Tag Archives: Боксын


Fan-friendly fight series approaching one million views after six months and eight shows.

SLOAN, Айова (Эцсийн. 16, 2017) – Энэ Баасан Шөнийн, Facebook FIGHTNIGHT LIVE will collaborate with Рой Жонс Jr. Boxing Promotions once again to showcase top-notch talent during a special one-hour attraction live from America’s Heartland. Fans from across the globe can catch all the action beginning at 8:30 p.m. БОЛОН / 7:30 p.m. СТ (орон нутгийн цагаар) from WinnaVegas Casino Resort in Sloan, Айова, ямар нэг төхөөрөмж дээр хаана Facebook боломжтой, as the series continues to build with a ninth show on the six month-old platform.

It’s an exciting time for the boxing community now that Roy Jones Jr. Promotions can help showcase the undercard Маргааш Шөнийн,” заасан Keith Veltre, CEO and CO-Founder. “We know that the young talent can’t always have their family friends in the stands for support, so we are proud to be able to help them showcase their talent for all the world to see on Facebook FightNightLive.

The one-hour show Баасан гаригт will feature some of RJJ Promotionsup-and-coming attractions, along with some outstanding Midwest and West Coast brawlers. Fighters expected to be delivered exclusively via the Facebook platform include Arizona’s Абел Рамос (18-2, 13 Kos), Chicago’s Натаниэль Gallimore (19-1, 16 Kos) and California’s undefeated Hector Lopez Jr. (7-0, 4 Kos). They’ll take on a trio of Mexican-born battlers in Сезар Soriano (Мексик хот), Esau Herrera (Мексик хот) болон Israel Rojas (Sonora) who have combined for 62 ялалт, collectively.

The FIGHTNIGHT LIVE series continues to grow, from New York to Connecticut to Chicago to Phoenix to New England, and now a great opportunity in the Midwest, with much more to be announced. We’re pleased to be able to work with national promoters like Roy Jones Jr. and Keith Veltre to provide this service to fight fans everywhere,” гэж хэлсэн Марк Fratto, Linacre Хэвлэл мэдээллийн үндсэн. “And the numbers, which have been phenomenal, don’t lie. We look forward to reaching our millionth fan before the New Year in only eight months, and we’re so grateful for everyone’s support.

Over the first six months of programming, the numbers on the FIGHTNIGHT LIVE series have showed promise and potential for the new platform with an average of almost 106,000 fight fans tuning in per event. The Долоон. 9 “Бодит хэлэлцээр урамшуулал: эзэнт гүрэн улс” Resorts World Casino-аас (225,000), Наймдугаар сарын ТЭХС “Супер Бямба гариг” Foxwoods нь (203,000), Sept. СБС-ийн “Ихэр голын Twinbill” Линкольн нь, R.I. (157,000), Sept. Оддын Боксын “Showdown at the Paramountfrom Long Island (92,255), the July Roy Jones Jr. “Desert Showdownfrom Phoenix (63,000), тавдугаар сар “Slugfest at the Sunfrom Mohegan Sun (45,000), June “Rosemont Rumble” Чикагогийн (32,000) and the Sept. DiBella “Баасан Night Foxwoods Fights” (32,000) saw a total of more than 15,000 total hours of Facebook video consumed by 847,500-plus users across all devices.

түүхий цацагддаг тоо гадна, бүрэн интерактив, fan-friendly productions have seen more than 126,000 Хамтын амьд дараах бус ажлын(15,800-нэмэх шоуны нэг), including almost 90,000 “дуртай” буюу “хайртай,” almost 15,000 comments and 4,400-plus shares. FIGHTNIGHT LIVE broadcasts are viewed by 76 хувь нь эрэгтэй, 24 хувь нь эмэгтэйчүүд. The top demographic is comprised of males ages 25-34, нь ойролцоогоор хамарсан 29.6 үзэгчдийн хувь, дунджаар.

The Долоон. 9 “Бодит хэлэлцээр урамшуулал: эзэнт гүрэн улс” set a new bar with 224,658 үзсэнболон Долоон. 15-16 DiBella-CES doubleheader carried the series to three-quarters-of-a-million views in just over four months. The Aug. 26 Foxwoods “Супер Бямба гариг” шоу нь тус тусдаа гарч зогсож байна 3,336 live hours of content viewed, бол Долоон. 15 DiBella card saw илүү 40,000 viewer interactions including almost 39,000 “дуртай” буюу “дуртай.”

Баасан гарагт Шөнийн, Эцсийн. 17, live from WinnaVegas, фенүүд нь өндөр нөлөө үзүүлэхгүй хэмээн үзэж болно, график нь бүрэн гүйцэд олон камер урсгал туршлага, анимаци, replays, interviews and an announce team anchored by Шон Wheelock, Jim Grieshaberболон Patrick Ortiz. To provide spectators with a fully-interactive ringside experience, тайлбарлагчид асууж, нэвтрүүлгийн туршид Facebook сонсогчдын асуултад хариу өгөх болно.

Үүсгэсэн, Нью-Йорк хотын гарч Linacre хэвлэл мэдээллийн хэрэгслээр үйлдвэрлэсэн, FIGHTNIGHT LIVE цуврал мэргэжлийн announcers боломжуудтай, олон камерын өнцөг, телевизийн график, replays болон ард үзэгдэл хандах, ярилцлага. Facebook боломжтой хаана ч урсаж шоу дэлхий даяар байдаг. санаачлага нь зөвхөн онд тааруулахад дэлхийн өнцөг булан бүрээс фенүүд боломжтой, гэхдээ бас тэдний чадварыг таниулах нь дэлхийн тавцан дээр-ба-ирж сөнөөгч өгдөг, дэмжигч нь хүртээмжтэй өгдөг “цацах” шийдэл болон ивээн тэтгэгч брэндийн агуулга дамжуулан олон нийтийн олон үзэгчдийг хамрахын чадварыг өгдөг.

More FIGHTNIGHT LIVE Winter 2017-18 огноо албан ёсоор ирэх долоо хоногт зарлах болно.

FIGHTNIGHT LIVE онлайн байдаг: HTTPS://www.facebook.com/FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE /

Follow all the action via social media at FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE on Facebook, @FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE on Instagram and @FIGHTNIGHTLIVE_ on Twitter, or by using the hashtag #FIGHTNIGHTLIVE. Хамгийн сүүлийн үеийн Linacre Хэвлэл мэдээллийн үйл явдал, өргөн нэвтрүүлгийн хуваарь, follow @LinacreMedia across all social platforms or use the tags #LinacreMediaEvents or #LinacreMediaOnTV.

Адам Lopez “A win over Jorge Diaz on Saturday gets me back knocking on the door of a title shot

WBC Fecarbox Super Bantamweight title fight Энэ Бямба гариг at The Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City
Championship card loaded show with three title bouts
Thomas LaManna to take on Samuel Amoako for LBF Intercontinental Welterweight title
Raymond Serrano – Enver Halili now for WBC Fecarbox Welterweight title
Plus undefeated Alvin Vermall, Фредерик Julán & Yurik Mamedov
Шуурхай мэдээ

Атлантын хот, NJ (Арваннэгдүгээр 15, 2017)–Super Bantamweight contender Адам Lopez is looking to getting back to the perch of being on a short list to fight for a world title.
Back on January 20th, Lopez was right there when he took on Daniel Roman in what was a WBA title elimination bout in Atlantic City.
Unfortunately for Lopez, he came up on the short end of that fight, гэхдээ Бямба гаригийн шөнө he returns to Atlantic City when he takes on Jorge Diaz in an eight-round bout for the WBC Fecarbox Super Bantamweight title at The Claridge Hotel.

The show is promoted by Rising Promotions, Greg Cohen Promotions and Winner Take All Productions.
Сан Антонио-ийн Лопес, Texas has set up his 2nd training camp in Northern New Jersey under trainer Wali Moses.
Lopez is promoted by GH3 Promotions
Camp was good. I am just taking off the last few pounds. I take my weight off slowly, and be comfortable, and then I rehydrate the right way,” хэлсэн Lopez.
Lopez knows a win over the tough Diaz would get him right back in contention in the 122 фунт хэлтэс.
I think a win gets me back to the place where I was at before the Roman fight. I will be knocking on the door of a title fight.
Diaz is a rough fighter, and I expect a tough fight from him. He has some good wins, and even though he has lost a few fights, four of them have been to undefeated fighters and the other was to a fighter with one loss, so I expect and I am preparing for the best Jorge Diaz.
I just want everyone to come out on November 18th, and I will put on a good show.

Үндсэн тохиолдолд, Томас LaManna (24-2, 9 Kos) дээр авдаг Самуел Amoako (23-16, 17 Kos) in a ten round battle for the LBF Intercontinental title.

Raymond Serrano (23-4, 10 Kos) дээр авдаг Enver Halili (10-0, 3 Kos) in a ten round welterweight clash for the WBC Fecarbox Welterweight title.
Адам Lopez (16-1-2, 8 Kos) тулаан Jorge Diaz (18-5-1, 10 Kos) for the WBC Fecarbox Super bantamweight title in a eight-round bout.
In a six-round welterweight bout, Yurik Mamedov (7-0, 3 Kos) Brooklyn-ийн, NY тулаанВинсент Floyd (3-3-1, 2 Kos) of Philadelphia in a welterweight contest.
Элвин Vermall, JR. (13-0-1, 11 Kos) Catskills нь, NY дээр авна Nicholas Lavin (5-6, 4 Kos) of Shelton, Connecticut in a six-round cruiserweight bout.

Фредерик Julán (6-0, 4 Kos) Нью-Йоркийн, NY тулалдах болно Уиллис Lockett (15-21-6, 5 Kos) Takoma цэцэрлэгт хүрээлэнгийн, Maryland in a six-round light heavyweight fight.

Sidell Blocker (1-9-1) of Pleasantville, NJ will fight a rematch with Tomas Romain (4-1) Brooklyn-ийн, NY in a lightweight bout.

Jonathan Arroyo Нью-Йоркийн эсрэг түүний дэмжсэн анхны тоглолтоо хийх болно Стив Мур (0-1) Orange-ийн, NJ in a welterweight bout.
Зориулсан хэрэгслээр зорчих тасалбар November 18th fight card at The Claridge are priced at $200, $125, $80 болон $55 (Ерөнхий Элсэлтийн) and can be purchased at www.RisingBoxingPromotions.com

PBC on SUPER CHANNEL: Anthony Dirrell v. Denis Douglin Julian Williams vs. Ishe Смит

Anthony Dirrell v. Denis Douglin
Julian Williams vs. Ishe Смит
Канад улсад аж төрж байна вэ цацагдаж ЭНЭ Баасан гариг & БЯМБА ГАРАГ
Зөвхөн SUPER суваг дээр
Edmonton, Канад (Арваннэгдүгээр 15, 2017)Double-barrelled boxing action is on tap this week for Canadian boxing fans when Super Channel airs back-to-back Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) үйл явдал Энэ Баасан night and Бямба гариг орой, live from separate venues in the United States.
Super Channel is ecstatic to be working with PBC and love the opportunity to bring two exciting back-to- back nights of live fights to our Canadian subscribers,” гэж хэлсэн Troy Wassill, Director of Programming, Domestic Distributors & Sports for Super Channel. “It’s about time Canadians get the chance to see these and other great fights.
Баасан-ийн action is headlined by a 10-round super middleweight clash between former World Boxing Council (WBC) Супер Middleweight дэлхийн аварга Энтони “Нохой” Dirrell (30-1-1, 24 Kos), who will be fighting at home in Flint, Мичиганы, against the only active professional boxer trained by his mother, DenisMomma’s BoyDouglin (20-5, 13 Kos), fighting out of New Jersey. The action starts at 10:30 p.m. БОЛОН / 7:30 p.m. PT.
Douglin has fought a lot of good fighters and I respect him, but he’s standing in the way of my title shot,” Dirrell said. “This is a chance for me to showcase my skills. I’m going for a stoppage, and I think I’m going to get it in the middle rounds. I want to put on a great performance and give the fans something to see. I’m going to get the job done.
I’ve taken a lot of fights on short notice and that’s hurt me in the past, but I’ve had ample time and a great training camp to prepare for this fight,” Douglin commented. “I think Dirrell has a problem with guys who aren’t afraid of him and who will actually give him a fight. With my style and determination, I’m going to bring a lot more than he’s expecting. I’m going to bring it for 10 rounds and I know I’ll have my arm raised at the end of the day.
Two exciting matches are on theDirrell vs. Douglin” карт, presented by Salita Promotions and TGB Promotion, will air in Canada exclusively on Super Channel.
The eight-round co-featured event is a rematch between two talented welterweight prospects,Jamontay “The Quiet” Кларк (12-0, 7 Kos), Цинциннати, Украйны Жон “The Volk” Golub (13-1, 11 Kos), now fighting out of Brooklyn (NY). Clark won a highly-contested, eight-round decision this past June 30th
The following evening, commencing at 9 p.m. БОЛОН / 6 p.m. PT live from the Cosmopolitan in Las Vegas, Дэлхийн нэр өрсөлдөгч Жулиан “J Rock” Williams (23-1-1, 15 Kos), Филадельфи тухай, will square off against former International Boxing Federation Junior Middleweight World ChampionIshe “Sugar Shay” Смит (29-8, 12 Kos), who will be fighting at home.
I took this fight just like I’ve taken every tough fight over the years,” Smith noted. “I constantly challenge myself to the best and I believe Julian Williams is one of the best in the division. If you look at my resume, all I’ve done is fight the best guys, in their prime, so this is nothing new to me. I’ve reached the point where I’ve seen it all. This fight will get me exactly where I need to be, closer to a world title shot.
We’ve been working hard for months and I’m ready to get back in the ring,” Williams remarked. “I could fight tomorrow. I know this is an important fight for my career. Ishe is a veteran and he is going to bring his ‘Agame to try to prove he’s still got it. I’m not going to give him that opportunity. I will be victorious and show that I’m ready to fight the best in the world.
Three entertaining bouts on theDirrell vs. Douglin” карт, presented by Salita Promotions and TGB Promotion, will air in Canada exclusively on Super Channel.
10 дугуй хамтран боломж нь, veteran light heavyweight Lionell Томпсон (18-4, 11 Kos) takes on unbeaten prospect Earl Ньюман (10-0-1, 7 Kos).
Thompson is on the trail of a 175-pound world championship and he hasn’t taken the easy road, having challenged the likes of Сергей Ковалев болон radivoje Kalajdzic during his pro career. The 32-year-old out of Buffalo, N.Y.. is coming off a knockout victory over Стив Lovett in his last fight Хоёрдугаар сар 24. The last time he fought at the Cosmopolitan, he defeated Донован Жорж by unanimous decision on Sept. 16, 2016.
Newman will be taking a big step forward in taking on his toughest competition to date in Thompson. The 26-year-old Brooklyn-native is coming off a split draw against Paul Parker тухайДолоон. 19 after winning his first 10 дэмжсэн тулаан.
In the other televised fight a pair of undefeated super featherweight prospects, 2012 Монголын Олимпийн мөнгөн медальт, Tugstsogt Төгсцогт (8-0, 8 Kos), who now fights out of Carson, Калифорни, and Filipino Harmonito “Алх” Dela Torre (19-0, 12 Kos), battle in a 10-round match.
Super Channel has aired several major boxing events live in 2017 including Brook vs. Бага Spence, Pacquiao vs.Horn, Eubank, JR. сүсэг. Абрахам, Ломаченко vs. Marriaga, Crawford сүсэг. Indongo, Сүсэг Смит. Williams 2, and the World Boxing Super Series (WBSS) quarterfinals.
To watch PBC on Super Channel, түүнчлэн илүү сэтгэл хөдөлгөм боксын ирэх гэж, Канад улсад фенүүд тэмцэх Супер суваг, тэр бүгд санал бүртгүүлэхийн тулд орон нутгийн кабелийн үзүүлэгчдээ хандана болно, Дээд зэрэглэлийн цуврал гэх мэт, кино, илүү, болох бага нь $9.95 сар бүр.
About Super Channel
Супер сувагis a national premium pay television network, consisting of four HD channels, four SD channels, and Super Channel On Demand.
Super Channel’s mission is to entertain and engage Canadian audiences by providing a unique and exclusive entertainment experience. With a core foundation of integrity and accountability, we dedicate ourselves to implementing innovative programming strategies and unparalleled team work that provides viewers with exceptional value and variety.
Super Channel is owned by Allarco Entertainment 2008 Inc., an Edmonton-based media company.
Super Channel is currently available on Bell TV, Shaw Direct, Rogers Anyplace TV, Shaw Cable, Cogeco Cable, Access Communications, Bell Alliant TV, Source Cable, SaskTel, MTS, Novus, EastLink, TELUS, Videotron, Westman Communications and other regional providers.
Connect with Super Channel:
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Evander Холифилд & Luis Collazo Ring 8’s Special Guest Speakers

Мягмар гариг, Эцсийн. 21 at O’Neill’s Restaurant
In Maspeth, NY
НЬЮ ЙОРК (Арваннэгдүгээр 15, 2017)) – Famer танхим Evander “Бодит хэлэлцээр” Holyfield and former world welterweight champion Luis Collazo will be special guest speakers at Ring 8’s next monthly meeting,Мягмар гариг Шөнийн, Арваннэгдүгээр 21, at O’Neill’s Restaurant (64-21 53дугаар Drive) in Maspeth, Нью-Йорк,
Because a large crowd is expected, only Ring 8 members will be allowed to attend this meeting, but membership may be obtained at the door for those interested in joining Ring 8.
Evander Holyfield is one of the few living legends in our sport,” Ring 8 Ерөнхийлөгч Жак Hirsch гэж хэлсэн. “Тэгэхээр, you can imagine how thrilled we are to have him as a guest speaker. We had planned to present Holyfield with the Ring 8 Legends Award at our holiday banquet, but a lucrative business opportunity will prohibit him from being there that afternoon. Харин үүний оронд, we will present him with that award at O’Neil’s. It says a lot about Evander that he adjusted his schedule to remain in New York to attend our meeting.
Luis Collazo is a terrific fighter in his own right, having been a former world champion. His career seems to be on an upswing once again and we are anxious to hear about his future plans.
Holyfield has retired as a boxer with an outstanding 44-10-2 (29 Kos), but this past year he has operated a New York City-based promotional company, Real Deal Boxing. A U.S. Олимпод, Holyfield is the only unified world cruiserweight champion, as well as a four-time heavyweight champion of the world.
He had a 16-7-2 record in world title fights and won 19 нь 30 fights with two draws against past or present world champions, defeating a Who’s Who list of all-time greats such as Dwight Muhammad Qawi, Жорж мастер, Ларри Холмс, Riddick Bowe болон Майк Тайсон (хоёр дахин их), Дэлгэрэнгүй алдартнууд дунд.
Born in Brooklyn and now a resident of Queens, Collazo (37-7. 20 Kos) captured the World Boxing Association (WBA) welterweight world title on April 2, 2005, winning a 12-round split decision over hometown favorite and defending champion Жозе Антонио Ривера Worcester нь, Массачусетсийн.
The 26-year-old Collazo, who has also defeated world champions Miguel Angel Gonzalez болон Виктор Ортиз, remains a world title contender having upset 21-1 Сэмми Vasquez in his last action by way of a sixth-round knockout last February.
ТУХАЙ RING 8: Ring 8 Дараа нь Үндэсний ахмад боксчид Холбоо гэгддэг юу найм дахь охин болж – эндээс, RING 8 – Өнөөдөр байгууллагын уриа хэвээр байна: Боксчидоор туслах боксчид.
RING 8 бүрэн төлөх түрээсийн хувьд туслалцаа шаардлагатай боксын орон нутагт зүдэрсэн хүмүүсийг дэмжиж ажиллаж байна, Эрүүл мэндийн зардал, эсвэл ямар нэгэн хүндэтгэн үзэх шаардлага.
Мөрөнд рүү очих www.Ring8ny.com Ring талаар дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг 8, илүү АНУ-д энэ төрлийн хамгийн том бүлэг 350 гишүүд. Жилийн гишүүнчлэлийн татвар нь зөвхөн $30.00 мөн гишүүн бүр Ring дээр буфет хоол идэхээр эрхтэй 8 сар тутмын уулзалт, Долоо, наймдугаар оруулахгүйгээр. Бүх идэвхтэй боксчид, сонирхогчийн болон мэргэжлийн, Одоогийн боксын тусгай зөвшөөрөл, ном нь магтан сайшааж цагираг нь авах эрхтэй 8 жилийн гишүүнчлэл. Ring-ийн зочин 8 Гишүүд нь зөвхөн нэг зардлаар урьж байна $7.00 Нэг хүнд ногдох.

Raymond Serrano – Enver Halili now for WBC Fecarbox Welterweight title this Saturday at The Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City

Loaded show now with three title bouts
Хэвлэлийн бага хурал Пүрэв гариг AT MALCOM’S LOUNGE IN THE CLARDIGE HOTEL AT 6 PM
Thomas LaManna to take on Samuel Amoako for LBF Intercontinental Welterweight title

Adam Lopez fights Jorge Diaz for WBC Fecarbox title

Plus undefeated Alvin Vermall, Фредерик Julán & Yurik Mamedov

Шуурхай мэдээ

Атлантын хот, NJ (Арваннэгдүгээр 14, 2017)–The stakes have grown for the exciting co-feature bout between Raymond Serrano мөн гийн ялагдашгүй Enver Halili at the Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City.
The ten-round bout will be contested for the WBC Fecarbox Welterweight title.
The card is promoted by Rising Promotions, Грег Cohen урамшуулал, & Ялагч нь бүх продакшныг авах.
Serrano of Philadelphia has been training at the famed Wildcard Gym, and has had a terrific camp.
Camp has been very good, I am just dropping the last couple pounds. I have been sparring with Miguel Cotto and some of the top MMA fighters as well. I have one of the top trainer’s in the gym Ernie Zavala working my corner,” хэлсэн Serrano.
Serrano has trained in Philadelphia and Puerto Rico all over the world and has noticed a difference working out at one of the most famous gyms world.
The difference in training at Wild Card is that there are so many good fighters there and everywhere you look there is a top level fighter who si working hard.
In Halili he knows he is in with a fighter who is coming to win and bring the best out of Serrano.
I really don’t know too much about him. I saw some old footage of him, and I can see that he is a boxer. He is undefeated, so he is coming to win and that should make for a good fight.
It was five years ago when Serrano was a prize prospect with an 18-0 бичлэг, and he was on the brink of major fights, before a stretch where Serrano was able to go just 5-4, yet Serrano believes that he is just a win or two away from a major fight.
I feel like with a win, I am just a phone call away from a big fight. Even thought I am not ranked, I know I can compete with the big names of the division. This win should get me the belt and also the rankings. I just want to continue to climb the ladder. People forget that I am just 28 years-old and I am in my prime. Little by little with my manager Mark Cipparone. I just want to let everyone know that this Saturday, November 18th there will be a new WBC Fecarbox champion, and that will be me, Raymond “Тито” Serrano.

Үндсэн тохиолдолд, Томас LaManna (24-2, 9 Kos) дээр авдаг Самуел Amoako (23-16, 17 Kos) in a ten round battle for the LBF Intercontinental title.

Raymond Serrano (23-4, 10 Kos) дээр авдаг Enver Halili (10-0, 3 Kos) in a ten round welterweight clash for the WBC Fecarbox Welterweight title.
Адам Lopez (16-1-2, 8 Kos) тулаан Jorge Diaz (18-5-1, 10 Kos) for the WBC Fecarbox Super bantamweight title in a eight-round bout.
In a six-round welterweight bout, Yurik Mamedov (7-0, 3 Kos) Brooklyn-ийн, NY тулаанВинсент Floyd (3-3-1, 2 Kos) of Philadelphia in a welterweight contest.
Элвин Vermall, JR. (13-0-1, 11 Kos) Catskills нь, NY дээр авна Nicholas Lavin (5-6, 4 Kos) of Shelton, Connecticut in a six-round cruiserweight bout.

Фредерик Julán (6-0, 4 Kos) Нью-Йоркийн, NY тулалдах болно Уиллис Lockett (15-21-6, 5 Kos) Takoma цэцэрлэгт хүрээлэнгийн, Maryland in a six-round light heavyweight fight.

Sidell Blocker (1-9-1) of Pleasantville, NJ will fight a rematch with Tomas Romain (4-1) Brooklyn-ийн, NY in a lightweight bout.

Jonathan Arroyo Нью-Йоркийн эсрэг түүний дэмжсэн анхны тоглолтоо хийх болно Стив Мур (0-1) Orange-ийн, NJ in a welterweight bout.
Зориулсан хэрэгслээр зорчих тасалбар November 18th fight card at The Claridge are priced at $200, $125, $80 болон $55 (Ерөнхий Элсэлтийн) and can be purchased at www.RisingBoxingPromotions.com

Ishe Smith Training Camp Notes

Former World Champion Meets Top Contender Julian Williams in Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions on Bounce Live from
The Chelsea Inside The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas on
Бямба гариг, Эцсийн. 18
Las Vegas (Арваннэгдүгээр 14, 2017) – Дэлхийн аварга асан Ishe Смит will look to stake his claim to another world title opportunity when he battles top contender Жулиан Williams гол үйл явдал нь Premier Boxing Champions on Bounce live from The Chelsea inside The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas on Бямба гариг, Арваннэгдүгээр 18.
Smith knows that Williams provides a steep challenge and the veteran will have to be at his best to hold off the hungry title contender.
Julian Williams is tough, one of the toughest in the division,” Смит хэлсэн. “I don’t overlook his talent and what he brings to the sport. I’ve been in boxing going on 17 жил, so I’ve seen a lot. Williams hasn’t been tested in all the ways I have. Unlike my opponent, I’ve been in the ring with all levels of fighters: дэлхийн аварга, rising prospects and former world champions. I’ve seen it all.
The winner of his last two contests, Smith most recently defeated then once-beaten Frank Galarza last September. Дээр Арваннэгдүгээр 18, Smith looks to prove that his experience and hard work in training camp will make all the difference once the bell rings.
This camp is definitely different than my last one, in the sense that I feel more prepared,” Смит хэлсэн. “I have been conditioning my body to go the distance like I have with all fights. With my experience, coupled with my trainer Rafael Ramos, who has been great in preparing me for any and all curveballs my opponent may try and hand me, Би бэлэн байна.
Training for fights becomes more challenging the longer you stay in the sport, but I’ve always kept it a habit to fine tune my body throughout the year, because at any moment you can get that call. My work and my mindset have improved dramatically and by November 18I’ll be exactly where I need to be.
The Las Vegas-native will fight in his hometown for the 19 time as a professional and as always, the first Las Vegas-born world champion hopes to makeSin Cityproud with his performance.
My city has supported me since day one,” Смит хэлсэн. “It feels great to headline another show in my hometown. Through my up and downs my fans have always been there and supported me and this fight won’t be any different; All I can do is get out there and put on a hell of a show. It’s a special feeling to have home court advantage.
# # #
Амьд арга хэмжээ зохион байгуулах хэрэгслээр зорчих тасалбар, Mayweather урамшуулал болон TGB Урамшуулал дэмжиж байгаа, үнэтэй байна $29, $39, $59, $69, $89 болон $149 , одоо худалдаанд байгаа. Хэрэгслээр зорчих тасалбар авч болно www.cosmopolitanlasvegas.com or through Ticketmaster at (800) 745-3000 болон www.ticketmaster.нь.
Телевизийн хамрах хүрээ эхэлдэг 9 p.m. БОЛОН/6 p.m. and features Lionell Томпсон clashing with unbeaten prospect Earl Ньюман in a 10-round light heavyweight bout plus unbeaten prospects Tugstsogt Төгсцогт болон Xavier Martinez going head-to-head in a 10-round featherweight fight.
Bounce is the fastest-growing African-American network on television and airs on the broadcast signals of local television stations and corresponding cable carriage. The network features a programming mix of original and off-network series, театрын хөдөлгөөн зураг, мэргэжилтэн, Амьд спорт ба түүнээс дээш. Bounce has grown to be available in 99 million homes across the United States and 95% of all African-American television homes.
Premier Boxing Champions on Bounce will be available to be streamed live via Bounce’s new subscription-video-on-demand service Brown Sugar, which features an extensive and one-of-a-kind library of iconic black movies as well as Bounce original programming and series. Brown Sugar is available on Apple TV, Жил, Amazon Channels, Amazon Fire TV, Amazon Kindle, Android and Apple smartphones and tablets and web browsers via BrownSugar.com. Brown Sugar also has Google Chromecast capabilities which allow video to play on televisions directly from mobile devices and tablets for consumers with Android and iOS devices. There is a free initial trial period for subscribers with a retail price of $3.99/month thereafter.
Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг авна уу: WWW.premierboxingchampions.com болон www.mayweatherpromotions.com Twitter дээр даганаPremierBoxing, BounceTV, MayweatherPromo, TGBPromotions and @Swanson_Comm , Facebook дээр нь фен болох: www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions болон WWW.Facebook.com/BounceTV. Follow the conversation using #PBConBounce. PBC on Bounce is sponsored by Corona: хамгийн сайн шар айраг.
Bounce is the fastest-growing African-American (АА) network on television and airs on the broadcast signals of local television stations and corresponding cable carriage. The network features a programming mix of original and off-network series, театрын хөдөлгөөн зураг, мэргэжилтэн, Амьд спорт ба түүнээс дээш. Bounce has grown to be available in more than 94 million homes across the United States and 93% of all African American television homes, дээд АА телевизийн зах зээл, бүх дотор. Among the founders of Bounce are iconic American figures Martin Luther King, III and Ambassador Andrew Young.
Орон нутгийн зам байршил нь, BounceTV.com авна.

RIP Desmond Hammond

Шуурхай мэдээ

Унших, ТХГН-ийн (Арваннэгдүгээр 14, 2017)King’s Promotions is deeply saddened at the passing of Desmond Hammond.

Hammond of Reading, Pennsylvania passed away Даваа гаригт morning at the age of 35. He was at his home and surrounded by his family.
Hammond was the Director of Operations for King’s Promotions for the better part of the last three years. He was the nephew of King’s Promotions CEO Marshall Kauffman.
This is such a sad day for my family and for everyone who knew Desmond,” Kauffman гэв.
Desmond was like a son to me. He is my sister’s son, and he is basically the same age as my children so we are extremely close. Desmond came to boxing just a few years ago and he picked up the business so fast. We have run more shows then anybody in the country, and they all have come off so smoothly. That was because of Desmond. He was on top of every detail, which made the events go off without a hitch. But most of all he was very selfless and caring. He was always there for someone in need. He was a great young man, who was very smart, and he was always joking. It was such an honor for me to have him on board with King’s Promotions. He was such a special person who was loved and will be missed so much.
Besides Kauffman and his family, Hammond is survived by his mother Sheri Clark, sisters Lynchel Hammond and Raven Hammond, brother Steven Brandon, his daughter Dayana, newborn son Donovan and his girlfriend Alisha.
The Viewing will be held next Даваа гариг, November 20th хооронд 9 am and 11 байна St нь. John Baptist Church, 436 South 7th Street, Унших, Pa.19602

Thomas LaManna interview and media workout videos

Хэвлэлийн бага хурал Пүрэв гариг AT MALCOM’S LOUNGE IN THE CLARDIGE HOTEL AT 6 PM
Thomas LaManna to take on Samuel Amoako for LBF Intercontinental Welterweight title Бямба гариг at The Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City

Devin Haney appears in special attraction

Raymond Serrano battles Enver Halili in 10-round co-feature

Adam Lopez fights Jorge Diaz for WBC Fecarbox title

Plus undefeated Alvin Vermall, Фредерик Julán & Yurik Mamedov

Шуурхай мэдээ

Атлантын хот, NJ (Арваннэгдүгээр 13, 2017)–Below is a video interview and media workout with Thomas “Cornflake” LaManna before his ten-round LBF Intercontinental Welterweight championship bout with Samuel Amoako that headlines a 10-bout card Энэ Бямба гариг night at The Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City.
The card is promoted by Rising Promotions, Грег Cohen урамшуулал, Devin Haney Promotions & Ялагч нь бүх продакшныг авах.
LaManna discusses his fight with Amoako and the growth of his promotional company that will be staging it’s 10th event in under two years.

Үндсэн тохиолдолд, Томас LaManna (24-2, 9 Kos) дээр авдаг Самуел Amoako (23-16, 17 Kos) in a ten round battle for the LBF Intercontinental title.

Devin Haney (18-0, 12 Kos) appears in an eight-round special attraction in a junior welterweight bout.
Raymond Serrano (23-4, 10 Kos) дээр авдаг Enver Halili (10-0, 3 Kos) in a ten round welterweight clash.
Адам Lopez (16-1-2, 8 Kos) тулаан Jorge Diaz (18-5-1, 10 Kos) for the WBC Fecarbox Super bantamweight title in a eight-round bout.
In an four-round junior middleweight bout fights Жефф Lentz (5-1, 1 К.О) of Bellmar, NJ дээр авдаг Darryl Gause (2-0, 1 К.О) Vineland тухай, Нью-Жерси
In a six-round welterweight bout, Yurik Mamedov (7-0, 3 Kos) Brooklyn-ийн, NY тулаанВинсент Floyd (3-3-1, 2 Kos) of Philadelphia in a welterweight contest.
Элвин Vermall, JR. (13-0-1, 11 Kos) Catskills нь, NY дээр авна Nicholas Lavin (5-6, 4 Kos) of Shelton, Connecticut in a six-round cruiserweight bout.

Фредерик Julán (6-0, 4 Kos) Нью-Йоркийн, NY тулалдах болно Уиллис Lockett (15-21-6, 5 Kos) Takoma цэцэрлэгт хүрээлэнгийн, Maryland in a six-round light heavyweight fight.

Sidell Blocker (1-9-1) of Pleasantville, NJ will fight a rematch with Tomas Romain (4-1) Brooklyn-ийн, NY in a lightweight bout.

Jonathan Arroyo Нью-Йоркийн эсрэг түүний дэмжсэн анхны тоглолтоо хийх болно Стив Мур (0-1) Orange-ийн, NJ in a welterweight bout.
Зориулсан хэрэгслээр зорчих тасалбар November 18th fight card at The Claridge are priced at $200, $125, $80 болон $55 (Ерөнхий Элсэлтийн) and can be purchased at www.RisingBoxingPromotions.com


Photo by Mario Serrano – Ханхүү Ranch Боксын
Las Vegas, NV (Арваннэгдүгээр 13, 2017)Undefeated super-lightweight prospect, BlairThe Flair” Cobbs (6-0, 5 Kos), хэн удирддаг байна Ханхүү Ranch Боксын (PRB), is now scheduled to fight on Арваннэгдүгээр 18, 2018 at the Fitzgerald’s Casino & Hotel in Tunica, Миссисипи. Blair, who fights in the southpaw stance, will face Ousmane Sylla (1-2-1, 1 К.О) 6 дугуй дайралт хийвэл нь. The card titled Fights at the Fitz, has been going strong for 14-years.
Blair, who just fought in Aguascalientes, Mexico on October 14, 2017, won a 6-round unanimous decision against Hugo Padilla. He’s scheduled to fight again on December 2 Мексикт, but will take this bout on short notice, as he looks to stay busy. Cobbs who is originally from Philly, now lives in Las Vegas.
The fact that I’m getting another fight in before my bout in Mexico is wonderful,” said Blair Cobbs. “This is exactly what I wanted when I signed with Prince Ranch Boxingtoo stay busy. I’m in great shape being that I just fought last month, so taking this fight on short notice is no big deal. My trainer Bones Adams and I have been steadily grinding at the Prince Ranch Boxing gym in Las Vegas. Greg Hannely is doing a great job managing my career and I’ll be ready to fight on November 18.”
Blair Cobbs is a very talented fighter and I’m happy that I was able to get him on this card.” Грег Hannely, president of Prince Ranch Boxing stated. “He’ll be making a quick return right after this fight on December 2 so I’m happy that we are keeping him busy.
Tickets toFights at the Fitzpriced $30 Ерөнхий Элсэлтийн, $40 Reserved, болон $50Ringside, are on sale now and can be purchased at the Fitz Gift Shop located in the Fitzgerald Casino, үед ticketmaster.com, эсвэл Ticketmaster дуудан тус 800-745-3000.
The Fitzgerald’s Casino & Зочид буудал байрлах юм 711 Lucky Lane in Robinsonville, MS 38664. Нээлттэй хаалга 6:30 цаг. First bout begins at 7:30 p.m.

Jesse Angel Hernandez Cements Himself as a Super Bantamweight Contender with Impressive Unanimous Decision Over Glenn Dezurn

The Fort Worth, АНУ-ын Техасын, super bantamweight express named Jesse Angel Hernandez continued to pick up momentum last Saturday night, as he took his second consecutive undefeated record away, this time from Baltimore’s Glenn Dezurn.
Fighting on the Danny Jacobs vs. Luis Arias and Jarrell Miller vs. Mariusz Wach undercard at Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Uniondale, Нью-Йорк, Эрнандес (одоо 10-1, 7 Kos) used his height and reach advantages to maximum effect while scoring an eight-round unanimous decision over Dezurn (одоо 9-1-1, 6 Kos).
Despite a game showing from Dezurn, 26-year-old Hernandez was able to keep Dezurn at bay while landing long power shots. When Dezurn was able to make it inside, Hernandez would simply push him back. At the end of eight entertaining rounds, шүүгчид’ scorecards read 79-73, 78-74, болон 77-75, all for Hernandez.
“Энэ нь маш их мэдэрдэг. I think I looked impressive,” Эрнандес хэлсэн. “I was winning every round. The game plan worked very well. I was trying to stay on the outside, with me being taller than him. My defense was better than his. He did more running than I thought he would. It was a good experience to fight another undefeated guy.
The win over Dezurn was Hernandez’ “хоёр дахь 0 in a row.” Өнгөрсөн Наймдугаар 4, at MGM Grand Detroit, and televised live nationally on ShoBox: Шинэ эх үүсвэрийг бий болгох, Hernandez stopped Russia’s then undefeated Vladimir Tikhonov in five.
Taking somebody’s 0 gives me the confidence to keep doing it,” continued Hernandez. “These are tough guys I’m fighting now. As I pick up fights and rounds, I feel like my experience is making me better and better. I feel like it’s to my advantage to be in tough every time like this.
Hernandez’s promoter, Dmitriy Salita of Salita Promotions, says he was very impressed by his newest super bantamweight contender.
Jesse’s speed, эрчим хүч, aggression and ring generalship were very impressive in this competitive match-up. With this win, Jesse showed that he is one of the best 122-lb contenders in the world. Boxing fans will hear more and more about him in the near future. The plan is to keep Jesse busy while increasing his exposure, to get him in position for a world title shot next year.
Things are going great. I feel like I’m with the right team,” Эрнандес хэлсэн. “Salita believed in me like I believe in myself. I will talk to my team and we’re looking forward to fighting again in January or February.