Tag Archives: Bellator

FNU Bojové športy Show: Johnson vs. Reis Preview, The Undertaker Retires, NASCAR Fights

Rabble Rousin’ Rich Bergeron, “Duševné” Tom Padgett a Tony “Tornado” Penecale discuss the news and events of the last two weeks in combat sports. From Rampage Jackson’s rough final fight in Bellator to Chris Weidman’s controversial loss to Gegard Mousasi we cover all the major MMA happenings. We also discuss the upcoming week’s boxing schedule and look back at some events in boxing from the last two weeks. We wrap up with a discussion about NASCAR and Bellator taking advantage of their common partnership with Monster energy drink. The two sports giants announced recently that Bellator will host fight cards at future racing events.







BUDAPEŠŤ, MAĎARSKO - Niekoľko bojovníkov z oboch Bellator 177: Dantas vs. Figa a Bellator Kickboxing 6 sa dnes ráno zhromaždili v Budapešti, aby hovorili s médiami o ich nadchádzajúcich bojoch tento piatok noc v budapeštianskej športovej aréne.

Na rade budú dva tituly, ako Eduardo “Dudu” Dantas obhajuje opasok bantamovej váhy Bellator pred bývalým šampiónom LFA Leandrom Higom, zatiaľ čo držiteľ titulu welterovej váhy Bellatoru v kickboxe Zoltan Laszak nastúpil v odvetnom zápase s Karimom Ghajjim.


Bellator 177: Dantas vs. Figa bude vysielať Piatok, Apríl 14 na SPIKE o 9 p.m. A/8 p.m. CT, zatiaľ čo Bellator Kickboxing 6 sa bude vysielať bezprostredne po MMA časti udalosti, začínajúce na 11pm ET/10pm CT.

Nižšie, nájdete citáty z dnešnej tlačovej konferencie.

Majster sveta Bellator Bantamweight Eduardo Dantas:

"Ďakujem Bellatoru za podporu a ďakujem Budapešti za túto príležitosť."

"Som veľmi rád, že som tu.". Chcem poďakovať svojmu súperovi za prijatie tohto boja. A som pripravený ukázať vám, čo robím najlepšie, čo mu má udierať do tváre. “

Leandro Higo:

"Ďakujem Bellatorovi za túto príležitosť.". Ďakujem, Budapešť, na recepciu. Som veľmi rád, že som tu a teším sa na dobré predstavenie tento piatok!"

"Necítim žiadny ďalší tlak, pretože som tu, aby som robil to, čo mám rád.", ktorá bojuje. Teším sa na zisk ďalšieho majstrovského opasku. “

Adam Borics:

"Rád by som vás všetkých privítal.". Toto je jedna z najväčších príležitostí môjho života. Veľmi sa teším na boj a som dobre pripravený, tak sa neviem dočkať. Mal som to šťastie pripraviť sa na tento boj v Amerike s vynikajúcimi profesionálnymi trénermi ako Henri Hooft. “

"Som pripravený. Ťažko čakám, až sa mi na konci zdvihne ruka. “

Anthony Taylor

"Vitaj."! Vitajte! Ako to ide? Som „pekný chlapec“, najkrajší zo všetkých. Určite sa chcem poďakovať Budapešti a Bellatoru, že ma priviedli. Samozrejme, Prinášam čísla, Viete,, Očakávam teda, že by to malo priniesť viac ako milión divákov, ruky dole."

"Chcem sa vám všetkým poďakovať, že ste prišli a prejavili podporu.". Ideme predviesť – jedno pekelné predstavenie. Chystáme sa tieto hodnotenia vylepšiť a užiť si toľko zábavy. Určite. “

"Ruky dole, minca za mincu, každý vie, že som najsilnejší 145-člen v divízii a ak mi niekto stojí v ceste alebo stojí uprostred klietky a chce so mnou tresnúť, budú vyradení. Robím si srandu, že nie! Ktokoľvek v mušej divízii bude so mnou stáť od päty po päty. “

"Nebudem tomuto mužovi nič brať.". On má 9-0 záznam, takže sa určite dal do práce. Zbil deväť ľudí, ale to neznamená, že ma zbije. To ti hovorím! Ale dávam mu uznanie, pretože tu vychádza a obetuje svoj čas a je preč od rodiny, aby dal svoju prácu rovnako ako ja. Chystáme sa na predstavenie pre všetkých vašich fanúšikov a pre všetky vaše médiá. “

"Vieš to v mojich očiach.", toto je hlavná udalosť: Maďar verzus americký. Každý chce vidieť tento boj. Chcú vidieť, čo tento muž dokáže so záznamom 9-0. Získal svoje výhry a ja si ho vážim ako bojovníka. Ale potom Piatok bude 9-1. “

Bellator Kickbox v welterovej váhe, majster sveta Zoltan Laszak

"Chcem sa veľmi pekne poďakovať Bellatoru za túto príležitosť a teším sa na túto odvetu s Ghajji.". Je to veľká šanca, ako skutočne pobaviť, a oceňujem podporu všetkých maďarských fanúšikov. Každý deň cítim ich povzbudenie a podporu. “

„Toto je najdôležitejší boj v mojom živote, pretože v Budapešti sa pred podujatím uskutočnila oveľa väčšia propagácia. Uvedomujem si, že väčšina ľudí v aréne mi bude fandiť, a pre Maďarsko. Mám hotovú prípravu a domácu úlohu. Som vynikajúco pripravený a teším sa na túto výzvu. “

Karim Ghajji

"Ďakujem za odvetu.". V prvom súboji to bola veľká chyba. Teraz to napravím a vrátim pás späť domov do Francúzska. “

"Dva dni pred prvou bitkou som bol chorý a počas tábora som sa stretol so zraneniami.", ale tentokrát som mal skvelý tábor, Pripravil som sa veľmi dobre, a toto bude výbušný boj v piatok."

kompletné Bellator 177: Dantas vs. Figa Hlavné Card:

Zápas o svetový titul v Bantamovej váhe: Eduardo Dantas (19-4) proti. Leandro Higo (17-2)

Fingerweight Feature Bout: Daniel Weichel (38-9) proti. John „Macapa“ (21-1-2)

Funkčný zápas so mušou váhou: Lena Ovchynnikova (11-4) proti. Helen Harper (4-1)

Fingerweight Feature Bout: Adam Borics (5-0) proti. Anthony Taylor (1-2)


Predbežné Card:

Predbežný zápas muší: brian Moore (9-5) proti. Michal Horejsi (5-2)

Ľahký prípravný zápas: Patrick sobota (1-2) proti. Mate Kertesz (3-0)

kompletné Bellator Kickboxing 6 Hlavné Card:

Welterweight World Názov Bout: Zoltan Laszak (83-2-2, 1 NC) proti. Karim Ghajji (23-5-1)

Funkčný zápas strednej váhy: Joe Schilling (20-9) proti. Alexandru Negrea (9-2)

Funkčný zápas welterovej váhy: Raymond Daniels (10-3) proti. Csaba Gyorfi (20-5)

Celovečerný zápas žien s muškou váhou: Jorina Baars (40-0-3) proti. Irene Martens (20-9-2)

Fingerweight Feature Bout: Gabriel Varga (13-4) proti. Gabor Gorbics (30-10)



LOS ANGELES – Bellator MMA is proud to announce a partnership with Monster Energy and NASCAR to showcase a series of fights to take place at select races during the 2017 Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series season. For the first time in NASCAR history, mixed martial arts will be included as a pre-race activation for the fans in attendance and just like the action the cars bring on the racetrack, Bellator will bring the same excitement inside the cage.

“I’m excited to announce Bellator’s partnership with the Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series,” said Bellator President Scott Coker. “Bellator and NASCAR fans are some of the most passionate in sports and we couldn’t be happier to bring MMA and motorsports together. Monster Energy has been a great partner of ours over the years and we’re excited about the opportunity to integrate our brand into another great sports property within the Monster Energy family. I want to thank Cody Dresser and Hans Molenkamp from Monster Energy for helping put this great partnership together, and I’m looking forward to introducing Bellator to a whole new fan base.”

“MMA is an exciting sport that appeals to a wide demographic,” said Mitch Covington Vice President of Sports Marketing. By partnering with Bellator to bring mixed martial arts to NASCAR we are able to bring a fresh dynamic to the racetrack and a taste of what Monster Energy is into, allowing us all to connect with a new fan base in relevant and meaningful ways to further elevate the series.”

Bellator is currently scheduled to host events at four races throughout the current Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series season, including both NASCAR’s championship and all-star race weekends.

Bellator MMA will be featured at the following 2017 NASCAR races:

  • Monster Energy All-Star Race at Charlotte Motor Speedway on Sobota, Máj 20
  • Bass Pro Shops NRA Night Race at Bristol Motor Speedway on Sobota, August 19
  • Alabama 500 at Talladega Superspeedway on Nedeľa, Október 15
  • Ford EcoBoost 400 at Homestead-Miami Speedway on Nedeľa, November 19



K okamžitému zverejneniu:

Marec 23, 2017







LOS ANGELES – Bellator MMA is bringing its biggest event ever to the “Big Apple!"

Madison Square Garden, “The World’s Most Famous Arena” and Mecca of combat sports, will host Bellator’s first-ever mixed martial arts event in the state of New York on Saturday, Jún 24 s Bellator NYC: Sonnen vs. Silva. The blockbuster pay-per-view features two of the sport’s most recognizable names in Chael Sonnen (29-15-1) a Wanderlei Silva (35-12-1, 1 NC), who will finally meet in a light heavyweight fight that has been brewing since 2011.

The double main event also features Fedor Emelianenko (36-4, 1 NC), an MMA legend that many consider to be the greatest heavyweight fighter of all-time, prevzatie matt Mitrione (11-5) in a bout that will undoubtedly produce fireworks between the heavy-handed strikers.

Ďalej, the Viacom-owned promotion is adding two world championship bouts. Prvý, Douglas Lima (28-6) defends his belt against top free agent signing Lorenz Larkin (18-5, 1 NC) a potom sa, current lightweight champ Michael Chandler(16-3) will put his world title on the line against the undefeated Brent Primus (7-0).

“As a fight promoter, my goal is to put together the biggest cards possible for our fans around the world,”Prezident Bellatoru Scott Coker uviedol. “Bringing an event of this magnitude to a city and arena like New York and Madison Square Garden has been something Bellator, Spike and Viacom have wanted to make happen for quite some time. Na Jún 24, the goal becomes reality, when we put on the biggest event in promotional history, Bellator NYC."

Bellator NYC: Sonnen vs. Silva prebieha Sobota, Jún 24 and airs LIVE on pay-per-view beginning at 10 p.m. A/7 p.m. PT. Prior to the pay-per-view event, SPIKE will air Bellator 180 LIVE and FREE on both coasts, začínajúce na 8 p.m. A/5 p.m. PT. Ďalej, Bellator 180 prelims will air exclusively on Bellator.com and the Bellator Mobile App at 6 p.m. A/ 3 p.m. PT. Additional contests will be announced in the coming days.

Tickets for the event starting at $60, bez platných poplatkov za služby a daní, v predaji Piatok, Marec 31 at Ticketmaster, TheGarden.com and Bellator.com. Fans can sign up for Bellator Nation here to participate in a presale that will take place Streda, March 29-Thursday, Marec 30.

Bellator NYC: Sonnen vs. Silva will be distributed by G&G Closed Circuit Events to bars, restaurants and other commercial establishments throughout the U.S. a Kanada. G&G Events is a leading provider of closed circuit television and has distributed some of the biggest events in sports, including De La Hoya vs. Mayweather, Mayweather vs. “Canelo” Alvarez and Mayweather vs. Pacquiao, as well as Bellator 120: Rampage vs. Kráľ Mo. “G&G is thrilled about Bellator being back in the pay-per-view business with this tremendous event. We look forward to handling the distribution nationwide and for Canada,” said G&G President Nicolas Gagliardi. G&G Events can be contacted at www.ggccevents.com alebo na telefónnom čísle(888) 258-7115.

Ďalej, through Bellator’s global distribution partners, Bellator NYC: Sonnen vs. Silva will be available in over 140 krajinách po celom svete.

Sonnen spent a majority of his 44-fight career with the UFC, a run that saw him defeat current middleweight champion Michael Bisping, and compete against the likes of Jon Jones, Anderson Silva (dvakrát), Rashad Evans, “Shogun” Rua, Demian Maia and Brian Stann. In addition to his in-ring action, the West Linn, Ore. native has mastered the art of being in front of the camera, doing broadcast work for both ESPN and Fox Sports. Following a three-year hiatus from active MMA competition, Sonnen returned to the cage against Títo Ortiz na Bellator 170 v januári.

“The Axe Murderer” has fought in some of the most memorable feuds and battles the sport has ever seen. His wars with“Rampage” Jackson, Títo Ortiz, Mirko Cro Cop, Vitor Belfort, Dan Henderson, Kazushi Sakuraba, Chuck Liddell and Michael Bisping remain some of the more memorable bouts in MMA history. Silva is far from ready to close the book on his illustrious career, returning to action against a man that he has despised for quite some time. In addition to the PRIDE middleweight title, Silva’s trophy case includes awards for “Fight of the Year” (2003, 2004, 2007), KO roka (2008) and multiple “Fight of the Night” awards, including one for each of his last three fights. He now looks to continue entertaining fans inside the Bellator cage and begins with a bout several years in the making.

Bývalý majster PRIDE, "Posledný cisár" je jedným z najviac cenených a rešpektoval vysokou gramážou bojovníkov tento šport videl. Kamennou tvárou a tichý, Emelianenko chválil jeden z najpôsobivejších neporazený pruhy v histórii MMA, nestráca záchvat medzi 2001 a 2009. Multi-majster sveta v MMA a Sambo, Fedor nedávno vrátil do športu po krátkej prestávke, accumulating two decisive wins since his return to action.

Matt Mitrione remains poised to make an impact in the Bellator heavyweight division following two emphatic wins since signing with Bellator in 2016. The Illinois native and standout defensive end at Purdue University earned All-Big Ten honors in 2000 and subsequently earned his way into the NFL where he played six seasons as a member of the New York Giants and Minnesota Vikings. Mitrione ultimately found his way into MMA where he became a high-level competitor, defeating the likes of the late Kimbo Slice, Derrick Lewis and Gabriel Gonzaga.

Hailing from Atlanta, Ga. “The Phenom” has been ruling the roost at 170-pounds in Bellator for the better part of three years. A winner of 16 z jeho poslednej 18 súťaže, the American Top Team product remains set on doing away with all viable contenders at welterweight and his first step since reclaiming the strap from Andrey Koreshkov comes against one of Bellator’s newest signees, Lorenz Larkin.

Set to enter the Bellator fray is a “Monsoon” of violent proportions – unanimously ranked on lists compiling the top-ten welterweights on the planet, Larkin is set to continue his career in Bellator, after inking an exclusive, multi-fight contract last week. A known finisher, the pride of Riverside, Kalif. will make his promotional debut a winner of four out of five.

Chandler will look to defend his belt for the first time since successfully defending it in a “Fight of the Year” candidate against Benson Henderson vlani v novembri. A 16-fight veteran of Bellator MMA, Chandler has consistently proven that he belongs among the world’s elite, riding into his bout on Jún 24 on a streak of four straight victories.

Also a native of Oregon, the surging Primus remains unbeaten after five consecutive wins to begin his Bellator MMA career. At iba 31, Primus has been committed to honing his craft since he was 13, going as far as to sell his landscaping business to keep his hopes of someday becoming a champion alive. Na Jún 24, he finally has the opportunity to make his dreams come to fruition.

Follow the conversation using #BellatorNYC on social media.


Aktualizované Bellator NYC: Sonnen vs. Silva boj Card:

Light Heavyweight Main Event: Chael Sonnen (29-15-1) proti. Wanderlei Silva (35-12-1, 1 NC)

Hlavná udalosť v ťažkej váhe: Fedor Emelianenko (36-4, 1 NC) proti. matt Mitrione (11-5)

Welterweight World Názov Bout: Douglas Lima (28-6) proti. Lorenz Larkin (18-5, 1 NC)

Ľahký zápas o titul majstra sveta: Michael Chandler (16-3) proti. Brent Primus (7-0)

Two New Main Card Bouts Complete Bellator 175 marca 31


LOS ANGELES -(Marec 15, 2017) A lightweight feature fight pitting undefeated knockout artist Steve Kozola (7-0) proti Jake Roberts (7-1) and a featherweight feature clash pairing AKA phenom Noad “Neo” Lahat (10-2) proti Lloyd Carter (10-8) dopĺňa hlavnú kartu Bellator 175: Rampage vs. Kráľ Mo 2 na Piatok, Marec 31 at Allstate Arena in Chicago, IL.

The stacked main card is headlined by a heavyweight rematch pitting “Rampage” Jackson (37-11) proti "Kráľ Mo" Lawal (20-6, 1 NC), as the two powerhouses look to run it back following nearly three years since their first meeting. Also featured on the Spike-televised main card is a featherweight co-main event pitting Emmanuel Sanchez (14-3) proti Marcos Galvao (18-7-1) and a heavyweight battle between sluggers Sergei Kharitonov (23-6) a Chase Gormley (14-5).

Bellator 175: Rampage vs. Kráľ Mo 2 will be broadcast live and free on SPIKE at 9 p.m. A/8 p.m. CT, while preliminary action will stream on Bellator.com and the Bellator Mobile App. Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased at the Allstate Arena Box Office, as well as Ticketmaster and Bellator.com.

Please see below for a complete list of preliminary action.

kompletné Bellator 175: Rampage vs. Kráľ Mo 2Hlavné Card:

Hlavná udalosť v ťažkej váhe: Quinton "Rampage" Jackson (37-11) proti. Muhammed "Kráľ Mo" Lawal (20-6, 1 NC)

Fingerweight Feature Bout: Emmanuel Sanchez (14-3) proti. Marcos Galvao (18-7-1)

Heavyweight Feature Bout: Sergei Kharitonov (23-6) proti. Chase Gormley (14-5)

Lightweight Feature Bout: Steve Kozola (7-0) proti. Jake Roberts (7-1)

Fingerweight Feature Bout: Noad All (10-2) proti. Lloyd Carter (10-8)


Bellator.com-Streamed Predbežné Card:

Welterweight Preliminary Bout: Joaquin Buckley (6-1) proti. Justin Patterson (9-1)

Heavyweight Preliminary Bout: Prince McLean (8-8) proti. Adam Maciejewski (13-6)

Ľahký prípravný zápas: Damian Norris (7-2) proti. Tom Shoaff (8-2)

Light Heavyweight Preliminary Bout: Matt Paul (2-1) proti. James Bochnoviv (5-1)

Bantamweight Preliminary Bout: Nate Williams (25-15) proti. Manny Vazquez (9-2)

Lightweight PreliminaryVOW” Záchvat: J.D. Hardwick (2-0) proti. Tim Cho (4-2)

Welterweight Preliminary Bout: Tom Holder (Pre Debut) proti. Josh Streaker (Pre Debut)

Bantamweight Preliminary Bout: Cory Galloway (8-7) proti. David Garcia (4-3-1)

Ľahký prípravný zápas: Brian Akins (1-0) proti. Mike DeLaVega (1-2)

Predbežný zápas muší: James Esposito (0-1) proti. Asef Askar (Pre Debut)

Bantamweight Preliminary Bout: Max Fuentes (2-0) proti. Brandon Shelhart (3-1)


LOS ANGELES — (Marec 14, 2017) - Po utajenom zranení používateľa Darrion Caldwell, začínajúca superstar Leandro "Pitbull" Obr (17-2) teraz vyzve aktuálneho šampióna Eduardo "Dudu" Dantas (19-4) v boji o titul majstra sveta v bantamovej váhe o Bellator 177: Dantas vs. Figavnútri budapeštianskej športovej arény Apríl 14.

Okrem toho, John „Macapa“(21-1-2) bude čeliť Daniel Weichel (38-9) v súťaži mušej váhy a Lena Ovchynnikova (11-4) spĺňa Helen Harper (4-1) na 125 libier. Akciu MMA, ktorú vysiela Spike, zavŕši zápas s muníckou váhou, ktorý postaví maďarského rodáka Adam „The Kid“ Borics (5-0) proti Anthony „Pekný chlapec“ Taylor(1-2).

Bellator 177: Dantas vs. Figasa bude vysielať na SPIKE o 9 p.m. A/8 p.m. CT, zatiaľ čo Bellator Kickboxing 6 sa bude vysielať bezprostredne po MMA časti udalosti, začínajúce na 11pm ET/10pm CT.


kompletné Bellator 177: Dantas vs. Figa Hlavné Card:

Zápas o svetový titul v Bantamovej váhe: Eduardo Dantas (19-4) proti. Leandro Higo (17-2)

Fingerweight Feature Bout: Daniel Weichel (38-9) proti. John „Macapa“ Teixeira (21-1-2)

Funkčný zápas so mušou váhou: Lena Ovchynnikova (11-4) proti. Helen Harper (4-1)

Fingerweight Feature Bout: Anthony Taylor (1-2) proti. Adam Borics (5-0)

Predbežné Card:

Predbežný zápas muší: brian Moore (9-5) proti. Ludovit Klein (6-0)

Ľahký prípravný zápas: Mate Kertesz (3-0) proti. Adam Polgar (10-8)




LOS ANGELES – Bellator President Scott Coker announced today that Ryan Grab has been named Senior Director of Communications and Athlete Strategy. Grab, who most recently served as the Director of Communications for Phoenix International Raceway, a member of the Daytona, Fla.-based ISC family of racetracks, will oversee all communications and media relations for Bellator MMA and Kickboxing effective immediately.


“We are pleased to welcome Ryan to our staff,"Povedal Coker. “His years of experience in the MMA industry will have an immediate impact on our team at Bellator and we look forward to him assisting with the overall growth of the organization.”


Prior to his time with Phoenix International Raceway, Grab spent over five years with Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) v Las Vegas. In addition to PR, Grab also held a role within the organization’s Athlete Development department where he was responsible for organizing and programming educational summits for active athletes, as well as promoting health and wellness initiatives within the sport.


“I am excited about the new opportunity with Bellator and Viacom,” Grab said. “I am looking forward to again working with Scott Coker to promote some of the best athletes in the world and continuing to elevate the Bellator brand as a premier global combat sports property.”


After earning his Master’s degree from the University of Georgia, Grab began his career in sports as an intern with UFC in 2010 and joined the communications team full-time in 2011. He also spent two years promoting the STRIKEFORCE brand following the UFC’s acquisition of the property, which saw the successful career launch of several future MMA world champions.


Grab will work with Director of Communications Danny Brener of BZA Public Relations, as well as current Bellator PR staff member, Public Relations Manager C.J. Tuttle, as they continue in their roles with Bellator. He will be based in Viacom’s newly opened west coast headquarters in Hollywood’s Columbia Square and can be reached by email at Ryan.Grab@bellator.com alebo na telefónnom čísle (706)-540-3425.




TLAČOVÁ SPRÁVA: Lewiston, Maine (Marec 7, 2017) – New England Boje (NEF) presents its next mixed-martial-arts event “NEF 28: INVINCIBLE” v sobotu, Apríl 29, 2017 Na Androscoggin Bank Colisee v Lewiston, Maine. Dneska, the fight promotion announced the addition of a professional featherweight bout to the card. Aaron “Neoblomný” Lacey (4-0) podpísala na tvári WalterAll-DaySmith-Cotito (4-5) na boj hmotnosti 145 libier.

Aaron Lacey, undefeated as a professional, has won seven in a row going back to his amateur career. He was prepared to compete at “NEF 27” minulý mesiac, but Mother Nature had other plans when a snowstorm prevented his opponent from making the trip to Lewiston from Florida. The setback has made Lacey even hungrier to return to action, but the Young’s MMA standout knows that he has his toughest test to date in front of him in the form of Cotito.

This is going to be an amazing fight,” said Lacey. “Walter is a skilled and dangerous opponent, and he is realistically one of the most dangerous people I have fought to date. That’s alright with me thoughthe tougher the opponent, tým ťažšie Pracujem. After what went down in February, I’m chomping at the bit to get back in there.

The fight for Cotito will represent a rubber match of sorts with Young’s opponents. In the spring of 2013, Cotito took Ray Wood (8-3) deep into the third round before Wood, then Young’s standout featherweight prospect, was able to finish the fight. Cotito would gain a measure of revenge against the Bangor gym when he submitted Bruce Boyington (14-10) na “NEF X” later that year. Between a pair of recent appearances for global fight promotion Bellator, Cotito scored a second-round submission of Elias Leland (3-2) na “NEF 25last September.

I’m super excited to fight this kid that they’re all talking about,” exclaimed Cotito. “He has a lot of potential, they keep sayinggood, this just makes it more exciting for me! Nobody has seen the real Walter Cotito in the cage yet. Don’t miss this fight because ‘All-Dayis coming for you!”

New England Fights returns to the Androscoggin Bank Colisee in Lewiston, Maine with its next mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF 28: INVINCIBLE,” v sobotu, Apríl 29, 2017. Tickets are on sale now at the Colisee box office 207-783-2009 x 525 a on-line na www.TheColisee.com.

Ďalšie informácie o aktualizáciách kariet udalostí a boja, nájdete na internetových stránkach na podporu na adrese www.NewEnglandFights.com. Okrem toho, môžete sledovať video vo formáte NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA/, follow the promotion on Twitter and Instagram @nefights, and join the official Facebook groupNew England Fights.



Julia Budd (10-2) porazený Marloes Coenen (23-8) cez TKO (údery) na 2:42 kruhové štyri


Citácie: “I have dreamt about this moment forever. Keď som bol 21 and first started kickboxing, I dreamt about being a champion and I didn’t make it, I lost.Budd said. “Tak, this is my dream come true. The moment I signed with Bellator, I saw all the champions up there on the banners and I said to myself that i want to be up there with them some day. Now it feels like everything has come together.

Theres only one message that I want to give out to all the fighters out there and that’s please listen to your body. I’m very proud of all the women in MMA and I’m very grateful for Bellator,” Coenen said. This company picked me up when I was in a dark place and Scott Coker has given me so many opportunities throughout my career. Bellator MMA will always be my home.

Fernando Gonzalez (26-14) porazený Brandon Girtz (14-6) via jednomyseľným rozhodnutím (29-28, 29-27, 30-26)


Quote: “Everything I thought was going to happen dnes večer, happened. Every time he was going to go for a take down, I wanted to make him pay for it.Gonzalez povedal. I had to keep him busy and make him scramble. My plan was to box with him and then keep him away with the leg kicks. I wanted to make him work and get him tired and it proved to be effective in the third round. My next fight, Chcem Andrey Koreshkov. He is one of the best and Bellator’s former champion. I think I will win that fight, which will put me right in line with Douglas Lima next.

Justin Wren (13-2) porazený Roman Pizzolato (8-9) via predloženia (arm triangle) na 2:35 okrúhleho jedného


Quote: “I’m so grateful for Bellator and Spike to be able to come out here, do what I love and perform. Ale, pre mňa, it’s about so much more than the competition, it’s all about knocking some dude out, so that we can knock out the water crisis with my team out there in the Congo,” Wren said. They are so incredible. I just train them and put the tools in their hands. They are much better fighters than I ever could be in this cage, so I want to be as good as I can, so that I can give them a voice.

Rafael Lovato Jr. (5-0) porazený Charles Hackman (4-5) cez TKO na 0:13 okrúhleho jedného


Quote: “I was completely prepared for this fight and had an incredible camp," Lovato Jr. povedal. “I’m just so happy and thankful to be with Bellator now. I’m so excited about my future, so let’s ride this wave.

Preliminary Card Results/Photos:

Justin Patterson (9-1) porazený Jason Witt (7-4) cez TKO na 0:13 na treťom kole

Gabrielle Holloway (6-5) porazený Alexis Dufresne (6-3) cez TKO na 2:53 z bicykla dvoch

Emily Ducote (5-2) porazený Katy Collins (6-2) via predloženia (zadné nahý sýtič) na 4:53 okrúhleho jedného

Emmanuel Rivera (6-0) porazený Treston Thomison (10-5) via jednomyseľným rozhodnutím (30-26, 30-27 2x)

Cody Pfister (13-6-1) porazený Jonathan Gary (12-8-2) via predloženia (zadné nahý sýtič) na 4:04 okrúhleho jedného


Quote: "Jonathan Gary is a class act, a great guy, and I’m glad that I had the chance to compete against him dnes večer. My retirement caught a lot of people by surprise," Pfister said. “I’m going to take time off to focus on other aspirations, but who knows, maybe I’ll be back. Bellator is a class company and I’m honored that my last fight will be with them. Scott Coker and Bellator know how to take care of the fighters and I really like what they’ve done with the company.”

FNU Bojové športy Show: UFC, Bellator and Boxing Recaps/Previews; Dana The Drama Queen; Muhammad Ali Jr. Detained at Florida Airport; Transgender Wrestler Wins Women’s Wrestling Title in Texas

Tomáš, Rich and Tony recap the major combat sports events from last week, including a major heavyweight showdown between Deontay Wilder and Gerald Washington, a successful title defense by Liam McGeary last Friday at a Dublin, Ireland Bellator show, and a superb comeback by Jarrett Hurd over Tony Harrison. We also look forward to the inaugural women’s featherweight title bout in Bellator tomorrow night and a star-studded UFC 209 fight card including two of the most anticipated co-main events in recent UFC history. Stephen Thompson gets his rematch with UFC Welterweight Champ Tyron Woodley in the main event while Khabib Nurmagomedov and Tony Ferguson fight for a shot to face Conor McGregor for the lightweight title in the co-main event. We also discuss GSP’s comeback fight against Michael Bisping, a transgender female on her way to becoming a male winning a Texas women’s wrestling title, and Muhammad Ali’s son being detained at a Florida airport in early February. Check out our first Full FNU Combat Sports Show hosted on YouTube: