Arkivji Tag: boxing

Olimpiku Gold Medalist & Two-Time French Olympian Tony Yoka Joins Ringstar Sports to Launch His Pro Career

LOS ANGELES (Jannar 23, 2017) – Ringstar Sports has added one of the most exciting prospects to emerge from the 2016 Logħob Olimpiku, super heavyweight gold medalist Tony Yoka.
It is a great pleasure for me to welcome our first Olympic gold medalist, Tony Yoka, to Ringstar,” qal Richard Schaefer, Chairman & CEO ta 'Ringstar Isport. “Tony’s skills in the ring speak for themselves and combined with his tremendous charisma, he will transcend boxing and become a global superstar and ambassador for our sport in short order. I am pleased to work with Tony and his team to make his dream of becoming the undisputed Heavyweight Champion of the World a reality.
I am very excited to embark on the next chapter in boxing and turn professional with Ringstar,” qal Tony Yoka. “I am committed to hard work and dedicating myself to the sport as I have done in the past and achieve my ultimate goal of becoming undisputed and unified heavyweight world champion. With Ringstar, I have the best promotional company and with Virgil Hunter, Għandi l-trainer aħjar fil-kantuniera tiegħi. We will work as a team to get these belts and become the new face of boxing. My first fight will take place in mid-May in France after a three month training camp with Virgil.
Born in Paris, Franza, Yoka began boxing at six-years-old and was trained by his father Victor, a former professional boxer in the Congo. The 24-year-old stands at 6’7and is coming off a gold-medal-winning performance that saw him defeat Great Britain’s Joe Joyce in the championship showdown in Rio.
Yoka came to the 2016 Olympic Games intent on winning gold and defeated fighters from Croatia, Jordan and the U.S. Virgin Islands on his way to the gold medal match.
Yoka first made a splash by winning the French Junior National Championship in 2008 u 2009 before claiming a silver medal at the 2010 Youth World Championships. He continued his rise to prominence by winning French National Championships in 2012 u 2014 while also defeating current heavyweight world champion Joseph Parker at the 2010 Youth Olympic games.
I am thrilled to be able to work with Tony Yoka,” said world renowned boxing trainer Virgil Hunter. “He truly is a rare talent who has tremendous potential and with only 24 sena, he has the opportunity to become the future of our sport. The fact that he is moving his training camp from France to California shows how committed he is to boxing and I am committed to helping him fulfill his dream of winning the Heavyweight World Championship.
Added Jerome Abiteboul, President and CEO of French fashion brand Ünkut and CEO of Ringstar France, “I am very pleased to be part of the next chapter of Tony Yoka’s career and help guide him together with Richard and our team from Olympic gold in Rio to the Heavyweight Championship. After evaluating many proposals, we decided to sign with Ringstar because Richard’s track record in business and in boxing is unmatched and we fully share the same philosophy of empowering athletes and entertainers.

A Look Back At The First Carl Frampton & Leo Santa Cruz Fight, And A Look Ahead To TheirJan. 28 Rematch

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Carl Frampton-Leo Santa Cruz II Fight Week is officially here and SHOWTIME Sports® kicks it off with this video as both fighters reflect on their thrilling firefight last July and their plans for the eagerly anticipated rematch this IS-SIBT, Jan. 28, jgħixu fuq Showtime® (10 p.m. U/7 p.m. PT) minn MGM Grand fil Las Vegas.


Frampton, the consensus 2016 Fighter tas-Sena, narrowly outpointed Santa Cruz to become a two-division titleholder last July on SHOWTIME.


“You always need a dance partner, and Leo Santa Cruz could be mine,” Frampton said.


“Hopefully, that night it goes my way and we get the third fight and we make it a trilogy,” Santa Cruz said.

Ring 8 January Meeting Review

ABOUT RING 8: Ring 8 saret it-tmien sussidjarja ta 'dak li kien imbagħad magħrufa bħala l-Veteran Nazzjonali Boxers Assoċjazzjoni – għalhekk, RING 8 – u llum motto tal-organizzazzjoni tibqa ': Boxers Ngħinu Boxers.
RING 8 hija impenjata bis-sħiħ biex tappoġġa lin-nies inqas ixxurtjati fil-komunità boxing li jistgħu jeħtieġu assistenza f'termini ta 'kera ħlas, spejjeż mediċi, jew kwalunkwe ħtieġa ġustifikabbli.
Mur fuq il-linja biex għal aktar informazzjoni dwar RING 8, l-akbar grupp tax-xorta tiegħu fl-Istati Uniti ma 'aktar minn 350 membri. Drittijiet tas-sħubija annwali hija biss $30.00 u kull membru hu intitolat għal pranzu buffet fil RING 8 laqgħat ta 'kull xahar, esklużi Lulju u Awissu. Boxers attivi kollha, dilettanti u professjonali, b'liċenzja boxing kurrenti jew il-ktieb huma intitolati għal RING kumplimentari 8 sħubija annwali. Mistednin ta Ring 8 membri huma milqugħa bi spiża ta 'biss $7.00 per person..
NEW YORK (Jannar 23, 2017) – Boxing journalist Steve Farhood was the special guest speaker at last Tuesday night’s Ring 8 monthly meeting held at O’Neill’s Restaurant in Maspeth, New York.
Farhood is being inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame this June. The popular Brooklynite, is the former editor-and-chief of The Ring and KO Magazine, in addition to being a veteran television commentator, including his current role for Showtime’s ShoBox: Il-Ġenerazzjoni Ġdida since its inception in 2001. Fl 2002, he received the prestigious Sam Taub Award from the Boxing Writers Association of America (BWAA) for Excellence in Broadcasting Journalism.
The members of Ring 8 enjoyed what Steve Farhood had to say,” Ring 8 president Jack Hirsch qal. “He enlightened them about facets of the boxing business many were unaware of.
(L-R) – New Ring 8 president Jack Hirsch, guest speaker Steve Farhood and outgoing Ring 8 president Bob Duffy
(Photo courtesy of Stanley Janousek)
Farhood and Duffy are inductees in the New York State Boxing Hall of Fame (NYSBHOF), which is sponsored by Ring 8, while Hirsch is past president of the BWAA.

Selina Barrios Scores Spectacular Knockout in Pro Debut

Photo Kreditu: Robert ElizandoBoxeo Y Mas
SAN ANTONIO, TX (Jannar 23, 2017) – Dan passat IS-SIBT in her pro debut at the San Antonio Shrine Auditorium, fuq il- Famoso’s Night of Champions card in San Antonio, TX, hometown native, Selina “Aztec Reġina” Distretti (1-0, 1 KO), scored a spectacular first round knockout against, Tammy Franks (2-27-1).
Barrios took charge from the opening bell as she went right at Franks, tfittex l-eliminatorja. When the two fighters met in the middle of the ring, punches were exchanged and Selina landed a left hook to the chin of Franks, sending her to the canvas. After the ref gave Franks an eight count, Barrios stormed on and ended the fight with a devastating left hook-straight right combination.
Franks, who went the distance with Mia St. John darbtejn, was knocked out for the first time in eight years

. Satisfied with her triumph, Barrios is ready to get back in the ring and keep the momentum going.

I wanted to come out here tonight and give the fans a great show.said Selina Barrios. “After I landed that left hook, I knew she was hurt. My only thought was to go for the kill and end the fight. This was my first fight as a professional and I’m happy with the result.
I want to thank all my family and friends who came out to support me tonight,” Barrios kompliet. “I also want to thank Carlos Famoso Productions for giving me the opportunity to fight in my hometown of San Antonio. My goal is to get back in the ring as soon as possible and make my run toward a world title.
Distretti’ trainer, eks champion tad-dinja, Carlos “Famoso” Hernandez, who also served as promoter for the event, was thrilled with Selina’s performance. He sees a bright future for Barrios.
I really believe Selina can become something special in this sport,” Hernandez said. “She has tremendous power in both hands and her boxing IQ is very high. With hard work, I believe she’ll become a world champion. She stole the show tonight with that mighty knockout.

Brant Stops Hloros with Body Shot and Defends WBA-NABA Championship in Hinckley

Nhar il-Ġimgħa, Jannar 20, in front of a standing-room-only crowd of 3000+ at the Grand Casino’s Events & Convention Center in Hinckley, Minnesota, WBA #3-, IBF #13- and WBO #5-rated middleweight contender Rob “Prosit” Brant stayed busy and defended his WBA-NABA Middleweight Championship by stopping Detroit’s Alexis Hloros.
With a possible title-shot opportunity on the near horizon, the Saint Paul, Minnesota-based Brant (22-0, 15 Kos) wasted no time in dispatching Hloros at2:33 ta 'l-ewwel rawnd. A huge body shot dropped Hloros for a count of nine, but he arose still wincing in pain, and was in no condition to continue.
I was happy with the way the night ended up,” said Brant. “When you get a guy last minute like Alexis Hloros, you have to treat them like they have been training to be the best version of themselves. Overlook them and you can get beat. I feel like I am ready for a bigger name now and am ready to showcase myself at the top level.
L-avveniment, presented by Greg Cohen Promotions in association with David Schuster’s Winner Take All Productions, also featured GCP’s always exciting super welterweight KO artist Skender Halili.
Halili (13-1, 13 Kos) kept his KO percentage at 100% by stopping Wichita’s Romon Barber (7-13, 6 Kos) fil-ħames rawnd.
The anvil-fisted Halili landed some bombs early that Barber was able to absorb. Madankollu, Halili’s power eventually wore him down. In the fifth, he caught Barber with an uppercut that staggered him backwards into the ropes where he then pounded him relentlessly until the referee stopped the fight. It was a spectacular show of brutal punching power.
I was very impressed with both our fighters tonight,” qal Greg Cohen. “Rob Brant is clearly at the top of his game and ready for a big opportunity. Despite the opponent change on short notice, he handled it the way a future champion should. And Skender Halili continued his run as one of the most exciting punchers in boxing with another fan-friendly win. It was a great event in front of a huge crowd of fans. I am proud to have been able to promote it.


Ronald Ellis and Kenneth Sims Jr. Win By Unanimous Decision

Qabda Il Replay It-tnejn, Jan. 23, fi 10 p.m. U/PT fuq SHO ESTREM®

Ikklikkja HERE Biex Download Ritratti

Kreditu: Tom Casino / SHOWTIME

ATLANTIC CITY (Jan. 21, 2017) – In a stunningly one-sided affair, Danny “Baby Face Assassin” Roman scored an upset ninth-round TKO over previously unbeaten Adam Lopez in a WBA Super Bantamweight Title Eliminator Il-ġimgħa fil-każ prinċipali ta ' ShoBox: Il-Ġenerazzjoni Ġdida on SHOWTIME from Bally’s Atlantic City Hotel and Casino.


Lopez’s trainer, renowned Ronnie Shields, decided his boxer shouldn’t take any more punishment and asked the referee to stop the contest after nine completed rounds.

Roman (21-2-1, 8 Kos), who was ranked No. 4 fil-WBA, rebaħ tiegħu 14th in a row in a career-best performance. He out-boxed and out-slugged the No. 3-rated Lopez (16-1-1, 8 Kos), ta 'San Antonio, Texas, from the outset. Roman seized command in the fourth round with two knockdowns, first with a left hook and then, with a left uppercut.

Lopez, who was appearing on ShoBox for a fifth time, tried to fight back, but Roman’s skill and harder pinpoint-punching led to the scheduled 12-round fight being stopped between rounds nine and 10.

Win the victory, Roman is now in position to challenge WBA 122-pound World Champion Nehomar Cermeno.

“The main event was a shocker,"Qal ShoBox analista espert Steve Farhood. “We didn’t know much about Danny Roman. And he sure earned that title fight against Nehomar Cermeno. It’s a bittersweet for us, for Lopez. We know him well. He’s fought five times on ShoBox but now doesn’t look like he is going to get that title fight since this is the second opportunity he had and he took a real beating. It’s going to take a while for him to come back.”


In the final three rounds, Roman out-landed Lopez 107-27, u 84-20 in power punches. In the final session, Roman landed more punches (43) than Lopez threw. It was a merciless beating followed by a merciful stoppage. Roman landed 54 mija ta 'shots enerġija tiegħu, Inklużi 67 percent in the final round.

“Adam Lopez is a great and tough fighter,” said Roman. “He came prepared, but I came out with the victory.

“I started hurting him with uppercuts. I dropped him twice the fourth. I felt I was going to stop him there, but the bell saved him.

“My plan was to break him down little by little, and I felt that was starting to take effect as he was losing his steam in the third round, but he kept on going.

“I knew he would have one last stand, but I knew I would stop him. Even if they didn’t stop it in the corner, I knew I would get him out of there.

"Issa, I am going to go back to the gym. I have to start working on the basics again and begin to prepare for my title shot. I’m very excited.”

Lopez, who left the ring promptly after the stoppage, was not happy with his performance.

“He was the better man tonight,” he said as he sat with his head down in the locker room. “I kept trying to catch him with uppercuts and I got caught every time. I was trying to get on the inside, but it was hard.

“I thought I was clawing my way back into the fight, but my eye started hurting. It was the first uppercut that knocked me down in the fourth that got me right in the eye. It was hard to keep on going with my eye like that.

“When I got back to the corner after the ninth round, Ronnie told me he had seen enough and he stopped the fight.”

In the co-main event of the evening, undefeated super middleweight Ronald “Flatline” Ellis took a unanimous eight-round decision in a messy-grappler-type affair overChristopher “Ice Cold” Brooker mill-punteġġi ta ' 79-73 darbtejn u 77-75.

“Ellis-Brooker was an ugly fight,"" Farhood qal. “Brooker didn’t really have any answers. Ellis won clearly but he didn’t shine, mostly because of his opponent’s style.”


Ellis (14-0-1, 10 Kos), ta Lynn, Massa., established the tone of the fight with an explosive first round in which he went 27-of-90 overall—both high totals for the fight—to Brooker’s 8-of-45. Ellis won the body shots battle (64 biex 31) and landed sharper combinations during the rare moments the fighters were at distance.

In the final three rounds, Ellis continued applying pressure with accuracy.

“I am back and I want some more,” said Ellis. “That was a good fight. I fought smarter today than in my last ShoBox dehra. I’m not going to lie, he was tough and came at me very hard, but I maneuvered. I am very happy mal-prestazzjoni tiegħi.


“He was big and strong and was holding a lot, but my boxing skills took over in the fight. He was trying to get on my nerves, but I knew that my skills would get me the win.”


Brooker (11-3, 5 Kos), who was very unhappy with the judges’ scorecards said, “I don’t know what these judges are looking at. I had the better ring generalship, aggressiveness and I brought all the pressure.


“I feel that because he was undefeated, the judges must have put him on a pedestal. Even though I have a couple losses, look who I have fought and defeated. I am an elite-level fighter as well, and I should get that same respect. That’s why SHOWTIME has me on.


“At the end of the day, I just fight. It is up to fans who watch, they are the real judges for me.”

In the telecast opener, undefeated super ħfief Kenneth “Bossman” Sims Jr. mogħtija Emmanuel “Renegade” Robles the second loss of his career in a closer than the scorecards reflected eight-round unanimous decision. It was scored 79-72 darbtejn u 78-73.

“Kenneth Sims Jr. is the typical ShoBox prospett,"" Farhood qal. “He showed a lot of good skills. He fought a different fight than the one we expected. He was more aggressive than we thought he’d be. With his amateur background and now the exposure on TV, I think he is a potential star.”


Sims (11-0, 3 Kos), ta 'Chicago, Morda., who went past the sixth round for the first time in his career, began the fight with an overwhelming high-volume attack highlighted by vicious body shots.

Robles (15-2-1, 5 Kos), ta 'San Diego, Calif., madankollu, picked up the pace and took advantage of Sims slowing his pace in rounds four through six. Robles upped his work rate and out-landed Sims 78-66 globali. Referee Bengy Estives took a point way from Sims in round six for dropping his mouthpiece.

Sims gritted his teeth and caught his second wind in the seventh and eighth by out-landing Robles 49-34 overall and 46-24 power to grab a wider-than-expected decision.

“I didn’t have my best performance, but I still got the win,” Sims said. “I was trying too hard for a knockout, and that’s not me. He was a durable opponent, but my performance had nothing to do with that.

“I want to talk to my team about my next fight. My speed and feet were the difference in the fight, but I did not use them as much as I should.”

Robles, who was disappointed with the verdict, acknowledged Sims’ speed.

“He was moving a lot and I couldn’t neutralize that,’’ Robles said. “He was slicker than I thought he was going to be. I was putting on a lot of pressure and wanted to work the body, but he was slick and able to withstand what I was doing.

“I just have to get back to training and get better. You’ll see more of me. I will be back.”

Tal-il-ġimgħa three-fight telecast will re-air It-tnejn, Jannar 23 fi 10 p.m. U/PT on SHOWTIME EXTREME and will be available on SHOWTIME ON DEMAND beginning January 21.

Barry Tompkins imsejjaħ il- ShoBox azzjoni minn ringside ma Farhood u eks champion tad-dinja Raul Marquez jservu bħala analisti esperti. Il-produttur eżekuttiv kien Gordon Hall ma Richard Gaughan produzzjoni u Rick Phillips direzzjoni.



# # #

Dwar ShoBox: Il-Ġenerazzjoni Ġdida
Mill-bidu tagħha fl-Lulju 2001, l boxing serje SHOWTIME kritiku milqugħin, ShoBox: Il-Ġenerazzjoni Ġdida talent żagħżugħ għandha tidher mqabbla iebsa. Il ShoBox filosofija huwa li televize eċċitanti, logħbiet kompetittivi filwaqt li jipprovdu bażi ppruvata l-prospetti huma lesti folla pjaċir u determinati li jiġġieldu għal titlu dinja. Uħud mill-lista dejjem jikber ta 'l- 67 ġellieda li jkunu dehru fuq ShoBox u avvanzati biex jaħżnu titoli dinja jinkludi: Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr, Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Omar Figueroa, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Ċad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paul Williams u aktar.

Top Prospect Irvin Gonzalez remains perfect Stops Israel Rojas in second round

(L) – Irvin Gonzalez
WORCESTER, Massa. (Jannar 20, 2017) – Boxing returned to Worcester last night (Il-Ħamis) for the first time in more than five years to the delight of a capacity crowd of 2,100 passionate fans at the Palladium.
The inaugural event of the “Futur Ġdid Ingilterra” serje, ippreżentat mill Promozzjonijiet Rivera Divertiment, featured 10 tissielet azzjoni ppakkjati, highlighted by rising Worcester featherweight prospect Irvin Gonzalez (5-0, 5 Kos).
The support we received from the sold out crowd was exciting for our first show,” qal promotur Jose Antonio Rivera, the former 3-time, 2-champion tad-dinja diviżjoni. “We working on our second show in March, tal-kors, right here in Worcester.
The 20-year-old Gonzalez was absolutely relentless in the main event, fright rom the opening bell, throwing a barrage of unanswered punches from every conceivable angle, repeatedly hurting his Mexican foe, Iżrael “Tigra” Ramos (9-15, 3 Kos), including a late first-round knockdown. Gonzalez didn’t let up in the second, firing crisp punches, until Rojas hit the canvas early in the second frame and referee Steve Clark had seen enough, stopping the one-sided fight.
Gonzalez is continuing the rich Worcester boxing tradition. “I’m always relentless,” Gonzalez said with a smile. “It was great fighting in the main event at home. I heard the crowd and really appreciated their support. I hurt him early and I almost took him out in the first round with a body punch. I finished him off with a right in the second. None of my fights have gone the distance, but I prepared to go the full six tonight, if needed.
Gonzalez takes off Il-Ħadd o report to undefeated Guillermo Rigondeaux’ training camp in Miami, where he’ll work with the reigning WBA super bantamweight world champion and 2-time Olympic gold medalist.
Undefeated Ray “bazooka” Gracewski (5-0, 3 Kos), fighting out of Springfield (MA), was on a search-and-destroy mission in the co-feature against Worcester super middleweight Ralph Johnson (2-10, 1 KO), who was dropped three times before referee Kevin Hope halted the fight.
Hartford s pro-debuting Richard “Popeye Il Sailor Man” Rivera was good to the finish, albeit only two rounds, in a fight contested at a 185-pound catchweight against Philadelphian Davonte Hopkins (0-3). Rivera, li kien 2016 Rocky Marciano Tournament winner, punished Hopkins, finally dropping him in the second round, after which his corner threw in the towel.
In an evenly matched junior featherweight bout, favoriti Hometown Andino Ranse‘s pro debut resulted in a hard earned victory, by way of a four-round unanimous decision, over Lowell’s (MA) previously unbeaten Jonathan Perez (2-1-1, 2 Kos)
Unbeaten Haitian heavyweight Jean PierreKid CreoleAugstin (7-0-1, 3 Kos) pounded game Mexican foe Jose HumbertoOlympicoCorral (19-22, 12 Kos) from the opening bell en route to a shutout six-round unanimous decision.
East Hartford prospect Anthony Laureano (2-0, 1 KO), a 2016 New England Golden Ingwanti ċampjin, finished off winless welterweight Rafael Francis (0-9) with a debilitating body shot early in the second round.
In his pro debut, popular Worcester heavyweight Felix Martinez, a local barber, spotted his opponent, 392-lira Bobby Favors (0-4), kważi 60 pounds but Favors was unable to continue after the first round.
Southbridge, MA Wilfredo “l Sucaro” pagan turned in a memorable pro debut, winning a four-round majority decision over Alexander Picot (1-2-1 (0 Kos), contested at a 145-pound catchweight.
The second-oldest pro fighter in Massachusetts history, 49-il sena qodma “Irlandiż” Chuck Shearns (3-1, 2 Kos), of nearby Auburn, MA., ended his boxing career in style with an opening-round technical knockout victory over Philadelphia junior middleweight Shavonte Dixon (0-2).
Team Shearns celebrates after his retirement fight
U.S. Marine Brandon Montella, fighting out of Saugus, MA., mtejba rekord tiegħu biex 6-0 (5 Kos), as his light heavyweight Mexican veteran Roberto “Il Old” Valenzuela (69-74-2, 56 Kos) suffered an injury early in the second round.
Riżultati kompluti taħt:
Event Main –Featherweights
Irvin Gonzalez (5-0, 5 Kos), Worcester, MA
WTKO2 (1:28)
Israel Rojas (9-15, 3 Kos), Aqua Prieta, Sonora, Messiku
Ko-Karatteristika – Super Middleweights
Ray Graceski (5-0, 3 Kos), Springfield, MA
WTKO1 (1:32)
Ralph Johnson (2-10, 1 KO), Worcester, MA
Jean Pierre Augstin (8-0-1, 3 Kos), Lawrence, MA
WDEC6 (60-54, 60-54, 60-54)
Jose HumbertoOlympicoCorral (19-23, 12 Kos), Aqua Prieta, Sonora, Messiku
Felix Martinez (1-0, 1 KO), Worcester, MA
WTKO1 (3:00)
Bobby Favors (0-4), Cincinnati, OH
(185-lira) Catchweight
Richard Rivera (1-0, 1 KO), Hartford, CT
WTKO2 (2:48)
Davonte Hopkins (0-3), Philadelphia, PA
Heavyweights DAWL
Brandon Montella (6-0, 5 Kos), Saugus, MA
WTKO2 (0:50)
Roberto Valenzuela (69-74-2, 56 Kos), Aqua Prieta, Sonora, Messiku
Chuck Shearns (3-1, 2 Kos), Auburn, MA
WTKO1 (2:19)
Shavonte Dixon (0-2), Philadelphia, PA
(145-lira) CATCHWEIGHT
Wilfredo Pagan (1-0, 0 Kos), Southbridge, MA
WDEC4 (39-37, 39-37, 38-38)
Alexander Picot (1-2-1, 0 Kos), Cidra, Puerto Rico
Anthony Laureano (2-0, 1 KO), East Hartford, CT
WKO2 (0:24)
Rafael Francis (0-9), Dorchester, MA
Andino Ranse 1-0, 0 Kos), Worcester, MA
WDEC4 (40-36, 39-37, 39-37)
Jonathan Perez (2-1-1, 2 Kos), Lowell, MA
SPONSORS: Heavyweights – Lundgren Honda, Atty. Michael H. Erlich, Atty. maria M. Rivera-Cotto, USANA Health Services; LightweightsTKO Auto Repair, Atty. Stephen W. Debs.
Twitter: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp, @KingRivera_
ABOUT RIVERA PROMOTIONS ENTERTAINMENT (RPE): Imwaqqfa fl 2016, Rivera Promotions Entertainment is owned and operated by one of Worcester’s all-time greatest boxers – 3-ħin, 2-division world champion Jose Antonio “Il Gallo” Rivera – along with his son, AnthoneeAJ” Rivera, whose collective goal is to bring boxing back to Worcester on a consistent basis, providing boxers a platform and fans a full entertainment experience.


Photo Kreditu: Ryan Hafey / Premier Boxing Champions
LAS VEGAS, NV (Jannar 20, 2017)Erislandy Lara, the WBA/IBO 154-pound champion, scored two knockouts in his match against Yuri Foreman in Miami on Premier Championship Boxing fuq Spike TV last Friday night. One in the ring to retain his world titles and another in the ratings. An average of 547,000 telespettaturi, ma 'udjenza quċċata ta 707,000, tuned in to watch Lara land a devastating uppercut that knocked out former world champion Foreman in the fourth round.
Spike TV’s viewership ratings for Lara vs. Foreman scored 11% higher than their last Friday night telecast, which showcased Danny Jacobs vs Sergio Mora. Look for Erislandy Lara to return to the ring sometime before summer.
I want to thank Spike TV and everyone involved with the promotion for giving me the opportunity to fight in Miami, in front of all my fans.” qal Erislandy Lara. “The last time I fought in Miami I got the knockout and that’s exactly what I wanted to do in this fight. I accomplished that goal and the fans got to see someone go down. Everyone loves the knockout. I’m happy to have delivered a positive rating for Spike TV. I can’t wait to return to the ring.


The Reveal with Mark Kriegel: Carl Frampton:

The Reveal with Mark Kriegel: Leo Santa Cruz:


Carl Frampton and Leo Santa Cruz sat down with SHOWTIME Sports® reporter Mark Kriegel as they prepare for their eagerly anticipated rematch next IS-SIBT, Jan. 28, jgħixu fuq Showtime® (10 p.m. U/7 p.m. PT) minn MGM Grand fil Las Vegas. The interviews are the latest in a reoccurring SHOWTIME Sports digital series, THE REVEAL with Mark Kriegel, featuring exclusive and in-depth interviews with boxing’s emerging stars.


Frampton, the consensus 2016 Fighter of the Year who narrowly outpointed Santa Cruz to become a two-division titleholder last July on SHOWTIME, opens up about growing up during “The Troubles” in Belfast, his unique bond with Hall of Fame mentor Barry McGuigan, and how his legacy could forever be connected to Leo Santa Cruz.


A three-division world champion, Santa Cruz discusses the pain of his first defeat, the affect his father’s battle with cancer had on his training, his plans for the rematch and hope for a legendary rivalry.


Below are bites from the separate interviews:


KRIEGEL: “You make good on your father’s dream, and now you’re scared of him dying. The cancer – how did you train?"

SANTA CRUZ: “It was hard, it was hard to train, to concentrate. I still went to the gym and trained, (imma) I didn’t train as hard. I didn’t train as the other fights because my dad wasn’t there. My dad was going to chemo, he was going to radiation…I thought to myself, maybe tomorrow he won’t wake up.”


KRIEGEL: “What did you tell your father after you lost?"


SANTA CRUZ: “I told my dad, sorry. I’m sorry we didn’t get the win and that I disappointed you. My dad told me, ‘that’s alright. You didn’t disappoint anybody. We’re going to get him in the rematch.’ ”



KRIEGEL: “Ali and Frazier had each other, Leonard and Duran had each other. In order to be recognized as a great fighter you need an epic antagonist. And for all the talk, you might actually have one in Leo.”


FRAMPTON: “I would like that – I would like a rivalry where in 20, 30 years from now people remember it. You always need a dance partner, and Leo Santa Cruz could be mine.”


KRIEGEL: Barry says you could end up as the greatest of all the Irish fighters. Aren’t you almost beyond that already? Aren’t the stakes already higher?


FRAMPTON: "Do Mhux, potentially I could be. After Santa Cruz I want to continue to fight big names and be involved in big fights. There’s never been a Northern Irishman, apart from myself, to win a world title in two weight divisions. If I set my sights sometime in the future for the 130-pound division and become a three-weight world champion, I may feel comfortable calling myself the best Irish fighter of all time.”


KRIEGEL: “Barry represented a symbol of peace during one of the darkest times in Northern Ireland. What does Carl Frampton represent?"


FRAMPTON: “People want to look at me as a new figure for Northern Ireland. I’m a Protestant, married to a Catholic. This is a new age thing.”


Promoters Team Up to Present World-Class Night of Boxing in Guadalajara, Messiku, on February 11

Fuq IS-SIBT, Frar 11, at Jalisco Guadalajara Arena in Guadalajara, Messiku, a trio of well-established promoters, Eddie Reynoso of Clase y Talento Boxeo, Eric Gomez of Golden Boy Promotions and Sampson Lewkowicz of Sampson Boxing, will team up to present a night of world-class boxing featuring some of Latin America’s future champions.
The event will be presented in association with and broadcast by and TyC Sports of Argentina for the 25th anniversary of their popular Boxeo De Primera to most of North and South America.
In the explosive 10-round main event, Buenos Aires, Argentina’s undefeated Juan JoseEl PitbullVelasco (14-0, 8 Kos) will defend his WBA Fedebol Welterweight Championship against once-beaten FernandoEl CachoMarin (13-1-3, 9 Kos) of Monterrey, Messiku.
In the eight-round super featherweight co-main event, Córdoba, Argentina’s Jose Matias Romero (12-0, 5 Kos) will take on Guadalajara’s BernardoBennyGomez Uribe (18-6, 11 Kos).
On the exciting undercard will be a six-round lightweight scrap between Los Mochis, México’s Jairo “Jimmy” Llanes (9-1-1, 8 Kos) facing Emmanuel “L-Warrior” Valenzuela (4-5, 2 Kos) of Ciudad Obregón, México; and eight-round heavyweight battle featuring Guadalajara’s undefeated FilibertoChiquilínTovar (5-0, 2 Kos) taking on Lawrence Elizondo (8-1, 3 Kos) of Monterrey, México; l “all Guadalajarasix-round super featherweight bout between Heliodoro Napoles (2-2, 1 Kos) and Carlos Mauricio Rochas (1-2).
Five four-round bouts will open the show, featuring super featherweights Alexander Villa (3-0, 3 Kos) of Guadalajara and Zapopan, Mexico’s Hugo Barajas (0-2); featherweights Jair Campos (1-0, 1 KO) tal Tepic, Nayarit and Guadalajara’s Leonardo Cervantes (1-8); as well as three moreAll Guadalajaramatch-ups, including junior middleweights Oscar Larios (Pro Début) and Juan Carlos González (Pro Début); welterweights Walter Loera (1-0, 1 KO) and Angel Fernando Lambarena (0-1); and lightweights Jose Manuel Garcia (1-0, 1 Kos) and Luis Guzman (0-1).
I am very proud to be part of this event and to be working with my esteemed partners, Eddie Reynoso of Clase y Talento Boxeo and Eric Gomez of Golden Boy Promotions,” Said Sampson Lewkowicz. “It is our intention to make this into a series of shows that showcase the best of boxing’s new talent. Guadalajara is a beautiful place with so many knowledgeable boxing fans. I’m very much looking forward to a great night.
