Архіви: бокс

RING RESUME: Deontay Уайлдером



An Examination Of Wilder’s Career From Olympic Bronze-Medalist To Undefeated WBC Heavyweight Champion Written and Narrated By Steve Farhood

To View and Share, Клікніть Тут: http://s.sho.com/2z8cRt5

Deontay Wilder vs. Золотий кубок | Субота, Листопад. 4

Жити на SHOWTIME® На 9 p.m. І / 6 p.m. PT


Фото кредит: Естер Лін / Showtime


ЩО: International Boxing Hall of Famer and historian Steve Farhood examines the career of WBC Heavyweight Champion Deontay Wilder in advance of his world title rematch defense against mandatory challenger Bermane Stiverne on Субота, Листопад. 4жити на SHOWTIME (9 p.m. І/6 p.m. PT) від Barclays Center, будинок BROOKLYN BOXING ™.


In the latest edition of the SHOWTIME Sports® digital series “Ring Resume,” Farhood takes an in-depth look at Wilder’s career beginning with his 2012 SHOWTIME debut knockout of then-unbeaten Kelvin Price. The nine-fight examination includes his 2015 world title fight against his Листопад. 4 противник, Золотий кубок, and his sensational 2016 Knockout of the Year candidate against Artur Szpilka.


ЧЕМПІОНАТ БОКСУ® telecast will be available in Spanish via secondary audio programming (SAP).

Селіна “Aztec Queen” Barrios Assembles Dynamic Team

Фото команди Барріос
Сан-Антоніо, Техас (Жовтень 31, 2017)After two pro fights, super-lightweight female sensation, Селіна “Aztec Queen” Околиці (2-0, 1 KO), who hails from San Antonio, Техас, has assembled a dynamic team to help guide her the pinnacle of women’s boxing.
Доктор. Charles Campbell і його син Colin Campbell from Corpus Christi, Техас, will co-manage Selina Barrios. Colin will handle the day to day operations, while Dr. Charles will help guide her career as a boxer, and personal pursuits in her professional life.
My son Colin and I are very excited to be working with such a talented fighter like Selina Barrios.said Dr. Charles Campbell. “Selina has the one element in boxing that all fans want to see, and that’s punching power. На додаток, Selina has the mindset you look for in a fighter. The fact that she’s willing to fight a standout amateur like Zarina Tsoloyeva, in only her third pro fight, says it all.
Selina is the type of fighter that everyone in boxing should rally behind,” Colin Campbell stated. “She’s overcome a lot of adversity to get where she’s at today, and the girl can fight. She’s certainly more exciting then most of the male boxers we see on TV today. Selina was born to be on the big stage, and with her fighting style, she will become a fan favorite as soon as they see her fight.
Kerry Daigle, from Baton Rouge, Луїзіана, who runs Keeppunching Entertainment, will stay on has Barriosadvisor / consultant, and aid in getting Selina in the biggest fights that women’s boxing can provide.
Several promoters are seeking to work with Keeppunching Entertainment and Selina Barrios because she might be the most TV friendly female fighter в 20 роки, with the opportunity to sell out venues, even better then male counterparts.said Kerry Daigle.
Selina’s step dad Martin Barrios, who has been in her corner since she was a top amateur, will serve as the chief trainer. He played a significant role in helping Selina acquire an astonishing amateur record of (80-3), in addition to her sustaining an undefeated record as a pro.
Selina is a tremendous fighter with the punching power to change a fight with one shot.Martin Barrios stated. “I’m not just saying that because she’s my daughter, I’ve seen her destroy folks in the gym. I’m super happy that I was able to get Mr. Dailge to believe in Selina. I know with his connections and Selina’s talent, we as a team, can do something special in women’s boxing.
Rick Nunez, will oblige as the assistant trainer. Nunez, з Сан-Антоніо, Техас, has worked side by side with Martin, helping Selina become one of the most dangerous fighters in women’s boxing.
With women’s boxing on the rise, Selina now has everything set in place to become a big star in the sport,” Rick Nunez stated. “You need a solid team behind you to make it in boxing, and that’s exactly what we have now moving forward.
Моріс “Termite” Уоткінс from Houston, Техас, і Ben Flores, Корпус-Крісті, Техас, will share duties as camp coordinators to the trainers. Уоткінс, who fought in the lightweight division as a professional in the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s, had a spectacular record of (61-5-1, 42 КО).
Selina’s younger brother, undefeated super-lightweight contender, Маріо Барріос (20-0, 12 КО), has been in awe of his sister since she was as dominate amateur.
Growing up, my sister was the best fighter in every tournament we entered.” Саїд Маріо Барріос. “She literally wrecked everyone in her weight class. It wasn’t until I was a late teen that I was able to hang with her. I love my sister and I know with the powerful team that she has behind her now, she can become a world champion.
Енн Вулф, who was one of the most devastating punchers in women’s boxing history, has been a big fan of Selina since her days as a dominate amateur. Wolf has seen Selina destroy her competition while fighting in the amateurs.
Selina Barrios is a beast,” said former world champion Ann Wolf. “I haven’t seen anything like her since my days as a professional boxer. She definitely has the talent to become a multiple world champion.
I’m looking forward toward a great career, that I hope will last many years,” said Selina Barrios. “I have a great team behind me now, I know if I put in the hard work, everything will work out, and my dreams will come true.

31багаторічне кільце 8 Свято Подія & Церемонія нагородження грудня. 10 в Нью-Йорку

Василь Ломаченко, Евандер Холіфілд, Майкл Конлан,
Маркус Браун, Аманда Серрано серед 2017 Нагороди
Василь Ломаченко (R) – 2017 Кільце 8 Мухаммед Алі Міжнародний боєць року)
(фото люб'язно надано Top Rank – більше фотографій нижче)
НЬЮ-ЙОРК (Жовтень 31, 2017) – The 31вулиця річне кільце 8 Свята Святкові і церемонія нагородження відбудеться Неділя після полудня (12:30-5:30 p.m. І), Грудня 10, на Руссо On The Bay в Howard Beach, Нью-Йорк.
Кільце 8 оголосила про 2017 Нагороди (см повний список нижче), Чемпіон світу у легкій вазі за версією WBO та дворазовий золотий призер Олімпійських ігор Василь “Привіт Тех” Ломанченко (Мухаммед Алі Міжнародний боєць року), Хол-оф-Слави Евандер “The Real Deal” Холіфілд (Премія Легенди), дворазовий ірландський Олімпієць Майкл Конлан (Міжнародна премія "Перспектива року"), 2012 U.S. Олімпієць “Сер” Маркус Браун (Боєць року штату Нью-Йорк), Стейтен-Айленд, і п’ятидивізійний чемпіон світу Аманда “The Real Deal” Серрано, Брукліна через Пуерто-Рико.
“Цього року є надзвичайний інтерес до нашого святкового банкету” Кільце 8 президент Джек Гірш. “Василь Ломаченко, можливо, найбільший боєць у світі, а Евандер Холіфілд - жива легенда. Їм обом підтверджено участь, як і майбутнім суперзіркам Майклу Конлану та Маркусу Брауну. Також будуть під рукою інші гучні відзнаки та особи боксу. Це буде задоволення для вболівальників, які матимуть можливість взаємодіяти з ними.
“Russo's on the Bay - чудове місце; їжа фантастична. Кожен, хто бере участь, повинен прийти з чудовими спогадами про подію. Квитки мають дуже вигідні ціни на справи такого масштабу. Зазвичай ми продаємо, тому я пропоную кожному, хто планує відвідати, придбати свої квитки якомога швидше. Наш прибуток після обіду повертається до боксерського братства, допомога тим, кому пощастило менше, які потребують допомоги.”
2017 RING 8 Лауреати премії
Мухаммед Алі Міжнародний боєць року: Василь Ломаченко
Премія Легенди: Евандер Холіфілд
Міжнародний проспект року: Майкл Конлан
Боєць року в Нью-Йорку: Маркус Браун
Жіночий винищувач року в Нью-Йорку: Аманда Серрано
Премія Саннісайдських садів:: Боббі Кессіді, Sr.
Нью-Йоркська перспектива року: Devaun Лі
Премія конкурсанта, що піднімається: Скендер & Енвер Галилі
Медіальна премія Сем Келлерман: Метт Крісті
Тренер року в Нью-Йорку: Гектор Роза
Довго & Послуга: Едвін Торрес
Офіційний представник року в Нью-Йорку: Роберт Перес
Промоутер року в Нью-Йорку: Мерседес Васкес Сіммонс
Некоронований чемпіон: Річард Кілі
Лікар року біля кільця: Доктор. Осрік Кінг
Премія «Добрий хлопець»: Джоан Дойл Хатчінс
Кільце 8 Учасник року: Джордж Ньюман
Спільнота премії служба: Майк Рено
Спеціальні гості включатимуть Тедді Атлас, Vito Antuofermo, Іран Барклі, Томмі Галлахер і багато інших.
Девід Diamante в черговий раз послужить Церемоніатом заходу.
Квитки $125.00 включайте повний сніданок з коктейльною годиною після входу, з подальшим розміщенням на церемонії нагородження, вечерю і десерт, і верхньої полиці відкритий бар в другій половині дня. Там також буде мовчки аукціон боксерські пам'ятні. Очікується, що ця подія буде розпродана, і всіх закликають якомога швидше придбати квитки, щоб забезпечити сприятливі місця. Пожертвування будь деномінації Запрошуємо до тих, хто не відвідувати урочистості.
Рекламні програми доступні для задньої обкладинки ($500.00), Всередині передньої або задньої кришки ($400.00), Повна сторінка ($200.00), Півсторінки ($100.00), і Квартал-сторінку ($60.00). Строк для всіх оголошень є Листопад 26, 2017, і повинні бути по електронній пошті (Ajhirsch5 @ aol) або надіслано на ринг 8, Перорально. Коробка 153, Роквей-парк, Нью-Йорк 11694. Усі чеки на квитки або рекламу в журналах повинні бути сплачені Ring 8 (кредитні картки є прийнятними).
Для отримання додаткової інформації про Ring 8 або його щорічні святкові заходи та церемонія нагородження, контактне кільце 8 президента Джека Гірша (516.790.7592 або Ajhirsch5@aol.com) або перейти в Інтернет до www.Ring8ny.com для отримання додаткової інформації.
Руссо на березі затоки знаходиться на 162-45 Crossbay бульвар. в Howard Beach(718.843.5055).
Василь Ломаченко (фото люб'язно надано Top Rank)
Евандер Холіфілд (фото люб'язно надано Real Deal Sports and Entertainment)
Майкл Конлан (Фото люб'язно надано Top Rank)
Маркус Браун (фото люб'язно надано чемпіоном боксу "Прем'єр")
Аманда Серрано (зображення люб'язно надано DiBella Entertainment)
Про RING 8: Сформований в 1954 по екс-боксера, Джек Гребельскій, Кільце 8 став восьмим дочірньої те, що було тоді відомо як Національний Ветеран Боксери асоціації – отже, RING 8 – і на сьогоднішній день девіз організації залишається: Боксери Допомогти боксерів.
RING 8 повністю віддані підтримці менш щасливих людей в боксерському співтоваристві, які можуть потребувати допомоги в плані сплати орендної плати, медичні витрати, або щось обгрунтованої необхідності.

Перейти на лінії www.Ring8ny.com для отримання додаткової інформації про КОЛЬЦА 8, Найбільша група в своєму роді в США з більш ніж 350 Учасники. Щорічні членські внески тільки $30.00 і кожен член має право на фуршет в КОЛЬЦА 8 Щомісячні зустрічі, за винятком у липні та серпні. Всі активні боксери, аматорські та професійні, мають право на безкоштовний RING 8 щорічно членство. Гості кільця 8 Учасники запрошуються у вартості лише в $7.00 на людину

Unbeaten Super-Lightweight Phenom DEVIN “МРІЯ” HANEY Training Camp Quotes and Photos

Photos by Mario Serrano Team Haney
Лас-Вегас, Невада (Жовтень 30, 2017)As his November 4ї date approaches, unbeaten super-lightweight prospect, 18-year old phenom, Девін “Мрія” Хейні (17-0, 11 КО), shares his thoughts on training camp and more, as he prepares for his fight withHamza Sempewo (14-8, 7 КО) of Kampala, Uganda.
Хейні проти. Sempewo, 8-раундовий поєдинок, will take place at the Atlanta Marriott Marquis Hotel in Atlanta, Джорджія, and serve as the co-main event to heavyweight’s, Девін “The General” Варгас (19-4, 7 КО) Толедо, Огайо, проти. Galen “Поганий хлопець” Коричневий (44-38-1, 25 КО) Св. Joseph’s, Міссурі.
Ось що Девін Хейні, the WBC Youth World Lightweight title holder, had to say ahead of his November 4ї розтин:
На своєму недавньому тренувальному таборі в Лас-Вегасі…
I’m constantly grinding in the gym, trying to get better. No one is working harder than me. I’ve been working closely with The Body Snatcher” Майк Мак-Каллум, and he’s showing me some old veteran tricks. I’ve been sparring with all the top fighters in Las Vegas, getting that good work. I feel strong going into this fight. I’m in great shape.
On having his father William Haney guiding his career
My dad is great and he’s always by my side every step of the way. He comes from the music industry, where he was very successful, so he knows how to build a star. I’m very grateful to have him in my corner. Together we are a force in the boxing world, and I know with hard work, I’ll be the next super-star in boxing.
On the importance of staying active
It’s very important to stay active in boxing, because in this sport, its all about that live action. Fighting with no headgear and smaller gloves is a big difference as opposed to sparring. The more fights I can get under my belt, the better I’ll be when I hit the big stage.
On fighting in Atlanta, Georgia for the first time
Atlanta is a major city and I’m going to give the fans in attendance a fight they’ll remember for years to come. Fighting in the South is a great opportunity to expand the Devin Haney Promotions brand. I want to fight in as many big cities as possible.
On the state of the super-lightweight division
The super-lightweight division is stacked with a lot of great fighters. Terrance Crawfordsits atop the division, і мені, he’s one of the best pound-for-pound fighters in the world. I’m on my way up and I’m confident in my ability to become a world champion. I’ve been in the ring with Floyd Mayweather, Shawn Porter and a lot of other great fighters, so my confidence is extremely high. I’m gunning for everyone in the division. I know I can get down with the best of them.
The card titled, Remembering Our Fallen Officers Charity Boxing Galais being promoted by Fight Tyme Promotions, the Atlanta Boxing Association, in conjunction with Девін Хейні Акції. A live Pay-Per-Stream broadcast will be available exclusively on Fight Tyme Live для $5.99.
Квитки на “Remembering Our Fallen Officers Charity Boxing Galaare priced at GENERAL ADMISSION $50.00 (Section D), $100 (Section C), $200 (Section B), $500 (Section A / V.I.P) CORPORATE & V.I.P. TABLES of 10 Seats including Dinner $5,000.00, і доступні на www.FightTyme.com/Atlanta.
# # #

Перемоги Спорт & Entertainment signs former world champion Jose Pedraza to managerial contract


Нью-Йорк, N.Y.. (Жовтень 30, 2017)–Перемоги Спорт & Entertainment is pleased to announce the signing of former IBF World Junior Lightweight Champion Jose Pedraza to a multi-year managerial contract.

Pedraza of Cidra, Пуерто-Ріко має запис 22-1 з 12 нокаути. Pedraza says, “I am very happy to sign with Victory Sports and look forward to the next chapter of my career. They represent a number of up and coming fighters and also work with elite fighters like Badou Jack so I feel that Victory is the right team to lead me back to a world championship.

На 28 років, Pedraza is a six-year professional and one of the most highly decorated amateurs to come out of Puerto Rico. An Olympian in 2008, Pedraza also won medals in numerous international competitions including silver in the 2009 World Amateur Championships in Milan and gold at the 2010 Central American and Caribbean Games. Після включення профі в 2011, Pedraza won his first 19 fights before capturing the IBF Junior Lightweight Championship in only his 20th fight, capturing the belt with a 12-round unanimous decision over Andrey Klimov. After defending his belt twice, Pedraza lost his belt earlier this year in an upset to Gervonta Davis, and is now looking to rebound. “My lack of activity and struggling to make weight at 130lbs definitely affected my performance in my last fight,” says Pedraza, “but I am working hard and looking forward to coming back soon. I think the Lightweight division is where I will make my mark and am excited to get back in the ring.

President of Victory Sports Rick Torres feels that Pedraza is ready to make a statement at Lightweight, “Jose Pedraza is bar none the best fighter in Puerto Rico and we are extremely proud to welcome him to the Victory Sports family. We feel that Jose can be a force at Lightweight. There are a number of attractive fights in the division, from Jorge Linares to Mickey Garcia, all of which would make great fights for boxing fans.

Jose is a tremendous fighter who, at twenty-eight, is still in his physical prime,” explained Victory Sports COO Mike Leanardi. “We are looking to get him back in the ring as soon as possible. Потім, after a tune-up fight or two, there is no reason Jose won’t be ready to take on the best in the world,” Leanardi continued.

Pedraza joins Victory’s growing stable of fighters including undefeated world ranked contenders Sonny Fredrickson and Tyler McCreary.

Founded by noted sports attorney Rick Torres and boxing trainer Mike Leanardi, Перемоги Спорт & Entertainment is an athlete management company with offices in New York and Las Vegas.

Baltimore Boxing to honor Crystal Beard and Raise Cancer awareness November 17

Crystal Beard passed away October 28 у віці від 37. She leaves behind two children and a grandchild.
Балтимор, Меріленд (Жовтень 30, 2017) – Jake Smith’s Baltimore Boxing Promotions is back at Michael’s Eighth AvenueП'ятниця, Листопад 17 for “Who’s The Next Shining Star” however this evening is about far more than what will transpire in the ring during Olympic style boxing matches.
Smith was recently contacted about helping Crystal Beard, a Baltimore area native battling advanced stages of cancer. Beard was diagnosed in August 2016 with Triple Negative Breast Cancer, which is extremely aggressive. На жаль, the cancer spread throughout her body. Beard went through a total six chemo treatments and had a double mastectomy in February 2017. Коваль, who makes it a priority to assist individuals and organizations through his fight cards, immediately agreed to help Beard.
Сумно, Beard passed away Saturday, Жовтень 28 у віці від 37. She leaves behind a 17 year old daughter, seven year old son and three month old grandchild. Beard did not have life insurance and the father of her children lives in Arizona. Her children and grandchild will be cared for by Beard’s sister and mother.
Medical bills are still coming in and Beard’s daughter, a senior in high school, is hoping to attend college. The family will now have to juggle Crystal’s medical bills and caring for three children in addition to their regular day to day responsibilities.
На бій вночі, there will be a 50/50 raffle, silent auction and donate a block tickets to the family which can be resold. Smith is currently putting together a number of other plans to raise additional funds for Beard’s family.
“In all of my years as a promoter working with people and organizations, this is the most devastating,"Сказав Сміт, a fixture in Baltimore’s boxing scene for more than 30 роки. “A woman that should’ve had many happy and healthy years ahead of her passed away at 37 leaving behind two children and a grandchild that face an extremely difficult situation. We will do all we can to raise as much money and awareness as possible while honoring her legacy on the 17th because nothing in life is guaranteed and every day you get to enjoy is a blessing.”
Donations can be made to Beard’s family at gofundme.com/in-memory-of-crystal-beard.
The card features eight fights, two of which are title bouts and Five-time National Champion Tyrell Boyd is scheduled to appear.
Квитки від $40 are available by going to Baltimoreboxing.com/events or calling 410-375-9175. Двері відкриваються в 6:30 and the first fight is scheduled for 8:30.

Former UFC heavyweight title challenger GabrielNapaoGonzaga Victorious in pro boxing debut



Габріель Гонзага (R) won his pro boxing debut
Вустер, Маса. (Жовтень 29, 2017) – Former UFC heavyweight title challenger Гавриїл “NapaoGonzaga has a successful pro boxing debut last night (Субота, Жовтень. 28) in the co-featured event on theNew England’s Future 4” карта, представлений Rivera Акції Розваги (РПЕ), at DCU Center, Exhibition Hall, в Вустере.
6′ 2″, 280-pound Brazilian, now fighting out of Worcester (Массачусетс), fought another pro-debut boxer with limited MMA experience, Alejandro Esquilin Santiago, Тампа (Флорида). Gonzaga stalked the southpaw Santiago, landing some hard shots in the opening round. The heavy-handed Gonzaga picked up the pace in the third and his upset-minded opponent responded in a positive fashion. Both fighters exchanged freely in the fourth and final round, neither was hurt during the contest, and Gonzaga was awarded a win by four-round majority decision.
I thought I’d be more relaxed in the ring like I had been in the gym,” Gonzaga said. “I did my best and came away with a victory. I was too safe in the third round. My punches were much strong and a lot of his punches I blocked with my gloves. This was really great! сьогодні ввечері”

Gonzaga (L) defeated Santiago
I felt good and gave it my all,” Santiago remarked. “He hit me with some shots and gave ’em back. Not only does he have a big nose (“Napao”), he has a strong, big head, теж.”
У головній події, popular Hartford (Коннектикут) напівважку вагу Річард “Папай Морячок Людина” Рівера залишився непереможеним, improving his record to 4-0 (3 КО), with a first-round knockout of an over-matched Hansen Castillo (0-3)
Рівера, not relations to the promoter, first dropped Castillo with a beautifully placed left uppercut and finished the show moments later with a left hook that sent Castillo flying to canvas. Суддя Kevin Hope didn’t bother to count.
My coaches were telling me to be calm because it was a six-round bout,” Рівера пояснив. “I saw that he had his left down and caught him with an uppercut. I’m strong to the finish because I eat my spinach.
New Haven junior middleweight Edwin Sosa (11-2-2, 4 КО) overcame at 15-pound disadvantage, at the very least, en route to a dominant six-round unanimous decision over Ентоні “The AnimalEverett (1-7), of Rowley (Массачусетс).
Danbury (Коннектикут) в першій напівсередній Омар Бора, Молодший. (3-0, 1 KO) stopped New York veteran Брайан “The Brick” Авраам (6-31, 6 КО) in the fourth and final round. Abraham was decked twice and after counting to 10 after Abraham’s second time on the canvas, referee Paul Casey waved off the action.
Three-time national amateur champion ElvisChi Chi” Фігероа (3-0, 1 KO), fighting out of New Haven, pitched a complete shutout over a game, про-дебютувавши Rene Nazare(0-1), Бразилії, for a convincing win by way of a four-round unanimous decision.
Southbridge (Массачусетс) напівсередній Вільфредо “Sucaro” язичник (3-0, 1 KO) pinnedPatrick Leal (0-4), з Woburn, on the ropes early, dropping him three times until referee Casey halted the fight midway through the opening round.
Повні результати нижче:
MAIN EVENT – Світло важковаговиків
Richard Rivera (4-0, 3 КО), Хартфорд, Коннектикут
WKO1 (2:18)
Hansen Castillo (0-3), Орландо, Флорида
СУМІСНІСТЬ– Важковаговиків
Габріель Гонзага (1-0), Вустер, Массачусетс
40-36, 40-36, 38-38)
Alejandro Esquilin Santiago (для дебюту), Тампа, Флорида.
Супер середньоваговиків
Елвіс Фігероа (3-0, 1 KO), New Haven, Коннектикут
WDEC4 (40-36, 40-36, 40-36)
Rene Nazare (0-1), Бразилія
Edwin Soto (10-2-2, 4 КО), New Haven, Коннектикут
WDEC6 (60-54, 60-54, 58-56)
Anthony Everett (1-6), Rawley, Массачусетс
Напівсередньої ваги
Wilfredo Pagan (3-0, 1 KO), Southbridge, Массачусетс
TKO1 (1:36).
Patrick Leal (0-4), Woburn, Массачусетс
Омар Бора, Молодший. (3-0, 1 KO), Danbury, Коннектикут
WTKO4 :148)
Брайан “The Brick” Авраам (6-31, 6 КО), Schenectady, Нью-Йорк
(All fights & fighters subject to change)
Щебет: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp, KingRivera_


Джошуа проти. Takam, The First of Consecutive Heavyweight World Title Fights On SHOWTIME, Replays TONIGHT at 10:40 p.m. І/PT на SHOWTIME; And On Sunday Morning at 10 a.m. І/PT на SHOWTIME EXTREME



CARDIFF, WALES (Жовтень. 28, 2017) – Undefeated and Unified Heavyweight World Champion Anthony Joshua stopped IBF mandatory challenger Carlos Takam in the 10ї круглий в суботу night at Principality Stadium in Кардіфф, Уельс, where the British sensation improved to 20 перемог, всі нокаутом, and retained both his IBF and WBA world title belts.

Джошуа проти. Takam was contested before a record 78,000 фанати, the largest ever for an indoor boxing event and was the first of back-to-back heavyweight world title fights airing live on SHOWTIME. Наступний Субота, Листопад. 4, WBC Heavyweight World Champion Deontay Wilder headlines a three-fight telecast when he faces former world champion Bermane Stiverne at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, Нью-Йорк.

Creative combinations and some inside fighting rarely seen from the rangy Joshua opened up a cut over Takam’s right eye and floored the challenger in the 4ї. Пізніше, Joshua opened another gash over the left eye but a bloody and battered Takam continued to press forward. Takam was able to land some significant punches in the middle rounds but not enough to take Joshua off his game.

В 10ї, after Joshua landed several big punches including a left-right combination that rocked the courageous challenger, referee Phil Edwards stepped in and stopped the fight at 1:34.

“I kept my composure,” said Joshua when asked about a head butt in the second round that may have broken the champion’s nose. “We will get my nose cracked back into place and then we can get back to training.”

When SKY Sports’ ringside reporter Andy Scott asked the beloved champion about a unification bout with fellow undefeated champion Wilder, Joshua said, “It has to happen. It has to happen for sure. When it comes down to it, the IBF, IBO and WBA have mandatory challengers. I can’t just fight any Joe Blow I want. I have to fight the obligations as champion and once I fulfill those, my door is open to fight anyone, be it Wilder or anyone else.

“Everyone saw how hard it took to get the belts,” he continued. “I am not giving them up for anyone.”

When asked about fighting overseas in America or elsewhere, Joshua replied to the delight of the U.K. фанати, “As I said, it’s not my decision what happens outside the ring… but look at what boxing is doing. We are getting people coming in from all around the U.K. and from different countries. I think we should keep on boxing right here in the U.K.”

Для отримання додаткової інформації відвідайте www.SHO.com/Sports, слідувати на Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, або стати шанувальником на Facebook поwww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.

Salina Aztec Queen Barrios Returns to the Ring Nov 2 Against Decorated Amateur Zarina Tsoloyeva

Photos by Team Barrios
Сан-Антоніо, Техас (Жовтень 27, 2017)Undefeated female sensation, super-lightweight Селіна “Aztec Queen” Околиці (2-0, 1 KO), повертається на ринг Четвер, Листопад 2, 2017 in Louisiana at The Rayne Civic Center. Barrios will face the highly touted Zarina Tsoloyeva (Pro Дебют) from Zhaksy, Казахстан, in a 4-round bout in the super-lightweight division. The card titled RAYNE RISINGis presented by Bad Chad’s Boxncar Promotions.
Околиці, who hails from San Antonio, Техас, is the older sister of undefeated super-lightweight contender, Маріо Барріос (20-0, 12 КО). Як любитель, Selina had a remarkable record of (80-3), most of which came by stoppage. She has a notable win against USA Olympian and Top Rank fighter, Mikaela Mayer (2-0, 2 КО), and vows to make a statement against Tsoloyeva.
Even though Tsoloyeva is making her pro debut, she’s a big step up in competition,” Selina Barrios said. “She had a great amateur career and I know she’s going to be a tough opponent. All I know is I’m going to bring the heat, and show her why I’m the most dangerous fighter in women’s boxing.
Selina Barrios is guided by longtime boxing manager, Kerry Daigle, who believes Barrios is one of the most exciting boxers he’s seen in years.
Selina has that fighting style that every boxing fan loves,” said Kerry Daigle. “She’s nonstop action every time she steps in the ring. I haven’t seen a fighter like her in a long time, male or female. She has that special something that you can’t explain but you know is extraordinary. She’s in a very competitive fight, against a very skilled fighter in Zarina Tsoloyeva. When I asked her if she was willing to fight such a decorated amateur fighter, she said yes, with no hesitation. That’s what I love about Selina, she’s ready to fight anyone, anywhere.
Zarina Tsoloyeva, best known for her resemblance to actress Angelina Jolie, won a bronze medal in the Kazakh national championships. She’s a highly accomplished amateur champion with great boxing skills.
Tickets to RAYNE RISING priced $25 Загальний Доступ (Pre-sale), ($30 general admission tickets at the door), $125 VIP-Рингу, і $800 1st Row Executive Tables, are on sale now at HTTP://www.boxncar.com/buy-tickets/ або по телефону (337) 298-7658.

The Rayne Civic Center is located at 210 Frog Festival Dr, Rayne, Луїзіана 70578. Двері відкриваються в6:00 p.m. перший дзвоник о 7:00 p.m.




SHOWTIME ЧЕМПІОНАТ БОКС® Live At 5 p.m. І/2 p.m. PT From Sold-Out Principality Stadium In Cardiff, Уельс


Натисніть ОСЬ For Photos Credit Esther Lin/SHOWTIME


CARDIFF, WALES (Жовтень. 27, 2017) – Unified Heavyweight World Champion Anthony Joshua tipped the scales at a career-high 254 pounds and IBF mandatory challenger Carlos Takam measured 235 ½ pounds for their heavyweight showdown завтра на SHOWTIME.


The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast begins live at 5 p.m. І/2 p.m. PT from sold-out Principality Stadium in Cardiff where an estimated 78,000 fans will converge for the largest indoor event in boxing history.


Джошуа, who went past the 10ї round for the first time with a sensational knockout of Wladimir Klitschko on Квітня 29, promised conditioning wasn’t an issue.


“I’ve been doing a lot more running. Maybe I’m starting to fill out as I get older and I’m starting to find my natural weight,” Joshua said. “Who knows what it is. I definitely feel a lot fitter than I have in previous fights.”


The referee for Суботу contest is Phil Edwards and the judges scoring ringside are Michael Alexander (Англія), Pawel Kardyni (Польща) and Ron McNair (Нью-Йорк).


If Joshua’s previous 19 bouts are any indication, the judges might not be necessary.


“I’m not going to say I’m going to knock him out and smash him up and all these types of things,” said Joshua, who has knocked out all of his professional opponents en route to unifying the heavyweight division. “But that’s what I have to do.”