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Showtime Sports® e premier boxeo CHAMPIONS anuncian líder do sector, ALL-STAR BOXING SCHEDULE

10 Eventos Famoso través primeiro semestre de 2018
12 Campións do Mundo; 14 invictos
12 Loitas do campionato mundial
Danny Garcia * Deontay Wilder * Jermall Charlo * Mikey Garcia * Erislandy Lara
Adrien Broner * Keith Thurman * Leo Santa Cruz * Abner Mares
* Jermell Charlo * Errol Spence Jr.
Nova York Xaneiro 24, 2018 Showtime Sports e Premier Boxeo League anunciaron a programación de televisión para canle Showtime Championship Boxing® for the first half of the year. Airing 10 eventos en directo de clase mundial de boxeo – caracterizando 12 campións do mundo e 12 loitas polo título mundial – PBC e Showtime están establecendo un estándar da industria para unha tempada de boxeo de alto voo e un nivel de organización nunca antes visto no deporte.
The schedule features more than two dozen elite fighters competing in boxing’s deepest and most talent-laden weight divisions and boasts the largest collection of stars in the sport today. A lousa ofrece sete loitas de loitadores top-10 clasificados, catro matchups de top-cinco loitadores clasificados, catro arriba-10 libra por libra-formando mundo clasificado e un mundo Título ataque unificación.
Liderados pola canle Showtime e PBC, boxeo experimentou un renacemento na 2017 con campións mundiais establecidos Mikey Garcia, Keith Thurman, Danny Garcia, Deontay Wilder, Leo Santa Cruz e Anthony Joshua, xunto de brotamento estrellas Gervonta Davis, Errol Spence Jr, Jermell e Jermall Charlo e David BENAVIDEZ. En 2018, todos están a tomar o centro do escenario, na esteira da xubilación por Floyd Mayweather, Wladimir Klitschko, Miguel Cotta e outros.
“As estrelas teñen verdadeiramente aliñados, e Showtime e PBC será unha vez establecer o ritmo dun ano destacada no boxeo,” dixo Stephen Espinoza, Presidente, Deportes & Programación de eventos, Showtime Networks Inc. “Para continuar co impulso positivo, O noso obxectivo é ofrecer os mellores loitas nunha base consistente para o público máis amplo posible. This lineup delivers pivotal bouts with frequency and purpose – todos libres para os nosos assinantes. Showtime é de lonxe o Non. 1 destino para os fans de boxeo en todo o país.”
O 27 loitadores revelou nesta liña líder da industria propia 731 vitorias totais, 106 world title victories and a staggering win percentage of .957. Fourteen of the fighters are undefeated and all but four have earned at least one world championship. Also included in this lineup are four of the consensus top-10 ranked welterweights, dous do consenso top-cinco clasificou pesos plumas, e tres do consenso top-cinco loitadores na división de 154 libras.
A completa gama de eventos de boxeo vai ao aire en directo en todas as plataformas Showtime – televisión, móbil e servizo de streaming de Internet da rede.
En 2017, Showtime Sports entregado axenda máis significativa e coherente da industria – 25 nights of live boxing featuring 33 loitas do campionato do mundo e máis de 70 bouts in all. Unha vez máis, as estrelas máis brillantes van enfrontarse como a rede presenta a axenda máis ampla e convincente no boxeo, mostra a continuación:
2018 Showtime Boxing PROGRAMACIÓN
Presentado pola Premier Boxeo League
Xan 20 SPENCE vs. PETERSON Brooklyn
Campionato do Mundo de Welterweight IBF
IBF Lightweight World Championship
Febreiro 17 GARCIA vs. RIOS Las Vegas
WBC Welterweight Título Eliminator
Campionato Mundial Middleweight Super WBC
Mar 3 WILDER vs. ORTIZ Brooklyn
World Heavyweight Championship WBC
Charlo vs. Centeno JR.
WBC Middleweight Championship Interim
Mar 10 GARCIA vs. LIPINETS San Antonio
Campionato do Mundo de Welterweight júnior IBF
Barthélemy vs. RELIKH II
Campionato Mundial WBA Super Leve
Abril 7 LARA vs. HURD
154-Pound Campionato Mundial de Unificación
WBC Super Leve Título Eliminator
Maio 19 KEITH Thurman Brooklyn
Campionato WBA / WBC Welterweight Mundial
Maio 19 STEVENSON vs. JACK Canada
World Heavyweight Championship Luz WBC
Xuño 9 SANTA CRUZ vs. MARES II Los Angeles
Campionato Mundial de pluma WBA
Jermell Charlo
Campionato do Mundo de Welterweight Super WBC
Xuño 16 Errol Spence JR. Dallas
Campionato do Mundo de Welterweight IBF
2018 Evento por evento
Xan. 20: Spence vs. Peterson – Barclays Center, en Brooklyn
Un dos máis respetado mozos campións do boxeo, Campión do Mundo invicto IBF Welterweight Errol Spence Jr. (22-0, 19 Kos) iniciou a programación cun TKO oitava rolda do ex-campión do mundo dúas división e top-10 clasificado welterweightLamont Peterson (35-3-1, 17 Kos) in Spence first title defense. Na co-metragem, Campión do Mundo invicto IBF Leve Robert Pascua Jr. (20-0, 14 Kos) gañou un fin, vitoria por decisión dividida sobre o ex campión do mundo Javier Fortuna (33-1-1, 23 Kos) nunha loita chea de acción.
Febreiro. 17: García vs. Ríos – Centro de Eventos Mandalay Bay en Las Vegas
campión do mundo Dous división Danny Garcia (33-1, 19 Kos) returns to the ring to begin his quest toward another welterweight world championship. Garcia’s long reigns at 140 e 147 pounds ended last March in a close decision loss to unified champion Keith Thurman. Agora, Garcia vai desafiar difícil ex-campión mundial Brandon Ríos (34-3-1, 25 Kos), un loitador all-acción que loitou o mellor no deporte. No co-main event, máis novo campión mundial de boxeo, 21-anos David BENAVIDEZ (19-0, 17 Kos), fará a súa primeira defensa do título en un desquite contra contedor superior Ronald Gavril (18-2, 14 Kos). Os Super-medio fixo unha loita emocionante en setembro pasado, que rematou nunha decisión controvertida para BENAVIDEZ.
Marzo 3: Wilder vs. Ortiz – De Barclays Center, en Brooklyn
O renacemento da división peso pesado campionato mundial segue. América do invicto, Non. 1 peso-pesado, Campión do Mundo WBC Deontay Wilder (39-0, 38 Kos),afrontará compañeiro desafiante invicto Luís Ortiz (28-0, 24 Kos) nun enfrontamento anticipado de consenso top-5 clasificou pesos pesados. Wilder mantivo o cinto verde cobizado desde xaneiro 2015 e fixo seis defensas de título de éxito. Agora, Wilder afronta un pugilista cubano altamente cualificados, con gran poder de perforación en Ortiz. O evento co-principal contará co ex-campión dos medios super e candidato Middleweight arriba Jermall Charlo (26-0, 20 Kos) asumir contedor xa batido Hugo Centeno Jr. (26-1, 14 Kos)para o Campionato Mundial Middleweight WBC Provisional.
Marzo 10: García vs. Lipinets – Freeman Coliseum en San Antonio
Unha das principais Pound-for-pound loitadores de boxeo, Mikey Garcia (37-0, 30 Kos) tentará facer historia ao capturar un título mundial nunha cuarta categoría de peso. Pé no seu camiño está invicto poderse perforado e IBF Jr. campión welterweight Sergey Lipinets (13-0, 10 Kos), que está a facer a súa primeira defensa do título. Dous títulos de 140 libras será na liña como campión de dúas divisións Rances Barthélemy (26-0, 13 Kos)parece tornarse o primeiro boxeador cubano a gañar títulos mundiais en tres categorías de peso diferentes, cando se enfronta Kirly Relikh (21-2, 9 Kos) en un desquite da súa loita polémica maio, esta vez para o título WBA Super Leve vago.
Abril 7: Lara vs. Hurd – Localización TBD
Campión Mundial WBA Erislandy Lara (25-2-2, 14 Kos) and IBF World Champion Jarrett Hurd (21-0, 15 Kos) vai reunirse para unificar títulos nun momento de definición para a división de 154 libras. En 2017, Showtime televisado oito loitas que caracterizan as cinco mellores do ranking campións welterweight super e challengers nun torneo non oficial. Esta unificación xogo vai poñer a maxia técnica de Lara de Cuba contra a forza ea determinación de Hurd.
Abril 21: Broner vs. Figueroa – De Barclays Center, en Brooklyn
tetracampeão mundial división Adrien Broner (33-3, 24 Kos) estableceu-se non só como un dos maiores atractivos no deporte, senón como un loitador que está sempre disposto a afrontar a competencia máis difícil. Isto vai continuar, cando asume invicto ex-campión mundial Omar Figueroa (27-0-1, 19 Kos), un Brawl todo-acción que nunca dá un paso atrás, as the former champions meet in a WBC Super Lightweight Final Eliminator. The co-main event will feature one of boxing’s brightest young stars in Gervonta Davis (19-0, 18 Kos) como o 23-year-old ex-campión invicto mira para recuperar o seu título.
Maio 19: Thurman defende mundos Títulos – De Barclays Center, en Brooklyn
Keith Thurman é a única unificada 147 libras campión do mundo eo consenso Non. 1-clasificou loitador na división peso prominente do boxeo. O Thurman invicto(28-0, 22 Kos) mantivo o título WBA desde 2015. El afirmou que o cinto do CMB cunha vitoria decisiva sobre previamente invicto Danny Garcia marzo pasado na loita máis visto do ano, unha presentación de Showtime Boxing na CBS. Tras unha lesión no cóbado que esixiu cirurxía, Thurman vai regresar á acción contra un opoñente a ser determinado.
Maio 19: Stevenson vs. Toma – Canadá
Campión mundial dos pesos pesados ​​WBC Adonis Stevenson (29-1, 24 Kos) marcou nocautes en seis dos seus oito defensas de título e enfrontarase quizais o seu maior reto cando loita campión de dúas divisións Badou Jack (22-1-2, 13 Kos).Jack capturado un título mundial 175 libras no seu debut no medio-pesado en agosto e abandonou o cinto, a fin de facer de inmediato este enfrontamento de pesos pesados ​​de luz superiores e cinco clasificados.
Xuño 9: Santa Cruz vs. mares II – Desde Anxos
tras a súa 2015 Título enfrontamento trouxo a multitude Staples Center a seus pés, WBA campión dos penas Leo Santa Cruz (34-1-1, 19 Kos) e campión mundial tres divisións Abner Mares (31-2-1, 15 Kos) reunirase de novo na súa cidade natal compartida dos Ánxeles. Santa Cruz, que tamén ocupou títulos en tres divisións para os últimos seis anos, segue a ser un dos loitadores máis prolíficos no deporte hoxe. Nais, un ex-campión mundial no galo, super galo e pluma, pretende vingarse tras o peche perda decisión por maioría de Santa Cruz en 2015. Esta combinación de alto risco entre consenso superior e cinco clasificados pesos plumas dará unha maior claridade dunha división empilhados que inclúe Gary Russell Jr, Carl Frampton and Lee Selby. The consensus No. 1 loitador en 154 libras, Jermell Charlo (30-0, 15 Kos) ha defender o seu Campionato Mundial Welterweight Super WBC na co-metragem contra un opoñente a ser determinado.
Xuño 16: Spence defende título Welterweight – de Dallas
Fresco fóra dunha performance dominante contra un top-10 ex campión medio-medio, Pound-for-pound gran Errol Spence Jr. (23-0, 20 Kos) volve á súa cidade natal de Dallas para a segunda defensa do Campionato do Mundo Welterweight IBF.
Sobre Showtime Networks Inc.
Showtime Networks Inc. (SNI), unha subsidiaria integral da CBS Corporación, posúe e opera as cadeas de televisión Showtime premio®, THE MOVIE CHANNEL ™ e Flix®, e tamén ofrece Showtime carta®, THE MOVIE CHANNEL demanda ™ e Flix carta®, e identificación servizo Showtime Anytime da rede®. Showtime Dixital Inc, unha subsidiaria integral do SNI, opera o servizo de streaming de stand-alone canle Showtime®. SHOWTIME is currently available to subscribers via cable, DBS e provedores de telecomunicacións, e como un servizo de streaming de stand-alone través de Apple®, Ano®, Amazonas, Google, Xbox One e Samsung. Os consumidores poden rexistrar a Showtime vía Hulu, TV YouTube, TV Sling, DirecTV Agora, Sony PlayStation® Vue and Amazon Channels. SNI tamén xestiona Smithsonian Networks, unha común entre SNI e do Smithsonian Institution, que ofrece Smithsonian Canle, e ofrece Smithsonian Terramediante SN Dixital LLC. SNI comercializa e distribúe eventos deportivos e de entretemento para exposición aos abonados nunha base de pay-per-view través da canle Showtime PPV®. Para obter máis información, ir a www.SHO.com

Undefeated N.E. prospect Omar Bordoy, JR. Prepared to make statement at “Futuro 5 de Nova Inglaterra”

“Futuro 5 de Nova Inglaterra”
Febreiro. 10 en Worcester, MA

WORCESTER, Masa. (Xaneiro 24, 2018) – One of New England’s leading pro prospects, welterweight Júnior Omar Borðoy, Jr, has prepared to make a statement February 10th en “Futuro 5 de Nova Inglaterra”, presented Rivera Promotions Entertainment (RPE), no Paladio en Worcester.
Fighting out of Danbury, Connecticut, Bordoy (3-0, 1 KO) faces Puerto Rican-born opponent, Alexander “El Bravo” Picot (2-4-1), in a four-round bout. “My opponent is tough, and he always comes to fight,” Bordoy said. “He keeps coming forward and that’s going to make for an exciting fight.
The 22-year-old Bordoy is the typical example of a volatile teenager who found his way in boxing. He was a high school football player who started boxing at the age of 17. Bordoy had an abbreviated amateur career, highlighted by his winning performance at the New England Golden Gloves as a novice boxer.
I was a bad hot head as a kid,” Bordoy admitted. “One day, my cousin Edgardo, invited me to his gym after football practice and he beat me up. I was knocked down a few notches. I got into boxing and enjoyed watching Miguel Cotta e Mike Tyson. I even have some of Cotto’s tattoos. Agora, I’m more of a boxer, like a Pernell Whitaker ou Floyd Mayweather, JR. I’m a come- forward boxer who can still brawl. I’m working on my defense and feel that making adjustments in the ring is what I do best.
Bordoy, JR. credits Team Bordoy — manager A.J. Galante, cabeza train Bennie Little, cut-man Luis Marichal, strength-and-conditioning coach Chris Mulfalmi e Dave McDonoughfor his success.
I’m pleased to be with the right people to bring me to the top and I’m willing to do what’s needed to get there,” Bordoy added.
Bordoy, who works fulltime as a repair technician, made his pro debut last May and he fought a total of three times in 2017, his most recent last October in Worcester on an RPE-promoted show, in which he stopped 34-fight veteran Bryan Abraham na cuarta rolda.
We enjoy working with Team Bordoy,” promotor Jose Antonio Rivera remarked. “I am proud of Omar and his accomplishments so far. He is a young, throwback fighter with a lot of potential. I see big things in his future and I am glad to see he is being guided in the right direction by his team.
In the eight-round main event, invicto Hartford (CT) medio-pesados Richard “Popeye The Sailor Man” Rivera (5-0, 4 Kos) asume Kevin “O New England Bully” Cobbs (10-2, 4 Kos), fighting out of South Boston (MA), á praza Federación Universal Boxing (UBF) título de New England no evento principal oito redonda.
campión nacional afeccionado dobre de Worcester Policial “BH3” Harris, III (2-0) faces Brazilian super middleweight Saul Almeida (0-8-1) no evento co-featured catro roldas. Hartford super-medios Jose “Rated R” Rivera (4-1, 3 Kos) atenda Troy “Omar KO Artista” artista (4-7-1 (3 Kos), de Danbury (CT) nun ataque de seis rolda.
Loitando na eliminatoria, todo en xogos de catro redondas, son Southbridge (MA) welterweight Júnior Wilfredo “o Sucaro” pagán (3-0, 1 KO) vs. pro-estreando Nick Peralta, de Lawrence, invicto Springfield (MA) medio-pesados Raio “bazuca” Graceski(5-0, 3 Kos). vs. pro-estreando de Hartford Paul Bansiak, Springfield welterweightGrúa “Bad Boy” Whitley (2-0) vs. Roger Blankenship (1-2), invicto dos super-medios Puerto Rican Jelame Garcia (6-0, 6 Kos) vs. Brasileiro Rodrigo Almeida 1-7), Bridgeport de (CT) welterweight prol estreando Joseph Goss vs. Seth Basler (0-3), e Hartford Júnior leve vs. Bridgeport de Carlos Marraro, III (0-1).
Todas as loitas e os loitadores están suxeitos a modificación.
Ingresos, prezo de $75.00 (arena) e $45.00 (admisión xeral), están á venda e dispoñibles para compra no www.ThePalladium.net ou na taquilla Palladium (admisión xeral única), ou contactando Jose Rivera (elgallojar@gmail.com/508.864.6954), AJ Rivera (anthoneerivera@gmail.com/774.272.2269) ou calquera dos combatentes.
As portas abren ás 6 p.m. E, primeira loita 7 p.m. E.
Parte da renda será doada ao Luis Rosa, JR. Scholarship Fund.
Os patrocinadores inclúen Lundgren Honda, Top Royalty, Allstate, USANA, Atty. Maria M. Rivera-Cotta, ambición Musik, Hill Team Associates and Lundren Insurance & Servizos financeiros.
Chilro: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp @KingRivera_


Xaneiro 22, 2018 – Victory and Now Boxing Promotionsprospects are staying busy in the new year. The promotionstop prospect, JaronBootsEnnis (17-0, 15KO) is back in action this Venres, 26 de xaneiro in his hometown of Philadelphia. O 20 year old boxer, widely considered the best prospect in Philadelphia, will appear on the Real Deal Boxing card at Sugarhouse Casino. Brian Norman Jr., son of super middleweight Brian Norman (17-11, 5KO) de Atlanta, won in his professional debut in Houston o sábado, e Christian Montano advanced to 4-0 (4KO) on the same card. All three fighters are managed by Cameron Dunkin e promovido pola Chris Middendorf of Victory Boxing Promotions, e Joseph Dunkin of Now Boxing Promotions.

Christian Montano
Welterweight Brian Norman, Jr, who is trained by his father, dropped Kire Lucas (0-3) with a body shot before finishing him with another body shot in one minute, 31 segundos do primeiro round. Montano also finished his opponent in the first round, stopping the experienced Keith Collins with a hook to the body, and straight right to the head at the 1:06 marca.

Este venres, “Bootswill face rugged Mexico City talent Gustavo Garibay (13-9, 5KO), who is the Mexican Super Welterweight Champion, and is a former WBC Latino Super Welterweight Champion. It’s the second fight in the United States for Garibay, his last being a loss to Zhankosh Turarov (22-0, 15KO) in Boca Raton.

Ennis, who trains with his father, former fighter DerrickBozyEnnis in Philadelphia, last fought in December at the 2300 Área, where he knocked out George Sosa inside of two rounds. The young pugilist is moving quickly, and fought nine times in 2017. Ennis is three months shy of his 21st birthday. Dunkin and Middendorf may not get him to 21 wins by his 21st birthday, but both feel certain that 2018 will be the real ‘coming outyear for the young talent.

Jaron Ennis

We always like to have Boots fight at home,” said Victory Boxing Promotions founder and Promoter Christopher Middendorf. “He’s getting great experience with veterans like Garibay. This is the first champion-caliber fighter he’s faced, and we’ll get to see how he handles that. I’m hoping the Philly boxing fans get out to support him.

Os ingresos para Venres event are available at Ticketmaster outlets and at therealdealboxing.com, e custa $125 e $50. Doors to The Real Deal Showcase Series I open at 6 p.m., and first bell is at 7 p.m.


Tamén en acción! Invicto ex-campión mundial Jermall Charlo batallas xa batido Hugo Centeno JR. Para intercalar 160 libras TÍTULO
BROOKLYN (Xan. 23, 2018) – Invicto WBC World Heavyweight Champion Deontay “A Bomber Bronce” Wilder will face his toughest opponent to date when he meets hard-hitting Cuban southpaw Luís “The Real King Kong” Ortiz Sábado, Marzo 3 a partir de Barclays Centro, a casa de BROOKLYN boxeo ™ e presentado por Premier Boxeo League.
The co-feature of the evening will see the return of undefeated former 154-pound world champion Jermall Charlo, a powerful knockout artist who is looking to prove that he is a dangerous contender in the star-studded middleweight division. Once-beaten contender Hugo Centeno Jr. will test Charlo’s 160-pound credentials when they meet in a 12-round match to determine the WBC interim champion, with the winner immediately stepping into the picture for middleweight supremacy.
Tickets for the show, que é promovido pola DiBella Lecer e TGB Ofertas, comeza ás $50 e xa están á venda. Para mercar entradas, visit Ticketmaster.com, BarclaysCenter.com, ou chame 800-745-3000. Tickets for the event can also be purchased at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center.
We’re very excited to bring the heavyweight champion of the world, Deontay Wilder, back to Brooklyn for his seventh title defense and third appearance at Barclays Center, the home of BROOKLYN BOXING™,” dixo Lou DiBella, Presidente da DiBella Entertainment. “This fight is happening because Deontay wanted to silence his critics by taking on the biggest challenge available. Deontay has an axe to grind with Ortiz and will swing it on March 3. Former 154-lb. champion Jermall Charlo is already a top player at middleweight and plans to prove he’s carried his power with him by facing one of the division’s best prospects, Hugo Centeno Jr., who is coming off a huge knockout victory in his last fight.
Deontay Wilder and Luis Ortiz is one of the best fights that can be made in the heavyweight division and itswhat heavyweights are all aboutpower versus power,” said Tom Brown, Presidente da TGB Promocións. “Everybody loves the knockout and that’s what Wilder and Ortiz specialize in. No co-main event, Jermall Charlo is strictly seek and destroy in the ring. That ferocious spirit made him a force at 154 and he has brought it with him to the 160 pound ranks. Centeno is a rugged competitor and he doesn’t back down from anyone. That makes this a can’t miss fight for the boxing fans.
True heavyweights in every sense of the word, the 6-foot-7, 228-pound Wilder and the 6-foot-4, 240-pound Ortiz have 62 combined knockout victories.
The 32-year-old Wilder (39-0, 38 Kos), the only reigning American heavyweight world champion, is a knockout artist with the power to end any fight in spectacular fashion. His only professional match that went the distance was the fight in which he won his world title with a dominant 12-round unanimous decision over Bermane Stiverne on Jan. 17, 2015 -the birthday of legendary heavyweight champion Muhammad Ali. The champion out of Tuscaloosa, Alabama added Stiverne to his list of knockout victims in his last fight with a devastating first round destruction in their rematch at Barclays Center on Novembro. 4.
Wilder was originally supposed to fight Ortiz that night, but Ortiz was pulled from the match after he tested positive for a banned substance. Ortiz was later cleared after the WBC determined he had failed to list medication that he was taking on his pre-testing paperwork, which triggered the positive test. He was assessed a fine and allowed to resume boxing.
Wilder, a Bronze Medal winner for the U.S. Olympic boxing team at the 2008 Beijing Games, has successfully defended the title six times. This will be his third title defense at Barclays Center. In his first defense at Barclays Center, Wilder scored a memorable ninth-round knockout over Artur Szpilka back in Jan. 2016.
I’m looking forward to returning to Barclays Center to defend my title for a seventh time,” Wilder said. “Luis Ortiz is one of the toughest guys around and he’s supposed to be the boogeyman in the heavyweight division. But I’ve never been afraid of the boogeyman and I’ve knocked out every opponent that I’ve faced. I plan on keeping that streak going. Everyone standing in my way of becoming the undisputed heavyweight champion has to go down. It’s Luis Ortiz’s turn.
The 38-year-old Ortiz (28-0, 24 Kos), of Camaguey, Cuba by way of Miami, Fla., will make his Barclays Center debut when he meets Wilder for his first title shot. The hard-hitting southpaw turned pro seven years ago after defecting from Cuba and has since been steadily climbing the heavyweight ladder. He cemented his standing in the division with victories over veteran contenders Bryant Jennings, Tony Thompson and Malik Scott and is the No. 1-ranked contender by the WBC. Na súa loita máis recente, Ortiz scored a devastating second-round knockout of Daniel Martz in Miami, Florida en Decembro. 15.
If Ortiz wins, he will become the first Cuban born fighter to win a heavyweight world championship.
This really is the best versus the best as far as the heavyweight division, and everyone who knows boxing knows that,” Ortiz said. “There’s been too much talking already. It’s time to fight. All I ask now is that the winner of this fight receives the respect from the other man, from the public, from the media and the fans that they deserve as the best heavyweight in the U.S.
Charlo (26-0, 20 Kos) won his super welterweight title with a dominant knockout of Cornelius Bundrage in 2015 and eventually achieved the distinction of holding a world title in the same weight class (154 libras) as his twin brother after Jermell won a title in 2016. After successfully defending his 154-pound title three times, Charlo of Richmond, Texas decided to move up to 160 pounds to win another title in a different weight class. In his debut at 160-pounds the 27-year-old scored a TKO victory over Jorge Sebastian Heiland at Barclays Center on Xullo 29.
I really love fighting in Brooklyn and at Barclays Center,” Dixo Charlo. “The fans in Brooklyn always show me a lot of love. Since my last fight I’ve had a chance to work on my patience and work on improvements to my game. I’ve got the same feeling that I had before I won my first world title. I want to be a champion at 160 more than I did the first time at 154. More than anything I just want to get back in the ring. Centeno is a tough fighter. He’ll be a hard test for someone who isn’t at my level. Non estou tomando nada lonxe del. But he’s just another fighter that’s in my way. I don’t feel like I have anything to prove to anyone else in this fight. I’m all about proving things to myself now. In the 160-pound division you’re hearing my name more and more. It’s more than you did when I was at 154 libras.”
The 26-year-old Centeno (26-1, 14 Kos) caught everyone’s attention when he scored a stunning knockout of Immanuwel Aleem in his last fight on Agosto. 25. It was enough to springboard Centeno into middleweight title contention. Centeno of Oxnard, California successfully rebounded from a tough TKO loss to Maiej Sulecki on June 18, 2016 with a victory over Ronald Montes before his match against Aleem.
I’m excited for the opportunity,” said Centeno. “I think my last outing had a lot to do with this/ It helped to put me in this position. Charlo is a great fighter with a lot of talent. I feel like we have similar statures. It’s going to be an interesting fight. I think it’s going to come down to who is the smarter fighter that night and who has more left in the tank toward the end. This is a life-changing, career-changing fight for me that could lead to bigger and better things. I’m coming to win.
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e www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment. PBC é patrocinado pola Corona Extra, Finest Beer.

Fightnight VIVO ABRE 2018 SLATE o venres CON ESTRELA boxeo en directo de Long Island

Nova York (Xan. 23, 2018) – Venres night fireworks are in store for fans on Facebook as fightnight VIVO partners with Joe DeGuardia’s Star Boxing for its first show of the New Year. Fight fans from across the globe can catch all the action beginning at 7:30 p.m. E live from Long Island, en calquera dispositivo onde queira que Facebook está dispoñible, as the combat sports platform opens 2018 cun concerto de undécimo na plataforma nove meses de idade.
“Temos sido moi satisfeito co crecemento da serie, e Venres show will be incredible with the addition of a mystery commentator, que será revelado a finais da semana. A serie fightnight Live ten a oportunidade de acadar o seu punto de vista 1000000 en só 11 mostra e queremos agradecer os fans de loita en todas partes polo seu apoio,” dito Mark Fratto, Principal da Linacre medios. “O Venres, fans de todo Long Island e en todo o mundo poderá sintonizar para incorporarse algúns excelentes loitas a través da páxina de Star Boxing Facebook ea páxina live fightnight.”
No evento principal o venres noite, Long Island, Anthony “Altura De Comezar” Karperis (14-3, 5 Kos) loitas pola 17ª vez en The Paramount ao ollar para a súa 13ª vitoria no lugar, taking on Nicaragua’s Nelson Lara (17-9-4, 9 Kos). Undefeated fighters Tyrone “Pretty Boy” James (6-0, 3 Kos), Wendy Toussaint (7-0, 2 Kos) e Michael Stoute (2-0) vai mirar para impresionar a multitude Long Island e audiencia Facebook, and fight fans will witness the pro debut of Huntington’s own Shaun Kennedy, ademais de presentacións musicais e moito máis.
“Vai ser unha noite emocionante de boxeo. Os fans van ver varias perspectivas invictos e Anthony Karperis, who is always in fan-friendly wars. Fights from The Paramount are reminiscent of the old days at the Blue Horizon – loitas emocionantes, trastornos e fans entusiasmados,” dito Joe DeGuardia, CEO e presidente da Star Boxing. “É gran que todo o mundo poderá ver iso en Facebook. The world is changing so much and for boxing and it’s great that fans can tune in from anywhere and be a part of the action. Si, the Paramount will be sold out Venres noite – pero aínda pode ver as loitas sintonizando Facebook.”
Nos primeiros oito meses de programación, the numbers on the 10-show FIGHTNIGHT LIVE series have showed promise and potential for the new platform with an average of more than 93,000 fight fans tuning in per event and nearly one-million fans served. O Sete. 9 “Real Deal Ofertas: Empire State” de Resorts World Casino (225,000), o CES agosto “Super Sábado” do Foxwoods (203,000), Sept. CES “Xemelgo do río twinbill” de Lincoln, R.I. (157,000) todo cuberto 150,000 visualizacións, and collectively the 10-show series saw a total of almost 17,000 total hours of Facebook video consumed by 930,933-plus users across all devices.
En adición aos números de visualización brutos, totalmente interactiva, fan-friendly productions have seen more than 130,000 compromisos post vivo colectivas (13,000-máis por concerto), incluíndo máis de 91,000 “gustos” ou “ama,” máis que 16,000 comentarios e accións 4,900-plus.
FIGHTNIGHT LIVE broadcasts are viewed by 76 por cento homes, 24 por cento de mulleres. The top demographic is comprised of males ages 25-34, que abrangue aproximadamente 30.0 por cento da audiencia, en media.
O Sete. 9 “Real Deal Ofertas: Empire State” set a new bar with 224,658 visualizacións eo Sete. 15-16 DiBella-CES doubleheader carried the series to tres cuartos-de-un-millón de visualizacións en pouco máis de catro meses. O Agosto. 26 Foxwoods “Super Sábado” programa destaca individualmente con 3,336 live hours of content viewed, mentres que o Sete. 15 DiBella card saw more than 40,000 interaccións espectador including almost 39,000 “gustos” ou “ama.”
O Venres noite, Xan. 26, en directo da Paramount, en Huntington, Long Island, N.I., os fans poden esperar un alto impacto, multi-cámara experiencia de transmisión completa con gráficos, animacións, replays, interviews and an announce team anchored by blow-by-blow announcer Marc Abrams of AWE, NBC Sports Philadelphia, 15Rounds.com e AbramsBoxing.com. Former Golden Gloves Champion cara Castronuova, agora da obesidade Foundation Knockout, will contribute analysis and deliver post-fight interviews in the ring. To provide spectators with a fully-interactive ringside experience, comentaristas vai preguntar e responder a preguntas do público Facebook en todo o transmisión.
Creado e producido por Linacre medios fóra de Nova York, a serie fightnight VIVO características locutores profesionais, varios ángulos de cámara, televisión gráficos, replays e Behind-the-scenes de acceso e entrevistas. Os concertos de streaming dispoñibles globalmente onde queira que Facebook está dispoñible. A iniciativa non só permite que os fans de todo o mundo para sintonizar, pero tamén dá loitadores up-and-coming unha plataforma global para amosar as súas habilidades, dá promotores dun accesibles “transmisión” solución e dá patrocinadores a capacidade de acadar un público masivo a través de contidos de marca.
Máis fightnight VIVO inverno / primavera 2018 datas serán anunciadas oficialmente nas próximas semanas.
Fightnight LIVE está dispoñible en liña en: https://www.facebook.com/FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE /
Follow all the action via social media at FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE en Facebook,@FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE on Instagram and @FIGHTNIGHTLIVE_ on Twitter, or by using the hashtag #FIGHTNIGHTLIVE. Para os últimos acontecementos Linacre medios e horario de transmisión, follow @LinacreMedia across all social platforms or use the tags #LinacreMediaEvents ou #LinacreMediaOnTV.

Dúas veces campión mundial Kermit Cintrón para asumir George Sosa na atracción welterweight engadiu o martes, Febreiro 13 en The Sands Belén Event Center

Cintrón segmentación Amir Khan
Frank De Alba batallas Carlos Padilla no evento principal no
Mykal Fox asume Ricardo García no co-main event
Undefeated fighters Colby Madison, Michael Coffie, Juan Sánchez, & Martino Jules en acción
peso pesado Joe Hanks asume Nick Guivas

Belén, PA (Xaneiro 23, 2018) – Dúas veces campión mundial dos lixeiros,Kermit Cintrón has been added to an already deep card when he takes on George Sosa in a ten-round bout on Martes, 13 de febreiro en O Centro de Eventos Sands Belén.

Xa anunciou dous co-main eventos de oito rolda presentando Frank De Alba(22-2-2, 9 Kos) asumindo Carlos Padilla (16-6-1, 10 Kos) así como Mykal Fox(15-0, 4 Kos) batalhando Ricardo García (14-1, 9 KO) nun ataque super leve.
A tarxeta é promovido pola Promocións rei.
Cintrón de Reading, PA ten unha marca de 39-6-3 con 30 Kos.
O 38 year-old Cintron is a 18 profesional no ano que gañou o seu primeiro 23 loitas (20 vía paralización) derrotando os gustos de Leon Pearson (9-1-1), dixo Ouali (7-0), Omar Davila (12-2), Ian Mackillop (14-1), Luis Rosado (29-5), Elio Ortiz (25-6), & Teddy Reid (22-5-1).
En abril 23, 2005, Cintron was stopped by Antonio Margarito in his bid to win the WBO Welterweight title.

Cintron scored two wins, que incluíu unha parada redonda 10 sobre candidato David Estrada (18-2) antes de deixar Mark Suárez en seis roldas para capturar o título IBF Welterweight de outubro 28, 2006 en Palm Beach, Florida.
Cintron made two defenses of the crown which was highlighted by a two-round destruction over Walter Matthysse (26-1), antes de ser detido por Margarito na súa desquite.
Cintron then sandwiched wins over Lovemore Ndou (46-10-1), Alfredo Angulo (15-0) e Juliano Ramos (15-2) en torno a un empate con Sérgio Martínez (44-1-1) antes de caer loitas cos campións mundiais Paul Williams e Carlos Molina.
Na súa última loita, Cintrón cancelada na quinta rolda por Tyrone Brunson.
O “Philly Loita do Ano” Candidato viu Cintrón marcar dous knockdowns na cuarta rolda, pero Brunson volveu caer Cintrón tres veces na quinta rolda.
This is a fight to comeback to get back where I need to be. After the Brunson fight, it was back to the drawing board. this fight will start to get me back to the top one more time,” dixo Cintrón.
“en Sosa, Eu era un radiodifusor para a súa última loita, e na breve loita, I did not see anything special. I been working hard, e quedando ben preparado e vou estar preparado para loitar.”
Cintrón sabe cunha exhibición forte eo seu currículo profesional, que pode entrar nunha gran loita, e Cintrón ten alguén presente.
“Vexo que Amir Khan está de volta, e eu que é unha loita que quero.”

Sosa Philadelphia ten un rexistro de 15-11-1 con 15 nocautes.
O 31 year-old é un profesional sete anos que se coñece para asumir competición de arriba, como Emanuel Taylor, Ray Robinson, Thomas LaManna, e na súa última loita, cando foi parado por invicto top-perspectiva Jaron Ennis en decembro de 1, 2017 en Filadelfia.
Nun ataque de oito rolda, peso pesado Joe Hanks (22-2, 14 Kos) de Newark, NJ loitará Nick Guivas (14-9-2, 9 Kos) de Topeka, Kansas.
En brotes de seis rolda:
Colby Madison (5-0-1, 4 Kos) de Owings Mills, Maryland loitará
Dante Selby (2-3-1) Philadelphia, nun ataque pesado.
Blake Mansfield (5-1-1, 3 Kos) de Burlington, NC loitará Darryl Bunting (3-2-2, 1 KO) de Asbury Park, NJ nunha inclinación medios.
Chiase Nelson (6-1, 3 Kos) de Mansfield, OH loitará Vincent Jennings (5-4-1, 4 Kos) de Grand Rapids, MI nunha batalla pluma.
En catro redondos bouts:
Michael Coffie (1-0, 1 KO) vai asumir pro estreando Nicoy Clarke de Jersey City, NJ nun ataque pesado.
Martino Jules (2-0) de Allentown, PA loitará Malik Loften (1-0, 1 KO) de SUITLAND, MD nun ataque dos penas.

Juan Sánchez (4-0, 1 KO) de Allentown, PA vai asumir Sergio Aguilar (2-6, 2 Kos) de Homestead, FL nun ataque dos penas.
Os ingresos para o evento en directo, que é promovido pola Promocións rei, custa $50, $75 e $100, non incluíndo encargos de servizo aplicables e os impostos e están á venda. Os billetes están dispoñibles no www.ticketmaster.com. Para cargar por teléfono Ticketmaster (800) 745-3000.





LOS ANGELES – A flyweight feature fight pitting renowned boxing champions Heather Hardy (1-1) contra Ana Julaton (2-3) has been added to the main card of Bellator 194: Nelson vs. Mitrione en Venres, Febreiro 16 no MOHEGAN Sun Arena en Uncasville, Conner. The event will air live and free on Paramount Network at 9 p.m. E.




The bout will be the first part of a dual event scenario in which the fighters are also expected to compete in a boxing match at a later date. While the MMA bout will be held under the Bellator banner, DiBella Entertainment and Orion Sports Management will handle promotional duties for the boxing event.




Os ingresos para Bellator 194: Nelson vs. Mitrione are available now and can be purchased at the Mohegan Sun Arena Box Office, as well as Ticketmaster and Bellator.com. The event will be broadcast live and free on Paramount Network at 9 p.m. E/8 p.m. CT, mentres que a acción preliminar pode transmitir en Bellator.com e globalmente no bellator Mobile App. Additional contests will be announced in coming weeks.




Making her third appearance inside the Bellator MMA cage, Hardy hopes to duplicate the game plan that earned her an impressive knockout win over Alice Yauger in her professional debut at Madison Square Garden. Hailing from Brooklyn, N.I., Hardy built an imposing boxing resume prior to joining forces with Bellator, where she collected a pair of titles in multiple weight classes, including the WBC International Female Super Bantamweight belt and WBC International Female Featherweight belt. “The Heat” protected an unblemished mark of 20-0 through a five-year stint inside the boxing ring.




An accomplished professional boxer herself, Julaton also brings a unique style to the Bellator cage as she prepares for just her sixth career MMA bout. The former WBO and IBA super bantamweight world champion made the transition to mixed martial arts in May of 2014, collecting a convincing knockout over Aya-Saeid Saber. Since making her professional MMA debut, “The Hurricane” has competed for multiple world-renown promotions and trains alongside Bellator Heavyweight World Grand Prix competitor Frank Mir en Las Vegas.




Actualizado Bellator 194: Nelson vs. Mitrione Fight Card:



Heavyweight World Grand Prix First Round Bout: Roy Nelson (23-14) vs. Matt Mitrione (12-5)



Co-Main leve Evento: Patricky “Pitbull” (18-8) vs. Derek Campos (19-6)



Women’s Flyweight Feature Bout: Heather Hardy (1-1) vs. Ana Julaton (2-3)




Bellator.com and Bellator Mobile App Preliminary Card:



Lightweight Preliminary Bout: Marcus Surin (4-1) vs. Dean Hancock (3-1)



Lightweight Preliminary Bout: Ross Richardson (Pro Debut) vs. Nick Giulietti (Pro Debut)



165-lb. Catchweight Preliminary Bout: Peter Nascimento (Pro Debut) vs. Kastriot Xhema (1-1)



Featherweight Preliminary Bout: Regivaldo Carvalho (4-2) vs. Tom English (6-8)


Sampson Boxeo Pinturas acordo promocional con panameña Rising Star José 'El Magnifico’ Núñez

Promotor Sampson Lewkowicz de Sampson Boxeo orgullosos anuncia a sinatura invicto panameño José leve “o Magnífico” Núñez.
19-year-old Nunez is considered one of the most exciting Panamanian prospects to watch. He was awarded the title of “Prospect do ano 2017” pola prensa do seu país e da Comisión de Panamá Boxing.
Orixinalmente de Curundu Panamá, Núñez comezou a loitar coa idade temperá de 10, ten un record invicto de 5-0 como un profesional.
“Estou moi grata que o Sr. Sampson vai promover a miña carreira como loitador profesional. Agora é a miña vez de demostrar a el e os outros que eu vin a este deporte para ser o mellor e gañar o mellor,” said Nunez.
Director e adestrador José Murillo di que el é tamén feliz con novo contrato do novo loitador.
“Estamos ben conscientes de que o Sr. Lewkowicz is and what he is able to accomplish for Nunez and we can´t be more confident that he is in the best hands possible. What Sampson promises, Sampson ofrece. Temos plena confianza de que tomamos a decisión correcta asinar este acordo.”
“É unha gran honra traballar con outro panameño, como eu fixen con campións mundiais ex Anselmo “Chemito” Moreno e Roberto “A Araña” Vasquez,” Sampson dixo Lewkowicz. “Estou seguro de que José se fará outro campión do mundo da súa calidade.”
Núñez está programa para aparecer na súa primeira loita internacional sobre Febreiro 9, en Santa Fe, Arxentina, contra Lucio Alberto Ayala de Bos Aires. A loita está a ser promovido por Sampson Boxeo, Tello-Box e JEB Boxing e será televisado canaleta TYC Sports e VTV Uruguai.

2016 medalhista olímpico de bronce Nico Hernandez totalmente recuperado e ansioso para ir na 1ª loita polo título

“KO Night Boxing: ouro & gloria” para
vago título contrapeso IBA Américas vs. József Ajtai
Febreiro. 10 en Hartman Arena, en Park City, KS
PARK CITY, Kansas (Xaneiro 22, 2018) – 2016 medalla de bronce olímpico e heroe da cidade Nico Hernández recuperouse totalmente dunha lesión que adiou a decembro 2nd loitar para Saturdeay, Febreiro 10, contra o campión húngaro József “Little Red” Ajtai no evento principal oito redonda á praza Asociación Internacional de Boxeo (IBA) Título contrapeso Américas, a atracción principal do “KO Night Boxing: ouro & gloria” tarxeta, en Hartman Arena, en Park City, Kansas.
“KO Night Boxing: ouro & gloria” é unha presentación de KO Night Boxing LLC., en asociación con Hartman Arena, e patrocinado en parte pola Park City (KS), Twister Cidade Harley-Davidson e metro PCS.
A acción será gravado en directo para o futuro exhibición na CBS Sports Network.
A 22-year-old Hernández (3-0, 2 Kos), loitando fóra de Wichita, sufriu unha lesión non revelada que o obrigou a retirarse do decembro. 2nd loita. Nin Hernandez nin o promotor, John Andersen (KO Night Boxing, LLC), revelaron calquera detalles sobre a lesión de Nico para evitar dar o seu adversario calquera vantaxe posible acadar no arena.
“Eu me sinto ben, listo para loitar,” Hernandez commented. “Queriamos ter seguro de que eu estaba libre de lesións e estou 100 por cento. I’m going to do whatever is needed to win this fight. Fighting for my first title means a lot to me. I didn’t think it would happen this fast. I want everybody to see that I can be competitive with the best in my division. Unha vitoria 10 de febreiro me vai hai moito máis preto.

“Meu adversario como corre moito e é rápido, so I need to have my legs under me. Other than that, aínda, I should be okay. He has fought some good guys. I can’t wait to get in the ring in front of my fans.
Ajtai (19-9, 12 Kos), que é de un ano e seis días máis novo do que Hernández, xa loitou en cinco loitas polo título. Tamén foi a distancia completa 10 rodada, aínda que de unha perda por decisión en 2016, a dúas veces medalhista de ouro olímpico Shiming Zou, o ex Organización Mundial de Boxeo (WBO) campión mundial peso mosca. Loitando na cidade natal do seu opoñente non é un problema para Ajtai, que ten ampla experiencia de estrada de loitar como profesional en Estados Unidos, Reino Unido, España, Alemaña, Ucraína e Eslovaquia.
“Nico non vai saber onde vou estar no arena,” Ajtai previsto. “Cando mira para a esquerda para min, Eu irei a dereita; cando intenta me atopar á dereita, Eu estarei á esquerda. Cando quere descansar, Vou presentar perforando; cando quere dar un zócolo, non me vai atopar.
“Eu teño un plan para esta loita e eu estou seguro que fai tan ben. Pero, no anel, único plan de un loitador pode ter éxito. Vai ser unha loita boa, pero eu non podo prometer ao público que Nico será o gañador.”
“Estou animado que Nico é 100 por cento saudable para esta loita,” Andersen dixo. “Non poderiamos estar máis felices para levar esta gran loita, e moitos máis a medida que avanzamos, para a gran cidade de Wichita.”
No caso de co-featured de seis rolda, Minneapolis welterweight Javonte Starks (13-2, 7 Kos), un ex-Campión Nacional futuras estrelas como un afeccionado, asume loitador mexicano veterano Cesar Soriano (28-36-1, 17 Kos), o ex-campión peso FECARBOX.
Prometedora Milwaukee perspectiva Middleweight Júnior Akeem negro (3-1, 1 KO) faces pro-debuting Derrick Clayton, loitando fóra de Bakersfield (TAL), no catro roldas apertura televisado.
Wichita medios Jeff Sturm (1-0) atopa rival cross-estado Brian Clements (0-0-1), de Toledo, no catro rolda ataque TV balance.
Tamén loitando na tarxeta baixo Washington D.C.. peso-pesado Maurice “Freight Train” Brerm (13-2-1, 9 Kos) batallas de 300 libras Kansas City (MO) inimigo Richard “Silverback” Carmack (15-12-1, 12 Kos) nunha partida de seis rolda. Un par de catro rounders atopar invicto Bakersfield perspectiva welterweight Júnior Miguel contraeras (5-0, 4 Kos) xogando abaixo co seu adversario Georgia, Archie Wey (2-9), e medio-medio Júnior California Chazz Macias está programa para facer a súa estrea contra un opoñente a ser determinado.
Os ingresos estarán á venda mañá (Martes, Outubro. 24 @ 10 a.m. CT) na taquilla Hartman Arena e http://www.ticketmaster.com/local / 50551?Marca = Hartman. Os prezos son $115.00 (VIP), $75.00, $50.00, $35.00, $25.00 e $20.00 (prezos teñen taxas de servizo). Student tickets are available – xardín de infancia ata a facultade – para $15.00 dólares, pero só se venden na área. Identificación estudante é correspondido.
Este é un todo-idades amosar. As portas abren ás 5:00 p.m. CT coa loita de apertura prevista na 6:00 p.m. CT.
Chilro: @KONightBoxing, @IBABoxing
Facebook: /NeonStar, /IBABoxing
Estes @Nicomhernandez en Twitter e Instagram

Undefeated Bantamweight sensation Christian Carto takes on James Smith in headlining bout on Friday, March 2nd at The SugarHouse Casino in Philadelphia

Filadelfia, Penn. (Xaneiro 22, 2018)–Popular and undefeated bantamweight Christian Carto will headline a packed night of boxing when he takes on James Smith in an eight-round bout on Venres, 02 marzo en The SugarHouse Casino en Filadelfia.
A tarxeta é promovido pola Promocións rei.
Carto of Philadelphia has a record of 13-0 con 11 nocautes. O 21 year-old has established himself as one of the top prospects in Philadelphia, and the popular Carto continues to draw large and enthusiastic crowds to his fights.
Carto, who had a very active 2017 as he mustered seven victories and has a signature win over Alonso Melendez (14-1). Carto is coming off an eight-round unanimous decision over Luis Fernando Saavedra on December 1st at The SugarHouse Casino.
This will be Carto’s 7th appearance at The SugarHouse Casino.
Smith of Detroit has a record of 12-1 with seven knockouts.
O 27 year-old is a seven-year professional, who won his first 11 extremos, which was highlighted by a win over Olimjon Nazarov (14-2).
After suffering his lone defeat, Smith won his last bout as he stopped Yaqub Kareem on August 4, 2017 en Detroit.
In an eight-round all-Philadelphia super middleweight bout, Christopher Brooker (12-5, 5 Kos) batalla Jamaal Davis (16-12-1, 7 Kos).
Nun ataque de oito rolda, Tyrone Crawley, JR. (7-0) of Philadelphia takes on Anthony Mercado (10-3, 9 Kos) of Arecibo, PR in a super lightweight bout.
David González (8-2-2, 2 Kos) de Filadelfia loitará Victor Vazquez (9-3, 3 Kos) de Yonkers, NY in a super lightweight contest.
Invicto Marcus Bates (8-0-1, 6 Kos) de Washington, DC will take on an opponent to be named in a eight-round super bantamweight fight.
Carlos Rosario (7-3, 4 Kos) de Pennsauken, NJ will square off with Seifullah Wise (3-4, 1 KO) of Philadelphia in a super featherweight fight.
Darius Ervin (4-1) of Los Angeles tangles with Jesus Perez (3-0, 1 KO) of Reading, PA in a super lightweight fight.
Jerrod Miner (1-1, 1 KO) of Philadelphia fights Rondarrius Hunter (1-2, 1 KO) of Atlanta in a four-round super flyweight bout.
Os billetes están á venda por $100, $75, $50, and can be purchased at SugarHouseBoxing.eventbrite.com.