Tag Archives: boksas

Anthony “Sultys” Young looking for 6th straight victory when he takes on George Sosa in co-feature this Saturday at The Claridge in Atlantic City

Tomas “Cornflake” LaManna to battle 54-fight veteran Carlos Winston Velasquez in main event
Gabriel Pham & Dan Pasciolla in action
Also undefeated Donald Smith, Chris Thomas, Elijah Vines & Fredrick Julian
UŽ nedelsiant paleisti

Atlantik Sitis, NJ (Birželis 6, 2017)–Popular native son, Papildsvars Anthony “Sultys” Jaunas will look for his 6th consecutive win when he battles hard-hitting George'as Sosa in the eight-round co-feature šį šeštadienį night at The Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City.
The show is promoted by Rising Promotions.
Į pagrindinį renginį, Tomas “Cornflake” Lamanna (22-2, 9 KO s) įgauna Carlos Winston Velasquez (24-28-2, 15 KO s) į aštuonių apvalios Papildsvars konkursas
Young of Atlantic City has a record of 16-2 with six knockouts has won five in a row was given the task of fighting Sosa on two weeks notice. Young was training for an all-New Jersey showdown with Juan “Žvėris” Rodriguezas, Jaunesnysis. but Rodriguez had to pull out due to an injury.
My camp has been great. Sosa is a late-replacement, but that really does not matter, because I was preparing for whoever,”sakė 29 year-old Young.
Young knows that Sosa is a big puncher, but feels he is a different fighter outside of his home-country of the Dominican Republic.
Sosa has 15 Laimėta, and I know he has all of his victories by knockout. But he was matched lightly when he fought in the Dominican Republic. It doesn’t matter what he will bring, because I have been preparing for him like he is Floyd Mayweather.
Young has been preparing in New Jersey under the tutelage of trainer, Raulis “Chino” Rivas. Young is in a camp that includes recent world champion Jason Sosa, top contender Tevin Farmer and lightweight contender Michael Perez among others, and Young feels that the switch of trainers, which mirrors this win streak is no coincidence.
Chino has fixed a lot of my bad habits. He has me working on the jab, pivoting, and working the body. Since moving to Chino, I have improved with every fight.
This will be the 10th appearance on the Boardwalk for Young, and he will look to his mark to 9-1 Atlantik Sitis (Young is 2-0 at The Claridge).
I am privileged to fight where I was born. I always look forward to fighting in Atlantic City, and I look forward to putting on a great show šeštadienį naktį.”
Sosa of New Jersey has a record of 15-8 with all 15 wins coming via knockout.
The 30 year-old Sosa is a six-year professional, who began his career in the Dominican Republic with six consecutive knockouts.
Sosa’s losses have come to fighters who had a combined record of 87-7-1 and they included Three undefeated fighters plus contenders Ray Robinson and Ed Peredes.
Sosa has won two consecutive bouts by knockout as in his most recent effort he stopped Jesus Pascual in three rounds on October 29, 2016 in the Domincan Republic.
Be šešių apvalių seansų:
Gabriel Pham (8-1, 4 KO s) of Pleasantville, NJ imsis Edgaras Perez (7-20, 3 KO s) Čikagos, IL super middleweight bout.

Frederick Julian (4-0, 2 KO s) of Cambaul, France will take on an opponent to be named in a light heavyweight bout.

Danas Pasciolla (9-2-2) iš plytų, NJ bus mūšis Lemarcus Tucker (4-2, 2 KO s) of Batesville, AR in a rematch of heavyweights. Pasciolla took the first bout this past March via six-round split decision.

Be keturių apvalių seansų:
Donaldas Smithas (4-0, 3 KO s) Filadelfijos imsis Sidell Blocker (1-7-1) of Pleasantville, NJ in a super featherweight bout.
Chris Thomas (6-0, 3 KO s) nuo Toms River, NJ imsis Oskaras Valdez (1-2, 1 KO) of Batesville, AR in a middleweight bout
Elijah Vines (3-0, 3 KO’ts) Filadelfijos imsis Henry Tyrone Paige (0-4) of Batesville, ARK in a junior middleweight tilt.
Tomas Romain (2-1) Brukline, NY kovosime Lamont Balta (1-7, 1 KO) Vašingtono, DC in a lightweight bout.
Tickets for this great evening of boxing are priced at $150, $125, $100, $80 ir $55 ir galima įsigyti www.rspboxing.com


Belfasto asas pasitinka vyrą iš Mančesterio šeštadienį naktis

SAN DIEGO Iš (Birželis 6, 2017) Jamesas Tennysonas jaučiasi viršijantis buitinį lygį – ir sako, kad jis tai įrodys Saturday kai jis susiduria su Ryanas Doyle'as dėl WBA tarptautinio aukštaūgio svorio titulo „SSE Arena Belfast“, gyventi AWE- Pramogos turtas į 3 AM ET / 12 PM PT.
Tennysono susidūrimas su Doyle yra didžiulės veiksmo nakties Belfaste dalis, kai Ryanas Burnettas meta iššūkį Lee Haskinsui dėl IBF pasaulio „Bantamweight“ titulo..
Tennysonas iškovojo „Celtic Featherweight“ ir Airijos „Super Featherweight“ titulus, tačiau pernai balandį susitiko su Ryanu Walshu dėl Didžiosios Britanijos „Featherweight“ karūnos..
The 23 metų tiki, kad dabar jis geriau pasirengęs daugiau užpuolimų dėl titulo, ir nori parodyti, kad, jo manymu, bus tranki kova su Anglijos „Featherweight“ čempionu iš Mančesterio.
“Aš esu labai susijaudinęs, - pasakė Tenisonas. “Man malonu būti šou dalimi ir, tikiuosi, Ryanas Burnettas taps kitu Airijos pasaulio čempionu, o šios didžiosios naktys gali ir toliau grįžti į Belfastą.
“Tikiu, kad esu už airiško titulo lygio. Aš neketinu įgyti ar išmokti daug daugiau tame lygyje ar boksininkas. Dabar tai išgyvenau. Tai man reikalinga kova, padedanti perkelti savo karjerą į kitą lygį.
“Aš stebėjau Ryaną ir tai bus tikrai linksmos rungtynės. Su WBA International titulu ant linijos, tai suteikia jai šiek tiek daugiau prieskonių.
“Paprastai per daug nežiūriu į savo priešininkus, Aš įeinu ten ir imu, kaip ateina. Esu įsitikinęs savo sugebėjimais atlikti darbą. Mano komanda jau šiek tiek žino apie berniuką, todėl jie man pasakoja planus, kuriuos įgyvendinsime naktį.
“Aš pasiruošiau sunkiai kovai, kad ir kas būtų, todėl vėlyvas varžovo pakeitimas iš tikrųjų nepakeičia mano planavimo.
“Visa tai vyksta. Noriu patekti į pasaulinį lygį. Tai puikus laiptelis, padedantis patekti ten, kur noriu būti.
“Aš tikrai negalvoju „išmušiu šį vaikiną“, Man patinka boksuotis. Tai bus gera kova, kurią žiūrės sirgaliai. Aš agresyvus, ateis kovotojas.
“Stovykla praėjo gerai. Esu labai laimingas eidamas paskutines dienas. Dabar viskas yra tinkamas svoris, visas sunkus darbas atliktas dabar. Aš tik dabar norėčiau, kad ši laida būtų pakeliui.”
Paulas Hylandas jaunesnysis susiduria su Adamu Dingsdale'u dėl savo pirmojo profesionalo titulo su IBF Europos lengvo svorio dirželiu., Ianas Timsas ir Luke'as Watkinsas susitinka dėl airiško kruizinio svorio titulo, yra Mike'o Perezo debiutas „Cruiserweight“, ir vietiniai mėgstamiausi Paddy Gallagheris, Matthew Wiltonas, Feargal McCrory ir Tyrone McCullagh.
Apie AWE LIVE Boksas

AWE LIVE Boksas funkcijos Live pasaulio čempionų titulą čempionatas ir eliminacija seansų pademonstruotų šiandien labiausiai jaudinančių kovotojai. Nuo baimės Live bokso įvykių pradžios 2011, AWE pasiūlė daugiau 50 pasaulio čempionų titulą kovoja.

AWE atvedė bokso gerbėjus į pačius įdomiausius ir prieštaringiausius mačus, įskaitant Ricky Burnso mačą su Ray Beltran dėl pasaulio čempionų titulo. AWE tiesiogiai ir išskirtinai vainikavo amerikietį Terence'ą Crawfordą per Ricky Burnsą. AWE gerbėjai patyrėme sprogmuo galia nenugalėtas sunkiasvoris Tyson Fury kelis kartus tinkle, įskaitant Fury pergalę prieš Kevin Johnson. Į 2017, „AWE“ buvo išskirtinė Jungtinių Valstijų televizijos tiekėja istoriniam mačui tarp legendinio britų sunkiasvorio Davido Haye ir Tony Bellewo..

Apie AWE – Pramogos turtas

Pramogos turtas (“AWE”) funkcijos platų gyvenimo būdo ir pramogų programavimas Nuo egzotinių kelionių ir piktinančius namuose gyventi Pasaulio čempionatas boksas. AWE yra prieinama daugiau nei šimte kabelių sistemų, įskaitant&T U Verse, CH 147 ir 1147 HD, "Verizon FiOS televizija, CH 169 ir 669 HD. ir „DirecTV“, CH 387.
Daugiau informacijos, apsilankykite www.awetv.com.

Marcus Brown vs. Seanie Monaghan Press Conference Quotes & Nuotraukos

Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Sportas Šeštadienis, Liepa 15 from NYCB LIVE’s Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum on Long Island
Spauskite ČIA už Nuotraukos iš Ed Kalbos / DiBella Pramogos
LONG ISLAND, NY (Birželis 6, 2017) – Unbeaten light heavyweight contenders Marcus Brownir Seanie Monaghan went face-to-face Antradienis at a press conference to discuss their all-New York showdown taking place Šeštadienis, Liepa 15 į Premier Boksas Čempionų apie FOX irFOX Sportas action live from the newly-renovated NYCB LIVE, home of the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum, the first live boxing card on Long Island since 1986.
Televizijos aprėptis prasideda 8 p.m. IR/5 p.m. PT and is headlined by a matchup between exciting former world champions Omaras “Panterita” Figueroa ir Robertas “Vaiduoklis” Karys daugiau Arturas pin atitinka Adomas Kownacki in an all-Polish heavyweight showdown that promises fireworks.
Bilietus į gyvą renginį, kuris yra skatinamas DiBella Pramogos, prasideda $50 (neįskaitant taikomų mokesčių) ir yra parduoti dabar. Bilietus galima įsigyti internetu, apsilankiuswww.ticketmaster.com, www.nycblive.com, arba paskambinus 1-800-745-3000. Tickets are also available at the Ticketmaster Box Office at NYCB LIVE. Group discounts are available by calling 516-231-4848.
Also in attendance at Antradienio press conference were local Long Island favorites Tommy Rainone (26-7-1, 6 Kos), Alicia Napoleon (7-1, 5 Kos), Patrick diena (13-2-1, 6 Kos) irVincenzo D’Angelo (2-0).
Štai ką dalyviai turėjo pasakyti Antradienis from the JetBlue Overlook the Coliseum:
Everyone knows that we know each other. But the buddy-buddy talk is out of the window. Tai kova. We both have kids to feed. I have a destiny that is already written, and Seanie is in the way of that.
“Pavyzdžiui Liepa 15, my feelings about Seanie won’t mean a thing. I’m going to have to win. I know this guy trains like a dog and he’s no pushover. All that sparring and stuff you’ve heard about doesn’tmean a thing, it’s just going to be me and him and I have to win.
I can’t wait to go to work. I’ve fought my friends before and at the end of the day it’s business. I’m going to become a world champion and no one is stopping me.
I was raised defense-first by Gary Stark Sr. We are defensive specialist. I’m going to show everything that I have in my arsenal.
Seanie and I came up in the amateurs and won Golden Gloves on the same night. We have history but it means nothing as of today and on Liepa 15. This isn’t sparring, there are no do-overs.
Liepa 15 is going to be fireworks. These undercard fighters are amazing and it’s a fantastic card for Long Island. I’m just blessed to be able to show my talents in this building. I wish I could wake up rytoj and it would be fight day. We aren’t friends on Liepa 15. Staten Island is coming out on top over Long Island.
I’ve been chipping away at a title fight for a long time. When they asked me about Marcus, I first was thinking that it wasn’t the fight I wanted. At this point in the game, it’s may the best man win.
Training has been going great. We might have to pull back a little bit because we already did a five-week training camp when I thought I was fighting Adonis Stevenson, which turned out to be a good thing. He’s a southpaw just like Marcus so we were already sparring with a lot of really good southpaws.
Marcus does everything well. Jis greitai, he’s slick and he punches pretty hard. I like to fight and come forward and make it that kind of rough style on fight night.
I’ve mastered the ability to control my emotions on fight night. I’m a professional in my 29oji fight so it’s not my first time at the rodeo. This is strictly business, it’s my time.
I definitely want Adonis Stevenson if I can get by Marcus. That’s the fight everybody wants. I want to be a world champion and I will be a world champion one day.
This is a dream come true to fight at this venue. This is going to be the biggest night of my life. It’s do-or-die for me.
I’m very thankful to Lou for giving me the opportunity. I’ve fought on a lot of great cards at a lot of great venues. But being a Long Island boy who has come to this venue my entire life and to be a part of brining this kind of event back to long island is a dream come true.
Being on this card and having this venue here is all the motivation I need. I’m going to be in great shape on Liepa 15 and do my part and handle business.
I am so glad to be here, especially being from Long Island. It’s a wonderful feeling to be on this great card. We’re going to make Long Island proud.
The last time they had boxing here was the year I was born. It’s almost destined that I was going to be first woman to fight at this venue for a world title.
I’m thankful that I have an opportunity to showcase women’s boxing, because we’re not just fighters, we’re athletes. We sacrifice just as much and I’m excited for this fight.
I live 15 minutes away and the fact that there is an arena of this magnitude in my hometown, it really means a lot. It feels like it’s meant to be and I’m going to enjoy it.
The Long Island boxing scene is on the rise. With this Coliseum being renovated, it’s like a Long Island Barclays Center. The scene here will become even more competitive as time goes on.
“Man patinka boksuotis. I’m a pure boxer. I stick and move hit and don’t get hit. I’m not going to fight down to anyone’s level, I’m going to fight at my level.
I’m just excited to be here and back in the ring. I have a lot of friends fighting on this show and I can’t wait for all of us to show our skills. There are a lot of great boxers on this show.
I’m preparing to put on a great performance for the fans and get another win under my belt onLiepa 15. I’m going to make it a memorable debut in my hometown.
Lou DIBELLA, Prezidentas DiBella Pramogos
It’s thrilling to me to be able to promote the first show at Nassau Coliseum in 31 metų. The last event featured Mike Tyson and we have a terrific card on Liepa 15 that represents the best fighters from Long Island, plus three fights that can stand on their own featuring fighters that deserve to be there.
The undercard will be very representative of Long Island. It will be consistent with what we’ve always done as far as promoting cards that are exciting from the minute the doors open through the final bell.
I’m thrilled that this is on FOX and FOX Deportes and that everyone will be able to see this building rock on Liepa 15. I’m also thrilled with the kind of show they’re getting. What you have is a consistent few hours of unbelievable action. All three of these fights are wars.
Seanie has been working his way up and just winning fight after fight. He’s been looking for a title shot for a long time. Marcus came into the pros with a lot of noise, but he’s kept winning at every step. This is going to be a really good fight and I don’t think it’s going the distance. You can bank on the fact that the winner of this fight will get a shot at the light heavyweight championship of the world.
BRETT YORMARK, CEO of Brooklyn Sports & Pramoga
When we envisioned recreating the Coliseum, the goal was to fuel it with world class programming and I think we’ve done that. We’ve had world class artists, the end of a great run of the circus and in the month of July we will host Brooklyn Boxing on Long Island.
We’ve had the opportunity to host incredible boxing events in Brooklyn and now we can do it in Long Island. It’s about being able to be somewhat aspirational. The fight community can grow up dreaming of fighting here in the Coliseum. I’m thrilled we can do that for Seanie and the other fighters on the undercard.
“Buvo 31 years since we last had a fight here at the Coliseum and it’s a thrill to bring it back with some great people. The building is for the community and this will be the first of many boxing events that we host here.
# # #
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Daugiau informacijos: apsilankymas www.premierboxingchampions.com, HTTP://www.foxsports.com/PressPass / puslapis, www.foxdeportes.com, sekti TwitterPremierBoxing, @ FS1, @FOXDeportes @LouDiBella, @NYCBLive and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports irwww.facebook.com/foxdeportes.įww.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment,www.Facebook.com/NYCBLive. TSK remia Corona, La Cerveza Mas Fina.BROOKLYN BOXING on Long Island is an extension of BSE’s BROOKLYN BOXING™ brand. Daugiau informacijos, apsilankymas brooklynboxingshop.com.


Fourth official date announced for fan-friendly, interactive live fight series
which drew 43,000 Gegužės pilotui.
RALEIGH, N.C. (Birželis 6, 2017) – The momentum continues to build for FIGHTNIGHT LIVE on Facebook, as the series announces its second new date this week, and this time hardware will be on the line. Strap season arrives on Šeštadienis, Liepa 29, in Raleigh, N.C., as the Tar Heel State’s hardwood prowess gives way to hard-hitting action in the squared circle, at least for one hot Mid-Summer evening.
Į pagrindinį renginį, undefeated super flyweight Dewayne Beamon (11-0, 8 Kos) imsis Chosė “Torito” Rodriguezas (32-5, 19 Kos) for the IBO Inter-Continental and UBF World Junior Bantamweight titles.
Beamon, of Goldsboro, N.C., has a perfect record of 11-0 su aštuoniais Knockouts. The 31 year-old has a win over former world title challenger William Gonzalez (30-6) as well as winning the UBF All-America Bantamweight title with a ninth-round stoppage over Rudolph Hedge (10-2-3). Beamon won the IBO International Super Flyweight and UBF World Junior Bantamweight titles with a ninth-round stoppage over Christian Esquival. Savo paskutinio priepuolio, Beamon stopped Jonathan Aguilar in two rounds to win the IBO Inter-Continental Super Flyweight title on May 20th in Raleigh.
This is my shot! Throughout my career I’ve been challenged and I have conquered every opportunity placed before me,” said Dewayne Beamon. “Now I hope to achieve national recognition with a crowd-pleasing KO victory on Facebook FIGHTNIGHT LIVE. It’s body-puncher vs. body-puncher on Liepa 29 in Raleigh, and when the smoke clears this will be just another opportunity I conquered.
Rodriguezas, Mazatlan, Meksika turi įrašą 32-5 su 19 Knockouts, and is a former WBA Interim Flyweight world champion. The 27 year-old won that crown with a 12-round split decision over Nethra Sasiprapa (27-1) lapkričio 19, 2011. He is a former WBC Youth Intercontinental Flyweight champion and UBF All America Junior Bantamweight champion. Rodriguez has dropped his two opportunities at a world title when he lost to Kazuto Ioka for the WBA Light Flyweight title, and in his last bout he was stopped in seven rounds by Jerwin Ancajas on Sausis 29 Kinijoje.
The show is promoted by Cynation Sports, Free Agent Boxing and Stop Running Promotions.
Šeštadienį naktis, live from the Abundant Life Center in Raleigh, gerbėjai gali tikėtis didelio poveikio, kelių kamera transliacijos patirtis visiškai su grafika, animacija, pakartojimais, interviews and a professional announce team. Suteikti žiūrovams visapusišką interaktyvų įspūdį, komentatoriai prašys ir atsakyti į klausimus iš "Facebook" auditoriją visoje laidoje.
Skaičiai gegužės mėn 11 „FIGHTNIGHT LIVE“ pilotas iš „Mohegan Sun Resort“ parodė daugybę pažadų ir galimybių naujai platformai. Su tik dviejų dienų paaukštinimu, sukaupta premjera 43,000 visų vaizdo įrašų peržiūrų pagal 38,000 unikalių žiūrovų. Iš viso 1.4 tūkstantį valandų tiesioginio vaizdo įrašo „Facebook“ vartotojai sunaudojo vien per pirmąją laidą. Pasiekti neapdorotus skaičius, visiškai interaktyvios, ventiliatoriams pritaikytas gamybos pjūklas 9,021 tiesioginiai laidos sužadėtuvės, kurioje dalyvavo 5,000 “teig” arba “myli,” 2,989 komentarus ir 628 akcijų.
Our FIGHTNIGHT LIVE series takes to Tobacco Road in late July, yet another geographic area where we’ll be able to plant the Facebook flag. Dewayne Beamon is a proud Carolinian excited to continue to put the Tar Heel State’s boxing scene back on the map, and we’re extremely pleased to do our part as well,” sakė Pažymėti Fratto, Vyriausioji Linacre Media. “We’re looking forward to all of the action in the heart of ACC Basketball Country.
Sukurta ir pagaminta Linacre Media iš New York City, serija „FIGHTNIGHT LIVE“ turi kelis fotoaparato kampus, grafika, pakartojimais ir už-the-scenos prieiga ir interviu. Transliuojamus pasirodymai yra prieinamas visame pasaulyje, kur "Facebook" yra prieinama. Iniciatyva ne tik leidžia gerbėjams iš viso pasaulio tune, bet taip pat pasiduoda ir dar kovotojų pasaulinę platformą pademonstruoti savo gebėjimus, suteikia rengėjams pasiekiamas “transliacija” sprendimas ir suteikia Rėmėjai galimybę pasiekti masinę auditoriją per firminių turinį.
Apie Birželis 23, the Facebook fight series heads to Rosemont, Serga., for a Windy City showdown with Hitz Boxing Promotions ir Turas 3 Kūriniai. A Liepa 15 data Fenikse, Ariz., su Roy Jones Jr. Boxing Promotions jau buvo paskelbtas „FIGHTNIGHT LIVE“ kalendoriuje. Daugiau FIGHTNIGHT LIVE datų bus oficialiai paskelbtos artimiausiomis savaitėmis.
FIGHTNIGHT LIVE galima rasti internete adresu: https://www.facebook.com/FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE /
Stebėkite visus veiksmus per socialinę žiniasklaidą „Facebook“ „FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE“, @FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE „Instagram“ ir @FIGHTNIGHTLIVE_ „Twitter“, arba naudodamiesi grotažyme # FIGHTNIGHTLIVE. Dėl naujausių Linacre žiniasklaidos renginius ir transliuoti grafiką, follow @LinacreMedia across all social platforms or use the tags #LinacreMediaEvents or#LinacreMediaOnTV.


Paskelbta trečioji oficiali ventiliatoriams skirta data, interaktyvi gyvų kovų serija, kuri atkreipė dėmesį 43,000 Gegužės pilotui; Čikagoje gyvenantis žurnalistas Danielle Robay prisijungs prie Ray Flores transliacijos komandos.
CHICAGO (Birželis 5, 2017) – Po sėkmingo lakūno, kurį peržiūrėjo daugiau nei 40,000 bokso gerbėjai gyvena „Facebook“, FIGHTNIGHT GYVAI pasiekia Čikagos rajoną Penktadienis, Birželis 23, iš Rosemonto, Serga., su sukrauta kortele, užpildyta Vėjuoto miesto kariais.
“Nepaprastai didelė garbė nunešti mūsų platformą „Facebook FIGHTNIGHT LIVE“ į Vėjuoto miesto rajoną. Tai tampa nacionaline platforma jau kūdikystėje – rytinės ir vakarinės pakrantės datas kalendoriuje, o dabar šią galimybę - Nr. 3 žiniasklaidos rinka Amerikoje – ir iki šiol buvome sužavėti kovos gerbėjų ir rengėjų atsakymu,” sakė Pažymėti Fratto, Vyriausioji Linacre Media. “Nekantriai laukiame darbo su Rosemont kaimu, taip pat kaip ir legendiniai reklamuotojai Bobis Hitzas ir Frankas Mugnolo šioje kortelėje.”
Galutiniai rungtynių ir kovos kortų duomenys bus pristatyti vėliau šią savaitę. Legendinis Čikagoje gyvenantis „Tautiškos giesmės“ dainininkas Jimas Cornelisonas dar kartą pagerbs mūsų šalį prieš prasidedant pagrindiniam renginiui – gerbėjai gali sulaukti to labai laukto pasirodymo kartu su visais veiksmais ringe tiesiogiai „Facebook“.
Skaičiai gegužės mėn 11 „FIGHTNIGHT LIVE“ pilotas iš „Mohegan Sun Resort“ parodė daugybę pažadų ir galimybių naujai platformai. Su tik dviejų dienų paaukštinimu, sukaupta premjera 43,000 visų vaizdo įrašų peržiūrų pagal 38,000 unikalių žiūrovų. Iš viso 1.4 tūkstantį valandų tiesioginio vaizdo įrašo „Facebook“ vartotojai sunaudojo vien per pirmąją laidą. Pasiekti neapdorotus skaičius, visiškai interaktyvios, ventiliatoriams pritaikytas gamybos pjūklas 9,021 tiesioginiai laidos sužadėtuvės, kurioje dalyvavo 5,000 “teig” arba “myli,” 2,989 komentarus ir 628 akcijų.
Penktadienį naktis, Birželis 23, tiesiogiai iš „The Dome at The Ballpark“ Rosemonte, gerbėjai gali tikėtis didelio poveikio, kelių kamera transliacijos patirtis visiškai su grafika, animacija, pakartojimais, interviu ir paskelbti komandą, kurią įtvirtino „smūgis po smūgio“ diktorius Ray Floresas „Premier“ bokso čempionų, Showtime Boksas, „HBO Boxing“ ir „CBS Sports Network“ bokso šlovė. Suteikti žiūrovams visapusišką interaktyvų įspūdį, komentatoriai prašys ir atsakyti į klausimus iš "Facebook" auditoriją visoje laidoje.
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Belfasto talentas, įtikėjęs trenerį, norėdamas gauti IBF pasaulio titulą

SAN DIEGO Iš- (Birželis 5, 2017)-Ryanas Burnettas mano, kad Adamo Bootho kampe yra tobulas žmogus, kad gautų teisingą žaidimo planą perimti Lee Haskinso IBF pasaulio „Bantamweight“ titulą, kai šie susirungs birželio Belfasto „SSE“ arenoje. 10, gyvena AWE–Pramogų gausa 3 AM ET / 12 AM ET

Burnettas, susidurdamas su pirmuoju pasaulio čempiono titulu, susiduria su Bristolio asu, ir tai yra sveikintinas sugrįžimas į gimtąjį miestą po daugiau nei trejų su puse metų kelyje.

Paskutinė „Burnett“ išvyka Belfaste lapkričio mėnesį 2014 buvo jo pirmoji kova su Boothu ir pora sklandžiai persikėlė į 16-0 ir ties pasaulio šlovės slenksčiu, kai jų partnerystė pražydo Bootho Surrey sporto salėje.

Boothas buvo kampe su daugeliu kovų dėl pasaulio čempionų su Davidu Haye ir Burnettas mano, kad turint tokią kompetenciją gali būti skirtumas.

“Adomas tiki, kad esu tam pasirengęs, ir jis yra žmogus, kuris ten buvo ir tai padarė,” - pasakė Burnettas. “Adomas žino, kaip sudaryti žaidimo planą, kaip nugalėti pietvakarį, ir aš visiškai tikiu Adomu. Jei būsiu rami, atsipalaidavęs ir pristatau tai, ką liepė Adomas padaryti naktį, Aš laimėsiu tą diržą.

“Aš visada mokausi su kiekviena kova ir kiekvieną dieną sporto salėje su Adomu. Žmonės prieš metus sakė, kad aš buvau pasirengęs šaudyti iš pasaulio čempionų titulo, todėl tai reiškia, kad man dabar dar geriau. Adomas priima sprendimus, koks man yra teisingas žingsnis.

“Adomas man suteikė intelekto, ką aš iš tikrųjų turiu daryti. Visi įgūdžiai yra, bet jis moko mane, kaip tai kontroliuoti. Tai mes dirbame kiekvieną dieną – supranti, ką ir ką turi padaryti.

“Man reikėjo atsisėsti, nulupk sluoksnius ir suprask, ką darau. Adomo darbas kalba pats už save. Jis ilgą laiką sportavo ir yra gerbiamas treneris. Aš atėjau į sporto salę noriai klausytis ir mokytis, nes žinau, kad Adomas turi tiek daug žinių, taigi jei Adomas sako, šokinėk, Aš sakau, kaip aukštai.”

Burnett meta iššūkį Haskinsui didžiulę veiksmo naktį Belfaste, kur Paulas Hylandas jaunesnysis susiduria su Adamu Dingsdale'u dėl savo pirmojo profesionalo titulo., su „IBF European Lightweight“ dirželiu ant linijos.

Įdomi apatinė kortelė - „Cruiserweight“ debiutas Mike'o Perezo, Ianas Timsas ir Luke'as Watkinsas susitinka dėl Airijos „Cruiserweight“ titulo ir vietos favoritų Jameso Tennysono, Paddy Gallagher, Matthew Wiltonas, Feargal McCrory ir Tyrone McCullagh.

Apie AWE LIVE Boksas

AWE LIVE Boksas funkcijos Live pasaulio čempionų titulą čempionatas ir eliminacija seansų pademonstruotų šiandien labiausiai jaudinančių kovotojai. Nuo baimės Live bokso įvykių pradžios 2011, AWE pasiūlė daugiau 50 pasaulio čempionų titulą kovoja.

AWE atvedė bokso gerbėjus į pačius įdomiausius ir prieštaringiausius mačus, įskaitant Ricky Burnso mačą su Ray Beltran dėl pasaulio čempionų titulo. AWE tiesiogiai ir išskirtinai vainikavo amerikietį Terence'ą Crawfordą per Ricky Burnsą. AWE gerbėjai patyrėme sprogmuo galia nenugalėtas sunkiasvoris Tyson Fury kelis kartus tinkle, įskaitant Fury pergalę prieš Kevin Johnson. Į 2017, „AWE“ buvo išskirtinė Jungtinių Valstijų televizijos tiekėja istoriniam mačui tarp legendinio britų sunkiasvorio Davido Haye ir Tony Bellewo..

Apie AWE – Pramogos turtas

Pramogos turtas (“AWE”) funkcijos platų gyvenimo būdo ir pramogų programavimas Nuo egzotinių kelionių ir piktinančius namuose gyventi Pasaulio čempionatas boksas. AWE yra prieinama daugiau nei šimte kabelių sistemų, įskaitant&T U Verse, CH 147 ir 1147 HD, "Verizon FiOS televizija, CH 169 ir 669 HD. ir „DirecTV“, CH 387.


UŽ nedelsiant paleisti

Matt Remillard (R) continued his comeback last night with a big win at Foxwoods
(all pictures by Emily Harney / DiBella Pramogos)

Mashantucket, KT (Birželis 4, 2017)The amazing comeback of Mattas “Sharp ShooterRemillard continued last night as the popular Connecticut lightweight stopped Fatiou Fassinou į Brodvėjaus Boksas headliner held in Fox Theater, at Foxwoods Resort Casino, in Mashantucket, KT.
The Brodvėjaus Boksas series is promoted by DiBella Entertainment and presented by Nissan of Queens, Azad Watches, OPTYX, and Christos Steak House.
Remillard, 30, was the No. 2-ranked featherweight in the world in 2011, when he lost to future world champion Mikey Garcia (LRTD11). Fighting out of Manchester, KT, tonight’s fight was Remillard’s first in his home state in six-and-a-half years, due to him serving a five-year prison sentence. He returned to the ring this past April, taking an eight-round decision from Agustine Mauras, Worcester, MA.
Atidarymo turo, Remillard (25-1, 14 Kos) and the slick Benin-native, former WBC International Silver champion Fassinou (27-6-3, 14 Kos) got to know each other as both fighters were cautious. Remillard opened up in the second round, using his left to the body, dropping Fassinou in his corner during the final seconds. Remillard pressed the action in the third, peppering Fassinou around the ring in his familiar punishing style, putting Fassinou in hisSharp Shootersights for target practice in the fourth. Fassinou failed to answer the bell for the fifth round.
Against a southpaw, the left hook to the liver is there, a punch I’m known for,” Remillard commented after the fight. “He was a little sloppier than I expected. Aš jaučiausi gerai; Aš 24/7 in the gym. Maybe I’ll have one more fight this year to get in some rounds, and then get ready for a big 2018. I want a rematch with Garcia, į 135 arba 140 svarų, 100-procentų. He owes me a rematch. The guy he beat wasn’t me.
Ruslan Shamalov (L) & George Arias turned in the Fight of the Night
Be bendro funkcija, two New York City-based heavyweights, 6’5″ Rusijos Ruslan Shamalov (4-1, 3 Kos) and Dominican GentlemanGeorge Arias (7-0, 3 Kos), fighting out of Brooklyn and the Bronx, atitinkamai, put their undefeated records on the line. Shamalov’s power punches rocked the much shorter 5’11Arias in the first round, but Arias stayed off the ropes and boxed much better in the second. The two fighters exchanged bombs throughout a terrific third round and, somehow, the fourth was even better with back-and-forth, non-stop action. The pace subsided slightly in the fifth round, setting the stage for a bombs-away sixth and final frame that didn’t disappoint.
Shamalov and Arias fought a furious pace, especially for heavyweights, in a legitimate six-round “Kova Metų” kandidatas. Arija, the leader of Team Wash EmUp in the Bronx, won a six-round unanimous decision by scores of 60-54, 59-55, ir 58-56.
This win was humungous for me,” said an overjoyed Arias, after his first six-round fight. “I had a game plan, but once he hurt me in the first round, my heart took over and I just fought. I like to fight for the people, so I held on in the first instead of taking a knee.
Mykquan Williams (R) celebrated his high school graduation a little early
Crowd favorite “Nuostabus” Mykquan Williams (7-0, 4 Kos) gave himself an early high school graduation present as the East Hartford fighter defeated Nicaraguan welterweight ArielLa Guerra” Vasquez (13-18-2, 9 Kos) in the former’s first six-round bout. The 19-year-old Williams, a five-time national amateur champion, is a budding star with tremendous upside. Poised beyond his years, Williams controlled the pace against his battle-tested southpaw opponent, kas yra 11 years Williamssenior, displaying his vast arsenal of punches, especially his left-right combination that landed consistently. Williams’ fast hands exploded for the first time at the end of the second round, then he picked up his assault in the third, as he cruised to a six-round shutout decision, with three tallies of 60-54.
Williams graduates on Birželis 20 from Prince Tech. “That was a good graduation present,” Williamsas sakė. “My hand speed played a big factor. He was a tough guy, especially for my first six-rounder.
Jennifer Salinas (R) had too much for Marquita Lee
plunksnos svorio čempionas JenniferThe Bolivian QueenSalinas (20-4, 5 Kos) nugalėjo Marquita Lee (3-5) by way of a hard-fought six-round unanimous decision. Salinas, kovoti iš Providence, was the aggressor throughout, but Lee never took a backward step. Veiklos rodikliais 59-55 dvigubai, ir 58-56, all for Salinas.
Fighting a much more experienced and taller opponent from Africa, promising Lynn, MA prospect Khiry “TNT” Todd (5-0, 5 Kos) won his fifth pro fight, visi nokautas. A 2016 Naujosios Anglijos Auksinė pirštinės čempionas, Todd gained invaluable experience against cagey super welterweight Nicolas Sarouna (12-9-1, 9 Kos), of Togo, who took a knee after getting hit by a sneaky uppercut in the third round. Sarouna failed to beat the 10-count as Todd improved his perfect record, with a TKO stoppage at the 1:32 ženklas.
Radzhab Butaev left Abraham Alvarez on the mat in serious pain
Unbeaten Russian middleweight prospect RadzhabThe PythonButaev (6-0, 4 Kos) was too much for Mexican Abraomas “The Swift” Alvarez (20-11-1, 11 Kos). Butaev dropped Alvarez early with a vicious left hook, from which Alvarez never fully recovered. A brutal right to the liver put the Mexican on mat once again, in obvious pain, as referee Joey Lupino immediately waved off the fight at 1:05 apvaliosios vieną.
Cuban cruiserweight Luis “El Leon” Garcia (15-0, 12 Kos) kept his perfect pro record intact with a first-round knockout of his outclassed Mexican opponent Felipe Romero (19-14-1, 13 Kos), kovoja iš San Diego. Now living in Peekskill, NY, Garcia dropped Romero with an overhand right in the opening seconds and he never let up, consistently hurting Romero with a series of devastating rights. Garcia closed the show with a powerhouse uppercut, leading referee Johnny Callas to halt the action at the 1:48 ženklas.
Three-time Puerto Rican National Boxing team member Jose Romos (4-0, 3 Kos) went the distance for the first time against a game William Hill (2-3), Detroitas. The skilled Puerto Rican super welterweight applied pressure from the opening bell, using a fierce body attack on Hill, who was trapped on the ropes for most of the fight. The judges tallied 40-36 dvigubai, ir 39-37, all for Roman via unanimous decision.
DiBella Entertainment’s unbeaten featherweight contender Luis Rosa also fought šeštadienį, headlining a card at the Floyd Little Athletic Center in his hometown of New Haven, KT, facing Carlos Osorio, Managva, Nikaragva. Rosa pressured his adversary throughout the contest, wearing him down with a steady attack to the body. Osorio was game and had a stiff jab, though the hometown favorite’s combinations on the inside helped to diminish the Nicaraguan’s punch output. Believing that Osorio had taken a great deal of punishment, the referee halted the contest at the 1:25 ženklas ištisus šešis, awarding Rosa the TKO victory. Su pergalės, Rosa improved to 23-0 (11 Kos), while Osorio’s record dropped to 13-7 (5 Kos).
Complete Foxwoods results below:
Main Event – Lengvasvoriai
Matt Remillard (25-1, 14 Kos), Mančesteris, KT
WTKO4 (3:00)
Fatiou Fassinou (27-6-3, 14 Kos), Cotonou, Benin
CO-FEATURE – Sunkiasvoriai
George Arias (7-0, 3 Kos), Bronksas, NY
WDEC6 (60-54, 59-55, 58-56)
Ruslan Shamalov (4-1, 3 Kos), Brooklyn, NY
Luis Garcia (15-0, 12 Kos), Peekskill, NY
WTKO1 (1:48).
Felipe Romero (19-14-1, 13 Kos), San Diegas, PVZ
Radzhab Butaev (6-0, 5 Kos), Brooklyn, NY
WTKO1 (1:05)
Abraomas Alvarez (20-11-1, 11 Kos), El Rosario, Meksika
Khiry Todd (5-0, 5 Kos), Lynn, MA
WKO3 (1:32)
Nicolas Sarouna (12-9-1, 9 Kos), Lome, Togo
Jose Romos (4-0, 3 Kos), Bayamon, Puerto Rikas
WDEC4 (40-36, 40-36, 39-37)
William Hill (2-3), Detroitas, MANO
Myquan Williams (7-0, 4 Kos), East Hartford, KT
WDEC6 (60-54, 60-54, 60-54)
Ariel Vasquez (13-18-2, 9 Kos), Managva, Nikaragva
Jennifer Salinas (20-4, 5 Kos), Apvaizda, R.
WDEC6 (59-55, 59-55, 58-56)
Marquita Lee (3-5), Novato, PVZ
"Twitter" & Instagram: DiBellaEnt, LouDiBella, @FoxwoodsCT




Showtime ČEMPIONATO Boksas® Live From Bell Centre In Montreal At 9 p.m. IR/6 p.m. PT

Spauskite ČIA Nuotraukų; Credit Stephanie Trapp/SHOWTIME


MONTREAL (Birželis 2, 2017) – WBC Light Heavyweight World Champion Adonis Stevenson and Andrzej Fonfara had a tense faceoff during Friday’s weigh-in for their 175-pound rematch šį šeštadienį live on SHOWTIME from Bell Centre.


Fonfara (29-4, 17 Kos) svėrė-ne 174 ¼ pounds while Stevenson (28-1, 23 Kos) measured a ready 173 ½ pounds for their rematch of an all-action 2014 showdown in which both fighters scored knockdowns.


“I’m as strong as ever,” said the southpaw Stevenson. “I know he’s dangerous, I know he’s tough. He has a new trainer and he’s going to do everything he can to take my title. But I’m going to go for the knockout. I’m going to show him I don’t only have the left, I have the right, too.”


Fonfara promised he’s improved since their first meeting both physically and mentally under new trainer Virgil Hunter.


I’m the smarter guy now, and I have more experience,” Fonfara said. “I’m ready mentally and physically to take his belt. I’m here to put Stevenson down and become the new light heavyweight champion.


WBC Light Heavyweight No. 1 contender Eleider Alvarez and former 175-pound champ Jean Pascal both measured 174 ½ pounds for their co-featured bout that opens the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast live at 9 p.m. IR/6 p.m. PT.


Both Alvarez (22-0, 11 Kos), the mandatory challenger for Stevenson’s WBC belt, and Pascal (31-4-1, 18 Kos) are aiming for a shot at the winner of Šeštadienio Pagrindinis įvykis.


Final Weights & Commission Officials:

WBC Light Heavyweight World Championship – 12 Ekskursijos

Adonis Stevenson: 173 ½ svarų

Andrzej Fonfara: 174 ¼ svarų

Teisėjas: Michael Griffin; Judges: Nicolas Esnault (Kanada), Omar Mintun (Meksika), Humberto Olivares (Meksika)


Light Heavyweight Bout – 12 Rounds for WBC Silver Light Heavyweight Championship

Eleider Alvarez: 174 ½ svarų

"Jean Pascal: 174 ½ svarų

Teisėjas: Alain Villeneuve; Judges: Richard DeCarufel (Kanada), Rodolfo Ramirez (Meksika), Jack Woodburn (Kanada)


Lee Haskins defends IBF Bantamweight title against undefeated Ryan Burnett on Saturday, June 10th, LIVE ant AWE.

SAN DIEGO Iš- Bantamweight world champion Lee Haskins will attempt to protect his IBF title for a third fight, this time against undefeated Ryanas Burnett, Šeštadienis, June 10th,

LIVE ant AWE- Pramogos turtas.
The main event will be preceded by a full afternoon of boxing from the Odyssey Arena in Belfast, Ireland beginning at 3 pm EST/12 pm PST.
This fight continues our strong series of championship boxing in 2017,said AWE CEO Robert Herring, Sr. “The fight will be a tremendous battle between a classy world champion taking on a hungry, undefeated challenger.
The 33 year-old world champion, Haskinsas, yra 14 metų specialistas, kuris laimėjo savo pirmąjį 15 kovas. After suffering his first loss to future world title challenger Tshifiwa Munyai, Haskins went on to win 11 jo kitą 12 galai. His winning streak included wins over current WBA Bantamweight champion Jamie McDonnell (8-1-1), Ross Burkinshaw (6-1-2) as well as wins over Don Broadhurst (11-0), Trent Broadbent (3-0), Ryan Farrag (4-0) and Broadhurst (11-2) again to win the Prizefighter Tournament.
Haskins continued his success with victories over former IBF Bantamweight champion Stuart Hall (12-1-1), Martin Ward (16-1), former world title challenger Jason Booth, Luke Wilton (15-3-1), Willy Velazquez (17-3-1), Omar Lamiri (17-3-1) before winning the IBF Interm Bantamweight title with a 6th round stoppage over Ryosuke Iwasa (19-1).
Haskins defended the IBF Bantamweight title with a 12-round unanimous decision over Ivan Morales (29-1). Savo paskutinio priepuolio, he once again defeated Hall (20-4-2) with 12-round unanimous decision on December 10, 2016 Londone.
It’s going to be a pleasure to box in Belfast in front of the great fans there,” - tarė Haskinsas. “I’ve watched a lot of Ryan and always thought he’s a great talent. He and Adam are going to be more than ready.
I am getting older but this is why we want fights like thistaking on young hungry fighters to show the world that I can rock it with the best and carry on being a World champion.
I think we have similar styles so it could be a game of chess. Adam has a lot of tricks up his sleeve so it’ll be a really interesting fight.
I’ve watched a lot of the big fights up here and the way that the fans here get behind their man is amazing, it’s something I think we miss in England. I think by the end of the night they’ll appreciate my ability.
Burnett will look to become a world champion in front of his hometown fans in Belfast.
Burnett, who is ranked number-12 by the IBF is 25 years-old and is a 4-year professional.
Burnett earned the opportunity with wins over Sergio Perez (4-1), Būdelė, Anthony Setoul (21-4), Cesar Ramirez (12-2), Ryan Farrag (16-2), and his bout when he won an eight-round decision over Joseafat Reyes on February 25th in Hull, Anglija.
I always dreamed of headlining in Belfast and now I have the opportunity to do it for a world titleI’m so excited,” - pasakė Burnettas.
Home advantage is going to be massive. I’ve been in the opposite corner when I fought Ryan Farrag in Liverpool and experienced that side of it. I got a little taste of it when I was on the undercard when Carl Frampton boxed Scott Quigg, when I came out everyone went crazy.
That felt like a home show! It gives you that extra spring in your step, I can only imagine what it’s going to be like in front of my home fans in Belfast. I can’t wait.
Lee Haskins has been about, he’s been in the game a long time so he’s probably been in this situation before. But the Belfast crowd are proper, they are very passionate for their fighter and will be making plenty of noise on the night for me.
I’m only 16-0, 25 metai. I’m still new to this level. But this is definitely the right fight for me at this stage of my career. I know I’m capable of stepping up.
Lee is very good, skilful. But I know he hasn’t fought anyone like me before and what I bring to the table. It’ll be interesting to see how he handles it.
The Faragg fight was one of my tougher tests, I fought the best Faragg. Adam Booth very happy with how I dealt with it. Looking back, it was a good learning fight for me.
Haskins vs. Hall was a close fight, I thought Haskins just edged it. It showed a lot of Lee’s character. Boxing under pressure. It wasn’t his best performance. Stuart Hall came with so much tenacity but I believe the right man won on the night.
I boxed a southpaw earlier this year in Hull and we’ll have plenty of southpaw sparring in the gym. We’ve already been sparring quite a bit to get me in the correct rhythm so I don’t think the stance will bother me much.
Adam Booth has been teaching me stuff that I didn’t even know existed! I thought I knew boxing, but when I went with Adam I quickly realized I didn’t know much at all. It’s been just over two years since I’ve been working with him. He’s taken away my bad habits and bringing me round to being a World class fighter.
Apie AWE LIVE Boksas

AWE LIVE Boksas funkcijos Live pasaulio čempionų titulą čempionatas ir eliminacija seansų pademonstruotų šiandien labiausiai jaudinančių kovotojai. Nuo baimės Live bokso įvykių pradžios 2011, AWE pasiūlė daugiau 50 pasaulio čempionų titulą kovoja.

AWE atvedė bokso gerbėjus į pačius įdomiausius ir prieštaringiausius mačus, įskaitant Ricky Burnso mačą su Ray Beltran dėl pasaulio čempionų titulo. AWE tiesiogiai ir išskirtinai vainikavo amerikietį Terence'ą Crawfordą per Ricky Burnsą. AWE gerbėjai patyrėme sprogmuo galia nenugalėtas sunkiasvoris Tyson Fury kelis kartus tinkle, įskaitant Fury pergalę prieš Kevin Johnson. Į 2017, „AWE“ buvo išskirtinė Jungtinių Valstijų televizijos tiekėja istoriniam mačui tarp legendinio britų sunkiasvorio Davido Haye ir Tony Bellewo..

Apie AWE – Pramogos turtas

Pramogos turtas (“AWE”) funkcijos platų gyvenimo būdo ir pramogų programavimas Nuo egzotinių kelionių ir piktinančius namuose gyventi Pasaulio čempionatas boksas. AWE yra prieinama daugiau nei šimte kabelių sistemų, įskaitant&T U Verse, CH 147 ir 1147 HD, "Verizon FiOS televizija, CH 169 ir 669 HD. ir „DirecTV“, CH 387.