m fighting, Я собираюсь дать ему все мое, always. It doesn’t matter what place, what promoter, network or venue. I just perform to the best of my ability and look forward to doing what I do.

Стивен Эспиноза, Исполнительный вице-президент и генеральный менеджер, Showtime спорта
(On taking a fighter like Ruslan and what it is about him that attracted SHOWTIME)
One thing that has characterized Ruslan throughout his career is that he is a fan favorite and that is consistent regardless of what the scorecards are at the end of the fight. As a network executive what we’re looking for is entertaining programming, and fights that people want to see, fights that people talk about, and that is consistently what Ruslan has delivered throughout his career. He is one of those types of fighters who, like John [Molina Jr.] также, that even if they have a handful of losses on their record, it really doesn’t matter because they are as entertaining and enjoyable to watch as anyone in the sport.

We try to have a variety of fights; some with really skilled guys, some guys who are really big punchers, a variety of weight classes, a variety of different types of fighters. This is one where it’s not about titles, not about anything but two guys who fight really hard and who give it their all. [It’s about two guys] meeting in the ring to figure out who’s the better boxer on that night.

This is one way to add a different type of variety to the sport. Once we had the fight at the top of the card we tried to be consistent for the whole card down. If you look at guys like Demetrius and Willie, Dejan and even down to Willie Monroe Jr. and John Thompson, I think that characterizes this as what should be and all-action night.

(On Demetrius and Willie)
I give all the credit to Demetrius and Willie for this fight. For Willie on stepping up to this challenge. We have one of the most avoided guys in the division in Demetrius, who’s taking such a tough fight after a relatively long layoff and period of inactivity. It just shows what kind of guys these are and how they are anxious to step up to the next level of their careers.

ARTHUR PELULLO, Президент Banner Promotions
One thing led to another where we felt that there were more opportunities on SHOWTIME with all of the different fightersThere’s more of an opportunity for Ruslan Provodnikov to show his skills and we were able to go down this road.

John Molina is the toughest fight right now. This is the fight he has to get by but there is a real opportunity, whether he wins or loses. Both guys have a real opportunity on SHOWTIME because of the pool of talent there.

Казино Turning Stone Resort не новичок в проведении высококлассных соревнований по боксу, транслируемых по национальному телевидению.. В прошлом году, На Turning Stone состоялась эпическая битва Проводникова и Маттизее., выбрано на аренах Лос-Анджелеса, Лас-Вегас, и Майами. Когда Проводников возвращается в Turning Stone 11 июня, это будет 18-е боксерское мероприятие Turning Stone, транслируемое по национальному телевидению., укрепление курорта как Мекки для боев на выбывание. Расположенный в северной части штата Нью-Йорк, Turning Stone - это отмеченный наградами курорт, предлагая удобства мирового класса, включая четыре отеля, 21 рестораны и варианты питания, два роскошных СПА, пять красивых полей для гольфа, и несколько баров, коктейль-бары и ночные клубы.

Для получения дополнительной информации посетите www.SHO.com/Sports, Следуйте по щебетатьSHOSports, или стать поклонником на Facebook по www.Facebook.com/SHOSports.

Посещение Banner Promotions в www.banner-promotions.com, следите за новостями в Твиттере @BannerBoxing, подписывайтесь на Instagram @BannerBoxing, Вступить в группу на Facebook на www.facebook.com/BannerPromotions, подписывайтесь на LinkedIn по адресу www.linkedin.com/company/баннер-продвижение-вкл-?трк=бизнес-компании-cym, и смотрите на Youtube по адресу www.youtube.com/user/баннервидео.

Для казино Turning Stone Resort: www.turningstone.com ; Щебет: turningstone ; Facebook:HTTPS://www.facebook.com/TurningStoneResort/

Promoter Pepe Gomez & Neon Star Media bring “Cancun бокса” to CBS Sports Network

CANCUN, Мексика / ЛАС-ВЕГАС (Июнь 2, 2016) — Famed promoter Pepe Gomez has partnered with Neon Star Media to bring its monthly “Cancun бокса” series to CBS Sports Network.
The first event, “Knockout’s On Fire,” состоится в эту субботу ночь (Июнь 4) from Grand Oasis Cancun the Hotel Complex in Cancun, Мексика. Cancun`s ONLY Ultimate All-Inclusive Entertainment Resort will play host to all events in the series.
“Cancun бокса” is presented by Pepe Gomez Boxing.
Broadcast times and details on CBS Sports Network to follow.
Hall-of-Famer announcers Джим “JR” Росс и Аль Бернштейна, соответственно, will handle blow-by-blow and color commentary.
Neon Star Media is excited to partner with Pepe Gomez whose wealth of knowledge and expertise will bring entertaining and quality match-ups to viewers on CBS Sports Network each month from the magnificent Grand Oasis Cancun,” сказал Майк Гарроу, Chief Strategy Officer. “This series will be very synergistic to the current ‘Knockout Night at the Dseries held in Las Vegas. It will allow fans watching on CBS Sports Network to become more familiar with fighters competing on each series, month after month, thereby creating greater opportunities and exposure for these dedicated athletes of the sweet science.
The first event will feature Mexico’s 3-time world super flyweight champion Кристиан “Алмазный” Михарес (53-8-2, 26 КО) who takes on his fellow countryman, непобежденным Андрес “Jaguarito” Гутьеррес, in the 12-round main event for the vacant World Boxing Council (WBC) Silver Featherweight Championship.
WBC Нет. 8 rated Mijares (фото слева), 34, is a former IBF, WBA Super and WBC super flyweight world champion. The future Hall of Fame candidate is 11-5 in world title fights with key victories over Чатчай Сасакул, Хорхе Арсе и Кацусигэ Кавасима (дважды).
The 22-year-old Gutierrez (pictures to right), по рейтингу Нет. 6 по версии WBC, стал профессионалом в 15. The hot prospect has collected numerous title belts, including WBC Silver and Caribbean Boxing Federation super bantamweight, Международная федерация бокса (IBF) легчайший вес, and WBC FECARBOX and World Boxing Association (WBA) Fedecentro featherweight.
An 8-round showdown between dangerous Mexican and Filipino rivals, Эдгар “Мощность” Хименес (21-11-2, 15 КО) и Jovylito “J-Flash” Aligarbes (12-3, 6 КО), has all the makings of a real firefight. The 23-year-old Jimenez is a former FECARBOX bantamweight and Mexican flyweight champion who, two fights ago, took a 10-round decision from 28-0 Иван Моралес. The highlight of Aligarbespro career to date is stopping Angelito Merin in the second round of their WBC Youth World super flyweight title fight in 2013.
Former WBA female bantamweight champion IrmaTorbellino” Гарсия (13-1-, 2 КО) соответствует MiriamLa Patrona” Авила (5-6, 2 КО) в 10-раундовом спичке. Garcia defeated Magali Rodriguez by 10-round majority decision to capture the WBA World bantamweight championship in 2013, but she never defended her title. She is the reigning WBC International bantamweight champion, по рейтингу Нет. 5 в мире по версии WBC. Avila is a former Mexican featherweight champion.
In a battle of typically tough Mexican welterweights, Джон “Левша” Альварес (23-5, 16 КО) meets former World Boxing Federation (WBF) чемпион Хосе “Поршень” Лопес (25-4-2, 15 КО) in a 10-round bout that promises to be a knockdown, drag-out war. Альварес, Левша, is riding a 10-fight win streak.
Все бои и бойцы могут быть изменены.
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Thurman’s Training Camp In Full Swing In Florida;
Июнь 25 Title Defense Against Shawn Porter
Представлено ведущими чемпионами по боксу
‘I can’t help but think about this being my 20й год в боксе. For this fight I’m just going to be me,
just going to be Keith Thurman.’ – Турман

вот для фотографий
ST. САНКТ-ПЕТЕРБУРГ, Флорида. (Июнь 2, 2016) – Кит Турман, the reigning WBA Welterweight World Champion, is four weeks out from his Июнь 25 title defense against Shawn Porter and has his 20-year career in boxing on his mind heading into the crucial showdown.
Thurman will be headlining on CBS live from Barclays Center in Brooklyn with televised coverage starting at 9 p.m. СТАНДАРТНОЕ ВОСТОЧНОЕ ВРЕМЯ/6 p.m. ТИХООКЕАНСКОЕ СТАНДАРТНОЕ ВРЕМЯ. Билеты можно приобрести в Интернете по адресу
www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com или по телефону 1-800-745-3000. Билеты также доступны в кассах American Express в Barclays Center. Групповые скидки можно по телефону 844-BKLYN-GP.
It’s been an amazing journey and no one predicted this better than my first coach Ben Getty,” said 27-year-old Thurman. “It puts me in a state of gratitude for Ben. He told everyone I’d be world champ, and here I am, defending my title against Shawn Porter. I am just starting to see what Ben Getty saw in me and the mark that I can make in boxing.
Thurman isn’t the only one celebrating a boxing anniversaryhis trainer of 13 years and Florida Hall of Fame elected boxing trainer Dan Birmingham, who trained former champion Winky Wright, has been in the sport for 50 годы, and assistant trainer Chris Getty has grown up with Thurman in the sport through his father Ben Getty. The fight also is the first primetime fight on CBS in almost 40 years since the Muhammad Ali vs. Leon Spinks from Las Vegas.
Сейчас, 20 years after Ben Getty introduced Thurman to boxing as part of an after school program, he is one of the strongest power punchers in the division, with an excellent knockout rate of 80%. His focus, однако, is on making boxing history.
My goal is to be known as the hardest hitting welterweight in the division,” Саид Турман. “Этот лагерь, если что-нибудь, I feel more comfortable. I’m fully recovered, спарринг, обучение. I’ve been throwing power punches for what seems like forever and it’s a little weird. I can’t help but think about how this is my 20й year in boxing and knowing the longevity I’ve had. It’s given me a new confidence. “
For Birmingham, this training camp has been a re-commitment to the strategic and conditioning process the team has gone through for each fight for the past 13 годы.
Training is going real well,” said Birmingham. “We know Porter is a come-forward fighterhe is going to try to be on Keith’s chest. I want Keith to box, use his power, use his jab, and use his feints to work the body from the inside. All the things Keith knows how to do. Porter is not a real technical fighter so we’re working on using that to our advantage.
Birmingham on sparring:
We’ve been doing great sparring workwe have some tough, tough kids in camp. We’ve been boosting aerobic capacity, and those kids are keeping on Keith. He’s going to be in great shape for this fight. We’re excited for this fight. “
What does Team “Один Раз” anticipate?
We know that Porter is going to bring it so we’re working extra hard on aerobics and being fit for this fight. Keith’s doing a lot of running, сердечно, выносливость; we expect a tough fight and we’ll be prepared for this fight. We expect a victory
What can fans expect on Июнь 25?
Турман:Hopefully a knock out! I’m coming to bring it. Shawn is coming to bring it. Это будет великий бой. We are two of the top welterweights in the division. Two of the youngest and strongest welterweights in the sport going toe-to- toe.
What is your goal for this fight?
Турман: My goal is to be known as the hardest hitting welterweight in the division. My lifelong goal is to be the undisputed welterweight champion of the worldand I have a ways to go in unifying the titles. Once I move past Shawn I look forward to the challenge of making my dreams come true. I’m blessed to be where I am today.
The Welterweight division is one of the hottest divisions in boxing, what do you think of a Super 6 tournament in the division?
Турман: I’m for it. In the 147-pound division it’s time to unify a title. Someone at 147 should have more than one belt and that’s my goal that before end of the year to have more than one belt.
One of the sports more enigmatic athletes, Thurman is known for having a varied list of interests and hobbies setting him apart from other fighters, including playing the flute, piano and guitar, books (The Secret Life of Plants to Bhagavad Gita the Little Buddhist Handbook) and music (Ziggy Marley to Tupac). It is his uniqueness that helps him be an easy fan-favorite.
Greatest advice I’ve been given is just to be Keith Thurmanjust be me,” Саид Турман. “I’m looking forward to stepping on this scale, not over talking and just going in and getting the knock out.
Платформа программирования Barclays Center в Бруклин Бокс ™ представлен ААП. PBC спонсируется Corona, Finest Beer.
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Хуан Карлос Паяно & Rau’shee Warren Talk Bantamweight World Title Rematch & First Fight Ahead of Premier Boxing Champions on NBC Saturday, Июнь 18 from UIC Pavilion in Chicago

I ran him ragged from post to postI plan on winning even more convincingly this time.” – Паяно
I clearly won the fight. I felt cheatedI’m way smarter now and
a knockout is going to come.” – Кроличий садок
Нажмите ВОТ to Watch Their First Fight
Нажмите ВОТ For Photos From Their First Fight
From Suzanne Teresa/Premier Boxing Champions
ЧИКАГО (Июнь 2, 2016) – Rau'shee Уоррен готов. The three-time Olympian and top bantamweight challenger from Cincinnati has spent months preparing for his second showdown against world champion Хуан Карлос Паяно. В августе 2015, the two fought ferociously to a controversial split decision, which went in Payano’s favor, allowing the Dominican Republic native to retain his title. Warren was less than pleased with the judges’ решение, and intends to take what he feels is rightfully his when the two rematch in primetime on NBC on June 18.
I felt like I clearly won the first fight,” said Warren. “I thought the two judges that scored the fight for him were going to give it to him no matter what. The fight was in his backyard. It really hurt me when they raised his hand, I felt cheated.
The first fight between Payano and Warren served as the main event for the first installment of the PBC: Следующий раунд on Bounce TV series on August 2, 2015. One judge scored the bout 115-109 for Warren while the other two had it 113-11 for Payano, leaving the two men to dispute the true winner of the bout. But for Payano, there was no question that he was the rightful winner that night.
I ran him ragged from post to post,” Said Паяно. “It was the champion chasing the challenger. Normally to win the title, it has to be the other way around. If he had got the decision, there would have been no controversy, he’d be a superstar.
The fight featured solid two-way action throughout but the final scores were effected by a couple of decisions by referee Frank Santore Jr. Payano lost a point in the third round for punches to the back of the head, while Warren was deducted two points in round nine for a foul that was ruled intentional.
За этот бой, neither man plans to leave any doubt in the minds of the audience or the judges.
I watched our first fight about 20 раз,” said Warren. “I spent a lot of time looking at my mistakes and things I needed to eliminate. I feel like this fight is going to be really easy for me now. Payano is not getting out of this one. I won’t be finished until he stops. He’s going to try to get away from me, but I’m going to use what I’m doing in the gym to take him out smart. I’m way smarter now and a knockout is going to come.
I plan to win even more convincingly this time,” Said Паяно. “I’m going to use my ring intelligence and not fight on emotion like I did in the first fight. Я буду драться с умным, but my style is my style. I don’t know how to fight any other way, so it will be another great fight. I’m sure he will make adjustments but I know I will win this fight.
The punch stats told the classic tale of the busier fighter versus the more accurate fighter. Payano threw 709 удары Уоррена 439. But it was Warren who out landed Payano 173 для 166, while owning the advantage in connect percentage at 39 процентов в 23 процентов. Warren was even able to score a knockdown of Payano in the 12й round but was unable narrow the scores enough to get the victory.
Сейчас, training camp is in full swing as as both men look to gain an edge and leave the ring with their hand raised on Июнь 18.
Training has been going great,” Said Паяно. “It’s been a very long camp. We were supposed to fight a long time ago and it didn’t happen. We’ve been waiting a long time and I’m ready to go. I’m eating gunpowder and the bomb is going off on Июнь 18, so be ready.
The first time around it was just me, my brother, personal trainer and my coach out in Colorado,” said Warren. “This time I started training back home in Cincinnati and now I’m in Washington, D.C. sparring with Gervonta Davis to get ready. The way I look at it, my sparring partner is better than Payano.
The Payano vs. Warren rematch will open up Премьер Бокс чемпионов на NBCcoverage on Июнь 18 на 8:30 p.m. И/5:30 p.m. PT that is headlined by light heavyweight bruiser Анджей Fonfara taking on tough New Yorker Джо “Ирландский бомбардировщик” Смит-младший.
Билеты на турнире, который продвигается Warriors Boxing и Star Boxing, по цене $201, $101, $61 и $41, не включая применимые плата за обслуживание, и уже в продаже. Для зарядки по телефону с одним из крупных кредитных карт, звоните Ticketmaster на (800) 745-3000 или UIC Pavilion Box Office на (312) 413-5740. Билеты также доступны наwww.ticketmaster.com или посетив офис МСЖД павильон Box (Четверг или Пятница9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.).
Для получения дополнительной информации посетите www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.nbcsports.com/boxing
Следуйте по щебетатьPremierBoxing, Andrzej_Fonfara, JC_Payano, @RausheeWarren, @EricksonHammerL, WarriorsBoxProm, @StarBoxing и @NBCSports и станьте их фанатом на Facebook по адресу www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing,www.Facebook.com/WarriorsBoxingPromoи www.Facebook.com/NBCSports.Основные имеющиеся на www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC on NBC is sponsored by Corona Extra, Finest Beer.