Tag Archives: Warrior

“Warrior MMA: Kongo vs. Volkov” adds middleweight slugfest pitting Joe Schilling vs. Hisaki Kato, making it the fourth and final main-card matchup

Erraza Tweet: ".@JoeSchilling187 and Hisaki Kato join #Bellator139 at @KansasStarArena on June 26. http://bit.ly/1GfVzbx"


SANTA MONICA, Kalifornia. (Maiatza 18, 2015) – A card loaded with explosive contests has received one more potential slugfest, as middleweight sluggers Joe “Stitch ‘Em UpSchilling (2-4) eta Hisaki Kato (4-1) will clash in the fourth and final main-card matchup of next month’s “Warrior MMA: Kongo vs. Volkov” event which airs live on Spike.


Headlined by a heavyweight contest between French striking specialist Cheick Kongo (22-10-2) and former Bellator MMA Heavyweight World Champion Alexander “Drago” Volkov (24-5), “Warrior MMA: Kongo vs. Volkov” gertatzen June 26 at Kansas Star Event Center Arena in Mulvane, Maiatza.


Additional matchups include lightweights Dave “The CavemanRickels (16-3) vs. John “Naturala” Alessio (35-17) and former Bellator MMA Featherweight Champion Pat “Paddy Mike” Curran (20-7) hartzea Goiti Yamauchi (18-2).


Gaueko txartel nagusien aireak zuzenean eta doan Spike-n 9 p.m. ETA/ 8 p.m. CT, aurretiazko bouts on Spike.com airetik bitartean. Bouts gehigarria laster jakinaraziko dugu.


Sarrerak “Warrior MMA: Kongo vs. Volkov,” besterik etan hasiko bertan $17 and include cage side seats for just $97, Une honetan eskuragarri Ticketmaster.com.


31 urteko Schilling profesionalki du borrokan geroztik 2006, starting his combat sports career in muay Thai, non bi U.S lortu zuen. and world titles. Since he’s turned his focus to MMA, Schilling continues to compete in kickboxing events, baita, bere lan GLORY en Last Man Standing Txapelketa ekainean honetara, Hiru aldiz lehian arratsalde bakar batean. Schilling bere Warrior MMA debuta azaroan, Gol bat “Urteko Knockout” candidate stoppage of noted striker Melvin Manhoef.


A karate stylist who first made his name in Japan in the sport of Kudo – a hybrid version of MMA that involves fighting in a gi, gloves and a mask – the 32-year-old Kato will fight in the U.S. Ekainaren 26garren lehen aldiz. Kato’s transition in 2013 to traditional MMA rules has proven to be a rousing success, as he’s earned four knockout victories in his first five bouts. Three of those wins were earned in the first round, including an April 2014 victory that came in just 53 segundo.


“Warrior MMA: Kongo vs. Volkov” - Ostirala, June 26, Kanas Star Event Center Arena, MULVANE, Kansas


Warrior Heavyweight gertaera nagusia: Cheick Kongo (22-10-2) vs. Alexander Volkov (24-5)

Warrior arin Film Fight: Dave Rickels (16-3) vs. John Alessio (35-17)

Warrior Featherweight Film Fight: Pat Curran (20-7) vs. Goiti Yamauchi (18-2)

Warrior Featherweight Film Fight: Joe Schilling (2-4) vs. Hisaki Kato (4-1)

Brandon Halsey Defeats Kendall Grove Via Technical Knockout Vacates Bellator Middleweight Title Due To Missing Weight



All photos by: Bellator MMA/Eric Coleman

TEMECULA, Kalifornia. (Maiatza 15, 2015) – While Brandon “Bull” Halsey (9-0) can no longer say he’s Bellator MMA’s Middleweight World Champion, he’s still managed to show his talent with a one-sided destruction of proven veteran Kendall “Spyder” Grove (21-15).


The contest served as the feature main event of Ostirala en “Warrior: Halsey vs. Grove” card at Pechanga Resort & Temecula Casino, Kalifornia.


Halsey nearly finished the fight in the early going, moving to an arm-triangle choke that would have finished a lesser opponent, but Grove somehow battled through the effort. Still, it was a one-sided round for the former champ.


Grove was able to avoid such a precarious position in the second, but he was still forced to be on the defensive throughout most of the frame. With a high-paced wrestling attack, Halsey simply pushed his way to the floor and enjoyed top position for almost the entirety of the round.


The pattern continued as the fight wore on, with Halsey simply overpowering his opponent and constantly earning himself the dominant position. Grove briefly threatened with an armbar in the fourth frame, but Halsey simply yanked his limb free and pounded away with punches shortly after until he earned the TKO win at the 2:25 mark of the frame.


The undefeated Halsey, who was stripped of the Bellator MMA Middleweight World Title for failing to make weight, will look to again earn the belt in his next appearance.


“I was my own worst enemy. It was how I performed. He didn’t throw anything at me that I wasn’t ready for. I was just trying to tough through the injury. I had to tough it out and come out with the victory,” Halsey said.


“Obviously, you want to be as dominant as possible. I just felt like I couldn’t explode through my combinations or explode through the fight and finish how I wanted to. But like I said, you’ve got to deal with adversity, and I did it the best I could,” Halsey continued.


“I learned my lesson. I thank Bellator. I apologize to the commission. It’s unprofessional not to make weight. Aitzakiarik, but anybody knows that it’s hard to cut weight with an injury. The belt’s just a decoration, so I’m still the champ in my eyes. No one has taken the belt from me.”


In the night’s co-main event, former Bellator MMA Bantamweight World Champion Eduardo “Dudu” Dantas (17-4), of Rio de Janeiro, Brasilen, took a step toward another shot at the title with a hard-fought decision victory over the hard-hitting Mike “Marine The” Richman, of Rose Mount, Aurrera.


While Richman showed excellent takedown defense throughout the 15-minute affair, Dantas’ work rate helped him earn the favor of the judges. Constantly pressing and looking to bring the fight to the floor, Dantas was able to just edge out Richman on the cards, 29-28 according to all three officials.


I went out there and fought the way I trained to fight,” Dantas said after the win. “I knew Mike Richman was going to come with everything, but I wanted to win this fight and get back to the title. The only fight that makes sense next is for the title.


In a welterweight contest, Fernando “Menifee Maniac The” Gonzalez (24-13), of Menifee, Kalifornia., scored a thrilling, come-from-behind victory over “Curtious” Curtis Millender (7-2), San Bernardino, Kalifornia.


With Millender enjoying a six-inch height advantage, the smaller Gonzalez struggled to score points in the first two rounds. But when the fight hit the floor in the third, Gonzalez latched onto a guillotine choke and earned a tap from his opponent at the 1:14 finalean of.


“Naiz 4-0 oraintxe,” Gonzalez said after the win. “That’s one step closer to the title, and I’m excited to get in there and mix it up with whoever is next.


With the result, Gonzalez now boasts four-straight Bellator MMA victories and put himself in line for a potential shot at the promotion’s Welterweight Title.


In the night’s first main-card matchup, boladan perspectiva Darrion “Otsoa” Caldwell (7-0), of Rahway, N.J., used a superior wrestling game to outwork more experienced opponent Rafael “Bat” Silva (22-5), of Lajes, Brasilen, en route a unanimous-decision victory.


With Caldwell scoring takedowns throughout the matchup, Silva looked for submissions when available, but he simply couldn’t find the necessary hold to work past his opponent’s defense. Horren ordez, Caldwell kept his pressure high, and judges awarded him the fight, 29-28 hiru txartel guztiak.


After the victory, Caldwell made it clear he’s clearing his way to a shot at the Bellator MMA World Title.


I don’t think there are any fighters out there as explosive as me at 135 kilo, or as fast,” Caldwell said. “Azkenean, I’ll be able to prove that.


In the night’s final preliminary bout, Guam’s Joe Taimanglo (21-6-1) scored a third-round knockout of Mexico’s Antonio Duarte (18-6).


Gainera, luma perspectiva Jordan Parsons (11-1), San Diegoko, Kalifornia., earned a third-round decision win over the previously undefeated Brazilian Julio Cesar Neves Jr. (30-1).


Heavyweight lehiaketa argi batean, Virgilio Zwicker (14-4-1), of Temecula, Kalifornia., earned a first-round knockout win over Razak Al-Hassan (12-5), Milwaukee, Wisc.


And in the night’s first fight, Ricky “Frankotiratzaile” Rainey (11-3), of Gastonia, N.C., earned a second-round knockout win over Jessie Juarez (22-10), Torrance of, Kalifornia.

Brandon Halsey (9-0) def. Kendall Grove (21-15)


Eduardo Dantas (17-4) def. Mike Richman (18-6 )


Fernando Gonzalez (24-14) def. Curtis Millender (7-2)


Darrion Caldwell (7-0) def. Rafael Silva (22-5)


About Warrior MMA

Warrior MMA mistoa arte martzialak erakundeko liderra onena borrokalari askoren protagonista da munduan. Beteranoa borroka sustatzailea Scott Coker zuzendaritzapean, Warrior eskuragarri dago ia 400 mundu osoan milioi etxe baino gehiagotan 120 Herrialde. Ameriketako Estatu Batuetan, Bellator izango Spike ikus daiteke, MMA telebista lider. Warrior MMA da biltzen dituen top industria telebista ekoizpen profesionalen exekutibo talde bat osatzen dute, zuzeneko ekitaldi orkestazio, Borrokalari garapena / harremanak, Euskalduna Jauregian kontratazio, babesari / garapenerako, nazioarteko lizentzien, marketing, publizitatea, publizitatea eta batzorde harremanak. Warrior da Santa Monica oinarritutako, California eta entretenimendua erraldoi Viacom jabetzako, munduko ataria entertainment marka ikusleak konektatu telebista zehar eduki sinesgarria bidez hasiera, mugimenduaren irudi, plataformen online eta sakelako.


Spike buruz:

Spike da eskuragarri 98.7 milioi etxe eta Viacom Media Sareak dibisio bat da. Viacom unitatea (NASDAQ: VIA, VIAB), Viacom Media Sareak munduko programazio eta eduki sortzaile garrantzitsuenetako bat media plataforma guztietan dago. Spike en Internet helbide da www.spike.com eta up-to-the-minutuko eta artxiboko prentsa informazioa eta argazkiak, bisitatu Spike prentsa gunea http://www.spike.com/press. Jarraitu Twitter spiketvpr berriak hautsi azken egiteko, atzean-eszenak informazioa eta argazkiak.



TEMECULA, Kalifornia. (Maiatza 14, 2015) – All twenty-six athletes competing at biharko "Bellator: Halsey vs. Grove” event were happy to rehydrate after stepping on the scales at today’s official weigh-in, which took place at the Cabaret Theatre inside the Pechanga Resort and Casino in Temecula, Kalifornia.

"Bellator: Halsey vs. Grove,"Zuzeneko eta Spike on free at AIRS 9 p.m. ETA / 8 p.m. CT, features a main event between Brandon "Bull" Halsey (8-0) and well-respected veteran Kendall “Da Spyda” Grove (21-14). The incumbent champion failed to hit the required mark of 185-pounds. Ondorioz, Grove is the only fighter who can leave the event as the champion, if Halsey does manage to win, he will be forced to vacate the belt.

Co-nagusia gertatuz gero, a bantamweight battle will go on as planned between former 135-pound champion Eduardo "Dudu" Dantas(16-4) and a streaking Mike “The Marine” Richman (18-5), despite Richman missing weight.

In a critical welterweight battle between two hometown fighters, Cinderella Man Fernando "The menifee Maniac" Gonzalez (23-13) looks to continue his hot streak against a young Curtis “Curtious” Millender (7-1).

Irekiz telebistaz arratsaldean bout batean, one of MMA’s most promising prospects Darrion "Otsoa" Caldwell (6-0), looks to keep his record unblemished against a tough Rafael “Morcego” Silva (22-4), who has only suffered one defeat in his last 15 muturretan

Egin klik hemen guztiak pisatzen-argazkitan

Txartel nagusia (9 p.m. ETA)


Warrior Middleweight Izenburua Fight: Champ Brandon Halsey (188.1 kgs.) vs. Kendall Grove (184.9 kgs.)


Bellator bantamweight Fight: Eduardo Dantas (135.2 kgs.) vs. Mike Richman (139.8 kgs.)


Bellator Welterweight Fight: Fernando Gonzalez (170.9 kgs.) vs. Curtis Millender (170.8 kgs.)


Bellator bantamweight Fight: Darrion Caldwell (135.7 kgs.) vs. Rafael Silva (135.7 kgs.)

Aurrematrikula Txartela (7:45 p.m. ETA)

Bellator Middleweight Fight: Benji Radach (186 kgs.) vs. Ben Reiter (186 kgs.)


Bellator bantamweight Fight: Joe Taimanglo (136.2 kgs.) vs. Antonio Duarte (135.1 kgs.)


Bellator Featherweight Fight: Jordan Parsons (145.5 kgs.) vs. Julio Cesar Neves Jr. (146 kgs.)


Bellator Light Heavyweight Fight: Virgilio Zwicker (206.7 kgs.) vs. Razak Al-Hassan (205.6 kgs.)


Bellator Welterweight Fight: Jesse Juarez (171 kgs.) vs. Ricky Rainey (170.7 kgs.)


Bellator Featherweight Fight: A.J. Jenkins (146 kgs.) vs. Arlene Blencowe (145.8 kgs.)


Bellator arin Fight: Steve Kozola (155.8 kgs.) vs. Ian Butler (155.2 kgs.)


Bellator bantamweight Fight: Shawn Bunch (135.4 kgs.) vs. Rolando Perez (135.3 kgs.)


Bellator bantamweight Fight: John Yoo (135.4 kgs.) vs. Albert Morales (134.4 kgs.)


About Warrior MMA

Warrior MMA mistoa arte martzialak erakundeko liderra onena borrokalari askoren protagonista da munduan. Beteranoa borroka sustatzailea Scott Coker zuzendaritzapean, Warrior eskuragarri dago ia 400 mundu osoan milioi etxe baino gehiagotan 120 Herrialde. Ameriketako Estatu Batuetan, Bellator izango Spike ikus daiteke, MMA telebista lider. Warrior MMA da biltzen dituen top industria telebista ekoizpen profesionalen exekutibo talde bat osatzen dute, zuzeneko ekitaldi orkestazio, Borrokalari garapena / harremanak, Euskalduna Jauregian kontratazio, babesari / garapenerako, nazioarteko lizentzien, marketing, publizitatea, publizitatea eta batzorde harremanak. Warrior da Santa Monica oinarritutako, California eta entretenimendua erraldoi Viacom jabetzako, munduko ataria entertainment marka ikusleak konektatu telebista zehar eduki sinesgarria bidez hasiera, mugimenduaren irudi, plataformen online eta sakelako.



SANTA MONICA, Kalifornia. (Maiatza 11, 2015) – Bellator MMA is proud to announce the signing of one of mixed martial art’s most sought-after prospects, Eta Ruth. A dominant and decorated collegiate wrestler, Ruth joins Bellator MMA with an exclusive, anitzeko borroka akordio.


The 25-year-old’s focus is currently set on the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio, where the general consensus is that he will be a shoo-in to compete in the 86kg. zatiketa.


I’ve known for a long time now that after I get Olympic gold around my neck, I was going to go get some MMA gold for my waist,” said the phenom Ruth. “I’ve been talking with all the major organizations, and at the end of the day, I really believe in what Scott Coker is doing with Bellator. They’re signing the top talent, they’re putting on exciting fights, and they’re letting me secure my own sponsors. It will be a little while until I step into the cage for the first timebut when I do, everyone they put in front of me is in for a world of hurt.


Ruth attended High School at Blair Academy in Susquehanna Township, PA, where he was the top-ranked recruit in Nation for his weight class. Ruth would elect to stay local and attend wrestling powerhouse Penn State University. The masterful grappler added three National Championships and four All-American accolades to his trophy room while wrestling with the Penn State University’s Nittany Lions.


The three-time national champion joins blue-chip amateur wrestling prospect Aaron Pico on the roster. Both competitors will turn their focus to MMA following the Olympic Games next year. When the time comes, Ruth will be competing in Bellator’s middleweight division alongside current title-holder Brandon Halsey, Kendall Grove, Rafael Carvalho, Joe Schilling, Alexander Shlemenko, Melvin Manhoef, besteen artean.

“Warrior MMA: Amaitu gabeko Business” hamaikakoa osatzeko 14 Borrokak, including the addition of hard-hitting veterans Justin Lawrence, Adam Cella


SANTA MONICA, Kalifornia. (Maiatza 11, 2015) – June’s blockbuster “Warrior MMA: Amaitu gabeko Business” event now has a complete lineup of 14 action-packed contests with the addition of Spike.com-streamed matchups of featherweights Justin “The American Kid” Lawrence (7-2) vs. SeanP-Town” Wilson (34-25), lightweights Eric Irvin (9-3) vs. Hugh polea (4-2) eta bantamweights A.J. “Let’s Go” Siscoe (0-1) vs. Garrett Mueller (1-0), as well as a pair of dark preliminary contests with welterweights Adam “El NaturalCella (6-3) vs. Kyle Kurtz (3-0) eta lightweights Garrett Gross (6-3) vs. Chris “StumpHeatherly (8-3),


Gehien espero diren borroka bat Featuring kirolaren historia ere KIMBO Slice vs. Ken Shamrock, “Warrior MMA: Amaitu gabeko Business” gertatzen Ostirala, June 19, St at. Louis’ Scottrade Center and airs live on Spike.


Sarrerak “Warrior MMA: Amaitu gabeko Business,” besterik etan hasiko bertan $30, Une salgai Ticketmaster.com


The night’s first contest takes place at 6 p.m. CT bertako ordua, while the Spike-televised main card starts two hours later.


Lawrence, Ozeano Bareko, Mo., is a former national boxing and kickboxing champion and RFA featherweight champion who now makes his Bellator MMA debut on the strength of a three-fight winning streak. He faces Wilson, Omaha, who has incredibly fought to a judgesdecision just once in 59 karrera lehiaketak.


Irvin, of Pilot Knob, Mo., boasts a four-fight winning streak and is 6-1 bere azken zazpi agerraldi. He now fights for Bellator MMA for the first time and meets fellow Missouri native Pulley, who hopes to snap a two-fight losing streak.


Cella is a five-time Shamrock FC veteran and “TUF” former cast member who now faces the undefeated Kurtz – a Missouri fighter who already boasts three career victories despite just turning pro in January.


In a battle of Illinois-based fighters, Gross has won four of his past five outings and has gone to a judgesdecision just once in nine professional appearances. Bere aurkari, Heatherly, is a big show veteran who hopes to snap a disappointing two-fight losing streak, the first consecutive losses of his career.


Siscoe and Mueller each make their Bellator MMA debuts.


“Warrior MMA: Amaitu gabeko Business” - Ostirala, June 19, Scottrade Center, St. Louis, You.

Txartel nagusia (9 p.m. ETA)


Warrior Heavyweight gertaera nagusia: KIMBO Slice (4-2) vs. Ken Shamrock (28-15-2)

Warrior Featherweight Izenburua Fight: Eremu Patricio Pitbull (23-2) vs. Daniel Weichel (35-8)

Bellator Nabarmendutako Heavyweight Fight: Bobby Lashley (12-2) vs. James Thompson (20-14)

Bellator Nabarmendutako Featherweight Fight: Daniel Straus (22-6) vs. Henry Corrales (12-0)

Warrior Nabarmendutako arin Fight: Michael Chandler (12-3) vs. Derek eremuak (15-4)


Aurrematrikula Txartela (7 p.m. ETA)

Bellator Strawweight prelim Fight: Dan O'Connor (5-4) vs. Mila McDonald (0-1)

Warrior Featherweight prelim Fight: Justin Lawrence (7-2) vs. Sean Wilson (34-25)

Warrior arin prelim Fight: Eric Irvin (9-3) vs. Hugh polea (4-2)

Warrior arin prelim Fight: Malcolm Smith (4-4) vs. Luke Nelson (2-1)

Warrior Featherweight prelim Fight: Kain Royer (1-1) vs. Enrique Watson (1-0)

Warrior bantamweight prelim Fight: A.J. Siscoe (0-1) vs. Garrett Mueller (1-0)

Bellator Welterweight Dark prelim: Adam Cella (6-3) vs. Kyle Kurtz (3-0)

Bellator Welterweight Dark prelim: Steve Mann (10-1) vs. Justin Guthrie (17-8)

Bellator arin Dark prelim: Garrett Gross (6-3) vs. Chris Heatherly (8-3)

Veteran knockout artist Benji “Razor” Radach returns to the cage to face Ben Reiter at “Warrior MMA: Halsey vs. Grove”


EASY TWEET: Hard-hitting MMA vet @benjyradach returns to face undefeated former @PennWrestling star @BenReiterMMA Maiatza 15 #Warrior


SANTA MONICA, Kalifornia. (Maiatza 7, 2015) – One of MMA’s hardest-hitting pioneers will return to action for the first time since 2010, bezala Benji “Razor” Radach(21-6) has agreed to replace an injured A.J. Matthews (7-3) in a middleweight preliminary fight against Ben “Hunter” Reiter (15-0-1).


The new addition again finalizes a full nine-bout preliminary card scheduled in support of four main-card contests at “Warrior MMA: Halsey vs. Grove.


Gaueko agerraldi nagusien artean galdu gabeko Bellator MMA munduko pisu erdiko txapelduna da Brandon “Bull” Halsey (8-0) towering Oiasso scrapper aurka Kendall “Spyder” Grove (21-14), Bellator MMAko munduko txapeldun ohia Eduardo “Dudu” Dantas (16-4) vs. Mike “Marine The” Richman (18-5), welterweights Fernando “Menifee Maniac The” Gonzalez (23-13) vs. “Curtious” Curtis Millander (7-1) eta bantamweights Darrion “Otsoa” Caldwell (6-0) vs. Rafael “Bat” Silva (22-4).


“Warrior: Halsey vs. Grove” gertatzen Ostirala, Maiatza 15, Pechanga Resort at & Temecula Casino, Kalifornia. The night’s main card airs live on Spike TV at 9 p.m. ETA (6 p.m. PT bertako ordua), aurretiazko bouts on Spike.com airetik bitartean.


Sarrerak “Warrior: Halsey vs. Grove,” besterik etan hasiko bertan $50, Une salgai Pechanga.com eta Pechanga Resort & Casino leihatilan.


Ateak “Warrior: Halsey vs. Grove” irekita 4 p.m. PT bertako ordua, eta lehen lehiaketa ospatzen da 45 minutu geroago.


Profesionalki borroka geroztik 2001, Radach fought for many of MMA’s biggest promotions, including Strikeforce, EliteXC, the International Fight League and the UFC. Seventeen of Radach’s 21 career wins have come by knockout, and he makes no secret of his intentions when he enters the cage. Boasting past clashed with MMA notables such as Brian Foster, Gerald Harris, Matt Horwich, Chris Leben, Gustavo Machado, MuriloNinjaRua and Scott Smith, besteak beste, Radach put his fighting career on hold in 2010, as he addressed a variety of nagging injuries. Orain guztiz berreskuratu, Radach looks to make a successful return to action.


Radach now meets a top undefeated prospect and former UPenn wrestling star Reiter, who fights for the second time under the Bellator MMA banner after spending much of his early career in Peru.


“Warrior: Halsey vs. Grove” - Ostirala, Maiatza 15, Pechanga Resort & Casino, Temecula, Kalifornia.

Txartel nagusia (9 p.m. ETA)


Warrior Middleweight Izenburua Fight: Champ Brandon Halsey (8-0) vs. Kendall Grove (21-14)

Warrior Nabarmendutako bantamweight Fight: Eduardo Dantas (16-4) vs. Mike Richman (18-5)

Warrior Nabarmendutako Welterweight Fight: Fernando Gonzalez (23-13) vs. Curtis Millender (7-1)

Warrior Nabarmendutako bantamweight Fight: Darrion Caldwell (6-0) vs. Rafael Silva (22-4)

Aurrematrikula Txartela (7:45 p.m. ETA)


Warrior Middleweight prelim Fight: Benji Radach (21-6) vs. Ben Reiter (14-0)

Warrior Argia Heavyweight prelim Fight: Virgilio Zwicker (13-4-1) vs. Razak Al-Hassan (12-4)

Warrior bantamweight prelim Fight: Joe Taimanglo (20-6-1) vs. Antonio Duarte (18-5)

Warrior Featherweight prelim Fight: Jordan Parsons (10-1) vs. Julio Cesar Neves Jr. (30-0)

Warrior Welterweight prelim Fight: Jesse Juarez (22-9) vs. Ricky Rainey (10-3)


Dark Bouts (gutxi gorabehera. 11 p.m. ETA)


Bellator arin Dark prelim: John Yoo (0-0) vs. Albert Morales (1-0)

Bellator arin Dark prelim: Shawn Bunch (3-1) vs. Rolando Perez (7-4)

Bellator arin Dark prelim: Steve Kozola (5-0) vs. Ian Butler (1-1)

Bellator arin Dark prelim: A.J. Jenkins (17-5) vs. Arlene Blencowe (5-4)


Former Bellator MMA World Featherweight Champion Daniel Straus looks to work his way back to the belt at “Warrior MMA: Amaitu gabeko Business” against undefeated challenger Henry Corrales

SANTA MONICA, Kalifornia. (Maiatza 5, 2015) – Former Bellator MMA World Featherweight Champion Daniel Straus (23-6) begins his trek back to a world title when he meets undefeated promotional newcomer and former King of the Cage titlist Henry Corrales (12-0) at June’s blockbuster “Warrior MMA: Amaitu gabeko Business” Ekitaldia.


The contest serves as the fifth and final Spike TV-broadcast main card matchup of the star-studded fight card.


Featuring one of the most anticipated heavyweight fights in the history of the sport with KIMBO Slice vs. Ken Shamrock, “Warrior MMA: Amaitu gabeko Business” takes place Friday, June 19, St at. Louis’ Scottrade Center eta doinu Spike TV bizi.


Sarrerak “Warrior MMA: Amaitu gabeko Business,” besterik etan hasiko bertan $30, Une salgai Ticketmaster.com.


With the night’s featured bouts now complete, additional preliminary contests will be announced shortly.


A consensus pick as one the best 145-pounders on the planet, Straus is anxious to rebound from a disappointing January loss to current Bellator MMA Featherweight Champion Patrick “Pitbull” Freire. A member of American Top Team, Straus was ahead early in the fight and appeared to be on his way to reclaiming the belt he lost in 2014 before suffering a knee injury that limited his capabilities and eventually led to his late submission with 11 seconds left in the fourth round.


Orain guztiz berreskuratu, Straus plans on working his way back to a title bout as quickly as possible, and a victory on a high-profile card like “Warrior MMA: Amaitu gabeko Business” would certainly help him stake his claim as the division’s No. 1 contender.


Profesionalki borroka geroztik 2011, Corrales began his career primarily as a Brazilian jiu-jitsu stylist, as witnessed by his five consecutive submission wins to begin his career. Hala ere, he’s since worked diligently to improve his striking game, and of his past six victories, four have come by way of knockout. Corrales boasts an unblemished professional mark through the first 12 contests of his MMA tenure, including recent wins over big-show veterans Jerod Spoon and Seth Dikun.


“Warrior MMA: Amaitu gabeko Business” - Ostirala, June 19, Scottrade Center, St. Louis, You.

Txartel nagusia

Warrior Heavyweight gertaera nagusia: KIMBO Slice (4-2) vs. Ken Shamrock (28-15-2)

Warrior Featherweight Izenburua Fight: Eremu Patricio Pitbull (23-2) vs. Daniel Weichel (35-8)

Bellator Nabarmendutako Heavyweight Fight: Bobby Lashley (12-2) vs. James Thompson (20-14)

Bellator Nabarmendutako Featherweight Fight: Daniel Straus (23-6) vs. Henry Corrales (12-0)

Warrior Nabarmendutako arin Fight: Michael Chandler (12-3) vs. Derek eremuak (15-4)

Aurrematrikula Txartela

Warrior Welterweight prelim Fight: Justin Guthrie (17-8) vs. Steven Mann (10-1)

Bellator Strawweight prelim Fight: Mila McDonald (0-1) vs. Dan O'Connor (5-4)

Warrior arin prelim Fight: Malcolm Smith (4-4) vs. Luke Nelson (2-1)

Warrior Featherweight prelim Fight: Kain Royer (1-1) vs. Enrique Watson (1-0)

Bellator MMA adds heavyweight sluggers Ewerton Teixeira and Lorenzo Hood

Bellators newest heavyweights Ewerton Teixeira (Ezkerretik) and Lorenzo Hood


SANTA MONICA, Kalifornia. (Maiatza 4, 2015) – Bellator MMA’s heavyweight division will now play host to a pair of the hardest-hitting heavyweights in the game, as promotion officials are proud to announce the addition of Brazilian K-1 champion Ewerton Teixeira (3-0), as well as Blackzilians slugger LorenzoThe Samoan SilverbackHood (9-2).


Debut dates and opponents will be announced for both fighters in the near future.


A third dan black belt in Kyokushin karate, 33 urteko Teixeira du martxan lehiaketak deigarria izenburuak racking, hamarkada bat baino gehiago nahi izanez gero. Teixeira standup itzaltze Pinnacle iritsi ere 2008, betiere ekitaldi horretan K-1 World Grand Prix irabazi zuen Fukuoka izenburua eta gero bere K-1 World Grand Prix Final txapelketan bout modu borrokatua, where he would come up just short against Errol Zimmerman (though Teixeira would avenge that result in 2010).


Teixeira then turned his attention to MMA in 2012, and he has remained undefeated through his first three professional contests in the sport and is now ready to try his hand at MMA’s highest level.


Bien bitartean, 6 metroko 3 Hood profesionalki ditu lehian izan zenetik 2009 and has never had a fight go past the first round. Bere bederatzi karrera garaipenen, all nine have come by knockout. Hood U.S osoan borrokatu du. bitartean, eskualdeko zirkuituan lehian, earning himself recognition as one of the top heavyweight prospects in the sport.


Competing under the tutelage of former world champion Rashad Evans, the 26-year-old Hood’s work at Florida’s Blackzilians camp has prepared him for an opportunity to compete against the world’s best fighters, and Bellator MMA will now offer him a platform to prove his talent.




SANTA MONICA, Kalifornia. (Maiatza 4, 2015) - Bellator MMA funtzionarioek harro daudela MMA fan-gogoko sinatu dute iragarriko Melvin "The Young Assassin" Guillard (32-14-2) urteko multi bati, anitzeko borroka kontratua.


Debut data eta aurkari izango Guillard iragarri egingo du etorkizun hurbilean.


At bakarrik 32 urtetik, "The Young Assassin" etniko 50 datak itzuli karrera batean bouts profesionalak 2002. With 21 garaipenekin datozen KO arabera, Guillard bere borroka estilo zirraragarria batera fan base handi bat sortu du.


New Orleansen jaioa, Azken artistak bere gaitasunak honed du gora MMA munduan Jacksonen MMA barne gimnasioak batzuk, Blackzilians, Grudge Training Center eta American Top Team, Bertan entrenatzen. Bere 22-borroka Ultimate Fighting Txapelketan stint zehar, Guillard hautsi MMA handia BJ Penn en KO gehienen errekorra zatiketa arinen zortzi, bultzada bikaina horrek berak oraindik ere egun hau dauka.


"Ez gara, ilusioa izan Melvin onboard datozen,"Esan Bellator presidente Scott Coker. "Lightweight txapelduna Will Brooks gustuko Withcompetitors, Michael Chandler, Marcin Held, Derek Anderson, You Awad, Dave Jansen eta Patricky Pitbull zerrendari dagoeneko, matchup hura bezalako borrokalari zirraragarria aukerak anitzak dira. "


Guillard jabea izenak Nabarmentzekoak dira, besteak beste, Marcus Davis garaipen, Dennis siver, Gleison Tibau, Evan Dunham, eta Jeremy Stephens.

Injury forces Georgi Karakhanyan out of featherweight title fightChampion Patricio Pitbull now faces Daniel Weichel at “Bellator: Amaitu gabeko Business "


Erraza Tweet: “NEW FIGHT: @danielweichel to face @PatricioPitbull for #Bellator featherweight championship on June 19 #UnfinishedBusiness”


SANTA MONICA, Kalifornia. (April 28, 2015) – Due to a knee injury sustained by title challenger Georgi Karakhanyan, Warrior MMA Featherweight Munduko txapelduna Patricio Pitbull (23-2) will now face German submission ace Daniel “The WeaselWeichel (35-8) in the co-main event of “Warrior: Amaitu gabeko Business,” Ekimena Ostirala, June 19 St at. Louis’ Scottrade Center.


Gehien espero diren borroka bat Featuring kirolaren historia ere KIMBO Slice vs. Ken Shamrock, "Bellator: Unfinished Business” also features Bobby Lashley (12-2) vs. James Thompson (20-14) eta Michael Chandler (12-3) vs. Derek eremuak (15-4), with a fifth and final featured bout to be announced shortly.


The 27-year-old “Pitbull,” of Natal, Brasilen, is a 13-time veteran of the promotion who captured the Bellator MMA Featherweight World Title with a September win over then-champion Pat Curran. “Pitbull” then defended his belt in January with a thrilling submission win over former champion Daniel Straus. In 24 karrera agerraldi, “Pitbull” has only lost two fights, eta bai Maquinilla-mehe emaitza izan ziren, split-decisions.


“Pitbull” now meets Germany’s Weichel, who at just 30 years of age already boasts more than 35 professional wins. Bere azken borroka batean, Weichel earned a hard-fought victory over former champion Pat Curran bringing his record to 12-1 bere iraganeko 13 irteerak. Weichel is a Bellator MMA tournament winner, racking up victories over Desmond Green, Matt Bessette eta Scott Cleve in the process. Of those 35 garaipen, an incredible 21 of them have come by way of submission.


The 5-fight televised card airs live on Spike at 9 p.m. ETA / 8 p.m. CT, with preliminary fights streaming on Spike.com at 7 p.m. ETA / 6 p.m. CT.


Sarrerak “Warrior: Amaitu gabeko Business,” besterik etan hasiko bertan $30, Une salgai Ticketmaster.com.


“Warrior MMA: Amaitu gabeko Business” - Ostirala, Maiatza June 19, Scottrade Center, St. Louis, You.

Txartel nagusia

Warrior Heavyweight gertaera nagusia: KIMBO Slice (4-2) vs. Ken Shamrock (28-15-2)

Warrior Featherweight Izenburua Fight: Eremu Patricio Pitbull (23-2) vs. Daniel Weichel (35-8)

Bellator Nabarmendutako Heavyweight Fight: Bobby Lashley (12-2) vs. James Thompson (20-14)

Warrior Nabarmendutako arin Fight: Michael Chandler (12-3) vs. Derek eremuak (15-4)


Aurrematrikula Txartela

Warrior Welterweight prelim Fight: Justin Guthrie (17-8) vs. Steven Mann (10-1)

Bellator Strawweight prelim Fight: Mila McDonald (0-1) vs. Dan O'Connor (5-4)

Warrior arin prelim Fight: Malcolm Smith (4-4) vs. Luke Nelson (2-1)

Warrior Featherweight prelim Fight: Kain Royer (1-1) vs. Enrique Watson (1-0)