Tag Archives: Bellator



Raug Monica, California. (Cuaj hlis 14, 2015) - Ob tug microscopic txuj ci nyob rau hauv hwjchim ci ntsa iab lub featherweight faib tau ntxiv rau ib tug nkaus packed kickboxing line-up noj qhov chaw nyob rau "Bellator MMA: Dynamite 1 " rau Saturday, Cuaj hlis 19 ntawm SAP Center nyob rau hauv San Jose, California. Amsterdam-raws li Serhiy Adamchuk(29-5, 14 KO), Ameslikas los ntawm Ukraine, will meet muay Thai world champion Anwar Boynazarov (79-20-2, 45 KO) ntawm California, los ntawm txoj kev ntawm Uzbekistan, nyob rau hauv ib tug sib ntaus los mus txiav txim tom ntej no hwjchim ci ntsa iab featherweight contender.


Nyob rau hauv tas li ntawd mus rau lub kickboxing sib ntaus muab ntxiv rau lub prelims, lub lwm bout rau lub teeb heavyweight kev sib tw yuav tam sim no feature Roy "Dub Dynamite" Boughton (12-5) raws li cov tshiab tus nrog sib ntaus rau Francis Carmont (23-10). Carmont twb slated tau noj nyob rau Philipe Lins, tab sis lub Brazilian twb yuam kom thim thaum nws poob mob nrog Dengue fever.


Adamchuk was originally slated to face Glory Featherweight World Champion Gabriel Varga at the event before the Canadian suffered an injury during training camp. Tus khiav ntawm no kev sib ntaus yuav tam sim no tom ntej no nyob rau hauv kab mus rau lub ntsej muag Varga rau lub title ntawm ib tug tom ntej hwjchim ci ntsa iab tshwm sim. Adamchuk debuted at Glory 22 nyob rau hauv Lub rau hli ntuj, stepping nyob rau hauv rau 24 hours notice to beat lightweight contender Marat Grigorian in one of the biggest upsets of 2015 deb deb li no. Boynazarov debuted lub hli tas los ntawm hwjchim ci ntsa iab 23, defeating highly touted Georgian prospect Giga Chikadze, kev kawm tawm ntawm cov vaj ntxwv MMA.


"Bellator MMA: Dynamite 1 " airs nyob thiab free rau ntsia hlau loj ntawm 9 / 8c. Daim pib rau lub historic kev tshwm sim pib thaum nyuam qhuav $30 thiab yog muag tam sim no nyob rau hauv lub SAP Center chaw ua hauj lwm thiab no kuj muaj nyob rau yuav khoom ntawm Ticketmaster.com, raws li tau zoo raws li Bellator.com.


Rau cov thawj lub sij hawm puas tau, "Bellator MMA: Dynamite 1 " yuav feature ib ob Bellator MMA tawb thiab ib tug hwjchim ci ntsa iab kickboxing nplhaib rau ib tug arena pem teb nyob rau tib lub sij hawm. Nyob rau hauv lub yav tsaus ntuj lub ntsiab kev tshwm sim, Tito Ortiz (18-11) yuav cam cov undefeated Bellator teeb Heavyweight ntiaj teb tau zus, Liam McGeary (10-0) rau lub title.


Tsis tas li ntawd, lub yav tas los tshaj tawm kev sib ntaus card ntseg hwjchim ci ntsa iab kickboxing title sib ntaus featuring Zack Mwekassa (13-2, 12 KO) thiab Xa-u Cavalari (31-2, 19 KO) rau cov tsis muaj teeb Heavyweight Championship, raws li tau zoo raws li Bellator MMA cov neeg sib tw Paul "Semtex" Daley (37-13-2) thiab Fernando "Lub Menifee cov neeg vwm" Gonzalez (24-13) kuj sib tw nyob rau hauv hwjchim ci ntsa iab txiav txim, thaum lawv pauv-nyob rau hauv lub MMA cov hnab looj tes rau kickboxing hnab looj tes. Thaum kawg, nyuam qhuav kos npe Keri Anne Taylor-Melendez (2-1) yuav lwv nyob rau hauv kickboxing txiav txim tawm tsam Hadley Griffith.


Nyob rau hauv lub mixed martial arts sab, Bellator MMA yuav kuj coj ib lub plaub-txiv neej, ib-hmo ntuj lub teeb heavyweight kev sib tw los mus txiav txim rau lub tsis. 1 contender nyob rau hauv lub division uas ntseg Phil Davis (13-3) kev noj nyob Emanuel Newton (25-8-1) thiab Linton Vassell (15-4-1) txojkev Muhammed "King Mo" Lawal (15-4, 1 NC). Tshiab khiv kos npe sib standout Josh "Lub Punk" Thomson (20-8, 1 NC) yog tseem nyob rau hauv cov kev txiav txim, thaum nws ua rau nws Bellator MMA debut tiv thaiv Mike "Lub Greek neeg tua neeg" Bronzoulis (18-8-1).


"Bellator MMA: Dynamite 1 "- Saturday, Cuaj hlis 19 - SAP Center, San Jose, California.

Main Card:

Bellator teeb Heavyweight Title sib ntaus: Tito Ortiz (18-11) vs. © Liam McGeary (10-0)

Bellator teeb Heavyweight kev sib tw zaum kawg: TBD vs. TBD

Hwjchim ci ntsa iab Tsis Muaj teeb Heavyweight Title sib ntaus: Xa-u Cavalari (31-2) vs. Zack Mwekassa (13-2)

Bellator Sib Feature sib ntaus: Josh Thomson (20-8) vs. Mike Bronzoulis (18-8-1)

Hwjchim ci ntsa iab Welterweight Feature sib ntaus: Paul Daley (37-13-2 MMA / 20-3 Kickboxing) vs. Fernando Gonzalez (24-13/1-2 Kickboxing)

Hwjchim ci ntsa iab Bantamweight Feature sib ntaus: Keri Anne Taylor-Melendez (2-1) vs. Hadley Griffith (Debut)

Bellator teeb Heavyweight kev sib tw sib ntaus: Phil Davis (13-3) vs. Emanuel Newton (25-8-1)

Bellator teeb Heavyweight kev sib tw sib ntaus: Linton Vassell (15-4-1) vs. Muhammed Lawal (15-4, 1 NC)


Preliminary Card:

Bellator Sib Feature sib ntaus: Ixayees Delgado (0-1) vs. JJ Okanovich (0-1)

Bellator Welterweight Feature sib ntaus: James Terry (15-8) vs. Carlos Rocha (9-3)

Bellator Flyweight Feature sib ntaus: Matt Ramirez (1-1) vs. Josh Paiva (5-1)

Hwjchim ci ntsa iab Featherweight Feature sib ntaus: Serhiy Adamchuck (29-5) vs. Anwar Boynazarov (29-20-2)

Bellator Bantamweight Feature sib ntaus: Gabe Carrasco (5-0) vs. Joe Neal (5-0)

Bellator Sib Feature sib ntaus: Adas Piccolot (5-0) vs. Marlen Magee (3-3)

Bellator Featherweight Feature sib ntaus: Thomas Diagne (5-4) vs. Mike Malott (4-1)

Bellator teeb Heavyweight kev sib tw Alternate Bout: Francis Carmont (23-10) vs. Roy Boughton (12-5)

Bellator Sib Feature sib ntaus: Nick Pica (4-0) vs. Mauricio Alonso (10-5)

Bellator Featherweight Feature sib ntaus: Victor Jones (Debut) vs. David Dawb (1-0) *

Bellator Flyweight Amateur sib ntaus: Xws Gloria (Debut) vs. Alysia Cortez (Debut) *

Hwjchim ci ntsa iab Hnav Feature sib ntaus: Jose Palacios (7-7) vs. TJ Arcengal (4-1) *

Bellator Middleweight Feature sib ntaus: Brandon Hester (1-0) vs. DeMarco Villalona (1-0) *


* ntawd hais bouts yuav siv sij hawm qhov chaw ib txhij.


KIMBO hlais RAU KOOM LUB Sib ntaus LIM PIAM festivities RAU 'BELLATOR: Dynamite 1 'ONSEPT. 19 NTAWM QHOV kua ntoo CENTER hauv San Jose



"Bellator MMA: Dynamite 1 " ticketholders yuav tam sim no yuav tau mus lob ib tug kos npe rau los ntawm ib tug kev ua si nawv lub feem ntau coj hnub qub nyob rau hauv pem hauv ntej ntawm lub kua ntoo Center Box Office tom ntej no Saturday ntawm 3 p.m. PT hauv zos lub sij hawm, as they enter the arena. Kimbo Hlais, uas tua nkag ib tug knockout kov yeej MMA lus dab neegKen Shamrock nyob rau hauv nws Bellator debut no yav dhau los rau hli ntuj, yuav tsum yog nyob rau qhov chaw kos npe rau autographs thiab noj cov duab nrog kiv cua ua ntej yuav noj nyob rau hauv lub heev kev txiav txim nyob rau hauv lub "Dynamite 1" kev tshwm sim.


Rau cov thawj lub sij hawm puas tau, "Bellator MMA: Dynamite 1 " yuav feature ib ob Bellator MMA tawb thiab ib tug hwjchim ci ntsa iab kickboxing nplhaib rau ib tug arena pem teb nyob rau tib lub sij hawm. Nyob rau hauv lub yav tsaus ntuj lub ntsiab kev tshwm sim, Tito Ortiz (18-11) yuav cam cov undefeated Bellator teeb Heavyweight ntiaj teb tau zus, Liam McGeary (10-0) rau lub title.


Lub revolutionary kev tshwm sim airs nyob thiab dawb nyob rau ntawm cov ntsia hlau loj ntawm 9 / 8c. Daim pib rau lub historic kev tshwm sim pib thaum nyuam qhuav $30 thiab yog muag tam sim no nyob rau hauv lub SAP Center chaw ua hauj lwm thiab no kuj muaj nyob rau yuav khoom ntawm Ticketmaster.com, raws li tau zoo raws li Bellator.com.


Tsis tas li ntawd, lub yav tas los tshaj tawm kev sib ntaus card ntseg hwjchim ci ntsa iab kickboxing title sib ntaus featuring Zack Mwekassa (13-2, 12 KO) thiab Xa-u Cavalari (31-2, 19 KO) rau cov tsis muaj teeb Heavyweight Championship, raws li tau zoo raws li Bellator MMA cov neeg sib tw Paul "Semtex" Daley (37-13-2) thiab Fernando "Lub Menifee cov neeg vwm" Gonzalez (24-13) kuj sib tw nyob rau hauv hwjchim ci ntsa iab txiav txim, thaum lawv pauv-nyob rau hauv lub MMA cov hnab looj tes rau kickboxing hnab looj tes. Thaum kawg, nyuam qhuav kos npe Keri Anne Taylor-Melendez (2-1) yuav lwv nyob rau hauv kickboxing txiav txim tawm tsam Hadley Griffith.


Nyob rau hauv lub mixed martial arts sab, Bellator MMA yuav kuj coj ib lub plaub-txiv neej, ib-hmo ntuj lub teeb heavyweight kev sib tw los mus txiav txim rau lub tsis. 1 contender nyob rau hauv lub division uas ntseg Phil Davis (13-3) kev noj nyob Emanuel Newton (25-8-1) thiab Linton Vassell (15-4-1) txojkev Muhammed "King Mo" Lawal (15-4, 1 NC). Tshiab khiv kos npe sib standout Josh "Lub Punk" Thomson (20-8, 1 NC) yog tseem nyob rau hauv cov kev txiav txim, thaum nws ua rau nws Bellator MMA debut tiv thaiv Mike "Lub Greek neeg tua neeg" Bronzoulis (18-8-1).


"Bellator MMA: Dynamite 1 "- Saturday, Cuaj hlis 19 - SAP Center, San Jose, California.

Main Card:

Bellator teeb Heavyweight Title sib ntaus: Tito Ortiz (18-11) vs. © Liam McGeary (10-0)

Bellator teeb Heavyweight kev sib tw zaum kawg: TBD vs. TBD

Hwjchim ci ntsa iab Tsis Muaj teeb Heavyweight Title sib ntaus: Xa-u Cavalari (31-2) vs. Zack Mwekassa (13-2)

Bellator Sib Feature sib ntaus: Josh Thomson (20-8) vs. Mike Bronzoulis (18-8-1)

Hwjchim ci ntsa iab Welterweight Feature sib ntaus: Paul Daley (37-13-2 MMA / 20-3 Kickboxing) vs. Fernando Gonzalez (24-13/1-2 Kickboxing)

Hwjchim ci ntsa iab Bantamweight Feature sib ntaus: Kerri-Anne Taylor Melendez (2-1) vs. Hadley Griffith (Debut)

Bellator teeb Heavyweight kev sib tw sib ntaus: Phil Davis (13-3) vs. Emanuel Newton (25-8-1)

Bellator teeb Heavyweight kev sib tw sib ntaus: Linton Vassell (15-4-1) vs. Muhammed Lawal (15-4, 1 NC)


Preliminary Card:

Bellator Featherweight Feature sib ntaus: Victor Jones (Debut) vs. David Dawb (1-0) *

Bellator Flyweight Amateur sib ntaus: Xws Gloria (Debut) vs. Alysia Cortez (Debut) *

Bellator Sib Feature sib ntaus: Nick Pica (4-0) vs. Mauricio Alonso (10-5)

Hwjchim ci ntsa iab Hnav Feature sib ntaus: Jose Palacios (7-7) vs. TJ Arcengal (4-1) *

Bellator Middleweight Feature sib ntaus: Brandon Hester (1-0) vs. DeMarco Villalona (1-0) *

Bellator Sib Feature sib ntaus: Ixayees Delgado (0-1) vs. JJ Okanovich (0-1)

Bellator Welterweight Feature sib ntaus: James Terry (15-8) vs. Carlos Rocha (9-3)

Bellator Flyweight Feature sib ntaus: Matt Ramirez (1-1) vs. Josh Paiva (5-1)

Bellator Bantamweight Feature sib ntaus: Gabe Carrasco (5-0) vs. Joe Neal (5-0)

Bellator Sib Feature sib ntaus: Adas Piccolot (5-0) vs. Marlen Magee (3-3)

Bellator Featherweight Feature sib ntaus: Thomas Diagne (5-4) vs. Mike Malott (4-1)

Bellator teeb Heavyweight kev sib tw Alternate Bout: Francis Carmont (23-10) vs. Roy Boughton (12-5)


TSHAJ PLAWS unmistakable SUAB HAUV mixed martial arts koom IB NTAWM LUB loj tshaj Txheej xwm HAUV LUB KEEB KWM NTAWM LUB Kev ua si nawv AT 'BELLATOR: Dynamite 1 'RAU cuaj hlis ntuj. 19 NTAWM QHOV kua ntoo CENTER hauv San Jose




'Irish' Brennan pawg ntseeg los mus tiv thaiv Nws HOMETURF TIV THAIV Dennis 'LUB menace' Olson AT BELLATOR 144


Raug Monica, California. (Cuaj hlis 8, 2015) - "Irish" Brennan Ward (11-3) yuav lwv rau lub sij hawm nyob rau hauv 2015 thaum nws muaj raws li Dennis "Lub menace" Olson (14-9) nyob rau hauv ib tug welterweight contest nyob rau hauv "Bellator 144: Galvao vs.. Dantas 2 " uas emanates los ntawm cov Mohegan Tshav Arena nyob rau hauv Uncasville, Conn., rau Lub kaum hli ntuj 23.


Lub bout yuav muab qhov chaw thaum lub sij hawm lub ntsiab card ntawm “Bellator 144: Galvao vs.. Dantas 2,” uas yuav tsum tau tawm hauv TV nyob rau ntsia hlau loj ntawm 9 p.m. THIAB/8 p.m. I, thaum tej yam xub thawj bouts yuav kwj rau Spike.com ntawm 7 p.m. THIAB.


Lub ntsiab kev tshwm sim ntawm "Bellator 144: Galvao vs.. Dantas 2 " nta ib exciting rematch rau lub bantamweight title kev sib ntaus ntawm zus Marcos Galvao (17-6-1) thiab nws yav tas los kev kawm khub Eduardo Dantas(17-4). Nyob rau hauv lub co-feature, Brandon "Phaw" Halsey (9-0) yuav los nrhiav kev rov qab tsis muaj Bellator MMA Middleweight Title thaum nws yuav siv sij hawm rau Rafael Carvalho (11-1).


Daim pib rau "Bellator 144: Galvao vs.. Dantas 2 " uas pib ntawm cia li $25, yog ntawm kev muag khoom tam sim no nyob Ticketmaster.com thiab cov Mohegan Tshav Arena chaw ua hauj lwm. Qhov rooj rau cov kev tshwm sim qhib 6:00 p.m. THIAB hauv zos lub sij hawm, thiab cov thawj contest yuav siv sij hawm qhov chaw tsocai tom qab.


Ward yog tshiab tawm ib ESPN Top-10 thawj-round knockout ntawm Roger Carroll ntawm "Bellator 140: Lima vs. Koreshkov," nws ob tug sib law liag yeej. "Irish" tau competed nyob rau hauv nws lub tsev lub xeev ntawm Connecticut rau peb-ncaj lub sij hawm ntawd, tab sis cov neeg coob coob tej zaum yuav torn li nws ntsej muag Olson, uas kuj hu tus tshiab hais cheeb tsam nws lub tsev.


Olson tiv thaiv nco ntsoov tiv thaiv Paul Daley no yav dhau los Lub Xya hli ntuj, tiam sis thaum kawg twb yeej nyob rau hauv nws thib peb tsos nyob rau hauv lub Bellator MMA banner. "Lub menace" tau tiav lawm 10 ntawm nws 14 yeej raws li ib tug kev thiab yuav tsum sib tw rau lub thib peb lub sij hawm nyob rau hauv 2015.


Bellator 144: "Galvao vs.. Dantas 2 "tshiab Card


Main Card: (Ntsia hlau loj - 9 p.m. THIAB/8 p.m. I)

Bellator Bantamweight Championship sib ntaus: Marcos Galvao (17-6-1) vs. Eduardo Dantas (17-4)

Bellator Middleweight Championship sib ntaus: Brandon Halsey (9-0) vs. Rafael Carvalho (11-1)

Bellator Welterweight Feature sib ntaus: Brennan Ward (11-3) vs. Dennis Olson (14-9)

Bellator Welterweight Feature sib ntaus: Michael Page (8-0) vs. TBA

Hais txog Bellator MMA

Bellator MMA yog ib tug uas Mixed Martial Arts lub koom haum featuring ntau ntawm qhov zoo tshaj plaws neeg tua hluav taws nyob rau hauv lub ntiaj teb no. Nyob rau hauv cov kev coj ntawm qub tub rog sib ntaus pab txhawb Scott Coker, Bellator yog muaj rau ze li ntawm 500 lab tsev thoob ntiaj teb nyob rau hauv dhau 140 lub teb chaws. Nyob rau hauv lub tebchaws United States, Bellator yuav pom nyob rau hauv ntsia hlau loj, lub MMA TV thawj coj. Bellator MMA yog dub ntawm ib tug thawj pab neeg uas muaj xws li kev lag luam sab saum toj cov tub txawg nyob rau hauv TV lawm, nyob kev tshwm sim orchestration, fighter txoj kev loj hlob / kev sib raug zoo, venue ceev, sponsorship creation / kev loj hlob, thoob ntiaj teb daim ntawv tso cai, marketing, advertising, tshaj tawm thiab commission kev sib raug zoo. Bellator yog raws li nyob rau hauv Santa Monica, California thiab uas los ntawm kev lom zem loj heev Viacom, lub tsev mus rau lub ntiaj teb premier lom zem hom uas txuas nrog audiences los ntawm yuam cov ntsiab lus nyob rau hauv TV, tsab ntawv tsa suab duab, hauv internet thiab mobile platforms.


Hais txog ntsia hlau loj:

Ntsia hlau loj yog muaj nyob rau hauv 98.7 lab tsev thiab yog ib tug faib ntawm Viacom Media tes hauj lwm. Ib tug unit ntawm Viacom (Nasdaq: VIA, VIAB), Viacom Media tes hauj lwm yog ib tug ntawm lub ntiaj teb uas creators ntawm programming thiab cov ntsiab lus nyob rau tag nrho tawm platforms. Ntsia hlau loj lub Internet chaw nyob yog www.spike.com thiab mus txog-rau-tus-feeb thiab archival xovxwm ntaub ntawv thiab duab, mus saib cov ntsia hlau loj tus xovxwm site ntawm http://www.spike.com/press. Raws li peb ntawm Twitter spiketvpr rau qhov tseeb nyob rau hauv tawg xov xwm tshiab, qab-lub-scenes cov ntaub ntawv thiab cov duab.


4 Yam ua ntej bouts Anchored LOS NTAWM Ryan Couture tiv tiag Nick Gonzalez tiav 'BELLATOR 143: Warren VS. Davis 'RAU HLIS 25

Raug Monica, California. (Lub yim hli ntuj 24, 2015) - Plaub fights tau ntxiv rau lub sij hawm luag feem ntawm "Bellator 143: Warren vs. Davis " rau Cuaj hlis 25 ntawm lub xeev ua liaj ua teb nyob rau hauv Arena Hidalgo, Texas, nrog qhov sib ntxiv ntawm Ryan Couture (10-3) tiv tiag Nick "Lub Ntsuj Plig Dawb Huv" Gonzalez, (18-12) raws li tau zoo raws li peb cov lwm yam ua ntej scraps.


Qhov seem fights nyob ib puag ncig tawm ib tug stacked daim ntawv hais tias kuj muaj xws li: Anplahas Torres (3-3) kev noj nyob Daniel Cervantes (2-3), Xa-u Elizondo (6-5) rov qab mus ua hauj lwm tiv thaiv Amador Ramirez (4-4) thiab undefeated Steve Garcia (5-0) lub rooj sib tham Eduardo Bustillos (4-1).


Cov kev sib tw yuav muab qhov chaw thaum lub sij hawm prelims ntawm “Bellator 143: Warren vs. Davis,” uas airs nyob rau ntsia hlau loj ntawm 9 p.m. THIAB/8 p.m. I, thaum lub sij hawm qhib feem ntawm cov kev tshwm sim yuav kwj rau Spike.com ntawm 7 p.m. THIAB/6 p.m. I.


Daim pib rau "Bellator 143: Warren vs. Davis,"Uas pib thaum nyuam qhuav $20, yog ntawm kev muag khoom tam sim no nyob Ticketmaster.com thiab lub xeev ua liaj ua teb Arena chaw ua hauj lwm. Qhov rooj rau cov kev tshwm sim qhib 5:00 p.m. I hauv zos lub sij hawm, thiab cov thawj contest yuav siv sij hawm qhov chaw tsocai tom qab.


Tam sim no engrossed nyob rau hauv ib tug plaub-sib ntaus winning streak, nrog rau nws tus thawj ob txojkev nrog Bellator MMA, Ryan Couture yuav los nrhiav kev nyob twj ywm nyob rau hauv undefeated 2015. Tus tub ntawm MMA lus dab neeg Randy Couture, lub qub Strikeforce competitor tau tiav lawm tag nrho cov aforementioned yeej ntawm rear-liab qab caj pas cuav.


Couture yuav mus tawm tsam Gonzalez, uas koj yuav hu rau ib tug yeej muaj tseeb Bellator MMA qub tub rog. "Lub Ntsuj Plig Dawb Huv" competed nyob rau qib lub inaugural kev tshwm sim rov qab rau hauv 2009 thiab ces dua tom Bellator 6. Nrog 30-fights rau nws lub npe, lub Austin, Texas haiv neeg yuav sib tw tso rau thawj lub sij hawm nyob rau hauv yuav luag ob xyoos.


Nyob rau hauv ib tug sib ntaus sib tua ntawm 170-pounders, Torres yuav los nrhiav kev xaus ib ob-sib ntaus losing thaum nws ntsej muag Cervantes rau Cuaj hlis 25. Cervantes tau yeej nws tsuas sib ntaus nyob rau hauv 2015, ib tug sawv daws pom kev txiav txim siab yeej rau Tej zaum 29.


Elizondo thiab Ramirez yuav square tawm nyob rau hauv bantamweight txiav txim. Tus txiv neej yuav tau ua lawv cov Bellator MMA debuts.


Thaum kawg, undefeated Steve "Mean Tshuab" Garcia yuav saib tau ntxiv rau cov impressive pib rau nws pro hauj lwm thaum nws muaj raws li Eduardo Bustillos. Lub 23-xyoo-laus twb Notched peb yeej nyob rau hauv lub Bellator MMA banner thiab tau tiav lawm plaub tawm ntawm tsib bouts. Bustillos yog tsis muaj slouch, muaj twb peb ntawm nws cov plaub yeej ntawm kev mloog lus.

"Bellator 143: Warren vs. Davis "tshiab sib ntaus Card


Main Card: (Ntsia hlau loj - 9 p.m. THIAB/6 p.m. PT)

Bellator Bantamweight Feature sib ntaus: Joe Warren (12-4) vs. C.R.. Davis (23-6)

Bellator Middleweight Feature sib ntaus: Joey Beltran (16-11, 1 NC) vs. Kendall Grove (21-15, 1 NC)

Bellator Featherweight Feature sib ntaus: Henry Corrales (12-1) vs. Emmanuel Sanchez (10-2)

Bellator Heavyweight Feature sib ntaus: Vinicius Queiroz (7-3) vs. Ewerton Teixeira (3-0)


Preliminary Card: (Spike.com - 6:30 p.m. THIAB/3:30 p.m. PT)

Bellator Sib Feature sib ntaus: Ryan Couture (10-3) vs. Nick Gonzalez (18-12)

Bellator Heavyweight Feature sib ntaus: Dan Charles (9-3) vs. Chase Gormley (12-4, 1 NC)

Bellator Bantamweight Feature sib ntaus: Darrion Caldwell (7-0) vs. Shawn Rev (4-1)

Bellator Featherweight Feature sib ntaus: Gleristone Santos (27-4) vs. John Teixeira (18-1-2)

Bellator Welterweight Feature sib ntaus: Jose Flores (3-0) vs. Guillermo Gonzalez (3-0)

Bellator Sib Feature sib ntaus: Guilherme Farias da Costa (3-0) vs. Jared Chaffe (4-1)

Bellator teeb Heavyweight Feature sib ntaus: Bryce Mejia (3-0) vs. Abdul Razak Alhassan (3-0)

Bellator Welterweight Feature sib ntaus: Anplahas Torres (3-3) vs. Daniel Cervantes (2-3)

Bellator Bantamweight Feature sib ntaus: Xa-u Elizondo (6-5) vs. Amador Ramirez (4-4)

Bellator Bantamweight Feature sib ntaus: Steve Garcia (5-0) vs. Eduardo Bustillos (4-1)

Hais txog Bellator MMA

Bellator MMA yog ib tug uas Mixed Martial Arts lub koom haum featuring ntau ntawm qhov zoo tshaj plaws neeg tua hluav taws nyob rau hauv lub ntiaj teb no. Nyob rau hauv cov kev coj ntawm qub tub rog sib ntaus pab txhawb Scott Coker, Bellator yog muaj rau ze li ntawm 500 lab tsev thoob ntiaj teb nyob rau hauv dhau 140 lub teb chaws. Nyob rau hauv lub tebchaws United States, Bellator yuav pom nyob rau hauv ntsia hlau loj, lub MMA TV thawj coj. Bellator MMA yog dub ntawm ib tug thawj pab neeg uas muaj xws li kev lag luam sab saum toj cov tub txawg nyob rau hauv TV lawm, nyob kev tshwm sim orchestration, fighter txoj kev loj hlob / kev sib raug zoo, venue ceev, sponsorship creation / kev loj hlob, thoob ntiaj teb daim ntawv tso cai, marketing, advertising, tshaj tawm thiab commission kev sib raug zoo. Bellator yog raws li nyob rau hauv Santa Monica, California thiab uas los ntawm kev lom zem loj heev Viacom, lub tsev mus rau lub ntiaj teb premier lom zem hom uas txuas nrog audiences los ntawm yuam cov ntsiab lus nyob rau hauv TV, tsab ntawv tsa suab duab, hauv internet thiab mobile platforms.


Hais txog ntsia hlau loj:

Ntsia hlau loj yog muaj nyob rau hauv 98.7 lab tsev thiab yog ib tug faib ntawm Viacom Media tes hauj lwm. Ib tug unit ntawm Viacom (Nasdaq: VIA, VIAB), Viacom Media tes hauj lwm yog ib tug ntawm lub ntiaj teb uas creators ntawm programming thiab cov ntsiab lus nyob rau tag nrho tawm platforms. Ntsia hlau loj lub Internet chaw nyob yog www.spike.com thiab mus txog-rau-tus-feeb thiab archival xovxwm ntaub ntawv thiab duab, mus saib cov ntsia hlau loj tus xovxwm site ntawm http://www.spike.com/press. Raws li peb ntawm Twitter spiketvpr rau qhov tseeb nyob rau hauv tawg xov xwm tshiab, qab-lub-scenes cov ntaub ntawv thiab cov duab.

UNDEFEATED DARRION 'tus hma' Caldwell RAWS LI Shawn 'Rev QHOV ZOO' Rev AT 'BELLATOR 143: Warren VS. Davis 'RAU HLIS 25

Chase GORMLEY ua rau nws BELLATOR MMA debut TIV THAIV DAN Charles

Raug Monica, California. (Cuaj hlis 2, 2015) - Tsis muaj ib tug, tab sis ob tug yuav tsum-saib bouts tau ntxiv rau lub sij hawm luag feem ntawm "Bellator 143: Warren vs. Davis " rau Cuaj hlis 25 ntawm lub xeev ua liaj ua teb nyob rau hauv Arena Hidalgo, Texas, nrog rau qhov sib ntxiv ntawm undefeated Darrion "Tus Hma" Caldwell (7-0) tiv tiag Shawn Rev (4-1) thiab heavyweight txiav txim pom Chase Gormley (12-4, 1 NC) tiv thaiv Dan "Tus txiv neej" Charles (9-3).


Cov kev sib tw yuav muab qhov chaw thaum lub sij hawm prelims ntawm “Bellator 143: Warren vs. Davis,” uas airs nyob rau ntsia hlau loj ntawm 9 p.m. THIAB/8 p.m. I, thaum lub sij hawm qhib feem ntawm cov kev tshwm sim yuav kwj rau Spike.com ntawm 7 p.m. THIAB/6 p.m. I.


Daim pib rau "Bellator 143: Warren vs. Davis,"Uas pib thaum nyuam qhuav $20, yog ntawm kev muag khoom tam sim no nyob Ticketmaster.com thiab lub xeev ua liaj ua teb Arena chaw ua hauj lwm. Qhov rooj rau cov kev tshwm sim qhib 5:00 p.m. I hauv zos lub sij hawm, thiab cov thawj contest yuav siv sij hawm qhov chaw tsocai tom qab. Ntxiv ua ntej bouts yuav muab tshaj tawm sai.


Caldwell tseem undefeated nrog ib tug impressive unanimous kev txiav txim siab yeej tshaj Rafael Silva ntawm "Bellator 137: Halsey vs. Grove. " Lub standout collegiate wrestler tau ua nws ntshiab uas nws vam kom muaj Bellator MMA championship kub rau nws tuav txoj cai no ua ntej lub xyoo yog tawm. "Tus Hma" npaj rau kev mus nyob twj ywm hauv bantamweight rau yav tom ntej txawm tias nws yog unbeaten ntawm 145-phaus raws li zoo.


Sawv rov qab ntawm Caldwell yuav Rev, ib tug 32-xyoo-laus Ohio haiv neeg uas tau pom tag nrho rau ntawm nws kev sib ntaus muab qhov chaw nyob rau hauv Bellator MMA. Ib tug tswv cuab ntawm American kickboxing Academy nyob rau hauv sab qaum teb California, "Rev Cov poj" xav tsis muaj dab tsi ntau tshaj li muab Caldwell nws thawj yeej raws li ib tug pro.


Nyob rau hauv heavyweight txiav txim, yav tas los kawg sib ntaus Championship competitor Chase Gormley yuav los nrhiav kom nws tsib-sib ntaus winning streak lawm thaum nws competes rau Cuaj hlis 25. Lub Titan Sib ntaus sib tua Championship heavyweight kingpin yeej lub regional qib lub npe nyob rau hauv nws cov nag mus ua si nrog ib tug sawv daws pom kev txiav txim siab yeej Jon Madsen nyob rau hauv lub peb hlis ntuj.


Dan Charles yuav rov qab mus ua hauj lwm rau tus thawj lub sij hawm txij li thaum nws matchup nrog Bobby Lashley ntawm "Bellator 138: Unfinished lag luam," ib tug bout tias "Tus txiv neej" coj nyob rau luv luv daim ntawv ceeb toom tom qab James Thompson twb yuam tawm vim raug mob. Lub 29-xyoo-laus yuav tau ua nws thib tsib tsos nyob rau hauv lub Bellator MMA banner thiab tau nyiaj yeej ntawm finish nyob rau hauv xya tawm ntawm cuaj yeej.


"Bellator 143: Warren vs. Davis "tshiab sib ntaus Card


Main Card: (Ntsia hlau loj - 9 p.m. THIAB/6 p.m. PT)

Bellator Bantamweight Feature sib ntaus: Joe Warren (12-4) vs. C.R.. Davis (23-6)

Bellator Middleweight Feature sib ntaus: Joey Beltran (16-11, 1 NC) vs. Kendall Grove (21-15, 1 NC)

Bellator Featherweight Feature sib ntaus: Henry Corrales (12-1) vs. Emmanuel Sanchez (10-2)

Bellator Heavyweight Feature sib ntaus: Vinicius Queiroz (7-3) vs. Ewerton Teixeira (3-0)


Preliminary Card: (Spike.com - 6:30 p.m. THIAB/3:30 p.m. PT)

Bellator Bantamweight Feature sib ntaus: Darrion Caldwell (7-0) vs. Shawn Rev (4-1)

Bellator Heavyweight Feature sib ntaus: Dan Charles (9-3) vs. Chase Gormley (12-4, 1 NC)

Bellator Featherweight Feature sib ntaus: Gleristone Santos (27-4) vs. John Teixeira (18-1-2)

Bellator Welterweight Feature sib ntaus: Jose Flores (3-0) vs. Guillermo Gonzalez (3-0)

Bellator Sib Feature sib ntaus: Guilherme Farias da Costa (3-0) vs. Jared Chaffe (4-1)

Bellator teeb Heavyweight Feature sib ntaus: Bryce Mejia (3-0) vs. Abdul Razak Alhassan (3-0)

Hais txog Bellator MMA

Bellator MMA yog ib tug uas Mixed Martial Arts lub koom haum featuring ntau ntawm qhov zoo tshaj plaws neeg tua hluav taws nyob rau hauv lub ntiaj teb no. Nyob rau hauv cov kev coj ntawm qub tub rog sib ntaus pab txhawb Scott Coker, Bellator yog muaj rau ze li ntawm 500 lab tsev thoob ntiaj teb nyob rau hauv dhau 140 lub teb chaws. Nyob rau hauv lub tebchaws United States, Bellator yuav pom nyob rau hauv ntsia hlau loj, lub MMA TV thawj coj. Bellator MMA yog dub ntawm ib tug thawj pab neeg uas muaj xws li kev lag luam sab saum toj cov tub txawg nyob rau hauv TV lawm, nyob kev tshwm sim orchestration, fighter txoj kev loj hlob / kev sib raug zoo, venue ceev, sponsorship creation / kev loj hlob, thoob ntiaj teb daim ntawv tso cai, marketing, advertising, tshaj tawm thiab commission kev sib raug zoo. Bellator yog raws li nyob rau hauv Santa Monica, California thiab uas los ntawm kev lom zem loj heev Viacom, lub tsev mus rau lub ntiaj teb premier lom zem hom uas txuas nrog audiences los ntawm yuam cov ntsiab lus nyob rau hauv TV, tsab ntawv tsa suab duab, hauv internet thiab mobile platforms.


Hais txog ntsia hlau loj:

Ntsia hlau loj yog muaj nyob rau hauv 98.7 lab tsev thiab yog ib tug faib ntawm Viacom Media tes hauj lwm. Ib tug unit ntawm Viacom (Nasdaq: VIA, VIAB), Viacom Media tes hauj lwm yog ib tug ntawm lub ntiaj teb uas creators ntawm programming thiab cov ntsiab lus nyob rau tag nrho tawm platforms. Ntsia hlau loj lub Internet chaw nyob yog www.spike.com thiab mus txog-rau-tus-feeb thiab archival xovxwm ntaub ntawv thiab duab, mus saib cov ntsia hlau loj tus xovxwm site ntawm http://www.spike.com/press. Raws li peb ntawm Twitter spiketvpr rau qhov tseeb nyob rau hauv tawg xov xwm tshiab, qab-lub-scenes cov ntaub ntawv thiab cov duab.

Chase GORMLEY ua rau nws BELLATOR MMA debut TIV THAIV DAN Charles

Raug Monica, California. (Cuaj hlis 2, 2015) - Tsis muaj ib tug, tab sis ob tug yuav tsum-saib bouts tau ntxiv rau lub sij hawm luag feem ntawm "Bellator 143: Warren vs. Davis " rau Cuaj hlis 25 ntawm lub xeev ua liaj ua teb nyob rau hauv Arena Hidalgo, Texas, nrog rau qhov sib ntxiv ntawm undefeated Darrion "Tus Hma" Caldwell (7-0) tiv tiag Shawn Rev (4-1) thiab heavyweight txiav txim pom Chase Gormley (12-4, 1 NC) tiv thaiv Dan "Tus txiv neej" Charles (9-3).


Cov kev sib tw yuav muab qhov chaw thaum lub sij hawm prelims ntawm “Bellator 143: Warren vs. Davis,” uas airs nyob rau ntsia hlau loj ntawm 9 p.m. THIAB/8 p.m. I, thaum lub sij hawm qhib feem ntawm cov kev tshwm sim yuav kwj rau Spike.com ntawm 7 p.m. THIAB/6 p.m. I.


Daim pib rau "Bellator 143: Warren vs. Davis,"Uas pib thaum nyuam qhuav $20, yog ntawm kev muag khoom tam sim no nyob Ticketmaster.com thiab lub xeev ua liaj ua teb Arena chaw ua hauj lwm. Qhov rooj rau cov kev tshwm sim qhib 5:00 p.m. I hauv zos lub sij hawm, thiab cov thawj contest yuav siv sij hawm qhov chaw tsocai tom qab. Ntxiv ua ntej bouts yuav muab tshaj tawm sai.


Caldwell tseem undefeated nrog ib tug impressive unanimous kev txiav txim siab yeej tshaj Rafael Silva ntawm "Bellator 137: Halsey vs. Grove. " Lub standout collegiate wrestler tau ua nws ntshiab uas nws vam kom muaj Bellator MMA championship kub rau nws tuav txoj cai no ua ntej lub xyoo yog tawm. "Tus Hma" npaj rau kev mus nyob twj ywm hauv bantamweight rau yav tom ntej txawm tias nws yog unbeaten ntawm 145-phaus raws li zoo.


Sawv rov qab ntawm Caldwell yuav Rev, ib tug 32-xyoo-laus Ohio haiv neeg uas tau pom tag nrho rau ntawm nws kev sib ntaus muab qhov chaw nyob rau hauv Bellator MMA. Ib tug tswv cuab ntawm American kickboxing Academy nyob rau hauv sab qaum teb California, "Rev Cov poj" xav tsis muaj dab tsi ntau tshaj li muab Caldwell nws thawj yeej raws li ib tug pro.


Nyob rau hauv heavyweight txiav txim, yav tas los kawg sib ntaus Championship competitor Chase Gormley yuav los nrhiav kom nws tsib-sib ntaus winning streak lawm thaum nws competes rau Cuaj hlis 25. Lub Titan Sib ntaus sib tua Championship heavyweight kingpin yeej lub regional qib lub npe nyob rau hauv nws cov nag mus ua si nrog ib tug sawv daws pom kev txiav txim siab yeej Jon Madsen nyob rau hauv lub peb hlis ntuj.


Dan Charles yuav rov qab mus ua hauj lwm rau tus thawj lub sij hawm txij li thaum nws matchup nrog Bobby Lashley ntawm "Bellator 138: Unfinished lag luam," ib tug bout tias "Tus txiv neej" coj nyob rau luv luv daim ntawv ceeb toom tom qab James Thompson twb yuam tawm vim raug mob. Lub 29-xyoo-laus yuav tau ua nws thib tsib tsos nyob rau hauv lub Bellator MMA banner thiab tau nyiaj yeej ntawm finish nyob rau hauv xya tawm ntawm cuaj yeej.


"Bellator 143: Warren vs. Davis "tshiab sib ntaus Card


Main Card: (Ntsia hlau loj - 9 p.m. THIAB/6 p.m. PT)

Bellator Bantamweight Feature sib ntaus: Joe Warren (12-4) vs. C.R.. Davis (23-6)

Bellator Middleweight Feature sib ntaus: Joey Beltran (16-11, 1 NC) vs. Kendall Grove (21-15, 1 NC)

Bellator Featherweight Feature sib ntaus: Henry Corrales (12-1) vs. Emmanuel Sanchez (10-2)

Bellator Heavyweight Feature sib ntaus: Vinicius Queiroz (7-3) vs. Ewerton Teixeira (3-0)


Preliminary Card: (Spike.com - 6:30 p.m. THIAB/3:30 p.m. PT)

Bellator Bantamweight Feature sib ntaus: Darrion Caldwell (7-0) vs. Shawn Rev (4-1)

Bellator Heavyweight Feature sib ntaus: Dan Charles (9-3) vs. Chase Gormley (12-4, 1 NC)

Bellator Featherweight Feature sib ntaus: Gleristone Santos (27-4) vs. John Teixeira (18-1-2)

Bellator Welterweight Feature sib ntaus: Jose Flores (3-0) vs. Guillermo Gonzalez (3-0)

Bellator Sib Feature sib ntaus: Guilherme Farias da Costa (3-0) vs. Jared Chaffe (4-1)

Bellator teeb Heavyweight Feature sib ntaus: Bryce Mejia (3-0) vs. Abdul Razak Alhassan (3-0)

Hais txog Bellator MMA

Bellator MMA yog ib tug uas Mixed Martial Arts lub koom haum featuring ntau ntawm qhov zoo tshaj plaws neeg tua hluav taws nyob rau hauv lub ntiaj teb no. Nyob rau hauv cov kev coj ntawm qub tub rog sib ntaus pab txhawb Scott Coker, Bellator yog muaj rau ze li ntawm 500 lab tsev thoob ntiaj teb nyob rau hauv dhau 140 lub teb chaws. Nyob rau hauv lub tebchaws United States, Bellator yuav pom nyob rau hauv ntsia hlau loj, lub MMA TV thawj coj. Bellator MMA yog dub ntawm ib tug thawj pab neeg uas muaj xws li kev lag luam sab saum toj cov tub txawg nyob rau hauv TV lawm, nyob kev tshwm sim orchestration, fighter txoj kev loj hlob / kev sib raug zoo, venue ceev, sponsorship creation / kev loj hlob, thoob ntiaj teb daim ntawv tso cai, marketing, advertising, tshaj tawm thiab commission kev sib raug zoo. Bellator yog raws li nyob rau hauv Santa Monica, California thiab uas los ntawm kev lom zem loj heev Viacom, lub tsev mus rau lub ntiaj teb premier lom zem hom uas txuas nrog audiences los ntawm yuam cov ntsiab lus nyob rau hauv TV, tsab ntawv tsa suab duab, hauv internet thiab mobile platforms.


Hais txog ntsia hlau loj:

Ntsia hlau loj yog muaj nyob rau hauv 98.7 lab tsev thiab yog ib tug faib ntawm Viacom Media tes hauj lwm. Ib tug unit ntawm Viacom (Nasdaq: VIA, VIAB), Viacom Media tes hauj lwm yog ib tug ntawm lub ntiaj teb uas creators ntawm programming thiab cov ntsiab lus nyob rau tag nrho tawm platforms. Ntsia hlau loj lub Internet chaw nyob yog www.spike.com thiab mus txog-rau-tus-feeb thiab archival xovxwm ntaub ntawv thiab duab, mus saib cov ntsia hlau loj tus xovxwm site ntawm http://www.spike.com/press. Raws li peb ntawm Twitter spiketvpr rau qhov tseeb nyob rau hauv tawg xov xwm tshiab, qab-lub-scenes cov ntaub ntawv thiab cov duab.

KOOB MEEJ kickboxing bout Pitting KERI Anne TAYLOR-MELENDEZ VS. HADLEY Griffith ntxiv rau MAIN CARD NTAWM 'BELLATOR MMA: Dynamite 1 '

Raug Monica, California. (Cuaj hlis 1, 2015) - Ib tug 120-phaus hwjchim ci ntsa iab kickboxing bout Pitting Ker Anne Taylor-Melendez (2-1) tiv thaiv Hadley "tseg" Griffith (rau debut) sau cov ntsia hlau loj-uas tawm hauv TV card ntawm "Bellator MMA: Dynamite 1 " nyob rau hauv lub Cuaj Hli Ntuj 19 ntawm cov kua ntoo Center nyob rau hauv San Jose, California.


Rau cov thawj lub sij hawm puas tau, "Bellator MMA: Dynamite 1 " yuav feature ib ob Bellator MMA tawb thiab ib tug hwjchim ci ntsa iab kickboxing nplhaib rau ib tug arena pem teb nyob rau tib lub sij hawm. Nyob rau hauv lub yav tsaus ntuj lub ntsiab kev tshwm sim, Tito Ortiz (18-11) yuav cam cov undefeated Bellator teeb Heavyweight ntiaj teb tau zus, Liam McGeary (10-0) rau lub title.


Tsis tas li ntawd, lub yav tas los tshaj tawm kev sib ntaus card ntseg hwjchim ci ntsa iab kickboxing title sib ntaus featuring Zack Mwekassa (13-2, 12 KO) thiab Xa-u Cavalari (31-2, 19 KO) rau cov tsis muaj teeb Heavyweight Championship, raws li tau zoo raws li Bellator MMA cov neeg sib tw Paul "Semtex" Daley (37-13-2) thiab Fernando "Lub Menifee cov neeg vwm" Gonzalez (24-13) kuj sib tw nyob rau hauv hwjchim ci ntsa iab txiav txim, thaum lawv pauv-nyob rau hauv lub MMA cov hnab looj tes rau kickboxing hnab looj tes.


Nyob rau hauv lub mixed martial arts sab, Bellator MMA yuav kuj coj ib lub plaub-txiv neej, ib-hmo ntuj lub teeb heavyweight kev sib tw los mus txiav txim rau lub tsis. 1 contender nyob rau hauv lub division uas ntseg Phil Davis (13-3) kev noj nyob Emanuel Newton (25-8-1) thiab Linton Vassell (15-4-1) txojkev Muhammed "King Mo" Lawal (15-4, 1 NC). Tshiab khiv kos npe sib standout Josh "Lub Punk" Thomson (20-8, 1 NC) yog tseem nyob rau hauv cov kev txiav txim, thaum nws ua rau nws Bellator MMA debut tiv thaiv Mike "Lub Greek neeg tua neeg" Bronzoulis (18-8-1).


"Bellator MMA: Dynamite 1 " airs nyob thiab free rau ntsia hlau loj ntawm 9 / 8c. Daim pib rau lub historic kev tshwm sim pib thaum nyuam qhuav $30 thiab yog muag tam sim no nyob rau hauv lub SAP Center chaw ua hauj lwm thiab no kuj muaj nyob rau yuav khoom ntawm Ticketmaster.com thiab Bellator.com.


Tsuas 31 xyoo ntawm hnub nyoog, Taylor-Melendez tau yav tas los competed nyob rau hauv ob qho tag nrho kickboxing thiab Muay Thaib, tab sis siab npaj rau hloov mus rau cov kev ua si nawv ntawm mixed martial arts nyob rau hauv lub neej yav tom ntej nyob ze. Tus txij nkawm ntawm yav tas los WEC thiab Strikeforce zus Gilbert Melendez thiab co-tswv ntawm El Niño kev kawm Center nyob rau hauv San Francisco, Taylor-Melendez thawj coj li kev sib ntaus los kev ua si ze rau 10 lub xyoos dhau los, ua ib lub npe rau nws tus kheej sib ntaus sib tua nyob rau hauv lub Bay Area. Tom qab racking li ib tug 4-1 pib xyaum ua cov ntaub ntawv, nws coj nws tej txuj ci kom cov kev Circuit Court, qhov chaw uas nws tam sim no tuav ib tug 2-1 kickboxing cov ntaub ntawv.


Ib tug tsib-sib ntaus sib xyaw martial arts qub tub rog, Griffith yuav rov qab mus ua hauj lwm rau tus thawj lub sij hawm nyob rau hauv 2015, tsuas yog lub sij hawm no nws yuav tsum rau sab hauv lub hwjchim ci ntsa iab kickboxing nplhaib. "Tseg" eagerly awaits nws rov qab mus rau nqe ntaus rog kev ua si tom qab tawm ntawm kev txiav txim rau ntau tshaj ib xyoo vim muaj ib tug raug mob uas tshwm sim los ntawm amputation ntawm sab saum toj ntawm nws tus ntiv tes nrab. Ib tug neeg uas Washington, thiab kev cob qhia nyob rau hauv Colorado, Hadley yuav muaj ntau ntawm tus kiv cua them nyiaj yug nyob Cuaj hlis 19 nyob rau hauv San Jose, California.


"Bellator MMA: Dynamite 1 "- Saturday, Cuaj hlis 19 - SAP Center, San Jose, California.

Bellator teeb Heavyweight Title sib ntaus: Tito Ortiz (18-11) vs. © Liam McGeary (10-0)

Bellator teeb Heavyweight kev sib tw zaum kawg: TBD vs. TBD

Hwjchim ci ntsa iab Tsis Muaj teeb Heavyweight Title sib ntaus: Xa-u Cavalari (31-2) vs. Zack Mwekassa (13-2)

Bellator Sib Feature sib ntaus: Josh Thomson (20-8) vs. Mike Bronzoulis (18-8-1)

Hwjchim ci ntsa iab Welterweight Feature sib ntaus: Paul Daley (37-13-2 MMA / 20-3 Kickboxing) vs. Fernando Gonzalez (24-13/1-2 Kickboxing)

Hwjchim ci ntsa iab Bantamweight Feature sib ntaus: Kerri Anne Taylor-Melendez (2-1) vs. Hadley Griffith (Debut)

Bellator teeb Heavyweight kev sib tw sib ntaus: Phil Davis (13-3) vs. Emanuel Newton (25-8-1)

Bellator teeb Heavyweight kev sib tw sib ntaus: Linton Vassell (15-4-1) vs. Muhammed Lawal (15-4, 1 NC)

Bellator teeb Heavyweight kev sib tw Alternate Bout: Francis Carmont (23-10) vs. Philipe Lins (9-1)


*Sib ntaus card kawm rau kev hloov



Raug Monica, California. (Cuaj hlis 1, 2015) - Brandon "Phaw" Halsey (9-0) yuav lwv rau lub thib ob lub sij hawm nyob rau hauv 2015 thaum nws muaj raws li Rafael Carvalho (11-1) rau lub Bellator MMA middleweight title nyob rau hauv lub co-ntsiab kev tshwm sim ntawm "Bellator 144: Galvao vs.. Dantas 2 " ntawm Mohegan Sun Arena nyob rau hauv Uncasville, Conn., rau Lub kaum hli ntuj 23.


Lub contest yuav pab raws li tus nqi-ntsiab kev tshwm sim ntawm “Bellator 144: Galvao vs.. Dantas 2,” uas airs nyob rau ntsia hlau loj ntawm 9 p.m. THIAB/8 p.m. I, thaum tej yam xub thawj bouts yuav kwj rau Spike.com ntawm 7 p.m. THIAB.


Lub ntsiab kev tshwm sim ntawm "Bellator 144: Galvao vs.. Dantas 2 " ntseg ib bantamweight title kev sib ntaus ntawm Marcos Galvao (17-6-1) thiab Eduardo Dantas, (17-4). Nyob rau hauv tas li ntawd, "Irish" Brennan Ward (11-3) yuav nyob rau hauv kev txiav txim ntawm, raws li yuav Michael "lom" Nplooj ntawv(8-0). Cov khub ntawm welterweight tus tw, raws li tau zoo raws li ntxiv bouts yuav muab tshaj tawm sai sai no.


Daim pib rau "Bellator 144: Galvao vs.. Dantas 2 " uas pib ntawm cia li $25, yog ntawm kev muag khoom tam sim no nyob Ticketmaster.com thiab cov Mohegan Tshav Arena chaw ua hauj lwm. Qhov rooj rau cov kev tshwm sim qhib 6:00 p.m. THIAB hauv zos lub sij hawm, thiab cov thawj contest yuav siv sij hawm qhov chaw tsocai tom qab.


Undefeated mus qhib nws kev mixed martial arts hauj lwm, Halsey zoo rau muab rov qab rau middleweight title hais tias nws yeej tsis poob. "Phaw" twb stripped ntawm lub npe tom qab ib txoj kev kawm camp raug mob hindered nws muaj peev xwm mus ceeb ua ntej "Bellator 137: Halsey vs. Grove," ib tug sib ntaus uas lub 28-xyoo-laus mus nyob rau los yeej nyob rau hauv emphatic zam. Nws yog tsim nyog sau cia hais tias Halsey nyuam qhuav rov kos npe nrog Bellator MMA rau ib tug tsuas yog, multi-sib ntaus daim ntawv cog lus.


Carvalho nkag mus hauv nws Bellator debut nrog Joe "Plooj Em 'Up" Schilling nyob rau hauv "Bellator 136: Brooks vs. Jansen"Raws li cov underdog, tab sis tom qab ib tug nruj nreem kam bout, khwv tau ib tug split kev txiav txim siab yeej. Lub 29-xyoo-laus Rio de Janeiro neeg nyob tau tsis tsis swb txij thaum lub qhib contest ntawm nws 12-sib ntaus hauj lwm thiab tau tsuas pom nws ob tug yeej mus kom deb li deb raws li lub tsev hais plaub 'scorecards.


Bellator 144: "Galvao vs.. Dantas 2 "tshiab Card


Main Card: (Ntsia hlau loj - 9 p.m. THIAB/8 p.m. I)

Bellator Bantamweight Championship sib ntaus: Marcos Galvao (17-6-1) vs. Eduardo Dantas (17-4)

Bellator Middleweight Championship sib ntaus: Brandon Halsey (9-0) vs. Rafael Carvalho (11-1)

Bellator Welterweight Feature sib ntaus: Michael Page (8-0) vs. TBA

Bellator Heavyweight Feature sib ntaus: Brennan Ward (11-3) vs. TBA

Raug Monica, California. (Cuaj hlis 1, 2015) - Brandon "Phaw" Halsey (9-0) yuav lwv rau lub thib ob lub sij hawm nyob rau hauv 2015 thaum nws muaj raws li Rafael Carvalho (11-1) rau lub Bellator MMA middleweight title nyob rau hauv lub co-ntsiab kev tshwm sim ntawm "Bellator 144: Galvao vs.. Dantas 2 " ntawm Mohegan Sun Arena nyob rau hauv Uncasville, Conn., rau Lub kaum hli ntuj 23.


Lub contest yuav pab raws li tus nqi-ntsiab kev tshwm sim ntawm “Bellator 144: Galvao vs.. Dantas 2,” uas airs nyob rau ntsia hlau loj ntawm 9 p.m. THIAB/8 p.m. I, thaum tej yam xub thawj bouts yuav kwj rau Spike.com ntawm 7 p.m. THIAB.


Lub ntsiab kev tshwm sim ntawm "Bellator 144: Galvao vs.. Dantas 2 " ntseg ib bantamweight title kev sib ntaus ntawm Marcos Galvao (17-6-1) thiab Eduardo Dantas, (17-4). Nyob rau hauv tas li ntawd, "Irish" Brennan Ward (11-3) yuav nyob rau hauv kev txiav txim ntawm, raws li yuav Michael "lom" Nplooj ntawv(8-0). Cov khub ntawm welterweight tus tw, raws li tau zoo raws li ntxiv bouts yuav muab tshaj tawm sai sai no.


Daim pib rau "Bellator 144: Galvao vs.. Dantas 2 " uas pib ntawm cia li $25, yog ntawm kev muag khoom tam sim no nyob Ticketmaster.com thiab cov Mohegan Tshav Arena chaw ua hauj lwm. Qhov rooj rau cov kev tshwm sim qhib 6:00 p.m. THIAB hauv zos lub sij hawm, thiab cov thawj contest yuav siv sij hawm qhov chaw tsocai tom qab.


Undefeated mus qhib nws kev mixed martial arts hauj lwm, Halsey zoo rau muab rov qab rau middleweight title hais tias nws yeej tsis poob. "Phaw" twb stripped ntawm lub npe tom qab ib txoj kev kawm camp raug mob hindered nws muaj peev xwm mus ceeb ua ntej "Bellator 137: Halsey vs. Grove," ib tug sib ntaus uas lub 28-xyoo-laus mus nyob rau los yeej nyob rau hauv emphatic zam. Nws yog tsim nyog sau cia hais tias Halsey nyuam qhuav rov kos npe nrog Bellator MMA rau ib tug tsuas yog, multi-sib ntaus daim ntawv cog lus.


Carvalho nkag mus hauv nws Bellator debut nrog Joe "Plooj Em 'Up" Schilling nyob rau hauv "Bellator 136: Brooks vs. Jansen"Raws li cov underdog, tab sis tom qab ib tug nruj nreem kam bout, khwv tau ib tug split kev txiav txim siab yeej. Lub 29-xyoo-laus Rio de Janeiro neeg nyob tau tsis tsis swb txij thaum lub qhib contest ntawm nws 12-sib ntaus hauj lwm thiab tau tsuas pom nws ob tug yeej mus kom deb li deb raws li lub tsev hais plaub 'scorecards.


Bellator 144: "Galvao vs.. Dantas 2 "tshiab Card


Main Card: (Ntsia hlau loj - 9 p.m. THIAB/8 p.m. I)

Bellator Bantamweight Championship sib ntaus: Marcos Galvao (17-6-1) vs. Eduardo Dantas (17-4)

Bellator Middleweight Championship sib ntaus: Brandon Halsey (9-0) vs. Rafael Carvalho (11-1)

Bellator Welterweight Feature sib ntaus: Michael Page (8-0) vs. TBA

Bellator Heavyweight Feature sib ntaus: Brennan Ward (11-3) vs. TBA



PATRICKY 'Pitbull' FREIRE txo nws hwj Nqaij nyuj NROG Saad AWAD RAU so, WINNING sawv daws pom TXIAV TXIM SIAB


Nrhiav ntxiv duab thiab scorecards no / Video highlights hauv qab no


TEMECULA, California. (Lub yim hli ntuj 28, 2015) - Nyob rau hauv dab tsi yog undoubtedly tus biggest yeej ntawm nws mixed martial arts hauj lwm, Brandon "Mob khaub thuas Yob" Girtz (13-4) yeej Melvin "Tus Hluas neeg tua neeg" Guillard (32-15-2) ntawm "Bellator 141: Guillard vs. Girt " ntawm cais kev txiav txim siab (29-27, 28-29, 29-27).


Tus zoo nkauj Pechanga Resort thiab twv txiaj yuam pov nyob rau hauv Temecula, California., tsis muaj tsev nyob hauv lub ntsia hlau loj-uas tawm hauv TV cov kev tshwm sim, uas yuav muaj tseeb yuav nco txog ntau yam rov qab-thiab-khuav battles uas culminated nyob rau hauv Girtz tawm-taw thiab tawm-slamming Guillard, ib tug qub tub rog rau saum 50 sau ua ntaub ntawv kev bouts.


Nws yog tus wrestling pedigree ntawm lub Minnesota haiv neeg uas tau ua rau sib txawv, raws li Guillard yog tsis tau tawm nws rov qab rau ib tug zoo feem ntawm cov thawj thiab thib ob ntas. Tom qab hais nyob rau hauv nws ces kaum uas nws yog kom meej meej lawm ob rounds, Guillard pib qhib, tab sis nws siab muaj pov thawj yuav tsum tau heev me ntsis, lig dhau lawm.

Description: Macintosh HD:Users:tuttlec:Desktop:6-Paricky-Friere-vs-Saad-Awad_0150.jpg

"Pitbull" Xaus sib ceg Nrog Awad, Noj unanimous txiav txim siab


Sib champion Yuav Brooks ua zoo dev tom – muaj yog ib tug txaus ntshai "Pitbull" uas yog tsem rau koj siv.


Patricky "Pitbull" Freire (14-6) yeej Koj Awad (18-7) rau ib tug nyuaj tiv thaiv unanimous kev txiav txim siab yeej, nrog cov qhab nia ntawm (30-27, 30-27, 30-27).


Qhov phem ntshav generated los ntawm ib tug Twitter tsov kev rog thiab tus kab mob video nruab nrab ntawm ob co-ntsiab eventers teev cov theem rau ib txoj kev ua packed 155-phaus sib ntaus sib tua. Ib tusyees tiv thaiv ua ntej puag ncig pom ob competitors trading ntau ceg kicks uas culminated nyob rau hauv ib txoj kev ua packed ob zaj paj huam uas pom “Pitbull” coj cia Awad kom tau cov nqi cov ntsiab lus nrog lub tsev hais plaub.


Txawm tias ib tug partisan neeg coob coob rau lub Rancho Cucamonga, California., haiv neeg, "Pitbull" tsaws haib lub cev thiav mus rau tus thawj peb puag ncig thiab luag cov shutout yeej. Ua raws li cov bout, lub Brazilian ua nws ntshiab uas nws xav lub npe tua ntawm Brooks.

Tom qab 5-xyoo hiatus, Wren Outpoints Burns

Justin Wren (11-2) rov qab mus rau lub kev ua si nawv ntawm mixed martial arts nram qab no ib tug tsib-xyoo tsis tuaj kawm ntawv, defeating rau-sib ntaus Bellator MMA qub tub rog Josh "Lub Rauj" Burns (8-9) ntawm unanimous kev txiav txim siab (30-27, 30-26, 30-26).


"Lub Big Pygmy" tsis zoo li mus tsis tau ib tug khiav nrawm dua li nws lub sij hawm siv nyob rau hauv lub Congo, tsaws khoom hauv caug mus rau lub taub hau ntawm Burns uas yuav tau tiav lawm ntau heavyweights. Wren ua nws ntshiab uas nws yog nyob rau hauv no Bellator MMA nyob thiab nws muaj ntau sib ntaus rau dua nws puas tau muaj nyob rau hauv nws cuaj-xyoo ua hauj lwm.


Yog xav paub ntxiv nyob rau ntawm Wren lub humanitarian dag zog, xa mus rau CNN daim rau lub "Lub Big Pygmy no.

Description: Macintosh HD:Users:tuttlec:Desktop:Coenen.jpg

Coenen Armbars Blencowe


Tom qab ib lub xeem feeb hauv caug raug mob rau Lorenzo Hood yuam cov tshem tawm ntawm nws bout tiv thaiv Raphael Butler, cov poj niam txoj kev featherweight match ntawm Marloes "rumina" Coenen (23-6) thiabArlene "Angerfist" Blencowe (6-5) tau nce mus rau lub TV feem ntawm daim card.


Ib tug loj feem ntawm cov lus qhib puag ncig twb siv nyob rau hauv cov lev, nrog cov poj niam jockeying rau ib tug tseem ceeb txoj hauj lwm. Tom qab ib pliag intermission, Coenen tau ua dab tsi nws tau tam sim no ua 17 lub sij hawm nyob rau hauv nws cov hauj lwm, tas nws foe ntawm kev mloog lus. Lub xaus tuaj 3:23 ntawm round ob, nrog Coenen xaus lub bout nrog ib tug sib sib zog nqus armbar.


Coenen tau tam sim no yeej ob-ncaj fights txij li thaum xa me nyuam rov ib contest rau "Cyborg" Justino nyob rau hauv 2013.


Preliminary Card:

Nyob rau hauv lub kawg post-Lim ntawm lub yim hli ntuj 28 lub festivities, Johnny Cisneros (9-4) yeej Gabriel Miglioli (9-8) ntawm unanimous kev txiav txim siab (30-27, 29-28, 29-28).

Luc Bondole (5-1-2) tes laug Ray Sloan (8-1) thawj uas nws plam nws cov hauj lwm, ua haujlwm tau nyiaj lub unanimous txiav txim siab nrog (29-28, 30-27, 30-27) scorecards los ntawm lub California State Athletic Commission tsa ua cov txiav txim.

Adrienna Jenkins (19-6) nres Lissette Neri (6-3) nrog ib tug kev knockout tom qab Neri ua tsis tau tejyam ntshes tiv thaiv nws tus kheej ntawm 2:38 ntawm puag ncig ib.

"Curtious" Curtis Millender (8-2) coj ib tug ob-sib ntaus losing streak mus rau ib tug halt nrog ib tug (30-27, 30-27, 30-27) unanimous yeej tshaj Steven Ciaccio (4-4).


Cov feem ntau heev finish ntawm "Bellator 141: Guillard vs. Girt " on Friday tuaj ntawm A.J. Mckee,(2-0) uas nres James Barnes (4-1) ntawm vicious knockout ntawm 1:42 ntawm cov lus qhib ncej.

Ilima-Lei MacFarlane (2-0) impressed nyob rau hauv nws Bellator MMA debut, edging tawm Maria Rios (2-3) ntawm cais kev txiav txim siab (29-28) (28-29) (29-28). Lub Hawaiian showcased nws muaj peev xwm mus coj kev sib ntaus rau nws tus nrog sib ntaus rau tus taw, raws li tau zoo raws li fending tawm ntau kev mloog lus tau npaj siab los ntawm Rios rau lev.


Tom qab 15 nruj nreem kam feeb, Brent Primus (6-0) tseem undefeated, squeaking tawm ib tug split kev txiav txim siab (29-28, 29-27, 29-28) yeej tshaj Derek "Tus ua loj leeb" Anderson (12-2).


Nyob rau hauv lub qhib kev nyuajsiab ntxhov plawv "Bellator 141: Guillard vs. Girt," A.J. "Lub Mercenary" Matthews (8-3) yeej Emiliano Sordi (13-5) tom qab lub Argentinian ua tsis tau tejyam los teb cov lus nram qab no tswb puag ncig ib tug.


Bellator 141 Main Card Video Highlights:

Sau kom tiav Highlights Pob: https://www.hightail.com/download/bXBaR0lTd0lRR2R1a3NUQw

Guillard vs. Girt

Guillard mus down thaum ntxov nyob rau hauv Round 1



Girtz tau txais lub cais kev txiav txim siab


Girtz hais tias nws yog ib tug “ruam” tig ib ncig thaum lub sij hawm Guillard comeback



"Pitbull" vs. Awad

Slo-tsab ntawv tsa suab recap ntawm qhov zoo tshaj plaws lub sij hawm



“Pitbull "tau txais lub yeej



Wren vs. Burns


Replay thiab kev ntsuam xyuas ntawm Wren lub flurish — ntxiv rau ib tug taw tes




Wren tau txais lub yeej kev txiav txim siab




Coenen vs. Blencowe

Coenen finishes sib ntaus nrog lub cuav txav


Slo-tsab ntawv tsa suab replay




Coenen zoo siab nyob rau hauv post-sib ntaus sib tham




Hais txog Bellator MMA

Bellator MMA yog ib tug uas Mixed Martial Arts lub koom haum featuring ntau ntawm qhov zoo tshaj plaws neeg tua hluav taws nyob rau hauv lub ntiaj teb no. Nyob rau hauv cov kev coj ntawm qub tub rog sib ntaus pab txhawb Scott Coker, Bellator yog muaj rau ze li ntawm 500 lab tsev thoob ntiaj teb nyob rau hauv dhau 140 lub teb chaws. Nyob rau hauv lub tebchaws United States, Bellator yuav pom nyob rau hauv ntsia hlau loj, lub MMA TV thawj coj. Bellator MMA yog dub ntawm ib tug thawj pab neeg uas muaj xws li kev lag luam sab saum toj cov tub txawg nyob rau hauv TV lawm, nyob kev tshwm sim orchestration, fighter txoj kev loj hlob / kev sib raug zoo, venue ceev, sponsorship creation / kev loj hlob, thoob ntiaj teb daim ntawv tso cai, marketing, advertising, tshaj tawm thiab commission kev sib raug zoo. Bellator yog raws li nyob rau hauv Santa Monica, California thiab uas los ntawm kev lom zem loj heev Viacom, lub tsev mus rau lub ntiaj teb premier lom zem hom uas txuas nrog audiences los ntawm yuam cov ntsiab lus nyob rau hauv TV, tsab ntawv tsa suab duab, hauv internet thiab mobile platforms.


Hais txog ntsia hlau loj:

Ntsia hlau loj yog muaj nyob rau hauv 98.7 lab tsev thiab yog ib tug faib ntawm Viacom Media tes hauj lwm. Ib tug unit ntawm Viacom (Nasdaq: VIA, VIAB), Viacom Media tes hauj lwm yog ib tug ntawm lub ntiaj teb uas creators ntawm programming thiab cov ntsiab lus nyob rau tag nrho tawm platforms. Ntsia hlau loj lub Internet chaw nyob yog www.spike.com thiab mus txog-rau-tus-feeb thiab archival xovxwm ntaub ntawv thiab duab, mus saib cov ntsia hlau loj tus xovxwm site ntawm http://www.spike.com/press. Raws li peb ntawm Twitter spiketvpr rau qhov tseeb nyob rau hauv tawg xov xwm tshiab, qab-lub-scenes cov ntaub ntawv thiab cov duab.



Muhammed 'HUAB TAIS MO' LAWAL siv RAU LINTON VASSELL & Phil Davis qhov yuam kev UP TIV THAIV Emanuel Newton


"Bellator MMA: Dynamite 1 "- Saturday, Cuaj hlis 19 - SAP Center, San Jose, California.

Bellator teeb Heavyweight Title sib ntaus: Tito Ortiz (18-11) vs. © Liam McGeary (10-0)

Hwjchim ci ntsa iab Tsis Muaj teeb Heavyweight Title sib ntaus: Xa-u Cavalari (31-2) vs. Zack Mwekassa (13-2)

Bellator teeb Heavyweight kev sib tw sib ntaus: Phil Davis (13-3) vs. Emanuel Newton (25-8-1)

Bellator teeb Heavyweight kev sib tw sib ntaus: Linton Vassell (15-4-1) vs. Muhammed Lawal (15-4, 1 NC)

Hwjchim ci ntsa iab Welterweight Feature sib ntaus:Paul Daley (37-13-2 MMA / 20-3 Kickboxing) vs. Fernando Gonzalez (24-13/1-2 Kickboxing)

Bellator Sib Feature sib ntaus: Josh Thomson (20-8) vs. Mike Bronzoulis (18-8-1)

Bellator teeb Heavyweight kev sib tw Alternate Bout: Francis Carmont (23-10) vs. Philipe Lins (9-1)


*Sib ntaus card kawm rau kev hloov


Hais txog Bellator MMA

Bellator MMA yog ib tug uas Mixed Martial Arts lub koom haum featuring ntau ntawm qhov zoo tshaj plaws neeg tua hluav taws nyob rau hauv lub ntiaj teb no. Nyob rau hauv cov kev coj ntawm qub tub rog sib ntaus pab txhawb Scott Coker, Bellator yog muaj rau ze li ntawm 500 lab tsev thoob ntiaj teb nyob rau hauv dhau 140 lub teb chaws. Nyob rau hauv lub tebchaws United States, Bellator yuav pom nyob rau hauv cov ntsia hlau loj TV, lub MMA TV thawj coj. Bellator MMA yog dub ntawm ib tug thawj pab neeg uas muaj xws li kev lag luam sab saum toj cov tub txawg nyob rau hauv TV lawm, nyob kev tshwm sim orchestration, fighter txoj kev loj hlob / kev sib raug zoo, venue ceev, sponsorship creation / kev loj hlob, thoob ntiaj teb daim ntawv tso cai, marketing, advertising, tshaj tawm thiab commission kev sib raug zoo. Bellator yog raws li nyob rau hauv Santa Monica, California thiab uas los ntawm kev lom zem loj heev Viacom, lub tsev mus rau lub ntiaj teb premier lom zem hom uas txuas nrog audiences los ntawm yuam cov ntsiab lus nyob rau hauv TV, tsab ntawv tsa suab duab, hauv internet thiab mobile platforms.


Hais txog KOOB MEEJ:
Founded hauv 2012, KOOB MEEJ yog tug thiab ua los ntawm kev ua si KOOB MEEJ International (GSI), ib tug kws martial arts lub koom haum thiab TV cov ntsiab lus muab kev pab uas koom tes ua hauj lwm nyob rau hauv New York, Denver, London, Amsterdam, thiab Singapore. KOOB MEEJ programming yog pom nyob rau hauv dhau 170 ib cheeb tsam. KOOB MEEJ kickboxing cai muaj ntawm ib tug mix ntawm ob peb nqe ntaus rog disciplines nrog Karate, Muay Thai, Tae Kwon Do thiab tsoos Boxing. Zoo li peb hauv Facebook, follow us on Twitter GLORY_WS, and visit us online at gloryworldseries.com.

Hais txog ntsia hlau loj:

Ntsia hlau loj yog muaj nyob rau hauv 98.7 lab tsev thiab yog ib tug faib ntawm Viacom Media tes hauj lwm. Ib tug unit ntawm Viacom (Nasdaq: VIA, VIAB), Viacom Media tes hauj lwm yog ib tug ntawm lub ntiaj teb uas creators ntawm programming thiab cov ntsiab lus nyob rau tag nrho tawm platforms. Ntsia hlau loj lub Internet chaw nyob yog www.spike.com thiab mus txog-rau-tus-feeb thiab archival xovxwm ntaub ntawv thiab duab, mus saib cov ntsia hlau loj tus xovxwm site ntawm http://www.spike.com/press. Raws li peb ntawm Twitter spiketvpr rau qhov tseeb nyob rau hauv tawg xov xwm tshiab, qab-lub-scenes cov ntaub ntawv thiab cov duab.


Hais txog SAP Center nyob rau hauv San Jose

Nyob rau hauv lub plawv ntawm Silicon Valley, SAP Center at San Jose is the premier sports and entertainment venue in Northern California. Each year, SAP Center hosts kwv yees li 175 txheej xwm featuring kev thiab pib xyaum ua ncaws pob, Olympic ncaws pob, Grammy puav pheej winners, thoob ntiaj teb cov ntaubntawv povthawj siv ntxias, and a variety of performers who appeal to children and families alike. SAP Center at San Jose is home to the San Jose Sharks of the National Hockey League as well as the San Jose SaberCats of the Arena Football League. For more information about SAP Center at San Jose and for a list of upcoming events, mus saib lub SAP Center home page ntawmwww.sapcenter.com.