الوسم المحفوظات: الملاكمة

LaManna يفوز بلقب LBF Intercontinental Welterweight بقراره على Amoako

سيرانو ودياز يلتقطان تيجان WBC Fecarbox

فيرمال, ماميدوف وجولان لم يهزما
أتلانتيك سيتي, NJ (تشرين الثاني 21, 2017)– لاس السبت ليل, توماس LaManna حصل على قرار بالإجماع من عشر جولات على صامويل أمواكو القوي في المباراة الرئيسية لبطاقة ثمانية مباريات في فندق كلاريدج في أتلانتيك سيتي.

بطاقة, الذي تم الترويج له بواسطة Rising Promotions كان عملية البيع العاشرة على التوالي في The Claridge للترقية, الذين واصلوا ترسيخ أنفسهم كأفضل مروجين للملاكمة في أتلانتيك سيتي.

أدى الفوز إلى حصول LaManna على لقب LBF Intercontinental.

عمل LaManna خلف ضربة قوية وكان أمواكو دائمًا في عقلية دفاعية. حافظ LaManna على ما كان ناجحًا بالنسبة له حيث استخدم ضربة قوية لإعداد لقطات قوية للجسم. خرج لامانا تحت الضغط المستمر الذي لم يكن لدى أمواكو حل له.

LaManna, 147 رطل من ميلفيل, فاز NJ بجميع البطاقات بهامش الإغلاق 100-90 والآن 25-2. أمواكو من سيلفر سبرينغ, MD عبر غانا هو 23-17.

مقابلة مع توماس لامانا بعد حلقة القتال
ريمون سيرانو فاز بلقب WBC Fecarbox Welterweight بفوزه بالإقصاء في الجولة الثامنة على إنفر هاليلي الذي لم يهزم سابقًا.
كانت المعركة حربًا أثارت إعجاب الجماهير في كلاريدج. تم هز كلا الرجلين عدة مرات طوال المسابقة.
بدأت اللكمات تصل إلى هليلي حيث تم خصم نقاط منه في الجولتين السادسة والسابعة لأنه بصق لسان حاله. بصق ووضع واقي الفم مرة أخرى في الجولة الثامنة, وألغى الحكم إريك دالي المباراة عند 1:34.

سيرانو فيلادلفيا الآن 24-4. هليلي الآن 10-1.

خورخي دياز خرج من سطح السفينة ليحصل على قرار بالإجماع من ثماني جولات على آدم لوبيز ويحصل على لقب WBC Fecarbox Super Bantamweight.

في الدور الثاني, أسقط لوبيز دياز بيده اليمنى القصيرة. جمع دياز نفسه وبدأ في التصدي بشكل جيد والقيام بجولات. لقد كانت معركة متقاربة وتنافسية على طول الامتداد حيث حصل دياز على جميع الأوراق 76-75 احصاءات.

دياز, 121.4 رطل من نيو برونزويك, NJ الآن 19-5-1. لوبيز, 121.4 رطل من سان أنطونيو, TX هو 16-2-2.

Yurik محمدوف فاز بقرار إجماعي من ست جولات على فنسنت فلويد في مباراة وزن الوسط.

محمدوف, 146.7 رطل من بروكلين, N فاز بعشرات 60-54 و 59-55 مرتين لتبقى مثاليًا 8-0. فلويد, 146.3 رطل من فيلادلفيا ينخفض ​​إلى 3-4-1.

ألفين Varmall دمر نيكولاس لافين 97 ثوانٍ من المباراة المقررة من ست جولات في وزن الطراد.

قفز فارمال في جميع أنحاء لافين, وأخيرًا وضعه في العد العشرة.

بالتأكيد, 183 رطل من لا بليس, لوس أنجلوس الآن 14-0-1 مع 12 بالضربة القاضية. لافين, 192 رطل

توماس رومان حقق المركز الثاني على التوالي على Sidell Blocker بالفوز بقرار إجماعي في الجولة السادسة

في الجولة السادسة, بدأ مانع يسيل الدم من فتحة أنفه اليمنى.

رومان, 131.4 رطل من بروكلين, فازت نيويورك بعشرات من 60-54 مرتين و 60-55.

رومان الآن 5-1. مانع, 13o.5 رطل من بليسنتفيل, نيوجيرسي 1-10-1.

جوناثان أرويو أسقطت, لكنه استمر في جعل ظهوره الاحترافي الأول ناجحًا حيث اتخذ قرارًا بالإجماع من أربع جولات على ستيف مور في مباراة وزن الوسط..

سيطرت أرويو على العمل, ولكن في الجولة الرابعة, وهبط مور بقوة يمينية مما أدى إلى جثو أرويو على ركبتيه.

أرويو, 145.7 رطل من نيويورك هو 1-0. مور, 146.5 رطل من البرتقال, NJ هو 0-2.

فريدريك Julán ظل مثاليًا من خلال إيقاف ويليس لوكيت بعد خمس جولات من مباراة وزن الطراد المقررة المكونة من ست جولات.

سيطر جولان على المباراة حتى اكتفى لوكيت, وتوقف القتال في الزاوية بعد المقطع الخامس.

يوليو, 181.5 رطل من بروكلين, نيويورك الآن 7-0 مع خمسة بالضربة القاضية. لوكيت, 182 رطل هو الآن تاكوما بارك, MD الآن 15-22-6.

يعود بطل العالم السابق ديفون ألكساندر إلى الإسقاط & اهزم والتر كاستيلو في الحدث الرئيسي لأبطال الملاكمة الممتازين TOE-TO-TOE TUESDAYS على FS1 & BOXEO DE CAMPEONES على FOX يرحل من الكولوسيوم في سانت لويس. بطرسبرج, فلوريدا.

Miguel Cruz Remains Unbeaten With
Unanimous Decision Over David Grayton
انقر هنا for Photos from Douglas DeFelice/
رئيس الوزراء الملاكمة أبطال أوروبا – (الصور ستضاف قريبا)
ST. بطرسبرج, FL. (تشرين الثاني 21, 2017) – بطل العالم السابق ديفون الكسندر (27-4, 14 كوس) returned to the ring in impressive style as he dominated والتر كاستيلو (26-5-1, 19 كوس) on his way to a unanimous decision in the main event of رئيس الوزراء الملاكمة أبطال أوروبا أيام الثلاثاء TOE-TO-TOE على FS1 والملاكمة أبطال أوروبا على FOX ديبورتيس الثلاثاء night from The Coliseum in St. بطرسبرج, فلوريدا.
This feels really good,” قال الكسندر. “I’ve been on a journey that I didn’t expect to go through and I’m thankful to be back in the ring and have my career back.
Returning to the ring for the first time في خلال سنتين, Alexander was sharp from the outset, using the skills that made him a two-division champion to befuddle Castillo. Alexander’s jab found itsrange from the beginning and he slowly began to work in straight left hands that he would land frequently to maintain control of the action.
My coach was telling me to pick it up throughout the fight,” قال الكسندر. “The rust got to me a little bit. I know that I can be more active. I really started to feel warmed up later in the fight. I know that I can do way better but I was happy to have this experience.
في الدور الثاني, Alexander scored a highlight reel knockdown of Castillo as he landed a powerful par of straight left hands sandwich around a right uppercut. Castillo continued to try to walk Alexander down and stayed persistent in throwing power punches as much as he could over the course of the fight.
He kept moving side to side and didn’t really stay in there and fight,” سعيد كاستيلو. “I wanted him to run less but I just kept coming forward trying to throw punches. I got dazed a little from the knockdown but nothing bad. That was more about his speed.
Alexander proved to be too sharp throughout the welterweight affair, consistently avoiding Castillo’s big punches and delivering his own varied and effective attack. بعد 10 جولات, Alexander was officially back in the win column with a unanimous decision by scores of 100-89 مرتين و 96-93.
I love doing what I do,” قال الكسندر. “This is what I was born to do since I was seven-years-old. I’m thankful to be back doing what I love.
I’m going to talk to my coach and my team and see what we can come up with next. I’m ready to fight anybody out there. I don’t have any cuts so I’m ready. I’m on a journey and I’m thankful to be here.
The opening bout of the telecast saw unbeaten ميغيل كروز (17-0, 11 كوس) earn a close unanimous decision over ديفيد جريتون (15-2-1, 11 كوس) in a competitive welterweight clash.
Both fighters took their time getting started in round one before Grayton broke through in round two and stunned Cruz against the ropes late in the round. Cruz bounced back in round three landing a right hand late in the third round that forced Grayton to tie up and eventually tackle Cruz to the canvas in order to survive the round.
Cruz suffered his first cut of the fight during the round three exchange but fought through the wound under his right eye and dropped Grayton with a jab early in round six to score a crucial knockdown. The intensity of the fight continued into the eighth round when Grayton began to tee-off on Cruz as blood poured from a second cut, this one above Cruz’s right eye.
The back and forth battle continued until the final bell, with both men throwing wildly as the referee attempted to break up the action. بعد 10 rounds all three judges saw the fight in favor of Cruz by the score of 96-93.
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المشجعين يمكن أن يعيش تيار المعارك على FOX الرياضة GO, متوفر باللغة الإنجليزية أو الإسبانية من خلال يغذي FS1 أو FOX ديبورتيس. هي معارك المتاحة على سطح المكتب في FOXSportsGO.com ومن خلال المتجر, أو الأجهزة المتصلة بما في ذلك آبل, TV الروبوت, TV النار, اكس بوكس ​​واحد وروكو. بالإضافة, جميع البرامج متاحة أيضا على FOX الرياضة على قناة قناة SiriusXM 83 على راديو الأقمار الصناعية وعلى التطبيق قناة SiriusXM.
تابع على تويترPremierBoxing, @ FS1, FOXDeportes وSwanson_Comm وتصبح مروحة في الفيسبوك في www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, وwww.facebook.com/foxdeportes. أبرز المتاحة في www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC على FS1 & FOX Deportes was sponsored by Corona Extra, La Cerveza Mas Fina and promoted by Warriors Boxing and Fire Fist Boxing Promotions.


Spence Returns for First Title Defense in
شوتايم بطولة الملاكمة® الحدث الرئيسي
Tickets On Sale Tomorrow, الأربعاء, نوفمبر. 22 في 10 صباحا. و
BROOKLYN (نوفمبر. 21, 2017) – Undefeated IBF Welterweight World Champion ايرول “الحقيقة” سبنس جونيور. will make the first defense of his title when he takes on former two-division world champion لامونت بيترسون في.يوم السبت, يناير 20 يعيشون على شوتايم. The event is presented by Premier Boxing Champions from Barclays Center, منزل BROOKLYN الملاكمة®.
SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING coverage begins live at 9 عصرا. و/6 عصرا. PT and will feature undercard attractions that will be announced in the near future.
تذاكر لالحدث على الهواء مباشرة, التي يتم الترويج لها من قبل DiBella الترفيه وTGB الترقيات, يتم تسعيرها ابتداء من الساعة $50, وستطرح للبيع الأربعاء, نوفمبر. 22 في 10 صباحا. و. ويمكن شراء التذاكر في ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com أو عن طريق الاتصال 800-745-3000. Tickets can also be purchased at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center starting الخميس, نوفمبر. 23 عند الظهر. الخصومات مجموعة المتاحة عن طريق استدعاء 844-BKLYN-GP. فإن بث شوتايم بطولة الملاكمة تكون متاحة أيضا باللغة الإسبانية عن طريق البرمجة الصوتية الثانوية (SAP).
I’m pleased to be promoting Spence vs. بيترسون, one of the very best matchups in the welterweight division and in all of boxing,” وقال لو DiBella, رئيس DiBella الترفيه. “Spence is not only one of the best welterweights in the world, but one of the best pound-for-pound fighters in boxing. In Peterson, he faces another elite welterweight and a two-time world champion. سبنس مقابل. Peterson will bring the heat to Barclays Center on a chilly January 20. This is yet another night in the outstanding run of big time fights on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING.
“سبنس مقابل. Peterson is an intriguing matchup between two elite welterweights looking to reach the top of this marquee division,” وقال توم براون, رئيس الترقيات TGB. “Errol Spence is a rising star with his sights set on title unification and the top of the pound-for-pound list, but he’s going to receive a stern test from Lamont Peterson, a multiple division champion whose resume is filled with top class opponents. It’s going to be another fantastic atmosphere at Barclays Center and a great night of fights live on SHOWTIME.
With his breakout performance against Kell Brook, Errol Spence established himself as one of top fighters in the welterweight division, إن لم يكن في كل الملاكمة,” وقال ستيفن اسبينوزا, نائب الرئيس التنفيذي والمدير العام, شوتايم الرياضية. “Never one to rest on his laurels, Errol continues to seek out the toughest available opponents, and he has found exactly that in Lamont Peterson. Lamont has never backed down from a challenge, and as a result, he has a wealth of experience with one of the strongest resumes in the division. This type of high profile, dangerous matchup is the quintessential SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING main event.
BROOKLYN BOXING enjoyed a banner year in 2017, and we are looking forward to carrying that momentum into 2018,” وقال بريت Yormark, الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة بروكلين الرياضة & تسلية. “سبنس مقابل. Peterson sets a strong precedent for the year, with two top welterweights returning to the ring at Barclays Center to compete for recognition in one of the sport’s most talented divisions.
سبنس (22-0, 19 كوس), من دالاس, traveled to England to dethrone IBF 147-pound champion and hometown favorite Kell Brook on مايو 27 on SHOWTIME in one of the defining fights of 2017. اللاعب البالغ من العمر 27 عاما, who had long been touted as boxing’s next big thing, fulfilled his promise with a breakthrough performance, fracturing Brook’s orbital bone en route to an 11عشر جولة TKO. A 2012 الامريكى. أولمبي, Spence will enter the ring at Barclays Center for the third time after most recently stopping former champion Chris Algieri in an April 2016 الحدث الرئيسي. He will fight in Brooklyn for the fourth time; he earned his title shot by knocking out Leonard Bundu at the Ford Amphitheater at Coney Island Boardwalk in August 2016.
My goal is to unify the welterweight division in 2018, but this fight is a true test and Lamont Peterson is a veteran that I definitely will not overlook,” قال سبنس. “I sparred him in the amateurs and I know what he brings to the table. I have to get through him to achieve my goals and that is what I plan on doing 20 يناير.”
بيترسون (35-3-1, 17 كوس), من واشنطن, العاصمة, has won titles at 140 و 147 pounds while facing some of the biggest names in the sport, including Danny Garcia, Amir Khan and Timothy Bradley. The 33-year-old won the WBA 147-pound title in his last outing فبراير. 18 on SHOWTIME before relinquishing the belt for the chance to challenge Spence. Peterson has won four of his last five outings, twice fighting at Barclays Center. His Brooklyn debut saw him defeat Edgar Santana by TKO in 2014 before dropping a narrow majority draw to Garcia in a 2015 main event in Brooklyn.
“أولا, I’m happy to be getting back in the ring,” سعيد بيترسون. “I’ve stayed in the gym and I’m ready to go. This is a fight I wanted and as I said before when I became a welterweight, I want to fight the best and make the fights that people want to see. I’m ready to give it my all and give the fans a great show.
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لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارة www.sho.com/sports , شبكة الاتصالات العالمية.premierboxingchampions.com,
تابعنا على تويترShowtimeBoxing, PremierBoxing, LouDiBella, TGBPromotions, @BarclaysCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter,
و www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment. برعاية PBC التي كتبها كورونا إكسترا, أروع البيرة.


Photo by Prince Ranch Boxing
LAS VEGAS, NV (تشرين الثاني 20, 2017) – هذا الماضي السبت برنس رانش للملاكمة super-lightweight prospect, BlairThe Flair” Cobbs (7-0, 6 كوس), remained undefeated with a dominating performance against Ousmane Sylla (1-3-1, 1 KO), سجل ل 4عشر جولة TKO. The scheduled 6-round bout took place at the at the Fitzgerald’s Casino & Hotel in Tunica, ميسيسيبي.
“من جرس الافتتاح, Cobbs applied a tremendous amount pressure as he walked down Sylla, forcing him to fight going backwards. Cobbs was digging to the body with vicious intent. Cobbs continued to overwhelm Sylla with an all-out attack, landing multiple power shots to the head and body in rounds two and three. أخيرا, Cobbs landed another solid right hook to the head forcing the referee to stop the bout in the fourth round, giving him the TKO victory.
Going into this fight I felt I had to get the knockout,” said Blair Cobbs. “I did exactly that by applying a lot of pressure and going to the body. After round three I knew he was wearing down, and that’s when I went for the knockout. Everything went greatnow it’s time to get back in the gym and continue grinding.
Blair Cobbs is taking advantage of all the opportunities that have come his way,” ذكر جريج Hannely, رئيس برنس رانش للملاكمة. “I believe he has all the talent to become a world champion in the next couple of years. We are going to keep him very busy moving forward. Sky is the limit for this kid.
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2016 Olympic bronze medalist Nico Hernandez & Hungarian champion Jozsef Ajtai have taken different paths into pro ranks

“KO يلة الملاكمة: ذهب & مجد” إلى
vacant IBA Americas flyweight title
ديسمبر. 2 في هارتمان الساحة في بارك سيتي, KS
PARK CITY, كانساس (تشرين الثاني 20, 2017) – USA Olympian and hometown hero نيكو هيرنانديز and Hungarian flyweight champion جوزيف “يذكر الأحمر” Ajtai took completely different paths into the professional ranks.
هيرنانديز مقابل, Ajtai is the eight-round main event for the vacant International Boxing Association (IBA) Americas flyweight title fight, السبت ليل, ديسمبر 2, على ال “KO يلة الملاكمة: ذهب & مجد” بطاقة, في هارتمان الساحة في بارك سيتي, كانساس.
“KO يلة الملاكمة: ذهب & مجد” هو عرض من KO يلة الملاكمة LLC., بالتعاون مع هارتمان الساحة, وبتمويل جزئي من الاعصار مدينة هارلي ديفيدسون مترو PCS, Mort’s Cigar Bar وJimmy’s Egg.
سوف تكون مسجلة في واقعي لبثها في المستقبل على شبكة سي بي اس الرياضية.
The 21-year-old Hernandez (3-0, 2 كوس), القتال من ويتشيتا, was a decorated amateur boxer who compiled a sterling 123-12 سجل, highlighted by his bronze-medal winning performance at the 2016 دورة الالعاب الاولمبية في البرازيل. Hernandez made his pro debut last March. All his fights have been at home, each has been in the main event, وعلى التلفزيون الوطني. His fight against Ajtai, لكن, will be his first title fight, coming in only his fourth pro bout.
Ajtai, الذي هو سنة واحدة وستة أيام الذين تقل أعمارهم عن هيرنانديز, made his professional debut 2 منذ ½ سنوات, and he’s already fought in five title fights.
هرنانديز’ amateur pedigree versus Ajtai’s pro experience?
I feel like I’m already at the level of a lot of top pro fighters,” Hernandez said. The only advantage he has is he’s used to fighting more rounds than I (this is Nico’s first scheduled 8-rounder), but I don’t plan on letting it go the distance anyways.
I feel blessed to have this IBA title fight opportunity so early in my pro career. It honestly couldn’t come any faster. I do believe it will be special and open a tot of opportunities to fight bigger names once I win this fight. A win should open-up additional title fight opportunities, both overseas and, نأمل, back here at home to help us continue building Wichita into a fight town.
Ajtai (19-9, 12 كوس) has already had 28 معارك للمحترفين, including a full 10-round distance loss by decision last year at Madison Square Garden in New York City to two-time Olympic gold medalist شى مينغ زو, منظمة الملاكمة العالمية السابقة (المنظمة العالمية للملاكمة) بطل العالم لوزن الذبابة. The Hungarian has fought at home in Hungary, as well as on the road in the United Kingdom, إسبانيا, ألمانيا, أوكرانيا وسلوفاكيا. A trip to America’s heartland doesn’t faze him in the least.
He will be at home, where everybody wants to fight, but this isn’t a problem for me,” Ajtai explained. “I know he is a good boxer, but I will try to be a bit better December 2الثانية. When my condition is good, as it is for this fight, nobody likes to fight me.
“هذه فرصة كبيرة بالنسبة لي. It’s always difficult to beat a good fighter but doing so is real success. Fighting Shiming Zou in only my fourth fight was very nice for me. I want that feeling again in this fight against Nico.
Hernandez realizes that this fight could be his last at home for a while, due to the lack of quality American flyweights, and that most world-class fighters in his weight class are from Central America, Thailand and Japan.
I don’t think I’ll have many more fights at home,” Hernandez admits. “I don’t think that will matter too much because I feel more pressure fighting at home than elsewhere. I will miss everyone cheering my name like they do at home. I think I’ll be traveling more to fight bigger names to work my way up the ladder until I’m at the top.
I think the early rounds in this fight (مقابل. Ajtai) will be a chess match because, from what I’ve seen, he runs a lot. I feel that once I start landing my body shots, he’ll slowdown in the latter rounds. و, like I’ve said, I don’t plan on this fight going the distance.
Ajtai, بالطبع, isn’t traveling all the way to Kansas to visit Dorothy or the Wizard of Oz, انه قادم للفوز!
“سوف نيكو أكن أعرف أين سأكون في الحلبة,” وتوقع Ajtai. “عندما ينظر إلى اليسار بالنسبة لي, سوف أذهب إلى اليمين; عندما تحاول أن تجد لي على الحق, وسوف يكون على اليسار. عندما يريد أن يستريح, وسوف يتقدم اللكم; عندما يريد لكمة, وقال انه لن تجدني.
“لدي خطة لهذه المعركة وأنا متأكد من أنه يفعل كذلك. لكن, في الحلقة, فقط خطة مقاتل واحد لا يمكن أن تنجح. انها ستكون معركة جيدة, ولكن لا أستطيع أن أعد الجمهور بأن نيكو سوف يكون هو الفائز.”
كامل “ذهب & مجد” card will be announced later this week. كل المعارك والمقاتلين عرضة للتغيير.
تذاكر الذهاب للبيع غدا (الثلاثاء, أكتوبر. 24 @ 10 صباحا. CT) في شباك التذاكر هارتمان الساحة و HTTP://www.ticketmaster.com/المكان / 50551?العلامة التجارية = هارتمان. الأسعار $115.00 (VIP), $75.00, $50.00, $35.00, $25.00 و $20.00 (الأسعار لا تشمل رسوم الخدمة). Student tickets are available – رياض الأطفال إلى الجامعة – إلى $15.00 دولار ولكن تباع فقط في الساحة. وتجزون الطالب تحديد.
هذا وتبين لجميع الأعمار. الأبواب مفتوحة في 5:00 عصرا. CT with the opening bout scheduled at 6:00 عصرا. CT.
تغريد: KONightBoxing, IBABoxing
الفيسبوك: /NeonStar, /IBABoxing
اتبعNicomhernandez على تويتر و Instagram

Former World Champion Anthony Dirrell Wins Technical Decision Over Denis Douglin in Main Event of a Special Friday Night Edition of Premier Boxing Champions TOE-TO-TOE TUESDAYS on FS1 & BOXEO DE CAMPEONES on FOX Deportes from Dort Federal Credit Union Center in Flint, ميشيغان

Unbeaten Prospect Jamontay Clark Beats Domonique Dolton by
غالبية القرار
Ryan Karl Scores Decision Over Kareem Martin in
Battle of Prospects
انقر هنا for Photos from Silvia Jones/Premier Boxing Champions
(الصور ستضاف قريبا)
FLINT, لي. (تشرين الثاني 18, 2017) – بطل العالم السابق أنتوني Dirrell (31-1-1, 24 كوس) had a successful return to the ring in his hometown as he won a technical decision over Denis Douglin (19-6, 12 كوس) in the main event of a special Friday night edition of Premier Boxing Champions أيام الثلاثاء TOE-TO-TOE على FS1 و الملاكمة أبطال أوروبا on FOX Deportes from Dort Federal Credit Union Center in Flint, ميشيغان.
I wanted to pressure him and test myself,” سعيد Dirrell. “He was wearing down and then the head butt came. I told the doctor that my vision was blurry and he decided not to let me continue.
The fight was stopped in the sixth round after an accidental clash of heads left Dirrell’s left eye badly cut. The ringside physician deemed Dirrell unable to continue and the fight went to the scorecards where Dirrell won a technical decision by scores of 49-46 و 48-47 مرتين.
Fighting in his hometown for the first time since 2011, Dirrell came out fast and appeared to have Douglin in trouble in round one with a flurry of hooks. Douglin was able to survive the round and had successful moments landing left hooks to Dirrell’s head.
Douglin was aggressive throughout but was unable to stop Dirrell from mounting his own offensive surges. Dirrell scored to the body often and was able to work through any difficult moments.
I was going for the knockout,” سعيد Dirrell. “I wanted to get him out of there. I was getting hit and I got frustrated occasionally. I need to stick to the game plan a little better and make sure I’m doing what I want to do in the ring.
Dirrell and Douglin continued to trade blows until the decisive clash of heads that led to a premature end of the fight and Dirrell taking home the decision victory.
I’m right there with anyone in this division,” سعيد Dirrell. “I was getting ready for a title fight and I hurt my back but I’m ready now. I want to face anyone with a belt or whoever will step up to the challenge.
في حال شارك في الرئيسية, unbeaten welterweight prospect Jamontay كلارك (13-0, 7 كوس) boxed his way to a majority decision victory over Domonique دولتون (19-2-1, 10 كوس) in their eight round bout.
Clark used his significant reach advantage and pumped his jab early and often, establishing it in the first round and adding different combinations off of it throughout the contest. Dolton attempted to close down the distance but was unable to land anything that deterred Clark.
A clash of heads midway through the fourth round opened up a cut over Clark’s right eye and appeared to temporarily re-energize Dolton, who tried to take advantage of the wound. Clark showed toughness in never letting the cut slow him down as he stuck to the game plan and boxed effectively down the stretch.
Dolton stalked him throughout the final frames and landed occasionally but it was not enough as Clark took home the decision by scores of 78-74, 77-75 و 76-76.
The opening bout of the telecast saw ريان كارل (15-1, 9 كوس) earn a unanimous decision victory over كريم مارتن (9-2-1, 3 كوس) in an eight round battle of junior welterweight prospects.
Martin had success early walking Karl down and landed a powerful looping right hand combined with a left hook midway through the first round that staggered his opponent. Karl set the tone for the fight and shook off the attack and continued to come forward in an exciting opening frame.
Karl increased his work rate after the first two rounds, consistently using the jab and throwing right hands mixed in with body shots. Martin stayed in the pocket throughout but was too easy to hit as Karl got the better of much of the action in the middle of the ring.
In the final round, Karl seemed to have more left in the tank as he buzzed Martin with a right hand that slowed his opponent and helped him on his way to a unanimous decision by scores of 78-74 مرتين و 77-75.
# # #
المشجعين يمكن أن يعيش تيار المعارك على FOX الرياضة GO, متوفر باللغة الإنجليزية أو الإسبانية من خلال يغذي FS1 أو FOX ديبورتيس. هي معارك المتاحة على سطح المكتب في FOXSportsGO.com ومن خلال المتجر, أو الأجهزة المتصلة بما في ذلك آبل, TV الروبوت, TV النار, اكس بوكس ​​واحد وروكو. بالإضافة, جميع البرامج متاحة أيضا على FOX الرياضة على قناة قناة SiriusXM 83 على راديو الأقمار الصناعية وعلى التطبيق قناة SiriusXM.
تابع على تويترPremierBoxing, @ FS1, FOXDeportes وSwanson_Comm وتصبح مروحة في الفيسبوك في www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, وwww.facebook.com/foxdeportes. أبرز المتاحة في www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC على FS1 & FOX Deportes was sponsored by Corona Extra, La Cerveza Mas Fina and promoted by TGB Promotions and A.D.D. Enterprises in association with Salita Promotions.

Former World Champion Jessie Vargas Returns To Take On Aaron Herrera in Welterweight Clash on Special Friday Night Edition of Premier Boxing Champions TOE-TO-TOE TUESDAYS on FS1 & BOXEO DE CAMPEONES on FOX Deportes December 15 from Pioneer Event Center in Lancaster, كاليفورنيا.

أكثر! Rugged Veteran Diego Chaves Battles Welterweight Contender Jamal James in Co-Main Event Showdown
Also in Action! Super Lightweights John Molina Jr. & Ivan Redkach Square-Off & Featherweights Stephen Fulton and Adam Lopez Meet In A Battle of Unbeaten Featherweight Prospects
تذاكر للبيع الآن!
LANCASTER, مثل. – (تشرين الثاني 17, 2017) – Former welterweight champion جيسي فارغاس returns to the ring to take on hard-hitting veteran هارون هيريرا in the 10-round main event of a special Friday night edition of Premier Boxing Champions أيام الثلاثاء TOE-TO-TOE على FS1 و الملاكمة أبطال أوروبا على FOX ديبورتيس ديسمبر 15 from Pioneer Event Center in Lancaster, California with televised coverage starting at 10 عصرا. و/7 عصرا. PT.
Promoted by TGB Promotions, the show will also feature a 10-round welterweight showdown between rugged veteran دييجو تشافيس and rising contender جمال جيمس في حال المشارك الرئيسي. Additional televised action will see hard hitters جون مولينا جونيور. و إيفان Redkach squaring off in 10-rounds of super lightweight action and unbeaten featherweight prospects ستيفن فولتون (11-0, 5 كوس) و آدم لوبيز (8-0, 3 كوس) battling in an eight-round match.
This is one of those high energy shows that promises action from top to bottom. Jesse Vargas is one of the toughest welterweights in the sport. He always comes to fight and doesn’t disappoint,” وقال توم براون, رئيس الترقيات TGB. “His match against Herrera should provide the kind of action and entertainment that his fans have come to expect from him. Jamal James is stepping up to another level and will be tested by Diego Chaves, a rugged veteran who has been in against some of the best in the division. And you know that Molina and Redkach are going to trade shots. It promises to be entertaining for the fans at Pioneer Event Center and those tuned in on FS1 and FOX Deportes.
Tickets for the live event begin at $30 ومعروضة للبيع الآن. To purchase tickets visit the Pioneer Event Center’s website: www.uavpec.com.
فارغاس (27-2, 10 كوس) is returning to the ring for the first time في 13 أشهرafter dropping a 12-round decision in a welterweight title defense against Manny Pacquiao on Nov. 5, 2016. وفارغاس البالغ من العمر 28 عاما, who was born in Los Angeles and now lives in Las Vegas, won the welterweight title with a technical knockout victory over Sadam Ali on March 5, 2016. His only other loss came against former welterweight champion Timothy Bradley and he owns victories over the likes of Antonio DeMarco, Josesito لوبيز, Aron Martinez and Wale Omotoso.
Every fighter is dangerous and if I give Herrera the chance, he’ll knock my head off,” سعيد فارغاس. “But I come into every fight with bad intentions and I’m in a position where I know exactly what it takes to get where I want to go. I have a lot of opportunities ahead of me, but first, I have to show the fans that I’m back and look exciting while doing that. Herrera is going to give me his best, but I feel that I have the speed, the experience and the game plan to overcome anything he brings to the table.
هيريرا (33-7-1, 22 كوس) has already fought four times in 2017 including his most recent outing, a stoppage of Israel Toala in July. The 28-year-old from Merida, Yucatan, Mexico lost to Brandon Rios via knockout on يونيو 11 in a FS1 and FOX Deportes main event at Pioneer Events Center, where he will face Vargas.
I’m going against a really good fighter, but he doesn’t punch very hard,” سعيد هيريرا. “I will go bombs away from the first round. He can’t hurt me. I’m confident I will win this fight. هذه فرصة عظيمة بالنسبة لي. I’ve got to start faster than I did against Brandon Rios and I can’t take anything for granted. The fans will get a great fight and definitely be winners on fight night.
تشافيس (26-2-1, 22 كوس) is a tough veteran who has faced some of this generation’s best welterweights, including current unified welterweight champion Keith Thurman. The 31-year-old from Buenos Aires, الأرجنتين, has won three straight fights since battling to a draw against former welterweight champion Timothy Bradley in 2014 including his most recent triumph, a knockout victory over Jean Carlos Prada on يونيو 17.
جيمس (21-1, 9 كوس) is on the comeback trail after suffering the first loss of his career to Yordenis Ugas via unanimous decision on Aug. 12, 2016. The 29-year-old James of Minneapolis, Minnesota bounced back from that loss with a unanimous decision victory over Jo Jo Dan on يوليو 15. James has fought on FS1 and FOX Deportes his last four times in the ring and has recorded three wins in that stretch. Chaves represents a major challenge for James in his attempt to climb the welterweight ladder as he looks to add another name to his list of victories that includes Wale Omotoso, Javier Molina and Juan Carlo Abreu.
REDK (20-3-1, 16 كوس) and Molina (29-7, 23 كوس) are both coming off losses and will look to go through each other to regain top contender status. The 31-year-old Redkach, who was born in Ukraine and now lives in Los Angeles, is coming off a split decision loss in a FS1 and FOX Deportes main event to Argenis Mendez in his last fight on مايو 2. مولينا, 34, had one of the best performance of his career in June 2016 when he defeated Ruslan Provodnikov by unanimous decision. The Covina, كاليفورنيا. native earned a shot at Terrence Crawford in December that saw him lose by TKO in the eighth round.
# # #
المشجعين يمكن أن يعيش تيار المعارك على FOX الرياضة GO, متوفر باللغة الإنجليزية أو الإسبانية من خلال يغذي FS1 أو FOX ديبورتيس. هي معارك المتاحة على سطح المكتب في FOXSportsGO.com ومن خلال المتجر, أو الأجهزة المتصلة بما في ذلك آبل, TV الروبوت, TV النار, اكس بوكس ​​واحد وروكو. بالإضافة, جميع البرامج متاحة أيضا على FOX الرياضة على قناة قناة SiriusXM 83 على راديو الأقمار الصناعية وعلى التطبيق قناة SiriusXM.
تابع على تويترPremierBoxing, @ FS1, FOXDeportes وSwanson_Comm وتصبح مروحة في الفيسبوك في www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, و www.facebook.com/foxdeportes. أبرز المتاحة في www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. PBC على FS1 & برعاية FOX ديبورتيس التي كتبها كورونا إكسترا, أروع البيرة.

Frank De Alba ready for showdown with Ivan Najera this Tuesday night at Sands Bethlehem Event Center

De Alba takes on Ivan Najera in main event
Undefeated Mykal Fox takes on Manuel Reyes
Ricardo Garcia fights Victor Vazquez
Plus undefeated Marcus Bates, جوزيف ادورنو, خوان سانشيز, Hector Bayanilla, هارولد لوبيز & مارتينو جول في العمل
Also the pro debut of Michael Polite-Coffie
للنشر الفوري

بيت لحم, السلطة الفلسطينية (تشرين الثاني 17, 2017) – Frank De Alba is ready to close out 2017 with a bang when he takes on Ivan Najera (17-3, 8 كوس) in the ten-round super featherwight bout Tuesday night. 21 نوفمبر في بيت لحم مركز ساندز الحدث فيبيت لحم, السلطة الفلسطينية.
يتم الترويج المعرض من الترقيات الملك.
دي ألبا من القراءة, السلطة الفلسطينية. لديه سجل من 22-2 مع تسعة بالضربة القاضية.
ال 30 year-old De Alba will be looking for his 6th consecutive victory as he has had a terrific year with wins over German Meraz and Ryan Kielczewski (26-2) في 2017.
“كل شيء بخير. I put in a hard eight-week camp,” وقال دي ألبا.
De Alba and Najera were originally supposed to get together earlier this year, but Najera had to pull out.
I am excited to be able to finally get in the ring with him. We were supposed to fight in June. He pulled out at the last minute and that made me angry, because I trained hard for a full camp, but now I finally get my opportunity to fight him.
A win over Najera and a 6th straight win will De Alba should facilitate big opportunities for De Alba in 2018.
A win over him will have me on top and on my way. It will set me up for a big opportunity in 2018. Hopefully a win will get me a shot at one of those major regional titles and then eventually a world title. I just hope everyone comes out and support this show يوم الثلاثاء. Everyone knows when a Puerto Rican fighter and a Mexican fighter get together, the fight usually produces fireworks and Tuesday night should be no different.
في ثمانية جولة المشارك ميزة, مهزوم Mykal فوكس (14-0, 4 كوس) of Forestville, MD takes on Manuel Reyes (11-3-1, 5 كوس) of Los Angeles in a junior welterweight bout.
Also in an eight-round bout, فيكتور فاسكيز (8-3, 3 كوس) يونكرز, NY will square off with undefeated ريكاردو غارسيا (14-0, 9 وKO) سانتو دومينغو, Dominican Republic in a lightweight fight.
An exciting undercard has been put together that will features some of the best prospects in the Lehigh Valley:
في نوبات على مدار أربعة:
Highly-touted prospect جوزيف ادورنو (4-0, 4 كوس) من الينتاون, سوف تأخذ على السلطة الفلسطينية Jahaziel Vasquez (1-4) مونتيري, Mexico in a super featherweight bout.

ماركوس بيتس (7-0-1, 6 كوس) من واشنطن, معارك DC أنطونيو رودريجيز (11-19-1, 5 كوس) دورانجو, MX in a super bantamweight bout.

خوان سانشيز (3-0, 1 KO) بيت لحم, PA will take on pro debuting James Early (2-1) of Seat Pleasant, MD in a featherweight contest.
Jose Elizondo (2-3-1) سان أنطونيو, Texas will fight Hector Bayanilla (1-0-1, 1 KO) من الينتاون, PA in a super bantamweight affair.
Michael Polite-Coffie من بروكلين, سوف NY جعل له الموالية لاول مرة ضد Ralph Alexander(0-1) of Lanham, Maryland in a heavyweight fight.
هارولد لوبيز (1-0-1, 1 KO) من الينتاون, سوف تأخذ على السلطة الفلسطينية Jerrod مينر (1-0) of Philadelphia in a light flyweight fight.

مارتينو جول (1-0) من الينتاون, سوف تأخذ على السلطة الفلسطينية Weusi Johnson (2-6) من ويلمنجتون, Delaware in a featherweight bout.

تذاكر لالحدث على الهواء مباشرة, التي يروج لها الترقيات الملك, يتم تسعيرها في $50, $75 و $100, لا تشمل رسوم الخدمات المطبقة والضرائب ومعروضة للبيع الآن. التذاكر متوفرة في www.ticketmaster.com. لشحن عن طريق مكالمة هاتفية تيكت في (800) 745-3000.
ELEVEN SPORTS متاح في 70 مليون منزل حول العالم في بلجيكا, إيطاليا, لوكسمبورغ, بولندا, سنغافورة, تايوان والولايات المتحدة. انطلقت في الولايات المتحدة في مارس 2017, ELEVEN SPORTS مكرس لتقديم الرياضة العالمية والدولية والترفيه على مستوى الحياة "للمشجعين". سيتم التعامل مع محبي الرياضة بمزيج فريد من الرياضات الناشئة والرائدة معًا لتوفير الترفيه المباشر الجذاب والقوي, وضع المشاهد في قلب الحدث.
مثلنا في الفيسبوك: الطالب الرياضي سوزا
تابعنا على تويتر: ElevenSportsUSA
متابعتنا على الانستقرام: الطالب الرياضي سوزا

FNU القتال الرياضة مشاهدة: توني, Tom and Rich Discuss All Things Combat Sports

توم, Tony and Rich are back this week with a great show! We feature lots of engaging discussion about mixed martial arts and boxing, from Connor McGregor’s slapping a Bellator official to Deontay Wilder wanting to end Anthony Joshua’s career. We also chat about Dana White getting into boxing and Bellator’s 8 Man Heavyweight tournament. Again we get back to the nagging question of where are the legends in MMA, and we also cross over to where are the legends in boxing?






Lightweight Prospect Thomas Mattice stops Orlando Rizo in 7

نوتلي, NJ (تشرين الثاني 17, 2017)–هذا الماضي السبت ليل, lightweight prospect Thomas Mattice remained undefeated by stopping grizzled veteran Orlando Rizo in round seven of their scheduled eight-round bout at the Atrium Arena in Stone Mountain, جورجيا.
Mattice is promoted by GH3 Promotions.
Mattice of Cleveland, Ohio improved his mark to 10-0 مع ثمانية بالضربة القاضية.
ال 27 year-old Mattice took out a veteran who has been in the ring with several world champions and contenders.
“أشعر أنني بحالة جيدة. He was a tough veteran, but I caught him with some good shots, and as veterans do, he kept on coming, but I kept on landing and eventually got him out of their,”said Mattice.
Mattice is developing into a young veteran, as he went in there with a good idea of what he wanted to do.
I learned a lot in that fight. I took my time, and worked off the jab. I picked my shots and was not in a rush. I started to work the body and eventually broke him.
Even though there is only six weeks left in the year, Mattice would not mind getting in another fight before the calendar changes to 2018.
I may try to sneak one more in before the end of the year. إن لم يكن, I will be back in there in January or early February. 2018 is going to be a big year for. I can see myself being ranked across the board by this time next year as I want to go from a prospect to a contender. This was a great fight for me, but expect to see me in bigger fights in 2018.
His promoter Vito Mielncki of GH3 Promotions is on the same page as the three-year veteran, Mattice.
That was a quality win over Rizo. Rizo is a guy who is a veteran who has faced everybody. That is 4 straight knockouts for Thomas and now he is coming into his power. He is really developing and I can see some great things for him as we look towards 2018.