Tag Архив: бокс



LAS VEGAS (Декември. 17, 2016) – In the aftermath of Saturday’s news that the WBC Interim heavyweight title fight in Russia between former heavyweight champion Gold Cup and top-ranked Александър Поветкин had been cancelled because Povetkin tested positive for drugs again, Зала на славата промоутър Don “Only In America” King offered a simple solution:


Declare his fighter, Stiverne (25-2-1, 21 Нокаута), на Las Vegas, the interim champion.


“I’ve had a long-standing respect with the WBC, beginning with Jose Sulaiman and now with his son, Mauricio, who has done an incredible job filling his father’s shoes as WBC president and just got re-elected for four more years. I stand with them and with the WBC for trying to do things the right way and with their organization’s safety procedures in regard to the boxers and the sport.


“It’s sad but this guy, Povetkin, has become a total embarrassment. He’s now tested positive in two WBC heavyweight title fights in a row. I’m all for winning and losing fights in the ring, but it’s time for justice to prevail. I don’t know what’s going on over there with so many Russian athletes in so many sports testing positive for drugs, but it has to stop. They cannot be allowed to continue to do things the way they are.


“The WBC should declare Stiverne world champion, make him the mandatory for (WBC Heavyweight World Champion Deontay) Обърквам, and let’s move on with it. There are a lot of great heavyweight fights that can be made with willing boxers who don’t break the rules every fight.


“I’m very disappointed for Bermane, who’s now gone through two training camps with nothing to show for it. Why put up all that money for travel and expenses and then have no fight. He was ready to beat Povetkin and regain a part of the WBC title.


“And then – worse yetfor them to try and put it on Bermane for not fighting is just ludicrous. They’re taking the victim and trying to set him up as the criminal in this.’’


Stiverne pulled out after the WBC withdrew its sanction because Poverkin tested positive for the banned substance Ostarine. WBC President Mauricio Sulaiman revealed the positive test by the Voluntary Anti-Doping Association (ВАДА) on Saturday morning. След това, the WBC withdrew its recognition of the fight.

“There’s no reason to fight if the WBC won’t sanction the bout,” said Stiverne, who could have gone through with the bout but without the sanction opted not to. “I’m very disappointed in the actions of Povetkin. I’ve been training for months to be victorious.

“To wake up the day of the fight, have breakfast, take a nap and then find out he tested positive is the worst possible situation.”

This is the second time in seven months Povetkin (30-1-0, 22 Нокаута) has tested positive for a banned substance. He tested positive for Meldonium ahead of a scheduled May bout with Wilder, cancelling that fight.

If it had transpired, the winner of the fight for the WBC interim heavyweight title would have become the mandatory challenger to Wilder. Stiverne lost the WBC title to Wilder on a 12-round decision on Jan. 15, 2015. He’s the only fighter to go the distance with Wilder.

Warriors Бокс поздравява Мурат Gassiev за дял Спечелване Victory и въпроси предизвикателство за целия свят Бокс

"Обясни ми защо Денис Лебедев все още е световен шампион.’
Warriors Бокс и Урал Бокс искал да поздравя боецът съвместно и насърчаване, чисто нов IBF Cruiserweight световен шампион Мурат “Желязо” Gassiev, за титла с награди си победа през декември 3 срещу Денис Лебедев в Двореца на Khodynka лед в Москва, Русия.
В една забавна битка, Gassiev (24-0, 17 Нокаута) от Владикавказ, Русия, пусна сънародника си Лебедев в петия кръг и спечели решение разделен от десетки 116-112 и 116-111 срещу резултат 114-113 за сега бивш шампион.
В губещата, Лебедев остана световният шампион версия WBA, като че колана не е на линия в борбата… което е мястото, където Warriors’ предизвикателство към бокса световни лъжи.
“Аз предизвикателство всеки в света на бокса, за да ми даде логично обяснение защо Денис Лебедев е било позволено да запази WBA титла, след като загуби,” каза Leon Margules, Президентът на Warriors Boxing. “Нито боец ​​беше над лимита Cruiserweight. Това беше обединен шампион защитава своите титли. Това е абсурдно и го постави опасен прецедент в бокса. Защо всеки единен шампион някога сложи всичките си колани на линия отново, ако те биха могли да се запази един или два, дори ако те загубя?”
Двойката Трябваше да се срещнем и за двете коланите WBA и IBF, но някак си по-малко от седмица преди двубоя, на WBA е убеден, за да позволи този изключително неправилен ход, което позволи Лебедев да остане WBA Супер Световната шампион в, печелят или губят, горе WBA “Редовен” Световният шампион Beibut Shumenov и WBA “временен” Световният шампион Юниер Dorticos.
“Отидохме заедно с тази пародия и се бори, така или иначе, но само защото отбора Лебедев заплаши да изтегли борбата, ако не. Това е абсурдно и искам света на бокса, за да знам какво се е случило тук.”
Margules казва лагер Лебедев Сега използвате руските медии претенции Gassiev отказва реванш.
“Позволете ми да зададете, че направо сега. Ние ще се радваме да се бори отново Лебедев. Ние ще го победи още по-лесно този път. Но само ако той действително слага колана WBA на линия, От една моя човек вече е спечелил от него в очите на всички, но наказващият орган.”
Боксови политиката настрана, Margules и екипът му казват, че са доволни от начина, по който 23-годишният Gassiev погледна в случва 12 кръга за първи път в живота си.
“Мурат изпълни обещанието, което показа в цялата си възнесение в началото на разделението,” Саид Margules. “Той беше в първия си 12-универсален и той продължаваше самообладанието. Той не се взриви енергията му, когато той имаше човек в пети. И той не изпадайте в паника, когато шампион, който е много трудно човек, имаше няколко добри кръга в средата на борбата. Аз съм много щастлив да бъде насърчаването на страхотна боец ​​като него.”

“Той ми напомня на един млад Rocky Marciano,” Главен оперативен директор Луис DeCubas Саид Warriors Бокс на. “Той е като танк, идващи напред, че не можете да спрете. Той ще стигнем до вас в крайна сметка. Той е звезда в този спорт. Сигурен съм, че победителят в Shumenov / Dorticos много скоро ще се бори за недвижими единна шампион Gassiev, вместо Лебедев губещ. Тези видове ситуации наистина боли нашия спорт.”

За Warriors Boxing
Стартирала през 2003, Warriors Boxing работи по една проста философия-донесе най-добрите боксьори в света, за да се бори с фенове, ги среща и в мачове, и по този начин помощ възстановяване на спорта на бокса за ново поколение.
Със серия от успешни Pay-Per-View показва и опаковани къщи да си кредит, бизнес модела на Warriors работи чудеса в спорт, който беше крайно нуждаещи се от иновациите и енергията, която компанията носи на масата.
Когато става дума за него все пак, промоционална компания е толкова добра, колкото бойците и се бори като спомага. Warriors Boxing е дал на всички фронтове, с изключителни двубои като Лара-Molina, Cayo-Peterson, Abraham-Miranda I и II, Miranda-Pavlik, Miranda-Green, Ибрагимов-Briggs, Ибрагимов-Кличко, Urango-Хатън, Urango-Bailey, Cayo-Maidana и Ibragimov-Холифийлд.
За повече информация относно Warriors Boxing, посетете сайта им на www.WarriorsBoxing.com.


LAS VEGAS, NV (Декември 15, 2016) – Mayweather Promotions has added exciting prospect Саул Родригес, the baby faced fighter who’s already been making noise in the boxing industry, to their stable of fighters. A proven crowd pleaser, Rodriguez boats a flawless record of 20-0-1 с 15 Нокаута и 71 percent knockout rate.
The twenty-three-year-old prospect was born in Riverside, КАТО. and scored a first round knockout in his professional debut back in September 2011 against William Fisher and hasn’t looked back since. Rodriguez has stopped his opponent inside of the distance in ten of his last 12 bouts and most recently knocked out Daulis Prescott in May.
I have worked hard in my career and I have a great team who has helped get me to where I am now. I am developing as a professional fighter, and that comes with making choices to benefit my career,” Саид Rodriguez. “I am excited to join the Mayweather Promotions team, because it gives me to opportunity to be under the guidance of the best and take my career to new heights!”
Saul Rodriquez is an exciting prospect, who has already made a name for himself in boxing,” заяви Леонард Ellerbe. “We are in a position to help these up-and-coming boxers get on track to make sound moves that will build their careers and challenge them to bring out their best.
Be on the lookout for Saul RodriguezMayweather Promotions debut in early 2017, as he looks to continue his perfect record and works towards his dream of becoming a lightweight world champion.
Mayweather Promotions is also excited to acknowledge its growing stable of additional new signees: Хавиер Мартинес (7-0, 4 Нокаута), Danny Gonzalez (1-0, 1 KO), Oluwafemi Oyele (1-0), Роландо Ромеро (1-0, 1 KO), Андрес Кортес (4-0), Бившата световна титла Challenger Thomas Dulorme (23-2, 15 Нокаута), и Kenny Robleswho will make his professional debut on Януари 14, 2017.
Follow us on Twitter @MayweatherPromo and become a fan on Facebook at:www.mayweatherpromotions.com/MayweatherPromotions for news and updates.

Baltimore Pro Boxing Returns January 13

Baltimore, MD (Декември 15, 2016) – Jake “The Snake” Smith’s Baltimore Pro Boxing makes their long awaited return to Michael’s Eighth Avenue in Glen Burnie, MD for “A Scary Night at the Fights” Friday, Януари 13.
Tickets to “A Scary Night at the Fights” are on sale now by going to Baltimoreboxing.com/events or calling 410-375-9175. Вратите отварят в 6:30 and the opening bell will sound at 8:15.
Headlining the event is Baltimore super middleweight Jessie “The Beast” Nicklow. Known as one of the physically toughest fighters in the 160 и 168 pound weight classes, Nicklow has a solid 25-8-3 Запис с 8 победи с нокаут. The 29-year-old fought many top fighters including former undisputed middleweight champion Jermain Taylor, Olympic Gold Medalist Ryota Murata, top contender Sergiy Derevyanchenko and Fernando Guerrero among others.
Nicklow, who is unbeaten in 26 fights in his home state, faces an opponent to be named in an eight round contest.
"I’m excited to be back running pro shows in the Baltimore area,", Каза Смит, a former boxer who has been a successful promoter for more than 20 години. “We’ve had incredible support from the crowd and our sponsors for amateur shows but people were always asking when we’d run another pro card. It’s my pleasure to present “A Scary Night at the Fights” and the plan is to continue providing quality entertainment for our ticketholders.”
В съвместно основното събитие, 18-year-old boxing prodigy Joey “Bazooka Joe” Veazey of Baltimore meets an opponent to be named in a four round junior middleweight contest. Veazey, a multi-time champion in the amateurs, turned pro in October with a unanimous decision victory and has a large fan base.
"Dangerous” Donald Wallace, 1-0 (1 KO), is slated to return in a four round middleweight bout. A newcomer to the sport, the Baltimore resident made a name for himself as an amateur, going from novice to Olympic Trials participant in a short period of time. Wallace, who scored a first round knockout in his pro debut, faces a foe to be named.
Rugged 46 fight veteran Michael “The Amazing” Gbenga of Baltimore by way of Accra, Ghana will appear on the card in a light heavyweight contest.
Допълнителни битки ще бъдат обявени скоро.
За повече информация, посетете Baltimoreboxing.com.



Зала на славата Promoter, 85, Plays ‘Santa’ For Needy Families


LAS VEGAS (Декември. 15, 2016) – A 50-year-plus tradition of donating turkeys to needy families around Christmas time will continue this week when legendary Hall of Fame boxing promoter, Don “Only In America” King, will visit nine cities in seven states in five days as part of his annual Christmas Turkey Giveaway that begins тази събота.

The architect and impresario behind the fabled The Rumble In the Jungle и Thrilla в Манила and countless other historic classic boxing events, King will dole out the thousands of birds in Cleveland, Нашвил, New Jersey, Los Angeles, Ню Йорк, Palm Beach, Fla., Deerfield Beach, Fla., Miami and Las Vegas.


“Our annual turkey giveaway has a special theme this year and that’s to ‘Make America Great Again,’ ’’ King said. “It’s about the veterans. God Bless the veterans and God Bless America!"


Below is the schedule for King’s five-day turkey giveaway:

Събота, Декември. 17

Cleveland, Ohio
Call and Post
11800 Shaker Blvd.
Cleveland, Ohio 44120
Контакт: Dale Edwards, 216-773-6600


Понеделник, Декември. 19

Нашвил, Тенеси.
Community Care Fellowship
511 S. 8тата St.
Нашвил, Тенеси. 37206
Контакт: Jimmy Adams, 615-601-4857


Нюарк, N.J.
916 S. Orange Ave.
Нюарк, N.J. 07106
Контакт: Carolyn Kelly Shabazz, 862-262-9240


Ню Йорк
National Action Network
106 The. 145тата St.
Ню Йорк, N.Y.. 10039
Контакт: Rev. Richardson, 914-572-6343

Вторник, Декември. 20

Los Angeles, Халиф.
California Black Museum of Jazz and Blues
4317 Degnan Blvd.
Los Angeles, Халиф. 90008
Контакт: Michelle Patterson, 949-218-4769
Charles Dudley, 213-819-7812


Palm Beach, Fla.
Palm Beach Jai Lai
1415 N. 45тата St.
Mangonia Park, Fla. 33407
Контакт: Addie Green, 561-818-1670


Deerfield Beach, Fla.
St. Paul United Methodist Church
244 SE 2ри Avenue
Deerfield Beach, Fla. 33441
Контакт: Jimi Brown, 305-975-7077


Маями, Fla.
14500 NE 11тата Avenue
North Miami, Fla. 33161
Контакт: Hans Mardy, 305-307-9073

Сряда, Декември. 21
Las Vegas, Nev.
325 East Windmill
Las Vegas, Nev. 89123
Контакт: Ерик Браун, 702-325-8134

Unbeaten Local Talent Rounds Out Undercard Action Saturday, Януари 14 от Barclays Center в Бруклин

Polish Heavyweight Adam Kownacki, Welterweight Prospect Julian Sosa and Ireland’s Noel Murphy All Featured in
Separate Bouts
BROOKLYN (Декември 15, 2016) — Top local talent from New York City will be on display on Събота, Януари 14 as Polish heavyweight Adam Kownacki, Brooklyn-native Julian Sosa and Irish welterweight Noel Murphy all enter the ring in separate bouts at Barclays Center in Brooklyn.
In addition to the tremendous action that will be televised on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING and SHOWTIME EXTREME on January 14, boxing fans in attendance at Barclays Center will be treated to an exciting undercard featuring up-and-coming local prospects,” каза Лу DiBella, Президентът на DiBella Entertainment. “Polish heavyweight Adam Kownacki, Irish welterweight Noel Murphy and Brooklynite Julian Sosa, who is of Mexican descent, will all put their undefeated records on the line. Mayweather Promotions will also deliver Kenny Robles, a decorated amateur from Staten Island, making his pro debut, as well as Puerto Rican former world title challenger Thomas Dulorme on the comeback.
The Януари 14 събитие се отличава с SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP Бокс®doubleheader headlined by the super middleweight world championship unification showdown between Badou Jack и James DeGale. Televised coverage on SHOWTIME® започва 9:30 p.m. И/6:30 p.m. PT with junior lightweight world champion Хосе Педраса taking on undefeated contender Gervonta Davis.
Additional action is featured on SHOWTIME EXTREME®and headlined by junior featherweight world champion and Brooklyn-native Аманда Serrano battling former two-division world champion Yazmin Rivas. В телевизията започва в 7 p.m. И/PT и функции Ievgen Khytrov бой Имануел Aleem in a 10-round matchup of undefeated rising contenders.
Билети за събитието на живо, which is promoted by Mayweather Promotions and DiBella Entertainment, започне в $25. Tickets are available now and can be purchased online by visiting www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com или като се обадите 1-800-745-3000. Билетите също са на разположение в седалището на American Express Box в Barclays Center. Група намаления са възможни, като се обадите 844-BKLYN-GP.
The unbeaten Kownacki (14-0, 11 Нокаута) ще поеме Joshua Tufte (19-1, 9 Нокаута) in an eight-round heavyweight fight while Sosa (6-0-1, 2 Нокаута) лица Gabriel Solario (2-2-1) in a six-round welterweight attraction and Murphy (7-0, 2 Нокаута) competes in a six-round welterweight bout.
Rounding out the action are a pair of recent additions to the Mayweather Promotions stable as former title challenger Thomas Dulorme (23-2, 15 Нокаута) enters the ring for an eight-round junior welterweight fight and Staten Island-native Kenny Robles makes his pro debut in a four-round welterweight battle.
A two-time New York Golden Gloves champion, four of Kownacki’s last five victories have come at the friendly confines of Barclays Center. Originally from Poland but now living in Brooklyn, Kownacki stopped Jesse Barboza in round three of their June fight the last time he entered the ring. The 27-year-old has won six times since the beginning of 2015 and faces one of his toughest opponents to date in the former kickboxing champion Tufte of Kernersville, North Carolina.
Обучени от баща си, former pro fighter and New York Golden Gloves champion Aureliano, Sosa has built a growing fan base fighting of the Flatbush Cops ‘NKids gym in his hometown of Brooklyn. The 20-year-old is unbeaten since turning pro in March 2015 and has picked up three wins in 2016. He will be opposed by the 27-year-old Solario who fights out of Seattle and picked up a win over Drew Bokenshire in his last bout.
Originally from Cork, Ирландия, Murphy has fought exclusively in the U.S. since turning pro in 2014 while fighting out of Woodlawn, NY. The 22-year-old earned his seventh pro victory in November when he won a dominant decision over Mohamed Allam in November. It was his second victory of the year and now he will make his second career start at Barclays Center looking to begin 2017 със стил.
# # #
Платформа програмиране Barclays Center в BROOKLYN Бокс ™ е представена от AARP. За повече информация посетете www.SHO.com/Sports follow on Twitter @BadouJack, @JamesDegale1, @Sniper_Pedraza, @Gervontaa, @ShowtimeBoxing, @SSports, MayweatherPromo, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter, и @Swanson_Comm или станете почитател във Facebook най- www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotionsWWW.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter. This event is sponsored by Corona Extra, Finest Beer.


Лос Анджелис, КАТО (Декември 14, 2016)Filipino fighters Michael “Hammer FistFarenas (41-5-4, 33 Нокаута) и Джибри “El GwapoPagcaliwangan (9-0-1, 7 Нокаута) have signed promotional contracts with Joe DeGuardia’s Star Boxing. И двамата бойци, who are managed by SMG и Platinum Timing (owned and operated by Germaine Gillies), are scheduled to make their Star Boxing debuts in early 2017.
Бивш претендент за световната титла, Farenas, who started his career as a bantamweight, will now be campaigning at lightweight. Trained by Marvin Somodio at Freddie Roach’s Wild Card gym, Farenas is a stablemate of superstar Мани Пакиао. Having won his last two fights, the Philippine born fighter has not been in the ring since October of 2015. With his new management team and promoter, his goal is to get back into world title contention with the possibility of fighting for a world title by the end of 2017.
I’m very pleased to be fighting under the Star Boxing banner,” said Michael Farenas. “I want to thank my co-mangers, Bill and Germaine, за вярата в мен. I know I have a lot of fight left in me and I know that I’m fighting at lightweight (135 паунда.). I’m a stronger fighter today and I’m looking forward to a new beginning with my new team in place.
Pagcaliwangan, who is of Philippine decent, but born in Ontario, Канада, will be campaigning at super-bantamweight. His last fight was in April of 2015, so he too will be looking to stay busy in the upcoming year.
With all my fights, having been fought in Canada, I’m really looking forward to making my USA debut with Star Boxing,” said Marc Pagcaliwangan. “I have a solid management team now so I know I’ll have all the proper support to make my march toward a world title. I plan to relocate to Oxnard, КАТО, in the beginning of 2017 and start training with my new coach Robert Garcia. I can’t wait to get back in the in the ring.
SMG is very proud to have two hard hitters, in Farenas and Pagcaliwangan, join our team,” said SMG’s Bill Halkias. “Both fighters possess the power, speed and skills to become world champions.


На Събота, Януари 21, 2017, в UIC павилион в Чикаго, Warriors Boxing Promotions returns to action with another instalment of theWindy City Fight Nightsseries of boxing shows.
Designed to showcase the best of Chicago’s up-and-coming talent, this WCFN will feature undefeated super welterweight Achour Esho taking on the always tough Anthony Abbruzzese for the ABO Regional Jr. Middleweight Championship in the night’s eight-round main event.
I’m super excited to fight again and showcase my talent,” said Achour Esho. “I love fighting and I’m stoked I’m in the main event again. Who wouldn’t be? My opponent is a hometown fighter whom I respect very much and am not taking lightly. He’s fought several undefeated fighters and gone the distance. He also knows me and is going to come out and try to prove himself. Let’s do this! Winner goes home with the title and belt!”
“Аз съм наистина очаквам с нетърпение борбата. I know I’m fighting a tough guy who’s going to come at me, в готовност,” said Anthony Abbruzzese. “I’m coming to fight too. I have never said no to a fight in my whole career and I don’t plan on doing that now. I have nothing but respect for him and we are going to put on a show.
In the night’s six-round co-main event will be super featherweight knockout artist Josh Hernandez (4-0, 4 Нокаута) Чикаго; as well as four-round bouts featuring undefeated Chicago lightweight Yousif Saleh (1-0); super middleweight Ruben Schobitz (1-0, 1 KO) of Miami via Spain; Warriors Boxing’s first-ever female fighter, Chicago lightweight Jessica McCaskill (2-1, 2 Нокаута); East Chicago, Индиана, super bantamweight Francisco Saldana (2-0, 1 KO); and Palatine, Illinois, flyweight Javier Rivera (3-0, 1 KO).
Tickets for Windy City Fight Night are priced at $101, $76, $51 и $36 and are available at Ticketmaster outlets, Ticketmaster.com; като се обадите 1-800-745-3000, or the Warriors Offices: 312-226-5800 or the UIC Pavilion Box Office: 312-413-5740 or the UIC Box Office (Четвъртък или Петък 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM) or can be Purchased the night of the event.
Warriors Boxing Vice President Dominic Pesoli created the Windy City Fight Night series to introduce and develop local and international boxing talent, many of whom went on to become world champions and top contenders, including Andrzej Fonfara and Adrian Granados from Chicago, as well as international imports such as current light heavyweight champion Sergei Kovalev.
This show we are looking to surpass the success of the last one and that’s saying a lot,” said Warriors Boxing President Leon Margules. “I am proud of my team at Warriors for helping keep the Chicago boxing scene alive with this series and for developing young talent for the top of the boxing world of утре.”
We have a great group of talented fighters who will be in tough match-ups that help advance their skills,” said Dominic Pesoli. “The fans in this city know that Windy City Fight Nights are always an entertaining night of back-and-forth action.

Windy City Fight Night is proudly sponsored by Abt Electronics, Output Lounge/Sports Bar, Unanimous Boxing Gym, и Holiday Inn & Suites Chicago O’Hare – Rosemont. На Fight Night, отворени врати в 7:00 pm CT и действието започва от 8:00 ч. The UIC Pavilion is located at 525 S. Racine Avenue in Chicago. The entire bout card is subject to change.

За Warriors Boxing
Стартирала през 2003, Warriors Boxing работи по една проста философия-донесе най-добрите боксьори в света, за да се бори с фенове, ги среща и в мачове, и по този начин помощ възстановяване на спорта на бокса за ново поколение.
Със серия от успешни Pay-Per-View показва и опаковани къщи да си кредит, бизнес модела на Warriors работи чудеса в спорт, който беше крайно нуждаещи се от иновациите и енергията, която компанията носи на масата.
Когато става дума за него все пак, промоционална компания е толкова добра, колкото бойците и се бори като спомага. Warriors Boxing е дал на всички фронтове, с изключителни двубои като Лара-Molina, Cayo-Peterson, Abraham-Miranda I и II, Miranda-Pavlik, Miranda-Green, Ибрагимов-Briggs, Ибрагимов-Кличко, Urango-Хатън, Urango-Bailey, Cayo-Maidana и Ibragimov-Холифийлд.
За повече информация относно Warriors Boxing, посетете сайта им на www.WarriorsBoxing.com.

Strongest overall card of “Knockout Night at the D” series Set for this Saturday night in Las Vegas

Live on CBS Sports Network & FloBoxing.tv
From the Downtown Las Vegas Events Center

LAS VEGAS (Декември 13, 2016) – The strongest overall card of the highly acclaimed “Knockout Night at the D” series is set for this Saturday night (Декември. 17), проветряване на живо (7 p.m. PT / 10 p.m. И) on CBS Sports Network from inside the Downtown Las Vegas Events Center indoor facility. FloBoxing.tv will live stream the undercard worldwide, като се започне от 5 p.m. PT / 8 p.m. И), in addition to three main card TV boutsexcluding North America – започващ най- 7 p.m. PT / 10 p.m. И).

The “Knockout Night at the D” серия, presented by the D Las Vegasand Downtown Las Vegas Events Center, is promoted by Roy Jones Jr. (RJJ) боксови Промоции.

Джим “J.R.” Ross and Joey Varner will call all the action live from ringside, while Jeff Huston will be the ring announcer and fight-week master of ceremonies.

The 10-round main event is a classic match-up of contrasting styles between undefeated Oscar Cantu (14-0, 1 KO) and Aston Palcite (21-2, 18 Нокаута) for Cantu’s North American Boxing Federation (NABF) super flyweight belt, as well as the vacant World Boxing Organization (WBO) Inter-Continental super flyweight championship. Cantu is rated No. 4 (as a flyweight) от Световната Бокс съвет (WBC), while International Boxing Federation (IBF) Pan American super flyweight champion Palicte is ranked No. 11 by the IBF and No. 15 от WBO.

LINK TO ENGLISH PROMO VIDEO:: HTTPS://vimeo.com/194858462
LINK TO SPANISH PROMO VIDEO: HTTPS://vimeo.com/194868107

Unbeaten Chilean junior middleweight champion Angelo Baez (15-0-1, 11 Нокаута) ще направи своя U.S. debut against Jamaica-native Nathaniel Gallimore (15-1-1, 12 Нокаута), fighting out of Evanston, Illinois, in the eight-round co-feature.

Promising Los Angeles welterweight prospect Flavio Rodriguez (5-0, 4 Нокаута) faces Mexican foe invader Dilan “Грозни” Loza (5-0, 3 Нокаута) in a six-round bout that will open the televised segment of the evening.

Las Vegas’ new Big 3 – welterweight JeremyJ-FlashNichols (7-0, 2 Нокаута) and RJJ-promoted junior lightweight Randy “The Matador” Moreno (7-0, 6 Нокаута), and bantamweight MaxThe Baby-Faced AssassinOrnelas (6-0, 3 Нокаута) – will all be showcased this Saturday night.

In a pair of scheduled six-round fights, flashy 26-year-old Nichols meets another undefeated opponent, San Diego’s Kevin “KO” Ottley (3-0, 2 Нокаута), in an interesting match of unbeaten prospects that should propel the winner to the next level of the welterweight division, and constantly improving 21-year-old Moreno takes on Milwaukee’s Mike Fowler (5-3, 2 Нокаута) in the former’s eighth fight since turning pro March 20th. Fan favorite Ornelas, 18, will square off in his seventh the eighth fight of his six-month pro career against California bantamweight Jorge Perez (6-4-1, 3 Нокаута) в четириетажна кръгъл.

Ft. Worth, Texas junior featherweight Jessie Hernandez (7-1, 6 Нокаута) is also fighting on the undercard against Sharone Carter (6-1, 2 Нокаута) в шест кръг мач.

Допълнителни битки ще бъдат обявени скоро. Всички битки и бойци са обект на промяна.

Билети, на цена $1,000.00 VIP booth (включва 15 admissions), $50.00 VIP ringside, $25.00 и $15.00 общо признание, are on sale at www.Ticketmaster.com or www.DLVEC.com. Данъци и такси се прилагат за всички продадени билети.

Вратите отварят в 4:00 p.m. PT with the opening bout scheduled at 5:00 p.m. PT.

The “Knockout Night at the D” series was developed in partnership with the Downtown Las Vegas Events Center and Neon Star Media.

James DeGale Media Workout Quotes & Снимки


DeGale Faces Badou Jack in Super Middleweight World Championship Unification Showdown Събота, Януари 14 от Barclays Center в Бруклин & Живей SHOWTIME

Кликнете ТУК for Photos from Lawrence Lustig/Matchroom Sport

LONDON (Декември 13, 2016) – IBF в средна Super световен шампион James DeGale hosted a media workout in his hometown of London Tuesday as he prepares to face WBC Super Middleweight World Champion Badou Jack in a 168-pound world title unification showdown that headlines action on Събота, Януари 14 from Barclays Center in Brooklyn and live on SHOWTIME.


The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP Бокс телевизията започва в 9:30 p.m. И/6:30 p.m. PT with with super featherweight world champion Хосе Педраса taking on undefeated contender Gervonta Davis.

Билети за събитието на живо, which is promoted by Mayweather Promotions and DiBella Entertainment, започне в $25. Tickets are available and can be purchased online by visiting www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com или като се обадите 1-800-745-3000. Билетите също са на разположение в седалището на American Express Box в Barclays Center. Група намаления са възможни, като се обадите 844-BKLYN-GP.

DeGale worked out and answered questions for media at the Stonebridge Boxing Club as he nears his third straight fight in the United States, this time looking to return to the UK as a unified world champion.


Here is what DeGale had to say във вторник:




“This is the best fighting the best and this fight will prove who’s the best in the divisionand I believe I am the number one super middleweight on the planet.


“Unification fights like this are still rare, never mind the best fighting the best, and me and Jack both wanted the fight. We both want to prove who is the best and everyone is in for a treat on Януари 14.


“I’ve got the best trainer in the world in Jim McDonnell; together we won the world title and now we’re going to unify the title. I’m going to win in style and do the business in the big New York City and come away with both belts to bring back to London.


“Jack’s a serious fighter, той е световен шампион, he has something I want. The winner of this will be the number in the division.


“Growing up, Joe Calzaghe, and Prince Naseem Hamed, they’re the ones I used to watch and I’d think, ‘I can’t wait to do that.’ Calzaghe’s one of my favorite fighters. He’s a bit similar to me. Той е южна лапа, хвърля много удари. He’s another one who didn’t get the full credit he was due until after he retired. But that’s how boxing is.


“I’ve got to perform. My last couple of performances haven’t been vintage James DeGale. This is the best fighting the best, the champ fighting the champ: this is proper.


“I don’t get the respect. I made a bit of history. If I unify the division, going across the pond, no one’s ever done that from Britain.


“This is the one. I get love and support, I do have my fans, but it just feels like I look around at different fighters who haven’t done half what I’ve done and they get so much more recognition.


“I don’t get the credit: the full recognition, Аз не. But after this fight, people will start respecting me and knowing I’m the best.”


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Платформа програмиране Barclays Center в BROOKLYN Бокс ™ е представена от AARP. За повече информация посетете www.SHO.com/Sports follow on Twitter @BadouJack, @JamesDegale1, @Sniper_Pedraza, @Gervontaa, SHOSports, MayweatherPromo, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter, и @Swanson_Comm или станете почитател във Facebook най- www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter. This event is sponsored by Corona Extra, Finest Beer.