Tag Archives: bocsio

Brandon Robinson a Christopher Brooker i adnewyddu cystadleuaeth mewn gornest ffrwydrol ar y cyd nos Wener yn y 2300 Arena yn Philadelphia

Wedi'i lwytho 12 cerdyn pwl a osodwyd ar gyfer HYN Dydd Gwener, 1 Rhagfyr yn 2300 Arena yn Philadelphia
Tyrone Brunson yn herio Manny Woods yn y prif ddigwyddiad
Jaron Ennis yn herio George Sosa
Omar Douglas & Kyrone Davis ar waith

Yn ogystal â Shamsuddeen Justice heb ei gorchfygu, Marcus Bates & Colby Madison

Mae'r cystadleuydd pwysau trwm Joe Hanks yn herio Joel Caudle, sydd heb ei drechu

Philadelphia, PA (Tachwedd 29, 2017) – Buont yn ymladd fel amaturiaid, ac mae'r ddau yn cael eu hystyried ymhlith y pwysau canol gwych gorau yn y ddinas.
Mae hyn Dydd Gwener nos, Mae Brandon Robinson a Christopher Brooker yn cyfarfod fel gweithwyr proffesiynol a allai ffurfio pwl o gyd-nodwedd ffrwydrol o 12 cerdyn ymladd yn y

2300 Arena yn Philadelphia.
Mae'r ornest wyth rownd ar gyfer teitl UBF All-Americas.
Mae'r sioe wedi'i llwytho yn cael ei hyrwyddo, fy King's Promotions.
Bydd y prif ddigwyddiad pwll Tyrone Brunson (25-6-2, 23 Kos) erbyn Woods Manny (16-6-1, 6 Kos) o St Petersburg, Florida mewn pwl pwysau canol iau wedi'i drefnu ar gyfer deg rownd.
“Mae hyfforddiant wedi bod yn wych. Dyma'r gwersyll gorau i mi ei gael ers troi dwylo proffesiynol i lawr,” meddai Robinson.
Er y gallai hyn fod yn frwydr arloesol ar gyfer 29 Robinson oed, Mae wedi bod yn edrych ar Brooker yn ddim gwahanol nag unrhyw elyn blaenorol.
“Rwy'n edrych ar bob ymladd fel ymladd mawr. Rwy'n gweld pob ymladd fel pe bawn yn ymladd yn erbyn Canelo neu Golovkin, felly rwy'n cael fy hunan yn y siâp gorau y gallaf fod.”
Gan eu bod yn yr un ddinas, y mae yr hanes crybwylledig rhwng y ddau ymladdwr.
“Buom yn ymladd fel amaturiaid, ac enillais y frwydr honno. Gan fod y, rydym wedi sparred cwpl o weithiau, ac y mae hyny wedi rhoddi adroddiad mawr ysgoi arno, a gadewch i ni ddweud fy mod yn teimlo'n gyffyrddus iawn yn y frwydr hon.”
Nid yw ymladd yn erbyn ymladdwr Philly arall yn ddim byd newydd i Robinson gan ei fod eisoes â buddugoliaeth dros Lamont McLaughlin.
“Rwyf wedi bod trwy hyn, ac y mae y math yma o ymladdfeydd yn dwyn allan y goreu o honof, a chyda buddugoliaethar ddydd Gwener, bydd hyn yn agor llawer o ddrysau i mi nad oeddwn byth yn disgwyl iddynt gael eu hagor. Rwy'n edrych am berfformiad cyflawn, Bydd y cefnogwyr yn gweld pŵer yn y ddwy law, crefftusrwydd, cadfridog ffoniwch a chalon enfawr. Hoffwn ddiolch i King’s Promotions, ac rydw i'n edrych i fynd â theitl Pwysau Canol Mawr All-Americas UBF adref.”
Ar gyfer y 26 Brooker oed, mae wedi bod yma o'r blaen ond mae am ddod yn ôl yn y golofn fuddugoliaeth ar ôl colli i bwysau Ysgafn Trwm heb ei drechu Ahmed Elbiali mewn gornest a gymerodd ar fyr rybudd. 18 Gorffennaf.
“Cyrhaeddais yn iawn yn ôl yn y gampfa ar ôl y frwydr honno. Rwyf wedi bod yn gweithio i 12 wythnosau. Mae gen i hyfforddwr personol newydd Jermaine Clark a fy hyfforddwr newydd Octavio Pineda,” meddai Brooker.
Nid yw Brooker yn credu bod y golled amatur i Robinson yn golygu dim byd nos Wener.
“Ie, nid yw'n golygu dim. Hon oedd fy nhrydedd frwydr amatur. Roedd y sesiynau sparring yn dda. Fe wnes i eu trin fel fy mod i eisiau dial am golli iddo, ac rwy'n hyderus iawn ar ôl y sesiynau hynny. Mae'r frwydr hon i mi yn ymwneud â chael y gwregys hwn . Bydd pobl yn fy ngweld i'n ei orweithio ac yn rhagori arno.”
Mae Brooker wedi gwneud ei enw trwy'r cylchoedd bocsio gyda'i barodrwydd i ymladd a threchu unrhyw un unrhyw bryd. Ceir tystiolaeth o hynny gan ei fuddugoliaethau dros Leo Hall, John Magda, Antowyan Aikens a Gabriel Pham. Camodd Brooker i'r adwy hefyd i wynebu Elbiali, Ronald Gavril a Ronald Ellis, a daeth yn ffefryn ar deledu cenedlaethol oherwydd ei steil hoelion wyth.
“Dim ond boi arall o fy mlaen yw Robinson. Roeddwn i mewn ac yn trechu diffoddwyr llawer mwy profiadol nag ef. Nid oes ganddo ddim byd na welais i yn y fodrwy. Nid wyf yn edrych heibio iddo, Rwy'n edrych trwyddo. Roeddwn i'n curo Gavril cyn i'r ymladd gael ei atal yn anghyfiawn. Prin y collodd mewn ymgais am deitl byd a nawr mae'n cael ail-gyfateb ag ef, felly mae hynny'n dangos pa lefel ydw i arni. Yr wyf am y rematch hwnnw ynteu (Pencampwr CLlC) David Benevidez.”
“Rwy'n gwerthfawrogi King's Boxing ac mae'n anrhydedd i mi ymladd am wregys arall. Rwy'n gwerthfawrogi Brandon am lofnodi'r contract. Dydd Gwener mae nos yn frwydr fawr i mi, fy nheulu a fy holl gefnogwyr.
Jaron Ennis (16-0, 14 Kos) Philadelphia yn cymryd ar George Sosa (15-10-1, 15 Kos) Darllen, PA mewn pwl pwysau welter wyth rownd.
Omar Douglas (17-2, 12 Kos) o Wilmington, Brwydrau DE Martin Cardona (22-9, 14 Kos) o Guadalajara, MEX mewn pwl pwysau plu gwych wyth rownd.
Kyrone Davis (12-1, 5 Kos) o Wilmington. DE yn ymladd Jaime Barbosa (19-12, 9 Kos) o San Jose, Costa Rica mewn pwl pwysau canol wyth rownd.
Joe Hanks (21-2, 15 Kos) o Newark, NJ yn ymladd yn ddiguro Joel Caudle (7-0-1, 5 Kos) o Raleigh, NC mewn cythrwfl pwysau trwm.
Mewn carwriaeth chwe-rownd super bantam, Marcus Bates (7-0-1, 6 Kos) Washington, DC yn ymladd Antonio Rodriguez (11-19-1, 5 Kos) o Durango, MX.
Mewn pyliau pedwar-rownd:
Cyfiawnder Shamsuddeen (1-0) Bydd o Philadelphia ymladd Latorie Woodberry (1-5-1) o Roanoke, VA mewn pwl pwysau welter iau.
Rasheed Johnson (2-1,1 KO) o Philadelphia, PA sgwariau o gyda Kashon Hutchinson (3-3-1, 2 Kos) Darllen, PA mewn cystadleuaeth pwysau welter.
Pwysau trwm undefeated Colby Madison (4-0-1, 3 Kos) o Mills Owings, MD yn ymladd Randy Easton (4-9-2, 4 Kos) o Sunbury, PA.
groes romuel Bydd Philadelphia yn gwneud ei ymddangosiad cyntaf yn pro yn erbyn Rondarrius Hunter (1-1, 1 KO) o Atlanta, GA mewn pwl pwysau bantam gwych.
Christopher Burgos (0-1) o frwydrau Philadelphia Gerardo Tiburcio (1-0, 1 KO) o Coatesville, PA mewn gornest ysgafn.


SHOWTIME Remains The Only Network To Offer Live Boxing On Social Platforms In The U.S.

Live Coverage From London Includes DeGale vs. Caleb Truax And Selby vs. Eduardo Ramirez, Plus 175-Pound Prospect Anthony Yarde And The U.S. Introduction To Unbeaten Heavyweight Daniel Dubois

NEW YORK - Tachwedd 29, 2017 – SHOWTIME Sports will live stream a world-class boxing event – including two world championship bouts – free to the U.S. audience on social media platforms Dydd Sadwrn, Rhagfyr 9 to close out the network’s industry-leading 2017 amserlen bocsio. The digital-only offering will be exclusive in the U.S. on the SHOWTIME Sports YouTube channel and the SHOWTIME Boxing Facebook page.

IBF Super Canol y Byd Pencampwr James DeGale (23-1-1, 14 Kos) will headline as he defends his title against former world title challenger Caleb Truax (28-3-2, 18 Kos) in DeGale’s first fight since a thrilling bout with Badou Jack in a 168-pound world championship unification match last January on SHOWTIME.

In the streaming co-feature, IBF Featherweight World Champion Lee Selby (20-1, 9 Kos) will take on undefeated contender Eduardo Ramirez (20-0-3, 7 Kos), while undefeated light heavyweight Anthony Yarde (13-0, 12 Kos) will face former world title challenger Nikola Sjekloca (32-4-1, 11 Kos). The opening fight of the live stream will feature the U.S. introduction to 20-year-old undefeated heavyweight Daniel Dubois (5-0, 5 Kos) as he takes on former Anthony Joshua foe Dorian Darch (12-5-1, 1 Kos).

Live coverage, provided by BoxNation and BT Sport, will begin at approximately 2:50 p.m. A/11:50 a.m. PT with U.K. sportscasters John Rawling and Richie Woodhall calling all the action.

SHOWTIME is the only network to offer live streaming coverage of boxing on social media platforms in the U.S., having first done so in 2016 with the presentation of two heavyweight world championship bouts live on YouTube.

Yn 2017, SHOWTIME was the first network to offer live boxing on Twitter with Adrien Broner vs. Adrian Granados (Chwefror 18). SHOWTIME also live streamed two other boxing events in 2017: super middleweights George Groves vs. Fedor Chudinov on Mai 27 and heavyweights Jarrell Miller vs. Gerald Washington on Gorffennaf 29.

Rhwydweithiau Showtime Inc. (SNI), is-gwmni sy'n eiddo llwyr-of CBS Corporation, berchen ac yn rhedeg y rhwydweithiau teledu premiwm Showtime®, Y FFILMIAU SIANEL a FLIX®, a hefyd yn cynnig Showtime AR GALW®, Y FFILMIAU SIANEL AR Y GALW a FLIX AR GALW®, a dilysu gwasanaeth Showtime UNRHYW ADEG y rhwydwaith®. Showtime Digital Inc., is-gwmni sy'n eiddo llwyr-of SNI, yn gweithredu'r gwasanaeth ffrydio sy'n sefyll ar ei ben ei hun Showtime®. SHOWTIME is currently available to subscribers via cable, DBS a darparwyr telco, ac fel gwasanaeth ffrydio arunig drwy Apple®, Blwyddyn®, Amazon, Google, Xbox One a Samsung. Gall defnyddwyr hefyd danysgrifio i Showtime drwy Hulu, TV YouTube, TV sling, DirecTV Now, Sony PlayStation Vue and Amazon Channels. SNI hefyd yn rheoli Rhwydweithiau Smithsonian, menter ar y cyd rhwng SNI a'r Sefydliad Smithsonian, sy'n cynnig Smithsonian Sianel, ac yn cynnig Smithsonian Ddaeartrwy SN Digidol LLC. SNI marchnadoedd ac yn dosbarthu chwaraeon a digwyddiadau adloniant ar gyfer arddangosfa i danysgrifwyr ar sail talu-fesul-farn drwy Showtime PPV. Am fwy o wybodaeth, ewch i www.SHO.com.


(L-R) — Fabio Turchi, Toka Kahn-Clary, Evander Holyrield and Nick DeLomba
PROVIDENCE, RI (Tachwedd 28 30, 2017) — Evander Holyfield’s The Real Deal Boxing, the promotional entity under his Real Deal Sports and Entertainment,hosted a media workout this afternoon at Manfredo’s Boxing Gym in Cranston, RI for fighters on Dydd Gwener hwn nos ‘Real Deal Championship Boxing VCerdyn, telecast on Rhwydwaith Chwaraeon CBS (9:00 p.m. A/6:00 p.m. PT) o The Strand Ballroom and Theatre yn Providence, RI,
Tocynnau yn dechrau am $45 yn Now On Sale and can be purchased throughwww.TheRealDealBoxing.com ac www.thestrandri.com.
The Strand Ballroom and Theatre is located at 79 Washington Street, Providence, RI, 02903. Doors will open on the evening of the event at 6:00 p.m. A gyda'r gloch gyntaf yn7:00 p.m. A.
Evander Holyfield (dde eithaf) watches his fighter, Toka Kahn-Clary, working out with head trainer Peter Manfredo, Sr.
Toka “T-Nice” Kahn-Clary (23-1, 15 Kos), Providence, RI by way of Liberia
John Vincent Moralde (19-0, 10 Kos), General Santos, Philippines
FabioStone CrusherTurchi(12-0, 9 Kos), Florence, Yr Eidal
Demetrius Banks (9-3, 4 Kos), Detroit, FY
Irvin Gonzalez (7-0, 6 Kos), Worcester, MA
Ernesto Garza (9-2, 5 Kos), Saginaw, FY
Nick DeLomba (11-2, 2 Kos), Cranston, RI
Louis Cruz (12=3, 6 Kos), Bronx, NY
Timmy Ramos (4-0-1, 4 Kos), Framingham, MA
Phil Davis (1-1), Worcester, MA
Bryan Daniels (5-1, 3 Kos), Worcester, MA
DarnellThe UnknownPierce (5-1, 1 KO), Frederick, MD
Poindexter Knight (am y tro cyntaf), Philadelphia, PA
Samuel Forjoe (0-1), Bronx, NY
JeremyJ-FlashNichols (7-1-1, 2 Kos), Las Vegas, NV
Daniel “The Hudson Valley KidSostre (13-15-1, 5 Kos), Vega Maja, Puerto Rico
Heavyweights GOLAU (4)
Alan Lawrence (3-0, 3 Kos), Newark, NJ
Nathan Schulte (0-3), Woburn, MA
Evander Holyfield, Neuadd o Famer, Real Deal Boxing:There’s a lot of pressure fighting in a big fight for the first time at home. I remember my homecoming in Atlanta, back in 1985, and there were a lot of distractions. Everybody who knew my name showed up, most looking for free tickets. I was skeptical about ever fighting there again. Everybody’s different, though.
Toka may be our first world champion. He’s a very disciplined person who has been through a lot. I come from the ghetto but, when I heard his story, wow, I couldn’t believe his (life) was harder than mine.
Toka-Kahn-Clary: (Toka became a father for the first time on Nov. 11, when his wife, Devanni, delivered a 7-pound girl, Adaline) “Nawr, I’m fighting for my family, not just Toka anymore.
“Rwy'n teimlo'n dda. I had to have patience and faith in my craft to get here. If you keep working hard, doors will open, and when they do you have to jump right through. I want to win impressively, dominate the fight
I see a lot of top fighters in my weight class. I’m not going to name any until after this fight, but I have the talent to beat them.
I want to be recognized after I stop fighting, like Evander, who everybody knows, likes and respects.
Peter Manfredo, Sr., Pen hyfforddwr Kahn-Clary yn: “Toka is a top prospect who is becoming a contender. A lot of fighters don’t even get to this point. This fight is a major opportunity to get him closer to where he wants to be, not just a world champion, but for his name to be remembered in boxing. He wants to be a legend. He has to remain focused because this is the first time he’ll have a big crowd behind him.
Fabio Turchi (Italian Amateur Champion) “Everybody here has been great, very hospitable. It’s such a great honor for me to fight in America with its great boxing tradition. I want to have a great fight to be embraced by Americans, especially here in Rhode Island. It’s beautiful having so many Italians, that gives me and added push to win.
Nick DeLomba: “This opportunity means the world to me because I’ll be showcasing my talents in front of my hometown fans. An impressive win will, hopefully, get me to the next level, in TV fights against bigger names.
Evander Holyfield being interviewed at today’s open workout in Cranston, RI by the three network affiliates
Holyfield will host the final press conference yfory (Wed.), gan ddechrau am 1 p.m. A, at Ladder 133 Sports Bar and Grill (133 Douglas Avenue) in Smith Hill, RI.
A public weigh in will be held Dydd Iau, gan ddechrau am 3:30 p.m. A (on scale at 4), at The Strand Ballroom and Theatre.
Real Deal Sports & Entertainment is proud to partner with Medical Arts Radiology (www.medicalartsradiology.com) and Venum (www.venum.com).
Facebook: @TheRealDealPromotions
Twitter: @TheRealDealBox
Instagram: @TheRealDealBoxing


Box Fan Expo is the ultimate fan experience event that gives boxing fans the opportunity to meet-and-greet top fighters, current and former world champions, boxing celebrities and industry people in an up-close personal setting.

Mae tocynnau i'r Expo Blwch Fan ar gael ar-lein yn: https://boxfanexpo.eventbrite.com/

Las Vegas (Tachwedd 28, 2018)After another successful event this past May over the Cinco de Mayo weekend, Box Fan Expo organizers are excited to announce the fourth annual Box Fan Expo, returning once again at the Las Vegas Convention Center ar May 5th, 2018.

Over the traditional and special Cinco de Mayo weekend which saw Saul ‘CaneloAlvarez battle with Julio Cesar Chavez Jr., at the T-Mobile stadium in Las Vegas in 2017, the Box Fan Expo also took place, opening its doors to boxing fans from all over the world.
From Las Vegas, the boxing mecca of the world, enthusiastic fans from all over were able to meet and greet some of their favourite fighters, yn y gorffennol a'r presennol. In addition to meeting their favourite fighters fans were also able to meet with the people behind such amazing organizations like Premier Boxing Champions, Promotions Mayweather, Cyngor Bocsio Byd, Cymdeithas Bocsio Byd, Supreme Boxing, The Nevada Boxing Hall of Fame, Feroz Fight Factory, Kronk Boxing, The American Boxing Association and many others.
The lucky fans who stayed throughout the full event had quite a treat with a special appearance by Floyd Mayweather Jr. who took time out of his busy schedule to honour the Box Fan Expo with an impromptu appearance towards the end of the show to support the Mayweather Promotions Team.
To Brandon Rios doing face-offs with fans to Shawn Porter, Marcos Maidana, Tommy Hearns, Fernando Vargas, Badou Jack, Jorge Linares, Jessie Vargas, Joel Casamayor, Kevin Kelley, Ishe Smith, Kevin Newman, Sharif Bogere, Neno Rodriguez, Mia St. John, Christy Martin, Jelena Mrdjenovich, Iesu Cuellar, sticking around to take care of each and every one of their fansthe Box Fan Expo truly delivered the ultimate fan experience event that they’re known for.
Many boxing personalities as well as current and former world champions showed up at the Expo, such as Marco Antonio Barrera, Cesig Abner, Danny Jacobs, Rances Barthelemy, Hugo Rye, Jeff Mayweather, J'Leon Cariad, Hasim Rahman, Cwpan Aur, Chris Arreola, Maricela Cornejo, Ava Knight, Humberto ‘Chiquita’ Gonzalez, Alfredo Angulo, Richard Steele, Kenny Bayless, Dontae Williams (DBN), Elie Seckbach and many many more
Hall of Fame Broadcaster Al Bernstein did an incredible job conducting interviews on the main stage with boxing celebrities for fans to enjoy.
Our house dj, DJ Todd, kept the music flowing, along with our Ring Card Girls — Rose, Rochelle, Starr, Karla, and Shaylawho entertained, interacted and took pictures with all the fans.
Throughout the next several months leading up to the event, there will be updates and info on the many stars that will commit their appearance at the Box Fan Expo in 2018.
Click the link below to view the official promo videos of Box Fan Expo 2017, 2015 & 2014: http://goo.gl/y1aJpR
View Photos Gallery May 2017 yma: http://boxfanexpo.com/photos-may-6th-2017/

Tyrone Brunson looking for big effort against Manny Woods this Friday night

Wedi'i lwytho 12 cerdyn pwl a osodwyd ar gyfer HYN Dydd Gwener, 1 Rhagfyr yn 2300 Arena yn Philadelphia
Brunson takes on Manny Woods in main event
Brandon Robinson takes on Christopher Brooker in explosive co-feature
Jaron Ennis yn herio George Sosa
Omar Douglas & Kyrone Davis ar waith

Yn ogystal â Shamsuddeen Justice heb ei gorchfygu, Marcus Bates & Colby Madison

Mae'r cystadleuydd pwysau trwm Joe Hanks yn herio Joel Caudle, sydd heb ei drechu

Philadelphia, PA (Tachwedd 27, 2017) – Canol Iau Tyrone Brunson is looking for a major opportunity in 2018.
Brunson of Philadelphia will first need to get past Woods Manny Dydd Gwener hwn nos yn y 2300 Arena in the ten-round main event of a loaded 12 bout card that is promoted by King’s Promotions.
Y 32 year-old is coming off the biggest when of his career when he stopped former two-time world champion Kermit Cintron in five rounds. The sure-fire Philadelphia Fight of the Year saw Brunson climb off the canvas twice before dropping Cintron three times in the pivotal round five.
The fight fight gave me a lot of confidence,” said Brunson. “To do what I did against Cintron who is a two-time world champion. I am ready for Dydd Gwener nos.”
Despite not having a lot of knowledge of Woods, Brunson expects a great performance.
I really don’t much about him, but I am not overlooking him. I have had a great training camp, and now I am just winding it down.
I am looking for a big year in 2018. Gyda buddugoliaeth ar ddydd Gwener, I am looking to face someone in the top ten or top fifteen, but the goal is to be number-one in this stacked division. I just want to thank my promoter King’s Promotions, the fans who have stuck by me, and even all the critics to that know that Tyrone Brunson is coming.
In the potentially explosive eight-round co-feature, Brandon Robinson (7-1, 6 Kos) yn cymryd ar Christopher Brooker (12-4, 5 Kos) in a super middleweight battle of fighters from Philadelphia.
Jaron Ennis (16-0, 14 Kos) Philadelphia yn cymryd ar George Sosa (15-10-1, 15 Kos) Darllen, PA mewn pwl pwysau welter wyth rownd.
Omar Douglas (17-2, 12 Kos) o Wilmington, Brwydrau DE Martin Cardona (22-9, 14 Kos) o Guadalajara, MEX mewn pwl pwysau plu gwych wyth rownd.
Kyrone Davis (12-1, 5 Kos) o Wilmington. DE yn ymladd Jaime Barbosa (19-12, 9 Kos) o San Jose, Costa Rica mewn pwl pwysau canol wyth rownd.
Joe Hanks (21-2, 15 Kos) o Newark, NJ yn ymladd yn ddiguro Joel Caudle (7-0-1, 5 Kos) o Raleigh, NC mewn cythrwfl pwysau trwm.
Mewn carwriaeth chwe-rownd super bantam, Marcus Bates (7-0-1, 6 Kos) Washington, DC yn ymladd Antonio Rodriguez (11-19-1, 5 Kos) o Durango, MX.
Mewn pyliau pedwar-rownd:
Cyfiawnder Shamsuddeen (1-0) Bydd o Philadelphia ymladd Latorie Woodberry (1-5-1) o Roanoke, VA mewn pwl pwysau welter iau.
Rasheed Johnson (2-1,1 KO) o Philadelphia, PA sgwariau o gyda Kashon Hutchinson (3-3-1, 2 Kos) Darllen, PA mewn cystadleuaeth pwysau welter.
Pwysau trwm undefeated Colby Madison (4-0-1, 3 Kos) o Mills Owings, MD yn ymladd Randy Easton (4-9-2, 4 Kos) o Sunbury, PA.
groes romuel Bydd Philadelphia yn gwneud ei ymddangosiad cyntaf yn pro yn erbyn Rondarrius Hunter (1-1, 1 KO) o Atlanta, GA mewn pwl pwysau bantam gwych.
Christopher Burgos (0-1) o frwydrau Philadelphia Gerardo Tiburcio (1-0, 1 KO) o Coatesville, PA mewn gornest ysgafn.



Atlantic City, N.J. – Tachwedd 27, 2017 – Evander Holyfield and Bob Arum headline the 2018 inductees into the Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame.
The Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame (ACBHOF) wedi cyhoeddi ei 25 aelod 2018 Induction Class, which also includes President Donald J. Trump. This epic event will take place at The Claridge, a Radisson Hotel located at Park Place & Boardwalk in Atlantic City, New Jersey ar Mehefin 1 – 3, 2018.
Atlantic City, New Jersey Mayor-Elect Frank M. Gilliam Jr. Dywedodd, “The future of boxing in Atlantic City is brighter than ever. Being the newly elected Mayor of the City of Atlantic City, New Jersey it gives me great honor to be a part of bringing the 2nd Annual Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame Induction Weekend back to our Great City. I believe boxing and Atlantic City has always been a natural fit and we see it returning to its glory days, and under my administration, we plan on welcoming it back wholeheartedly: Congratulations to the ACBHOF “2018” Inductees!”
The Claridge Hotel serves as the signature Corporate Sponsor for this knockout weekend, “The Claridge is proud to be in partnership with the Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame and to continue to promote professional boxing’s exceptional history in Atlantic City,” says Cem Erenler, Vice President/ Operations & Business Development for TMJ Properties, the owner and developer of The Claridge. The iconic hotel, which is now part of the global Radisson brand first opened in 1930. “Hosting this signature event is in the best traditions of The Claridge, which for more than 80 years has been Atlantic City’s center for exciting events in sports and entertainment,” Mr. Erenler said.
Y 2018 inductees in the Fighter category are:
Evander Holyfield
Héctor Camacho (posthumous)
Bruce Seldon
Bobby Czyz
Jeff Chandler
Ray Mercer
Vinny Paz
Richie Kates

Trainer and Cutmen
Carmen Graziano

George Benton
Ralph Citro
Bob Arum
Dan Duva
Diane Fischer-Cristiano
Ed Derian
Jean Williams
Joseph Pasquale
Jersey Joe Walcott
Bernard Fernandez
Dave Weinberg
Ray Bailey
Jose Sulaiman
Marian Muhammad
Mark Etess
President Donald J. Trump

Evander Holyfield stated: “I have many great memories fighting in Atlantic City, and I am honored to be inducted into its Hall of Fame.
The 2nd Annual Induction Ceremony & Celebration Weekend will honor some of the world’s most prominent trailblazers from the sport of boxing: President Donald J. Trump, José Sulaimán, and Bob Arum are just a few names who will be enshrined with the 2018 induction class. Also expected to be in attendance; current and former boxing champions, and VIP Guests for a fun-filled weekend that’s highlighted by a black-tie evening, and the acclaimed, unforgettable Induction Ceremony.
The Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame is here to stay! The epic success of our 2017 Inaugural Induction weekend was pivotal to our brand value in the boxing and business community,” said Rodrick Green Vice President and Business Strategist for ACBHOF. “We are excited about the economic and sports entertainment impact the ACBHOF will continue to have in Atlantic City. Thank you for your support and be reassured that at the 2018 Induction Celebration the bar will be raised even higher.
Over the next several weeks there will be updates on the schedule of events, room packages and expected VIP appearances on the Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame and the Claridge Hotel websites and social media platforms.
We’re excited about the ACBHOF 2018 Induction Class; I believe our nomination committee did an incredible job in selecting a diverse and richly deserving group of individuals. I’m extremely proud of this class because it contains three remarkable women: Diane Fischer-Cristiano, Jean Williams, and Marian Muhammad. The ACBHOF team along with our partners and sponsors are looking forward to June where we will pay homage to our 2018 inductees,” said Ray McCline ACBHOF President and Founder.

Olympic medalist Nico Hernandez injured, “KO Nos Gŵyl San Steffan: aur & Glory” postponed

Chwefror. 10 yn Hartman Arena ym Mharc City, KS
PARK CITY, Kansas (Tachwedd 27, 2017) – Due to an injury suffered by 2016 Olympic bronze medalist Nico Hernandez last week at training camp, dydd Sadwrn nos “KO Nos Gŵyl San Steffan: aur & Glory” Cerdyn, presented by KO Night Boxing LLC, has been postponed until Chwefror 10, at the same venue, Hartman Arena in Park City, Kansas.
The 21-year-old Hernandez was scheduled to headline the event in his hometown against Hungarian flyweight champion Jozsef “Little Red” Ajtai (19-9, 12 Kos) in the eight-round main event for the vacant International Boxing Association (IBA) Americas flyweight championship.
The promoter plans to keep the card intact, as much as possible, and he is hopeful that Ajtai is available to challenge Hernandez for the IBA Americas title.
Injuries are an unfortunate part of boxing, but the good news is that Nico will be 100-percent ready to go February 10fed,” hyrwyddwr John Andersen Dywedodd. “I know that Nico feels that he’s letting everybody down but, at the end of the day, all that really counts is his health. He’s a tough kid who has his entire pro career ahead of him.
Over the last six months, Nico has become like family to the Hartman Arena staff,” said Hartman Arena Executive Director, Ben Bolander. “We wish the best for him and hope for a speedy recovery, so we can see him back here in February fighting for the title.
TIckets to the December 2nd event will still be honored at the Chwefror 10 Digwyddiad. If ticket holders, are unable to attend the new event date, full refunds will be offered at the point of purchase. Tickets will remain on sale for the Chwefror 10, 2018 event date.
Twitter: @KONightBoxing, @IBABoxing
Facebook: /NeonStar, /IBABoxing
Dilynwch @Nicomhernandez ar Twitter a Instagram

Citlalli Ortiz Wins Welterweight Youth World Championship Title

Isamary Aquino Brings Home Bronze Medal

GUWAHATI, India (Tachwedd 26, 2017) — Coachella, California-native Citlalli Ortiz closed out her impressive 2017 Women’s Youth World Championships campaign with a split decision victory over Russia’s Nataliya Sychugova to take her first major international title in Guwahati, India.
Today feels like one of the best days of my life,” stated Ortiz following her win. “Ar ôl y frwydr, I doubted myself, but I am extremely happy I pulled out the win and it feels amazing being a world champion.
Ortiz gold medal closes out a strong showing from the young American delegation. Team USA’s other medal, a bronze, was won yesterday by Isamary Aquino of Universal City, Texas.
I am extremely proud of my performance at my first international tournament,” said Aquino following her medal ceremony. “It was an honor to be able to represent Team USA and bring home a world championship medal.
The remaining members of the team included: Aidyl Cardenas (Calexico, Calif.),Diana Estrada (Hillsboro, Oregon), Heaven Garcia (El Monte, Calif.), Roma Martinez (Humble, Texas), Sharahaya Moreu (Albuquerque, N.M.) ac Amy Salinas(Las Cruces, N.M).
This year’s Youth World Championships brought 160 of the world’s top youth female boxers from 36 different countries all vying for one of the 10 world titles up for grabs. Prif Hyfforddwr Billy Walsh (Colorado Springs, Colo.) and assistant coaches Koroma (Colorado Springs, Colo.) ac Jeff Mays (San Antonio, Texas) guided Team USA throughout these championships. The boxers and staff of USA Boxing will begin their journey back home to the United States yfory.
Team USA Results:
69 kg: Citlalli Ortiz, Coachella, Calif./USA, dec. over Nataliy Sychugova/RUS, 3-2
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Fox wins UBF All Americas Title in Bethlehem, PA

Vazquez defeats Garcia
Adorno, Sanchez, Lopez, Bayanilla and Jules remain undefeated
Coffie scores 1st round stoppage in pro debut
Bethlehem, PA (Tachwedd 25, 2017) – Mykal Fox remained perfect by winning an eight-round unanimous decision over Manuel Reyes in the main event of a King’s Promotions promoted card this this past Dydd Mawrth night at The Sands Bethlehem Event Center.
The show was dedicated to former King’s Promotions Director of Operations Desmond Hammond, who passed away last week.
Fox o Forestville, Maryland won by scores of 80-72, 79-73 ac 78-74 i godi ei farc i 15-0. Reyes of Los Angeles is now 11-4-1.
In the exciting co-feature, Victor Vazquez took an eight-round majority decision over previously undefeated Ricardo Garcia in lightweight bout.
Vazquez scored a knockdown in round three, and two more in round eight to take the victory by scores of 77-72 ddwywaith ac 75-75.
Vazquez of Yonkers, NY is 9-3. Garcia of Santo Domingo, DR is 14-1.
Joseph Adorno remained perfect by stopping Corben Page at 2:58 of round two of their scheduled four-round super featherweight bout.
Adorno of Allentown, PA scored two knockdowns, ac mae bellach 5-0 gyda phum knockouts. Page of Springfield, OR is 5-16-1.
Juan Sanchez of Bethlehem, PA won a four-round unanimous decision over James Early in a featherweight contest.
Sanchez won by scores of 39-37 ar yr holl gardiau ac mae bellach 4-0. Early of Seat Pleasant, MD is 2-2.
Harold Lopez won a four-round unanimous decision over Jerrod Miner in a battle of a undefeated light flyweights..
Lopez of Allentown, PA enillwyd gan ugeiniau o 40-36 ac 39-37 twice and is now 2-0-1. Miner of Philadelphia is 1-1.
Michael Coffie made a successful pro debut with a first round stoppage over Ralph Alexander in a heavyweight bout.
The bout lasted just sixty-one seconds for Coffie of Brooklyn, NY. Alexander of Lanham, MD is 0-2.
Hector Bayanilla dropped Jose Elizondo in round two en-route to a four round unanimous decision in a super bantamweight bout.
Bayanilla of Allentown, PA enillwyd gan ugeiniau o 40-35 ac 39-36 twice and is now 2-0-1. Elizondo of San Antonio, TX yw 2-4-1.
Martino Jules won a four-round majority decision over Weusi Johnson in a featherweight contest.
Jules of Allentown, PA won by tallies of 40-36, 39-37 ac 38-38 and he is now 1-1. Johnson of Wilmington, DE is 2-7.
King’s Promotions returns on Dydd Gwener, 1 Rhagfyr yn y 2300 Arena in Philadelphia with a loaded night of action that will feature Tyrone Brunson battling Manny Woods; Brandon Robinson taking on Christopher Brooker in a super middleweight showdown and Jaron Ennis taking on George Sosa
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Two title fights set for “KO Nos Gŵyl San Steffan: aur & Glory”

Rhagfyr. 2 yn Hartman Arena ym Mharc City, KS
Tramaine Williams
(picture courtesy of Roc Nation Sports)

PARK CITY, Kansas (Tachwedd 24, 2017) – Undefeated, seren yn codi Tramaine “The Mighty Midget” Williams is returning to theSunflower Statewith his own “aur & Glory” plan as he battles for the vacant World Boxing Organization (WBO) International junior featherweight title co-main event on the “KO Nos Gŵyl San Steffan: aur & Glory” Cerdyn, yn Hartman Arena ym Mharc City, Kansas.

“KO Nos Gŵyl San Steffan: aur & Glory” yn gyflwyniad o KO Night Bocsio LLC., in association with Roc Nation Sports and Hartman Arena. The event is sponsored in part by Park City KS, Twister City Harley-Davidson and Metro PCS.
Bydd y camau gweithredu yn cael eu tapio fyw ar gyfer darlledu yn y dyfodol ar y Rhwydwaith Chwaraeon CBS.

Williams 13-0, 5 Kos) will be fighting for the third time in Kansas, each on a “KO Nos Gŵyl San Steffan” card headlined by hometown hero and 2016 Olympic bronze medalist Nico Hernandez (3-0, 2 Kos). Hernandez will be fighting for his first pro title Rhagfyr. 2 in only his fourth pro fight, versus Hungarian flyweight champion Jozsef “Little Red” Ajtai (19-9, 12 Kos) in the eight-round main event for the vacant International Boxing Association (IBA) Americas flyweight title fight.

A 10-time national amateur champion from New Haven (CT), the 24-year-old Williams is moving down one weight class to fight AlexeiThe HurricaneCollado (23-2, 20 Kos) for the vacant WBO Junior Featherweight Championship in the 10-round co-featured event.
Williams, who is the No. 2-rated featherweight in the United States Boxing Association (USBA), won eight and 10-round decisions, yn y drefn honno, i Eduardo Garza ac Derrick Murray, gorffennol hon Mawrth 3 a mis Medi 23, ar “KO Nos Gŵyl San Steffan” events in Kansas. On another “KO Nos Gŵyl San Steffan” Cerdyn, Williams registered a sensational opening-round knockout of 30-7 William Gonzalez, this past July at the Queen Mary in Long Beach.

Fighting for the WBO International Junior featherweight title is a huge opportunity for me and I’m thankful for Roc Nation’s support in arranging this fight,” Dywedodd Williams. “I know my potential and winning this belt would be the first step toward putting myself in position to fight for a world title.

I’m looking forward to competing for this honor at Hartman Arena, in front of the fans in Kansas, who have always supported me.
Collado was a decorated amateur boxer in his native Cuba, where he defected from to Miami, where he lives and trains. Yn ei frwydr olaf, Collado stopped Walter Rojas yn y rownd gyntaf, Mai 28fed in Trinidad, i ddal y Cyngor Bocsio Byd wag (CLlC) Latino junior featherweight title.
The opening televised bout is an eight-round welterweight match featuring unbeaten Wellington Romero (13-0-1, 7 Kos), a 2012 Dominican Republic Olympian who now fights out of Newburgh, Efrog Newydd, against his fellow Dominican, Victor Abreau (9-2, 5 Kos).
Arizona welterweight Abel Ramos (18-2-2, 13 Kos) takes on battle-tested Mexican invader Cesar Soriano (28-36-1, 17 Kos) in an eight-round throw-down.

Also fighting on the undercard in a six-round match between undefeated junior lightweights, Californian Joshua Zuniga (8-0, 3 Kos) and Moldova-native Piotr Apostol (4-0, 2 Kos), fighting out of Seattle.

Wichita canol Jeff Sturm (1-0) faces intra-state rival Brian Clements (0-01), o Topeka, while another Wichita fighter, Canol iau Ramon Barber (7-16, 6 Kos). meets Milwaukee’s Akeem Black (3-1, 1 KO), in a pair of four-round bouts.
Mae'r holl ymladd a diffoddwyr yn destun newid.
Mae tocynnau yn mynd ar werth yfory (Dydd Mawrth, Hydref. 24 @ 10 a.m. CT) yn y swyddfa docynnau Hartman Arena a http://www.ticketmaster.com/lleoliad / 50,551?Brand = Hartman. prisiau yn $115.00 (VIP), $75.00, $50.00, $35.00, $25.00 ac $20.00 (Nid yw prisiau yn cynnwys ffioedd gwasanaeth). Student tickets are available – kindergarten drwy coleg – am $15.00 ddoleri ond yn cael eu gwerthu yn unig yn yr arena. Adnabod myfyrwyr ei talodd.
Mae hyn yn holl-oed yn dangos. Drysau'n agor am 5:00 p.m. CT gyda'r bout agoriadol a drefnwyd ar 6:00 p.m. CT.
Twitter: @KONightBoxing, @IBABoxing
Facebook: /NeonStar, /IBABoxing
Dilynwch @Nicomhernandez ar Twitter a Instagram