תג ארכיון: אגרוף

אמן KO ג'וניור ללא משקל בלתי מנוצח, שו ארגשב, נוסף לג'ייקובס נגד. אריאס אנדרקארד


זה שצופה, 25-תחושת נוק-אאוט בת השנה שוג'הון “מצאצאי טמרליין” ארגגייב התווסף לתחת הכרטיס הלא ממותג של יום שבת, נובמבר 11, דני ג'ייקובס נגד. לואיס אריאס וג'ארל מילר נגד. אירוע אגרוף של מריוש וואך ב- NYCB LIVE: קולוסאום אנדרטת זיכרון הוותיקים בנסאו ביונידייל, ניו יורק.
ג'ייקובס לעומת. אריאס ומילר נגד. Wach מוצגים על ידי Matchroom Boxing USA, בשיתוף ספורט ברוקלין & בידור, מבצעים של Salita וספורט Roc Nation. זה ישודר בשידור חי באגרוף אליפות העולם ב- HBO החל מהשעה 10:00 p.m. ו/PT. כרטיסים ניתן לרכוש ב ticketmaster.com, NYCBLIVE.com, על ידי התקשרות 800-745-3000 או בקופות Ticketmaster בקולוסיאום.
נחשב לאחד הסיכויים הנוכחיים הטובים ביותר שיוצאים ממרכז אסיה, ארגגייב הפופולרי (9-0, 9 קוס) הוא אלוף המדינה לשעבר ארבע פעמים במדינת מולדתו. כאיש מקצוע, ה- Southpaw המסוכן ניצח את חמשת הקרבות האחרונים שלו בסיבוב הראשון.
“הגעתי לארה"ב כדי להראות שאני הלוחם הכי טוב בעולם,” אמר ארגשב. “אני מחפש את הנוקאאוט בכל קרב ו נובמבר 11 אינו שונה. זו הבמה הגדולה ביותר שלי ואעלה הצגה!”
להתכונן לקראת העימות שישה סיבובים שלו, ארגשייב מתאמן במכון הכושר Kronk בדטרויט אצל ג'וואן סוכר היל הידוע, שאומר שהוא נראה מפחיד בניתוח.
“הוא אגרוף גדול, עם אתלטיות טובה ופוטנציאל גדול,” אמר סטיוארד. “אני מצפה לעבוד איתו ולראות אותו מתפתח בחטיבת המשקל הרביעי העשיר בכישרונות.”
האמרגן דמיטריי סליטא אומר שאמנם ארגגייב הוא שם חדש בארצות הברית, הוא כבר ידוע בקהילה האוזבקית שלו.
“לשו יש את הכוח, כישורים וכריזמה להיות כוכב באיגרוף,” אמר את המילה. “יש לו גם קהל מעריצים נאמן מאוד. למרות שזה הקרב הראשון שלו בארה"ב, יהיו לו מאות אנשים מהקהילה שלו בעיר ניו יורק ומרחבי הארץ, ואפילו מרוסיה, בא לתמוך בו הלאה נובמבר 11.”
בהופעתו האחרונה, ביוני באקדמיה לאגרוף פלויד מייוות'ר בז'וקובקה, רוסיה, ארגשוב היה זקוק פחות מדקה כדי להפיל את היריב סונטולו רחמטולוב פעמיים ולעצור אותו ב 0:50 הסיבוב הראשון.

בפעולה אחרת באותו הלילה, שוטר המשטרה בניו יורק הבלתי מנוצח דימאש “ברק” ניאזוב (12-0, 5 קוס) יליד שימקנט, קזחסטן, מתגורר כעת בסטטן איילנד, ניו יורק, יילחם גם במאבק קל משקל שישה סיבובים על החלק הלא משודר של הכרטיס התחתון.

BROOKLYN BOXING בלונג איילנד הוא הרחבה של המותג BROOKLYN BOXING ™ של SE. לקבלת מידע נוסף, ביקור brooklynboxingshop.com.
כרטיסים לאירוע בשידור חי, במבצע עכשיו, ניתן לרכוש ב ticketmaster.com,NYCBLIVE.com או על ידי התקשרות 800-745-3000. ניתן לרכוש כרטיסים גם בקופות Ticketmaster בקולוסיאום.

אגרוף הנסיך ראנץ 'פולש למקסיקו מסמן סיכויים מובילים למבצעי סוכר

edwing דווילה, יצחק אוולר, מאירן סלאזר, ישראל ואצז, דניאל קולולה ודמיאן ווזקז
(משמאל לימין) צילום על ידי איגרוף צוות פרינס ראנץ '
לאס וגאס, NV (אוקטובר 24, 2017)איגרוף ראנץ הנסיך (PRB) חתמה על הסכמים ניהוליים עם ארבעה לקוחות פוטנציאליים בולטים ממקסיקו, משקל נוצה סופר edwing דווילה(16-0, 9 קוס), featherweights יצחק אוולר (13-0, 8 קוס), טיטליסט משקל נוצות של מקסיקו דניאל קולולה (12-1-2, 3 קוס), ונקבה מאירן סלאזר (6-2). כל הלוחמים הוחתמו דמיאן ואסקס’ “מבצעי סוכר” ויילחם כל הזמן בפנים Aguascalientes, מקסיקו.
“כישרון חתימה ממקסיקו הוא חלק חיוני למבצע שלי,” אמר גרג Hannely. “המטרה שלנו כאן בפרינס ראנץ 'אגרוף, זה שיהיה בסיס איתן של לוחמים ממקסיקו, בנוסף שיש להם כישרון גדול מאמריקה. מבצעי הסוכר יערכו מספר הופעות במקסיקו בשנים-עשרה החודשים הקרובים, אז בתור מקדם, הם מתאימים לחלוטין ללוחמי.”
מבצעי סוכר הציגו הופעה ראשונה בשבוע שעבר באגואסקאליינטס, מקסיקו. ההופעה הבאה שלהם תוזמן לפני סוף 2017.
דווילה, Avelar, קולולה ו סלאזר פופולריים מאוד במקסיקו ומבצעי הסוכר שמחים לחתום עליהם על הסכמי מבצע,” האמור אוסקר ואסקז. “המופע הבא שלנו שמתקיים בדצמבר יוכרז בקרוב. יש לי תוכניות גדולות לקידום מכירות של סוכר.”

Former Champion Devon Alexander Returns to Battle Tough Contender Walter Castillo in 147-Pound Showdown Headlining Premier Boxing Champions TOE-TO-TOE TUESDAYS on FS1 & BOXEO DE CAMPEONES on FOX Deportes from The Coliseum in St. פטרסבורג, פלורידה., ביום שלישי, נובמבר. 21

יותר! Unbeaten Miguel Cruz Clashes With David Grayton in
Co-אירוע מרכזי & Antonio Russell and Antuanne Russell Compete In Separate Bouts
ST. פטרסבורג, FL. – (אוקטובר 24, 2017) – Former 147-pound world champion דבון אלכסנדר will battle rugged contender וולטר קסטילו in the main event of Premier Boxing Champions ימי שלישי בוהן אל TOE על FS1 ו אלופות אגרוף על Deportes FOX יום שלישי, נובמבר. 21 from The Coliseum in St. פטרסבורג, Florida with televised coverage beginning at 8:00 p.m. ו/5:00 p.m. PT.
The 10-round bout will headline a show promoted by Warriors Boxing and Fire Fist Boxing Promotions and features a 10-round co-main event between unbeaten welterweight prospect מיגל קרוז against once-beaten דוד Grayton. Two of the fighting Russell brothers, Antonio and Antuanne, brothers of featherweight champion Gary Russell Jr., will enter the ring in separate six-round matches.
Tickets for the live event begin at $35 והם מוצעים עתה למכירה. לרכישת כרטיסי ביקור www.ticketmaster.com.
This show is packed with talent and should deliver a great night of boxing for fans in Florida and watching on FS1 and FOX Deportes,” אמר ליאון Margules, נשיא Warriors האיגרוף. “Devon Alexander is a former two-division champion on the comeback trail and he’ll be tested by Walter Castillo, who is always in exciting fights. Miguel Cruz and David Grayton are both hungry prospects looking to raise their status and Antuanne and Antonio Russell are hoping to follow their brother Gary on the path to a world title. I want to thank my partner Fire Fist Boxing Promotions, for their hard work to make this event happen in Florida.
The 30-year-old Alexander (26-4, 14 קוס) will end a two-year layoff due to health issues when he steps in against Castillo. אלכסנדר, סנט. לואיס, מיזורי, won the 147-pound world championship with a unanimous decision victory over Randall Bailey in 2012. He lost the title via unanimous decision against Shawn Porter the next year. אלכסנדר, אִטֵר, was a unified champion at 140-pounds and owns victories over Marcos Maidana, Lucas Matthysse and Jesus Soto Karass.
Two years is a long time to be away from something you love but I wanted to make sure when I come back that I would be 100 percent my old self,” Alexander said. “My last outings were not me, and a lot of my fans and people that know me are aware of that. I’ve been in constant training since then while getting my personal situation in order. Castillo is a good solid fight that is going to bring the best skills out of me. He’s not a slouch and he’s coming to fight. But it’s not about what Castillo coming to do. It’s about me making a statement to show people that I am still up there with the elite fighters, and I know that when I’m right, nobody can beat me.
After campaigning the last few years at 140 קילו, טירה (26-4-1, 19 קוס) is stepping up to 147 pounds to take on the former champion Alexander. The 29-year-old Castillo, של מנגואה, ניקרגואה, will be ending a 16-month layoff onנובמבר 21. Castillo lost by TKO to Sergey Lipinets in a 140-pound clash his last time out after previously fighting to a draw against Keita Obara in a title eliminator.
I think this could be one of my last great opportunities and I’m very excited for it,” סעיד קסטילו. “Devon Alexander is a great boxer and I will have to be at my very best. Even though I’ve been out of the ring, my condition will not be a problem. אני 100 percent ready to give Alexander trouble. I am working very hard on a game plan to stop Alexander shock everyone.
The unbeaten Cruz (16-0, 11 קוס) has been very busy in 2017 as he steps into the ring for his fourth fight this year. The 27-year-old welterweight from St. מרי, Florida scored a unanimous decision victory over Alex Martin in a rematch in his last fight on יוני 27 after earning a split-decision in their first fight and beating Ali Mammadov in between.
The 30-year-old Grayton (15-1-1, 11 קוס) is coming off a technical draw against former champion Kermit Cintron in his last fight on מרץ 17. Grayton, של וושינגטון הבירה, suffered the only loss of his career when he was stopped by technical knockout by Bryant Perrella on June 4, 2016 before returning to defeat Kareem Martin in August last year leading up to the Cintron fight.
# # #
Fans can live stream the fights on FOX Sports GO, available in English or Spanish through the FS1 or FOX Deportes feeds. The fights are available on desktop at FOXSportsGO.com and through the app store, or connected devices including Apple TV, Android TV, Fire TV, Xbox One and Roku. בנוסף, all programs are also available on FOX Sports on SiriusXM channel 83 on satellite radios and on the SiriusXM app.
עקוב בטוויטרPremierBoxing, @ FS1, FOXDeportes ו@Swanson_Comm והפך לאוהד בפייסבוק ב www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, ו www.facebook.com/foxdeportes. הבהרה זמינה ב www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC on FS1 & FOX Deportes is sponsored by Corona Extra, באר Finest.

ג'ואי Tiberi, ג 'וניור. takes on Justin Savi in main event on Saturday, November 11th at the Hockessin PAL in Hockessin, דלאוור

Lamont Singletary battles Hafiz Montgmery

Plus undefeated Murice Horne in action

לשחרורו מיידי

Hockessin, DE (אוקטובר 24, 2017) – פופולרי קל ג'ואי Tiberi יהיה מרובע את עם Justin Savi in the main event in an eight-round bout for the USBU Lightweight title at the Hockessin PAL ב Hockessin, דלאוור ב במוצאי שבת, November 11th.

Tiberi of Newark, יש דלאוור שיא של 15-2 עם שמונה knockouts.
The 31 year-old Tiberi is on a three fight winning streak, and coming off a 2nd round stoppage over Marlon Lewis on June 23rd in New Castle, דלאוור.
Savi of Silver Spring, Maryland by way of Cotonou, Benin has a record of 31-14-2 עם 21 knockouts.
Savi is a very accomplished 16-year veteran who is a former IBF Mediterranean Featherweight champion & WBC Silver Featherweight champion.
The 32 year-old Savi has wins over Dramane Nabaloum (28-2-3), Osumanu עקבה (15-1-1), Pastor Humberto Maurin (49-10), Cyril Thomas (36-3-4) &. Yacine Aberkane (11-0-3).
Savi is coming off a stoppage loss to Jeremy Cuevas on September 22nd בפילדלפיה.
בשיתוף התכונה שמונה-העגולה, סינגלרית למונט ייקח ב חפיז מונטגומרי for the USBU Cruiserweight title.
Singletary of Dover, יש דלאוור שיא של 8-2 עם חמישה knockouts.
The 32 year-old Singletary is a six-year professional, who has a win over undefeated Earl Platt (3-0). Singletary is coming off a no-contest with Ernest Reyna on June 23rd in New Castle, דלאוור.
Montgomery of Toms River, ל- NJ יש שיא של 4-1 עם שני knockouts.
The 36 year-old Montgomery is a two -year professional who is coming off his biggest win when he took a six-round majority decision over previously undefeated Austin Bryant on June 22nd in Durham, צפון קרוליינה.
In a six-round super bantamweight bout, Ariel Lopez (7-0, 5 קוס) of Puebla, Mexico will fight against Angel Carvajal (2-7) שיקגו, אילינוי.
בהתקפים ארבעה-עגולים:

Shamelle Baldwin will make her pro debut against Chrystal Beyers (0-1) of Ohio in a Welterweight bout.

Weusi Johnson (2-5) של Wilmington, DE will face Edgar Cortez (4-4) של Vineland, NJ in a super bantamweight fight.
Michael Crain of Smyrna, DE will make his pro debut against Anthony Woods (0-5) of Douglasville, GA in a middleweight bout.
Maurice Horne (1-0, 1 KO) של מידלטאון, DE battles an opponent to be named בתוך התקף כבד משקל קל.
Sonny Duversonne של אורלנדו, Florida will take on Dino Peralta of The Dominican Republic in a battle of pro debuting middleweights.

Brandon Mullins will make his pro debut in super middleweight bout against Greg Thomas (1-10) של פילדלפיה.

Warris Armany קווינס, ניו יורק תעשה את הופעת הבכורה מקצוענית שלו נגד Joshua Cook (0-1) ניוארק, NJ in a welterweight contest.

Tickets for this outstanding night of boxing range from $60 להודאה של כללית ($65 בדלת) ו $45 להודאה של כללית ($50 בדלת) וניתן לרכוש על ידי קריאה 302-540-7203, 302-339-0648 או 302-650-8678.
Service members will receive a $10 discount with ID

2016 Olympic bronze medalist Nico Hernandez To fight for first pro title, דצמבר. 2 at home vs. Hungarian invader Jozsef “אדום קטן” Ajtai

“אגרוף KO הלילה: זהב & גלורי” ב הרטמן ארנה בפארק סיטי, KS
ניקו הרננדז
Tony Schock / GS Memory Maker

פארק סיטי, KANSAS (אוקטובר 23, 2017) – 2016 מדליסט ארד אולימפי ניקו הרננדז will be fighting for his first professional title on יום שבת, דצמבר 2, when he takes on Hungarian invaderJozsef “אדום קטן” Ajtai באירוע המרכזי של שמונה הסיבובים של איגוד האיגרוף הבינלאומי הפנוי (רשות השידור) Flyweight Championship, כִּתרוּת “אגרוף KO הלילה: זהב & גלורי” ב הרטמן ארנה בפארק סיטי, קנזס.

“אגרוף KO הלילה: זהב & גלורי” הוא מצגת של LLC איגרוף לילה KO., בשיתוף עם הרטמן ארנה, ו תמיכה חלקית Twister סיטי הארלי דייווידסון PCS מטרו, בר הסיגרים של מורט ו Jimmy Egg.

הפעולה תכוסה בסרט חי עבור שידור בעתיד ברשת ספורט CBS.
The 21-year-old Hernandez (3-0, 2 קוס), נלחמים מתוך Wichita, will be fighting in a scheduled eight-round bout for the first time. His three pro fights to date were all scheduled for six rounds and each was held in Kansas, the last two in his second home, ארט הרטמן.
In his last fight this past September 23rd, Hernandez was forced to fight late replacement Kendrick “Uprising” Latchman who outweighed the celebrated American Olympian by more than 10 קילו. Hernandez won a six-round unanimous decision by scores of 60-54 ו 59-55 פעמיים.
Despite being younger than Hernandez by almost a year to the day, Ajtai (19-9, 12 קוס) has already had 28 קרבות פרו, including a full 10-round distance loss by decision last year to two-time Olympic gold medalist שימינג זו, ארגון האיגרוף העולמי לשעבר (WBO) אלוף העולם באגרוף במשקל זבוב.
By far, Nico is fighting the toughest opponent of his pro career,” הרננדז’ אמרגן John Andersen (“KO Night Boxing LLC) אמר. “Ajtai has much more experience as a pro than Nico, plus he went the distance against a two-time Olympic gold medalist, Zou. Ajtai is a busy fighter with a good knockout ratio (63%). This fight is going to tell us a lot about Nico, especially his power at 112 קילו.
Nico fighting for a title in only his fourth pro fight proves that all our hard efforts of KO Night Boxing and Team Nico has paid off quickly and we’re grateful that the IBA has given him this great opportunity. I didn’t realize the high quality of champions the IBA has had in the past and we’re proud that Nico can someday join this group. In the flyweight division, Nico may enter world title fight shot discussions earlier than I had originally thought, which was in his third year as a pro. An impressive performance against Ajtai could position him for a world title fight next year with less than 10 fights under his belt.
We’re excited to have an American Olympian fighting for our first Americas title,” IBA PresidentJ.C. קישוא הוסיף. “Nico Hernandez is an Olympic bronze medalist and we’re hopeful that he will develop into an IBA world champion in the not too distant future. His amateur pedigree speaks for itself and we’re very happy to have this young man fighting for the IBA Americas title.
IBA world champions during the past quarter-century include Hall-of-Famers אוסקר דה לה הויה,ג'ורג 'פורמן, רוברטו דוראן ו ארטורו גאטי, וכן כוכבים כגון רוי ג'ונס, ג 'וניור,ברנרד הופקינס, שיין מוזל, ג'יימס Toney, מיקל קסלר, אריק מוראלס, דייגו קוראלס, חוזה לואיס קסטיו, גלן ג'ונסון ו אנטוניו Tarver.
Other fights on the “זהב & גלורי” card will soon be announced. כל הקרבות והלוחמים כפופים לשינוי.
כרטיסים לצאת למכירה מחר (יום שלישי, אוקטובר. 24 @ 12 p.m. CT) בקופות ארנה הרטמן http://www.ticketmaster.com/מקום / 50,551?מותג = הרטמן. מחירים $115.00 (VIP), $75.00, $50.00, $35.00, $25.00 ו $20.00 (המחירים אינם כוללים דמי שירות) .
זוהי לכל הגילים להראות. פתיחת דלתות בשעה 5:00 p.m. CT עם התקף הפתיחה המתוכנן ב 6:00 p.m. CT.
טוויטר: @KONightBoxing, @IBABoxing
פייסבוק: /NeonStar, /IBABoxing
עקוב @Nicomhernandez בטוויטר Instagram


An Examination Of Joshua’s Career Progression Toward Heavyweight Championship & Unification Written and Narrated By Steve Farhood

Anthony Joshua vs. קרלוס טקאם | יום שבת, אוקטובר. 28

חי על ההצגה מתחילה® ב 5 p.m. ו / 2 p.m. PT


אשראי תמונה: אסתר לין / שואוטיים


מה: International Boxing Hall of Famer and historian Steve Farhood examines the career of Unified Heavyweight World Champion Anthony Joshua in advance of his title defense against IBF mandatory challenger Carlos Takam on יום שבת, אוקטובר. 28live on SHOWTIME from Principality Stadium in Cardiff, ויילס.


In the latest edition of the SHOWTIME Sports® digital series “Ring Resume,” Farhood takes an in-depth look at Joshua’s career beginning with his 2015 showdown with then-unbeaten Gary Cornish. The six-fight examination culminates with his career-defining win over Wladimir Klitschko to unify the division earlier this year.


The אוקטובר. 28 ההצגה מתחילה אליפות אגרוף® telecast begins live at 5 p.m. ו/2 p.m. PT with ringside analysis in Cardiff where nearly 80,000 fans are expected to fill the Welsh national stadium.

Rahman Junior Opponent Chickens Out in Ring, Seconds Before Scheduled Fight

The young career of heavyweight contender Hasim Rahman Jr. took an unexpected turn last week, as his scheduled opponent, Joseph Coats, decided not to fight, while in the ring during the introductions and literally left the ring and returned to the locker room.
The four-round Rahman vs. Coats bout was supposed to happen at The Durham Armory in Downtown Durham, צפון קרוליינה, last Thursday, אוקטובר 19. עם זאת, the debuting Coats, trained by reputable trainer Don Turner, initially refused to come out of the locker room. Forty minutes later, Coats finally agreed to get on with the fight only to leave Rahman waiting in the ring for nearly 10 minutes while chickening out for a second time.
He now faces suspension.
Event promoter Michelle Rosado (Raging Babe Events) and matchmaker J Russell Peltz (מבצעי פלץ אגרוף, בע"מ) were as perplexed as Rahman’s promoter, גרג כהן, by Coatssudden departure.
Russell told me in his 48 years in the sport, he NEVER saw anything like this,” אמר כהן. “A fighter in the ring rethinks his choice and leaves. I’m told he was out of the building before the announcer finished explaining to the crowd what happened.
Cohen says he already has the next fight scheduled for the promising slugger Rahman Jr., נובמבר 4 בספרינגפילד, וירג'יניה, in a co-promotion with Shabazz Brotherz Boxing Promotions.

Junior showed class and poise in the way he handled this and he’s to be commended. Sometimes in boxing, strange things happen and this is one of those times.


Unified and undefeated heavyweight Champion Anthony Joshua spoke to members of the media on a SHOWTIME-hosted conference call to discuss his upcoming title defense against IBF mandatory challenger Carlos Takam. The fight will be televised LIVE on SHOWTIME at 5 p.m. ו/2 p.m. PT from Principality Stadium in Cardiff, ויילס.


The British sensation Joshua (19-0, 19 קוס) and Takam (35-3-1, 27 קוס) will meet in front of what is expected to be more than 70,000 boxing at Welsh’s national stadium.


Here is what Joshua had to say on the call:



“We’re back again אוקטובר 28 against Carlos Takam. I could say a million things about Takam because I’m studying him. בסופו של היום, there’s two things that I’m focusing on. One is that it’s just like another fight and the second is winning. Then we can all move on to see what 2018 מחזיק. I’m sure that’s going to be a promising year.”


On his viewpoint of how he felt when opponent was changed from Kubrat Pulev to Carlos Takam:

“I was a bit baffled. You know how it is when you’re a fighter, you say ‘I’m going to fight with one arm, one eye, one leg.’ I didn’t expect him to stand down the opportunity but I do understand that he wanted to be 100 אחוזים. כַּיוֹם, there’s a lot of science to the sport so he probably had to get advice from his doctors, so I get it. But it’s a shame because there was just something about Pulev and wanting to outclass him. My mindset with Takam…I don’t know. He’s veteran where you take a lot to give a lot. It’s just switching up my mindset about the style of fight I’m going to engage in now. That was the main disappointment.”


On his thoughts about some point fighting in the U.S.:

“I’m excited. אני מאוד מתרגש. I would love to fight the great champions that the United States has produced. באותו הזמן, I’ll fight anywhere. I’m fine staying in the UK, but America’s definitely at the top of the pyramid for sure. The thing is, before I wanted to go out there for the experience but now I want to go out there and make me some money. For what fight, that’s what’s going to be interesting.”


On if he foresees a showdown with Deontay Wilder in 2018:

“Anytime. I think so. I think he’s what the division needs and I think this is what Wilder needs, so we’ll give it to them. I say it’s definitely a potential for 2018. What else am I going to do in 2018 provided that I don’t have any mandatories? I’ll be a free agent. If dealt with right with Eddie Hearn and the U.S., I think it could be built to be something just like the Klitschko fight. It should be better.”


On if he foresees the Wilder fight being in the U.S.:

"I think so. I could tell you a million things but the reason I’m saying that is because I do have some real professional people in the background advising me as well. I can see it happening in the U.S. If you came to Wembley on אפריל 29, you saw what that was like. It was phenomenal. That was really good. So do we want to create that again or should we go overseas and do something new? It’s good to have options.”


On the timeline of events and mindset after Takam was announced as the replacement for Pulev:

“There was no doubt in my mind that I would still fight. If Eddie had opponents lined up, I was definitely still going to fight. There was no point in my mind where I thought that I’m not going to compete or didn’t know what I was going to do. A real bonus is that I always work on myself in the gym so I haven’t had like 100 Pulev clones coming to the gym. I haven’t been working just solely on the style to defeat Pulev. I’ve been working on improving on my weaknesses and building on my strengths. אז, when I heard I wasn’t going to be fighting him and that the next guy in line was Takam, it was like OK, cool, because I’ve still been developing myself anyways.


“You could put me with anyone. What I’ve worked on in the gym and what I’ve built myself two of these last three months, I should be able to fight anyone. I’m just happy that I don’t have to wait because it probably would have been March or April. That would have been a year out of the ring. I don’t think now is the time to be taking that much time out so I’m really grateful that the show could still go on.”


On if from a fighter’s perspective there’s financial pressure involved in whether or not the show should go on regardless of the replacement:

"לא. When I look at Pulev. He was getting the pay day. He had to make the decision. From a fighter’s point of view, you have to put the fighter first. From a second point of view, I don’t want to take the opportunity from a lot of my friends on the undercard because they’re not going to make their money. Then you’ve got to think of the fans as well because there’s so many people that book hotels, נסיעות, time off work. Before I think of myself, I think of all these other people that have come out to have a good time and are dependent on me. So that’s why I said I’m really happy that the show could go on, not just for me. A lot of people would have lost out that night.”


On his reaction to Deontay Wilder claiming nobody wants to fight him after Luis Ortiz pulled out:

"[Laughing] When I heard Pulev pulled out, I was going to do the same thing. I thought that’s what the champions are doing these days. I find it funny. It’s like Twitter fingers now. Like doing your business behind closed doors. Ortiz failed a drug test, שיהיה, move onto the next one. Ortiz comes off his ban and you box him then. No need to cry about it and say that nobody wants to fight you. Of course we want to fight you, you’re the champion. You’re the hunted. He just needs to start thinking that way and stop feeling sorry for himself. Just keep quiet and don’t show any weakness in this game. This is heavyweight boxing. This ain’t featherweight boxing.”


On why he thinks Deontay Wilder needs a potential heavyweight showdown more than he does:

“I fought Jason Gavern in maybe my 12ה מאבק. Deontay Wilder is fighting in his 34ה fight maybe his 35ה מאבק. Where I’m coming from is that in a career, it’s all good going undefeated and looking good. But when it’s all said and done, how are people going to remember you? He hasn’t had any memorable fights. He needs a real remarkable fight to stamp his name in the history books of heavyweight boxing. He needs that more right now. Especially being in America. זה המכה של אגרוף. I even need it. I need Wilder to have a remarkable fight. I need to be the one that steps up to make this dream a reality. I would be honored to go out there and compete with Wilder.”


On what he’s learned from almost being defeated by Klitschko:

“Now when I watch boxing, I watch it completely different. When you watch a George Foreman and Ron Lyle kind of fight or an Ali and Foreman fight where a bit of their soul and spirit disappears, I always wondered how they were doing it and how they were taking those shots. You always question how, why, and what makes people do what they do. Until I went through it, I would always watch boxing but now I don’t just watch it, I understand it. I know the thing that you can’t be taught is how to survive in the trenches. I just feel like my heart is very big and I wear it on my sleeve in this sport.


“It’s just that mindset. I’m willing to do whatever it takes to win, that’s one thing. I just realized as well what the division needs because I think the masses of people can relate to a boxer’s life. It’s labor, you’re up early, working, you’re resting and providing for your family. There’s also the glitz and glamor of getting money but that disconnects from so many people. The wealthy people are one percent of the world, so people just want to see you fight. They want to see you go to war. That’s another thing I’ve learned…what people want and desire for in this sport to kind of bring the attention back to boxing. I don’t just do it, I don’t just watch it, I really understand it. I know what to do to deliver.”


On if he thinks he’s the biggest attraction in boxing and comfortable with shouldering that responsibility:

“I’m going to keep it humble because there’s still people in this sport that I look up to. I love Kovalev, I love Alexander Ustinov. From a talent perspective, I don’t know if I’m as talented, but I hustle the smartest. I work the hardest. You can’t deny that. We’re all carrying this weight. Even promoters are carrying this weight it’s not just me. We all have different attributes.”


On the challenges Takam presents as compared to Pulev:

“To have a style like Takam’s, not a lot of people have long careers. He just eats up a little bit of ground each round. He could throw a jab, right hand to the head, left hook, right hook and be looking good and all of a sudden, everything he’s doing wasn’t working because the person you’re fighting is still coming. אז, I think by round six, seven or eight he starts applying pressure because he’s got that type of fighter with the ‘I’m going to absorb and measure everything you do’ mindset which is a dangerous style.


“I’ve fought Breazeale, מולינה, and Klitschko and for Kubrat Pulev I’ve focused on a lot of taller fighters. They say Carlos Takam fights at 6-foot-2, but he probably fights at 6-foot bent down and crouched over. הכל מהכל, what goes down in the history books is whether I win or lose. I just got to do whatever I got to do to get this win. Because it’s really important for me and the sport of boxing because it sets up several fights in the future.”


On if the fight with Takam is tougher than what Pulev would have presented:

“I think he’s tougher and can take more but I don’t think he’s smarter for that reason. What’s going to be tougher…the smarter fighter who’s going to make me think more or the guy who’s going to make me run? That’s what’s going to be interesting. I think I definitely might see him in the future.”


On being compared to Lennox Lewis:

“It’s an honor at this stage. I’m going to do some research and see where Lennox was at in terms of career building going into his 20ה מאבק. I feel like Lennox is definitely someone I can learn from. If you gave me a list of boxers I could learn from, I would put Lennox in my top 10, 100 אחוזים. If I can perfect that jab. This is what we’re doing, this is the journey we’re on. It’s interesting because either you’re the next Lennox or the next Tyson or you’re nobody in boxing. It’s a tough sport so if I can be compared to these legends of the game, we’re definitely moving in the right direction. I’m not here calling myself the next Lennox. This is what I’m hearing. But we’re moving in the right direction.


On if he’s spent any time around Lennox Lewis and if he’s made any comments on his career:

“I was around Lennox when I was trying to make the decision about turning professional. Lennox gave me advice more about career building. So I went through Matchroom, who’s done that for a long time. אחרי זה, I kind of locked myself away and have just been focusing on my fight game. If there’s any advice I could take from Lennox it would be for my fight game because I do need to develop skills for sure.”


On if there’s a timetable to unify the title and if so does Deontay Wilder need to have a great fight to build the hype:

“There’s no time scale. You kind of just roll with the punches. We were fighting for the British title and then the Charles Martin opportunity presented itself. Then the Klitschko fight presented itself. And now we have a mandatory and you have to take that so we’re rolling with the punches, but there’s opportunities above him in the background. Deontay Wilder doesn’t need a better performance to compete. He’s a heavyweight, he’s a champion. He’s winning and that speaks enough. We have to give credit where credit is due so if that’s the case, that will definitely be respected for sure.”


On if Deontay Wilder is a priority:

“That guy’s been a professional since 2009. I started boxing in 2008. He’s been a professional a year longer than I’ve been boxing my whole career. He needs these fights. It’s a different ballgame. The only thing that’s given me credibility is the fact that I’ve gone and unified the division. He doesn’t need to have a remarkable performance or fight any household name because he’s been doing this for so long.


“I think the reason why he’s more desperate is because boxing writers have called him out. Who’s the next person on the list? Attach your name to the best brand in the business and people will listen so he’s just calling me out because he knows I’m the hot take in the business right now. He’s just doing what any businessman would do. I look at my situation and say after this Takam situation, what does the WBA say about a mandatory situation? Only God knows what could happen with my situation. I always look at it from a realistic point of view.


“I’ll fight Wilder next year and make it a priority 100 אחוזים. There’s no doubt about that. But I’m going to be real and say these are the reasons why he’s probably doing what he’s doing. It could potentially happen but maybe not the next fight I have because of certain mandatories. Or do I just say I’m going to give up my belt because it’s what he wants or what I want? We have to make a careful decision in the making of this fight.”

EDDIE HEARN, Joshua’s Promotor, Matchroom אגרוף

“We’re just over a week away from another huge event as Stephen [Espinoza] אמר. Seventy-five thousand people at the biggest indoor boxing event in Europe of all time. It’s going to be an incredible atmosphere and just a wonderful night of boxing. I think with Floyd’s [Mayweather] departure from the sport, he is unquestionably the biggest star in the world of boxing. The amount of interest in him has been incredible. We will of course thank SHOWTIME after the sixth episode of Anthony Joshua’s world championship career. Thank you to Stephen and all the guys at SHOWTIME and their effort. It’s extremely valued for myself and Anthony. And for the fight next week, Carlos Takam replaces Pulev. Anthony’s been training for a 6-foot-5, full-ranging awkward guy and now we have a 6-foot-2 little guy who’s going to come at you non-stop. Jabbing, punching, overhand right, hook, relentless pressure. He’s going to come across Anthony Joshua looking absolutely the best he’s ever looked in camp. We can’t wait for a wonderful show.”


On his desires to bring Anthony Joshua to the U.S. to defend the heavyweight title:

“He’s definitely on the radar. Like Anthony said, it’s definitely part of the scrapbook to be produced in the years to come. If you want to try and change the game and break down boundaries, that includes America, Africa and the Middle East as well. It’s hard to leave the UK with 75,000 ל 90,000 people compared to what the U.S. הוא. But Anthony Joshua is a global brand. He’s not British heavyweight champion, he’s a world heavyweight champion. The key now is to get the win on אוקטובר 28 and then in the weeks that follow, put our plans together for 2019 and hopefully America is included in that.”


On if working with Danny Jacobs changes his work with Joshua and if he anticipates Joshua staying on SHOWTIME despite Deontay Wilder’s connection to the network:

“Absolutely. We appreciate the way they’re building Anthony Joshua’s brand. Matchroom Boxing is one business and Anthony Joshua is another business. Anthony has involvement in our U.S. business as well. סופו של דבר, this is the channel that he fights on. He’s not dependent on Matchroom Boxing USA. We’ll do the right thing for Anthony.”


סטפן אספינוזה, סגן נשיא בכיר & מנהל כללי, ספורט ואוטיים


“This will be the fifth Anthony Joshua fight that will be telecast on SHOWTIME here in the states. We’re very proud of our association with A.J. and with Matchroom and it is part of giving fans the biggest fights and the best fighters. A.J. definitely fits that criteria. He is without a doubt the consensus No. 1 heavyweight in the world. We last saw him in April in a thrilling, career-defining fight and knockout of Wladimir Klitschko in front of a record crowd of 90,000 אנשים. That fight was broadcast in over 150 מדינות, including live in the U.S. על ההצגה מתחילה. ב אוקטובר. 28 we expect another spectacle of similar scale. He’s got an experienced challenger and we expect a rabid crowd of 70,000 and we are proud to bring it you on SHOWTIME starting live at 5 p.m. Eastern and 2 p.m. פסיפיק.

Former World Champion Ishe Smith Clashes With Top 154-Pound Contender Julian “J-רוק” Williams In Super Welterweight Showdown Headlining Premier Boxing Champions on Bounce Live from The Chelsea Inside The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas on Saturday, נובמבר. 18

Lionell Thompson Duels Earl Newman In Light Heavyweight Co-Featured Attraction & Tugstsogt Nyambayar Meets Xavier Martinez in Battle of
Unbeaten Prospects
כרטיסים למכירה עכשיו!
לאס וגאס (אוקטובר 23, 2017) – אלוף עולם לשעבר Ishe סמית battles top 154-pound contender ג'וליאן “J-רוק” וויליאמס in a 10-round super welterweight clash that headlines Premier Boxing Champions on Bounce live from The Chelsea inside The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas on יום שבת, נובמבר 18.
בשיתוף התכונה, Lionell תומפסון clashes with unbeaten prospect ארל ניומן בהתקף במשקל כבד אור 10-עגול. סיקור טלוויזיוני מתחיל ב 9 p.m. ו/6 p.m. PT with unbeaten prospects Tugstsogt Nyambayar ו חאווייר מרטינז going head-to-head in a 10-round featherweight fight.
This card is going to bring it,” said Mayweather Promotions CEO Leonard Ellerbe. “The fans will be presented with variety; veterans and prospects going head-to-head and tough fighting styles meshing come fight night. The main event between Ishe Smith and Julian Williams is going to be an exciting battle! I think Ishe and Julian are going to put on a great show. Both fighters are very tough competitors and fight with everything they have. We also have a great undercard line-up. This is going to be an all-around exciting night of boxing for the fans.
This is the kind of show that presents something for every boxing fan,” said Tom Brown, נשיא מבצעי TGB. “Ishe Smith is a former champion who still has title aspirations. He’s going up against a young hungry contender on the comeback trail in Julian Williams. Earl Newman will be taking a major step up when he takes on Lionell Thompson in the co-feature and both Tugstsogt Nyambayar and Xavier Martinez will be looking to keep their undefeated records intact. It all adds up to a fun night for boxing fans.
כרטיסים לאירוע בשידור חי, המקודם על ידי מבצעי Mayweather ומבצעי TGB, מתומחרים ב $29, $39, $59, $69, $89 ו $149 והם מוצעים עתה למכירה. כרטיסים ניתן לרכוש ב www.cosmopolitanlasvegas.com or through Ticketmaster at (800) 745-3000 וwww.ticketmaster.עם.
The 39-year-old Smith (29-8, 12 קוס) won his world championship with a majority decision over Cornelius Bundrage on Feb. 23, 2013 to become the first Las Vegas-native to win a world title. He has also challenged top fighters such as Erislandy Lara and Daniel Jacobs and most recently defeated Tommy Rainone and Frank Galarza in his last two bouts.
I took this fight just like I’ve taken every tough fight over the years,” אמר סמית '. “I constantly challenge myself to the best and I believe Julian Williams is one of the best in the division. If you look at my resume, all I’ve done is fight the best guys, in their prime, so this is nothing new to me. I’ve reached the point where I’ve seen it all. This fight will get me exactly where I need to be, closer to a world title shot.
וויליאמס (23-1-1, 15 קוס), one of the top young contenders in the 154-pound division, is working his way back into title contention by taking on a tough former world champion in Smith. The 27-year-old Williams of Philadelphia suffered a KO loss to Jermall Charlo in his first title shot in 2016 and returned to the ring with a TKO victory over Joshua Conley in his last fight on יוני 30.
We’ve been working hard for months and I’m ready to get back in the ring,” אמר ויליאמס. “I could fight מחר. I know this is an important fight for my career. Ishe is a veteran and he is going to bring his ‘Agame to try to prove he’s still got it. I’m not going to give him that opportunity. I will be victorious and show that I’m ready to fight the best in the world.
Lionell תומפסון (18-4, 11 קוס) is on the trail of a 175-pound world championship and he hasn’t taken the easy road, having challenge the likes of Sergey Kovalev and Radivoje Kalajdzic in his pro career. The 32-year-old out of Buffalo, N.Y.. is coming off a knockout victory over Steve Lovett in his last fight on פבואר. 24. The last time he fought at the Cosmopolitan, he defeated Donovan George by unanimous decision on Sept. 16, 2016.
Unbeaten prospect Earl Newman (10-0-1, 7 קוס) will be taking a big step forward in taking on his toughest competition to date in Thompson. The 26-year-old Brooklyn-native is coming off a split draw against Paul Parker on שבע. 19 after winning his first 10 קרבות פרו.
A 2012 Olympic Silver medalist from Mongoloa, Tugstsogt Nyambayar (8-0, 8 קוס) now fights out of Carson, קליפורניה. The 25-year-old turned pro in March of 2015 with a first round knockout of Gabriel Braxton. מאז, Nyambayar has stopped every opponent in his path, including most recently scoring a 10הround TKO over Jhon Gemino in February.
The unbeaten 19-year-old prospect Xavier Martinez (9-0, 5 קוס) will face his toughest test as a pro when he enters the ring on נובמבר 18. Representing Sacramento, Martinez has scored two victories in 2017 having stopped Jesus Aguinaga in September after earning a decision over then unbeaten Prince Smalls in June.
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Montgomery Brothers, Maliek, מיכאיל & Michael Jr. All Score TKO’s in Their Hometown

MACON, GA (אוקטובר 22, 2017)The Montgomery Brothers, Maliek, מיכאיל, and Michael Jr, who are guided by Witness Sports Management’s גרג Hannely ו Jared Shaw, all scored knockout victories last night at the Shrine Temple, in Macon, גאורגיה, their hometown.
Maliek Montgomery (2-0, 2 קוס) שלט Calvin Smith (2-12), winning by 3rd round TKO. Mikhail Montgomery (1-0 1 KO), destroyed Tony Jones, scoring an impressive 2ndround TKO. Michael Montgomery Jr. (2-0, 2 קוס) ניצח Edwin Aceves (0-2) עם 3rd WHO.
It was great fighting in our hometown and getting a knockout was exactly what I wanted to do.said Maliek Montgomery. “My career is off to a great start and I look forward to getting right back in the ring.
I wanted to make a statement in my pro debut,” stated Mikhail Montgomery. “Getting a first round knockout lets me know I have some power. I still have a long way to go, but I’m confident in my quest to make a name for myself. It’s rare that we have professional boxing shows in Macon, so I’m glad I was able to fight in front of my family and friends.
My younger brothers and I wanted to come out and show our hometown fans that we are the future of boxing.Michael Montgomery Jr. אמר “We all have that power the fans want to see. I’m happy that I got another knockout to start my career.
My sons showed up in our hometown,” אמר Michael Montgomery Sr.I’m always pushing my boys to go the extra mile in the gym and the hard work is paying off. They showed they have the power to stop their opponents. On Monday we’ll be right back in the gym.
I’m extremely happy that all three Montgomery brothers were able to stop their opponents,” אמר גרג Hannely. “Their father, Michael Montgomery Sr., is doing a great job training his boys. They all have exciting styles that fans want to see. Jared and I will be looking to get them back in the ring before the end of the year.
When we signed the Montgomery brothers, I knew they were going to be crowd pleasing fighters,” said co-manager Jared Shaw. “There is nothing boring about all three brothers. Boxing needs fighters like the Montgomery brothers, action type fighters that will always put on a great show.