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Errol Spence Jr.. vs. Lamont Peterson Final Press Conference Quotes & Argazkiak

Welterweight World Title Showdown Headlines Larunbata, Urtarrilaren 20 Live on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center in Brooklyn & Aurkeztutako Premier Boxing Txapeldunen arabera
Klikatu HEMEN for Photos from Tom Casino/SHOWTIME
Klikatu HEMEN Ed Diller argazkiak egiteko / DiBella aisialdia
BROOKLYN (Urtarrilaren 18, 2018) – Undefeated welterweight world champion Errol Spence Jr.. and two-division world champion Lamont Peterson faced off Thursday at the final press conference before they enter the ring Larunbata, Urtarrilaren 20 in the main event live on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center, BROOKLYN boxeoa etxeko®, eta aurkeztutako Premier Boxing Txapeldunen arabera.
SHOWTIME txapelketa boxeoa telecast hasten 9 p.m. ETA/6 p.m. PT and features unbeaten lightweight world champion Robert Pazko eta antzinako munduko txapelduna Javier Fortuna, who met face to face for the first time on Thursday.
Competing in SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING PRELIMS larunbatean will be unbeaten light heavyweight Marcus Browne and once-beaten Francy Ntetu, who meet in a 10-round bout, plus undefeated heavyweight Adam Kownacki and once-beaten Iago Kiladze, who step into the ring for a 10-round affair.
Zuzeneko gertaera sarrerak, hau da DiBella aisialdia eta TGB Promozioak sustatutako, diren tasatuak hasita $50, eta salgai daude orain. Tickets can be purchased at ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com, at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center or by calling 800-745-3000. Taldeak deskontuak egongo dira eskuragarri 844-BKLYN-GP deituta.
“Borroka hau guztia esan zidan:. I still have a chip on my shoulder. I want to be the last man standing. I want to beat the top fighters in my division. Lamont is the one standing in front of me, so it’s fight time.
I think it’s going to turn into a war. A lot of people have thought this would be an easy fight for me. But if you follow Lamont Peterson, you know this will be tough. He’s always in great shape and has a lot of skills. IT might be a dog fight and that’s what I wanted. He’s the guy who wanted to fight and I said of course. It’s going to be a rugged fight. Later on in the fights, he always gets rough and stands toe-to-toe.
There might not be a lot of talking and bad blood between us, but you know that the two of us always give a great fight for the fans.
I had to wait for my title defense and then I had a lot of guys not answer the call for this fight. I have a belt and I still have to call these other guys out. Lamont Peterson answered the call like a real fighter.
In a perfect world I’d be unifying with Keith Thurman this year. I’m going to fight three times this year though. You don’t get time back. I’m ready to strike now.
I’m just excited to fight. Borrokatu nahi dut. I can’t wait to be in front of those bright lights in front of the fans. Brooklyn is a great place to fight and my family from the area can come see me live. I can’t wait to display my skills.
A true champion can’t fight everybody who calls them out, it’s still a business. But a true champion fights other champions, especially when they’re available. You can’t avoid questions and try to delay a fight. You fight the next champion that’s available, that’s what a true champion does.
When I got into boxing, I had goals. First I wanted to be a National Champion, then a world champion as a professional, but the ultimate goal is to be in the Hall of Fame. With that being my goal, I wouldn’t put myself in that conversation yet. With wins over a guy like Errol Spence and the other top welterweights, I think I’m right there in it. That’s my goal and I’ll give it my all to get there.
If you left it to me I’d fight every month. That’s how much I love the sport. I know a victory would help me get in the ring even more often. Sometimes if you lose at the top level, other top guys don’t want to take a chance against you. I can fix all of that this weekend
I don’t worry about any negativity. My resume is written in the history books. All I can do is respect the opinion of others and work hard to get this win.
I’m excited and looking forward to the skill level that’s going to be displayed this weekend. It’s going to be a rough fight for sure. But I look forward to the technique and skill level. Defense, offense and transitioning between the two. That’s the part of boxing that I love.
Errol even taking the Kell Brook fight was impressive to me. Most guys in his position take their time leading up to the first title shot, but he ended up fighting someone in his prime in his country. To will himself to that win was very impressive.
When you get to the big stages and those big fights, you have to win more than you lose. I think if I can win some big fights these next few years my career will be in a good place.
I have no concerns fighting a southpaw. I made my last fight hard, but this time I’m going to use my reach, my feet and my speed to dominate.
I’m looking for a great performance. This is going to be the best Robert Easter the fans have ever seen. We prepared to dominate this fight.
Javier Fortuna is an accomplished fighter but I don’t know too much about him. I know what I came to do. I’m a world champion and everyone knows what I bring to the fight game. I won’t leave without my strap.
I’m ready to fight the best in this sport. I want to become the man at this weight and I know I have to beat the other champions to do that.
Boxing is all about showing you’re the best and fighting the best. I just want to fight these other champions in my weight class. I’m looking to stay healthy in 2018 and remain on top.
I have no excuses on Urtarrilaren 20. I hope he doesn’t either. I will be taking that title to the Dominican Republic for my fans. I’ve been dreaming about it and I will take it.
I have the style and the skills to beat Robert Easter. I know how to make sure his height does not affect me at all. Everyone will see it on fight night.
I’ve prepared myself very well. I have a plan to win every round. If he’s able to stand there, I’m going to break him down round by round.
I am fighting for more than just myself and that is why I’ll be successful. I am going to prove that I’m truly one of the top fighters in the sport.
Robert Easter is a fighter I respect, but I believe I can defeat anyone in front of me. If he takes me lightly, it will go even worse for him. I’ve been training hard to make sure I’m at my absolute best on fight night.
A win would be great for my country, my fans and my family. Winning this title is everything for me. That’s why I’m here and I will not be stopped.
DERRICK JAMES, Spence ko entrenatzailea
I started training Errol about nine years ago but I never really knew just how special he was until about a year or so into our training. I thought Olympics were definitely possible, because I didn’t want to look too far ahead. Now that we’re here, I think he can beat any of the top guys. I want him to be undisputed welterweight champion just like he wants to be.
I never worry about comparing Errol to other guys in the sport. He’s a hard puncher who breaks ribs and breaks faces. The longer the fight goes, the more pain he inflicts. I’ve never seen anybody who punches that hard.
I think Lamont knew when he moved up to welterweight that this fight would be a possibility. It’s time for us to go to work because I know Lamont and Barry Hunter are working on a game plan. They have a great team and I know Lamont will be ready for what we bring.
BARRY HUNTER, Peterson Trainer
We stay in the gym all the time. We didn’t have to deal with the weight monster this camp. Weight issue can really derail a camp leading up to a fight of this magnitude. We didn’t have to deal with any of that.
There are several different things in Errol’s arsenal that I think we can exploit. Errol will make adjustments though, so I think strategy will be a key in this fight.
Lamont has always been a coach’s dream. He’s the type of athlete that you would love to coach. He does everything a coach asks of him. He will train until he passes out. All he wants is to work hard and compete.
LOU DIBELLA, DiBella aisialdia presidenteak
This is a great night for boxing. The first January date of the year drums up a lot of excitement and we expect a great turnout larunbatean Barclays Center at night. It’s going to be a great crowd and an exciting night from top to bottom.
“Errol Spence Jr.. is one of the best young fighters in the world testing himself against another great fighter in Lamont Peterson It’s the best fighting the best. Lamont Peterson is a guy with a tremendous resume. If anybody thinks Errol is going to take Lamont lightly, they’re mistaken and he would be too.
Both of these main event fighters are lucky to have trainers who are real teachers. They are old school and two of the best. Derrick James and Barry Hunter know the game inside and out.
Robert Easter is a beast, he’s got reach, power and boxing ability. He’s facing a guy in Javier Fortuna who is a confident former world champion. Javier has been talking a big game. He’s talking about knockouts. You want to see a guy come into a fight like this with that kind of confidence.
This year in boxing is starting out just like last year started, at Barclays Center with a great, even matchup like Badou Jack vs. James DeGale last year.
STEPHEN ESPINOZA, Exekutiboa presidenteordea & Zuzendari Nagusia, SHOWTIME Kirolak
In terms of representing the sport, you don’t get any better than Errol Spence Jr. and Lamont Peterson. The professionalism of these guys is unmatched and they represent the best of the sport. I’m proud to have them on the network.
You can’t play boxing. You have to be dedicated and passionate. Those values are going to be reflected in the ring larunbatean.
This is a special fight. These are the best in the sport. They’re both top 10 guys. Errol Spence Jr.. has grown up on SHOWTIME.
He made his pro debut on ShoBox and won his first world title on SHOWTIME. This is Lamont’s eighth appearance on SHOWTIME and he has one of the strongest resumes in the sport.
Robert Easter and Javier Fortuna is another matchup of top 10 guys. What we’re doing here is special. This isn’t just another network doing boxing, this is the cream of the crop.
BRETT YORMARK, CEO of Brooklyn Sports & Aisialdia
I’m really excited about Larunbata Gau. We’ve been very fortunate to host the first big event of the year. There’s an appetite to get back into the game and we’re happy to be hosting it.
I want to welcome back Errol and Lamont to Barclays Center. Both have been there before and we’re thrilled to have you back. We’re pleased that Robert has finally decided to take his show to Barclays Center and give the fans a performance. Last time Javier won at Barclays Center he won his world title and we’re happy to have him back.
We’re going to create something great here in Brooklyn and it continues larunbatean night at Barclays Center.
# # #
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eta www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment. PBC da Corona Extra babesarekin, finest Beer.

Aurkeztu boladan middleweight perspectiva Eddie Ortiz

Ortiz kudeatzen ohia Tony Ayala manager Brian Raditz arabera

San Antonio, TX (Urtarrilaren 18, 2018) – 26 urteko Eddie Ortiz goi borrokalariak lerro luze bat San Antonio-tik datorren izan nahian, Texas.

In 2010, The 26 year-old started boxing at the age of 18. He was a lifelong athlete, Nork bere bizitza osoa kutxa nahi, baina gurasoak ez litzateke baimendu Eddie gazte borrokan ari hasteko zuen aktibatuta arte 18.
Eddie amateur karrera arrakastatsua bati ekin non zuen joan 40-5, eta bidean harrapatu zuen 2012 National PAL izenburua, 2015 U.S. National izenburua catapulted zion sailkapenean beharreko zenbaki bi middleweight at eta, gainera, berth batean 2015 U.S. Trials Olinpiar.
Ortiz zen ZARZAMORA Gimnasioa San Antonio at entrenatzen Tony Ayala gidaritzapean, Sr.
Ayala semea, Tony Ayala, Jr.. kudeatzen zen Dr by. Brian Raditz. Raditz took over the manager duties of young Ortiz.
Ortiz aktibatuta profesionaletan 2016, eta erregistro batekin boladan dago 5-0-2 Hiru garaipen knockouts bidez datozen.
Soilik bi blemishes Ortiz dira bi eztabaidatua marrazten borrokatu ziren Philadelphia zuen.
Ortiz deskribatzen du bere burua boxeolari-puncher gisa, nor den trukatzeko atsegin eta mugimenduaren eta hanka asko erabiltzen zuen.
Ortiz izango ekintza izan on otsailaren 17an San Antiono Santutegia Auditorioan.
“Nire hurrengo borroka, hurrengo nire top middleweight Texas perspectiva izatearen helburua urratsa eman da, eta, ondoren, munduko txapelduna izateaz,” Said Ortiz.
Said Raditz, “bi-time National txapelduna da, 6'3 at altu da″ eta etorkizun handia du kirol sentitzen dut.”

Tokiko arabera nabarmendu kargatutako undercard Inaugurazio Boardwalk Boxing txartela larunbatean, Otsailaren showboat Hotel The Atlantic City at 24an

Undefeated borrokalariak Darren Goodall, Jahmal Dyer, Frederick julan, Donald Smith, Omar Kabary Salem nabarmendu josia boxeo gauean
Thomas “Cornflake” LAMANNA borroketan Gabriel Bracero welterweight ekitaldi nagusian
ATLANTIC CITY – Urtarrilaren 18 2018 – masiboak undercard A the irtenbideak distiratsuena eta fan favorites tri-egoera area batzuk izango da ikusgai egongo da Larunbat gauean,otsailaren 24an at Showboat Hotel The in Atlantic City.
Inaugurazio Boardwalk Boxing txartela da Rising Star Promozioak sustatutako.
Last week a mouth watering main event was announced that will pit Thomas “Cornflake” LAMANNA hartzea Gabriel “Tito” Bracero Hamar txandan WBC Fecarbox Welterweight titulua lortzeko borroka batean.
Sei txandan bouts hirukotea hamar bout undercard a Gora egingo.
Tommy Rainone (26-8-2, 6 Kos) Farmingdale of, NY hartuko on Eduardo Flores (23-29-3, 14 Kos) Quito, Ecuador welterweight bout batean.
Undefeated argi heavyweight Frederick julan (8-0, 6 Kos) Brooklyn, NY Paris bidez, France parte hartuko bout batean aurkari baten aurka izendatu behar.
Undefeated super middleweight Darren Goodall (5-0, 4 Kos) New Milford of, NJ beteranoa borrokatuko Edgar Perez (7-22, 3 Kos) Chicagoko.
Bouts lau txandan:
Bryne Green (7-10-1, 3 Kos) Paulsboro of, NJ borrokatuko Tyrone Luckey (8-8-3, 6 KO en) New Jersey oinarritutako junior lightweights bataila bat ere
Jahmal Dyer (4-0, 2 Kos) Baltimoreko, Alkain izango aurkari bat hartu bout arin batean izendatu daitezke.
Undefeated junior arin Donald Smith (5-0, 3 Kos) Philadelphia batailak Andrew Bentley (3-2) Jersey City of, NJ.
Mike Rashid Tucson, AZ bere pro debuta egingo du aurka Demetrio Shaw (0-2) Wilson, NC heavyweight bout in.
Ernesto Perez Vineland of, NJ bere pro debuta egingo du aurka Steve Moore (0-2) Orange, NJ welterweight jokaldi batean.
Omar Kabary Salem (1-0) Brooklyn, NY pro debuting borrokatuko Cory Weekley Philadelphia middleweight bout batean.
Osnel Charles (11-8-1 KO) Atlantic City of, NJ aurka kutxak Laquan Lewis (2-8) Brooklyn, NY junior welterweight okertu batean.
Sarrerak eskuragarri $150, $80 eta $55, and can be purchased online at www.risingboxingpromotions.batera.
Ekitaldi hau acos Energy babesarekin, Diseinatzaile Wraps, Jan Clean Bro, Calvi Electric, eta Alpha Akademia.
Informazio gehiago lortzeko, 'Like’ Rising Star Promozioak Facebooken.

Exciting Slugger Eyubov Calls Out Fellow Prospect: ‘Bring me Yves Ulysse Jr. I Will Run Him Out of the Ring!’

Already one of the most entertaining up-and-comers in boxing and willing to face anyone put in front of him, Kazakhstan-born slugger BakhtiyarBakha Bullet” Yeyubov, is calling out a fellow super lightweight prospect that most of his contemporaries try to avoid.

Bring me Yves Ulysse Jr. hurrengo,” Said Eyubov. I want to fight him.
A true warrior, Eyubov says he’s willing to go where others fear to tread on his way to a world championship. “I know Ulysse is considered a difficult opponent and fighters are avoiding him, but I would run him out of the ring. I’ll stop him and get my respect in the division. I am too strong and too hungry. He can’t survive my tenacity!”
Montreal-based Ulysse (15-1, 9 Kos) was last seen in December dominating formerly undefeated Cletus Seldin over 10 one-sided rounds on HBO. The quick-fisted Canadian is currently rated #14 IBF dituen munduko.
Yeyubov (13-0, 11 Kos) returned to the ring last weekend, but had his stalking of opponent Maurice Chalmers cut short when Chalmers suffered an accidental headbutt. The fight was ruled a No Decision at 1:59 Lehen txandan.
I will stop him if that fight ever happens,” continued Eyubov. “I hope he doesn’t get intimidated by my confidence. I hope he’s a real man that likes a challenge. We will see.
Eyubov’s promoter says he’s willing to try and make this interesting showdown a reality.
This is a great fight,” esan zuen hitz. “Bakhtiyar says he wants to prove himself against a tough guy who can get him in the world ratings. We asked him who he wants, and he didn’t hesitate. He wants Yves Ulysse. Fights like this, between two hungry young lions are what boxing is all about. Both these guys are essentially undefeated. Ulysse’s loss was very controversial. It would be a sensational war.

SECOND-ROUND RESULTS 72nd annual Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championship

Central N.E. quarterfinals round action
this Friday night at Lowell Auditorium

Marlboro, MA light welterweight Nelson Perez after his win last night
Pictures courtesy of Edward Boches / bochesphotogrphery.com
LOWELL, Mass. (Urtarrilaren 13, 2018) – The Central New England (Greater Lowell) second-round of the 72nd annual Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championships concluded last night at historic Lowell Memorial Auditorium with that featured 13 exciting men’s and women’s novice class matches.
The quarterfinals are on tap datorren ostiralean Gau (Jan. 19) at Lowell Memorial Auditorium with novice and open class matches. Ikusi osoa 2018 ekitaldien ordutegia beherago baita bart emaitzak osoa.
The first bout (Rodriguez vs. Picariello) of the night was awesome, one of the best I’ve seen in years,” Txapelketa Zuzendari Bobby Russo esan. “It was a lesson to be learned for fans: don’t come late! One of the great things about amateur boxing is you never know what the fight of the night will be and last night it was the first. Rodriguez showed a good skill level, especially for a novice, and Picariello had tremendous determination. He kept coming and they both threw a lot of punches. It was a great way to start the show.
Denboraldia Gainerako zazpi ekitaldietarako sarrerak oraindik ere eskuragarri daude, eta arrazoiz tasatuak $75.00 (onarpen orokor). deitu Lowell Memorial Auditorio leihatilan erosteko 1.866.722.8881 edo ordena online at www.lowellauditorium.com. Banakako gertaera sarrerak ere eskuragarri erosi, Honela hasten $13.00, bakarrik $7.00 ikasleentzat (NAN beharrezkoa).
Lowell Sun Ongintza Golden eskularruak hasten Txapelketan New England Golden eskularruak Txapeldun bidaliz Golden National Eskularruak den txapelketa aldera joan (hasita Maiatza 14, 2018 Omaha, Nebraska), tokiko kirolariak eta eremu gimnasioak lagunduz gain, mutilak & Girls Club, zopa sukaldeak, aterpetxe etxerik, minbizia funtsak, Beka eta beste hainbat ongintza arrazoiak handia.
Manchester, NH welterweight Apostolus Lolos was a winner last night
Emaitza ofizialak
(Feb. 12, 2018)
Lightweights (132 kgs.)
Kevin Rodriguez, Lawrence, MA / Intenze 978
WDEC (5-0)
Giovanni Picariello, Medford, MA / Nonantun Boxing Club
Emmanuel Adumbire, Dorchester, MA / Grealish Boxing
WDEC (3-2)
Shane Jordan, Brockton, MA / denek Borrokak
Stephanie Khan, Brighton, MA / Eraztun
WDEC (5-0)
Marine Krizisch, Cambrige, MA / Nonantum Boxing
Steve Rao, Lowell, MA / West End Gym
WDEC (3-2)
Miguel Rivera, Lawrence, MA / Intenze 978
Robert Tomczyk, Sterling, MA / Palladin Martial Arts
WDEC (5-0)
Scott Nardella, Lowell, MA / West End Gym
Nelson Perez, Marlboro, MA / Upperkuts
WDEC (3-2)
James Quealy, Dorchester, MA / Grealish Boxing
Emily Jones, Woburn, MA / denek Borrokak
WDEC (5-0)
Samatha Kreitman, Boston, MA / Sweatbox
Alexander Lynch, Quincy, MA / Grealish Boxing
WDEC (5-0)
Doug Maguire, Hudson, MA / Hudson Boxing Club
Apostolus Lolos, Manchester, NH / Manchester PAL
WDEC (4-1)
Daniel Richard, Malden, MA / Somerville Boxing Club
Middleweights (165 kgs.)
Jordy Artica, Chelsea, MA / Grealish Boxing
WDEC (5-0)
Steve Baez, Lowell, MA / West End Gym
Mohammed Ibrahim, Boston, MA / lotu gabe
WDEC (5-0)
Ethan Marshall, Haverhill, MA / Haverhill Downtown Boxing
Heavyweights (201 kgs.)
Andrew Perez, Methuen, MA / Intenze 978
WDEC (4-1)
Jordan Faulkner, Haverhill, MA / Haverhill Downtown Boxing
SUPER heavyweights (201+ kgs.)
Jean Fleurissaint, Mattapan, Ma / Boston Boxing
Brandys Nunez, Peabody, Ma / Dullea’s
72nd Urteko Lowell Sun Ongintza Golden eskularruak Txapelketaren egutegia
(Lowell Memorial Auditorioan – 6:30 p.m. Ate irekiak, 7:30 p.m. Lehenengo bout)
Central New England (Greater Lowell)
Final laurdenak – Ostirala, Jan. 19
Finalerdiak: – Osteguna, Jan. 25
Txapelketaren finala – Osteguna, Feb. 1
New England Champions Txapelketa
Hasibe Class finalerdiak – Osteguna, Feb. 8
Hasibe Class Txapelketaren finala – Osteguna, Feb. 15
Open Class finalerdiak – Asteazkena, Feb. 21
Open Class Txapelketaren finala – Osteguna, Feb. 22
Txapelketa Zuzendari: Bobby Russo
Lehiakideek zuzendaria: Art Ramalho
Funtzionarioen bidegorria: Lauri Purcellen
Eraztun aurkezlea: John vena
Lekua: Lowell Memorial Auditorioan, 50 Merrimack St., Lowell, MA
Twitter: @LowellGloves


Shohjahon Ergashev Shines While Jesse Hernandez Edges Ernesto Garza In Co-Featured Bouts


Harrapatu deitutako Astelehena At 10 p.m. ETA/PT SHOWTIME EXTREME On


Klikatu HEMEN Argazkiak deskargatu; Kreditu Stephanie Trapp / SHOWTIME


VERONA, N.Y.. (Jan. 13, 2018) – Unified Women’s Super Middleweight World Champion Claressa Shields dominated previously undefeated Tori Nelson en route to a 10-round unanimous decision in the main event of ShoBox: Belaunaldi berriak Ostirala on SHOWTIME from Turning Stone Resort Casino.




Shields controlled from opening to closing bell, sweeping 100-90 on all three judges’ scorecards in the first 10-round distance fight of her career. The 2012 eta 2016 Olympic Gold Medalist out-landed Nelson 225-81 with her total punches, 186-70 in powers shots, and connected at a 44 percent clip with her power shots compared to just 20 percent for Nelson.




“I landed every shot that I thought possible to land,” Shields said. “She was tough, she wasn’t a pushover. She put on a good fight.”




Shields advanced to 5-0 with two knockouts in what was likely her final fight in the super middleweight division. The 22-year-old now has her sights set on the middleweight division where she will eventually target undefeated and Unified Women’s Middleweight World Champion Christina Hammer, who was ringside Ostirala Verona.




“I have to drop down and see how I feel (lehenengoa),” Shields said. “I think I could make 160 easy, I’m going to be bigger and stronger than any girl.




“Hammer just wants to scope. I think she’s pretty scared to be honest. She is more worried about me than I am about her. I’m going to kick Hammer’s ass. People think Hammer is more skilled than me so I can’t wait to show her that she’s not.”




Hammer, who is expected to fight in a co-featured bout on the next Shields card, was interviewed by SHOWTIME analyst Steve Farhood and expressed excitement to make her U.S. debut and eventually face the American champion.




“It’s a great combination me and her on the same card,” Hammer said. “I can’t wait to show the fans who Christina Hammer is. That will be the best fight ever. It will be the game-changer for female boxing. It’s our time to shine.




“I’m long-time world champion and I have more experience. I have longer reach, I’m tall, I have good footwork and better technique than her. I feel the energy, and I can’t wait to fight against her.”




The former world champion Nelson (17-1-3, 2 Kos) became the 173rd undefeated fighter to suffer their first professional loss on ShoBox: Belaunaldi berriak.




“I’m not happy because I didn’t win, but other than that I thought I executed pretty well,” said the 41-year-old Nelson. “I gave her a better fight than she was expecting.




“No disrespect to Claressa, she doesn’t have great power. She has great speed and she overwhelms you with a lot of punches. My movement threw her off like I knew it would but knowing she was the champion, I needed to just push a little bit more.”




In ShoBox co-feature, Jesse Hernandez narrowly defeated Ernesto Garza via split-decision in an action-packed fight that was scored 95-94 Hernandez, 95-93 Garza, 97-93 Hernandez.




After a close first round, Garza floored Hernandez with a flush left hand to the nose in the closing moments of the second round. Hernandez recovered, and while the middle rounds featured tremendous back-and-forth action, Hernandez seemingly had no trouble walking down Garza, who’s punches seemed to lack any real power. Garza (9-3, 5 Kos) found a second wind and seemed to pick up the eighth and ninth rounds until Hernandez roared back in an excellent 10garren and final round that featured 178 punches guztira.




Hernandez (11-1, 7 Kos) lehorreratu 50 percent of his power punches and connected on 40 percent of his punches compared to just 28 percent for Garza, however he threw just 719 total punches compared to more than 1,000 by Garza.


“I think it should have been a unanimous decision,” Hernandez said. “I’ve always been a slow starter and I feel like I lost the first two rounds, especially with the knockdown. But I won pretty much every round after that, I maybe lost three rounds.




“I’m not completely happy with my performance. I have to control my distance and my range a little bit better. I need to go back to the gym and work on those things. Before the summer comes I hope to have another fight and I hope it’s on SHOWTIME.




“I give Garza a lot of credit for getting in the ring and knocking me down. He hung in there for 10 rounds even after I caught him with some good shots. He was able to withstand those shots, but all that said, I still think it should have been a unanimous decision.”




Garza countered that sentiment.




“I thought it was a bogus decision,” Garza said. “I don’t understand that last judge’s card. I was happy with everything that I did. I executed well and did everything I needed to do to win the fight.




“I’m really disappointed with the outcome. I felt that I won. Niretzat, I won a majority of the rounds and I knocked him down. I know knocking your opponent down usually leads to you winning the fight.”




Undefeated Uzbekistan power-puncher Shohjahon Ergashev handed Sonny Fredrickson the first loss of his career with an impressive third round TKO in the opening bout of the ShoBox telecast.




The win over the top-10 ranked Fredrickson extended Ergashev’s perfect record to 12-0 batera 12 knockouts.




The 26-year-old pressed the action from the beginning, negating Fredrickson’s five-inch reach advantage with a steady diet of well-timed, crisp punches. Ergashev landed a wide left to the head that stumbled Fredrickson in the opening minute of the third and continued to tee-off as his opponent wobbled against the ropes With Fredrickson (18-1, 12 Kos) unable to defend himself and eating a series of brutal lefts, referee Benjy Esteves stepped in to stop the bout at 1:58 hirugarrenaren.




All of Ergashev’s 61 connects in the bout were power shots, and he connected on 77 percent of his power punches in the third and final round.




“The ref saved him,” Ergashev said. “If he let him stay on his feet any longer I would have knocked him out. He couldn’t handle my power.




“At this stage of my career, I am in the best shape of my life and the best I have felt. This is my time right now, especially because I am training with Rick (Phillips) eta (Javan) Sugar (Hill Steward). That’s what leads to all of my knockout power.




“I’m ready for whatever comes next. I’m ready for more fights in the U.S., and I want to keep getting more exposure to show off my skills. I’m ready to fight anybody in America.”




Fredrickson, who became the 172 fighter to suffer his professional loss on the prospect developmental series, suffered a jaw injury in the bout and was unavailable for comment.




Ostirala en tripleheader will replay on Astelehena, Jan. 15 at 10 p.m. ETA/PT on SHOWTIME EXTREME and will be available on SHOWTIME on DEMAND® and SHOWTIME ANYTIME®.




Barry Tompkins called the ShoBox ringside ekintzara Steve Farhood eta munduko txapeldun ohia Raul Marquez aditu analista gisa zerbitzatu. The executive producer was Gordon Hall with Rich Gaughan producing and Rick Phillips directing.


# # #


Informazio gehiago www.sho.com/sports Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing jarraitu, SHOSports, #ShoBox, edo Facebook fan batean bihurtu www.Facebook.com/SHOSports.


Errusiako Heavyweight Apti Davtaev aztarnak Undefeated Shields on vs. Nelson undercard eginez Stone Resort Casino

Hainbat borrokak entretenigarria nabarmendu bi aldiz Olinpiar urrezko dominaren Claressa Shields derrigorrezko challenger Tori Nelson aurka bere WBC eta IBF izenburu defentsarako untelevised undercard eginez Stone Resort Casino Verona at, New York gaur gauean.
euskarri nagusia bout In, Detroit Kurchaloi bidez, Errusiak, heavyweight Apti Davtaev arrakasta United States borrokan debuta izan Philadelphia en Garrett baino gehiago, sei txandan aho batez erabaki bat Gol arabera “Ultimate Warrior” Wilson.
Wilson ez zuen erraza. Fighting Crouch bat atera, ugari muscled, baina askoz laburragoa Wilson sortu zen nahikoa haymakers basati borrokan osoa oso interesgarria egiteko dituzten. Davtaev agertzen eskuineko eskua heavy bat izatea, bertan jaitsi Wilson buru gogorrak askotan nahikoa hurbil irabazteko kalera zuen, baina merezi nod. Davtaev bermatzen gerra joan direnean Wilson begizta kulunka bat konektatutako kreditua.
Davtaev (orain 14-0-1, 13 Kos) Bere perfektua KO ehunekoa galtzen, baina ibiltzen kanpoan etsai bat nor izan zen irabazteko garaipena gogor borrokatu batekin. Wilson da gaur (18-14-1, 9 Kos).
Puntuazioak ziren 58-56 Hiru epaileek guztietatik.
istripuz headbutt An ekarri Sei txandan super arin Aktjubinsk itzulera laburtua amaiera, Kazakhstan’s Bakhtiyar Eyubov.
Lynchburg aurka, Virginia’s Maurice Chalmers (14-13-1, 8 Kos), zirraragarria slugger Eyubov (13-0, 11 Kos) zen burua aktibo mugimendua eta estu oskol baten atzean, aurrera egin zuen bere burua atzera Chalmers 'talka. The cut that resulted was ruled too severe and the fight was ruled a No Decision at 1:59 inaugurazio txandan.
a basati emakumeen heavyweight argi brawl protagonista ukabilak norabide guztietatik hegan, burruka dauka eta hainbat MMA-style takedowns, Franchon “The Heavy kolpeak Diva” Crews-Dezurn aho batez, sei txandan erabaki bat irabazi Tiffany baino gehiago “Terminator The” Woodard.
Crews-Dezurn, orain 3-1, 1 KO, Baltimoreko, Maryland, arma gehiegi izan Wilson for, North Carolina’s Woodard (orain 4-10-3, 3 Kos), beraz Woodard saiatu eta lortu gauza itsusiak egiteko. Zer jarraitu zen basati zulatu-out ukondoetan eta headlocks eta takedowns geratzen bi mihise behin baino gehiagotan protagonista.
Woodard larruzko gogor asko hartu eta kreditu merezi zuen bere toughness. Crews-Dezurn erakutsi class ez bait hartzeko borrokaren gehienetarako ere. seigarren puntu bat galduko maltzur mendeku baja bat egin zuen.
Puntuazioak ziren 59-53, 59-54 eta 59-54.
Detroit Magnitogorsk bidez, Russia’s Alexey Zubov outworked a determined Lamont “Gehiegi Smooth” Hawley of kaparrak, Pennsylvania, bere sei-txandan gehiengo erabaki bat bidean.
hard-nosed cruiserweights arteko borroka dibertigarri bat, Zubov eskuineko begian moztu zen eta punches on batzuk hartu, baina, besterik gabe outworked gehiago selektiboa kaparrak. Zubov bere askotan superior girotua erakutsi eta hezi jab baten atzean lan egin, Kaparrak edukietara sokak eta lur gogor pot plano askotan nahikoa da interesgarria mantendu gainean etzan zen bitartean.
puntuazioa 57-57 Berdinketa zen gehiago-agintari puntuazioak arabera 59-56 eta 58-56 gogorra Russian for. Garaipena With, Zubov zuen marka mugitzen den 17-1, 9 Kos. Kaparrak jaitsierak 8-11-3.


Gehiago, Super Lightweight Contender Anthony Peterson Faces Luis Florez And Unbeaten Prospects Richardson Hitchins, Dylan Price & Keeshawn Williams Enter the Ring
in Separate Bouts
BROOKLYN (Urtarrilaren 12, 2018) – Unbeaten middleweight contender and IBF No. 1 CHALLENGER Sergey Derevyanchenko (11-0, 9 Kos, WSB: 23-1, 7 Kos) will enter the ring for an eight-round bout as part of an exciting undercard on Larunbata, Urtarrilaren 20Barclays Gunetik, BROOKLYN boxeoa etxeko®.
The Premier Boxing Champions event is headlined by welterweight world champion Errol Spence Jr.. taking on two-division champion Lamont Peterson bizi SHOWTIME (9 p.m. ETA/6 p.m. PT). Lightweight world champion Robert Pazkosquares up against two-division champion Javier Fortuna.
The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP telecast will be available in Spanish via secondary audio programming (SAP).
Zuzeneko gertaera sarrerak, hau da DiBella aisialdia eta TGB Promozioak sustatutako, diren tasatuak hasita $50, eta salgai daude orain. Tickets can be purchased at ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com, at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center or by calling 800-745-3000. Taldeak deskontuak egongo dira eskuragarri 844-BKLYN-GP deituta.
Additional action inside of the arena will see the brother of Lamont Peterson, behin-jipoitu Anthony Peterson (37-1, 24 Kos), begira Luis Florez (23-7, 19 Kos) in a 10-round super lightweight matchup plus once-beaten welterweight Ivan Golub (13-1, 11 Kos) in an eight-round fight against Colombia’s Fidel Monterrosa (38-14-1, 30 Kos).
Undercard fights continue with undefeated 2016 Haitiko Olympian Richardson Hitchins(3-0, 1 KO) entering the ring for a four-round welterweight fight against Preston Wilson(4-2-1, 3 Kos), Philadelphia’s Dylan Price (4-0, 4 Kos) competing in a four-round super flyweight bout against Nestor Ramos (7-7, 3 Kos) and welterweight prospect Keyshawn Williams (1-0, 1 KO) hartzea Denis Okoth (1-0, 1 KO) in a four-round matchup.
Rounding out the night is a four-round showdown between unbeaten Desmond Jarmon and Dallas-native Charles Clark plus New Jersey’s Matthew Gonzalez in a six round middleweight fight against Alexander Serna.
A highly decorated amateur who represented his native Ukraine in the 2008 Olinpiadak, Derevyanchenko now lives and trains in Brooklyn and most recently earned the top spot in the IBF rankings with an impressive 12garren round stoppage over Tureano Johnson. The 32-year-old also defeated previously unbeaten Kemahl Russell in 2017 after his 2016 saw him earn a TKO victory over Mike Guy in March before stopping former champion Sam Soliman in the second round of a world title eliminator in July. The unbeaten fighter defeated a slew of experienced contenders in 2015 with wins over Elvin Ayala, Eremu Camp, Vladine Biosse and a third-round stoppage of Jessie Nicklow.
Derevyanchenko and Golub make it a pair of Ukrainian sluggers fighting out of Brooklyn who will compete on the undercard looking to put on impressive performances in their adopted hometown.
# # #
jarraitu Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing on, @PremierBoxing, LouDiBella, TGBPromotions, @Brooklyn_Boxing, @BarclaysCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter,
eta www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment. PBC da Corona Extra babesarekin, finest Beer.

FNU Combat Kirol Show: Holm vs. Cyborg laburpena, Stephenson v. Ho Choi Preview, Can UFC Boxing Lana: Begira Aurrera to 2018

FNU Combat Hau Kirol Show gai eta gertaera garrantzitsuen sorta zabala hartzen. Holly Holm Cris Justino bataila brutal UFC at laburpena dugu 219 eta aurrera begiratu bat Fight Night handia 124 txartela 14an.

Mike Tyson en Pot Ranch new Kalifornian berri dugu, Big John McCarthy du Bellator analista Crew atxikitzea, Vinny Paz ohitu bilduta eraso gastuak, eta Floyd Mayweather vs. Conor McGregor 2 aukera.

Tony próximas boxeo ordutegia analizan eta lortuko dugu off gaia eta futbola, saskibaloia, zenbait hitz egiteko. Tony are eguneratzen digu Canelo vs on. GGG errebantxa negoziazioak.


Entzun hemen:


Live at 10 p.m. ETA/PT Turning Stone Resort Casino batetik

Claressa Shields - "ez naiz bere atzetik joan zen lehen txandan eta bere kanporatzailea bertan egingo da."



"Naiz mundua harritu egingo." - Tori Nelson



Klikatu HEMEN Pisatzen-In Argazkiak deskargatu; Kreditu Stephanie Trapp / SHOWTIME




VERONA, N.Y.. (Jan. 11, 2018) - Unified Emakumeen Super middleweight munduko txapelduna Claressa Shields eta boladan IBF derrigorrezko challenger Tori Nelson egina pisua ostegunean Euren 10-txandan WBC eta IBF Super middleweight Munduko Txapelketan Showdown forbihar/Ostirala, Urtarrilaren 12 ekitaldi nagusian ShoBox: Belaunaldi berriak SHOWTIME bizi (10 p.m. ETA/PT) Turning Stone Resort Casino Verona batetik, N.Y..




The 22 urteko bi aldiz Olinpiar Urrezko Domina Shields (4-0, 2 Kos) Bere bigarren garaipena boladan aurkari aurre izango ohia munduko txapelduna Nelson (17-0-3, 2 Kos).




Undefeated Uzbekistan power-puncher Shakh Ergashev (11-0, 11 Kos) bilduko ikaskide unbeaten eta goi-10 sailkapenean Sonny Fredrickson (18-0, 12 Kos), Toledoko, Ohio, the telecast Opener in. Ergashev 26 urteko The, ohia sei urteko uzbekera Selekzio kidea, eta uneko WBA No. 9 sailkapenean Fredrickson zortzi txandan super arin bout bat lehiaketa izango.




Co-eginbideak In ShoBox: Belaunaldi berriak tripleheader, Jesse Hernandez (10-1, 7 Kos), nor da off boladan aurkaria baino gehiago jarraian garaipen datozen, egingo Golden National Eskularruak ohia Urrezko Domina hartu Ernesto Garza (9-2, 5 Kos; 1-3 WSB) 10-txandan super bantamweight bi all-ekintza borrokalari arteko bout batean.




Gertaera sarrerak, hau da Salita Promozioak sustatutako, Une salgai $75 ringside lehen bi lerrotan du, $65 ringside eserleku eta tasatuak beste guztiak gainerako for $49 eta $37, plus aplikagarriak kuotak. Sarrerak aurrez aurre edo eginez Stone Resort leihatilan deituz eros daitezke 800.771.7711 edo online Ticketmaster at.






Claressa Shields vs. Tori Nelson - 10-txandan WBC eta IBF Super middleweight World Izenburua Bout



Shields: 167 kilo


Nelson: 164 ¾ libera



Jesse Hernandez vs. Ernesto Garza - 10-txandan Super bantamweight Bout


Hernandez: 122 ½ kilo


Garza: 122 ½ kilo




Shakh vs Ergashev. Sonny Fredrickson - Zortzi osoan zehar Super arin Bout


Ergashev: 140 kilo


Fredrickson: 141 kilo


AZKEN komatxorik:






"Tori eraso gehiago asko ekartzen, a lot more fight than a lot of my previous opponents. Paper On, edozein aurkari aurrean dut eta jarri ahal hobea borroka baten curriculuma onenak ditu.




"Denek gutxietsi me delako nire tamaina. Nire markoa itxura naiz bat bezala 140 baina benetan naiz a 168. Guztiek borroka batean doa irabazi ahal izango dute pentsatzen, but once that right hand lands everything changes. I’m going to go after her in the first round and get her out of there like Nikki Adler.




"Nire aurkariak presioa aplikatzeko espero dut, eta zikin taktikak batzuk erabiltzeko. esperientzia gehiago ditu, baina ez askoz bere esperientzia amateur hitz egiten duzu.




“She’s confident and she believes in herself. She thinks I haven’t earned my place yet. She doesn’t think I throw hard punches. Speed is power. She doesn’t get that.




"Hau camp gogorra izan, benetan bultzatu dut neure burua. egin ohi dut, sei aste, oraingoan zortzi aste egin nuen. Ez nuen geroztik abuztuaren borrokatu ziren beraz, neure burua gehigarri bi aste eman nahi nuen banekien nengoen sasoi onean orain.




"Inolako zalantzarik gabe, urte hasten naiz irabazi dituzten, baina hori ikusten dut lehiakorra borroka bat bezala. irabazi irabazten noa baina uste dut ezin dut KO bere seigarren arabera, zazpigarren txandan. "




tori NELSON:



"Underdog nago ezagutzen dut, baina bederatzi pertsona jaitsi dut. Ez ditu lortu knockdown oraindik pro bat bezala. Noiz Claressa aktibatuta pro, Bere azkenean aurre egin beharko nuke banekien.




"Irabazi da zer etorri naiz. I expect nothing different. I hope it would expose female boxing and not only open doors for me, baina beste emakumezko boxeolariak datozen me ondoren.




"Gehiago entretenigarria da emakumezkoak borroka bat ikustera sentitzen dut. Emakumeek emateko jaitsi, eskubidea atzera jaiki dute eta horren ondoren joan berriro. Gizonak emateko eraitsi, Hasten ezkutatzen dute, ez baitute nahi hit emateko berriro. Beraz ordaindu ahal dugu behar bezala gizonek bezainbeste uste dut.




"Bedeinkatua hemen izango naiz, but I’m not a winner until I complete what I came here to do. And that’s win. The odds are definitely against me, baina ari naiz mundua Shock joan.




“I want to take her into the deep waters. We don’t think she can beat us in a 10-round fight.




"Oraindik ez dira niretzat ezer emateko joan. I have to be a dog and go in there and win this fight. I’ve always been aggressive. Why change anything for her?"







"Besterik izenburua borroka bat gertuago saiatzen ari naiz. Gora mugitzen sailkapenean helburu nagusia da oraintxe, eta nago eskuineko bidea I. Irabazi hemen 10-txandan borroka batean nire ibilbidean erraldoia izango litzateke.




"Borrokalari guztiak-inguruan bat izatea zerbait naiz lanean da. Baina ezin duzu ondo biribildu borrokalari bihurtu esperientzia eta borrokak lortu arte, eta hori da oraintxe egiten ari naiz lanean. eta aurrerapen errondak gehiago eskuratu nahi dut.




"Southpaw a Fighting ez da niretzat arazo bat. Nire jarrera alda I, baina ez da zerbait uste buruz dudan edo plan. Gertatzen besterik ez da naturalean borroka batean.




"Nik beti neuk ere uste, nahiz eta denbora hartu nuen off. Hori itzuli izan dut sartu eta goi mailako bat lortzeko uste dut. The wins over two undefeated fighters did a lot for my confidence. I knew I could do it, baina beste batzuk erakutsi du dagozkio dut eta goiko mailan I lehiatu ahal izango dela. "







"Presio ekarri nahi dut, and he’s a pressure fighter too. We’ll see who backs up once we start throwing punches.




“I like to face fighters who come forward like him so I think everything will work for me. I plan on applying the pressure, zion nekatu bigarrenak erronda, eta berarekin ateratzen.




"Aldatzeko joera zuen, but I think that’s when he gets off-balance. He won’t bring anything I haven’t seen before.




“I’m fighting at my natural weight class this time. My last fight on ShoBox (boladan Jon Fernandez aurka) pisu askoz handiagoa nintzen borrokan.




“I don’t think his height and reach will give me any issues. I’ve been working with a lot of guys in the gym who have similar size and style. We’re ready for anything.




“A win would be a great step for me and my career. All the doors would open up for us.”




Shakh jarraituz:



"Maite hemen entrenatzen dut delako Izan ere, desberdinak giro bat dela hemen Batuetan. benetako profesional konfigurazioa da, Nire gaitasunak eta nire teknika ahaztuak asko hobeto prestakuntza bat hemen Sugar Hill sentitzen dut.




"Badakit esperientziadun borrokalaria da. boladan da eta borrokatu zuen datozen. Gu bi aukera handi bat da.




"Oso saritua den SHOWTIME izango da, eta pozik egon esposizio nazionala mota hau lortzeko nago. Irabazi me zementu litzateke onena junior welterweight munduko irtenbideak bat bezala.




"Ahaztuak dut prestakuntza asko hobeto Kronk Boxing Gym Detroit at. Azken prestakuntza camp zen boxeoa style American eta camp honetarako sarrera bat benetan hobetu nire teknika eta taktikak bizia sparring ekin.




"Ez naiz 11-0 batera 11 knockouts. puncher bat naiz eta berarekin kolpatu out nahi dut, baina distantzia dut entrenatu. trebatu dut norbaiti kolpatu out lehen txandan eta zortzigarren txandan.




"Hau handi bat oposizio step-up da, baina zuk baino gehiago izan nuen 200 amateur boxeolariak onena batzuk munduko aurkako borrokak amateur. Olinpiar domina eta oso lortzen amateur borrokalariak jipoitu dut. "




SONNY Fredrickson



"Nik esposizio honen zain denbora luzez. ek telebistan lortu azken bi edo hiru urtez saiatzen dut, beraz, hau niretzat akordio handi bat da. Zorionez irabazi bat kolpeak me up goian sartu 5 eta ematen dit izenburu aurtengo amaieran tiro bat edo hurrengo urteko hasieran.




"Robert asko Spar dugu (Pazko). It’s back-and-forth action. We grew up together and learn a lot from each other. zion ematen dut erakusleak batzuk han eta hemen, eta gauza bera egiten zuen niretzat.




"Ez dakit gehiegi nire aurkari buruz askoz. lefty bat zuen ezagutzen dut eta indartsua zulatu bat du. me partida ona egin zuen. aurrera eta datozen lurra plano handi batean, beraz, hura irteerako karpertan nahiko erraz ahal izango dut nahi du.




"Ez dut uste nerbioak faktorea izango da. Andre Ward txarteleko Nik borrokatu ziren, Borrokak big egon naiz aurretik.




"Dut zion kolpatu out hirugarren txandan ondoren joan. esan noa, beno, zion hemendik.




"Borroka honen ondoren, zale nire izena ikasten hasiko da. tiro bat izan me ikusi nahi dute uste dut 140 libra izenburua ".




# # #




Barry Tompkins deituko ShoBox Steve Farhood ohia eta munduko txapeldun Raul Marquez aditua analista gisa zerbitzatu ringside ekintza. Ekoizle exekutiboa Gordon Hall da Richard Gaughan ekoizten eta Rick Phillips zuzentzen dituzten.




Informazio gehiago www.sho.com/sports Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing jarraitu, SHOSports, #ShoBox, edo Facebook fan batean bihurtu www.Facebook.com/SHOSports.