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Lamont Peterson & Anthony Peterson Washington, D.C. Media Workout Quotes & Rasmlar

Former World Champion Battles Welterweight World Champion Errol Spence Jr. Showtime yashash Shanba, Yanvar 20 Bruklindagi Barclays markazi &
Tomonidan taqdim etilgan Premer boks Chempionlar
Bosing BU YERGA for Photos from Patrice Harris
Vashington, D.C. (Yanvar 11, 2018) – Ikki-bo'limi jahon chempioni Lamont Peterson hosted a media workout in his hometown of Washington, D.C. Thursday as he prepares to take on unbeaten welterweight world champion Errol Spence Jr.Shanba, Yanvar 20 Barclays markazi showtime yashash, Bruklin boks Bosh sahifa® va Premer boks Chempionlar tomonidan taqdim.
The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING begins at 9 p.m. VA/6 p.m. PT va xususiyatlari engil jahon chempioni Robert Easter sobiq chempioni kurashayotgan Javier Fortuna.
Jonli tadbir uchun chipta, DiBella Ko'ngilochar va TMO aktsiyalar tomonidan targ'ib qilinadi, boshlab baholi $50, va hozir indirimdedir. Chiptalar sotib mumkin ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com, at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center or by calling 800-745-3000. Guruh chegirmalarni 844-BKLYN-GP chaqirib mavjud.
Also in attendance at the workout was Peterson’s brother, once-beaten contender Entoni Peterson, who competes in undercard action on the Yanvar 20 hodisa.
Here is what the workout participants had to say Thursday:
“Men ajoyib his qilaman. I’m already close to weight. I’m happy and eating up to five times a day. I feel strong and I’m ready for this fight.
I have to look at this as really just another big fight. When you’re at the top, you try not to make too much of each fight. We know what’s at stake. I know that when I keep it simple, that’s when I perform best.
Right now my body feels better than ever. I’m comfortable with everything that’s gone on in camp and I think you can see it in my body.
I’ve always trained hard since the first day I came here as a child. That’s been instilled in me since a young age and it’s carried me throughout my career.
Everything I do is for D.C. I’m trying to get as much recognition for this area the best way I can. That’s what we all strive for in this gym. This is the biggest one that’s been on the schedule for a while and I’m ready to bring it home.
It gets easier and easier the more championship fights I’m in. I was in shape for all of them, but I definitely put more pressure on myself when I was young. I’ve improved each time and now I feel like I’m really at the perfect place in my career.
I have to make a statement. I never feel comfortable with a decision. I think that’s a good thing because I have to be special under the bright lights.
Everyone knows I like to go to the body. You know I’m going to make him work so you can look out for me to break my opponent down on the Yanvar 20.
I’ve been sparring with a variety of experienced fighters over the last year and they’ve helped me out even while I haven’t had a fight. Ring rust is all mental. It’s up to you to put the work in.
I haven’t gotten the fights that I want, but I’ll always stick to my game and stick to my craft. I know if I persevere, things will work out for me.
I know that I love this sport. I know that eventually I will be a world champion. I believe in my future and I’m looking forward to big fights.
It’s inspiring to watch Lamont do his thing and succeed. He’s going to beat Errol Spence, even if people don’t believe it. I think he’s going to take care of business.
BARRY HUNTER, Piterson Trainer
It’s been a long grind in camp for these guys. When I think back on how long we’ve been on this journey, I’m very proud of them. They were 9 va 10 when they first came into the gym.
We don’t have the weight monster to deal with fighting at welterweight. Lamont is in a great place mentally and physically. I’m looking forward to an explosive fight.
When you look at the Spence-Brook fight, early on Brook had a lot of success. Down the stretch Errol imposed his will and broke Brook down. I know Errol well and I’ve coached him. He has a strong will. He’s not great in one area, but he’s good in a lot of areas. This is a different kind of guy he’s facing. Heart is something Lamont is nowhere near short on. I think this might start off tactical, and then turn into a war.
My job is to go in there with part of a plan, but it’s always about adjustments for us. Whatever Errol brings to the table, we’ll figure it out and put everything in motion.
This last week is a lot of game plan and mental preparation work. A lot of fighters don’t train the mind. You have to train the mind even more so than the body. We have to be ready for every scenario.
I think if Anthony goes in there and does his job there are a few vacant titles at 140-pounds and that’s a track for us. We want to get a strap around his waist and we’ll face anyone to get it.
“Lamont, along with Anthony, Gary Russell Jr., Jarrett Hurd and Gervonta Davis, have been holding down boxing in this area for a long time. It would be huge to bring this title home. There are a lot of young Lamont Petersons in this area who want to reach this level. It would be a beacon of light shining down and showing these people the way.
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Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun www.sho.com/sports , www.premierboxingchampions.com,
Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing bizni kuzatib, @PremierBoxing, LouDiBella, TGBPromotions, BarclaysCenter, @Brooklyn_Boxing and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter,
va www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment. PBC Corona Extra tomonidan homiylik qilingan, eng yaxshi pivo.

Ilk Combate AMERICAS BELGILARI, Besh nizo Boks bo'yicha jahon chempioni AMANDA SERRANO

Besh-bo'limi Jahon boks chempioni Amanda “Real afzali” Serrano eksklyuziv imzoladi, Combate Amerika bilan ko'p yillik reklama shartnoma, va mart oyida uning MMA debyutini qilish uchun rejalashtirilgan.

Funt-uchun-funt boks Phenom uni ko'p-kutilayotgan qilish uchun o'rnatiladi
MMA debut for world’s premier Hispanic MMA sports franchise


NEW YORK - yanvar 11, 2018 - Combate Amerika bugun besh-bo'limi boks bo'yicha jahon chempioni imzolanishini ma'lum qildi, Jahon boks tashkiloti amaldagi jumladan (WBO) bantamweight (118 funt) chempioni, Amanda "Real afzali" Serrano (Boks: 34-1-1, 26 KO; MMA: 0-0) eksklyuziv uchun, ko'p yillik reklama shartnoma.



tarixida faqat ayol qiruvchi shuningdek faqat Puerto-Riko raqib hech besh xil vazn bo'linmalarida besh dunyo unvonlari g'alaba qozonish uchun, Karolina tug'ilgan 29 yoshli Serrano, Puerto-Riko va Bruklinda chiqib jang, N.Y., uning Mixed Martial Arts qiladi (MMA) La Jaula yilda debyut, Combate Amerika qafas, mart sana yaqinda e'lon qilinadi.



"Biz Amanda Serrano olib xursand bo'ladi, Combate Amerika familyasında boks eng hayajonli superstars biri, va bosh sport mulk bo'lgan global sahnada uni joylashtirish uchun orziqib 21 dunyo bo'ylab Ispaniya nutq mamlakatlar,"Combate Amerika bosh direktori dedi Campbell McLaren.



Serrano, bir top 10 funt-uchun-funt qiruvchi, DiBella Entertainment targ'ib ostida uning rivojlanayotgan boks faoliyatini davom etadi, va bir vaqtning o'zida MMA va boks bo'yicha jahon unvonlari ushlab tarixida birinchi sportchi bo'lishga harakat.



Serrano uning birinchi yirik jahon unvonini qo'lga, Xalqaro Boks Federatsiyasi (IBF) super tuklar toj, faqat 22 eski yil, bir shafqatsiz bilan, ikkinchi davra nokaut Kimberly Connor sentyabr kuni 10, 2011.



U buyon boshqa to'rt vazn bo'linmalarida jangchilar safiga orqali yirtilib qildi, bantamweight dan engil qilish ko'lamli (135 funt), va eng so'nggi kuni birinchi davra oltinchi raundda texnik nokaut kiritdi Merlin Ernandes noyabr kuni 4, 2017.



Serrano nafaqaga jahon chempioni MMA dunyoga ustidan kesib ilohiy ilhom bilan Miesha Tate, kim beri Serrano ning hamraisi menejeri aylandi.



Combate Amerika bir banner yil off kelguvchidir, AQShda ham mashhur televizion reytingini ishlab chiqarish, Meksika va Ispaniya, har qanday Ispaniya tili MMA eng yuqori reyting baholarini hosil tarixida birinchi ikki Telemundo MMA voqealar, jumladan, U.S yilda ko'rsatadi. yoz va kuzda 2017, va kabi ko'plab 6.9 Meksikada TV Azteca uning haftalik televizion seriyasining bir qismi uchun million tomoshabinlar.


Unified World Champion To Defend Titles Against Undefeated Challenger Tori Nelson Friday, Jan. 12, in Main Event On SHOWTIME



Bosing BU YERGA for Photos from Stephanie Trapp/SHOWTIME



Flint, meni. (Yanvar 11, 2018) – Unified Women’s Super Middleweight World Champion Claressa Shields spoke to media at a workout session in her hometown of Flint, Mich., before she departed to Verona, N.Y.. to defend her 168-pound titles against undefeated IBF mandatory challenger Tori Nelson ertaga tun, Juma, Jan. 12 showtime yashash.




Shields will weigh in this afternoon prior to ertaga Kechasi uning ShoBox: Yangi avlod telecast from Turning Stone Resort Casino. teleko'rsatuv da boshlanadi 10 p.m. VA/PT and features the battle of two undefeated 140-pound prospects Shohjahon Ergashev va Sonny Fredrickson va Jesse Hernandez uning qilish ShoBox return against Ernesto Garza.




Tadbir chiptalar, which is promoted by Salita Promotions, are currently on sale for $75 for the first two rows of ringside, $65 for remaining ringside seats and all others priced at $49 va $37, plus any applicable fees. Tickets can be purchased in person or by calling the Turning Stone Resort Box Office at 800.771.7711 yoki online Ticketmaster da.




Here is what the 22-year old Shields had to say from her hometown gym, The Berston Field House:







"Men katta his. Men, albatta, o'zim bu lagerga surib. Men tayyor olish uchun ko'p vaqt bor edi ayting, shuning uchun u odatdagidan uzoq yig'inini bo'ldi. Tori Nelson axlat juda ko'p muhokama qilib kelmoqda, ammo men u bo'lishi mumkin, deb uni ko'rsatish uchun ketyapman 17-0, lekin u oldin men kabi bir qiz jang hech qachon.



"Men faqat bo'lishi mumkin 4 Mening nomim uchun professional jang, lekin men havaskor tajriba ko'p. Men bor qizlarni jang ayting 16-0, Men u kalibrli bir Mag'lubiyatsiz jangchi jang bo'lyapdi qaerda uning yozuvdagi joyda ko'rmayapman.



"Men har doim, albatta, bir xil yo'l bilan jang bu uchun tayyorlangan ayting. I haven’t done anything special. I focus on myself, not my opponents.




“In the 6th or 7th round, Nelson goes down.



“Once I beat Nelson, I do want to fight Christina Hammer, but I’m taking it one fight at a time. I’d like to fight at least one time at 154 pounds before taking on Hammer.”



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Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun www.sho.com/sports Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing ustida amal, SHOSports, #ShoBox, yoki Facebookda bir fan da bo'lib www.Facebook.com/SHOSports.




ShoBox haqida: Yangi avlod



Iyul oyida tashkil etilganidan buyon 2001, olqishlar bilan kutib olingan kvplt_fan boks bo'yicha qator, ShoBox: Yangi avlod yoritilgan yosh iste'dod qattiq taalukli. The ShoBox falsafa qiziqarli televizion dasturini ko'rsatmoq iborat, Olomon-ma'qul va raqobatbardosh pas tayyor istiqbollari uchun isbot zamin ta'minlash esa jahon chempionligi uchun jang qilish uchun belgilangan. O'sib borayotgan ro'yxatida ba'zi 73 paydo bo'lgan jangchilar ShoBox va dunyo unvonlari yig'ish uchun ilg'or o'z ichiga oladi: Errol Spence Jr., Andre Uord, Deontay Uaylder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr., Lamont Peterson, Gilermo Rigondeaux, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Fröch, Robert Guerrero, Timo'tiyga Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Xuan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Pol Uilyam va ko'proq.



About Turning Stone Resort Casino



Host of the January 12 hodisa, Turning Stone Resort Casino is an award-winning destination resort, which continues to distinguish itself as a premier venue for fight-of-the-year level boxing. The January event will mark Turning Stone’s 24th nationally-televised boxing event, cementing the resort as a leading destination for nationally-televised combat sports. Turning Stone features world-class amenities including four hotels, bundan ko'proq 20 signature restaurants and dining options, two spas, an all-new 125,000 square foot Las Vegas style gaming floor, a cabaret-style Showroom, a 5,000 seat arena, five golf courses, several bars, cocktail lounges and nightlife venues with live entertainment every weekend.


Queens, Nyu York (January 11th, 2018) – El Matador boshqaruvi is proud to announce the signing of super featherweight prospect Joshafat Ortiz to a management contract.
Ortiz, 22 years old of Reading, Pennsylvania is currently 2-0 bir nokaut bilan. U yoshida boks boshladi 7 years old in Ponce, Puerto-Riko. He compiled a record of 42-7 amatör sifatida, winning the 2014 Pennsylvania Golden Gloves Championship, and making it to the semi-finals of the 2015 va 2016 Ringside Nationals. He was also a quarter-finalist in the 2015 Olympic Trials Qualifiers.
I feel signing with Felipe Gomez is a great move for me and my team” Said Ortiz “I’m sure that with his knowledge and experience in the game we will have a lot of success together. I’m excited to be able to showcase my talent here at home, in Pennsylvania. Even better, I will be fighting on Evander Holyfield’s Real Deal Boxing card. I am looking forward to putting on a show and opening some opportunities for myself.
Ortiz is an exciting fighter with a lot of boxing skillsaid Gomez. “I am excited to add him to my stable of fighters. One of the things I love about Ortiz is that he is a humble fighter and dedicated fighter. Together with his advisor Domingo Gonzalez, we are going to work hard in building him into a champion.
Joshafat Ortiz is scheduled to fight Juma, January 26th, 2018 at the Sugarhouse Casino in Philadelphia, Pensilvaniya.
El Matador boshqaruviga rioya qiling :
Twitter: @BoxingAdvisor
Facebook: @ElMatadorManagement
Instagram: @ElMatadorManagement
SnapChat: @ElMatadorMngmt
YouTube: @NewLegendPromotions

Russian Heavyweight Crusher Apti Davtaev Looking to Impress in his American Debut This Friday at Turning Stone Resort Casino

Undefeated heavyweight KO artist Apti Davtaev will make his long-awaited American debut bu juma night on the untelevised undercard of two-time Olympic gold medalist ClaressaT-Rex” Shields (4-0, 2 KOS) defense of her WBC and IBF titles against undefeated mandatory challenger Tori Nelson (17-0-3, 2 KOS) Verona burilib Stone Resort Casino, Nyu York.

A recent signing of Salita Promotions, Davtaev (13-0-1, 13 KOS), from Kurchaloi, Rossiya, will take on Philadelphia-based veteran Garrett “Ultimate Warrior” Wilson (18-13-1, 9 KOS) sakkiz dumaloq vitr ichida.
Standing an imposing 6 ‘5and already having won the WBC Slovenian title in just his tenth pro fight, Davtaev moved from his training base in Grozny to Detroit to work with well-respected Javan SugarHill Steward at the Kronk Gym.
I loved training in Detroit with SugarHill Steward,” said Davtaev. “I feel my skills are going to a new level and I look forward to showing them off on January 12. I know Wilson is experienced and has fought some very good fighters, but I am in great shape and ready to put on a show!”
Not looking to waste any time, the 28-year-old Davtaev says he’ll be looking fornamesin the big man’s division of boxing after this fight.
My goals are to stay active and fight the better names in the division this year,” dedi. “I look forward to showing the boxing fans my skills and challenging the big names. The fans in New York can expect to see a new contender in the heavyweight division.
Steward, nephew of the great Emanuel Steward and quickly building a strong reputation of his own, says that Davtaev has what it takes.
Apti is a strong, coordinated, big heavyweight who will be ready to compete very soon with the other contenders in the division. I am very impressed with his ability to learn and to transfer what he’s learned into sparring. I am excited to see Apti in action January 12 for his American debut. I expect to see an exciting knockout!”
Presented by Salita Promotions, Shields vs. Nelson will serve as the headliner of a televised tripleheader on SHOWTIME (10 p.m. VA/PT).
Also featured on the January 12 teleko'rsatuv, Uzbekistan power-puncher Shohjahon Ergashev (11-0, 11 KOS) will face fellow undefeated and top-10 ranked Sonny Fredrickson (18-0, 12 KOS) Toledo, Ogayo. CO-xususiyati, Jesse Hernandez (10-1, 7 KOS) will take on Ernesto Garza (9-2, 5 KOS; 1-3 WSB) 10-tur super bantamweight Butning.

Tadbir chiptalar, which is promoted by Salita Promotions, are currently on sale for $75 for the first two rows of ringside, $65 for remaining ringside seats and all others priced at $49 va $37, plus any applicable fees. Tickets can be purchased in person or by calling the Turning Stone Resort Box Office at800.771.7711 yoki online Ticketmaster da.

Viktor Ortiz va boshqalar. Devon Alexander El Paso, Texas Press Conference Quotes & Rasmlar

Primetime Matchup of Former Welterweight Champions Headlines
Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & Fox Sports Shanba,
Fevral 17 from Don Haskins Center in El Paso, Texas
Bosing BU YERGA for Photos from Alan Mena/Premier Boxing Champions
STEP, TX. (Yanvar 10, 2018) – Sobiq ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn jahon chempioni “Yomon” Viktor Ortiz va Devon Alexander “Great” went face-to-face for the first time Wednesday at a press conference in El Paso, Texas to discuss their showdown that headlines Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes Shanba, Feb. 17 from Don Haskins Center on the UTEP campus in El Paso.
Televidenieda qamrov da boshlanadi 8 p.m. VA/5 p.m. PT and features unbeaten contender Xolib “Sweethands” O'simlik kurash RogelioPorkyMedina in a 12-round 168-pound world title eliminator.
Tadbir chiptalar, TGB aktsiyalar tomonidan targ'ib qilingan, fiyatlandırılır $200, $100, $60, $40, $25 va sotuvga chiqadi Juma. Tickets can be purchased through Ticketmaster.
Also in attendance at Thursday’s press conference was former world champion Austin “Shubhasiz” Gulmohi and women’s featherweight world champion Jennifer Han from El Paso, who will both compete in undercard attractions on Feb. 17.
Here is what the participants had to say Wednesday from the Wyndham El Paso Hotel:
Viktor ORTIZ
We’re warriors up here. Devon is not going to like me much come Fevral 17 and I know I won’t like him much. This is business, because I’m here for the victory.
I’ve been counted out many times in this sport. I’m not going to take any shortcuts in training, I’m just going to keep listening to what my coach wants me to do so I can be at my best.
Being on this stage is very significant for me. Thankfully I have people who don’t stop believing in me. I’ve seen both sides and been in the middle. Mazkur holatda, the only place I’m focused on going is up. It’s all in front of me.
We have mutual respect for each other. He’s a tremendous fighter just like me. Everyone knows it will be two warriors stepping into the ring on Fevral 17. We’re going to go all out. I’m going for a victory just like him.
I’m going to keep coming forward until my hand is raised in victory. One day I will be the champion again and it starts Fevral 17 in El Paso.
Devon Aleksandr
Both of us are very good, skillful boxers and that should make for a great matchup. Everyone knows we both come to fight and have been world champions so it’s going to be exciting on fight night.
This is going to be an excellent fight. I’ve known Victor for a long time, but this is going to be business on Fevral 17. I think I’m the best fighter in the world, and I have to go prove that.
Boxing is what I love to do. This is what I was born to do. I’m so thankful to my coach, Kevin Cunningham, for sticking by me these last few years and helping get me back to this point.
I’m excited about this fight and I know Victor is too. The fans in Texas are always fantastic and they should expect an action packed night. It’s an awesome feeling to be able to showcase my talent. This is what I’ve been working hard for.
I’m an all-around good fighter and I think my speed and quickness will be the difference. No one can hit me when I’m at the top of my game.
I don’t see this one going the distance. We’re both very hungry. We know that a loss puts us at the back of the line and neither of us can afford that.
I’m really thankful to El Paso for hosting this fight. It’s going to be a great night and I’m happy to be the main event. Everyone should come out for a great show. It’s going to be lots of fire and fury. Victor and I are really coming to fight.
I’m looking forward to fighting close to home. Many of you know I was born here in El Paso and grew up right across the road in Las Cruces, Nyu-Meksiko. To be here again is surreal and it’s even more special being on a great card like this.
This is where it all started for me. I’m going back to the roots of where I won a championship. It feels good to bring everything full circle. I’m blessed to be a part of this event.
I’m really proud to be part of this card and this great night of boxing. I can’t wait to fight next toThe El Paso SweetheartJennifer Han. I’ll be theLas Cruces Tough Guyon fight night and give everyone a great show.
I’m so excited to be part of this card. There is so much talent and it’s going to be an amazing show. We’re going to make El Paso extremely proud on Fevral 17.
I’ve been training very hard to fight my mandatory. She’s coming from Argentina to take my title so I need everyone to come out and support me on fight night.
I’m a professional fighter and I love what I do. This is what I was born to do. I’m so excited to do this in front of my friends and my family and peers. Without the support of the El Paso community, Men bu erda bo'lmaydi.
Women’s boxing is growing and growing and I’m proud to be a part of it. Come out and support us and we won’t let you down. It’s going to be a great show.
JOSEPH JANIK, Ortiz’s Trainer
I know that there is a great boxing community here in El Paso. Boxing is a part of the culture here and we’re glad to be a part of it.
One of these fighters is about to take a big step forward in their career, but it doesn’t happen without a win on Fevral 17. We’ve been in camp training hard and Victor will be ready.
Victor is never in a bad fight and I expect this will be another great one. We have some new things coming and Victor is going to show you something you’ve never seen before. We plan on being victorious on Fevral 17.”
KEVIN CUNNINGHAM, Alexander’s Trainer
This is definitely a crossroads fight for both guys. We’ve known Victor since he was like nine-years-old, fighting in the same region as him. This is business, because this is a crossroads fight for both guys in their careers and their lives.
The winner of this fight will go on to bigger and better things and the loser has to get back at the end of the line. That’s not the plan for Devon, and Victor is in the way right now. Devon is going to be well prepared and I expect it will be an action packed fight.
Tom Brown, TGB aktsiyalar Prezidenti
It’s great to be back in El Paso with a big fight like this. It is truly a great fight town. I’m really looking forward to this card and I think the fans here are going to love it.
Our main event is a true crossroads fight. Victor Ortiz and Devon Alexander are battle-tested in one of the toughest and deepest divisions in boxing. The winner of this fight will be back on the path to a world title.
Victor Ortiz brings an exciting, aggressive style and he always comes to fight. That’s why he’s one of the most entertaining fighters in the sport today. Devon Alexander has overcome some health issues and is back in the ring with one thing on his mind, to regain a world title.
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Muxlislar janglarni FOX Sports GO-da jonli translyatsiya qilishlari mumkin, available in English or Spanish through the FOX or FOX Deportes feeds. Janglar ish stolida FOXSportsGO.com saytida va ilovalar do'koni orqali mavjud, yoki ulangan qurilmalar, shu jumladan Apple TV, Android TV, Yong'in TV, Xbox One va Roku. Bunga qo'chimcha, barcha dasturlar SiriusXM kanalidagi FOX Sports-da ham mavjud 83 sun'iy yo'ldosh radiolarida va SiriusXM ilovasida.
TwitterPremierBoxing qiling, TGBPromotions, @FOX, FOXDeportes VaSwanson_Comm va Facebookda bir fan bo'lib www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions va www.facebook.com/foxdeportes. Mavjud Highlightswww.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions.Fox bo'yicha PBC & FOX Deportesga Corona Extra homiylik qiladi, eng yaxshi pivo.

New York State Boxing Hall of Fame Announces Class of 2018

Yakshanba, Aprel 29 induksion Kechki ovqat
Kid Chocolate, James J. Corbett, Jack McAuliffe, Bobby & Murray Goodman va Sam Taub yangi sinfini bosh
NYU YORK (Yanvar 10, 2018) – The New York State Boxing Hall of Fame (NYSBHOF) has announced its 23-member Class of 2018. yettinchi yillik NYSBHOF kirish kechki ovqat bo'lib o'tadi Yakshanba kunduzi (12:30-5:30 p.m. VA), Aprel 29, Govard Beach, Russo ning On The janob, Nyu York.
This day is for all these inductees who worked so hard for our enjoyment,” NYSBHOF president Bob Duffy said, “and for what they did for New York State boxing.
NYSBHOF kirib Yashash bokschilar o'z ichiga oladi (Spring Valley) IBF Cruiserweight jahon chempioni Uchun “muz” Cole (35-16-3, 16 KOS), (Long ho'l bo'lib ketdi) WBA Lou “asal Boy” Vodiy (36-6-2, 22 KOS), (Markaziy Islip) IBF Junior yarim ortasiklet Jahon chempioni Jeyk Rodriguez (28-8-2, 8 KOS), (Bruklin) jahon engil nomi Challenger Terrence Alli (52-15-2, 21 KOS), va (Qo'tos) Mag'lubiyatsiz dunyo-sinf og'ir vazn toifasida “Chaqaloq” Jo mesi (36-0, 29 KOS).
muzeyga oshirilmoqda vafotidan keyin ishtirokchilari NBA bo'ladi & NYSAC Jahon tuklar chempioni (Nafasni) Kid “Kuba Bon Bon” shokolad (136-10-6, 51 KOS), (Nyu-York City) 20th asr og'ir vazn toifasida James J. “Gentleman Jim” Corbett (11-4-3, 5 KOS), (Williamsburg) Jahon yengillashtirilgan Champion Jack “Mukofoti Ring Napoleon” McAuliffe, (Kingston) WBC Super yengillashtirilgan chempioni Billy Costello (40-2, 23 KOS), (buy) NYSAC Light og'ir vazn toifasida jahon chempioni Melio Bettina (83-14-3, 36 KOS), (Bruklin / Yonkers) jahon-sinf o'rta Ralph “Yo'lbars” Jones (52-32-5, 13 KOS) va (Port Vashington) og'ir vazn toifasida raqib Charley “Bayonne bombardimon” Norkus (33-19, 19 KOS).
Living non-participants heading into the NYSBHOF are (Troy) Pulitser sportswriter sovrinli Dave Anderson, (Bruklin) murabbiy / maslahatchisi Pete Brodsky, (Rockaway) boks tarixchi / muharriri o't Goldman, (Bronx) sovchi Bobby Goodman, (Ardsley) NYSAC raisi / hakam Melvina Lathan, va (Bruklin) NYSAC Chairperson/matchmaker/Promouter Ron Scott Stevens.
Vafotidan keyin non-ishtirokchi sunmaktadırlar bo'ladi (Bruklin) ring notiq Johnnie Addie, (Bruklin) sovchi Johnny Bos, (Bronx) boks publitsist Murray Goodman, (Nyu-York City) boks yozuvchi / tarixchi Bert Randolph Shakar va (Pastki Sharqiy qirg'og'i) radio & televizor notiq / jurnalist Sam Taub.
Har bir ishtirok inductee (yoki bevosita avlodi) NYSBHOF kirib o'z indüksiyon anglatishni maxsus-mo'ljallangan kamar oladi.
The 2017 sunmaktadırlar NYSBHOF Nomzodlar Qo'mita a'zolari tomonidan tanlab olindi: Jack Hirsch, Bobby Cassidy, Jr., Randy Gordon, Genri Hascup, Don Majeski, Ron McNair, va Neil Terens.
kamida uch yil davomida harakatsiz bo'lishi uchun zarur bo'lgan barcha bokschilar NYSBHOF induksiyasi loyiq bo'lishi uchun, va barcha sunmaktadırlar ularning boks karyeralarini muhim qismi uchun yoki ularning tegishli martaba Bosh davomida Nyu-York Davlat istiqomat qilgan bo'lishi kerak.
SINF 2012: Carmen Basilio, Mike McCallum, Mike Tyson, Jake LaMotta, Riddick Bowe, Karlos Ortiz, Vito Antuofermo, Emil Griffit, “Shakar” Ray Robinson, Gen Tunney, Benni Leonard, Tony Canzoneri, Harold Lederman, Stiv Acunto, Jimmy Glenn, Gil Clancy, Ray Arcel, Gen Fleischer, Bill kasa va Artur Mercante, Sr.
SINF 2013: Jack Dempsi, Johnny Dundee, Sandy Saddler, Maxie Rosenbloom, Joey Archer, Eron Barkley, Mark Breland, Bobby Cassidy, Doug Jones, Junior Jones, James “Buddy” McGirt, Eddi Mustafo Muhammad, Bob Arum, Shelly Finkel, Tony Graziano, Larri Merchant, Teddy Brenner, Mike Jacobs, Tex Rickard va Don Dunphy.
Sinf 2014: Floyd Patterson, Tracy Harris Patterson, Billy Backus, Kevin Kelley, Xuan LaPorte, Gerry Cooney, Mustafo Hamsho, Howard Davis, Jr., Lou Ambers, Jack Britton, Terri McGovern, Teddy Atlas, Lou DiBella, Stiv Farhood, Gen Mur, Anjelo Prospero, Whitey Bimstein, Cus D'Amato, William Muldoon va Tom O'Rourke.
Sinf 2015: Shoul Mamby, Joey Giamba, Johnny Persol, Harold Weston, Lonnie Bradley, Paul Berlenbach, Billy Graham, Frankie Genaro, Bob Miller, Tommy Ryan, Jimmy Slattery, Bob Duffy, Mike Katz, Tommy Gallagher, Bruce Silverglade, Charley Goldman, Jimmy Jonston, Cedric Kushner, Garri markson, Damon Runyon va Al Weill.
Sinf 2016: Aaron Davis, Charles Murray, Vilomar Fernandez, Edwin Viruet, Hector “Macho” Kamacho, Rokki Graziano, Rocky Kansas, Joe Linch, Jo Miceli, Ed Brophy, Joe DeGuardia, Randy Gordon, Dennis Rappaport, Howie Albert, Freddie Brown, Howard Cosell, Ruby Goldstein va Jimmy Jacobs.
Sinf 2017: Gaspar Ortega, Renaldo “Janob.” Snipes, Doug Dewitt, “Bronx bombardimon” Aleks Ramos, Dik Tiger, Jose Torres, “Nonpareil” Jack Dempsi, Don Majeski, Ron Katz, Stan Hoffman, Bobby Bartels, Hank Kaplan, Al Gavin, Artur Donovan va Dan Parker.
Chiptalar fiyatlandırılır $150.00 kattalar bilan va $70.00 bolalar uchun (ostida 16), va xotima to'liq brunch va mexnat soat o'z ichiga oladi, da boshlangan 12:30 p.m. VA, shuningdek, kechki ovqat sifatida (Bosh qovurg'a, baliq yoki parranda) va kun davomida ochiq bar. Chipta NYSBHOF / Ring manzillardan sotib olish uchun mavjud 8 Prezident Bob Duffy 516.313.2304 yoki depcomish@aol.com. NYSBHOF dasturi e'lonlar mavjud, tortib $80.00 uchun $200.00, Duffy murojaat. Da liniyada borib www.Ring8ny.com of Fame, Nyu-York davlat boks zali haqida qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun.
Haqida RING 8: Shakllangan 1954 eks-prizefighter tomonidan, Jack Grebelsky, Ring 8 Milliy Veteran Bokschilarimizning uyushmasi deb nomlanuvchi nima sakkizinchi yordamchi bo'ldi – shuning uchun, RING 8 – va bugun tashkilotning shiori bo'lib qolmoqda: Ravishda kutib Helping Bokschilarimizning.
RING 8 to'liq to'lab ijaraga jihatidan yordam talab qilishi mumkin boks hamjamiyatida kamroq baxtli odamlarni qo'llab-quvvatlash uchun harakat qilmoqda, tibbiy xarajatlar, yoki har qanday asosli sabab ehtiyoj.
Liniyasi bo'yicha Go to www.Ring8ny.com RING haqida qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun 8, ko'proq bilan Amerika Qo'shma Shtatlari o'z turiga eng katta guruh 350 a'zolari. Yillik a'zolik to'lov faqat $30.00 va har bir a'zo va RING bir bufet kechki ovqat huquqiga ega 8 oylik uchrashuvlar, iyul va avgust tashqari. Barcha faol bokschilar, havaskor va professional, bepul fikrlovchilarning huquqiga ega 8 yillik a'zolik. Ring Mehmonlar 8 a'zolari faqat bir xarajat xush kelibsiz $7.00 kishi boshiga.

Rances Barthelemy & Kiryl Relikh Buyuk orziqib 2018 Shanba boshlab, Fevral 10 Ular in140-funt Jahon chempionati Yangi partiya showtime kuni Live uchratsalar



San-Antoniodagi Alamodome boshlab & Tomonidan taqdim etilgan

Premer boks Chempionlar


Bosing BU YERGA Ularning birinchi kurash dan Fotosuratlar

Photo Kredit: Tom Casino / kvplt_fan



San Antonio (Jan. 10, 2018) - Eng yaxshi ikki-bo'limi jahon chempioni Rances Barthelemy va sobiq nomi challenger Kiryl Relikh Ular bir bo'sh 140-funt sarlavhani revansh uchrashadi qachon bir dunyo nom g'alaba bilan ularning yangi yil off tepishing qarash qiladi, ham Shanba, Feb. 10 Premer boks Chempionlar tomonidan taqdim bir tadbirda San-Antonio Alamodome dan showtime yashash.




Kvplt_fan CHEMPIONATIDA BOKS teleko'rsatuv da boshlanadi 10:15 p.m. VA/PT and will be headlined by three-division world champion Mikey Garcia (37-0, 30 KOS) mag'lubiyatsiz 140-funt jahon chempioni olib Sergey Lipinets (13-0, 10 KOS).




"Shubhasiz, bir raqam maqsad uchun 2018 Bosh sahifa deb kamarini olib iborat Fevral 10,"Varfolomey dedi (26-0, 13 KOS). "Shundan keyin men boshqa barcha chempionlari bilan birlashtirish istayman. Mening Yangi yil qaror yaxshi odamlar bilan o'zimni o'rab va ko'p dunyo unvonlari g'alaba qozonish uchun emas. "




"Birinchi Men fevral oyida, bu kurashda g'alaba kerak,"Relikh dedi (21-2, 19 KOS). "Lekin, keyin men bir birlashtirish jang oxir-oqibat majburiy va qarshi mening kamarini himoya buyuk yilning umid bor. Bu men bu sport yangi darajasiga erishish yil bo'ladi. "




Varfolomey va Relikh may o'z nomi ajratuvchi Butning Barthelemy uchun munozarali qarori bilan yakunlandi keyin WBA ning bo'sh Super yengillashtirilgan jahon chempionligi uchun jang qiladi. Bu safar jangchilar liniyada to'liq nomi bilan hech shubha tark qarash qiladi.




"Bu mening ikkinchi marta jahon chempionligi uchun jang va bu men uchun ikkinchi dars bo'ladi,"Relikh dedi. "Bu chempioni bo'lishga mening vaqti. Men bu kurash davomida ancha qilish kerak.




"Men boshidan tajovuzkor to'g'ri bo'lishi kerak. Men g'alaba uchun bir nokaut kerak ishonch hosil emasman. U ishlatish uchun harakat qilib ko'rishingiz mumkin, lekin u mendan yashirib olmaysiz. "




"Bu nom qozongan bir tush men uchun haq bo'ladi,"Varfolomey dedi. "Men uch turli bo'linmalari bir unvonini qo'lga kiritish uchun tarixida birinchi kubalik jangchi bo'lar edim. oxirgi jang juda yaqin va revansh loyiq edi.




"Men faqat mening o'yin rejasi yopishib va ​​men dunyoda eng yaxshi 140-funt qiruvchi emasman deb hammani ko'rsatish kerak. asosiy butun kecha intizomli va yer qattiq zarbalar qolish bo'ladi. "




Har ikki jangchilar ular bir bayram on bo'ladi umid nima uchun yo'lda yig'in qurbon qilgan Fevral 10, dam olish mavsumi orqali qattiq tayyorlash kurash kecha maqsad ustida qolish.




"Mening butun jamoa lagerida hozirga qadar fantastik ish qilgan,"Varfolomey dedi. "Ismoil Salas va Joel Casamayor menga katta maslahatlar berib va ​​meni ushlab mening gol qaratilgan. Bu yig'in qo'shdik Men bir yangi narsa ovqatlanish va kuch va shamollatish uchun, Bob Santos emas. Men, odatda, juda ko'p ovqat bayramlar ustidan katta farq qildi bo'lyapdi. U qattiq parhez meni saqlab bo'lyapdi va o'quv yaxshi bo'lmagan. "




"Bayramlar orqali Bu so'nggi bir necha hafta mening lagerida qiyin bo'lar, Bas, chalg'itadigan narsalar uchun joy yo'q edi,"Relikh dedi. "Mening oilam bilan yangi yil o'tkazdi va so'ngra men o'ng orqa ertalab yig'in ichiga edi."




Shu kecha liniyada 140-funt tabaqada ikki kamarli, Barthelemy va Relikh o'rtasida g'olib fevral keyin birlashtirish tomon yo'l boshlash uchun ajoyib bir holatda bo'ladi 10.




"Men ishonch uchun asosiy voqea mening ko'z bo'ladi,"Relikh dedi. "Men endi Barthelemy qaratilgan qilyapman, lekin men birlashtirish istayman va bu G'orsiya yoki Lipinets jang anglatadi, agar, Men tayyor bo'ladi. "




"Garcia kabilar. Lipinets buyuk kurash bo'ladi va, albatta, g'olib istayman,"Varfolomey dedi. Lipinets bo'lsa-da, "underdog bu kurashda kirmasdan, Men u Garsiya barcha u band mumkin berishi yog'adiganga o'xshaydi. Lekin men hali Garsia ustiga chiqib keladi, deb o'ylayman, a birlashtirish Butning oramizda urush tashkil etish. "


# # #




Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun www.sho.com/sports , www.premierboxingchampions.com,



Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing bizni kuzatib, @PremierBoxing, @Ringstar @TGBPromotions, and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook


da www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing va www.Facebook.com/RingstarSports. PBC Corona Extra tomonidan homiylik qilingan, eng yaxshi pivo.

Errol Spence Jr. Dallas Media Mashq ishora & Rasmlar

Ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn jahon chempioni showtime kuni Live birinchi mudofaa qarshi Lamont Peterson qiladi Shanba, Yanvar 20Bruklindagi Barclays markazi & Tomonidan taqdim etilgan
Premer boks Chempionlar
Bosing BU YERGA Bayron Kreyg / showtime dan Fotosuratlar
Dallas (Yanvar 10, 2018) – Mag'lubiyatsiz ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn jahon chempioni Errol Spence Jr.Dallas o'zi tug'ilib o'sgan bir media mashqlar bo'lib o'tdi Seshanba kuni oldinda sobiq ikki-bo'limi jahon chempioni qarshi matchup bo'yicha Lamont Peterson Shanba, Yanvar 20Barclays markazi showtime yashash, Bruklin boks Bosh sahifa®, va Premer boks Chempionlar tomonidan taqdim.
Kvplt_fan CHEMPIONATIDA BOKS teleko'rsatuv da boshlanadi 9 p.m. VA/6 p.m. PT va xususiyatlari engil jahon chempioni Robert Easter sobiq chempioni kurashayotgan Javier Fortuna hamraisi asosiy tadbirda.
Jonli tadbir uchun chipta, DiBella Ko'ngilochar va TMO aktsiyalar tomonidan targ'ib qilinadi, boshlab baholi $50, va hozir indirimdedir. Chiptalar sotib mumkin ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com, at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center or by calling 800-745-3000. Guruh chegirmalarni 844-BKLYN-GP chaqirib mavjud.
Bu yerga Spence va uning treneri deb, jo'mrak James, aytish kerak edi Seshanba R dan&Dallas shahrida R boks klubi:
“meni oldin jang ko'rgan har bir inson bu zerikarli jang bo'lmaydi biladi. Bu bir tomonlama, hatto, agar, u har doim harakat qadoqlangan bo'lishi yog'adiganga. Yanvar 20 ulkan jang bo'ladi va men bir katta bajarish qo'yish uchun ketyapman. Men hukmronlik rejalashtirmoqda qilyapman.
“Bruklindagi mening unvonini himoya maxsus bo'ladi. Men Nyu-Yorkda oilasi bor ham shuning uchun u men Barclays markazida himoya imkoniyatiga ega bo'lish olaman ko'p degan ma'noni anglatadi. ular, albatta, chempion qadrlayman va sport bilaman, shuning uchun Nyu-York bir boks shahar.
“Men Lamont Peterson kabi bir odam jang bo'lishi xursandman. Men muntazam hech nomi jangchi qarshi jang yo'q. U haqiqiy jangchi, chunki U mendan eng yaxshi olib yog'adiganga. Hatto yaxshi, butun tajribasini qiladi.
“sport eng spot endi, albatta, qatnashdi uchun va men buning uchun kelayotgan qilyapman. Men duch kerak yoki qaerda, kim farqi yo'q, Men o'tgan odam doimiy bo'lishi uchun ketyapman. Biz hammamiz bu sport turiga olish nima uchun o'sha. Men o'zim ham juda qat'iy ishonaman.
“Lamont va men ham katta qalblar bor va men har bir halqa ekanligini ko'rish mumkin bo'ladi, deb o'ylayman. Biz yer olish oldin bir necha his amalga bo'lishi mumkin, shuning uchun, biz aqlli jangchilarni ikkala odamsiz. Lekin men bu maydon tashvishsiz bo'lishini kutyapmiz,.
“Dallas bu jamoa men uchun juda muhim hisoblanadi. Men bo'lganimda
Bu yerda o'sayotgan bu yerda hech qanday professional bokschilar Men roli namuna sifatida qarash mumkin, deb bor edi. Agar resurslarga ega marta qaytarib berishga, U buni muhim. Men zalida bo'lgan va, albatta, yosh bolalar yordam va ularga talip biror narsa berib ko'raman.”
DERRICK JEYMS, Spence ning Trener
“Errol ta'lim, albatta, yaxshi ko'rinadi. U buyuk asosga ega. U juda batafsil yo'naltirilgan va o'ziga eng yaxshi versiyasi bo'lish haqida girişmemişken bo'ladi. uning yuzida aniqlash meni u çevrilmemiş tosh tark qilish va istaydi, deb bilaman beradi ishonch hamma narsa kurash kechasi uning yo'l ketadi. Biz halqa emas zalida kurash g'alaba.
“Errol bu kurashda va orqasida, bu tafakkur saqlab qolish uchun bor, va u biladi. Bir nom qozongan emas, u istasa nima. U tortishishi ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn chempioni bo'lishni istaydi. U juda maqsad yo'naltirilgan va men u maqsadga erishish olaman iymon. U javob uchun hech qanday zimmasiga olmaydi. U limiti o'zini surish va uning maqsadlari erishish uchun yog'adiganga.
“Lamont Peterson halqa juda dono va aqlli. U ham bir qattiq yigit. U sizga muvaffaqiyatli bo'lishi kerak, deb ruhiy sabr keladi. Biz bu kurashda keladi bo'lishi kerak 100 foiz va butun vaqt yo'naltirilgan bo'lishi. Biz emas, balki, albatta, agar, Biz qisqa kelib mumkin.
“Men ham o'zim eng yaxshi versiyasini bo'lishi kerak. Men yaxshi va yaxshi zalida har kurash va har bir kun olishga harakat. Men bo'lishi mumkin har bir narsaning ustida bo'lishi kerak bilaman. Barry Hunter, bir qiyin, stol ko'p keladi aqlli murabbiy. Lamont buyuk jamoa bor. Bu zavq va xalqqa ularni duch uchun sharaf.”
# # #
Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun www.sho.com/sports , www.premierboxingchampions.com,
Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing bizni kuzatib, @PremierBoxing, LouDiBella, TGBPromotions, @BarclaysCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter,
va www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment. PBC Corona Extra tomonidan homiylik qilingan, eng yaxshi pivo.

Victory Sport & Entertainment’s Sonny “Pretty Boy” Fredrickson Ready to Shine in ShoBox: The New GenerationDebut, This Friday at 10 p.m. ET/PT Live on SHOWTIME from Turning Stone Resort Casino


Zudlik bilan tarqatish uchun

Nyu York, Nyu York (Yanvar 10, 2018) — Victory Sport & Entertainment’s highly-touted Junior Welterweight fighter Sonny “Pretty Boy” Fredrickson (18-0,12 KOS) is slated to make his SHOWTIME debut on Juma, Yanvar 12 when he faces off against Shohjahon Ergashev in the telecast opener of ShoBox: Yangi avlod bo'yicha Juma, Jan. 12 showtime yashash (10 p.m. VA/PT) Verona Stone Resort Casino Torna dan, N.Y..
Fredrickson will square off against the Uzbekistani Ergashev (11-0, 11 KOS) in a telecast headlined by two-time Olympian Gold Medalist Claressa Shields (4-0, 2 KO) as she defends her WBC and IBF Middleweight World Titles against Tori Nelson (17-0-3, 2 KO).
Fredrickson, WBA ning No. 8 ranked fighter at 140 funt, will take on power-puncher Ergashev in the former’s first fight since claiming the WBA Fedebol Super Lightweight title on Nov. 1, 2017 in Medellin, Kolumbiya. The highly anticipated fight is part of a tripleheader event promoted by Salita Promotions. And while Ergashev is with Salita Promotions, there is no doubt who theA-Sideof this fight is as the fast rising Fredrickson looks to solidify his position as one of the top contenders at Junior Welterweight and make himself a television regular.
I am excited to make my ShoBox debyuti, and look forward to putting on a good show for the fans at Turning Stone and everyone watching on TV, especially all my family and fans back in Toledo, Ogayo” Fredrickson said. “I know Ergashev is tough and he will be coming to fight, but I’ve trained very hard. I had a great camp and I am looking to make a statement. I’m very appreciative of SHOWTIME for this platform.I had a number of television opportunities fall through because fighters pulled out so I’m happy my time has finally come. Baqadrihol, Ergashev doesn’t get hurt before Juma, but once the fight starts I can’t promise anything.
Rick Torres, Victory sport Prezidenti, feels that this fight will give Fredrickson exposure to a wider audience that may not be familiar with him.
We feel Sonny is one of the best kept secrets in all of boxing and we’re excited that the rest of the world will get to see what we already knowthat Sonny Fredrickson is the future of the 140-pound division,” Torres said. “Sonny has not gotten the TV exposure of other fighters, but we know that, given the chance, he will not disappoint. We are very grateful to SHOWTIME and Gordon Hall for making this happen and for the support of Sonny’s promoter Roc Nation Sports.
Mike Leanardi, COO of Victory Sports, sees an opportunity for Fredrickson to follow in the footsteps of another Victory Sports fighter that started on ShoBox.
ShoBox is the premier platform today for showcasing and developing young fighters,”Leanardi said. “We’ve seen the impact ShoBox can have firsthand with [former Super Middleweight and Former Light Heavyweight World Champion] Badou Jack. We’re confident that Sonny can achieve great success as well.