Yorliq Archives: joylashtirish


Love Replaces Injured Wellington Romero In Telecast Opener At 10 p.m. VA/Sloan yilda WinnaVegas Casino Resort PT, Ayova
NYU YORK (Jan. 30, 2018) – super engil Mag'lubiyatsiz Montana Love Filadelfiya istiqbolini chiziqlari duch keladi Sam SeAH in the opening bout of ShoBox: The New Generation this Juma, Feb. 2, yashash NAMOYISH VAQTI (10 p.m. VA/PT) ushbudan boshlab: WinnaVegas Casino Resort ichida Sloan, Ayova.

Klivlend ona Love, who was originally scheduled to fight on a non-televised undercard bout on Feb. 2, Vellington Romero o'rnini, who was forced to withdraw dushanba kuni with a back injury.
Ha (12-1-1, 5 KOS) va boshqalar. Sevgi (8-0, 4 KOS), is an eight-round super lightweight matchup that will serve as the opening bout of what is now a three-fight ShoBox telecast.
Yilda Juma ning asosiy voqea, Mag'lubiyatsiz 168-funt istiqbollari Ronald Ellis (14-0-1, 10 KOS) va Junior Younan (13-0, 9 KOS) will clash in a 10-round super middleweight bout. CO-xususiyati, Thomas Mattice (10-0, 8 KOS) will face two-time ShoBox winner Rolando Chinea (15-1-1, 6 KOS) Sakkiz-davra engil matchup ichida.
ESLATMA: A previously announced matchup between Devin Haney and Harmonito Dela Torre was pulled from the ShoBox telecast after the Filipino Dela Torre encountered visa issues.
olingan kim Love muvaffaqiyatli havaskor edi 174-13 rekord va bir bronza medalni qo'lga kiritdi 2012 National Golden Gloves Championships. The 22-year-old southpaw recently sparred with Adrien Broner and served as head sparring partner for Robert Easter Jr. IBF yengillashtirilgan jahon chempioni yanvarda Xaver Fortuna qarshi nom himoya uchun tayyorlangan bo'lib,. 20.
Ha, Filadelfiya Liberiya yo'li bilan, has won five in a row and owns a 2015 ShoBox victory over previously undefeated O’Shaquie Foster.
Tadbir Roc Nation sport bilan birgalikda GH3 aktsiyalar tomonidan targ'ib qilinadi, g'alaba Aktsiyalar, va ring Chipta. Chipta faqat bor $10 general admission prior to the event and $20 bo'yicha Feb. 2. For more information call: 1.800.HOT.WINN Ext. 7117.
Barry Tompkins will call the ShoBox action from ringside with Steve Farhood and former world champion Raul Marquez serving as expert analysts. ijro etuvchi ishlab chiqaruvchi Richard GAUGHAN ishlab chiqarish va Rick Phillips yo'naltirish bilan Gordon Hall emas.
# # #
Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun www.sho.com/sportsTwitter @ShowtimeBoxing ustida amal, SHOSports, #ShoBox, yoki Facebookda bir fan da bo'lib www.Facebook.com/SHOSports.

Ikki-bo'limi jahon chempioni Beibut Shumenov uning qaytish e'lon

Astana, Qozog'iston (Yanvar 29, 2018) – Ikki-bo'limi Jahon boks assotsiatsiyasi (WBA) Jahon chempioni Shumenov Beibu o'z ona Qozog'istonda bo'lib o'tgan matbuot anjumanida o'z qaytish bugun e'lon.
“Men bu qaror qabul qilishdan oldin juda uzoq vaqt o'yladim,” Shumenov tushuntirdi. “jo'nadilar barcha ijobiy va salbiy tomonlari ega, mening oila va jamoa bilan konsalting tashqari, Men qat'iy professional boks qaytish uchun qaror qildik. Oldinda ishlar ko'p, ammo bizning maqsadimiz ravshan. Meni qo'llab-quvvatlaydigan ayting kishilar o'z minnatdorligimni bildiraman. Men yana yangiliklar va xalqqa mening qaytish batafsil bilan sanaga hammani yuqoriga davom etadi.”
Las-Vegas asoslangan Shumenov (17-2, 11 KOS), a 2004 Qozog'iston ulug'vor, tufayli, ko'z shikastlanishi o'tgan iyun nafaqaga, Uni majbur uning WBA cruiserweight dunyo unvonini bermoq uchun.
“Men faoliyatimni to'xtatish uchun qaror nega sizga deyapman.” Shumenov bugungi Ko'rgazmalar anjumanida e'lon. “Mening ko'z jarohatlanish mening qaror ta'sir. Charchoq va hissiy kuchlanish to'plangan. Men faqat bir oromgohda zarur. Hozir, Men tuzalib, va men boks faoliyatini davom ettirish uchun ketyapman. Muzokaralar endi mening keyingi kurash uchun amalga oshirilmoqda.”

Shumenov ham ularga o'z yuksaklikka erishish yordam berish uchun Qozog'istonda yosh bolalar uchun Qozog'istonda mahalliy pro boks dasturini ishlab chiqish uchun bir qozoq guruhi bilan ishlash, deb vahiy.
faqat uning 10 pro kurashda, Shumenov engil vazn toifasida jahon chempioni uchun eng kam-jang rekordini tashkil 10 yil avval, U decisioned qachon Gabriel Campillo Las-Vegas.
Shumenov uning oxirgi kurashda Qozog'iston faqat ikki-bo'limi jahon chempioni bo'ldi, u to'xtadi qachon Junior Rayt ichida 10th ularning may davra 2, 2016 sarlavha kurash, WBA Cruiserweight jahon chempionati qo'lga.
34 yoshli Shumenov kasbiy faoliyati davomida, U to'rt jahon chempioni mag'lub etdi (Campillo, Bayron Mitchell, William Joppy va Montell Griffin), shuningdek etti dunyo nom qatnashchilari (Epifanio Mendoza, Vlacheslav Uzelkov, Danny Santyago, Enrike Ornelas, Tomash Kovacs, BJ Flores va uka Raytlar).

Twitter @Beibut_Shumenov, Instagram – @BeightShumenov, Facebook – BeibutShumenov / Fanpage.

Narva IBF Intercontinental chempionati uchun, Olivia Gerula Yuzma Star Elena Gradinar Rising, Estoniya, mart kuni 24

ayol yulduzi Rising, Sankt-Peterburg Elena Gradinar, Rossiya, u sobiq jahon chempioni Olivia oladi qachon uning professional pog'onasida birinchi chempionlik kamari uchun bellashadi “Predator” IBF Intercontinental tuklar chempionati uchun Gerula.
10-tur Gradinar kabilar. Gerula jang bo'lib o'tadi Shanba, Qadam tashlamoq 24, Narva Energia Sport zalida, Estoniya.
Mag'lubiyatsiz 27 yoshli Gradinar (8-0, 2 KOS) ketdi 73-8 amatör sifatida, ko'p milliy va xalqaro havaskor turnirlarni g'alaba. Gradinar ham Rossiya Sport ustasi yo'nalishlarini kasb etdi.
Yaxshi-hurmat va professional amalga, gerula, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Kanada, Sobiq WBC Jahon Ayol super tuklar chempioni va ikki muvaffaqiyatli himoya qildi. U, shuningdek, yaxshi-hurmat WIBA jahon chempionati bo'lib o'tdi.
“Men sobiq WBC jahon chempioni, Olivia Gerula qarshi IBF Intercontinental kamar uchun kurashish juda xursandman,” Said Gradinar. “We will bring for boxing fans a dramatic and exiting clash between us. Men mamlakatni Rossiya vakili deb juda faxrlanaman va men IBF Intercontinental kamar Sit, ulug'vor Rossiya shahrida istiqomat topasiz, deb umid qilamiz. Peterburg!”
“Men kelib, nima haqida juda hayajondaman. I look forward to visiting Estonia and soaking up some of its culture while proudly representing Canada,” Olivia Gerula dedi. “Men Elena ta'sirchan havaskor rekord va bir Mag'lubiyatsiz professional rekord bor bilaman, lekin men u hech mening sifati va tajriba kurashchi bilan halqa bo'ldi ishonmayman, Bas, men bir narsani chayqash kutish.”
Gerula ning hamraisi Promouter Dmitriy Salita, Rossiya asoslangan Aleksandr Nevskiy Rivojlantirish guruhi bilan birga, Gerula kurash professional safiga Gradinar ning o'tish haqida ko'p bo'ladi, deydi.
“Bu Elenaning yosh pog'onasida eng og'ir sinov bo'ladi,” Said Word. “Olivia Gerula Bo'limdagi ko'plab oliy darajadagi ayol jangchilarni jang va ketgan. Men bir katta kurash uchun qidiraman va, g'alaba bilan, Bizning kelajak jahon chempioni davom rivojlantirish.”

Subriel Matías and Alfredo Santiago are set to face world title challengers on February 17 in Fajardo,PR

Fajardo, Puerto-Riko – After a successful 2017, WBA #15, Alfredo "Ko'z’ Santiago and blue chip prospect, Subriel Matías Matthew, will be defending their respective undefeated records on Shanba, Fevral 17, 2018 at the Municipal Equestrian Park of Fajardo,PR as part of a card promoted by Fresh Productions.



Matías (8-0, 8 KO), will face Colombian and former world title challenger, Daulis Prescott (31-6, 23 KO) bir 10 rounds bout at the junior welterweight division.



Yilda 2012, Prescott had the precious opportunity to fight for a world title against Jamaican, Nicholas Walters, who beat the brave Colombian by TKO in the seventh round in a match held in Jamaica.



O'z navbatida, Alfredo Santiago (8-0, 2 KO), will measure forces against former world title contender, Juan José Montes (25-6-2, 15 KO) Meksika, bir 10 rounds fight in the maximum weight of 133 funt.



Montes, was a world title challenger in 2011, when he faced former WBC champion, Tomas Rojas, who retained his belt by technical knockout in the eleventh round in Mexico.



We are bringing good fights because they are very experienced opponents for Santiago and Matías so that the fans can have a good action evening in Fajardo. Here we care about the proper development of the fighters and at the same time, that provide exciting fights in that process. ‘Ojoand Subriel have proved to be on another level. They have already beaten former Olympians, prospects and contenders, and that same quality is what you will get on February 17. My fighters have to fight, and fight hardsaid Fresh Productions promoter, Juan Orengo.



Campaigning at lightweight division, Santiago, native of Moca, Dominika Respublikasi, uch buyuk g'alaba bor: Sobiq Meksika ulug'vor, Arturo Santos Reyes, world contender Jayson ‘La MaravillaVelez and the always seasoned, Andres Somon’ Navarro.



Junior welterweight Matías Matthew, defeated in his fourth professional fight and against all odds, the rising prospect, Jeffrey Fontánez from Caguas in a crowed brawl that ended up with a technical knockout in the second round.



Uning oxirgi taqdimot, held last November at Hotel Jaragua at Dominican Republic, Matto Matias, scored a technical knockout in the second round over former Olympian, Patrick Lopez from Venezuela.


Chiptalar ($ 20 va $ 25) available at PRticket.com yoki qo'ng'iroq orqali 787-303-0334.

Undefeated cruiserweight world champions Oleksandr Usyk vs. Mairis Briedis opens World Boxing Super Series semifinals

Undefeated cruiserweight world champions
Oleksandr Usyk vs. Mairis, kiyik
World Boxing Super Series semifinals
Faqat SUPER telekanalida

Mairis, kiyik (L) & Oleksandr Usyk
(photo courtesy of World Boxing Super Series)
Edmonton, Kanada (Yanvar 27, 2018) — Thenbeaten cruiserweight world champions Oleksandr “Mushuk” Usyk va Mairis, kiyik open the entertaining World Boxing Super Series (WBSS) semifinals today in Latvia, da boshlangan 2 p.m. VA, live exclusively on Super Channel in Canada.

Super Channel MP dan Jahon boks Super Series adabiyot uchun Kanadada maxsus huquqlarni sotib & Silva, media huquqlarini ta'minlovchi etakchi xalqaro media kompaniyasi, raqamli, texnologiyasi va homiylik xizmatlar.
Usyk (13-0, 11 KOS), the World Boxing Organization (WBO) Cruiserweight World Champion is a
two-time Ukrainian Olympian, who captured gold medals at the 2012 Olympics and 2011 Jahon chempionatlari, twice defeating current International Boxing Federation (IBF) Engil vazn toifasida Jahon chempioni Artur Beterbiev, the two-time Russian Olympian now based in Montreal.
I am going to entertain the crowd at the Arena Riga,” Usyk said. “That I can promise! I have worked on some new thing and Shanba you will see what I’m talking about.
Briedis (23-0, 18 KOS), Jahon boks kengashi (WBC) Cruiserweight World Champion, will be fighting in his hometown in front of an expected crowd of 10,000.
My team is doing everything to take pressure off my shoulders,” Briedis commented. “We are just concentrating on the fight. My dream is to deliver a fight that can go into the Boxing Hall of Fame.
The Usyk-Briedis world title unification winner will advance to the WBSS championship final in May to fight the winner of the other WBSS semifinals match, Feb. 3 Rossiyada, between IBF World Champion Murod “Temir” Gassiev (25-0, 18 KOS) and WBA World Champion Yunier “KO doktori” Dorticós (21-0, 20 KOS).
Five exciting fights on theUsyk vs. Briedis” karta, promoted by Sauerland Event, will air in Canada exclusively on Super Channel.
Asosiy voqea – 12 Turdan – WBSS SEMIFINALS
Oleksandr “Mushuk” Usyk (13-0, 11 KOS), WBO Champion, Rossiya (90,4 kg (199.3 lbs.)
va boshqalar.
Mairis, kiyik (23-0, 18 KOS), WBC Champion, Latviya 90,3 kg (199.1 lbs.)
Noel Gevor (23-1, 10 KOS), Germany by way of Armenia
va boshqalar.
Olanrewaju Durodola (27-4, 25 KOS), 2008 Marhamatli, Nigeria
Yoann Kongolo (10-0, 4 KOS), Shveytsariya, Chempion
va boshqalar.
Andrejs Pokumeiko (15-12-1, 11 KOS), Latviya
Og'ir – 8 Turdan
Filip Hrgovic (2-0, 2 KOS), 2016 Olympic bronze medalist, Xorvatiya
va boshqalar.
Tom Little (10-4, 3 KOS), Birlashgan Qirollik
CRUISERWEIGHT – 8 Turdan (Bellashuv Swing)
Nikolais Grisunins (6-0-1, 3 KOS), Latviya
va boshqalar.
Jozsef Darmos (8-1-1, 7 KOS), Vengriya
(Barcha jang va jangchilar o'zgarishi tortiladi)
Barcha WBSS yarim final va chempionat jang ham mavjud bo'ladi Super Channel ehtiyojni.
Super Channel yirik boks bo'yicha tadbirlar yashaydi namoyish 2017 va shu kabilar Çayı'nı kabi. Spence Jr., Pacquiao-surga, Eubank, Jr. va boshqalar. Abraham, Lomachenko vs.Marriaga, Crawford kabilar. Indongo va Smit va shu kabilar. Williams II.
jonli barcha jahon boks Super Series harakatni kuzatib borish uchun, shuningdek yana qiziqarli boks kelish sifatida, Super Channel va barcha bu takliflar obuna ularning mahalliy kabel provayderga murojaat mumkin Kanadada muxlislarini jang, Premium seriyali, shu jumladan,, filmlar va yana bir qancha, kabi past uchun $9.95 oyiga.
Jahon boks Super Series yarim finalda KALENDAR REJASI
Yanvar 27, Riga Arena, Riga, Latviya – WBO / WBC birlashtirish
Oleksandr “Mushuk” Usyk (13-0, 11 KOS), WBO World Champion, Ukraina – Ring #1
va boshqalar.
Mairis, kiyik (23-0, 18 KOS), WBC jahon chempioni, Latviya – Ring #3
Fevral 3, Bolshoy Muz gumbazi, Sochi, Rossiya – IBF/WBA Unificatiion
Murod “Temir” Gassiev (25-0, 18 KOS), IBF jahon chempioni, Rossiya – Ring #2
va boshqalar.
Yunier “KO doktori” Dorticós (21-0, 20 KOS), WBA jahon chempioni, Kuba – Ring #5
Fevral 17, Manchester, Maydon, Manchester, UK – WBA / IBO birlashtirish
“Muqaddas” George Groves (27-3, 20 KOS), WBA jahon chempioni, Birlashgan Qirollik – Ring #2
va boshqalar.
Chris “Keyingi Gen” Eubank Jr. (26-1, 20 KOS), IBO jahon chempioni, Birlashgan Qirollik – Ring #4
Fevral 24, Arena Nürnberger sug'urta, Tbilisi, Germaniya
Juergen Braehmer (49-3 35 KOS), Germaniya – Ring #10
(sobiq WBO & WBA Light og'ir vazn toifasida jahon chempioni)
va boshqalar.
Callum “dunyo” Smith (23-0, 17 KOS), Birlashgan Qirollik – Ring #3
(WBC Diamond Super Middleweight chempioni)
About Super Channel
Super Channelis a national premium pay television network, consisting of four HD channels, four SD channels, and Super Channel On Demand.
Super Channel’s mission is to entertain and engage Canadian audiences by providing a unique and exclusive entertainment experience. With a core foundation of integrity and accountability, we dedicate ourselves to implementing innovative programming strategies and unparalleled team work that provides viewers with exceptional value and variety.
Super Channel is owned by Allarco Entertainment 2008 Inc., an Edmonton-based media company.
Super Channel is currently available on Bell TV, Shaw Direct, Rogers Anyplace TV, Shaw Cable, Cogeco Cable, Access Communications, Bell Alliant TV, Source Cable, SaskTel, MTS, Novus, EastLink, TELUS, Videotron, Westman Communications and other regional providers.
Connect with Super Channel:
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Younan Faces Fellow Unbeaten Ronald Ellis In Main Event Of ShoBox: Yangi avlod, Keyingisi Juma, Feb. 2 Live SHOWTIME®


“After you see me fight, you’re going to remember what you saw.” – Junior Younan


Photo Kredit: Roc Nation Sport


Watch, Ko'rinish & Hissa orqali YouTube: http://s.sho.com/2nirQJI


NIMA: SHOWTIME Sports delivers a behind-the-scenes look into the life and training camp of undefeated super middleweight prospect Junior Younan as he prepares to face fellow unbeaten Ronald Ellis in the main event of ShoBox: Yangi avlod keyingisi Juma, Feb. 2, da showtime yashash 10 p.m. VA/PT from WinnaVegas Casino in Sloan, Ayova.


Ellis (14-0-1, 8 KOS), Linn, Mass., and Brooklyn’s Younan (13-0, 9 KOS) will clash in the 10-round main event of a four-fight telecast that features eight fighters with a combined record of 113-3-3.


The Brooklyn-born Younan is a former amateur standout who was dubbed by The New York Times as “a boxing prodigy” as a 10-year-old. And while he’ll face the toughest opponent of his career on Feb. 2, he’s confident he has the pedigree and talent to become a world champion.


“I love being in that spotlight, putting on a show and hearing the fans,"Dedi. “There’s nothing like it. I definitely think I can be the face of the super middleweight division.


“After you see me fight, you are going to remember what you saw. Bu mening vaqti. This might not be a world title yet, but this is my first step.”


He added: “I don’t think there’s anything I can’t handle. 2018 should definitely be an interesting year. This is my breakout year.”


Ronald Ellis Camp Notes

Ellis Faces Fellow Undefeated Super Middleweight Prospect Junior Younan Keyingi juma ShoBox asosiy tadbirda: Yangi avlod

Juma, Feb. 2 Live On SHOWTIME® At 10 p.m. VA/PT
Sloan bilan WinnaVegas Casino, Ayova

NYU YORK (Jan. 26, 2018) – Undefeated super middleweight Ronald Ellis is preparing in Los Angeles for his main event matchup against fellow undefeated Junior Younan that headlines a ShoBox: The New Generation quadrupleheader bo'yicha Juma, Feb. 2, da showtime yashash 10 p.m. VA/PT from WinnaVegas Casino in Sloan, Ayova.

Ellis (14-0-1, 10 KOS), Linn, Mass., and Brooklyn’s Younan (13-0, 9 KOS) will clash in the 10-round main event of a four-fight telecast that features eight fighters with a combined record of 113-3-3.

Ellis, who now calls Los Angeles home, has been working hard at the Iron Gym under the watchful eye of Jerry Rosenberg and his father Ronald Ellis Sr.

My camp has been solid. I have been getting good sparring. We have been training for Younan like he is any other opponent,” Ellis said.

In Younan, Ellis has an idea on what his foe will bring to the ring on Feb. 2.

I know he is a young and undefeated fighter,” dedi. “I have been reading some things where he says he is going to bring the fight to me. He seems like he likes to talk a lot, but that doesn’t do anything come fight night.

This will be the third ShoBox appearance for Ellis, as he is coming off an eight-round unanimous decision over Christopher Brooker last January. Ellis feels that his big fight resume will be the key against Younan.

My experience will definitely be an advantage,” Ellis said. “I have been here on ShoBox two times before. I will be relaxed and comfortable as we approach the fight. This is his first time. I expect him to be real hyper.

This is a natural progression for me. I went from fighting on the undercard of ShoBox, and now I am the main event. A win will get me world ranked and hopefully catapult me into theShanba night fights on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING. I know I can’t look ahead. I need to win first.

The event is promoted by GH3 Promotions and Roc Nation Sports in association with Victory Promotions and Ringside Ticket. Chipta faqat bor $10 general admission prior to the event and $20 bo'yicha Feb. 2. For more information call: 1.800.HOT.WINN Ext. 7117.

# # #

Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun www.sho.com/sportsfollow on Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, #ShoBox, yoki Facebookda bir fan da bo'lib www.Facebook.com/SHOSports.

ShoBox haqida: The New GenerationSince its inception in July 2001, olqishlar bilan kutib olingan kvplt_fan boks bo'yicha qator, ShoBox: Yangi avlod yosh iste'dod qattiq mos xususiyatli qildi. ShoBox falsafa hayajonli televizion dasturini ko'rsatmoq uchun,, Olomon-ma'qul va raqobatbardosh pas tayyor istiqbollari uchun isbot zamin ta'minlash esa jahon chempionligi uchun jang qilish uchun belgilangan. O'sib borayotgan ro'yxatida ba'zi 74 ShoBox paydo qilgan jangchilar dunyo unvonlari o'z ichiga oladi yig'ish uchun ilg'or: Errol Spence Jr., Andre Uord, Deontay Uaylder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr., Lamont Peterson, Gilermo Rigondeaux, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Fröch, Robert Guerrero, Timo'tiyga Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Xuan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Pol Uilyam va ko'proq.

FNU kurash sport Show: UFC & Bellator Recap / oldidan, Boks natijalari va Kutilayotgan og'rib

Tom, Toni va Rich yana birga qaytib do'koni gapirish, bu hafta bo'ladi. Biz hafta katta yangiliklar muhokama, va shu kabilar bir oz Patriotlar qilish. Burgutlar NFL ifloski munozarasi, va barcha o'tgan hafta boks va MMA hodisalarni Ichiga, Shanba kuni UFC va Bellator MMA kartalari dueling jumladan. Biz, shuningdek, bo'lajak voqealarni oldindan ko'rishni.


Bu yerda namoyish tinglash:


https://www.dropbox.com/s/tdcs95s0m6p3x6x/january252018show.mp3?dl = 0

KO Night Boxing signs “The Dragon” Popular Canadian junior welterweight Steve Claggett

Las Vegas, (Yanvar 25, 2018) — KO Night Boxing LLC announced it has signed popular Canadian junior welterweight Steve “The Dragon” Claggett eksklyuziv reklama shartnoma uchun.

The Las Vegas-based company also has 2016 Olympic bronze medalist and undefeated Wichita flyweight, Niko Ernandes (3-0), 2 KOS), among its growing stable of professional boxers.
The 28-year-old Claggett (26-4-1, 17 KOS), fighting out of Calgary, is a fan-favorite because of his aggressive, non-stop style. Since the ultra-aggressive Claggett moved back down one division to junior welterweight, Claggett is a perfect 3-0 (1 KO), including a pair of title-winning 10-round decisions over previously unbeaten opponents,Yves Ulysse, Jr. (14-0) bo'sh Xalqaro boks federatsiyasi uchun (IBF) North American super lightweight title, shu qatorda; shu bilan birga Emmanuel Robles (15-0-1) for the vacant World Boxing Association (WBA) NABA USA super lightweight crown.
I’m excited to be signed by John Andersen and KO Night Boxing,” Claggett said. “There were no guarantees (without a promoter). I’ve always had the talent but never the structure. I’ll have that now, garchi. It was always difficult making fights with long layoffs, dates falling through, and offers on short notice. I’ve only been able to show a little of what I’m capable. All I’ve ever wanted is a fair shake and this opportunity will allow me to show what I can do. This year is going to be big for me and KO Night Boxing.
I’m just approaching my prime. I’ve only been working with my trainer, Vlad Goldenstein, for a little more than a year, lekin men emasman 3-0 with him and have won two belts. Men eski-maktab qiruvchi emasman, action-packed and who brings the pace. This is a great for me and my boxing career.
We’re taking a big step in the right direction by signing Steve,” Claggett’s new promoter Andersen commented. “Hayajondaman. Steve deserves this opportunity and we’re going to deliver for him.
Steve is an action fighter, always coming forward, and he hasn’t been in a bad fight during the three years I’ve known him. He took a risk but really opened some eyes with his performance against Ulysse. What an accomplishment fighting an undefeated fighter in his backyard. He took a big risk and got a big win. And now he’s beaten the man (Ulysse) who has beaten the man (21-0 Cletus Seldin, WDEC10, Dec. 16, 2017 HBO bo'yicha). Steve’s undefeated on this run as a junior welterweight, beating two previously unbeaten opponents, and he deserves more recognition and a shot at a big fight.
Steve’s an animal in the squared circle and the farthest thing from it outside the ring,” Claggett’s manager Max Matheny qo'shilgan. “He has all the attributes of a champion. His boxing IQ and ability to adapt under pressure makes Claggett a serious challenge. He can beat anybody in the division on any given night. We’ve had a multitude of promotional offers to consider at the end of a strong 2017 and are very excited to align with KO Night Boxing. They are going to give us the opportunities to show the world how good ‘The Dragonreally is. His signature is turning into an autograph in 2018, mark my words.
The boxing irony is that Ulysse, not Claggett, is now world ranked. Considering the half-Chinese, half-European Claggett beat Ulysse in his Montreal hometown, Steve proved that he’ll fight anybody, har bir joyda, unlike many fighters who make that claim but don’t back it up. “Me and my team aren’t afraid to fight anybody,” he spoke about his most significant fight to date. “Bring it on! I’m willing to fight in hostile territory against an A-side fighter. We don’t pick and choose. Too many fighters pad their records, but that only upsets fans, and delays fights. I’m looking for tough fights to judge how much I’ve grown. I’d love to fight the top guys.
My fight with Ulysse was my biggest but not best fight. I thought I boxed a little robotic and fell back into some old habits. I’d give myself a B- for that fight. I got the win and put on a great show that was fast paced. Ulysse and Robles box, run and move. I’d like an opponent who comes to me, stays in the pocket, and fights. I know it’ll be a helluva fight.
Maybe Claggett’s next fight will be on a higher platform, ehtimol, against a legitimate fighter’s fighter like Steve.
Twitter: @KONightBoxing
Facebook: /NeonStar, /SteveClaggett
Follow Steve Claggett on Twitter and Instagram @SDragonC
About KO Night Boxing LLC
KO Night Boxing is an emerging combat sports promotional company whose core value isFighters First!” KO Night Boxing produces live events for CBS Sports Network. Follow us on Twitter @KONightBoxing.

Mis Downing Promotions looking for a big year in 2018

1st show to take place on March 10th at The Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City
Zudlik bilan tarqatish uchun
Atlantic City, Nyu-Jersi (Yanvar 25, 2018)–Mis Downing promotions is primed for a big year in 2018.
The New Jersey based promotion staged it’s inaugural events in Pennsylvania and New Jersey in 2017, and already has four dates on the schedule for 2018.
The 1st of those events will take place shanba kuni tun, March 10th at The Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City.
We are very excited for a great year of boxing,” said Mis Downing. “We have a tremendous event planned for March 10th where I will be co-promoting with Silver Spoon Promotions, and have Chazz Witherspoon in the main event. We have some of the best fighters in the area that will make up a great undercard.
The full card and ticket information for the March 10th show will be announced next week.
We have at least three more dates, and we want to feature great fights while providing the fans with terrific entertainment. We are also about to announce the signing of some terrific fighters that we plan to build and feature on our events. We are looking to bring a lot of shows to Atlantic City, and I want to congratulate the new mayor Frank Gilliam on his inauguration.
We are also looking forward to working with with Roy Jones, Jr. yana. In 2017,we did a great show co-promoting with him in August, and we already have a commitment to do another show with him in Atlantic City.
Mis Downing Promotions would like to thank their sponsors which includes The Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame, The Claridge Hotel, Fantasea Resorts, AEI Insurance, Urgent Response, HairX, Buy Smart Motors & New Vision Property Management.

Split-T rahbariyat yarim ortasiklet Duo, Poindexter ritsar & Bocachica Janelson Filadelfiyadagi Sugarhouse Casino Juma kechasi ekranda bo'lish

Filadelfiya, PA (Yanvar 23, 2018)–Bu juma night at The SugarHouse Casino, Filadelfiya o'z o'z Poindexter eng yorqin ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn istiqbollari ikki “Savage” ritsar, Jr. & Janelson Bocachica of Detroit will look to thrill the knowledgeable Philadelphia fight crowd as part of Evander Holyfield’s Real Deal Boxing Showcase Series.
ritsar (1-0, 1 KO) 2-vaqti Filadelfiya Oltin qo'lqop chempioni va 2017 Milliy Oltin qo'lqop chempioni u to'rt-tur uchun rejalashtirilgan bir Butning Iordaniya Morales kuni o'tadi, uning mamlakatni debyutini qilish bo'ladi.







The 22 yoshli shahri, bu yerda muxlislar oldida ekranda bo'lishi juda quvonchli bo'ladi.
“Men oila va do'stlar oldida mening ona shahrida jang qilish uchun juda hayajondaman,” said Knight. Friday Night you are going to see the next great fighter to come out of Philadelphia, PA, Poindexter ritsar!”
Bocachica (8-0, 5 KOS) 2-vaqti Michigan Oltin qo'lqop chempioni va 3 karra Milliy chempioni.
U Viktor Gaytán duch keladi.
The 19 yoshli faqat professional qaytdi 17 yoshli va sakkiz ta'sirli g'alaba tashkil g'amga qildi.
Detroyt boks boy shahardan bo'lish, Bocachica ham samimiy sevgi Siti ba'zi yangi muxlislarini qozonish uchun tayyor.
“Men Puerto Ricans tonna bor bor, chunki Filadelfiyadagi jang qilish uchun super xursandman, va men ularni keyingi Boricua boks Star ko'rishni istayman!” said Bocachica. “Men, albatta, Puerto-Riko ning keyingi katta narsa ko'rsatishi mumkin, shunday qilib, meni bu kartada jang bo'lishi uchun mening boshqaruvchisi va promotörünü surib!”

“Deb aytgan bilan, u go'yo bo'lsa Puerto Ricans yaxshi bo'lishi uchun bor bilaman!”
Har ikki jangchilar Evander Holyfield ning Real afzali boks tomonidan targ'ib va ​​Split-T boshqarish tomonidan boshqariladi.
Split-T rahbariyat David McWater Filadelfiya kurash sahnasida hech qanday begona emas, va u o'z jangchilar tomonidan ta'sirchan chiqishlari ular uchun nima biladi
“Orqaga kunda, Men Blue Horizon da boks tomosha qilish uchun Filadelfiya uchun har doim haydash uchun ishlatiladigan,” Said McWater. “The whole Philadelphia boxing scene was so special as you got to see boxing at its purest. Juma Kuni tun, Men, janglarini bahramand va Blue Horizon kunlaridan boshlab ko'rmagan boks namoyish kiyib, ikki kelajakda jahon chempioni ko'rasiz Sugarhouse Casino hamma bilan birga.”
Chipta eshik oldida mavjud bo'ladi $125, $75 & $50.
birinchi Butning : 7 pm