标记档案: 拳击


  1. 海瑟“热”哈迪 将在麦迪逊广场花园她MMA首演 星期六, 6月24日.

希瑟是两个运动的女人. 她是WBC国际女羽量级冠军用 20-0-0 记录. 购买门票格里森的健身房或 www.heather-hardy.com/events

2. 索尼娅“学者”。Lamonakis Sonya Lamonakis 10-2-2 将拳击 六月 10 在马萨诸塞州伍斯特市的DCU的UBF世界冠军. 门票 $45 如果有兴趣,请致电 6468950890.
3. 31 多年后, 拳击返回到体育馆上 七月 15
31年后缺席, 职业拳击返回 NYCB LIVE, 拿骚退伍军人纪念体育馆的主场 与FOX中国人民银行 七月 15, 2017. 布鲁克林体育 & 娱乐自豪地宣布在体育馆的第一个专业的拳击比赛,因为泰森击倒了史蒂夫Zouski三月 10, 1986.
奥马尔·菲格罗亚罗伯特·格雷罗. 长岛最爱 Seanie莫纳汉 将面临Staten岛的 马库斯·布朗 在不败轻重量级的碰撞. 该卡还包括之间的重量级斗殴 Artur Szpilka亚当Kownacki.
4. 美国拳击校友会 美国拳击正在建立一个正式的美国拳击校友会. 我们的目标是增加之中校友,并与美国拳击的关系作为一个整体. 为了推出这个关联, 他们需要收集足够量的反应形成了调查. 如果我们达到一定的响应速度, 我们会得到我们从捐助者需要资金. 请花五分钟,并完成本调查. 它只会是最多两个星期. HTTP://www.teamusa.org/USA-拳击/特征/ 2017年/月/ 24 /USA-拳击需求 - 您的帮助

格里森的国际大师锦标赛 六月 15-17, 2017

15届年会格里森的幻想营 八月 10 通过 13, 2017

米卡尔·福克斯(Mykal Fox)着眼于冠军争夺战,但首先必须在本周六晚上在华盛顿堡的罗斯克罗夫特赛道(Rosecroft Raceway)超越丹尼尔·索斯特(Daniel Sostre), 马里兰

加上不败的格雷格·奥特洛, 小, 贾斯汀·赫德, 泰瑞克·厄比和乔丹·彼得斯

华盛顿堡, MD (六月 1, 2017)– 不败的次中量级新秀米卡尔·福克斯对接下来的比赛有宏伟的计划 2017, 但阻碍他的将是老将丹尼尔·索斯特雷(Daniel Sostre),他将在八回合的比赛中成为头条新闻 这个星期六 华盛顿堡罗斯克罗夫特赛道之夜, 马里兰.

福雷斯特的福克斯, 马里兰州已成为环城高速上热门的头条景点

该 21 岁的福克斯有记录 13-0 四击倒.
“训练已经很不错了, 一切都在一起了, 我对这场战斗感到非常兴奋,” 福克斯说:.
“我特别兴奋,因为他有丰富的经验并且和一些优秀的拳手一起训练过. 他很不错. 我观看了他的一些比赛,包括他与菲尔·洛·格雷科的比赛。”
这场战斗后, 福克斯可以看到自己的排名开始上升,因为他正在寻找一些地区冠军争夺战.
“我见过一些和我同时转为职业球员的人, 他们正在为这些头衔而战. 当年即将过去, 我觉得我已经准备好争夺那些冠军腰带了。”
这将是福克斯第五次出现在头条新闻中, 他发现自己的受欢迎程度随着每场比赛而持续增长.
“我正在打更好的比赛,越来越多的人来看这些比赛. 我曾与未来的世界冠军打牌,成为头条新闻,现在我成为了主要赛事. 我知道当我为这些冠军而战时它会变得更大, 我觉得这可能是下一个。”
泰瑞克·厄比 (2-0, 1 KO) Forestville的, MD将在 布兰登萨努多 (5-4 , 2 KO的) 下加利福尼亚州, 墨西哥队在初级次中量级比赛中.
格雷格·奥特洛, JR. (2-0) 鲍伊, MD将争夺 马里奥·佩雷斯 (1-1) 下加利福尼亚州, 墨西哥轻量级比赛.
贾斯汀·赫德 (2-0, 1 KO) Accokeek的, MD会战斗 阿尔贝托·德尔加多 (0-1-1) 罗阿诺克, VA 参加初中量级比赛.
马利克鲁丰 苏特兰的, MD将会使他的亲亮相反对 杰莫·爱德华兹 (0-1) 奥兰多, FL在轻量级回合.
乔丹彼得斯 (1-0-1) 华盛顿, DC会打 布莱恩·佩雷斯-内瓦雷斯 (2-6-1, 1 KO) 北卡罗来纳, 超轻量级比赛中的公关
门票发售 $75, $60 和 $40 在 www.kpboxing.com 或致电 301-899-2430

梦想比赛, 贝拉托退伍军人 & 冠军之战顶级 NEF 29 拼卡

路易斯顿, 缅因 (六月 1, 2017) - 新英格兰战斗 (NEF) 返回安德罗斯科金银行体育馆 六月 17 带有混合武术的战斗卡 (MMA) 与职业拳击较量. 今天早些时候,, 促进宣布全面拼卡事件. 战斗卡须经缅因州格斗运动管理局批准 (中国社会科学院). 卡的拳击部分将从 7 pm EDT 立即获得 MMA 卡.


在万众期待中 “超级格斗,” 缅因州综合格斗明星 布鲁斯 “漂亮男孩” Boyington (14-9 MMA, 1-0 拳击) 将对阵缅因州的顶级拳击手 罗素 “海地风情” 爱, JR. (15-2, 7 科斯) 在六轮拳击比赛中. 对于那些从未想过会看到每项运动的球迷来说,这场比赛将是一场梦想的比赛’ 州内顶级运动员面对面. 近年来,博因顿和拉穆尔都曾在 NBC 和 ESPN 的全国电视比赛中出现过专题报道. 拉莫尔是前新英格兰中量级冠军, 而博因顿则拥有 NEF MMA 轻量级冠军头衔,直到去年放弃该头衔,与世界格斗大赛签约 (WSOF) 全球推广.


“布鲁斯和拉塞尔在各自的比赛中都处于巅峰状态,” 著名 NEF 共同所有人兼媒人马特·彼得森 (Matt Peterson). “拉塞尔是一位伟大的拳击手, 他将面对一位出色的前锋——跆拳道黑带布鲁斯·博因顿. 对于缅因州拳击迷来说,这是一场真正的梦想比赛。”


战斗卡的专业 MMA 部分将以期待已久的前 NEF MMA 羽量级冠军回归为特色 射线 “所有业务” 木 (8-3) 当他面对巴西前景时 亚历山大 “屁股” 小母牛 (19-5). 伍德两年多前离开缅因州,在南卡罗来纳州和德克萨斯州重新定居. 伍德和贝泽拉都是 Bellator 笼的老将,为了全国晋级,他们之间进行了十几场比赛.


“当你考虑双方的时候, 这可能是 NEF 有史以来最高级别的战斗,” 说NEF共同拥有者和推动者尼克DiSalvo. “这场战斗可以轻松地融入 FS1 或 Fox 上的任何 UFC 卡中并抢尽风头. 这些运动员中的任何一位都可能在这场比赛后得到征召. 我们的粉丝即将看到一些特别的东西。”


业余 MMA 卡将以冠军争夺战为头条新闻 拉斐尔 “迪兹坚果” 含蓄 (4-0) 与缅因州业余摔跤联盟名人堂成员争夺业余轻量级冠军 帕特·凯利(3-0). 在年龄 52, 凯利将成为挑战 NEF 冠军的最年长的拳手.


除了打架, 传奇拳击手 詹姆斯 “巴斯特” 道格拉斯 (38-6-1, 25 科斯) 将出现在 “新EF 29” 作为主宾. 道格拉斯将于 20 日起在体育馆与球迷举行长达一小时的见面会 6 时至 7 下午 开市钟之前. 老球迷会记得道格拉斯是职业体育史上最大的冷门的缔造者,他击倒了 “铁的” 迈克·泰森 (50-6, 44 科斯) 在 1990 夺得世界重量级冠军. 道格拉斯终止了泰森职业生涯开启的 37 场不败记录.


The full “新EF 29” fight card (如有变更并须经 CSAM 批准):



200 Crowsneck Boutin (独立) VS. 基督徒彼得 (表哥)

168 贾森·奎克 (PBC) VS. 博恩戈·华盛顿 (米金斯)

160 拉塞尔·拉穆尔 (PBC) VS. 布鲁斯Boyington (Boyington的TKD)

154 凯西·克拉姆里奇 (PBC) VS. 布莱恩·戈德斯比 (豪尔赫·古格尔)



265 拉斯希尔顿 (头等舱/龙火) VS. 埃里克·拉姆齐 (三位一体)

145 亚历山大·贝泽拉 (爸爸) VS. 雷·伍德 (尼克的)

145 多米尼克·琼斯 (甲级) VS. 马特·丹宁 (CMBJJ)

145 安德烈Belcarris (NE刺客) VS. 乔什·帕克 (无情)



155*TITLE 拉斐尔Velado (甲级) (Ç) VS. 帕特·凯利 (Young’s)

185 迈克·威廉姆斯 (CMBJJ) VS. 约翰·泰夫特 (甲级)

185 Anthony Spires (独立) VS. 乔什·琼斯 (甲级)

150 雅各布Deppmeyer (甲级) VS. 本·哈灵顿(CMBJJ)

145 德里克·戴利 (甲级) VS. 弗兰克·约翰逊 (CMBJJ)

140 Glenn Kasabian (Nostos) VS. 锦阿诺德 (CMBJJ)

115 亚历克斯·沃克 (说) VS. 莎拉·齐姆 (CMBJJ)



新英格兰拳击赛重返刘易斯顿的安德罗斯科金银行体育馆, 缅因州及其下一个活动, “NEF 29: 星星 & 条纹,” 周六, 六月 17, 2017. 门票现已在 Colisee 售票处发售 207-783-2009 X 525 并在网上 www.TheColisee.com. 该活动将在 Roku 和 Apple TV 上的 FloCombat 应用程序上进行现场直播,并在 www.FloCombat.com.


有关事件,并拼牌更新的详细信息, 请访问推广的网站 www.NewEnglandFights.com. 此外, 你可以在观看视频NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, 在 Twitter 上关注他们 @nefights 并加入官方 Facebook 群组“新英格兰战斗.”



新英格兰战斗 (“NEF”) 是打架事件推广公司. NEF的使命是创造缅因州的战斗机和球迷的一致好评最高的质量事件. NEF的执行团队在作战体育管理方面拥有丰富的经验, 生产活动, 媒体关系, 市场营销, 法律和广告.

Premier Boxing Champions Presents A Sizzling Slate Of Shows In June

World Championship Bouts In The 175-pound
And 135-Pound Divisions Among
Five Thrilling Shows In The Month
LAS VEGAS (五月 31, 2017) – 埃罗尔·斯彭斯, JR. brought an exhilarating conclusion to the month of May with a resounding 11 round knockout victory over 凯尔布鲁克 to win a 147-pound world championship on Brook’s home turf of Sheffield, 英国. Spence’s exciting victory was presented live by Premier Boxing Champions on SHOWTIME this past 星期六 夜晚.
“埃罗尔·斯彭斯, JR. scored one of the most impressive knockout victories in boxing this year to win a world championship. There is no better way for Premier Boxing Champions to spring board into June,” 蒂姆·史密斯说, Haymon Boxing 通讯副总裁. “From top to bottom the schedule of shows in June is loaded with exciting matches featuring a pair of world championship bouts in two of the hottest divisions in boxing, boxers on the comeback trail and young prospects and contenders climbing the ladder to a championship.
Kicking off June will be a highly charged rematch between 175-pound champion 阿多尼斯史蒂文森安杰伊Fonfara 在贝尔中心在蒙特利尔, Canada in Premier Boxing Champions action on SHOWTIME on 六月 3. 史蒂文森, one of the hardest punchers in boxing, won the first match by decision after 12 exciting rounds. 让·帕斯卡尔 将在 Eleider阿尔瓦雷斯 在共同特征. Televised start time is set for 9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT.
In a special 星期天 night edition of PBC on FS1 and FOX Deportes, 布兰登 “巴姆巴姆” 里奥斯 returns to the ring after an 18-month layoff to take on Mexican brawler 亚伦·埃雷拉 in a 10-round welterweight match at the Pioneer Event Center in Lancaster, California on 六月 11. Televised coverage begins on FS1 and FOX Deportes at 10:30 P.M. AND/7:30 P.M. 墨西哥之后的PT vs. USA World Cup qualifier on FS1 and will feature unbeaten 马里奥·巴里奥斯 在针对墨西哥的10轮超级轻量级​​比赛中 何塞·路易斯·罗德里格斯 和不败的前景 何塞·米格尔·博雷戈 对抗曾经打败的人 凯文·沃茨 in an eight round super lightweight bout.
埃迪·拉米雷斯 will be featured in a 10-round junior welterweight match on the PBC on FS1 and FOX Deportes “脚趾到脚趾星期二” 因为他需要 Erik Bone from Sam’s Town in Las Vegas on 六月 20. Also in action is tough veteran Lionell汤普森 who will try to derail promising prospect 伯爵纽曼 in a 10-round light heavyweight match.
不败 米格尔·克鲁兹 曾经打败 亚历克斯·马丁 will meet in a 10-round welterweight rematch on 星期二, 六月 27 in the main event of PBC 脚趾到脚趾星期二 在FS1和 拳击冠军 on FOX Deportesfrom Sands Bethlehem Events Center in Bethlehem, 霸. In the first match in January, Cruz walked away with a split decision victory. Martin will be looking to even the score. 在共同特征 贾马尔 - 詹姆斯塞缪尔·菲格罗亚 square off in welterweight showdown. Televised start time is 9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT.
The month will come to a thrilling conclusion when unbeaten lightweight world champion 罗伯特·复活节, JR. defends his title in his hometown against mandatory challenger 丹尼斯Shafikov in the main event of PBC on Bounce live from the Huntington Center in Toledo, Ohio on 星期五, 六月 30. 朱利安·威廉姆斯 将在 约书亚康利 in a 154-pound battle in the co-feature with televised coverage beginning at 9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT. Easter successfully defended his title in the same venue in February by knocking down Luis Cruz three times on the way to a unanimous decision.

新摊牌宣布 “KO拳击之夜: 战争WinnaVegas”

六月 10 来自爱荷华州住在CBS体育网
SLOAN, IA (五月 31, 2017) – 伤病迫使NABO初中量级冠军莫里斯 “浩浩荡荡莫” 妓女 (22-0-3, 16 科斯) 从他的计划退出 “KO拳击之夜: 战争WinnaVegas” 对亚必迭头条新闻事件 “砂浆” 拉米雷斯, 上 星期六, 六月 10, 晾干 (10 P.M. AND / 7 P.M. PT) 在CBS体育网从WinnaVegas赌场度假村住在斯隆, 爱荷华州.
“KO拳击之夜: 战争WinnaVegas” 被KO拳击之夜呈现有限责任公司, 在中华民国国家体育协会, 马戏团门票公司. 和WinnaVegas度假村赌场. TITLE拳击是KO拳击之夜官方手套供应商.

WBC超东方轻量级冠军 Zhimin Wang (8-1, 3 科斯), 中国的, 将面临达拉斯轻量级 曼努埃尔·罗哈斯雷伊 (14-3, 4 科斯) 作为除牌. 提升到主事件状态是原来的10轮的共同特征是有争议的空置美国拳击协会 (USBA) 轻量级冠军, 匹配前USBA冠军丹尼尔 “抽搐” 佛朗哥 (15-1-3, 10 科斯), 谁打架库卡蒙加牧场的出, 加利福尼亚州, 和犹他最喜欢的何塞·哈罗 (13-1-1, 7 科斯).

这位25岁的弗兰科 (15-1-3, 10 科斯), 谁大鹏民族体育的旗帜下战斗, 是一个出色的业余拳击手抓获空置USBA轻量级冠军去年十一月, 淘汰此前保持不败的德里克 - 穆雷 (13-0-1) 在四轮. 他失去了他接下来的战斗中腰带, 由经验丰富的克里斯托弗·马丁停止 (29-8-3) 在第三轮的非冠军的洛杉矶打的 三月 23. 佛朗哥目前未评级. 5 由USBA和无. 11 由NABO.

哈罗 (13-1-1, 7 科斯), USBA无. 14-额定, 与巨大潜力所有行动的战斗机. 这位29岁的目前骑六战连胜五场胜利和一个平局. 他孤独的损失作为一个专业是高度吹捧的前景十日卡恩克拉里 (11-0) 在六轮的决定方式 2014.

新的10轮的共同特征将是一个令人兴奋的比赛 - 向上望和罗哈斯之间 (14-3, 4 科斯). 去年一月在中国, 志敏击败Aekkawee Kaewmanee (16-6), 通过为空置WBO东方之冠10轮的一致决定的方式. 在方志敏唯一的缺陷是完美的,否则亲纪录是去年九月决定10轮的损失, 然后到 12-0 俄罗斯前景伊万Baranchyk在俄克拉何马州.

“老实说,我觉得VS哈罗. 佛朗哥是一个合法的主事件的斗争的共同特征,” 子约翰·安德森. “伤病是拳击的一个不幸的一部分,我们很失望失去一个世界级的战士像胡克. 现在, 虽然, 哈罗佛朗哥获得顶级的帐单,我们很幸运,有添加到一个非常有竞争力了坚实的共同特征, 有趣的卡。”

电视首战芝加哥功能超轻量级前景 约翰Mioletti (7-0, 1 KO) 以拉斯维加斯’ 心烦意乱的头脑 Sal Lopez (4-1) 在六轮的较量. 在一对四回合的undercard比赛, 苏城, 爱荷华州重量级 Shalyn约瑟夫 将他的亲亮相对阵公牛的 Darrius FloweRS (0-1), 同时苏福尔斯, 南达科他州的超中量级基思Cournoyer (0-0-1), 广场与关闭 贾斯汀神似, 迈诺特, 北达科他州.

门票上的WinnaVegas票房销售和在线 www.tickets.winnavegas.biz. 预售票价格 $35.00 马戏团 (行 1 & 2), $35.00 VIP预留座位 (行 3 & 4), $20.00 普通门票预留座位 (行 3 & 4) 和 $15.00 一般入学站在房间只有. 一个特殊的度假村/酒店包二是也可用于 $199.00, 它包括两个VIP保留席位, WinnaVegas酒店房间, 2个晚餐券和两个 $5.00 星期天 自助早餐优惠券.
门开处 6:30 P.M. CT with the opening bout scheduled at 7:30 P.M. CT. 这是一个老少咸宜的活动.
叽叽喳喳: @KONightBoxing, @NeonStarSE, @WinnaVegasIA


Watch Stevenson-Fonfara I: HTTP://s.sho.com/2pD0U7c

精彩表演拳击锦标赛® 史蒂文森VS. Fonfara II

住在 9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT From Bell Centre In Montreal

图片来源: 斯蒂芬妮特拉普/欣欣

SHOWTIME Sports has released the 2014 matchup between Adonis Stevenson and Andrzej Fonfara in its entirety in advance of their rematch 这个星期六 live on SHOWTIME from Bell Centre in Montreal. YouTube 链接: HTTP://s.sho.com/2pD0U7c

In their first meeting Stevenson edged Fonfara in an all-action matchup in which both fighters scored knockdowns. It remains the only time the WBC Light Heavyweight Champion has touched the canvas in his eight world title fights.

SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Stevenson vs. Fonfara II airs live at 9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT. 在转播的开幕回合, WBC Light Heavyweight No. 1 contender Eleider Alvarez, Stevenson’s mandatory challenger, will face former 175-pound champion Jean Pascal.

注意: Geo-Blocked For U.S. & Canada Viewers Only

# # #

欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/Sports follow us on Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing. To become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.

托马斯 “玉米片” 拉曼纳将在周六的主赛事中与 54 场比赛的老将卡洛斯·温斯顿·维拉斯奎兹对战, 六月 10 在大西洋城的克拉里奇酒店

安东尼 “液” 杨在次中量级对决乔治·索萨
加布里埃尔范 & 丹·帕肖拉在行动
同样不败的唐纳德·史密斯, 克里斯·托马斯, 以利亚葡萄 & 弗雷德里克·朱利安

大西洋城, 新泽西州 (五月 31, 2017)–次中量级竞争者 托马斯 “玉米片” 拉曼纳 将迎战54战老兵 卡洛斯·温斯顿·维拉斯克斯 在堆叠卡的主要事件中 星期六, 6月10日 克拉里奇酒店大西洋城.
该节目由Rising Promotions推广.
米尔维尔拉曼纳, 新泽西将参加八轮比赛.
该 25 一岁的拉曼娜有一个记录 22-2 九击倒.
这将是 LaManna 第 5 次出现在 The Claridge, 和第 15 次在大西洋城开始.
“我为剩下的时间计划了一些大事 2017, 但我必须先处理 Velasquez. 我说的是有意义的标题和有意义的名字. 我想继续与有这种经验的人打架,参加另一场大战, 我知道我会 100%” 说拉曼纳
“训练营和教练查尔斯·约翰逊一起很棒, 教练文斯杰克逊和前 IBF 轻量级冠军伊玛姆梅菲尔德的体能训练。”
“我们正在 The Claridge 寻找另一个美好的夜晚,” Rising Promotions 的 Debbie LaManna 说. “我们继续上演精彩节目, 6月10日也不例外. 我们觉得我们节目的势头开始有助于恢复大西洋城的拳击运动。”
“在托马斯度过这场战斗之后, 我们将在四个公认的组织之一中寻找地区冠军腰带. 如果我们赢得胜利并捍卫几次并通过制裁机构的评级, 托马斯可以为自己赢得世界冠军,” 文尼·拉曼纳说.
马那瓜的贝拉斯克斯, 尼加拉瓜有记录 24-28-2 同 15 击倒.
该 37 一岁的 Velasquez 从那时起就一直是一名专业人士 2005, 并且在他的履历上对达尼洛·莫伊塞斯·索利斯(Danilo Moises Solis)有一些高质量的胜利 (18-1), 麦赛尔·卡斯蒂略 (20-0).
Velasquez 也曾与前世界冠军何塞·阿尔法罗(Jose Alfaro)并肩作战 (21-4), 前世界冠军挑战者丹尼尔埃斯特拉达 (17-1), 米歇尔·迪·罗科 (25-1-1), 彼得·彼得罗夫 (24-2-2), 马特·泽根 (38-5), 雷内·冈萨雷斯 (28-4-1), 路易斯·克鲁兹 (20-2) & 汉克·伦迪 (25-5-1) 以及竞争者 Luciano Cuello (25-1), 亚伦·埃雷拉 (20-0), 马洪里蒙特斯 (22-0-1), 阿德里安·格拉纳多斯 (12-2-1) & 尘土飞扬的埃尔南德斯·哈里森 (26-0).
在他的最后一个回合, Velasquez 在放弃对 Josue Vargas 的决定之前走了一段距离 3月24日 在奥兰多, 佛罗里达.
在八轮的共同特征, 这将是次中量级作为当地人的最爱 安东尼 “液” 年轻 将在 乔治·索萨.
大西洋城的杨有记录 16-2 有六个淘汰赛.
新泽西州的索萨有 15-8 所有 15 通过淘汰赛获胜.
该 30 一岁的索萨是一名六年的专业人士, 他在多米尼加共和国开始了他的职业生涯,连续六次被淘汰出局.
索萨的损失已经出现在拥有综合记录的战士身上 87-7-1 他们包括三名不败的战士以及竞争者雷·罗宾逊和埃德·佩雷德斯.
索萨通过淘汰赛连续赢得两场比赛,因为在他最近的一次努力中,他在 10 月的三轮比赛中击败了耶稣帕斯夸尔 29, 2016 在多明尼加共和国.
加布里埃尔范 (8-1, 4 KO的) 普莱森维尔的, 新泽西州将在 埃德加·佩雷斯 (7-20, 3 KO的) 芝加哥, IL超中量级对决.

弗雷德里克·朱利安 (4-0, 2 KO的) 坎博尔, 法国将在轻重量级较量中迎战对手.

和Pasciolla (9-2-2) 砖, NJ将争夺 Lemarcus塔克 (4-2, 2 KO的) 贝茨维尔, AR在重量级的复赛中. 帕肖拉在去年三月通过六轮分裂决定参加了第一场比赛.

唐纳德·史密斯 (4-0, 3 KO的) 费城将在 西得乐阻滞剂 (1-7-1) 普莱森维尔的, 新泽西参加超轻量级比赛.
克里斯·托马斯 (6-0, 3 KO的) 汤姆斯河, 新泽西州将在 奥斯卡·巴尔德斯 (1-2, 1 KO) 贝茨维尔, 中量级比赛中的 AR
以利亚葡萄 (3-0, 3 KO's) 费城人将在初中量级倾斜中迎战对手.
托马斯·罗曼(Tomas Romain) (2-1) 布鲁克林, 纽约州将争取 拉蒙特白 (1-7, 1 KO) 华盛顿, DC在轻量级回合中.
马库斯·卢戈 葡萄园的, NJ将在一场轻量级比赛中对阵对手进行职业首秀.
拳击这个美好夜晚的门票价格为 $150, $125, $100, $80 和 $55 并可以在购买 www.rspboxing.com




“I expect a knockout.” – Adonis Stevenson

“I’m ready to take the title. My time has come.” – Andrzej Fonfara


白细胞编号. 1 Contender Eleider Alvarez Faces Former Champ Jean Pascal In SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® Co-Feature At 9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT


点击 这里 对于照片; 信用斯蒂芬妮特拉普/欣欣


MONTREAL (五月 30, 2017) – WBC Light Heavyweight World Champion Adonis Stevenson and Andrzej Fonfara sounded off at the final press conference 周二 at Montreal Casino for their 175-pound rematch 这个星期六 live on SHOWTIME from Bell Centre.


WBC Light Heavyweight No. 1 contender Eleider Alvarez and former 175-pound champ Jean Pascal also faced off for their co-featured bout that opens the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast live at 9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT.


Both Stevenson (28-1, 23 科斯) 和Fonfara (29-4, 17 科斯) scored knockdowns in their all-action meeting in 2014, the only time Stevenson has been down in his eight world title fights since winning the WBC belt in 2013. While the local Montreal favorite was pushed the distance in his first bout with Fonfara, he has scored knockouts in five of his seven title defenses and stated 周二 that he expects a knockout in the rematch.


Since the close loss to Stevenson in 2014, Fonfara has picked up wins against Julio Cesar Chavez Jr., Nathan Cleverly and Chad Dawson, and enters the rematch with a new trainer, the renowned Virgil Hunter.


阿尔瓦雷斯 (22-0, 11 科斯) is undefeated and the mandatory challenger for Stevenson’s WBC belt, but he’ll face the toughest test of his career in Pascal (31-4-1, 18 科斯), a former WBC 175-pound champion who has faced some of the world’s best light heavyweights over the past decade.


Here’s what the fighters had to say 周二:



“I’m ready because I know Fonfara is dangerous. We’re not underestimating him. 我已经一切就绪, everything he brings in the ring I’ll be ready for it.


“I’m training for the knockout. Emanuel Steward always told me ‘knockouts sell.’ When I get in the ring I’m going for a knockout. It’s not an option for me to go 12 发.


“I train for 12 发, and if it goes 12 rounds he’s going to get punishment the whole time, but I definitely am going for the knockout.


“I see some things I can exploit in the ring.


“I won the first fight, and I know him very well. I know what he can do. I know he changed trainers. Virgil Hunter brings a lot of experience, I know he trains Andre Ward, and I know he’s very intelligent.


“I know Andrzej Fonfara from 12 rounds in the ring. He can’t change his style right now. He may show some improved defense, but after a couple of rounds it will be the old Fonfara.


“This fight will be different. I expect a knockout. I hurt my hand in our first fight, but now I’m fully healthy and I expect to knock him out.


“I know Fonfara is training hard to take my belt. I know he’s a tough fighter, and I know it’s not going to be easy for me.


“My goal is to unify the titles with the winner of (谢尔盖) Kovalev and (其他) 病房. I want the unification, but if not I’ll make my mandatory. If Ward wins I want to fight him, if Kovalev wins I want to fight him. 我准备好了。“



“I’m a much smarter fighter now. 精神上, I’m much strong and smarter.


“I bettered myself. 维吉尔 (猎人) has taught me a lot of new stuff. Some things worked in my last fight with Chad Dawson, some things didn’t. But that was our first fight together. Now I’m ready to show everything in this fight.


“I’ve had a lot of success against southpaws. I like fighting them. Chad Dawson was a southpaw, so the last two fights, the last four months, we prepared only for southpaws.


“I’m ready for the best Stevenson.


“My camp went well. Sparring was great. It’s my second full camp with Virgil Hunter and we’ve improved a lot since the first fight.


“I can’t make the same mistakes I did in our first fight. I must fight much smarter.


“Stevenson only has a good left hand. He’s the champ and he’s a good fighter, but his boxing isn’t amazing. He’s not easy, but he only has basic boxing skills. We must cut his left hand and be ready to throw my right. We need to control him.


“I must start good in the first round and let him know that I’m here to win the fight. And I’ll be the new champion.


“I’m always a fighter that goes forward and pushes guys back, but I am now ready to fight backwards if I need to. I’ll show the best Andrzej Fonfara this time.


“I’m going to win the fight. A world title is the only thing I’ve never had. I’ve imagined raising my hand after the fight and becoming the new WBC champion.”


“I’m ready to take the title. My time has come.


“I’m ready to be the new world champion and I’ll do that 星期六 夜晚. He wants the KO, and I want the KO, 太.


“I respect him because he’s the champ. I came here to show that, 这次, I’m the better fighter.”



“He has a lot of experience, but experience can be negative sometimes. 他经历, but he has negative experiences and losses, 太. I don’t think it will be a factor 星期六 夜晚.


“My style will be an advantage. I’m taller, I have a longer reach, and a better jab. My footwork is better, 太. So I think my style is my advantage.


“I’m fully ready for my title shot. I’ve been ready for 18 个月, but for some reason it didn’t happen. I’m ready to face everybody. I’m probably in the toughest division in boxing right now, but once Stevenson comes I’ll be ready.


“I didn’t wait 18 months to become a world champion for nothing. I won’t give a victory to Pascal. I’ve waited for 18 months for my chance and I won’t give it to Pascal.


“Sparring with him (帕斯卡) is an advantage, but it was a long time ago and now he’s changed teams. So I don’t know what he’s done in his training camp this time.


“Marc (Ramsay) taught me some tricks, but I already know Jean Pascal because I trained with him and sparred with him for a while. It’s an advantage to have Marc, but it can be different and you never know what he’ll bring to the ring this time around.”



“Winning is the only option for me.


“I’ve been in some battles, but my tank is still full.


“I’ve faced way better opposition than him. 我去过那儿, done that on the big stage. 这是一个大, big fight, and I’ve been here before. That’s the thing with experience – you can’t buy experience. You have to live it, and I’ve lived it many times. I’m ready to be on the big stage once again.


“Training camp went really well. I was with Roy Jones Jr. and Stephane Larouche and we stayed in Montreal for the whole camp. We had no injuries and we’re ready to go 周六.


“Sparring with Alvarez isn’t really an advantage for me. The last time we sparred was like two or three years ago. I know him, but he knows me also. I actually have two strikes against me – he knows me well, but his coach knows me by heart because he’s my former coach. But none of that matters. I’ve done my homework and I know what to do in the ring.


“Right now my focus is on Alvarez. After the referee raises my hand and we’ll see what’s next.”


# # #


欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/Sports follow us on Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing. To become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.

Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame Inaugural Induction Weekend Photos from Kick Off Meet and Greet

Below are Photos from Friday’s Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame Kick off Meet and Greet Celebration that was held at the Vue Restaurant at The Claridge Hotel.
(Click on Photos to Enlarge)–Free to use for Journalistic Purposes. Credit-ACBHOF
Michael Spinks Don Elbaum
Steve Smoger Michael Spinks & 罗素佩尔茨

罗素佩尔茨 & Chuck Zito Chuck Zito & Arturo Gatti Painting

迈克尔·斯平克斯 & Mike Rossman Russell Peltz & Mike Rossman

WHO: The Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame (ACBHOF)
什么: The Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame will enshrine 24 Charter Class members.
Confirmed to attend Honorees:
迈克·泰森, 迈克尔·斯平克斯, 唐金, Larry Hazzard, 德怀特·莫哈末·坎威, J Russell Peltz, Frank Gelb, Mike Rossman, 比尔·约翰逊, 史蒂夫·斯莫杰, Dave Bontempo, 唐·艾尔鲍姆, Bob Lee and Ken Condon.
The Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame will celebrate and remember the legacy of Lou Duva, 阿图罗 “雷声” 加蒂, Matthew Saad Muhammad as well as hometown hero Leavander Johnson for their extraordinary careers spanning seven decades.
Special Guests
  • *雷默瑟 (BULLYINGWe’re KickinIt Spokesperson)
  • *马克布雷兰
  • *伊朗巴克利
  • *Milton Luban
  • *特雷西 - 帕特森
  • *约翰·斯卡利
  • Non Fighters
  • *Don Guardian, Mayor of Atlantic City
  • *Rodney Jerkins, multi Grammy-award winner
  • *Suzette Charles, former Miss America
  • *Sophia Gatti, daughter of Arturo Gatti
  • *Pat Lynch, renowned Boxing Manager
  • *Lillo Brancato, 演员
  • *Grandy Twins
  • *Vincenzo Vaccaro: Cake King of Queens
  • *Atlantic City Police Athletic League
  • *Aaron Snowell, co-organizer the Jack Johnson Exhibit
  • *BULLYINGWe’re Kickin’ 之
  • *The Legacy Exists Joe Frazier Scholarship Fund
  • *Joseph Nicolosi, Artist known for his signature Pop Art portraits
  • *James O’Neal, Wood Sculpture Artist
WHERE: The ClaridgeA Radisson Hotel, 123 South Indiana Avenue, 大西洋城, 新泽西州 08401
星期五, May 26th, Sunday May 27th and Sunday, May 28th


Kick off a great day of action-packed championship boxing 周六 (明天) by streaming the action of George Groves vs. Fedor Chudinov Super Middleweight World Championship live via Showtime Sports’ YouTube and Facebook platforms. 格罗夫斯vs. Chudinov will serve as a prelude to the long-awaited SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING®main event—the welterweight championship bout between British World Champion Kell Brook and undefeated American challenger Errol Spence Jr., which will air live on SHOWTIME at 5:15 P.M. AND/2:15 P.M. PT.

FACEBOOK LINK: HTTPS://www.facebook.com/ShoBoxing



乔治·格罗夫斯 vs. 费多尔丘季诺夫

Vacant WBA Super Middleweight World Championship

To Stream Live Exclusively in the U.S. Via Facebook的活YouTube的

At Approximately 4:30 P.M. AND/1:30 P.M. PT

Kell Brook Defends IBF Welterweight World Championship Against Errol Spence Jr. 住在Showtime®5:15 P.M. AND/2:15 P.M. PT

纽约 (五月 25, 2017) – SHOWTIME Sports will offer a fully-produced Facebook and YouTube live stream of George Groves vs. Fedor Chudinov Super Middleweight World Championship bout this Saturday, 五月 27 from Sheffield, 英国. 格罗夫斯vs. Chudinov will serve as a prelude to the long-awaited SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® main event—the welterweight championship bout between British World Champion Kell Brook and undefeated American challenger Errol Spence Jr., which will air live on SHOWTIME at 5:15 P.M. AND/2:15 P.M. PT.

Live coverage of Groves vs. Chudinov will be provided by Sky Sports Box Office with sportscasters Adam Smith and Carl Froch and will begin at approximately 4:30 P.M. AND/1:30 P.M. PT exclusively in the U.S. 在 SHOWTIME Sports Facebookpage and the SHOWTIME Sports YouTube 渠道. Fans can follow all SHOWTIME Sports social accounts (@SHOsports) 周六 afternoon for the precise start time to Groves vs. Chudinov following undercard action from Bramall Lane stadium in Sheffield, 英国. These platforms will be geo-blocked for U.S. 只要.

“When we saw the opportunity to deliver this great super middleweight championship fight to the U.S. 听众, we jumped at it,” said Executive Vice President and General Manager of SHOWTIME Sports, 斯蒂芬·埃斯皮诺萨. “We thank Matchroom Sport for making it possible for us to carry this bonus coverage to the U.S. Doing so compliments our robust digital and social media content plan serving boxing fans online and attracting new ones. This further demonstrates our unrivaled commitment to the sport. No one is making a more significant and impactful contribution to boxing’s momentum than SHOWTIME.”

Former three-time title challenger Groves and former champ Chudinov (14-1, 10 科斯) will meet for the vacant WBA Super Middleweight World Championship in a matchup of the WBA’s No. 1 和No. 2 challengers in a co-featured bout at Bramall Lane.

格罗夫斯 (25-3, 18 科斯) has won four straight since teaming up with 2016 Trainer of the Year Shane McGuigan following a close split-decision loss to then-WBC Champion Badou Jack in 2015. The only other blemishes on his record came in title challenges to long-time 168-pound champ Carl Froch.

“I believe this is the best opportunity for me to achieve my dream and become world champion,” Groves said earlier this week. “Time is on my side. I had a good year last year, and I’m in a good place. I’ve put in the work, 现在, I need to make this count.

“Everything that’s happened in the past has just made me more determined. I know the pressure is on, and I can’t afford to make any more mistakes. This might be my best chance to win a world title, but it could also be my last.”

丘迪诺夫 (14-1, 10 科斯) originally won the WBA Super Middleweight Title with a split-decision victory over Felix Sturm in 2015 and made one successful defense before losing via controversial majority decision in a rematch with Sturm in 2016. Sturm later vacated the belt due to injury, opening up the opportunity for Chudinov to win back his title 这个星期六 against Groves. Chudinov is ranked No. 1 by the WBA while Groves is ranked No. 2.

FACEBOOK LINK: HTTPS://www.facebook.com/ShoBoxing