Tag Archives: box

Gilberto „Zurdo” Ramirez îl țintește pe Saul „Canelo” Alvarez pentru viitorul mega-showdown

LAS VEGAS (Ianuarie 21, 2021) - Dacă are 29 de aniGilberto "Zurdo" Ramirez (41-0, 27 KO), fără îndoială deja unul dintre top 25 Luptători mexicani din toate timpurile, își face drumul pe măsură ce intră în primii ani, în cele din urmă va avea un mega-showdown cu compatriotulSaul „Canelo” Alvarez (54-2-32, 36 KO) înainte de a se îndrepta spre Sala Famei.

"Orice este posibil, și va fi minunat pentru fani dacă se va lupta împotriva mea cu „Canelo”,A spus Ramirez. „Cu doi mexicani în ring, știi că va fi un război din prima rundă. Vom vedea ce se va întâmpla în viitor. ”

În primul rând, deși, Ramirez are o afacere de care să se ocupe, începând cu un potențial consiliu interimar de box mondial (WBC) lupta împotriva titlului mondial cu greutate ușoară 2012 S.U.A.. Olimpic„Domnul” Marcus Browne (23-1, 16 KO).

WBC a ordonat recent nr. 1 evaluat Ramirez vs.. Nu Face. 4 Browne. Echipa Zurdo și echipa Browne au până în februarie 5lea pentru a stabili o afacere înainte de a merge la licitație. Ramirez este promovat de propria companie, Promotii Zurdo, în timp ce Browne este reprezentat de PBC.

Dacă totul merge așa cum intenționează Ramirez, va avea o luptă de unificare mondială fie cu campionul mondial WBC / IBF cu greutate ușoarăArtur Beterbiev (15-0, 15 KO) sau titularul titlului WBA SuperDmitry Bivol (17-0, 11 KO, preferabil mai târziu în 2021, restricții COVID-19 în așteptare.

„Nu mă uit niciodată la orice luptă,”A remarcat Ramirez. „În acest sport, în orice noapte dată, cel mai bun om va câștiga. Tot ce pot face este să mă antrenez din greu și să mă pregătesc pentru a fi tot ce pot pentru mine atunci când apare ocazia. Maro, Bivol, Beterbiev sau Canelo, nu contează cu cine lupt; Mă antrenez întotdeauna din greu pentru a mă asigura că sunt gata când lupta este aici ".

Ramirez a devenit primul luptător mexican care a capturat o coroană mondială super-medie 2016, când southpaw-ul atletic a dominat temeinic campionul în apărare„Regele” Arthur Abraham (44-4), câștigând fiecare rundă pentru o decizie unanimă de 12 runde (120-106 X 3) pentru a deveni campion mondial WBO.

În 2019, Alvarez s-a alăturat titlului WBOJulio Cesar Gonzalez (2003) ca singurii campioni ai lumii la categoria grea ușoară născută în Mexic, când a oprit 34-3-1Sergey Kovalev în 11lea runda pentru a deveni campion mondial WBO la categoria grea ușoară. De 9 ori, 4-campionul mondial al diviziei, Alvarez, a renunțat la coroana WBO pentru greutate ușoară, fără a o apăra.

Ramirez este plecat la 5lea-cea mai bună serie de victorii pentru a începe o carieră profesională în istoria boxului mexican în spatele a patru săli de renume: idolul săuJulio Cesar Chavez (87), Carlos Zarate (52), Ricardo Lopez (47) șiMarco Antonio Barrera (43). 

Meciul de vis pentru „Zurdo," desigur, este pe drum împotriva Canelo. Ce zici să-l ai în Cinco de Mayo sau în Ziua Independenței Mexicane? 

Între atunci și acum, totuși, Ramirez are nevoie de o victorie care să definească cariera împotriva unui adversar primetime, cum ar fi Beterbiev sau Bivol, pentru a pregăti scena pentru o confruntare Canelo.

„Vom vedea dacă este (Canelo) capabil să o facă din nou (lupta ca o greutate ușoară),”A adăugat Ramirez. „A luptat deja la această greutate o dată (grea lumină) și nu văd de ce ar trebui să fie o problemă decât dacă a fost o întâmplare. Dar înțeleg că el și echipa sa vor trebui să fie mult mai precauți în această categorie de greutate, comparativ cu diviziunile inferioare, din cauza riscului mai mare. De asemenea, am mai fost unul lângă altul și chiar ne-am luptat. Știe că nu sunt doar un Kovalev sau un Callum Smith.

„O să fie (Canelo vs. Stangaci") fii un clasic instantaneu și o modalitate excelentă de a prezenta în lume boxul mexican de top. Cred că fanilor le va plăcea această bătălie dintre Sinaloa (Ramirez) și Jalisco (Alvarez)."


Site web:  www.ZurdoPromotions.com 

Instagram: @zurdoramirez, @zurdopromotions

Stare de nervozitate:  @ZurdoPromotions, @GilbertoZurdoRamirez

Despre Zurdo Promotions:  Zurdo Promotions este principalul promotor de sporturi / evenimente de luptă cu sediul în Statele Unite și Mexic. Condus de neînvinsul campion mondial, Gilberto „Zurdo” Ramirez. Zurdo Promotions se străduiește să fie cel mai bun din toate domeniile pentru a stabili noul standard în box. Vizitați-ne lawww.ZurdoPromotions.com

USA Boxing Converts Abandoned Department Store Into National Training Gym for Preparations for Olympic Games Tokyo 2020

(Colorado Springs, Colo.) – When the boxers of the USA Boxing Olympic Qualification Team arrived in Colorado Springs, Colorado. this week they walked into a new training facility with just over six months left until the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020, and even less time to their qualification tournaments.

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, USA Boxing athletes have not been allowed to train in the national boxing gym at the United States Olympic and Paralympic Training Center (USOPTC) since March 2020 and have had to continue to make adjustments to their training plans, which included training at the French National Training Center in Paris in late 2020.

After being told they would not be allowed to begin 2021 at the USOPTC, the coaching and national office staff had to find a new home to begin the final preparations for the qualification tournaments taking place in May and June.

“After spending most of 2020 waiting to be allowed entry back into our national gym at the Colorado Springs OPTC, it was time that we took matters into our own hands and established a training space that can properly accommodate our team’s training needs,” said Matt Johnson, USA Boxing High Performance Director.

USA Boxing ended 2020 and the beginning of 2021 moving all equipment, which included four boxing rings, numerous heavy bags and strength and conditioning equipment, from their gym at the USOPTC to an abandoned department store in a mall in Colorado Springs to hold training camps, while housing the boxers and coaching staff at the nearby Hotel Eleganté.

“We are able to continue to move forward in this COVID environment by applying multi-layer protection protocols, pre-travel testing, mandatory mask wearing, social distancing, regular cleaning, regular rapid antigen testing, daily health surveys and follow up PRC pool testing, as well as provide a top notch training facility in our temporary facility, which we are greatly thankful for John Bushman, owner of Hotel Eleganté and the training facility, to help provide these opportunities to our boxers,” stated Mike McAtee, USA Boxing Executive Director.

“The training facility and environment we have created has greatly reduced the risk to our boxers and coaches. USA Boxing strives to fulfill our stated mission to our boxers, ‘… (pentru) inspire the tireless pursuit of Olympic gold and enable our boxers and coaches to achieve sustained competitive excellence…’ in the face of a worldwide pandemic.”

The first training camp of 2021 began Jan. 14 and will run until Feb. 18, before the boxers head to Bulgaria and Spain for international competitions. USA Boxing will hold the final training camp before the America’s Olympic Qualification Tournament at the Chula Vista Elite Athlete Training Center, in Chula Vista, Calif., in another makeshift boxing gym, which held the final training camp of 2020 în luna noiembrie.



Stare de nervozitate: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing


NEW YORK - Ianuarie 20, 2021 – SHOWTIME Sports has released a special video feature in advance of tonight’s ShoBox: Noua generatie emisiune de televiziune, the first of 2021. The video features ShoBox analyst and boxing historian Steve Farhood taking viewers through the history of the popular prospect developmental series, which debuted on SHOWTIME® în iulie 2001 and celebrates its 20th year featuring boxing’s rising stars throughout 2021. To watch and share the video, Mergi la https://youtu.be/c8-_w6qLCkQ.

“I would make the argument that today as we speak in 2021, it’s more important than it’s ever been because prospects need to fight so it’s very important forShoBoxto give them that opportunity because without fights they don’t grow and without grassroots boxing, boxing doesn’t grow,” Farhood says in the feature.

Since its inceptionShoBox: Noua generatie has showcased young talent matched tough in exciting, crowd-pleasing and competitive matches for willing prospects determined to fight for a world title. În prezent, 83 luptatori care au apărut peShoBox have advanced to win world titles including the likes of Errol Spence Jr., Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Timothy Bradley and Nonito Donaire.

Tonight’s telecast begins at 9 p.m. ET/PT live on SHOWTIME and is headlined by Yeis Solano (15-0, 10 KO) making his super lightweight debut against the first undefeated fighter of his career in East Hartford, Conn.’s Mykquan Williams (15-0-1, 7 KO). The co-main event features Panama’s unbeaten Jose Nunez (11-0-1, 4 KO) facing decorated amateur Aram Avagyan (10-0-1, 4 KO) in an eight-round super featherweight matchup.

Cinci luptători nebătuiți iau o etapă centrală în SHOBOX: NOI GENERATION® QUADRUPLEHEADER MIERCURI, Februarie 17 LIVE ON SHOWTIME®

Janelson Figueroa Bocachica revine împotriva neînvinsului Mark Reyes, Jr., în Evenimentul principal al ShoBox, Sărbătorind 20lea Anul cu vedetele în ascensiune ale boxului

NEW YORK - Ianuarie 20, 2021 - Perspectiva interesantă a greutății welter Janelson Figueroa Bocachica îl va întâlni pe colegul său neînvins Mark Reyes, Jr., într-un ShoBox: Noua generatie eveniment principal la miercuri, Februarie 17 locuiesc pe SHOWTIME la 9 p.m. ET / PT de la Mohegan Sun Arena din Uncasville, Conn. Bocachica vs.. Reyes titrează o carte de patru lupte cu opt perspective convingătoare cu un record combinat de 119-4-1, dintre care cinci sunt neînvinsi.

Figueroa Bocachica din Detroit (16-0, 11 KO) urmărește performanța sa dominantă în a saShoBox debutează în octombrie când se confruntă cu Reyes, puternic-lovit (14-0, 12 KO) din Tampa, Fla., într-un 10-a rundă semimijlocie bout. Evenimentul co-principal va fi prezentat pe Vladimir Shishkin, invins în Rusia și instruit în Detroit (11-0, 7 KO) luând-o pe Sena Agbeko din Ghana (23-1, 18 KO) într-un meci super-mediu de 10 runde. În plus, Alejandro Guerrero (12-0, 9 KO) de Irving, Texas, revine laShoBox și se confruntă cu Abraham Montoya din Mexic (19-2-1, 14 KO) într-un meci usor cu opt rundă. Un alt sediu rus din Detroit, Mich., Timur Kerefov (9-0, 4 KO), se va lupta cu perspectiva medie Argenis Espana (15-1, 14 KO) din Venezuela în programul de difuzare în opt runde.

Televiziunea cu patru lupte este promovată de Salita Promotions.

„Sunt încântat să promovez o noapte palpitantă de box, prezentând unii dintre cei mai buni tineri talenti la box în colțurile opuse,”A spus Salita. „Februarie 17 cardul are, probabil, cel mai bun talent nou în patru diviziuni diferite de greutate în lupte de tip „em. Greutate medie Timur Kerefov, luptându-se cu antrenorul SugarHill Steward în colțul său, caută să urce rapid pe scară. Super-pene Alejandro Guerrero se luptă cu cel mai dur test împotriva lui Abraham Montoya. Super-mijlociul Vladimir Shishkin este în căutarea unei performanțe impotriva foamei Sena Agbeko, cine caută să-și facă un nume. Acest spectacol poate fi, de asemenea, încoronarea unuia dintre cei mai buni greutăți noi din lume, cu un meci interesant între potențialii neînvinși., Janelson Figueroa Bocachica și Mark Reyes, Jr. ”

Însoțitor de bord, care și-a schimbat în mod legal numele în SugarHill Steward pentru a-l onora pe regretatul său unchi antrenor al Hall of Fame Emanuel Steward, îl cheamă Kerefov, „Unul dintre cei mai buni grei de mijloc din lume chiar acum,”Și că nu există nicio limită pentru cât de departe poate ajunge tânărul de 30 de ani. „Nu avem conversații lungi din cauza barierei lingvistice, dar sunt impresionat de modul în care Timur poate procesa informațiile pe care i le spun, și să ne îmbunătățim rapid în scurtul timp în care am lucrat împreună,”A spus Steward, care îl antrenează și pe Anthony Dirrell la Big Time Boxing and Fitness în Boca Raton, Fla. „Rușii care vin la Detroit sunt aici să lucreze și să nu alerge pe străzi, care-mi place. Au familii și știu că boxul în Statele Unite este meca. Așa, o iau foarte în serios. ”

Bocachica vs.. Reyes - 10-Round Welterweight Main Event Bout

Bocachica revine pentru al doilea consecutivShoBox apariție în timp ce nativul din Detroit, în vârstă de 22 de ani, l-a învins pe Nicklaus Flaz din Puerto Rico de la început, câștigând un TKO în primul tur 2:43 a primei runde în octombrie. Bocachica este un profesionist de patru ani care a început boxul la vârsta de opt ani. A câștigat patru campionate consecutive (2011-14), Campionatele Naționale PAL și 2015 Mănuși de aur din Detroit. Se mândrește cu un record amator de 55-5. Este instruit de tatăl său, Nelson figueroa.

“După ultima apariție peShoBox, Am simțit că asta era performanța de care aveam nevoie,A spus Bochachia. „L-am ales pe Mark Reyes pentru că am vrut o competiție mai bună și el este 14-0. Vreau să fac o declarație pentru toți luptătorii din divizia de 147 de lire sterline. O victorie mă apropie de visele mele. Mă lupt cu o opoziție mai bună. Arată că Janelson este adevărul, și vin pentru toată lumea din divizia welter. Nu-mi fac griji pentru nimic.”

Reyes iese dintr-o eliminatorie a primei runde a lui Diego Perez în noiembrie 21, în orașul său natal Tampa. Reyes a fost un amator de succes care a câștigat Turneul Național PAL din 2012, precum și olimpiada juniorilor și turneul Ringside. De asemenea, a câștigat două turnee naționale care concurează pentru Puerto Rico: Campionatele Naționale Frankie Larvae 2015 și Campionatele Naționale Cheo Aponte 2016. Global, a acumulat un record de 45-5 înainte de a deveni profesionist în martie 2016. Acum este antrenat de Raul „Chino” Rivas, care antrenează și fostul campion mondial Tevin Farmer.

„Sunt încântat să fiu în această poziție, luptând mai departeShoBox, unde o victorie îmi va pune numele pe harta boxului,A spus Reyes. „Bocachica este un luptător solid, dar aștept cu nerăbdare să adaug prima pierdere în palmaresul său și să arăt spectatorilor de ce am luat această luptă cu scurt timp. Tabăra de antrenament a mers excelent și voi fi gata.”

Shishkin vs.. Agbeko - 10-Round Super Middleweight Bout

Shishkin a luptat anterior de două oriShoBox câștigând victorii impresionante asupra lui Ulises Sierra și DeAndre Ware. Steward a lucrat colțul lui Shishkin pentru lupta Sierra, dar angajamentul lui Steward față de campionul la grei Tyson Fury nu le-a permis celor doi să se antreneze exclusiv împreună. Shishkin a lucrat recent cu L.J.. Harrison. În ultima sa luptă din august 20, a înregistrat un knock-out tehnic al nouălea tur al lui Oscar Riojas. Shishkin este în prezent pe locul nr. 9 de WBC, Nu Face. 11 de WBA și nr. 12 de către IBF în divizia de 168 de lire sterline.

"Sunt recunoscător, încă o dată, pentru a avea șansa de a-mi prezenta abilitățile pe SHOWTIME,”A spus Șișkin, 29. „Mă pregătesc într-o nouă sală de sport numită Superbad cu un nou antrenor. Sunt curios cum mă va afecta asta în luptă. Știu că această luptă mă aduce cu un pas mai aproape de obiectivul meu de a deveni campion mondial. ”

Născut și crescut în Accra, Ghana, Agbeko a fost membru al echipei naționale din Ghana în tinerețe și a avut-o 69 crize amatori. Agbeko a devenit profesionist 2011 la vârsta de 19 și a avut primul său 15 atacuri în Ghana înainte de a se muta în Statele Unite în 2013 să-și urmeze visul de a deveni campion mondial. Agbeko și-a perfecționat ambarcațiunea servind ca partener de luptă pentru Caleb Plant, Badou Jack și Brandon Adams. Agbeko locuiește în prezent în Nashville, Tenn., cu sotia lui.

„Antrenamentul merge excelent și ne antrenăm deja de ceva vreme, așa că ne dublăm doar câteva lucruri și reglăm și pentru luptă,A spus Agbeko. „Știu că adversarul meu are o vastă experiență de amatori și un stil care reflectă originea din Rusia. Mă aștept la un agresiv, luptător bine calculat. Voi câștiga această luptă pentru că știu că o vreau mai mult și, ca rezultat, au depus mai mult efort în pregătire. Abilitățile mele superioare de box, combinate cu dorința și efortul, vor face acest lucru. ”

Războinic vs.. Montoya - Bătălie ușoară în opt runde

Combaterea din Houston, Texas, Guerrero este un potențial puternic care a câștigat un slugfest strâns contestat prin decizie majoritară asupra lui Jose Angulo în ultimaShoBox difuzat înainte ca pandemia COVID-19 să închidă lumea sportului pentru câteva luni în martie 2020. Înainte de această victorie, Guerrero a oprit trei adversari consecutivi, inclusiv un TKO din runda a doua a lui Darnell Jiles, Jr. în ianuarie 2020. Un amator celebru care a câștigat două titluri naționale de juniori, „Pork Chop”, în vârstă de 22 de ani, a luptat cu campioni mondiali Mikey Garcia și Brandon Rios la faimoasa Academie de Box Garcia din California.

„Nu știu nimic despre adversarul meu, dar am urmărit un clip din el și asta era tot ce trebuia să văd pentru a ști că va coborî,A spus Guerrero. „Această luptă va însemna foarte mult pentru mine, deoarece va arăta lumii că sunt adevărata afacere. Voi câștiga această luptă pentru cariera mea și pentru familia mea. ”

Montoya, în vârstă de 26 de ani, din Baja California, Mexic, va debuta în Statele Unite în februarie 17 și va lupta în afara Mexicului său natal pentru a doua oară. După ce a renunțat la al doilea concurs profesional, Montoya s-a adunat pentru a rămâne neînvins în următorul său 18 atacuri înainte de a călători în Rusia în noiembrie 2019 să-și asume perspectiva neînvinsă Muhammadkhuja Yaqubov, unde a pierdut o decizie de 12 runde. Montoya a revenit pentru a înscrie un TKO în runda a doua asupra lui Reyes David Lopez, ultima dată în octombrie, și deține, de asemenea, o victorie impresionantă asupra perspectivului de atunci neînvins Luis Alberto Lopez Vargas.

„Lupta în SUA. iar pe SHOWTIME a fost întotdeauna visul meu și abia aștept februarie 17 să arăt ce pot să fac,A spus Montoya. „Nu am muncit niciodată sau nu m-am antrenat la fel de mult pentru o luptă ca și pentru asta. Mi-am văzut adversarul și știu că va face acțiunea la fel ca ultima sa luptă. Va fi dur, dar sunt la fel de pregătit pentru asta ca și când am fost vreodată ”.

Kerefov vs.. Espana - Opt-Round Round Weightweight

Provenind din Shaluska, Rusia, și acum luptând din Detroit, Mich., Kerefov va face al săuShoBox debut în februarie 17. Kerefov, 30, a adunat un impresionant 298-12 record de amatori în țara sa natală în timpul domniei sale de aproape zece ani la nivelul elitei boxului internațional de amatori. În 2019, Kerefov a obținut cinci victorii impresionante în Rusia înainte de debutul său în Statele Unite la faimosul Kronk Gym din Detroit în august 2020, unde a câștigat o victorie dominantă pe Calvin Metcalf printr-o decizie unanimă într-o luptă de mijloc.

„Sunt în mijlocul unei tabere grozave de antrenament cu antrenorul SugarHill Steward din Florida,A spus Kerefov. "Aștept cu nerăbdare să le arăt fanilor de box că ​​sunt noua față a diviziei de greutate medie."

Southpaw în vârstă de 31 de ani, Espana, va lupta pentru prima dată în Statele Unite ca 14 sale 16 professional bouts have taken place in Venezuela. The power-punching Espana’s only career loss was to Dervin Colina in 2019 și 14 sale 15 victories have come via knockout. În decembrie, he TKO’d Leonard Carrillo in his last fight.

“This is a great opportunity for me to appear in the U.S.,” Espana said. “I know very little about my opponent, but that does not bother me at all. I am always training and ready to go the distance or less. Victory will get me closer to a world title.”

International Boxing Hall of Famer Barry Tompkins will call the action from ringside with fellow Hall of Famer and boxing historian Steve Farhood and former world champion Raul Marquez serving as expert analysts. Producatorul executiv este Gordon Hall cu Richard Gaughan producerea si Rick Phillips conducerea.

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DespreShoBox: Noua generatie

Încă de la începuturile sale, în iulie 2001, aclamat seria box SHOWTIME, ShoBox: Noua generatie tinerelor talente a prezentat corespund cu greu. TheShoBox Filozofia este de a televiza interesant, meciuri competitive oferind în același timp un teren dovedind pentru perspectivele care doresc-mulțime plăcut și determinat să lupte pentru un titlu mondial. Unele dintre lista tot mai mare de 83 luptatori care au apărut peShoBox și avansate pentru a acumula titluri mondiale include: Errol Spence Jr., Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr., Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Ciad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paul Williams and more.


Class vs Mwale and Pulev vs Meroro co-headline historic ‘Rumble-in-Dar’ Global TV event on Jan 29th

Over the years African Boxing has been seen as the poor relative when it comes to Global audiences for professional boxing from the Continent. America and Europe have dominated the scene it seems forever, but that had already began to change, as more recently it is the Middle East that has come to the fore hosting the big events that attract the Global interest.

In just over a weeks time Boxing from Africa, will roar back onto the scene determined to make such an impact that the fans of sport’s focus will begin to shift towards that Continent too.

Historically Boxing in Africa has attracted Global audiences, who could forget that one of the biggest fights of all time took place in Africa. Înapoi în luna octombrie 1974 the world’s eyes were on Zaire as Muhammad Ali challenged George Foreman for his World Crown in Kinshasa.

Whilst Rumble in the Jungle, arguably the greatest sporting event of the 20th century, was the most watched boxing event ever, drawing an estimated one billion viewers Globally, the expected Legacy for Boxing in Africa failed to materialise. Da, since then there have been a few fights on the Continent that were shown on Major Networks in America and Europe, these were one offs, there have been no regular international events to maintain the momentum, but that is all about to change…

On the 29th January 2021, Botswana based Global Boxing Stars and Tanzania based Jackson Group present the first of six planned Fight Night events in the Tanzania, evocatively named “Rumble-In-Dar“, they hope will redress the balance and attract fans of the pugilistic arts around the World.

The ground breaking event is co-headlined by Tanzania’s Ibrahim Class (24-6-0) versus South Africa based Malawian Dennis Mwale (8-0-0), who will be competing for the World Boxing Federation (WBFed) Intercontinental Lightweight Championship.

Bulgaria’s Tervel Pulev (15-0-0), the brother of Heavyweight Kubrat Pulev, who was KO’d by Anthony Joshua back in December, versus Namibia’s Vikapita Meroro (29-9-0) co-headlines in a non-championship ten rounder.

The packed undercard features a further Championship contest, between Tanzania’s Shaban Hamadi Jongo (7-1-2) și New York, USA’s Shawn Miller (18-5-1) for the WBFed International Heavyweight belt.

Unbeaten Zambian World Prospect Lolita Muzeya (16-0-0) makes her return to the ring on the event and South Africa’s rising Heavyweight sensation Ardi “The Iron Fist” Ndembo (1-0-0) makes his second pro outing.

‘Rumble-in-Dar’ will take place in front of an audience at the Next Door Arena in Dar-Es-Salaam, as Tanzania, unlike much of the World today, has been little affected by the COVID 19 pandemic and will be broadcast Globally, providing free to view access to in excess of three quarter of a Billion Homes and Billions more Devices.

So just who are the people so intent on changing not only the perception of African Boxing but also on showcasing African talent on a Global platform.

Scott Patrick Farrell, the founder of Global Boxing Stars, is the former CEO of Ringstar Boxing and former Managing director of Commvault inc, a corporation that that went ipo for over 500 million dollars whilst Scott was part of the senior Management team.

“In business and in life timing is everything, I believe this is the right time, Tanzania is the right place and between GBS and the Jackson Group we have the right partnership to take this platform to the next level, plans are afoot to deploy world titles, world title eliminators as well as international non-title bouts on the future bills, so as to raise the profile and quality of the bills show by show. We have a strategy to position Dar es Salaam as a new sports tourism hub.”

Scott lives the dream and works regularly with the only Boxing hall of fame eight division World champion Senator Manny Pacquiao as co-promoter and producer/event director for the Manny Pacquiao Championship Boxing Series.

Over the years Scott has built and been a very integral part of numerous contenders becoming World Champions, precum; IBF Bantamweight number one contender Michael Dasmarinas. Scott took the unknown boxer from the Philippines to become the IBO world champion, and then to a victory in the IBF world title eliminator. Making Dasmarinas the mandatory challenger for the much-sorted crown of the IBF world title. Other success comes with four division World Champion and current WBO World Champion John Riel Casimero as part of the Sean Gibbons & Manny Pacquiao Championship Boxing team, and Paulus ‘The Rock” Ambunda former WBO and IBO world champion, Scott secured his third world title victory with Ringstar Asia.

Scott has now taken all his life lessons and experience and partnered with Jeremy Bean, who has Pan African connectivity and experience in staging live broadcast events from all major economic hubs of the continent to create Global Boxing Stars, a professional management company to represent and build a fighter’s career. His focus is developing fighters based in Africa and other parts of the world, to build new World Champion prospects to sign with the top promoters in the USA, UK and other parts of the world. Scott has a great working relationship and proven track record with the giants of the boxing industry such as Top Rank, PBC, Golden Boy, DAZN and Matchroom, and many more

“We are extremely energised by this collaboration partnership, we have alignment, a common vision and the energy is good. Together Global Boxing Stars and the Jackson Group seek to develop a new commercial model for Pan African boxing and unlock value through pooling of our networks, resources and operational capacity. Myself and Kelvin are marketing guys that the boxing bug has bitten, we see Pan African boxing as a sleeping giant and believe our partnership will pioneer a new approach that will bring corporate partners with a Pan African footprint to the table.” Said fellow Director of Global Boxing Stars Jeremy Bean.

Jeremy comes from an advertising background, along with practical sports marketing and event staging experience along with a proven track record of producing international, live broadcast boxing events across the African continent.

While producing the Pan African boxing content for the Kwesé ESPN partnership, Jeremy staged fights in all the major economic hubs of Southern, East and West Africa.

Joining the dynamic duo on this major project is Kelvin Twissa, CEO of The Jackson Group.

“Jeremy and I first connected when I was doing shows with Sport Pesa in Kenya and he was producing the Pan African boxing content for the ESPN Kwesé partnership, now under different banners and with what appears opportune timing we are teaming up to position Tanzania as a new fight mecca and sport tourism hub. The Jackson Group and Global Boxing Stars have formed a powerful, cross functional team – we can talk marketing and commercials to brands and sponsors, we can talk television and production specs to broadcasters and now we can talk boxing, all as a single powerful partnership unit.”

Kelvin, a high-level marketing strategist with experience managing campaigns and brands across Africa, is the former Global Chief Marketing Officer of SportPesa, brings to the team vast experience via various marketing roles at Exco level with some of the largest corporates and Telcos on the African continent.

Now in the role of CEO under the banner of the Jackson Group, Kelvin is able to unlock value through commercial partnerships and connectivity across the East African hub and the continent at large. Kelvin’s experience in sports ranges from football working with Clubs and Leagues in Africa and Europe including the Everton, Arsenal, Laliga and Cape Town City FC.

During his time at SportPesa Kelvin created the SportPesa Fight Night, as well as brought Tony Bellew to Kenya as part of the Everton SportPesa Boxing Road Show. The Nairobi Figth Night Series commanded over 7.4 million audience in Kenya alone being shown in over 7 channels across Africa.

Without doubt the stage appears set for a new energy and approach to Pan African boxing, with Tanzania providing the backdrop and this exciting partnership between Global Boxing Stars and The Jackson Group pioneering a new commercial and collaborative model.

Rumble in Dar, co-headlined by Ibrahim Class versus Dennis Mwale for the World Boxing Federation (WBFed) Intercontinental Lightweight Championship and Tervel Pulev versus Vikapita Meroro takes place at the Next Door Arena, Masaki, Dar-Es-Salaam, Tanzania on Friday the 29th January 2021.

Joining host broadcaster Azam TV are numerous broadcast platforms worldwide such as NBC Namibia, Astro Arens (Malaezia) plus more (check local Channel/Cable Network schedule) and will also be streamed live and free to view onFITE.TV, Gineko Network, Boxing TV, PPV Live,  360 PR App etc (further Streaming Channels to be announced soon) as well as on the Go Boxing YouTube and Daily Motion Channels, Rumble in Dar will also be available as Video on Demand seven days after the event on Sports channel Network (SCN) and other VOD platforms.



41-0 Gilberto “Stangaci” Ramirez all in for WBC Interim World light heavyweight clash with “Domn” Marcus Browne

LAS VEGAS (Ianuarie 14, 2021) — The first super middleweight world champion of Mexican decent, neînvinsă Gilberto “Stangaci” Ramirez (41-0, 27 KO) is all in for a potential World Boxing Council (WBC) Interim light heavyweight World title fight against 2012 S.U.A.. Olimpic “Domn” Marcus Browne (23-1, 16 KO).

The WBC ordered Ramirez vs. Browne this past Monday because reigning WBC light heavyweight World champion Artur Beterbiev (15-0, 15 KO) hasn’t defended his title since capturing it October 18, 2019, due to getting COVID-19 during training camp, as well as for other pandemic related restrictions. Beterbiev is also the reigning International Boxing Federation (IBF) light heavyweight World champion.

Ramirez is the No. 1 light heavyweight contender in the WBC ratings, while Browne is ranked No. 4. Echipa Zurdo și echipa Browne au până în februarie 5lea to work out a deal before it’ll go to purse bid. Martinez is promoted by his own company, Promotii Zurdo, în timp ce Browne este reprezentat de PBC.

This is an interesting opportunity and I’m ready to fight anyone in the light heavyweight division to leave my mark on the sport,” Ramirez said. “I know Marcus has been out of the ring for a while, but he’s a U.S. Olympian and still one of the best in the game. I know he’s wanted this fight for a while and hopefully we can make something happen.

“În plus, it’s always been my dream to get the green belt (WBC) and bring it back to Mexico. I have a lot of respect for the WBC and Mauricio Suliman and I am grateful for all their love and support throughout my career.

Luna trecuta, Ramirez fought for the first time in 20 luni, stopping defending champion Alfonso “El Tigre” Lopez (32-4, 25 KO) in the 10th round of theBattle of Rio Grande” main event, which marked the debut of Zurdo Promotions.

The 29-year-old Ramirez became the first Mexican fighter to capture a world super middleweight crown in 2016, when the ultra-gifted, athletic southpaw pitched a complete shutout against defending title holder “Rege” Arthur Abraham(44-4), câștigând fiecare rundă pentru o decizie unanimă de 12 runde (120-106 X 3) to become the World Boxing Organization (WBO) campion mondial.

Ramirez successful defended his WBO title five times against 33-4-1 Maksym Bursak (DEC12), 22-0 Jessie Hart (DEC12), 25-0-1 Habib Ahmed (25-0-1), 23-0 Roemer Alexis Angulo (DEC12), and Hart again in a rematch (DEC12). “Stangaci” moved up to the light heavyweight division in 2019, destroying 29-6-1 Tommy Karpency, who was unable to continue fighting after four rounds.

A talented southpaw as well, Browne was a decorated U.S. amateur out of New York City, who won gold medals at the 2010 S.U.A.. Campionate naționale PAL și 2012 S.U.A.. Campionatele Naționale, prior to representing the U.S. at the Olympic Games in London.

Browne, 30, is a past WBA Interim light heavyweight World champion. He has beaten a pair of word champions, 22-1-3 Badou Jack (DEC12) și 25-7-1 Gabriel Campillo (25-7-2). Other notable opponents he has defeated include 21-0 Radivoje Kalajdzic (DEC8), 20-2 Thomas Williams (KO6), 28-0 Sean Monaghan (TKO2), și 18-1-1 Lenin Castillo (DEC10). Browne’s last fight was August 3, 2019, when he suffered his first loss as a professional to former world champion Jean Pascal(33-6-1) via an eight-round technical decision, after Browne suffered a severe cut over his left eye from an accidental head-butt.

There are always challenges to making a fight become reality,” Ramirez concluded, “but me being both the fighter and sole promoter, I’m flexible on the common problems that takes to make a fight. I’m not sure how much time Marcus will need to be ready, but both time and location can be determined when the other preliminary items are agreed upon. If it goes to a purse bid, I’m ready for the process and, in speranta, this fight can happen for both of us.

Site web: www.ZurdoPromotions.com
Instagram: @zurdoramirez, @zurdopromotions
Stare de nervozitate: @ZurdoPromotions, @GilbertoZurdoRamirez


Jaron Ennis vs. Chris van Heerden Declared No Decision After Accidental Headbutt; Gary Antonio Russell Scores Technical Decision Victory Over Juan Carlos Payano

Faceți clic pe AICI pentru Fotografii din Amanda Westcott / SHOWTIME
(Photos will be uploaded shortly)

Uncasville, Conn. – December 20, 2020 – Undefeated bantamweight Reymart Gaballo scored a controversial split-decision victory over former world champion Emmanuel Rodriguez in the main event of Saturday night’s SHOWTIMEBOXING: SPECIAL EDITION de la Mohegan Sun Arena din Uncasville, Conn., într-un eveniment prezentat de Premier Boxing Champions. Cu victoria, Gaballo picked up the vacant interim WBC Bantamweight Title.

Saturday’s headliner in the last SHOWTIME BOXING event of 2020 was competitive from the opening bell. In only three of the twelve rounds were Rodriguez and Gaballo separated by more than three landed punches. Global, Gaballo (24-0, 20 KO) aruncat 148 more punches than Rodriguez (19-2, 12 KO), but still managed to connect on 16 fewer power punches. The punches of the 28-year-old Rodriguez seemed to be cleaner, as he wobbled the Filipino Gaballo on more than one occasion. Totuși, two of the judges favored Gaballo’s aggression over Rodriguez’s ring generalship.

SHOWTIME’s unofficial scorer Steve Farhood scored the fight 118-110 in favor of Rodriguez and SHOWTIME analyst and former world champion Raul Marquez was dismayed by the judges’ decision.

“There’s no way Gaballo could have won that fight,” said Marquez. “In the worst-case scenario, you could have maybe given him three rounds. I gave him no rounds.”

“I am very happy and blessed to win this belt,” said the 24-year-old Gaballo. “I was always moving forward and controlling the pace, so I thought it was a close fight that either of us could have won.

“I’m waiting for my team to tell me what they have planned for me next. I’m going to keep training hard so I’m always ready for the opportunity when it comes.”

“It was a good fight, but he only won about two or three rounds,” said Rodriguez. “There were two punches from me for every punch he landed. He knows he lost. Everyone knows we won. My team told me to go out and keep boxing him in the late rounds. We knew he needed a knockout in the twelfth round. That was his only chance to win.”

În cazul în care co-principal, Philadelphia’s undefeated welterweight sensation Jaron Ennis (26-0, 24 KO) saw his impressive 16-fight knockout streak come to a disappointing end after an accidental headbutt in the first round caused a brutal cut to the forehead of his opponent, Chris van Heerden (28-2-1, 12 KO). Watch the clash of heads AICI: https://twitter.com/ShowtimeBoxing/status/1340495823474442240

With only two minutes and thirty-nine seconds inside the ring to showcase his skills, Ennis was still able to flash glimpses of his championship potential as he landed 22 de 57 pumni, 19 of them power shots as he appeared destined to stop the South African van Heerden and keep his KO streak alive before the clash of heads.

“Before the headbutt I had already cut him and I felt strong,” said a disappointed Ennis. “I knew he was ready to go. I feel like I’m getting better and better. Now I’ll just get back in the gym. As you could see from the first round, I was handling him easily. I feel like everyone is still sleeping on me, but I’m ready for anyone. Bring on the big names.”

În deschizătorul de programe de televiziune, bantamweight contender Gary Antonio Russell (18-0, 12 KO) kept his unblemished record intact with a technical decision victory over former world champion Juan Carlos Payano (21-5, 9 KO). After an accidental headbutt caused a bad cut to the left brow of Payano, referee David Fields stopped the fight after the sixth round at the advice of the ringside physician. The fight went to the scorecards, where Russell led on all three cards (58-56, 59-55, 59-55).

Inainte de a prejudiciului, Russell and Payano were engaged in a scrappy brawl that saw multiple exchanges of power punches. In the closing seconds of the sixth, and ultimately final round, Russell caught Payano with a counter-shot that hurt Payano. Russell landed 86 de 243 punches while Payano landed just 58 de 268 pumni. Russell flashed excellent body work throughout the fight, out landing Payano 40 pentru 17 on body shots.

In SHOWTIME BOXING Prelims action that streamed live on the SHOWTIME Sports YouTube Channel și SHOWTIME Box pagina de Facebook, highly regarded 21-year-old prospect Brandun Lee (21-0, 19 KO) extended his knockout streak to 13 with a third-round stoppage of Dakota Linger (12-5-2, 8 KO) and Benjamin Whitaker (15-4, 3 KO) scored a majority decision victory (76-76, 77-75, 79-73) over previously unbeaten prospect Zsolt Daranyi (15-1, 14 KO).

Sâmbătă SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION telecast will replay on Monday at 10 p.m. ET/PT pe SHOWTIME EXTREME.

An industry leading production team and announce crew delivered all the sights, sounds and drama from Mohegan Sun Arena. Veteran broadcaster Brian Custer hosted the telecast. Versatile combat sports voice Mauro Ranallo called the action ringside alongside Hall of Fame analyst Al Bernstein and former middleweight world champion Raúl “El Diamante” Marquez providing expert analysis. Two Hall of Famers rounded out the SHOWTIME telecast team – unofficial ringside scorer Steve Farhood and world-renowned ring announcer Jimmy Lennon Jr. The telecast was available in Spanish via Secondary Audio Programming (SAP) with former world champion Raul Marquez and sportscaster Alejandro Luna calling the action. The Executive Producer was David Dinkins, Jr., the Producer was Ray Smaltz and the Director was Chuck McKean.

The event was promoted by TGB Promotions. Rodríguez vs. Gaballo was promoted in association with Warriors Boxing and Fresh Productions. Ennis vs. Van Heerden was promoted in association with D&D Box.

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Pentru mai multe informații vizitați www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, urmați pe Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing and @TGBPromotions on Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing and @TGBPromotionss or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.


“I think it’s inevitable,” – Logan Paul on potential fight against his brother, Jake


CE: YouTube sensation turned professional boxer Logan Paul joins this week’sFOOD TRUCK DIARIES, a segment under SHOWTIME Sports’ digital talk show and podcast seriesBELOW THE BELT WITH BRENDAN SCHAUBto preview his highly touted February 2021 boxing exhibition against all-time great Floyd Mayweather.

Paul details to Schaub how the Mayweather bout came to fruition, explains where his love and passion for boxing came from and speculates on a potential clash with his brother and fellow pro boxer Jake Paul, who scored a viral sensation over former NBA star Nate Robinson last month.

Following are excerpts from the episode:

On how the fight with Floyd Mayweather came about…

Paul – “I signed [the contract] and then after just months and months going back and forth, figuring out dates – we had three different dates – and how to announce it and just the strategy behind it. It finally came to fruition and this event that supersedes everything I’ve ever done in my life, finally solidified.”

On his boxing skills and last fight against KSI…

Paul – “I think we surprise a lot of people. It’s what I’ve done my whole life. I’ve just exceeded expectations and I don’t think there’s anything online that’s representative of how good I am or the level at which I’m operating at this point in my life when it comes to boxing. I think my last fight wasn’t indicative in the slightest. I remember after it happened, frate, the bell rang at the sixth round and I had half a tank left…Something just didn’t click that day…A year later, after an ‘L’, you secure a fight with the biggest fighter on the planet. It never really felt like a loss.”

On the rules of the Mayweather bout…

Paul – “I don’t think there’s a weight as of now. If they make me drop weight I’ll be pissed. I’ll make a thing about it. I’ll f***ing complain about it and sh*t. That’s the thing, dreapta? The greatest boxer of all time faces the young behemoth. I’m going in there and I’m towering over this dude and that’s what makes it exciting. It’s David vs. Goliath.”

On a potential fight with his brother, Jake…

Paul – “My dad does not want us to do that. If you want my opinion, I think it’s inevitable. I think Jake and I in two to four years’ time are going to be beating the sh*t out of each other in a ring and I think it’ll be one of the most historical sporting events to take place ever.”

BELOW THE BELT explores the intersection of combat sports and pop culture through the eyes of former fighter, comedian and red carpet host Brendan Schaub. The program discusses the latest news in combat sports and pop culture, with Schaub delivering candid thoughts in his unique and unfiltered style. Below the Belt features interviews with the biggest names in combat sports and entertainment, road trips, fight camp visits, sketches, animation and pop-culture spoofs.

Undefeated lightweight prospect Jamaine “The Technician” Ortiz No longer best kept secret after Tyson-Jones, Jr. PPV show performance

WORCESTER, Masă. (Decembrie 14, 2020) – Prior to his sensational performance on the recent Mike Tyson-Roy Jones, Jr. eveniment pay-per-view, undefeated lightweight prospectJamaine “The Technician” Ortiz was boxing’s best kept secret. No more, deși, as Ortiz firmly established himself as a rising star in front of countless fans among the 1.6 million PPV buys.

Ortiz flew from Boston to Los Angeles on Thanksgiving. He was driven to his hotel, where he immediately saw Jones, checked his weight, and walked to Staples Center. “I was comfortable from the start,” said the young fighter who was fighting for the first time as a professional outside of New England. “I was there to get the job done. I was on a mission. I walk to see the Staples Center and that was cool. I later took my run around the Staples Center and there were a lot of statues. It was beautiful. It was cool seeing the Lakers locker-room.”

The 24-year-old Ortiz (14-0, 8 KO), the reigning World Boxing Youth World champion, knock-outSulaiman Segawa (13-3-1, 4 KO) with a bruising body attack, hurting his opponent in the sixth round, and closing the show in spectacular fashion in the seventh for the vacant World Boxing Council (WBC) USNBC (S.U.A.) Silver lightweight title. Segawa had never been stopped before as a professional.

Ortiz displayed his overall arsenal: stiff jab, lightning quick hands and feet, switching back and forth effortlessly from orthodox to southpaw stances, punishing hooks up and down, and the most lethal body shots seen from a New Englander since“Irish” Micky Ward.   

“I was calm and cool before the fight,” Ortiz added. “I like to go into a fight, mintal, like it was a sparring session and I always do good. I started out in an orthodox stance, established my jab and used it a lot. I think I should have used it more and could have beaten him with it. I listened to my coach (Rocky Gonzalez) and he told me when to switch. Body punching is the No. 1 thing with Rocky. I may not have shown it nearly as much in other fights, but he drills that into me all the time. In the sixth round, he told me to go more to the body, not looking to catch him, and in the seventh I really hurt him to the body.

“Segawa was definitely tough. He had beaten a lot of guys, including a few he upset. Every fight is a stepping-stone and I’m my worst critic. I felt that I could have knocked him out in the second round, but I didn’t want to go off the game plan

Ortiz set-up Segawa from the opening bell, l sa stricat, and finished the show in grand style as Seqawa was hurt and trapped on the ropes, drawing kudos from highly respected people in the industry such as“Sugar” Ray LeonardTeddy Atlas, and others. Ortiz’ fanbase grew exponentially as boxing fans rushed to sign up to follow Jamaine during and after his breakout fight.

“Once people saw me perform and my style,” Ortiz continued, “they liked me. I could have shown more and thrown more combinations. I really needed to fight in front of the world. I got 5,500 new Instagram flowers that night. I guess, I’m no longer the best kept secret in boxing.”

“Our main goal is to win a world title,” Gonzalez commented. “This was fun and a great opportunity, but the motivation to be world champion is stronger. He dealt with this fight as just another fight, and he followed our game plan.

“His body shots set up the ending. I’m always telling him about Micky Ward’s body shots. You know, boxing is a dance, a salsa. Boxers need to dance; I don’t think they should just be orthodox. They all need to fight the other way and when Jamaine switched stances in the third, he never let up. I’ve trained him hard. I’m always on him and what better way to shut me up than ending it like he did on pay per view?  It was a drop the microphone moment!"

Ortiz is promoted byJimmy Burchfield (Classic Entertainment and Sports) and advised byRichard Shappy șiEddie Imondi

Because of the uncertainty in boxing due to the pandemic, Ortiz’ 2021 schedule is unknown, but he isn’t boxing’s best kept secret anymore, “The Technician” is a bonafide rising star.

Undefeated Lester Martinez captures WBC Latino super middleweight title



SAN CARLOS, Mexic (Decembrie 10, 2020) – Rising starLester Martinez kept his perfect record intact last night, oprireUriel “Big Bang” Gonzalez (18-7-1, 14 KO) at the end of the opening round, in the main event on an RJJ Boxing card at Maninaterra Hotel & Spa Event Center in San Carlos, Sonora, Mexic.

The final 2020 installment of RJJ Boxing on UFC FIGHT PASS®, presented by Roy Jones, Jr. Boxing Promotions and De La O Promotions, will be held this evening at the same venue.

All the action was streamed live and exclusively on UFC FIGHT PASS®, the world’s leading digital subscription service for combat sports, as will tonight’s RJJ Boxing starting at 10 p.m. ȘI / 7 p.m. PT. To sign up for UFC FIGHT PASS, va rugam sa vizitatiwww.ufcfightpass.com

The 25-year-old Martinez extended his perfect pro record to 7-0, all ending in stoppages, and the heavy-handed Guatemalan captured the vacant World Boxing Council (WBC) Latino super middleweight championship. Martinez ripped Gonzalez from the opening bell, dropping him late in the opening round, and even though Gonzalez beat the count, the referee had seen enough, and he halted the action.

În cazul în care co-featured, Mexican featherweightEddy “Dinamita” Valencia (16-5-6, 5 KO) învinsPablo “The Lethal Mosquito” Cruz (20-3, 6 KO), din Houston, by way of an 8-round unanimous decision.

Six-time Mexican National amateur champion, panăAlan “Cachoro” Solis (12-0-1, 7 KO), remained unbeaten by knocking outAbelardo “Bolillo” Sanchez (7-2-2, 4 KO) in the seventh round.

Former Cuban amateur starAriel Perez “La Maquina” De La Torre (4-0, 4 KO), fighting out of Guatemala, pounded Mexican super bantamweight from start to finish, which came in the sixth round by technical knockout.

Rezultatele complete de mai jos: 


Lester Martinez (7-0, 7 KO), Guatemala City, Guatemala

WTKO1 (3:00) 

Uriel Gonzalez (18-7-1, 14 KO), Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, México

(Martinez won WBC Latino super middleweight title 


Eddy Valencia (16-5-6, 5 KO), Culiacán, Sinaloa, México

WDEC8 (79-73, 78-74, 77-75) 

Pablo Cruz (20-3, 6 KO), Houston, Texas, STATELE UNITE ALE AMERICII


Alan Solis (12-0-1, 7 KO), Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, México


Abelardo Sanchez (7-2-2, 4 KO), Los MochisMéxico


Ariel Perez De La Torre (4-0, 4 KO), Camagüey, Cuba by way of Guatemala


Isaac Buitimea (9-7, 4 KO), Ciudad Obregón, Sonora, México


Site-uri web:   http://www.RoyJonesJrBoxing.comwww.ufcfightpass.com  

Facebook: /UFCFightPass, /KeithVeltre

Stare de nervozitate: @UFCFightPass, @Keith_Veltre, @RoyjonesJRfa @RoyJonesJrOfficial

Instagram: @iKONFightingFederation, @UFCFightPass, @KeithVeltre, @RoyJonesJrBoxing

ABOUT ROY JONES JR, BOXING PROMOTIONS: Co-founded in 2013 by 10-time world champion Roy Jones, Jr. and Keith Veltre, Roy Jones, Jr. (RJJ) Boxing Promotions is on its way to reinventing boxing.  RJJ has already made a huge impact in the boxing community in a few short years.  Creating exhilarating content for UFC Fight Pass, CBS Sports, Arată Timpul, ESPN and beIN Sports in some of the finest venues across the country, RJJ has proven it is conquering the sweet science of the sport.

Based in the fight capital of the world, Las Vegas, NV, Roy Jones Jr. Promoții la box is climbing to the top at a fast pace, adding young talent to its growing stable: NABF super flyweight champion, WBC #15, WBA #14 și IBF #7 Jade “Hurricane” Bornea (15-0, 10 KO), two-time world title challenger WBO #11 bantamweight “Mighty” Aston Palicte (26-4-1, 22 KO), former NABA welterweight champion Kendo ‘Tremendo” Castaneda (17-2, 8 KO), former Interim World middleweight title challenger John “The Phenom” Vera (19-1 (1 KO), NABF, WBC FECARBOX & WBC U.S. campion semimijlocie, WBC #14 and Santiago “Somer” Dominguez (22-0, 17 KO), undefeated middleweight prospect Connor “Kid” Coyle (12-0, 5 KO), undefeated super middleweight prospect Juan “Just Business” Barajas (11-0, 7 KO), and former WBC World Youth heavyweight Alexander “The Great” Flores (18-2-1, 16 KO).  

ABOUT UFC FIGHT PASS®UFC LUPTA TRECERE® is the world’s leading digital subscription service for combat sports. Since launching in 2013, UFC FIGHT PASS is now available in more than 200 countries and territories. UFC FIGHT PASS provides its members with unlimited access to live UFC FIGHT PASS Prelims; live mixed martial arts and combat sports from around the world; original series and historical programming; special features; behind-the-scenes content; in-depth interviews; and up-to-the minute reports on the world of combat sports. UFC FIGHT PASS subscribers also have 24/7 access to the world’s largest fight library, featuring more than 20,000 bouts from dozens of combats sports organizations, as well as every fight in UFC history. Fight fans can access UFC FIGHT PASS on personal computers, iOS and Android mobile devices, Apple TV, Xbox One, Amazon Fire TV, Chromecast, An, Samsung Smart TVs, LG Smart TVs, and Sony TVs with Android TV. Pentru mai multe informații, va rugam sa vizitatiwww.ufcfightpass.com