标记档案: 拳击

Perrella meets with Boys & Girls Club members of Santa Fe

Perrella and Boys & Girls club NM.JPG
圣达菲, NM (九月 24, 2016) – Bryant “Goodfella” Perrella took time out of his intense training schedule to meet with members of the Boys & Girls Club of Santa Fe 星期五 下午.
Perrella entertained a group of children at Holmes Boxing Club as part of a program with local Boys & Girls Club members. The Fort Myers, FL native is big on giving back to the community and recently started a program in his hometown called “Goodfella’s Great Students” where he rewards top academic performers. Shortly after arriving in New Mexico to finish preparations for his fight with Yordenis Ugas, Perrella was told of the Boys & Girls Club initiative and happily volunteered.
I’ve only been in New Mexico a short time and the people here already make me feel like I’m the local fighter,” said Perrella, who risks his 14-0 record against Ugas 星期二, 九月 27 福克斯体育 1 at the Buffalo Thunder Casino in Pojoaque, NM. Spending time with children in the community was the least I could do. The kids were very excited to meet me and they brought smiles to my face just as I did to theirs. I’d like to thank Holmes Boxing and the Boys & Girls Club of Santa Fe for the opportunity. I look forward to entertaining local fight fans 星期二 evening and spending time with the children again in the future.”

不败的特雷·利普·莫里森率先阻止埃德·拉蒂莫尔; “HOT ROD”卡拉季奇在 SHOBOX 上第五回合以令人印象深刻的 TKO 战胜特拉维斯·彼得金 (TRAVIS PETERKIN),赢得主赛事: BUFFALO RUN 赌场的新一代


伊万·巴兰奇克 (Ivan Baranchyk) 一致判定击败王志敏

不败的次中量级伊万·戈卢布(Ivan Golub)以第三名阻止詹姆斯·史蒂文森(James Stevenson)

观看重播 星期一, 七. 26, 在 10 P.M. AND/PT的SHO EXTREME®

点击 这里 要下载图片

图片来源: 汤姆赌场/欣欣®

MIAMI, 俄克拉何马州. (七. 24, 2016) – 在重量级不败的夜晚 特雷·利佩·莫里森 赢得了他的电视首秀并 伊万“野兽”Baranchyk伊万“的沃尔克”戈卢布 保持不败, 轻重量级 拉迪沃耶“热棒”卡拉季奇 第五轮淘汰赛,重拾胜利之路 彼得金特拉维斯 在一个主要事件 的ShoBox: 新一代 quadrupleheader生活 开演时间 星期五布法罗奔跑 赌场 在迈阿密, 俄克拉何马州.


使他 的ShoBox 首次亮相,也是自他因对马库斯·布朗的有争议的决定而遭受唯一失败以来的第一次首发, 积极进取的卡拉季奇 (22-1, 15 科斯) 圣. 圣彼得堡, 佛罗里达州。, 丢下彼得金 (16-1-1, 7 科斯), 布鲁克林布朗斯维尔区, 纽约州, 在比赛停止之前,第五局有两次 1:32.


其他电视转播结果: Baranchyk (12-0, 10 科斯), 布鲁克林, 纽约州, 经过10轮一致决定 王志民 (7-1, 3 科斯, 7-1 WSB), 纳特利, N.J. 经 宁波, 中国, 在 的ShoBox 共同特征; 深受当地人喜爱的人,也是已故前世界重量级冠军的儿子, 汤米·“公爵”·莫里森, 重量级 特雷·利佩·莫里森 (12-0, 12 科斯) 摧毁了此前不败的 艾德·拉铁摩尔 (13-1, 7 科斯), 匹兹堡, 霸。, 一个进球 2:19, 第一轮将军澳; 以及乌克兰次中量级选手戈卢布 (13-0, 11 科斯, 5-0 WSB), 布鲁克林, 第三轮淘汰赛 詹姆斯·史蒂文森(23-3, 16 科斯), 巴尔的摩, 马里兰州.


卡拉季奇以持续的侵略性压倒了彼得金, 超强的斗志和更强的力量. 他降落 45 他的力量,投篮的百分比, 含 60 最后一轮的百分比. 更多, 他带领 37-7 身体所连接.


“特拉维斯·彼得金的一维特性让他付出了很大的代价,因为他无法回答热罗德的右手问题, 当他自己投出强力球时却毫无效果,'' 的ShoBox 专家分析 史蒂夫Farhood 后来说. “他被曝光了 今晚, 卡拉季奇在输给马库斯·布朗后,让他的职业生涯重新焕发活力。”


身高 6 英尺 2 英寸,波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那人, 卡拉季奇第一次用右-左组合击败了彼得金,并用右-左-右组合结束了他. 彼得金重重摔倒在中立角落, 提示裁判停止.


“他有点笨拙,所以我花了一点时间才找到自己的射程,但一旦我找到了,我就进入了节奏, 我知道他不会坚持下去,”卡拉季奇说道. “我们一直在努力保持耐心并找到这个范围,结果表明 今晚.


“我想在这场战斗中发表声明,我做到了. 我想要轻重量级的大腕, 但在那之前我再次想要马库斯·布朗. 这对我来说是未竟的事业. 如果他真的认为自己赢得了这场战斗,那么我们再做一次. 我们下周可以战斗. 我准备好了。''


Baranchyk, 尽管职业生涯第一次被裁 (第五个在他的左眼上), 通过的成绩夺得 100-90 两次, 99-91. 目前还没有击倒.


轮次, 尤其是在比赛的下半场, 有竞争力. 两位拳手的强力击球命中率都很高, 44 巴兰奇克百分比, 41 致民的百分比, 但不同的是巴兰奇克更忙, 更清爽,身体更强壮.


首次超过四轮, 他回答了有关他最后一轮耐力的问题,并觉得他现在已经准备好再次站出来.

“140磅级充满了人才,巴兰奇克说. “我想与很多战士战斗, 但接下来我特别想对战两个人: 莫里斯·胡克和阿贝尔·拉莫斯. 胡克在 Roc Nation 工作,收视率高于我. 他保持不败,这将是一场伟大的战斗,以证明我是这个部门中最有前途的球员之一. 我也希望拉莫斯能和拉莫斯对战. 我们都是 DBE 提拔的,我听说他叫我出去. 他是一个挺身而出的人,这些都是我喜欢的战斗类型,这使得电视节目变得很棒.

“我爱迈阿密的球迷,我喜欢继续战斗 的ShoBox. 这是我第一次去 10 我感觉很棒. 我当然希望能被淘汰,因为我总是想上演一场精彩的表演, 但这对我来说是一次很棒的学习经历. 他是一个非常难缠的对手,我很惊讶他能够投出这么多关键球. 我们一直在努力保持耐心和拳击,我能够证明这一点 今晚.''


王, 他竭尽全力,从不让巴兰奇克放松, 说, “我感觉有点紧张,无法像我想要的那样摆脱拳头. 他对我来说有点太大了。”


在一场点燃舞台的表演中, 利普·莫里森两次摔倒了拉铁摩尔,当裁判介入并终止比赛时,他正准备再次将他击倒。 2:19. 莫里森在第一回合中段首次用右手击败了拉铁摩尔. 过了一会儿, 拉铁摩尔两次右勾拳和一次左勾拳再次倒下. 经过一系列的拍摄后, 裁判阻止了它.


“你知道我必须观看比赛, 但我想我做得还不错,”莫里森在完成了他职业生涯中最危险的任务后说道. “我知道我必须要有耐心,在我的刺拳后面努力,抓住我看到的空当——耐心. 保持耐心是我一直在努力的事情. 这次我真的感受到了我的耐心.


“没想到这么快就结束了. 我知道这可能, 但我并没有这个打算. 用左手打倒一个人的感觉真好. 我的左手从来没有像我所知道的那样准确或快速. 我现在感觉我双手同样熟练. 我的左边和我的右边一样.


“赢得这样的一场战斗绝对是一种解脱. 我对战斗感到紧张, 但不是关于电视上的打斗. 这应该是我纸面上最艰难的战斗,我认为我做得很好.


“我觉得我可能已经睁开了眼睛, 但这很大程度上归功于弗雷迪·罗奇. 感谢弗雷迪,我觉得我正在进步. 我投得更快, 出拳更加敏捷,步法与双手之间的协调性也更好. 这一切都是因为弗莱迪.


“我本来不想KO,但我很高兴它发生了. 没有弗雷迪我不可能做到这一点, 这是肯定的. 一周后我将回到加利福尼亚,然后直接去健身房。”


淘汰赛是利普·莫里森在第一轮的第九场比赛. 在二月份开始的职业生涯中,他还两次第二轮击倒对手,一次第四轮KO 2014.


“我们希望看到更多特雷·利佩·莫里森,''Farhood的说. “让弗雷迪·罗奇和他一起做更多的工作吧. 他承受着巨大的压力 今晚, 但他表现出色,反应也很好. 他在课堂上进步了一大步 今晚 不可能产生更好的结果: 第一轮淘汰赛。”


经过一场激烈的竞争, 第一轮快节奏, 戈卢布接管了史蒂文森似乎疲倦的工作. 一记漂亮的右勾拳打在史蒂文森的下巴上,使他踉踉跄跄, 谁还在摇摇欲坠, 数到五就起身, 但戈卢布继续他的双拳攻击, 交付过来 20 出拳无人回应,裁判制止了.


“对我来说,抢尽风头的人是戈卢布,“Farhood的说. “我们一直认为他是一名拳击手,但他表现出了巨大的力量 今晚. 他淘汰了史蒂文森这个非常强大的对手,巴兰奇克将通过参加比赛而受益匪浅。 10 发. 他表现得很出色,在与对手的战斗中,他打出了尽可能多的拳头,而对手根本不会受伤。”


“从第一轮我就可以看出,当他进来时,他给自己留下了很大的空位,”戈卢布在第二次比赛后说道 的ShoBox 开始. “我知道我迟早会抓住他,并带他离开那里。”. 我对自己的表现很满意,但我知道我还有很多地方需要改进. 我们的比赛计划是保持耐心并限制住他,让他来找我们. 我期待着尽快回到那里,并继续攀登次中量级的排名。”

周五 由 DiBella Entertainment 和 Tony Holden Productions 联合 Fight Promotions 和 Roc Nation Sports 联合推广的四场比赛电视转播将重新播出 星期一10 P.M. AND/PT 将在 SHOWTIME EXTREME 上播出,并将于今天开始在 SHOWTIME ON DEMAND 上播出, 星期六, 七. 24.


巴里·汤普金斯 的ShoBox 从马戏团的动作与Farhood的和前世界冠军 劳尔·马尔克斯 作为专业分析师. 执行制片人 戈登·霍尔 理查德·高根生产和 里克·菲利普斯 导演.


2012 Canadian Olympian Custio Clayton to headline

Undefeated welterweight prospect Custio Clayton will headline GYM’s 十月. 20日 show in Montreal

MONTRÉAL (九月 23, 2016) –– 该 “健身房 2016-2017 拳击系列”, 一 “Presentation of Casino de Montreal in collaboration with Videotronwill officially begin 十月 20 and that professional boxing card has been announced today by Groupe Yvon Michel (健身房) 总统

在10轮的主要事件, 2012 加拿大奥运选手 Custio克莱顿 (9-0, 7 科斯) will face the biggest challenge of his young career in his tenacious Mexican opponent, RamsesEl FaraonAgaton (17-4-3, 9 科斯).
克莱顿, based in Montreal since his professional debut, also headlined theGYM-CASINOseries last season. In three series bouts held at the Cabaret du Casino in 2016, 他停止了法国人 Stanislas Salmon (25-3-2), 美国 海克特·穆尼奥斯 (23-17-1) and Mexican Jose Emilio Perea (23-6-1).
I work hard every week and I always feel better when I work out,” Clayton said. “I had a solid training camp in Montreal and a few days in Ottawa with my trainer. I’ll be ready!”
Agaton is a fast, skilled and aggressive southpaw who lost a tough, majority decision to the North American Boxing Federation (NABF) 次中量级冠军, 康斯坦丁·波诺马廖夫 (28-0), 俄罗斯, last November in Las Vegas. Agaton has notable victories over Ronald Montes (16-0), 亚历杭德罗·巴雷拉 (25-1) 和 Alvaro Robles (17-2-2).
Charismatic 玛丽 - 夏娃Dicaire (4-0, 0 科斯), 圣欧斯塔什的, will step into the ring in a 6-round fight for only the second time of her career versus 卡拉萨莫拉 (3-2-0, 1 KO), 墨西哥, 在共同特征.
Dicaire will be fighting at Cabaret du Casino for the fourth time having already defeated Manitoba’s Christina Berry (0-2-0), 墨西哥人 玛莎·帕特里夏·拉腊 (9-4-0) 和美国 阿什利 - 库里 (7-9-4) in her previous appearances in her previous fights there
The Casino is becoming my home, ” the 30-year-old southpaw commented. “I cannot wait to box again This is the longest I’ve been without climbing into the ring and everything is good to the point. I am transformed! I look forward to applying the new details worked on in the gym.
A protégé of world light heavyweight contender and 2-time Russian Olympian, 阿图尔Beterbiev, pro-debuting super bantamweight Vislan Dalkhaev (7-0-0, 2 科斯) will try to continue his demolition work in the pro ranks against Rodrigo Adrian Campos (10-4-0, 5 科斯), 墨西哥, in a scheduled 8-round fight.
During his illustrious amateur career, Dalkhaev’s major accomplishment was defeating 2-time Olympic gold medalist Robeisy Ramirez, 古巴, at a 2010 tournament in Kazakhstan. Ramirez recently beat American star 沙库尔·史蒂文森 championship final of the bantamweight (56 公斤) division at the 2016 Olympic Games in Brazil this past summer. Based on his rich amateur pedigree, Dalkhaev has a very promising pro boxing career.
Vislan is very impressive in training and he is improving with every bout,” 他的教练
马克·拉姆齐注意. “We see consistent development by him,”
Twenty-two-year old 达里奥·布雷迪森 (9-0, 3 科斯), who is trained by the Grant brothers, will also be in action against tough Frenchman Baptiste Castegnaro (8-9, 4 科斯).
An American of Romanian descent who was discovered by former world champion 卢西恩弼, Bredicean fought twice at the Casino last season, winning impressive decisions over Mexican 乔迪尔·泽佩达 (12-14-1) and Quebecer François Miville (7-4).
帕特里斯·沃尔尼 (2-0, 1 科斯), 蒙特利尔, will fight for the third time at the Cabaret of the Casino de Montréal. Spectacular in his two previous appearances there, where he delivered a brutal KO over米歇尔Tsalla (1-11-2) and dominated Charles Hauver (对于首次亮相), he will trade blows this time with pro-debuting Cuban Oscar Masso Cando, who is a veteran of 250 amateur fights and now lives in Lévis, Québec.
轻量级 Dwayne Durel, of nearby Laval (4-0-0, 2 科斯), is a former kickboxer, also trained by the Grant brothers, who also will be on the card against a rival to be determined.
Alexandre Choko against doping
In a special attraction, Montreal’s Alexandre Choko will make his pro debut at the age of 42. An activist in boxing’s anti-doping, he wants to raise awareness of the dangers of doping products by fighting in the ring himself.
The identity of his rival will be unveiled next week.
vents at The Casino
GYM BOXING SERIES PRESENTED BY THE CASINO DE MONTRÉAL IN COLLABORATION WITH VIDEOTRONis based on a formula that has been very popular from 2005 到 2010. 在这段时期, no less than nine participants went on to become world champions. 已经是第 13 个年头了, GYM repeated this formula in which the proximity of the action, along with the warm and electrifying ambiance, plus the intensity of the fights, provides a unique experience.
此外, at each event ticket holders will receive a private invitation to mingle with the athletes and observers in an exclusive Casino bar this unique purpose.
We are very proud to launch this series with this excellent event. This is the first of 18 planned at the Casino of Montreal and Lac Lemay, over the 3 next years, a real gift for boxing fans in QuebecMichel concluded. “These are our stars of 明天. And again, each event at the Casino is a colorful show, a one of a kind party. This is exactly the kind of happening that fight fans do not want to miss!”
Event tickets for the event or season tickets are available to purchase via www.admission.ca or by calling at GYM’s office (514-383-0666).
关于伊冯·米歇尔集团 (健身房): 狮伊冯·米歇尔 (健身房) 始建于 2004 作者:伊冯·米歇尔 (Yvon Michel) 和他的同事. 该组织的使命是通过教练支持,特别是竞争性管理,培养高水平拳击手. 实现其目标, GYM积极招募人才、举办活动,与热门剧集相关联, “总理拳击冠军 (PBC),” 并与 Loto Quebec 建立了主要的 Videotron 合作伙伴关系, TVA体育, 视频中心, 蒙特利尔赌场和利米湖, Tonik GroupImage 和 Lapointe 牙科中心, in addition to collaborating closely with Rixa.

FNU搏击运动展: 每周总结

Tony Penecale, 汤姆·帕吉特 (Tom Padgett) 和里奇·伯杰隆 (Rich Bergeron) 回顾了本周的格斗运动,并展望了今年 9 月即将举行的赛事 22 广播. 我们讨论利亚姆·史密斯惨遭卡内洛·阿尔瓦雷斯淘汰的惨败, 预览 科瓦列夫 vs. 病房, 并概述即将到来的周末的拳击赛程. 我们还讨论了唐·金的 “N字” 滑倒和几个拳击手对职业拳击的严格性感到不安的例子. 第一, 我们研究了为什么乔·沃伦(Joe Warren)上周五没有赞助商参加他的比赛,这场比赛是 Bellator 的联合主赛 161. 然后我们深入研究艾尔·亚昆塔与 UFC 的合同纠纷,导致他离开 UFC 205 最近. 我们还回顾了UFC格斗之夜 94 并预览 UFC 格斗之夜 95.




“Hot Rod” Kalajdzic Meets Travis Peterkin in Main Event,

Ivan Baranchyk Takes On Wang Zhimin, 特雷·利佩·莫里森
Faces Ed Latimore, Ivan Golub Battles James Stevenson

At Buffalo Run Casino, 迈阿密, 俄克拉何马州.

点击 这里 For Press Conference Photos

点击 这里 For Weigh-in Photos

Photos by Tom Casino/SHOWTIME

MIAMI, 俄克拉何马州. (七. 22, 2016) – The eight fighters (combined record 114-3-1, 78 击倒) featured on the 的ShoBox: 新一代 quadrupleheader生活 开演时间 (10 P.M. AND/PT, 延迟在西海岸) 明天, 星期五, 七. 23, from the Buffalo Run Casino are set to go.


的ShoBox 主要事件, 一次挨打 拉迪沃耶“热棒”卡拉季奇 (21-1, 14 科斯), 圣. 圣彼得堡, 佛罗里达州. will be opposed by undefeated 彼得金特拉维斯 (16-0-1, 7 科斯), 布鲁克林, 纽约州. 在 10 轮轻重量级比赛中. Junior lightweight sensation 伊万“野兽”Baranchyk (11-0, 10 科斯), 布鲁克林, 纽约州, 会见 王志民 (7-0, 3 科斯, 7-1 WSB), 纳特利, N.J. 经 宁波, 中国, 在10轮的共同特征. 点击 这里 to watch a video of Baranchyk’s last fight, 一 21 second KO.

重量级 特雷·利佩·莫里森 (11-0, 11 科斯), of Grove, 俄克拉何马州。, the son of the late former world heavyweight champion 汤米·“公爵”·莫里森, will make his television debut against fellow unbeaten Roc Nation prospect Ed “Black Magic” Latimore (13-0, 7 科斯), 匹兹堡, 霸, in a six-round bout and Ukrainian welterweight 伊万“的沃尔克”戈卢布 (12-0, 10 科斯, 5-0 WSB), 布鲁克林, 纽约州. 面孔 詹姆斯“让他们睡觉”史蒂文森 (23-2, 16 科斯), 巴尔的摩, MD。, in an eight-rounder that will open the telecast.


权重: Kalajdzic weighed 175½ pounds, 彼得金 174; Baranchyk tipped the scale at 139¾ pounds, Zhimin 139½, Morrison weighed 221½ pounds, 拉铁摩尔 219; and Golub weighed 146½ pounds, 史蒂文森 146.


由 DiBella Entertainment 和 Tony Holden Productions 与 Roc Nation Sports 联合推广的活动门票价格为 $35, $55 和 $75 和可在 buffalorun.comstubwire.com.


Below is what the fighters had to say prior to 周四 称重:



“This is my second 10-round fight and it is against another unbeaten southpaw from New York. I’m looking forward to this fight and I’m anxious to look ahead.


“I was very upset after my last fight [a controversial decision loss to unbeaten Marcus Browne]. I wasn’t really mad necessarily at myself or my team; it was mostly the referee. 然后, afterward when I saw the reaction from the fans, who totally booed the decision, even took their Marcus Browne T-shirts off, I didn’t feel so badly.


在周五 I want to come in and look great and hopefully stop this guy. I want to look better and cleaner than I did against Browne. I fought OK against Browne, but I should have used my jab more and not allowed him to grab and hold me so much.


“I was looking too much to land my right. I know I need to do better at setting it up by jabbing first. And by punching in bunches.

“A big win 星期五 won’t remove the overall sting of my last fight; nothing can erase the result. But since Browne doesn’t want to give me a rematch, I’m not going to just chase him. I have to move ahead.


“Against Peterkin, I want to keep it simple – jab, move and use the right hand. I need to keep him on the end of my punches. It looks like he comes at you but I’m going to come at him, 太, in a smart way. I want to try and get inside, smother him. I never got that chance against Browne because of all the holding.


“Peterkin is undefeated, durable and coming to win. I expect a very tough fight. But everything is going according to plan. I had about sixth months of preparation. The errors I made in my last fight have been fixed. They won’t happen again. I have an opportunity in this fight to erase all the bitter memories of my last fight.’’



“Making 175 pounds is OK. I can make the weight with no problem. So weight is no issue. If there was a weight class at 185, I’d probably be in it, 但 175 is fine. 我准备好了.


“I watched ‘Hot Rod’ closely against Browne. It was definitely a good fight. I feel Marcus could have won easily if he’d have finished the job in some of the rounds. If he stays outside he wins easily, but he wanted to make a point by going inside.


“Now ‘Hot Rod’ gets me, and this is a tremendous opportunity for me. He’s a good fighter and should have a zero there on his losses. He has power and is a decent counter-puncher. But we’ve prepared for him. We’re coming to win, box or brawl. This has been one of my best camps in a long time. I’m confident of a win.


“The key is controlling what goes on in the ring, be smart and listen to my corner. I feel this is definitely the toughest fight for me, and for him, 太.


“’I’m looking forward to the fight and the opportunity to make a name for myself at 175. 这是一段漫长的旅程, but if I can be myself and do what I came here to do, I’ll be fine.’’



“This is like a second home for me, fighting in Miami. I like the people. They seem to like me. 星期五 should be an exciting night for everybody.


“My last two fights have ended quickly but I always train and plan to go 10 发. I never try for one-round knockouts. I look forward to the time when I can show off a little more of my boxing and overall skills. I do have patience.


“I think my opponent is very good and has a lot of experience. He’s better than the last two fighters I fought. I feel this fight could go some rounds. But I have power, 所以我们会看到.


“I work very hard in the gym. I spar 10 rounds every day. I got to spar a few rounds with Danny Garcia for this fight. Training with a world champion like him was a tremendous learning experience and it helped me a lot. I hope some of it shows 在周五.''



“I want to thank everyone for this chance to fight. 我的一切准备. My opponent is a very experienced boxer with a good reputation. This is definitely a step up and my biggest fight.


“I can promise you one thing: We’ll put on an exciting show for you.


“My goal is to ultimately be fighting for a world title. It takes a lot of time, patience and work inside the gym.


“I’m known for my aggressiveness but I’m constantly working on boxing more. I feel I’ve improved a lot since I was an amateur.


“So I’m ready for this fight. He may be a big puncher but I don’t look at his numbers. This is a solid matchup, a crossroads fight and a good opportunity for both of us.’’



“This is a real, significant step up for me but I have to approach it like I always do.


“Moving to Hollywood [加利福尼亚州。] was a big change for me, but it meant I could train with Freddie Roach. He boosted my confidence just by the fact he agreed to take me on. So he must have seen something.


“There are so many things we work on: 环大将, 步法, things to look for, stuff to avoid.


“This is a tough fight for both of us, a dangerous test. Latimore is definitely my toughest opponent so far.


“I know a lot of people are interested in watching me and seeing how I do because of my dad. But as I go on, they’ll see I’m my own person.


“Fighting here again at the Buffalo Run is always exciting but a ring is a ring; there is no home field advantage. I certainly appreciate the fans’ support but I can’t think about it.


“One of these days I’ll fight someone who can take my shots. It might be Latimore, but if it happens, I’ll be ready for it. As for me taking a shot, I’ve been rocked in sparring but not in a live fight.


“Hurting my right hand in my last fight was a real blessing. I knew I always had power in it but now I have speed and accuracy to go along with it. My hand hasn’t given me any problems at all in training. So I don’t think about it. If I hurt it again, I’ll just deal with it and fight on.’’

罗奇, Morrison’s Trainer

“I was supposed to be in the Philippines, but I’m very close with Manny Pacquiao and I told him, ‘Listen, 曼尼, I’m going to be a week late because I have a big fight with Trey coming up,’ and he said, ‘I’ll see you in a week. Get the win.’

“We are a 100 %的准备. We have great sparring partners. We’ve done great work and I know he’s coming from a broken hand and he hasn’t fought in a while, but his strengthening and conditioning is going really well. This is going to be a great fight and I expect him to be at his best. [Looking at Ed Latimore] You are going to feel his power.

“Trey has very good power and breaking his hand helped him. We got to develop both hands and now he has knockout power in both hands.

“Ed Latimore is a very difficult opponent, but I think Trey will beat him.’


“My whole goal is to be totally calm, relaxed and in control. It’s not a physical or mental thing.


“I feel I’ve come a long way and I’m improving all the time. There were times when I was overthinking in the ring, but no more. I work on technique each and every day; my work ethic is impeccable.


“I’ve become such a better student of boxing. When I first started watching, I thought it was boring. Then I learned how to watch, and began to notice the subtle things going on. I now know what I’m looking at when I watch films and I see things totally different than I did before. Now I know what to do with what I learn.


“I may be small for a heavyweight but I’m never going to be one of those big guys so I do not put a lot of emphasis on size. 如果你能战斗, 你可以战斗. I work on developing skills. Punching power comes from technique and repetition, not always from size.


“I’m looking forward to a good fight. I have to stay composed. Morrison likes to come right out at you but I’m not planning to just let him come at me like he did his other opponents. I have something I plan to do that will give him something to think about.


“Fighting him is huge for me. His name means a lot. He’s the toughest guy I’ve fought. But I don’t think about my emotions and fighting in his hometown. We knew what we were getting into and there’s nothing we can do about it. There are things that are beyond your control.


“I’m still in school, majoring in physics, but I took a semester off. 然后, this opportunity came along. No way I could do both right now. I enjoy how far I’ve come in boxing. I think the hard work is paying off.


“I’m confident I’ll win 星期五. It’s going to be a great.’’


“I’ve been working mainly on my inside game and setting down on my punches lately. I know Stevenson is a good boxer, a slick guy who knows what do to. I have to try and stay patient, work the jab, work the body and put on pressure.


“In the amateurs it was more about points. Winning was OK with points but in the U.S. you need more than that.


“My mindset going into every fight is on going the distance. I’m looking forward to fighting Stevenson. Besides his boxing ability, he takes a good shot.


“This will be a real test for me, my toughest test. I’m a natural 160 but can make welterweight easily. It’s been a good camp for me.’’



“I think my opponent is probably taking me lightly. But he’s going to see a different me. I’m looking at this as a must-win, can-win fight. The birth of my daughter recently totally woke me up. It made me realize it was time to straighten up, stop running the streets and totally focus on my job. I have to take care of her. The added responsibility made me change my ways.


“So this training camp has been totally different than any I’ve had before. I’m really prepared. I didn’t come here to run, 我来赢. I’m certainly not here to be anyone’s opponent.


“It’s been crazy in my hometown. The whole city of Baltimore is behind me, and that is very exciting. 星期五is the most important fight ever for me and I am looking forward to it.


“I’m confident I can be the first to defeat Golub.’’

GORDON HALL, Senior Vice President of Production, SHOWTIME体育 & 执行制片人,的ShoBox: 新一代

明天 night we have eight fighters with a total combined record of 114-3-1. We have undefeated fighters facing each other. 我们有 151 fighters fight on 的ShoBox, and lose that 0. 明天 夜晚, on the second matchup of the night, we have two undefeated heavyweights. Trey Lippe Morrison’s father may have been Tommy, but we are not here because he’s Tommy’s son. We are here because we believe that Trey Lippe Morrison can fight and he’s taking a big step up in taking on Ed Latimore. It’s a big fight for both fighters and I credit them for taking the matchup.


“Ivan Golub had 300 业余打架. He’s an accomplished fighter, we had him once before on ShoBox and he’s taking on James Stevenson, a veteran fighter, who’s not coming here to lose.


“Ivan Baranchyk, the adopted son of Buffalo Run Casino here in Miami. He’s one of the fighters you want to pay to see. He’s all action. His skill level is A-plus and Wang Zhimin knows that and he’s not afraid.


“The main event, Rod Kalajdzic vs. Travis Peterkin is the one to watch out for. Kalajdzic loss on his record against Marcus Browne is debatable to those who saw the fight. Travis Peterkin is undefeated, so for me this is a fight of two undefeated fighters in the light heavyweight division, which has Adonis Stevenson, 沃德, 谢尔盖·科瓦廖夫. It’s a hot division and looking for new blood and hopefully we’ll see it here明天 晚上“。

巴里·汤普金斯 将调用 的ShoBox 从马戏团的行动 史蒂夫Farhood 和前世界冠军 劳尔·马尔克斯 作为专业分析师. 执行制片人 戈登·霍尔 理查德·高根 生产和 里克·菲利普斯 导演.



Venezuelan believes fellow countryman played into Crolla’s hands in July
Live from the Manchester Arena on 周六九月 24, on AWE-A WEALTH OF ENTERTAINMENT & www.klowdtv.com
点击 这里 for Photos
Mandatory Photo Credit: Lawrence Lustig/Matchroom Boxing
圣迭戈, CALIF。– 安东尼 “Million Dollar” 克罗拉 (31-4-3, 13 科斯) 和 豪尔赫 “El Nino de OroLinares (40-3, 27 科斯) hosted their final press conference today, 在曼彻斯特. The fighters are set to go head-to-head for in a unification battle for the WBA, WBC Diamond and vacant Ring Magazine Lightweight Championships at the Manchester Arena on 周六九月 24, 住在 AWE-A WEALTH OF ENTERTAINMENTwww.klowdtv.vom

The start time of the show will 2:30 PM ET / 11:30 AM PT.
Fans who do not have AWE, can access the channel via www.klowdtv.com
www.klowdtv.com will be FREE for the month of September, so boxing fans can witness this can’t miss fight 周六.
Crolla destroyed Barroso with a now-trademark body shot in the seventh round of the first defence of his WBA crown at the arena in July, soaking up the early pressure from the hard-hitting challenger before imposing himself and knocking out the dangerous Venezuelan in style.
Linares believes that his fellow countryman was too aggressive too early in the fight, and that he is ready to tough it out for 12 rounds to take the titles back home.
Ismael is a very good fighter but he made a big mistake in the fight,” said Linares. “He came out too strong and too fast and too aggressive, trying to KO Anthony, and when you are at this level, you cannot go looking for the KO because when you do that, you end up receiving the KO, and that’s what happened.
Anthony worked to fight for 12 rounds but Ismael didn’t. He came rushing out and Anthony absorbed the early attack and imposed himself on Ismael and won the fight in style. The difference is that I prepare to go the distance and that’s what you need to do at this level.
周六 fight is special to Linares for more than the titles on offer as he looks to fulfil a promise to the late president of the WBA, 吉尔伯托门多萨.
It’s not who is the more difficult or complicated fighter in the division, all the champions are great fighters,” said Linares. “We can all box and punch hard, so no one fight is any harder or easier than the other, the only fight that counts is the one in front of you, and for me that’s Anthony. Fights with Terry Flanagan and Dejan Zlaticanin can come next year but this fight is personal to me, not because of Anthony, but because of the WBA.
Prior to Mr Mendoza passing away, I told him I would win the WBA title back for him to Venezuela, so this really means a lot to me because of that. All the belts are on the line, the WBC Diamond belt is beautiful and not many people have won it, so to be added to that list would mean so much.
The Ring magazine belt is very prestigious and not many win that either because number one and two in the world need to fight to have it on the line, like it is here, that adds so much and the personal promise from the heart to Mr Mendoza for the WBA makes this fight so special.
Linaresclash with Crolla is part of a huge night of action in Manchester as John Ryder defends his WBA International Middleweight title against Jack Arnfield.
Callum Johnson lands his first title action against Willbeforce Shihepo for the Commonwealth Light-Heavyweight title, unbeaten Light-Heavyweight Hosea Burton will be in title action Conor Benn tastes his fifth night of action in the paid ranks.
Anthony Crolla vs. Jorge Linares is a 12-round fight for the WBA, WBC Diamond and the Ring Magazine Lightweight World Championships presented by Matchroom Boxing and Golden Boy Promotions in association with Akihiko Honda’s Teiken Boxing Gym.


拉斯维加斯 (七. 22, 2016) – Another memorable Titans of the Trade Breakfast of Champions is in the books as the seventh installment of the Mayweather Promotionsceremony which took place on Saturday, 七. 17Tom Colicchios Craftsteak inside The MGM Grand in Las Vegas. This year’s event resulted in a morning of excellence, regarded as the most influential to date, surrounded by powerful and accomplished women in the sports industry.
Honorees included the first African American VP in MLB history Marian Rhodes, Premier Boxing Champions President of Boxing Operations Sylvia Browne-Owens, Boxing’s WBC World Champion Alicia Ashley, and a newly added Young Trailblazer Award category recipients: the young and talented group of 6 siblings ages 8-18; The Finest Family, and record-setting high-jump phenomenon Vashti Cunningham.
For the second year in a row, the breakfast was hosted by HBO’sBallersstar Jazmyn Simon who opened the ceremony with her story on how she withstood the trials of all the hard work put into auditions and theno’sthat came along with them before going to snag a starring role in HBO’s #1 rated 30-minute comedy series.
The Finest Family opened up the stage by receiving the first ever Young Trailblazers Award. The award was added to the program this year, to celebrate the young achievers in the sports & entertainment industry. The Finest Family showed us what unity and perseverance can bring.
We were once homeless, all we want to do is give back and let the families know to push hard. Now here we are accepting an award from Mayweather Promotions, who truly believes in our family. This award is dedicated to our parents, we would not be here accepting this Young Trailblazer award if it wasn’t for them.
We fight the same battles as everyone else, we fight together as a family, and we fight to win. To motivate kids around the world to stay off the streets, and that we will not stop.
Following a heartfelt speech, was boxing’s own Alicia Ashley who was honored with the Golden Glove Award, for her achievements in boxing and business accomplishments post-career. Ashley made history when she won the WCB super bantamweight title, becoming the oldest female champion at the age of 48.
This was a great event, receiving such an amazing award among such amazing people, I am honored to be here with such strong women and to be The 2016 Golden Glove recipient!”
Marian Rhodes took the stage to receive The Titan of the Trade award, with her moving speech, and reminder to everyone that change is necessary.
Al Campanis once said, African Americans could not hold positions in the front offices in baseball, most people would have saw that as a statement. I saw that as an opportunity. It was an opportunity to show how I was raised, how I was prepared in school growing up, who my parents were and taught me to be. That this is not about my race.
现在, I stand here proud to be the highest ranking African American woman in baseball, to have become the first African American Vice President at the St. Louis Cardinals organization back in 1994 (for a team who existed since 1881), and currently holding the highest position in MLB Human Resources, with the Arizona Diamondbacks. I am a Titan of the Trade!
Closing the ceremony of great exemplary recipients was Sylvia Browne-Owens who accepted The Meritorious Award, for her fearlessness and accomplishments, in the male dominated boxing industry.
I want to thank Mayweather Promotions, I am humbled and honored to accept such a prestigious award. I am proud to be among such powerful women in this industry.
I was put in a position where I would become someone, one day. I was put behind Al Haymon who was the best at what he did. I was molded to not take no as an answer and to work hard. Never put limits on what you can accomplish.
This year’s ceremony brought unity amongst those in attendance. Each person was moved by these inspiring figures, and touched by their journey in becoming a Titan!
在这个伟大的事件相结合, those who have a strong desire to work and contribute their efforts within the Sports & Entertainment Industry have an opportunity receive a scholarship from the Floyd Mayweather Jr. 基金会. This program is designed to offer assistance to women who strive to make a positive impact, 进一步教育, ,有利于行业作为一个整体. 申请小梅威瑟. 基金会: 提高妇女地位在运动 & 娱乐奖学金访问:http://tfmjf.org/scholarships/. The deadline to apply for the spring 2017 semester is 十一月 15.
# # #
贸易悍将: 冠军早餐 was sponsored by: 米高梅大酒店, 欣欣网络公司, Las Vegas Tickets, FNOM, D’usse, Sababa Water,北极, Zoey Van Jones Brow Studio, The Birthday Suit, Hott Cakez of Las Vegas, and Box Human Landscapers.


‘Hitmanbelieves ‘Million Dollarwill see off Linares threat
Live from the Manchester Arena on 周六九月 24, on AWE-A WEALTH OF ENTERTAINMENT & www.klowdtv.com
圣迭戈, CALIF。- 九月 22, 2016 – -Ricky Hatton has backed Anthony Crolla to become the first Englishman to win the Ring Magazine Lightweight title in his unification blockbuster with Jorge Linares at the Manchester Arena 周六 , live at the Manchester Arena on 周六九月 24, live on AWE-A Wealth of Entertainment & www.klowdtv.com

The start time of the show will be 2:30 PM ET / 11:30 AM PT.
Fans who do not have AWE, can access the channel via www.klowdtv.com
www.klowdtv.com will be FREE for the month of September, so boxing fans can witness this can’t miss fight 周六.
Hatton landed the Super-Welterweight strap in the same arena in April 2006 when he forced Kostya Tszyu to quit after 11 thrilling rounds.
The ‘Hitmanwill be ringside 周六 night where Crolla aims to become Britain’s 18th Ring magazine king and join Scottish legends Ken Buchanan and Jim Watt as winners of the prestigious strap in the 135lbs division.

Hatton’s fighting days are as memorable for his fanatical supports as his achievements in the ring, and the Manchester legend is delighted to see Crolla’s support growing as his remarkable story continues.

Where Anthony has come from is a great example,” said Hatton. “It’s not where you start in boxing, it’s where you finish. He lost a six rounder early in his career and to Derry Mathews later on, everyone wrote him off and to achieve what he has is test of his character. I’m very proud of him.

Anthony is lovely kid, some say he is too nice to be a boxer but there is a mean streak there. He has developed in to a good all round fighter, he has a very exciting style and is brutal body puncher.

I know he can do the business against Jorge Linares and I’ll be beaming with pride to see him lift that Ring Magazine belt.

My proudest achievement was my fan base in my career above everything. Anthony has an amazing following now and it’s great to see a fellow Mancunian being such a big draw in our city

I became the first Brit to win the Ring Magazine fighter of the year award. Which was a huge honour. I won the Ring Magazine belt 10 years ago and it is the accolade that proves you are the best in your weight division, it is the ultimate achievement. It looks like the belt from the Rocky movies and its very old school which adds to the glamour of it.

There’s only one Ricky Hatton and there will only ever be one,” 说克罗拉. “If I can get a bit of the support and success that Ricky had I’ll be over the moon. The crowds at the Perez and Barroso fights were unbelievable and I am sure it’s going to be rocking 周六 太.

I’m just so proud that I’ve been able to pay the fans back for their incredible support I’ve received. I’m not the kind of fighter that will run his mouth at press conferences or call people out, but I will happily fight anyone. You can’t want it more than me, no-one does. I’m still taken aback by it all really, I’m just a normal lad that trains hard, but things are going well and the harder you train, the luckier you get.

Crolla’s clash Linares with is part of a huge night of action in Manchester as John Ryder defends his WBA International Middleweight title against Jack Arnfield.

Callum Johnson lands his first title action against Willbeforce Shihepo for the Commonwealth Light-Heavyweight title, unbeaten Light-Heavyweight Hosea Burton will be in title action Conor Benn tastes his fifth night of action in the paid ranks.

Anthony Crolla vs. Jorge Linares is a 12-round fight for the WBA, WBC Diamond and the Ring Magazine Lightweight World Championships presented by Matchroom Boxing and Golden Boy Promotions in association with Akihiko Honda’s Teiken Boxing Gym.

亚洲国际博览馆LIVE拳击设有现场的世界冠军锦标赛和消除较量,展示了当今最令人兴奋的战士. 由于亚洲国际博览馆的现场拳击事件以来 2011, and has featured over 50 world class title fight. AWE赢得了美国提名的多个拳击作家协会为 “年度扑灭” 和有特色三十多世界级的拳击比赛. 在 2013, 亚洲国际博览馆展出所有活的较量为特色的重量级大卫价格. 亚洲国际博览馆播出住托尼·汤普森的惊人的冷门了大卫价格, 随着阿多尼斯史蒂文森和托尼·贝柳卡, 谁打对​​方的轻重量级冠军; 2008 奥运金牌获得者詹姆斯DeGale. 亚洲国际博览馆带来的拳击迷,其中两个看到里奇伯恩斯保持他的轻量级冠军对雷·贝尔特兰最有争议的较量. 亚洲国际博览馆的球迷见证了不败的重量级泰森怒的爆发力多次在网络上, 包括愤怒的战胜了凯文·约翰逊. 在 2014, AWE televised the crowning of lightweight champion Terence Crawford with his win over Burns as well as the exciting rematches between Carl Frampton and Kiko Martinez along with Tony Bellew defeating Nathan Cleverly. 在 2015, AWE brought boxing fans on of the most anticipated rematches of the year, Darleys Perez v. Anthony Crolla II for the WBA Lightweight World Title.

在 2016, AWE was the exclusive American boradcaster of Lucas Browne’s stunning knockout over Ruslan Chagaev to win the WBA Heavyweight title.

关于亚洲国际博览馆 – 娱乐的财富
娱乐的财富 (“AWE”) 拥有各种生活方式和异国情调的旅游娱乐节目,令人发指的家庭生活世界拳击锦标赛. 亚洲国际博览馆的特点是百余有线电视运营商, 包括AT&牛逼U-诗, CH 147 和 1147 在高清和Verizon的FiOS光纤电视, CH 169 和 669 在HD. 欲了解更多信息, 请访问www.awetv.com.

不败的前景瑞安·卡尔(Ryan Karl)担任超级轻量级​​比赛的不败何塞·奎萨达(Jose Quezada),在FS1顶级拳击冠军TOE-TO-TOE TUESDAYS精选 & BOXEO DE CAMPEONES on FOX Deportes Tuesday, 九月 27 来自圣达菲的布法罗雷霆赌场度假村, 新墨西哥 8 P.M. ET /下午5时. PT

更多! 曾经被击败的丹尼斯·加拉扎与塞萨尔·瓦伦苏埃拉作战 & 不败的当地前景布兰登·福尔摩斯在打底行动中
圣达菲, NM (九月 22, 2016) – 不败的前景 瑞安 “牧童” 卡尔 (12-0, 8 科斯) 和 克萨达圣荷西 (11-0, 6 科斯) 将在八轮超级轻量级​​比赛中举行 星期二, 九月 27作为其一部分 总理拳击冠军 脚趾到脚趾星期二 在FS1和 拳击冠军 圣达菲的布法罗雷霆赌场度假酒店对FOX的驱逐出境, 新墨西哥.
电视报道开始于 8 P.M. AND/5 P.M. PT,以不败的次中量级为标题 科比佩雷拉 与古巴竞争者作战 Yordenis Ugas 在10轮的较量.
门票现场活动, 由战士拳击和福尔摩斯拳击推广, 售价为 $75, $60 和 $50, 与现已公开发售. 可以通过致电购买门票(505) 699-2845(505) 795-2772.
其他动作功能超轻量级 丹尼斯Galarza (13-1, 8 科斯) 在八轮比赛中 塞萨尔·瓦伦苏埃拉 (12-4-1, 4 科斯), 当地不败 布兰登·福尔摩斯 在四轮轻量级比赛中,另一个是新墨西哥人, 安东尼奥·马丁内斯 (5-2, 4 科斯), 在四轮超轻量级对决中.
结束战斗之夜的是Rio Rancho, 新墨西哥州 布莱恩特·麦克莱恩 (2-0) 对墨西哥的 伊凡·米兰达(Ivan Miranda) 在四轮超轻量级比赛中, 圣达菲 亚伦·马丁内斯(2-0, 1 KO) 在对阿尔伯克基的四轮轻量级比赛中 乔治·罗巴尔 (0-1) 和加利福尼亚的 伊曼纽尔·麦地那 (10-0, 7 科斯) 在六轮次中量级的吸引力中.
休斯顿表示一个不败的前景, 卡尔有一个出色的业余生涯,与他结束排在第三位的国家中的141磅重的部门. 这位24岁的球员在 2015 包括十月份在圣安东尼奥舞厅举行的阿方索·奥尔维拉(Alfonso Olvera)统治. 现在,他在6月统治墨西哥艰难的路易斯·索利斯(Luis Solis)并在9月招募了不败的战士之后,已准备好进入竞争者的行列 27.
奎萨达(Quezada)在芝加哥出生和长大,并通过赢得三个州的银手套锦标赛而赢得了令人印象深刻的业余职业, 三届芝加哥城市锦标赛, 两个地区性银手套锦标赛和一个 2009 全国少年金手套锦标赛. 这位21岁的年轻人自从职业生涯开始 2014 并且在六场淘汰赛中保持不败. 在 2016 他已经赢得了Ariel Vasquez和Cameron Kreal的胜利.
最初来自布鲁克林,但在佛罗里达州接受培训, 自从他独自失败以来,加拉萨已经赢得了八连胜, 包括对Yardley Suarez和Samuel Amoako的判决胜利 2016. 这位23岁的球员在职业生涯中继续进步 2015 他获得了五场胜利,其中包括停掉了老将胡安·拉蒙·索利斯(Juan Ramon Solis). 他接替了26岁的瓦伦苏埃拉(Valenzuela),他以四回合的连胜身份参加了这场比赛,其中包括在11月击败了此前不败的卡洛斯·卡斯蒂略(Carlos Castillo) 2015. 凤凰城本地人唯一的损失来自不败的战士.
23岁的福尔摩斯转为职业球员 2013 经过短暂的业余职业生涯,并在他的前三场比赛中取得了淘汰赛冠军. 他将进入的场地的资深人士九月 27; 圣达菲本地人的最后七场胜利来自布法罗雷霆赌场.
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LOS ANGELES (九月 21, 2016) – NABA Lightweight champion 彼得 “扎尔” 彼得罗夫 (37-4-2, 18 KO的) of Ryazan, Russia and WBA Number 3 rated Lightweight contender, 迈克尔· “The Artist” 佩雷斯 (24-1-2, 11 科斯) 纽瓦克, N.J. hosted a media workout in Los Angeles today, ahead of their battle for the WBA Lightweight World Title Eliminator on 九月 30 at Fantasy Springs Resort Casino and broadcast live nationally on Estrella TV’s Boxeo Estelar. Also in attendance were televised fighters 亚历克西斯·罗查 (4-0, 3 科斯) of Santa Ana, 加利福尼亚州. and co-main event, GenaroEl CondeGamez (2-0, 2 科斯) 圣地亚哥. East Los Angeles乔纳森 “雷声” 纳瓦罗 (6-0, 5 科斯) who is scheduled for a six-round super lightweight fight against Larry Carrillo (5-1, 2 科斯) 休斯顿, Texas was also onsite.

Below is what the fighters had to say at today’s media work out:

PETRZARPETROV, NABA Lighweight Champion:

This is one of the best camps I’ve had in my career. I started with part of my training camp in Madrid with my brother Vlad and out here the last two months with my trainer Danny Zamora and my strength trainer Jerry Arios helping me prepare for this fight.

I’ve been feeling very strong. It’s been easy for me to make my weight, and my body has been good at this weight class.

MICHAELTHE ARTISTPEREZ, WBA Number 3 Rated Lightweight Contender:

I’ve been training with Robert Garcia for two and a half years now, and I’ve seen the results. Under his guidance, I have been able to win the NABO Lightweight Title, and now we get to work hard for the WBA title eliminator.

This is a huge fight, and both my opponent and I are going in heavy, I’ve got to winand my training with Garcias is a reflection of that. I’m stronger and more confident, now more than ever.


I started my career sparring my brothers and cousins since I was seven years old. Boxing is a brutal sport, not including the physical stuff going on in the ringbut the diet, the discipline, and the mental game you always have to play. I know I have talent, and boxing just comes naturally to me.

Every boxer will tell you that they want to win, that they want the world title, and that they want to leave a legacy behind themand so do I. The only difference between them and me is that I have an amazing team behind me, that is empowering me and helping me utilize my skills to get the win. Being the co-main event this upcoming 9月30日 at Fantasy is a testament to the hard work we have put in.

ALEXIS ROCHA,Welterweight Proespect;

It’s been a ride this past yearI’ve been a pro for little less than a year, and I am so excited for the progress I have seen. I have been blessed to be able to be surrounded by such great talent, and it’s been a great experience so far.

This training camp I’ve been working on my jab, 组合, and being able to work the body. It doesn’t matter who I am scheduled to fight, I have to be ready regardless. Ronny has been a great older brother and mentor for me. He pushes me to be confident, and not get a big head while still being aggressive in the ring. I never imagined myself to be where I am now!”

JONATHANTHUNDERNAVARRO, Super Lightweight Prospect:

I am ready for whatever opponent is placed for me in the ring. I’ve been sparring with the best including Michael Perez, 亚历克西斯·罗查, Mikey Perez, and other athletes that have pushed me to improvethere is always something new to learn in the gym.

I know my opponent has a strong left hand, and I personally have been working on my movement with my head and my hips, as well as being light on my feet while still playing pressure on my opponent.

Petr Petrov vs. Michael Perez is a 12-round fight for the WBA Lightweight World Title Eliminator presented by Golden Boy Promotions in association with Banner Promotions and sponsored byCerveza Tecate, BORN BOLD.The Boxeo Estelar broadcast will air live on Estrella TV at 10:00 P.M. AND/7:00 P.M. PT. 该卡也将在EstrellaTV.com并通过LBI媒体的YouTube串流直播, 公司的Fenomeno影城. The Ring TV live stream will begin at approximately 5:30 P.M. PT through 7:00 P.M.

Tickets are still available for purchase at the Fantasy Springs Box Office, 通过调用 (800) 827-2946 或在网上 www.fantasyspringsresort.com. All floor seats are now sold out.

欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.goldenboypromotions.com, www.estrellatv.com, follow on twitter at @GoldenBoyBoxing, @EstrellaTV, 成为Facebook上的粉丝在 www.facebook.com/GoldenBoyBoxing, HTTP://www.facebook.com/EstrellaTVNetwork, visit us on Instagram at @GoldenBoyBoxing and @EstrellaTV; and follow the conversation using #BoxeoEstelar.