Tag Archives: Bellator


SAINT LOUIS (Júní 18, 2015) - Eftir vega-ins á Scottrade Center fimmtudaginn, Kimbo Slice og Ken Shamrock mun að lokum setjast þeirra "Unfinished Business".

"Bellator MMA: Kimbo vs. Shamrock,"Sem airs lifandi og frjáls á Spike í 9 p.m. OG / 8 p.m. CT, lögun helstu atburði á milli fyrrnefndrar Skerið og "Most Dangerous Man í heimi." Baráttan er næstum sjö ár í gerð, eftir fluke slys olli Delete fyrsta fyrirhugaða fund þeirra.

Í sam-aðalkeppni, bardaga fyrir Featherweight úrslita mun fara eins og til stóð þegar Patricio "Pitbull" Freire (23-2) lítur út fyrir að verja titil sinn gegn streaking Daniel Weichel (35-8). Á annarri tilraun hans, "Pitbull" högg þarf merki 145-pund.

Í mikilvægum þungavigtar rusl milli tveggja stærri en lífið bardagamenn, Bobby Lashley (12-2) lítur út fyrir að halda áfram undefeated vegu sína í Bellator MMA gegn mjög leik Dan "The Man" Charles (9-2). Lashley var upphaflega ákveða að takast James Thompson, en meiðsl derailed halla.

Einn af the efnilegur horfur MMA er Henry Corrales (12-0), lítur út fyrir að halda hljómplata hans óflekkað gegn fyrrum featherweight meistari Daniel Straus (22-6), sem hefur aðeins orðið þrjú ósigra í síðasta sinn 22 endum.

Í opnun sjónvarpað lota í kvöld, Mike Chandler (12-3) mun reyna að fara aftur í léttur dýrð Þegar hann f-Aces Derek Fields (15-4). The Missouri móðurmáli hefur tekið þátt í fullt af Legendary stríð inni í Bellator búr og ef hann skrifar á vega-ins voru engar vísbendingar, hann ætlar að gera heimkoma ekkert hans undir sérstakt.


Main Card (9 p.m. OG)

Bellator Heavyweight Main Event: Kimbo Slice (232) vs. Ken Shamrock (204.4)

Bellator Featherweight Title Fight: Champ Patricio "Pitbull" Freire (144.9) vs. Daniel Weichel (144.5)

Bellator Grein Heavyweight berjast: Bobby Lashley (239) vs. Dan Charles (228)

Bellator Grein Featherweight berjast: Daniel Straus (144.4) vs. Henry Corrales (144.9)

Bellator Grein Léttur berjast: Michael Chandler (155.6) vs. Derek Fields (152.8)

Forkeppni Card (7:45 p.m. OG)

Bellator Bantamweight Fight: A.J. Siscoe (135.5) vs. Garrett Mueller (135.6)

Bellator Featherweight Fight: Kain Royer (184.6) vs. Enrique Watson (185.8)

Bellator 166 £. Catchweight Fight: Rashard Lovelace (160.6) vs. Demagio Smith (164.8)

Bellator Featherweight Fight: Justin Lawrence (145.7) vs. Sean Wilson (145.8)

Bellator welterweight berjast: Steve Mann (169.8) vs. Justin Guthrie (170.3)

Bellator Léttur Fight: Garrett Gross (155.2) vs. Chris Heatherly (160)

Bellator welterweight berjast: Adam Cella (170.3) vs. Kyle Kurtz (171)

Bellator Léttur Fight: Eric Irvin (155.2) vs. Hugh Talía (155.6)

Bellator Strawweight Prelim berjast: Dan O'Connor (115.3) vs. Miles McDonald (115.3)

SPIKE TV AND BELLATOR MMA kynna endanlegt líta á tvö af the heilbrigður-þekktur og flókið bardagamenn í MMA sögu með "LOKSINS: Kimbo vs. SHAMROCK "


Spike TV og Bellator MMA kynna sannfærandi og innsýn líta á einn af mest töluðu um átök í 2015 í "Að lokum: Kimbo vs. Shamrock. " Framleidd af Leigh Simons, fyrir einn klukkutíma heimildamynd frumraun á Spike Miðvikudagur, Júní 17 á 11:00kl ET/PT.



Ken Shamrock og Kimbo Slice tók mjög mismunandi leiðir til stjörnuhimininn. Kimbo Slice var internet tilfinning lagði í sviðsljósinu virðist á einni nóttu meðan Ken Shamrock var MMA brautryðjandi sem börðust leið sína til the toppur með Workman-eins einurð og vígslu.


Tvær leiðir þeirra áttu að fara í búr sjö árum. Hins, á þeim örlagaríka degi október 4, 2008, Freak slys rændu MMA heiminum einn af the sjá slagsmálum í sögu íþróttarinnar. A berjast Epic hlutföllum sem aldrei var – nú loks verður. Á Föstudagur, Júní 19, hinn frægi götu berjast goðsögn og YouTube tilfinning Kimbo Slice og “Flest Dangerous Man heims,” Ken Shamrock mun nú mæta í aðalkeppni á “Bellator: Unfinished Business.”


"LOKSINS" mun taka í-dýpt líta á atburði sjö árum og fjallar um ýmsar kenningar samsæri í tengslum við uppsögn baráttunni er. Þátturinn fer til sendinn götum Miami þar Kimbo skapað sér nafn fyrir sig og til San Diego til að heimsækja óhefðbundnum þjálfun Ken Shamrock er leikni. Áhorfendur vilja fá sjaldgæf innsýn þessara flókið stríðsmaður utan búr með fyrstu persónu reikning persónulegum baráttu þeirra og árangur.


Um Bellator MMA

Bellator MMA er leiðandi Mixed Martial Arts skipulag lögun margir af bestu bardagamenn í heimi. Undir stjórn öldungur berjast forgöngumaður Scott Coker, Bellator er í boði næstum 500 milljón heimili um allan heim í yfir 140 lönd. Í Bandaríkjunum, Bellator má á Spike, sjónvarpsleiðtogi MMA. Bellator MMA samanstendur af framkvæmdateymi sem inniheldur helstu sérfræðinga í iðnaði í sjónvarpsframleiðslu, lifandi atburður orchestration, bardagamaður þróun / samskipti, varnarþing innkaup, Styrkir sköpun / þróun, alþjóðleg leyfi, markaðssetning, auglýsingar, kynningarmál og samskipti umboðsins. Bellator hefur aðsetur í Santa Monica, California og eigu skemmtun risastór Viacom, heim til Premier skemmtun vörumerkjum heims sem tengjast með áhorfendur í gegnum sannfærandi efni á sjónvarpi, kvikmyndar, online og hreyfanlegur pallur.

Um Spike:

Spike er fáanlegt í 98.7 milljón heimili og er deild Viacom Media Networks. Eining af Viacom (NASDAQ: VIA, VIAB), Viacom Media Networks er einn fremsti framleiðandi og forritari heims á öllum fjölmiðlum. Netfang Spike er www.spike.com og til að fá upplýsingar og ljósmyndir um allt að mínútu og skjalavörslu, heimsóttu blaðamannasíðu Spike kl http://www.spike.com/press. Fylgdu okkur á Twitter spiketvpr fyrir það nýjasta í nýjustu fréttum, bak-the-tjöldin upplýsingar og myndir.

Áverkar á Bellator James Thompson derails ': Ólokið er 'þungavigtar vera enn, Dan Charles stíga upp á móti Bobby 'The Dominator "Lashley stuttum fyrirvara



SANTA MONICA, Calif. (Júní 11, 2015) – While Kimbo Slice and Ken Shamrock are prepared to take care their “Unfinished Business” on Júní 19, Bobby Lashley og skora James Thompson mun þurfa að vera upp einhvers staðar niður í línu.


Thompson hefur verið þvinguð af helstu kort vegna óbirtar meiðslum orðið á þjálfun og þar af leiðandi, Dan Charles(9-2) hefur samþykkt að fylla í með stuttum fyrirvara gegn "The Dominator." Baráttan verður að taka enn fram á helstu hluta Spike-sjónvarpað kort.


Charles, verður að gera fjórða framkoma hans fyrir Scott Coker forystu kynningu, síðast keppa í aðalkeppni á "Monster Energy Cup." 2014 eftir að sleppa tveimur slagsmál, "The Man" hefur hopp aftur í með tveimur beinum vinnur að vinna sér skot gegn þungavigtar titil keppinautur gaman af Lashley. The 29-ára gamall Phoenix, Ariz. Native hefur lokið sjö níu sigra hans áður ná skorkort dómaranna '.


A 6-fótur-3 glíma standa, Bobby “The Dominator” Lashley (12-2) byrjaði þjálfun á grappling listir á aldri 12 og vildi fara á að vinna nokkur titla meðal þriggja National Championships í Missouri Valley College, sem NAIA National Championship, a CISM World Championship Silver Medal og tveir Armed Forces Glíma Championships meðan dvöl hans í Bandaríkjunum. Army. Á meðal þess sem faglegur Glíma feril hjá stints í WWE, ECW og TNA, Lashley hóf MMA feril sinn 2008, Hann er byggt glæsilega feril keppni sem felur Bellator MMA lögð vinnur á Karl Etherington og Josh Burns.


“Bellator: Unfinished Business” - Föstudagur, Júní 19, Scottrade Center, St. Louis, Þú.

Main Card (9 p.m. OG)


Bellator Heavyweight Main Event: Kimbo Slice (4-2) vs. Ken Shamrock (28-15-2)

Bellator Featherweight Title Fight: Field Patricio Pitbull (23-2) vs. Daniel Weichel (35-8)

Bellator Grein Heavyweight berjast: Bobby Lashley (12-2) vs. Dan Charles (9-2)

Bellator Grein Featherweight berjast: Daniel Straus (22-6) vs. Henry Corrales (12-0)

Bellator Grein Léttur berjast: Michael Chandler (12-3) vs. Derek Fields (15-4)


Forkeppni Card (6:45 p.m. OG)

Bellator Strawweight Prelim berjast: Dan O'Connor (5-4) vs. Miles McDonald (0-1)

Bellator Featherweight Prelim Fight: Justin Lawrence (7-2) vs. Sean Wilson (34-25)

Bellator Léttur Prelim Fight: Eric Irvin (9-3) vs. Hugh Talía (4-2)

Bellator Léttur Prelim Fight: Rashard Lovelace (Frumraun) vs. Demagio Smith (1-1)

Bellator Featherweight Prelim Fight: Kain Royer (1-1) vs. Enrique Watson (1-0)

Bellator Bantamweight Prelim Fight: A.J. Siscoe (0-1) vs. Garrett Mueller (1-0)

Bellator welterweight Dark Prelim: Adam Cella (6-3) vs. Kyle Kurtz (3-0)

Bellator welterweight Dark Prelim: Steve Mann (10-1) vs. Justin Guthrie (17-8)

Bellator Léttur Dark Prelim: Garrett Gross (6-3) vs. Chris Heatherly (8-3)


Emmanuel Sanchez Replaces Injured Goiti Yamauchi; Plus Four Additional Preliminary Bouts Complete 13-Fight “Bellator: Kongo vs. Volkov” Card On June 26

SANTA MONICA, Calif. (Júní 8, 2015) – With an unfortunate injury forcing the withdrawal of Yamauchi upp, Emmanuel "El Matador" Sanchez (10-1) receives the call to step in against former featherweight champion Pat "Paddy Mike" Curran (20-7). With this change of opponent, and four newly announced matchups, "Bellator MMA: Kongo vs. Volkov” on Júní 26 is now complete with 13 total scraps to sink your teeth into.


The additional fights include heavyweight bouts between Alex Huddleston (5-1) vs. Javy Ayala (8-3) og Derek OHI (5-4) vs. Frederick Brown (2-1) as well as featherweights Greg Scott (3-3) vs. Gaston Reyno (3-0) og lightweights Marcio Navarro (13-11) vs. Cody Carrillo (8-11).


"Bellator MMA: Kongo vs. Volkov” is headlined by a heavyweight clash between French striking specialist Cheick “The Darkness” Kongo (22-10-2) and former Bellator MMA Heavyweight World Champion Alexander “Drago” Volkov (24-5). The atburður á sér stað Júní 26 at Kansas Star Event Center Arena in Mulvane, Maí.


The night’s main card airs live and free on Spike at 9 p.m. OG/ 8 p.m. CT, en bráðabirgðatölur lota streyma á Spike.com á 7 p.m. OG/ 6 p.m. CT. Miðar “Bellator: Kongo vs. Volkov” start at just $17 and are currently available at Ticketmaster.com.


Additional announced pairings on the SPIKE-televised card include lightweights Dave “The CavemanRickels (16-3) vs.John “The Natural” Alessio (35-17) and a contest between middleweight sluggers with Joe “Stitch ‘Em UpSchilling (2-4) vs. Hisaki Kato (4-1).


The 24-year-old Sanchez is an explosive featherweight, fighting with Duke Roufus out of the famed Roufusport gym in Milwaukee. The two-time Bellator veteran has shined throughout his current six-fight winning streak, most recently scoring a first-round rear naked choke over Stephen Banaszak at Bellator 128 followed by a dominant unanimous decision over Costa Rican standout Alejandro Villalobos at Bellator 135 síðasta mars. Sanchez faces stiff competition in former featherweight kingpin Curran, who has been involved in some of the most memorable Bellator fights of all time.


Huddleston, 28, is a key training has won four consecutive tilts since dropping the first fight of his professional career in 2011. Nú nýlega, “The Shaved Gorilla” stopped Derek Bohl at Bellator 130. Standing opposite Huddleston inside the cage will be the 26-year-old Ayala, who is on a three-fight promotional winning streak of his own. The California native has stopped his last three foes before reaching the judges’ discretion.


In the second added heavyweight feature, Bohl will seek his first win for the Southern California-based promotion. “Marshmallow” has won his first two bouts in 2015 on the regional circuit. Brown will have his second opportunity at success for Bellator against Bohl. The hometown fighter was finished by Daniel Gallemore at Bellator 113, which was his last time in action.


Undefeated at 3-0, Reyno will bring the tenacity he has shown on the independent MMA scene to the Bellator cage. “Tonga” has finished every fight he has been involved in and will look to make a mark on the featherweight division with his debut. Scott, a Whichita native, made his Bellator MMA debut in 2011 and has had a mixed bag of success.


Að lokum, a pair of experienced lightweights will round out the preliminary portion of the card when Navarro and Carrillo tangle inside the steel mesh. Með 43 professional bouts between them, both veterans will attempt to string together some wins under the Bellator banner.


“Bellator MMA: Kongo vs. Volkov” - Föstudagur, Júní 26, Kanas Star Event Center Arena, Mulvane, Kansas

Main Card (9 p.m. OG)


Bellator Heavyweight Main Event: Cheick Kongo (22-10-2) vs. Alexander Volkov (24-5)

Bellator Léttur Feature Fight: Dave Rickels (16-3) vs. John Alessio (35-17)

Bellator Featherweight Feature Fight: Pat Curran (20-7) vs. Emmanuel Sanchez (10-1)

Bellator Middleweight Feature Fight: Joe Schilling (2-4) vs. Hisaki Kato (4-1)


Forkeppni Card

Bellator Featherweight Prelim Fight: Bubba Jenkins (8-2) vs. Joe Wolf (18-10)

Bellator Bantamweight Prelim Fight: Jeimeson Šaudiņš (8-4) vs. Aaron Ely (4-2)

Bellator Léttur Prelim Fight: Bobby Cooper (12-5) vs. Pablo Villaseca (9-0)

Bellator Heavyweight Prelim Fight: Daniel Gallemore (4-2) vs. Augusto Sakai (7-0)

Bellator Female Featherweight Prelim Fight: Iona Razafiarison (2-0) vs. Bryanna Fissori (1-0)

Bellator Heavyweight Prelim Fight: Alex Huddleston (5-1) vs. Javy Ayala (8-3)

Bellator Featherweight Prelim Fight: Greg Scott (3-3) vs. Gaston Reyno (3-0)

Bellator Heavyweight Prelim Fight: Derek OHI (5-4) vs. Frederick Brown (2-1)

Bellator Léttur Prelim Fight: Marcio Navarro (13-11) vs. Cody Carrillo (8-11)

Bellator Knocks Out Four Additional Preliminary Bouts for Kansas Card On June 26


SANTA MONICA, Calif. (Júní 3, 2015) – With a complete four-fight main card already announced for “Bellator MMA: Kongo vs. Volkov” on June 26, the promotion has turned its focus to the preliminary showcase with four new fights.


The newly announced bouts include bantamweights Jeimeson “The Minion” Saudino (8-4) vs. Aaron “The Cyborg” Ely (4-2), lightweights Bobby “Super Duper” Cooper (12-5) vs. Pablo Villaseca (9-0), as well as heavyweights Daniel “Big Kansas” Gallemore (4-2) vs. Augusto Sakai (7-0), and female featherweights Iona Razafiarison (2-0) og Bryanna “Pink Ranger” Fissori (1-0).


"Bellator MMA: Kongo vs. Volkov” is headlined by a heavyweight clash between French striking specialist Cheick Kongo (22-10-2) and former Bellator MMA Heavyweight World Champion Alexander “Drago” Volkov (24-5). The atburður á sér stað Júní 26 at Kansas Star Event Center Arena in Mulvane, Maí.


The night’s main card airs live and free on Spike at 9 p.m. OG/ 8 p.m. CT, en bráðabirgðatölur lota streyma á Spike.com á 6:45 p.m. OG/ 5:45 p.m. CT. Miðar “Bellator: Kongo vs. Volkov” start at just $17 and are currently available at Ticketmaster.com.


Additional announced pairings on the SPIKE-televised card include lightweights Dave “The CavemanRickels (16-3) vs.John “The Natural” Alessio (35-17), former Bellator MMA featherweight champion Pat “Paddy Mike” Curran (20-7) vs. Yamauchi upp (18-2) and a contest between middleweight sluggers with Joe “Stitch ‘Em UpSchilling (2-4) vs. Hisaki Kato (4-1) on the event’s featured portion.


In a bantamweight battle between two Kansas natives, Wichita’s Saudino is a scrapper who has won half of his eight professional victories without the judge’s help. He looks to improve to nine wins against Leavenworth’s Ely, a ground game specialist who has earned all four professional victories by submission. This 135-pound bout will be a must-see showcase of Midwest MMA talent.


RFA and Titan FC veteran Cooper has already earned two victories in the Bellator cage and will look to make his fight at Bellator 139 three in a row. He goes up against Villaseca, a Chilean MMA prospect with an unblemished professional record at 9-0, with three knockouts and three submission finishes.


Emporia’s “Big Kansas” Gallemore is a heavyweight who’s hands have earned all four of his victories, three of which have taken place under the Bellator banner. He will meet the undefeated Sakai, a dangerous Brazilian striker who has finished six of seven of his opponents with either his fists or knees.


Iony Razafiarison is a coming off of a unanimous decision victory in her professional debut this past January, and will look to make an immediate impact in her first fight with the Bellator promotion. She will take on Bryanna Fissori, who also makes her promotional debut at Bellator 139 after winning her first career victory by knockout last October.


“Bellator MMA: Kongo vs. Volkov” - Föstudagur, Júní 26, Kanas Star Event Center Arena, Mulvane, Kansas

Main Card (9 p.m. OG)


Bellator Heavyweight Main Event: Cheick Kongo (22-10-2) vs. Alexander Volkov (24-5)

Bellator Léttur Feature Fight: Dave Rickels (16-3) vs. John Alessio (35-17)

Bellator Featherweight Feature Fight: Pat Curran (20-7) vs. Yamauchi upp (18-2)

Bellator Middleweight Feature Fight: Joe Schilling (2-4) vs. Hisaki Kato (4-1)


Forkeppni Card

Bellator Featherweight Prelim Fight: Bubba Jenkins (8-2) vs. Joe Wolf (18-10)

Bellator Bantamweight Prelim Fight: Jeimeson Šaudiņš (8-4) vs. Aaron Ely (4-2)

Bellator Léttur Prelim Fight: Bobby Cooper (12-5) vs. Pablo Villaseca (9-0)

Bellator Heavyweight Prelim Fight: Daniel Gallemore (4-2) vs. Augusto Sakai (7-0)

Bellator Featherweight Prelim Fight: Iona Razafiarison (2-0) vs. Bryanna Fissori (1-0)

“Bellator MMA: Lima vs. Koreshkov” bætir við annarri veltervog risasprengju sem Paul “Semtex” Daley stendur frammi fyrir Dennis Olson


Easy Tweet: “Paul ‘Semtex’ Daley faces Dennis Olson at #Bellator140 @mohegansun live and free on spike!"



SANTA MONICA, Calif. (Júní 2, 2015) – Dynamic British slugger Paul “Semtex” Daley (36-13-2) makes his highly anticipated return to the Bellator MMA cage when he meets two-fight Bellator veteran Dennis Olson (14-8).


The 170-pound clash completes the all-welterweight Spike-broadcast main card of “Bellator MMA: Lima vs. Koreshkov.


Featuring Bellator MMA World Champion Douglas “The Phenom” Lime (26-5) putting his title on the line against Russian knockout artist Andrey “Spartan” Koreshkov (17-1), “Bellator MMA: Lima vs. Koreshkov” fer fram Föstudagur, Júlí 16 á Mohegan Sun Arena í Uncasville, Conn.


Additional featured contests include undefeated welterweight prospect Chris “The klippa deyr, endurb” HONEYCUTT (6-0) vs. former All-American wrestler and nine-year MMA veteran Paul “The Gentleman” Bradley (22-6), as well as the incomparable Michael “Venom” Page (7-0) vs. 29-fight veteran Rudy "Bad News" Bears (16-13) og "Írska" Brennan Ward (10-3) vs. Gavin "War Horse" Sterritt (6-1).


Miðar “Bellator MMA: Lima vs. Koreshkov,” sem byrja á bara $25, eru nú á sölu á Ticketmaster.com.


“Once we nailed down our return to Mohegan Sun, we knew that we had to put together an amazing night of fights that would wow the fans,” said Bellator MMA President Scott Coker. “I really feel that we’ve succeeded in doing so by showcasing this wealth of welterweight talent. There are several bonafide stars in the division and we are excited to see several of them fighting on Júlí 16."


A 12-year veteran of the sport who has competed around the globe, the 32-year-old Daley will make his third appearance under the Bellator MMA banner after previously picking up wins over Andre Santos ogRudy Bears. Known as “Semtex” for his explosive striking style, the Nottingham, England native boasts an incredible 26 career knockout victories.


Olson returns to the Bellator cage for the first time since 2010, riding a wave of momentum that he has accrued on the regional scene. With experience against the likes of David Branch, Rick Hawn and John Howard, the New Hampshire representative will not be unaccustomed to fighting a competitor with the track record of Daley. It’s safe to say that Olson meets the criteria to be referred to as a “submission specialist,” having racked up nine of his 14 professional wins by making his opponents tap.


Additional contests for “Bellator MMA: Lima vs. Koreshkov” verður tilkynnt innan skamms.


“Bellator MMA: Lima vs. Koreshkov” - Föstudagur, Júlí 16, Mohegan Sun Arena, Uncasville, Conn. (click for press release)


Bellator welterweight Title berjast: Champ Douglas Lima (26-5) vs. Andrey Koreshkov (17-1)

Bellator welterweight Feature Fight: Chris HONEYCUTT (6-0) vs. Paul Bradley (22-6)

Bellator welterweight Feature Fight: Michael Page (7-0) vs. Rudy Bears (16-13)

Bellator welterweight Feature Fight: Brennan Ward (10-3) vs. Gavin Sterritt (6-1)

Bellator welterweight Feature Fight: Paul Daley (36-13-2) vs. Dennis Olson (14-8)

Welterweight Duel Pitting Brennan “The Irish Bad Boy” Ward Against Gavin “War Horse” Sterritt Added to “Bellator MMA: Lima vs. Koreshkov”

Easy Tweet: “‘Irish Bad Boy’ @SwaggleBerryFin returns against the British “War Horse” @GavinSterritt á #Bellator140, live and free on spike!"



SANTA MONICA, Calif. (Maí 27, 2015) – 26-year-old Connecticut native Brennan Ward (10-3) continues his run at 170-pounds when he meets Gavin Sterritt (6-1) á föstudaginn, Júlí 17 á Mohegan Sun Arena í Uncasville, Conn.


The contest serves as the fourth Spike TV-broadcast main card matchup of the blockbuster fight card. Additional contests for “Bellator MMA: Lima vs. Koreshkov” verður tilkynnt innan skamms.


The July 17 event is shaping up to be a tremendous showcase of welterweight talent, already featuring previously announced bouts between Bellator MMA Welterweight World Champion Douglas Lima (26-5) og Andrey Koreshkov (17-1), Chris HONEYCUTT (6-0) vs. Paul Bradley (22-6), sem og Michael "eitri" Page (7-0) taka á Rudy Bears (16-13).


Miðar “Bellator MMA: Lima vs. Koreshkov,” sem byrja á bara $25, eru á sölu núna og er hægt að kaupa á Mohegan Sun Arena Box Office eða Ticketmaster.com.


After winning the Bellator Season Nine middleweight tournament, Ward fell short in a bid for the championship against Alexander Shlemenko, who held the title at the time. This past February, Ward would bounce back on short notice in his debut as a welterweight with a first-round rear-naked choke submission victory over Curtis Millender at Bellator MMA: “British Invasion.”


The Waterford, Conn. innfæddur hefur sækni í að ljúka ferlinu, as he has ended nine of his ten professional tilts before reaching the judges’ scorecards. With his hometown a mere 10 miles away from the venue, “The Irish Bad Boy” is sure to have a strong home cage advantage over his opponent.


Nine years Ward’s senior at 35, Sterritt is a submission specialist fighting out of Liverpool, England who has held titles for multiple regional promotions. “War Horse” has competed twice under the Bellator MMA banner already, earning victories at Bellator 99 and Bellator 114.


“Bellator MMA: Lima vs. Koreshkov” - Föstudagur, Júlí 17, Mohegan Sun Arena, Uncasville, Conn.

Bellator welterweight Title berjast: Douglas Lima (26-5) vs. Andrey Koreshkov (17-1)

Bellator welterweight Feature Fight: Chris HONEYCUTT (6-0) vs. Paul Bradley (22-6)

Bellator welterweight Feature Fight: Michael Page (7-0) vs. Rudy Bears (16-13)

Bellator welterweight Feature Fight: Brennan Ward (10-3) vs. Gavin Sterritt (6-1)


SANTA MONICA, Calif. (Maí 25, 2015) – On a holiday when Americans take a moment to remember those who gave their lives serving in the country’s armed forces, Bellator MMA officials are honored to announce a new partnership with the American Forces Network.


With the new deal in place, the American Forces Network will now broadcast Bellator MMA events on its global networks to American servicemen and women, sem og bandarískt. Navy ships at sea.


“We at Bellator are always looking for ways to give back to our troops,” said Bellator MMA President Scott Coker. “We’re all extremely grateful for all that they do abroad to keep us safe, and we hope that they will enjoy some Bellator fights during any downtime they may have.”


Multiple Bellator athletes including Bobby Lashley and Mike Richman have served in the American Military.


“I’m personally thrilled for this new partnership,” said Bobby Lashley, who fights James Thompson on Júní 19. “AFN is providing a platform for me to be fighting for my brothers and sisters who are away from home, fighting for us.”


The new partnership commences with June’s dual Bellator MMA events.


Á Júní 19, Bellator MMA visits St. Louis’ Scottrade Center for “Bellator MMA: Unfinished Business,” featuring one of the most anticipated fights in the history of the sport with Kimbo Slice vs. Ken Shamrock. Einnig, several current Bellator fighters as well as some of the sport’s biggest legends will pay a visit to Scott Air Force Base on Miðvikudagur, Júní 17.


Á Júní 26, the promotion touches down at Kansas Star Arena in Mulvane, Maí., með “Bellator MMA: Kongo vs. Volkov,” which sees French striking specialist Cheick Kongo and Russian knockout artist and former Bellator MMA Heavyweight World Champion Alexander “Drago” Volkov stand toe-to-toe in the Bellator MMA cage.


Complete details of the new Bellator MMA-American Forces Network partnership will be available shortly.

“Bellator MMA: Kongo vs. Volkov” receives first prelim fight, as featherweight standout Bubba Jenkins meets gritty Midwestern veteran Joe Wilk




“Bellator MMA: Kongo vs. Volkov” receives first prelim fight,

as featherweight standout Bubba Jenkins meets gritty Midwestern veteran Joe Wilk

Easy Tweet: ".@2sinsurrJenkins og @JoeNoseMMA set to headline #Bellator139 á að @KansasStarArena júní 26. http://bit.ly/1GfVzbx"

SANTA MONICA, Calif. (Maí 18, 2015) – With an incredible four-fight Spike-broadcast main card already locked up for next month’s “Bellator: Kongo vs. Volkov” atburður, Bellator MMA officials are now turning their attention to the evening’s Spike.com-streamed preliminary lineup.


The first preliminary contest booked features featherweight standout BubbaThe Highlight Kid” Jenkins (8-2), as he looks to build his way back to a title shot against 28-fight veteran Joe “The NoseWilk (18-10).


Featuring a heavyweight contest between French striking specialist Cheick Kongo (22-10-2) and former Bellator MMA Heavyweight World Champion Alexander “Drago” Volkov (24-5), “Bellator: Kongo vs. Volkov” takes place June 26 at Kansas Star Event Center Arena in Mulvane, Maí.


Additional announced matchups include lightweights Dave “The CavemanRickels (16-3) vs. John “The Natural” Alessio(35-17), former Bellator MMA featherweight champion Pá “Paddy Mike” Curran (20-7) vs. Yamauchi upp (18-2) and a contest between middleweight sluggers with Joe “Stitch ‘Em UpSchilling (2-4) vs. Hisaki Kato (4-1) on the event’s featured portion.


The night’s main card airs live and free on Spike at 9 p.m. OG / 8 p.m. CT, en bráðabirgðatölur lota streyma á Spike.com á 7 p.m. OG / 6 p.m. CT.


Önnur lota verður tilkynnt innan skamms.


Miðar “Bellator: Kongo vs. Volkov,” sem byrja á bara $17 and include cageside seats for just $97, eru nú í boði áTicketmaster.com.


Jenkins, a former NCAA Division I wrestling champion at Arizona State University, also earned All-American honors during a separate stint at Penn State University. Bara 27 ára, Jenkins has already fought seven times under the Bellator MMA banner and is considered one of the top up-and-coming fighters in the 145-pound division. “The Highlight Kid” was one step away from a shot at the Bellator MMA Featherweight World Title before coming up short against Georgi Karakhanyan á Bellator 132 í janúar. The Corona, Calif. resident now looks to get back on the winning track at Bellator 139.


Wilk is a 33-year-old Kansas native who already boasts 28 professional contests to his name and made his Bellator MMA debut this past October, where he suffered a TKO loss to fellow Sunflower State veteran Ricky Musgrave. Wilk has been a staple on the Midwestern scene since 2007 and has incredibly fought to a judges decision only once in his 28 leikjum. He’s at his most dangerous on the mat, where he’s earned a remarkable 15 hans 18 career victories by way of submission.


“Bellator MMA: Kongo vs. Volkov” - Föstudagur, Júní 26, Kanas Star Event Center Arena, Mulvane, Kansas

Main Card (9 p.m. OG)


Bellator Heavyweight Main Event: Cheick Kongo (22-10-2) vs. Alexander Volkov (24-5)

Bellator Léttur Feature Fight: Dave Rickels (16-3) vs. John Alessio (35-17)

Bellator Featherweight Feature Fight: Pat Curran (20-7) vs. Yamauchi upp (18-2)

Bellator Middleweight Feature Fight: Joe Schilling (2-4) vs. Hisaki Kato (4-1)


Forkeppni Card

Bellator Featherweight Prelim Fight: Bubba Jenkins (8-2) vs. Joe Wolf (18-10)

“Bellator MMA: Kongo vs. Volkov” receives first prelim fight,

as featherweight standout Bubba Jenkins meets gritty Midwestern veteran Joe Wilk

Easy Tweet: ".@2sinsurrJenkins og @JoeNoseMMA set to headline #Bellator139 á að @KansasStarArena júní 26. http://bit.ly/1GfVzbx"

SANTA MONICA, Calif. (Maí 18, 2015) – With an incredible four-fight Spike-broadcast main card already locked up for next month’s “Bellator: Kongo vs. Volkov” atburður, Bellator MMA officials are now turning their attention to the evening’s Spike.com-streamed preliminary lineup.


The first preliminary contest booked features featherweight standout BubbaThe Highlight Kid” Jenkins (8-2), as he looks to build his way back to a title shot against 28-fight veteran Joe “The NoseWilk (18-10).


Featuring a heavyweight contest between French striking specialist Cheick Kongo (22-10-2) and former Bellator MMA Heavyweight World Champion Alexander “Drago” Volkov (24-5), “Bellator: Kongo vs. Volkov” takes place June 26 at Kansas Star Event Center Arena in Mulvane, Maí.


Additional announced matchups include lightweights Dave “The CavemanRickels (16-3) vs. John “The Natural” Alessio(35-17), former Bellator MMA featherweight champion Pá “Paddy Mike” Curran (20-7) vs. Yamauchi upp (18-2) and a contest between middleweight sluggers with Joe “Stitch ‘Em UpSchilling (2-4) vs. Hisaki Kato (4-1) on the event’s featured portion.


The night’s main card airs live and free on Spike at 9 p.m. OG / 8 p.m. CT, en bráðabirgðatölur lota streyma á Spike.com á 7 p.m. OG / 6 p.m. CT.


Önnur lota verður tilkynnt innan skamms.


Miðar “Bellator: Kongo vs. Volkov,” sem byrja á bara $17 and include cageside seats for just $97, eru nú í boði áTicketmaster.com.


Jenkins, a former NCAA Division I wrestling champion at Arizona State University, also earned All-American honors during a separate stint at Penn State University. Bara 27 ára, Jenkins has already fought seven times under the Bellator MMA banner and is considered one of the top up-and-coming fighters in the 145-pound division. “The Highlight Kid” was one step away from a shot at the Bellator MMA Featherweight World Title before coming up short against Georgi Karakhanyan á Bellator 132 í janúar. The Corona, Calif. resident now looks to get back on the winning track at Bellator 139.


Wilk is a 33-year-old Kansas native who already boasts 28 professional contests to his name and made his Bellator MMA debut this past October, where he suffered a TKO loss to fellow Sunflower State veteran Ricky Musgrave. Wilk has been a staple on the Midwestern scene since 2007 and has incredibly fought to a judges decision only once in his 28 leikjum. He’s at his most dangerous on the mat, where he’s earned a remarkable 15 hans 18 career victories by way of submission.


“Bellator MMA: Kongo vs. Volkov” - Föstudagur, Júní 26, Kanas Star Event Center Arena, Mulvane, Kansas

Main Card (9 p.m. OG)


Bellator Heavyweight Main Event: Cheick Kongo (22-10-2) vs. Alexander Volkov (24-5)

Bellator Léttur Feature Fight: Dave Rickels (16-3) vs. John Alessio (35-17)

Bellator Featherweight Feature Fight: Pat Curran (20-7) vs. Yamauchi upp (18-2)

Bellator Middleweight Feature Fight: Joe Schilling (2-4) vs. Hisaki Kato (4-1)


Forkeppni Card

Bellator Featherweight Prelim Fight: Bubba Jenkins (8-2) vs. Joe Wolf (18-10)

Easy Tweet: ".@2sinsurrJenkins og @JoeNoseMMA set to headline #Bellator139 á að @KansasStarArena júní 26. http://bit.ly/1GfVzbx"

SANTA MONICA, Calif. (Maí 18, 2015) – With an incredible four-fight Spike-broadcast main card already locked up for next month’s “Bellator: Kongo vs. Volkov” atburður, Bellator MMA officials are now turning their attention to the evening’s Spike.com-streamed preliminary lineup.


The first preliminary contest booked features featherweight standout BubbaThe Highlight Kid” Jenkins (8-2), as he looks to build his way back to a title shot against 28-fight veteran Joe “The NoseWilk (18-10).


Featuring a heavyweight contest between French striking specialist Cheick Kongo (22-10-2) and former Bellator MMA Heavyweight World Champion Alexander “Drago” Volkov (24-5), “Bellator: Kongo vs. Volkov” takes place June 26 at Kansas Star Event Center Arena in Mulvane, Maí.


Additional announced matchups include lightweights Dave “The CavemanRickels (16-3) vs. John “The Natural” Alessio(35-17), former Bellator MMA featherweight champion Pá “Paddy Mike” Curran (20-7) vs. Yamauchi upp (18-2) and a contest between middleweight sluggers with Joe “Stitch ‘Em UpSchilling (2-4) vs. Hisaki Kato (4-1) on the event’s featured portion.


The night’s main card airs live and free on Spike at 9 p.m. OG / 8 p.m. CT, en bráðabirgðatölur lota streyma á Spike.com á 7 p.m. OG / 6 p.m. CT.


Önnur lota verður tilkynnt innan skamms.


Miðar “Bellator: Kongo vs. Volkov,” sem byrja á bara $17 and include cageside seats for just $97, eru nú í boði áTicketmaster.com.


Jenkins, a former NCAA Division I wrestling champion at Arizona State University, also earned All-American honors during a separate stint at Penn State University. Bara 27 ára, Jenkins has already fought seven times under the Bellator MMA banner and is considered one of the top up-and-coming fighters in the 145-pound division. “The Highlight Kid” was one step away from a shot at the Bellator MMA Featherweight World Title before coming up short against Georgi Karakhanyan á Bellator 132 í janúar. The Corona, Calif. resident now looks to get back on the winning track at Bellator 139.


Wilk is a 33-year-old Kansas native who already boasts 28 professional contests to his name and made his Bellator MMA debut this past October, where he suffered a TKO loss to fellow Sunflower State veteran Ricky Musgrave. Wilk has been a staple on the Midwestern scene since 2007 and has incredibly fought to a judges decision only once in his 28 leikjum. He’s at his most dangerous on the mat, where he’s earned a remarkable 15 hans 18 career victories by way of submission.


“Bellator MMA: Kongo vs. Volkov” - Föstudagur, Júní 26, Kanas Star Event Center Arena, Mulvane, Kansas

Main Card (9 p.m. OG)


Bellator Heavyweight Main Event: Cheick Kongo (22-10-2) vs. Alexander Volkov (24-5)

Bellator Léttur Feature Fight: Dave Rickels (16-3) vs. John Alessio (35-17)

Bellator Featherweight Feature Fight: Pat Curran (20-7) vs. Yamauchi upp (18-2)

Bellator Middleweight Feature Fight: Joe Schilling (2-4) vs. Hisaki Kato (4-1)


Forkeppni Card

Bellator Featherweight Prelim Fight: Bubba Jenkins (8-2) vs. Joe Wolf (18-10)