الوسم المحفوظات: الملاكمة

روبن توريس يستبدل نهائي بطولة مايكل دتشوفر 3.2.1. حدث الملاكمة 2020

كورونا, مثل (ديسمبر 8, 2020) - عروض تومسون للملاكمة لديه حدث رئيسي جديد ليوم الأحد, 20 ديسمبر 3.2.1. الملاكمة حدث. روبن “أجاد” توريس (13-0, 11 كوس) سيحل محل زميله في الاستقرار, مايكل "The West Texas Warrior" Dutchover (14-1, 10 كوس), ميدلاند, TX, الذي لن يتنافس بعد الآن على البطاقة. توريس سيتولى خوسيه لويس “لا بوا” رودريجيز (23-13-1, 13 كوس) في الحدث الرئيسي الجديد من ثماني جولات.

“أنا سعيد لخوض القتال, لكنه حلو ومر لأن زميلي في الفريق مايكل دتشوفر لم يحصل على هذه الفرصة,” قال توريس. “لقد بقيت في صالة الألعاب الرياضية مع مدربي داني زامورا وكان يساعد في المخيم بالفعل, لذا فأنا على استعداد لتصعيد وتوجيه البطاقة. إنني أتطلع إلى تقديم أداء رائع أمام رودريغيز.”

سيتم بث البث المجاني مباشرة على موقع Thompson Boxing Promotions على الويب (www.thompsonboxing.com), وكذلك بهم الفيسبوك و يوتيوب
الصفحات. 3.2.1. الملاكمة ستقام في الحدث الدولي لمنتجات أوميغا مركز في كورونا, مثل, وسيبدأ في 3:30 عصرا. PT / 6:30 عصرا. و.

سيضطر توريس إلى استخدام كل حيله في الحلبة للتعامل مع المخضرم المخضرم رودريغيز, الذي كان في الحلبة مع أمثال بطل WBA Super Lightweight ماريو باريوس (26-0, 17 كوس), فيليكس فيرديجو (27-1, 17 كوس), أنطونيو أوروزكو (28-2, 17 كوس), بختيار Eyubov (14-2-1, 12 كوس), جوزيه بيدرازا (28-3, 13 كوس), و شريف بوغيري (32-2, 20 كوس).

في 8 الجولة المشارك ميزة, سيواجه اثنان من فريق Thompson Boxing دور شاول “الوحش” سانشيز (14-1, 8 KO), باكويما, مثل, يأخذ على ماريو هيرنانديز (10-1-1, 3 كوس), سانتا آنا, ستقاتل CA مع بعضها البعض داخل الجانب الأيمن لاختبار مياه قسم وزن الذبابة الفائق.

المتوسط ريتشارد "Cool Breeze" Brewart Jr. (7-0, 3 KO), رانشو كوكامونجا, مثل, سيأخذ نزاع وسائل الإعلام الاجتماعية معه لويس هيرنانديز (8-0-1, 6 كوس), جاكسون, سيد, إلى الحلبة في مباراة افتتاحية مسلية من ست جولات.

"نشعر بخيبة أمل لأن ميكاهيل لم يكن على الورق, لكن هذا حدث عظيم,"قال المروج كين تومسون. "من Brewart vs Hernandez إلى Saul Sanchez vs Mario Hernandez, والآن روبن توريس في الحدث الرئيسي, هذه بطاقة مكدسة وأنا متحمس لمشاهدتها ".

"كانت لدينا بعض المواقف المؤسفة التي حدثت في معركتي مايكل دتشوفر الماضية, لكن روبن توريس على استعداد للتصعيد ونحن متحمسون لرؤية مباراته,"وقال أليكس كامبونوفو, مدير عام Thompson Boxing ومنشئ 3.2.1 الملاكمة. "هذه البطاقة هي واحدة من أفضل البطاقات التي جمعناها معًا, ونحن متحمسون حقًا لرؤيتها تؤتي ثمارها. نحن نتفهم أن هذا العام كان صعبا, لكننا نحقق أقصى استفادة منه, وجلب الجماهير, بث مباشر, الملاكمة المجانية!"

بيتو دوران سيعمل كمعلق ضربة تلو الأخرى مع تعليق خبير بواسطة دوغ فيشر, في حين جيسيكا روزاليس سوف يعمل كمراسل في الصف الأول في الحلبة.

3.2.1 الملاكمة برعاية Thompson Building Materials, تحويل المساحات في الأماكن الجميلة; منتجات أوميغا الدولية, الشركة الرائدة في صناعة الجص في الولايات المتحدة; هنري / حصن, التحكم في نظام الرطوبة سهلاً 1,2,3; وماكيتا, حكم في الهواء الطلق.

لمزيد من المعلومات, تحديثات منتظمة على مقاتلينا, أحداث, والترقيات, يرجى زيارة ThompsonBoxing.com. يمكنك أيضًا متابعة المحادثة على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي, الرجاء استخدام # 321Boxing و #TompsonBoxing.

يرجى التحقق من الفيسبوك صفحة, مشاهدة لدينا يوتيوب القناة على Thompson Boxing TV, وتابعنا إينستاجرام و تغريد تضمين التغريدة.

يهدف كريس كولبير إلى "إظهار سبب وجودي بين أفضل 130 باوندًا في العالم" ضد جايم أربوليدا

بطل WBA الخارق في وزن الريشة ، Colbert Battles ، Arboleda الضرب بقوة في الحدث الرئيسي ، مباشر على SHOWTIME® هذا السبت, ديسمبر 12

نيويورك – ديسمبر 8, 2020 – بطل WBA Super Featherweight مؤقت لم يهزم كريس "الذروة" كولبير سيتطلع إلى الإدلاء ببيان في أول حدث رئيسي متلفز له على المستوى الوطني حيث يواجه الضربات الشديدة خايمي أربوليدا يعيشون على شوتايم هذا السبت, ديسمبر 12 في 9 عصرا. ET / 6 مساءا. PT في حدث قدمه Premier Boxing Champions من Mohegan Sun Arena في Uncasville, كونيتيكت.

"كنت أعرف دائمًا أنني سأصل إلى هنا,قال كولبير. "إنها كلها خطة الله. سيكون هذا مجرد يوم آخر بالنسبة لي وسأوضح للجميع لماذا أنا واحد من أفضل 130 باوند في العالم ".

صعد كولبير البالغ من العمر 24 عامًا إلى تصنيفات فئة الوزن التي تزن 130 رطلاً ويعتقد أن الفوز ليلة السبت سيؤدي إلى فرص أكبر في القسم المليء بالمربى..

"هذا هو أحد أكثر الأقسام تكدسًا في الملاكمة وأنا أحب المنافسة فيها,قال كولبير. "من الرائع أن تحظى بالملاحظة في قسم لديه الكثير من المواهب, وآمل أن يقودني ذلك إلى خوض المعارك الكبيرة التي أحتاجها. لا أشعر أن هناك أي مقاتل أستهدفه, لكن جيرفونتا ديفيس, سيكون ليو سانتا كروز وجمال هيرينج معارك كبيرة بالنسبة لي. ضربهم سيساعدني في أن أصبح "الرجل" في القسم ".

استمر صعود كولبير في معركته الأخيرة, كما سجل أ 10عشر-ضربة قاضية مستديرة ضد البطل السابق Jezreel Corrales في طريقه إلى الفوز بالقرار مع إظهار مجموعة رائعة من المهارات ضد مقاتل مصمم على إبطاء الحركة من خلال الحيل المخضرمة وغيرها من الحيل.

"ضد Corrales تعلمت عدم التسرع,قال كولبير. "إنها ليست عدو سريع, إنه ماراثون. لا أستطيع أن أتسرع هناك وأتوقع خروج الجميع. كان علي أن آخذ وقتي, أفعل أفضل ما أفعله وألتزم بخطة لعبتي ".

في Arboleda البالغة من العمر 26 عامًا, سيتم تقديم كولبير مع منافس آخر صاعد يبلغ وزنه 130 جنيهًا إسترلينيًا مع وضع نصب عينيه على الظهور بين النخبة في القسم. فاز Arboleda في خمس من آخر ست معارك له بالتوقف عن اللعب وآخرها أسقط Jayson Velez وهو في طريقه للفوز بالقرار في فبراير على SHOWTIME.

”تعال ديسمبر 12, أنا مستعد لأي يسخرها,قال كولبير. "أتوقع منه أن يمارس الضغط و" يحاول "أن يجعلني متعبة لأن هذه هي الفرصة الوحيدة لديه. لا يستطيع أن يتفوق علي. هذا لا يحدث. لكني أحب أن أتطرق إلى الداخل وأنا مستعد لكل ما يفعله. آمل ألا يركض أو ينتزعني لأنني أرغب في الحصول على الضربة القاضية وإخراجه من هناك مبكرًا ".

واصل كولبير المولود في بروكلين العمل مع مدربه منذ فترة طويلة أوريليانو سوسا في مسقط رأسه من خلال صعوبات الوباء.. أدت هذه الصعوبات إلى سجال كولبير مع وزن أكبر وأوزان فائقة في المخيم, الذي يعتقد كولبير أنه يمكن أن يساعده في القوة التي ستجلبها Arboleda في القتال.

"كان معسكر التدريب يسير بشكل رائع في معظم الأحيان,قال كولبير. "لقد كان من الصعب العثور على شركاء في السجال. ولكن لأنه كان من الصعب العثور على مقاتلين في وزني ، فقد كنت في الواقع أتشاجر معهم 147 و 154 رطلاً للمقاتلين. أنا بصراحة أحب ذلك لأنه يعدني بشكل أفضل, ومن الذي سيقول أن أربوليدا لن تتمتع بقوة مثلهم? أنا في وزني الآن, رغم أن, وجاهز لتقديم عرض في 12 كانون الأول (ديسمبر) "

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حول COLBERT VS. أربوليدا
كولبير مقابل. سيشهد Arboleda لقاء اثنين من أفضل المقاتلين في فئة 130 رطلاً عندما يلتقي بطل WBA Super Featherweight المؤقت الذي لم يهزم كريس "الذروة" كولبير يواجه الضربات القوية خايمي أربوليدا في الحدث الرئيسي ل شوتايم بوكسينغ: طبعة خاصة السبت, ديسمبر 12 في 9 عصرا. ET / 6 مساءا. بث مباشر على SHOWTIME من Mohegan Sun Arena في Uncasville, كونيتيكت., في حدث قدمه Premier Boxing Champions.

سيشهد الرأس الثلاثي ارتفاعًا ظاهريًا خفيف الوزن للغاية ريتشاردسون هيتشنز خوض أصعب اختبار في مسيرته الشابة حيث يواجه بطل العالم السابق Argenis منديز في الحدث الرئيسي المشترك المكون من 10 جولات والمتنافسين في الوزن المتوسط رونالد ايليس و مات كوروبوف معركة في افتتاحية البث التليفزيوني من 10 جولات. يتم الترويج لهذا الحدث من قبل TGB Promotions و Sampson Boxing. هيتشنز مقابل. تمت ترقية Mendez بواسطة Mayweather Promotions.

لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارة www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, اتبع على التغريدShowtimeBoxing, PremierBoxing, TGBPromotions وMayweatherPromo, على InstagramShowtimeBoxing, PremierBoxing, TGBPromotionss وMayweatherPromotions, أو تصبح مروحة في الفيسبوك في www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing و https://www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions/.

ريتشاردسون هيتشنز اقتباسات معسكر التدريب & الصور

"أعتقد حقًا أنني أفضل مقاتل قادم في اللعبة"

البطل السابق للبطل السابق Argenis Méndez في الحدث الرئيسي المشترك على الهواء مباشرة على SHOWTIME® هذا السبت, ديسمبر 12

انقر هنا للصور من عروض Mayweather

نيويورك – ديسمبر 7, 2020 – آفاق متصاعدة غير مهزومة ريتشاردسون هيتشنز شارك تفاصيل معسكره التدريبي, بما في ذلك المؤشرات والدوافع التي تلقاها من Floyd Mayweather و Gervonta Davis, قبل مواجهته في الوزن الخفيف للغاية ضد بطل العالم السابق أرجينيس مينديز يعيشون على شوتايم هذا السبت, ديسمبر 12 في 9 عصرا. ET / 6 مساءا. PT في حدث قدمه Premier Boxing Champions من Mohegan Sun Arena في Uncasville, كونيتيكت.

"فلويد ساعدني بشكل كبير أثناء عودتي إلى لاس فيغاس,قال هيتشنز. "لدي بالفعل الأساسيات كمقاتل, لكنه أظهر لي أشياء صغيرة هنا وهناك والتدريبات التي أخذتها معي إلى المنزل بينما أتدرب على هذه المعركة. أنا لا أخجل من قدرتي كمقاتل, لأنني أعتقد حقًا أنني أفضل مقاتل قادم في اللعبة, لذلك هذه هي المعارك التي أحتاجها لأظهر للعالم من هو ريتشاردسون هيتشنز.

"كان لجرفونتا دور فعال في المعسكرات القتالية السابقة أيضًا, وهو نوع الشخص الذي تحتاجه. يدفعك للذهاب بقوة أكبر. نتنافس وجها لوجه في محاولة التفوق على بعضنا البعض, وهذا هو نوع المنافسة المطلوب لكي تكون حقًا الأفضل ".

على الرغم من التدريب طوال الوباء, تمكن هيتشنز من البقاء في مهمة وعلى المسار الصحيح طوال معسكره الذي بدأ في لاس فيجاس قبل أن ينتهي في مسقط رأسه بروكلين تحت إشراف مدربه الرئيسي ليني ويلسون.

"الشيء عني هو, أنا أركز مهما كان الأمر,قال هيتشنز. "أنا لا أقلع" بعد معاركي ". أبقى في حالة جيدة طوال العام; لست بحاجة للاستعداد من حيث التكييف أو استعادة شكل جسدي لأن هذا هو عملي. أنا آخذ عملي على محمل الجد. الانضباط الذي امتلكه فلويد طوال حياته المهنية هو نفس الانضباط الذي لدي. لقد شاهدت أصودي وأخذت أشياء منهم حتى أتمكن من وضع نفسي في وضع يسمح لي بالفوز.

"لا أعتقد أن الوباء أو الإجازات قد غيرت تدريبي بالضرورة. لا يزال بإمكاني الوصول إلى صالة الألعاب الرياضية الخاصة بي. لا يوجد شيء يمكن أن يقف في طريقي لأن أصبح رائعًا. الوباء لا يبطئني, إنها مجرد عقبة أخرى لاختبار تفاني في الرياضة ".

مثل هيتشنز البالغ من العمر 23 عامًا هايتي في 2016 الألعاب الأولمبية وسيعود إلى الحلبة بعد الظهور لأول مرة 2020 بانتصاره في قرار من 10 جولات على نيكولاس ديلومبا في فبراير. كان هذا هو فوز هيتشنز الثاني في 10 جولات بعد أن خاض معركته السابقة أفضل كيفن جونسون 10 جولات في نوفمبر 2019.

"كثيرا ما أتذكر معركتي ضد كيفن جونسون, إنه مقاتل قوي وهو الشخص الذي يمكنني القول بثقة أنه جلب أفضل ما لدي,قال هيتشنز. "هذه هي المعارك التي تجعلني أنظر إلى الوراء وأراقب عن كثب الأشياء التي أحتاج إلى العمل عليها. أظهر لي هذا القتال أيضًا أنه لا ينبغي إغفال أحد, لذا خوضوا هذه المعركة ضد منديز, أنا لا أتغاضى عنه ".

يقدم منديز الخصم الأكثر إنجازًا في مسيرة هيتشنز الشابة. حارب البطل السابق البالغ من العمر 34 عامًا مؤخرًا خوان هيرالديز وأنتوني بيترسون للتعادل 2019, وسجل انتصارات على إيدي راميريز وإيفان ريدكاش قبل ذلك. لهيتشنز, السيرة الذاتية القوية لخصمه هي شيء يستمتع به كعصا قياس لتقدمه.

"إنه محارب قديم, لقد كان هناك مع الكثير من اللاعبين الأقوياء وهو بطل العالم السابق, لذلك من الواضح أنه يمتلك مجموعة من المهارات التي أعتقد أنني بحاجة لمواجهتها في هذه المرحلة من مسيرتي المهنية,قال هيتشنز. "أنا بحاجة إلى تلك المعارك الكبيرة. إنه أكبر سنًا الآن, لكني أشعر أنه في أوج عطائه لا يزال غير قادر على لمس مجموعة مهاراتي. وظيفتي هي إثبات ذلك.

"أعلم أن هذا لن يكون معركة سهلة, لكنني سأكون مستعدًا لأي شيء يأتي به. حافزي هو أن أكون أكثر من عادي. سأحقق أهدافي عندما يقال ويفعل كل هذا, وبصدق, أنا فقط أنتظر هذه المعركة حتى أتمكن من إظهار ذلك. سواء كانت منديز, أو أيا كان, الاقتناع الذي لدي وكيف أشعر بنفسي أقوى من أي شيء يقف أمامي في تلك الحلقة ".

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حول COLBERT VS. أربوليدا
كولبير مقابل. سيشهد Arboleda لقاء اثنين من أفضل المقاتلين في فئة 130 رطلاً عندما يلتقي بطل WBA Super Featherweight المؤقت الذي لم يهزم كريس "الذروة" كولبير يواجه الضربات القوية خايمي أربوليدا في الحدث الرئيسي ل شوتايم بوكسينغ: طبعة خاصة السبت, ديسمبر 12 في 9 عصرا. ET / 6 مساءا. بث مباشر على SHOWTIME من Mohegan Sun Arena في Uncasville, كونيتيكت., في حدث قدمه Premier Boxing Champions.

سيشهد الرأس الثلاثي ارتفاعًا ظاهريًا خفيف الوزن للغاية ريتشاردسون هيتشنز خوض أصعب اختبار في مسيرته الشابة حيث يواجه بطل العالم السابق Argenis منديز في الحدث الرئيسي المشترك المكون من 10 جولات والمتنافسين في الوزن المتوسط رونالد ايليس و مات كوروبوف معركة في افتتاحية البث التليفزيوني من 10 جولات. يتم الترويج لهذا الحدث من قبل TGB Promotions و Sampson Boxing. هيتشنز مقابل. تمت ترقية Mendez بواسطة Mayweather Promotions.

لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارة www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, اتبع على التغريدShowtimeBoxing, PremierBoxing, TGBPromotions وMayweatherPromo, على InstagramShowtimeBoxing, PremierBoxing, TGBPromotionss وMayweatherPromotions, أو تصبح مروحة في الفيسبوك في www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing و https://www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions/.

رايان روتش المقاتل لوكر يوقع على وزن الريشة في بوسطن تروي أندرسون, الابن.

بوسطن (ديسمبر 7, 2020) – رايان روتش وقعت Fighter Locker على وزن الريشة في بوسطن تروي أندرسون, الابن. إلى عقد الإداري الحصري.

أندرسون, عامل شيت ميتال نقابي محلي 17, كان أحد الهواة الذين حصلوا على ميدالية ذهبية في 2016 بطولة روكي مارسيانو, بالإضافة إلى بطولة نيو إنجلاند مرتين في 2018-2019, وفاز بالقسم المركزي في بطولة القفازات الذهبية لنيو إنجلاند مرتين والمركز الثاني مرتين خلال سنواته الأربع (2016-2019) يركض. كما شارك في ثلاث بطولات وطنية.

أندرسون, رغم أن, لم يبدأ الملاكمة حتى كان 23, عندما دخل إلى صالة الألعاب الرياضية لأول مرة, 10 years after his two best friends introduced him to boxing. “I started in boxing because I hoped to succeed and reach my goals through boxing,” Anderson explained. “I train at Nonantum Boxing Club in Newton (MA), أين Marc Gargaro is my coach. He’s one of the best in New England. He coaches for USA Boxing. I wouldn’t be in this business without him because he’s built me from scratch. I’m so glad to be coached by him and we’ve developed a bond like family.

في سن ال 28, Anderson has decided to turn pro, التي, بالطبع, is relatively late in boxing. But he still feels 21 because of the way he moves and that he wasn’t on the wrong end of beatings in the amateurs. He’s also gained confidence sparring with some of New England’s top pros and amateurs.

I put a lot of hard work in the gym the past 5 أو 6 years and I got tired of the amateurs,” Anderson explained why he decided to turn pro now. “It’s not too late for me; others have started late like me and went on to become world champion. I want to be in that group.

I thank Ryan Roach for giving me this opportunity to join Fighter Locker. He’s honest and I was comfortable with him. I like him and know he’s going to keep an eye on me. Why not sign with a Boston manager to help put boxing here back on the map?”

I’m excited about signing Troy Anderson, الابن” Roach said. “I’ve been watching him for years and he’s developed well under Marc. Troy has fought the best in the country. He’s a very well-rounded fighter. I’m excited about adding him to the stable. He’s a BOSTON fighter and a great young man. It’s a win-win for us.

Anderson realizes that he needs to move to set up his shots, throw multiple punches, and change angles. He’s a slick southpaw who normally doesn’t rush in the ring. Anderson is thrilled to know that ripping body punches will score points, unlike in the amateur ranks, and breakdown his opponent. He predicts that he’ll display more power than he did as an amateur.

I’m driven to reach my goals,” خلص. “I hope to make my pro debut early next year, pending pandemic restrictions. Ryan has kept his fighters busy, some fighting in Mexico. I love the challenge and can’t wait!”

Fighter Locker’s growing stable of gifted boxers includes Dorchester, MA وزن الوسط غابرييل دولوك (15-3, 4 كوس), طروادة, NY super lightweight Ray Jay “المدمر” Bermudez (10-0, كوس), تورونتو, Canada welterweight جيف “The Trouble 1Tabrizi (8-3, 7 كوس), West Haven, CT super welterweight جيمي “العاصفة الهادئة” وليامز (16-4-2, 5 كوس), وزن الريشة السوبر Jesus Vasquez, الابن. (6-0, 2 كوس), المتوسط ​​السوبر The AmazingShawn McCalman (4-0, 2 كوس), الامريكى. Army super bantamweight Daniel Bailey, الابن., وخفيفة الوزن ليونيل دي لوس سانتوس, a 2-time Dominican Republic Olympian

موقع الكتروني: fighterlocker.com, punch4parkinsons.com
موقع التواصل الاجتماعي الفيسبوك: /فايتر لوكر
تويتر: تضمين التغريدة, @_troyandersonjr
انستغرام: RyanRoach82

أعلى 10 heavyweight contender MichaelThe BountyHunter On mission starting withBattle of Rio Grande” PPV

GALVESTON, تكساس (ديسمبر 7, 2020) — World-rated heavyweight and 2012 الامريكى. أولمبي, مايكل “The Bounty” صياد, is on a mission to position himself for a world heavyweight title shot in 2021.

Keeping busy is the key for promotional free agent Hunter (18-1-1, 12 كوس) and it all starts for him December 18عشر, when he faces West Virginia’s Shawn Laughery (10-3, 6 كوس), who has replaced veteran ChauncyHillyard HammerWelliver, in the 10-round co-featured event onBattle of Rio Grande” بطاقة, airing live on pay per view from Galveston Island Convention Center in Galveston, تكساس.

ال “Battle of Rio Grande,” main event pits undefeated, former world super middleweight champion Gilberto “الأعسر” راميريز (40-0, 26 كوس), who challenges North American Boxing Federation (NABF) light heavyweight titlist Alfonso “تيغري” لوبيز(32-3, 25 كوس).

Battle of Rio Grandewill be available for live viewing on digital, cable and satellite, ابتداء من الساعة 8 عصرا. و / 5 عصرا. PT, on pay per view for a suggested retail price of only $24.99. FITE will stream worldwide on the FITE mobile apps, all major OTT apps and website (www.FITE.tv), and Integrated Sports Media will distribute throughout North America via DirecTV, قيد الطلب, and DISH in the United States, as well as in Canada on Shaw and SaskTel.

بالإضافة, preceding the live pay-per-view broadcast at 7 عصرا. و / 4 عصرا. PT, fans may view a free LIVE PPV PRE-SHOW featuring some undercard bouts. “Battle of Rio GrandePre-Show will be available at FITE, DirecTV, DISH, Shaw and select cable operators.

I think that dealing with Zurdo Promotions and getting this first fight off as a free agent really sets the tone,” Hunter said. “I plan to stay busy the next couple of months Teaming up with ‘Zurdoand having such a big name next to mine is a great way to put myself in position for the world heavyweight title.

The 32-year-old Hunter, who fights out of Las Vegas, was a decorated amateur boxer who represented the United States at the 2012 Olympic Games in London. He captured gold medals at the 2012 الامريكى. National Championships and 2011 القفازات الذهبية الوطنية, silver medal at the 2006 القفازات الذهبية الوطنية, and bronze at the 2006 بطولة العالم للناشئين.

The son of a former pro boxer, في وقت متأخر ميكروفون “The Bounty” صياد, Michael turned pro March 9, 2013, وقف Chad Davis في الجولة الثالثة. Hunter won his first 12 معارك للمحترفين, including a 10-round decision over previously undefeated إيسه توماس (15-0), before losing by way of a 12-round unanimous decision to أوليكساندر أوسيك (11-0) for the World Boxing Organization (المنظمة العالمية للملاكمة) junior heavyweight title. He is unbeaten in the following seven fights, moving up to heavyweight to collect six victories and a 12-round split decision versus الكسندر Povetkin (35-2) in his most recent bout a year ago. بوفتكين, ل 2004 Olympic gold medalist from Russia, currently is the reigning WBC Interim world heavyweight champion.

Hunter is a top 10-ranked by all four major sanctioning bodies — #4 الاتحاد الدولي للملاكمة (اتحاد الملاكمة العالمي), #7 المنظمة العالمية للملاكمة, #10 WBC and World Boxing Association (رابطة الملاكمة العالمية) – بالإضافة إلى كونه # 8 في الطوق magazine’s independent ratings.

البطاقة عرضة للتغيير.

ويتم تسعير التذاكر في $65.00, $135.00, $250.00 و $400.00 for VIP are on sale and available to purchase at www.zurdopromotions.events.com.

الموقع: www.ZurdoPromotions.com
إينستاجرام: تضمين التغريدة, تضمين التغريدة, @eltigrepromotions, @bedefsports
تغريد: تضمين التغريدة, تضمين التغريدة, MichaelHunterII, تضمين التغريدة, تضمين التغريدة



المنظمة العالمية للملاكمة #7 وIBF #8 bantamweight Nikolai Potapov will return to the ring on Christmas Eve, ديسمبر 24, at Soviet Wings Sport Palace in Moscow, روسيا, to take on Ukrainian contender Oleksandr Hryshchuk.

Potapov (21-2-1, 11 كوس), of Podolsk, روسيا, now residing Brooklyn, will face Hryshchuk (16-2-1, 6 كوس) of Bilytske, أوكرانيا, as part of a mammoth 19-fight event presented by Shamo Boxing.

30-year-old Potapov was last seen obtaining a DQ victory over foul-plagued Tanzanian veteran Nasibu Ramadhani in five rounds last November. قبل ذلك, he suffered an extremely controversial decision loss to fellow highly rated contender Joshua Greer in July. Hryshchuk is no walkover opponent, as the tough Ukrainian once held and defended the WBA Intercontinental Flyweight Championship.

“I am happy to be back in the ring,” said Potapov. “I feel that I am the best bantamweight in the world. في ديسمبر 24, I will be showcasing my skills with my eye on the champions in 2021.”

Potapov’s promoter, ديمتري Salita, says he has got high expectations for the Russian bantamweight.

“It’s been a challenging time for the boxing community, worldwide,"سعيد كلمة. “I am happy to end the year with a fight for Nikolai in his hometown. I’m looking for an impressive performance from Nikolai, who I believe is one of the best in the division.”


Salita Promotions was founded in 2010 بواسطة ديمتري Salita, a professional boxer and world-title challenger who saw the need for a promotional entity to feature boxing’s best young prospects and established contenders in North America and around the world. Viewers watching fighters on worldwide television networks including Showtime, HBO, ESPN, ارتفاع TV, Universal Sports Network, UFC معركة ممر, DAZN, ESPN+ and MSG have enjoyed Salita Promotions fight action in recent years. We pride ourselves on offering our fighters opportunities inside and outside the ring. Salita Promotions looks forward to continuing to grow and serve the needs of fight fans around the globe.

Check the Salita Promotions YouTube Channel for regular updates of the modern world’s greatest fighters, contenders and prospects in action.


Boxing’s top female athletes have no “منزل”, no network to showcase their talent

للنشر الفوري

نيويوركAs women continue to make strides toward equality across industries, boxing and its media partners remain in the past by disenfranchising women from a fair opportunity to showcase their skills and earn a living. In the same year that America elected its first female Vice President, a woman of color, the elite women athletes that top the world rankings have no regular television platform or boxing series. Nowhere is this unfair playing field more apparent than in the United States and North America.

The overwhelming majority of top females in boxing have not fought in 2020, or have not fought since January. The pandemic has hit women in boxing even harder than it has hit the men. The picture wasn’t rosy before Covid-19 and, without action, there is no reason to believe that it will improve.

This impacts all women in American boxing, from stars Claressa Shields and Amanda Serrano, to reigning world champions, to six-round and four-round fighters. Other than a handful of athletes, most female boxers must hold down a full-time or part-time job to make ends meet.

أماندا سيرانو, هيذر هاردي, Ava Knight and others have pursued opportunities in MMA to supplement their income and avoid inactivity. Claressa شيلدز, the most acclaimed woman in American amateur history, لمرة واثنين الذهب الأولمبي الميدالية, and a proven attraction, is presently without a platform and just announced a multi-year deal with the Professional Fighters League.

The unified champion from Flint, ميشيغان, told The Athletic that, “التي هي (الملاكمة) a sexist sport. It’s sexist with the opportunities we’re given. It’s sexist with the TV time. It’s sexist with how much we get paid. الثلاثة جميعا. It’s fine for a female boxing star to try her hand at MMA. They shouldn’t be compelled to do so for lack of opportunities.

These women consistently deliver great fights and solid viewership numbers,” وقال لو DiBella, who promotes more women than any other US promotional entity. “They put people in seats, and viewership of their events often rivals the men. These aren’t club level fighters. They are elite world champions and, without television, without a regular platform, they can’t be financially secure or build any kind of fan base. It’s remarkable that women’s boxing is growing its talent pool and raising its stature, given the scarce television and streaming slots that are reserved for female fighters. This is a testament to the resiliency and dedication of boxing’s female athletes, who deserve better.

Local promoters, who are in the business of growing fighters and filling seats, can offer spots on their cards and regional exposure, but purses are very limited without television revenue. Female fighterspurses are often limited to a percentage of tickets they sell out of hand.

At the top levels, women are passed over. هيذر هاردي, a DiBella Entertainment fighter, has seen the difference in the growth of boxers of both genders. “At press conferences, I sit at a seat at the very end, with the rest of the undercard fights,” سعيد هاردي. “I watch the boys go from sitting next to me at the end of the table, to moving up to the main card, then the co-main, and then the main event, but my seat never moved. No matter how much press I got, no matter how many fights I won, I never moved. Systemic sexism didn’t allow me to move.

It isn’t like we are a separate organization like the WNBA. We are only provided with token opportunities, fighting on the same cards, often in much more competitive fights than the men, and still aren’t treated fairly,” سعيد هاردي. “We have no place or professional home of our own.

This trickles down to aspiring female boxers and the amateur programs,” DiBella continued. “Young women in boxing need to see other women on the big stage. They need to see women that look like them on television and on streaming platforms. They need to know that if they pursue a boxing career, there will be sufficient opportunities to be seen showcasing their talents, for fair wage. If women are able to headline a boxing event, or capable of selling a significant percentage of a live gate, they should not be paid ten to twenty percent of what similarly situated men are paid. We’re not sending the right message here, and there’s no good reason for it in the 21st century.

The pool of talent available to women in the pro ranks is smaller, but it forces the best matchups. It forces women to fight outside of their weight classes.

Jessica McCaskill just won unified world titles, and wants to fight me at 147,said Amanda Serrano, seven-division world champion. “She called me out at 147! It’s kind of sad. Good for us if it makes sense, but the truth is, they’re calling out champs at 126. That is four different weight classes to go up. Men don’t have to do that! Women are constantly forced to compromise ourselves just to get a chance.

The talent pool won’t increase unless younger generations are inspired by women on television and streamingwomen who can fight as well as, and often better than, the men who are on television now. It’s time to stop asking nicely. It’s time for women boxers to demand fairness and stability, and it’s up to network executives, وسائل الإعلام, and those who control access to media platforms, to stop living in the past. It’s time for women in boxing to fight for themselves and for the right to earn a living. And it’s now a time for action.

Use the hashtag #WeKeepFighting to follow the movement and to join the conversation on social media.

Gilberto Ramirez vs. Alfonso Lopez Headlines “Battle of Rio Grande”

Live Dec. 18عشر on pay-per-view from Galveston, تكساس

GALVESTON, تكساس (تشرين الثاني 30, 2020) -- There is a Texas showdown coming December 18عشر called the “Battle of Rio Grande,” in which undefeated, former world super middleweight championجيلبرتو "Zurdo" راميريز (40-0, 26 كوس) challenges North American Boxing Federation (NABF) وزن خفيف الثقيلAlfonso “El Tigre” Lopez (32-3, 25 كوس), live on pay per view from Galveston Island Convention Center in Galveston, تكساس.

“Battle of Rio Grande” will be available for live viewing on digital, cable and satellite, ابتداء من الساعة 8 عصرا. و / 5 عصرا. PT, on pay per view for a suggested retail price of only $24.99. FITE will stream worldwide on the FITE mobile apps, all major OTT apps and website (www.FITE.tv), and Integrated Sports Media will distribute throughout North America via DirecTV, قيد الطلب, and DISH in the United States, as well as in Canada on Shaw and SaskTel.

The main event fighters, Ramirez and Lopez, are co-promoters of “Battle of Rio Grande” under their promotional company names, على التوالي, Zurdo Promotions and El Tigre Promotions.

راميريز, 29, became the first Mexican super middleweight champion of the world in 2016 with a 12-round unanimous decision over World Boxing Organization (المنظمة العالمية للملاكمة) بطلآرثر إبراهيم (44-4).  The multi-gifted southpaw “Zurdo” (means lefthanded in English) from Mazatlán, المكسيك, went on to make five successful title defences, including three against unbeaten challengersجيسي هارت (25-0), Habif Ahmed (25-0-1), ورومر الكسيس أنجولو (23-0).

Ramirez moved up to light heavyweight for his last fight a year ago, when he stopped 29-6-1تومي Karpency in four rounds, after which Ramirez became a promotional free agent. “Battle of Rio Grande” is his first event as a promoter.

“Promoting is not an easy job,قال راميريز, “but I have good people behind me. They’ve got my back and we work very well together. I was world champion and now I’m a promoter; I see the big picture. I don’t want to be fighting forever. I started my own promotional company so that when I retire, I will have a good life after boxing. There’s no stress on me as a promoter, the stress is on my team.”

The 6’ 3” Ramirez is a physical specimen who can dunk a basketball and could easily have been a pro athlete in a different sport like football. He follows business trends and by[opening his own promotional company, he’s taking advantages of the new era of boxing, in which he plans to aid fellow boxers, particularly Mexicans, by giving them a larger platform to display their skills.

Working with his opponent in terms of promoting “Battle of Rio Grande” is a sign of two fighters taking control of their careers, as well as being completely independent rather than under a promoter, although Lopez has been promoting in Texas for several years.

“We’ll work together but, في الحلقة, he wants my 40-0 Ramirez noted. “I know he’s been training a lot, so he’s going to be faster and stronger, which is good for me because I like fighting good fighters. Everybody wants to take my record, but I’m training (In Santa Monica, مثل) like the champion I am to give fans a good fight. He’s going to bring everything he has into the ring. I expect a good fight. It’s a big opportunity for him. I am fully focused on him because I want the opportunity to be world champion again.”

Lopez will be riding a 10-fight win streak into the ring Dec. 18عشر versus Ramirez in the 12-round main event. His most recent fight was 13 منذ أشهر, when he won a 10-round decision over 19-9-1دينيس غراتشيف in Lopez’ first defense of the NABF title he captured in his previous fight with a fourth-round stoppage of 21-3اليكس Theran.

Ramirez isn’t looking past Lopez for future fights against world light heavyweight champions Artur Beterbiev (WBC & اتحاد الملاكمة العالمي) ديمتري بيفول (رابطة الملاكمة العالمية), because he knows and respects Lopez. The media and public, بشكل عام, underappreciated Lopez and some have taken cheap shots at him in social media.

“Maybe a little but it’s not a big deal,” Lopez responded to being asked if he was undervalued. “I’ve always said that in this busines, everybody has the opportunity to be seen. Gilberto’s beaten quality guys and he’s a world champion. I’ve promoted myself, mostly in Texas, and I’m well respected within the industry. If they really want to see who Gilberto is fighting, tune in, and then make decisions at the end of the fight and maybe they’ll change their mind. Otherwise, they should keep their opinions to themselves instead of reading about me on social media or matching up who we’ve fought.”

Ramirez has a marquee name, and he represents a career-changing opportunity for Lopez, who has captured four titles, including the NABF crown he’ll be defending. أكثر, “El Tigre” holds victories over solid opponents other than Grachev and Theran, such asDyah Davis وروبين ويليامز, وفي 2011 Lopez extendedكيلي بافليك the distance in a loss by way of a 10-round majority decision.

Lopez isn’t fighting Ramirez simply for a payday, to the contrary. “Nobody walks into the ring thinking they’re just happy to be there,” Lopez explained. “This fight will establish me as a world-class fighter. I feel that the winner will be the best in our division and the guys walking around with their belts should fight the winner. Gilberto is a great fighter who has a lot of experience as a world champion. He has physical attributes that him difficult to fight. He’s strong and always in great condition. I need to be intelligent, able to read him, and in great shape.

“The fight will be about adjustments. We’ve both been in this game a long time and at this high level of boxing, you need to be smart and strategic, but both of us being Mexican, it could turn into a brawl at any time. People will see why nobody wants to fight either of us. I’m excited and I know he is, too. Boxing fans don’t want to miss it!"

World-rated heavyweightMichael “The Bounty” Hunter سيواجه المخضرمChauncy “Hillyard Hammer” Welliver (57-13-5, 23 كوس), the former World Boxing Council (WBC) Continental Americas champion, in the 10-round co-featured event.

البطاقة عرضة للتغيير.

ويتم تسعير التذاكر في $65.00, $135.00, $250.00 و $400.00 for VIP are on sale and available to purchase atwww.zurdopromotions.events.com.


الموقع:  www.ZurdoPromotions.com 

إينستاجرام: تضمين التغريدة, تضمين التغريدة, @eltigrepromotions, @bedefsports

تغريد:  تضمين التغريدة, تضمين التغريدة, MichaelHunterII, تضمين التغريدة, تضمين التغريدة

حول الترقيات زوردو:  Zurdo Promotions هو المروج الأول للرياضات القتالية / الأحداث مع المقر الرئيسي في الولايات المتحدة والمكسيك. بقيادة بطل العالم الذي لم يهزم, جيلبرتو "زوردو" راميريز. تسعى Zurdo Promotions إلى أن تكون الأفضل في جميع المجالات لوضع معيار جديد في الملاكمة. زورونا علىwww.ZurdoPromotions.com.

حول فايت:  FITE is the premium global platform for live sports and entertainment offering many of the industry’s marquee PPV events and SVOD packages with 4MM registered users. FITE متاح في جميع أنحاء العالم من خلال تطبيقات الهاتف المحمول التي تعمل بنظام iOS وAndroid, آبل, TV الروبوت, YEAR, تطبيقات Amazon Fire TV وHuawei. بالإضافة, FITE supports Vizio SmartCast™, Cox Contour and the Contour Streaming Player, فوكسوم, جهاز Chromecast, بلاي ستيشن 4, اكس بوكس, زيسن, Comcast’s Xfinity X1 and Xfinity Flex, نترانج, فيدا/هيسنس, Vewd, تلفزيون نتجيم, طالما 7,000 نماذج من أجهزة التلفاز الذكية. متاح على الانترنت في www.FITE.tv.          

اتبعنا تغريد, إينستاجرام, و الفيسبوك.  اذا حدث ذلك, إنه موجود في FITE.

About Integrated Sports Media: North America’s leading distributor of International Pay-Per-View and Closed Circuit sports events has presented World Championship and world-class boxing matches featuring Ricky Hatton, Christian Mijares, ايفاندر هوليفيلد, روي جونز, الابن, إيفان كالديرون, روكي مارتينيز, Nicolai Valuev, Amir Kahn, ماركو أنطونيو باريرا, آرثر إبراهيم, ديفيد هاي, جون رويز, and Ruslan Chagaev. بالإضافة, Integrated Sports Media distributed numerous International soccer matches showcasing teams like Club America of Mexico and the National Teams of Argentina, Honduras, El Salvador and the USA, as well as World Championship and world-class mixed martial arts shows featuring Fedor Emelianenko, Tim Sylvia, بوبي لاشلي, بوب ساب, جيف مونسون, and Roy Nelson. For more information on upcoming Integrated Sports events visitwww.integratedsportsnet.com

USA Boxing Alumni’s 1992 USA Trials virtual reunion a major KO

Olympian Raul Marquez on USA Boxing Alumni’s 1992 US Trials virtual reunion

COLORADO SPRINGS, حضن. (تشرين الثاني 24, 2020) – USA Boxing and the USA Boxing Alumni Association recently held a virtual reunion via Zoom for competitors at the 1992 USA Boxing Trials, including a pair of 1992 USA Olympians, Raul Marquez and Montell Griffin. The group was comprised of 19 fighters who competed at the 1992 USA Olympic Trials, plus a few administrators, who happily spoke non-stop for an hour and 45 دقائق. They gleefully reminisced, shared personal updates from the past 22 سنوات, remembered their most memorable experiences as amateur boxers, and even got emotional at times as they rebounded.

Some have kept in touch through emails and social media, but visibly seeing each other on the Zoom call was eye-opening for these ring brothers. “You all are part of USA Boxing,” said call host مايك مكاتي, Executive Director of USA Boxing. “Hector Colon and Raul Marquez got their brothers on this call. It was a natural fit. لدينا 13 kids getting ready to qualify in May for the Olympics. USA Boxing touches 36,000 kids every day. It changed our lives, and we can have an impact saving lives. “It’s an honor seeing you all. You are the backbone of USA Boxing. Boxing made us who we are, you have inspired boxers. This was long overdue, and we plan to have reunions with other Olympic Trials classes in the future.

This is very cool to see everybody and I enjoy listening to you,” وأضاف كريس tofflemire, مدير USA الملاكمة جمعية الخريجين. “You’re all helping bring the spirit back to USA Boxing Alumni. Boxing people love being around boxing people, and that’s what the USA Boxing Alumni Association is all about. We’re bringing that spirit back. I love having you guys in our alumni program. This has been a blast!”

I’m not much of a boxer, but I’m happy to be part of this boxing program,” علق Barry Siff, USA Boxing volunteer marketing advisor. “I grew up in Detroit during the 1980’s and hung out at Kronk (نادي رياضي). I’m happy to be on this call. We all need to help Mike and the team going forward. Don’t wait until 2028 في لوس انجليس. We have Tokyo next year and Paris in 2024. Kids can learn from you. I’m happy to be part of USA Boxing.

رابطة خريجي الملاكمة USA تم إنشاؤها لبطولة مدى الحياة, علاقات المنفعة المتبادلة بين الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية الملاكمة وخريجيها, –الملاكمين, مسؤولون, المدربين والمشجعين الملاكمة — رابطة خريجي يربط الأجيال الابطال, الملهم ويعيد الى بطل الملاكمة في المستقبل USA الملاكمة, الدخول والخروج من الحلبة. رابطة الملاكمة خريجي الولايات المتحدة منفتحة على أي شخص لديه حب للملاكمة، ونود أن البقاء على اتصال مع الملاكمة للهواة. يتم منح أعضاء الوصول إلى مجموعة واسعة من الفعاليات الخاصة التي استضافتها جمعية الخريجين, بما في ذلك الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية السنوية للملاكمة رابطة خريجي قاعة الاستقبال شهرة. للانضمام إلى جمعية الخريجين, تسجيل ببساطة في alumni@usaboxing.org ل $40.00 في رسوم عضوية العام. والأعضاء الجدد الحصول على تي شيرت, المفاتيح والمحفظة الإلكترونية.

المقاتلون’ اقتباسات(Robert Allen و Tarick Salmaci were also on the call but unable to speak due to technical problems)

HECTOR COLON: I love you guys. It’s been so long. I hope we can communicate like this more often. We need you all to support USA Boxing and USA Boxing Alumni. My first international fight was in Barbados and I knocked out my opponent in 26 ثواني. I remember receiving the Adidas bag and shoes. It was such a special thing. I dreamed of making the Olympics and I should have, but I found God calling me away from the sport. I was proud watching you and I rooted for you. “It’s great to be back in USA Boxing and giving back to USA Boxing, because it helped me become the person I am today. I could have gone the wrong way. Let’s do this again and keep giving back to our sports.

RAUL MARQUEZ:I’m very excited to be here. I feel honored and I’m probably the only one here who fought most of the guys here. I have a lot of memories. I’m honored to be here with you, my boxing family. It’s beautiful. “Everybody here knows how hard it is to win a tournament. We know what it takes because we were all elite. We have to give back. I’m still involved in boxing.

ORLANDO HARRIS:I had the greatest time in USA Boxing. I started late. I fought once before I went into the military. I got better and learned how to fight in the military. I had to because I had to do good or go back to my unit. في ’04 I got into car accident. Everybody died but me. They say I’m disabled, but I’m not, I still coach boxing.

PAULIE AYALA:The ’92 Olympic Trials is my most memorable moment because I was there. في 1988, I lost in The Westerns in the semifinals and I left boxing. I wasn’t focused. I watched you people excel and didn’t fight again until 1992. I lost to Sergio (رييس), who I had fought 16 times before that fight. I met a lot of you guys fighting in Russia. What’s inspiring is listening to all of you.

MONTELL GRIFFIN:I was late going to the rty, coming in 1991. I had two fights going into the Golden Gloves, but I lied and said I had 12 so I could fight in the opens. My first fight was in 1991. I had to fight the No. 1 شاب, Jeremy Williams, to make the Olympic team. هؤلاء 1 ½ years as were the best of my life. I looked up to all of you guys and have respect for all.

ANTWUN ECHOLS:I made it to Team USA, and I was an Olympic alternate. راؤول (ماركيز), he likes to talk, and I was excited to fight him. تعلمت الكثير. I love being with all the guys. Larry Nicholson took me under his wing. He talked to me daily. I was a young kid, and my family life wasn’t good. When I went to the ’92 championships, these people were my family. “I was raw off the streets of Davenport (أيوا) and Larry took care of me…شكرا. If it wasn’t for the people at the Olympic Center, I don’t know where I’d be today.

DANNY RIOS: “في 1992, I lost in the semifinals of the US Championships. هكذا, I had to win the Golden Gloves to go to the Olympics. At the Trials I won my first fight and lost my second. I later turned pro. I’m working security and helping to train fighters at a local gym. I hope to have my own gym. I’m glad to see you all after all these years.

SKIPPER KELP: “I’m in Vegas. I moved here when I was in the amateurs. The best thing was the camaraderie. We grew up together. معا, we came of age as teenagers and I met some of my best friends for life. We were all at the elite level, the best versus the best, and eventually we fought each other. I met a lot of guys in 1989 في روسيا. “I own Fight Capital Gym in Las Vegas. When you go to Vegas, call me and come to my gym. We have a brotherhood for life. Amateur boxing brings people together. To reconnect like this is awesome.

DANELL NICHOLSON:My most memorable moment was representing USA Boxing at the 1992 الألعاب الأولمبية, because I became an Olympian and met all these great athletes. Meeting you is really my most memorable. You can’t beat boxing!”

RONALD SIMMS:I was probably on the amateur team longer than anybody. I stayed on so long that I have a lot of memories. I was part of the 1988, 1992 و 1996 Olympic teams. I saw a lot of talent come through. I started in 1995; this sport is addictive and I’m still involved in amateur boxing. We still have the most talented kids in amateur boxing. “My dream was to make the Olympic Team and I still haven’t made it. My goal was to be No. 1 and I was in 1995. ثم, I wanted to quit, but my coach said it wasn’t the time. The lessons I learned from you guys and sharing with kids is what it’s all about. I’m in India working as the chief coach, doing what I love.

PAUL VADEM:I’m glad to see everyone. I have so many memories, the most memorable is seeing you, my boxing brothers. We trained together to make names for ourselves. We will always have this to go back on. I get emotional. It didn’t matter where you came from, your economical values, and we competed against each other. But at the end of the day we respected each other. “I’m a speaker and author today. What I had learned in boxing is why I’m able to do what I do. شكر. هذا جميل. I’m thankful to see you all.

JAMES JOHNSON:It’s amazing to see some of these faces, It’s great to see you, الرجال! I remember the Olympic Festival. Randall Crippen. He was talkative……I gave him a diploma at the end of the match. “I broke my hand in competition and they wouldn’t let me fight. I did and I drew a hometown kid in (ووستر) ماساتشوستس, بوبي هاريس, وفاز. With one hand, I lost in the final. It’s good to see you guys. I’m living in Flint, ميشيغان. I went on to get my college career and today I’m a network engineer.

DEAN FLETCHER:I was an amateur a long time. I have many memories, but one is the years I was on the Board of Directors as an athlete representative. Kids today, the reason you can’t fight twice a day is me. “The traveling, I can’t let that go. When things aren’t going well, I think of my amateur days. Nothing but love for you guys.

LARRY NICHOLSON:My most memorable things is being the 1993 ملاكم من السنة. I accomplished a lot. I won silver at the 1993 و 1994 بطولات العالم. Should have been gold. You were great fighters and role models. I had an opportunity to go to collegeNorth Michigan Universityand I have a degree. “I’m still involved in boxing today as head coach of the Michigan Golden Gloves. I’m very happy where I am right now. I didn’t go pro because I love amateur boxing, the discipline and life. I worked with three Olympic teams. We’ve done well as frat brothers.

MARK LANTON:It’s a pleasure to see everybody like this. My most memorable moment was winning the Western Trials. I was an Army soldier when I was an amateur fighter. In Iraq, أحيانا, Frank Vassar kept in touch with me. I’m retired now from the military. I worked at the VA as a federal police officer. I’m totally retired. I coach kids at a local gym and I’m living the life in Orlando.

FRANK VASSAR:Winning the US Olympic Sports Festival and National Golden Gloves in 1999 was my most memorable. I was in the Army, the National Guards, when I was boxing. I got commissioned in the Air Force. I did three combat tours and was injured. Crazy stuff. I’m glad I made it back. I always enjoyed going to tournaments and seeing you guys. I love all you guys.

RICHARD BONDS: في 1989, I remember fighting Jeremy Williams. He was the best and that put me on the map. The next four years I was going to Colorado and that was the best. I was a college student and got a criminal justice degree at the University of Memphis. I met Echols at dual. We’d come together three or four times a year, maybe more and when you saw somebody it was like yesterday. “في 1992, I wanted to make the Olympic team. I lost my first fight in Worcester and didn’t make it to the Olympics. There were only 12 weight classes and I was one of those guys. You are my frat brothers.

2020 الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية للملاكمة بطولة الوطنية ال 2020 USA Boxing National Championships will be held December 5-12 at Shreveport Convention Center in Shreveport, لويزيانا.



تغريد: USABoxing, USABoxingAlumni

إينستاجرام: @USABoxingFacebook: /USABoxing


MACHO: THE HECTOR CAMACHO STORY Premieres Friday, ديسمبر 4 في 9 PM ET/PT on SHOWTIME ®

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Courtesy of SHOWTIME

NEW YORK – November 24, 2020 – Past opponents of legendary boxing icon Hector “Macho” Camacho, including “Sugar” Ray Leonard, Felix “Tito” Trinidad and Hall of Fame trainer Freddie Roach, share their first-hand experiences with the former world champion and recall his trademark flamboyant style in advance of the MACHO: THE HECTOR CAMACHO STORY documentary premiere Friday, ديسمبر 4 في 9 عصرا. ET / PT على شوتايم.

MACHO: THE HECTOR CAMACHO STORY is an unflinching look at the remarkable life, storied career and unsolved murder of one of boxing’s greatest showmen. Through rare and revealing interviews with his mother, ماريا ماتياس, الأخوات, زوجة ايمي وابنها هيكتور الابن., يتعمق الفيلم الوثائقي أيضًا في عقل المقاتل الأسطوري المضطرب وروحه, his battle with addiction and the inner turmoil that ultimately led to his demise – a mysterious double homicide on a roadside in November 2012. The film isdirected by two-time Emmy® Award winner Eric Drath. Drath and Danielle Naassana, both of Live Star Entertainment, served as producers and sixteen-time Emmy Award winner Aaron Cohen served as writer and consulting producer.

In addition to Leonard, Trinidad and Roach, past world champions Ray Mancini, Greg Haugen, Vinny Pazienza and more reminisce about climbing into the ring against the flashy and skilled Hector “Macho” Camacho:

SUGAR RAY LEONARD – March 1, 1997; In Ray Leonard’s final career fight, Camacho won by fifth-round TKOWe were both naturally past our prime, but I just felt that I was a bigger man. I was smarter, أقوى, all those things, but the first time he threw a punch, كان مثل, Pow! And I said, ‘Wow, that hurt.’ I tried the best I could to just go the distance. When he was at his best, he was a thing of beauty.”

FELIX “TITO” TRINIDAD - يناير 29, 1994; IBF Welterweight Title: “I first met Macho Camacho when I was 12 years old at an indoor arena event in Puerto Rico. He was already a world champion. I was in awe. Camacho was talking to everyone and being himself. He ate 12 empanadas at once just to be funny.

“When I got to fight him, it was my third title defense. كنت 21 and he was 10 years older than me. He had so much experience and played so many mind games. At the final press conference, he sat at the very end of the table – sideways, kind of ignoring the press – and staring at me. When it was his time to talk, he just talked trash. He was such a showman. When we got in the ring in Las Vegas, like every fighter at a crossroads fight, I was a little nervous. He was such a great fighter. He was so experienced and technical. He was a little crazy but was such a good person. متواضع.

“After the fight, he came over with his chin down and congratulated me. He was like a different person – he was so friendly and calm. ‘It was a good fight,’ he told me. ‘You are going to be a great champion. Keep on climbing.’ It was a great experience for me. بعد تلك المعركة, I felt something had changed in me as a fighter. I had shared a ring with Macho Camacho. You are never the same after that. He helped me be a better fighter. He was the first Puerto Rican I ever faced. The only fighter that cut me. I got my win against him the same night [فرانكي] Randall handed Julio Cesar Chavez his first defeat. It was a historic night.”

FREDDIE ROACH – December 18, 1985; Camacho won a super lightweight bout via unanimous decision to improve to 28-0: “Hector Camacho was the best boxer I ever fought. His speed was unbelievable. At one point during the fight, we were in a clinch and I bit his shoulder. He stepped back, smiled, and told me, ‘That’s not going to work.He was right. I had so much trouble handling his speed. You just couldn’t prepare for itand I had a really good training camp. I was really up for that fight. I think I won one round and that was only because I stepped on his foot and got a knock down. After the fight, we bumped into each other in our hotel lobby and he took me to dinner at the hotel restaurant. We talked and laughed throughout dinner. He was a great guy.”

RAY MANCINI – March 6, 1989; Camacho won a split decision for the vacant WBO Junior Welterweight titleHector had an uncanny ability to avoid punches. He had excellent hand speed, movement and reflexes. He got in the ring with everybody. And he was funny as hell. في البداية, I couldn’t stand him. But once we were retired, we buried the hatchet and every time we’d see each other, it was hugs and laughs. He made everyone laugh. He was a good soul. I was heartbroken when I heard the news about his murder. In my book, when you talk about all-time greats, he is in the top five for Puerto Rican fighters and top 20 for Latino fighters.”                 

GREGHAUGEN – February 23, ويجوز 18, 1991; Camacho’s first career loss and the rematch for WBO Jr. Welterweight World Championship“Camacho was looking for a tune-up fight for the big battle of the undefeateds with Julio Cesar Chavez so that’s how I got the fight. But I had studied his fights and I knew Hector only liked to fight a minute, minute and a half of each round. My plan going into the fight was to make him fight three minutes of each round. I was hitting him with body shots and he was wincing. And plus, I was talking to him the whole fight, so he was getting frustrated. So we get to the 12عشر round and he ends up sucker punching me before the start of the round because I refused to touch gloves, and they end up taking a point from him which won me the fight. (In the rematch) he was so sure he lost the fight, he actually left the ring after the fight. The promoter Dan Duva had to pull him out of his dressing room and basically talk him into getting back in the ring to hear the decision. He had to win that fight because that would line him up with Chavez. I thought I beat him more so in the second fight than the first fight.”

VINNY PAZIENZA – February 3, 1990; Camacho won a unanimous decision for the WBO Junior Welterweight titleI thought I was going to wreck him. I thought I was going to go right through him. But he was much stronger and much faster than I believed. And I was thinking, ‘Oh God, I’m in for a long night.’ He got ready for me like no other fight. He was so amped and so ready. He got off all the drugs. He wasn’t drinking. He got up so high and after he beat me, he was never the same again. Hector was such a character. He surpasses me in that capacity. He was a wild guy and he was wild his whole life.”

PJ GOOSSEN – June 18, 1999; Camacho won a unanimous decision at the age of 37 to improve his record to 68-4-1: “That was a bad night for me. I had three broken ribs, and no one really knew it. هكذا, I could barely breathe, let alone fight, but that’s what you have to do in boxing sometimes. As we were getting ready for the fight, his dressing room was right next to mine and they had this door separating us. I could hear him before the fight yelling, ‘Macho time!’ ‘Macho time!’ And he hits the wall. And he keeps doing that, yelling louder and louder. جيد, he hit the door so hard it busted through and he fell into my dressing room. هكذا, he gets up and walks back in around through the other opening and says, ‘Sorry about that.’ It was actually pretty funny and me and my dad and brother were laughing. To come back in and apologize when he’s supposed to be getting hyped up to fight me. I would mark him down as one of the best lefthanders there ever was, especially when he was at featherweight and lightweight.”