标记档案: Bellator



SANTA MONICA, CALIF. (三月 22, 2016) - 主卡阵容 “Bellator 153: Koreshkov VS. 恒基“ 四月 22 继续增长, 与今天的另外的 布伦特博智 (6-0) 与 “托尼尼奥菲里亚” (27-5) 在金神体育馆安卡斯维尔轻量级行动, 康涅狄格州.


布特联接,具有万众瞩目的Bellator亮相重头戏 本森 “平滑”亨德森 (23-5), 因为他挑战次中量级冠军 安德烈Koreshkov (18-1) 他的腰带. 前轻量级锦标 帕特里西奥“斗犬”弗莱雷 (24-3) 会见 约翰“马卡帕”特谢拉 (19-1-2) 在共顶篷和康涅狄格州的自己 “爱尔兰”布伦南病房 (13-3) 返回到动作, 当他欢迎 杰利斯塔“机器侠”桑托斯 (20-16) 成170磅的Bellator MMA战局.


门票“Bellator 153: Koreshkov VS. 恒基“ 开始只是 $30 并在销售中现在Bellator.com, Tick​​etmaster.com和金神票房. 本次活动现场播出,并在免费SPIKE 9 P.M. AND/8 P.M. CT, 而初步的较量将串流直播上 Bellator.com该Bellator移动应用. 其他比赛将在短期内公布.


被广泛认为是这项运动的顶级前景之一, 博智是谁牺牲了,他为了拥有追求他的MMA黄金梦想一个刚起步的园林绿化公司战斗机. 博智在返回Bellator MMA笼断食一场恶战的胜利 德里克·安德森“Bellator 141: Guillard VS. 佩带。“ 现在, 巴西柔术黑带会看申请他的手艺为Bellator旗帜下的第五次 - 在穗电视主卡过程中进行他的首次亮相.

在他的宣传亮相, “托尼尼奥菲里亚”已决定恢复从轻量级的155磅重的轻量级分裂, 在那里他最后一次参赛. 这位27岁的巴西强队产品已经竞争专业自 2005 并赢得了九他的过去十年对决. 菲里亚有提前结束战斗一个行之有效的亲和力, 用他的胜利八点开放框架来.


有关这两个前景的更多信息, 看看他们的每一个剖面上漂白报告:

布伦特博智 - “因循守旧: 展望布伦特博智买卖自己的生意为MMA手套

“托尼尼奥菲里亚” - “因循守旧: 长期展望Gleristone桑托斯准备Bellator登场

“Bellator 153: Koreshkov VS. 恒基“更新战卡:

Bellator MMA中量级世界标题布特: 安德烈Koreshkov (18-1) VS. 本森亨德森 (23-5)

Bellator羽量级MMA合作的主要事件: 帕特里西奥·弗莱雷 (24-3) VS. 约翰·特谢拉 (19-1-2)

Bellator MMA重量级特征回合: 布伦南病房 (13-3) VS. 杰利斯塔“机器侠”桑托斯 (20-16)

Bellator MMA轻量级特征回合: 布伦特博智 (6-0) VS. Gleristone“托尼尼奥菲里亚”桑托斯 (27-5)



Bellator MMA轻量级初步回合: 山姆沃特福德 (1-0) VS. 汉考克院长 (2-0)

Bellator羽量级MMA初步回合: 克里斯·福斯特 (8-4) VS. 费利佩Lavandoski (5-0)

Bellator MMA轻量级初步回合: 杰森Bakanowski (3-2) VS. T.J. 赫本 (4-2)

Bellator羽量级MMA初步回合: 皮特·罗杰斯 (2-3) VS. 迈克·曼 (0-3)

Bellator MMA轻重量级的初步回合: 迈克Zichelle (7-4) VS. 乔·克罗宁 (19-16)

Bellator羽量级MMA初步回合: 马特·贝塞特 (17-7) VS. 基思·理查森 (14-6)

Bellator MMA中量级初步回合: 蒂姆·卡隆 (3-0) VS. 贾斯汀萨姆特 (0-0)

Bellator MMA轻量级初步回合: 布莱尔Tugman (7-6) VS. 杰伊·佩林 (2-1)

MARCOS加尔旺设置为捍卫轻量级冠军称号反对EDUARDO丹塔斯在六月'BELLATOR 156'主赛事 17


SANTA MONICA, 加利福尼亚州. (三月 21, 2016) - Bellator MMA的轻量级冠军将在复赛点蚀线 马科斯“罗洛”加尔旺 (17-6-1) 和前世界冠军 爱德华多“嘟嘟”丹塔斯 (17-4) 对彼此的主要事件 “Bellator 156: 加尔旺主场迎战. 丹塔斯2“ 六月 17 里面保存小店中心弗雷斯诺, 加利福尼亚州.


布特原本定于发生在 “Bellator 150: 金刚VS. 斯巴达“ in February, 但目前的冠军不得不从比赛中退出因病.


“Bellator 156: 加尔旺主场迎战. 丹塔斯2“ 曲调住在尖峰 9 P.M. ET / 8时三十分. CT, 而初步的较量将串流直播上 Bellator.com该Bellator移动应用. 额外的战斗将于短期内公布.


事件门票开始仅 $25 并销售本星期四, 三月 24 with a special pre-sale this Tuesday and Wednesday at Ticketmaster, Bellator.com和萨韦中心售票处.


“他们,“谁打了享誉全球的世界促销极端Cagefighting和Shooto的喜欢,因为 2003, 将争夺 11在Bellator MMA旗号时间. 今年33岁,是目前在四战连胜之中,并已出现了胜利在他的最后八废料七. 在他的最后一次郊游, 加尔旺完成 乔·沃伦 “Bellator 135: 沃伦VS. 加尔旺“ 通过提议赢得他的首个冠军.


与此同时, 丹塔斯将期待复制在自己的第一次会议上,他曾反对加尔旺的成功, 这导致了第二轮淘汰赛Bellator 89. The 27-year-old Nova Uniao product bounced back from his unanimous decision loss against Warren to defeat 迈克·里奇曼 在以相同的方式 “Bellator 137: 哈尔西VS. 格罗夫。“ 该Bellator季 5 轻量级比赛获胜者正在寻求自称两年时间的轻量级冠军来月 17.


更新了“Bellator 156: 加尔旺主场迎战. 丹塔斯2“卡:

Bellator MMA轻量级冠军布特: 马科斯加尔旺 (17-6-1) VS. 爱德华多·丹塔斯 (17-4)

首届“BELLATOR KICKBOXING”的五战主卡现已完成: TORINO’ 四月活动 16 在意大利

凯文·罗斯, 雷蒙德丹尼尔斯 & DENISE KIELHOLTZ 接手对手

SANTA MONICA, 例如. (三月 18, 2016) – Bellator Kickboxing 开创性的就职活动, “Bellator跆拳道: 都灵,” 已与对手敲定 Kevin Ross (30-9), Raymond Daniels (10-3) 和 Denise Kielholtz (43-2). 罗斯将迎战 Matteo Taccini (24-3-1), 而丹尼尔斯接任 Francesco Moricca (15-2-1) 基尔霍尔兹与 Veronica Vernocchi (31-6-1) 在都灵历史悠久的 Pala Alpitour, 意大利在 四月 16.

三名意大利本地人加入了一张已经拥有一些跆拳道顶级运动员的卡片, 包括所有格斗运动中最有成就的淘汰艺术家之一, 梅尔文Manhoef (37-12), 谁承担总是危险的 Alexandru Negrea (8-2). 还, 一场重达 165 磅的 ISKA 冠军争夺战 Mustapha Haida(37-3-3) 和 Karim Ghajji (95-12) 将在联合主赛事时段举行. “无情人有情” 当他挑战 Bellator MMA 中量级冠军时,他也计划重返 MMA 拉斐尔·卡瓦略“Bellator 155: 卡瓦略VS. Manhoef”五月 20.

登场 “Bellator跆拳道: 都灵“ 将于4月举行 16 并在周五进行电视转播, 四月 22 在 11:00 P.M. ET / PT, 紧随其后 “Bellator 153: Koreshkov VS. 恒基“ 在尖峰. 与此同时, “Bellator 152: 比特犬VS. 坎波斯” 周六在 SPIKE 播出, 四月 16 在 10 P.M. ET / PT.

美国泰拳高手罗斯也被称为“灵魂刺客”,”他会期待在四月不辜负这个名字 16. 罗斯和他的对手, 谁是一个 2014 目前,罗马的 ISKA 冠军将成为 Bellator 跆拳道历史上的第一场比赛. 毫无疑问,两人将期待以强调的方式开始促销的第一场活动, 难忘的表演.

当 Kielholtz 和 Vernocchi 将他们令人印象深刻的技能带到笼子里进行一场诱人的对决时,这对蝇量级人物将会摇摆不定. 荷兰打击专家基尔霍兹 最近去了“5轮”在 Bellator 数字作品中.

在次中量级, 丹尼尔斯, 一名 35 岁的美国左撇子将在莫里卡对面, 意大利重击手和冠军 2015 环规则锦标赛, 希望在他的家乡人群面前留下深刻印象. 丹尼尔斯已经成为美国顶尖的空手道选手之一,并通过他的旋转踢击倒无数次而声名鹊起, 无论他在哪里打架,都会立即成为粉丝的最爱.

有关更多信息 “Bellator 152: 比特犬VS. 坎波斯” 事件, 点击这里.

Complete “Bellator Kickboxing: Torino” Fight Card:

Bellator Kickboxing Middleweight Main Event: 梅尔文Manhoef (37-12) VS. Alexandru Negrea (8-2)

Bellator Kickboxing 165-Pound Feature Bout: Mustapha Haida (37-3-3) VS. Karim Ghajji (95-12)

Bellator Kickboxing 次中量级 功能回合: Raymond Daniels (10-3) VS. Francesco Moricca (0-0)

Bellator Kickboxing Flyweight Feature Bout: Denise Kielholtz (43-2) VS. Veronica Vernocchi (31-6-1)

Bellator Kickboxing 最轻量级 功能回合: Kevin Ross (30-9) VS. Matteo Taccini (0-0)

完成“Bellator 152: 比特犬VS. 坎波斯”战斗卡:

Bellator MMA 轻量级主赛事: Patricky弗莱雷 (15-7) VS. 德里克场 (16-6)

Bellator MMA 轻重量级的合作主要事件: 阿莱西奥Sakara (17-11) VS. 布莱恩·罗杰斯 (12-8)

Bellator MMA 羽特征回合: A.J. 麦基 (3-0) VS. 达尼洛·贝卢亚多 (5-1)

Bellator MMA Flyweight Feature Bout: Anastasia Yankova (2-0) VS. Anjela Pink (登场)

Bellator MMA 羽特征回合: Daniele Miceli (2-0) VS. Daniele Scatizzi (6-2)


SANTA MONICA, CALIF. (三月 17, 2016) – 重量级之间的较量 丹“的哥”查​​尔斯 (10-3) 和 酒井奥古斯托 (9-0) 已添加到主卡 “Bellator 155: 卡瓦略VS. Manhoef“ 在世纪互联体育场博伊西, 爱达荷州五月 20.


这场战斗加入了一张已经拥有令人着迷的中量级世界锦标赛主赛事的卡片, 什么时候 拉斐尔·卡瓦略 (12-1) 保护他的腰带免受爆炸的力量 梅尔文“没有慈悲”Manhoef (30-12-1). 此外, 前Bellator MMA羽锦标 帕特·柯伦 (21-7) 将回到行动6月以来首次, 当他面对永远危险的 格奥尔基Karakhanyan (24-5-1) 在卡的合作主要事件.


门票 “Bellator 155: 卡瓦略VS. Manhoef“ 开始只是 $25 并在销售中现在Bellator.com, 在世纪互联体育场售票处或CenturyLinkArenaBoise.com.


“Bellator 155: 卡瓦略VS. Manhoef“ 宣扬直播和免费的尖峰 9 P.M. AND/8 P.M. CT, 而初步的较量将串流直播上 Bellator.com该Bellator移动应用. 其他比赛将在未来几周内公布.


受伤后将酒井从联合主赛事中撞出 “Bellator 150: 金刚VS. 斯巴达,” 这位 24 岁的巴西重量级选手已准备好重返赛场,他的目标是在他的比赛中保持不败 2016 登场. 在 Bellator MMA 的旗帜下,Sakai 又迎来了完美的一年, 在他的两次出场中都记录了胜利, 包括一致决定战胜 亚历克斯·赫德尔斯顿 在他最近的一场比赛中 “Bellator 145: 与复仇“。


丹“的哥”查​​尔斯, 进入他与 Bellator MMA 的第六场比赛,并希望增加他令人印象深刻的 10-3 专业纪录. 30岁的凤凰人, 封顶 2015 强烈淘汰 大通葛姆雷“Bellator 143: 沃伦VS. 戴维斯,” 九月.

更新了“Bellator 155: 卡瓦略VS. Manhoef“战卡

Bellator MMA中量级世界冠军的争夺: 拉斐尔·卡瓦略 (12-1) VS. 梅尔文Manhoef (30-12-1)

Bellator羽量级MMA合作的主要事件: 帕特·柯伦 (21-7) VS. 格奥尔基Karakhanyan (24-5-1)

Bellator MMA重量级特征回合: 查尔斯·丹 (10-3) VS. 酒井奥古斯托 (9-0)


SANTA MONICA, 例如. (三月 15, 2016) – Bellator Kickboxing is set to make its world premiere in just over a month on 星期五, 四月 16“Bellator跆拳道: Torino.” The event will be broadcast in America on 四月 22 在 11:00 P.M. AND/PT, 紧随“Bellator 153: Koreshkov VS. 恒基“ event on SPIKE. Today the promotion is pleased to announce its official weight classes and rule set.


帕拉阿尔卑斯山, which has been the home to several amazing events including the 2006 冬季奥运会, will host the inaugural “Bellator跆拳道: 都灵“ 卡. The groundbreaking evening of fights will be headlined by one of the most accomplished knockout artists in combat sports, 梅尔文Manhoef (49-12), 谁需要对 Alexandru Negrea (8-2). The co-main event features Mustapha Haida (37-3-3) 承担 Karim Ghajji (95-12) for the 165-pound ISKA title. Kickboxing sensations Raymond Daniels (10-3), Denise Kielholtz (43-2) 和 Kevin Ross (30-9) will round out the card of the initial event against yet to be announced opponents.


Traditionally, kickboxing has never had a set amount of weight classes, with the number differing by promotion. In Bellator Kickboxing, the weight classes will be identical to those utilized in mixed martial arts, starting with heavyweight and ending with flyweight. 一般来说, there is a one-pound allowance for non-title fights, although that allowance may vary depending on the regulatory body sanctioning the event.


重量级: 265 英镑

轻重量级: 205 英镑

中量级: 185 英镑

次中量级: 170 英镑

轻量级: 155 英镑

羽量级: 145 英镑

最轻量级: 135 英镑

飞锤: 125 英镑


此外, below is an overview of Bellator Kickboxing’s rule set, which will make for the most explosive kickboxing action on the planet.


The competitors will attack and defend using punches (including spinning backfists), kicks and knee strikes.


Each non-title fight is scheduled for three, three-minute rounds with the potential for an extra sudden victory round if the bout is scored a draw. Title fights will be scheduled for five, three-minute rounds.


Prohibited techniques include: elbow strikes, 投掷, takedowns, and submission attempts or striking a downed fighter. Fighters may only clinch if they immediately attack with a knee strike.

Three judges will score Bellator Kickboxing using the “10-Point-Must” system applying a prioritized criterion that values knockdowns, impact on the opponent and clean scoring strikes.

更新了“Bellator 跆拳道: Torino” Fight Card:

Bellator Kickboxing Middleweight Main Event: 梅尔文Manhoef (49-12) VS. Alexandru Negrea (8-2)

Bellator Kickboxing 165-Pound Feature Bout: Mustapha Haida (37-3-3) VS. Karim Ghajji (95-12)

Bellator Kickboxing 次中量级 功能回合: Raymond Daniels (10-3) VS. TBA

Bellator Kickboxing Flyweight Feature Bout: Denise Kielholtz (43-2) VS. TBA

Bellator Kickboxing 最轻量级 功能回合: Kevin Ross (30-9) VS. TBA


关于Bellator MMA:

Bellator MMA是一家领先的混合武术组织拥有众多最好的战斗机在世界. 在老将拼子斯科特·科克尔的方向, Bellator提供近 500 全球万户家庭超过 140 国家. 在美国, Bellator上可以看到穗, 在MMA电视龙头. Bellator MMA是由一个执行团队,其中包括顶尖行业人士在电视节目制作, 现场活动编排, 战斗机研制/关系, 会场采购, 赞助创建/开发, 国际牌, 市场营销, 广告, 宣传及佣金的关系. Bellator总部设在圣莫尼卡, 加利福尼亚州和娱乐巨头维亚康姆所拥有, 家与观众通过电视对面引人注目的内容连接世界上首屈一指的娱乐品牌, 影, 在线和移动平台.


Spike 在可 98.7 万个家庭,是维亚康姆媒体网络的一个部门. 维亚康姆的单位 (纳斯达克: VIA, VIAB), 维亚康姆媒体网络是全球领先的节目和内容的创造者在所有的媒体平台之一. Spike的互联网地址 www.spike.com 和达到了分钟和档案新闻信息和照片, 参观斯派克的新闻网站 http://www.spike.com/press. 跟随我们的Twitter spiketvpr 最新的新闻的更新, 背后的幕后信息和照片.


SANTA MONICA (三月 14, 2016) – Last week, top mixed martial art’s free agent Matt Mitrione (9-5) joined Ariel Helwani’s “MMA Hour” show and revealed that he had been fielding offers from multiple promotions, including a great bid he had received from Bellator MMA. In a very rare move, Helwani had Mitrione rejoin his popular talk show for a second straight week to announce that the paperwork has been finalized, making Mitrione the newest member of Bellator MMA’s heavyweight division.


“There comes a time in every athlete’s life, where the scenarios change and the landscape has eroded from what made you fall in love with it initially,” said Mitrione. “It has become that time for me. After a mutually beneficial free agency period, I’ve decided to move my career to Bellator. I’ve enjoyed almost every second of my career and unlike most that switch organizations due to being cut or no longer being able to perform at the sports highest levels, I am bringing a body and skillset that are only getting better and I cannot wait to test my abilities against the best Bellator has to offer.”


Lovingly referred to as “Meathead,” Mitrione is one of the few fighters to have started his professional career with the UFC without previously competing on the regional circuit. His 14-bout stint with that promotion began in 2009, where he faced formidable opponents the likes of: Kimbo切片, 加布里埃尔·贡扎加, 本·罗斯韦尔, 德里克·刘易斯, 布伦丹·绍布, 罗伊·尼尔森, Shawn Jordan and Travis Brown amongst others.


Prior to competing in MMA, Mitrione earned a scholarship to play defensive tackle for the Purdue Boilermakers football team, not far from where he grew up in Springfield, 生病. 大学毕业后,, he played in the NFL for the New York Giants, San Francisco 49ers and Minnesota Vikings until 2005.


At the conclusion of his professional football career, the Shotokan Karate Black Belt focused all of his attention on the sport of MMA. Mitrione spent time training with Duke Roufus and the highly-respected Roufusport team before landing with the famed Blackzilians camp in Boca Raton, FLA, where he trains today.


The extremely popular and well-spoken Mitrione has allowed the judges to determine the result of his fight only twice, 针对 乔伊·贝尔特兰谢赫·金刚, both of whom currently fight for Bellator MMA. His entertaining fighting style has earned him recognition with “当晚表演” (两次) 和 “夜扑灭” 荣誉.


Prior to his last fight with his former promotion, Mitrione was forced to participate in a media session barefoot, as his shoes didn’t adhere to the strict company uniform policy. He will have no such problems at Bellator, where he is free to secure his own sponsors and keep his feet warm with the footwear of his choosing.


Bellator has been bolstering their heavyweight division as of late, and Mitrione becomes the second heavyweight free agent the promotion has signed in as many months, 如 谢尔盖Kharitonov joined the fray in February. The division is currently championed by 维塔利Minakov, and includes other top names like Slice, 鲍比·拉什利, 谢赫·金刚, Vinicius “Spartan,” Tony Johnson, 贾斯汀雷恩, 查尔斯·丹 酒井奥古斯托.


SANTA MONICA, 例如. (三月 11, 2016) – Broadcast details for Bellator’s groundbreaking, 就职, international event have been finalized. “Bellator 152: 比特犬VS. 坎波斯”“Bellator跆拳道: 都灵“ will both emanate from the Pala Alpitour in Torino, 意大利在 四月 16, but be broadcast separately.

“Bellator 152: 比特犬VS. 坎波斯” airs on SPIKE 星期六, 四月 16 在 10 P.M. AND/PT, while the debut of “Bellator跆拳道: 都灵“ will be televised 星期五, 四月 22 在 11:00 P.M. AND/PT, immediately following the broadcast of “Bellator 153: Koreshkov VS. 恒基“ 在尖峰.

For more information on the card, you can view the most recent event press release by 点击这里, 或访问 Bellator.com.


完成“Bellator 152: 比特犬VS. 坎波斯”战斗卡:

Bellator MMA 轻量级主赛事: Patricky弗莱雷 (15-7) VS. 德里克场 (16-6)

Bellator MMA 轻重量级的合作主要事件: 阿莱西奥Sakara (17-11) VS. 布莱恩·罗杰斯 (12-8)

Bellator MMA 羽特征回合: A.J. 麦基 (3-0) VS. 达尼洛·贝卢亚多 (5-1)

Bellator MMA Flyweight Feature Bout: Anastasia Yankova (2-0) VS. Anjela Pink (登场)

Bellator MMA 羽特征回合: Daniele Miceli (2-0) VS. Daniele Scatizzi (6-2)

更新了“Bellator 跆拳道: Torino” Fight Card:

Bellator Kickboxing Middleweight Main Event: 梅尔文Manhoef (49-12) VS. Alexandru Negrea (8-2)

Bellator Kickboxing 165-Pound Feature Bout: Mustapha Haida (37-3-3) VS. Karim Ghajji (95-12)

Bellator Kickboxing 次中量级 功能回合: Raymond Daniels (10-3) VS. TBA

Bellator Kickboxing Flyweight Feature Bout: Denise Kielholtz (43-2) VS. TBA

Bellator Kickboxing 最轻量级 功能回合: Kevin Ross (30-9) VS. TBA





SANTA MONICA, 例如. (三月 9, 2016) – The mixed martial arts portion of Bellator MMA’s first event overseas has been finalized, 通过加入 Patricky“斗犬”弗莱雷 (15-7) 与 德里克场 (16-6) 在主要事件 “Bellator 152: 比特犬VS. 坎波斯” at Pala Alpitour in Torino, 意大利在 四月 16.

还, Anastasia Yankova (2-0) 将在她的宣传处亮相 Anjela Pink 在 MMA 蝇量级动作和 Oktagon 竞争对手中 Daniele Miceli (2-0) 和 Daniele Scatizzi (6-2) 将通过轻量级对决来完善 MMA 卡.

“Bellator 152: 比特犬VS. 坎波斯” 还将包括意大利粉丝最爱的宣传首秀 阿莱西奥Sakara (17-11), 谁面临 布莱恩·罗杰斯 (12-8) 在轻量级对决中,MMA 最有前途的年轻球员之一, A.J. 麦基 (3-0), 打架 达尼洛·贝卢亚多 (5-1) 145磅.

Broadcast information for “Bellator 152: 比特犬VS. 坎波斯” and the debut of “Bellator跆拳道: 都灵“ will be available shortly.

刚刚结束了一场强有力的淘汰赛 瑞安时装“Bellator 148: 戴利VS. Uhrich” 开球 2016, “Pitbull” will look to extend his current winning streak when he takes on a streaking Derek Campos. Also known as the “The Stallion,” Campos is riding a wave of momentum into Italy, as he is returning to action following a finish of 梅尔文Guillard during main card action at the rating’s-shattering “Bellator 149: 沙姆洛克VS. 格雷西“ 事件. 同 15 TKO/KO’s between them, expect these two lightweights to trade leather in the center of the cage on 四月 16.

It’s easy to classify Yankova asjust another pretty face,” but the 24-year-old Russian Muay Thai Champion has the fighting skills to more than match her good looks. Undefeated thus far in her budding MMA career, the Moscow native will face Pink in her Bellator debut. 最终,, both women will look to make a statement as the Scott Coker-led promotion continues to build its women’s flyweight division.

In addition to five mixed martial arts contests, 帕拉阿尔卑斯山, which hosted several amazing events during the 2016 冬季奥运会, will be the home of the inaugural “Bellator跆拳道: 都灵“ 卡, which will be headlined by one of the most accomplished knockout artists in combat sports, 梅尔文Manhoef (49-12), 谁需要对 Alexandru Negrea (8-2). “No Mercy” is also scheduled to return to MMA when he challenges for the middleweight title against 拉斐尔·卡瓦略“Bellator 155: 卡瓦略VS. Manhoef“上 五月 20.

Raymond Daniels (10-3), Denise Kieholtz (43-2) 和 Kevin Ross (30-9) will also be competing at the groundbreaking “Bellator跆拳道: 都灵“活动上 四月 16 against yet to be announced opponents.

完成“Bellator 152: 比特犬VS. 坎波斯”战斗卡:

Bellator MMA 轻量级主赛事: Patricky弗莱雷 (15-7) VS. 德里克场 (16-6)

Bellator MMA 轻重量级的合作主要事件: 阿莱西奥Sakara (17-11) VS. 布莱恩·罗杰斯 (12-8)

Bellator MMA 羽特征回合: A.J. 麦基 (3-0) VS. 达尼洛·贝卢亚多 (5-1)

Bellator MMA Flyweight Feature Bout: Anastasia Yankova (2-0) VS. Anjela Pink (登场)

Bellator MMA 羽特征回合: Daniele Miceli (2-0) VS. Daniele Scatizzi (6-2)

更新了“Bellator 跆拳道: Torino” Fight Card:

Bellator Kickboxing Middleweight Main Event: 梅尔文Manhoef (49-12) VS. Alexandru Negrea (8-2)

Bellator Kickboxing 165-Pound Feature Bout: Mustapha Haida (37-3-3) VS. Karim Ghajji (95-12)

Bellator Kickboxing Welterweight 功能回合: Raymond Daniels (10-3) VS. TBA

Bellator Kickboxing Flyweight Feature Bout: Denise Kieholtz (43-2) VS. TBA

Bellator Kickboxing Bantamweight 功能回合: Kevin Ross (30-9) VS. TBA




以上: Frank Shamrock experiencing Virtual Reality (虚拟现实) via headset (照片来源: Bellator MMA/Lucas Noonan)


SANTA MONICA (三月 9, 2016) – Bellator MMA is always looking for new and exciting ways to bring the most forward-thinking technology to its ever-increasing fan-base, providing them with unrivaled access to the world-class promotion and its superstars. During the record-shattering “Bellator 149: 沙姆洛克VS. 格雷西” event this past February, Bellator launched a virtual reality initiative, giving fans a new immersive behind-the-scenes experience, from inside and Kimbo Slice’s locker room before their fights to walking down the ramp with the fighters in front of thousands of fans at the Toyota Center in Houston.


“We’re continuously looking for new ways to leverage technology to bring our fans into the cage 可以这么说,“说 Bellator COO Jason Jordan. “We want to make them feel more connected to the sport of MMA, to the fighters themselves and to the underlying storylines that fuel the emotion and passion of the sport. In this sense, we are very excited about the potential that Virtual Reality holds, and this was unequivocally proven in Houston where we captured some groundbreaking and incredibly immersive footage that I’m sure both hardcore and casual fans alike will enjoy. Not only did we break ratings records that night, but we also raised the creative bar with our VR coverage in terms of literally engulfing fans in the energy and excitement that makes MMA like no other sport.”


To shoot the VR footage, Bellator used three separate six-camera rigs using GoPro cameras including one that was fully spherical, attached to a stabilized, mobile monopod. This camera was used for capturing fighters as they left their locker rooms and entered the arena. Two rigs were tethered to a monitoring command center, which allowed producers to monitor the cameras from each rig. Bellator also used Kolor’s Autopano software to stitch together the footage from the GoPro rigs and Adobe Premiere and After Effects to edit and apply graphics to the final stitch.


CHECK IT OUT: To re-live some of the action from “Bellator 149: 沙姆洛克VS. 格雷西,” fans can check out the Bellator VR Experience by clicking 这里. It is recommended to use a smartphone or tablet for best results, or better yet a VR headset.


关于Bellator MMA

Bellator MMA是一家领先的混合武术组织拥有众多最好的战斗机在世界. 在老将拼子斯科特·科克尔的方向, Bellator提供近 500 全球万户家庭超过 140 国家. 在美国, Bellator可以看出钉电视, 在MMA电视龙头. Bellator MMA是由一个执行团队,其中包括顶尖行业人士在电视节目制作, 现场活动编排, 战斗机研制/关系, 会场采购, 赞助创建/开发, 国际牌, 市场营销, 广告, 宣传及佣金的关系. Bellator总部设在圣莫尼卡, 加利福尼亚州和娱乐巨头维亚康姆所拥有, 家与观众通过电视对面引人注目的内容连接世界上首屈一指的娱乐品牌, 影, 在线和移动平台.



Spike 在可 98.7 万个家庭,是维亚康姆媒体网络的一个部门. 维亚康姆的单位 (纳斯达克: VIA, VIAB), 维亚康姆媒体网络是全球领先的节目和内容的创造者在所有的媒体平台之一. Spike的互联网地址 www.spike.com 和达到了分钟和档案新闻信息和照片, 参观斯派克的新闻网站 http://www.spike.com/press. 跟随我们的Twitter spiketvpr 最新的新闻的更新, 背后的幕后信息和照片.





THACKERVILLE, 行. (三月 4, 2016) – It’s safe to say Darrion考德威尔 (9-0) asserted himself as a legitimate title contender with his victory over 乔·沃伦 (13-5) 在主要事件 “Bellator 151: 沃伦VS. 考德威尔” 在周五 night in front of a sold-out crowd at WinStar Resort and Casino.

As many expected, the fight quickly made it to the mat, 同 “这个狼” taking down the self-proclaimedBaddest Man on the Planetand initiating a sequence of ground-and-pound offense. After Warren made it back to his feet, the former NC State wrestler suplexed Warren and sunk in a rear-naked chokethat Warren refused to tap toforcing referee Dan Miragliotta to wave off the bout at 3:23 of round one.

Following the technical submission victory, Caldwell made good use of his time on the microphone with color commentator Jimmy Smith, calling out current bantamweight champion 马科斯加尔旺, simply saying: “F*ck you [马科斯] 加尔旺, you’re a p*ssy.That’s nine straight victories for the former NCAA Champion to begin his mixed martial arts career, three wins since making the transition from featherweight to bantamweight. 与此同时, Warren has now dropped two out of three and will not get a shot at the winner of Galvao and 爱德华多·丹塔斯 when they do finally meet.


In the co-main event of the evening, 冈萨雷斯 (25-13) extended his winning streak to five at the expense of 吉尔伯特·史密斯 (12-5), taking home a split decision win (29-28, 28-29, 29-28). The takedowns were likely the difference on the judges’ 记分卡, but both fighters had their moments over the course of 15 分钟. Gonzalez now moves even closer to a shot at the 170-pound title, or a matchup with 迈克尔页, who was originally slated to face “在疯狂的Menifee” before withdrawing. The future of the division will be much clearer following “Bellator 153: Koreshkov VS. 亨德森” 四月 22, 什么时候 本森亨德森 challenges 安德烈Koreshkov for the welterweight belt.


山内达 (19-3) came into his fight against 布巴·詹金斯 (11-2) riding a wave of momentum after three-straight wins, but the Arizona State wrestling standout used his world-class grappling to neutralize the striking and jiu-jitsu prowess of Yamauchi. The 23-year-old Japanese competitor took the back of Jenkins for the duration of round one and nearly secured an arm bar late in the final round, 但 “The Highlight Kid’seffective grappling was the difference, earning the unanimous decision (29-28, 30-27, 29-27). Jenkins now has won three consecutive fights since his January 2015 损失 格奥尔基Karakhanyan.

During the opening main card contest at “Bellator 151: 沃伦VS. 考德威尔,” Sirwan Kakai (12-4) dropped his first fight under the Bellator MMA banner to 乔Taimanglo (22-6-1) 通过一致决定 (29-28, 29-28, 29-28). It looked as thoughBaby Joewas going to finish the contest early — sinking in an Anaconda Choke before transitioning to a deep guillotine — butZohanweathered the storm and hung around for the final ten minutes, even creating some bright spots of his own in the third and final round. 到底, 法官’ cage side awarded the Guam-native his third consecutive victory and sent Kakai back to the drawing board.



Treston Thomison (9-4) 打败 亚伦·罗伯森 (5-4) 通过提交 (断头台) R2, 2:20

Jermayne Barnes (1-1) 打败 Derek Palmer (0-1) 通过提交 (拳) R2, 1:17

奈曼格雷西 (4-0) 打败 罗杰·卡罗尔 (16-14) 通过一致决定 (30-26, 30-27, 30-27)

Ricky Turcios (6-0) 打败 史蒂夫·加西亚 (6-1) 通过拆分决定 (30-27, 28-29, 30-27)

贾斯汀·帕特森 (7-1) 打败 机会相遇 (8-2) 通过拆分决定 (29-28. 28-29. 29-28)

雷·伍德 (6-1) 打败 克里斯·琼斯 (10-4) 通过TKO (拳) R1, 3:10