Archivo de la etiqueta: boxeo

FINAL DE VIDEO CONFERENCIA DE PRENSA, CITAS & FOTOS KOVALEV-WARD SET “libra por libra” para el sábado, Noviembre 19 En T-Mobile Arena en Las Vegas, NEVADA Live presentado por HBO Pay-Per-View®

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Crédito de la imagen: Main Events / David Spagnolo

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Crédito de la imagen: Roc Nation Deportes / Tom Hogan - Hoganphotos


Sergey Kovalev vs.. Conferencia de prensa final Ward, Andre (Haga clic para ver)


LAS VEGAS, Nevada (Noviembre 18, 2016) – El jueves, Noviembre. 17, OMB, AMB y la FIB peso semipesado campeón del mundo Sergey "Krusher" Kovalev (30-0-1, 26 KOs) y dos veces campeón del mundo Andre “S.O.G.” Ward, (30-0, 15 KOs) participó en la conferencia de prensa final para su noviembre. 19 enfrentamiento “Libra por libra” en T-Mobile Arena de Las Vegas, Nevada. La última conferencia de prensa fue organizada por el reconocido anunciador Michael Buffer. El evento será producida y distribuida en vivo por HBO Pay-Per-View comenzando a las 9:00 p.m. Y/6:00 p.m. PT.


A continuación se muestra lo que los luchadores, promotores y otros tarima huéspedes han comentado en la conferencia de prensa final:

Sergey Kovalev, OMB, AMB & Campeón Mundial de peso semipesado de la FIB:


"Hola a todos, Estoy muy contento de estar aquí. Es muy bonito. Tal como dos, hace tres años, Nunca puedo imaginar que puedo conseguir este nivel y luchar contra Andre Ward, boxeador invicto y medallista de oro olímpico. Tengo muy grande respeto por él, por su éxito en la carrera profesional y el aficionado. Es realmente un gran éxito, pero ahora nos enfrentamos a la otra y que debe demostrar que soy mejor. Muchas gracias a HBO y personalmente a Peter Nelson, mi promotor Kathy Duva y Eventos principales promociones, Egis Klimas ya mi patrocinador Hublot. Realmente espero que nuestra lucha será muy claro y honesto. Estoy muy emocionado por esta pelea y un poco nervioso porque nunca estaba en este nivel. HBO Pay-Per-View es el nivel más alto en el boxeo profesional y estoy muy feliz de estar aquí. Bienvenido a las pantallas de televisión el nov. 19 y T-Mobile Arena donde se verá muy gran pelea. Muchas gracias."

Andre Ward, Dos veces campeón del mundo:

“Quiero agradecer a todos los que están aquí hoy - los medios de comunicación, todos mis patrocinadores, MGM Grand, el gran equipo que puso esta lucha juntos y HBO. Estaba a un lado tratando a la mente mi propio negocio cuando Kathy Duva me despertó. Ella empezó a hablar, No sé por qué se sigue haciendo que, pero es interesante que los que no están recibiendo en ese anillo son los que están haciendo más habla. No están sintiendo los golpes, para que pueda seguir haciendo lo que está haciendo. Me encanta, eso es lo que una gran promoción es todo acerca de, lo que es una gran pelea tiene que ver con; que se supone que no gustarse. Su lado ha estado haciendo un montón de hablar, y eso está bien, lo amamos. No es nuestro primer rodeo, hemos estado en este camino antes. Nosotros no siempre responden de inmediato. A veces el silencio es mal interpretado como nosotros no obtenerlo. Nosotros vemos, tomamos notas, pero mientras tanto seguimos trabajando y fabricamos noche de la pelea. Eso es lo que somos especialistas en. Por lo tanto el único que habla es grande, Me encanta, pero saber una cosa - no estoy tomando ningún desorden viene Sábado noche. Ima estar allí. Muchas gracias".

Kathy Duva, CEO, Eventos principales:

“Bienvenidos todos a la mejor, más pelea importante y más esperado del año. viaje de Main Events con Sergey Kovalev comenzó hace apenas cuatro años. En el otoño de 2012, hizo su primera aparición en una U.S. televisado co-función en NBCSN. Fue la primera vez que estuvo alguna vez en la televisión en los Estados Unidos. En el momento, me dijo que tenía tres objetivos: 1. título de la victoria, 2. unificar el título, 3. convertido en pago por visión de combate. Se hizo muy claro que esto es lo que quería y que iba a ganar peleas. Hizo su primera aparición en HBO menos de un año después, cuando ganó el título de la OMB. Su primera aparición en HBO ha pasado menos de un año más tarde, y que ha luchado por HBO nueve veces en tres años y ahora su primer pago por visión por fin está aquí. Estoy trayendo esto ahora porque hay una historia que hay sobre lo que es una vergüenza es que esta lucha no es tan grande como Mayweather-Pacquiao. Ya que tienden a hacer cuando intento y resolver problemas, Hice una investigación para tratar de ganar un poco de perspectiva. Floyd Mayweather peleó por HBO nueve veces al igual que Sergey, y por supuesto el período de cuatro años en el que encabezó su primera HBO PPV contra Arturo Gatti en junio de 2005, Gatti fue la gran atracción de la pelea. Manny Pacquiao peleó por HBO durante dos años antes de su primera actuación como cabeza de cartel de HBO en enero de 2005 con Eric Morales. Aquellos eventos que se venden en cientos de miles de compras, no fue hasta Floyd y Manny tuvieron la oportunidad de derrotar a la estrella ya bien establecida Oscar de la Hoya que llegaron a esa millones de compra de referencia. Lucharon por caminos paralelos para 10 años en PPV para llegar al lugar donde llegaron el año pasado, y que por supuesto es donde todos los luchadores quiere ser y es ahí donde Kovalev y Ward quieren ir. Y lo que tienen que empezar en alguna parte. El hecho de que el primer oponente de PPV de Manny Morales había sido en PPV antes y ya había alcanzado el estatus de leyenda con su trilogía con Mickey Ward y fue bien conocido por los aficionados ocasionales de los deportes.


“Muy pocos boxeadores nunca tienen la oportunidad de luchar constantemente en el mundo enrarecido de pago por visión, y esos son normalmente los mismos combatientes que llegan a ganar libra por libra el estado en el ring. En los últimos meses, He observado Sergey trabajo hasta ahora para promover este evento espectacular. Sergey me ha demostrado que tiene las chuletas a ser el tipo de estrella que tiene que rara habilidad de conectar con todos y cada uno de sus fans, hacer otros nuevos cada vez que está fuera, y trabaja muy duro para convencer a los que vale la pena pagar para ver. Su capacidad de boxeo, su pegada demoledora, su presencia electrizante en el ring.


“Entre los objetivos de Sergey, uno que añadí iba a ser un gran luchador en Las Vegas, así que esto es grande. Esto es enorme, estamos tan felices. Quiero agradecer a Bob Bennett de la Comisión Atlética de Nevada, que es un placer trabajar con gente tan profesional y hacer nuestro trabajo mucho más fácil. Quiero agradecer a todos los patrocinadores. Finalmente, quiero agradecer a todos ustedes por estar aquí, y yo no puedo esperar hasta que suene la campana.


“Nuestra pelea co-estelar es la luz de la NABF campeón de peso pesado Alexander‘El Clavo’Roddick, quién está invicto y haciendo mucho ruido en la división de peso semipesado, él es de Ucrania. Él va a estar luchando Isaac “Golden Boy” Chilemba, que es originaria de Malawi y luchando fuera de Johannesburgo, Sudáfrica. Ellos van a tomar parte en una pelea de peso semipesado a diez asaltos. Un verdadero cruce de la pelea donde Sinceramente, no tienen idea de quién va a ganar. Obviamente, Main Events es con Isaac, que puso una tremenda lucha contra Sergey hace unos meses, Creo que simplemente nunca se lleva el crédito que se merece. Él es muy posiblemente el segundo mejor peso semipesado en el mundo, y sé que Isaac tiene sus ojos en volver fuerte y impresionar a todo el mundo Sábado noche.


“También la apertura de la cartelera televisada, AMB campeón de peso medio continental, Curtis “El asesino cerebral” Stephens, de Brownsville, Brooklyn. Uno de los luchadores más divertidos en toda la empresa. Curtis, alumbras nuestro día, cada día. Él va a estar frente a James “El Rey” de la Rosa, 23-4 de San Benito, Texas en un combate de peso medio a diez asaltos. Esto tiene toda la pinta de un choque de trenes, pero Curtis tiene su vista fija en las cosas más grandes y mejores y sé que él y James van a estar trabajando muy duro para impresionar debido a que la división de peso medio está caliente, y hay una gran cantidad de oportunidades que hay.


“No creo que tenga que decirle a nadie en esta sala por qué esto es una gran pelea o por qué debería estar interesado en ella o por qué debería querer verlo. No estaría aquí si no lo sabía ya, pero que sí es necesario para salir y llevar la voz a los del resto del mundo. Esta es la pelea que traiga su amigo a través de, al que le gusta el boxeo un poco, pero no es seguro. Esta es la pelea que informe a su amigo, el que dice MMA es mejor que el boxeo. Conseguirlos para venir a su casa para ver éste porque Kovalev-Ward va a hacer grandes fans de mucha gente, Sábado noche, y estoy mirando adelante a eso y ver a todos ustedes allí “.


Michael Yormark, Presidente Roc Nation & Jefe de Marca y Estrategia:

"La honestidad es la mejor política. Así que voy a empezar este con una dosis gigante de la honestidad. Para la próxima 48 horas, lo que probablemente va a escuchar un montón de respeto y admiración entre estos dos peleadores invictos. El simple hecho es, Estamos a sólo dos días de la pelea más importante del año, y no espero que admiren el uno al otro. Pero, ¿quién puede culparlos? El único que se interpone entre un registro y el boxeo invicto inmortalidad es uno al otro. Eso añade una capa de disgusto y un borde muy afilado para una pelea que ya está dispuesto a ser un clásico absoluto. Mi punto de vista sobre esta lucha es bastante simple. Sábado noche va a ser una noche difícil para Sergey, cuando es recogido sistemáticamente separados por mejor libra del mundo para el boxeador libra, Andre Ward.


“Conozco a Andre durante bastantes años, y nunca lo he visto más centrado, más determinada, más motivados y más preparado para la pelea más importante de su carrera. Estos momentos son los que viven los atletas generacionales para y sueñan. Esta es una oportunidad para hacer historia, para escribir el último capítulo en la leyenda de Andre, y francamente, cerrar el libro de Sergey. No nos equivoquemos al respecto, Equipo Ward ha llegado a Las Vegas para ganar, y para salir de la ciudad del pecado con tres repito, tres-nuevos cinturones de campeonato. El boxeo necesita una pelea como esta, dos boxeadores invictos en su mejor momento. Bordes afilados por la competitividad naturales, así como una aversión absoluta. Luchando en el mayor escenario del mundo en T-Mobile Arena, y por HBO Pay-Per-View. No hay nada mejor o más grande. Epic es la única palabra para describirlo, y como aficionado al boxeo de toda la vida, Estoy muy contento de ser testigo de primera mano.


“Me gustaría reconocer a los socios oficiales de lucha hemos conseguido para este evento. Nuestro socio presentar Corona, así como los productos monstruo, JetLux, Zappos, Jordan Brand y zapato Palace. También me gustaría dar las gracias a los socios de lucha de Andre, incluyendo ProSupps y Lyft, Productos del monstruo, BODYARMOUR y JetLux, así como sus socios de larga data Jordan Brand, POWERHANDZ y zapato Palace. Este apoyo y el apoyo de los aficionados y los medios de comunicación es un claro reconocimiento de Andre como un verdadero una vez en una generación atleta. Su habilidad es sólo comparable a su compromiso con la familia y la comunidad. Su competitividad iguales sólo por su carisma. En Roc Nation, tenemos el honor de representar a este hombre, un medallista de oro olímpico, invicta desde que tenía 13 años, el orgullo de Oakland, y por supuesto, el próximo campeón de peso semipesado del mundo.


“Si bien nuestro evento principal parece ser una lucha por la edad, se trata de una cartelera de profundidad y talento que hará Sábado de evento sea especial. Roc Nation se enorgullece de trabajar con una serie de luchadores con talento en la tarjeta, empezando por Dallas-Maurice nativa “Mighty Mo” Hooker, que está poniendo su calidad de invicto y el título NABO de peso welter junior en la línea contra Darleys Pérez por HBO Pay-Per-View. Nosotros también contará con el aumento de la superestrella peso pesado Darmani “Solid Rock” Rock of Philadelphia, mientras mira a mejorar 6-0 contra Brice Ritani-Coe durante su debut en Las Vegas. La apertura de la transmisión por televisión TDT en los eventos de pago por ver el canal antes de la transmisión oficial, será un junior welter de ocho asaltos en peso con el invicto prospecto en ascenso Sonny “Pretty Boi” Frederickson de Toledo, Ohio. La TDT también estará disponible a través de la transmisión en vivo en el canal de YouTube de HBO Boxing. Frederickson se enfrentará a Gabriel Deluc de Boston, Massachusetts. otra Toledo, natural de Ohio, con un historial intachable, Tyler “Niño de oro” McCreary será ir mano a mano con Vicente “Pooh” Jennings, de Grand Rapids, Michigan en una pelea de peso pluma de ocho asaltos. Los aficionados podrán coger el duelo en la parte de TDT de Kovalev-Ward, así. Mientras tanto, héroe nacional y dos veces medallista de oro olímpico Claressa Escudos harán que su muy esperado debut profesional en la emisión de TDT. Ella va a tomar el viejo rival Crews Franchon que también hará su debut profesional en un combate de peso mediano de cuatro rondas. Simplemente pon, los fanáticos del boxeo están en tratamiento para una en sábado noche y estamos encantados de ser parte de ella.


“Hemos escuchado mucha honestidad hoy. pero está claro que Sábado va a ser una noche épica. Kovalev-Ward es, sin duda, va a ser la pelea del año en el boxeo, todos sabemos eso. Roc Nation se enorgullece de ser parte de ella, está en nuestro ADN para promover grandes eventos globales, y nos sentimos honrados después de trabajar en esta lucha durante la mayor parte del año pasado, por fin hemos llegado a la hora de la verdad. Hay una gran cantidad de organizaciones y personas que han contribuido a este evento, y me gustaría dar las gracias a todos ellos. Primero y ante todo, equipo de la sala, incluyendo a James Prince, Josh Dubin y Virgilio Hunter. Peter Nelson y Tony Walker de HBO para llevar esta lucha a una audiencia global. Richard Sturm y Sid Greenfeig de MGM, así como T-Mobile Arena de GM, Dan Quinn para la celebración de este evento en una instalación de clase mundial. Kathy Duva y su equipo en Main Events, que han sido nuestros socios en esta lucha desde el principio. Por último, pero no menos importante, la ciudad de Las Vegas, el hogar espiritual de los eventos más importantes en el boxeo, y el entorno que le corresponde para una pelea que va a cambiar la cara de este deporte durante muchos años por venir “.

John David Jackson, Formador de Sergey Kovalev:


“Gracias a toda la prensa por estar aquí. Quiero agradecer a dos grupos diferentes. Primero, Quiero agradecer Principales Eventos promociones. Estas mujeres en los principales eventos más mi hombre, Joe Rotonda, son realmente algunas de las mejores personas en el mundo. Si usted quiere encontrar una empresa de promoción que tratarlo de manera justa a todos los combatientes y en todos los ámbitos y darle lo que se merece en el boxeo, a continuación, ir a verlos. Número dos, Me gustaría dar las gracias a toda la prensa que es aquí en este evento. Es realmente maravilloso ver algunas de las personas que, con sus palabras, puede ayudar a nado el boxeo o el fregadero. Sus palabras ayudan mucho. A veces no nos ayudan tanto como nos gustaría ser ayudado, pero estoy tan agradecido de ver a todos ustedes aquí porque necesitamos esto para mantener el esfuerzo de boxeo. Esta es una maravillosa, hermoso deporte que a veces pueden ser moderno pero, en general, es un maravilloso, hermosa lucha. Doy las gracias a todos ustedes que vino hacia fuera para apoyar y escribir sus palabras abajo por este maravilloso deporte.


“Una pelea no define la carrera de un luchador. Esa última pelea para ambos peleadores es lo que realmente era: una puesta a punto. Ellos hicieron lo que tenían que hacer. Ambos ganaron convincentemente con el fin de hacer esta pelea aquí. No recuerdo lo que el reportero le preguntó pero esa es la respuesta a su pregunta. Una pelea no define la carrera de un luchador.


“Algunas de las cosas que digo son para entrar en la cabeza de alguien, pero lo que se reduce a es que hago respetar estas personas; que son muy buena gente. Todo el equipo es muy bueno. Son muy profesionales. Contestar [Virgilio] cuestión que era una pregunta de dos partes. Dijo que en la última pelea que estaba allí por una semana. Me encantaría decir que donde quiera que tenga su información de la información era malo. Yo estaba allí por más de dos semanas o tres semanas. Quien dijo que yo estaba allí por una semana estoy contento de que dijeron que. Que hace que parezca que somos un mal equipo. Me encanta que. Para responder a sus preguntas sobre la cohesión de nuestro equipo, lo que sucede en el campamento, Independientemente de las discrepancias que podamos tener o personas dicen que tenemos, Quiero que recuerden esto, todos los escritores por aquí, llegado noche de la pelea que va a salir de la misma forma en que nos encontramos en - invicta. Sergey gana todas las peleas. Gana la forma en que se supone que debe ganar y lo hizo todo lo que le pedí. With that said, Tengo ganas de noviembre. 19 y voy a ver todo lo que hay. Muchas gracias."

Egis climático, Gestor de Sergey Kovalev:

“Gracias a todos por estar aquí. Medios de comunicación, sin que nadie va a saber a dónde vamos o lo que estamos haciendo, Así que muchas gracias. Querido agradecer a la promotora Main Events, Kathy Duva hizo un muy buen trabajo nos trae a esta etapa para esta pelea muy grande. MGM Grand, muy buen anfitrión, muchas gracias. HBO Pay-Per-View ha llevado a todo el público en América. Espero que no me perdí ninguna otra persona. Por supuesto que estoy muy, muy orgulloso de representar a uno de los mejores boxeadores del mundo y es de esperar, vamos a ver que Sábado noche, ¿quién es el púgil libra por libra. No me gusta cuando los formadores, administradores, promotores empiezan a hablar de cómo va a golpear entre sí, ya que no son los que paso a paso en el ring el. Ninguno de los promotores, entrenadores o directivos pueden entender lo que va a pasar en el ring. Es sólo dos guerreros que estarán en el ring. Tenemos dos mejores boxeadores de peso semipesado en el mundo que se van a mostrar en sábado la noche que es el mejor libra por libra. Espero que sea el mejor espectáculo que hemos visto en años. Muchas gracias".

Virgil Hunter, Entrenador de Andre Ward:

“He estado aquí por muchas peleas y ver la sala de prensa llena para esta pelea, lo que realmente me hace sentir bien. Me gustaría agradecer a Peter Nelson, el equipo de HBO, mi Rap-A-Lot familia, Richard Sturm y MGM. También me gustaría agradecer a la prensa, no importa que usted elija para ganar.


"Giré 63, el miércoles pasado, y no es ningún secreto que he trabajado con los jóvenes, toda mi carrera profesional. Se tiene un efecto emocional en mí cuando se trata de hombres jóvenes. Viendo HBO Mi pelea me ha tocado profundamente. Mi corazón está con Sergey Kovalev y todo el mundo ahora sabe fondo de Andre Ward.


“Creo que va a ser una gran pelea. Creo que Kovalev es todo lo que dicen que es. Él es un oponente peligroso; El viene destinado a ganar. Hemos visto hacer cosas a los oponentes que cuando suba al ring, tiritan. Ahora, it’s just up to us to dilute that situation. I’m looking forward to Nov.



“I would encourage all promoters to treat your fighters fairly, don’t hoodwink them. Don’t keep them robots. Encourage them and teach them how to be businessmen. If you have a champion, he deserves a champion’s ration.”

James Prince, Manager of Andre Ward:

“I’d like to thank God for this opportunity. HBO, the commitment and sacrifices that they made to bring this fight to us. MGM Grand and Richard Sturm. We appreciate Roc Nation, our promoter – JAY Z, all those in the background supporting Michael Yormark, who has been on the line of duty doing a great job. Antonio Leonard is in the house, we appreciate you Tony and all that you do. La lista sigue y sigue. Me siento muy agradecido por esta oportunidad, y hablo en nombre del equipo de la sala. Hemos estado esperando este día, esta aquí, y voy a tratar con el elefante en la habitación: esto es Rusia vs. los Estados Unidos de América. En mi opinión, lo mejor de Rusia no puede vencer a los mejores de los Estados Unidos de América en nada. Sólo necesitaba que a decirse. Tenemos un caza ruso aquí, Kovalev; respetamos su juego de lucha, eres un gran luchador. Me recuerdas a Goliat. Tenemos mi hombre Andre Ward, quien considero David. No sé si todos entendemos David y Goliat, pero eso es lo que estamos tratando aquí. Tal Como Sábado noche, vamos a tener la oportunidad de ver el día de hoy en David, que es Andre Ward, derrotar a Goliat. I mentioned this at the last press conference in New York, and Ms. Duva said to me that Andre Ward doesn’t have a sword. But she missed the real substance of the story, she missed the learning on David. His obedience and all of these different spiritual realms where David was concerned. He’s fixing to fight the S.O.G, that’s the Son of God, if you all didn’t know, that’s Andre Ward. Así, no, we don’t have a sword, and we can’t cut his head off and raise it up as David did, but Andre Ward is going to raise the belt up come Sábado noche ".

Bob Bennett, Comisión Atlética de Nevada:

“It’s unequivocally a pleasure and an honor for the Nevada State Athletic Commission to regulate this very sensational championship fight. This event should be second to none. Usted debe saber que tomamos nuestro trabajo muy en serio, y hemos hecho nuestra tarea y estamos listos para ir a trabajar. En este momento, nos gustaría agradecer a Kathy Duva de Main Events y, y Michael Yorkmark de Roc Nation por tener esta pelea de campeonato eléctrica en la capital lucha del mundo. También nos gustaría reconocer Richard Sturm y el MGM para la celebración de este evento en el T-Mobile y HBO para la difusión del evento, y para los espectáculos previos al evento, lo que sin duda han sido entretenido e interesante. Por último, si bien no menos importante, queremos reconocer y agradecer a los guerreros, todos los combatientes, porque sin ellos, ninguno de nosotros estaría aquí “.

Richard Sturm, Presidente de Entretenimiento y Deportes, MGM Resorts International:

“Estamos encantados de acoger una vez más un campeonato internacional en el T-Mobile Arena. Este fin de semana, cerramos el calendario de boxeo de nuestra empresa como Rusia, Sergey Kovalev batallas estadounidense Andre Ward. Esperamos que este encuentro de estos dos boxeadores invictos. Kovalev regresa a Las Vegas después de su 2015 victoria por nocaut sobre Nadjib Mohammedi, mientras que Andre Ward y su equipo hacen su debut en Las Vegas. Como hemos visto en los últimos siete meses, T-Mobile Arena ha cambiado rápidamente el paisaje de entretenimiento y deportes en Las Vegas, y esperamos continuar esta tradición. Nos gustaría dar un agradecimiento especial a Kathy Duva de Main Events y Equipo, y Michael Yorkmark y el personal Roc Nation. Ambos luchan campos, Tony Walker con HBO Pay-Per-View y Bob Bennett de la Comisión Atlética de Nevada “.

tony Walker, Vicepresidente, HBO Pay-Per- Ver:

“Gracias por venir hoy a todos a hablar sobre el gran deporte del boxeo. Me gustaría dar las gracias a Roc Nation y Main Events y su personal para la elaboración de un gran evento principal, y también una cartelera fantástica que televisará en sábado noche. Lo maravilloso del evento principal es que ha sido una muy, mucho tiempo que dos combatientes de élite han hecho su debut en pago por visión cara a cara. El crédito a Andre y Sergey de encuentro y haciendo de este un evento a lo grande. Todos los elementos están ahí para que sea una gran pelea. Ambos boxeadores han aplicado su comercio lo largo de varios años luchando todo el que encontraban a su paso. Ganar, su invicto, all the pride in the world, and most importantly, the outcome is in doubt. Quite diverse group of opinions among you over who’s going to win the fight, and that’s what sells Pay-Per-View. For those of you who have not seen the HBO video pieces that were produced to showcase the fight and the fighters, I would encourage you to go to HBO On Demand, HBO GO or and check out those shows. They’re provocative entertainment and I think they’re going to get you all primed for Sábado noche. This month in November, there have been several high profile Pay-Per-View shows, and I have to give thanks to our distributors on the cable TV, satélite, Telco side, que han promovido este pago por visión espectáculo y nos ha dado una gran presencia en el mercado y realmente dado su debida con todas las otras cosas pasando. Tenemos un gran equipo de transmisión en sábado noche, la transmisión comienza a las 9:00 p.m. Y/6:00 p.m. PT. El pago por visión precio de venta sugerido es una muy atractiva $54.95, y esperamos verlos allí “.


Kovalev vs. Sala “Libra por libra”, un 12 asaltos mega pelea por el título de peso semipesado de la OMB / FIB / AMB en T-Mobile Arena de Las Vegas, es presentada por Main Events, Roc Nation Deportes, Promociones y Promociones Krusher Andre Ward y está patrocinado por el MGM Grand Hotel & Casino, Corona extra, Productos del monstruo, JetLux, Zappos, Jordan Brand y zapato Palace. El evento de campeonato será producida y distribuida en vivo por HBO Pay-Per-View ® comenzando a las 9:00 p.m. Y / 6:00 p.m. PT. Los boletos están disponibles en y la taquilla de T-Mobile Arena.

Regalos de campeones de boxeo Premier: 12 Rounds with Junior Middleweight World Title Challenger Julian Williams

(Crédito de la imagen: Leo Wilson / Premier Campeones de Boxeo)
Haga clic en AQUÍ para leer en el sitio web de Premier Boxing Champions
Born and raised in the boxing-rich city of Philadelphia, Williams has proven throughout his rise up the 154-pound ranks that he can beat you with his brains as much as his brawn. How else do you explain the 26-year-old’s current streak of nine straight fights without so much as losing a single round?
More than just a skilled boxer, Williams is also a true student of the sweet science, tanto dentro como fuera del ring. De hecho, “J Roca” has such deep respect for his sport’s history that one gets the sense he’s spent as much time researching the legends of the game as he has how to perfect a three-punch combination.
Speaking of history, Julian Williams (22-0-1, 14 KOs) will be looking to make some of his own Diciembre 10 when he challenges 154-pound champion Jermall Charlo at the Galen Center on the campus of USC in Los Angeles (TIEMPO DE LA FUNCION, 10 p.m. Y/7 p.m. PT).
During a recent break from training for his first world title fight, Williams chatted with us about the man he believes is the greatest fighter in history, the importance of the jab, his mad culinary skills and the top item on his bucket list (hint: He’s on the verge of crossing it off).
Do you have a boxing hero?
I respect Muhammad Ali as a modern hero in history for the things he stood for-not just for what did in boxing. A mí, Ali’s boxing [accomplishments] are relative and a smaller part of his legacy compared to what stood for outside of the ring.
Muhammad Ali’s true greatness was represented by what he did for the world and the stands he took more than his fights.
De todos los boxeadores de la historia, ¿Con quién te gustaría haber luchado?, y como hubiera sido la pelea?
I don’t want to give you a result, but I would say Sugar Ray Robinson, because in my opinion, he is the best fighter who ever lived. And I would want to see how I would stand up against the best fighter ever to wear a pair of gloves.
Sugar Ray Robinson had everything-great punch selection, the skills, the jab, la velocidad. He was a tremendous fighter. I’ve never seen anybody as good before or since.
This was during a time when guys were fighting with six-ounce horsehair gloves two or three times a month. They were doing that against the best competition. Quiero decir, he would fight Jake LaMotta and Kid Gavilan in 15-round fights. They just don’t build men like that no more. It doesn’t happen.
Sugar Ray Robinson would bring out the best in me and give me a great gauge about how good I actually am. I would never disrespect Sugar Ray Robinson by saying I would beat him. I respect the legends. I would just like to see how good I would do against those types of guys.
Termina esta oración: Si no fuera por el boxeo, Yo sería …
probably just finishing up college, paying back student loans and being miserable. I would probably be a major in business administration.
¿Cuál es el mayor error del público sobre los boxeadores??
That we’re all stupid.
¿Qué es lo más duro que te han golpeado?, y como lo manejaste?
Sabes que, I’m not trying to sound cocky or anything, but I don’t remember. I’ve had some tough fights, but I don’t really recall an opponent who has really hurt me like that.
It’s never been where I was like, “Oh my God, he punches so hard,” o “He hit me so hard, I couldn’t get myself together.I’ve never experienced that. I’m not saying that it can’t happen; I’m just saying that it hasn’t happened.
Excluding yourself, who’s the best pound-for-pound fighter in the world today?
It’s close, because I don’t think anyone has taken the lead for now. I would probably say Andre Ward, but at the same time he’s had so much time off.
You’ve got guys like Sergey Kovalev out there who have been dismantling everybody, and then you’ve got guys like Guillermo Rigondeaux who is probably the best fighter in the world, but he’s never gotten the opportunity to prove it on the big stage.
Then you’ve got Floyd Mayweather Jr., who I think is the clear-cut best fighter in the world when he’s active. But he’s retired.
It’s just hard to pick one. I couldn’t pick one. I would be able to pick one at the beginning of the next year.
What kind of food is the toughest to give up while training for a fight?
I like pasta and red meat. I don’t eat too much red meat when I’m training, because it’s too hard to cut. I like steak and lamb and pasta. I just like all pasta in general.
Speaking of training, what’s your favorite exercise?
I don’t really have any. I hate them all. I just do them because I have to do them.
¿Qué tal un golpe favorito para lanzar??
It depends on who I’m fighting, but I would definitely have to say the jab, because the jab sets everything up. That’s usually my range finder, and I can usually control the fight with the jab. I pretty much use it in every fight to good effect.
¿Tienes una película de boxeo favorita??
Toro furioso. I liked Rocoso, además. I mostly liked all of the Rocoso películas.
¿Quién es el artista en tu lista de reproducción que sorprendería a los fanáticos de las peleas??
Teddy Pendergrass. I grew up with my mother and father liking his music.
Would you rather run over a linebacker or juke him out of his shoes?
That depends on who it is. If it’s [retired Baltimore Ravens legend] Ray Lewis, I would have to juke him. Because I don’t want to be hit by him.
Termina esta oración: La gente se sorprendería al saber que …
I’m an amazing cook. I can cook a lot of things-pretty much anything.
Si pudieras cambiar una cosa en el mundo, Qué podría ser?
Race relations. The world would be a better place if everybody didn’t see so much color.
What’s on your life’s bucket list?
I want to be a world champion, which I can accomplish in my next fight by beating Jermall Charlo. This is what I’ve been working so hard for my entire life.
I don’t have a bucket-list wish to go skydiving before it’s all over or go to Japan or anything. It’s simple: I’ve been working half of my life to become a world champion, and that’s the most important thing on my bucket list.
“12 Redondea con …” se publica los miércoles a las
Next week: 154-pound champion Jermall Charlo.
This article was originally published on the Premier Boxing Champions website

Badou Jack vs. James DeGale Press Conference Quotes & Fotos

(Crédito de la imagen: Tom Casino/Mayweather Promotions)
Super Middleweight World Championship Unification Sábado, Enero 14 de Barclays Center en Brooklyn & En vivo por SHOWTIME
Featuring Junior Lightweight World Champion Jose Pedraza
Battling Undefeated Contender Gervonta Davis
Haga clic en AQUÍ Para las fotos de Amanda Westcott / SHOWTIME®
Haga clic en AQUÍ for Photos from Tom Casino/Mayweather Promotions
BROOKLYN (Noviembre 16, 2016) – A star-studded press conference took place at Barclays Center in Brooklyn on Wednesday, como Floyd Mayweather, along with several New York boxingambassadors,” signified the return of boxing to New York by announcing the super middleweight world championship unification fight featuring Badou Jack contra James DeGale que tendrá lugar Sábado, Enero 14 at Barclays Center in Brooklyn and live on TIEMPO DE LA FUNCION®.
Also announced on Wednesday and featured on the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast is undefeated junior lightweight world champion Jose “Sniper” Pedraza taking on unbeaten rising contender Gervonta “El único” Davis.
Las entradas para el evento en vivo, que es promovido por Mayweather Promotions y DiBella Entertainment, empieza en $25. Tickets are available starting this Viernes, Noviembre. 18 en 10 a.m. y se pueden comprar en línea visitando, o llamando al 1-800-745-3000. Los boletos también están disponibles en la taquilla del American Express en el Barclays Center. Descuentos para grupos están disponibles llamando al 844-BKLYN-GP.
The press conference signified the return of boxing to New York for the first time since a controversial insurance measure instituted by the New York State Government. Participants were on hand to discuss the exciting doubleheader on Enero 14 and celebrating the long awaited return of boxing to The Big Apple.
Esto es lo que los participantes tenían que decir Miércoles:
I think this will be an exciting fight. I’m going to give it my all and he’s going to give it his all. This is a bigger fight than anything we’ve been a part of. He’s going to turn it up and so will I.
Now it’s me and DeGale. All the other fights are in the past. We’ve had different results against the same fighters. But none of that matters, it’s time to fight.
A real champion can take a loss and bounce back. It shows what kind of person you are. I’ve proven I’m mentally tough.
Boxing is not dead. It’s here to stay. There are some very good fights coming up. Probably even more next year.
I came from Sweden, a country that has no boxing. Now I’m here headlining in New York for a unification fight. El cielo es el limite. I always stay humble and never forget where I came from.
It’s not going to matter what people think on fight night. DeGale is definitely one of the top guys in the division. He’s a road warrior. He comes over here and fights guys in their backyards. He deserves a lot of credit. That’s why this fight is so big. We both want to be great.
I like being the underdog. If I’m the underdog in this fight, then that’s perfect for me. There won’t be any excuses when I beat him.
I just try to stay humble win after win and keep looking forward to bigger and better things. After this fight come talk to me about who is the best in the division.
I don’t want to compare myself to anyone else but I’ve had a couple of good years. Now we’re working to have two even better years.
I made a mistake and got caught in my loss. I was able to bounce back and it made me a way better fighter. It was definitely a blessing in disguise. People are still overlooking me because of it. I look at it as a good thing.
Everything happens for a reason. I’m very blessed to be here in Brooklyn. This is my second home in America. I trained at Gleason’s Gym in 2009 and now I’m headlining at Barclays Center. Es asombroso.”
James DeGale
“Esta aquí. The big one. La mejor lucha contra los mejores. Number one against number two. Badou Jack is a very good fighter. He doesn’t do anything spectacular, but he’s a compete fighter.
I have that X-factor. I’ve lost before and I’m not going to lose again. I’ve come too far in my life to lose this opportunity.
“En Enero 14, Brooklyn is in for a treat. You will not want to miss this one. Make sure you get your tickets.
My people in London can’t wait for me to fight at home. It’s coming. But first I want to take over in America.
New York is one of my favorite cities. It’s a boxing city. I watched Santa Cruz vs. Frampton and it was a wicked atmosphere. I can’t wait to be in there.
I’m very confident in my abilities. I believe I’m the best in the division and one of the best in the world. I’ve been waiting for this fight for a long time and I’m ready to get in there.
I think in the last three fights I’ve shown everything. I haven’t been getting the respect that I deserve. I’ve beaten everyone put in front of me. This is what I love to do.
I’m a natural super middleweight. I want to be in fights where people think I’m going to lose. I’ll challenge anybody.
Me and Badou Jack are two different fighters. I think I’m going to beat him wide on the scorecards or stop him.
I’m thankful to everyone here and my people from New York who I know will be supporting me on fight night.
I expect this to be a very exciting fight. I’m going to be ready for anything that Davis will bring into the ring. I’m going to take care of business.
I’m very privileged to help with this cause and to help push boxing in New York. I’m going to represent my people on Enero 14 and I’m very proud of the opportunity.
If Davis says he has to be killed to be beaten, then he’s going to have to go down.
I’m undefeated and I will remain undefeated after Enero 14. I know Davis is a strong kid, but he isn’t on my level. I am looking to dominate this fight.
Fighting at Barclays Center is really a dream come true. I know that I will have a lot of support from the Puerto Rican boxing fans and I’m going to train hard to perform for them.
I’m sorry for Davis to be signed for Mayweather, because when I take away his undefeated record, I’m going to feel like I beat Mayweather.
It feels great to fight in Brooklyn for the first time. I’ve never fought in New York and it’s tremendous. I’ll have a lot of hometown fans driving up to here for the fight.
Pedraza is a tough opponent. We’re going to work hard in camp and be ready to fight on Enero 14.
My hometown has been backing me for all of these years. En Enero 14, I get my shot. Es asombroso. I know Pedraza is a great fighter. People will say he has more experience. But I had 206 wins in the amateurs and a lot of titles.
There’s nothing Pedraza can bring to the ring that I haven’t seen before. I’ve been battle-tested inside the ring and outside the ring.
He’s going to have to kill me to retain his title. I’m coming home a champion. No hay duda al respecto.
On paper this is definitely my hardest task. We’re both great fighters. I hope he trains hard because I’m training for the fight of my life.
I’m going to steal the show on Enero 14. I’m going to get Pedraza out of there and then work to unify the division against the other champs.
Floyd Mayweather, Presidente de Mayweather Promotions
We’re back. What other better city to be in, than New York City? It was always one of my dreams to fight in New York City. I’m glad I’m in a position to put fighters out there to give the fans what they want to see. New York City is the best place for boxing.
For years and years these fighters have worked so hard and dedicated their lives to get to this point. I’m thankful for everyone who is supporting us and supporting our movement.
The only thing we’re going to do is continue to build these fighters and help these fighters get to the highest heights. So many people have helped me get to this point, where I can give back to these young fighters.
Lou DiBella is a guy I love to work with. The boxing business is about working together. Leonard works hard day in and day out to put these fighters in the best position, and I do the same. It’s all about working to get these fighters to the next level.
We’re here in New York and we want to bring boxing to New York City. This is one of the meccas of boxing. The whole state has embraced me throughout my career.
I’m very proud of Badou Jack. He’s a guy who carries himself like a gentleman. That’s what a true champion does. He’s very respectful, humble and appreciative.
Badou Jack is such a hard worker and he’s very appreciative. I remember the position he was in. He’s still very thankful and humble now that he’s in a great position in his life and career.
I’m just happy that I’m able to put fighters in a good position. They then have to take advantage of the position I put them in.
We want to continue to do fights in this arena and bring championship boxing to New York City. We want to give you great shows again and again.
LEONARD Ellerbe, CEO de Mayweather Promotions
This is a tremendous platform. Coming to New York is something that Floyd has been advocating for. He’s wanted to bring a big event here and come Enero 14 that’s what the fans are going to get. We have a great night of fights from top to bottom.
This is everything for Badou. This is why you lace them up when you’re a kid. This is an opportunity to be the best. He’s the best 168-pounder in the world and on Enero 14 he’ll have that platform to do it.
When it comes to unification, you don’t see too many unified champions. The best fighting the best is what it’s all about. DeGale is an Olympic gold medalist and a world champion. He’s fought some very good fighters. Badou will be making his third title defense and there is no better opponent than DeGale.
When two guys come together and they want to determine who’s the best, with everything on the line, that’s what it’s all about.
The fans can expect to see Mayweather Promotions go back to Las Vegas with two world champions. One will be a unified champion and one will be the new super featherweight world champion.
This is a great step-up for Gervonta. That’s what life is about, stepping up and taking risks. That’s why you get into the sport. He’ll have his full arsenal on display on fight night.
Lou DiBella, El presidente de DiBella Entertainment
Fans should go out and buy their tickets once they go on sale. There is going to be a show here on Enero 14. We have lawyers and insurance people on it and we will pay what needs to be paid.
This announcement not only represents a fight announcement, but a call to action to all boxing fans. Boxing needs your help in New York. We need to change or repeal this law that has really shut us down. Even if we can get really expensive insurance for Enero 14, the small promoters and small fights and grassroots boxing have come to a standstill.
Come out to this incredible fight card on Enero 14. Jack vs. DeGale is as good as it gets. Jose Pedraza is Puerto Rico’s only champion and he’s defending against Gervonta Davis. That is a great fight. The undercard is also going to be terrific.
It also represents boxing trying to take its rightful place back. We’re not sitting back in 2017 and letting our industry be brought to a halt. We’re going ahead and announcing Enero 14. But we need everyone’s help with respect to making the necessary changes to allow our sport to thrive in this space again.
I promoted Badou early in his career and he is a terrific fighter. He does everything well. He’s active in the ring and he makes good fights, and so does DeGale. He comes forward and fights. These two guys are going to throw down. This is a fan friendly main event. With huge significance.
The opening bout features Puerto Rico’s only champion, fighting in front of New York’s huge Puerto Rican community. Gervonta Davis comes right up from Baltimore and it’s a can’t-miss fight.
BRETT Yormark, CEO of Brooklyn Sports & Entretenimiento
We want to reinforce our commitment to boxing. Not just from a Barclays Center perspective, but from a state perspective. Boxing is very important to the history here in New York and we want that to continue. We want to take a lead position as the sport continues to grow and thrive in the marketplace.
We have become one of the premier venues in the country for boxing. We look forward to a very successful 2017. This fight in particular is very important to us. We haven’t had a championship event here since July. Floyd being involved brings a whole different dynamic as well and we’re excited for a tremendous undercard full of Brooklynites.
Floyd has been here to the Barclays Center several times and we’re thrilled that he’s back. It’s a pleasure to welcomes Badou Jack and James DeGale to Brooklyn and I’m confident that you will like the Brooklyn crowd.
There has not been a major boxing event at Barclays Center since the Julio 30 Santa Cruz vs. Frampton card and we’re proud to take the lead on bringing boxing back to New York. We’re excited that Enero 14 will be the first major boxing card in New York in 2017. We are more committed than ever before to bringing boxing to Barclays Center.
It’s a very exciting time for the building, for the sport and it should be an electric evening for the sport.
STEPHEN ESPINOZA, VP ejecutivo & Gerente General, SHOWTIME Sports
This card is unique, high quality and special. You don’t see cards like this every day. These four fighters have made a combined 14 appearances on SHOWTIME. We’re very proud of these four fighters.
To create and deliver special events, it takes commitment. When you’re committed to a cause, special things happen. We’ve done special things with Mayweather Promotions and now we have this great card coming to us.
The four young men on the stage today are some of the most talented and accomplished athletes in the sport. This is the best this sport has to offer. They’re committed to taking on other accomplished athletes. We have four of those fighters here on the televised portion and we have to salute them.
New York City has a tremendous history in boxing. It’s hosted the biggest fights in the history of the sport. Barclays Center has emerged as the biggest and most aggressive supporter of boxing on the east coast. We’re optimistic that there won’t be any holdup getting to Enero 14.
No network is as committed or as passionate about boxing as SHOWTIME is. The biggest and the best fights are on SHOWTIME. No other network is televising fights like these. Top five versus top five and champion versus champion. There is no better way to kick-off boxing in 2017 than with this great card at Barclays Center.
ERIC ADAMS, Brooklyn Borough President
Now is the call for action. We have witnessed what happens when the call for action is not personified and mobilized. Too many people pass legislation and are focused on the paper it’s written on, instead of the people who are impacted by it. It is clear that New York state is the Empire State where we build empires instead of destroying them and we are destroying the empire of boxing in New York.
If we don’t do something about this piece of legislation, then these fighters will no longer have the aspiration to fight in the state that they love. That cannot happen. New Yorkers don’t follow the agenda, we lead the agenda. We must do that to make sure this is done correctly.
We are going to mobilize and move in the right direction while protecting the fighters. We don’t want to knock out boxing in the state of New York. That cannot happen.
This is going to be a great opportunity for these fighters and for Brooklyn and we are thankful to the team at Barclays for putting these fighters on this great stage.
# # #
Plataforma de programación del Barclays Center BROOKLYN BOXEO ™ es presentado por AARP. Para obtener más información, visite seguir en Twitter @BadouJack, @JamesDegale1, @Sniper_Pedraza, @Gervontaa, SHOSports, MayweatherPromo, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter, y @Swanson_Comm o convertirse en un fan en Facebook en,, Este evento está patrocinado por Corona Extra, La Cerveza Mas Fina.

Badou Jack & James DeGale Meet in Super Middleweight World Championship Unification Showdown Saturday, Enero 14 From Barclays Center in Brooklyn Live on SHOWTIME

Junior Lightweight World Champion Jose Pedraza
Battles Undefeated Rising Star Gervonta Davis in
Entradas a la venta Viernes en 10 a.m. Y!
BROOKLYN (Noviembre 16, 2016) – CMB peso súper campeón mundial de peso medio Badou Jack (20-1-2, 12 KOs) and IBF Super Middleweight World Champion James DeGale (23-1, 14 KOs)will look to stake their claim as the best 168-pound fighter in the world when they meet in a title unification clash on Sábado, Enero 14 from Barclays Center in Brooklyn and live on SHOWTIME as boxing returns to New York for the first time in five months.
The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast will also feature undefeated junior lightweight world champion Jose “Sniper” Pedraza (22-0, 12 KOs) defending his title against up-and-coming Mayweather Promotions’ contendiente invicto Gervonta “El único” Davis (16-0, 15 KOs).
I’m expecting a very tough fight from James DeGale,” dijo Jack. “But I’m very confident that I’m going to win the fight and become the unified champion. This is an incredible stage to be at Barclays Center and on SHOWTIME and I’m going to take full advantage of it. I’m ready to make my mark as the best in the division.
I am so happy that this fight has finally been made,” dijo DeGale. “Esta es la mejor lucha contra el mejor. Esto es lo que se trata el boxeo. Badou Jack is a very good fighter and he’s underrated. I am going to have to be 100 percent on my game to beat him, but I am confident I will deliver on January 14. I have already fulfilled my dream of becoming a world champion and now it is time to unify.
Davis is a great young fighter with an impressive record,” said Pedraza. “He is a complete fighter and I am very happy to fight a challenger of his caliber. Sin embargo, I do feel that Davis has been protected so I plan to really show off in this fight and perform at my best. Defeating Davis will be a great start to 2017, a year I would love to unify my division. I am thrilled to be back on SHOWTIME and look forward to putting on a great show for all those in attendance at Barclays Center.
I’m excited for the opportunity to fight a respected undefeated world champion like Jose Pedraza,” dijo Davis. “I’m also ready to show the boxing world what I’m capable of doing. Boxing is searching for its next star and I believe that I’m the one. En Enero 14, I plan to show what over 200 amateur wins and 12 years of training with coach Calvin Ford looks like. Baltimore, estaban aquí. Brooklyn, I’m ready to shine for you. Jose Pedraza, prepararse. I’m coming to kick your a**.
Mayweather Promotions is pleased to have the opportunity to bring this huge event to Brooklyn and Barclays Center,” dijo Floyd Mayweather, Presidente de Mayweather Promotions. “Badou Jack versus James DeGale is one of the best match-ups in the sport. It’s the best fighting the best. I believe that Badou Jack has what it takes to be a unified world champion. I’m also excited to see Gervonta Davis fight for his first world title. He has the skills to be a fighter who carries the sport. He has a tough, undefeated world champion in front of him and I am looking forward to seeing him perform on Enero 14. These are two evenly-matched fights that will bring a lot of explosive action to the ring on fight night, you don’t want to miss it.
Las entradas para el evento en vivo, que es promovido por Mayweather Promotions y DiBella Entertainment, empieza en $25. Tickets are available starting Viernes, Noviembre. 18 en 10 a.m. y se pueden comprar en línea visitando, o llamando al 1-800-745-3000. Tickets are also available at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center. Descuentos para grupos están disponibles llamando al 844-BKLYN-GP.
Both Jack and DeGale retained their titles on SHOWTIME in April. Jack kept his belt via a controversial split draw against Lucian Bute, a match in which many thought Jack had prevailed, while DeGale defeated mandatory challenger Rogelio Medina. Both fighters were sharp; each landed over 60 percent of his respective power punches to set up this showdown for the top spot in the super middleweight division.
We’re looking forward to bringing our first boxing event to Barclays Center in Brooklyn on Enero 14, when Badou Jack will face James DeGale in a world title unification bout live on SHOWTIME,” dijo Leonard Ellerbe, CEO de Mayweather Promotions. “Badou has a tremendous work ethic and ability to stay focused and this has helped him get to where he is now in his career. He’s prepared to keep putting the hard work in to stay on top. Every time he was counted out, it just made him work harder. He’s proof that if you stay focused and dedicated to your craft, you can reach your dreams. I’m also eager to see Mayweather Promotionsown Gervonta Davis in his first world title fight. We believe there is a bright future ahead for that young man and this could be the first step on his way to a truly special career.
Boxing will return to New York in 2017 with a tremendous card at Barclays Center on Enero 14 featuring two high caliber championship contests,” dijo Lou DiBella, El presidente de DiBella Entertainment. “With Badou Jack and James DeGale facing off, you have champion versus champion, the best fighting the best in what promises to be an action-packed battle in a super middleweight unification. Puerto Rico’s only world champion, undefeated Jose Pedraza, will defend his junior lightweight title against a hungry, heavy-handed challenger in Gervonta Davis.
“Jack vs. DeGale is a terrific start to 2017,” dijo Brett Yormark, CEO of Brooklyn Sports & Entretenimiento. “I want to thank Floyd Mayweather for making this fight happen and to Lou DiBella for his continued support of BROOKLYN BOXING. In our fifth year at Barclays Center, we are committed to boxing more than ever before.
“En 2016, SHOWTIME delivered more high-quality, competitive fights than any other network and 2017 no será diferente. We’re thrilled to kick off the year with a true ’50/50unification fight between two world champions in the prime of their career,” dijo Stephen Espinoza, Executive Vice President and General Manager, SHOWTIME Sports. “Badou Jack vs. James DeGale is boxing at its besta matchup between the No. 1 – y n. 2-ranked boxers in the divisionthe right fight happening at the right time. And the Jose Pedraza-Gervonta Davis co-feature, which features two of boxing’s rising stars, could have been a main event on its own. There is no better way to begin the year, as well as our tremendous run of four separate SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING presentations over a seven-week span.
Gato, who fights out of Las Vegas by way of Stockholm, Suecia, captured the WBC 168-pound crown with a 12-round majority decision over previously unbeaten defending champion Anthony Dirrelllast Abril 24. A former amateur standout who represented Gambia in the 2008 Juegos Olímpicos, Jack retained his belt against former world title challenger George Groves last Siete. 12 on the undercard of Floyd Mayweather’s final fight. Jack was an underdog against both Dirrell and Groves before retaining his title. El 6-pies-1, 33-year-old won four in a row leading up to his controversial draw against Bute in April.
DeGale won the vacant IBF belt in his U.S. debut last May by dropping Andre Dirrell twice on his way to a unanimous decision. La 2008 Olympic Gold Medalist from London then successfully defended it last November in a thrilling shootout with the hometown favorite and former titlist Bute. El jugador de 30 años de edad, who’s only blemish came in a majority decision in his 11º bout against the then-unbeaten Groves, will make his fourth consecutive start outside his native England as he looks to become a global power and a unified champion at 168 libra.
The switch-hitting Puerto Rican Olympian Pedraza backed up his “El Francotirador” moniker against Andrey Klimov, picking apart the Russian with superior speed and accuracy on his way to a world title win last June. Pedraza earned a shot at the title in his previous bout with a career-best victory over former world title challenger Michael Farenas. The 27-year-old then went on to defend his title successfully against Edner Cherry last October and most recently against Stephen Smith in April. This fight marks the fourth consecutive time that Pedraza has fought on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING.
A highly regarded prospect that won the 2012 Campeonato Nacional Guantes, el jugador de 22 años de edad, Davis recorded five victories inside of the distance in 2015. The Baltimore native, who Floyd Mayweather has calledthe next big star in boxing,” kept his momentum going into 2016 as he recorded a sixth-round stoppage of Guillermo Avila in April and a first round knockout of Mario Macias in June. Davis enters his first world title showdown with seven straight victories by stoppage.
# # #
Plataforma de programación del Barclays Center BROOKLYN BOXEO ™ es presentado por AARP. Para obtener más información, visite seguir en Twitter @BadouJack, @JamesDegale1, @Sniper_Pedraza, @Gervontaa, SHOSports, MayweatherPromo, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter, y @Swanson_Comm o convertirse en un fan en Facebook en,, Este evento está patrocinado por Corona Extra, La Cerveza Mas Fina.

NABO peso superligero CHAMPION MAURICE PUTA & Dos tiempos CITAS Y FOTOS medallista de oro olímpico Claressa Sheilds MEDIOS DE ENTRENAMIENTO


KOVALEV-WARD “libra por libra” ESTABLECIDO PARA Sábado, Noviembre 19 En T-Mobile Arena en Las Vegas, NEVADA

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Crédito de la imagen: Roc Nation Deportes / Tom Hogan – Hoganphotos

Las Vegas, Nevada (Noviembre 15, 2016) - peso welter junior de la NABO Maurice “Mighty Mo” Hooker(21-0-2, 16 KOs) y por segunda vez de medallista de oro olímpico Claressa “T-Rex” Escudos participado en un entrenamiento de los medios de comunicación en Las Vegas, NV el lunes, Noviembre. 14, por delante de sus apariciones en la cartelera Kovalev-Ward “Libra por libra” que tiene lugar Sábado, Noviembre. 19 en T-Mobile Arena.


Escudos, quien estará haciendo su debut profesional contra rivales estadounidense Franchon Crews, será presentado en la transmisión de TDT a partir de las 7:00 p.m. Y/4:00 p.m. PT en los eventos de pago por ver el canal antes de la transmisión oficial, ya través de futbol en el canal de YouTube de HBO Boxing.


Puta, quien estará defendiendo su título NABO contra el veterano Darleys Pérez (33-2-1, 21 KOs), será presentado durante el respaldo televisado que conduce hasta el evento principal de HBO Pay-Per-View ® comenzando a las 9:00 p.m. Y/6:00 p.m. PT.


Ambos boxeadores ponen en una pantalla de trabajo manopla, bolsa pesada, bolso de la velocidad y el boxeo de sombra para los medios de comunicación en la asistencia. A continuación se muestra lo que las estrellas emergentes tenían que decir durante el entrenamiento de medios:


Maurice Hooker, Welter junior de la NABO:

“Kovalev-Ward es un evento especial. Voy a hacer lo que mejor sé hacer y es de esperar, robar la multitud. La multitud va a amarme ... que aman knockouts, and that is what I am ready to give them.


“Aaron Pryor is one of the best. He brought a lot of knockouts. He was a great fighter whom a lot of people dodged. Like him, I’m coming into this fight with people dodging me. They are afraid because they don’t know what I can do. This fight means a lot…an opportunity to show them who I am. I am going to bring the knockout just like ‘The Hawk’ would.”


“I want to stay busy. I want to fight Ricky Burns and Eduard Troyanovsky and win ‘em belts. Shout out to my big bro Terrance Crawford. He’s doing his thing. Esperemos, he gets a fight with Pacquiao, move up and let me take over.


“My prediction for Sábado is a knockout. Me encanta nocauts. I am always going for the knockout. With every punch that I throw, incluso el pinchazo, Voy a tratar de tomar la cabeza de Darleys Pérez off “.


Claressa Escudos, Por segunda vez de medallista de oro olímpico:

“Voy a tener estado en el campo durante siete semanas. Estoy emocionado. Estoy listo para asumir esta nueva tarea de ser un luchador profesional y en última instancia,, ganar un cinturón.

“Al decidir para ser un profesional, Pensé en mi legado-Yo no quería desaparecer durante cuatro años, y ganar otra medalla de oro, pero que la gente no sabe mi nombre o mi aspecto o cómo peleo.

“Esperar a ver una pelea muy buena, una pelea muy hábil de mí, este sábado. El mundo va a ver un nivel de boxeo que ninguna mujer boxeador ha mostrado nunca antes. Soy un boxeador inteligente. Soy un luchador entretenido. Yo tirar todo bien y tienen grandes combinaciones.

“Los equipos Franchon y he discutido antes y sin uso en grandes torneos. Ella viene a esta pelea totalmente preparado y he estado entrenando para un KO. En los aficionados, mi registro general fue 77-1 pero nunca he noqueado a nadie. Ahora, tenemos guantes más pequeños, sin arnés y estoy manera más fuerte que nunca he estado. Se trata de un tipo diferente de debut profesional. En realidad, esto debe ser una pelea de campeonato mundial entre mí y Crews Franchon pero de alguna manera, ella lo tomó para un debut profesional.

"Me encanta el boxeo. Por eso me comprometo mi tiempo y el cuerpo. Tengo ganas de luchar frente a todos los fanáticos del boxeo. tengo amigos, familia, aficionados de todo volar a Las Vegas sólo para ver lucha, así que espero poder empacar la casa antes del evento principal “.


Siga Maurice “Mighty Mo” Hooker en Twitter @mightymohooker, @mauricemightymohooker Instagram y Facebook:


Siga Claressa Escudos @ClaressaShields en Twitter, Instagram @ClaressaShields, y


Kovalev vs.. Sala "Libra por libra", un 12 asaltos mega pelea por el título de peso semipesado de la OMB / FIB / AMB en T-Mobile Arena de Las Vegas, es presentada por Main Events, Roc Nation Deportes, Promociones y Promociones Krusher Andre Ward y está patrocinado por el MGM Grand Hotel & Casino, Corona extra, Zappos y JetLux. El evento de campeonato será producida y distribuida en vivo por HBO Pay-Per-View ® comenzando a las 9:00 p.m. Y/6:00 p.m. PT. Los boletos están disponibles en y la taquilla de T-Mobile Arena.


Siga la conversación utilizando #KovalevWard. SÍGUENOS: @KrusherKovalev @SergeyKovalev_Official /thekrusher / kovalboxer @AndreWard @AndreSogWard /AndreSogWard @Eventos principales @Eventos principales /MainEventsBoxing / MEBoxingSeries @RocNation @RocNation / Roc Nation / Roc Nation HBOboxing HBOboxing / HBOboxing / HBOsports @MGMGrand @MGMGrand /MGMGrand @TMobileArena @TMobileArena /TMobileArena  


Giving back: Baltimore Boxing raises $10,000 to help locals combat medical bills

Baltimore, Maryland (Noviembre 15, 2016) – Jake Smith’s Baltimore Boxing Promotions is proud to announce they’ve raised $10,000 for two area residents with large medical bills associated with extended hospital stays.

To ensure funds were raised through multiple channels, Smith donated a large number of tickets (which the families resold and kept 100% of the money) while running a 50/50 raffle and silent auction on fight night at Michael’s Eighth Avenue.

En Septiembre 15, Baltimore Boxing’s “Fight for Vince” card raised funds for Vincent Veazey, a longtime trainer and mentor at the Baltimore Boxing Club. Veazey, who was already fighting Parkinson’s disease, suffered a heart attack earlier this year that required triple bypass surgery. Vince and his family were left with massive medical bills following his hospitalization and still needed enough money for day to day expenses.

Jueves, November 10’s card assisted the family of Nicholas Tasker, an 8-year-old Arbutus, MD resident battling a rare form of abdomen cancer. Tasker is still hospitalized but made it to Michael’s Eighth to receive the “Mike Dietrich American Dream Awardduring an emotional ceremony for his courageous fight against cancer.

“I’ve been in boxing for most of my life as a fighter, entrenador, promoter and gym owner and these last few events were the most emotional for me,"Dijo Jake Smith. “The community and our fans have been incredible in purchasing tickets while participating in the silent auctions and 50/50 raffles to help those in need. As a lifelong Baltimore resident, it is my duty to give back to the community. Seeing firsthand what the sport of boxing can do to help others in need is a feeling no other.”

Baltimore Boxing’s next card is scheduled for Diciembre 8 and more information will be available shortly.

Residents, groups and organizations of the Baltimore area interested in receiving assistance through Baltimore Boxing fight cards are encouraged to email with detailed information.

Undefeated Prospects Sonny Fredrickson & Tyler McCreary Added to Kovalev-Ward Undercard

Toledo, Ohio (Noviembre 14, 2016) – Undefeated fighters super lightweight Hijito “Pretty Boi” Fredrickson (14-0, 9 Nocáuts) y pluma Tyler “Golden Child” McCreary (11-0, 6 Nocáuts) will see action on Noviembre 19, as part of the highly-anticipated Light Heavyweight Unification showdown between Sergey Kovalev and Andre Ward at the T-Mobile Arena en Las Vegas, Nevada.

Fredrickson and McCreary, both natives of Toledo, Ohio, will both perform on their biggest stage to date. The two will be featured on the Kovalev-Ward freeview telecast which begins at 7:00 p.m. Y/4:00 p.m. PT en los eventos de pago por ver el canal antes de la transmisión oficial, y que se anunciará por cable, satélite, y canales de telecomunicaciones. La transmisión gratuita también estará disponible a través de transmisión en vivo en el canal de YouTube de HBO Boxing..

Fredrickson will fight Gabriel Duluc (11-1, 2 Nocáuts) while McCreary will battle Vincent Jennings (5-2-1, 4 Nocáuts).

I’m thrilled that my fight will be offered to fans as part of the freeview telecast,” said Frederickson. “I have been on previous Andre Ward cards, but this one will be especially meaningful since it’s also my first fight in Las Vegas.

Fredrickson, who is looking to make a big statement in front of a large crowd and packed media contingent, also added, “I have fought in front of a lot of people before and hopefully, this leads television fights and big opportunities. I want to thank my promoter Roc Nation Sports for allowing me the opportunity to shine on this incredible stage, my team at Victory Sports & Entertainment and also to Andre Ward for all his help and guidance. This is a big steppingstone for me and in 2017, I expect to move up in the rankings and take my career to the next level.

McCreary, who is also eager about the opportunity, declarado, “This is a big opportunity for me and I wanted to thank my team and my promoter Roc Nation Sports. I have been training hard and am excited to showcase my skills on this big stage. I am ready to show everyone that I can to rise to the occasion. It’s also exciting for me to fight on Andre Ward’s undercard. He and I have become friends since we met last year at the Cotto-Canelo fight, and he has become a mentor to me, so I am very thankful to be on this fight card.

We are very excited to have both Sonny Frederickson and Tyler McCreary fight on, arguably, the biggest card of the year,” said Rick Torres, Presidente de la victoria Deportes & Entretenimiento. “We know that the Kovalev-Ward fight will produce a great battle and look forward to two of our young guns getting the fireworks started earlier in the evening. Both have been training very hard for this and are looking forward to putting on great fights as they take the next steps in their careers. Fans at home, especially those in Toledo, who tune in early can see both on the freeview telecast. All of this couldn’t be possible without Roc Nation Sports and we’re very appreciative of the commitment and confidence they have shown in Sonny Frederickson and Tyler McCreary.

Fundado en 2013 by President Rick Torres and Chief Operating Officer Michael Leanardi, Victory Sports & Entertainment es una empresa de gestión de deportistas con oficinas en Nueva York y Las Vegas..

Jermall Charlo contra. Julian Williams Media Conference Call Transcript

Richard Schaefer
Muchas gracias. And thank you to all the media to be on today’s call. Estoy muy emocionado. My first boxing conference call after almost three years out of the sport. Así, I’m really excited to be at it again.
And what better way to do it than with a double header like this? It’s rare enough to have a match up like Jesus Cuellar versus Abner Mares, which has fight of the year written all over it.
But to have Jermall Charlo versus Julian Williams which is another fight of the year candidateI can tell you that right now. To have two fight of the year candidates, it’s like today’s day and age almost unheard of. Y entonces, it really is a very special treat.
I want to thank first and foremost the fighters for agreeing to these great up match-ups. I want to thank SHOWTIME for the commitment to the sport, to showcase fights like that. Stephen Espinoza goes out there and wants to put together competitive match-ups. And I think he is doing an absolutely terrific job.
But before we begin, I just want to make a brief comment. The sport of boxing lost a great friend yesterday, Todd Harlib, who could be seen in countless fighter’s quarters including Jermall Charlo, who is on the phone with us today.
Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends and the whole boxing community at this time. Así, I’m very sorry about having to report this.
This fight here which we’re discussing today is without any question one of the best fights which can be made in the sport, irrespective of weight class. It is a fight which was really demanded by fight fans and by media.
A lot of people wondered if it was ever going to happen? And here it is. Here it is, one of the most talked about fights, one of the most asked for fights to be seen live on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING on December 10th as part of this terrific double header with Cuellar and Mares.
The fight is in association with Premier Boxing Champions live from the Galen Center at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles which is a terrific new state-of-the-art arena where the basketball and volleyball teams of the university play as well. It has hosted a fight there as well before with the heavyweight title fight with Bermane Stiverne and Chris Arreola.
Así, if you live in and around the Los Angeles area or somewhere in Southern California, Por favor, make sure you come out and be part of this terrific doubleheader. Tickets are available and are starting at as little as $35.00. Fantastic seats for $35.00
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It is a pleasure now to introduce to you our co-promoter. This fight is a co-promotion between Ringstar Sports and TGB Promotions. Tom Brown is very familiar with the arena there at the Galen Center. He was the one who put together the fight with Stiverne and Arreola back in the days. And so it’s a pleasure now to turn it over to Tom Brown to make a few comments.
Tom Brown
Bien, muchas gracias, Ricardo. I just want to say that TGB Promotions is thrilled to be partnered once again with Stephen Espinoza and the great team at SHOWTIME along with Richard Schaefer and Ringstar Sports.
I’m also happy to back on the beautiful campus of the University of Southern California at the Galen Center.
The idea of championship fight between Charlo and Julian Williams isas Richard just mentionedis a can’t miss match-up between two of the best junior middleweights in the world.
Así, este, along with the main eventthe WBA Featherweight Championship fight between Cuellar and Mares makes it a can’t miss night. And like Richard said, two possible fight of the year candidate fights.
Richard and I are working out putting together an action packed under card which will be announced very soon. Así, we’re looking forward to a great night on December 10th at a great venue with even greater fights. Muchas gracias.
R. Schaefer
Muchas gracias, Tom. Now the next man I’m going to introduce is a good friend of mine. We have known each other for a long time. And we put together some of the biggest fights in the past. Allá por 2013 when we were on fire.
Everybody recognized SHOWTIME as the leader in the sport of boxing. And that is because of Stephen Espinoza. Stephen is first and foremost a fan. And he likes to sit there and see great match ups. And that’s exactly what you’re getting here.
Así, we as fight fans. We as members from the media being promoters or whatever, we can really benefit from Stephen’s passion of putting together these amazing fights.
Así, it’s a pleasure for me to introduce to you nowI know his title is Executive Vice President in charge of Sports but I’m calling him the President of SHOWTIME Sports. I alwaysand I always did that. Remember?
Stephen Espinoza
Sí, tienes razón. Since the first day I had this job. Gracias, Ricardo. We’re thrilled to be working with Richard and Ringstar and Tom Brown and TGB once again. And a special welcome Richard, who we are happy to see back in the sport. Not just because he’s my friend but because he is one of the standup guys in the sport. Very professional and a straight shooter. It’s something that this sport can use more of.
Así, the combination of Tom and Richard is two straight arrowsas straight as they come. And I’m thrilled to be working with both of them.
This year SHOWTIME really has continued to deliver the biggest and best fights. And I think there’s really no question that we’ve had the strongest lineup of the best and most significant match ups of any network in boxing.
2016 so far has included two fight of the year contenders, a KO of the year contender. Fight after fight of top ten opponent versus top ten.
And as we wrap 2016 and go into 2017, we are definitely looking to keep that momentum going. We recently announced seven great match ups – 14 cima 10 fighters taking on each otherin six world title fights.
And we could go on and on about the numbers. Three fights which are number one versus number two in the division. But among the pleasures of doing that is getting to make fights like this one.
Ever since Floyd retired, going on a little more than a year ago, there’s one question that personally I get and all of us here at SHOWTIME get consistently.
And that’s, ya sabes, who’s the next star? Who’s the next super star? Who’s going to be carrying the sport going forward. And the good thing about this sport of boxing is that that gets determined in the ring. I can’t tell you.
Even if I were to pick two or there that I thought would develop that way, lookthey’ve got to perform in the ring. But it’s fights like this one. Como, Jermall Charlo versus Julian Williams, that determine who are the next stars.
We’ve got two young fighters in the peaks of their career. One world champion who’s established himself as really one of the future stars of the sport. And taking on one of the toughest contenders in any division in Williams.
We’re very proud of both of these fighters. They both been home grown here on SHOWTIME. Jermall has fought with us five times before. Julian has been on SHOWTIME seven times. Así, we’re proud that both of the role that SHOWTIME has played in both their careers.
Pero mas importante, we’re proud that these guys stepped up to take this kind of fight. Jermall Charlo was seen as one of the most exciting, joven, champions in the sport. He’s defended that title successfully, built a fan base in his hometown of Houston, and really looks to really take over the division and elevate to the star echelon of the sport.
Julian Williams has been a guy that people have quietly identified as one of the rising stars for quite some time. I know he’s been patiently waitingand sometimes not so patiently waitingfor his shot. And so I know he’ll be ready.
I think it’s somewhat fitting that this fight is taking on December 10th, a week before the very legendary Philadelphia world champion Bernard Hopkins retires. Philly fighters are a long tradition. And it takes a lot of work and a special kind of individual to be called a Philly fighter. Just fighting in Philly doesn’t make you a Philly fighter. And I know Julian is poised to carry that title of Philly fighter very proudly and actively for many years to come.
Así, of all the fights that we’ve announced. And there’s a lot of quality fights. Esta lucha – the Charlo-Williams fightis one of the ones that I’m most excited about. Two young guys at the peaks of their career really battling to determine who could be controlling this division for a long time to come.
This will help determine who are the future stars of our sport. Ricardo?
R. Schaefer
Muchas gracias, Stephen, very well said. And for me, we all know they are terrific fighters. They’re both are undefeated. I’ve known themboth of them – por mucho tiempo. I’ve been involved with many of their fights.
They are terrific young men outside of the ring as well. And just as good as it gets inside of the ring. Así, they’re reallyboth of themthey carry the total package. And you’re right, Stephen, he has patience and sometimes not so patiently been waiting.
It is a pleasure for me now to introduce to you Julian Williams, who is trained by Stephen Edwards. He’s the number one ranked contender by the IBF in the Junior Middleweight division. And he secured his top ranking after stopping Marcello Matano in the 7th round in March.
He’s undefeated with a record of 22-0-1, 14 nocauts, Julian Williams.
Julian Williams
¡Eh, how’s everybody doing? First I want to send my thoughts prayers out to Todd Harlib and his whole family and loved ones. He was a great guy. He was a great cut man and even better guy. And I consider him as a friend. I think it’s a sad time right now, de forma, I just want to do that first of all.
Training’s been going really well. We’ve got a really good team and lots of good sparring. We have a really good camp so far. I think this is a really, really good fight. I think it was a fight that hardcore boxing fans needed to see.
It’s a fight that had to happen. I commend Charlo for stepping up and being a true champion. And I want to show the world what I already know. I’m extremely motivated. And I know Jermall is motivated too.
Así, I think you guys are going to see a real shoot-out. He’s got all the tools and skills. And I’ve got all the tools and skills. And you’re going to see who comes out on top on this night.
Y estoy 100% sure it’ll be me.
R. Schaefer
. Now Jermall Charlo and his brothers, bien, I’ve known them since their first fight. And what a journey it has been.
Today he is the undefeated IBF Junior Middleweight World Champion. He’s training with Ronnie Shields. One of the most legendary trainers out of Houston, Texas.
He won his title by stopping Cornelius Bundrage in the third-round last September. And has defended his belt already twice including a unanimous decision victory over formervery game world championAustin Trout in May.
And it’s a pleasure now for me to introduce to you again, somebody I’ve introduced before many times. The IBF Junior Middleweight World Champion, Jermall Charlo.
Jermall Charlo
Gracias, Ricardo. Like Julian said, Todd was my man. And I want to give his family and everyone that’s close to Todd my prayers and my condolences.
I hear Julian talk about he’s 100% Listo. And he’s 100% sure he’s going to win this fight. But I’ve heard that before. I’m ready for the stakes. I’m ready for this level. Sorry the fight took so long. It wasn’t necessarily up to me. But I think everything happens for a reason. And it’s perfect timing and I can’t wait to get in there and show the world what I’m actually made of against a guy that’s so highly confident about the things that I do.
R. Schaefer
Bueno. I agree with you. Things do happen for a reason. I’m very happy that I’m the one who has the honor to promote this fight and this entire card. I know it’s going to be toe-to-toe battles with the two of you.
And I know with Cueller and Mares as well. They say styles make fights. I think those styles of those four fighters are perfectly done. And I just can’t wait for December 10th at the Galen Center and live on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING.
We are going to open it now to the media for questions for any of the participants on the call.
Jermall, I know that you had to have a procedure that you did voluntarily on your eye. Can you give me any details about that? What exactly was the issue? Was it just a matter of, como, you’re as blind as a bat? Or was there something else that was going on there?
J. Charlo
It wasn’t necessarily voluntarily. I pretty much had some vision problems up to my last fight in Las Vegas.
I fought the fight. I adjusted myself to be able to fight unclear. So now I got the procedure done. Sí, the fight was supposed to happen in October. And I wanted it then. But it was just for me to be able to clear the medical exam. Less stress now to go ahead and go 20/20 and I’m ready now.
Like I said everything happens for a reason. And crystal clear vision is one of the things that helps me make the fight easier.
And which eye was it, a propósito, Jermall?
J. Charlo
Both eyes.
Both of them? Bueno, and now you feel like a new person?
J. Charlo
Estoy 110%, crystal clear, Estoy bien. Estoy listo.
How much better will that make you? That you can now see clearly. I mean your fighting skills are one thing. But now you can see the target, obviamente, much better it sounds like. I mean do you think that will make you a much better, precise fighter?
J. Charlo
It gives me a lot more confidence. Por supuesto, it’s something important and I probably had to get it. I haven’t fought with crystal clear vision my whole life.
So now I’m even more motivated motivated. I’m eager to get in there to see what the new person is like.
Did you think about having this earlier in your career?
J. Charlo
Sí, I always wanted it. I always wanted it. But I’m a superstitious guy. Así, I like to keep things, the way I always wanted. It’s just something I feel like it’s going to take me to the next level.
Some people suggested maybe he would vacate the title and go up to middleweight to not fight you. When all that was happening and you were sitting there as a mandatory for himwhat was your personal feeling about what was going on?
J. Williams
I didn’t really know about the medical situation until about mid-September.
I actually thought that he would fight. And not think about the notion that he would vacate. The fact that he kept complaining about weight the previous fights. If the fight was being delayed, people are going to start saying this is how boxing is.
But I didn’t think that he wasI thought that he was putting the fight off for whatever reason. Pero como he dicho, at the time I didn’t know what the reason was.
All that is under the bridge. It doesn’t even matter anymore. The fight is December 10th. You know what I mean. He said he’s going to bring his A game. Él tiene 20/20 visión. Yo Tuve 20/20 vision my whole life. Now we’re even.
Así, there will be no excuses.
When you found out that it was finally done and it was good to go. And SHOWTIME was going to announce it and the fight was on. What was your feeling? Was it relief? Was it excitement?
J. Williams
I just felt like I wanted to get to work. The whole process has made me practice my patience.
I wasn’t overly excited because I knew I would fight for the world title my next fight with someone. I was more so like let’s look at the work. I want to start training camp immediately and get myself ready to win.
Was there any frustration that you guys were not in the main event? And that you’re in a co-feature. Or did you kind of understand because Abner Mares is Southern California. And that’s the reason why you guys are put in the co-feature.
J. Charlo
Richard Schaefer is a good promoter. He has a lot of experience in the game. I’m not worried about being the opening or the main event or any of that.
Por supuesto, I’m tired of being in second place. I feel like Kevin Durant. But it’s not in the sense of, como, nothing I can do about it.
And then Julian, same question for you. Is there any surprise that you guys were put in the co-feature and not the main event?
J. Williams
Para ser honesto contigo, I didn’t really even think about it. I just want to get in the ring and put some gloves on so we can get this thing going.
I think everything happens for a reason. Abner Mares is a really good fighter. He’s like a three division champion. He earned his stripes.
Así, obviamente, we’ve got more work to do before we can headline the card. Así, I didn’t think about it and on top on of that I never thought about.
R. Schaefer
The fact is you’re absolutely right. Each one of those events could be a main event. And in any other network would be a main event. Some other networks would probably even make it a pay-per-view.
Así, that’s how good this card is. It could have very easily brrn Charlo-Williams is the main event if it would have been in Philly. It would have been. If it would have been in Houston, it would have been.
It’s in LA in Southern California. Así, that’s why we have Cuellar and Mares. This is about creating excitement. It’s about the fans and so on. All four of those guys are just terrific champions. That’s what they are. Terrific people. It doesn’t really impact one way or the other.
S. Espinoza
And I’ll add from the network perspective, one of the things that we were grateful for in working with fighters like these and promotors like Tom and Richard is, what we want to put together as far as blockbuster events, we don’t have those ego problems.
Richard is absolutely right. Not every network programs this way. But what we’re trying to dowe as a group of fighters, promotores, administradores, is show off the best this sport has to offer.
Así, we’re really over delivering on each card. This clearly could’ve been a main event in Houston or Philly or anywhere else. But the idea was, this was going to be a slate of A++ level fights top to bottom.
And that requires the commitment of everybody. And people realizing it’s about not having ego. And just realizing that rising tide lifts all boats.
Jermall, where do you think Julian Williams rates as an opponent?
J. Charlo
We’re both on the way up to the top level. He’s definitely one of my best opponents up to this date. He’s hungry as me. I’m not necessarily worried about any of the things he said about being as hungry as he is to be fighting me. I was that guy too. Being ready to fight K9 and waiting and waiting.
He’s my toughest opponent. And I’m ready for it.
Tell us about taking this fight. And why it’s important to you.
J. Charlo
Every fight is a hard fight. Every fight I have to come out and give my best and be on my A-game. So it’s a good fight to me technically. This is the Roy Jones and Bernard Hopkins back in middleweight type of fight. We’re going to get down and get ready. I’m ready for it.
This part of our legacy is everything that I’ve wanted, growing up as a young fighter, young champion. Seeing these great fights being broadcast on SHOWTIME. And it’s, como, now is my turn. And I have to deliver everything that I’ve always wanted. And that is something I’ve been waiting for.
And it just so happens it has to be Julian Williams. And like I said we both came up the hard route. It wasn’t, como, as easy as I give my hand off to my challenger being one of the best in the world. And that’s kind of what I want to be classified as.
Juliano, además, you’ve been very vocal about this fight. Tell us why you’re so confident you’re going to be able to win this fight.
J. Williams
I’m confident because of what I can do.
I’m confident because I want to be the junior middleweight champion of the world. I think Jermall’s a good fighter. But he doesn’t recognize the scene before. He’s engaged, fuerte, and fast. I just want to make sure we have no excuses about weight and that kind of talk.
J. Charlo
No weight problem. There’s no weight problem. Get that out of your mind. There’s no weight problem. I’ll tell you everybody knows.
You had talked about Todd Harlib earlier. Can you elaborate on what he meant to you? And the confidence he brought to you as a cutman?
J. Charlo
Todd taught me a lot. He meant a lot to me also. Ronnie Shields and Todd elaborated about how long they’d been around the boxing game and seen the same things they’re seeing now.
Todd, meant a lot. Just spoke to him, como, a couple of days ago because he sent me a few guys to work with. I know he had went over to Russia and caught a little bug. But I didn’t think it would be nothing. I prayed for him. And hoped he got better.
It’s like I said, it just happened to be something that, I can’t control. Así, I just have to keep fighting. And hope that my next cut man is just as good as Todd. I’ve even been across the ring and looked at Todd working on another guy. And he came talked to me and let me know that it was just all business. And Jermall, just stay focused. Don’t worry about anybody.
I’m just putting the fight in God’s hands. And hoping that I never have to need the urgency to need Todd again.
I spoke to Ronnie, he said that you told him that this fight is going to be a little more special because you’re going to possibly dedicate this fight to him. Is that going to take any form representing his name on your robe or your trunks or anything like that?
J. Charlo
Sí, I’m dedicating this fight to Todd. Actually once we map everything out. But I want to keep talking about it.
I dedicate this fight to Todd. He’s a real close friend of mine. And it’s just unfortunate for me to have to get in the locker room and not have Todd helping me out and everything like that. So of course, I feel some sadness about him not being here. But I know he’s in good hands. So that’s the main thing.
Is this fight right here the first one that really will test you and perhaps take you to the next level and start to light that fuse for you?
J. Williams
Sí, definitivamente. Sin Duda. Whenever you’ve got a 50/50 lucha, two guys 26-years-old both in the prime of their careers. It’s going to be a test for both fighters.
It’s rare we see two fighters get in the ring in this type of fight. So I think it’s definitely the first step in building my legacy.
Ricardo, what does this fight represent in the scheme of this division which is a stacked division and these two fighters in particular?
R. Schaefer
I think you have two of the best fighters in their division fighting in this particular fight. And so this is an extremely significant fight for the division. And these are twosomebody said beforethese are two young undefeated and confident fighters who dare to be great.
At this point in their career fighting each other they dare to be great. And that is. These kinds of fights will separate one from the other. And I think the sky is the limit here for within that division and potentially other divisions.
But that’s how you build a champion into a star and then a super star. These kinds of fights, ya sabes, these kinds of meaningful fights. And in order for that to happen, you need to have two fighters who are willing to challenge themselves.
And as I said, dare to be great.
Jermall, what weaknesses do you see in Julian Williams that you plan to exploit on fight night?
J. Charlo
Nada, he’s a strong guy. Whatever you all want to say about him. El es bueno, old-school fighter. I’m tired of hearing questions about what he’s done or what he does.
I’m a champion for a reason. I’m staying champion. I don’t plan on moving. I don’t plan on none of that stuff that you all talked about. Estoy bien.
What do you consider your biggest advantage going into this fight?
J. Charlo
That I’m not supposed to go and be in some superstar. ¡Mire. Es un negocio. I’m betting and fighting for everything that boxing has to offer.
And my advantage is being focused and humble and strong-minded like I’ve always been.
Para ambos peleadores, how important is building a new chapter in your career? And maybe a new idol in boxing.
J. Williams
Ay, it’s an extremely big fight. I think whoever wins this fight is going to be considered the best junior middleweight in the world. I think whoever wins the fight will have the most significant win in the junior middleweight division.
I think since Canelo was basically says he’s not fighting in this division. Whoever wins the fight is going to be king of the division.
Así, I think it’s extremely, extremely important.
J. Charlo
Very big fight, very important fight for me, clinch the division. Va a ser una buena pelea, uno. I’m ready to just give everything I have. It’s going to be a good fight for me. And it’s going to be a good fight for Julian. We both hit it big and we both need to give the fans what they want to see. Así, it’s that time.
Ricardo, how important for you was what this first event with Ringstar Sports would be? And for Stephen, how important was having these great fights for Showtime this year?
S. Espinoza
Bien, from the SHOWTIME perspective, our goal is to provide spectacular fights every month or more often if we can. Sometimes dues to scheduling or injuries or things, there are some gaps in our schedule.
But once we came back, we wanted to end the year strong. And really, send a message about our commitment to the sport. Así, with the help of the promotors, the managers, and most importantly the fighters, we’re able to put together a slate that is stronger than anything we’ve seen again in recent boxing programming schedule. It really is all without the use of pay-per-view. And it’s all top guy versus top guy.
It’s something that is very special to us. We’re very proud of. And we’re looking to continue it throughout all of 2017.
R. Schaefer
Bien, and for me, I think my reputation speaks for itself. I like to put together big events, significant fights, and that’s what I’ve always done.
And this right here is no exception to come back and together promote a card which consists without any question of two potential Fight of the Year candidates. Two barn burners in one night is a dream come true.
And to do that for my hometown. To do it from the University of Southern California, USC, Galen Center the newest indoor venue in Los Angeles. And the university where two of my sons go to school. It’s a very special night for me.
And it’s a very special night as well because Charlo and Williams and Mares and CuellarI have known these young men for a long time. So really it’s niceit’s like a coming home or coming back.
Since this was the last question, Entiendo, I’d like to thank you all. But I want to make one comment. Sí, they both have 20/20 visión. But let there be no question about it. The name of this card is 50/50. And you know why it’s 50/50.
Because these two fights are 50/50 peleas. Y entonces, may the better man win that night. Como fan, Estoy emocionado. I can’t wait for December 10th. Por Favor, Por favor, make it out to Galen Center. Para $35.00 you can watch two of the best fights of the year in one night at the Galen Center. Or if you can’t make it there. Then make sure you turn in on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING at 10:00 pm ET/7:00 pm PT. I’m looking forward to see you all during fight week. And thank you very much.
Para obtener más información, visite y,seguirnos en TwitterSHOSports,@PremierBoxing, @JesusCuellarBOX, @AbnerMares, FutureOfBoxing, JRockBoxing, @TGBPromotions y @Swanson_Comm o convertirse en un fan en Facebook en y PBC es patrocinado por Corona, La Cerveza Mas Fina.

Greektown Casino and WJLB’s Dr. Darrius Supporting Salita’s ‘Detroit BrawlTomorrow Night!

Detroit’s best casino, Greektown Casino Hotel, and its best DJ, Dr. Darrius of 97.9 FM WJLB have gotten behind promoter Dmitriy Salita’s ever-growing “Pelea de Detroit” professional boxing series.
The Greektown Casino Hotel has joined mañana noche de (Sábado, Noviembre 12) Brawl as principal sponsor of the event, mientras el Dr.. Darrius has interviewed several fighters on his show and will be spinning between rounds and fights mañananight at the legendary Masonic Temple in Downtown Detroit.
Las entradas para “Pelea de Detroit” are priced at VIP $123, Box Seats $100, Primera fila $93, $63, $38, y $28 and available at all Ticketmaster outlets and
Consistently voted Detroit’s Best Casino, El Greektown Casino Hotel cuenta con un hotel de 30 pisos con 400 impresionantes habitaciones y suites dedicadas a su comodidad, así como 100,000 pies cuadrados de emocionante, non-stop gaming action, from the newest slots and table games to live poker.
We are seeing the renaissance of Detroit boxing on a national level and the fight fans of Detroit are witnessing some of the best boxing in the country. Greektown Casino is thrilled to be part of the action,” said Marvin Beaty, Greektown’s Vice President of Community Relations.
A radio personality and host of Detroit’s #1 rated night showThe Doctors Office (Weeknights 7 PM to midnight en 97.9 FM WJLB) Dr. Darrius gives Detroiters a daily high-energy broadcast with a heavy dose of hip-hop, R&B music, celebrity interviews, ticket giveaways, hometown heroes, and a credible source of all breaking media.
Known for his philanthropic endeavors in Detroit, Dr. Darrius often partners with major sports teams and community organizations, and is always ready, willing, and prepared to assist and encourage today’s youth.
Detroit Brawl brings excitement and consistency of world class professional boxing to the city of Detroit,” dijo el Dr.. Darrius. “I am happy to be a part of it and will provide music for the ultimate night of entertainment in Detroit. Hope to see you at Masonic Temple mañana noche!”
Promoter Dmitriy Salita says he’s overjoyed by the support being given by Greektown and Dr. Darrius.
With the city’s premier casino and top radio personality onboard, I feel like all our combined efforts will continue to breathe life back into professional boxing in this great city, while taking time to help out its less fortunate. I give my sincere thanks to both for their support.
Salita has delivered on his pledge to give back to the city. Earlier this week, he joined a group of fighters and trainers to work as a volunteer for Forgotten Harvest, one of the nation’s largest food rescue organizations. In addition to the time spent volunteering, he will be donating a portion of every ticket sold to provide thousands of meals to Detroit’s less fortunate. His last show donated over 3000 meals to worthy families.
En el evento principal de la noche, Detroit’s undefeated James Gordon Smith (10-0, 6 KOs) and Tashkent, Uzbekistan formidable Olim Nazarov (14-2, 8 KOs), will go to war for six rounds of bantamweight action.
En el evento co-principal, MuheebFlashy,” Fazeldin (8-0-1, 3 KOs) from Sheffield, United Kingdom via Yemen, will face Modesto, California’s Michael Gaxiola (4-9) in a six-round lightweight battle.
And in another significant six-round welterweight showdown, Salita’s newest undefeated welterweight contender Wesley Tucker (12-0, 7 KOs) will showcase his considerable talents against Rocky Mount, Carolina del Norte, Richard Hall (11-24-3, 7 KOs).
En la cartelera, undefeated super bantamweight Zach Shamoun (4-0-1, 3 KOs) will look for his fifth professional victory against Dallas, Texas’ Charles Clark (1-1, 1 KO) en un combate de cuatro rondas; undefeated bantamweight Ja’RicoGreat Lakes King” O'Quinn (3-0, 2 KOs) will face Robert Allen Jr. (0-1) de Wilson, North Carolina in a four-rounder; and in an all-Michigan welterweight four-rounder, Detroit’s Raphael Sinegal (1-1, 1 KO) will face Flint, Michigan’s Darryol Humphery.

En la noche del combate, puertas se abren a las 5:00 pm y las peleas comienzan a las 6:00 pm.
Para obtener más información sobre “Pelea de Detroit” o Promociones Salita, visita

DALLAS estrella en ascenso MAURICE PUTA CAMP notas y fotos


Haga clic en AQUÍ para Fotos

Crédito de la imagen: Stacey Verbeek

Las Vegas, Nevada - peso welter junior de la NABO Maurice “Mighty Mo” Hooker (21-0-2, 16 KOs) de Dallas, Texas, tomó “campo de entrenamiento” en el camino en la preparación de una defensa del título diez asaltos ante el ex campeón mundial Darleys Pérez (33-2-1, 21 KOs). Hooker-Pérez se establece como la lucha cartelera período previo al evento principal por HBO Pay-Per-View de Kovalev-Ward “Libra por libra” en la Sábado, Noviembre. 19 en T-Mobile Arena de Las Vegas, Nevada, a partir de las 9:00 p.m. Y/6:00 p.m. PT.


Comenzando con el campamento pre-entrenamiento en el gimnasio de su casa, Maple Avenue gimnasio de boxeo en Dallas, TX, Mighty paradas de Mo en la carretera incluyen las instalaciones de West San Diego de Maple Avenue, el Instituto de Human Kinetics en el sur de California, así como Ringside Gimnasio del boxeo de Salas Academia y Johnny Tocco en Las Vegas. Además de la formación en algunos de la mayoría de los gimnasios de renombre del boxeo, la bujía de boxeo Roc Nation Sports también ha discutido con el aumento de talentos Devin Haney, Thomas Hill, Nick Frese, Marco Sala y OMB / CMB peso súper ligero Terence Crawford.


Antes de dirigirse a semana de la pelea, Hooker serán los anfitriones de una sesión de ejercicios con los medios de comunicación por segunda vez de medallista de oro olímpicoClaressa Escudos, quien hará su debut profesional en la cartelera Kovalev-Ward. El entrenamiento de los medios de comunicación tendrá lugar a las 12:00 p.m. PT Nunca abandone al gimnasio de boxeo – 2975 Sur Rainbow Blvd, Las Vegas, Nevada.


“Ha sido un privilegio entrenar a algunas de las mejores instalaciones y con algunos de los talentos más brillantes y futuros del boxeo,”Dijo Hooker. “Estoy siempre se trata de la mejora de mí mismo para que los aficionados obtener lo mejor de mí cuando me presento en el ring. Estoy luchando en Las Vegas y HBO “Pay-Per-View por primera vez y que lleva un montón de orgullo para Dallas y todo el estado de Texas.


“Maurice Hooker es muy contentos de estar haciendo su debut en Las Vegas en la cartelera Kovalev-Ward y está particularmente a la espera de que representa a Dallas, Texas como el primero de sus boxeadores nativos para ser presentado en un HBO Pay-Per-View espectáculo,”, Dijo el entrenador Vince Parra. “Hay un grupo de luchadores muy talentosos donde: Mo desde y está a punto de elevarlos en el mapa. Es dinámico, él es emocionante y que es alguien que cuide “.


Siga Maurice “Mighty Mo” Hooker en Twitter @mightymohooker, @mauricemightymohooker Instagram y Facebook:


Kovalev vs.. Sala "Libra por libra", un 12 asaltos mega pelea por el título de peso semipesado de la OMB / FIB / AMB en T-Mobile Arena de Las Vegas, es presentada por Main Events, Roc Nation Deportes, Promociones y Promociones Krusher Andre Ward y está patrocinado por el MGM Grand Hotel & Casino, Corona extra, Productos del monstruo, JetLux y Zappos. El evento de campeonato será producida y distribuida en vivo por HBO Pay-Per-View ® comenzando a las 9:00 p.m. Y/6:00 p.m. PT. Los boletos están disponibles en y la taquilla de T-Mobile Arena.


Siga la conversación utilizando #KovalevWard. SÍGUENOS: @KrusherKovalev @SergeyKovalev_Official /thekrusher /kovalboxer @AndreWard @AndreSogWard /AndreSogWard @Eventos principales @Eventos principales /MainEventsBoxing /MEBoxingSeries @RocNation @RocNation /Roc Nation /Roc Nation HBOboxing HBOboxing /HBOboxing /HBOsports @MGMGrand @MGMGrand /MGMGrand @TMobileArena @TMobileArena /TMobileArena