Tag Archives: boksas

Mėgėjų išsiskyrimas & „YouTube Star KSI“ treneris pasirengęs pasisukti

Kruizinis svoris Viddal Riley treniruotis su Jeffu ​​Mayweatheriu
Las Vegase
(Iš kairės į dešinę: „YouTube Star“ KSI & Treneris Viddal Riley)
Spauskite ČIA nuotraukoms iš „Team Riley“


LAS VEGAS (Liepa 3, 2018) – “Didžiausias „YouTube“ įvykis interneto istorijoje”, „YouTube“ žvaigždžių KSI ir Logano Paulo pasirodymas, gali iš tikrųjų pagaminti vieną potencialų pasaulio čempioną.




KSI vyriausiasis treneris ir JK mėgėjų boksas Viddal Riley po 49 kovų mėgėjų karjeros, kurioje buvo daugybė regioninių titulų ir sidabro medalio jaunių Europos čempionate, profesionalas taps kreiseriu.. Riley persikels į profesionalų gretas, o Jeffas Mayweatheris bus jo treneris. Jį valdys Ameras Abdallahas, kuris visų pirma dirba su dviejų divizionų pasaulio čempionu Badou Jacku.




“Nekantrauju pasinaudoti šia puikia proga tapti profesionalu ir pradėti šią kelionę globojant Jeffui Mayweatheriui,” - pasakė Riley. “Laive turėdamas Amer Abdallah užpildau pasitikėjimą, kad galime perimti kreiserio svorio diviziją ir padaryti istoriją.”




Riley neseniai kovo mėnesį lankėsi Las Vegase kartu su KSI, kur jis susitiko su Mayweatheriu „Mayweather“ bokso klube. Kol pagrindinis jo dėmesys buvo ruošiamas kovotojui labai lauktai kovai su Loganu Paulu, Riley pasinaudojo proga ir sparringavo su keliais vietiniais kreiseriais, įskaitant nepralenktą varžovą Andrių “Žvėris” Tabiti.




“Viddalio taupymas buvo tarsi žvilgsnis į veidrodį,” Sakė Tabiti. “Jis labai protingas, ir mane sužavėjo jo greitis ir jėga. Man labai įdomu matyti, kaip jis auga kaip profesionalus kovotojas.”




Mayweatherį iškart sužavėjo įgūdžiai, kuriuos jis matė iš Riley, “Manau, kad jis gali tapti pasaulio čempionu per labai trumpą laiką. Jis turi ypač greitas rankas ir sprogstamąją galią, bet labiausiai sužavėjo jo nuolatinis žinių troškulys.”




“Viddalis gali padaryti ilgalaikį poveikį šiai sporto šakai,” Sakė Abdallah. “Jis turi tiek įgūdžių, kad galėtų kelti didelį triukšmą bokse, tiek socialinę žiniasklaidą, kad galėtų susisiekti su milijonais. Tai reklamuotojo svajonė.”


„Box Fan Expo“ yra didžiausias gerbėjų patirties renginys, suteikiantis bokso gerbėjams galimybę susitikti ir pasveikinti geriausius kovotojus, dabartiniai ir buvę pasaulio čempionai, bokso įžymybės ir pramonės žmonės iš arti.
Bilietai parduodami dabar „EventBrite“

Las Vegasas (Liepa 3, 2018) – Triskart pasaulio čempionas Jessie Vargas patvirtino, kad jis pasirodys ir surengs susitikimą & Pasveikinkite su savo gerbėjais Las Vegaso konferencijų centras ketvirtam metiniam Dėžutės Ventiliatoriaus Expo " apie Šeštadienis rugsėjis 15, 2018 nuo 10 AM TO 5 PM, per Meksikos nepriklausomybės savaitgalį. „Boxing Expo“ taip pat sutaps su labai laukiamomis Sauliaus „Canelo“ revanšo rungtynėmis’ Alvarezas prieš Genadijų „GGG“’ Golovkin, kuris įvyks vėliau tą vakarą.




Vargas vėl pasirodys šių metų parodoje, kurioje jis pasirašys pirštines, nuotraukos ir prekės „Box Fan Expo“ parduotuvės stende nuo 11 AM iki 1 PM. Bokso gerbėjai taip pat turės puikią galimybę nusifotografuoti su šia bokso žvaigžde. Vargas ką tik atėjo iš įspūdingo pasirodymo mega kovoje, kurios rezultatas buvo lygus lyginant su Adrienu Broneriu praėjusį balandį „Barclays Center“ Brukline, Niujorkas.




Vargas yra Meksikos amerikiečių profesionalus boksininkas, buvęs dviejų svorio kategorijų pasaulio čempionas, surengęs WBA (reguliarus) ir IBO itin lengvo svorio titulai 2014 ir WBO pusvidutinio svorio titulą 2016.




Vargas prisijungia prie Eriko Moraleso ir Fernando Vargaso, prisiimdamas įsipareigojimus šių metų „Box Fan Expo“.

Apie „Box Fan Expo“
„Box Fan Expo“ sulaukė didžiulės sėkmės tarp gerbėjų ir bokso pramonės žmonių. Daugybė bokso žvaigždžių dalyvavo paskutinėse trijose parodose, tokiose kaip Floydas Mayweatheris, Mike'as Tysonas, Roberto Duran, Tommy Hearns, Marco Antonio Barrera, Roy Jonesas jaunesnysis, Marcos Maidana, Sergio Martinez, Keith Thurman, Danny Garcia, Timas Bradley, Deontay Wilder, Amir Khan, Shawn Porter, Fernando Vargas,, Zab Judas, Jamesas Tonis, Vinny kantrybė, Mikey Garcia , Mia St.Johns, Liūtas Santa Cruz, Badou Džekas, Kilpiniai Norrisas , Riddick Bowe , Earnie Skustuvai, Leonas Spinks, Danny Jacobs, Abneras Mares, Jorge Linares, Brandonas Riosas ir daugelis kitų…




Dalyviai, tokių kaip bokso pavara, drabužiai, nauja įranga, energetiniai gėrimai, alkoholio, papildyti produktus, transliuojanti žiniasklaida, sankcijas skiriančios institucijos ir kitos įmonės, norinčios dalyvauti, dar kartą turės galimybę gerbėjams parodyti savo prekės ženklą, žiniasklaida ir bokso pramonė.


Bilietus į lauką Fan Expo galima rasti internete adresu:





„Box Fan Expo“ yra didžiausias bokso gerbėjų patirties renginys, Tai leidžia gerbėjams susitikti ir pasveikinti šių dienų bokso superžvaigždes, dabartiniai ir buvę pasaulio čempionai, Sporto legendos ir kitos bokso įžymybės savo stende. Vietoje, gerbėjai patirs kitokią „Autograph Sessions“ veiklą, Fotosesijos, „FaceOff“ su mėgstamais bokseriais, taip pat galimybė įsigyti prekes ir atminimo daiktus iš jų stendo, plius daug daugiau… nenorite praleisti šios būtinos parodos!




„Box Fan Expo“ taip pat dalyvaus geriausios bokso organizacijos, rengėjai, žiedinės kortelės merginos, garsių trenerių ir komentatorių, taip pat bokso reikmenų kompanijų “Viskas po vienu stogu”.




Per ateinančius kelis mėnesius iki renginio, bus kas savaitę atnaujinama daugybė žvaigždžių, kurios pasirodys „Boxing Expo“ parodoje. Ir visiems bokso pramonės atstovams ar kitiems parodos dalyviams (ne pramonės), kurie norėtų dalyvauti ir rezervuoti stendą, susisiekite su „Box Fan Expo“:




Telefono numeris: (514) 572-7222 arba Las Vegaso numeris (702) 997-1927




Dėl bet kokių tyrimų rašykite: boxfanexpo@gmail.com




Daugiau informacijos apie dėžutė Fan Expo galima rasti: http://www.boxfanexpo.com




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ir "Facebook" tuo: https://www.facebook.com/BoxFanExpo

Andrey Fedosov returns with 1st round knockout in Phoenix

PHILADELPHIA, PENN / CHICAGO, ILL. (Liepa 2, 2018)–Heavyweight contender and Boxcino Heavyweight champion, Andrejus Fedosov (30-3, 25 Kos) returned to the ring with a 1st round stoppage over Francisco Mireles in Phoenix, Arizona.



Fedosov of Russia, made quick work of Mireles and will be back in the ring later this month.




It was great to have Andrey back in the ring,” said Artie Pelullo, Prezidentas Banner Akcijos, who along with Hitz Boxing, promote the 32 year-old Fedosov.




The heavyweight division is hot now with a lot of great opportunities, and with another win or two, we can see Andrey in a big fight.




I am happy that Andrey is back in the ring, and in a short time, he will be back in contention to compete for the heavyweight championship of the world,” said Bobby Hitz, President of Hitz Boxing.




Dėl nuolatinių mūsų kovotojų atnaujinimų, Renginiai, ir akcijos, prašau patikrinti Reklamjuostės akcijos „Facebook“ puslapis , ir seki mus toliau Instagram ir „Twitter“ @BannerBoxing

Jacobs Stops Cudjoe in First Round to Secure WBF Title

Ataskaita: Gianluca Di Caro



With temperatures soaring into the 30s in the UK most of the country seemed to be headed to the beaches, or watching the World Cup, however a huge contingent fans of the Pugilistic Arts had bigger and better things on their mind and instead headed to Essex for the Tommy Jacobs versus Bilal Mohammad World Boxing Foundation (WBF) International title fight, which was due to be supported by Iain Weaver versus Emmanuel Addo Professional Boxing Council (TSK) International Title clash at Charter Hall in Colchester.





However on their arrival they were greeted with the news that not only had Jacobsopponent had been changed to Godwin Cudjoe at the last minute but the aforementioned PBC title fight had been switched to a ten round non-championship contest in which Weaver would face Ghana’s Michael Barnor instead, as neither Mohammad or Addo had received their Visas in time.





With the Charter Hall literally rammed to the hilt Ghana’s Godwin Cudjoe made his way to the ring and received a very warm welcome from the fans, however as Jacobs began his ring-walk the decibel levels went through the roof, leaving no doubt it was the local hero Jacobs that they had come to support.





Right from the opening bell Jacobs and Cudjoe moved to centre ring and began to tentatively test the other with a series of good solid jabs, then around the thirty second mark Jacobs lets rip with an explosive right hand to the head, which he immediately backed up with another huge right to send the Ghanaian reeling backwards.





Cudjoe initially covered up before throwing a big solid jab, Jacobs responded in kind, before letting rip with another big right. Cudjoe boxed behind his jab to open up some room for a body shot, but as he goes to throw the shot Jacobs throws another big shot and starts to push the Ghanaian back towards the ropes.





With his man backed on the ropes Jacobs stepped forward and let rip with a series of big shots to force Cudjoe right back into his own corner before proceeding to let rip with big left and rights, culmination in a huge right to the head that sent the big Ghanaian to the deck.





Cudjoe bravely tried to make it to his feet but immediately dropped down onto his haunches, initially referee Lee Murtagh continued the count but then waived the contest off so that Cudjoe could receive attention from the medical team.





After a thorough medical check-over Cudjoe rose to his feet to applause from the crowd and then moved to centre ring in time for the MC result announcement and Championship belt presentation to Tommy Jacobs by World Boxing Foundation Supervisor Mr David Murphy.





Official time of the stoppage was one minute and eleven seconds of the first round.




Side note to this fight, the Judges for the WBF title fight were former British, European and WBU World Champion Wayne Alexander, former British and Commonwealth Heavyweight Champion Julius Francis and Ghana’s top International Championship referee and judge Roger Barnor.





As mentioned above Ferndown, Dorset’s Iain Weaver was due to be challenging Ghana’s Emmanuel Addo for the Professional Boxing Council (TSK) International Lightweight Crown, however as Addo hadn’t received his visa in time to travel over to the UK, Weaver instead had to be content with a non-Championship ten rounder against late replacement Michael Barnor.





Both boxers moved to centre ring on the opening bell and began exchanging testing shots in an attempt to wrestle control, initially it was single shots but after about twenty seconds or so Weaver started to let his shots flow, letting rip with combinations to body and head.





Barnor responds in kind, doubling up his jabs and shooting solid rights to the body of the Englishman. Initially Weaver steps back a touch and works behind his jab, before powering another stinging combination to the body and head of the Ghanaian.





Barnor throws caution to the wind and goes on an all out attack and throws a powerful jab followed closely by a big right hand and a double-handed shot to the body. Weaver weaves and bobs to avoid the shots landing solidly, before responding with a double-handed flurry.





Weaver then proceeded to drop his hands in an attempt to draw his opponent in, which he does, before shooting a looping shot into the face of the forward marching Ghanaian, quickly followed by a couple more solid rights.





Barnor kept marching forward behind some good solid jabs, Weaver though just stood his ground before launching a massive right to the head. Barnor though is made of sterner stuff, he didn’t back down, just stood his ground and got back behind his jab.





Both protagonists vied for control of centre ring in similar vein for the next minute or so until the end the round.





Weaver started had and fast with a big combination, Barnor responds with a solid jab, but in doing so left a the smallest of openings, Weaver doesn’t need a second invitation and lets rip with a big right to the body followed up with a double right to the head and a huge left to the body.





Barnor survives the onslaught and gets off a couple of powerful shots of his own, Weaver just walks through them and backs the Ghanaian onto the ropes and proceeds to pepper Barnor with shots to body and head.





Barnor manages to spin off the ropes and dangles a jab; Weaver stalks him and throws a right, left to the head, right to body and left hook to the head combination. Barnor weaves and ducks to avoid another big left, but on rising was confronted by a big sensationally quick double-handed flurry of shots.





Barnor responds immediately with a cracking left, right combination of his own, Weaver shrugs the shots off and steps in with a massive left to the head immediately followed by massive right, left exocets to the head that sent Barnor crashing to the canvas.





Barnor began to rise on the sixth count point, but as he did his legs just folded and down he went again, Referee Lee Murtagh didn’t hesitate, he waived the fight off on the one minute and forty nine seconds mark of the second round and signalled for the medical team to enter the ring to attend to Michael Barnor.





I’m pleased to report Michael Barnor was perfectly OK and even joined Iain Weaver in centre ring for the official result announcement.





At the end of the contest it was announced that Iain Weaver Versus Emmanuel Addo for the Professional Boxing Council (TSK) International Championship will now take place in Aberdeen on the 28th July.





Also on the event was a four round Welterweight contest I was really looking forward to watching and reporting on as it featured the UK’s youngest professional boxer, Grantham’s Max Brown, making his pro debut against Belfast’s Marty Kayes.





I’ve seen young Max Brown in action on a number of occasions and believe he has the skills and ability to emulate other stars, such as Saul Alvarez (Canelo), who turned pro at a tender age and went on to secure Championship honours.





Kayes, a seasoned pro, on the other hand has been quite successful over the past couple of months, securing two victories in his previous three bouts, one of which was a Masters Title fight and the first of those wins was over a top former Amateur star, which made it clear to me that young Brown was destined for a true Baptism of Fire, what I didn’t realise was just how much though.





I’m not going to write a round by round report on the fight, just an overview as much of the action throughout the fight was in similar vein.





Brown boxed his normal slick, boxing long style, whilst Kayes stuck to what he does bestpressuring his opponents.





Brown concentrated on utilising his jab, to fairly good effect early in each round, but as the rounds progressed just seemed to hang the jab out there but not actually connect. When the youngster did let his hands go he landed some sensational shots, just not enough.





Kayes seems to love walking down his opponents, he just keeps going, and like a steam train he just keeps on chuffing away ignoring obstacles, such as jabs, until he reaches his destination. Once there the tough Belfast man lets rip with big flurries of shots to the body before stepping back and getting behind his jab, which is exactly what he did on Saturday night.





The later rounds got quite messy at times, much of it after Kayes corralled the youngster on the ropes, Brown’s response was to grab hold to prevent the Belfast man throwing his shots.





To the same degree there was some exquisite work from Brown, just unfortunately only a small amount of the shots reaching their intended target.





After four rounds of boxing Referee Lee Murtagh scored the bout 39-37 in favour of Belfast’s Marty Kayes.





Whilst the correct result without doubt, I can’t help but feel for the youngster as I know how good a boxer he is, his style and approach usually similar that to theBlessed One” Iain Weaver, so will definitely be there for his next fight and watch him get his first Pro win.





My final words are on the event itself; this is the first time I’ve been to a Tommy Jacobs promoted (as well as headlined) renginys. Jacobs sure knows how to put on a show, the presentation was first class, the fights, not just the pro bouts but also the undercard sanctioned by Essex Boxing Organisation, were all of the highest standard, no wonder on the hottest day of the year so far so many people turned out. Kudos Mr Jacobs.

Ruben Villa Scores Impressive Knockout Win on Saturday Night

PHILADELPHIA, Pennas. / ORANGE, Kalifas. (Liepa 2, 2018) – Fast rising featherweight Rubeno vila (12-0, 5 Kos) used an explosive sixth round to knock out Ricardo Lopez (7-3-2, 6 Kos) į “nauja Kraujo”main event Saturday night from Omega Products International in Sacramento, Kalifas.




Villa, a southpaw fighting out of Salinas, Kalifornijoje., showed off his superior skill set to a sold out crowd that witnessed a devastating knockout win.




Throughout the fight, Villa used a sharp jab to set up left uppercuts and straight rights. While most boxers use the jab as a range finder, Villa uses it to inflict pain on his opponent either by landing it, or sending an unexpected power shot to the head or body.




The 21-year-old also found success on the defensive side, limiting Lopez to very few clean looks.




The thrill ride came toward the end of the sixth round when a multi-punch combination floored Lopez. The Mexican fighter would get up, but it would prove a poor decision. Villa promptly unloaded power shot after power shot until referee Edward Collantes put a stop to the carnage at the 2:49 ženklas.




I was landing solid punches in every round,” remarked Villa, who is promoted by Banner Promotions and Thompson Boxing. “I knew I would be able to take him out. I wore him down and in the sixth I just let me hands go and I caught him with a lot of heavy punches. I was surprised he got up. He was a tough guy.




Dėl nuolatinių mūsų kovotojų atnaujinimų, Renginiai, ir akcijos, prašau patikrinti Reklamjuostės akcijos „Facebook“ puslapis , ir seki mus toliau Instagram ir "Twitter" BannerBoxing

Photos by Carlos Baeza / Thompson Boksas

19-Year-Old Sensation Logan Yoon to Face Colombian Veteran Luis E Flores at Hard Rock Event Center at Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Kazino Holivude, Fla.

Penktadienį, Liepa 6, Honolulu’s undefeated Logan “The Korican Kid” Yoon (11-0, 10 Kos) will attempt to continue his meteoric rise up the 140-lb. ladder when he faces capable Colombian veteran Luis E. Gėlės (24-9, 20 Kos) at Hard Rock Event Center at Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Kazino Holivude, Fla.




The 10-round fight will serve as the evening’s co-main event of Heavyweight Factory Boxing promoter Kris Lawrence’s “Hometown Throwdown,” followed by a 10-round crosstown rivalry showdown between undefeated Miami-based welterweights Harold “King” Calderon (16-0, 10 Kos) and John David “Pretty Boy” Martinez (10-0, 8 Kos).


Tickets for “Hometown Throwdown” cost $60, $100, $150, $250 ir $500 VIP. Tickets are available through ticketmaster.com.




The promising 19-year-old Yoon, the WBO-NABO Youth Super Lightweight Champion and WBO #13-rated contender, was last seen in March, dominating former two-time world champion Juan Carlos Salgado over 10 raundai. Yoon was expected to be pushed for the first time in his young career, but cruised to an easy decision (daugybė: 100-89, 97-92 ir 98-91).




“I have a lot of confidence in my team and our game plan, so I wasn’t surprised at all I was able to dominate,” said Yoon. “I knew that would happen. I work hard and stay disciplined.”




Yoon says he’s continuing to learn as he streaks up the ranks. Already world-rated after 11 kovas, the talented puncher says despite the buzz around him growing louder with every fight, he feels no extra pressure to impress.




“I’m confident in the abilities I’ve been blessed with, so I feel no pressure. I live a clean life and stay right with the Lord and follow His plan for me.”




Yoon says he knows Flores is tall with a strong left hook, but expects to be victorious once again.




“Logan is an amazing talent,” said Heavyweight Factory Director of Boxing Operations Henry Rivalta. “He’s still just a kid and already so strong and powerful. That’s why we are moving him along so quickly. He trains right and lives right to become a world champion.”




Expected special guests that evening include Heavyweight Factory regulars, former heavyweight champions Riddick “Big Daddy” Bowe and Evander “The Real Deal” Holyfield. Dėl Fight Night, the action starts at 7:15 p.m. Doors open one hour prior to start time. „Hard Rock“ renginių centras „Seminole Hard Hotel“ & Casino is located at 1 Seminole Way Holivude, Fla.



Uncasville, Conn. (Liepa 1, 2018) – Returning to the ring after an 11-month layoff due to a broken jaw, Džo “Žvėris” Kalvis, Jaunesnysis. provided early fireworks last night (Šeštadienis, Birželis 30) in the latest installment in the popular Slugfest at The Sun serija, presented by Joe DeGuardia’s Star Boxing, į Mohegan Sun "arena į Uncasville, Konektikutas.




Slugfest at The Sunwas taped live and will air Liepa 19, 8 -10 p.m. IR, apie New England Sports Network (NESN). Star Boxing’s next event, “Rockin’ kovų”,Rugsėjis 21 at the Paramount in Huntington, NY, will also air via tape- delay on NESN.




Rated No. 3 ir Nr. 7 pasaulyje, atitinkamai, Pasaulio bokso tarybos (WBC) and World Boxing Association (WBA), Kalvis (24-2, 20 Kos) hurt Melvin “The Romantic Redneck” Russellas (11-5-2, 7 Kos) with the first punch he landed and finished the show, two devastating knockdowns later, atidarymo turo.




I hit him with a decent shot when I was walking him down and saw that I hurt him,” Joe Smith Jr.. explained. “Taip, I looked to end it. I would have liked to have gotten some rust off, but I’m happy with my performance. My jaw feels great.




We’re looking to go to the top,” Smith’s promoter Džo DeGuardia pareiškė,. “Joe’s plan and goal has always been to be world champion. We wanted (Sergejus) Kovalev before this fight, bet nepasiteisino. We’re hoping to get him in the fall.




Kovaliovas looks great, he motivates me,” Smith noted. “I think I can take advantage of his conditioning.




Coming off her historic fight this past May against the undefeated Queen of Boxing Cecelia Breakhus, who won a 10-round decision in the first female fight to air on HBO, three-time world champion KaliKO MequinonoagReis (14-7-1, 4 Kos) cruised past Mexican welterweight PattyLas Elegante” Ramirez (11-6, 5 Kos), buvęs Pasaulio pavadinimas Challenger, winning all eight rounds.




She was a survivor,” Reis commented. “There was a lot we wanted to work on, Kūno kadrai, jabs and moregetting more comfortable. I executed the plan my corner gave me and got the job done.




A Native American from Rhode Island, Reis wants a rematch with Breakhus, “I know I need to stay busy, active and remain fighting at welterweight to get the rematch,” Reis added. “I’m going to stay on her tail. I’ll be ready when it happens, I really want it to happen.




In the television opener, undefeated junior welterweight “Veiksmas” Anthony Laureano (8-0 3KO s) lived up to his nickname, never taking a backwards step, as he pounded Juan Rodriguez (8-10-1 6KO s) in the center of the ring from the opening bell through the end for a dominant six-round unanimous decision. The 2016 New England Golden Gloves champion Laureano, who fights out of East Hartford, KT, put on an entertaining show in front of his large, loud contingent of fans. Laureano effectively used every punch in his vast arsenal to break down a tough, game Rodriguez.




I thought I did well,” Laureano said after the fight, “but I’d like to see more angles. I want to see more power, taip pat. It’s there, he felt it; it’s coming. I have a long road. Kitas kova, I’d like to have an eight-rounder. We’re adding more people to the team. I hope everyone see that I’m getting better each fight. I have more tools and my discipline is there.




Nepralaimi Junior vidutinio svorio WendyHaitian FireToussaint (9-0, 3 Kos) lit up an overwhelmed Andy Gonzalez (6-3, 5 Kos), battering him from pillar to post, kol teisėjas Steve Willis waved off the fight in the third round. Haiti-native Toussaint, now living in Huntington, NY, used his superior power and speed to make an impressive statement.




Popular South Boston southpaw Joe Farina (3-0, 2 Kos) overcame a flash knockdown during the opening seconds of the fight, using a relentless attack to defeat junior welterweight Steve'as Moore (1-4, 1 KO), by way of a four-round split decision.




Irish junior welterweightLethalLarry Fryers (formerly known as Gleeson) pagerino savo rekordą 7-1 (2 Kos) with a six-round unanimous decision over Anthony Woods (1-7-1). Fighting out of Yonkers NY, Fryers floored Woods with a left hook at the end of round two. Woods was penalized a point near the end of the final round for an intentional head butt.




Buvęs U. of New Haven basketball star Cassius Chaney (13-0, 7 Kos), fighting out of New London (KT), laikomi jo nenugalėtas įrašas sveika, dropping Mexican heavyweight Elder Hernandez (5-3, 3 Kos) twice before referee Willis halted the match near the end of the opening round.




The opening bout of the evening ended in the second round and ruled a “Ne konkursas” because of an accidental head butt that left both fightersWilliam “Tylus Assassin” Foster III (8-0, 6 Kos) ir Tyrome Jones (4-3-1, 1 KO) – with serious head cuts and unable to continue.




Pilnas rezultatai žemiau:






Džo Smitas, Jaunesnysis. (24-2, 20 Kos), Mastic, NY

WTKO1 (145)

Melvin Russell (11-5-2, 7 Kos), Ashland, KY


CO-FEATURE – FEMALE pusvidutinio svorio kategorijų kovotojams

Kali Reis (14-7-1, 4 Kos), Cranston, R.

WDEC8 (80-72, 80-72, 80-72)

Pat Ramirez (11-6, 5 Kos), Aguascalientes, Meksika



Wendy Toussaint (9-0, 3 Kos), Huntington, NY

WTKO3 (1:25)

Andy Gonzalez (6-3, 5 Kos), Vusteris


JUNIOR pusvidutinio svorio kategorijų kovotojams

Anthony Laureano (8-0, 3 Kos), Ir. Hartfordas, KT

WDEC6 (60-54, 59-55, 59-55)

Juan Rodriguez (8-10-1), Haymarket, V.



Joe Farina (3-0, 2 Kos), South Boston, MA

WDEC4 (38-37, 38-37, 37-38)

Steve'as Moore (1-4, 1 KO), Oranžinė, NJ



Larry (Gleeson) Fryers (7-1, 2 Kos), Yonkers, NY

WDEC6 (60-52, 60-52, 59-53)

Anthony Woods (1-7-1), Filadelfija, PA



Cassius Chaney (13-0, 7 Kos), New London, KT

WTKO1 (2:47)

Elder Hernandez (5-3, 3 Kos), Morelia, Meksika

*Co-Promoted in association Main Events


JUNIOR lengvasvoriai

Viljamas Fosteris III (8-0, 6 Kos), Naujas rojus, KT

Ne konkursas 2 (2:27 due to accidental head butt, both fighter’s cut)

Tryrome Jones (4-3-1, 1 KO), Sound Bend, IN

*Co-Promoted in association with Murphy’s Boxing

WBO News: Another Successful Boxing Officials’ Seminar Was Held In Chicago

The World Boxing Organization and the Illinois State Athletic Commission concluded a successful training seminar for boxing officials at the Garfield Park – Golden Dome, Čikagos, Ilinojus.




This event covered different topics, such as refereeing, judging, rules, and ethics; the seminar followed an interactive format with the purpose of giving ring officials the necessary knowledge, confidence and experience to execute good judgement of a boxing match.




John Duggan, First Vice-President of the WBO, stated that some of the objectives of these events are to “improve the quality of officiating” and he highlighted the importance of cross training ring officials in order to ensure the correct decisions are made during a boxing match, “correct officiating is important to ensure the right and deserving winner is named in a fight”.




Tuo tarpu, referee Celestino Ruiz and former referee Gino Rodriguez conducted the referees’ training and stressed out the importance of taking control from the moment instructions are given in the locker room; the necessity of having proper knowledge of the rules and being correctly positioned during a fight.




Ethics and professionalism were also covered, as fundamental aspects in the development of a career as a boxing official.




Videos were used to exemplify, analyze and break down different decisions during a boxing match, this is important to help participants understand some of the scenarios they may have to face, it offers them the possibility to clarify doubts while at the same time put their knowledge to test.




The WBO values these opportunities to contribute with the training of boxing officials and help them attain mastery of their skills.




Video with more details: John Duggan, First Vice-President of the WBO




Wilder Tells Host Brendan Schaub That He Will No Longer Accept A Flat Fee For Showdown To Determine Undisputed Heavyweight World Champion

CLIP FOR ONLINE & TV NEWS USE: https://cbs.box.com/v/DeontayWilderINTVBelowTheBelt



KAS: WBC Heavyweight World Champion Deontay Wilder sat down for an exclusive video interview with Brendan Schaub for the SHOWTIME Sports digital talk show Žemiau diržo where the American champion opens up about the contentious negotiation process for a unification fight with IBF, WBA and WBO Champion Anthony Joshua.




“It’s 50-50 straight across,” Wilder tells Schaub during the interview that taped Thursday in Los Angeles. “I am not accepting no flat fee… I am done with that.”




The full interview is now available via the Below the Belt YouTube Channel ir Below the Belt Facebook Page.


Žemiau diržo is a first-of-its-kind digital sports talk show exploring the latest news in combat sports and pop culture, Schaub'ui pristatant atviras mintis savo unikaliu ir nefiltruotu stiliumi. The multi-platform program, which also includes a weekly podcast, features interviews with the biggest names in combat sports and entertainment, keliones keliais, kovos stovyklos vizitai, eskizai, animation and pop-culture spoofs.




Kitą įmoka Žemiau diržo launches Wednesday, Liepa 4 on SHO Sports digital platforms.


Stephanie Trapp nuotr – Showtime

LAS VEGAS, NV (Birželis 29, 2018)19-year-old undefeated sensation and USBA Lightweight čempionas, DevinThe DreamHaney (19-0, 13 Kos), has captured his second title before age 20, but even more impressive, is his ranking at # 15 pagal IBF, meaning a title shot is near.




It means the world to me to be ranked in the top 15 by a major sanctioning body like the IBF,” said Devin Haney. “I work extremely hard. I have dedicated my life to the sport of boxing, and the fact that sanctioning bodies are taking notice of my hard work, reaffirms all the sacrifice I have made. I am very excited for what the future holds.




In his last bout Haney defeated Masonas Menard (33-3, 24 Kos) by way of ninth-round technical knockout, and earned the victory when Menard’s corner stopped the bout heading into the tenth and final round. Haney handed Menard a one-sided beating up until that point, forcing Menard’s corner to stop the fight. This victory, which headlined Showtime’s “ShoBox: The Next Generation”, also awarded Devin, the USBA Lightweight title.




I know that after the statement I made in the last fight, people will be watching me closely,” Haney continued. “I have a lot of hype around me! The cat is out of the bag! I’m nobody’s prospect. Aš varžovas. If the winner of Garcia vs Rytų wants to fight me next, I’m available. The industry and the real fight fans know who I am. They know I can fight. It’s only going to get better. Dirbu sunku, and I promise that in my next fight, you will see, an even better Devin Haney than before.




Devin Haney is the youngest fighter ever to hold the USBA Lightweight title in the organization’s history. Rugsėjį, Devin will be making his return to the ring, as he gears up for his first title defense.