Tag Archives: boxe

Tornado va al cinema: recensione rimasterizzata di Rocky iV

da: Tony “il tornado” Penecale (sopra)

Ecco la mia recensione del film Rocky vs Drago più una foto con la locandina del film. Indovina chi è uscito con esso!

Così ieri sera sono andato a vedere il film Director's Cut di Rocky vs Drago.

qui ci sono 2 spoiler che non dovrebbero essere spoiler. Apollo muore ancora e Rocky vince ancora.

Quindi il film aveva circa 40 minuti di nuovo filmato. Inoltre ha mantenuto all'incirca lo stesso tempo di esecuzione, quindi con 40 minuti di nuovo filmato, c'è quasi 40 minuti di filmati omessi.

Adesso qualche spoiler. Se non vuoi che nulla sia rovinato, Ti consiglio di smettere di leggere qui.

C'erano due inquadrature che speravo davvero sarebbero state montate per questo film, ma in qualche modo ce l'hanno fatta. Li raggiungo più tardi.

Quindi analizzerò alcune delle modifiche/aggiunte/omissioni e darò i miei pensieri.

1) Nuova apertura. Generalmente, inizia con il titolo ROCKY che scorre in basso fino a uno dei brani caratteristici della serie. Poi irrompe nell'ultimo round del film precedente. Questo film inizia con varie clip di Rocky 3 inclusa la sconfitta di Rocky contro Clubber Lang, Apollo gli dice di non andare in pensione, e la scena della lotta climatica. Omette completamente la sessione di sparring di Rocky e Apollo. Non ero un fan della nuova apertura. Sono abituato alle normali aperture dei film che durano 2-3 minuti e prepara il terreno per la nuova puntata. Non ero un fan della canzone che usavano “Vittoria più dolce” che è nella colonna sonora di Rocky IV ma mai usato nell'originale.

2) Nessun robot. Anche se questo era visto come un incrocio tra banale e raccapricciante (La ragazza di Paulie?), l'omissione del robot, probabilmente a causa di accordi di licenza, significava che molte scene con Paulie o Rocky Jr dovevano essere tagliate, inclusa la scena del compleanno di Paulie.

3) La nuova conferenza stampa di presentazione di Drago spiega che hanno cercato di organizzare uno scontro con Rocky. Ho pensato che fosse buono, ma hanno tagliato fuori la moglie di Drago paragonandolo a Popeye che mangia spinaci. Infatti, molti dialoghi di Brigitte Nielsen sono stati tagliati. Potrebbe essere a causa sua? “roccioso” relazione con Stallone?

4) Il motivo per cui Apollo ha combattuto è stato migliorato. Sì, si presenta ancora dal nulla e parte della scena del tavolo doveva essere tagliata (nessun robot, ricordare) ma hanno parlato di come Rocky abbia ignorato la sfida e Apollo abbia sentito il bisogno di accettarla.

5) Pensavo che l'omissione dell'intera scena del camerino prima del combattimento con Rocky e Apollo fosse un errore. Non solo taglia una delle mie battute preferite “Non ho detto niente sulle lumache, Ho detto Nails N-N-Nails” ma mostra l'eccessiva sicurezza di Apollo e la trepidazione di Rocky. L'unica parte della scena originale del camerino che è assurda è dove Rocky stava cercando di convincere Apollo a rimandare. Sul serio, chi rimanda 5 minuti prima dell'orario previsto per raggiungere il ring?

6) La lotta Creed-Drago è stata notevolmente migliorata. Tranne per l'inquadratura che hanno lasciato dall'originale in cui Apollo chiaramente non indossa i guanti. Hanno perso quella modifica la prima volta. Come hanno fatto a perderlo di nuovo?? La lotta è stata estesa e Apollo si è alzato dopo un atterramento anticipato e ha continuato a provare a contrattaccare.

7) Il funerale di Apollo è stato esteso e migliorato con la figura paterna Duke che ha tenuto un discorso e Rocky che ha tenuto un discorso più emozionante.

8) La scena con la commissione di boxe che non sanciva il combattimento tra Rocky e Drago è stata inclusa come mostrato nell'originale 1985 trailer ma tagliato da quel film.

9) La scena di Rocky che parla con suo figlio prima di partire è stata ampliata e migliorata.

10) I montaggi di allenamento sono stati leggermente modificati e alcune modifiche alle scene in Russia.

11) Il combattimento finale è stato comunque divertente. C'erano alcuni elementi aggiunti ad esso.

12) Due dei migliori discorsi dei film sono stati cambiati in voci fuori campo. Apollo nel camerino dicendo a Rocky che avrebbe capito quando sarebbe finito è stato cambiato in voce fuori campo nella testa di Rocky. L'epico discorso ad Adrian in cui ha detto che Drago avrebbe dovuto ucciderlo per picchiarlo è stato anche cambiato in una voce fuori campo interiore. Penso decisamente che sia stato un errore perché toglie il fascino di vedere le espressioni facciali di Apollo e Rocky rispettivamente mentre dicevano quelle linee.

13) Il momento prima della fase finale quando il manager di Drago è corso dal suo posto in balcone con il Cremlino per rimproverare Drago nel suo angolo. Speravo che se una scena fosse stata tagliata, sarebbe quello. Preferirei che ci fosse una scena in cui Paulie sposa il robot e annuncia di essere incinta piuttosto che questa scena. l'ho odiato in 1985 (quando ero 9 anni) e lo odio adesso. C'è 60 secondi tra i round di un incontro di boxe. Quest'uomo è scappato dal balcone, tra la folla, arrivato all'angolo di Drago, e lo ha rimproverato in meno di un minuto. Drago, per aver sopportato 14 giri punitivi, è in grado di alzarsi in piedi e sollevarlo con un braccio prima di lasciarlo cadere dal grembiule. Parla di prendersi delle serie libertà.

14) La lotta finisce. Ti abitui al modo in cui finisce un combattimento di Rocky. Segna il grande knockdown, il suo avversario fa fatica ad alzarsi, e alla fine ricade quando il conteggio raggiunge 10. Questo, Drago va giù, fa una mossa per rialzarsi, una caduta piatta. L'arbitro si ferma senza contare affatto. Ho anche odiato il salto di Rocky alla fine. Nell'originale, fu sollevato in aria mentre se ne stava lì esausto da trionfante. Questo sembra che sia in grado di fare un tuffo a cigno in una piscina.

15) Il discorso è diverso. Non poteva fare riferimento a suo figlio perché mostrarlo avrebbe mostrato il robot. Sono stato contento che in un certo senso tagliassero le scene dei bambini che guardavano il combattimento. Mi ha sempre posto delle domande serie. Se Rocky, Adriano, e Paulie erano tutti in Russia, chi stava guardando il 9 bambino di un anno? Il robot? Chi lascerà un incustodito 9 un anno guarda una rissa in cui si teme che suo padre possa essere ucciso? La parte del discorso che era comica era il discorso di Rocky sul cambiamento. Ha menzionato il suo amico (Apollo) non poteva cambiare e ora è morto. Wow. Un modo per ravvivare la folla lì, Musica rock!

Nel complesso è stato piacevole. The changed scenes and alternate takes threw off the cadence so you were in truth watching a new movie. There were a lot of scenes in this film that I prefer to the original (the extended Creed-Drago fight, the extended funeral, Rocky meeting with the commission). There were some scenes that I think should have been kept (Rocky and Apollo in the dressing room, Mrs. Drago talking about her husband, etc). There were a few things that I definitely prefer the original, most notably the superior intro scrolling logo/final round of previous movie scene.

So in my conclusion, there needs to be a Director’s Cut of the Director’s Cut and combine the best of the original and the best of the new version.

We can call this oneRocky IV Take III: The Tornado Cut

Tornado 🌪

rivincita di 2021 N.E. Lotta dell'anno Wilfredo Pagan vs. Immagine segnaposto Carlo Marrero, III titola "New England's Future VIII" dicembre. 18th in Webster, Massachusetts

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Dicembre. 18th in Webster, Massachusetts

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WORCESTER, Massa. (Novembre 29, 2021) – La rivincita del non ufficiale 2021 Il New England Fight of the Year sarà il protagonista di dicembre 18th Evento “New England Future VIII”, presentato da Rivera Promozioni Spettacolo (RPE), mettendo in evidenza quelli di Webster (MA) primo evento di boxe professionistico in 27 anni, al municipio di Webster.

Wilfredo “El Sucaro” Pagan . originario di Porto Rico (6-1-1, 3 KO), combattendo da Southbridge (MA), e Bridgeport's (CT) Immagine segnaposto Carlo Marrero, III (2-6-2), ha combattuto per un divertente sorteggio diviso in 6 round lo scorso agosto 14th a Worcester (MA).

"Sono molto entusiasta di essere riusciti a ottenere la rivincita tra Pagan e Marrero così velocemente,"Il promotore dell'RPE Jose Antonio Rivera ha commentato. "Questi due guerrieri hanno messo il cuore e l'anima nel loro ultimo combattimento e i fan non sono rimasti delusi. Come promotore, questi sono il tipo di combattimenti che amiamo mettere insieme. Noi siamo 3 settimane di distanza da un altro grande evento di boxe per vedere alcuni talentuosi futuri campioni in arrivo. Il municipio di Webster sarà elettrico!"

Pagan e Marrero combatteranno ancora una volta per il vacante New England Super Lightweight Championship nel 18 dicembreth 6-round principale dell'evento.

L'originale Pagan-Marrero era senza sosta, lancio pieno di azione che i giudici hanno segnato 58-56 a favore o Pagan, 55-59 per Marrero, e 57-57. Il punteggio era stato originariamente annunciato come una vittoria per decisione divisa per Marrero, ma, ripensandoci, entrambi i combattenti hanno preso i cambiamenti del risultato emotivo nel passo. Un po' di carburante, anche se, è stato versato sul fuoco, principalmente attraverso i social media.

"Quando la lotta è stata fatta,” ha commentato Pagan, “come un combattente, sai se la tua battaglia è stata vinta, perso o molto vicino. Era un po' vicino, ma che ho vinto la battaglia. Quando la decisione è stata annunciata che aveva vinto, ho chiuso gli occhi, perché mi ha ricordato la mia carriera amatoriale. Ho sicuramente vinto alcuni combattimenti, ho dominato, ma non ho preso la decisione. Tutto può succedere quando finisce nelle mani dei giudici. I giudici non mi hanno visto vincere, va beh, ma poi hanno ribaltato la decisione. Pensavo che avessero capito bene e io avevo vinto, ma è stato annunciato come un pareggio. È quello che è, va beh, perché il lavoro dei giudici non è facile come la gente pensa. Hanno visto alti e bassi e hanno avuto un pareggio.

“Io stavo pensando, ci risiamo, quando è stato annunciato il sorteggio,”Ha detto Marrero. "Per qualche ragione, ogni volta che combatto in Massachusetts è sempre controverso. Ero caduto in ginocchio dalla felicità e quando è stato fatto il secondo annuncio, Pensavo gli stessero dando la vittoria. un pareggio? Non sono arrabbiato ma sono rimasto sorpreso perché sentivo di aver vinto. Sono tornato a casa pensando che fosse un pareggio, non una perdita, e speriamo di avere una rivincita. E facciamo dicembre 18th."

Pagan vs. Marrero è un esempio di non aver bisogno di due grandi combattenti per fare un grande combattimento. Sono alla pari ed entrambi i combattenti hanno un cuore tremendo.

"La gente mi aveva chiesto se volevo una rivincita e io ho detto, di si, Ci sto pensando perché era un pareggio,"Pagano offerto. "Non avrei detto di no se fosse stato offerto, ma il no. 1 motivo per me di combattere contro di lui è per il campionato del New England. Finché ho combattuto con lui per il titolo, Lo ero perché voglio lottare per la cintura ed è questo il mio obiettivo. Questa era la mia sensazione all'inizio, ma le cose sono cambiate un po', perché è cambiato. Non so cosa gli abbiano detto le persone, Non sono un ragazzino e ho avuto molto rispetto per lui. Ma poi ha iniziato a scrivermi. Non so se fosse per ravvivare questa lotta, ma ha tagliato il traguardo. Ha detto molto che non avrebbe dovuto dire. Sono sempre umile e rispetto tutti i combattenti perché stanno rischiando la vita. Non so perché ha detto quello che ha fatto, ma mi ha dato ancora più motivazione. voglio quella cintura! Mi sto allenando doppio per batterlo e chiudere il suo mese. Ho ancora un po' di rispetto per lui, ma non è la stessa cosa.

"Ho fatto molti errori nel nostro primo incontro e ho reso il combattimento molto più difficile di quanto avrebbe dovuto essere. Ho lavorato alla regolazione e, fiduciosamente, a dicembre 18th pagherà.”

“Ho sempre un piccolo margine di miglioramento dopo un litigio, e abbiamo visto alcune cose che dovevo migliorare per la rivincita,” Marrero ha spiegato. "Sono più preparato mentalmente a fare le cose e sarò molto più intelligente sul ring. Fisicamente, Sono molto più forte e acuto. La chiave per me è essere mentalmente preparato e più acuto. Il suo (Pagan's) l'avversario per il suo ultimo combattimento è caduto e il mio manager, Nate Torres, mi ha contattato dicendo che mi era stata offerta l'opportunità di combattere Pagan. Senza esitazione, Ho detto di sì. Sono sempre in palestra e pronto a combattere. Sono arrivato a 2 libbre sotto e sono ingrassato in questo momento per questa lotta. L'unica cosa per cui dovevo prepararmi è che è un mancino.

“Abbiamo litigato alla grande. Probabilmente pensa di aver vinto qualche round, Sentivo di aver vinto la battaglia. Gli mancava di più e mi sono collegato con i pugni più puliti che i giudici potevano vedere. Nel terzo o quarto round, L'ho ferito con un colpo al corpo. Ha passato e l'ho colpito con un altro buon tiro".

Nel caso in cui co-optional, Danbury (CT) super leggero Omar "The Beast" Bordoy (11-1, 3 KO) affronta un avversario da determinare nella partita a 6 round.

Il promettente Boca Raton (FL) prospetto super welter Josniel "TG" Castro (7-0, 5 KO) fa un passo avanti in termini di opposizione di qualità in un 6 rounder contro Lenwood "Mr. Compostezza” Dozier (10-28-3, 5 KO).

Worcester supermedi Bobby "BH3" Harris, III (3-0-1), due volte campione nazionale amatoriale e medaglia d'argento ai World Games, incontrerà David Rohn (0-10-1) in un incontro di 4 round super medi.

Derek "Hightower" Edmonds, imbattuto prospetto di Worcester cruiserweight (3-0, 2 KO), a 3 volte N.E. Golden Gloves campione, è stato aggiunto alla carta in un incontro di 4 round contro TBA.

Worcester dei pesi medi Eslih Owusu (6-0, 4 KO), un nativo del Ghana, affronta Anthony Everett (1-0), di Lawrence, in un 4-rounder.

Anche New Haven combatte sull'under undercard in partite di 4 round (CT) super leggero Anuel Rosa (2-0, 2 KO) vs. Stacy Anderson (0-8), e Bridgeport super leggero Oscar Bonilla (6-3-2, 1 KO) vs. Seth Basler (0-17).

Card è soggetta a cambiamento.

I biglietti costano $75.00 (posti riservati) e $45.00 (ammissione generale) e disponibile per l'acquisto o contattando Jose Rivera (elgallojar@gmail.com/508.864.6954), AJ Rivera (anthoneerivera@gmail.com/774.272.2269) o qualsiasi dei combattenti.

Apertura delle porte alle 6 p.m. E, primo periodo alle 7 p.m. E.

Gli sponsor dell'evento includono Shamrock Sports, Lundgren Honda, Greatest Hit Cannabis Company, Avvocati legali LCC di Lake Shore, Emmloan, 616 Reality LLC, Caffè per lo sport dei disegnatori, e Asmar Jewelz.

Cinguettio: @RiveraPromoEnt, @JoseRiveraChamp, @KingRivera_

Don King Returns to Ohio to Present WBC Cruiserweight Champion Fight on Saturday, Jan. 29 Pitting Makabu & Mchunu

DEERFIELD BEACH, FL (Novembre 26, 2021)—Homecoming At Last! The fight for the forgotten people (the homeless, poor, and downtrodden people) will benefit from this championship doubleheader.

The world’s greatest boxing promoter, Don King, will return to his home state of Ohio on Saturday, Jan. 29, 2022, as he presents another blockbuster for the forgotten people, who won’t be forgotten any more, world championship fight pitting WBC Cruiserweight Champion Ilunga Junior Makabu and the number one challenger, WBC Silver Champion Thabiso Mchunu.

The WBC world championship fight for the love of the people, will be held at the W.D. Packard Music Hall in Warren, OH. In addition to Makabus-Mchunu, a special 10-round heavyweight sensational attraction will pit undefeated Jonathan Guidry (18-0-2, 10 KO) of Dulac, Louisiana risking his perfect record against Alonzo Butler (34-3-2, 25 KO) of Chattanooga, TN.

Re, who represents Makabu, came to an agreement with Mchunu’s representatives on the 12-round world championship fight, and the winner will advance to fight Mexico’s great champion Canelo Alvarez in the month of May.

Alvarez will be ringside in Warren, OH to see who his next opponent will be.

“This is going to be one action packed WBC world championship fight with a very big fight on the horizon for the winner,” said King. “They are both warriors and this war for the recognition of the homeless will start the new year in grand style, recognizing the homeless, and helping others.”

Makabu (28-2 con 25 KO) is from the Democratic Republic of The Congo, defended his championship in his hometown of Kinshasa as he stopped Nigeria’s Olanrewaju Durodola with two solid left hooks in the seventh round last December.

Makabu, who has won his last nine decisions, won the vacant title on Jan. 31, 2020 in winning a unanimous decision against Michael Cieslak.

Thabiso (23-5, 13 KO), who hails from South Africa and is nicknamed “The Rock”, became the WBC Silver Titlist with a unanimous decision over Denis Lebedev on Dec. 21, 2019. He last defended his title and scored another unanimous victory over Evgeny Tishchenko on March 27, 2021. Thabiso has won his last four fights.

Undefeated Polish cruiserweight prospect Adrian “Pretty Boy” Pinheiro Makes Nashville debut this Saturday

ORLANDO (Novembre 22, 2021) – Undefeated Polish cruiserweight prospect Adrian “Pretty Boy” Pinheiro (5-0, 5 KO) has taken an unusual route to Nashville, where he will take on veteran Eric Abraham (6-10, 3 KO) this Saturday night in a 4-round bout at Municipal Auditorium.
The 24-year-old Pinheiro was born in Poland, grew up in Brazil, moved to Orlando and then up to Massachusetts for a job opportunity in security in Boston’s Seaport and Financial districts. He started boxing three years ago, rapidly developing into a Central New England Golden Gloves Novice super heavyweight champion, turning pro this past May in Orlando where he lives again.

“I’ve always been a fan of boxing,” Pinheiro explained, “but I didn’t box until I moved to the United States. I appreciate the art of boxing. I’m an exciting boxer who can mix it up. I fight on the outside or inside, depending on who I’m fighting, and adapting in the ring.

“My opponent is a southpaw, and he can be a little awkward. E sarà una bella lotta. He’s more experienced than me, but I’m comfortable fighting a southpaw. I’m working to improve as an all-around fighter in every aspect, mentally and physically.”

The 6’ 4”, 200-pound Pinheiro will be fighting on the “Nashville Beatdown” card, presented by Lank The King & Lank Promotions, in association with Affiliation Management.

“’Pretty Boy’ is a boxer who looks like a model,” promoter Langston Hampton, Jr. commentato. “He’s real fast and swift. He has to be reckoned with because he’s a good, clean fighter. I’m one of the promoters involved with him. He made his pro debut May 8th on my show in Orlando. With his talent and looks, Adrian could be the next champion from Poland. The sky is the limit for him. It’s all about dedication. He has the talent in the ring and outside he’s very marketable. The Polish need a new champion and it’s going to be Adrian Pinheiro!"

Back living in Orlando and training at the Orlando Boxing Club, Pinheiro is an avid country music fan who is excited to be fighting in Nashville, the capital of country “his music.”

“I can’t wait to get to Nashville,” Pinheiro said. “I’m a huge country fan. This is special to me!"


“I’m excited about this young man,” Pinheiro’s manager/head trainer Tony Blanco remarked. “He’s a humble beast who works hard. He works out twice a day. My only problem with him is getting him out of the gym. He is the future!

“Adrian is a big country music fan. When the opportunity came to fight in Nashville, in front of Floyd Mayweather, Jr., he accepted right away.”
Polish boxing fans are known for their passion. Waving red and white Poland flags and singing loudly, they haven’t really had many fighters to follow in the United States since Andrew Golota and Tomasz Adamek. “Pretty Boy” would love to get support from his fellow Polish and Polish-Americans.

“I’ve heard a lot about them,” Pinheiro added. “Orlando doesn’t have much of a Polish community, but I hope that time will come. I love my people!"


Instagram: @heavyAP, @orlandoboxingclub, @downtownorlandoboxing

tic toc: @AdrianPineiro_

Facebook: /obc-orlandoboxingclub, @downtownorlandoboxingclub


NBA All-Star Williams & NFL Pro Bowl Running Back Gore Announce Boxing Pro Debuts On Undercard of Jake Paul Vs. Tommy Fury Main Event Saturday, Dicembre 18 In diretta su Showtime PPV® at AMALIE Arena in Tampa, Fla.

Also Featuring Quotes and Photos from Seven-Division World Champion Amanda Serrano

A group of men standing together

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(Photo Credit: Stephanie Trapp / SHOWTIME®)

Fare clicQUI For Photos by Stephanie Trapp/SHOWTIME

NEW YORK – November 16, 2021 -Three-time NBA All-Star Deron Williams and legendary NFL running back Frank Gore faced off for the first time following a press conference announcing their professional heavyweight boxing debuts on Tuesday at Edison Ballroom in New York City.

Williams vs. Gore will take place on the undercard of Jake Paul vs. Tommy Furylive on SHOWTIME PPV on Saturday, December 18 at AMALIE Arena in Tampa. The four-round heavyweight bout will be contested with a 215-pound contractual limit as the two legends make their professional boxing debuts.

Also appearing at Tuesday’s event was seven-division world champion and current unified featherweight championAmanda Serrano, who will face 135-pound titleholder Miriam Gutiérrez in the co-feature of the SHOWTIME PPV event.

I biglietti per l'evento dal vivo, titolato#PaulFury: One Will Fall, are now available for purchase atwww.amaliearena.com.

Below are quotes from Williams, Gore and Serrano.

Deron Williams

“I’ve always wrestled all the way until high school and always been a big boxing and MMA fan. I’ve done a lot of training at my gym, Fortis MMA, in Dallas for the past six years.

“I’ve always wanted to do an MMA fight. I had one that I was training for before Covid hit but my opponent pulled out. It was always in the back of my mind and I’ve always stayed in shape and stayed training. I got a call from Nakisa (Bidarian) who I hadn’t talked to in five years and he said Frank Gore was training and looking for an opponent, and I felt like it was a great opportunity. I felt like if I didn’t take it I’d be kicking myself for the rest of my life.

“Frank looks good. If I’m going to do a fight I’d rather do it with someone who is capable and who has been training. The man is tough, there’s no doubt about that. Anyone who can take that many snaps in the NFL has to be tough. It’s a good challenge for me and something that I can check off the bucket list.

“Most people are behind me. I’ve had some people say, ‘You’re fighting Frank Gore. What are you doing?’ But that’s OK. There are a lot of unknowns in this game, so it makes it exciting. I’ve been training for years and doing a lot of MMA, and a lot of it has been boxing.

“I first started wrestling when I was like five. I didn’t really know what it was and I spent the whole season being dragged on the mat by my mom crying because I was so scared to go in there. But she said I had to because she had already paid for it and said you’re going to do this every weekend. So I basically went out there crying, got pinned, walked off the mat and then did it again for the whole year. The next year she asked if I wanted to sign up again expecting I would say no, but I actually said yes for some reason. I did that for about a half year before I turned into a little animal. So I think that year and a half of getting pinned made me tougher. Wrestling is a tough sport, and it was a great base for me and I’m really glad I did it and was able to go to the state tournament in Texas as an eight-year-old and 12-year-old. And I would have loved to have kept going but it was in the same season as basketball.

“I loved watching the heavyweights. Growing up in the ‘90s and watching (Microfono) Tyson and all those wars they had. And watching (Evander) Holyfield. It was just a special time in boxing and there were still other fighters, but those were the ones I was watching and who I was excited to see.

“I jogged four miles yesterday and that was the first time I’ve ever run four miles. It’s getting out of your comfort zone and it’s a different feeling. Basketball, and football for him, we’re comfortable with that work. It’s learning to get hit in the face and being OK with it. It’s just a new challenge. I’ve been retired for four years now. You just miss competing. You miss having something to train for.”

Frank Gore

“l have always loved boxing. I’ve been training since 2005. I was doing it because it would save my legs since I play running back. I just fell in love with it, how hard it was and I’m very competitive. I was just doing it for the cardio. My first time I didn’t think I could do it, but I kept getting better and better at it.

“I’m definitely not doing this for the money. Io sono BENEDETTO. I’m good and blessed with football and off-the-field stuff.

“I’ve always been an underdog my entire life. I was raised in a one-bedroom apartment. I blew out both of my knees and many thought I wouldn’t make it to the NFL. Sixteen years later and I’m No. 3 on the all-time list.

“I’m happy to be here and I respect Deron. He’s coming from the NBA and I always say any man who gets into the ring has got to be different. I don’t care what sport you play. I’m training my behind off for December 18.

“I know he’s trained in MMA and coming over from the NBA but he’s no Nate Robinson. He’s been doing MMA for six years so I have to respect that. He’s been wrestling since he was a kid. I’m training my behind off and the only one I can worry about is myself. I’m looking forward to the challenge and let the best man win on December 18.

“Football and boxing are totally different. When you watched me play I never really got hit. That’s why I was able to last so long. I played off of angles. Ora, with boxing I’m going in there with guys that have had 300 combattimenti dilettanti, sono 10-0 as pros. So I can’t just dodge all the shots they are throwing because they have more ring experience.

“I would say jogging has been the toughest thing. In football we never jogged. We always did sprints and pulled the sled but I had to really train myself to jog. I had to put my mind somewhere else and work on it.

“My favorite fighter is Floyd (Mayweather, Jr.). There are a bunch of guys I like to watch now. I like Terence (Crawford) and I like Errol Spence, Serbatoio (Davis), Shakur Stevenson. I just want to be the best of me. Whatever my coach tells me to do I’m going to go out and try to do and do my best to get this win on December 18.”

Amanda Serrano

“This fight is more important than the Katie Taylor fight. Miriam Gutierrez is a tough girl at 135 pounds and it’s not my natural weight class. I’m moving up two divisions. I have to get through Miriam in a way that people will want to see me fight Katie next.

“I would actually rather lose the weight than gain the weight. It’s so hard for me to keep the weight on because once I start training I drop it. I’m eating a lot of good foods and had to hire a nutritionist for this camp to make sure I’m strong. I’m a little girl, but I pack a punch wherever I go.

“I definitely want the Katie Taylor fight. That night could be the night I accomplish my goal and become the first undisputed boxer to come out of Puerto Rico. That would be an amazing night. Right now I’m concentrating on boxing because I have two amazing fights but in the future I definitely want to become an MMA champion, but right now it’s all about boxing.

“Pound for pound I think is a matter of opinion. Some people think I am, some people think it’s Claressa Shields. Katie actually fights the week before me so she has to look good, and I have to look good. I’m training really hard for Miriam. I know she is a tough girl and I’m just going to go out and be the best I can be and I think the fight with Katie Taylor is going to happen.”

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For more information on #PaulFury visitwww.SHO.com/sports, follow on Instagram via @JakePaul, @TommyFury, @MostValuablePromotions and @ShowtimeBoxing, Twitter via @JakePaul, @TommyTntFury, @MostVpromotions and @ShowtimeBoxing, o diventare fan su Facebook awww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.

The Worlds Number One Boxing Designer Javier Zinzun Jr. Gives Inspirational Speech to Students

The Worlds Number One Boxing Designer Javier Zinzun Jr. Gives Inspirational Speech to Students
SANTA ANA, COME (Novembre 15, 2021) - La settimana scorsa, the worlds number one boxing designer and Cares WBC Ambassador, Javier Zinzun Jr., gave an inspirational speech to students at the Samulai Academy in Santa Ana, California, giving back to the community he was raised in.

I know firsthand the perils of drug abuse, violenza, peer pressure and more, so it’s very important for me to give back in my own community,” said Zinzun Jr. with a smile on his face. “When people are young, they’re very impressionable, and for me to be living my dream in a positive and cool manner, is what I want to do. I want to lead by example, and let people know anything is possible.”

Life was not always easy for Zinzun as he almost lost his life in 2011 due to alcohol and drug abuse. This near-death experience was a turning point for him.

I knew in the middle of my overdose this couldn’t be it,” continued Zinzun. “I have told the story many times, but it was up to me to find my own path. I went home, got rid of everything, the drugs, alcool, all of that and told my family, I was a new person, and since then never looked back.

“I want to thank you so much for taking time out of your busy schedule to come to our campus and share your knowledge with our students,” said Oscar Reyes. “It is at events like these that our students get the most value and impact. It is not every day that our students get to be in front of professionals like you and hear their life journey and success stories which is where they find inspiration to keep finding their way in life. The feedback I received from staff, teachers, and especially students was overwhelmingly positive and that of gratitude.”

Zinzun who has designed trunks for “Canelo” Alvarez, Ryan Garcia, recounted stories of creating the ring outfit for the brave boxers performing on fight night.

A lot of the young people are fans of the fighters, so just to tell them stories about the people I have worked with and let them know they’re people just like us and see the joy in hearing these stories makes it so meaningful,” concluded Zinzun. “I am just trying to be the person I wish I had when I was their age.”
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Photo by Ryan Hafey – PBCPhoto by Golden Boy Promotions
Javier Zinzun Jr. is a self-made American success story overcoming the perils of drugs and alcoholism to start one of the best boxing fashion brands “I Got My Own Back”, working with the likes ofRyan GarciaCanelo Alvarez, eMario Barrios, as well as being involved in the creative design process of“Creed 2”the movie. Above you will see his designs worn byDavid Benavidez eJaime Munguia, both whom fought this past Saturday on the global stage.

Falcao to fight for IBF Latino Title January 15 in Brazil

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Sao Paolo, Brasile (Novembre 15, 2021) – Super middleweight standout Yamaguchi Falcao will look continue his winning ways when he fights an opponent to be determined Saturday, Gennaio 15 in Sao Paolo, Brasile.

Falcao’s WBC Latino title will be on the line as will the vacant IBF Latino championship in a ten round matchup.

Fresh off a dominant victory over veteran contender Jorge Daniel Miranda, Falcao is 19-1-1 as a pro with 8 ko. In his last two contests, the 33-year-old southpaw’s won the WBA Fedecaribe, WBC Latino and ABF Continental Americas super middleweight championships.

Falcao, a Bronze Medalist at the 2012 Giochi Olimpici, also has plans to return to America and face a top 15 ranked opponent.

Falcao’s promoter, Jody Caliguire of Fire Fist Boxing Promotions, is happy his fighter will have another opportunity to entertain his native fans but is mapping out a strategy for the rest of 2022.

“If all goes as planned, we’re bringing Yama back to the US shortly after his fight in January. The biggest opportunities and best training resources are available to Yama here in the US. He’s long stated that he is more than happy to face any top 168 pound opponent. Bringing him back stateside will get him ready for whatever challenge arises if everything goes as expected January 15.

More information on the card will be available shortly.

Fans can follow Falcao on Instagram @YamaguchiFalcao. For more information on Fire Fist Boxing Promotions, visita Firefistboxing.net o Facebook.com/firefistboxing.

Nicco Tapia, 16-Year-Old Son of Late Hall of Famer Johnny Tapia, to Make Amateur Boxing Debut Nov. 20



Youngest son of late Hall of Famer Johnny Tapia to fight on the preliminary portion of Tapia Promotions’ Barrera vs. De Leon: “La Ultima Batalla” (The Last Stand) vivere from the Inn of the Mountain Gods Resort & Casinò

ALBUQUERQUE, N.m. (Novembre. 13, 2021) – While countless high school juniors concern themselves with standardized test scores and submitting college applications, Johnny “Nicco” Tapia, the youngest son and namesake of the late five-time world champion, will commence his pursuit of a pro boxing career when he makes his amateur debut on the preliminary portion of his Mom Teresa’sMarco Antonio Barrera vs. Daniel Ponce de Leonpay-per-view fight card Saturday, Novembre. 20, 2021.

“Boxing is a passion,” said the 16-year-old currently working toward earning his diploma online. “I love stepping into the ring, getting hit, and feeling the crowd’s energy.”

In the Nov. 20 evento principale, two Mexican boxing legends will lace up the gloves for one final night when Hall of FamerMarco Antonio Barrera(67-7, 44 KO) returns to the ring for only the second time in more than a decade to square off against former two-time world championDaniel Ponce de Leon (45-7, 35 KO). The six-round super welterweight exhibition and four additional bouts will air live on pay per view from Inn of the Mountain Gods Resort & Casino in Mescalero, Nuovo Messico.

FITE PPV and Golden Boy Fight Night on Facebook Watch Paid Online will televise the five-bout main card live on pay per view for$9.99 a4:30 p.m. PT /5:30 p.m. MT/7:30 p.m. E

A native of Las Cruces, N.M., Nicco trains in the Tapia home garage, enjoys studying sociology to “look at people from a different perspective,” dislikes mathematics, and currently has no plans to further an academic career following his 2023 graduation.

“I don’t really plan to go to college,” said the music fan who freestyle raps in his downtime. “I want to keep pushing myself in the ring and turn pro as soon as I get enough experience.”

Surrounded by the sweet science from an early age, Nicco fondly looks back on innumerable heartwarming memories of watching his father train for upcoming fights.

“I used to go to the gym and run around with my Dad every day. When the bell rang, I held up the gloves with him.”

Outside of boxing, the father-son pairing spent quality time playing other sports, enjoying delicious desserts, and tuning into their favorite television programs.

“We used to go to the park, play basketball, and jump on the trampoline,” Nicco recalled. “Dad used to give me ice cream sandwiches. I remember going into his room and watching the show ‘Cops’ together.”

Aiming to find inspiration and discover boxing tips from one of boxing’s all-time greatest fighters, young Nicco frequently rewatches Johnny’s classic bouts.

“I study his speed, head movement, and angles,” said the teenager who models much of his fighting style after his Dad and Marvelous Marvin Hagler.

When asked to name his favorite “Mi Vida Loca” fight, Nicco did not hesitate in listing Johnny Tapia’s hard-fought victory over fellow Albuquerquean and former world champion Danny Romero for the IBF/WBO junior bantamweight titles on July 18, 1997, a Las Vegas, Nev.

“The crowd was wild and crazy,” Nicco recollected. “I love studying my Dad’s boxing technique.”

Originally scheduled to fight at Inn of the Mountain Gods on July 31, 2021, the aspiring actor and former viola player pulled out of his amateur debut when he sustained a hand fracture.

“I was playing football with friends and landed on my hand wrong,” lamented the proud holder of a driver’s license. “It was the first time I injured myself.”

Less than four months later, Nicco is eager to thrill the Mescalero crowd on Nov. 20 before Barrera and De Leon take center stage.

“I am ticking off the days and can’t wait for this night to come.”

Kicking off the festivities, Golden Boy Fight Night on Facebook WatchFacebook.com/GoldenBoyFN and FITE will stream Nicco Tapia’s debut and four additional outstanding preliminary bouts forfree at 2 p.m. PT/3 p.m. MT/5 p.m. E.

A Spanish-language broadcast will be available as a viewing option for both the pay-per-view and preliminary bouts.

Those hoping to attend the unforgettable, 10-fight Tapia Promotions extravaganza in person can purchase tickets starting at $75 attraversoinnofthemountaingods.com eTicketMaster.com by searching “La Ultima Batalla – The Last Stand.”

About BARRERA-DE LEON: La Ultima Batalla (The Last Stand)

Two legendary former world champions return to the boxing ring one final time for a special six-round welterweight exhibition, as Tapia Promotions presentsBarrera vs. Ponce De Leon “La Ultima Batalla” – “The Last Stand”il Sabato, Novembre 20, at the Inn of the Mountain Gods Resort & Casino in Mescalero, Nuovo Messico. The thrilling five-fight main card will be available via pay-per-view for $9.99 through bothFITE PPV and Golden Boy Fight Night on Facebook Watch Paid Online at 4:30 p.m. PT /5:30 p.m. MT/7:30 p.m. E.  For the audiences watching in Mexicoboth FITE and Golden Boy Fight Night on Facebook Watch Paid Online will offer a Spanish-language broadcast of the event for $4.99. Kicking off the festivities two hours earlier, Golden Boy Fight Night on Facebook WatchFacebook.com/GoldenBoyFN and FITE will stream the five outstanding preliminary bouts for free at 2:30 p.m. PT/3:30 p.m. MT/5:30 p.m. E.

Biglietti a partire da $75 are available throughinnofthemountaingods.com eTicketMaster.com by searching “La Ultima Batalla – The Last Stand.”


Teresa Tapia formed Tapia Promotions to continue the legacy of her legendary late husband, six-time world champion/Hall of Famer Johnny Tapia by providing thrilling boxing events to fight fans everywhere. One of the first female boxing promoters in the United States, Teresa successfully managed Johnny Tapia’s career from 1995-2011, and accepted his 2017 induction into the International Boxing Hall of Fame (IBOF). Inoltre, in 2004, Teresa became the first and only female boxing manager in sweet science history to receive a special recognition award from the IBOF. The multi-faceted promoter branched out in 2020 to produce the sports reality series “Stars and Champions,” which featured an intimate look at boxers’ lives both inside and outside of the ring.

Informazioni su FITE

FITE is the premium global platform for live sports and entertainment offering many of the industry’s marquee PPV events and SVOD packages with over 5MM registered users. FITE è disponibile in tutto il mondo tramite le sue app mobili iOS e Android, Apple TV, Android TV, ANNO, Fuoco Amazon TV, and Huawei apps. In aggiunta, FITE supporta Samsung, LG, Contorno di Cox, Vizio SmartCast™, Virgin Media, Shaw Communications’ Blue Curve IPTV, Foxxum, Chromecast, PS4, XBOX, ZEASN, Netrange, Vidaa / Hisense, VEWD, Netgem TV, Xfinity di Comcast 1 and Xfinity Flex as well as 7,000 models of Smart TVs. Disponibile online su www.FITE.tv. Seguici su Cinguettio, InstagramYouTubeLinkedIN e FacebookFITEIt’s ON.


Los Angeles-based Golden Boy was established in 2002 by Oscar De La Hoya, the first Hispanic to own a national boxing promotional company. Golden Boy is a media and entertainment brand committed to making fighting entertainment more accessible and affordable. The company’s in-house production team develops creative original programming forRingTV.com and international channels across the globe. The company holds the exclusive rights to top boxers and has promoted some of the biggest and highest grossing events in the history of the sport. Ora, Golden Boy is one of the most successful boxing entertainment companies in the world and shapes the future of boxing for fighters and fans alike.

Abel Mendoza Has Survived Homelessness to Fight on Nov. 20 Barrera-De Leon Pay-Per-View Event


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Hard-hitting knockout artist to put his perfect record on the line at Tapia Promotions’ Barrera vs. De Leon: “La Ultima Batalla” (The Last Stand) vivere from the Inn of the Mountain Gods Resort & Casino in Mescalero, Nuovo Messico

ALBUQUERQUE, N.m. (Novembre. 12, 2021) – From overcoming a crime-ridden, west Texas childhood environment to his father’s incarceration and living out of a car as a teenager, the path toward fighting three-time world title challenger Victor Zaleta on Tapia Promotions’Marco Antonio Barrera vs. Daniel Ponce de Leonpay-per-view card Saturday, Novembre. 20, 2021, has been anything but smooth sailing for the undefeated El Paso boxer Abel Mendoza.

“I was surrounded by violence growing up,” said the 25-year-old lightweight contender who is 30-0 con 23 KO. “A lot of people that I was around went to prison; I was the only one who didn’t. Boxing was my way out, my safe haven. The sport saved me.”

In the Nov. 20 evento principale, two Mexican boxing legends will lace up the gloves for one final night when Hall of FamerMarco Antonio Barrera(67-7, 44 KO) returns to the ring for only the second time in more than a decade to square off against former two-time world championDaniel Ponce de Leon (45-7, 35 KO). The six-round super welterweight exhibition and four additional bouts will air live on pay per view from Inn of the Mountain Gods Resort & Casino in Mescalero, Nuovo Messico.

FITE PPV and Golden Boy Fight Night on Facebook Watch Paid Online will televise the five-bout main card live on pay per view for$9.99 a4:30 p.m. PT /5:30 p.m. MT/7:30 p.m. E

After initially lacing up the gloves at four years old and capturing the Regional Silver Gloves at age eight in Odessa, Texas, the Fort Stockton native secured five titles while defeating all but 20 della sua 300 amateur boxing opponents.

Tuttavia, numerous obstacles have beset Abel on his road toward achieving he and his father’s goal of the young fighter becoming a world champion.

“My Dad got into some trouble at the beginning of my boxing career,” Abel said. “He was on house arrest and then went to jail for a while. It was an extremely difficult time for my family.”

While still in high school, the 17-year-old Mendoza often slept in his vehicle after moving from Odessa to El Paso to become a professional boxer.

“That was a point in my career when I was homeless,” the aspiring titleholder recalled. “I was surrounded by a lot of violence and crime in Odessa and left because I wanted a fresh start. Sometimes I had to stay in my car.”

Never one to shy away from strenuous manual labor, Mendoza’s first job consisted of unearthing fruit in a Pecos, Texas, field with his grandfather at age 13.

“It was summer, and we picked cantaloupes in the hot sun all day,” said the multi-faceted student who is currently taking psychology classes at Odessa College. “That was the year I first won Nationals. I still trained while working in the fields. It was the best and the worst.”

Recalling the arduous memories when he did not know where he would sleep or locate his next meal, the Native American history fan finds solace in giving back to the El Paso community during the holiday season.

“I love to help out at shelters because I have been in that situation where I needed food and a place to stay,” said Santa’s helper who also hands out gifts at west Texas hospitals each December. “It makes me feel good to see the children smile.”

Hoping to battle for a world crown within the next year, the never-married Mendoza counsels the wedded on social media when not honing his skills in the squared circle.

“I go on Instagram Live because people ask me for marriage advice. A lot of people need help.”

Kicking off the festivities, Golden Boy Fight Night on Facebook WatchFacebook.com/GoldenBoyFN and FITE will stream the five outstanding preliminary bouts forfree at 2 p.m. PT/3 p.m. MT/5 p.m. E.

Inoltre, a Spanish-language broadcast will be available as a viewing option for both the pay-per-view and preliminary bouts.

Those hoping to attend the unforgettable, 10-fight Tapia Promotions extravaganza in person can purchase tickets starting at $75 attraversoinnofthemountaingods.com eTicketMaster.com by searching “La Ultima Batalla – The Last Stand.”

About BARRERA-DE LEON: La Ultima Batalla (The Last Stand)

Two legendary former world champions return to the boxing ring one final time for a special six-round welterweight exhibition, as Tapia Promotions presentsBarrera vs. Ponce De Leon “La Ultima Batalla” – “The Last Stand”il Sabato, Novembre 20, at the Inn of the Mountain Gods Resort & Casino in Mescalero, Nuovo Messico. The thrilling five-fight main card will be available via pay-per-view for $9.99 through bothFITE PPV and Golden Boy Fight Night on Facebook Watch Paid Online at 4:30 p.m. PT /5:30 p.m. MT/7:30 p.m. E.  For the audiences watching in Mexicoboth FITE and Golden Boy Fight Night on Facebook Watch Paid Online will offer a Spanish-language broadcast of the event for $4.99. Kicking off the festivities two hours earlier, Golden Boy Fight Night on Facebook WatchFacebook.com/GoldenBoyFN and FITE will stream the five outstanding preliminary bouts for free at 2:30 p.m. PT/3:30 p.m. MT/5:30 p.m. E.

Biglietti a partire da $75 are available throughinnofthemountaingods.com eTicketMaster.com by searching “La Ultima Batalla – The Last Stand.”


Teresa Tapia formed Tapia Promotions to continue the legacy of her legendary late husband, six-time world champion/Hall of Famer Johnny Tapia by providing thrilling boxing events to fight fans everywhere. One of the first female boxing promoters in the United States, Teresa successfully managed Johnny Tapia’s career from 1995-2011, and accepted his 2017 induction into the International Boxing Hall of Fame (IBOF). Inoltre, in 2004, Teresa became the first and only female boxing manager in sweet science history to receive a special recognition award from the IBOF. The multi-faceted promoter branched out in 2020 to produce the sports reality series “Stars and Champions,” which featured an intimate look at boxers’ lives both inside and outside of the ring.

Informazioni su FITE

FITE is the premium global platform for live sports and entertainment offering many of the industry’s marquee PPV events and SVOD packages with over 5MM registered users. FITE è disponibile in tutto il mondo tramite le sue app mobili iOS e Android, Apple TV, Android TV, ANNO, Fuoco Amazon TV, and Huawei apps. In aggiunta, FITE supporta Samsung, LG, Contorno di Cox, Vizio SmartCast™, Virgin Media, Shaw Communications’ Blue Curve IPTV, Foxxum, Chromecast, PS4, XBOX, ZEASN, Netrange, Vidaa / Hisense, VEWD, Netgem TV, Xfinity di Comcast 1 and Xfinity Flex as well as 7,000 models of Smart TVs. Disponibile online su www.FITE.tv. Seguici su Cinguettio, InstagramYouTubeLinkedIN e FacebookFITEIt’s ON.


Los Angeles-based Golden Boy was established in 2002 by Oscar De La Hoya, the first Hispanic to own a national boxing promotional company. Golden Boy is a media and entertainment brand committed to making fighting entertainment more accessible and affordable. The company’s in-house production team develops creative original programming forRingTV.com and international channels across the globe. The company holds the exclusive rights to top boxers and has promoted some of the biggest and highest grossing events in the history of the sport. Ora, Golden Boy is one of the most successful boxing entertainment companies in the world and shapes the future of boxing for fighters and fans alike.