Yorliq Archives: Bellator



FARISHTALAR - Bellatorning ikki nafar eng yaxshi erkin agenti, Maykl Makdonald (17-4) va Valeriy Letourneau (8-6), davomida ikkalasi ham uzoq kutilgan reklama debyutlarini qiladi Bellator 191 Nyukasldagi Metro Radio Arenada, Angliya Juma, Dec. 15.


“Mayday” esa Peter Lijyerga qarshi maydonga tushadi (8-1-1) engil vazn toifasida asosiy musobaqada, "Trouble" esa engil vaznda raqobatlashadi Kate Jekson (9-2-1) hamraisi asosiy tadbirda. Bunga qo'chimcha, Jeyms "Koloss" Tompson qachon Britaniya og'ir vaznli to'qnashdi (20-16, 1 Shimoliy Karolina) Bellator qafasiga qaytadi, u erda u Filipp De Fries bilan uchrashadi (13-6, 1 Shimoliy Karolina). Nihoyat, ikkita engil vazn toifasidagi musobaqalar ham qo'shildi, Jeremy Petley sifatida (11-8) Lyuis Monarx bilan jang qiladi (9-2) va Ash Griffits (4-4) Muhammad Yahyoni qabul qiladi (3-1).


Bellator 191: McDonald vs. Ligier SPIKE kanalida bepul efirga uzatiladi Juma, Dec. 15 da 9 p.m. VA/ 8 p.m. CT. Tadbir uchun chiptalarni quyidagi manzildan sotib olish mumkin Ticketmaster.co.uk & event.co.uk.


Faqat 26 yoshdan, McDonald Bellator qafasiga MMA sporti taklif qiladigan eng yaxshi og'irliklarga qarshi tajribaga ega bo'ladi., shu jumladan Renan Barao, John Lineker, Urijah Faber va Bred Pikett. WEC faxriysi va UFC faxriysi, Modesto, Kaliforniyalik fuqaro Bellator bilan to'qqizta jangdan so'ng shartnoma imzoladi, uning oldingi lavozimga ko'tarilishi bilan besh yil ishladi. Bilan 15 uning ichida tugaydi 17 a professional sifatida kiritdi, McDonald Lijyerga faoliyatidagi birinchi mag'lubiyatini topshirishga harakat qiladi.


Parijdan salom, Frantsiya, Ligier o'z kasbiga aylandi 2013 va o'zining 10 jangli faoliyati davomida faqat Yevropa aylanmasida qatnashgan. “BadAzz” nomi bilan ham tanilgan,” 31 yoshli futbolchi sakkizta imkoniyatdan beshtasida raqibini yakunladi, ning ta'sirchan tugatish tezligini tashkil etadi 63%. Endi Bellator bilan debyut qilmoqda, Ligier ilgari BAMMA uchun kurashgan 2014.


Kanadada tug'ilgan Létourneau, Somon vazn toifasida sobiq UFC chempioni, hayajonli janglar bo'yicha ta'sirchan rekordga ega, sobiq chempion Joanna Jedrzejchikga qarshi jahon chempionligi uchun bahsda ta'kidlangan. Hozir, uning ko'proq tabiiy vazn toifasiga o'tish, 34 yoshli American Top Team mahsuloti Bellator uchun debyut qiladi. Dekabrda. 15, "Muammo" professional sifatidagi sakkizta g'alabasini yaxshilashga intiladi, beshta marrani o'z ichiga olgan jamlanma, to'rttasi nokaut bilan keladi.


Colleen Schneider ustidan yangi g'alaba Bellator 182 avgust oyida, g'alaba Jeksonga ketma-ket beshta g'alaba keltirdi, shu jumladan to'rtta to'xtash. Jekson may oyidan beri yutqazmadi 2013, realiti-shouni ham o'z ichiga olgan davr Ultimate Fighter mavsum 23. Lostwithieldan salom, Cornwall, Angliya, Jekson o'z foydasiga uy olomoniga ega bo'ladi Bellator 191.

Bajarildi Bellator 191: McDonald vs. Ligier Jang kartasi:

Bantamweight asosiy voqeasi: Maykl Makdonald (17-4) va boshqalar. Piter Lijyer (8-1-1)

Ayollar vazn toifasidagi asosiy tadbir: Valeriy Letourneau (8-6) va boshqalar. Kate Jekson (9-2-1)

Og'ir vazn toifasidagi jang: James Thompson (20-16, 1 Shimoliy Karolina) va boshqalar. Filipp De Fris (13-6, 1 Shimoliy Karolina)

Engil vazn toifasidagi jang: Jeremy Petley (11-8) va boshqalar. Lyuis Monarx (9-2)


Dastlabki Card:

Engil vazn toifasidagi dastlabki jang: Muhammad Yahyo (3-1) va boshqalar. Ash Griffits (4-4)







Los Angeles –The bracket for the Bellator MMA World Grand Prix 2018 Heavyweight Tournament has been set.


At Bellator 192: Lima va boshqalar. MacDonald bo'yicha Yanvar 20, 2018 at The Forum in Los Angeles, the tournament will begin with former champ Quinton "Rampage" Jackson (37-12) taking on renowned trash-talker Birovga Sonnen (30-15-1) in an exciting first-round matchup. The event will air on the soon-to-launch Paramount Network.


Ko'p vaqt o'tmay, Matt Mitrione (12-5) uchrashadi Roy Nelson (23-14) bo'yicha Fevral 16 da Bellator 194, an event which will emanate from the Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Conn. In April, the greatest heavyweight of all time Jangchilardan biri Fedor Yemelyanenkodir (36-5, 1 Shimoliy Karolina) battles former UFC champ Frank Mir(18-11) inside Allstate Arena in Chicago in a long-awaited clash. The final first round bout will feature current Bellator light heavyweight champion Ryan Bader (24-5) taking on former STRIKEFORCE champ "King Mo" Lawal (21-6, 1 Shimoliy Karolina) at San Jose, California’s SAP Center in May.


Dates for both the semi-finals and final will be determined, as will tournament alternates who will be available to fill in due to any unforeseen circumstances. The year-long World Grand Prix Heavyweight Tournament will culminate in the winner becoming the new Bellator world heavyweight champion.


Ostida, you will find the official trailer for the Bellator MMA World Grand Prix 2018 Og'ir turniri. Please feel free to share:

Watch video here


Bellator Heavyweight Grand Prix First-Round Matchups:

Bellator 192 at The Forum – Jan. 20, 2018: Quinton "Rampage" Jackson (37-12) va boshqalar. Birovga Sonnen (30-15-1)

Bellator 194 at Mohegan Sun Arena – Feb. 16, 2018: Matt Mitrione (12-5) va boshqalar. Roy Nelson (23-14)

Bellator at Allstate Arena – April, 2018: Jangchilardan biri Fedor Yemelyanenkodir (36-5, 1 Shimoliy Karolina) va boshqalar. Frank Mir (18-11)

Bellator at SAP Center – May, 2018: Ryan Bader (24-5) va boshqalar. “King Mo” Lawal (21-6, 1 Shimoliy Karolina)



Los Angeles – Bellator returns to Florence, Italiya Shanba, Dekabr 9, when both Bellator MMA and Bellator Kickboxing, along with Oktagon, emanate from the Nelson Mandela Forum for another huge evening of combat sports action.


Bellator 190 will air free on SPIKE at 8 p.m. VA/7 p.m. CT and will be immediately followed by Bellator Kickboxing 8. Tickets for the event start at just €30 and are available at Bellator.com.


Bellator 190 will be headlined by current middleweight champ Rafael Carvalho (14-1), who will defend his title against Italy’s popular knockout artist, Alessio “Legionarius” Sakara (19-11, 2 Shimoliy Karolina). Bunga qo'chimcha, Brandon Girtz (14-7) oladi Luca Jelcic (10-2) engil da, paytda Mihail Nica (6-0) javob Carlos Miranda (10-3) in second lightweight clash. A women’s flyweight offering rounds out the card when Lena Ovchynnikova (12-4, 1 Shimoliy Karolina) janglar Alejandra Lara (6-1).


Ayni paytda, Bellator Kickboxing 8 boasts a pair of world champions in Raymond Daniels (12-3) va Kevin Ross (45-12) olib Giannis Boukis (27-1) va Hamza Imane (49-12-2) nisbatan, in non-title fights. Other kickboxing stars are on display as Joe “Stitch ‘Em Up” Schilling (22-9) challenges Filipino Verlinden (44-18-1), Aussie legend John Wayne Parr (97-32) competes for the 130th time versus Piergiulio Paolucci (24-5-1) and Canadian featherweight Gabriel Varga (13-5) rounds out the card in a matchup with Roberto Georghita (30-6-3).


Bajarildi Bellator 190: Carvalho kabilar. Sakara Card:

Middleweight World Title Main Event: Rafael Carvalho (14-1) va boshqalar. Alessio Sakara (19-11, 2 Shimoliy Karolina)

Lightweight Main Card Bout: Brandon Girtz (14-7) va boshqalar. Luka Jelcic (10-2)

Women’s Flyweight Main Card Bout: Lena Ovchynnikova (12-4, 1 Shimoliy Karolina) va boshqalar. Alejandra Lara (6-1)

Lightweight Main Card Bout: Mihail Nica (6-0) va boshqalar. Carlos Miranda (10-3)


Dastlabki Card:

Middleweight Preliminary Bout: Gregori ebene (18-11) va boshqalar. Tony Zanko (1-4)

Bajarildi Bellator Kickboxing 8: Daniels vs. Boukis Card:

Yarim ortasiklet Asosiy Tantanalarni (non-title): Raymond Daniels (12-3) va boshqalar. Giannis Boukis (27-1)

Middleweight Main Card Bout: Joe Schilling (22-9) va boshqalar. Filipino Verlinden (44-18-1)

161 funt. Catchweight Main Card Bout: John Wayne Parr (97-32) va boshqalar. Piergiulio Paolucci (24-5-1)

Lightweight Main Card Bout (non-title): Kevin Ross (45-12) va boshqalar. Hamza Imane (49-12-2)

Featherweight Main Card Bout: Gabriel Varga (13-5) va boshqalar. Roberto Gheorghita (30-6)





Noad Lahat (12-3) mag'lub Yeremiyo Monaghan (11-6) ovozdan qaror orqali (29-27 x3)


Rasmlar: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/lqlr8xxw8peeomk/AAAKwiHgTm33fMz6nJjFBDbga?dl=0


Haim Gozali (8-4) mag'lub Arsen Faitovich (4-2) taqdim orqali (uchburchak bo'g'ish) da :45 dumaloq biri


Rasmlar: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ee0vjzs70r57iaw/AAB-nPS5o_IWkiN2zzcGpkQ5a?dl=0


John Salter (15-3) mag'lub Jeyson Radkliff (12-5) taqdim orqali (orqa-yalang'och bo'g'ish) da 1:55 dumaloq biri


Rasmlar: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/zeo87htbnc43m3h/AACnythlTH09nBjv1br0AlYIa?dl=0


Denise Kielholtz (1-1) mag'lub Jessica Middleton (2-3) taqdim orqali (ta'lim orqa armbar) da 1:16 dumaloq biri


Rasmlar: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/7smow9ic1rokft0/AADpDDq3mRQt3Pj2CTpjcdFxa?dl=0


Dastlabki Card:

Luiz Rocha (4-1) mag'lub Almog Shay (2-2) ovozdan qaror orqali (30-27, 30-27, 29-28)

Assaf Batan (1-0) mag'lub Mor Attias (0-1) taqdim orqali (orqa-yalang'och bo'g'ish) da 4:08 turda uch

Matan Levi (3-0) mag'lub Erik Sianov (0-1) ko'pchilik qarori orqali (28-28, 29-27, 29-27)

Raz Bring (3-0) mag'lub Nadim Kablan (1-1) ovozdan qaror orqali (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Moshe Ben Chimol (2-0) mag'lub Ivan Solomatov (0-1) taqdim orqali (ta'lim orqa armbar) da 4:00 dumaloq biri

Adam Keresh (1-0) mag'lub Roman Kushnir (0-1) oltinchi raundda texnik nokaut orqali (zımbalar ) da 3:00 turda ikki

Natanial Parisi (1-0) mag'lub Or Eliov (0-1) taqdim orqali (anaconda choke) da 3:45 dumaloq biri

Gad David Abisror (Birinchi o'yin) va boshqalar. Alexander Trofimov (1-0) – No tanlovi (accidental foul)

Alexander Nikulin (3-0) mag'lub Rami Abuhav (0-1) via KO at 1:57 dumaloq biri

Oron Kahlon (3-0) mag'lub Julian Maloku (0-1) taqdim orqali (triangle) da 2:08 dumaloq biri

Olga Rubin (4-0) mag'lub Joana Filipa (0-1) oltinchi raundda texnik nokaut orqali (ish tashlashlar) da 3:46 turda ikki

Shimon Gosh (6-2) mag'lub Francisco Silva (1-1) ovozdan qaror orqali (30-27, 30-27, 29-28)



About Bellator:

Bellator is a leading mixed martial arts and kickboxing organization featuring many of the best fighters in the world. Veteran kurash Promouter Scott cho'kadi rahbarligi ostida, Bellator yaqin mavjud bo'lgan 1 billion people worldwide in over 160 mamlakatlar. Qo'shma Shtatlarda, Bellator can be seen on SPIKE, the combat sports television leader. Bellator is comprised of an executive team that includes top industry professionals in television production, jonli hodisa orkestrasyon, qiruvchi rivojlanish / munosabatlari, makon xaridlari, homiylik yaratish / rivojlantirish, xalqaro litsenziyalash, marketing, reklama, reklama va komissiya munosabatlar. Bellator is based in Hollywood, Calif. and owned by entertainment giant Viacom, televizor bo'ylab jabbor mazmun orqali tinglovchilar bilan ulanish dunyodagi birinchi ko'ngilochar brendlari uchun uy, kinofilmlarni, onlayn va mobil platformalar.


Spike haqida:

Spike is available in 98.7 million homes and is a division of Viacom Media Networks. Viacom bir birlik (NASDAQ: VIA, VIAB), Viacom Media Networks is one of the world’s leading creators of programming and content across all media platforms. Spike’s Internet address is www.spike.com and for up-to-the-minute and archival press information and photographs, visit Spike’s press site at http://www.spike.com/press. Follow us on Twitter spiketvpr for the latest in breaking news updates, orqasida-sahnalari axborot va rasmlar.

FNU kurash sport Show: Tony, Tom and Rich Discuss All Things Combat Sports

Tom, Tony and Rich are back this week with a great show! We feature lots of engaging discussion about mixed martial arts and boxing, from Connor McGregor’s slapping a Bellator official to Deontay Wilder wanting to end Anthony Joshua’s career. We also chat about Dana White getting into boxing and Bellator’s 8 Man Heavyweight tournament. Again we get back to the nagging question of where are the legends in MMA, and we also cross over to where are the legends in boxing?









NIMA: Limited-Edition Kimbo Slice Bobblehead Giveaway


The world lost an icon in June of 2016 with the passing of Kimbo Slice. The unmistakable backyard brawler and mixed martial artist will be commemorated, along with his signature golden smile and chain, with a limited-edition bobblehead.


The giveaway will take place Shanba, Jan. 20, and will be limited to the first 5,000 fans in attendance for Bellator 192: Lima va boshqalar. MacDonald at The Forum in Los Angeles.


The bobblehead giveaway is limited to one per person and will only be available to ticketholders upon entry into the arena.

***Bobblehead giveaway is exclusively for Bellator 192 ticketholders***

***Bobbleheads distributed at venue points of entry, only while supplies last at each entry***

QAERDA: The Forum

3900 The. Manchester Blvd.

Inglewood, Calif. 90305


QACHON: Shanba, Yanvar 20

Kimbo Slice (5-2, 1 Shimoliy Karolina)

A native of the Bahamas, the late Kevin “Kimbo Slice” Ferguson was one of the most recognizable figures in all of combat sports. After making a name for himself in the infamous world of street fighting, where he was labeled “The King of the Web Brawlers” by Rolling Stone, the internet sensation left underground fighting to become a professional mixed martial artist. The street brawler found the same success inside the cage that he had in his backyard in South Florida, collecting victories in each of his first three professional fights. Slice would go onto compete on season 10 ning Ultimate Fighter, where his bout with Roy Nelson on Spike TV set a viewership ratings record for the series that still stands today. Slice also made a flawless transition into professional boxing, where he earned seven consecutive victories. The multi-dimensional mixed martial artist, boxer and actor debuted inside the Bellator cage in 2015, where he collected his final win over Ken Shamrock at Bellator 138. A fan-favorite throughout his career, Slice was known just as much for his entertaining personality and signature look, as he was for his knockout power. Kimbo’s legacy in MMA is carried on by his son, Kevin “Baby Slice” Ferguson Jr.


FIGHT INFO: Bellator 192: Lima va boshqalar. MacDonald will be broadcast LIVE and FREE on Paramount Network at 9 p.m. VA/8 p.m. CT, while preliminary action will stream on Bellator.com and the Bellator Mobile App. Tadbir chiptalar sotuvda va sotib olish mumkin Bellator.com, as well as Ticketmaster.com.


Yangilangan Bellator 192: MacDonald vs. Laym Jang kartasi:

Welterweight World Title Main Event: Duglas Lima (29-6) va boshqalar. Rory MacDonald (19-4)





Los Angeles – Bellator returns to Pechanga Resort & Temecula Casino, Calif. uchun Bellator 193 bo'yicha Juma, Jan. 26, 2018. The card will be headlined by Riverside, California-native Lorenz Larkin (18-7, 1 Shimoliy Karolina) against Menifee, Kaliforniya ning Fernando Gonsales (27-14) in a 180-pound catchweight bout.


Tickets for this event start at $39 and are available at the Pechanga Box Office and Pechanga.com. Ochiq voqea uchun Doors 4 p.m. PST, while the preliminary card will kick-off at 5 p.m. PST. The event will be broadcast live and free on Paramount Network at 9 p.m. VA/8 p.m. CT, while preliminary action will stream on Bellator.com and the newly updated Bellator Mobile App. Additional bouts for Bellator 193: Larkin vs. Gonsales tez e'lon qilinadi.


Larkin enters his main event matchup against Gonzalez following must-see bouts against Duglas Lima va Paul Daley ichida 2017. Hozir, “Da Monsoon” looks to add to his impressive resume – which includes marquee wins over Robbie Lawler, Santiago Ponzinibbio, Jorge Masvidal and Neil Magny and stoppages in 11 chiqib 18 victories – by adding the name of a competitor that has nearly 50-fights as a professional. A short trek from Larkin’s hometown of Riverside, Calif. the Millenia MMA-product will represent his nearby hometown proudly on Jan. 26.


Hailing from Menifee, Calif., 33-year-old Fernando Gonzalez will enter the Bellator cage for the ninth time in his nearly 15-year professional career. Gonzalez has seen a great deal of success since joining forces with Bellator MMA, having collected seven victories over an eight-fight, four-year span.Gonzalez has come on strong as of late, tallying 10 wins over his last 13 uchlari, including a pair of first round knockouts. Bilan 17 uning 27 career victories coming by way of knockout or submission, “The Menifee Maniac” will look to see his win-streak continue following his recent success against Brennan Ward at Bellator 193.


Yangilangan Bellator 193: Larkin vs. Gonsales Jang kartasi:

Catchweight (180 lbs.) Asosiy Tantanalarni: Lorenz Larkin (18-7, 1 Shimoliy Karolina) va boshqalar. Fernando Gonsales (27-14)


Complete Photos Here — (c/o Office of Israel Prime Minister)


JERUSALEM – Earlier today, Bellator 188 Qatnashuvchilar Noad Lahat (11-3) va Haim Gozali (7-4), along with Bellator heavyweight Jangchilardan biri Fedor Yemelyanenkodir (36-5, 1 Shimoliy Karolina) and Bellator brand ambassador Royce Gracie, met with Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu at the nation’s Parliament in Jerusalem.


During the visit, Netanyahu expressed his support for the upcoming Bellator event in Tel Aviv later this week. This event marks Bellator’s second show in Israel and features two prominent Israeli fighters at the top of the card, as Lahat headlines and Gozali competes in the co-main event. Bundan tashqari, the preliminary bouts feature many of Israel’s best up-and-coming regional talent.


Bellator 188: Lahat vs. Labiano bo'lib o'tadi Payshanba, Nov. 16 at the Menora Mivtachim Arena in Tel Aviv and airs free on Spike this Juma, Nov. 17 da 9 p.m. EST/8 p.m. CST. Full card details can be found below.


Watch video of the meeting here, orqali The Prime Minister of Israel’s Official YouTube hisob:

Direct Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfFWS8cAbmQ



Bajarildi Bellator 188: Lahat vs. Labiano Jang kartasi:

Featherweight Main Event: Noad Lahat (11-3) va boshqalar. Yeremiyo Monaghan (11-5)

Welterweight Co-Main Event: Haim Gozali (7-4) va boshqalar. Arsen Faitovich (4-1)

Middleweight Feature Bout: John Salter (14-3) va boshqalar. Jeyson Radkliff (12-4)

Women’s Flyweight Feature Bout: Denise Kielholtz (0-1) va boshqalar. Jessica Middleton (2-2)


Dastlabki Card:

Welterweight Preliminary Bout: Kiril Medvedovsky (11-5) va boshqalar. Luiz Rocha (3-1)

Engil vazn toifasidagi dastlabki jang: Mor Attias (Birinchi o'yin) va boshqalar. Assaf Batan (Birinchi o'yin)

Welterweight Preliminary Bout: Erik Sianov (0-1) va boshqalar. Matan Levi (2-0)

Catchweight (128 lbs.) Preliminary Bout: Nadim Kablan (Birinchi o'yin) va boshqalar. Raz Bring (2-1)

Featherweight Preliminary Bout: Moshe Ben Chimol (1-0) va boshqalar. Ivan Solomatov (Birinchi o'yin)

Heavyweight Preliminary Bout: Adam Keresh (Birinchi o'yin) va boshqalar. Roman Kushnir (Birinchi o'yin)

Featherweight Preliminary Bout: Or Eliov (Birinchi o'yin) va boshqalar. Natanial Parisi (Birinchi o'yin)

Welterweight Preliminary Bout: Gad David Abisror (Birinchi o'yin) va boshqalar. Alexander Trofimov (1-0)

Bantamweight Preliminary Bout: Anthony Nisim Mor (Birinchi o'yin) va boshqalar. Shay Almog (2-1)

Catchweight (187 lbs.) Preliminary Bout: Rami Abuhav (Birinchi o'yin) va boshqalar. Alexander Nikulin (2-0)

Engil vazn toifasidagi dastlabki jang: Julian Maloku (Birinchi o'yin) va boshqalar. Oron Kahlon (2-0)

Featherweight Preliminary Bout: Joana Filipa (Birinchi o'yin) va boshqalar. Olga Rubin (3-0)

Welterweight Preliminary Bout: Francisco Silva (1-0) va boshqalar. Shimon Gosh (5-2)



Los Angeles – Bellator has announced plans to host a year-long grand prix heavyweight tournament in 2018 featuring eight of the roster’s biggest stars with the winner becoming the new Bellator world heavyweight champion. The Bellator MMA World Grand Prix 2018 Heavyweight Tournament will air on the soon-to-launch Paramount Network.


The star-studded list of participants includes newly signed Quinton "Rampage" Jackson (37-12), Roy Nelson (23-14), Birovga Sonnen (30-15-1),Frank Mir (18-11), “King Mo” (21-6, 1 Shimoliy Karolina), Jangchilardan biri Fedor Yemelyanenkodir (36-5, 1 Shimoliy Karolina), Matt Mitrione (12-5) and Bellator light heavyweight champion Ryan Bader (24-5).


Spanning multiple events and locations throughout 2018, the three-round tournament allows for matchups never before thought possible and will ultimately crown a new Bellator heavyweight champion. Ilgari, Bellator President Scott Coker orchestrated the most recent successful heavyweight tournament in mixed martial arts with the STRIKEFORCE Heavyweight Grand Prix that spanned from 2011-12.


Matchups, dates and locations for the single-elimination grand prix will be determined shortly, as will tournament alternates who will be available to fill in due to any unforeseen circumstances.


A five-fight veteran of Bellator MMA, “Rampage’s” legendary career has seen him compete against some of the top names in the sport, generating a loyal army of fans along the way. The former PRIDE and UFC champion is the proud owner of many epic highlight reel slams and knockouts that he has racked up throughout his epic battles with the likes of Chuck Liddell, Dan Xenderson |, “King Mo,” Kevin Randleman and, perhaps most-notably, his trilogy with fellow Bellator athlete Wanderlei Silva.


Las-Vegas chiqib jang, Roy Nelson made his Bellator debut earlier this year with a hard-fought victory over Javy Ayala following an eight-year, 19-fight run with UFC that saw him earn wins over Mirko Cro Cop, Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira, “Bigfoot” Silva and Cheick Kongo. “Big Country” also memorably defeated the late Kimbo Slice and later went on to win season 10 ning Ultimate Fighter. Bilan 19 uning 22 mansab nokaut yoki taqdim etish yo'li bilan kelayotgan bo'ladi,, the long-time fan-favorite looks to add a championship to his impressive resume.


Chael Sonnen spent a majority of his 44-fight career with the UFC and WEC, a run that saw him defeat former middleweight champion Michael Bisping, and compete against the likes of Jon Jones, Anderson Silva (ikki marotaba), Rashad Evans, “Shogun” Rua, Demian Maia and Brian Stann. In addition to his in-ring action, the West Linn, ruda. native has mastered the art of being in front of the camera, having done broadcast work for both ESPN and Fox Sports. Following a three-year hiatus from active MMA competition, Sonnen returned to the cage against Tito Ortiz da Bellator 170 in January and then went on to defeat Wanderlei Silva in the main event of Bellator: NYC.


Frank Mir quyidagi avvalroq bu yil Bellator qo'shildi 15 years under in the UFC where he became a two-time world champion, yig'ilgan 16 victories and defeated the who’s who of heavyweight contenders, Brock Lesnar jumladan, "Bigfoot" Silva, Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira and Roy Nelson. Las-Vegas chiqib jang, uning sobiq targ'ib bilan raqobat esa Mir ko'p yozuvlarni belgilash, eng urishqoq tomonidan qayd (27), g'alabalar (16), va Yub (8) og'ir vazn toifasida tarixida. Bilan 14 uning 18 mansab nokaut yoki taqdim etish yo'li bilan kelayotgan bo'ladi,, the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt will now try his hand in Bellator’s heavyweight division.


“King Mo” will again fight at heavyweight and look to build off his success within the division following recent wins against Satoshi Ishii and Cheick Kongo. A winner in nine out of his last 11 jang, the 36-year-old will look to claim heavyweight gold in 2018 and add to his championship collection that already includes a STRIKEFORCE light heavyweight title. The “Moneyweight” fighter owns additional wins over Linton Vassell, Gegard Mousasi, Roger Gracie and has split a pair of bouts with “Rampage” Jackson with their series tied at one win each.


Sobiq PRIDE chempioni, "So'nggi imperator" sport ko'rgan eng mukarram va hurmatli og'ir vaznli polvonlar biridir. Tosh-yuzli va sokin, Emelianenko MMA tarixidagi eng ta'sirli mag'lubiyatsiz chizig'i birini faxr, o'rtasida müsabakayı yo'qotishdan emas 2001 va 2009. MMA va sambo A multi-karra jahon chempioni, Fedor yaqinda qisqa tanaffusdan so'ng, sport qaytdi, accumulating two decisive wins since his return to action and competing against Matt Mitrione in an instant classic at Bellator: NYC.


Matt Mitrione remains poised to make an impact in the Bellator heavyweight division following three knockout wins since signing with Bellator in 2016, including a first-round KO of Fedor Emelianenko at Bellator NYC this June. The Illinois native and standout defensive end at Purdue University earned All-Big Ten honors in 2000 and subsequently earned his way into the NFL where he played six seasons as a member of the New York Giants and Minnesota Vikings. Mitrione ultimately found his way into MMA where he became a high-level competitor, defeating the likes of the late Kimbo Slice, Derrick Lewis and Gabriel Gonzaga.


Bader will make his third appearance for Bellator and first since defending his light heavyweight championship at Bellator 186. Fighting out of Tempe, Sababiy., Bader began his professional career on an impressive run, steamrolling the competition en route to a 12-fight winning streak and winning one of the most competitive seasons of Ultimate Fighter in franchise history on Spike in 2008. “Darth” continued his path of dominance by collecting 15 over some of the 105-pound division’s top talent, including victories over former world champions Antonio Rogerio Nogueira, Rashad Evans, as well as two wins over Phil Davis. Currently riding a four-fight winning streak with victories in nine of his past ten bouts, the former two-time NCAA Division I All-American wrestler from Arizona State University will look to become a current two-division champion in Bellator MMA.


Bellator Heavyweight Grand Prix Participants:

Bellator World Light Heavyweight Champion Ryan Bader (24-5)

Jangchilardan biri Fedor Yemelyanenkodir (36-5, 1 Shimoliy Karolina)

Quinton "Rampage" Jackson (37-12)

“King Mo” Lawal (21-6, 1 Shimoliy Karolina)

Frank Mir (18-11)

Matt Mitrione (12-5)

Roy Nelson (23-14)

Birovga Sonnen (30-15-1)




Los Angeles – Bellator is pleased to announce that it has reached a multi-fight, multi-year deal with Jake Hager, who was formerly known as “Jack Swagger” during his nearly nine-year run with WWE. The deal will see Hager make his MMA debut inside a Bellator cage.


Hager will compete at heavyweight and is expected to debut in 2018.


A native of Perry, Yon., Hager would go on to be a collegiate wrestler at the University of Oklahoma, where he was an All-American and set the school record for most pins at the 285-pound weight class in a single season with 30. Following graduation and a conversation with legendary pro wrestling announcer and fellow Oklahoma Sooner, Jim Ross, Hager made the transition to professional wrestling and signed with WWE.


While in WWE, Hager would go on to claim multiple coveted professional titles during his time with the organization, including the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, ECW Championship and WWE United States Championship.


After ending his run with the WWE earlier this year, Hager turned his sights toward another avenue, fully focusing on his mixed martial arts skillset and testing himself against some of the best athletes in the world.


“This is something I’ve wanted to do for a long time. It’s something that’s a part of me, so it makes sense. I’m very happy with the deal. I’ve felt a lot of love from Bellator,” said Hager. “I think there are certain types of guys who need to be punched in the face and taste blood. I’ve always been a fan of MMA, I’ve been wrestling since I was five-years-old. It’s awesome to be with Bellator. They’re really going to put 100 percent towards it!"


“I’m excited to see Jake Hager debut for Bellator in 2018,” Bellator President Scott Coker said. “When I heard he was seriously interested in competing in MMA and when you look at what he did at the collegiate level, I was very interested in having him on our roster. I think Jake will expose new fans to Bellator from his previous run with WWE and he will be given every opportunity to prove that he’s the real deal inside the cage.”


Hager is the latest in a long line of high-profile signings Bellator has made recently and joins a heavyweight division that will crown a champion in 2018 through the recently announced eight-man Bellator Heavyweight Grand Prix.

